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Untuk memenuhi tugas matakuliah
Bahasa Inggris
yang dibina oleh Ibu Eka Wulandari, SPd, MPd.

Kelompok 2
Tuffatul Hasan P17210171002
Masrichatus Sholichah P17210171011
Phandhu Wicaksono P17210171019
Yayuk Churniasih P17210173027
Trisna Dwi Hapsari P17210173036


Oktober 2018
A. Definition of CVA
1. What is a cerebrovascular accident?
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the medical term for a stroke. A stroke
is when blood flow to a part of your brain is stopped either by a blockage or the
rupture of a blood vessel. There are important signs of a stroke that you should be
aware of and watch out for.
2. Types of cerebrovascular accident
There are two main types of cerebrovascular accident, or stroke: an
ischemic stroke is caused by a blockage; a hemorrhagic stroke is caused by the
rupture of a blood vessel. Both types of stroke deprive part of the brain of blood
and oxygen, causing brain cells to die.
3. Ischemic stroke
An ischemic stroke is the most common and occurs when a blood clot
blocks a blood vessel and prevents blood and oxygen from getting to a part of the
brain. There are two ways that this can happen. One way is an embolic stroke, which
occurs when a clot forms somewhere else in your body and gets lodged in a blood
vessel in the brain. The other way is a thrombotic stroke, which occurs when the
clot forms in a blood vessel within the brain.
4. Hemorrhagic stroke
A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures, or hemorrhages,
and then prevents blood from getting to part of the brain. The hemorrhage may
occur in any blood vessel in the brain, or it may occur in the membrane surrounding
the brain.

B. Etiology of CVA
1. High blood pressure or hypertension
It cause cva because hypertension pressing the artery wall in the brain.
2. Lack of exercise
No need go to the gym. just walk 30 minutes in 3 times a week.
3. Food with low nutrition
Choose foods that contain lots of fiber. Reduce fatty or sweet food.
4. Obesity
Obesity can make we get heart disease. So, it will can we get cva too.
5. Smoke
Smoke, can make our blood vessels are damage. So, we can get heart attack
or cva.
6. Heart disease
When blood clots, it can cause block on the blood vessels. so.. cva will be
7. Diabetes
Blood clots is very easy when you get diabetes. So, reduce eat foods with
lots of sugar.
8. Drink alkohol
Drink alkohol a lot, can make you get hypertention. And then, maybe you
will get cva too.
9. Stress
Stress can make we do unhealthy activity. Like, drinking alkohol, eat many
junk food, or other. So, always be happy.
10. Cholesterol
High cholesterol can block arteries. So, it will can make cva.

