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$ 99 ij

The only way 1

you can buy this book is
by making an additional
$~~5 purchase from our
(i~ h ristmas Book and/or
VVish Book for kids!
Every cook will be happy to have this cookbook in
the kitchen. Thi s ultimate cookbook provides recipes
er every cou rse from appet izers to desserts,
making every meal a specia l occasion. Step-by-step
~ -~-
-- ...
instructions help make every dish simple to create.
772 pages. 8Y2 x II in. high .
50 E 1430-Shpg. wI. 6 Ibs. 4 oz.
When you also make a $25.00 purchase . . . $9.99

= :'-:'::-;'.:
,- L
mouth -watering recipes

tantalizing full-color photos

easy- to-read instructions

underst~writt . easy -to-
I en In
~~ ....
.: _ .... " \

; ,
2 ,. .... 4 .

I Invde your friends and family home in our

de lightfully elegant cotton hostess apron. Design
features inrnc ate Batrenberg-type lace for a special
loo k. Long shOulder straps ClOSS in back to t~.
One size frts all.
Machine washable. Imported.
11 E54568-Shpg . wt. 4 oz .. . Each $ 10

2~ when you buy any 2 or more sets.

When your family or guests deserve the finest
treatment . . . these elegant 24% lead crystal
glasses epitom ize the classic look inspired by the
famed CzechoslovaK,an aesign. "se m" pattern on
flare IS fully cut ana polished. ChOOse either flut e.
wme or gobler glasses. each SOld in a set of 6.
Impo rt ed from Czechoslovakia .
r-o z. flute g lasses
11 E 31048-Shpg. WI. set 5 1bS.
8-oz. wme glasses
11 E 31047-Shpg. WI. set S IbS.
u-ce . gOblet glasses
11 E 31046-Shpg. wt. set 6 IbS.
Se l 525 ... Any 2 or rrore Se l 520

3 Beg in a brunch or cap off a d mner w;rn

elegance . . . this g lass- lined therma l carafe
works as we H with hot coffee as It does with coa
iulce~ Classic styfed case has brass400k tnm . To
pour, push button on top; puSh aga in to sea l spout
Meta l she ll. One ·ll1er capactry. Imported.
11 E 32637-Shpg. WI. 2 Ibs . 8 oz ... EaCh S15

4 No home bar is complete without the proper

tools . . . our qua lity me tal bar too ls feature g old
elecrroplat ing tor just the right hnishing touch! Set
vxtua es bOttle ope ner , Kmfe, ic e tong s and 2 -size
Jl{Jg er. Import ed .
11 E 32620-Shpg . wt. 1 OZ . . . Set 515

5 Ser up your hOlid ay d ,rmer Ifl nothlf'lg but thQ

hig hest fashIOn.' This silver-p lated swan
centerpiece de cora res your table with a c om bin atIOn
0 ' your tevome flow ers and up to 4 candles (nor
Incl ud ed). Imparred .
11 E 32638-Shpg . WI. 3 tbs. 13 oz .. . Each 520

7 What cou ld oe be tter to relax m du ring
me hec tic holid ays than mis c oz y velou r
jump sUit? Irs zl,rfronr top desig n featu res a
co memporary mock turtlenec k and nb klflt
waistband. Cotton aOOpolyeSter knit fabrrc
IS machine waShable. M ade in US A.
MISSES': 5 (8-10): Mi,12-14 j : L(l 6-18 ). State
S. M or L. Wt . 1 lb. 6 02.
T 7 E 27387 F- Black . . . Eac h 535
WOMEN'S: XU38- 40); 2XL(42-44 ). State XL
or 2XL. WI. 1 lb. 10 02.
T 7 E 27388F -Black . , . Each 538

. .. .....
~ :.-

• .. 0 ...

6 Bvy both and s ave $4! De lightful country

bowl set and colander are bea utifully
con structed of he av yw eight porcelain
enamel on steel. Bowls hav e stainl ess steel
trim and plastic covers. Co/anae' has solid
brass trim.
Colander has 2 q ua rt cap ac it y.
T l ' E 50844- Wt. 1 lb. 11 02 .. . Ea. 512
s-oc. bow' set w ith covers: .1.. -cr..
and l J .-qr.
1' 8 I( U make your hostIng JOb that much
easte r . . . me cockt ail butler automatic
coaster enas quite a h elping haOO to your
ru E 50842 -'Nt. 2 IbS. 3 02 ... Set 512 servIng reeas ' Place a g lass or ashtray on
Coland er and 3-pc. bowf se t. me g loved pl astIC hana and watCr?the fac es
T 11 E 50843-Wt. 4 IllS .. . Set 520 of your guests as It mo ves across me tab le.
stoPPing at the edge every tune . Ope rates
on t wo "C" cerreees (nor mc lud ed) sol d on
p . 2 71 of 7987 Wish Book for Kids
T 33 E 24924-Wt. 1 Ib .. . Each S15


II Add to the holida y baking fun with thi s

attra ctive c eramic pIe p late . Plate c an
be us ed for both b aking and serv Ing :
c eramic - ap ple·' top frrs pl a re to store
leftov er pi e. Plate is 11 In. In d iame ter, but
w ill ba ke pi es as sma" as 9 in . JmTJOrt.ed .
It's tItTle to set up your hOme w1lJl a hOliday 11 E 29036-Wt. 4 cs. 2 oz . .. Se t 520
I0 environment! Our cerarrnc scentpot bums )'OUr
favonte Chnstmas ootooum for hOurs of see-nee
Ir&ms witt! arr: prfthif (SUCfI as T33 E 249241
COUkJ ta....e- un r - fo, oeWery
p leasure. SCenrpor comes wftt! 2-oz. pa Ckage of
potpourri ana 2 candies.
9 Our hane/some WOOden servIng tray and coaster
se t offe r a d ec ora tive way to serv e a/l your
guests . Both are tmsnea wnn a lacq uer c oa tmg tha t
71 E 97093- Wt. 1 Ib . . . Se t 515
Christm as potpourri assortment ha s 4 lo vely scents
he lps wood resist stains and scratc hes . Top of for Simmermg : fresh cut ba yberry, windscent ba lsam
co aster hol der teetures same de corat ive s wan p ine. plp/n' hOt cmn amon tOddy and bubOlin ' not
des ig n. Imported . apple pie .
Servi ng tray. JH4X77 !4 in. 71 E 97094-Wt. 1002 ... Set 510
11 E 32991 - Shpg . wt. 2 Ibs 6 02 .. , Each 514 Packa g e of 12 sc entpOf c and le reMls.
Coaster set of 8. 14 In. SQuare eaCh. 71 E 9709S-Wt. 13 02 ... PKg, 55
11 E 32990-Shpg . w1. 6 0 2 . . . Eaen 5 12


I No need to WOi1Y about hltt mg the wrong ball on the

fairway . . . our chrome-plafed steel goIfball
monogrammerendS con tusion by ~lblywnpnntmg3
in it ials on goIfbalJs for eas y Kientthcation. Kit incl.
c:ornpJete set of IfJterr::hangeabJe letters. fad. protective
coatlf'lg and swnpIe handle press. Imported.
T33E 24156-Shpg wt. l 0 oz ... SetSI4
/lfIImS _ttl "T " pteIu (a T33 £ 24 156)
c:o#1 .... • • ".. t&'I'IIt lor ~

2 W1len 18 hoies arent enough. reiax the family golf

nu t WIth OUT frozen goIfbaR QXJllefs arw.1 strnng
fOdSIPlas tIC molds Idled WIth dlshlled water chiN in
)'0(1 freezer frx tee cold refreshment WfthOul tee,- they 'll
never d ilute )"OU' dnI'lk. Golf clubs malle perfect stmng
rods. Set mcJudes six balls and $IX chbs
11 E446S-Shpg wt. Soz ... Set SID

3 Drsagree8bJe weather on the ShOuIdn ', be a

problem WIth this gliUtt multICOlored nyk:1n tmtxeIla
from Totes. ;" "S dutabJe and me8SUteS 50 InCheS In
dtameler when opened. Fiber glass shaft WIth WOOO'
handle , 38 inches long when clOsed 4 Once your favonte gotfer tnes on thIS shiff, he "1/
want all our cokxs for his golf wardrobe' Knit
Im"""ed golf shirt IS d istingUiShed by the soft polyester and
33 E24002-Shpg wt.llb .. . Each $ 19 cotton fabrIC that keeps a neat appearance and by
the four- but ton fron t. Machme wash
Imported, See size no te below
AVERAGE:(57- 10 5' 11") State S, M. L or XL.
41 E 90597F-Ke lty 41 E 90594F-Melon
41 E 9OS96F-Fled 41 E 90593F-Blue
Shpg wt. 6 0z . . .Each $ 11
TAll (5' 11"' 10 SJ"') State M. l
4 1 E 90697F-Kelly
01' XL.
4 1 E 90694F-MeIon
5 54Jper -absottJent 100% co noo loOped yam towel from
Cannon MI lls realfy c leans up: It dries hands. golf club
heads and goIf bal/s Fea rut"esac ton golf figure WIth your
41 E 90696F-Red 4 1 E 90693F-8Iue name or inltl8/ S em/xoIdered, MacIwte waSh. Heavy-duty
Shpg. wt. 7 oz ... Each Sl3 grommet. Bound edges help p-event trayrtg. MeaSIAe'S
SIZE NOTE. C>EST SIZES S(34-36 ..q. M(38-4O}. 1f)x24"." Mada ".,USA. Seeshpg. note below Sta teco6or
U42-441. XUA6-&8) number 1()-Gleen and gold Of 17-'Nhlte and navy . Then
state up 10 15 d'laraclers (Il"ICtuchng spaces) Of 3 If1ltaats
F6E82281V-Wt. 6 oz . .. Each $1 0

6 These socks may be jUs t the thmg tor)O(K avrd golf

enthuslBst ..• styflsh Orion- aayftC and nylon Iatric
featuresputtmg green WIth flag, SJacJ< length Machtne

wash, do no t bleach. Made Iff USA .
Fits sock SIzeS TO to '3 .
33 E 19717-Green 33 E 19719-Navy
Shpg . wt . 2 oz . .. Pair $5
SHPG NOTE: 5fH!t trom factory. Allow e dra time Qders pIactKJ
after 0«. S. 198'. may flO' ~ rtJOeIved by Cl'!ns tmll$
S/Ifppfng wid hWIc1/KIg chwged from Catalog MeI'I;:n6 O :M
Distr/butlott Cen t"" No C O.D oroers,
7 $30 less thru '2/15. No matter how far you plan to carry your golf equ ipment. the
durable Protech. goJf bag /s designed to go the distance' Heavy-duty plastIC
construction provides maximum protection, ye t Its overall size and weight are mInimal
for a full storage bag: double-padded shouldef strap and stete-ot-tre-sn frame
geometry dlslfJoote weight evenly. Bag mcludes snap-on, double-wall travel co ver to
protect club heads. Ou ter sk m res ists scuffs and stams. Automatic ball d ispenser.
Open s torage door for shoes. umbrella and windbreaker. 8-inch diameter top
Warranted by fnno Design, toe . W"te for free copy. see page 263A
Shipping weight 10 pounds
6 E 8226 1... ThN 12/15/87 $130. Ah., 12/15/87 $160

8 Personalized golf tag adds s ty le to your golf bag. Long-lastmg brass with gold
electroplated cover attaches to bag W Ith leather strap and buckle. Measures
2x 4 inches. State fulf name plus na me of club. or sta te fu ll name plus street and CIty
address . Llfnlt 15 characters (If'Icludmg spaces) per Ime. for up to 3 line s.
See shpg. note on facmg page
F 6 E B2271V-Shipplng weight 2 ounces ... Each $15

9 Anyone who enpys golf will appreciate the

electronIC golf Caddy Card, No w sconng
yourgame can be as much tunas playing it ! No
need to continuously add scores manually after
each hole; the Caddy Card offers a SImple way
to keep score, review previou s hole scores and
display par for up to four players. Retlective,
non- fadlng display. Card IS rugged and w ill
Withs tand hot and cold temperatures
Measures 5%x2~)(% in. Simulated green
suede pouch with hokhng clip . Uses two t.5V
ba tteries (included)
6 E 82275-5009 . wi . 6 oz... Each $45
One of the best-selling golf videos of alf
10 tllne . . . thIS tape IS idea l tor anyone who
wants a few extra yards 00 his ex her dr ive .
Nat/Ol'lalfy known golf teacher and former
tounng pro Bob Mann says his tape "A utoma tic
Golf Melhexr' can make your swing automatic
and add 3J to 80 yards to yourdrive in 21 da ys
His method 1$ designed to cause you to s trik e
the ba ll solidly 0fI target tIme aher tllne
44 mlnutes _
VH$-6 E 82289--Shpg. wt. 10 oz.
Beta-6 ~ 82288-Shpg , wt . 8 oz.
Each . .. :513

II The Putt-A-Bout pra ctice putting green IS

perfect foroff·season ex spare-tIme puttlng/
90ft. long plastic carpeted surface simulates
Bermuda grass to gIVe an authen tIC feel of
speed, line and slope. Inclme at end has two
s-in. holes fex variety of angle. Rolls up lex
easy storage. 24 In. wide
6E82945-Wt50z ... Each $20 a7A
These boo kends and le tter ho lders are constructed of
heavy gauge stee l tor strength and come In an array
of fun co lors Set of 2 contams boo kend and letter holder
Sta le color number
751-eomflower blue orIQnt SS7- Sunflower bl'lgnl
94 1-W tnler wl'l,te 640-Foe sta red bn lhant
11 E 4461H- Shpg w t . 2 1bs 6 oz . . Set $15
Cafe 5 programmable cotteemsxer feat ures
2 This QUick
a a lgltal program timer function to let you aecae
exa c tly the strength of coffee you want at precise ly the
time you need it. What 's more . it' s sma ll and p lastIC
hou smg seals wa ter-tig ht so you can fake tt any Where
0'9118 / dis play sho ws two time zones simultaneously Dua l
volt age p lug s into any etectrcet source . Mea sures only 4)(8
IncheS, Warran ted by Ronde: wri te for free co py. see
pa ge263A
T 11 E 48131- Shpg wt . 1 lb . 2 0 2 . Each S60

3 For the veateote on-the-go exec in your Me, gi ve the

ultimate orgamzer -the CaSIO~ Digital Diary- Don 'f let
the compac t deSign 1001you ; ttns computer dia ry stores
dally appointments (for up to 200 yearS.I) , telep hone
numbers , addresses, Important memos and rem inders All
are easy to read ona lIQuid crystafdot matflx display Hard
p lastic cas e allows you to carry In pocket or onetcsse 8 KB
RAM gIVes computer 10 KB ofmemory 5x 2% mc lle s wtJen
clo sed Req Uires 3 lithium baftefles (included) Imported
Warra nt ed by CaslO, write for free coov. see P 263A
3 E 58234-5h09 wI s ce Each $120


5 When It becomes a li ttle too tough to fmd

an answer, make a c lassy choice with our
bras s executIVe declslOflmaker It displays
6 ThiS Pierre Cardm desktop penholder
fea tur es some of the key essentials of an
some 01 the mo st useful oonoos for dally
orgamzed desk : q uartz clock displays clear
aecuoo ma l<mg m tile buSiness wor ld . JUst time in LED, tua-tuncnoo so lar calculator slides
spm the whee l and wal t. Makes a great gag
4 GIve her the fight fmlshmg touch for that profeSSIOnal
appeal. Our artist t/8Sare 100%silk and come In a bo x
of two Dry clean . Impor ted.
g lft l 4 IncheS In di ameter. Imported .
T 33 E 24134-Shpg. wt. 90z , Each
$8 off pl as tIC frame for portable use and calendar
fIJI'S ou t lor COf!vemen t refer ence Measures
4x3~ inc he s. Clock reqUires , " AM" ba ttery
88 E 8225-Red pais ley and red solid set /fems w"". 'T ' pr~I'x (such as T 33 E 2"'3")
COIJld la ke 811'ra 1Jm6 for delIvery
(no t incl.), sold secsra tefy m our 1987
88 E 8226-YeUow emce and navy solid set Wlshbook for Kids , P 27 1, Imported
Shlppmg weight 2 OZ , .Se t $10 Sh,pp mg wetght 60Z ' $
T33E24460 .. Each 20

8 Whether or no t you tra vers e me m iles da ily,
this mtematlOflal travel computer offers a
handy way to store mformation at your
fingertips . Computer displays worldwide tlfne
zones for 20 cities. an automatIC calendar,

8 cu rrency exchange ra tes , everyday

ca Jculat lOflS and even includes a stopwatch. 1
Compartment feature houses your plane
tic ke ts. monthly planner. telephone IndeX,
foreig n currency and checkbook. De luxe pen
Included. 4x6 )2 IIJChes. Black vlnyf case
Battenes mcluded. Imported. Warranted by
Umsonic : wri te for free copy , see p . 263A .
TBB E 4557-Shpg. wt . l ib .. . Each $40

7 Combine executive fashion W Ith

busmessllke practica lIty and you ha ve ou r
coovemen t travel handbag. Durable black
nyfon jacquard case comes with double
handles and a removable shoulder streo . Drop
front section zips openand includes pen. ruler,
SCISsorS, stapler, tape , calendar book, address
book and memo pad. Roomy inside
compartment wIth ZIpper pocket has nylon
Immg. Bag measures 1Sx l 0 ,nctles, Imported .
sa E 7253-Wt. 2 lbe 4 cz ... EaCll $20
9 Distribute your cards wan a li ttle style'
0u1 heavy brass busmess card holder has 8
brushed satin hnish to display ca rds
attractive ly and effectively. Imported.
T 33 E24136-Shpg. wI. 8 oz .. . Each $12

10 No hOmea or office desktop is complete w ithOut me proper trimmings. Tms

hig h grade maroon bonded leather fibers desk set complements your
omce WIth 75x22'lnch desk pad. pen with stand. pencil c up , pencils. paper
and address book
50 E 57250-Shpg. wt. 4 Ib s 1 OZ... Set $45
II The " key" to success could be fight in your pocket or purse l GokJ-aJIored
metal in/t lal key nng is suspended inside a genuine leather fob for 8 classic
execu tive lOOk. Available in allin/tial s except t, 0 , 0 , U, V, X, Y and Z . Imported,
State one InitIal per ring
33 E 29220F- Shpg . wt. 3 oz ... Each $6
I The SIlent Stowaway travell(Jt goes anywhere,
WOrlfs anywhere' ComomatlO/1 half dryer and halfsetrer
WOt1Is II'l one compact umt r~wa't foldmg handle dryer
works on "0/220 dua l VOltage W ith :Jspeed heat settmg.
Caddy converts to a flalfsetrer (tid! hOJds4 large and 4
medium tangleo-free rOllers and clips , allm a IIg htwe lt}ht
srorageancJtravelmg case. UL listed Wa"Bnted byConaIf :
WrIte for free copy, see o 263A Imported
8 E 8854-Shpg , wt 1 lb. 15 02 ... Eacn $25

Take off on any top trI rela~'ng comfort. Our fleece
2 All Aboa rd Tweety " crewneck sweatshirt IS machine
washable polyester and cotton fabric Made in USA.
JUNIORSIZES:5(5-7); M(9-11): l(13-151
Slate S , M Of L
T 7 E 40349F-Shpg , wi . 10 oz... Each $15
' TV 01 Wsrner Bros Inc Cl976

Le CBche ~ tra vel hanger is a unique way to store

3 and hide your valuables a t home or on the road
This portable safe IS a sturdy p lastIC case that pack.s
under SUits Of C08!S In your hang-up bag when
trave/mg, EJectrOfliC alarm gives off a tligft.ptfched
sf)ne/( It hanger IS foundanddlsturtJed 9 ij>H,II 120 ,*0.
9 E 81143-Shpg w1.2 Ibs 8 oz . .Each $30 2
4 When pacAmg for your next trip. tuck your shoes
into these handy shoe savers Drawstnng bags of
heavy I(()~t polyester hold any size men 's Of women 's
shoes to ootect them from scratC1l1ngand keep your
Clothtng Clean Set mcluOesone pa" red and one pair
royal bJue Washable. Imported
4 E 95962-Shpg . wt . 5 oz . Set S6

5 Leaveyourworrtesbehmd . , OUf.f ·m·'

tra vel alarm helps you ellmma te some 01
thos e "oo-tneroea" womes by prOllldmg a
com pact alert sys tem , Unit detaches to 3
separate pieces : Security door alarm sounds ~I
door IS dIS tUrbed, and doubles as a portable
smok e alarm ; soltdstate alarmclOCk ; flashlight
Ba rrertes are ,nc luded (except 1 '"AA" ba ttery
tor flashlight See our 1987 Wishbook for Kids.
o . 271), Imported
9 E 57071-Shpg wt. 8 oz . Set $20
'rems ""fh. "T" p'~f,1t (such as T l E 4lJ349F)
cockJ r••~ ~ltr,. r~ fct ~
6 The Boulevard Tote by Ricardo Beverly
Hil ls g ive s you the freedom to ca rryall your
oecessees anywnere 10 s tyle l Remforced vmyl
shell With genuine lea the r handles and trim
Measures 1 6x73~)(4 inche s. Imported
Stale color number
14-G ray 17-Aed
2- Black za- t aooe
14 E 4460H- Shpg wt . 3lbs. 4 02 . Ea. $40

7mm Don 't warty about your toaea Clo thmg on

Importan t tfJPS ... th is mm i-steam trave l
d oes a gr ea t JOb and pack s anywhere. 17
full stea m vent s g ive a super bu rst ofs team for
those stubborn wrmkles: adj us table stea m
control and adJustab le temperature con trol
'ncluded Iron IS se lf-cle anmg and teetur es
Tell on- sol epl ate for ea sy g lid mg Adapter
allows use With 110 or 220 volt s Trav el ba g
mcluded 3 Y"xBx 1 ~ ,nc heS when toaea
Im ported.
11 E 62 107 - Shpg wt. 2 Ibs .. Set $20

8 Nap comfortably anywhere. any tlme .1 ThiS

flocked vinyl pi lloW ha s a soft. velve ty fee l
Pack s fla t lor tra vel. the n in flates fOt co m fort 10
plane . tram or ca r. Also great for bathtub or
bea ch l 17x 11 inc he s when mflated Imported
4 E 95978-Shpg . w t . 4 02 . . Each $5

The fie taker keeps re s from w rmklmg 10
yOUr sunce se and hangs eas ily once yOU
roor aestme noo. Nylon Zippered ca se
lies tts t In your sUitca se. Clear pl astIC window
let s you see exactly wha t you 've brought along
Ho lds up to 12 ties Imported
T 33 E 24164-Shpg wt . 6 02 ... Each $10

Our travel-safe cosm etic organizer gives

I0 you p lenty of space for your nec essi ties
separate labeled com partments Convenient

hanger Jets you ge t to each item withou t

unpacking. FOlds eaSily to ' " In sercase.

