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Course Instructor: Dr. Sreedeep S.

Course: Geotechnical Engineering II

Course No. : CE 303

Semester: August 2016

Module 5

Shallow Foundations

 Foundation should be safe against shear failure (should have sufficient bearing capacity)
 Foundation should not undergo excessive settlement
Principle modes of foundation failure

1) General shear failure: Mostly applicable for dense sand and stiff clay

Heave q = Q/A Su

B: Width of foundation; Df : Depth of foundation

As q increases settlement S increases

When q = qu, S = Su and soil undergoes sudden shear failure with the development of
failure surface shown above

Failure surface extends upto ground surface and would result in heave

qu is clearly defined
Principle modes of foundation failure
2) Local shear failure: Mostly applicable for medium dense sand and medium consistency soil

Heave q = Q/A

B: Width of foundation; Df : Depth of foundation

q increases steadily to qu1, which can be considered as the first failure load
Failure surface is shown by solid lines. Foundation exhibit sudden jerks, will not fail

As q increases further, failure surface extends outwards and upwards (dashed line)

When q = qu, S = Su failure surface reaches ground surface. Some heave is observed

No sudden failure, accommodate significant settlement before failure

qu is not clearly defined

Principle modes of foundation failure
3) Punching shear failure: Applicable for loose sand and soft clay


No visible peak

Failure surface do not extend upwards

Extensive settlement with an elastic wedge beneath foundation. Vertical shear around edges
of foundation

After reaching failure load, load-settlement curve continues almost linearly

Undergoes considerable settlement

Vesic (1973) conducted extensive experiments on sands

B* = Area/ Perimeter =(BxL)/2(L+B)

Some facts related to bearing capacity of shallow foundation

• Bearing capacity failure is mostly with reference to general shear failure

• Local and punching shear failure is dictated by permissible settlement

• Failure in shallow foundations is generally settlement failure followed by bearing

capacity failure

• No sliding occurs between foundation and soil (rough foundation)

• Soil beneath foundation is homogeneous semi infinite mass

• Mohr-Coulomb model is the failure criterion for soil

• Load is compressive, applied vertically to the centroid of the foundation

• No applied moments
Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory
• Soil is isotropic, homogeneous and semi-infinite
• Theory is used to determine the ultimate bearing capacity (qu) of strip footing (L/B ≈ ∞)
• Soil above the footing acts as surcharge and have no shear resistance
• Load is applied vertically and centrally
• General shear failure persists
• Df < B
Failure zone development in soil due to foundation load
Failure area is divided into three zones
B q = γ Df
a ∅ ∅ ∅ g
45 −

r0 r
Zone 1 abc: f
Triangular Rankine active zone located adjacent c
to bottom of foundation

Stresses in abc will be in active state (not strictly for

Terzaghi’s analysis)

According to Terzaghi, inclination of ac with

horizontal is ∅ (not 45 + ∅/2)

abc acts as a rigid body that pushes the soil

towards sides when it tries to penetrate

It is like a metal plunger penetrating a soft material

abc acts as an integral part of the plunger and remains in

active state due to adhesion and cohesion between
base of footing and soil
Failure area is divided into three zones
B q = γ Df
a ∅ ∅ ∅ g
45 −

r0 r

Zone 2 bcf:
This is called Prandtl’s radial shear zone

This is a transition zone from elastic to plastic state

cf is a logarithmic spiral arc with radius varying from r0 to bf

r = r0 eθ tan∅∅
Shear patterns develop with radial lines emerging from b (origin) and
logarithmic spiral lines across
Failure area is divided into three zones
B q = γ Df
a ∅ ∅ ∅ g
45 −

r0 r

Zone 3 bfg:
This is Rankine’s passive zone

Slip lines makes an angle of 45 – Φ/2 with horizontal

Lines bf and fg are straight lines

Shear strength of soil is τ = c + σ tanΦ

Ultimate bearing capacity qu
At limiting condition, qu is equal to passive force (resistance) acting on ac and bc

Passive force Pp : f (q = γ Df, c, Φ, γ) qu

a b
Pp = Ppq + Ppc + Ppγ

Pp is determined by determining the individual

effect of q, c and γ and summing up Pp Pp
by principle of superposition (not an exact solution) c
Ppq, Ppc and Ppγ are vertical since face bc Ppq q = γ Df
Makes angle Φ with horizontal b g
Ppγ ∅ j ∅
These forces should make an angle of Φ ∅ 45 − 45 −
with normal to surface bc h

c Pp f
Determination of Ppq (q, Φ > 0, c = 0, γ = 0)
Ppq is due to surcharge q = γ Df (others not considered)

