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Computing 71, 205–228 (2003)

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s00607-003-0018-2

Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods

U. Langer, Linz and O. Steinbach, Stuttgart
Received February 11, 2003; revised May 22, 2003
Published online: July 28, 2003
Ó Springer-Verlag 2003


In this paper we introduce the Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting (BETI) methods as
boundary element counterparts of the well-established Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting
(FETI) methods. In some practical important applications such as far field computations, handling of
singularities and moving parts etc., BETI methods have certainly some advantages over their finite
element counterparts. This claim is especially true for the sparse versions of the BETI preconditioners
resp. methods. Moreover, there is an unified framework for coupling, handling, and analyzing both
methods. In particular, the FETI methods can benefit from preconditioning components constructed
by boundary element techniques. The first numerical results confirm the efficiency and the robustness
predicted by our analysis.

AMS Subject Classification: 65N38, 65N55, 65F10.

Keywords: Domain decomposition, boundary elements, preconditioners, fast solvers.

1 Introduction
The Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting (FETI) methods were introduced
by Farhat and Roux in 1991 [12], see also [13] for a more detailed description by
the same authors. The classical FETI methods are non-overlapping Domain
Decomposition (DD) methods and assume a conform triangulation of the total
computational domain. In contrast to the iterative substructuring method, the
Finite Element (FE) subspaces are given on each subdomain (substructure)
including its boundary separately. The global continuity is then enforced by
Lagrange multipliers, resulting in a saddle point problem that can be solved
iteratively via its dual problem. Once the Lagrange multipliers are known, the
primal variables can be easily calculated. The iteration process is nothing but a
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) subspace iteration.

*This work has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund ‘Fonds zur Förderung der
wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)’ under grant SFB F013 ‘Numerical and Symbolic Scientific
Computing’ and the German Research Foundation ‘Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)’ under
the grant SFB 404 ‘Multifield Problems in Continuum Mechanics’.
206 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

The projection to the subspace ensures not only the solvability of the local FE
Neumann problems involved in each iteration step and in each subdomain, but
also the global information exchange. The FETI preconditioners typically involve
the solution of a FE Dirichlet problem in each subdomain (multiplication by the
usual DD Schur complement). Thus, in their standard exact versions, every
iteration step of the FETI methods is quite expensive (see [24] for a first inexact
version). Nevertheless, the FETI method is one of the most widely used DD
methods in parallel codes including commercial codes.
This fact is certainly related to the wide applicability of the FETI methods, the
possibility of the use of standard Neumann and Dirichlet solvers in the solution
process, the moderate dependence of the iteration number on the complexity
of the problem [5, 25, 29], the scalability [35] and, last but not least, the robustness
[5, 25]. More precisely, for elliptic problems, Mandel and Tezaur proved that the
relative condition number of the dual system preconditioned by the so-called
Dirichlet FETI preconditioner grows at most as Oðð1 þ logðH =hÞÞ3 Þ or
Oðð1 þ logðH =hÞÞ2 Þ for the general case and for the case without cross points in
the decomposition of the domain, respectively [29]. Here, H and h denote the
average diameters of the subdomains and the finite elements, respectively. Thus,
the number of unknowns belonging to one subdomain behaves like OððH =hÞd Þ,
where d denotes the dimension of the computational domain. Klawonn and
Widlund introduced new FETI preconditioners and showed the
Oðð1 þ logðH =hÞÞ2 Þ behavior of the relative condition number in the general case
that permits cross points in the domain decomposition [25]. Moreover, they
proved robustness with respect to jumps in the coefficients of the elliptic Partial
Differential Equations (PDE). Similar results have recently been obtained by
Brenner within the Schwarz framework [4, 5]. We refer the reader to [11] for some
further development of the FETI methodology (FETI-2 and FETI-DP) and
further references.
In this paper we extend the tearing and interconnecting technique to symmetric
Galerkin boundary element (BE) equations. During the last decade iterative
substructuring solvers for symmetric BE element equations have been developed
by Hsiao and Wendland [23], Langer [26], Steinbach [36, 38], Haase, Heise, Kuhn
and Langer [15], Carstensen, Kuhn and Langer [7], Hsiao, Schnack and Wend-
land [20], Hsiao, Steinbach and Wendland [21] for elliptic boundary value prob-
lems in bounded and unbounded, two and three-dimensional domains, and have
been successfully applied to real-life problems. Parallel implementations showed
high performance on several platforms [15]. The key ingredients of an inexact DD
BE preconditioner are preconditioners for the local discrete single layer potential
operators and for the global discrete Steklov–Poincaré operator (BE Schur
complement). The problem of constructing effective discrete bounded extension
operators as a key component in the inexact FE DD preconditioner (see, e.g., [16])
does not appear in inexact DD BE preconditioners. In contrast to iterative BE
substructuring methods, the (exact) Boundary Element Tearing and Intercon-
necting (BETI) Methods needs the inversion of the local (subdomain) discrete
Steklov–Poincaré operators and some preconditioner for the dual problem. In this
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 207

sense the BETI methods are dual to the iterative BE substructuring methods. The
inversion of the local discrete Steklov–Poincaré operators leads to the parallel
solution of symmetric, but indefinite local problems. This corresponds to the
solution of local FE Neumann problems in the FETI method. The BETI pre-
conditioners for the dual problem are based on the parallel multiplications by the
local discrete hypersingular operators which are available in the symmetric BETI
scheme anyway. No solution of local Dirichlet problems is required. Moreover,
using some sparse multiplication technique for the discrete hypersingular opera-
tors, we only need, up to some logarithmic factor, OððH =hÞd1 Þ arithmetical
operations for one application of the sparse hypersingular BETI preconditioner.
Thus, the cost for the preconditioning operation is almost proportional to the
number of unknowns on the subdomain interfaces. As in the FETI method the
BETI preconditioner can be scaled in such a way that the relative spectral con-
dition number grows only like Oðð1 þ logðH =hÞÞ2 Þ and is independent of the
jumps in the coefficients of the PDE. These properties are clearly reflected in our
numerical experiments with the scaled hypersingular BETI preconditioner.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the BETI
method for a symmetric DD BE discretization, propose some BETI precondi-
tioners, and discuss the algorithmical aspects. Section 3 is devoted to the con-
vergence analysis of the BETI method. Section 4 contains first numerical results
for the BETI method. Finally, in Section 5, we draw some conclusions for using
and developing the tearing and interconnecting technique in both the boundary
and finite element worlds.