He avy -duty vmyl wi th wate rproof nylon Imer
Measures 27xr3 l? IncheS when opened.
4 E 65967-Shpg wt. 130z . . Each $14

II The trs vee r In your life deserves an alarm

c loc k. mat truly fits anywhe re , This Time
Trallele,""" trave l alarm is hardly b Igger than a
Credit ca rd , yet It ha s a/l the nece ssary
functions Bflght LED face sho ws two time
zone s Simultaneously , whlfe d ial allow s you to
look up the time In 24 other major cities
wor ldwide Alarm me/odes snooze alarm and
calendar that operate a t the push of a button.
Ba tte ry (included). Measures 3 'hx2 l' Inc heS
9E811 41-Shpg wl.3 0z ,EaCh $ 2 0

12 This mm l-fold um bre lla measures a mere

1~ Inches long when closed. yet covers
32 mcnes In d iameter when opened, Ny lon
fabric In 3 st ylish co lors : matchmg nylon case
Plastic handle Imported
88 E 4232-Taupe
sa E 4233-Aed
88 E 4234-Black
ShIPPing weIght 12 02 . Each $8
----G I F T S

3 lfonlyHuckFinnhad lt thiseasr Ourmaster
flshlOg kit combmes a rod , ,eel and
accessortes in a tac*Je box for converJltfflt use

2 TeIeseop;ng tubular graphite composite rod

coIfapses to a compact 18 Inches . Reel has 3 ' t
gear ra tIO and includes 80 yards of to-lb. test
monofilament line . Box has 16 compartments
Wllh hooks. StrIkers. line, poppers. bobbers,
sMvels and stnnger. 123 pieces In al/! Box
measures 5 U WxI 6ULx3D.
6 E 33376-Sh09 wt. 3 Ibs . . Kd $25

4 For that great has JUSt about

everythtng. what could be better than one
of our Wlid/rfe ties to gn-e him the Joe« of the

I Treat your favonte pool enthusiast to a game tha t'll go

almost anywhere . . . th is scaled down 18x25 inch
portable billwd table offers as many challenges as any
great outdoors? These popular tIeS feature heat
transfer-printed wildlife on polyester fabnc.
3UxS4 inches. Made in USA
fulJ.size model, Solo plywood base Is covered WIth nylon T 33 E 37903-Satmon
cloth, provKJing a smooth roll for , U-inch plastic ba/fs T 33 E 37904-Trout
Side rai ls and 4-inch screw-on legs are made of T 33 E 3 7901-Raccoon
hardwood and finiShed WIth a protective lacquer. SoIkJ T 33 E 37002-Duck
metal hardware and mesh pocI<ets finish the i0oi<. Se t Shpg ..t. 3 oz ... EacI.1 $20
includes balls. two 3-pIece screw-together cues (35
inches), plastIC fOlding tnang1e and 2 pieceS of chalk..
Comes in fIt;Jeftxlard case with metal clasps.
6E 25076-Shpg . wt . ie 105 .. . Set $100
2 Handpamted metal tie lacs from Dan te · are perfect
for the sportsman. Wild life moMs featured.
33 E 24961-Ptleasant 33 E 24962-Duck
33 E 24964-Eagle
5h09 wt. 1 OZ. .. Each $ 10

5 Here 's the way to put your txand on your

belongIngS: the Brand-It. monogrammer
6 The .tennIs S,ppere lets the ac tIve one In your
family take refreshment anywhere' PlaStIC vacuum
bottle Is Insulated 10 keep 23 oz. of beverage hot ex
lets you permanently marl< basebalf gloves, cold on the tennis court. golf course ex beach. Top
wooden handles. sports eqUIpment and more. unscrews to add liquid: a twISt of the dia l on top bring s
Jus t snap inItials Into the "" gh ter", and when out a drtnk ;ng straw, "tnehes talf. Carryrng st rap
they glow, it's ready to use , Inc ludes 2 se ts of inclu<1e<1
initia ls , Butane no t included Plastic and 6 E '2151-5hpg wt 10 oz ... Each $10
chrome-plated me t8/. Imported. Items ....thll · T ·~f,Jt
T 33 E 24'ln-Shpg wt 3 oz ... EadI $15 (suctl lIS T33 E 24 UJ3j couk1 tlJI(ft ftJt!nl time for c»hvefy
7 Ou, Br eaka way$ hsngup locker bag has durable nylon material
that's eas y to clean and heavily constructed tor travel. Includes 3
roomy zipper podcets and ex tra ·large ZIpper compartment. clear plas tic
ccseeeccase. and mirror that attaches to ou ts ide of bag with attachabJe
strips . 40 inches long when unfok1ed.- use metal hooJ< to hang on locker.
then loki Shut WIth attachable tabs . Removable shoulder strap included.
11WX,5LxSD. Imported,
88 E 7252-Red 88 E 7251-<llack- WI. 1 Ib 8 oz ... Eacn $20

8 Our toun ng bike seat co ver helps reduce saddle soreness and
chaflflg WIth low -frictIOn wool sheanng Soft. thick surface is
lig htweig ht and provides superior perspiration absorption and hea t
dissipatIOn. ElastIC band gives snug fi t. Hand washable. Imported.
I 6 E 49036-Shippmg weig ht 5 ounces ... Each $13

9 This Swiss army knife features a d urable plastic handle plus
'8 stamless steel tools : kx:J<lng main blade, awl. naIl hie and
cleaner, key nng, can opener. cap IJfterjbottle opener. crosscut
saw, SCISsors, standard and PfJilllps-he ad screwd rivers. fish
scalerjhook remover. reamer. magnifying glass, sma ll je weler's
screwdnver, tOOthpICk and tweezers. Wanan ted by Wenger,
wntefafreecopy. see page 263A, 3'" in . long. cIosed.lmporled
6 E 72651 -Sh,,,,,,ng we;gh16 ounces ... Eadl $30


The diehard fishing tan will feel at home in the

10 angJer·s apron . . cooking duty Will never be 8
chore aga m with this silk -scr eened version of a net.
creel. lurtrstudded vest and fish belt bucklel What's
more . the rambow trout oven mitt stICks to apron
With an attachable strip, Apron and mi tt are cotton
and polyester that's machine washable. Imported.
11 E 54189-Shpg. wt . 8 oz . . . Set $15

Maybe he 's not a pro. but he .s tlll wants to g ive " all he 's go t on the court. If so.
12 he Soft
deserves the prr;s tyle twtoo Reebok 500D baSke tba ll ShOe In 3 sportIng
colors. white lea ther uppers. absorbent soft. brushed nylon Iming , thK:k.fy padded
collar and rubber sole. Imported
MEN'S MEDIUM: sl ate size 7'hM, 8M . 8 'hM . 9M . 9 YzM, leN, 10'hM , 11M,
II No cold is gomg to get in the way of the sporting
type . . . espectally one who carnes our 700%
cotton embroidered sport hanl<erchlt!'- Each se t
12M, or 13M. depicts bowlmg or teru'llS ac tIOn f'!lures and sports
T 67 E 95256F-While. royal stripe wIth orange trim logos . Comes in a box of 2, one style per box Each
T 67 E 95258F-White, b{ack stripe with gold trim harlkerchlef is 16 In. sq Mactllne wash. Imported.
T 67 E 95257F-White. red stnpe with navy tr im 33 E 25304-Bowling
$hIpping wetght 2 Ibs 8 cz . .. Pair $50 33 E 25305- Tennis
Shipping weight 4 ounces .. . Set $6
I Amazmg SOlderman, Thor, the Hulk., Fantastic Fo ur ,
X-Men . . they re all In one gre at hardbound ISSue
for your come fan s to study and enjOy for years and
years ' The Best of Marvel Comcser Jets you relive the
adventures of some of the claSSICcome heroes
49 E 11$J77- Shpg. wt . 2 ibs . 3 cz . .. Each $17
';'~'rAarv'" cones

2 The M ickey Mouse " gumball macrllne Is great fun

for tne kids or as a aecoaton a t home! Use oenmes.
nickels or dimes to ooeate and get a tasty, chewy
g umba l/ every time Lock and key are Inc luded so you
can save you r corns Holds 60z, of gumbalfs , 6 oz . are
vxtuaea PlastIC body, tmooaea
49 E 51059-Shpg . wt. 1 lb . . . Each $8
Items wlrtf . 'T' pre"~ (such . s T 4 1 E ' 9448F)
could lake elft,. rime torde livery

3 ThISofficiall y lic ensed M,ckey Mouse ' ad ul t Quartz

watch has second hand and mauoes battery.
Stamless stee l gold tone case. Brown lea ther str ap
Imported. Waffanted by Lorus writ e for free copy. see
page 263A. $hpg , wt. 8 oz
4 E 19527-Men's style . . Each $29.95
4 E 19525-Women"s style Each $29 .95
-e'987 Walt Dtsney ProdUC/IOflS All ng h ts reserved

4 Our lov able Snoopy " fleec e knit s weet srnn 1$

machine wash abJe cotton , polyes ter and acrylic
blend Made In USA
MEN'S SIZES: 5(34- 36 ), M(38-40). L(42- 44) or
Xl(46- 48) State S M, L or XL
T 41 E 19448F-Shpg wt. 10 01 Each SI5
"Peanu ts Cf!dr4Clers C l 958 7965 (j fll l ed Featur e SynaICa te

5 Com pl e te your Mickey Mouse ' coeecnon wlm ttns

fleec e polyester and co tton sweatshirt Machme
wash. Made In USA and .moo nea
JUNIOR/MISSES' SIZES; $ (5 /6-7/ 8): M(9/ 1Q- l 1/ 12):
L(13 / 14-15 / 16): XL(17/ 18), Stale S. M. l:...0r Xl
T 7 E 40389F-Shpg wI. 10 cz... Each ::;1 5

6 The Barble Edoll Rocilers'" travel kIt met brush, comb,

mml soap. soap case toothbrush. toothbrush case ,
7 8
towel. cup Plastic carrymg case For agel 3-8
4 E 65969- Shpg wt 1 Ib 2 oz Kit ::>6

{ ,

ThiS G ,I. Joe~ lOCker ba g kit helps keep eve n the

7 d irtiest commando neat and c lean , KIt Includ es
mini- soap , soap case, brush, comb, too truxusn.
toothbrush case. cup and to wel. Items come In plastic
hang-up bag. For ag es 3 rc 8
4 E 65968-Shpg. WI. 10 oz ... Kit $6

8 Who better to hold the family supply of coo kies tha n

the Coo kie Monster<fl6 ? Delightful Sesame Street
ch aracter COOkie l ar IS ce rsrmc and me asures 1117
meres high . tmponea.
11 E 32992-Shpg wt . 3 Ibs 8 oz . . Each $18
...sesame Street Muppets eMuppe ts Inc.
- --

9 BelltJve It or not, you can trust that fazy old cat

Garfield .... to get you up on time eve ry morn mg l
Clock has quartz movementsndruns onone "AA "oar-
terr, mcluded 6inchestall. Plast IC . Ws"antedby manu-
facturer Wnte tor free copy , see P 263A Imported
1t E 72491-Shpg , wt . 9 oz. . Eacn $20
....G.arlOekJ . ' 918. 1984 f..n ,tKJ FM~ S,.na.a" WIc

This M/C/feyj MtMte Mou se · sJump-lengrM

10 s weatsturt features one of Amenca s tsvonte
ClJUDles In bnght. cheeffuI cokJrs ' Fabnc 1$ fleece itfllt
polyester and co ttOlJ. Mact1Ine wash Maae m uSA
um.E GIRLS' SIZES; 5(4), M(5--6 ). U 6X). Stale S. M or l
77E 76635F-Shpgwt.40l . Each $ IO
GIRlS'SIZES: S(7-8). M(lo-12)orL(14) Stale S, M or L
77 E 75024F- Shpg wt . 7 OZ . . Each S12
li lt's time to head out on patrol. and this G I. joeE'O
act/Ofl sWNtshl'" offers JUst the fight camouflage '
Fleece knit latxJC IS acrylIC. Mactune waSh
4faOe ", USA

UTTlEBOYS' SIZES:S(4), M(5-6) or 1.(7) State S. M or L

40 E 72868F- ShP9 wI 5 cz Each S9
BOYS' SIZES: 5(8). M(1o-1Z)Of 1.(1 4-16 )_Stale S.M or l
40E 14153F- ShP9 wI 7oz . . Each S IO
"'963 ~$DtO Br~ Inc AI ngfIf$
~ G I Joe IS. ' ''9' sltlnK1tT«1t!mwl<
01 ~""" IndustTlM


Our MICkey .\.fouse" and Snoopy- su~
12 are strong elastIC wun metal pa nt c lips and size
<K1lus terS, Characters are "'"Y', Imported Adt straps
are 26 Iff, long One sue uts t»ys. . SIZes 4 to 7
40 E 39178-Snoooy 40 E 391T7- MICkey Mouse
Stupptng weIgh t 3 ounces . Each $5
Wtnn~the-Pooh com fort er and muSICal bea r set
13 has cno-sue .]&4 1"1n. comforter . Faonc IS cotton
and polyester Wlm polyester fill . Pooh pflnt is feat ured
on both SIdes Etectromc mUSICal POOh 1$ acrylic Pile
WIth polyes ter fill . A cry/IC s wea ter 1$ removable. Vinyl
ZiP bag mcl Mach,ne wash Made In USA or Imcorted
29 E 21319-Wt. 1 \b 4 0z Set $27 15A
2 YOUt" tee t sunp/y must dress
the paff as well ... ~
acryfjc and nylon sock s are a great
way to Jeeec feet cozy anct warm.
5JacJ< length. MachIne wash. do not
bMsch. Made If) USA FIts me''''
soc::tt SIZes 10 to 13.
33 E 19713-Hed green
Chnstmas trees
33 E 19711-Navy with red
Shpg . wt. 2 oz... Palr :j)5

Keeclf) the festNe spmt an season long !NItti ourft!(J

Santa suspendersI Polyes ter and I'IJbt.>er Iabnc
featun!S screenedSantas tha t wdI bngIJtenany holiday
outfit Metal Chps. 42 tnChes long . Made in USA
33 E 40647-Sh,PP"'9 _ , 5 "-"COS ... Eacn $9

3 Out holiday dorm shirt c;ombInes seasonal fashion WIth
easy-care JlNSeY knit poIyestet fabnC. Storage IS SIfTJPie.
bear pnnt on front features. Zip pouctI that lets you fok1 sIWt
If) and use as a PQJafTIII bag. RIbbeC knit nedclJne and cutts

Fl.atnB-resistant MachIne wash. Seecare note on p . 51. ~

.. USA
CURLS' SIZES: State 4, 6. 8, 10, 12 Of 14
n E38587F-Sh""""ll _ ' 7 ounces ... EacI\ $12

4 The little tyke Ifl your family will pick up the hol iday spin t
esrly WIth these coJorlul pantlfls! Soft. s bsOrbent 1/X)'l',
co tton kmt fabric has elast/Clzed lace tnm on the waist and leg
opemngs. Package of 3 con tainS , C!lnslmas bear pnnt. 1
remdeer pnnt and , allover bow pnnt. M.achme waSh
Mac¥ I1J USA.
TaXILER SIZ£S:S(2T -ar, 32Y1-38 in. tatl} Of M(4T. 3B~1 10.
tall). State S Of M.
29 E 1145f-Shoppong _ , ( "-"COS .. ·""9 $5

5 Baby can aJsc enpy the holiday II'IIth these cute fleece
wamH.P sets. Ao')'flrc Imtt tabnc. Ctewn6df top and puJkJn
pants . Novelty SCTeen pnnts are featured on frOnt and bade of
top. Machtne tNBSh. Jmponf!d.
INfANT SIZES: N8( to 24 In.). S(27'h-3J'h In . laU). M(31-331O . tall )
Of U33'h-35 m. tall ). State NB. S. M Of L
29 E 70498F-WMe With snowscene
29 E 70499F- Red WIth bear in stocking
29 E 70497F- Red With remoeer
16A Sh''''''o9 _ , 8 ounces . . .Set $9
6 Merry Christmas ntghtShlrt 1$ soft and comfortabJe
polyester kmt that makes those winter evenings
muchCOZlef Knee length Machine wash , MadetnUSA
MEJfSCHEST SIZES: M(38-40).l(42-44) or Xl(46-48l
State M. L or XL
33 E 11871F-Shlpptng weight 8 oz... Each $16

7 Our hOliday footbaJl JerSey prOVIdes roomy warmth

on or off the fJek11Absorbent 100% co tton fabric
One see hts JUnlOI'S' or rmsses sizes 5 tnru 16.
Machine wash. Made In USA
38 E 77343-Shlpptng wetght 10 oz ... Each $14

8 Take good cheer Wlth)t'U a/l season long . . . our

screen-ponted bear sweatshirt 1$ polyester and
cotton tretu warm you up In snuggly softness. Comes
WIth a gift box perfect tor unt:Jm the tree'
.AJNKJR saES: 5<5-7 ). M(9-11 ) or l(13-15). Sta te S. M
or L Machme wash. Made In USA
T 7 E 40363f-$tupplng wetght 11b 1 oz .. Each $20

9 The perfect gift tor your etJlld to keep her In the

holiday splnt ... these adorabJe Chnstmas ha t and
mmeos are machine washable acrylIC . Mittens have
elastIC wriStS. Made In USA
LITTLE GIRLS': Fits SIZes 4 106Jl
n E 92104-Hat Shpg. wt 1 oz ... Each $4
77 E 92105-Mlttens Shpg wt. 1 02 ... Pair $4
GIRLS': Fils sizes 7 to 16
77 E 92034-Hal. SIlpg wt. 2 cz ... Each $5
77 E 92035-Mltlens. Shpg wt . 1 oz ... Pair $5

Cute and cuddly acrylic fleece

0 is machine
skimp-length sweatshirt

washable. Pile applique bear design.
Raglan sleeves. Made in USA or
as 4
UTTlE GIRLS' SIZES: 5( 4). M(5-6) Of
L(6x) . Stale S. M or L. Shpg . wt. 4 oz .
n E 76655f ... Each $14
GIRLS' SIZES; 5(7-8), M( 1Q-12) or l(14-
16). Stale S. M or L. Shpg , wt . 12 oz.
n E 75097F . . Each $16
Items WI", . 'T" prell" (as T 1 E 40363F)
cou41 tlJI<f!! edTlll tlfTl6 for del llIeFY

Quartz analOg waren with sweep second steel frame MoIdeO
hand has over 200 muft I-faCeted IrnttatlOll or outdoor /)lay Fun 0«8Is . R<"I''~
Qlilmon ds to add ju st the ngrrt g litter 10 your 5· VO/r ba tte ry . S()/d separately In The
fashIOn wardrobe . Base metal band. case Book lor KIds. p. 266 . Banery recnarger
and Dack, Imported. Wa"anred by Lync . Inc l. Partty assembl ed . 40Jt12x21 m. high.
Wme /0, tree copy. see p . 263A. Seat IS 6 /fIenes high. Raong ourhf with
T 4 E 17416-Snpg. WI. 60' ... $ 100 helmet sOlO separately 10 The WISh Book lor
KJds . p.259. For ages 2 to 5 years.
49 E 86513L-Snpg WI. 17 It>s ..• $100
2 Eleg ant Oriental-style c ersmc lamp with
hlgh-porcelam hnlsh has shlrred ()ieared
fabric ove r 17-1n. d ,ameter VlI1yt sn aC/e. Lamp
measures 24 l z menes tugh. 3- W8Y SWItCh
uses up to lSD-ware bulb . Imported .
T 11 E 33879L-Snpg. WI. 12 105 ... $100
"ems wrm a Mr' Dre fil. (SUC/la$ T4 E 174 16;
a>uId ta". fllfU. rim. fat dfHN.,-y

4 Tele phone with OWn.,n director( lor dJ8llng by
name or number stores Ilf) to 130 numbers and
names . LCD display shOws name and number
dia led . BUllt.,n speakerphone w ;rh VOlume control
allOws lo r convefV ent hands-free coove rsat;on. Three
aealCa red emergency buttons p ro vd e d irect access
to polic e. fire ana me dical services . Tone ro tary
s wTtchabie d ialtrlg . One button auto redial will
automa tica lly con tinu e to dia l a busy num ber up to
15 times . Hold button w rth Ime status md lCators and
!Jarte ry back-up for memory. Ba tteries includ ed lor
memory b ack-up , Compatibl e wnh alternat IVe
Iong-d/stance services . Heanng aid co mpa tible.
Not to be used on pa rty fme s. FCC registered .
Warranted by manufacturer; wr ae for /ree co py.
see p . 23M. tmo onea
3 E 34892-Sn'"",ng WI. 3 105 ... $ 100
5 2 beautiful Pieces tor me p rICe you
might expect to pay for I ! 8 ot . TW
diamond heart pendant features round
bn lliant d iamonds . We also Inc lude 3 o t.
TW diamond stud eamngs ro como tete
the look. 74K g old c hams ana posts.
Gift ocx inauaed.
o 4E 20292-Wt. 3 oz .. . S100
Toral wt' .g ht given In oonrs
100 DOIms eQual , c e re:

8 Tra ditio nal 18th c entury styl e lig hted

globe . Stand 1$ made of se lect
hard woOds with a warm pecan color
finish; glo be is injec tion-mol ded p lastic .
Uses one 15·watt standard bulb, incl.
UL listed. Globe has raised topography
and can be han d ro tated . Globe in stand
measures 18 inc hes in d iame ter, 34 ~2 in .
high. Par tly assembled.
1 E 15211L- Wt. 16 105 ... S100

... . . .
Pur yo ur co wgirl or co wbOy into this fine
9 Horse 'N Bugg y thiS holiday season.
There 's even room tor the family dog in the
Buggy's handy storag e sp ace ,' Ba ttery
po we red. fully steer ab le rid e-on toy features
a pa lom ino-style pony and old-style bug g y.
As a saf ety feature, children ·s feet must both
be on the footrest to power the unit . Goes up
to 2 mp h . Polyethylene . 4 1)(17)(22 inc hes
high; seat is 10 inc hes high . Unassembled.
Uses one 6-volt b attery . sold sep arately in
The Wish Book for Kids . p age 266 . Battery
charger is incl ud ed. Cowgirl outfit sol d
separately in The Wish Book for Kids . page
258 . For ag es 2 to 6 years .
49 E 86506C-Shpg. wt. 27 Ibs . . 590
I season.
Spend a little time together this hOliday
These nugger.Jook his and hers
quartz analog watches with second hands wil l
help you keep tim e in a most d elightful way .
Beautifu l rhinestone marlf ers and go ld-eoJor
base meta l case and bracelet. Warranted by
Consort . Wnte tor tree copy. see p . 263A
Import ed .
4 E 16521-He rs . WI. 4 OZ ... S50
4 E 16621-His. WI. 4 OZ •. . S50

. . . . . . ...
.... ..

4 Treat your children to some gOOd

old-fashioned tun this holiday
season w ;m one of these versat ile
scoot skates. Styled with a T·bar
handl eb ar with bike grips . . . or it
c an be used as a skatebOard .
9)(29-1n. laminate d wOOd de ck ;
hanel-poured urethane wheels with
sem i-preciSiOn bearings . 8-in .
alumi num double..actiOn trucks .
Shpg. wt. 9 Ibs .
6 E 23196C-Hearts 535
6 E 23195C-Dino 535

5 This elegant p lant stand is

created in the traditional, early
Eng lish style. Constructed of so lid
oak with an oak veneer top. Spindled
posts. Mag ni ficent oiled oak finish .
12-in . d iameter; 40 inc he s high.
Unas sem ble d .
1 E 15265C-Wl. 8 lbs. 8 oz. 550
.. ....

Connect a-. mad e tor Sears by West Bend '~ , is

6 a can op ener. mixer, and carv ing knife all in one
easy-la-use rechargea ble cordless appliance
system . All three mdivi dual app liance heads artsch

to one po wer Unit in a simple tw ist on tw ist off
movement . There are no separate po wer units, and
only one outlet 1$ needed for quick. convenient
eu,~ a~ recharg ing . Impact-resistant pl astic . Warranted b y
"OO1~ manufacturer: wme for free copy.
see p age 263A.
11 E 686 15-5h09 . wt . 5 Ib, .. . S50
Items wff f'l "0" preflll (lJS 0 4 E 20291 },
a llow a min imum of 10 d ays lor (J/Jlivery

r, •

8 When you've orormsea her the stars .

sa tlsly her wit h ttns double heart 14K
go ld Ci!amond rmg. Full cur . 3 tn. dIamond .
Diof Red gift oox . See note below
04 E 20291-5h09. wt . 1 0' .. . S50
NOTE; Ring /Jv/J llaOIfi In size IS Only
ana ma y lJe suea .oy yewr loca l teweie-.
Tora! N(Jlg nr g iven In pOlnrs
100 pomts (Javal 1 cara!

9 Yamaha PSS 130 keybo ard has 32

mld ·size keys. Realtime melody memory
with built-in 3~'-ln . spe aker. 8 pr eset
Instrument voices; 8 pr eset rhythms .
Requires AC ada pter, sold seo. below , or 4
" C" batteries, sola sep. in The Wish Book. tor
Kids , p. 271 . Imported. Warranted by
Yamaha; wnte tor free copy. see p . 263A.
57 E 47461- Shpg. wt . 3 ice. 5 oz 540
57 E 47476-AC adapter. WI. l ib 510
57 E 47235-Vinyl case . Wt. 6 oz 5 10
I Wha t perfect holiday g iN is green but
req uires no green thumb, no wa ter,
no sunlight and win tes t well beyond
the season ? This beaut iful hanging
SensatIO nal " Silk " TIl pathos p lant. of
COUfSeJ Includes 9-in. d iameter wicker
basket and 21 in. long macrame
hanger. Planthas 183vanegatedgreen

.. . ...... .. .
leaves Imported.
71 E 54078-Shpg wt. 4 100 ... $30

5 8udwe1sert' limi ted edition collector s tem

Jr>divKJualJy numbered lidded stein IS much like
the originals used b y the farmers ofEastern Europe
to carry refresh ments back to the fields after the"
midday meal. Budweiser stem depicts a 3-mas ted
SChooner on one side and 8 roese-aawn beer
wagon on the other. Glazed ceramic. Holds 22
ounces Imported
11 E 32644-ShPQ . wt. 2 100. 2 oz... $30
~ 1$ a reg. t/aJiJrrlwk 01 .4rJheuseIBuscII, Inc.
. . . .. . . . . . ..

8 Have chesswiJI travel! This pocI<et'size chess

computer _I' provide up to 350 hours of excellent
chess anywhere. T1Je program adjusts to BIeWJIs of
playmg sJr.ifI; s trength SUits 75% of all chess players,

6 EnJOyth is classic anniversary clock . . . we 've never

offered one at this low prioeI PlastIC dome protects
dia l and rotating brass-eolor pendulum. Quartz
making it idea l toroccasional players and beginners.
Features mclude: suggest a move . take back a move,
venfy a position. solve a problem. PositIOn stays in
movement uses one "AA" battery, sold separately In memory tor up to one year, so there is no need to~set
the WishBool< frxKids, p . 271. 9in. htgh. Warrantedby the game if play is in terrupted. WBlTanted by
manufacturer: write fOf" free copy, see p. 263A manufacturer: write for free copy, see page 263A
11 E lB643-Shpg. WI.' lb. Boz ... $29 Requires 3 "AAA" battenes, sold sepa rately in the
Wish Boo/( for Kids, page 2n
49 E 65491-Shipping wetght 10 oz.. . $30

I Put on a happy, Of sad. or mad Of any
face you like With this 2 ·plece sk irr
set' Faces attach to po lyester and
acrylic fleece top IN/ttl Velcro $ baCking
Sklf t IS acry ll<;. Separate vmyl ca rry mg
case for extre face parts IS Included
Mach ine wash . Made In USA
LIm EGIRLS' SIZES: state 4. 5. 6. 6X
or 6Xl
77 E 52791F-WI 11 02 Se t $22

2a $ears newest um bf efla

automatically opens ana ctose s
with push of a buttonl What a relief
not to have to tumote With tncky
mechanisms when It'S pouring NylOn
shade opens to 44·mc h d iameter.
PlastiC handle, Umbrella IS 30 Inche s In
leng th. Imported
T33E24013-Wt 1 tb.2oz .. . S25
"ems Wltft. " T" pre/Ill
(5lJCh as T 33E 24()13jCOUI(J
ta ke extr. tI me for CH!Iltvery

6 We at $ears believe In the
adage "v enety 1$ me spice
of life " and we pro ve It by
offering ttns set of 16 Spice tsrs
fi lled With your tevonte soces
Ina handy . spsce-sevmq
revolving pme racA Rack
stands 72 mcnes h igh
Lacquered honey pme finish
woes clean
Shpg , wt . 7 Ibl 8 0z
11 E2984 :025

5 DynashmeTWetectnc motoe-cmven
polisher/wa sher. OUlck-change
at tachment s Reversible rotation allows
wax to be spread evenly BUlIt-m soap
d ispe nser. Conn ec ts to garden hose 12·
volt Unit p lug s in to vehicle cigarette light er
25ft. atta ched power cord Included
Imported, Warranted by Wmland
ElectronICS; wflle for tree copy, see page
263A Ins truc tions Included
28E68056-Wt2 Ibs 15 0z. $25

8 FM sunglasses? You be t' toossoona

light weight radl" sunglasses In styles
tor me n and women let you enJOY the sig hts
and sounds wh ile watchmg sports. fiShing
sightseemg , traveling and mor e. Radl"
uses a tiny but supe reensutve tuner on an
Integ rated ci rCUit ct/lP to pro vid e cnso.
clear sound Sott . comfortable SIlicone tip
and sensitive samari um mini-phOne make
for long- weaflng comfort Glasses are
made wun a high-quaflty pl astiC lens for
comfort t.s-vott battery IS oaoaea
Impo rted
6 E 39094-Whtte
6 E39091- rortose
6 E 39092-Black
6 E 39093 -Red
Shipping weight 8 oz . ,525

25 A
Shave~ cordless shaver
2 LAdy Schick · " FITS!
gently ana clOSely takes care of leg and
underarm hair. Stainless steel he ad cle ans easily
3 rnms,u.s
Tty compact and COffVfH'llent nai l
machine at home or on the go .
Unit files and buffs rou' nails, Pst
under runnlf'lg water. Uses 2 ~ AA ~ battenes, the wa y you hke them. Comes with
saki separate ly in The Wish Book tor Kids . p . attachments and travel cas e. PlastIC
271 . On off SWitCh . Warranted Oy Ptwllp$ Home and metal housing. Operates on 4
Products Corp . Wnre for free copy. see page ..AA ~ battenes. SOk1 separately
263A. Imponed. in The WISh Book for KiCs. p. 277 .
no.: 1- Plnio. 2-YeIOw 3-Pur;:N
Slate color 1m_eel.
B E 68B7>i-5 "'Pllm9 weoght 4 ounces ... 520 4 E 65966-SI1pg . WI. 5 oz _.. 516

I "NfGHTGAMES" cozy polyester

knl! lleece nightshirts for men and
women. Knee length. 7·button front.
Mac hine wash. Mad e in USA.
CHEST SIZES: 5134-361: MI38-40):
U 42-44) : XU46-48 ).
AVERAGE; State S. M. L, XL Frts
heights up to 5 ft. 11 in.
TAlL: One size fits chest (36-46). Fits
hetghts ove r 5 ft. 11 in.
Red 1 33 E11 10t F 33E ll'"
TUfQUOlH 33 E 11104F 33E l 111.
Stw. wt . 902 10 OZ.
Pnc:e. ea. .. Sl l!!

