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Table of Contents

Case team:- Pastoral livestock.........................................................................................................1

Activity 1: Performance evaluation of Local Afar Dairy Cows under intensive feeding system at Dubti
Research Center.......................................................................................................................................1
Activity 2:- A comparative study on the physico-chemical properties of Afar and Somali Camels meat..1
Activity 3: Demonstration and evaluation of dual purpose koekock breeds using supplemental feed in
Activity 4: Evaluation of Cassava Foliage and Rhodes grass as supplement feed on body weight change
for local goat at Gambela.........................................................................................................................2
Activity 5: Demonstration of sustainable fish resource utilization techniques in potential areas of
Gambela region.......................................................................................................................................3
Activity 6: Evaluation of feeding options for Nuer breed of beef cattle to attain domestic/export market
Activity 7. Epidemiological Investigation of Gastro-intestinal parasites of Camels in Afar Region...........4
Activity 8. Pre-scaling up of improved agricultural mechanization technologies in Ethiopia Somali
Activity 9. Scaling up of Sheep fattening technologies in Fafan District of Somali region........................5
Activity 10. Demonstration and Participatory evaluation of wheat bran and Leucaenia leaucocephala
leaf supplementation for Goat fattening in Amibara Woreda, Afar region..............................................6
Activity 11. Demonstration and Participatory evaluation of wheat bran and leucaenia leaucocephala
leaf supplementation for sheep fattening in Amibara Woreda, Afar region............................................6
Activity 12. Multiplication and distribution of productive cross bred sheep breeds in pastoral areas of
Afar and Fentale......................................................................................................................................7
Activity 13. Pre-extension demonstration and popularization of dual purpose koecock poultry breeds
for agro-pastoral communities of Afar, Somali and Fentale Woreda.......................................................8
Activity 14. Assessment of Villagisation in Pastoral Areas of Afar & Somali :- Challenges, Opportunities
and the Way Forward..............................................................................................................................8
Activity 15. Enhancing crop livestock technology adoption through community based technology
multiplication in Metekel zone................................................................................................................9
Activity 16. Demonstration of improved livestock and crop technologies through enhancing FTCs
capacity in Metekel zone.......................................................................................................................10
Case team:- Rangeland Ecology and Management................................................................11
Activity 1. Integrated rehabilitation approaches to improve the revival of denuded rangeland in semi-
arid areas of Afar region........................................................................................................................11

Activity 2: The resource assessments of natural gum and resin bearing trees and shrub species in
selected potential areas of the South Omo Zone...................................................................................11
Activity 3: Introduction and evaluation of pigeon pea germplasm for yield and yield related traits in
southern region.....................................................................................................................................12
Activity 4: Participatory evaluation of natural pasture productivity of different techniques at
Benatsemay Woreda of the South Omo Zone.......................................................................................12
Activity 5. Adaptive management against Mimosa using herbicide and mechanical control................13
Activity 6: Seasonal effects on condition, floristic diversity and productivity of pasturelands of
Benishangul Gumuz Region...................................................................................................................14
Activity 7: Evaluating restoration methods across a range of plant communities dominated by invasive
annual grasses to native perennial grasses............................................................................................14
Activity 8: Demonstration and utilization of vetiver grass (vetiveria zizanioides) for soil conservation
and livestock feed..................................................................................................................................15
Activity 9: Land Use Planning and Land classification............................................................................16
Activity 10: Degraded rangeland rehabilitation in Haro-Bake watershed, Yabello district, Borana
Activity 11: Introduction of multipurpose tree species through plantation and nursery establishment in
model rangeland water Shade...............................................................................................................16
Activity 12: Participatory rangeland soil and water conservation in the Haro-Bake rangeland
watershed, Yabello district.....................................................................................................................17
Activity 13: Feasibility study and comparative analysis of rangeland watershade development in
Borana context......................................................................................................................................17
Activity 14: Feed Resources, Livestock Production and Soil Carbon Dynamics Under Changing Climate.
Activity 15. Roles of small scale irrigation practices on crop productivity, food security and
development of resilient household economy in selected potential areas of GAMBELLA Regional state.
Activity 16. Characterization and classification of grazing and agricultural land soil conditions at Abol,
Godere & Lare agricultural research sites, Gambela region...................................................................19
Activity 17. Demonstration of optimal irrigation scheduling (amount and interval) of Maize and Onion
crops at Amibara and Fentale irrigation schemes...................................................................................19
Activity 18. Validation of Optimal Irrigation Scheduling for Irrigated forage grasses and legume under
Semi-Arid Conditions............................................................................................................................20
Activity 19. Demonstration and promotion of promising forage grasses and legumes on salt affected

Activity 20. Multiplication pre-scaling up of improved crop varieties and selected forage crops in
degehabur and yerer zones of Somali regional state.............................................................................21
Activity 21. Tomato varieties adaptation trial for irrigated areas of Somali region, Ethiopia................21
Activity 22. Onion varieties adaptation trial for irrigated areas, ESRS...................................................22
Activity 23. Banana variety adaptation trial, ESRS................................................................................22
Activity 24. Pre-Scaling Up of Selected SIMLESA Technologies in Somali Region..................................22
Activity 25. Pre-scaling-up of Improved Forage Technologies in Afar Region........................................23
Activity 26. Assessment and quantification of wasted forage biomass due to lignifications and fire in
Metekel zone.........................................................................................................................................23
Activity 27. Multiplication and pre-scaling up of improved forage technologies in pastoral area of afar
and matahara fentale............................................................................................................................24
Activity 28. Scaling up of rangeland rehabilitation techniques in two major rangelands of Afar and
Activity 29. Identification and Nutritional Characterization of Herbaceous and Woody plant species in
different and major grazing areas of Gambela.......................................................................................25
Activity 30. Alternative technologies for managing invasive allien species...........................................25
Activity 31. Survey on current distribution and perception of pastoralists towards invasive alien species
(prosopis julliflora, etc) the case of west hararge, Fentale and Somali region.......................................26
Activity 32. Identification of poisonous plants to camel production in Afar region...............................26
Activity 33. Pre-Scaling Up of Improved Agricultural Mechanization Technologies in Ethiopia Somali
Activity 34. Scaling up of feed and food crop technologies in an addressed area of Asossa..................27
Activity 35. Haricot bean Regional Variety trial for rain fed and irrigation areas of Somali regional state
Activity 36. Ground nut development for rain fed and irrigated areas of Somali regional state............28
Activity 37. Sesame Regional Variety Trial for rain fed and irrigation areas of Somali regional state.....29
Activity 38. Pre-scaling-up of crop and other agricultural Technologies in Gambela.............................29
Activity 39. Development of high yielding and disease tolerant sesame varieties for irrigated areas of
central Afar............................................................................................................................................30
Actitivity 40 :- Pre-scaling up of agricultural mechanization technologies in Afar Region......................30
Activity 41:- On farm evaluation and demonstration of the effect of grazing intensity on rangeland
condition in Benatsema woreda of south Omo.....................................................................................31
Activity 42. Evaluation and Demonstration of the Holistic cattle trampling effect on range conditions in
Hammer Woreda of South Omo Zone...................................................................................................31