2 Formulation of BETI
As a model problem we consider the Dirichlet boundary value problem
div½aðxÞruðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 X; uðxÞ ¼ gðxÞ for x 2 C ¼ @X ð2:1Þ

where the bounded Lipschitz domain X  Rd (d ¼ 2; 3) is provided with some

non–overlapping quasi regular domain decomposition
p [

X  i ; Xi \ Xj ¼ ; for i 6¼ j; Ci ¼ @Xi ; Cij ¼ Ci \ Cj ; CS ¼
X Ci ;
i¼1 i¼1

with the average subdomain size H , i.e. there exists some generic positive constant
c such that (see, e.g., [5])

Hi :¼ diam Xi ; H :¼ max Hi ; c  H  Hi for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; p:


We assume that, for i  q < p, the subdomains Xi do not touch the Dirichlet
boundary C ¼ @X. Such subdomains are called floating subdomains. Moreover,
we assume that the coefficient aðxÞ is piecewise constant,

aðxÞ ¼ ai for x 2 Xi : ð2:2Þ

208 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

Instead of (2.1) we consider local boundary value problems

ai Dui ðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 Xi ; ui ðxÞ ¼ gðxÞ for x 2 Ci \ C ð2:3Þ

together with the transmission conditions

@ @
ui ðxÞ ¼ uj ðxÞ; ai ui ðxÞ þ aj uj ðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 Cij : ð2:4Þ
@ni @nj

The fundamental solution of the Laplace operator is given by

  2p log jx  yj for d ¼ 2;
U ðx; yÞ ¼ 1 1
4p jxyj for d ¼ 3.

The solution of the local subproblems (2.3) can be represented in the form
@ @ 
ui ðxÞ ¼ U  ðx; yÞ ui ðyÞdsy  U ðx; yÞui ðyÞdsy for x 2 Xi ð2:5Þ
@ni @ni
Ci Ci

called representation formula. Hence we have to find the complete Cauchy data
½ui ; ti :¼ @n@ i ui  on Ci . From (2.5) we derive a system of boundary integral equa-
ui 2I  Ki Vi ui
¼ ð2:6Þ
ti Di 1
2 I þ Ki0 ti

using the standard notations for the local single layer potential operator Vi ,
double layer potential operator Ki , adjoint double layer potential operator Ki0 , and
the hypersingular integral operator Di defined by
ðVi ti ÞðxÞ :¼ U  ðx; yÞti ðyÞdsy ; x 2 Ci ;
ðKi ui ÞðxÞ :¼ U ðx; yÞui ðyÞdsy ; x 2 Ci ;
ðKi0 ti ÞðxÞ :¼ U ðx; yÞti ðyÞdsy ; x 2 Ci ; and
@ @ 
ðDi ui ÞðxÞ :¼  U ðx; yÞui ðyÞdsy ; x 2 Ci ;
@nx @ny

respectively. The mapping properties of all of these boundary integral operators

are well known [9], in particular, the local single layer potential
Vi : H 1=2 ðCi Þ ! H 1=2 ðCi Þ is H 1=2 ðCi Þ–elliptic and therefore invertible [22]; for
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 209

d ¼ 2 we assume diam Xi < 1 that can be always obtained by scaling the com-
putational domain. Using (2.6) the local Dirichlet–Neumann map can be written as
1 1
ti ðxÞ ¼ Di þ ð I þ Ki0 ÞVi1 ð I þ Ki Þ ui ðxÞ ¼ ðSi ui ÞðxÞ for x 2 Ci ð2:7Þ
2 2

where Si : H 1=2 ðCi Þ ! H 1=2 ðCi Þ denotes the local Steklov–Poincaré operator. The
transmission problem (2.3) and (2.4) then reads as follows: Find ui 2 H 1=2 ðCi Þ
with ui ðxÞ ¼ gðxÞ for x 2 Ci \ C and ui ¼ uj on Cij such that

ai ðSi ui ÞðxÞ þ aj ðSj uj ÞðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 Cij : ð2:8Þ

Let H 1=2 ðCS Þ be the trace space of H 1 ðXÞ restricted to the skeleton CS equipped
with the norm
( )1=2
jjvjjH 1=2 ðCS Þ :¼ jjvjCi jj2H 1=2 ðCi Þ :

If we define ui ¼ ujCi for u 2 H 1=2 ðCS Þ the continuity condition ui ¼ uj on Cij is

satisfied automatically. Hence we have to find u^ 2 H 1=2 ðCS Þ with u^ðxÞ ¼ 0 for
x 2 C such that

p Z
ai ½ðSi u^jCi ÞðxÞ þ ðSie
gjCi ÞðxÞvjCi ðxÞdsx ¼ 0 ð2:9Þ

for all v 2 H 1=2 ðCS Þ with vðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 C where e

g 2 H 1=2 ðCS Þ is some arbitrary
but fixed extension of the given Dirichlet data g 2 H 1=2 ðCÞ, e.g. by piecewise linear
interpolation with zero values in the interior coarse grid nodes. Since the bilinear
form in (2.9) is bounded and elliptic for all v 2 H 1=2 ðCS Þ with v ¼ 0 on C [21, 38],
there exists a unique solution of (2.9).
Since the local Steklov–Poincaré operators Si are defined via (2.7) in an implicit
form only, we have to introduce computable approximations e Si first.
For vi 2 H 1=2 ðCi Þ the application of Si vi is given by

ðSi vi ÞðxÞ ¼ ðDi vi ÞðxÞ þ ð I þ Ki0 Þwi ðxÞ for x 2 Ci ;

where wi 2 H 1=2 ðCi Þ is the unique solution of

hVi wi ; si iL2 ðCi Þ ¼ I þ Ki vi ; si for all si 2 H 1=2 ðCi Þ: ð2:10Þ
2 L2 ðCi Þ

Let Zi;h ¼ spanfwik gNk¼1

 H 1=2 ðCi Þ be some local boundary element space, e.g.
of piecewise constant basis functions wik , with respect to a local quasi regular
210 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

boundary meshes with average mesh size hi . Instead of (2.10) we consider the
Galerkin problem: Find wi;h 2 Zi;h such that
hVi wi;h ; si;h iL2 ðCi Þ ¼ I þ Ki vi ; si;h for all si;h 2 Zi;h : ð2:11Þ
2 L2 ðCi Þ