5 Make a dynam ic fashion statement and keep warm besides. Soft brushed woven
acry fic and wool oversized stole drapes over co ats, jackets. suits or swearers.
21x72 m. Dry clean. Imported.
26A, 88 E 8664-MultlcolOr. Shipping weight 7 ounces ... 520
6 Whistle-stop wooden trai n set contains 31 pieces. inc luding
72 seeress of curved trac k, 6 sections of Stnlight track,
2 sect ions of tres tle , 7 safety signs. 3 cars and a focomotive. Your
7 AJ1.purpose Plus Radio Flash #ght fea tures an AMFM radio
wrth 3-inch dynamIC tor weather reportS or your
favor;re music station. Electronic siren for emergency use .
child wi/I be enterta ined tor hours by arranging and rearranging Flash light has a g iant lens to cast a long-distance beam.
the track, trestle aOO safety signs while coupling and uncoupling LED power indicator lig ht . Telescopic antenna. Ny#on carry
the magnetiC rail calS . Colorful and non-tox;c. strap. Plastic housing. Requires 3 H e" batteries, sold separately
For age s 3 years and up . in The Wish Book for Kid s. p. 277 .
49 E 47735-SIl,ppng weight 3 pounds • •. Set S20 49 E 66277-SIl,ppng weight 1 lb. 12 oz . . . S20

.. .
. ..

II Pur an end to the headaches of month-ending

account balancing with this c.h8CkbOOk
calculator. Unit lets you laity 5 accounts at once'
You can keep your CheCking account, credit c ards,
c harg e ac counts , cash flo w reco rd s and more In this
convenient pocket-sized ca lculator. Has full
calculator features. Includes a ball point pe n.
6 ! ~K2~ inc he s. Requires 4 " AA " battenes, SOld
separately in The Wish Book for Kids . p . 271 .
Warrante d b y e SSiO; write for free co py, see p .
263A. Imported.
3 E 58229-Shipping weight 2 02 ... $20 ,27A
It's Simple to create
spectacula r Styles

.. . . .

I Windmere ' hair crimp ing iron has heated
gold-eolor sty ling plates to let you take on a new
look everyday. On off Itght. PlastIC houSing IS
lig ht w eig ht and easy to handle. UL listed , 12o-v. AC.
50 60 Hz. Imported. Warranted by Wmdmere ; wrtte
for free co py. see p . 263A.
3 Honk ! Hon k! UI' SkatebOard
Ride"~ is a free -ro lling rae-on toy
that tums leh or rig ht and rolls along
8 E 253B-Sh,,,,,,ng WI. 1 I• . . . 513 just like a big kkfs skatebOard .
~ing hOm , d eca ls inc luded .
PlastIC. l Blzx9xB In. high. Partly
ass em bled. For age s 1 to 3 years .
Wt. 3 Ibs. 8 oz.
49 E 87282 ... 5 13
AdOrab le boys' co rduroy suspender
pa nt set wtth snow ma n ap plique IS
available in mfant and toddler sizes.
See it and more cute kids ' clo thes in
The 1987 Wish Book tor Kids , p . 87.

9 Rower achon extHCJser 1$ deSJgned to help ttlm
and fl.anen yOUr stomach muscles as weNas
help trim hips and tfllgfls. Ifs great fa
strengt hernng anns and legs. tool Fu. tures
contoured rowmg pedalS and an ultra-resillent steel
cod pull-up bar. Molded plastIC ~s"P gnp
ha nd1ebsf . Compact and por18~ Imported.
6 E 1532(}-Wt 3 Ibs. 8 oz. . . :till

7 GoId-coIor monogram ptrI. State 3

Irll hals start ing from left 10 ngnt.
Letters X, Y, Z not avslJabJe Center
8 G'\o'E' !he g ilt 01muse W Ith TDK
aOOK) tapes. Ten-d90 rrnntJte tapes
mean!XXJmmutes of recording
Indial wfH be larger than 'SIS""" 3'f1 enpymentl Conl'8fllet'lt canvas storage
F " E 304G41/-wt. 2 oz. . . 12 case IS IftCJuded
Shpg wt 2 lbs .. 02
57 E 37691 . Package $14

3 AdontbIe? We think sol
TuxedtHtyie sleep "n play

eon.en.en,_ Gr_
surs are machtne washable
polyester Irtt~ k,."

I Space-savtng r2fX).lIIfaNwall-mount hafT

dryer has 3 heat·speed c::omtNnatlOnS lor
styfing WN'Sa1lllty. Dryer automatICally shuts oR
snaps are feah.led dcMn the
front and legs SeIt-tabnc ~
and ~edo-styie Wlls 58'",
wf)en returned to housing. or use manual
bow. Made tn USA
control; dual Ioc:* sewres arye, to wall mount. INfAHT SIZE&Nll. lB. 2B
Removable rear 9'1/1 tot cieanIng. MocxJtrng Stale size
hBrdw3re 1t1duded. LA. listed. AC Imported
29 E 31092F-Pri.
Wana nl ed by Sears Wnte h:x free C(;J)Y, see
29 E 31091F-Biack
page2li1A Shpg WI. 5oz ... Each $13
8 E8730-Shpg , wt lib 1002 ... $15
5 Jump rope and hand gnp
both have dig ital counters
to automatICally register
reoe moos and keep track of
your progress . Jump rope
fea tures adjustable length
hea vy cord WIth protective coi f
at impact area Fric tlOO+free
ba lf-be anng constructlOIl and
comfortable plastIC handles
SI'lpg wl.l lb
_ _ _- ... 6 E 15240... Set $15

4 Birdhouse and feeder kit 1$ specsally de stg ned fOf /0(15 to

help bu ild Inc lude s materials for 3 Items: a wren hou se.
b luebird/swallOw noose and sheltered feeder. Unfinished wood
peces are pre-cut and roof sectoas are pre-driJled Pamt or
stam hOmes and feeder anycolor you choose . House s are from
5lo? to B Y. In hlf}h. Hammer not Included.
Hardware and mstructlOf'l$ Included
71 E 63919-ShIPPlng weight 3 pounds .. Kit $12

9 MIghty carvac ._.. It 's hafd to lmagme anything so sma ll being SO

powerful, Keep It If! yOUr glOve compartment to plug mto the 'l9hter
socket as needed. 12-h. cord even reaches to the trunk' BruSh and nozzle
a ttachments get mto every nooi< and cranny Bx3 l+x 1Ii In. Imported
4 E 95971-Shlppcng weigh t 12 ounces .. . $15 31A
I A fern flC va.ue . thi s $piece cutlery set Inc/..uaes
IJ.NI. roast slICer. 7'n--IIl t:Jonmg Jent/e. 6-1fJ
utlftty kntfe . 3-1/J paflf'19 knife plus countertop
hokJer Oak fmtSh hardwood handles Hollow
ground s talft-free hlrJh cartxJn M",I,utr/. steel
blades Full tang tn" 'brass nveted handles
DIshwaSher safe , Hardwood hok1er has /)(xlzontal
SlOts for m;lXImum edge reten tlOl'l, Imported
l1E9041 -Shpg wt3 1bs6 oz .. SeI SIO

3 CaSI() Itg fU1XJWt!fed calCulators add up to smart

pnced g Ift S this hol iday season. 2%,w4 lt mches
PlastIC case Imported

3 E 58242-la...enoer 3 E 58244-Blue
3 E 58243-Green
Sh IPPIng wetght 2 ounces 57

5 Imagi ne . s stereo cassette p layer

With headphones for S I(JI Slide on/oft
s WI tch and slide volume con trol Uses 2 "AA"
6 Everyone wan ts a FrJendly Fellow' Happy
storage con tamer hOkis 25 liters of clo thes .
sports eqUIpment, toys. wastepaper. you name
barterl6S , SOIcJ s epa ra tely In The 1987 Wish It,' Durable plas tIC. Top 1$ removable for easy
Book for KH1s. P 211. 4lt./( 1 ~ x3 lt Inc he S high cleanmg
PlastIC Imported 49 E 92180-Shpg , wt . 4 Ibs . . $10
57 E 21108-Stlpg. wt . 8 oz.. $10
7 Body -flugg mg romantIC teddy IS
g ift -boxed W ith a cute li ttl e teddy
bear to hug ' This stretch lace des ign .
meae of nylon. sparkles with L u'e)(~
polyes ter and nyfon f'bers to add a
scmtillaring touch. Snap crot ch with
cotton linmg Mach me washable Teddy
IS made In USA bear IS Imported
BUST SIZES: 5(32 - 33): M(34-35);
L(36-37) meres Slat e S, M. L.
T 18 E 99t 39F- Red . gold
T 18 E 99149F-Black , silver
Shipping weigh t 4 ounces ... $9

8 The li ttl e ones will be entertamed

for hours W ith ttus se t Or 24 hard
covered Li ttl e Golden Books
For ages 3 years and up
WI. 4 ibs. 12 oz.
49E 15075. . Set $10
Irems wlfn a "T ' preflx (SUCIl aS T IB E 99739F)
could lake eJ(tra tlr rte !of CWI.WNr

a hO!'idaY
lo fll 8 ke
d¢S ,I take 1rnrs goad
n "",Isne s aOOU I 25 2'h" ncn

HoW ma Y e true? HOW 25 free·roUtng raslle
dream corn I contains nd detai led p. po~ted
, upet se etal a oars 1m
Machine 5 f ole-e8Sf rn nood s and d
cars Made 0 e o¢ntng
some carS nav and up· .set $\0
For ages :3 ~~~. 2 IbS t t oz .
49£ 57234

Sh'09~-""-- ...

. . . . . .. .
12 Indy 500 racer
10",11 withstand all the
racing a young Child can
gl've l Sturdy p last IC.
13 Forolder children who enJOyroad racing . rms flgure-8 over
and under set is idea l. Includes two cars w,th operating
headlights. lap counter. two controllers. fences and bl'ldge
Wide tires for comenng sections. Set also includes finish line and two tally fig hts to
Meas ures 26 }? IncheSlong Signa l the winner . Ptesuc and metal, ReqUires 4 ' -0" batteries.
Assembled sold separately In The Wish Book for Kids. P 2". Layout
For ages , to 3 years . measures 1 tt, 8 In Wide x 3 n . 3~ in. long Partly assembled ,
Shpg wt. 21b s instruc tions included , Not recommenaed for ages under 5
49E87222 $10 years Imported
49 E 97157-Shipplng weight 4 pounds . Set $1 0

EXCltmg gifts 00 come /If small pacJ<8ge5
I a" pleaS"'f} cosmetc set has a ll the up-to-
da te fastuon shades she on wan t. yet folds mtoa
rxsctlCal. puse-slZe cornp.act mat 's Ideal for
trar.-el With all these shdnmeflng. sensa tlOflaf
COlOrS. Ir s easy to put toge tner an ill/mite
vanetyof looks ' fntedrawers SlKJeout to revea l
24 powder eyeshadOws, 4 powder blushers. 4
pans of I'C cotor. 1he pencil. 3 eye pencilS and
mascara plus 6acP1ICBtOfS and a mlflT}(. PlastIC
case measues Sijox3Jotxl tn , cJosed lm(JOfted
.. E 65985-Shpg wt 11 OZ. Kf! SID
Yes. It does look eKpensrveJ »m glaSS -
2 based hancJ-/(nolted $ Imul.ated pearls are
piacec1tr/SIde a dehca.teporceidm hean ShaDed
box. ready lot thoughrtul (}1ft gwtng Yes, the
rose on too of the bo_ IS porcelam. too!
4 E 30405-Shpg wI ' Ib $10

3 oe. tflelux.uryof abubbie bath'lndiAgeher

this hOliday S&SOI1 lIt1ttl tt1Js Faberge bath
set IncJudes 18-0z of bubble bath If) a
champagne bottle. SIX l !-7-oz bath cubes. a
3 oz. pleated wrapped soap and bath sponge
all m a tlCy WICkerbaSket Imported
Shpg w1. 3 lbs 6 0:
4 E 962S9 .. $10

When 11 beg~ns to rsm .. duck' Better yet

4 face the elemen ts W ith a smile and your
new duc* umbteJIa Pamted wooaen ceveo
C1tJC#( nead handle IS hNed on a metal frame
wrth a nylon shade NykJtt coYer' rduded
Open dJdmeler 1$ ~ II'ICheS Imported
Shpg wi 1 ttl
33E24034 $10

5 Fora look mats anythmg but

extmct, try trllS dJl'JOS8ur screen
pnnt sweatshlft , Polyester and cotton
fleece krot st/ln IS machine waSl1able
RubOer dmosaur toy 1$ InCluded Toy
enlarged to shOw detail. Shirt made In
USA · toy Imported
UTTLE BO'S' SIZESo 5(4); M{5-6). l(7).
Slate S. M, L.
40 E 72974F-Shpg wt 5 oz

8 Cbp Ihts tTWJi l:Joo*, light to
}QI book Of pad 10 read Of
~ dIgrlaI watch has tme rj,spIay.
"""e" bed. ForhOmeortrall6l
Folds to Slotx2J7x2 InChes
PlastIC. Imported . Uses four
9 plus da y/date. ClIps on to belt so you
won'f lose Iff Camouflage dsal PrastJc
"AA" baNenes . sok1 sep. in Impcxted. Wa-nmted by NeIsontc; write to'
The Wish Book for KIds , o.en. free copy. see o. .263A
4 E 9fl))5.-Blue 4 E 45292-Shpg. wt . 3 oz... $8
4 E 95968-lvory
Shpg wt . 4 oz... $10


2 me areaon
Keep ll song 1ft your heart andonelll yourha,.
lad The trIUSICal hat plays II song when you
the band, ~ won " Iell )'OU what
the songis l AcryIK::. Hand wash 111 luke warm water:
do not tumble '*Y- Made IIJ USA Non-repJactaeb#e
battery tneIuded.
One SIZeflts boy 's head SIZes4- 10
40 E 93433-5h<ppong weoghl 3 oz. . S8

13 There 's no end to II chlle!'s

tmagIf1BtJOn when )"OU
stllnUlate It wrth toys SUCh as thIS
cokJrluI coilection of 50 fT'IInIBtUNJ
dinosaurs. Chddren can pt.'JSe them
in II scene Indoors or out Plastic
dmO$Surs mea sure 1-m, htgh.
IfflIXJrled . For age s 4 years and up
Shpg. wt. 1 lb . 4 o!...
49 E 60045 . . . Set :1>10
I Remote-contrOi Porsche
for $5 .. outrageous' And
this one has dua l' stick speed
con trol so you can steer left
01 (¢1. go forward or ttl
rever se 3-ft . control cord.
Car measures about 3x2x8
II'JChes long . PlastIC.
Importee, Requtres 2 "AA "
battenes. sold separately In
The Wish Book lor Kids. p .
271. Fotages 3 years and up .
Sh pg wt. 1 lb . 4 oz
49E541 03... $5

2 Mons ter Wheels 4J(4 tIJn!ft.pIece se t 1$ of

dte-C8st metal ancJ plastIC, Free-roillng 3-
InCh trucJ<s have lo ts of real/s tlC (Jets/I .
Imported For ages 4 years and up
49 E 5721G-Shpg wt 11 OZ, . .Set $5

3 Co ffee. IN Of trII llt. are all a little more tun to d nnl<

out of these adorabJe Pound Puppy. mugs . . . ...
Set of 2 cerarruc mugs Each mug holds 10* ounces
Comes gift box ed
11 E 25098-Wt 2 Ibs . 3 oz Set$5
~ IV'PfES. he '965 ~ TOMA Corp '985

3 5 Anselll bubble bath . . In an ICe cream

coneI PldstlC cone cont;vns 14 ounces of
fine bubble bath WIth • retreshmgly subtle
fragrancs. Sorry, no chofce of flavors
ShiPPIng welQhl 1 Ib
8 E 5370 .. Each $5

4 Washmgton Forge - 4·pc . steak knife set ma/f.esa

quality g ift at a Surprtsmgly lo w ooce. Super-sharp,
serrated·edge sta inless steel blades. Doubfe-flveted
hardwood handles are dishwasher safe
11 E 9043-Shtpplng weigh t 8 OZ. . . Set $5

.. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .

10 36-ptece clo thes set tnCludes 5 Jt-HJ highdol l.

5 comple te outfits inc ludIng shoes . hangers.
combs. curlers. pgg/ftg OUtfit , papJmaS. pantl6S.
II Santasaurus1ltl Tnvet has a ceramIC surlace to help
protect your COUfIfertOC. '(lIChen or dinIng room
table from hot pots (N pans Plu s, you get SIX *-OZ.
12 Ten cotton haneJ/(erc!tIe!s rn a veb.r tube
for S!9 12..",. asSOf1ed flora' pnnt squares
are machfne washabJe. Imponed.
blmettes and more DoII/$ VIflyl; ClOthing and packets of SWISS Cheese 10 ..""net )'OOl' tJDPel,te Wood 88E831f>-5n<>g wI. a cz. .""g $5
scceesooee are pJa$t~ and IImyi. Imported. frame WIth acrylIC felt fee t
For ages 3 years and up 87 E 6215-Shpg wt . l ib, 2 OZ ... $5
49 E 32964-Shpg wI. 4 oz . . Set 55

Sears presents our new way to say ((Merry Christmas'!

Perfect for so many people on your gift list,

"The Thoughtful Alternative" makes giving as easy as:

1 You order it like any other item in this catalog,

then give (or mail ) it to the recipient

2 Recipient selects the gift of their cho ice, fi lls

out the gift certificate and ma ils it to us

3 We ma il them the ir gift, at no charge to them !

" The Thoughtful A ltern ative" Certificate Just pick up the phone and call Sears. order
comes with a beautifully-designed booklet by mai l. or order in person at any Sears
featuring over 35 gift selections. from which Catalog Selling Unit. Then give it tothat
the recipient chooses his. or her, own gift. special someone - who makes their selection.
Requires no special wrapping , no trips to the then fills out the certificate and mails it to
post office, and it comes with its own Sears. Imagine the pleasure of the recipient
presentation envelope .. . ready t o pla ce when we ma il them the gift of their choice.
beneath the tree or drop in the mai l box. at no charge to them !
Because this is truly a gift. no prices will And you can buy with complete confidence.
be printed on "The Thoughtful Alternative" , because either you or the recipient can
It is a thoughtful gift that lets Grandma or redeem the gift certificate for its cash value.
Grandpa. your friends across the miles. or
your child 's favorite teacher, choose the gift ''The Thoughtful Alternative" Certificate
th ey really want. 016 GW 3500 (Pre paid I WI. SOl . . . $35 .00


Almost like a greeting card

and gift all in one,
this imaginative
Gift Certificate
takes the guesswork
out ofgift-giving
. .. for only 535
ishing you
the very best . . .
pure silk
Aand B UlrllTlBle luxury and polished
sophistication in thiS pure
~fl< long coat and gown. Dry cJean
Irnpor1tJd. Beautifully packaged trI II
stlXdy glftoox and ready for wrappmg
MISSES' X5(-H;); 5( 8- 10); M(12-1 4).
1.j16- 18)

A Fluid motlOlt, eleg ance at ease III

this fIowrng $//1< cnanneuse cost
whICh is .Iso trmwrea In $/11< pcquard
TaIlored coat has 2 side poc1(ets .
shoulder psds. wide sash and covered
button pla cket. Slate XS. S. M or L
T 38 E 14881F-Green
T 38 E 14882F-Purple
Shpg wt. 1 lb. 10 02 .. _$80 .00

ntghts aWB.,t uvs
charmeuse son.
bodICe with silk
S,II< jaCquard
V-shape front and back neck/me State
XS,S .M orL
T 38 E 14B71F-Green
T 38 E 14872F-Purple
Shpg , wt . l lb. 2 02 .. . $70 .00
n..,.. _ m a 'T" ptetu
(such .as T 38 £ 14871F)
CQM1""'. ltd,. bmll lor ~

Fm'ng gofts ...

don 't guess on
size; check
the FIning Room
o cur Fan
Bog Book

A Irres ist ib ly alluring pajamas of
lus trou s lIQuid gold iscausra
polyester satm. areast pocket. coI/ar
B Dazzling liquid gold polyester satm.
pajiJmas Bre defmlle he art-melters
Featuflng embroidered yoke , front
C When the nighthas a thou sand eyes, all
will be on you In the se VIvid ballet
length lIQuid gold polyester satin gowns.
Front tucl<s and dr amatic shirttail hem

top and pant legS are mmmea in solid placket With concealed buttons
lIQuid gold satin. Elas tICwais t. Mac/line Shirttail hem. Elastic waist. Machine Machine wash. USA (Imported ma teri als)
wash. Imported washable. Imported.
AVERAGE: state S. M, L. See size note and
AVERAGE: state XS. 5 , M, L See size AVERAGE: state XS, 5 , M, L. See size chart at right.
note and chart st right. note and chart at right T 38 E 14933F-Purple
T 38 E 14891F-Peach T 38 E 14911F-Aqua T 38E 14931F-Fuchsla
T 38 E 14892F -AQua T 38 E 14912F-Peach T 38 E 14935F-GoId SIZE NOTE : AV ERAGE (5'3',.;- 10
Shpg. wt. 13 oz... $35 .00 ShPQ wt. 13 oz. . . $38.00 T 38 E 14934F-Red 57" ).
T 38 E 14932f-Green WOMEN'S : (5'4',.;- 105'6 ',.;- ).
WOMEN'S: slate Xl . 2XL, 3XL. See size WOMEN'S: stale XL, 2XL. 3XL. Shpg. wt . 5 oz... $30.00 SIZE CHART
note and chart at right T 38 E 14921F -Aqus. Wt. 1402 .. .$41.00 XS S M L XL2XL3XL
WOMEN'S: state XL. 2XL. 3XL. See size rote
T 38 E 14901F ·Peach . WI. 1 lb ... $38 .00
/1_ WIth . " T" p'tJfuc
(such as T38 E 1492IF) covId
and chart al righl . .- 18-1
6 to
,2- 1' 8- 138- 142- 148-
1. 118 140 I.... 148
t.... extra 1_ frY ~ T 38 E 14941F-Fuchsia
T 38 E 14942F-Green
Shpg , wt . 6 oz ... $33.00 ,43A
Athru C Slip in~ fluid polyeste r .
satin mg htw ear and enJOy
the pl easure of unlimited op ulenc e.
Machine wash. USA (impo rted
materials) .

A Wrap yourself in luxury with this

short wrap coat Self fabnc tl9
belt, deep shirtta il hem and 2 side
pockets. Sexy shoul der slits. See
size note and chart be low .
AVERAGE: state S, M or L.
38 E 13891F-Black
38 E 13911F -Red
Shpg . wt. 6 0 2 . . . $24.00
WOMEN'S: state XL or 2XL.
38 E 13892F-Black
38 E 13912 F-Aed
Shpg . wt. 7 OZ ... $26 .00

Red hot and romantic camiso le

B and rap pant. Camiso le has
shirttail hem. Tap pant has elastic
waist with rounded high-cut sides.
See size note and chart be low .
AVERAGE: state S, M or l.
38 E 13981F-Aed , black print
Shpg. wt. 3 02 ... $20 .00
38 E 13961 F- Black
38 E 139 71F- Aed
Shpg . WI. 3 02 ... $18.00
WOMEN'S: state XL or 2XL
38 E 13982F - Aed . black print
Shpg. wt. 4 oz ... $22 .00
38 E 1396 2F-Btack
Shpg. wt. 4 OZ ... $20 .00

C Heartfelt wishes come true in this

charming chem ise. See size note
and chart be low .
AVERAGE: state S, M or L.
38 E 1399 1F- Black. white print
Shpg. wt. 3 oz . , . $17.00
38 E 13861F- Black
38 E 13871F-Aed
Shpg. wt. 3 oz .. . $15 .00
WOMEN'S; state XL or 2XL.
38 E 13992F-Black. white print
Shpg. wt. 4 OZ ... $19.00
38 E 13872F - Aed
Shpg. wt. 4 OZ .. . $17 .00

D Feel pretty from head to roe in

these delightful velvet ba llerina
slippers . Rayon velvet upper with
holiday bo w trim. Quilted satin sock
lining . Split leather so/e. See p . 15 1A
for additional colors .
WOMEN'S SIZES; state full size SM.
6M, 7M , 8M , 9M . 10M. Half sizes
order half size larger.
T 54 E 52962F -Aed
T 54 E S2963F-Black
Shpg. wt. 1 Ib, 2 oz .. , $9.99

AVERAG E (S'3Y2- to 5'7'):
WOMEN'S: (5 ' 41h~ to S·61fz-).