Crop Research............................................................................................................................................32

Case team:- Pastoral livestock
Activity 1: Performance evaluation of Local Afar Dairy Cows under intensive
feeding system at Dubti Research Center
 To evaluate milk production, reproduction and growth performance of Afar dairy cows
under better management system.
 To draw a preliminary heard dynamics table of Afar dairy cows for further studies of
Duration:- 3 years (2014-2017)
Location:- Dubti Center
Implementing Centre:- Dubti Research Centre
Responsible Persons:- Dubti Research Centre Livestock Research Staff
Expected output
 Information on productivity of indigenous afar cows under improved management will be
 Best technologies for better productivity of local dairy cows will be identified and
disseminated to end users.
Activity 2:- A comparative study on the physico-chemical properties of Afar
and Somali Camels meat
 To assess the factors affecting change in color and flavor of Ethiopian camels’ meat
along the meat export channels.
 To investigate the effect of breed and storage time on physico-chemical quality of
Ethiopian camels’ meat.
 To assess all the value chain points from marketing to export units.
Duration: 2 years (2015-2017)
Location: Dubti
Implementing Centre: - Dubti Research Centre
Responsible Persons:- Mahmoud Hassen (MSc.), Tibebu Manaye (MSc.), Ahmed Seid
(PhD), Tsegaye Teklebrehan, (Assistant Professor ), Abubeker Mohammed (MSc)
Expected output:-

 Factors determining the color and taste of afar camel meat will be identified.
 Camel export will be promoted by reducing the factors that facilitate odor and color of
camel milk.
Activity 3: Demonstration and evaluation of dual purpose koekock breeds
using supplemental feed in Gambela
General objective:
 To evaluate the growth performance and adaptability of different laying breeds under
farmers condition.

Specific objectives:
 To evaluate the performance of koekoek breeds under farmers condition.
 To demonstrate the adaptive dual purpose breeds or strains of koekoek for agro-pastoral
areas of Gambela region for further dissemination and productivity improvement.
Location: Abobo Makuey and Lare
Implementing Centre: - GARI
Duration: One Year (2016/2017)
Responsible person:- Gatwech and poultry research staff

Expected outputs:
 Best performing and adaptable dual purpose koekoek breed on farm productivity
 Acceptability of dual purpose koekoek breeds under farmers condition will be known.
 Strains of koekoek breeds will be disseminated for end users.
Activity 4: Evaluation of Cassava Foliage and Rhodes grass as supplement feed
on body weight change for local goat at Gambela
 To evaluate the effect of different feed type on body weight gain of local goats in
Specific objectives:-
 To compare two methods of conserving cassava leaves collected at the time the roots are
harvested, in terms of chemical composition and nutritive value for goats.
 To measure the impact of introducing conserved cassava leaves as supplementary feed for
grazing goats.

Duration:- Two Years (2015-2017)
Centre:- GARI
Responsible persons:- Tesfamichael F., GARI livestock research staff,.
Expected output:-
 Effect of cassava on body weight gain of local goats will be known
 Economic benefits of supplementing local goats will be established

Activity 5: Demonstration of sustainable fish resource utilization techniques in

potential areas of Gambela region
 To demonstrate sustainable fish resource utilization technologies in Gambela
Specific objectives:
 To demonstrate fish utilization technologies
 To improve the socio-economic importance of capture fishery
 To strengthen the market channels & condition of fish from producer to consumers
 To enhance the development and utilization of fish resources in the region
Duration:- Two years (2015-2017)
Centre: GARI
Expected output:
 Fish utilization technologies be demonstrated
 Socio-economic importance of capture fishery will be enhanced
 Market channels & condition of fish from producer to consumers be improved
 Utilization of fish resources in the region will be improved
Activity 6: Evaluation of feeding options for Nuer breed of beef cattle to attain
domestic/export market weight
Specific objectives:
 To evaluate different feeding options for different age groups of beef cattle to attain the
required market weight of 300kg.
 To identify the most economical feeding system for different age groups of beef cattle to
attain the target weight
 To evaluate the carcass characteristics of beef cattle under different feeding options
 To document and promote the approved technology as package to end users
Location:- Gambela Agricultural Research Institute (GARI).
Initiator:- Gatwech Tang
Responsible persons:- Gatwech Tang and Ruach Chol
Implementing agency:- GARI
Duration:- 2 years (2016-2018)
Expected out put
 The earliest possible age at which indigenous cattle breed will reach a market weight of
300 kg live weight under different feeding options will be identified
 Carcass characteristics of animals reaching market weight at an early age will be

Activity 7. Epidemiological Investigation of Gastro-intestinal parasites of

Camels in Afar Region
 To determine the prevalence and seasonal distribution of gastro-intestinal parasites of
camels in selected districts of afar region so that effective control and prevention
methods will be suggested
Responsible Persons;- Dr. Weldegebrial G., Dr. Fekadu G., Dr. Juhar T., of WARC and Dr.
Endris Mohammed Feki (APARI)

Study Site:- Zone 1 and 3 of Afar Regional State

Duration:- 1 year (2009 E.C)
Expected Output
 The prevalence and seasonal distribution of gastrointestinal parasites of camels in
Afar determined,

 Effective control and prevention methods suggested

Activity 8. Pre-scaling up of improved agricultural mechanization technologies

in Ethiopia Somali Region.
General Objective
 The overall objective of the project is to increase agricultural production and productivity
through the promotion of improved agricultural mechanization technologies.
Specific Objectives
 To scale up agricultural mechanization technologies that could enhance the performance
of production and productivity of pastoral and agro-pastoral community of the region.
 To build the capacity of agro-pastorals, DAs and various stakeholder
Person Responsible:- crop, livestock and extension research department researchers