This variational problem possesses a unique solution satisfying the a priori error
estimate [22]

jjwi  wi;h jjH 1=2 ðCi Þ  ci  inf jjwi  si;h jjH 1=2 ðCi Þ : ð2:12Þ
si;h 2Zi;h

Now we can define an approximate Steklov–Poincaré operator as

e 1 0
ðSi vi ÞðxÞ ¼ ðDi vi ÞðxÞ þ I þ Ki wi;h ðxÞ for x 2 Ci : ð2:13Þ

Theorem 2.1 [38] The approximate Steklov–Poincare´ operator e

Si as defined in
(2.13) is bounded,

Si vi jjH 1=2 ðCi Þ  ci  jjvi jjH 1=2 ðCi Þ for all vi 2 H 1=2 ðCi Þ

and satisfies the a priori error estimate

jjðSi  e
Si Þvi jjH 1=2 ðCi Þ  ci  inf jjSi vi  si;h jjH 1=2 ðCi Þ :
si;h 2Zi;h

Moreover, there holds the estimate

Si vi ; vi iL2 ðCi Þ  hDi vi ; vi iL2 ðCi Þ for all vi 2 H 1=2 ðCi Þ:

Hence, the approximate Steklov–Poincare´ operator e

Si is elliptic whenever the
hypersingular boundary integral operator Di and therefore the exact Steklov–
Poincare´ operator Si is elliptic.
Now, instead of (2.9) we consider a perturbed variational problem to find
u 2 H 1=2 ðCS Þ with e
e uðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 C such that

p Z h i
ai e ujCi ðxÞ þ ðe
Si e Si e
gjCi ÞðxÞ vjCi ðxÞdsx ¼ 0 ð2:14Þ

for all v 2 H 1=2 ðCS Þ with vðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 C. Let

n o
Wh ¼ spanfun gM
n¼1  v 2 H
0 1=2
ðCS Þ : vðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 C
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 211

be a boundary element space on the skeleton CS of, e.g., piecewise linear basis
functions un , with respect to a quasi regular boundary mesh with mesh size hS . We
define also local restrictions of Wh onto Ci , in particular, Wi;h ¼ spanfuim gM i
m¼1 .
Obviously, for any um 2 Wi;h there exists a unique basis function un 2 Wh with
uim ¼ unjCi . By using the isomorphisms

Mi X
vi 2 RMi $ vi;h ¼ vi;m uim 2 Wi;h ; v 2 RM0 $ vh ¼ vn un 2 Wh
m¼1 n¼1

there exist Boolian connectivity matrices Ai 2 RMi M0 mapping some v 2 RM0 of
global nodal values onto the vector vi ¼ Ai v 2 RMi of the local subdomain
boundary nodal values.
The Galerkin variational formulation of (2.14) reads: Find e
uh 2 Wh such that

p Z h i
ai e uhjCi ðxÞ þ ðe
Si e Si e
gjCi ÞðxÞ vhjCi ðxÞdsx ¼ 0 ð2:15Þ

for all vh 2 Wh . Applying standard arguments we can state the following result, see
[38, Theorem 5.3, p. 90]:

Theorem 2.2 There exists a unique solution e uh 2 Wh of the Galerkin variational

problem (2.15) satisfying the a priori error estimate

jj^ uh jjH 1=2 ðCS Þ  c1 inf jj^
u  vh jjH 1=2 ðCS Þ þ c2 inf jjSi u^  si;h jjH 1=2 ðCi Þ :
vh 2Wh si;h 2Zi;h

Corollary 2.1 When assuming the optimal regularity u^ 2 H 2 ðCS Þ as well as

Si u^ 2 H 1pw ðCi Þ for i ¼ 1; . . . ; p, we obtain the a priori error estimate

jj^ uh jjH 1=2 ðCS Þ  e ujjH 2 ðCS Þ þ ec2 
c1  hS  jj^ hi  jjSi u^jjH 1pw ðCi Þ :

As before, H 2 ðCS Þ is the trace space of H 5=2 ðXÞ, while H 1pw ðCi Þ is the space of
piecewise H 1 ðCi;k Þ functions when Ci is piecewise smooth with Ci ¼ [Ci;k . In par-
ticular, for d ¼ 2 the Ci;k are the edges while for d ¼ 3 the Ci;k are the faces of the
domain decomposition, respectively.
The Galerkin variational problem (2.15) is equivalent to a system of linear

p X
ai A > e A>
i Si;h Ai e
u¼ i fi ð2:16Þ
i¼1 i¼1
212 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

with the discrete Steklov–Poincaré operator

e 1 > > 1 1
Si;h ¼ Di;h þ Mi;h þ Ki;h Vi;h Mi;h þ Ki;h ð2:17Þ
2 2

and the boundary element matrices

Vi;h ½‘; k ¼ hVi wik ; wi‘ iL2 ðCi Þ ;

Di;h ½m; n ¼ hDi uin ; uim iL2 ðCi Þ ;
Ki;h ½‘; n ¼ hKuin ; wi‘ iL2 ðCi Þ ;
Mi;h ½‘; n ¼ huin ; wi‘ iL2 ðCi Þ

for k; ‘ ¼ 1; . . . ; Ni ; m; n ¼ 1; . . . ; Mi and i ¼ 1; . . . ; p. When using the standard

boundary element approach, the above stiffness matrices Vi;h , Ki;h and Di;h are
dense. Therefore, the memory demand and the effort for one matrix-by-vector
multiplication is proportional to Ni2 . However, using sparse boundary element
techniques such as the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) [14], we can reduce the
complexity to OðNi Þ up to some polylogarithmical factor that is ðlog Ni Þ2 in case of
the FMM.
To derive the boundary element tearing and interconnecting algorithm we start
with the solution of the linear system (2.16). This is equivalent to the solution of a
minimization problem,

F ðe
uÞ ¼ minM F ðvÞ ð2:18Þ

where the linear functional is given as

Xp h  i
ai e
F ðvÞ :¼ Si;h Ai v; Ai v  ðf i ; Ai vÞ : ð2:19Þ

By introducing local vectors vi ¼ Ai v we obtain

p h 
X i
ai e
F ðvÞ ¼ Fe ðv1 ; . . . ; vp Þ :¼ Si;h vi ; vi  ðf i ; vi Þ : ð2:20Þ

To describe the connection across the interfaces we introduce the constraint

B i vi ¼ 0 ð2:21Þ

where Bi 2 RMMi . Each row of the matrix B ¼ ðB1 ; . . . ; Bp Þ is connected with a

pair of matching nodes across the interface. The entries of such a row are 1 and
1 for the indices corresponding to the matching nodes and 0 otherwise.
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 213