5 112-14
8-10 16-18 ~
38-40 42-44

/fems with "T" (Jrefix

(suc h as T 54 E 52962 F)
COlJId take extra tIme for de/N ery

AVOid the roroav rush

(l sho p by pho ne,
To or der. call vov r
local Sears store

dse",. (some secrets
to be revealed)

. ''"
'''''' ' ~

5 8 and
~ ~ ~
LJj f- ~
:iEoe..: ·

ersubtle hints
whisper oflace
and romance

women 's sizes

46A slightly higher
Athru 0 Knockout nylon tricot knit
OIghtwear. Machine wash .
Made 10 USA. See size note and chart

A Whispery soft peignoir set is the

perfect gift toe her . Long gown
has lavish lace ' rim and front slit. Coat
has simulated pearl buttons
AVERAGE: state S. M, L WI. 10 oz.
38 E 22249F-White ... $35 .00
WOMEN'S: state xt, 2XL. 3XL. Wt. 12oz
38 E 22259F-While ... $38 .00

B Tender is the nl9M in this lace long

gown wIth bi J<lm oentes. A ll tied up
with pretty pink satin ribbons
AVERAGE: slate S, M, L. WI. 6 oz.
38 E 23369F-While _.. $25 .00
WOMEN'S: sl ate XL, 2XL, 3XL. Wt. 7 oz.
38 E 23379F-While .. . $28 .00

This leggy stretch lace teddy

enough to the

AVERAGE: state S, M, L.
38 E 23103F-LHac
38 E 23109F-While
Shpg , wt. 3 02 .. . $18.00
WOMEN'S: state XL, 2XL. 3XL.
38 E 23113F-Lilac
38 E 23 119F-While
Shpg , wt . 4 02 .. . $2 1.00

O A little face and ruffles and your

feminine fk3lf make this romper
irresistible. High cut legs and satin tie
around waist add an extra spark.
AVERAGE: state S, M, L.
38 E 22807F-Melon gloss
38 E 22804F-Frosty leather
Shpg . wt. 3 OZ .. . $12.00
WOMEN'S: stale XL, 2XL, 3XL.
38 E 22817F-Melon gloss
38 E 22814F-Frosty feather
Shpg wt. 4 OZ .. . $15.00
Pair of glamourous white satin
E heel scuffs. Detachable maflbou
Machine wash. Made in USA
SHOe SIZES: 5(5-6) : M(6YZ·7 YZ); L(8·9):
XL(9'h·l0). State S, M, L, XL. Wt. 100z .
38 E 20039F-While . $13.00

AVERAGE (S'3~ " 10 57");
WOMEN'S: (S'4 W to 5'6 'h" )

ore magical
than mistletoe

Athru 0 Express tbe dazz le of the
holidays In mach ine
washable kntt nig h twear. Made In USA
B A gown to treasure now and
forever. Nylon V,vana$· fabnc
with stretch Lycra «'o, spandex in
O Anticipate the twilight in thiS
slzz 'mg teddy of Ceylon. ···
polyesrtN. Shoulder shlmng and soft
AVERAGE (S'3Yl- 1057-), 5 (8-1 0): bodice for flattermg support draped neck lme Elast iC waist and tie
M(12-14): l( 16-1 8l AVERAGE: state S. M or L belt
WOMEN'S (5'4,,- 10 S'6'h ") . XL(38-4Q): 3B E 21725F-Plum . WI. 7 oz ... $2 4.00 AVERAGE: state 5 , M or L.
2Xl(42-44): 3XL(46-48). 38 E 21895F-Red
TALL:stale S, M or L
38 E 2173SF-Plum . WI. 7 oz .. . $2 6 .00 Shpg .....t. 5 0z ... $ 18.oo
Ah! The fnll of it all . . face and
A ruffle tn mmea teddy of nylon
moot. Dramatic fron t and back
WOMEN'S; st ate XL . 2XL or 3XL.
38 E 21745F-Plum . Wt 80z . .. $27.00
WOMEN'S: state XL. 2XL or 3XL.
38 E 21905F-Red
Shpg ......t. 6 oz .. $21 .00
V·neckli ne and deep cut side s ope n to
Lace illusIOnSm th iS beWItching 3·
AVERAGE: state S. M or L
C piece min i pe lgno lf ensemble of
nylon tricot. MIni has lace and beaded
Love ly hlghheefmaflbou scuffs 100%
Eacetate With nylon tncot msole
38 E 21843F - Dark purple SHOE SIZES: 5(5-6):M(6'h-7 'h ); L(8-9);
lace trim Sheer coat has lace trim on
Shpg wt. 3 0z . . .$1 5.00 XL(9'h-1D). Slate S. M. L or XL.
sleeves Bik ini panty.
WOMEN'S: state XL, 2XL Of 3XL 38 E 20028F-Black . WI 10 oz . $1 2.00
38 E 21853F-Dark purple AVERAGE: state S, M or L. · Vl....,.,.· i$ a regis tered trilC1emllrl< owntK1 by
Shpg . wt. 4 oz . . $18 .00
38 E 22128F-Black . Wt. 5 0 2 . .. $18.00 BASF Ceq>
WOMEN'S: sta le XL. 2XL Of 3XL. ··Rttg/ stfft-ed tr~1I 01 DuPon t Corp
-·cAyfon· po!yM I'" 15 " regls/ered
38 E 22 138F- Black. Wt. 6 0z .. $21.00 rr.cJem"ri< 0'the ClJIanese Corp
~ring the perfect gift

Aand B Walk on the wIld side in this

amma l print cremee and coat
set of liq uid gok1 polyester senn .
Mach ine wash . Made In USA (Imported
materials). See size note and char1,
facmg page

Just the fight cover-up for exotiC

A evenings a t home. Sleeve, tie bel t
and ba nd tnm a t neck and front otcoet
In pnnt of chemise , Side txxxet.
shoulder pads and back pleat add big
game style
AVERAGE: state XS. S. M. L.
38 E 14961F-Black. While, Gold print
Shpg . wt. 7 oz . . $35.00
WOMEffS; slate XL. 2XL. 3XL.
38 E 14962F-Black, While , Gold pnnt
Shpg wt . 8 02. .$38.00

FerocIOUsly fun Chemise WIth nng

B style neckline and Fback. High
cut sides are anything but tame
AVERAGE: state XS. S. M, L.
38 E 14951F-Gold pnnt
Shpg, wt. 3 oz... $25.00
WOMEN'S: state XL. 2XL. 3XL.
38 E 14952F-Gold prmt
Shpg , wt. 4 oz ... $28.00

"TIS the season

to be Joll y
SO o rd er ea rly
ana evo.o
drsacoo.ntrn en t
A Cast a spe fl of black mag ic In tt1IS
luscIOUS liqUid g old po lyester se tm
rac ing back gown Shirttail hem and
F The poshest b lack pa nne robe With a
mos t lus trous sheen.' Me talfle
thre ads and yoke piping add some
ba lle t leng th Machine wash. USA stnmmer. 2 side seam pockets. Celanese
(imooneama teflsls). See size note . Arnel ~ tnecetete and Fortrel~' po lyester
chart be low. fleece Machine wash . Made In USA See
MISSES': state XS, S. M Of L. size note and chart below
38E 14971F-Black.Wt4 oz $24.00 PETITE: state XS, S, M. Wt. 1 Ib

8thru E
38 E 96347F-Black ... $39.00
Add a /ittfe spa rkle to you r AVERAGE: sta le S, M, L WI. 1 Ib , 20z
Img efl e with these 38 E 96348F-Black . .. $39 .00
polyester satm pieces mmmea with TAu.: sta te S, M, L WI. 1 Ib 40z
rhi nestone s Mach ine wash 38 E 96349F-Black. . S4 1.00
Made m USA
WOMEN'S: state XL , 2XL. Wt 1 Ib 7 oz .
Cami sole. State eve n size 32 to 36. 38 E 55029F-Black $4200
B T 18 E 932t8F·Black WI. 1cz.: $11.50
SIZE NOTE: PETITE: (5'3· and under ):
WAISTSIZES: $(24- 26):
Tap pa n t AVERAGE/MISSE S' (5'3\.-'2 · to 5'7· ):
C M(27-28): l( 29- 30) State S. M, l
T 18 E 93212F-Black , WI, 1 oz . 59.50
TAL L: (5'7""- 106'):
WOMEN 'S. (5' 4"" · to 5'6'.7· ).
O afa Stale even size 32 10 36 One
SIze uts A and B cups
T 18 E 93219f-Black. Wt. t oz . . $8 .50
:xIT}J " I l DU
~ 12-1. \ 16-18 ~ 42..... !46-48
2Xl. I ' XL

HIP$IZES: 5(34- 36):M(37-38 ):

B ik in I
Sta te S. M, L
' Fort,"'" IS iii t,~rl< of Celane se Corp
Items WIt h II -r - PFeflx (such IiIS T /8 E 932/2F)
T 18 E 93431 F-Btack , WI. 1 oz . $5 .00 could take extra tIme fOf Oe/lvtJ#)' 51A

• I

S T EE·\.' IE


You'll have a
terry Christmas in these
wonderfully plush •
all-cotton robes !
A Check our this luscious calf·leng th terry
robe-you won 't be dlsappomted! Stay cozy and
comfy in snag resistant co tton fabric . Two parch
pockets and self fabric belt add convenience to
your comfort. Mach ine wash . Impo rted .
MISSES': one size tits dress sizes 8 to 14.
T38 E91127-Check pattern
Shipping we ight 2 100 .. . 555 .00

Absolute ly nothing bears terry velour tor
B comfort . . . so why not wrap yourself (or your
favorite pe rson) in a gift that' s sure to please for
many seasons to com e ! Our selec tion has super
deep parc h pockets and self fabric belts. Mac hine
wash. Impo rt ed .
MISSES': 5 (8-10): M(12·14 ): L( 16- 18).
Slate S, M or L.
T38 E91121F-Blue T 38 E 91122F-White
T 38 E 91123F-Pink T 38 E 91124F-Aqua
T38 E 9 1125F- Yellow
Shipping we ight 2 Ibs. 13 0 2 .. . 555.00
It/HnS w rt/! a ~ T' pretlll (SiJCh as T 38 E 91 122 F)
could take extra rm16 for de/Nery

Let us be vour Santa

you r gift s 10 home or ouc e
tor JUSI a "tile mor e than
store oct-co tor
rmt~,b1e orders 'M;1
we'H de liv er

52A £~~, .

••.. ~ ,,
, ., ,
'/ ' y.
I . ·· ~'r '" ,1
l- ..'1 < l-;
I, .
".- ;j •" -.,
• t'
~( I ! '~ -, ",;0

y "r ;- (- 'f
l:.\. .~
< ~. (., J ,

U shimmering satin "

• ,.
' -
i . , " »,

L.L outside. brushed soft

· r


like flannel inside .f

"'~. .

' ..
A:hrJ D The party may be over. bu t you ca.n still
look forward to wrappmg yourse lf In
OUf Cuddleskin' nightwear! Beautifu l to look af
.- :,~. 'It
and so gentle to rouch - luxurious satin on 4"
outside; brushed cotton on the inside for maximum ,,..- , .... J ,
softness. Made of nylon. p ofyester and cotton .
Mach ine washable. Impo rted. ..
• ' <. ~',
A Gown enhanced with white lace trim
and yoke tucks.
..;, '.
MISSES: S(8-10 ): MI12·1.): L(16-18), &~.
~': ~r
State S, M or l.
3B E 73731F-Pink print
c::, <. n y, J.
Shipping we ight 6 oz . . . $19 .99 "


'TIS the season 0,

.,. ..
to be lo lly .
so order early ,..
,- ;:'r
and avo.o
., ;-:
c.secco.ooeeor >, " ,,... .:~ ".
.. '


$2 99 and
Full-length wrap robe offers max imum comfort
Bplus 2 side seam pockets and convenient
chest pocke t.
MISSES'; 5 (8-10); M(12-14); L(16- ,8),
Stale 5 , M or L.
38 E 73733F-White with pink piping
Shipp ing weight 1 lb . . . $29 .99

C Long gow n is .trimme d with lac e and embroidery

and has self·tle closure.
MISSES': $(8-10); M( 12-14): L(16-18 ).
State S, M or L.
38 E 73732F-Pink
Shipping weigh t 8 02 . . . $21 .99

D Pajama ensemb le adorned w ;rh lace and

embro idery; 3 button front closure with tie. Pants
have elast ic waist. Stale even bust size 34 to 40.
38 E 73734F-Pink
Shipping weight 9 02 ... 526 .99 z55A
A Sears Exclus ive l What makes our Cozy Qu ilts so dreamy?
While ot her quilts have a coa rse, scratchy lini ng,
these qu ilts are brushed for a soft snuggly feel next to you r skin ,

A What is as soft and fluffy as a cloud -and much easier

to wear? This quilted satin robe wnh self fabric tie belt!
Warm your hands in the 2 side seam pockets. Ceylon ' ·
C Snap front robe has 2 side seam pockets.
Brushed acetat e and nylon outer shell wnh
brushed polyester fining and p olyester fill. Machine
yam of Celanese Fortrel· · poly ester shell wnh brushed wash. Made in USA. See size note and chart,
polyester lining : polyester fill. Machine wash. Made in USA. below .
See size note, chart below, right.
State su e Pink Sh . wt. Price
State Size
Pink Sh
1 11 lb.
. WI.
PETITE , . . . XS, S. M I 383B EE 96342F
96341F 1 lb. 5 oz. $34.00
P£TTTE. " 1 XS, s . M 38
AVERAGE, , S. M, L 38
E 96344F
E 96345F
lb. 2 oz.
5 oz. 30."
TAU . .....
S, M, L
S, M, L
38 E 96343F
38 E 55031F
1 lb.
1 lb.
2 It)s ,
9 oz.
13 oz.
1 oz.
TALL .. . ..
S. M, L 1 38
XL, 2XL 38
E 96346F
E 5502tiF
t lb. 8 oz.
1 lb. 12 oz. I 33."

B 2-piece Iounger ensemb le is so versatile and comfy!
Wear jumpsuit wnh attached spagh etti straps or tuck
them into elasticized top for a sleek strapless look.
PETITE (5'3 ~ and under): AVERAGE (5'3Y2" to 5'7"):
TALL (5'T to 6'); WOMEN'S (5' 4V," to 5'6V,").
Matching quilted jacket is the p erfect co ver-up for chilly SIZE CHART
evenmgs. Polyester satin. Machine wash. Made in USA. Size" XS S M L XL 2XL
See size note and chart at right.
Stale srze Periwmkle blue s . WI. Dr~ I 4-6 I 8 ·10 I 12·14 I 16- 18 I 38-40 I 42-44
PETITE ' _,. 38 E 63022F 1 lb. 1 oz. 535."
AV ERAGE . 3B E 63029F 1 lb. 2 oz. 35."
TAll , . .. , 38 E 63025F 1 lb. 4 oz. 37.00 ' Ceyfon and Fortrel ~ are trademarks 01 FIber Indus tries
WOMEN'S. 38 E 56029F 1 lb. 6 oz. Inc ., a subsidi ary of Celanese CorporatiOn.

S :g

Q) or.>
.s: c
::::> .i::
CD or.>



56A ~
We are sure you'II love being surrounded by Ihe
reassuring warmth of our rich Dacron ! · po lyester fleece rob es!

~~$29 tall, women 's

slightly higher

Robe has convenient front zipper. Machine ~·ash.

D Made in USA. See size note, chart on facing page.
Pale Pale Shpg Price
aqua "lac wt.
P£T1TE .. XS. S. ""1
'38 E 96355F I ......... • . 11 lb. . . . Il;29.00
AVERAGE S. M, L 38 E 963S6F :38 E 96357F11 lb. 2 oz. 29.00
TALL , . _. S. M. L 38 E 96358F I' -Il lb. 4 oz. 31.00
WOMEN 'S XL,2XL 38 E 55027F . " lb. 7 oz. 32.00
°Regisrereo trademarK of DuPont
bz plaid flannels brushed
twice-inside and out
for extra winter warmth


Yarn-dyed flannel nightwear is
brushed inside and outside
for cozy warmth

Athru D A touch of country charm . . . our setec non

of na vy plaid charmers IS rOO% cotton for
your comfort! Ju s t machine wash. Imported

A PaJamas feature s tand· up ruffled co llar Yoke and

sleeves have eyelet tam . Pants ha ve etssnc wais t
See size not e and chart belo w
Slate even Shpg
bust SIze ~~ wi
321038 38 E 73381 F 12", $' • .88
AVERAGE i 341040 38 E 73382f 1301 t • .88
TAU 34 to 40 JaE7338Jf 14 0 1 14 .88

Wrap robe charmed With sleek red Plpmg down the

B fron l and around cuff sleeves Easy self-fabric tie
be rt. right Side seam pocket. See size no te and chart
belo w.
State size
wi P",.
PETlTE ,_.:! S,MOf
S, M or l
3BE 73391F , lb . 1 OZ
3BE 73392F lib 2 0z
$14 .88
' • .88
TAU _ . M or L 3BE 73393F lIb 30z ' • .88
WOMEH'S _ XL. 2XLor 3XL 3BE 13394F , lb 30z ' • .88
Long go wn adorned with eyelet tnmmea yok e,
C ruffled coI/ar and flou nce bottom, See size rote ena
chart below
No", Shpg P",.
State size
VERAGE : .: 1
38 E 73371F 1001. $1-U 8
S. M or L 3BE 73372f 11 0 1 14 .88
TAll . _ _. M or L 38E 73373F 12 oz. t • .88
WOMEN'S . XL, 2XL or 3XL 38 E 7337.F 120z 14.88

You 'll ha ve s weet d reamsin this easy flt tmg

D nig ht shirt Con venien t chest pocket s: shIrt taIl
bo ttom. AVERAGE; state S, M or l. See size note below
38 E 73375F-Navy ptaio
Shpg . wt. 9 oz .. . $14 .88

CUShy soeaea sJip on has flUffy acryfic pife lin mg

E and collar. Sueded sp il t feathe r upper , Sole of man·
mad e matena/s. State SM, 6M, 7M, SM, 9fv1, 'OM
Seep, IS 1AforaddltJOnaf colors
T 54 E 53235F-Red Wt. 1 lb. 4 oz. , . $ 12,99

The beauty of sat in plus the

warmth of flannel
FandG FIJrty ns noete roms n uc and warm as t he
Cnnetmes SPiff !. Smooth sa tin yoke IS
embroidered: con tras ting pIping . Lac e at shOulders
and sleeve ruffles. 10mb cotton Mach ine wash
Imported. See size note and chart be lOw
Long gown . AVERAGE: state S, MOIL
F Color cala No wi
PrnI< slrlpe floral , 38 E 72621F 1 Itl $14 .88
Blue sIr floral 38 E 72622F 1 Ib ' • .88

GParama Color
State even bust size 34 to 40
ca No wi
PIl"lk stupe ~Ioral .
Blue eeee floral
I 38 E 72631F
38 E 72632F
I '" I 1 Ib
$' •.88

PETITE (5'3" and under); AvERAGE (5'3 ~" 1057 ");
TALL (57W 106'); WOM EN'S (5'.111" 105'6~ " )
SIze S M L XL 2XL 3x.L

Dr~~:e , 18-10 112- 1. 1 16--18 138-40 142-44 146--48

Athru D Want to ha ve tun? tts ro s weat in ou, super-eomfy, ult ra-versa tile styles of machme washable acryl ic sweatshirt lng : All havetashioflabJemetal button closures
Wear with your tevoate shoes. or dress up with cOlOrful co stume jewelryl Your op tIOnS are only IIml led by your Imag ma tlOn! Made In USA
JUNIOR/MJSSE:S': $(5/6-7/8); M(9j l D- l1 /12 ): l( 13/14-15/1 6)

A Dress features 2 roomy

pa tchpock ets and ga thered etestsc
B 2-pl6Celounge, nee roomy.
oversized top. ElastiC waist. Sta te CLounger has eBsy scoop nee.kline
and roomy dolman sleeves
Jump SUIt is oversuea for comfort.
DStale S. M. L
WSISt. Stat e S. Mor l S. M, L. State S, M or L. 38 E 77307F- Gray
38 E 77302F-Blue 38 E 77311F- Aed 38 E 77318F-Yello w 38 E 77305F- Red
38 E 77303F-Gray 38 E 773t3F-Gray 38 E 77317F-Gra y 38 E 77306F- Blue
38 E 77301F- Red 38 E 77312F-8 Iue 38 E 77316F-Blue 38 E 77308F-Yellow
38 E 77304F-Yellow 38 E 77314F- Yellow 38 E 77315F-Red Shpg , wt . 14 OZ .. . $2 4 .99
Shpg wt. 15 02 ... $2 4.99 Shpg . wt . 1 lb . . . $24 ,99 Shpg wt . 14 OZ ... $24 .99


Wha t "sbetter than brigh tly pa inted bangles and Jump mto ac tion In our kicky sport oxfords '
E bu ttons of WOO<1 to chee r up y our hOliday G Velcro. st rap keep s shoe snug. while padded
wardrobe ? Eam ng s ha ve surgica l stee l po s ts Insol e CUShIOnS your fee t. Smooth polyure thane
Imported upper and mold ed sole o f man -ma d e ma ter'sls
Sla te colof ec.: 208-Red 209-Bh.1e 2 11- Yetlow Imported,
T 4 E 30407H- Bangle : wt. 2 02 .. .$3 .50 WOMEN'S MEDIUM; state S'hB. 68 . 6'h 8 . 7B, 7 'h8 .
T 4 E 30408H- Plerced earr ing : wt . 1 02 .. . $3 .50 88 . 8 1hB . 98 . lOB.
T 4 E 30409H-Clip eamnq : wt . 1 0 2 . $3.50 T 54 E 16225F- Red
T 54 E 16228F- Black
Brig ht fi bbed anklets of cotton and s tre tch
F nylon are machine washab le. One size ftts
hosiery sizes 9 10 11 . Made In USA
T 54 E 16226F- BrlQhl gold
Shpg . wt. lib. 4 02 ... $16.99
75 E 25282- Bright gold Items
WI"". " TOO r,me for dehvery
rlJ.~ ~:o:t,.
u T 54 E r6225F)
~fl:O: (JuCfJ

75 E 25285-Aoyal blue
75 E 25283- Bnght red
75 E 25289-Blac k
Shpg wt. pro2 oz. .. Pa ir $1 .75



Athru C Warm those cOOl wmter nights wit h these sty les of super snuggly
tJlanketclOfh.IAll come In 3 great colors. Mach ine washable Fortre/.
polyester. Made In USA
· Dthru F Cuddle Huddle· mghtwear tssmoos are special beca use they are
brushed for a snuggle-soft feelmg Stay warm and pre tty in our rainbo w
of coIorlu i styles Polyester and co tton , Mach ine wash. Made in USA
JR. MISSES: 5( 5/6-7;8); M(9/1D- l1 /12) : L(13/1 4-15/ 16). JR. M1SSfS: 5(5/ 6-7/8): M(9/ 1o- 11/ 12): l(1 3/1 4-1S/1 6)

A One-pteee sleeper 1$ so cozy you

l4'()(I t want to ge t ou t of bedI B 2-pkce paJama wll' keep you toasty
warm on the coldes t nights, Kmt D Lounger has sleek shirttail bo ttom
State S . M. L
F 2-pIeCe papJma ensembJe Top has
dropped arrnI'toJes fa an e1Ctra-
State S. M or l accents on collar . an il/e5 and wns t cuns 38 E n 323F - p ",k roomy f ,t Pants ha ve ttWs tlC1ZfKJ Wais t.
38 E 77331F-Pmk Pant has axnty elastK:lzed waiSt 38 E 77325f -Yellow Stale S. M, L
38 E77332F-Aqua Stale S , M, or L 38 E 77324F-Blue 38 E 77322F- Gray and whlte W ltt'I
38 E 77333F-Lavendef 38 E 77336f-lavendel' 38 E 77326F- Whlte burgundy tnm
Shpg wI 1 lb . 1 OZ . $ 16.99 38 E 77334F-Pink Shpg , WI. 140z $22 .00 ShPQ_ wt. t lb . 1 oz . $24 .00
38 E n 335F-AQua ~ IS • trM1emaf1C 01Ftbe£
Shpg W1. 1 lb . 2 0 2 ... $16.99 Lounger features sporty srnpes and Indusrnn. Itw; • • ~

Full-length robe has easy Zipper In E shlrttalf bottom. State S, M, L

or ~ Corp(qr.on
C fron t and generous side seam pocket 38 E n321 F-Gray and while WIth
State S. M, L
38 E 77338F-Aqua
38 E 77337F-Plnk
burgundy trim
Shpg , wt. 15 OZ .. $22 .00 S AV£ A TRIP
Home or office deliv ery costs
,ust a little more man store
38 E 77339F-Lavender pl c #(-up lor mail able orders
Shpg wt . 1 !b.30z _$16.99 ,63A
500!(/0 less thru O",mber 11th
it""'1 12thrul9i

( 12) Filigree aangle

(13) l&in , braided
"1/" necklace T 4 E S9254
(14) Round,ope watch 0 4 £ 17363
(l SI Ring , 10 pl . T W
diamond 0 4 £ 21189 199 .49

( 16) Eamngs. 21 pt
TW dlCimond. 04£ 21199 299 .49 59900
(17) Bracelet, 16 pi
T W dl&fTlOl'\d a 4E 21197 349.49 69900
(18) Necklace. 16 pt.
0 4 E 21198 499 .49 99900
• ~~ 1400 00

him mer. sparkle
and shine ... Precious gems
it'sgift-giving time!
$50 to $250 less tIIIu

Ithru II The beauty of genuine gemstones are
complemented with d,smonds to create """"'m N::: "",
~ 1~5 1~
these dazzlmg works of art. All jewelry Items are set In .....
14K gokj. Necklaces have 16-inch herringbone chain
Rings ava t/ablem size 600ly and may be sized by your
(1 ) Watl:tl. 18 pI.
TW dInn:l
nt¥ WIth .. pi
( 2) RJnQ JrIlh 3 plT W ~
· HE 17346
....99 S14999
299.00 "'00
localjeweler. All IlfICklaces and bracelets have a safety
fastener, Watches feature quartz accuracy: goId-eolor ,.,.,. .
( 3) ~ liIlItl 8 plT,W
· 0 4Efl9643 • 299.00 "'00
base metal cases and bands with stamless stH' case
( 4) ElrIIClIleIWIlh8pl TW'

OH !1J575 249.00 34900
backs Warranted by A"nlfron'", imported Jewelry is
g ift boxed See Notes below
( SI Rlng Wllll 8 pt TW ~ OH lIl646 1 1249,00 .....'00
"Wrrte fey fT. copy. see 1JIIge 263A ,.,.,.
( 6) BrIcelet d 8 pt, TW
· OH a:l645 • 29900 49900
ClJt8/of; ~ ""th. 'T' or "0" prflfl%. ( 7) NeddIce WIth iPt
Make all
the ir w is hes
mJow . ItINHfrIum 01 10 d.t ys for Oebvery
OH II!l644 • 249.00 349 00

com e true ...