Duration:- One year 2009 E.C (2016-2017G.C)
Expected output
 Increased household income
 Improved food security
 Reduced poverty
 Improved skill
Activity 9. Scaling up of Sheep fattening technologies in Fafan District of Somali
 To scale out and introduce sheep fattening technologies for different age groups and
breeds of black head Somali Sheep to attain the required market weight.
Location:- Fafen District of Fafen Zone
Initiators:- Abdi Hassen Sufi and Daniel Seyoum
Responsible persons:- Abdi Hassen Sufi, Daniel Seyoum and Dr. Sisay Tilahun
Duration:- 2 years (2016-2018)
Expected output
 The most economically feasible sheep fattening technology will be transferred to the
 Community will be oriented and mobilized
 High perception of the agro-pastoralists towards scaling-up program will be obtained
Activity 10. Demonstration and Participatory evaluation of wheat bran and
Leucaenia leaucocephala leaf supplementation for Goat fattening in
Amibara Woreda, Afar region
Specific Objectives
 To evaluate the effect of supplementation with different selected proportions of LL and
WB on live weight gain of grazing/browsing sheep under pastoral and agro pastoral
 To evaluate the economic feasibility of the feeding system under pastoral and agro
pastoral condition in Amibara district of Gabi Rasu Zone.

Duration:- Two Years (2016-2018)

Location:- Amibara woreda of zone 3 Afar Regional State
Responsible person:- Philimon T. Berhanu M. Getinet B. and WARC Livestock Research Team

Expected Output
 The economic feasibility of sheep fattening under pastoral and agro-pastoral condition in
Amibara district evaluated.
 Proven sheep fattening technologies and management practices widely promoted and
pastoral and agro-pastoral access to these technologies enhanced.
 Income of pastoral and agro-pastoral households of the targeted woredas enhanced from
sale of fattened sheep to exporters.
Activity 11. Demonstration and Participatory evaluation of wheat bran and
leucaenia leaucocephala leaf supplementation for sheep fattening in
Amibara Woreda, Afar region
Specific Objectives
 To evaluate the effect of supplementation with different selected proportions of LL and
WB on live weight gain of grazing/browsing Afar Goats under pastoral and agro pastoral
 To evaluate the economic feasibility of the feeding system under pastoral and agro
pastoral condition in Amibara district of Gabi Rasu Zone.
Duration:- Two Years
Location:- Amibara woreda of zone 3 Afar Regional State
Responsible person:- Philimon T. Berhanu M. Getinet B. and WARC Livestock Research Team

Expected Output

 The economic feasibility of Goat fattening under pastoral and agro pastoral condition in
Amibara district evaluated.
 Proven Goat fattening technologies and management practices widely promoted and
pastoral and agro-pastoral access to these technologies enhanced.
 Income of pastoral and agro-pastoral households of the targeted woredas enhanced from
sale of fattened Goat to exporters.
 Linkages and partnerships among stakeholders of feed and livestock production
Activity 12. Multiplication and distribution of productive cross bred sheep
breeds in pastoral areas of Afar and Fentale
General Objective:-

 Will be to multiply and distribute improved cross bred Afar sheep*dorper to increase
meat productivity of Afar pastoralists, there by contribute to food security, poverty
reduction and improve exportable meat production.

Specific Objective:-

 To make avail, scale up and demonstrate adapted and productive cross bred afar Sheep.

 To scale out technologies and enhance household food security and income generation
there by ensure poverty reduction and environmental sustainability

 To capacitate and enhance farmers and pastoralists in using improved agricultural


Duration:- Two Years (2016-2018)

Persons responsible:- Philimon T., Berhanu M., Getinet B., Mezgebu., Ephrem and Livestock
and Socio-economic and extension research team

Expected output:-

 Number of cross bred afar Sheep's will be increased.

 Meat productivity of Afar sheep's will be improved.
 Incomes of smallholder livestock producer will improved.

Activity 13. Pre-extension demonstration and popularization of dual purpose

koecock poultry breeds for agro-pastoral communities of Afar, Somali and
Fentale Woreda

General objective

 To multiply and distribute adaptive and productive koekock poultry breeds and thereby
enhance the production and productivity of chicken and linking it to the market chain of
the pastoral and agro-pastoralists.

Specific objectives
 To make avail productive and adaptive poultry breeds in pastoral areas of Ethiopia
 To increase the participation of agro-pastoral households in chicken production
 To identify opportunities and constraints of chicken production in agro-pastoral areas of
Afar and Oromia region
 To study income generation /economic benefit/ of chicken production under agro-
pastoralists management
Responsible Persons:- WARC livestock and agricultural extension researchers
Duration:- Two years
Expected output:-
 Relevant decision making tools for the expansion of poultry technologies in agro
pastoral areas be identified
 Valuable information on the research and development of poultry farm in Gebiresu zone
 Ensure gender participation in some income generation activities
 Create livelihood option for pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in the target area.
Activity 14. Assessment of Villagisation in Pastoral Areas of Afar & Somali :-
Challenges, Opportunities and the Way Forward
 To investigate the current pastoral Sedentarisation, their opportunity, challenges observed
and the action to be taken in the future
Specific objectives:-
 To assess the perception of pastoralists (sedenterised and non-sedenterised) towards the
pros and cons of sedentarisation
 To assess the environmental, social and political impacts of pastoral sedentarisation in the
dry lands of Ethiopia; and
 To assess if there are other alternative adaptation strategies to reduce frequent shocks
observed in the region than Sedentarisation.
 To forward policy recommendation for the opportunities and challenges observed in the
Sedenterised pastoralists and agro-pastoralist in Ethiopia
Duration: - Three Years
Location: - Afar, Oromia and Somali
Responsible Persons:- Brehanu M., Getinet B., Philimon T., Kidane D. and Tagel A.
Expected output:-
 The socio-economic aspects of pastoral Sedentarisation will be investigated
 Environmental aspect of pastoral Sedentarisation will be investigated

