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Hemodynamic monitoring in the mechanically ventilated patient

Sheldon Magder
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Purpose of review
Interactions between the heart and lungs are magnified in patients undergoing
Correspondence to Sheldon Magder, Royal Victoria mechanical ventilation and the consequences of these interactions always need to be
Hospital, 687 Pine Av W, Canada H3A 1A1
E-mail: considered when managing ventilated patients. In patients with normal lungs and normal
cardiovascular function monitoring needs are minimal, but when oxygenation and
Current Opinion in Critical Care 2011,
cardiac function are compromised careful assessment of the consequences of changes
in ventilator settings needs to be considered to ensure that adequate oxygen delivery is
Recent findings
Primary determinants of heart–lung interactions are first reviewed and then approaches
to the use of simple hemodynamic measurements such as respiratory variations in
central venous and pulmonary artery occlusion, or arterial pressure are described for
assessing oxygen delivery, volume responsiveness as well as indicators of ventilatory
Use of simple measurements available during routine monitoring can be very helpful to
the informed clinician for optimizing hemodynamic performance as well as patient
ventilator interactions.

arterial pressure, central venous pressure, heart–lung interaction, pleural pressure,

Curr Opin Crit Care 17:36–42

ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

discuss how the information from dynamic variations

Introduction in hemodynamic signals can be used to evaluate cardi-
Maintenance of life requires the delivery of oxygen (O2) ovascular function and give insights into pulmonary
to tissues and removal of the waste products of metab- mechanics.
olism. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are
intimately linked in these processes and must be func-
tioning adequately to maintain steady state physiological Basic physiology of heart–lung interaction
conditions. Apart from being functionally linked, the Cardiac output is determined by the interaction of pump
heart resides in the thorax and the right and left ventricles function and return function [2,3,4] (Fig. 1). Pump
are in series with the lungs so that ventilatory processes function is given by the Frank-Starling relationship
have direct effects on cardiovascular performance and which determines the cardiac output for a given preload
cardiac function has direct effects on ventilatory function at a given heart rate, afterload and contractility [2]. The
[1]. The importance of these interactions becomes preload for the heart as a whole is the right atrial pressure
greater when the respiratory system fails and ventilation (Pra) which normally is the same as the central venous
is supported by mechanical ventilation for the mechan- pressure (CVP). Return function describes the force that
ism of lung inflation changes from an increase in trans- determines the return of blood to the heart from the large
pulmonary pressure due to a fall in pleural pressure, to an peripheral reservoir, which under resting condition con-
increase in transpulmonary pressure due to an increase in tains approximately 70% of the blood volume. The
alveolar pressure. The author will first outline briefly behavior of this reservoir region has been compared to
some key physiological points in heart–lung interaction. that of a bathtub [2,5]. Emptying of the reservoir is
Next the author will discuss what needs to be known determined by the blood volume that stretches the walls
about blood flow and ventilation to ensure adequate of small venules and veins (equivalent to the height of
delivery of O2 and removal of waste and what tools are water in the bathtub above the drain), the compliance
available to perform this task. Finally, the author will (stretchiness) of these vessels (equivalent to the surface
1070-5295 ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/MCC.0b013e32834272c1

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Hemodynamic monitoring in the mechanically ventilated patient Magder 37

