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Hazrat shah Waliullah [rah] says:

" Following the ancient practice, I recited the Holy Qur'aan and distributed the things (food etc.) Of the
Niyaaz (Faatihah) of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and made a public display of his blessed
heir (Moo'e Muboarak). While reciting (the Holy Qur'aan), Mala'i A'la (Angels nearest to ALLAH) came to
attend the Mahfil-e-Meelaa d and the blessed soul of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) showed
much kindness to me (Shah Waliyul Laah) and my friends. I, thus, saw that Mala'i A 'la (Angels nearest
toALLAH) and, with them, the whole group of Musalmaans, were ascending to high heaven (on account
of the blessings of the Prophet) andthis blessed condition was reflected (in the Mahfil-e-Meelaad) ."

(Al Qaul al-Jalee, Page 74)

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