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Elevator Pitch:

Reports of several people going missing in the woodlands leads are protagonist going into the
woods in the hunt for more information.

Plot synopsis:

We start with a shot of a blank lamp-post, we then see a poster being attached to said lamp
post saying: “Missing: 3 persons disappeared in the past three days, if you can know their
whereabouts, contact this number.” We then cut to the main protagonist with a copy of the
poster from before, ready to go back into the woods. We then return to our main character at
the edge of the forest as we rapidly cut to him in the various locations as the missing
character, until the protagonist finds the missing characters phone for which the missing
character was recording earlier. As we see the main protagonist start to see a scarred, bloody
and long nailed hand touching the main protagonist’s shoulder and as he turns around, a loud
scream followed by savage screeching from the monster scaring the audience as we cut to


Main Protagonist:
Good footwear (walking boots)

Missing Characters 1, 2 and 3:



Fabian: director

Willian: Soundman

Adam: Cameraman


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