DIAMOND NOTE .- Tot.' wetgh l (T W,) rs gwen III
pomt s '00 points ~ , c¥.t
( 8) Wild" 18 pl . $IJlItWe wrth
4pt , TW,Qanond •
( 9 ) RlngWlltl 13p t TW
· HE t730lt , ... " $14999
All Items on me ~ ~ MI¥gea to $I)()W QeUJII Qanond . . .. 0 4E 9lJ,31 39900
and a void (lOj NeddlIceWlltl3 pt TW
1 "'00
di sappoint me nt a.lOld .... ...
(11) Ihoelet Wflh 3 pC TW
OH I9642
• 299.00 ... 00
cliImorI:I .. . OH l!Sll88 • 249.00 "'00

Semi-precious gems

50% to 55% less

thru December 15th

Ithru I5 SUrprise her with B gift that's sure to make

hereyes lig h t up . . . sparklmg gems, some
accented with r;Jlsmonds. Choose from blue topaz .
amethystorcitflnestones sel in 14K gold. Necklace (2)
has 18-inch chain- nedJace (4) has 16-mch chain
Cham ( 10) IS diamond cu t and hand-polished for a
gle ammg finish and has a fish hook closure for added
secunty. Rmgs availatHe In size 6 only and may be
sized by you r local je weler , Gift boxed. Imported. See
Notes below.
Descnplion wt .
O ttine gemstone
( II Earnngs Q 4 E 8964t
( 2 I Necklace Q 4E 89638
3 R, 0 4E 89640
Blue topaz gemstone
( .. I Heart necklace
wlth S pl TW
( 5) Heart bracelet
w,th 4 .,., pl . TW
d,among .
(6) Heart ring With
4"., pt TW
219.99 440,00
7 "R 199.99 400.00
( al 199.99 40000
(9 219.99 440 00

202.49 449 99

Dote 89253
0 4E 89254
Q 4E 89635
$129.99 _00
""' 00
Q 4 E 89636 1 219 .99 ,," 00
0 4E 89637 2 199.99
"" 00
DIAMOND NOTE Totalwe.gtlf (T W ) given If'I POints
100 points equsJ 1 carat

A Celebrate your love wIth 8 14K gold diamond
ft lUlniversary rmg , Gift boxed. See Notes below
size 5. 6 or 7. Sh . wt. 1 OZ
catalog Thru
Number 12 15
E 21074F $199.49
.A E 25502F 249,49
0 4 EZ10nF 411.99
... E 21096F lM9.49

1 oz.
12/ 15
( 5) B c r. cent er stone .
lO pt T W Q 4 E 25511F $249.49
( 6) to p t. center stone .
12 pt. T W , . . 0 4£ 255t2F 249.49
( 7 ) 15 p I centel' stone ,
l B pl TW . 0 4E 25513F 349 .49
( 8 ) 12 p I cent er stone ,
16 cr. T W 0 4£ 25514F 349 .49
( 9 ) 12 pI , cen ter s tcoe .
21pl,TW .. 0 4 E 2S5 17F 399 .49
(10) 18 pI. cente r Slone .
26pt T,W ...... 0 " E 25518f 499 .49

22 Giveheronemorereasontossy
16 thruSee elegant
·yes··.. .
di amond 61lgBgt!J1TJtMlt mg.

ooxea Notes below. State ri size S, 6 or 7. WI ~

Description catalog Number ThnJ 12/15 ~ '2(15
( 16) ... CI. Round. 0 4E 25442F S2lUI 99
(17) 'I! ct. Round 04E2S443F 429.11 85999
(16) 10'1 ct Round 0" E 2S444F " '.11 1539.99
(19) ... ct. MarQUIU 0" E 25445F 341 .99 69999
(20) Yilct MarQUIM Q4E'2544eF 449 .19 899.99
(21) '>'l ct Mar9UIH 0" E 2S447F 899.99 179999
(22) ~ ct. Pear 04£ 25448f _ .. 1799 99

23thru 29 CapturetheradiBnceofthesessonWlthBglftof
g llttenng diamond studNnlngs, 14K gold posts
and backs. Gift boxed. See Notes below secc.
wt . 1 OZ.
DescriptlOrl Catalog Number Thtu 12/ 15 A.ller 12/ 15

Ii thru 158ehoId.
Gift boxed See
the bn /lJ8nce of these clus ter
cocktail nng s ablaze W1th dlSmOnds
No tes below , fIgh t
Stale ring size 5, 6 or 7. Shpg wt . 1 oz
DescrIptIOn Ca ta log Nurrber
~i $99 99 Ite ms(1 thru 111

DaZZle her
with diamonds
18 and
IthrupostsDelight with gift
her senses a
14K gold P,erC8deamngs have 14K
of diamonds

gold and size 6

backs. Rings ava ilable in only
and ma y be suea by you r loca l jeweler. All Item s are
gi ft toxea. See Notes below.

( 1 I Heart Earrings. 8 pI
( 2 ) Heart Pendant 8 pI
( 3 ) Hearl RIng, 8 p I
Shpg. wt. 1 OZ ., except (14) and (18)- 3 oz.

0 " E 21849
0 4 E 21626
0 4 E 21031
" ..
( .. ) Heart Ring , 8 pI . 04E 26159
... ....
( 5 I Ring, 8 pI
( 6 I Earrings . 8 pi
( 7 ) Pendant. 8 pI
0 4E 26157
0 " E 21846
0 " E 21627 ..........
( 8 ) Earrings. pI
( 9 ) Ring, 8
(10) RII1$!,
(111 Rlng,Spt
a pt
0 " E 21847
0 4E 26155
0 4E 21029
(l 2) RII'IQ. 25 pl D 4 E 2 1Qtt 199.99
(13) Ring.25pt 04£21013 199.99
(14) Heatt Pendent. 2S p1fj. ~ _ 0 " E 21624 199.99
(15) Ring, 2S pi 0" E 21016 199.99
(16) Star 8lIIT1I'lQS. 25 pi 0 " E 21845 199 .99
(17) Eamngs.25 p' 04£ 21844 199.99
(18) Necklace. 25 pI 0 4£ 21625 199 .99
DIAMOND NOTE__ Tola! w&!ght ( T W) IS gtVfIf1 In pontts
100 pontts equal , carat
AJ1 IttImS on th,s PBfJ8 are enlsrged to show detml

~i $199 99
Items 112 ttvu 18)

Freshwater pearls

Ithru 9 Choose updated freshwater pearls ecceotea

With 14K gold or black onyx . (4 and 5) have
' .4 K go ld sprmg ring cfosufes; (6 and hs ve 14K go ld
filigree closures (1 ttuu 3) are sJlp-OfP styles , Eamngs
have 14K gold posts andbacks Of wires Imported See
Notes on facing page

Ithru 3 Increase your op tiOns . . . wea r these versat ile

pearl and on yx strandS one or more a t a ttme .
I Catalog
Nunber ~

Single 36-n:h strand

(1) OnYX/freSl'rwllIef 14 E!Kl567 ,, ....99 ""00

12} Freshwater 14 E 91942 " .99 0000
/3} Set 01 two J6.lncn SlIl9le
strandsII'dude$ gold-lone Separate
TW(l freshwater strands
pnces tOlal
HE 91943 , 8998
TW(l onyx/lresnwalel'
sl ranOs 14E90571 2 80.98 lfM) ,OO
Onefreshwater strano.
one ony_/lreshwater
T 4 E 91121 2 l ~lOO
"""" "' 98

DescrtptOl I~ ~
oz 12,/15 12,/15
(4) Single strands W1ln 1« gokl bMOs
7·lOC/'l bl'acelet
19.M"lCh r.ecll.lace
2"tndl necklace
HE 91425
HE 91<C26
H E9 1q]
" .99
32-tnd'I necklace,
!I' p-oo it:jf, 14E91944 , 5499 110.00

18 fashIOn. Our se lectIOn features pearls alon e

01 accented with diamonds and gemstones Strands
ha ve 14K gold filigree clasps Eamngs ha ve 14K gold
posts and backs . Rmgs have 14K gold se ttIng s.
avsl/abJe In size 6 only and may be saea by your loca'
~1tN Jm~ed $Be Notes on tsano ~ .

eo"", W1
........ cz 1~

(10) SYt-&mm 7·1IlCh
~-, O . E 90611 2 1199.99 $<0000
(11) 5'.'l-ommpgislrln:!
7'1Ild1 bracelet O H 90612 129 ,99 26000
18-1tldl nedUece
O H 90613
O H 90614
229 99
2....lJlChnedUece 0 4 E 906 15 2 29999 60000
(12) """"'-
6--6\'1mm pearl
• pI T W doImorld
O H 906 16

. T H 906 19
349.99 10000
(13) ~~~':-~ ,W1m
(1.) 31'>-4n'lm~ '-'1 pin
14 E 0Cl644
,, .....
" .99

(15) Amethys l pearl eotrancer
WIth 1 pt T,W cNmond . O H 90564 , 99.99 20000
(16) 6-Iml pearl slucl
(17) &-6\?mm pearl nng WIth
0 04 E 90617
204 .99 5000

04 pI T W dIanuld
(18) Blue lapaz pearl
14 E Q)6.4J

Oo4E~ ,
179 ,99

Onyx and gold

50%less ~.~mb<r 15th

Ithru II Genuine onyx and 14K gOld form a

stOKing contrast . Bracelets and strands
have 14K go ld beads . eamngs have 14K gold pOsts
and backs Rmgs ha ve 10Kgold set tings : available
In sue 6 only and may be suea by your local
je weler 14K gold spring rmg clasp on bracele ts:
14K gold fil igree clasp on '8 and 24-inch strands.
3O-Inch strands have no clasp, Imported See
Not es below

T 4E91613 $24 99
T4E9161 4 59,99
HE91615 69 99
H E91918
14 E91220 '"
14 E91459 ""


s hSye sterlmg silver po s ts

has no clasp . State ring size
Notes below
CJtalog WI Thru Aftet"
Numbet oz 12 15 12/15
( 12) J;{"llC ll trip le
strand eeceece
( 13) SwIrt J)l1"l
T4 E90819
T4 E!p15 ,
3 $79.99 $100,00
14,99 .,00
(14) Oval onyx

d06ilmoc ke r

(15) avar:OQYx rIng

. T 4 E 908 14
T 4 E90817F.!,
(16) ~shaped
OIlYJl With
, pI T
diamond 14 E 90818f 39" "'00
( 17)

( 18 ) Roulld onyx
WIth marca,te T4 E 908161"
14 E 9(;613
50%less~~ 15th

Ithru 24 Put stars If) her eyes and sparkles on her

fKJgefS when you gIVe her a genUIne
gemstone nng Rubes. sapphires. opa ls . gamets,
amethysts, blue topaz, emeralds, cultured pearls are
set In 10Kor 14K gold Many shme with diamonds: all
are priced tomeel your budget. Rlf'Igs come in size6 lt
only; may be SIZed by your loca l Jeweler. Gift boxed
Imported See Notes below. Wt. 1 oz.
12/15 12/ 15 ""-
14K goIICI sefmg
( 1 ) 5apptMre WIth 5 pi
T W dIamonCI . 0 4 E 91218 179." $16000
( 2) Rubf wrtrlS pi T W
a.amond .... _. 04E90831 79.99 16000
( 3) Opal wllh 3 ~ pt . T .W
d~mond 04£90327 79.99 16000
( 04 ) Blue topaz With 5 pI
T.W dL8mOOd , 0 4E91211 79.99 160 00
t 5 ) Emerald Wi th 3 pi
lW d.-noncl Q 4E 9(RXl 79." -eooo

I 6 ) sapptMre with 6 pi
' w_
(1) R u b y Wi t h 3 pi
0 4£ 90829 79." '0000
0 4 E 91221 79 .. ' 0000
I e I 5mm pea1 wrt1l 6 pi
T_W l2IWnoncl 0 4€ r0B28 79." 10000
, OK gold settlf'g

( 9) Emer. ld

(10) Ruby WIth 2 pl

With 2 pI

0 4E 90B22 $49.99 5100 00

d~ 0 4E 90826 49.89 100 00
(11) 0 4 E OOB21 49.98 10000

(12) Blue topaz .. . 0 4£ 90824 100 00
(13) Ruby heart WIth 1 pI
T.W d.amond O H90B23 10000
(1 4) Ameth)'Sl 0 4E 90825 49 .99 10000
(151 Ame thyst 2

WIth pi
rw d .amond 0 4 E 9146J6 49.99 10000
( 16) ()pal WIth 2 pl T.W
0 4 E91 ~ 49,99 10000
117) " '>'l rrwn peart
WIth 2 pi
T W . dsamond o s E 91365 49.99 10000
(18) Gamel O H 90820 49.99 10000
14K gold lettlflg
(19) Emeral d ·cul g.rnel

S omething Wllh 6 pi T W
dIamond .
(20) Amelhyst heart WI"" 3
O H 90523 $99.99 S2OO00
o 4E fIO.t.84
pI T W , dIamond 99.99
sparkling, (2 1) 5apphlre Wllh 5 pI
TW , etwnond 0 4 E 9tJ92
(22) 5mm peaI1 WIth 5 pI
something TW , 0Iam0nd 0 4 E 9O!524 99.99 20000
(23) Emera ld WIth 6 pi

0 4E 9t222 " .99 20000
bright, (24) ~ heart WIth 3 pt
0 4 E 90483 .. 99 20000

something DlAM()fl£)NOTf. Tot-'wetghl(T W-Jgrven lfl potfJlS. UXJpoIfIIs

equal , (2'.t
CtJI./og numbers WIth . T()( IIfI 0 pr"!I., .I/ow . mrnImutrI 01 10
shining, ~ys tor delivery.

AN "emson ~ two PIJ9fl M" enJarpedto show de1."

sheer delight Items WIth MI " F"' prflh. ($UICII ~ F.- E 77381V} $e(lt from
f«1Oty, Mow ".'r.
tlmfJ Sfl,ppIrJg wid I'JMIdItn(J chBrp«1 from
CltalDg ~ o.s"tbutlUl c.ntflf No COD ordlJrJ
Birt hstone
5rYJ! I tI1I1I
V/O ess Iltcemblr IIIi
thru 1
2 gemstones.
Ieac/l gold

2 pt
accented by
1$ the settIng for these sparkling
CUltured pearl or CUbIC Zur;t)(lJB..
tot sl weight dIamoncJs
AvaIlable trI Size 6*" but may be sized b y your local
jl!weler Imported See Not es. fscm!) pg WI 1 OZ.
ll} CoIlE 89271-GMneI(Jan I {7 J O AE lI9Z77-Rl;t)y
(21 0 " E 89212-Arnettlylt (Feb) (.lJtyj
(31 0" E 89273-AoJamar,,,, ( 8) 0 " E 89278-Pend0t (Aug.)
(Marctll ( 9) 0 " E 892'79-Sapptllre
(4) 0" E 89274-Cubtc ZlfCMla (Sept.)
{April) (10) 0 .. E B9281~ (Oct.)
(5) Q 4 E 89Z75-£merald( May} fl 1) 04E89282--<:,tme (Nov )
(6) 0" E 89216-Cuttured pearl (12) 0 " E 892B3-BIue Zircon
(Jun8) (Dec.)
ThnJ 12/ 15/87 $79.99 After 12;15/87 $160,00
10K gold rings
rYJ! Iess tI1I1I_111i
13thru6 20 She 'll treasure these gokJ nng s faShIOned In Class IC
styles some W It!J eJliJmOf'K1 accents A ",alldt>Je In
SIZe only: may be SiZed by )'OtM' focal jl!weIef Imported See
Notes on 'sang page WI 1 oz

1 15 1 15
(13) v-snaoe 0 4E9t043 $34 .99 $70 00
(14 ) Heart band . Q 4 E 91()011 3'.99 10 00
( 15) StltlrT'lP band T4E91046 39.99 8000
(16) Signet hear1 0 4£91119 44.99 9000
(17) F~.gree SI9M' T4 E gIno " .99 90.00
(18) Cladaugh 04E9112O " .99 9000
(19) Sigrlet With 'I'i pi T W dIamood T4E91118 49.99 100 00
F. ee Wltr'l l t T W diamond T .. E 91045 69.99 1<1,00

AftIIr 1Z!'t5 I


51!33.00 F. En:r:rN
1!9 00 FHn:mv
FH T733''i
F4E 71'!.FI

23 Doub le ring band

__ 12,115
1 nvu 12/15 Mer 12115 !
"" ''' '''''
Ttru 12:15

2_1"''' '"'
3 SIl:N'S F'E m21V
, SlCRI F H rrJ2!IV
m UK!
130 .00
FH T732DV I...,
F' E7732:1'
FH 77322V
S1213 00
5..... ra E7732!N
6. . . . FH m:J1o'
"600 ""'"
,,. 00
F'E P.33:V

SubtJe heart bane


140( Tlw 12,115 I After 12/15

2 5IOntS F, En:mv moo 5112.00
J - . F4E11J!9V S2.OQ 11800
"lenS F4Enu7\'
5s!CrleS f4 E17&41lV
6stones F&E 17u9V ~.oo 1;)500
7Sl(Wle1 F4En l5OV 100.00 1&300

25 Large leaf cl uster, State

r. n elegant 1001< eers always
sensational, give a gift of srerling silver.
HerringbOne chains have rhod ium finish to pre vent
tarnishi ng. all other items have a natural silver finish
and require pe riodic pOlishing . Earrings have
sterlmg Sll\ter posts and bac ks: all are pi erc ed
urues indicated. Ring s in size 6 only and may be
SJz80 local jeweler. Gift bOxed. Herring bone
• 'i<m;;,p",o~"",e~
d . ~==:-'=::-=::c--
Catalog Shpg
Numb€!' wt
4 E 30379 , 0' $19 .98 $2.5.00

4 E 3037B ,,,
4 E 30377 2 oz. 15.99 21 .00
15.99 21.00
15.99 21.00
4 E 30380 10L

4 oz. 99.99 135.00

50% less ~e~mbe' 15th

Ithru 25 These great imposters sparkle like real

diamonds . but at a glimmer ot the price
14K gold rings Bllsi/able in size 6 only and may be
sizedal your1oca ljeweJer , Imported. See Notes below .
Oescnplron Catalog WI Thru "Met'
Nl.mber oz 12/15 12/15
(1 ttlru 13) 1-41< gold selttngs
( 1) 1 caraT

heart ewnngs .
( 2) 1 ~t

14 E 89897
121.99 "",00
( . ) 1 carat
emerald-a.rt nng 14E89993 109.99 22000
( 5) 1 carat
eamngs T 4E 89899 &4.99 13000
( 6 ) 1 carat 18-ltlCtl
penoonl TH 89992 74.99 150,00

( 7 ) 2 caral soliialfe
earrings . T.. E 89753 2 49.99 100.00
( 8 ) 2 carat solitaire
flng ... _.. . . . T .. E 89751 2 84.99 170.00
( 9) 2 ears' 17..nch
solitaq pendBnl . T" E 89752 2 54 .99 11000
(10) 1 carat soI,tlllre
T" E 89316 2 31.19 eoco
(11) 1 carat sobtlllre
fino . 14E89314 2 79.99 100,00
i l l} 1 cara t 17·inch
sohllllr. penOant . T .. E 89315 2 ....99 90,00
{13} 1 caral rw
annlversary"ng .. T.. E 89322 2 109.99 22000
(1....25) SterlIng silver vermetl senings. Stale ring size 6.7 or 8
( t . ) 1.36 et. T w
1' 5) ~'29 ~na.$ l&inct. T " E 89995 2 $44.99 S9D.OO
slar pendant . T H 89994 2 39 . . eo.oo
( 16) .36 carat T.W
duller NlTFr? . HE 89996 2 34." 7000
T" E 89763 2 34." 7000
( 18 ) 2.15 carat T.w
du".","" . TH89999F 2
(19) 1,1Seeratl.w
clUit. nng T" E 89764f 2 59 ..
(20) 2,25 CI. T.W

dUiter nng . . , T .. E 89997f 2 59."

(21) 1.5caraIT.w
watertan cluster
""" .
(22) 1.35caral T W.
r4E90811F 2 ......
cluster rIng ... T4E 89998F 2 59."
(23) .55 eatal rW
!nrIIY!r!ar't nng T4E 90935F 2 29."
(2.) 'It c.rat T .W
_I . eo 00
ubic zirconia . . . (25) 9Y.t carat
T4E 89231
T4E 89224
99.99 2lXl.OO

man-made stones that Items with. ·'T" ~ (adJ . . T 4 E 89224 )

could Ul/(fJ exfq tnIe for dtIJMIry

shine like nature's own AU itflms 01'11M ~.., ~

TarM .",.;ght (T W) gnert In points
to show det.lI,

100pomts «1lMf 1 ~l-

Exquisite gift ..
exceptional offer!
Our 14K gold faceted rope ch ain has
features you 'd expect to find In much
higher-priced chains at a price
you might not expect

50%less~:~ember 15th
$249 99 IS-inch

Cham react ion .. give a gift thai 's sure to delight and
dazzle Hammered hol low links are carefulfy crafted
and connected to form ttns spectacular cham Gdt
boxed Imported
Shipping weight 1 oz.
Descr lptoOn I Catalog
7 ,nc heS ... T4E61102 $9999 S200 00
a Inche S T4E61702 129 .99 26000
18 inc hes T4E61302 249 .99 50000
20 inches T4E61402 279 .99 56000
24 Inche S H E 61502 :W9.GG 70000
JO ,nc he S T4 E61602 39999 !lJO 00

Item s With II "T " /yet"t (suef! as T <IE 616(2)

cooa take e"tr. lIme for dt1Iivery

Slitety clas p tor

added secur ity

6 length.. to
choose from

Fac eted link. add

I Plirkle and lus t..

"Link. are nand-poliw-d

and nandosolclered tor
br illience ..-d s n'..-.gth

Hlil'ld-Inapec1ed to
,,"sure the highest
standard of quelrtv
and craftsmanshep

The perfect gift

for him or t1er

A Sears Exclusivel .>~
Fashion clasps let you create ~
a stunning 25-inch chain w hen ~
you combine th is 18-inch necklace II
and 7-inch brace let .. ¥.&~~~~
50 /0 less
0/ thru December15th plus.
save 520 when you buy both

Iand 2 TheglOw of goki Will be matched only by the light in her eyes
8S you presen t her With these dazzlmg chams. Fastlloned
WlttI an arrow mesh design for II subtle. flowmg fook. . Set is
shipped In an ultrasuede gi ft pouch that,'s ptJrlect for travel
or storage Enlarged to snow de tail . '""POrted. Sep
onces total $280.00 ovv 12/15.- S560,OO IIfflN 12/15.
Se t. Shlppmg weight 1 ounce
T 4 E 61854... Thru 12/15 $259.99
After 12/15 .$540 00

"I Necklace alone ShiPPing weight 1 oz.

T 4 E 61330 . _Thru 12/15 $190 .00
After 12/15 . S380,OO

2 Bracelet alone Shpg wt . 1 02

T 4E61030
Thru 12/15 $90 .00
After 12/ 15 . $180 00

.rsI:s the season

to give. to get. to glow.
in 14kgold

s@% less ~:~ember 15th

3and 4 MatChing earring and 7-lnch bracelet sets
are an elegant way to share the spm! of the
season Enlarged to show detail.