C. The symptom and complication of CVA

Stroke can cause a variety of other health problems or complications, and most of
these complications can endanger lives. Some types of complications that may arise include:
1. Deep vein thrombosis.
Some people will experience blood clots in the legs that experience
paralysis. This condition is known as deep vein thrombosis. This condition occurs
due to the cessation of leg muscle movements, so that the flow in the venous veins
is disrupted. This increases the risk for blood clots. Deep vein thrombosis can be
treated with anticoagulant drugs.
2. Hydrocephalus.
Some hemorrhagic stroke sufferers can experience hydrocephalus.
Hydrocephalus is a complication that occurs due to accumulation of brain fluid in
the brain cavity (ventricles). The neurosurgeon will attach a hose to the brain to
remove the accumulating fluid.
3. Dysphagia.
Damage caused by a stroke can interfere with the swallowing reflex,
resulting in risky food and drinks entering the respiratory tract. The problem in
swallowing is known as dysphagia. Dysphagia can cause aspiration pneumonia.
Symptoms of intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke (brain hemorrhage), including:
1. Severe headaches.
2. Nausea and vomiting.
3. Loss of consciousness.
4. Seizures.
Other symptoms that can occur are weakness, paralysis on one side of the body,
speech disturbances, eyes cannot be moved in a particular direction, visual disturbances,
and look confused.
Meanwhile, subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke (subarachnoid hemorrhage) is
indicated by the initial symptoms of double vision and sudden headaches. These symptoms
occur before a blood vessel breaks. After rupture of a blood vessel, several symptoms that
can appear include:
1. Pain in the face or around the eyes.
2. Blurred vision.
3. Stiff neck.
4. Loss of consciousness.
D. The purpose of ROM
Train and retain the motion joints to avoid possible kontraktur
1. ROM Is Active
Committee using energy own movement
a) Head
 Flexion
Keeping their head down to the cin touch the test
 Extension
Restore the head to the original position
 Hiperekstensi
Their heads at the back
 Rotation
Turning the head in motion circulation
b) Arm
 Flexion
Moving the arms to the side ears
 Extension
Moving to the arms to the original position
 Hiperekstensi
Moves the arms whit the elbow straight toward the rear
 Abduction
Moving the arms position to the side
 Adduksi
Moving to the arms to the original position
 Rotantion internal
Twisted shoulders into
 Rotantion external
Twisted the shoulder to toward the outside
c) Forearm
 Supinasi
Twisting of the hand towards the top so that the palms hand turned upward
 Pronasi
Twisting of the hand the way down so that the palms hand face down
 Flexion
Move the wrist the way down
 Extension
Move the wrist to the original position
 Hiperekstensi
In order to move the wrist towards the top
d) Fingertips
 Abduction
Stretch the fingers
 Adduksi
Restore the fingers to the original position
 Opposition
Uniting the thumb whit the others
e) Thigh
 Flexion
Moving our feet toward the front
 Extension
Moving our feet to the original position
 Hiperekstensi
Moving our feet toward the rear
 Abduction
Move foot to the direction of the side
 Adduksi
Move feet to the original position
 Rotantion internal
Rotate the leg and hip to a direction in
 Rotantion external
Rotate the leg thighs toward the outside
 Sirkumduksi
Move feet in a round
 Flexion
Lifting the feet to the hamstrings
 Extension
Lower leg to the original position
1) Ankle
 Flexion dorsal
Raised the ankle upward until the toes raised over his head
 Plantar flexion
Straighten the ankle down to finger face down
1) Movement of a finger feet
 Flexion
Bend toes the way down
 Extension
Straighten out the growing a finger back
 Abduksi
Stretch the toes
 Adduksi
Set the toes back
2. ROM Is Passive
The motion being done use some help
a) Head movements
 Flexion
Keeping their head down to the cin touch the test
 Extension
Restore the head to the original position
 Flexion lateral
Tilting his head to left and right
b) Movements of the arms
 Flexion
Moving the arms client the side ears
 Extension
Moving to the arms to the original position
 Hiperekstensi
Tilt it the body, move your tongue whith it a the elbow straight path toward
the rear
 Rotation internal
Twisting of the hand toward in
 External rotation
Twisting of the hand toward the outside
c) The movement of the elbow
 Flexion
Bend hand clients and brought toward the shoulder
 Extension
Restore the original position
d) Movements of the arms under
 Supinasi
Palms clients in take him to over
 Pronasi
Palms clients in turned down
e) The motion of the movements of the hands of
 Flexion
Move the wrist the way done
 Extension
Move the wrist to the original position
 Hiperekstensi
Move the wrist toward the top
 Abduksi
Movement palms toward the outside
 Adduksi
The palms toward in
f) Movement the fingers of the hand
 Abduksi
Moving the finger clients by inserting a finger staff in charge at the fingers
clients it is necessary for as
 Adduksi
Set the fingers of the hand
 Opposition
Help the fingers clients uniting the thumb with hooves that are orther
g) Movement the thigh
 Flexion
Lifting the feet with the pillar of the thigh as far as possible
 Extension
Restore the position of the legs to the original position
 Abduksi
Move foot to the directionof the side
 Adduksi
straighten feet to the original position
 Rotation internal
Rotate the leg and hip to a direction in
 External rotation
Rotate the leg and thighs toward the outside
h) The motion of the knee
 Flexion
Lifting the feet to the thighs the back of
 Extension
Sent down foot to the hamstrings
i) Movement the ankle
 Flexion dorsal
Raised the ankle upward until toes their raised
 Flekse plantar
Starighteen the ankle down the finger face down
 Adduksi
Tilt toward the inside of the sole of the foot
 Abduksi
tilt soles toward the outside
 Rotation internal
Twisted the ankle toward the inside
 External rotation
Turning the ankle toward the outside
 Abduksi
Stretch toes clients by inserting a finger officers on the sidelines of the
 Adduksi
set finger back

E. Prevention Of Cva
The primary step to prevent strokes is to apply a healthy lifestyle. In addition,
identify and avoid risk factors, as well as follow the advice of a doctor. Some of the ways
that can be done to prevent stroke, among other things:
1. Keep eating patterns.
Eating too much salty and fatty foods can increase the amount of cholesterol in the
blood and the risk of cause of hypertension that can trigger the occurrence of stroke.
2. Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise can make the heart and circulatory system work more efficiently.
Exercise can also lower cholesterol levels and keep your weight and blood pressure at a
healthy level.
3. Quit smoking.
The risk of stroke doubled if a person is smoking, because smoking can narrow the
blood vessels and make blood easier to clot.
4. Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Booze contains calories high. If alcoholic beverages are consumed in excess, then
the person is prone to various diseases the trigger stroke, such as diabetes and hypertension.
5. Avoid DRUG use.
Several types of DRUGS, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, can cause
narrowing of the arteries and reduce blood flow.
6. Regularly Check Blood Pressure.
Do this examination at least once a month. If it turns out that blood pressure tends
to be high, You can anticipate the risk of stroke more quickly.

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