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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Subject:
Alejandra Travieso Math
Common Core State Standards:
 8.EE.B.5: Graph proportional relationships interpreting the unit rate as the slope of the graph.
Objective (Explicit):
 Students will be able to compute slope given two points.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
 Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
 Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
 Assign value to each portion of the response.
Teacher will walk around the classroom while students are computing slope, looking at each student’s paper to
ensure that they are able to compute slope accurately.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

 How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
 What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
 How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?
At the beginning of class the teacher will give students a warm up that asks them to calculate the slope, or rise
over run, of the graph they are given. The teacher will then show students that when we count how many units the
y value has increased, gives us the same value as when we subtract the second y-value from the first y-value.

Students will be able to connect rise over run to slope and see that these two expressions mean the same thing,
mathematically speaking.

Students will be using slope in their project based learning to ultimately determine which product is more popular
by determining which product has the larger slope.
Key vocabulary: Materials:
Slope Graph Paper
Change in y/x
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
 How will you activate student interest?
 How will you connect to past learning?
 How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
 How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?
The teacher will give students a problem that says the following:

“When you go to the state fair you have to pay an entrance fee of $30, after the entrance fee
you must pay a certain amount of money per rides/games that you go on or play. If after 5
games/rides you pay $32.50 and after 11 rides/games you pay $35.50. How much does each
ride/game cost?”

The teacher will ask the students to illustrate what this graph would look like, encouraging them
to see if they notice a pattern in their rise over run. They will then ask them to find the change in
how much they paid after 11 games and how much they paid after 5 games. The teacher will
walk around and ask the students to compare what this information means if we compare
money to games as a ratio. How much do we have to pay for each game?

The teacher will then ask them if the cost per game would change if at 5 games we paid
$33.50. The teacher will then compare the slopes that we obtained and will ask the students if
the line with the steeper slope cost more per game.
Teacher Will: Student Will:
 How will you model/explain/demonstrate all  What will students be doing to actively capture and
knowledge/skills required of the objective? process the new material?
 What types of visuals will you use?  How will students be engaged?
 How will you address misunderstandings or
common student errors?
 How will you check for understanding?
 How will you explain and model behavioral
 Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could teach it?
The teacher will model a problem for the students to illustrate Students will actively listen to the teacher and taking notice of the
how to find slope given two points, without graphing the line steps the teacher is taking to compute the slope.

The teacher will model the problem “What is the slope of a

Instructional Input

graph that contains the points (8,10) and (12,100).”

The teacher will communicate to the students that dividing the

top number by the bottom number gives us the unit rate, which
enables us to have a more concise meaning of slope.

The teacher will then ask the students to graph the line and see
if we have the same slope-using rise over run.

The teacher will check for understanding by walking around and

looking at the students papers to see if they computed the
same slope using rise over run to ensure they see it is the same

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
 Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
Students who are struggling will be asked to communicate with the student next to them. The students will share
what they have learned with their partner and will walk through the problem together identifying their errors.
Students who are not being challenged will be asked to explain what the unit slope would represent in this context.
Teacher Will: Student Will:
 How will you ensure that all students have multiple  How will students practice all knowledge/skills required
opportunities to practice new content and skills? of the objective, with your support, such that they
 What types of questions can you ask students as continue to internalize the sub-objectives?
you are observing them practice?  How will students be engaged?
 How/when will you check for understanding?  How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
 How will you provide guidance to all students as  How are students practicing in ways that align to
they practice? independent practice?
 How will you explain and model behavioral
Guided Practice

 Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could facilitate this practice?
The teacher will solve the following problem with Students will be engaged while listening to the teacher.
the students:
Students will be taking part in writing the steps on their
“Given the points (4,77) and (7,46) what is the white boards to make sure they are participating.
slope of our line”
Students will be taking notes on how to solve the
The teacher will ask students to examine what problems so they will be able to work out different
there slope means, should we get a positive or problems in the future.
negative slope? Why?

The teacher will work through the problem, step by

step, having the students write on their white

boards what they need to do to complete each

The teacher will walk around and look at

everyone’s white boards to make sure that they
are following along.

If the teacher sees a student with the wrong

answer, they will address why the answer is
incorrect to ensure that the student is getting
correct input.

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
 Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
 How can you utilize grouping strategies?
Students who are struggling will be asked to tell the teacher each step that they need to complete to find the slope and in what
order the steps go in. When the teacher notices where the issue is, they will help explain to the student where their mistake is.
Students who are struggling will also be asked to work with their neighbor to check their answers and get feedback.

Students who are not being challenged will be asked to make up their own points and predict whether the slope will be
positive or negative, and then either calculate the slope themselves or have another student who is not being challenged find
the slope for their points and visa versa.
Teacher Will: Student Will:
 How will you plan to coach and correct during this  How will students independently practice the knowledge and
practice? skills required by the objective?
 How will you provide opportunities for remediation and  How will students be engaged?
extension?  How are students practicing in ways that align to
 How will you clearly state and model academic and assessment?
behavioral expectations?  How are students using self-assessment to guide their own
 Did you provide enough detail so that another person
could facilitate the practice?
 How are you supporting students giving feedback to one
The teacher will give the students a worksheet to Students will work quietly on the worksheet, making
complete towards the end of class. sure to ask questions when they get stuck.

Students will be checking with their shoulder partner if

they are struggling or want to double check their
Independent Practice

answer, before raising their hands.

Students will write out all of their work to be able to

clearly identify where they are making a mistake.

While the class is working on the worksheet, the

teacher will be walking around looking at each
students paper to ensure that they are getting the
steps correct.

If the teacher notices that a large group of students

is struggling on a certain problem or step, they will
redirect the classes attention to the front of the
room to go over said problem or review the step

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
 Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
Students whoa re struggling will be asked to work with a partner on the worksheet instead of on their own, they will be
asked to talk with their partner to discuss any questions they have and where their confusion arises.

Students who are not being challenged will be asked to complete an extra credit worksheet so they can get extra
practice. If the students are still not being challenged they will be asked to come up with a worksheet of their own and
make an answer key that they can trade with a partner.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

 How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
 Why will students be engaged?
Students will connect what they learned in class to their overall project. They will inform the teacher on how they
will use slope to determine which of their two products is more popular.

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