 The challenges and opportunities of pastoral Sedentarisation will be identified and action
to be taken to make pastoralists more resilient will be identified
Activity 15. Enhancing crop livestock technology adoption through community
based technology multiplication in Metekel zone
General Objective:-
 Will be to enhance the production and productivity of farmers by enhancing their access
to improved agricultural inputs and thereby to contribute to food security, poverty
reduction and ensure sustainable environment through scaling up of livestock and crop
technologies in Assosa
Duration:- One Year (2016-2017)
Responsible persons:- livestock and socio-economics research process staffs

Activity 16. Demonstration of improved livestock and crop technologies

through enhancing FTCs capacity in Metekel zone
General objective
 The general objective of the project is to disseminate appropriate Livestock and crop
technologies through the exploitation of FTCs

Specific objectives

 To enhance farming system, efficiency and productivity of the livestock and crop
 To activate the FTCs in building the agricultural community
 To make the farmers food self-sufficient and to increase production and productivity
which have good quality products will be brought to the market and increase the farmer
income in a sustainable way.
 To deliver friendly technologies that meets the needs & capacities of its target area.
Responsible persons; Assosa livestock and extension researchers
Duration; one year (2016-17)

Case team:- Rangeland Ecology and Management
Activity 1. Integrated rehabilitation approaches to improve the revival of
denuded rangeland in semi-arid areas of Afar region
General Objectives:
 To asses rangeland biophysical resource, evaluate range improvement and improve the
capacity of degraded rangelands
Specific Objectives:
 To increase type and amount of range-feed biomass production using various rangeland
improvement technology options
 To reclaim and improve degraded and wasted rangelands for drought period fodder
production and conservation using reseeding, drought tolerant fodders and soil seed
 To assess, characterize and document different rangeland vegetation types, production
systems, indigenous knowledge and technologies
 To promote pastoral livelihood by improving livestock production and productivity
Location: Afar (Chifra district)
Duration: 3 years (2014-2017 G.C)
Expected output
 Effective rehabilitation approaches will be identified to improve degraded and wasted
 Recovery potential of degraded rangelands will be known under different rehabilitation
 Biophysical condition of the range site identified
 Feed availability improved

Activity 2: The resource assessments of natural gum and resin bearing trees
and shrub species in selected potential areas of the South Omo Zone
 To asses gum and resin bearing rangeland plants and evaluate their productivity
Specific objectives:-
 To characterize the natural gum and incense bearing trees and shrub species founds in the
study area
 To generate valuable information’s for further intervention
 To avail alternative rangeland resource utilization for improved pastoral livelihood
Duration: - Two Years
Centre: - Jinka
Location:- South Omo
Persons responsible:- Jinka natural resource research process staffs
Expected output: -
 Gum and resin bearing rangeland plants will be identified
 Alternative products of rangeland resource will be identified
 Livelihood diversification of pastoral community in the study area and other similar
ecosystem will be possible
Activity 3: Introduction and evaluation of pigeon pea germplasm for yield and
yield related traits in southern region
 To introduce and evaluate the productivity of pigeon pea germplasm.
 To identify high yielding and best performing pigeon pea accession for low land areas of
the South Omo.
 To enhance the availability of alternative feed resources and improve the productivity of
domestic animals
Duration:- Three Years (2014-2016)
Centre:- Jinka
Location: - South Omo
Expected output:
 Promising pigeon pea genotypes will be identified, verified and released for major pigeon
pea growing areas of the south region.

 Availability of feed resources will be improved thereby livestock productivity increased
Activity 4: Participatory evaluation of natural pasture productivity of different
techniques at Benatsemay Woreda of the South Omo Zone

 To evaluate the productivity of degraded and unproductive pasture lands using different
intervention methods on participatory manner

Specific objectives:-

 To evaluate of different pasture productivity improvement techniques for maximum feed

 To generate information on regenerative capacity and productivity of pasture lands
 To provide training to local community and improve the skill and technical knowledge of
agro pastoralists on the natural pasture improvement and managements.

Duration: - 4 years (2013-2017)

Centre: - Jinka Research Centre

Location: - Benatsemay and Hammer

Expected output
 Suitable treatment of over sown of natural pasture for optimum DM yield, biomass
coverage and quality of natural pasture determined (identified).
 Production and productivity of private pasture lands and domestic livestock improved
 Increased awareness of Agro pastoralists in use of over sowing different treatment on
natural pastures lands.
Activity 5. Adaptive management against Mimosa using herbicide and
mechanical control
 This study aimed at evaluation of management options of mimosa in lowlands of
Gambela and recommends a strategy for the management of mimosa.
 To evaluate the best combination technique of mechanical and chemical methods to
manage mimosa

Location:- Abobo
Duration:- 2 years (2015 to 2017)
Implementing Centers:- Gambela ARI, Abobo ARC, Lare ARC, Godere ARC
Responsible persons:- Yonas kefialew, Zerihun belachewu, Gatwich tang, Tekdial kueth
Expected Output:-
 Appropriate and effective method of mimosa management will be recommended
Activity 6: Seasonal effects on condition, floristic diversity and productivity of
pasturelands of Benishangul Gumuz Region
 To assess the pastureland resources of Benishangul Gumuz Regional state across the
seasons there by find out the improvement and utilization options
Specific objective:-
 To investigate botanical composition (both herbaceous and woody plants) , density, basal
cover, litter cover, and soil erosion of pasturelands in the study areas
 To determine dry matter biomass yields of herbaceous species in the study area
 To evaluate the nutritive values of grass species and dominant browse species in the study
 To determine factors causing pasture land deterioration (if any) and thereby
recommending possible options to avoid the situation
 Comparing different land use units (communal grazing land, riverside grazing lands and
enclosed areas)
Duration:- Two years (2015-2017)
Centre:- Asosa
Location:- Maokomo, Assosa Woreda and Kamash Woreda
Expected output:-
 Information on pastureland condition will be generated
 Floristic diversity and productivity of different land use units of pasturelands in
Benishangul Gumuz regional state will be identified
 Effect of season on biomass production and quality of grazing and pasturelands of
Benishangul will be identified