Therefore, (2.21) implies that the corresponding boundary element functions vi;h
are continuous across the interface (coupling boundaries) CC ¼ CS n C, i.e.
vi;h ¼ vj;h on Ci \ Cj 6¼ ;. We assume here that the number of constraints at some
matching node is equal to the number of matching subdomains minus one. This
method of a minimal number of constraints respectively multipliers is called non-
redundant, see, e.g., [25] for the use of redundant constraints.
Now the solution of (2.18) is equivalent to

uÞ ¼ Fe e
F ðe u1 ; . . . ; e
up ¼ min Fe ðv1 ; . . . ; vp Þ: ð2:22Þ
v1 ;...;vp : Bi vi ¼0

By introducing the Lagrange multiplier k 2 RM , the solution of the minimization

problem (2.22) is given by solving the linear system
0 10 1 0 1
a1 e
S1;h B> 1 e
u1 f1
B .. .. C B .. C B .. C
B . C B C B C
B . CB . C ¼ B . C: ð2:23Þ
@ ap e
Sp;h Bp > A@ e
up A @ f p A
B1 ... Bp 0 k 0

For i ¼ 1; . . . ; q the discrete local (subdomain) Steklov–Poincaré operators e

Si;h are
singular due to the lack of a Dirichlet boundary condition. In this case, the local

ai e ui ¼ f i  B>
Si;he i k ð2:24Þ

are solvable only when assuming the compatibility condition

f i  B>
i k; e i ¼ 0; ð2:25Þ

where ei ¼ ð1; . . . ; 1Þ> 2 RMi . Instead of (2.24) we solve a modified system,

h i
ei;h þ bi ei e> e >
ai S i ui ¼ f i  Bi k; ð2:26Þ

where bi 2 Rþ is some positive constant. Note that (2.26) is unique solvable for
any right hand side, but yielding the orthogonality condition

i e
ui ¼ 0

when assuming the compatibility condition (2.25). Hence we can write the general
solution of (2.24) as

1 eþ
ui ¼ S ðf  B>
i kÞ þ ci ei for i ¼ 1; . . . ; q ð2:27Þ
ai i;h i
214 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

where the application of

h i1

Si;h ei;h þ bi ei e>
:¼ S i

means the solution of (2.26) and where ci 2 R has to be determined. In the

remaining subdomains Xi , i ¼ q þ 1; . . . ; p, the discrete Steklov–Poincaré opera-
tor e
Si;h is invertible,
1 1
ui ¼ e
e S ðf  B>
i kÞ for i ¼ q þ 1; . . . ; p: ð2:28Þ
ai i;h i

By defining G ¼ B1 e1 . . . Bq eq 2 RMq we obtain from (2.23)
" #
1 Xp
1 e1 >
Bi eþ >
Si;h Bi þ Bi Si;h Bi k  Gc
ai a
i¼qþ1 i
1 eþ Xp
1 e1
¼ Bi Si;h f i þ Bi Si;h f i : ð2:29Þ
ai a
i¼qþ1 i

This can be written as

F k  Gc ¼ d ð2:30Þ

subject to the constraint, see (2.25),

G> k ¼ ðe>
i f i Þi¼1:q ¼: e: ð2:31Þ

Defining now the orthogonal projection P ¼ I  GðGT GÞ1 GT from the space
K :¼ RM onto the subspace K0 ¼ kerGT ¼ ðrangeGÞ? with respect to the scalar
product ð; Þ ¼ ð; ÞK ¼ ð; ÞRM , we can split the computation of k from the defi-
nition of c. Indeed, applying P to (2.30) gives the equation

PF k ¼ P d ð2:32Þ

since P Gc ¼ 0. Together with the solvability condition (2.31), equation (2.32) is

the final dual problem to find k 2 K. Once k is defined, we obtain

c ¼ ðGT GÞ1 GT ðF k  dÞ ð2:33Þ

from (2.30) and finally e

ui from (2.27) and (2.28), respectively. We mention that in
the case of jumping coefficients the scalar product in K has to be changed
according to the proposal made in [25] on pages 63 and 75 (see also [4, 5]). Of
course, the change of the scalar product changes the orthoprojection P too.
The dual problem (2.31)–(2.32) is now solved by a preconditioned conjugate
gradient (PCG) iteration in the subspace K0 that is presented in Algorithm 1 as a
projected PCG method.
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 215

Algorithm 1 FETI subspace PCG iteration.

k0 ¼ GðGT GÞ1 e fforcing the constrains GT k0 ¼ e for the initial guessg
d 0 ¼ P ðd  F k0 Þ fcompute the defect and project to the subspace K0 g
w0 ¼ C 1 d 0 fprecondition stepg
s0 ¼ z0 ¼ P w0 fproject the correction to the subspace K0 g
b0 ¼ ðw0 ; d 0 Þ ¼ ðz0 ; d 0 Þ
fbegin iteration loopg
for n ¼ 0 step 1 until bn  eb0 do
xn ¼ P F sn fmatrix-by-vector multiplication þ projectiong
an ¼ ðxn ; sn Þ
a ¼ bn =an
knþ1 ¼ kn þ asn fupdate of the iterateg
d nþ1 ¼ d n  axn fupdate of the defectg
wnþ1 ¼ C 1 d nþ1 fprecondition stepg
znþ1 ¼ P wnþ1 fproject the correction to the subspace K0 g
bnþ1 ¼ ðwnþ1 ; d nþ1 Þ ¼ ðznþ1 ; d nþ1 Þ
b ¼ bnþ1 =bn
snþ1 ¼ zn  bsn fupdate of the search direction in the subspace K0 g
fend iteration loopg

The matrix by vector multiplication F sn involves the application either of e þ

(i ¼ 1; . . . ; q) or of Si;h (i ¼ q þ 1; . . . ; p). In the first case we have to solve the
linear system
h i
ai Sei;h þ bi ei e> vi ¼ ri ð2:34Þ

where e> >

i ri ¼ 0 ensures the orthogonality condition ei vi ¼ 0, while in the second
case we have to solve
ai e
Si;h vi ¼ ri : ð2:35Þ

Similar to the FE counterpart (cf. e.g. [27]), for i ¼ 1; . . . ; q, the solution of (2.34)
is equivalent to the solution of the extended system
Vi;h  12 Mi;h  Ki;h wi 0
> > ¼ 1 : ð2:36Þ
2 i;h þ Ki;h
M Di;h þ bi ei e>
i vi ai r i

In the same way, for i ¼ q þ 1; . . . ; p, (2.35) is equivalent to

Vi;h  12 Mi;h  Ki;h wi 0
1 > > ¼ 1 : ð2:37Þ
2 M i;h þ Ki;h Di;h vi ai r i

Note that both matrices in (2.36)–(2.37) are positive definite but block skew–
symmetric. Besides a direct solution procedure one may use preconditioned
iterative schemes as discussed in [37] to solve (2.36) and (2.37).
216 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