Save $70 when ~ the set Braided

3 hem ngt:Jonechain IS d iamond cut tor added
brilliance, Separate ooces tota l S11000 thru 12;15.
$220,00 after 12;15.
Set, ShipPing weight 1 ounce
T 4 E 56010-Thru 12/15 $99 .99 : After 12/15 $210.00
Bracelet alone Shipping weIght 1 ounce
T 4 E 59109-Thru 12/15 $65 .00 : After 12/15 $130.00
Eamngs alone . Ship ping weIght 1 ounce
T 4 E 53956-Thru 12115 $45 .00 : After 12/ 15 $9000

Save $ 10 when ~ the set Hollow rope chain

4 bracelet and earrings, Separate prICf1$ total S110.00
mru 72/15 .- S220,00 aft(lf '?i,5
Set, ShIppi ng weigtll :1
T 4 E 56005 - Thru'••'\;21~",~
Bracelet alone. Shij:iPjng ~
T 4 E 59117- Thru 12/15' 185.00; After 12/15 $130.00
Eamngs alone. Shipping wetgh t 1 ounce
T 4 E 54101- Thru 12/15 $45 .00 : After 12/15 S90.00

5 Save when YOU buy the set Nugget pendant
and earrings , Pendant fits most chains Enlarged to
show detail. Separate p rices to tal $6(),OO ttvu 12;15:
$ 120 00 after 12/15.
Set ShIpping weight 1 ounce .
T 4 E 56009- Thru 12/15 $49.99 . After 12/ 15 $110.00
ESfflngs alone Shipping weight 1 ounce .
T 4 E 54384- Thru 12/15 .. . $4 0.00 : After 12/15 S80.oo
Items tllnttl II T pIeh/l
Heart pendant alone ShippIng weight 1 ounce .
78A ,..fl.'"
(such .s T .. E 53146) may
lime fOI'rJeltvery T 4 E 53186-Thru 12115 $20 .00 , After 12/15 $40.00
6thru 25 55%Jess mruDecember 15th Thenaturaf
beau ty of these 14k gold chams 1$
enhanced by their unique text ures. (TOand 1 I) have
gleam ing texture on one side. Joving message on
reverse. (7, 8, 9. 2 1, 22. 23, 24 and 25) have safe ty
clasps to help prevent loss. Gift boxed . Imported.
Shpg. wt . 1 oz. Jewelry shown actual size. except
6 thru 9. which are enlarged to sho w detail .
Catalog Thru AM"
Number 12115 12/ 15
(6) Tnple hemngbone
1 inches T 4 E 6 1110 $3 1.49 $69 99
16 inches . T4 E 61210 53.99 11999
18 inches T 4 E 61310 62.99 13999
20inches T4E 61410 71.99 159 99
(1) Quadruple her ringbone
linct1es 1"4E 61101 $11.99 $15999
16 inches T 4 E6 1211 134 .99 29999
18 Inche s T 4 E 61:JJ1 157.49 34999
20 ,ncheS . T 4 E 61401 166 .49 36999
24 inches T4 E61501 202 .49 449 99
(8) Heavy quadruple I'lernng bone
8 'nche s . T 4 E 61712 $98 .99 $21999
18 Inches T" E 61312 202.49 449 99
(9) Quintuple hemngbone
16 Inches T4£61223 $247 .49 $549 ,99
(10) " I love you"
7 ,ncheS T 4 E 60159 $44 .99 "'99
18 inches . T 4 E 61933 89.99 199.99
(t l ) " I love you Mom"
7 inches T 4 E 60160 $4499 ... 99
'8 inches . T4 E 61935 89.99 19999
(12) Open link
7 Inches .. T 4 E 60161 S40 .49 589 99
18 JI'lChes . T4 E 6 1936 76 .49 16999
( 13) Lig hl cabl e
8 inches .. T 4E61717 $44.99 "'99
18 Inches T 4 E61317 103 .49 22999
20_ T 4 E61 4 17 125.99 27999
24 inehes T 4 E 61517 139 .49 30999

Calalog Th'" Ah"
Nom"" 12/15 12{15
( 14) Heavy cable
18 Inc heS T 4E61313 $224 .99 5499 99
20 inc hes T4E61412 251 .99 55999
24 IncheS T 4E61503 305.99 679,99
( 15) Open he~ lin k
7 Inches T 4 E 60 162 587 .49 $ 149 99
18 inches . T 4 E 61937 179 .99 399 99
(16) De sign triple
z ecres T 4 E 61135 $40.49 ... 99
18 Inches . T4E61328 89.99 199 99
(11) TWist " 5"
7 inches .. T 4 E61 114 13599 $7999
18 Inches HE 61327 00." ' 79 99
(18) sox lin k
7 ecree . T 4 E 6 1113 $17 .99 .., 99
18 inches . T 4E61325 40 .49 "'99
(19) light cobra
16 inches . T4E 61932 $2ti.99 $5999
18 Inches T 4 E61 934 31 .49 0099
(20) WhISper " S"
7 Inches . T 4E 60 158 $8 .99 11999
18 inches T 4 E 62065 17.99 3999
(21) SoIi(1diamond cut rope
7 inc hes T 4 E 6 1122 $98 .99 $2 1999
8 Inches T 4E 6 1722 112 .49 249 99
temcees T 4 E 60362 211 .49 ...,99
18 inc hes T 4 E 61322 22 4.99 49999
20 , - . T 4 E 6 1422 ""'99 579 99
24 Inches T 4 E 60364 328.49 729 99
30_ . T4E60365 382.49 &4999
(22) Btsmark
7,- . T4E61 111 $53 .99 1119 99
18 Inches T 4 E 61314 116 .99 25999
(23) Tri-eolor bralCI
7 inches T4 E 62158 $..... $ \ 29 99
18 Inches 14E 62358 116 .99 25999
(24) Desi gn QUBOruPIe
7 inches T 4E61112 $71 .11 $ 159 ,99
18mches T 4 E 61324 161 .11 " , 35999
(25) Arro w link
7 inches . T 4 E 61136 SOlI."
18 inches . . T4 E 6 1329 170."
Ithru 56 14k go ld pierced eamngs to SUIt her 'Jf8!ly.
moods; from dem ure to danng. sadsy':1o
subdued. Each is designed to dazzle and. many; I;ve
genume d iamonds or cultured pearls. Girt Jt
diamond note be low , Jewelry shown actual sae
except " 2. 3. 8. 9. 10 and 38. whiCh are
show deta il. Sh wt . 1 OZ

159 99
179 99
159 99
129 99
79 99
39.99 7999
39.99 7999
39 99 7999
29.99 5999
29.99 5999
29.99 5999
29.99 5999
29.99 5999
29.99 5999

(33) -- 'f'Iilh5pl
Heert Wilh p8ari
6-mm pear1
(34) Opal _ ..
(35) 5quaoe .
(36) Teerdrop
(37) Endless hoop •
T 4E 53945
T .. E 53946 24.99
14E 53485 2' .99
T 4£ 53947 24.99
T 4E 53501 24.99
T" E53498 24.99
T4E 53526 24.99
24 .99
(38) Heart engraved T .. E 53949 24.99 4999
(39) Hoop With bu ltertly . T4E54077 19.99 3999
("0) Hoop T4 E54396 19.99 39 99
(oil ) Flowef petal T4E 53954 19.99 3999
(42) IvorY rose , . T4E53147 19.99 3999
(43) Open I'Ieart WIth 5 pt
diamond . T" E 53953 19.99 39 99
(44) Clown T .. E 53944 19.99 3999
(45) Unteorn 14 E 53493 19.99 3999
(46) cameo T .. E 539S5 19.99 3999
(47) Hear1 with hoop T .. E 540 74 14.99 2999
(48) Shell T" E 53468 14.99 2999
(49) 3 mm , ba ll T 4 E S3464 14.,00 2999
(SO) 3 mm , pear1 T .. E S3463 14 .99 2999
(51) Small bow . T4E~73 14.99 29.99
(52) Cross . T .. E 53851 14.99 29,99
(53) Bullerti V T 4 E 53951 14..99 29.99
(54) Opal T" E 5,)415 14.99 2999
(55) Teddy T .. E 53466 14 .99 2999
56 Heart T .. E 53952 14.99 2999
DIAMOND NO TE' Tota l weight gIVen", pomts tOO pomts squsJ

r- pT&f,)I ($l.JCha$ T 4 E 53962)

,ime fot de livery


Q Olden
opportunities to say
"1 love you" time and again

I thru
ess ~e~ember
74K gold charms will tell that spec ial
perso n just how much they mean to you

in a very elegant way. All have large top bails to fit

most any chain. Gift boxed . Shipping weight 1 OZ.
Descnptoo catalog
I Thru
12 15
I After
( , ) His he!" Mltzpah ... .. T4E53Ql 0

S2I." S5999
( 2) C l'\.ICillll. .. •. ... . T 4 E53603 29." 59,99
3 1 M,raCl.llous meta l
4 1 Filigree cross with
.. . . T4E53009 1 129, 99
diamond ' · ,
{ 5 I C hnsl head . . . .. . . . .
( 6 ) Seaman's cross ..
T 4 E 53019
T 4 E 53007
T 4 E 53705
( 7 ) EngraVedcross . ... T 4 E 53020 19." 39 ,99

(8 ) Sma ll bar cros s . . . .. . T 4 E 5312 7 111.91 39,99
1,9a! fc.;: ~;~';et cross:' T 4 E 53024
T 4 E 530 22
41i1." 99.99
(12 )
Filigree cross .....

Lar;e cross.
g;l t:~~~~~ : .
T4 ES3Q1a
Diamondcut cross. ... T 4 E 53023
T 4 E 54695
T 4 E 53021
. ....
lU 9
89 .99
199 .99

(t S) Sta r 01 DaVId. .
(17) #1 Friend . ..
( 1 9) Be st lrienct ...
. ..
(18 ) Special sister ... . . .. .
.. .
I T 4 E S3OO4

T 4 E 53026
T 4 E53029
T 4 E53149
" .99


11. "
129 .99
(20 #1 Granctma. . .. . T4E53030 29." 59.99
(21) Best Frienct. . . .. T 4 E 53032 19.99 39.99
(22) #1 Mom. . .... T 4 E 53034 30." 79.99
(23) #1 Daughter... T 4 E 53031 19. " 39.99
(24) We Love Mom.... T 4 E 53027 19.99 39,99
(25i Someone Special
witt! diamond ' · . T 4 E 53033 34 .. . 69,99
(26) Best Friend . T 4 E 53028 30." 79.99
(27) 14K Ingot .. ...
T 4 E 53222 19.i9 39.99
(28) Eagle .... .. . ... .. . ..
T4 E54668 124.99 249.99
(29) Nugget . .... .. .
T 4 E 53025 89.99 179.99
(30) Hom . T4E53211 14.99 2999
(31) Butterfly holder . . . T4 E53017 29." 59,99
(32) Shell hoId&r. T4ES3316 19.99 39,99
(33) Puffed heart T 4 E 53037 30." 79,99
[~l ~:~~~~~~ : : : .
T 4 E53035 29." 59.99
T 4 E S3036

19.99 39.99
(36) urscorn . T 4 E 53576 19.99 39.99
(37) Bunerfly ............ . T4E53126 19.99
(38 ) Heart witt! diamond -· . T4 E 53039 49.99 9999
(39) Cat . T4 E S3038
.. 19.99
1 po mt diamond or ruby . 100 pomts equa ls 1 carat
27% to 55%
thru December 15th
The look of luxury in these his and hers 14K go ld
1 nugget watches by Jardinay · . Watches have the
precIsion of quartz movement. Warranted by
Jerainev ". Imported.
04 E 17073-Men"s style . Shpg . WI. 13 oz .
Price thru 12.15 51999.00 . . . After 1215 $4000 .00
0 4 E 17359-Women"s style. Shpg. wt. 9 oz.
Price thru 12,15 $599.00 ... After 1215 $1200 .00

2 Classic go ld watches by Jaguar. 14K go ld case

watch es have subtly textured leather adjustable
straps . Prec ision quartz movem ent. Stainless stee l
backs. Warranted by Jaguar' . Imported. Wt. 5 oz.
a 4 E 17381-Men"s style
Price mru 1215 $249.00 . .. After 12.,15 $500 .00
0 4 E 17379-Women's style
Price Ihru 121 5 $199.00 . .. After 1215 $400 .00

3 Begant diam ond-face watches from Bulova .

exqu isite quartz ana log watches have stainless
steel cases and bands . Face features I -po int
diamond ~ . Warranted by Bulova · . Imported.
Shipping weight 8 ounces.
T 4 E 16602-Men's style
Price thru 1215 $135.00 ... After 1215 $185.00
T 4 E 16512-Women'S style
Price thru 1215 $125.00 . . . After 12 15 $175.00

4 Diamond case watches have stainless stee l

cases and bands . Face features ten t-ooim
diamon ds u . Warranted by Amitron ~ · . Imported.
T 4 E 17065-Men'S style. Shpg. wt. 7 oz.
Price tnru 12 15 $135.00 .. . After 1215 $200 .00
T 4 E 17437- Women's style. Shpg. wt . 6 oz.
Price thru 12.15 $125.00 ... After 1215 $180.00

5 6and Glittering with excitement . these 14K go ld

women 's wat ches have dazzling faces
featuri ng ten t-oom diamonds u . Prec ision quartz
analog movement. Warranted by Jardinay · .
Imported . ShipplI'9 weight 8 ounces .
(5) 0 4 E 17373-Square style
Price thru 12 15 5399,00 . .. After 12.15 saoo.oo
(6) 0 4 E 17375-Marquise style
Price thru 1215 $699.00 ... After 12 15 $1400 .00

7thru I0 The lovely feeling 0.' diamonds . . -.

nature 's most oteaous gem combme s
with accurate quartz mo vement to make these
watches exc eptiona l. Gold or silver co lor metal
cases and bands with stainless stee l case backs.
Warranted by Armitron · · , Imported ,
See diamond note n . be low .

7 Round dial wome n's t -ocmt diamond watch .

T 4 E 17453-Shpg. wt. 4 oz.
Price tnru 12.15 552.99 . . . After 1215 $79 ,99

8 Women 's 1·point diamond watch .

T 4 E 17457- Shpg. wt. 6 oz.
Price thru 1215 $79.99 ... After 12.15 $119.99

9 Women 's yellow marquise. ten !"2-poi nt

diamonds .
T 4 E 17513-Shpg . wt. 5 oz.
Price thru 12 15 $19.99 . ,. After 1215 $119.99
Women 'S white marquise, ten ~~point
I0 diamonds .
T 4 E 17483- Shpg. wt. 5 oz.
Price thru 121 5 $72.99 ... After 12,15 $109.99

II Ten, I-point diamonds · · will make this watch

the most beautifu l gIft a woman cou ld WIsh for
under the tree . Quartz movement. Base metal case .
Warranted by Lucien Piccard '. Imported.
T 4 E 17371- Shpg. wt. 8 oz.
Price thru 1215 $149.99 ... After 12 15 $224.99

1 2Exp lore the uniqu e beauty of this wome n 's

marqu ise by Dufonte by Luc ien Piccard.
10-po int diamond '" face. Stamless steel case and
band. Quartz movement. Wa"snted by Lucien
etccera . Imp orted,
T 4 E 17713-Shpg . wt. 8 oz.
Price thru 1215 $99.99 ... After 12.15 $149.99

1 3 The raw beauty of diamonds adorn this men 's

black dlsl watch with 5-pomts · · of sparklmg
gems . Quartz movement for added precision.
Stainless stee l cas e and band. Warranted by Lucien
Piccard . Imported.
T 4 E 17086-Shpg. wt. 8 oz .
Price thru 12 15 $99.99 .. . After 1215 $149.99
' Wrlte lOr tree co py. see page Z153A
DIAMOND NOTE: Total wetghts give n m pomts
100 points - 1 carat.
Catalog numbe rs with an " 0" or " T" prefilC.
allow 8 rTlJmmum 0' 10 oars lOr de livery
Ithru II Se ikoQuarrzwatCt!eS,6Xceptltem(10J,ha
. ve
sturdy stamless steel cases and backs
Hard/ex mar-reslslant crystal on all watches, except
items (5) and (10) which have acry/IC crystals
Imported, Warranted by $efko ·
A you
ll theneedJorgift
Ithru 5 ClasSIC watches for 8 special woman
N..-, .,
t~r'5 :Z~~5
(1) ~WIItch T4E18nl 7 $10 1.25 $135 00
(2) 1"9' , dialmooott dia l T"E 18781 7 123 .75 16500
(3) SNiped watch T4E 18899 7 10125 13500
(4) Ultra-ttun two-tone 14 E 18789 7
(5) Srlver"COklf eNs! walch T4E 18245
Gold-eolor oval walch T .. E 18248
,, 123 .75
165 00
'''6.25 195,00

6 Analog/digital chronograph alarm watch can be set

at two different tllne zones Chronograph records
up to t hour in 1/1()()fhofasecond. 12j24hou"eadout
in military time Water-resislant". Shpg . wt . 8 oz
T 4 E 18652-Silver-eolor
Thru 12/15 $112.50 .. . After 12/15 $150.00
T 4 E 18957-Gold-eolor
Thru 12/15 $131.2 5 ... After 12/15 $175.00

7 This amazing alarm/ChronognJPh watch fflCOI'ds up

to 1 hour in 1/1ClJths of 8 second. 7-year bafferyt.
Water-reslstant wIth a convenient backlight on dial

12/24 hour readout In military time . Wt. 6 oz.

J 4 E 45467-Gold-eolor
u 12/15 $82 .50 ... After 12/15 $110.00
E 45456-Sitver-color
12/15 ~ .50 .. After 12/15 $59.SO

II Rugged designs for a specia l ma n.

( 8) AnIlog 1IItm, ....

(9 ) MlIn's two-lone
(10) 17.,evwel mecI'I8nlcaI

T" E ll1933
14 E 189)1

WlIer.JfltStlnl-. 6llrlguaI

Eng iSPen cIlenOBr.
luminous!lands . T.. E 1 ~
(11) Analogw,ltI cIIylaal t

,*,"'efor free C'CJJ)y. $1M t»f1fI2Ii1A

· ·SH w.'er-re:YstllflCt! note . ~
tApprox.nwle t:»ttery I".
84A ttDl6mond NOTE..
33%to 50%less~~be' 15th
thru 13 Full one year warranty behind every
Iwatch Phasarll watch. We warrant the whole
(excluding battery, except on our new Phasa~
6 Digital/analog alarm/chronograph watch has an
hourly chime and can record up to an hour In
V.ooths of a second. Water-resistant" Dual time
10. Items 1 mru 5) Includmg crystal, case . band and display can be set on two different time zones .
movement module. Also you can go to any Sears store Countdown timer Mar..,eslstant mlneralglass crystal
for service, (2 thru 8) Stamless steel cases. backs and T 4 E 44701-GoId--colol, Shpg. wt. 5 02
bands. ( 1. 9 thru 13) gold·!Ofle7V cases, Imported, Price tnru 12/ 15 $59 .99 . After 12/15 $89.99
Warranted by Sears', T 4 E 44564-Stalnless steel (not snowm. WI. 5 oz.

I 5
Pnce thru 12/ 15 $44 .99 . After 12/15 $69 99
thru Introd uCing Phasa~ 10 watches,' If the
battery falls wittun a full ten years from date
.o f purchase , Sears WIll replace It free! 7 The elegant SimpliCity of ttns bracelet watch is
enhsncedbya 'opt , dls/TlOl7d'7 accent on face, 3-
year ba t teryt fife Shipping weight 5 ounces
Water-resistant · · gold·tonev v watch tlB.s lummous T 4 E 44721·Thru 12/15 $74.99 , . After 12/15 $150.00
1 hands for easy mght readmg. WI. 5 oz
T 4 E 44523- Thru 12/15 $49 .99 . .. After 12/15 $79.99
Stainless steel (no r sho wn)
8 Stunmng. this black face watch has a g enUine , .
p t. dlamon~ accent. Leather strap. Mar·reslst ant
glass crystal. 3·year batteryt life
T 4 E 44536- Thru 12/15 $44 .99 ... After 12/15 $69.99 Shipping weIght 4 ounces
4 E 44703- Thru 12/15 $49 .99 . .Att er 12/15 $99 .99
2 Arabic-style wateNeSlsfanr" watch n8.S lumInous
hands for easy mght reading. Wt 5 oz
T 4 E 44527- rnru 12/15 $47.99 ... After 12/15 $7999 9 thru 13 $optllStJC8ted women 's watches that
sport a gOId-tonevv case and band
Stamless steel (not shown) WIth stainless steel backs, All watches feature a
T 4 E 44538-Thru 12/15 $39 .99 ... After 12/15 $5999 diamond dial or case With genuine t-o t. stooesv , All
have 3-year batteryf life . Shpg wt. 4 oz.
3 Water-resistant ·· analog has day/date display
Chrome-plated stamless steel case Wt 5 oz.
T4E44546-Thru 12/15 $39.99 . After 12/15$59.99 ( 9) diamondca 5e HE4o(Jli 189.99 $19:100
Subtle gold-eolor cas e and band (not shown). 110} dl8lTlOnd case. T4 E44:n:l 120.00 20000
T 4 E 44533- Thru 12/ 15 $49.99 . . .After 12/15 $79,99 (11) Qvall-pt, dIamln:l dial T4 E44433 54.99 110.00
(1l) Ro..ncl l-pt d\8fnclI'ld dial HE 4442S 5499 11000

4 Digital alarm chronograph watch has an hourly

chime. Chronograph records up to I hour In Ylooths
of a second Mar-reSistant and water-r esistant"" mmersl
(13) Baguene lj?! ~ dial
Wnle for free copy, see page
T 4 E 44429
"See wSfer.,eslstat1C8 no/ft. page 864
79.99 13500

glass crystal Shpg wI. 5 oz t-AptyoxlfTl8/e battery lite

T 4 E 46205-GaId--color "DIAMOND NOTE, Total wetgIltglven In points 100 pi -,

Pnce thru 12/ 15 $39.99 . After 12/15 $5999 carat.
"" The goId-t()ff(l finish on out Pha~ walc/'les IS 2 layers
T 4 E 46204-Sllver--color thrck the top layer IS 91$7% gok:Iby we<ghl, bottom layer 1$
Pnce mru 12/15 $24.99 . Alter 12/15 $3999 1 m/CrOfl of ~ gokJ by we<gf!t over a mcktJi.pJated base

5 An amazing watch' Digital alarm /chronograph has

an hourly chime and can record up to an hou r In
v.ooths ofa second wste-res.stsnt" up to 100meters
Items Wi th a " T"' ptehJ( (such as T 4 E 4Ii205)
could ta/lft eJ(tra lime for CJe/ivery
Dual time display can be set on two different time
zones. Countdown timer. Mar-re sistant mineral glass
crystal. Shpg. wt. 7 OZ
T 4 E 46322- Thru 12/15 $44 .99
7thru 12 Styled especially for lames , The se sleel<ly
styled watches have the clean des Ign you
want . Wale S ha 'Ve base mt'Jta/'CIISBS Wllh stainless
steelJ::MCks. Warranted by Timex Imported,
Sh~ . Wf. 3 oz. each.

7 wa~Bf-resls. tent" quartz analog watch has a black

di tHin strap
:4 E 18353-Thru 12/ 15 $14 .96 ... After 12/15 $19,95

oo The be st in lUxury, this water·reSlstant ... quartz

ana log wa tch has a brown leather band
I4E 18345-Thru 12/1 5 $28.46 .After 121t5537.95

9 Ouartz analog sty" with black vinyf strap

4 E 18389-Thru 12/15 $22.46 ... After 12/15 $29.95
Great for comfort . this water-resistant·· quartz
10 analog wat ch has an expa nSion ban(1.
4 E 18387- Thru 12/15 $18 .71 ... After 12/ 15 $2495

II Ouartz analoQ with Spe/deJe expansion band

4 E 18333-l'hru 12/15$29.96 ; After 12/15$39.95
Built to I&t a fifelln"le. ttus mechanical anaJog
12 watch has a goId -ecJor expa nSion band
4E 18546-Thru 12/ 15$20.96. ,After 12/ 15527.95

3 Dig ita l alarm/chronograph watch displa ys time ,

1 month, day and date Me tal base Wi th slalnless
st eel expanslOfJ band. Water -resistant··. Warranted by
Timex·. Imported GokJ-coIor nol shown. Wt. 3 oz
4 E 45662-Silver-eolor 4 E 45275-GoId-eolor
Thru 12/ 15 . . $14 .96 Thru 12/15 $18 .71
After 12/15 . . $19.95 After 12/15 . , $24.95

14 Quartz digita l watCh d isp lays M 'Ie

monlh/dale. Meta l base with stainless st eel
expansion blind Warran ted by T"nex· Imported.

Silver-eotor not sI'Iown, Wt 3 02

4 B ~ld-colOf 4 E 45527-$ilver-eolor
Ttvu 2/15 . . $11 .21 Thfu 1211 5 $9.71
After 12/ 15 $14 95 After 12/15 .$12.95

5 &lit to serve you , ttns water -resistant·· d'9.Ital
tIlann/chronograph watch has a cal culator
Metal base with adjustable resin str~ Wan-anIBd by
Timex·. Imported . Shipping W81Qht 3 ounces
4 E 45505-rnru 12/15 $13 .48 ... After 12/15 S17,95

16 " Ironman TriathaJOfI" quMtz dlglta' alarm/

chronograph watch has sepsrate t"ner
operatlOfJs , Di splays tllne . month, day and da te. 8JIick
pl&tlC strap . Water-f8$lstant to 700 melers

After I ft 5 $34.95 Shpg , wt . 3 oz

stan t .. watch has calendar
4~E 456s0- Thru 12/ 15 $29 .96 . AftSf' 12/15 B .95
not ShoWl}! "WrIte for""~"~ 263A
-WA TER·RESISTANT>NOTE: W.ter.,.,.t.,." ....tdles we
4 E 18044-$lver-eolor cIesigrI«J to WIN water",-.ssure of 3S ;JOI.IfId$ pet "QUaf8
Thru 12/15 $27.71 iiK:fI (If! MkliIIOfl ~IC pressure) as long as
After 12/15 $36.95 crystw. tMck digltw WIItchtts rtIfNins intact
12% to 30% less :t:.151h
I Te/l her you love her wrtl'l th;s slfver-color heart·
shaped analog q uartz watch. Simulated dIamond
accent RhOdIum-plated I»se metal case and cham
Warranted by Oum teJ". Imported. Shpg wt . 5 02
4 E 17142 . . . Thru 12/15~.99 ; After 12/15 $3999

2 Fee lIng pretty with this Timex quartz ana log gold·
color Imk watch WIth SiinullJted d iamond acce nts
Base metal case and cIliiK'. Water-resIstant··.
Warra n ted by Timex ". Impbrted. Shpg wt . 8 02
4 E 18555 . . .Thru 12/15$34.95 : After 12/ 15 $39 95

3 No thi ng shimmers like /ami! ... gold-coJor q uartz

analog metal watch has gold-eolor vmyt lame
band Wate'-'eslstan~· Warranted by timer :
Imported. Shpg . wt . 8 02
4 E 18559 . . Thru 12/. 5 $24.95: After 12/ 15 $29 .95
~CUrved watches have base
4 Men 's and
metal cases wrtlJ,,!!am/ess steel back.s. Sweep
second hand. Leatlffii. strap. Warranted by Tem/ex·
Imported Shpg. wt. 02
4 E 17523- Meri,,'1 ' 4 E 17525-Women s style
Pnce thru 12/,15 .99 After 12/15 $49 99

5 Quartz 'goId-eolor meta l wat ch With an

f1xpsns1Of1mnd. Warranted by Am",'ron°, Imported.
Sh,,,,,,ng _ .4 ounces
4 E 17133 ~lhru 12/15 $34.99: After 12/ 15 $39,99

6 Desiii!iiJ wtthextra style with sterling.slJverf metal

link watch has quartz preclSIOfl. Warranted by
Arrrntron Imported, Shpg wt . 5 oz.
4E1 1 Thru 12/15 $34 .99 : After 12/ 15 $39 .99
1 tfK1 ncB beads of these watches gIVe
I~ style all thei r own. Base metal
-,n.Jog preclSIOfJ watches. Warranted by
ed.Shpg wt . 3 oz. ea
terling-sllvert 4 E 17137- Gold-col or
:$39.99 Thru 12/15 .$49.99
$49.99 After 12/15. . S59.99
p to th:e
minute looksfor
the time Qfyour li

25% less thru

Decembel l5th

I Uniq ue Slmk~ stre tch band watch. Ouartz analog

watch has nickel-pla ted brass case and band
Stamless stee l back. Warranted by Arrnltron.·
Imported Wt. 5 oz.
I 4 E 17653-Whlte T 4 E 17656- Blue
T 4 E 17651- Gold T 4 E 17654- Lavendef
T 4 E 17657-Black
Price Ihru 12/ 15 $ 18.69 . After 12/15 $24 99

Quart z AWA TC~ SWISS movement plastIC watch.