Activity 7: Evaluating restoration methods across a range of plant
communities dominated by invasive annual grasses to native perennial
 To develop best performing methods on controlling invasive annual species and that
enhances the productivity of rangelands
Specific objectives:-
 To determine whether there are differences in plant community response to restoration
treatments as measured by species composition, vegetation cover and density across
 To know the species diversity of the above ground vegetation
 To identify best restoration technique or techniques would be more appropriate for a
given plant community
Duration:- Two years (2015-2017)
Centre:- Dubti
Location:- Chifira
Expected output:-
 Appropriate rangeland restoration techniques will be identified
 Suitable and appropriate indigenous grass species will be identified for over sowing and
controlling invasive annuals
 The species diversity of the above ground vegetation will be known
 Effective treatments will be identified then promoted for wider application
Activity 8: Demonstration and utilization of vetiver grass (vetiveria
zizanioides) for soil conservation and livestock feed
 To demonstrate and popularize multipurpose vetiver grasses in Benishangul Gumuz
Specific objectives:-
 Popularize multipurpose vetiver grass for soil and water conservation
 Identify proper time and stage harvesting of vetiver grass for feed
 Collect and document the perception of farmers towards the worth of vetiver grasses
 Improve the availability of feed
Location:- Pawe and Dangure districts
Duration:- Three Years (2015-2018)

Centre:- Pawe Research Centre
Expected output:-
 Vetiver technologies that conserves water and soil will be demonstrated
 Appropriate time and stage of harvesting for vetiver grass will be developed
 Perception of technology users towards vetiver grass as livestock feed, soil and water
conservation will be assessed and documented for further research and development
 Availability of alternative feeds improved
Activity 9: Land Use Planning and Land classification
 To develop land use planning and land classification for haro-beki watershed in yabello
Duration:- Three Years (2014-2017)
Centre:- Yabello
Person responsbile:-Yabelo Natural resource research staffs
Expected output:-
 The Haro-beki range sites will be demarcated based on the potential and productivity
 Information on land use land classification will be developed and sustainability of
rangelands ensured
Activity 10: Degraded rangeland rehabilitation in Haro-Bake watershed,
Yabello district, Borana Rangelands
 Degraded rangeland rehabilitation in Haro-beki watershed, Yabello district Borena
Duration:- Three Years (2014-2017)
Centre:- Yabello Dry land agriculture research center
Persons Responsible:- Yabelo Natural resource research staffs
Expected output:-
 Wasted and degraded rangelands will be rehabilitated
 Rehabilitation capacity of haro-beki rangelands will be known and popularized
Activity 11: Introduction of multipurpose tree species through plantation and
nursery establishment in model rangeland water Shade

 To introduce and evaluate suitable multipurpose tree species through plantation and
nursery establishment in model watershed of Borena range sites
Duration Three Years
Centre:- Yabello Dry land agriculture research centre
Persons Responsible:- Yabelo Natural resource research staffs
Location: - Haro Beki
Expected output:-
 Multipurpose tree species adaptability and productivity under range condition will be
 Adaptable tree species will be promoted for wide usage
Activity 12: Participatory rangeland soil and water conservation in the Haro-
Bake rangeland watershed, Yabello district
 To demonstrate rangeland watershed development technologies in participatory approach
Duration;- Three Years
Centre:- Yabello Dry land agriculture research centre
Persons Responsible:- Yabelo Natural resource research staffs
Location:- Haro Beki
Expected output:-
 Effective and better performing rangeland watershed development techniques will be
demonstrated in participatory way
 Acceptance of rangeland watershed development will be assessed and best performing be
promoted for wider usage
Activity 13: Feasibility study and comparative analysis of rangeland
watershade development in Borana context
 To investigate the cost effectiveness of rangeland watershed development in major
rangelands of borena
Duration Three Years (2014-2017)
Centre:- Yabello Dry land agriculture research centre
Persons Responsible:- Yabelo Natural resource research staffs

Location:- Beki watershed
Expected output:-
 Different rangeland watershed development strategies will be developed
 The cost benefit of rangeland watershed development will be known
Activity 14: Feed Resources, Livestock Production and Soil Carbon Dynamics
Under Changing Climate.
 To study impact of climate change and climate variability on feed resources, livestock
production and carbon accumulations.
Specific objective
 To assess trends of livestock population and productivity in relation to historical data.
 To assess pastoralists perception, challenges, opportunities and potentials for carbon
sequestration in rangeland systems and
 To assess the seasonal variations in the chemical composition, in-vitro and in-saco dry
matter degradability of indigenous browse species.
Duration:- Two Years
Centre:- SORPARI
Expected output:-
 The trend of livestock population and productivity will be established in relation to
climate change
 The role of rangeland in carbon sequestration and pastoralist perception will be identified
 The interaction of season, feed availability and feed quality of rangeland feed resource
will be known

Activity 15. Roles of small scale irrigation practices on crop productivity, food
security and development of resilient household economy in selected
potential areas of GAMBELLA Regional state.
 To investigate the perception of farmers on small scale irrigation application on their
farms in the area;
 To identify irrigation activities that are practiced by farmers in the area;
 To determine the agricultural and other environmental friendly crops irrigated by farmers
in the selected districts;

 To investigate the role of irrigation practices in improving households food security and
 To assess the problems encountered if any, in irrigated agriculture crops;
Duration;- Two years (2016-2018)
Responsible person; Soil and Water Resource Research Case team.
Expected Output;
 Information on small scale irrigation will be known.
 Problem encountered by farmers whether its lack of input/material or knowledge gap on
the use and practice of irrigation will be discovered and solution will be set.
Activity 16. Characterization and classification of grazing and agricultural land
soil conditions at Abol, Godere & Lare agricultural research sites,
Gambela region.
 To characterize the morphological, physical and chemical properties of the soils of the
study site
 To assess the fertility status of the soils based on the characteristics of representative soil
 To classify the major soils and soil associations.
Location:- The study will be conducted at Abol, Lare and Godere Research centers of the region
Duration:- Two years (2015-2017)
Expected Output
 The soil physico-chemical property status of the research sites will be known
 The research and agricultural sites of GARI will use the right crop agronomy based on
the soil property
Activity 17. Demonstration of optimal irrigation scheduling (amount and interval)
of Maize and Onion crops at Amibara and Fentale irrigation schemes.
 To demonstrate irrigation regimes (when and how much to irrigate) for Maize and
Onion crop at selected sites.
Location:- Amibara and Fentale
Durationn:- Two Years (2016-2018)
Responsible Persons:- Elias K.,Yonas D., Fikadu R., Kebede N., Birhanu M. Ashenafi W.

