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Your justice for the poor of the world

Dear Father:

I am really concerned about the way the world is reacting to the global economic crisis. It
seems like a practice of most human beings, governments and societies, when faced with
problems, is to let the vulnerable suffer the consequences.

I know there is an economic crisis, but even in that case, humanity is able to afford the
treatment and care of people with HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria with generic

The problem is that not everyone likes this agreement. Why? Because it takes away the
monopoly and control of the big pharmaceutical industries, and gives people of poor
countries a choice for treatment and life.

It is unbelievable that instead of expanding the production of generic medications for

other diseases, what we see is an attempt from the big pharmaceutical industry to buy the
generic medications companies. By doing this, the pharmaceutical industry is trying to
limit the choices of treatment for developing countries. A proposal based on avarice.

Why now? Why in the middle of an economic crisis?

Dear God, who cares about the sick, the dying and the poor in a world of economic crisis?

I believe you are a God of mercy and justice, your Bible says you care about the sick, the
dying, the poor, the foreigner, the oppressed, the orphan and the widow.

As it happened in ancient times, send prophetic voices to challenge the oppression of the
powerful over the poor and sick.

I signed the petition of this petition of MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières) in relation to the
attempts of the pharmaceutical industries:
Millions of people in developing countries rely on affordable generic medicines to stay alive. More than 80% of the medicines used
by MSF to treat AIDS across the developing world are produced in India. But the European Commission is now shutting off the tap of
affordable medicines by attacking the production, registration, transportation and exportation of generic medicines. People who need
these will be left without a lifeline. Help Médecins Sans Frontières send a message to the European Commission to keep their HANDS

What else Father? What else do you want me to do to confront the powerful?

If I did not know you are a God of justice and the loving Creator of humanity, I would
certainly die of sadness. Dear God, make your words real in present time, for any person,
country, industry or company that is willing to become richer with the cost for the poor of
the world.

He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich--both come to poverty. (Proverbs 22:16

Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, (Proverbs 22:22, NVI)

In Jesus’s name I ask. Amen.

La Paz-Bolivia, October 15, 2010 

Gracia Violeta Ross,

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