When applying a Cholesky decomposition of the discrete local single layer

potentials Vi;h only, the matrix-by-vector multiplication of the discrete Steklov–
Poincaré operator e Si;h can be performed easily. Hence we can use a precondi-
tioned conjugate gradient scheme as iterative solution procedure for (2.34) and
(2.35). As preconditioner we may use a Galerkin matrix of the discrete single layer
potential, see [30, 32, 39]. More precisely, the application of the preconditioner is
given by
C 1 ¼ M 1 Vi;h M
i;h i;h ð2:38Þ


Vi;h ½m; n ¼ Vi uin ; uim L2 ðCi Þ ;  i;h ½m; n ¼ ui ; ui
M n m L2 ðCi Þ

for m; n ¼ 1; . . . ; Mi , i ¼ 1; . . . ; p.
We mention that an alternative approach to realize the pseudoinverse e þ
Si;h of the
local Steklov–Poincaré operators by discrete counterparts of the local Poincaré–
Steklov (Neumann-Dirichlet map) operator is explicitely available in the
boundary element method. We will exploit this approach in connection with
sparse approximation techniques in a forthcoming paper.
The orthoprojection P ensures the solvability of the local Neumann problems and
the global information exchange. The application of P ¼ I  GðGT GÞ1 GT to
some vector w 2 K involves the direct solution of a small system with the q  q
system matrix GT G that plays the role of some kind of a coarse grid problem that
can be generated and factorized in advance.
The BETI preconditioner C should be spectrally equivalent to the BETI operator
F on the subspace K0 ¼ kerGT , i.e.

cðCk; kÞ  ðF k; kÞ  cðCk; kÞ for all k 2 K0 ð2:39Þ

with positive spectral equivalence constants c and c such that the relative spectral
condition number jðP C 1 P T P T F P Þ respectively its bound c=c is as small as
possible and the preconditioning operation C 1 d is as cheap as possible.
In contrast to the FETI method, we do not build C 1 from the local Schur
complements e Si;h , but from the local discrete hypersingular operators Di;h . Thus,
the BETI preconditioner will not require any solution of local Dirichlet problems.
At first we propose the following three BETI preconditioners which are adapted
to different situations:
Hypersingular BETI preconditioner I (for moderate changing coefficients, no
cross points):
C 1 ¼ BDh BT ¼ ai Bi Di;h BTi ð2:40Þ

with Dh ¼ diagðai Di;h Þi¼1:p ;

Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 217

Hypersingular BETI preconditioner II (for moderate changing coefficients):

C 1 ¼ ðBB> Þ1 BDh B> ðBB> Þ1 ; ð2:41Þ

Scaled hypersingular BETI preconditioner:

C 1 ¼ ðBCa1 B> Þ1 BCa1 Dh Ca1 B> ðBCa1 B> Þ1 ð2:42Þ

where Ca ¼ diagðCa;i Þi¼1:p and Ca;i ¼ diagðcil Þl¼1:Mi with appropriately chosen
weights cil , e.g. as proposed in [25] on page 66 (see also [5]).
The block diagonal components Di;h of Dh arise from the discretization of the
hypersingular integral operator Di on Ci . Therefore, this Mi  Mi matrix is fully
populated. The matrix-by-vector multiplication Di;h d i requires Mi2 operations that
behaves like OððHi =hi Þ2 Þ and OððHi =hi Þ4 Þ for d ¼ 2 and d ¼ 3, respectively.
Especially in 3D a reduction of the complexity of this multiplication operation is
highly desirable. In addition to this we want to reduce the memory demand from
Mi2 to OðMi Þ (up to some possible polylogarithmic factor). These goals can be
achieved by using sparse approximations D e i;h of Di;h such as multipole represen-
tations [8, 14, 33], panel clustering [19], adaptive cross approximation [1, 2],
H– resp. H2 –matrix techniques [18, 17], and wavelets [6, 34].
Using integration by parts [31], the bilinear form of the hypersingular boundary
integral operator Di can be rewritten as
hDi u; viL2 ðCi Þ ¼  v_ ðxÞ log jx  yju_ ðyÞdsy dsx ð2:43Þ
Ci Ci

for d ¼ 2 where u_ means the derivative with respect to the arc length. Similarly,
for d ¼ 3 we have
1 curlCi uðyÞ  curlCi vðxÞ
hDi u; viL2 ðCi Þ ¼ dsy dsx ; ð2:44Þ
4p jx  yj
Ci Ci


curlCi :¼ ni ðxÞ  rx u ðxÞ for x 2 Ci

and u is an extension of u into a neighborhood of Ci . When using a boundary

element mesh of plane triangles and piecewise linear basis functions uin ,
curlCi uin 2 R3 is piecewise constant. Then the local Galerkin matrix Di;h can be
represented in the form (d ¼ 3)
0 1
>@ ACi;h ;
Di;h ¼ Ci;h Vi;h ð2:45Þ

where Vi;h is the Galerkin matrix of the related single layer potential with piecewise
constant basis functions. Ci;h is an appropriate 3Ni  Mi matrix which describes the
218 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

transformation of the coefficient vector vi 2 RMi of vh;i 2 Wh;i to the piecewise con-
stant vector–valued result in R3Ni of curlCi vh;i . Hence a fast realization D e i;h of the
discrete hypersingular integral operator is reduced to three fast applications Vei;h of
the discrete single layer potential which can be done by a fast multipole method [14,
33]. Since the curl of a constant function disappears, this approach is kernel–pre-
serving with kerDe i;h ¼ kerDi;h . Replacing Di;h by D
e i;h in (2.42), we arrive at the sparse
version of the scaled hypersingular BETI preconditioner:
1 1
C 1 ¼ BCa1 BT e h C 1 BT BC 1 B> 1
BCa D ð2:46Þ
a a

called scaled sparse hypersingular BETI preconditioner, where Ca is the same

scaling matrix as before, and D e h ¼ diagðD
e i;h Þ
i¼1:p is a sparse approximation of
D ¼ diagðDi;h Þi¼1:p by means of the symmetric multipole technique described above.
Now the preconditioning operation C 1 d nþ1 in Algorithm 1 is almost optimal with
respect to the operation count.