Expected output
 Enhanced sustainable irrigation regime in the selected crops sites known by farmers in
Amibara, and Fentale
 Increased farmers knowledge on irrigation techniques /scheduling
 Increased fodder and crop production at low water use and livelihood improvement
 Enhanced sustainable irrigation techniques in the irrigated areas known by farmers
 Improved farmers access to irrigation techniques in target areas as well as in other
neighboring irrigated areas
Activity 18. Validation of Optimal Irrigation Scheduling for Irrigated forage
grasses and legume under Semi-Arid Conditions

Specific Objective

 To validate optimal irrigation scheduling that would maximize the productivity of

irrigated fodder grass and legumes in semi-arid areas

Duration:- 2 years (2016-2018)

Responsible Persons:- Elias K., Fikadu R., Kebede N., Birhanu M. Ashenafi W.
Expected outcomes
 Enhanced sustainable irrigation regime in the selected forage ,legume in WARC
 Increased farmers knowledge on irrigation techniques /scheduling
 Increased fodder production at low water use and livelihood improvement
 Improved irrigation techniques in target areas as well as in other neighboring irrigation
scheme areas

Activity 19. Demonstration and promotion of promising forage grasses and legumes
on salt affected Soils
 To demonstrate and promote promising effect of growing salt tolerant grass species for
amelioration and forage production under saline soil condition
Location:- Amibara, Gewane and Awash Fentalle
Duration:- 2016 (one year)
Responsible persons:- Ashenafi W., Berhanu M., Getinet B., Elias Kebede., Melese M., and
Salinity Research Case Team Staffs
Expected Output:-

 Technologies that are suited to ameliorate abandoned lands due to salinity be
demonstrated and promoted to end users

Activity 20. Multiplication pre-scaling up of improved crop varieties and

selected forage crops in degehabur and yerer zones of Somali regional
General Objective:-
 Will be to improve production and productivity of pastoralists and agro- pastoralists by
disseminating and demonstrating improved forage and food crops
 To contribute to food security, poverty reduction and ensure sustainable environment
through scaling up of forage crop technologies in Somali region by multiplication of
adaptive spp
Specific Objective:-
 To scale up and demonstrate adapted forage and food crop technologies to enhance
productivity of domestic livestock and ensure environmental sustainability
 To scale up and demonstrate adapted forage and food crop technologies to enhance
household food security and income generation there by ensure poverty reduction and
environmental sustainability
 To diversify agricultural technologies and production options in the target woredas.
 To capacitate and enhance farmers and pastoralists in using improved agricultural
Duration:- One Year (2016-2017)
Responsible persons:- livestock and socio-economics research process staffs
Activity 21. Tomato varieties adaptation trial for irrigated areas of Somali
region, Ethiopia

 To select best adapting, high yielding, disease/pest resistance tomato variety for each
specific target location
Location: Kelafo, Gode, Dolo and Chereti
Project years: 2 years (2016-2018)
Responsible person: Alemnesh Abebe, Yohanes Seyoum, Zelalem Fisseha (PhD)

Expected output: at least 2-3 best adapted tomato variety will be selected
Activity 22. Onion varieties adaptation trial for irrigated areas, ESRS
 To select best adapting, high yielding, disease/pest resistance onion varieties irrigated
Location: Kelafo, Gode, Dolo and Chereti
Duration : two years (2016-2018)
Responsible person : Alemnesh Abebe, Yohanes Seyoum, Zelalem Fisseha (PhD)
Expected output: At least 2-3 best adapted onion varieties will be selected
Activity 23. Banana variety adaptation trial, ESRS.
 To test adaptability of improved banana varieties.
Location: Fafen, Shinile, Kelafo and Gode
Duration : two years (2016-2018)
Responsible person : Alemnesh Abebe, Yohanes Seyoum, Zelalem Fisseha (PhD)
Expected output: At least 2-3 best adapted Banana varieties will be selected for each location
Activity 24. Pre-Scaling Up of Selected SIMLESA Technologies in Somali Region

 To reach as many HH as possible in SIMLESA target districts as well as additional two

new districts with best bet SIMLESA technologies

Location: Jigjiga and Gursum (SIMLESA target districts), Babile and Kebribeya ( New districts
to the project)
Responsible person:- Dr. Abebaw Shimeles, Yohannes Seyoum and Abdikedir Haybe
Activity 25. Pre-scaling-up of Improved Forage Technologies in Afar Region
 To promote new forage technology adapted to the area with better dry matter yield
 To scale up and demonstrate adapted forage technologies to enhance adoption of
improved forage production technologies in the region
 To diversify agricultural production options in the region

 To capacitate research staff, agricultural experts, DAs and agro-pastorals/farmers/
cooperative members on forage production technologies
Locations: Dewe, Dalifage, Ewa, Awra, Abeala and Dubti Weredas
Duration: one year (2016-2017)
Expected output
 Awareness of agro-pastoralists and pastoralists in Afar region increased on improved
forage production technologies
 Participating agro-pastoralists and pastoralists benefited from increased productivity of
forage livestock
 Feed shortage will minimized in the target woreda’s
 Forage seed production will be increased
Activity 26. Assessment and quantification of wasted forage biomass due to
lignifications and fire in Metekel zone
General objective
 By quantifying the feed options which have been wasted in range land and
marginal lands to enhancing the livestock production and productivity
Specific Objective
 To quantify the amount forage wasted during dry season and fire
 To assess species composition in the range land, forests and marginal lands
Location:- Metekel
Duration:- Two years (2016-2018)
Expected out put
 The un utilized forage biomass in range land and other marginalized areas will be
quantified for further utilization of this unutilized forage biomass
 The species composition range land will be evaluated
Activity 27. Multiplication and pre-scaling up of improved forage technologies
in pastoral area of afar and matahara fentale
General Objective:-
 Will be to improve production and productivity of pastoralists and agro- pastoralists by
disseminating and demonstrating improved forage crops, there by contribute to food
security, poverty reduction and ensure sustainable environment through scaling up of
forage crop technologies in afar and Oromia region by multiplication of adaptive spp.

