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What is abortion?

Abortion is the deliberate act of terminating a pregnancy, typically within the first 28 weeks.

There are many different methods and forms of abortion, all of which end in the removal of a

live fetus in a brutal manner (Abortion).

Some statistics

In 2011, nearly 45% of all pregnancies were not planned, and because of this, about 4 in 10 of

these pregnancies were terminated by abortion. Later in 2014, which has the lowest percentage

of abortions since 1973 when abortion became legal, only 19% (926,200) of pregnancies ended

in abortion which is a significantly lower number. While an improvement, that number is still

rather high (Abortion).

Who has abortions?

Statistically, women between the ages of 20 and 24 obtain the highest percentage of abortions at

about 34% while women between 25 and 29 obtain about 27%. Out of all abortions in the US,

about 12% came from adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 years old (Abortion).

What about miscarriages?

While miscarriages are 100% unintentional, it is still medically considered a spontaneous

abortion. These are not induced abortions, but unfortunately do happen to about 15-20% of

pregnant women in the United States (Abortion).

Physician and Hospital requirements

Out of the 50 states in the US, 42 of these require licensed physicians to perform the abortions.

After certain points in pregnancy, 19 states require the abortion to be performed in a hospital
rather than a clinic because it is considered higher risk and because of this, there is also required

to be a secondary physician involved in the abortion process (Abortion).


Although a very controversial topic, and perhaps an uncomfortable one, abortion is essentially

taking the life of an unborn child and taking away their right to live, so while this may be blunt,

too many people are getting abortions and proclaiming themselves “pro-choice” without giving a

second thought to the life of the child.

What abortion really looks like…

This image shows what happens to a baby after the abortion procedure. Although this may be

graphic, it depicts the very gruesome process it takes to abort a child. This child was once living

and growing, but that was stolen from him/her. This is what abortion really looks like and this is

what happens to babies with no voice (100 Abortion Photos).

Abortion Explained

On this page, you will find information regarding the different types of abortion and the details

that are involved. There are different procedures done depending on how far along the pregnancy

is. This information is quite disturbing and caution is advised.

Medical Abortion ("Abortion Pill")

The first type of abortion is called a Medical Abortion. This is the abortion that involves what is

known as the "abortion pill." This process involves taking two medications via pill-form. These

two pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, work together in order to end a pregnancy. With this

method, it can only be done up to the tenth week of pregnancy. The way this procedure works is
by taking the mifepristone pill in the clinic or office given by a doctor and then taking the

misoprostol pill later at home. The mifepristone blocks to progesterone hormone which the baby

needs to implant in your uterus, so essentially, you are taking away their life source. Later at

home when you take the misoprostol, your uterus will contract and push out the pregnancy

tissue. In other words, an extremely premature home birth. This can cost between $300 and $800

(Abortion Treatments).

Vacuum Aspiration

This procedure is usually done in the first trimester but can go into the early second trimester, so

between 12 and 16 weeks of pregnancy. The way this abortion works is by literally sucking a life

out of you. It uses a suction to pull out the fetus and placenta. This procedure is one of the more

brutal ones because it involves the literal act of vacuuming out a living being and cutting off it's

life source, leaving it to die. And not only that, but you're paying between $600 and $1000 for

that (Abortion Treatments).

Dilation and Evacuation

This procedure just sounds harmful, and is. This procedure is done after 14 weeks, usually when

someone has delayed getting an abortion. This is typically a 2 day procedure. On the first day,

the doctor will dilate (widen) your cervix and on the second day, the doctor uses forceps to

remove both the baby and the placenta. Before the baby is removed, the doctor will use a

vacuum curette in order to suction out the heart, lungs, and other abdominal parts. Because of

this, the baby is killed and the doctor will then proceed to separately take out parts of the baby,

one at a time. Each arm is removed and each leg is removed and then the cranium is removed,
which often has to be crushed in order to remove it. This is a very gruesome method of abortion

and costs around $1500 to complete (Abortion Treatments).

All of this sounds quite disturbing right? Regardless of the intensity of brutality of different

methods, they all result in the same thing. A child's life taken away. Abortion is not the only

option. Adoption is a great alternative and will benefit both the baby and couples who can't get

pregnant but want a child. Give your child a chance at life and give these couples a chance at


Being Pro-Life

What is Pro-Life?

To proclaim to be Pro-Life means you fully oppose abortion and euthanasia to unborn babies

(Definition of Pro-Life).

What is Pro-Choice?

To proclaim to be Pro-Choice means to advocate for legalized abortion and supporting the death

of unborn children (Definition of Pro-Choice).

Being pro-life does not mean you have to participate in rallies or events that coincide with

pro-life activism. There are many ways to support pro-life activists. Donations can be taken in

order to reach out to more communities about abortion and you can also just show your support

by opposing pro-choice advocates. Your opinion matters and can help save the lives of unborn

babies (Pro-Life).

Alternatives to Abortion
1. The first and most obvious alternative to abortion is adoption. Many couples are either

struggling to get pregnant or have no chance of getting pregnant, but they still want

desperately to have a child. Because of this, they seek children through adoption most

commonly. Avoiding an abortion helps these couples become a family and have a chance

to have a child in their life to love and care for, and it also gives the child a chance to

have a good life instead of having their chance ripped away from them (Pro-Life)

2. The second option is to talk through your situation with a licensed counselor through

planned parenthood or other agencies. These counselors are here to help you decide what

is really right for you and your child's life. There are options such as food banks and

other charities if financial issues are the problem as well as multiple agencies willing to

help you through your unique situation. Keeping your baby is 100% an option and can be

worked out in many different ways (Pro-Life).

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