2 Stamless steel back.: weter-resistentt Second
hand Warranted by Ann/fran.· Imported. WI. 3 oz
4 E 17069- Large black 4 E 17646- lavender
4 E 17636- Blac k 4 E 17647-PInk
4 E 17644- Blue 4 E t7637-Whlte
Price tnru 12/15 $18.69 After 12{15 $2499

3 Ouartz analog square watches ha ve a precise

sweep second hand Water-resistant+. these
plastIC watches ha ves stamless s teel back Warrsntsd
by Arrntfron.·. Imported
Shpg wt . 2 oz
T 4 E t 7873-Blue T 4 E 17872-Magenta
T 4 E 17532-Whlte T 4 E 17871-Black
Price tttru 12/15 $18.69 After 12/ 15 $24 99

4 Introducing the GLOWATCHfI This speclB l watch

glows In the dark' The whole watch gives off a
mag ica l g low alter exposure to natural or artificial flg M .
Quartz analog watches are wster-reslStanff PlastIC
case and band With a stamless steel back, Warranted
by NelsonlC · tmoonea. Shpg wt 3 oz .
4 E 17414-Stnped 4 E 17404-Pink
4 E 17412-Lie cetecto- 4 E 17402-8108
4 E 17408-White 4 E 17420- "G " clef
Pnce lhru 12{15 $18 .69 After 12{15 $24,99
"Wnht for frH ~ $ft ~ 2I53A
+s. tWJter~fM'Ic#Inots, psge 86A
I Try to resist these adorable chunky watches that
cleverly look "ke 8 bracelet and 8 watch!
Lightweight. plastic watches have mechanical
movement WIth easy·flttmgexpansion oera. Warranted
by Nelsonic°, Imported. Shpg. wt . 3 oz.
4 E 17693-White 4 E 17692-Btue. while
4 E 17691-Plnk, white
Price thru 12/15 $9.99 ... After 12/15 $12 .99

2 Boasting that contemporary-style , pearlIZed plastic

bangles have quartz movement. Base metal cases
With baked on enamel finishes Warranted by
Nelsonic°, Imported, Shipping weight 3 oz.
4 E 17658-8100 4 E 178,9-Clear
4 E 17659-Pink 4 E 17640-Wtlite
Price thru 12/15 $16.99 ... After 12/15 $19.99

3 Flip-open this elegant bracelet and it's 8 watch

Mechanical movement With base metal case and
bane/. Warranted by Nelsonic°, Imported, WI. 3 oz.
4 E 18684-White 4 E 1B683-Black
Price thru 12/15 $19.99 . .. After 12/15 $24 .99

4 Scented watches l These elegant plastic watches

are scented With famous lfrlposter fragrances
(does not contain perfume). Quartz analog movement
with sweep second hand. Stamless steel case , bad<
Warranted by NelsonlCo, Imported. Shpg wt. 30z ,
4 E 17671-Polson-like (pink )
4 E 17674-Opium-hke (black )
4 E 17687-GeorQIO-hke (floral)
4 E 17673-Obsesslon-like (multi )
Price lhfu 12/15 $11.99 , .. Afler 12/15 $14.99

5 Now you can have a watch tor eV81}'outfit The

pastel colors of the bands ,ncluded With this
cassette watch are easily mixed or matched Water-
re5tstantf quartz analog plastic watch. Set includes 5
different color bands plus 5 cases . Wa"anted by
Annltroo-·, Imported, Shpg , wt . 3 oz.
4 E 17675 . . Thru 12/15 $19 .99 : After 12/15 $2999
I Charmm g plasti c hea rt expansion bracelet
wrth dig/tal watch. T,me a /splay plus
month d ate. Imported. Warranted by Nelson ic " .
Shpg . wt . ea . 3 oz.
State colOr no.: 201-Whlle 240-MU~lCOlor 214-PlnK
4 E 45267H-Ea . $4.99; 2 or more . Ea. $4.50

2 Plastic heart pendant watch displays time

plu s month date . Impo rt ed. Warranted by
Nelsomc " , Shipping weigh t 2 oz .
State COlOr number " 201- Whlte 214-P,nk
4 E 45268H-Ea . $4.99; 2 or more, Ea. 54.SO

3 Slmky' base metal d Jglt al watch has an

expanSion band . Time display p lus
month da re. Imported. Warranted by QUlntel .
WI. ea. 1 oz.
State color number 204- Red 206-Blue
4 E 45269H-Ea. $4.99; 2 or more. Ea. $4.50

4 s- o ec e g ift set incl u d es plastic digita l

Chlck/et wa tch same as (5) be low , pe n,
si mul ated pea rl plastIC necklace . earrings and
bra ce lets . Import ed . Warranted b y Nelson ic .
4 E 45259-Shpg . WI. se t 3 oz ... Se t $9.99

5 Chick/et plastIC digital wa tc hes in brigh t

colOrs. Time d isp lay p lus da y date . Impo rt ed .
Warr ant ed by Ne lsonic ' . Shpg . WI. ea. 2 oz.
Stale color num ber: 217- SJlvercolor 214-Ptnk
213-Gold color 240- Aamt;:Jov.
4 E 45266H-Each $3 .79 ... Any 2. Ea. $3 .50
3 or more ... Each $3.00

6 Chlc klet p last ic digita l wa tch same as (5)

abo ve . but with lett ers and numbe rs so you
c an personali ze it! Impo rt ed. Warranted b y
4 E 4527B- Shpg. WI. 2 oz .. . 15.99

7 ThIS fashio na bl e watch has hve plastic

conver tibl e straps . . . each w ith Its own
watch gua rd so you c an match all your outtns.
Dig ital wa ter-resis tant ~ wa tc h di splays tim e and
month dare . Imported . Warrant ed b y Nelsonic .
4 E 45276- Shpg_wt . 3 oz .. 16.•

S Floc ked. fuzzy plast ic bear digital watCh..

Time dis play and month date , Import ed
Warranted by Netsomc
Sl a18 color number : 206-U blue 214-P'nll
4 E 45254H-Shpg . WI. 3 OZ . . 57.99

9 Heart-shaped watch and Je welry se t. OIQita l

base meta l watch With vmyl band. Matchmg
base metal pendant, rmg and bracelet wtth
expandable band. Import ed . Warranted b y
4 E 45197-Pink 4 E 4519B-Blue
Shipping we ight set 3 ounces ... Set st.•

I0 Clip -on plastic watches are the la tes!

craze! Dig ital watch with time display and
n d ate .1mported . Warranted b y Nefsonic
r no . .~.\-8lack 206 - 81u8 214_P mk
7-7H-Sh'?!!l ' WI. 2 oz ... $4.00
ffi8 copy. see page 253A
ptlf}e 86A
You'll ne ver be lon ely w ffh this peek-a- boo pa l
1 pl astic digital wa tch that glows in the da rk.
Imported. Warranted by Nelsonic · , WI. 3 oz.
I0 Spider digital watch has plastic case.
Imponed. Warranted by Nelsomc - .
Shipping weight 3 ounces.
4 E 45572-Thru 12/1515.99; After 12/15 $7.99 4 E 45560-Thru 12 '15 $7.99; After 12'15 $9.99

2 Lazer Tag" p lastic alarm chro nograp h dig ita l

wa tc h shows time readout on c omm and .
Import ed . Wsrrsnred by Arm itron - , WI. 2 oz.
II Play tunes with d igital plastic piano watch .
Import ed . Warranted b y Nelson ic " .
4 E 45575-Shpg. wt. 3 oz.
4 E 4555 9-Thru 12/15 $9.99; After 12115 $11.99 Thru 12;15 $14.99 ; After 12/15 $17.99

3 Ba rb ie t digital wat c h has en eov uc case.

Imp or ted . Warranted by Arm itron - . WI. 2 oz.
4 E 45556-Thru 12.'15 $9.99; After 12115 $11 .99
1 2 Dinosaur p last ic digital wat ch . Imported.
Warranted b y Quinte r . Shpg. wt . 2 oz .
4 E 45574-Thru 12/15 $5.99; After 12/15 $7.99

4 Bazooka Joe tt p lastic dig ital watCh. Impo rted.

Warranted by Nelsonic · . WI. 2 oz.
4 E 45573-Thru 12/15 57 .99 ; After 12115 $9 .99
1 3
Polye ster p lus h anima ls have strap
closures . Plas tic digita l wa tch . Imported.
Garfield and AJf warranted b y NelsoniC" .. Cookie

5 Gumby ,;. digital is rubberized P VC Vinyl . Imported.

Warranted by Lewcc Toys. LTD- , Shpg. WI. 4 oz.
4 E 45468-Thru 12/15 $9.99 ; After 12,'15 $11.99
mon st er, Le wco Toys, LTD - .
4 E 45553-GarfieIdCD , Shpg. wt. 4 oz.
4 E 45554-Cookie Monster " . Shpg. wt. 3 oz .
4 E 45555-Alf.... . Shpg. wt . 4 oz .

6 Time teacher mechanic al ana log plastic watch .

Imported. Warranted b y Nelsonic " , Wt. 2 oz .
Each. thru 12/15 59.99; Each . After 12 '15 $11 .99
4 E 19548-Thru 12/ 15 59.99 : After 12115 $11 .99
OREO~t. d igit al
1 4
Volks w agOf711 plastic digital wa tch . Imported.
Warranted b y Freemark Internatlo nar .
7 wa tc h has non- toxic , PVC vinyl
strap and c ase . Imported . Warranted b y
American Entrep re neurs - . Shpg . wt. 2 oz.
State color: 204-Red 219- Black
4 E 45576H-Shpg . wt . 3 oz.
Thru 12'15 $11.99; After 12:15 $14.99
233- Turq UOise

/5thru 17
4 E 45558- Thru 12115 59.99; After 12/15 $11.99
Mickey Mous e- watches are
Hamburger~t. dig ital w atch has non-toxic PVC
8 vinyl strap and c ase . Import ed . Warranted b y
Ame ric a Entreprene urs " . Shpg . wt . 2 oz . nem
warranted by LoTUS " . Imported .
Catalog Thru Aft"
4 E 45557-Thru 12/ 1559.99; After 12'15 $11.99 ",",,,,,:::-==-==±~N~,m~ be!l,r oz. 12 15 12 15
(15) Quartz plastICanalog 14 E 19526 1 3 :S18.851519.95

9 Supe rm a,.,u wa te r-res istan!"'" - " p lastic ana log

w atch w ith shock-resi sta nt sec ond hand.
(16) PlastJedigllal ...,....
( 17 ) Qua rtz ana log with
14E.45552:I 'I '0.t5 12.95

Imported . Warran ted b y Una Donna " . Wt. 2 oz. base metal case
4 E 19547-Thru 12/ 15519.99; After 12/15 $24 .99 and leathe r strap .. .. .4 E 19523 3 I 11.15 24.95
" Write for free c opy. see page 263A ::I::: R. Da nk/n & ca.
"": 1986 World of Wonders . Inc. .:...:TM. In Time, 1987 .... , J987 AJien PrrxJlJCfIOflS
•' •see note PBge 86A t ~ Mattei. Inc. 1986 ...: J987 Muppe ts. Inc .
. ~ J986 Beer/and. Tokyo
t t : 1987 Topps CheWing .:.: J98S Lewco Corp.
Gum. Inc. ::Jt- DC Cooucs. Inc. J986 - , 1986 Walt C)sney ProdllCtlOflS
All rig hts reservec1,
Great timing
lfor good sports

Ithru 4 Score big w ith your favonfe team by sporting

your tavoflfe offICially tc ensea NFL name and
insignia. Alf are quartz (tHlttery included) exc ep t Item
You 're sure to p lease you r boy wi th this 4-pIece
g if t set tha i includes gofd-eolor base meta l digita l
wa tch , whis tle and pen ... p lus a vmyl wallet . Five
( 1). Imported, Warranted by Welby· function wat ch has an expansion band Imported,
t02-Patriots t 1- Raiders "9-Rams Warranted by Nelsonic·.
'OS-Browns 112-$teeler5 120-Vikm g s 4 E 45650-Shpg , wt . 30z , $12 .99
t 15- 8ears
Its - Packers
II Pac -manT¥t plastic dlg lfa l game wafch , Time
readou t p lus da te, da y and alarm , Imported,
Warranted by Nelsonic ·.
127- Se ahawks 4 E 45461-Shpg wt . 30z , $19 .99

I Youth 's analog watch With base me tal case. vinyl

strap and ' jewel mo vement.
State team numbe r from above
12 O·berttf p lastICgame watch , . . he lp him tra vel
from one cube to another. Sound effects. Time
plus date Imported. Warranted by Nelson ic·.
T 4 E 18763H-Shpg , wt. 2 oz.. , $14.99 4 E 45641-Shpg. wt. 30z , , $19.99

2 Youth 's qua rtzdlgl tal watch has p last iC case : vinyl
strap, Shows tune d isplay and date. Also has 15-
minute stop wa tch timer. Sticker applicatIOn for all 28
13 SoccerplastiCgame watch lets you fee l lJkeyou 're
righ t on the field . Digital li me display. Imported
Warranted by Ne lson ic·.
NFL teams inc luded 4 E 45644- Shpg . w t . 2 oz ... $15.99
T 4 E 45659-Shlpplng weight 2 oz $9.99
Tank/plane p lastic game watch for all the excl tmg

3 ~ Adult"s dig ita l alarm chronog raph with

hourly chi me Base me tal wIth s tamless steel
14 actlOfl of the batlfefJeld. Dig ital time display p lus
date Imported. Warranled by Nelsonic·.
bracelet. Display snows tllne readout, month and date 4 E 45643- Shpg. wt . 3 oz ... $15.99
OIl com mand. Stic ker application for a /128 NFL teams
Gray robot plastic d igital watch has hour. nd.
included. Reduced from 1986 Christ mas Book , page
15 month, da y, da te disp lay. Remo vab le st rap
Imported. Warran ted by Oumtel·.
T 4 E 45483-Wt 4 oz . . Was $17,99; Now $14 .99
4 E 45478-Shpg wt. 2 oz . , $3.99
4 Ready for action q uartz digi tal alarm clock has
a fJlg htflg ht . Plast IC helmet 1$ sutbentic NFL shape.
4 ~x3~x4 ,ncheS
·Wnte fOI'free copy , see psge 2634
"See wllleN es,stance note . pag8 8&4-
t l98 1 8811 MIdw.y Mfg. Co
State team number from above. tt 1982 Go ltll6tJ Co,fCoIum bta PIctures
T 4 E 74221H-Shlpplng weight 4 oz . .$16 .99

5 For those tough problems anywhere . . . this quartz

calc ulator dig ita l wat ch can add, sub tract, mult iply
and d ivide It also has an alarm fea ture so you 'll be sure
not to miss that Important date. Sho ws time , da y , TO DRUGS
month and date on com mand. Plastic ca se with P VC
For Intormatlon on how you can
vinyl strap. Imported. Warranted by Welb y ·.
help light drug abus e. see p 263 A
T 4 E 45656-Shtpplng welghl 2 oz. . $14 .99

6and 7 America 's tevocte basketball p layer . :

can no w be 'WIth y ou alwa ys ! These Time
Jordan. qua rtz analog wat ches ha ve the same
preciSion as Michae l Step mo tion second hand Plas tic
cases Imported, Warranted by Exce lsior·.

6 Time Jorda n @wa tch With plastIC strap. WI . 3 oz

T 4 E 19507 . Thru 12/15 $24 .99 ; After 12/15 S29.99

7 Time Jordan" watch with adj ustable snap Imk

bracelet. ShPQ wt . 3 oz
T 7 E 19508 ,. Thru 12/1 5 $24 .99 ; After 12/ 15 $29.99

8 p less thro December 15t h. Boy 's plastic digital

alarm IS water.,eslstan"- to 30 meters. Shows time
plus date. Imported. Warranted by Nelsonic·.
StlPQ wt . 2 oz.
4 E 45611... Thru 12/15 $6.99; After 12/ 15 59 99

9 $2 less thN December 15th. An alarm watch you

can count OIl. It's also a calculator that adds,
subtracts and divides , Shows time plus day. date and
month on command Plastic with stamless steel back
Imported. Warranted by NelsoniC·, ShPQ. wt. 2 oz.
4 E 45481 . Thru 12/15 $7,99; After 12/15 $9,99

Itflt'rls WlttI. ' T ' ptefiJC (such as r.. E 45483 )

92A could tllk e eJCtrl!I hmft fOI'dtII,1IfIfY
I®% to 38% less :~~~:~~~~~110I 1
I watchshi.P.
to shore you 'llwant this navifJBtor 's quartz
Dlgttal analog chronograph With base metal
case and"«l}ustable stainless steel bracelet, Irnporled.
Numbers wIll never be out of centrol with tms
calculator alard/fJlfal stop watch PlastIC watch
can add, subtract. multiply and dlvde. Tune readout
Warranted by NelsonlC". Shoo. wt . 9 oz. (JIus month and date. S2 manufacturer mall-m rebatr .
4 E 17047, ,Thru 12/15 $2•.119: After 12/15 $3999 Imported, Warranted by Mvanee"

2 Explore lheexcifing possibtlltl8S of thiS DIal-a-mode

alarm. chronograph digital watch RotatIng bezel
4 E t6912-Shlppmg weIght 3 ounces
For when the gomg gets tough
thiS shock-
makes setting II breeze Also PIJC8f and memory resIstant 3O-meter water-reslstant o• digital alarm
features . . plus Irs water-reSlstan'" up 10 50 meters.' chronograph watch can meet almost Bny Challenge
Black plastIC caseand banet Imported Warranted by Time readout plus month and date PlastICesse
Inno llBtive Time- Shipping weight 5 ounces. and strap . Imported, Wamanted by Advance '
4 E 45473 Thru 12}15 $29 .99: After 12}15 $3499 4 E 16941-Shlppng weight 3 ounces $7.99

3 Sport Masterdtgltal watch ISwater'reslstant"" to 50

meters Includes 24·hotJrstopwatch countdown
12 6-Dtglt sropwatch dlspJsys month. day, date on
command Records up to Y,DCth second up to 24
pacer to set stf/de and estimate distance , day , date , hours. Black plastIC case With nylon neck cord
month and alarm. Black plastic case and band Imported. Warranted by Cntenon' WI 3 oz

I3and I4
Imported, Warranted by Innovative Tlme- , 4 E 19107 .Thru 12}15 $6.99: After 12}15 59.99
4 E 45486-Shipplng weight 3 ounces
Thru 12}15 $19 .99 . . After 12/15$2499 FoId·uptravefslarms Impor ted Warranted
by ExcelslQf".
4 For the true outdoorsman . . thIS 30 meter water·
resistant·' watch has a compass on the strap so
13 Quartz alarm clock With plastIC case features a
you 'll never loose your way. Alarm chronograph digital mght light for easy reading. Second hand.
watch has time, month , day and date readout Plasrlc 4 E 74130-Brown case, WI. 5 oz.
case and strap, Imported, Warranted by Innovative 4 E 74129-Black case (not shown), WI. 5 oz
Time·, ShiPPing we~ht 3 ounces. Pnce thru 12/15 $12 .99 After 12/15 $1499
4 E 45475 . Thru 1 /15 $9,99, After 12/15 $1299 14 Digita l quartz alarm clock has snooze alarm

5 Plano watch has full mUSICal scale. Video space

game With missile launch and digita l scorekeeper.
4·functfOfl calendar, Time readout With date , alarm.
PlastIC case , Shpg wt 30z
4 E 73723 . Thru 12/15 $7,99: Atter 12/15 $12.99
15 ThiSattractive alarm chronograph calculator clock
hourly chime and 24·hour military tffne readout. Silver· has a digital display It also features a calendar
color plaStIC With stamless steel ~k and band and pen holder PlastIC case Impor ted. Warranted by
Imported. Warranted by Armltron Armltron' Wt 40z
4 E 45166-Stnpplng weight 5 ounces, E7 3 T ·2 5 S • 99 2 5 S 799
Thru 12/15 $17.99 .. After 12/15 $19.99 4 41 1 hru 1 / 1 1 . : After t / 1 1 ,

6 Memo PhoneTil watch memorizes up to 42

individual ten-dlglt numbers for phone. credit csras.
ere 4·funclton calcularor , Time readout mcludes
month , day, date , Alarm and 24·hour military tffne
Silver-eolor plastic With stainless steel back and band
Imported Warranted by Armltron ' ,
4 E 45168-Shtppmg weight 5 ounces
Thru 12/15 $24 .99 . After 12/15 $29,99

7 Quartz watch IS water·reslstant·· to 100 meters

Countdown timer, alarm, chronograph , hourly
chime , Time readout mcludes month. day, date Black
plastic WIth stemless steel baCk. Imported Warranted
by Caslo· .
4 E 45681-Shlpplng weIght 4 ounces
Thru 12/1 5 $24 .99 . After 12/15 $29.99

8 Analog digita l quartz is water-resistant ·' to 50

meters Alarm chronograph dIsplays month , day ,
date , Black plastic case and band. Imported.
Warranted by CaStO',
4 E 17041-Shlppmg weight 3 ounces
Thru 12/15 $29.99 .. . After 12/15 $3999

9 Alarm chronograph digital watCh. so

meter water."
reSistance'·, Displays time, month, day and date
Plastic case and strap. $2 manufacturer mail·in rebate/;,
Impor ted. Wa"anted by Advance·.
4 E 1691D-Shlpplng weight 3 ounces $6.99
·W"'et lor frH copy, S6fI p 263A ··See _'er-reSistance
nolet. p 86A .. Aav~nce RetAlft 0Ifftf IncIuO«1 With Item
Mlul·/fl coupon Wlilt or~lnal asled sales feC8IP' to Advance
R«»fet OffC!tf OOC!tf VOKi w!tfNtJ prollitJlfed
11%to 25%less thruDecember15th (except item4)
Ithru 7 Some things never go out of style like the
beauty of 8 hneJycrafted tlfnepleCe Base
metal watches are warranted by Arnex WrIte for tree
3 Ouartz watch set has B !fors l pattern on the back.
Knife on era of 12·inch cham has blade and naif file
4 E 19261-Walch and chain set. Shpg wt . 6 oz .
copy. see page 263A . Imported Price tnru 12/15 $44 .99 . After 12/15 $59.99
4 E 19255-Walch alone . Shpg , wI. 6 0z
I Dress watch se t has leat patterned on back. t2·/fIch
cham Knife has , blade and 1 nail file WatCh has 1
Price thru 12/ 15 $34 .99 . . After 12/15 $44.99
jewel movement
4 E 19257-Watch and chain set . Shpg . wt 60z
Pnce lhru 12/15 $44 .99 ... After 12/15 $59.99
4and 5 Watches have antlQue-fmlshed cases, edged
by scrollwork. vos croce of accurate quartz
or ll-jewel SWISS movement. Shpg wt 6 oz
4 E 19223-Watch alone . Shpg wt . 60z
Pnce thru 12/15 $34 .99 . . After 12/15 $4499
4 Watch has detalllOg Similar to those soldby RIChard
W. Sears over 100 years ago , Fron t has 2-toned

2 Slim. undetalled watch has pm lever movement

4 E 19222-Watch and chain set. WI. 5 oz.
Thru 12/15 $19.99 ... After 12/15 $24.99
locomotive . back, the Redwood. Mmnesota tram
station where Ric hard Sears SOldhiS firs t watch.
Item C.laJog Number Pnce
4 E 19221-Watch alone . WI. 50z Quartz Wllh eIlalfl . sel " E 19232 $60 .00
Thru 12/15 $15.99 ... After 12/15 $17.99 Quartz wltt!OUl chain . sel 4 E 19242 50.00
17.jeweI WIt!'1
chaJn . . . set "E 19231 60 .00
17.f8'W!lwolhoul C/'Il1Il'l ..,1 4 E 19241 50 .00

A Glass dome wIth hardwood base 3x5 Inches high

(Watch sold separately.) Shpg wt . 10 OZ
4 E 19996... Ttvu 12/15 $6.99 : After 12/15 $799
5 Watch has floral pattern on the back. '2-inch chain
has knife W ith blade and nail file
''',m Catalog Thru

..,"". ...
Numbet' 12115 12/15
0u8rtz With d"oaIn .
Quartz Wllt!OUl chain
17·,ewet Wllh ella," .
17·,eweI wlthoul cI'laln
4 E 19236
"E 192"7
" E 19237
" E 19248
59 .99 ., .
6 Ladies gold-eolor quartz wa tch pendant has SWISS
movement. 2fr".,ch long gok1<XJkx cham
Shpg wt . 4 oz.
4 E 19207 ... Thru 12/1 5 $69.99 . After 12/15 $89.99

7 Blue porcelam enameled face and co ver. 11tewel

mechamcal movement.
Shpg WI. 10 OZ.
94A, 4 E 19227 ... Thru 12/ 15 $124 .99. After 12/1 5 $14999
I thru 3 50% less thru December 15th Available
in sees B, 9,10.11 , or 12. State size.
Sterling silver vermei l ring wfth ~~..c;ar8t cubic
I zircOnia .
T 4 E 49153F- Shpg. wt . , oz.
Thru 1215 $39.99 ... After 121 5 $80 .00

2 t-earer
Sterling silver verm eil nugget look ring with
cubic zlfC;;oma.
T 4 E 49130F-Shpg. wt. 2 oz.
Thru 1215 $29.99 ... After 1215 $60.00

3 Onyx inltia/""9 with I-pI. atemona ", Gold hlled.

Stale Size from above. then one Initial except (I,
o. a. v. x. Y and Z).
F 4 E 491BOV-Shpg. wt. 7 oz .
Thru 1215 539.99 ... After 1215 sao.oo

4 8
thru 5Q~9 less thru December 15th 70K gold
rmgs are gift boxed. Size 10 only , can be
si zed at lOCalJeweler.

