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Initial material: Alloy 1015 steel cold drawn

First mode of failure "compression"

Select Ac =346 mm2, dc=21mm, d =24 mm

Second mode of failure "Bucling"

End condition= Fixed-Free


Le =k *L =2*450 =900 mm

S "sienderness" R = Rad. of Gyration =√

S= > 80

=23846N W = 55 KN

Screw is not safe

dc = 26 mm

New Selection

dc=27mm ,d=30 mm, Ac = 573 mm2

Third mode of failure "Combined stress"

First due to shear

= 119.76 MPa

To calculate the Torque rissing

Tan α

α l = s.p

Tan β from Appendix (H) =12 mm

A condition"best runlling " d

β α )Safe design)

( ) α β

To calculate Torque in collar

from Appendix (H) b

= 185625

S=265.95 MPa (Not safe )

Choise : change material to AISI 1045 "cold drawn"

E=200 GPa

el % =12
Initial material: Bronze C22000 "Hot

First mode of failure "Bearing"


H1 =94.89 mm

H1 = 95 mm

From appendix "H" c Advace speed

for steel – bronze =11 MPA

Second mode of failure 'strip off"

H2 =29.17 mm

H safe for Nut = 95 mm

Initial material : steel for worm "Gear"
Bronze for "wheel" "Nut"

Ng = 300 rpm

Nw= 3000 rpm

For i = 10

Zw "start"=4

Zg = Zw .i =40 teeth

d "limit" =110 mm

( )

(lead angle)
Ø "pressure angle " =
P =T .w

P = Pw = Pg
Pw = T2 * ww
For or η

T2 =51.42 N.m
Needed for calculation of handle
Tooth shape
PX "Pitch"=m.
Pz "lead" = Px .Zw =11 mm
( )
a "center distance" =

q "diametric quotient " =

q =8.6

for Ø =20
Addendum =m=2.75 mm
Dedendum =1.25 m =55/16 mm
Tooth Thickness =1.57 m =4.3175 mm
Clearance =0.25 m= 11/8 mm
Fillet = 0.4 m = 11/10mm
Working depth =2m =5.5 mm

Working width of wheel gear

= 17.04

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