3 Convergence Analysis
The crucial point in the analysis of BETI methods is the observation that the BE
(subdomain) Schur complement SBEM;i ¼ e Si;h can be related to some FE (subdo-
main) Schur complement SFEM;i via the spectral equivalence in H 1=2 ðCi Þ. Before
establishing this basic spectral equivalence, we prove the spectral equivalence of
Di;h and eSi;h . Here and in the following we use the notation Ah ’ Bh for the
spectral equivalence of some symmetric and positive semidefinite (of course, with
the same kernel) matrices Ah and Bh with independent of h, H , p and the coeffi-
cients jumps, positive spectral equivalence constants c and c (called universal
constants), i.e. for all vectors v form the corresponding Euclidian vector space the
following spectral equivalence inequalities are valid:
cðBh v; vÞ  ðAh v; vÞ  cðBh v; vÞ; ð3:1Þ

or, briefly, cBh  Ah  cBh .

Lemma 3.1 The discrete hypersingular boundary integral operator Di;h is spectrally
equivalent to the discrete Steklov–Poincare´ operator e
Si;h , i.e.
1 > 1 1
Di;h ’ e
Si;h :¼ Di;h þ >
Mi;h þ Ki;h Vi;h Mi;h þ Ki;h : ð3:2Þ
2 2

Proof: For vi 2 RMi we put wi :¼ Vi;h

1 1
ð2 Mi;h þ Ki;h Þvi . Then we have

1 >
Si;h vi ; vi Þ ¼ ðDi;h vi ; vi Þ þ ðð Mi;h þ Ki;h>
Þwi ; vi Þ
¼ ðDi;h vi ; vi Þ þ ðVi;h wi ; wi Þ  ðDi;h vi ; vi Þ
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 219

since Vi;h is positive definite. To prove the upper estimate we first consider the
bilinear form of the continuous Steklov–Poincaré operator, for vi 2 H 1=2 ðCi Þ we
define wi ¼ Vi1 ð12 I þ Ki Þvi 2 H 1=2 ðCi Þ and we have
1 1
hSi vi ; vi iL2 ðCi Þ ¼ hDi vi ; vi iL2 ðCi Þ þ I þ Ki0 Vi1 I þ Ki vi ; vi
2 2 L2 ðCi Þ

¼ hDi vi ; vi iL2 ðCi Þ þ hVi wi ; wi iL2 ðCi Þ :

In the same manner we conclude

Si v i ; v i ¼ hDi vi ; vi iL2 ðCi Þ þhVi wi;h ; wi;h iL2 ðCi Þ ;
L2 ðCi Þ

where wi;h 2 Zi;h is the unique solution of (2.12). From the Galerkin orthogonality
we obtain

hVi wi;h ; wi;h iL2 ðCi Þ  hVi wi ; wi iL2 ðCi Þ

and therefore
Si v i ; v i  hSi vi ; vi iL2 ðCi Þ for all vi 2 H 1=2 ðCÞ:
L2 ðCi Þ

Since Si and Di are spectrally equivalent, we proved that the spectral equivalence

cDS SBEM ;i  Di;h  cDS SBEM ;i ð3:3Þ

hold with cDS ¼ 1 and some universal positive constant cDS . This completes the
proof. h
This observation now allows us to carry over the FETI analysis to BETI methods.
More precisely, only for this purpose, we generate a quasi-regular finite element
mesh in every subdomain Xi starting from the subdomain boundary mesh. This is
always possible since the subdomain boundary mesh was supposed to be quasi-
regular as well. The same discretization parameter hi can be used to describe the
quasi-regularity of the mesh. We assume a triangular mesh for d ¼ 2 and a tet-
rahedral mesh for d ¼ 3. Let us now denote the subdomain finite element stiffness
matrix derived from the Laplace operator on the basis of linear elements by
KFEM;i . Numbering the unknowns on the subdomain boundary Ci first, then KFEM;i
has the following block structure:
KC;i KCI;i
KFEM;i ¼ ; ð3:4Þ
KIC;i KI;i

where the indices C and I indicate the correspondence to the subdomain boundary
and the interior unknowns, respectively. The finite element Schur complement
220 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

matrix arising from the elimination of the interior unknowns can be represented in
the form (see, e.g. [16])
SFEM;i ¼ KC;i  KCI;i KI;i KIC;i : ð3:5Þ

Lemma 3.2 The local boundary element Schur complement matrix SBEM;i ¼ e Si;h
is spectrally equivalent to the local finite element Schur complement matrix SFEM;i ,

SBEM;i ’ SFEM;i ð3:6Þ

for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; p.
Proof: It is well-known [10] that the energy of the local hypersingular operator is
equivalent to the H 1=2 ðCi Þ-semi-norm squared, i.e. there exist universal positive
constants cD and cD such that for all vi;h 2 Wi;h and the corresponding coefficient
vectors vi 2 RMi the equivalence inequalities

cD jvi;h j2H 1=2 ðCi Þ  ðDi;h vi ; vi Þ ¼ hDi vi;h ; vi;h iL2 ðCi Þ  cD jvi;h j2H 1=2 ðCi Þ ð3:7Þ

hold. Now, from Lemma 3.1 and the equivalence inequalities (3.7), we immedi-
ately get the inequalities

cB jvi;h j2H 1=2 ðCi Þ  ðSBEM ;i vi ; vi Þ  cB jvi;h j2H 1=2 ðCi Þ ð3:8Þ

with universal positive constants cB and cB . Similar equivalence inequalities are

true for the finite element Schur complement SFEM;i . Indeed, there are universal
positive constants cF and cF such that for all vi;h 2 Wi;h and the corresponding
coefficient vectors vi 2 RMi the equivalence inequalities

cF jvi;h j2H 1=2 ðCi Þ  ðSFEM;i vi ; vi Þ  cF jvi;h j2H 1=2 ðCi Þ ð3:9Þ

are valid (see, e.g., [3], lemma 3.8, p. 8 in [28], or theorem 3.5, p. 64 in [38] for the
proof). Combining (3.8) and (3.9) gives the spectral equivalence inequalities

c1 1
F cB SFEM;i  SBEM ;i  cB cF SFEM;i ð3:10Þ

that completes the proof. h

The following lemma shows that the same spectral equivalence is true for the
corresponding Moore-Penrose pseudoinverses on the subspace BTi K0 .

Lemma 3.3 There are universal positive constants cþ þ

BF and cBF such that

cþ 1 T T 1 T T þ 1 T T
BF ðSFEM;i Bi k; Bi kÞ  ðSBEM ;i Bi k; Bi kÞ  cBF ðSFEM;i Bi k; Bi kÞ ð3:11Þ

for all k 2 K0 and for all i ¼ q þ 1; . . . ; p and

Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 221

cþ þ T T þ T T þ þ T T
BF ðSFEM;i Bi k; Bi kÞ  ðSBEM ;i Bi k; Bi kÞ  cBF ðSFEM;i Bi k; Bi kÞ ð3:12Þ

for all k 2 K0 and for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; q.

