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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan

Stephanie Winslow

Lesson Rationale
- This lesson is important because the class has been struggling with multiplication facts,
as well as multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers. This will be largely a review lesson, with
many different hands-on activities to allow students to see the relationship between
numbers and continue to develop their multiplication abilities.
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goals:
1. Students will understand mathematical terminology associated with
multiplication after reviewing terms.
2. Students will be able demonstrate ability to multiply two-digit by two-
digit numbers after completing centers.
B. Objective:
1. After completing the lesson, students will be able to exercise the skills of
multiplication to discover the product of 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication.
C. Standard: 4.C.2 Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole
number and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value
and the properties of operations. Describe the strategy and explain the reasoning.
II. Management
o My computer
o Student iPads for blue group during math task cards
o Link to Google Slides which includes groupings and Video
o Students will need scratch paper/pencil for each station
o C.U.B.E.S. anchor chart/visualization
o White Board to create problem to work through with students during my station
o Exit ticket
o Puzzle/Directions/Answer Key
o Cards to help students with multiplication facts for center – multiplication task
card w/ QR code
o Foam Dice
o Worksheets for foam dice center
o Projector
o Highlighters
o Math Curse
Time per element: 1-hour total
 Anticipatory Set – 5-7 minutes
 Instruction – 5 minutes
 Stations – 13 minutes per station. 39 minutes in total
 Transitions – four minutes in total, 1 minute for each transition – between mini
lesson and first rotation; first rotation and second rotation; second and third
rotation; third rotation and closure
 Assessment/Closure – 5 minutes
o Anticipatory Set – students at the carpet
o Instruction/Mini Lesson – students at their desks
o Stations –
 Dice Game – students in pairs around room/at their desks
 Self-Checking Math Center – students at carpet
 Exit Ticket – students at back table
o Closure – students back at desks
o I will use Classroom Dojo to monitor student behavior by continuing to
implement classroom rules
o Incentives: classroom dojo points/giant tickets
Group 1-
 Dice Game (roll foam dice… done in pairs/one group of three in green
Group 2-
 Self-Checking math center shape (for light blue and green groups on
google slides)
 (Blue group) math facts to reinforce before doing dice game – QR code
multiplication task cards
Group 3-
 Exit Ticket – write one together to teach terminology…Use C.U.B.E.S.
anchor chart/display (attached at bottom of lesson plan). Blue group
students can work up… we can differentiate by providing more steps for
students who are higher ability in math

III. Anticipatory Set (5-7 minutes) – Read Math Curse by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith. Before
reading, I will ask the question, “Does anyone get scared about doing math?” (Allow students to
respond to this). “Today, we will read a story about how math might be seen as scary, but really,
anyone can learn how to tackle it!” After reading to the students, I will say “Maybe you have the
same view of Math as the main character does at the beginning of the book! Or maybe you have
the same feeling towards math as the main character did at the end of the book. Either way, math
is important! And you can find math in many places, so it’s good to gain a better understanding
of it.”

IV. Purpose Statement: “Today we are going to review 2 by 2 math and focus on correct terms
to use with multiplication. This will help you have a stronger understanding as you start learning
about long division.”

Plan for Instruction

V. Adaptation to Diverse Students
 Jayden – through the activities explored during this lesson, Jayden will constantly be at
least paired with one other student, or in a group with a teacher available. At times,
Jayden falls behind during whole group instruction, so providing more small group
instruction will be beneficial for him.
 No students with IEPs
 Two of the centers have been differentiated to better support students who still struggle
with their math facts (blue group). Those two stations will focus more on
terminology/math facts, but they will still deal with 2 by 2 multiplication in their centers

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/output) (44 minutes)

 Play multiplication song (from 0:00-1:40) while students head back to their seats. Then,
review terms such as product by using the following:
o (attached link – Long Multiplication Song )
 We will review terms such as product (the answer to a multiplication problem), factor
(numbers you multiply together) as a whole group. Students have been confusing terms
between addition, subtraction and multiplication. Print out terms as well as the definitions
to review to be projected on projector (set of cards/terms/definitions included at end of
o Questions to ask students in whole group:
 Which of the following terms belongs with Multiplication? Allow time for
students to answer. The terms product, factor, and times should be
included under the term “Multiplication”
 Which words do not belong with multiplication?
 Terms such as dividend, quotient, etc. (attached below) will fit
under the “Not Multiplication” category
 Products are associated with multiplication. But what exactly is a product?
 Factors are associated with multiplication. What is a factor?
 We will go into rotations (centers listed above, groups listed in google document) (each
station should be about 13 minutes with a minute of transition in between)
 During my center I will be differentiating with each group, but following a general order
of working together to create a word problem, explore C.U.B.E.S., then give students
their own problem (or two) on an exit ticket, using the terminology we discussed and
explored, and using C.U.B.E.S. to solve. If students need more time to explore the
problems with me, I will move onto CUBES immediately, and work on the first question
on their exit ticket rather than creating our own word problem. If there is time at the end
still, we will create our own word problem as an extension. Light Blue group/Green
group may be the ones to finish early.
o Blue Group: Begin by asking what we can do to create a word problem with
multiplication… if students are not able to think of anything, provide ideas such
as (Naliyah brought 13 baskets of apples. Each basket has 10 apples. How many
apples are there all together? Highlight the product) We will break down our
problem we created, using C.U.B.E.S. After this, I will give students an exit ticket
with 2 problems, they must solve at least one before the end of the hour of math
o Green Group: Begin by asking what we can do to create a word problem with
multiplication… if students are not able to think of anything, provide ideas such
as (David brought 15 baskets of oranges. Each basket has 17 oranges. How many
oranges are there altogether? Highlight the product.) We will break down our
problem we created, using C.U.B.E.S. After this, I will give students an exit ticket
with 2 problems they must solve. Students should use CUBES
o Light Blue Group: Begin by asking what we can do to create a word problem with
multiplication… if students are not able to think of anything, provide ideas such
as (Nicholas brought 29 baskets of bananas. Each basket has 18 bananas. How
many bananas are there altogether? Highlight the product.) We will break down
our problem we created, using C.U.B.E.S. After this, I will give students an exit
ticket with 2 problems they must solve. Students should use CUBES
 When my students at my center are working on their exit ticket, I will walk around to
make sure other students are on task, and ask if there are any questions.