Figure 1 Graphical solution of the interaction of venous return of the transducer relative to the region being measured.
curve (upper left) and cardiac function curve (upper right) define
The pressure that accounts for stretching of vascular
the ‘working’ cardiac output, venous return and right atrial
pressure (Pra) values structures is called transmural pressure and is equal to
the pressure inside a vessel minus the pressure outside
the vessel of interest. When vascular structures are not in
Venous return Cardiac function the chest, the pressure outside the vessel is atmospheric
pressure which was used to zero the transducer. However,
this is not true for vascular structures in the chest for they
are surrounded by pleural pressure and pleural pressure
changes relative to atmospheric pressure during the
ventilation cycle. During spontaneous inspiratory efforts
pleural pressure becomes negative relative to atmos-
pheric pressure, which means that the pressure in the
Working values heart decreases relative to atmosphere too. This is the
equivalent of lowering the heart relative to the rest of the
body and increases the pressure gradient for the return of
blood to the heart. On the contrary, on the left side of the
heart, the lower surrounding pressure relative to atmos-
Q ¼ flow. phere must be overcome by the ejecting heart, which
means the afterload on the left ventricle is increased
during ejection. The opposite occurs with positive pres-
to height relationship in a bathtub) and the resistance sure breathing. A positive pressure breath raises the
draining this region (equivalent to the hydraulic resist- pressure in the heart relative to the rest of the body
ance in the drain of the bathtub). A key point is that not and thereby decreases the return of blood to the right
all volume in the vasculature stretches the vascular walls; heart. It also lowers the afterload on the left ventricle
the bathtub equivalent in the body has the opening on during the ejection phase. The normal gradient for
the side of the tub instead of at the bottom. The volume venous return from the venous reservoir to the heart is
that stretches the walls of the vessels, which is the only in the range of 4–8 mmHg, which means that even
equivalent to the volume of water above the opening small increases in pleural pressure can significantly alter
in a bathtub, is called stressed volume, and the volume the gradient for venous return and this process generally
below the opening unstressed volume. Only stressed dominates the effect of inspiration on the heart. Two
volume contributes to the return of blood to the heart processes can compensate for the decreased gradient for
and normally about 30% of vascular volume is stressed venous return when pleural pressure is positive. One is an
[5]. The relationship of total volume (stressed and increase in blood volume. Clinically this occurs by the
unstressed) to pressure is called capacitance [5,6]. Impor- physician giving a bolus of intravenous of fluid, but also
tantly, unstressed volume can be converted into stressed occurs over time by salt retaining mechanisms in the
volume by contraction of smooth muscle in vascular walls; kidney. The second is contraction of venous capacitance
this is called a decrease in capacitance. Cardiac function vessels and the conversion of unstressed volume into
and venous return can be plotted together because they stressed volume [8–11]. This process can increase stressed
both have flow on the Y-axis and Pra on the X-axis (Fig. 1) volume by 10–15 ml/kg and happen almost immediately;
and this provides a graphical solution for their interaction. it is the body’s way of producing an auto-transfusion.
When these two functions intersect gives the working Importantly, removal of venous tone can remove this
cardiac output, working Pra and working venous return effective volume almost immediately.
The second major factor affecting cardiac output is
One more concept needs to be understood before related to lung inflation. For lung inflation to occur
explaining the effect of ventilation on cardiac output. alveolar pressure must increase relative to pleural pres-
Vascular pressures obtained with the usual fluid-filled sure. Whereas the heart is surrounded by pleural pres-
catheters are made relative to an external reference [7]. sure, pulmonary vessels situated between alveolae are
First the transducer is opened to air so that changes in surrounded by alveolar pressure and these vessels are
pressure are made relative to the surrounding atmos- compressed by lung inflation. This effect is trivial when
pheric pressure, which is called zero for the purpose of pulmonary venous pressure is greater than alveolar pres-
the measurement. Second the transducer must be leveled sure because the blood in vessels is not easily compres-
at an agreed-upon physical position because the mass of sible. However, when alveolar pressure is greater than the
fluid in the fluid-filled measuring device adds a pressure downstream pulmonary venous pressure, the soft-walled
to the transducer, which is dependent upon the position veins collapse with lung inflation creating West zone II

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38 Respiratory system

[12]. When this occurs alveolar pressure becomes the ready accessibility of blood pressure measurements, it is
downstream pressure for pulmonary flow and the load on important to appreciate the limitations of the measure-
the right ventricle goes up with lung inflation. If the lung ment. Lack of a fall in blood pressure with an increase in
is in West zone II the load on the heart increases 1 : 1 with positive pressure does not mean that cardiac output did
the increase in alveolar pressure. Because vessel collapse not fall for neuro-humeral reflexes can quickly increase
occurs downstream from the venous compliant region of systemic vascular resistance and maintain or even
the lung, West zone II conditions will also result in back- increase blood pressure when cardiac output falls. A fall
up of blood in the pulmonary vessels and can contribute in blood pressure is thus fairly specific, but not sensitive
to increased lung water. for detecting a fall in cardiac output.