Proof: For all i ¼ q þ 1; . . . ; p, the local boundary and finite element Schur
complements SBEM ;i and SFEM;i are symmetric and positive definite (spd). It is well-
known that, for spd matrices A and B, the spectral equivalence inequalities
cBh  Ah  cBh imply the spectral equivalence inequalities cA1 1
h  Bh  cAh

and vice versa. Therefore, for the non-floating subdomains, the spectral
inequalities (3.11) follow from inequalities (3.6). The same is true for the floating
subdomains, i.e. for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; q. Indeed, for vi satisfying e>
i vi ¼ 0 we have
SBEM ;i þ bi ei e>
i vi ¼ SBEM ;i vi :

On the other hand, for k 2 K0 we have

v i ¼ B>
i k with e>
i vi ¼ 0:

Using analogues considerations for the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of the finite

þ 1
element Schur complement, SFEM;i ¼ ½SFEM;i þ bi ei e>
i  , the assertion follows
from the spd matrices SBEM;i þ bi ei e> >
i and SFEM;i þ bi ei ei . h
Using these lemmas and the results obtained for the FETI method, we can prove
our first main result for the scaled hypersingular BETI preconditioner (2.42).

Theorem 3.1 For the scaled hypersingular BETI preconditioner (2.42), the condition
1 T T H 2
jðP C P P F P Þ  c 1 þ log ð3:13Þ

holds, where the positive constant c is independent of h, H , p and the ai ’s (coefficient

jumps). The matrix-by-vector operation Di;h vi that is the most expensive operation in
the preconditioning step costs opsðDi;h vi Þ ¼ OðH =hÞ2 and opsðDi;h vi Þ ¼ OðH =hÞ4
arithmetical operation for d ¼ 2 and for d ¼ 3, respectively.
Proof: In a first step, we show that the inverse of the scaled hypersingular BETI
preconditioner (2.42)
1 > 1 1 1
C 1
BETI ¼ BCa B BCa Dh Ca1 B> BCa1 B> ð3:14Þ

is spectrally equivalent to the FETI preconditioner

1 > 1 1 1
C 1
FETI ¼ BCa B BCa SFEM Ca1 B> BCa1 B> ð3:15Þ

that was proposed by Klawonn and Widlund in [25], where

SFEM ¼ diagðai SFEM;i Þi¼1:p : ð3:16Þ

222 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

Indeed, using Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 3.2, we get

1 1
C 1
BETI k; k ¼ 1 >
ai ðDh;i Ca;i Bi BCa1 B> k; Ca;i
1 >
Bi BCa1 B> kÞ
 cDS ai ðSBEM;i wi ; wi Þ
 cDS cB c1
F ai ðSFEM;i wi ; wi Þ
¼ cDS cB c1
F C FETI k; k for all k 2 K0 ; ð3:17Þ

1 >
where wi substitutes Ca;i Bi BCa1 B> k. Therefore, we proved that

ðC FETI k; kÞ  cCC ðC BETI k; kÞ for all k 2 K0 ð3:18Þ

with cCC ¼ cDS cB c1

F . Similarly, we get

cCC ðC BETI k; kÞ  ðC FETI k; kÞ for all k 2 K0 ð3:19Þ

with cCC ¼ cDS cB c1

F . Therefore, C BETI ’ C FETI .

Now, using Lemma 3.2, inequalities (3.18)–(3.19), and the FETI spectral equiv-
alence inequalities
H 2
ðC FETI k; kÞ  ðF FETI k; kÞ  cFETI 1 þ log ðC FETI k; kÞ ð3:20Þ

for all k 2 K0 , which were proved by Klawonn and Widlund in [25], Theorem 1
(see also Brenner [4, 5]), where cFETI is a positive universal constant and

1 þ
i ;

we finally obtain

1 þ
ðF k; kÞ ¼ ðSBEM;i B> >
i k; Bi kÞ
ðSFEM;i B> >
i k; Bi kÞ
H 2
 cþ 1 þ log
H 2
 cCC cþ c
BF FETI 1 þ log ðC BETI k; kÞ for all k 2 K0 :
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 223

Similarly, we get

ðF k; kÞ  cCC cþ
BF ðC BETI k; kÞ for all k 2 K0 :

Therefore, we verified the spectral equivalence

(2.39) with the con-
stants c ¼ cCC cþ
BF and c ¼ c CC c þ
BF c FETI 1 þ logðH =hÞ , i.e. the condition esti-
mate (3.13) is proved. The complexity estimates given in Theorem 3.1
immediately follow from the fact that Di;h is fully-populated. h
In order to prove the same condition number estimate for the sparse version, we
need an additional result formulated in the following lemma.

Lemma 3.4 The sparse representations of the discrete local hypersingular operators
e i;h are symmetric, positive semidefinite, and spectrally equivalent to their full
counterparts Di;h , i.e.
e i;h ’ Di;h for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; p
D ð3:21Þ

e i;h ¼ ker Di;h for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; p.

In particular, ker D
Proof: The sparse representations of the discrete local hypersingular operators
are given as
0 1
e i;h ¼ C > B Vei;h
D i;h @ ACi;h

where the Vei;h are sparse representations of the discrete local single layer poten-
tials. Since the transformation matrix Ci;h describing the surface curl coincides
with the exact representation in (2.45), we conclude ker D e i;h ¼ ker Di;h . Now, the
spectral equivalence inequalities (3.21) follow from the spectral equivalence
inequalities Vei;h ’ Vi;h . This can be obtained when choosing the multipole
parameters in an appropriate way, see [33] for details. h

Theorem 3.2 For the scaled sparse hypersingular BETI preconditioner (2.46), the
condition estimate
1 T T H 2
jðP C P P F P Þ  c 1 þ log ð3:22Þ

holds, where the positive constant c is independent of h, H , p and the ai ’s (coefficient

jumps). Now the matrix-by-vector operation e i;h vi
D only costs
e i;h vi Þ ¼ OððH =hÞd1 ð1 þ log H Þ2 Þ arithmetical operation.
opsðD h

Proof: Taking into account Lemma 3.4, we can easily prove estimates of the type
e i;h . The rest of the proof is identical to the
(3.17)–(3.19) with Di;h replaced by D
proof of Theorem 3.1. h
224 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

4 Numerical Results
As a first test example we consider the boundary value problem

DuðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 X; uðxÞ ¼ gðxÞ for x 2 C ¼ @X