VII. Check for Understanding

- What is a product?
- What is a factor?
- How can we use these terms in a word problem?
- Which words do not belong with multiplication?

VIII. Review Learning Outcomes/Closure - 5 minutes

- Pull whole group back together. Ask students about something that they enjoyed to share
with a peer at their table
- Review terms of product and factor
- Ask a few students to share something they may have forgotten but was refreshed (maybe

Plan for Assessment

 Formative – will be done through questions asked throughout lesson, as well as observing
student responses in my center, and noting what they are doing correctly/incorrectly on
their exit tickets
o What is a product?
o What is a factor?
o Which word does not belong with multiplication?

Reflection and Post-Lesson Analysis

1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
1. All students achieved the lesson objective.
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
1. Strengths: providing differentiating activities for my students with varying
educational needs.
2. Weakness: a lack of modeling to encourage my students to thrive and grow
deeper in their understanding of the lesson.
3. How should I alter this lesson?
1. I should alter this lesson by providing more modeling to reach all my students’
4. How would I pace it differently?
1. I would have taken a longer amount of time at the beginning of each station with
my small groups to better explain directions and model with my students, not
worrying so much about the individualized aspect when they were back with me.
5. Were all my students actively participating? If not, why not?
1. Two of my students slowly seemed to lack interest and became less engaged
throughout the lesson. This often happens to these students when they are feeling
frustrated, and/or inadequate. One-on-one time typically leads to them becoming
more engaged in the lesson.
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
1. My stations were varied for my different students. Whether it be the exit ticket
itself, with varying numbers and level of difficulty in multiplication, or the
activity itself. One of my stations had a self-checking component which allowed
students to immediately get feedback on their work. Another could only be
completed if students got all answers correct, being a challenge and push for those
7. How could I strengthen my anticipatory set?
1. If I were to use a book again, I would find one which may be shorter to ensure
that my students could continue to be engaged throughout all of it. I would also
make sure to introduce the video I showed, giving purpose for it.
8. How could I pre-correct behavior better?
1. Some of my groups at their stations became somewhat rowdy, especially at the
dice game. I would provide more clear instructions about expectations of groups,
taking turns with the dice, and not using them to throw.
9. How could I make my lesson delivery clearer?
1. Taking time during my small group with my students to better explain the method
of CUBES and how it can help us solve word problems.
10. Were students able to correctly use the terms “product” and “factor”?
1. Yes, with reinforcement and continuation of utilizing these terms, students were
able to correctly identify the terms of product and factor.
11. Were groupings done well for students/managed well by me?
1. Could have been managed more effectively and given clearer directives as to the
expected behavior I wanted to see from my students at their individual stations.
Group One Exit Ticket:


1. Miss Winslow bought 20 packages of balloons. Each package had 17 balloons in it. How
many balloons does Miss Winslow have? Highlight the product.

2. Mrs. Veatch took 10 packets of stickers to school. Each packet of stickers had 25 stickers
inside. How many stickers does Mrs. Veatch have in total? Highlight the product.

Group Two Exit Ticket:


2. Miss Winslow bought 59 packages of balloons. Each package had 32 balloons in

it. How many balloons did Miss Winslow have in total? Highlight the product.

3. Mrs. Veatch brought 27 packets of stickers to school. Each packet had 21 stickers
inside. How many stickers does Mrs. Veatch have in total? Highlight the product.

Group Three Exit Ticket:


1. Miss Winslow bought 68 packages of balloons. Each package had 17 balloons in it. How
many balloons does Miss Winslow have? Highlight the product.

2. Mrs. Veatch brought 38 packets of stickers to school. Each packet had 21 stickers inside.
How many stickers does Mrs. Veatch have in total? Highlight the product.

Multiplication Task Cards:

Hard Copy was printed. Will be provided for students in stations


Multiplication Terms: Which Belongs w/ Multiplication review? Will add more terms

Product = answer of multiplication problem

Factor = numbers multiplied together

Directions for Puzzle Station:

Hard Copy Answer key will be attached to lesson plan.
Dice Worksheet will be printed but generally looks like this:

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