The next simple hemodynamic parameter to follow is the

Factors affecting oxygen delivery and CVP which even can be assessed from the jugular veins in
monitoring implications most patients without a central line [13,14]. In a recent
As stated in the Introduction section, the primary objec- meta-analysis that has received a lot of attention, Marik
tive of the cardio-pulmonary systems is to maintain et al. [15] argued that CVP does not indicate blood
adequate oxygen to tissues and remove waste. The volume and that CVP does not indicate whether or not
amount of oxygen delivered to tissues is determined a patient will be volume responsive. These points are true
by the hemoglobin concentration [Hb], saturation of but from the basic physiology it makes no sense even to
the hemoglobin, and cardiac output: ask these questions in the first place. The key point to
remember is that cardiac output is determined by
DO2 ¼ ½Hb  saturation  K  cardiac output: (1)
the interaction of cardiac function and return function.
K is a constant for the amount of O2 carried by each gram of Normal upright individuals have a very low CVP with a
hemoglobin (Hb). The significance of this equation is that normal blood volume and normal cardiac output, but the
a proportional change in any component has the same same CVP can occur in someone with a low cardiac output
effect on DO2. For example, if application of positive end- and hemorrhagic shock. On the contrary, a high CVP can
expiratory pressure (PEEP) increases arterial O2 by about occur in someone with a normal cardiac output but fluid
10% from a saturation of 90–100%, but decreases cardiac overloaded as well as in someone with markedly depres-
output by 10% from 5 to 4.5 l/min, DO2 does not change. sed cardiac function and a normal blood volume. Further-
Thus it is important to know whether the maneuver used more, CVP tells you nothing about the unstressed volume
to increase O2 saturation did not decrease cardiac output which is the largest fraction of blood volume. Thus CVP
and consideration of O2 delivery needs to be a central part must be interpreted in the context of the overall hemo-
of monitoring mechanically ventilated patients. dynamic status and cardiac output and, yes, it is not
directly related to blood volume. Marik et al.’s second
criticism is also true; a specific CVP value does not
Monitoring indicate whether or not a patient will be volume respon-
The approach should begin as always with basic exam- sive. However, the best way to use a single CVP value is
ination of the patient, and this is likely adequate in the in the negative sense. A high CVP indicates that it is
large proportion of patients. If the patient is easily rou- unlikely that a patient will be fluid responsive. It has been
sable, has well perfused extremities and functioning proposed that patients with a CVP greater than 10–12
kidneys, tissue perfusion is likely adequate and little (when referenced to 5 cm below the sternal angle) likely
more is needed. Other simple guides are the base excess will not respond to further volume loading [16]. There are
and lactate. More careful monitoring is necessary when a a number of exceptions to this general rule and an
patient is heavily sedated and high levels of airway important one relates to mechanical ventilation and the
pressure and PEEP are needed. concept of transmural pressure which is discussed next.
Thus the approach to use of the CVP first should be to ask
The first hemodynamic parameter to consider monitoring whether the patient needs hemodynamic optimization
is blood pressure and this should preferably be done based on clinical and biochemical exams. The next
continuously with an arterial catheter which also allows question is will a volume bolus improve the hemody-
regular blood sampling, although noninvasive automated namics. The final question is then is the CVP in a range in
devices can often be adequate. If blood pressure which it is still likely that cardiac output will increase
decreases with a change in ventilator settings it is quite when CVP is increased by the change in volume.
likely that there is also a decrease in cardiac output and
signs of decreased tissue oxygenation need to be fol- As already discussed, the pressure that is important for
lowed. The direct relationship of a drop in blood pressure the preload of the heart is the transmural pressure across
to the change in ventilator settings can be assessed easily the ventricular walls with the outside pressure being
by restoring the original ventilator settings. Despite the pleural pressure. When pleural pressure is increased,

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Hemodynamic monitoring in the mechanically ventilated patient Magder 39

the transmural pressure of the heart is less than the output provides important information for the manage-
apparent value on the monitor. As a general rule, when ment for, as already discussed, it ultimately is not arterial
the lungs are normal, a little less than half of the airway saturation that is important but rather delivery of oxygen
pressure is applied to the pleural space. When lungs are to tissues. When there is a large pulmonary shunt, a low
diseased the fraction is smaller. As an example in some- cardiac output also can impact on arterial O2. This occurs
one on 20 cmH2O of PEEP and who has moderately because mixed venous O2 saturation falls with a decrease
diseased lungs, the pleural pressure likely is increased in cardiac output so that shunted venous blood to the
by around 8 cmH2O or close to 7 mmHg relative to arterial side has a greater impact on arterial O2 content.
atmospheric pressure. This would mean that a CVP of Measurement of central or mixed venous O2 content is
15 mmHg relative to atmospheric pressure only gives an useful in these cases and when very low, can indicate
actually 8 mmHg distension force on the ventricular wall. that increasing cardiac output will increase arterial
However, the capillaries in the periphery at the same oxygenation.
level of the heart are exposed to the 15 mmHg pressure
and another 4–8 mmHg to account for the resistance drop
from the periphery to the heart, which brings the value in Diagnostic uses of ventilatory variation in
these vessels to 19–23 mmHg; this is in the range in vascular pressure waves
which net increased fluid filtration into the interstitial Respiratory variations in central venous pressure
space is expected. In capillaries on the dorsal surface of When pleural pressure falls with a spontaneous inspi-
the patients, another 7 cm on average must be added [16] ration the pressure in the heart also falls relative to
to account for the hydrostatic pressure added relative to atmospheric pressure if there is no change in cardiac
the heart and this brings the pressure to around 26– volume and in the graphic representation, the cardiac
30 mmHg in these vessels. Thus even though a high function curve moves to the left of the venous return
cardiac filling pressure might increase cardiac output in a curve (Fig. 2). This includes spontaneous efforts that
patient with high PEEP, the price to be paid is increased trigger mechanical breaths in all demand modes. When
transudation of plasma fluid into the interstitial space. the heart is functioning on the ascending portion of the
cardiac function curve, CVP falls relative to atmosphere
When PEEP values are high and PaO2/FiO2 low and and output from the right heart increases (Fig. 2a). How-
arterial O2 saturation is low, measurement of cardiac ever, when the heart is functioning on the flat part of the