Specific Objective:-
 To scale up and demonstrate adapted forage crop technologies to enhance productivity of
domestic livestock and ensure environmental sustainability
 To scale up and demonstrate adapted forage crop technologies to enhance household food
security and income generation there by ensure poverty reduction and environmental
 To diversify agricultural technologies and production options in the target woredas.
 To capacitate and enhance farmers and pastoralists in using improved agricultural
Duration:- One Year (2016-2017)
Person responsible:- Livestock and agri. extension research process staffs
Responsible persons:- livestock and socio-economics research process staffs
Activity 28. Scaling up of rangeland rehabilitation techniques in two major
rangelands of Afar and Oromia
 Demonstrate promising rehabilitation techniques available at hand
 Create awareness about the possibility of rehabilitation of degraded rangelands
 Create a starting point for range technologies scaling up in the future
Duration: - Two Years (2016-2018)
Implementing Centre: - Werer Research Centre
Responsible persons:- livestock and socio-economics research process of WARC
Expected output
 The knowledge of rehabilitating degraded range lands will be transferred
 An entry point for scaling up of rangeland technologies will be established
 The capacity (response) of rangelands for different rehabilitation techniques will be
Activity 29. Identification and Nutritional Characterization of Herbaceous and
Woody plant species in different and major grazing areas of Gambela
 To asses species composition of major grazing lands of the region
 To characterize the nutritional characteristics of grazing land feed resources of the study

Responsible persons:- Livestock and natural resource researchers of GARI
Duration:- Two years
Location:- Gambela region
Person Responsible:- Livestock and natural resource research staffs
Expected output:-
 Nutritional characteristics of feed resources of the major grazing area will be known and
appropriate feeding management will be recommended.
Activity 30. Alternative technologies for managing invasive allien species
The general objective

 Is to contribute to the efforts of the communities, the government and the international
community to restrain the negative effects of Prosopis juliflora and strengthen the
conservation of biological diversity and improve rangeland productivity in the three study

Specific objectives

 Identify alternative technologies for large-scale removal of the invasive species

Prosopis juliflora;

 Conduct trials for application of the identified technologies in pilot areas;

 Assess costs and benefits associated with each of the proposed alternative

 Capacity building and development of community management plans to inform and help
communities develop opportunities for restoration and management.

 Learning from the trials documented and shared with other communities, development
actors and government decision-makers.

Duration:- Three Years

Responsible Persons: - Rangeland ecology research team, soil and water research team, socio-
economics research team and plant protection researchers of WARC.

Location:- Hallaidege Rangeland

Expected Output:-

 Alternative cost effective and applicable prosopis management techniques developed,

 Capacity of local people in managing prosopis enhanced

 Biodiversity and feed resources of encroached land improved

Activity 31. Survey on current distribution and perception of pastoralists

towards invasive alien species (prosopis julliflora, etc) the case of west
hararge, Fentale and Somali region.
 To assess the status of invasive woody species encroachment and distribution in the
neighboring areas of afar region (Somali, matahara and west hararge pastoral area)
 To map invasive spp distribution and create awareness regarding actions to be taken to
reduce further infestation in the study area
Duration:- Two years (2016-2018)
Location:- West hararge, Fentale and Somali region
Responsible person:- WARC and SoRPARI staffs
Activity 32. Identification of poisonous plants to camel production in Afar

 To identify and collect the poisonous plants to camels that grow on the range for
botanical classification

 To suggest the development of grazing plan to improve camel range and prevent

Study Area: - Three zones of Afar region (Zones 1,3 and 4)

Duration: - 2 years (2016-2018)

Institutional Arrangement: - APARI (Zone 1) and WARC (Zone 3 and 4)

Responsible Persons: - Weldegebrial (WARC), Endris (APARI)

Activity 33. Pre-Scaling Up of Improved Agricultural Mechanization

Technologies in Ethiopia Somali Region.
General Objective
 The overall objective of the project is to increase agricultural production and productivity
through the promotion of improved agricultural mechanization technologies.
Specific Objectives
 To scale up agricultural mechanization technologies that could enhance the performance
of production and productivity of pastoral and agro-pastoral community of the region.
 To build the capacity of agro-pastorals, DAs and various stakeholder
Location:- Somali Region
Duration:- One year (2016-2017)
Persons responsible:- Biruk Ambaw, Firew Kassahun, Dr Abebaw
Expected output
 Increased household income
 Improved food security
 Reduced poverty
 Improved skill
Activity 34. Scaling up of feed and food crop technologies in an addressed area
of Asossa
General objective
 The general objective of the project is to disseminate appropriate agricultural extension
technologies which are generated and adapted by the center for their superior quality in
productivity, nutritional value and commercial purpose at the stated area.

Specific objectives

 To improve farming system, efficiency and productivity of the rural farmers.

 To instate community based seed multiplication mechanism,
 To make the farmers food self-sufficient and to increase production and productivity
which have good quality products will be brought to the market and increase the farmer
income in a sustainable way.
 To deliver friendly technologies that meets the needs & capacities of its target area.
Responsible persons; Anduamlak Assaye, Afework Hagos and Others commodity researchers
Duration; one year (2016-17)

Activity 35. Haricot bean Regional Variety trial for rain fed and irrigation areas
of Somali regional state
 To select high yielding, adaptable and pest resistant varieties.
Location: Fafen, Gode, Kelafo
Duration:- two years (2016-2018)
Responsible person : Zelalem Fisseha (PhD), Yohannes Seyoum, & Kibrom Fisseha
Expected output:-
 At least 2-3 common bean varieties from each set will proceed for verification trial

Activity 36. Ground nut development for rain fed and irrigated areas of Somali
regional state
 To select high yielding and pest resistant varieties.
Location: Gode, Kelafo & Jigjiga
Duration : two years (2016-2018)
Responsible person : Yohannes Seyoum & Zelalem Fisseha (PhD)
Expected output: At least 2-3 ground nut genotypes will be candidate for verification trial
Activity 37. Sesame Regional Variety Trial for rain fed and irrigation areas of
Somali regional state
 To selected high yielding and pest resistant varieties.
Location: Gode, Kelafo & Jigjiga
Duration : two years
Responsible person : Yohannes Seyoum & Zelalem Fisseha (PhD)
Expected output: At least 2-3 ground nut genotypes will be candidate for verification trial
Activity 38. Pre-scaling-up of crop and other agricultural Technologies in
General Objective:-

 Is to improve production and productivity of farmers and pastoralists by disseminating
and demonstrating improved forage crops, food crops and other agricultural
technologies, there by contribute to food security, poverty reduction, decrease
malnutrition and ensure sustainable environment through scaling up of agricultural
technologies in the target areas.