Consider wedge bcfj

Forces/ unit length acting on wedge bcfj are q = γ Df
a) Ppq Ppq
b) Surcharge q ∅ ∅ j
c) Rankine passive force Pp1 45 − Pp1

r0 ∅ Hd
d) Frictional resisting force F along arc cf h 135 −
c f
Rankine force Pp1 = q KpHd

= q Hd tan245+ 2

Taking moment about b F
Ppq x B/4 = q x bj x bj/2 + Pp1 x Hd/2

bc = r0 = B/2 sec∅
 ∅ tan∅

bf = r1 = r0 eθ tan∅∅ = r0   

∅ ∅
bj = r1 cos 45− and Hd = r1 sin 45−
2 2

Ppq x B/4 = q x bj x bj/2 + Pp1 x Hd/2

r1 2
 ∅ ∅ ∅
Ppq x B/4 = q x cos 45− + q x 2 sin 45− tan 45
2 2 2 2

4 2 cos 45− ∅
Ppq = q x r1
B 2
4      ∅
tan∅ ∅
= B x q x  sec ∅   cos 45−

    tan∅ ∅ ∅ ∅
= q B sec ∅ cos 45− 2  ∅ = 2 cos 45+ cos 45−
2 2
2 3π − ∅ ∅
qBe 4 2 cos 45− ∅ sec ∅ =
= 4 cos2 45+ ∅ cos2 45− ∅
4 cos2 45+ ∅ cos2 45− ∅ 2 2
2 2
quq x B = 2 Ppq

2 3π − ∅ ∅
e 4 2 a b
quq = q
2 cos2 45+ ∅

quq = q Nq
Ppq Ppq
2 3π − ∅ ∅
tan∅ c
e 4 2
Nq =
2 cos2 45+ ∅

Nq is the bearing capacity factor for the contribution of q

Determination of Ppc (c, Φ > 0, q = 0, γ = 0)

2 3π − ∅ ∅
e 4 2
quc = c cot Φ −!
2 cos2 45+ ∅

quc = c cot Φ Nq − !

quc = c Nc

Nc = cot Φ Nq − !

Determination of Ppγ (γ, Φ > 0, q = 0, c = 0)

! ! %&γ
quγ = γ B "#$Φ − "#$Φ

quγ = γ B Nγ

! %&γ
Nγ =  "#$Φ cos2Φ − !
%&γ is the passive earth pressure coefficient different from passive lateral earth

Not clear how its values are derived

According to Bowles 1997

Terzaghi never explained very well how he obtained %&γ used to compute the bearing-
capacity factor Nγ

Nγ = 2(Nq + l)tan Φ Vesic (1973)

Nγ = 1.1(Nq - 1) tan !. Φ Spangler and Handy (1982)

Wide range of values for Nγ

Ultimate bearing capacity for strip footing proposed by Terzaghi
qu = quq + quc + quγ
qu = cNc + qNq + γ B Nγ

Nc Nq Nγ are Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors

For strip foundations plain strain condition exists, but not true for rectangular and circular
Terzaghi proposed modified equation for square, rectangular and circular foundation

qu = 1.3 cNc + qNq + (.  γ B Nγ (for square foundation of B x B)

qu = 1.3 cNc + qNq + (.  γ B Nγ (for circular foundation of diameter B)

qu = 1 + 0.3 cNc + qNq + 1 − 0.2 L (. * γ B Nγ (for rectangular foundation L ≤ 5B)

Several experimental studies confirmed the assumptions of Terzaghi except

angle Φ with horizontal (ac and bc)
The angle was found to be close to 45 + Φ/2
Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors are table look up values
Terzaghi’s bearing capacity for local shear failure

