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Nama saya Mei Dita Vera Teana, saya 20tahun.

Pertama saya praktek di rumah

sakit pada tanggal 25 desember 2017. Saya dapat rumahsakit di RSUD
Panembahan Senopati Bantul. Rumah saya dan rumahsakit hanya berjarak 13km.
Saya praktek di bangsal nusa indah. Hari pertama saya berangkat pagi, dari pukul
08.00 sampai pukul 15.00. Sampai di bangsal saya di jelaskan dengan CI ruang
tentang Bangsal Nusaindah dan diperkenalkan dengan perawat-perawat yang jaga.
Setelah itu saya mengikuti operan jaga, kemudian saya ikut menyiapkan obat-obat
untuk pasien. pukul 09.00 saya ikut tindakan, saya mengukur TTV pasien. Setelah
itu saya mengkaji pasien untuk mengisi askep saya. Pukul 12.00 saya memberikan
obat untuk pasien, obat diberikan melalui oral dan injeksi. Setelah itu saya
istirahat, kemudian saya mengantar hasil urin pasien ke laboratorium dan
mengambil obat di farmasi. Setelah itu saya mengambil hasil rongten di radiologi.
lalu saya melanjutkan membuat askep untuk mengisi waktu luang. Kemudian saya
mengganti infus yang habis lalu saya mengambil hasil rongten di radiologi. Pukul
14.30 perawat shift siang sudah berkumpul dan memulai operan jaga. Pukul 15.00
saya pulang.

My name is Mei Dita Vera Teana, I am 20 years old. First I practice at the
hospital on December 25, 2017. I was able to hospital in Panembahan Senopati
Hospital of Bantul. My house and hospital are just 13km away. I practice in the
nusaindah ward. The first day I leave early, from 08.00 to 15.00. Arriving at my
ward was explained with CI space about Nusaindah Ward and was introduced
with careful nurses. After that I followed the guard operand, then I went to
prepare the medicine for the patient. at 09.00 I took action, I measured the
patient's TTV. After that I reviewed the patient to fill my askep. At 12:00 I gave
the medicine to the patient, the drug was given by oral and injection. After that I
rested, then I drove the patient's urine results to the lab and took medicine in the
pharmacy. After that I took the results of rongten in radiology. then I continue to
make askep to fill my spare time. Then I replace the infusion that runs out and I
take the results rongten in radiology. At 14.30 the afternoon nurse shift had
gathered and started a guard operand. At 15:00 I went home.
Mei Dita Vera Teana


My name is Mei Dita Vera Teana, I am 20 years old. First I practice at the
hospital on December 25, 2017. I was able to hospital in Panembahan Senopati
Hospital of Bantul. My house and hospital are just 13km away. I practice in the
Nusaindah Ward. The first day I leave early, from 08.00 to 15.00. Arriving at my
ward was explained with CI space about Nusaindah Ward and was introduced
with careful nurses. After that I followed the guard operand, then I went to
prepare the medicine for the patient. at 09.00 I took action, I measured the
patient's TTV. After that I reviewed the patient to fill my askep. At 12:00 I gave
the medicine to the patient, the drug was given by oral and injection. After that I
rested, then I drove the patient's urine results to the lab and took medicine in the
pharmacy. After that I took the results of rongten in radiology. then I continue to
make askep to fill my spare time. Then I replace the infusion that runs out and I
take the results rongten in radiology. At 14.30 the afternoon nurse shift had
gathered and started a guard operand. At 15:00 I went home.

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