Specific Objective: -

 To scale up and demonstrate adapted forage crop technologies to enhance productivity of

domestic livestock and environmental sustainability
 To scale up and demonstrate adapted food and feed crop technologies to enhance
household food security and income generation thereby ensure poverty reduction and
environmental sustainability
 To diversify agricultural technologies and production options in the target areas.
 To capacitate and enhance farmers and pastoralists in using improved agricultural
Duration:- One Year (2016-2017)

Centre:- GARI

Expected Output

 Technologies developed in each intervention area will be disseminated to end users

 Capacity and access to improved agricultural technology will be enhanced
 Experience for further interventions will be obtained

Activity 39. Development of high yielding and disease tolerant sesame

varieties for irrigated areas of central Afar
Objective :
 To selected high yielding and pest resistant sesame varieties for under irrigated condition.
Location: Dubti
Duration : Two years (2016-2018)
Responsible person : Dubti Crop Research Staffs
Expected output
 At least 2-3 sesame genotypes will be candidate for verification trial

Actitivity 40 :- Pre-scaling up of agricultural mechanization technologies in
Afar Region
General Objective
 The overall objective of the project is to increase agricultural production and productivity
through the promotion of improved agricultural mechanization technologies.
Specific Objectives
 To scale up agricultural mechanization technologies that could enhance the performance
of production and productivity of pastoral and agro-pastoral community of the region.
 To build the capacity of agro-pastorals, DAs and various stakeholder
Location:- Afar Region
Persons responsible:- APARI mechanization Research Staffs
Expected output
 Increased household income
 Improved food security
 Reduced poverty
 Improved skill
Activity 41:- On farm evaluation and demonstration of the effect of grazing
intensity on rangeland condition in Benatsema woreda of south Omo
 To evaluate and demonstration the effect of different grazing intensity on the range
 To create awareness on pastoralists communities how to manage rangeland resource
through adjusting grazing intensity as intervention methods
Trial location: Shaba Arigemenda and Dize Aman
Duration: 2 years (August, 2016 to December, 2018)
Initiator: Denbela Hidosa
Persons responsible: Denbela H., Mesfin M, and Abebe Hagano,
Expected output
 Appropriate grazing intensity will be identified and demonstrate as suitable rangeland
management interventions which result in optimum productivity in range conditions

Activity 42. Evaluation and Demonstration of the Holistic cattle trampling
effect on range conditions in Hammer Woreda of South Omo Zone
 To evaluate and demonstrate the Holistic cattle impact on range conditions.
 To create awareness on pastoralists communities how to rehabilitate degraded range
resource through using the different holistic rangeland improvement intervention
Trial location: Eriyambule and simbele PAs of Hammer Woreda
Duration:- 2 years (August, 2016- December, 2018)
Initiators:- Dr Kidane G/M and Denbela Hidosa
Persons responsible:- Dr Kidane G/M, Denbela Hidosa and Mesifin. M
Expected output
 The effect cattle trampling will be identified and demonstrated to pastoral communities as
suitable degraded rangeland rehabilitation interventions which results in optimum
rehabilitation in degraded range conditions.

Crop Research
1. Development and Promotion of Improved Sorghum Technology to Enhance Production
and Productivity in Low and Mid Altitudes of Gambela


 To develop improved sorghum production technology for different agro-ecology

of the region.

 To promote improved Sorghum technologies to ensure wide spread utilization and

enhance production and productivity

Status: - Ongoing

Duration: - 2014-2017

Location: - Gambella

Expected output: - At list one improved varieties of sorghum will be recommended and

2. Introduction and Evaluation of Improved and Commercial Tomato Varieties for


General objectives
 To introduce and evaluate improved tomato varieties for lowland and mid altitude
major vegetable producing areas of Gambela for improved productivity and

Specific objectives
 To develop new high-yielding and disease resistance tomato varieties to the
 To introduce, evaluate and promote improved tomato production technologies in
the region
Status: - Ongoing


Location: - Gambela

Expected Output: -

 Highly productive and adaptive tomato varieties will be identified

 Productivity of tomato producers will be enhanced thereby livelihood of farmers

3. Introduction and Evaluation of Improved and Commercial Hot Pepper Varieties

General objectives
 To introduce and evaluate improved hot pepper varieties for lowland and mid
altitude major vegetable producing areas of Gambela for improved productivity
and livelihood.

Specific objectives
 To develop new high-yielding and disease resistance hot pepper varieties to the
 To introduce, evaluate and promote improved hot pepper production technologies
in the region

Status:- Ongoing


Location:- Gambella

Expected Output: -

 Highly productive and adaptive hot pepper varieties will be identified

 Productivity of hot pepper producers will be enhanced thereby livelihood of
farmers improved

4. Introduction and Evaluation of Improved and Commercial Onion Varieties

General objectives
 To introduce and evaluate improved and commercial onion varieties for lowland
and mid altitude major vegetable producing areas of Gambela for improved
productivity and livelihood.

Specific objectives
 To develop new high-yielding and disease resistance improve and commercial
onion varieties to the region
 To introduce, evaluate and promote improved and commercial onion production
technologies in the region

Status:- Ongoing


Location:- Gambella

Expected Output:-

 Highly productive and adaptive onion varieties will be identified

 Productivity of onion producers will be enhanced thereby livelihood of farmers

5. Introduction and Evaluation of Improved and Commercial Garlic Varieties

Specific objectives
 To develop new high-yielding and disease resistance improved garlicvarieties to
the region
 To introduce, evaluate and promote improved and commercial garlic production
technologies in the region

Status:- Ongoing


Location:- Gambella

Expected Output:-

 Highly productive and adaptive garlic varieties will be identified

 Productivity of garlic producers will be enhanced thereby livelihood of farmers

6. Development and Promotion of Improved Okra Production Technologies for Gambella


Specific objectives
 To develop new high-yielding and disease resistance improved okra varieties to
the region
 To introduce, evaluate and promote improved and commercial okra production
technologies in the region

Status:- Ongoing


Location:- Gambella

Expected Output:-

 Highly productive and adaptive okra varieties will be identified

 Productivity of okra producers will be enhanced thereby livelihood of farmers


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