1 [ X
 2  Rd is given as depicted in Fig. 1 for d ¼ 2
where gðxÞ ¼ 4 xi and X
and d ¼ 3. i¼1

The trial space Wh ¼ spanfum gM 0

m¼1 is formed by piecewise linear basis functions
um with respect to a uniform mesh on the coupling boundary C12 . The local
boundary element spaces Zi;h ¼ spanfwik gNk¼1i
are spanned by piecewise constant
basis functions wik with respect to a uniform mesh of the local subdomain
boundaries Ci . The local single layer potentials Vi;h are inverted by applying a
Cholesky decomposition (d ¼ 2) or a sufficiently accurate (up to the discretization
error) inner conjugate gradient iteration (d ¼ 3). The resulting linear system (2.29)
is solved by a preconditioned conjugate gradient scheme either by using no pre-
conditioner (C ¼ I) or the hypersingular BETI preconditioner (2.40). As stopping
criteria a relative error reduction of e ¼ 108 was used. The number of iterations
needed are shown in Table 1 (d ¼ 2) and in Table 2 (d ¼ 3), where L denotes the
refinement level. In order to have a complexity comparison with the finite element

Fig. 1. Domain decomposition with p ¼ 2 subdomains (d ¼ 2; 3)

Table 1. Numerical results for p ¼ 2 subdomains (d ¼ 2)

L M Ni NiFEM C 1 ¼ I C 1 ¼ ð2:40Þ
3 7 32 49 4 4
4 15 64 225 8 7
5 31 128 961 11 10
6 63 256 3969 13 10
7 127 512 16129 17 10
8 255 1024 65025 25 10

Table 2. Numerical results for p ¼ 2 subdomains (d ¼ 3)

L M Ni NiFEM C 1 ¼ I C 1 ¼(2.40)
2 25 384 343 6 6
3 113 1536 3357 11 9
4 481 6144 29791 13 11
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 225

Fig. 2. Domain decomposition with piecewise constant coefficients

discretization, we also indicate the number Ni FEM of local finite element unknowns
that would correspond to the boundary unknowns. It can clearly be seen from
both tables that the grow in the number of iterations in the unpreconditioned case
ðC ¼ IÞ is stopped by our hypersingular BETI preconditioner (2.40) as expected
by our analysis.
As a second test example we consider a potential equation with piecewise constant

div½aðxÞruðxÞ ¼ 0 for x 2 X; uðxÞ ¼ gðxÞ for x 2 C ¼ @X

where X and aðxÞ are as depicted in Fig. 2, and gðxÞ ¼ 4ðx1 þ x2 Þ.

Table 3 presents the number of iterations for different preconditioners, different
refinement levels L, and different jumps in the coefficients. Again we have a very
good agreement with our analysis. Without preconditioner the numbers of
iterations grow with growing refinement levels and the iteration is sensitive
against coefficient jumps. The hypersingular BETI preconditioner II is better
than the hypersingular BETI preconditioner I (we have a cross point !), but both
preconditioners are sensitive against coefficient jumps. Only the scaled hyper-
singular BETI preconditioner (2.46) is really stable against coefficient jumps and
shows only a logðH =hÞ grow (H =constant !) in the number of PCG iterations as
predicted by our analysis.

5 Concluding Remarks
In this paper we presented the boundary element counterpart BETI of the FETI
method that is nowadays well established in the finite element community. Our
BETI preconditioners were constructed from the discrete hypersingular operator
that is available in the symmetric domain decomposition boundary element
method anyway. Our analysis showed and our numerical experiments confirmed
that the BETI methods exhibit the same nice numerical and practical properties
as the FETI methods.
226 U. Langer and O. Steinbach

The standard boundary element discretization leads to fully populated matrices.

This drawback of the boundary element method can be avoided by means of
sparse approximation techniques. We exploited this technique for the construc-
tion of the symmetric and positive definite scaled sparse hypersingular BETI
preconditioner (2.46) that appears to be almost optimal with respect to the
operation count as well as the memory demand. Up to some polylogarithmic
factor the complexity of these resources is proportional to the number of the
subdomain boundary unknowns. In connection with the implementation on dif-
ferent parallel machines, it may be useful to have implementations of the BETI
algorithm in both the dense and the sparse versions. On massively parallel ma-
chines with many processors, Ni may be small such that the dense version works
well. On the other hand, PC- or workstation clusters with only a few, but powerful
processors with large local memories certainly require the implementation of some
sparse version, because Ni is usually large. In a forthcoming paper we will develop
sparse inexact BETI versions the total complexity of which is basically propor-
tional to the number of the subdomain boundary unknowns. It follows from our
analysis that the scaled sparse hypersingular BETI preconditioner (2.46) can be
used as optimal preconditioner in the FETI methods as well.
There is another, very useful opportunity to make a marriage between BETI and
FETI methods. Since the FEM and the BEM have certain complementary
properties, it is sometimes very useful to couple these discretization techniques
and to benefit from both worlds (see e.g. [15]). This concerns not only the
treatment of unbounded domains (BEM), but also the right handling of singu-

Table 3. Numerical results for p ¼ 4 subdomains (d ¼ 2) and again e ¼ 108

L Ni M C 1 ¼ I C 1 ¼(2.40) C 1 ¼(2.41) C 1 ¼(2.42)
a0 ¼ 1
4 64 61 17 16 11 11
5 128 125 21 17 12 12
6 256 253 30 17 13 13
7 512 509 40 18 14 14
8 1024 1021 54 19 14 14
a0 ¼ 2
4 64 61 19 27 13 16
5 128 125 24 29 13 18
6 256 253 33 31 14 20
7 512 509 44 30 14 21
8 1024 1021 60 31 15 22
a0 ¼ 100
4 64 61 21 34 20 20
5 128 125 27 39 21 22
6 256 253 35 41 22 23
7 512 509 50 44 22 25
8 1024 1021 69 46 24 26
a0 ¼ 10000
4 64 61 13 15 24 13
5 128 125 17 17 29 15
6 256 253 22 19 30 16
7 512 509 30 19 31 17
8 1024 1021 39 19 31 19
Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Methods 227

larities (BEM), moving parts (BEM), volume forces (FEM), non-linearities

(FEM) etc. Thus, combining our BETI techniques with the FETI methods gives
new, quite attractive tearing and interconnecting parallel solvers for large scale
coupled FE-BE-DD equations.

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Ulrich Langer Olaf Steinbach

Institut für Numerische Mathematik Institut für Angewandte Analysis und
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz Numerische Simulation
Altenberger Strasse 69 Universität Stuttgart
A 4040 Linz, Austria Pfaffenwaldring 57
e-mail: D 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
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