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aa — : — HAISOAABMR I RF Risk SEM Minna no Nihongo Target kanji and kanji words < Note > * The kanji word listings are not exhaustive. There are other uses of the target kanji in other kanji words. * When the listings of kanji words are divided into two parts, the words in the upper part constitute the target kanji words to be learned in this book while the ones in the lower part are simply there to show you other uses of the kanji and therefore do not need to be learned. * All the readings from the “Joyo Kanji List are shown at the bottom of each kanji entry. * The Joyo Kanji List is a list of Chinese characters designed for daily use by the Japa- nese Ministry of Education. * The kanji words in the boxes are listed simply for reference purposes. < Symbol usage > * the meaning of the kanji A KUN reading (or Japanese reading) of the kanji & ON reading (or Chinese reading) of the kanji indicates that the kanji is not one of the 220 target kanji. RFROBALABNS EOTLAY EL. OF), YROFVRFINORER TERNS I EHHY Et. + REBOBAM I 2 CBP IPOMTOSBOL LORIE CERT SEUR FBC FORPLFMREM CLS ELL. + HAREROTN TORABYREBOBAORIRINTOET. RAREREO IO, SMEAR LARERAO BRET LARH TH. CHEN THIN TO DRFBIBEOARMOIMEMKEDTH. + RFORR DRFOMRA (HAL BKABA) MRFORRA (HA11P HRA) * CORFHQUOFORE SEMI EMT.

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