Figure 2 Interaction of venous return and cardiac function curves with respiratory variations

(a) Shows that a spontaneous, negative (ve) pressure breath moves the cardiac function curve to the left of the cardiac function curve (symbols are
the same as in Fig. 1). When the venous return curve intersects the ascending part of the cardiac function curve a breath decreases Pra and increases
right-sided output (left upper) but when the venous return curve intersects the flat part of the cardiac function curve, there is no change in Q. (b) Shows
the changes with positive pressure breaths. In this case inspiration moves the cardiac function curve to the right. When the venous return curve
intersects the flat part of the cardiac function curve, positive pressure is expected to decrease Q (left lower) but when it intersects the flat part of the
curve there is potentially no change in Q or Pra until the cardiac function curve is shifted sufficiently to the right (lower right). These predictions are
weaker than those for predicting fluid responsiveness in (a) because of reflex adjustments to cardiac and return functions.

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40 Respiratory system

Figure 3 Examples of respiratory patterns in hemodynamic tracings

(a) Shows respiratory variations in pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (Ppao) with spontaneous inspiratory efforts. The line marks the appropriate
place to make the measurement. (b) Shows examples of Ppao and CVP with positive pressure breaths and no spontaneous effort. (c) shows an
example of a spontaneous effort with a marked active expiration which increases the pressures throughout expiration. The lines at the bottom indicate
inspiration. The line on the CVP tracing suggests an appropriate place for the measurement; although it is early in expiration, it occurs before the major
push. The fall in CVP with the onset of inspiraton does not necessarily indicate fluid responsiveness in this case because it is due to release of a positive
pressure. (d) Shows an example of active expiration when the effort decreases throughout the expiratory phase. The value at end-expiration in the
middle breath is lower than the other two because the breath is longer and there is more time for expiration. In this example, even after the active
expiration there still seems to be a fall in CVP suggesting fluid responsiveness.

cardiac function curve, there is no change in CVP or right PEEP although the predictive value is not as strong as is
heart output (Fig. 2b). Thus the ventilatory pattern of the case for the assessment of volume responsiveness
CVP gives an indication as to whether the heart is [18]. Patients who have an inspiratory fall in CVP would
functioning on the ascending or flat part of the cardiac be expected to always have a fall in cardiac output with
function curve [17]. An inspiratory fall in CVP indicates PEEP (Fig. 2c), but this is not the case because reflex
that the heart is on the ascending portion of the cardiac adjustments in venous capacitance as well as ventricular
function curve and may or may not respond to volume function can maintain cardiac output [19,20]. Patients
depending how close CVP is to the plateau, whereas lack who have no inspiratory fall in CVP with PEEP should
of an inspiratory fall indicates that the heart is functioning not have a fall in cardiac output unless the increase in
on the flat part of the cardiac function curve and will not PEEP is sufficient to move the cardiac function curve far
respond to a volume infusion (Fig. 3). This test is most enough to the right so that the venous return curve again
useful in the negative; that is lack of an inspiratory fall in intersects the ascending part of the cardiac function curve
CVP indicates that the cardiac output will not respond to in which case cardiac output will fall (Fig. 2d).
volume. There are a few caveats for the use of this test.
There must be an adequate inspiratory effort. An increase Respiratory variations in arterial pressure and stroke
in the ‘y’ descent does not constitute an inspiratory fall in volume
CVP; there needs to be a fall in the whole wave form Currently very popular techniques for assessing volume
which is best assessed at the base of the ‘a’ wave. One responsiveness are the assessment of respiratory vari-
must be careful to not confuse the fall in CVP from the ations in arterial pressure including systolic or pulse
release of an active expiration for an inspiratory fall in pressure or stroke volume [21,22]. During the inspiratory
CVP (Fig. 3). It also must be appreciated that the phase of an unassisted mechanical breath, the rise in
inspiratory rise in CVP with a mechanical breath gives pleural pressure decreases the gradient for venous return,
no indication of volume responsiveness. Finally, as with decreases right heart filling and decreases right heart
any test of volume responsiveness, it must be remem- output. At the same time, there is increased output from
bered that evidence of volume responsiveness does not the left heart because of increased filling of the left heart
mean that the patient needs volume; that is a clinical as a consequence of emptying of pulmonary veins by the
decision. inflating lungs and a decrease in left-sided afterload due
to the rise in cardiac pressure relative to atmosphere. The
Ventilatory patterns in CVP can also give an indication of consequence is a transient inspiratory rise in arterial
the potential for cardiac output to fall with increases in pressure. The decrease in right-sided output is passed