Previous derivation for qu was for general shear failure

For considering local shear failure, Terzaghi gave the following modification

qu = c’Nc’ + qNq’ + (. * γ B Nγ’ (for strip foundation)

qu = 1.3 c’Nc’ + qNq’ + (.  γ B Nγ’ (for square foundation of B x B)

qu = 1.3 c’Nc’ + qNq’ + (.  γ B Nγ’ (for circular foundation of diameter B)

qu = 1 + 0.3 c’Nc’ + qNq’ + 1 − 0.2 (. * γ B Nγ’ (for rectangular foundation L ≤ 5B)

c’ = (2/3) c

Nc’, Nq’, Nγ’ are modified bearing capacity factors

These are obtained by using Φ’ = tan-1(2/3 tan Φ) instead of Φ

Vesic suggested Φ’ = = tan-1(k tan Φ) for foundation on sand

k = 0.67 + Dr – 0.75 Dr2 (0 < Dr ≤ 0.67) Dr is the relative density
After Terzaghi, several researchers have developed bearing capacity equations

Another popular equation is Meyerhoff’s BC equation

qu = cNc + qNq +  γ B Nγ

Where Nc Nq Nγ are bearing capacity factors derived by Meyerhoff

Effect of water table on bearing capacity
Previous discussion presumes water table is sufficiently below the foundation

If water table is close to foundation, certain reduction in bearing capacity is required

Case 1: d = 0 GS
q = γ’ Df d γ
Df γ'
0.5 γ’ B Nγ

Case 2: 0 < d ≤ Df
q = γ d + γ’ (Df –d) , B = dw γ + (B – dw) γ‘
+ For case 3
0.5 γ’ B Nγ , B = dw (γ – γ’) + B γ
+ GS

Case 3: Df < d ≤ Df + B dw Df d
q = γ Df γ. = γ' + B (γ – γ’) B
0.5 +, B Nγ (d −Df) WT
γ. = γ' + (γ – γ’) B
d−Df B γ'
γ. = γ’ + B + − +′

Case 4: d > Df + B (No effect of water table)

q = γ Df and 0.5 γ B Nγ
Alternate method to consider the effect of water table (Reduction factor method)

zw1 GS
Rw1 = 0.5 ! +
Df zw1
zw Df
Rw2 = 0.5 ! + B
qu = cNc + qNq Rw1 + γ B Nγ Rw2

When water table is below Df, Rw1 = 1 because zw1 = Df

When water table is above Df, Rw2 = 0.5 because zw2 = 0

Also, use 0.5 γsat B Nγ
General bearing capacity equation
General BC equation considers the effect of shape and depth of footing
qu = cNc λcs λcd + qNq λqs λqd + γ B Nγ λ γs λ γd

λcs λqs λ γs : shape factors λcd λqd λ γd : depth factors
Several researchers have proposed equations for these factors

According to Meyerhoff:
For Φ = 00, λcs = 1 + 0.2 ; λqs λ γs = 1
L There are several such equations
proposed by researchers
B ∅
For Φ ≥ 100, λcs = 1 + 0.2 tan245+ 2
L There are other factors such as
B 245+ ∅
λqs λ γs = 1 + 0.1 L tan 2 Inclination factor, slope factor

Df Interference of foundation not

For Φ = 0 , λcd = 1 + 0.2 B ; λqd λ γd = 1 Considered

Anisotropy is not considered

Df ∅
For Φ ≥ 100, λcd = 1 + 0.2
B tan 45+ 2 Layered soil is not considered
D ∅
λqd λ γd = 1 + 0.1 Bf tan 45+ 2
Considering the effect of soil compressibility on bearing capacity
qu = cNc λcs λcd λcc + qNq λqs λqd λqc + γ B Nγ λ γs λ γd λ γc

1) Determine rigidity index Ir of soil at depth B/2 below foundation

G : Shear modulus
Ir = c: cohesion
c + q tan∅
q: γ (Df + B/2)

2) Determine critical rigidity index Irc

! B ∅
Irc =  A& .  − (. * L " * − 2

3) If Ir ≥ Irc λcc λqc λ γc = 1

B 3.07 sin∅
sin∅ log2Ir
If Ir < Irc, then λqc λ γc = exp −.  + (. 8 tan∅
tan∅ +
L 1+sin

For ∅ = 0, λcc = 0.32 + 0.12 +0.6 log Ir

1 −λqc
For ∅ > 0, λcc = λqc -
Nc tan∅
Allowable bearing capacity shear failure

Determine the developed cohesion cd and ∅d

cd =
FS shear

∅d = tan-1
FS shear
Q(allow, shear) gross = cdNc λcs λcd + qNq λqs λqd + γ B Nγ λ γs λ γd

Nc, Nq and Nγ is obtained for friction angle ∅d

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