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Hemodynamic monitoring in the mechanically ventilated patient Magder 41

to the left heart over a few beats so that output from the increase in pleural pressure for the same reason. Changes
left heart decreases during the expiratory phase. When in pulmonary artery pressure can also be used but are a
the heart is functioning on the flat part of the cardiac little more awkward because of the larger excursions of
function curve there is less of a fall in right heart output the pressure during the cardiac cycle. Changes in CVP are
during inspiration and more volume in the pulmonary less useful because the source of volume for the right
veins to sustain left heart filling in the expiratory phase. heart is outside the chest and does not vary with the
Thus patients who have large decreases in arterial pres- change in pleural pressure. In contrast, the source of
sure or stroke volume during expiration are expected to volume for the left heart varies in the same way as the
have an increase in cardiac output with a volume bolus, left atrial pressure with changes in pleural pressure. Large
whereas those without should not. Although this pattern negative swings in either CVP or pulmonary artery occlu-
should predict volume responsiveness when used in the sion pressure with triggering of the ventilator indicate
operating room in patients with no spontaneous inspira- inadequate settings of the trigger threshold, increased air
tory or expiratory ventilatory efforts, regular rhythm and way resistance or decreased lung compliance, or
standard ventilator settings as originally described by increased inspiratory drive and ventilator settings need
Perel [23], it is not effective in patients who have any to be adjusted or potentially increased sedation (Fig. 4).
spontaneous ventilatory efforts, including inspiratory or
expiratory efforts because the patterns of right and left- A large increase in CVP with a mechanical breath
sided filling differ [22]. Ventilatory variations in arterial indicates that there was a large rise in pleural pressure
pressure or stroke volume have also been shown not to be and this is suggestive of a decrease in thoracic wall
predictive in patients with smaller tidal volumes, compliance. This can occur with edema in the chest wall,
increased West zone II conditions and in patients with the presence of large effusions or even with increased
pulmonary hypertension [24,25,26]. abdominal pressure.

A common ventilatory pattern in CVP, especially in

Evaluation of respiratory function patients with spontaneous efforts, is active expiration.
The ventilatory patterns in CVP and pulmonary artery This comes in two general patterns. In one pattern, the
occlusion pressure also can be used to assess ventilatory patient forcefully exhales throughout expiration which
function. Ventilatory variations in pulmonary artery raises CVP relative to atmosphere and leads to an erro-
occlusion pressure give an indication of changes in neous estimate of the cardiac filling pressures (Fig. 3d). In
pleural pressure and match changes in esophageal pres- this case, one must observe multiple cycles and take the
sure with a small bias [27]. During spontaneous nega- value at end-expiration which is in the longest breath and
tive pressure inspiration the fall in pulmonary artery lowest value. The second pattern occurs when the patient
occlusion pressure slightly underestimates the fall in increasingly contracts expiratory muscles during expira-
pleural pressure because there is some increased filling tion so that the cardiac filling pressures rise throughout
of the left heart during lung inflation in most patients. expiration (Fig. 3c). In these patients the use of the end-
During positive pressure breaths, the increase in pulmon- expiratory value of CVP gives a very misleading estimate
ary artery occlusion pressure slightly overestimates the of cardiac preload and a value closer to the beginning of

Figure 4 Example of pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (Ppao), a reflection of left atria pressure, and CVP in a patient on a pressure
support of 6 cmH2O

There is a marked inspiratory fall in Ppao of 28 mmHg which would indicate an even greater fall in pleural pressure which in cmH2O would be greater
than 38. The fall in pressure is also evident in the CVP but that is not always the case. The patient was post cardiac surgery and had a history of chronic
obstructive lung disease. Rhonchi were evident clinically. He was treated with bronchodilators before extubation; this resolved the large inspiratory
swings and he was successfully extubated.

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42 Respiratory system

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