4 B lack star ring .

T 4 E 49256-Shpg. wt . , 02.
Thru 1215 599.99 ... After 12·15 $200 .00

5 Gamet rmg with 7A-pl. T.W. diamond* accents .

T 4 E 49255-Shpg. wt. 1 oz.
Thru 12'15 599.99 ... After 12:15 $200.00

6 Black onyx ring with h'-poInt d iamond · accent.

T 4 E 49306-Shpg , wt. 2 oz.
Thru 12 '15 $99.99 ... After 12:15 $200.00

7 Square ony... ring with J7-pt. diamond· accent.

T 4 E 49117-Shpg. wt . 2 oz.
Thru 12.'15 $99.99 ... After 12.15 $200.00
Sapphire nng with 1 ~ pt. T. W. d iamond· accent.
8 T 4 E 49257-Shpg. wt. 1 oz.
Thru 1215 $99.99 ... After 12.15 $200.00

9thru II Gold·rone Wristlets no area/l rage for

sayIng "t ove you " to that specIal man
in your life. Easily can be engraved with name or
( 9) T 4 E 49127-Unk
(10l T 4 E 49129-Nuggel·look
(11) T 4 E 49128- Herringbone
Shipping weight 4 ounces $14.99

1 2
Thinking of him fondly this gold tone
money c lip and key ring set is packaged in
mahagony·finished wooden gift bO...that can be

used as a jewelry bo x.
T 4 E 49258-Shpg . wt. 8 oz ... $24.99

13thru 15 50%less th01 December 15th

14K gold-filled chams come In an
attractive gift box . Shipping welQhl 1 ounce .

Descnptlon I cataklg
Number ~
1215 1215
(13) 2O-inch solid rope
1B· lnch solid rope
14 E 49151 I$39 .6 $80.00
4 E 49147 1 35.99 72.00
B·lnctI so lid 4 E 49146 t i.. 40 .00
(14) 2O-inch heavy herringbone 4 E 48149 2.. ..91 50 .00
lB-mctI he herri bone 4 E 49148 22-" 46 .00
(15) 2O-inctl med Ium I'lerTingbone 14 E 49143 1 l i.. 40 .00
1e-mch medIum I'lerTingbone 4 E 49142 18.6 34 .00

16anda 17 59% less thnJ December 15th ~terfing

Silver beveled hemngbone chams
make bo ld statement. See page 75A. for other
lengthS available. Wt. 1 oz.
I 12Thru15 1215 This black onyx cuff link and tie tac set has a


2O-mch heavy hemngbone I' E 303651


$42 .00
18 gold tone eleCtrop lated finish .
T 4 E 49115-Shpg. wt. 3 oz ... Set $29.99
lB-tnctl heavy hemngbone 4 E 30364 1'-" 38 .00
(17) 2().jnctl medium hemngbone I'" 30062 1t .... 134 .00
medium herrm9bon! 4 E 30361
18-11'lCl'l 15.i9 32.00 19 50% le s s th 01 December 15(h. Charming
f 4K gold oval tie tack has an engaging onyx
stone accented by a genume ~pt. diamond· .
Brass tie clutch.
T 4 E 49116-Shpg. WI. 1 oz.
Thru 12/15 $39.99 . .. After 12.15 $80.00

20 Gold-tone moire : cuff links have an

electroplated hmsh.
T 4 E 49114-Shipping Weight 3 oz ... $14.99

21 Pen and card case sets .are metal with a black

matte and gold--eoIOr fmlsh.
Pen and card case set is the perteet way to store
your business cards neatly.
4 E 49112-Shpg. wt. 7 OZ . .. 529.99
Pen and card case calculator set features a soter-
po wered c alculator with all-functions and memory.
4 E 49113-Shpg. WI. 7 OZ . .. $39.99
" NOTE: Toral wetpht gwttn In palm, 1CJO.pomrs - 1 CMBl.
Items with iii " r prefi1l (such as F" E "!H80V,l lilre sent
from htctory. AHow e1ltri!l tlme. StNpptng and handling
cha rg ed trom Catalog Mdse . Dist. rAmer. No C.O.D. QTders
Irems wfth iii -r- preh1t (such IiIS T4 E 49115)
could tllke lJ1ltrlil time fOI'delivery z95A
w iu..,_ c.
fi.. tlirul"t~~
quaint Jog c.,iIfh~.ii;l1e'iii9iiiii!1i.liS!
bIIng the 10. ' 01Jr!th 0
holiday season hOme ~in. W,"ittS
DeSJgns has captured iili nostalgia
of a small town Christmas in g entle
handpainted color and handcrafted
derail. Eac h nighrlight has a 6·foot
cord with on off switch and uses 8
4 t z wart bulb . included. UL listea.
Catalog IHlJ WI. I Each When you
Number m.t ea. buy 2
(A) Log Cabin plays 'W inte r WOnde rland "
4 E 96265r 6 11 lb. 8 Ea . S15.•
(B} CoiofiiiI plays Home Sweet Home"
4 E 962(l9 ~5 1}1 lb. 10 oz.. $11.1. Ea. SlUi
(e) Church plays Silent Night
4 E 96268 16 j 1 lb . 5 oz. SlUl1 Ea. 515.•
(D) Chalet plays -'Sound 01 MuSIC"
4 E 962e7 ! 6 j11b. 12 oz.:Sl l1." IEa. 515."
I E) Cottage plays 'W hrte Chnstmas
4 E 96266; 4 !l Ib. 7 oz. 11'.11 Ea. 515."

and Mus/cal snowglobes have
glass g lObeS and rcn
hardwood bases.
Cnure." plays " Silent Night. -'
F Shipping weight 1 lb . 14 oz .
4 E 96271 Each 516.99
2 or more Each $13.59
Cott~e p lays " White Christmas ."
G Shipping welQht 1 lb. 14 oz.
4 E 96270 •.. Each $16.99
2 or more ... Each $13.59




bur musical snowglobe

collection captures the
wonder and magic ofthe
anta'sSack A


2 0//0 - you buy any combinatIOn of
1 Item, on pages 96A, 97Aand9SA
Expenence the magiC of ttns mUSICalf}/ustl Unicorn
A as It p layS " You Ligflt up my ute... Importee
4 E 96285-Wl. 15 0z Ea. $19 .99 ; Any2. Ea $15.99

8 Enc hant ing umcorn castle pJays "Ce meot

Imported, WI. 1 tb 15 oz
4 E 95553-Es. $19.99: Any 2. Ea $15 .99
Plus h mUSical baby bear SWingS In Irs wicker
C basket and plays ' B rahm s Lullaby. .. Imported
4 E 96281-Wt 1 lb Ea. $16.99: Any 2. Ea. $13.59

D Plush mUSICal bo y bear rotates to the sound of

"The Teddy Bear PICniC. ,. Imported
4 E 96288-Wt. 1 Ib Ea. 14.99: Any 2. Ea. $11.99
PluSh girl bea r pirouett es as she pl ays "tts a Small
E World ,- Importee
4E 955 13-Wt. 1 Ib Ea. $14 .99 : Any 2. Ea $" .99
[ Let the holi day somt las t all year lOng With our
r mUSICal monthly ceJebraflQn heart. Each month.
pJace one of these finel y detailed ornaments m the
center of the nen t!aJdWOOd heart . The ornament
re vol ves while the heart plays "Memory". g IVIng every
da y of the month a special feelmg . The monthly
ornaments are
January- Snowman July- Flag
~ :mi!t'"'i~ust-PI~
~-5hamn>ck c- ~_ """'"
Apnt-8unny October-Pumpkin
May-Fiowefs November-Turkey
June--Goose December-Santa
E 96277-WI lib, 20Z "Ea. $19.99: Any 2. Ea $15.99

6K thru
Exf)eftly detBJIBd muSICBIporcelains seem
to come to lite as they play a favonle tune
Hand-pamted, Imported.
Catalog Height I''-,,-'-""'-,2..-,--_ _-"'''"'-_
Shpg , w1 2~
Numtlel" (1I"IChes)
(G ) Dove plays " The way We Were"
'''''' mo<o

4 E96291 ! 4... In 1 Ib $12.99 Each 110.39

( H ) Finch ~ys " Fur Elise"
4 E96292 I S in lib $12.99 I Each$10.39
( J ) Owls play " Tales of the Vienna Woods '
4E96290 S'"" In 130% I 112 ,99 I Each $10.J9
( K) Flamingo plays " Somew here In Time "
4E96289 6 '"" In 13 0z, I $12.99 Eacn S10,39
Lthru P Fabnc-eoverecJj6we1 ches ts have lo vely
ballerina that rota tes to a pretty tune when
opened Mlffored lid Imported

$2 less mru December 15th Pmk floral prmt snell ,

L pmk satin mlefl Of, Roomy oottom drawer and
divided top sectlOfl About' t)(7x6 Inches
Shpg wt. 2 Ibs 7 02
4 E 4763-Thru 12/ 15 $19.99: After 12/1 5 $21.99

M $1 less thru December 15 th Lalfender flora l pon t

sheJJ: pmk satin mtenor Roomy bottom drawer.
About 9Jt6x5 mc ne s Shpg wt. 1 lb . 100z
4E47B9-Thru 12/ 15 $14.99: After 12/ 15 $15.99

N St Jess thru December 15th Blue flOral pont shell.-

blue velvet Int er/Of, sectooea botrom About 9x5x4
'ncheS Shpg wt. 15 oz.
4E4761 -Thru 12115 $9.99 , After 12/ 15 " 0.99

Pmk gmgham check W ith " frOlIC#ung little g irls "

P prmt . Room y bottom d rawe r, About 6)(41(4 ,ncheS
4 E 4830-Shpg wt 120z $6.99

Eam ngs by the lOch One do zen pi erced eamngs In

R assorted shapes and cokxs are mount ed on a 12·
men ruler Boxed
4 E 35051-Shpg wt. 3 oz $4.99

S 50 pairS of '8sh,00 eamngs make one eXCit ing g ift

for the young trendse tter on your 91ft list
As sorted styles and COlors A ll have surgica l steel
4 E 35575-Shpg wi 30z Set $9 .99

Hea rt ·shaped SlmuJated birthstone se t Includes 7$

T ,nch pendant: adjustable rmg , bracelet Bas e me tal.
Reusable gift caddy
Stal e f1lOrIlh number from below
21-January Garnet
22-Febl'ua ry Amethyst
23-March Aquamarine
24-Aprtl DIamond
25- May Emerald
26-June Alexandflle
27- July . Ruby
28-August Peridot
zs-Sectemoer Sapphire
3O-Ocl ober Pink Zircon
31- November TOpal
32- December . Green Zircon
4E37701H-Shpg . wt .2 oz . $4 .99

U A rmg for every da y of the wee/(I Assorted

Simulated seml·preclOUs stones bea utify g leammg
goId-coIor base metal adjustable bands. Reusable
heart-shaped box
4 E 35055-Shpg wt. 2 oz $4.99
G[;have and to hold

A Elegant In Its simplicity, thiS handsome

hardwood c hest has a g lazed walnut finish and
mlsl d parQuet on lid. Opens to reveal l c hai n
hOlders and p ouc h , lift out earnng and ring tray and
2 /e w elry p ouches. 9LxBWx3H mch es. Impo rt ed.
4 E 4827C-Shpg . wt. 1 lb. 1202 . . $19.99
Walnut-fmlshed hardwood cabinet with etched
B g lass aoor 1$ extra tall to accommodate long er
nec k/ac e leng ths, Rello/vmg ch am hanger, ring ro/l
and eamng tray help to keep everythIng organized.
Rose-colored fab flc IInmg . 74Hx6'2Wx5D mches.
import ed.
4 E 4817C-Shpg . wt . 1 lb . 502 $18.•
taif/tM gJ~S 0 aJ ccenrs the lift -top of this
n ch est. 8 chain
S 8(1d one full
~gii!l~ij;ij''' Ilnmg .
. . $21.1.
B/ack velvet dress covers a /I the angles
SurplICe bodICe IS Styl iShly cut and draped f(x
drama Slim sk Jrl hils both front and I:JBc*
walking Shls and ,s accented by a nch satlfJ
sash over an elastIC W8lsr, Rayon and acetate
Dry clean. Made in USA. See size note below
.AJNIOR MI$SfS': slate SIze 3-4, 5-6. 7-8. 9-10,
11- 12. 13-14 . 15-16 or 17- 18
0 3 1 E ~ -Shpg , wI. 1 lb. 5 oz .. , $89.00

Black all-ever lace d ress sparkles with SeQums

on the front bodIce for a look that 's enrIChed
WIth elegance Dropped torso ends in a flounce
skirt With lace overlay. " V"·back With Zipper.
Polye s ter and acetate Dry cJean , Made In USA
See SIZe note below
PE'11lE; st al e s ize 6 . 8 . 10, 12 or 14
031 E 4052F-Stlpg wt , 15 oz . . $69.00
JUNIOR MISSES': stare size 3-4 5-6. 7-8. 9- 10 ,
11-12.1 3-14, 15-1 6 or 17-18
031 E 3J17F-$hpg wI. 1 lb . .. $69.00

Accessories . . .
for just the right
finishing touch!
Cle ar crystal glass eamnos shimmer and shm8
PI8fCed styles hllve surqlCllf steel posts
Round eamngs
4 E 3J325--Plerced 4 E 3l326-Chp-on
StlIPPlng wetght 2 ounces , $15.00
Peta l eamngs.
4 E 30327- PIerced 4 E 30328-Chp-on
ShiPPIng we'9ht 2 ounces . . $15.00
Star pIerCed eamngs
4 E 30329-Shpg . wi , 3 oz ... $20.00
Ha /rbows . . . the sea son 's favofl te look! Woven
ace tate and co tton fa/lie bow IS 5 1+ ,ncheS
long Barr ette clOsure
88 E 8402-Black
B8 E 84Q3-Whlte
88 E 841Q--Red
Sh pg wt. 1 oz.. . $5 .00

Ultra·Sheer black ~ Save ,"" when

yOU buy 2 or more palfS RICh desIgnS cr eate
evemng elegance Saooa lfoot. Ny#on, MachIne
wash III hosllNY bag Made '" USA
SMALL (4' 10 --- 5'2 -- ; 85- 110 Ibs .)
MEDIUM(5' 2 --- 5'6 -- ; 110- 135 100.)
l.ONG (5'6 -- - 5' 10 --; 125-155 100)
Bow deSign on eacf) hee l.
Slate letter size S, M or L.
T 75 E 40111 F-Shpg. wt. pr., 2 oz .
PT , $5 .00 . .. 2 or more. Pr. $4 .50
Flora loestgn With rhinestone on one leg
Slate letter sue S. M. or L
T 75 E 40051F-Shpg. wt . pr ., 2 oz .
Pr. $5 .00 ... 2 or more. Pr $4 .50
~ toe s/rn fastuonBd IAfIthde licate tucks
Urethane upper: SOleS and ffeels of man-made
matena/s , 2 J+-1fJC1l heel Imported
WOMEKS MEDIUM;state size 5'hB . 68 . 6YlB. 7B.
7YlB, 68 , 8 YlB. 9B or lOB
T 54 E 45934F-StIvef-color'
T 54 E 45933F-Black suede-Iool<.
Shpg wt. lib, 1 cz . .. $ 19 .99
SIZE NOTE: PETITE (5'3-- and under)
JUNIOR MISSES· (5'3YJ"' to 57")
IlfImS WIlt!. · T· ~. (~ IU T15 E 401"F}
COCJkj ,~~ exrr.tIfN for ~: for 1¥mS WIlt!
WI ..O ··(JI'fIh• . Mow. _ ot l O dlirs

WHENYOU ORDER. . . be sure to speofy

HOMEDEUVER Y to recewe your C1ress
at i ts best and IfJ the fastes t possible tl~
For JUst a little more than store pICk'iJP.
we 'l/ deliver your pacJ<age
d lfect to your home or office

Black dress is sparked by rhines tones on the Red taffeta dress is defined by crisp .
boned satm-trimmed velvet bodice, A Wide cascading shoulder and skirt ruffle s on one
sash cleflnes the waist of the be low·the-knee side in bo th front and ba ck. A rhmes tone pin
full sweep satin skirt: net underskirt gives decorates the shOulder bow. Boned bodice :
added drama Back Zipper. Rayon and acetate ba ck Zipper , Ace tate. Dry clean. Made m USA
Dry clean Made m USA JUNIOR MISSES': state size 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10,
JUNIOR MISSES': stal e size 3-4 ,5-6,7-8,9-10. 11- 12or 13-1 4
11-12 .13-1 4.15-16,17-18 0 31 E3018F-Shpg , wt.150z . . $59 .00
031 E 3021F-$hpg , wI . 1 lb 6 oz. $89 _00
Satm evemng hat is mmmea With a twetea
Black velvet evenmg clutch is enhanced by the band of fine tulle netting and ss ttn: tulle bo w m
shimmer of 8 satm bo w and rhmestone clasp back. Acetate One size fits all.
Envelope-style bag is teboc -unea with mSl(je 088 E 9345-Aed
sllp-m pocket and a aroo-m strap, 9:1C5 mcoes 0 88 E 9344-Black (not shOwn)
Imported Shipping weight 4 ounces . .. $19 .00
T 88 E 3324-Shpg wt . 8 oz .. $20 _00
Black satin pouf dress IS the season's hottest
f!y§,lal g~ierCed earrings cr eate holiday Silhouette, Shirred and boned bus tier top drops
magic. SurgICal steel pos ts. Gift boxed mlo a full mim-ssan: polka dot underskirt shOws
Paisl ey -shape: clear and jet black stones at the bottom. Back Zipper; opt/Ofl8l spaghetti
4 E 30339-Shpg, wt . 2 oz , . . $15.00 straps (not shown). Aceta te and polyester . Dry
cl ean , Made in USA
Ooorknocker·style: clear and blue stones JUNIOR MISSES': sl ate sue 3-4 . 5-6 . 7-8. 9-10,
4 E 30337-Shpg wt . 2 cz . .. $12.50 11- 12, 13-1 4 or 15-16
Drop-style, clear stones 031 E 3026F-Shpg wt. 1 lb . 5 oz .. .$59 .00
4 E 30341-Shpg wt . 2 oz . . $20 .00
ClaSSIC PY.!!lP for fest ive evenmg wear. Soft
Black dou ble halrbow of velvet and satin IS 617 ureth ane uppers and matchmg cov ered
m, long . Barrette closure Ace tate and rayon 2 l7·mch heels , Soles and heels of man-made
88 E 8396-Shpg wt . 2 oz . . . $6 .00 metenets . Imported
WOMEN'S MEDIUM: state size swe. 68 . sws. 7B,
WHEN YOU ORDER . . . be sure to Specify 7lhB . 8B. awa, 9B or 108
HOME DELIVERY! For just a tntte more than T 54 E 44958F-Black suede-look
store pICk-up. you WIll receive your dress T 54 E 44954F-Winler while
at Its best and m the fas tes t poSSible tlme ' T 54 E 44962F-Gold--eoIOl'
T 54 E 44965F- S.lver-<:oIOf
Items "" ,m. " T'"pretl1f(,vcll . s T 88 E 332 4)
could/ake extr. t,me for oe/lvet'y. for
Shipping weIght 1 lb . 1 oz ... $19 .99
,Iems w,tll an ''0 '' ()refix , allow a rrnmmum ot 7Oaa)'$ ,I05A
White ' -PIece dre ss SiZZleS on top With all-over. Silver- Black dress IS embellished With sen sat iollal shimng Clear crys tal g~we/ry adds 8 wealth of glamour to
look !oil dots Draped surplICe bodice Withpeplum tha t caught up on one side With a je wel applique . Perfec t your specl8l look , $Ilver-color me tal. Pierced eam ng s
fashlOf'J8b1y fishtails In back over a solid whi te skirt: off- for danc m9 . the full skirt ends With an uneven hem have surgICal s teel posts
cen ter front walking slit , Covered belt matche s bodice that's longer In back. Shoulder pads: ba ck button and Eamngs have emeraki-cut center stone
Km t polyester. Hand wash , Made m USA. See see note loop closure. Km t polyester. Dry clean. Made in uSA 4 E 30335-Plefced 4 E Xl336-Clip-on
at r19M See size note below Shipping weight 2 ounces .. . $12.50
PETITE: slate size 4. 6, 8. 10 or 12. JUNIOR MISSES': state size 3-4 . 5-6 , 7-8 , 9- 10, 11- 12, 7!*·Inch bracelet
031 E 4044F- Shpg . wt . 13 oz ... $59 .00 13- 14, 15-16 or 17-18 4 E :n334- Shpg wt 2 0z .. . $12.5O
JUNtOA MISSES': stale size 3-4 . 5-6 . 7-8, 9- 10. 11-12. 0 31 E :lJ27F-Shpg. wt . lib, 4 oz . . . $55.00 19.mch necklace
13- 14. 15- 16 or 17-18 4 E 30333-Shpg wt .4 oz ... $25 .00
Red dress cap tures the holiday sant. Wide Crisscross
031 E 3031F-Shpg wt . 14 oz . $59.00 draping cascades from a gli tter applique on each Lace halrDoWS sparkle and shimmer with Lurex"
!J2yaf blue /Umpsult With cocoon laClcetsets the stage padded shoUlder. " V"- s tlape baCK neclcllfle With metallIC threads. 5Jt mcnes long, Cllp-orI barret te
for drama Sleeveless JumpSUit has a shirred bodice Zipper. Kmt polyester. Mach ine wash. Made In USA closure, Aceta te
With shOulder pads and " V" ·bacIc neckline With See size note below 88 E 8395-White and silver·1ook
Spaghet ti tie. Elas tIC waist; metal/Ie-trimmed. sna,r JUNIOR MISSES': state size 3-4 , 5-6 . 7-8, 9- 10, 11-1 2, 88 E B394-Black and gol d-look
back be lt . Jacke t has sott shoulder plea ts In front for 13-14, 15-16 or 17-18 ShIpping weight 2 ounces . . . $6 .00
extra fullness Bright polyest er kmt, Machine wash 031 E 3J25F-Shpg wt . 1 lb . 2 oz . SS5.00 SIZE NOTE: PETITE (5'3"' and under )
Made In USA See size note a t fight. JUNIOR MISSES' (5'3Y.z"' to 57 "')
WHEN YOU ORDER . . . be sure to ask for
PETITE: state size 4. 6, 8. 10 or 12. HOME DELIVERY! We '/I de liver your dress FaT/terns Wftf'! an ' 0" f}'eIlJ( (such as 0 31E 4()I.4F).
031 E 4046F- Shpg wt . l ib , 7 oz .. .$49 .00 at ItS best and in the fast es t posSible tune _11ow . In/rJIm(.t'7J of 10 et4'ys/of t:JeItvfKY
JUNIOR MISSES': state size 3-4 . 5-6. 7-8 . 9-10. 11-12 , for Jus t a little more than store pick-up
13- 14,15-16 Of 17-18 .
0 31 E 3028F-Shpg wt. 1 lb . 8 oz . $49.00 , 107
r--· - ~..... - ~ - B lack IUfTlPSUit stummers wi th. tOUCh of silver
F0I8 Speclal/(X)l( . the SurplICe front has softly -
Black ~(JIt WIth metallIC ~cket
Spaghetti straps aOOelastIC waIst on the
1 puffed. tun-leng th sleeves Fatx~-eovered belt caml~top fU"'PSUll. Long j8C1eet has padded

~ /"----~
.~ ~ !t{f2~ .--,~
wrth ~back close $IJver-lOOk lotI patterns stroukJers BOO bad< yo*e WIth draPed keyhoJe
polyester knit Hanel wash Made If! USA See detaIl. Se! belt, HeadbaOO aOObelt shOwn
size note below sold below Kntt polyester JU"!PSUlt
. .c M JUNIOR MISSES': state size 3-4 , 5-6 , 7--8, 9-1 0.
11-12,13-1 4 or 15-16.
maclune washes. d ry c lell n the acetate .
metallIC ~cket, Made in USA, See size no te a t
03 1 E3019F-Shpg . wI . 1 lb . 6 01 .. .$79 .00 /ell
PETITE: slate sue 8, 10. 12. 14 Of 16
Pmk dress is romanced b y all-over . sl/ver-eolof
0 31 E4051F-Shpg w1.1 lb ... $59 .00
/011 dots that shimmer WIth every move
JUNIOR MI5$($ ': stale SIze 5-6 , 7-8. 9-10 .
Extended padded shoulders with sfllmng
11- 12.1 3-1 4 , 15-1 6 or 17- 18
Gentle pleats /an from a dropped wallsf to
031 E 3030F-Shpg w1 1 Ib 1 oz $5 9.00
accent the tJarem-sl)4e sJ<lrt B8ck Zipper;
8Iact and gold headbant:! twrsts togettw ncII
covered buttons 1ft back. Krnt polyester. Hand
ace tate 'l'elvet WIth shi mmery rayon and
wash. Made In USA See size (tOte btHo w
metallIC lame One s.ze fit s all
PETITE: state size 4, 6, 8. 1001' 12.
T 88 E 9358- Shpg wt. 2 oz . . $8.00
031 E 4045f-Shpg wt . 120: . . S59.00
Be lt of stretch polyester gabardine is 2 inches
JUNIOR MISSf:S': state size 3-4, 5-6 , 7--8, 9-10.
W ide. Etched gokJ-coIor metal buckle
11-12,13-14 , 15-16 Of 17-18
MISSES': S(24-26 ,nches): M(27-29 incheS).
0 31 E 3032F-Shpg . WI . 13 c z ... $59 .00 l(30-32 IncheS).
Clear crysta' glass Chevron tewel'Y" Set Of L.
Stale S, M
IfJCJuQes 78-mchnecklaceand T U -mchtxacelet 88EaJ91F-Shpg wt4 0z . $6 .00
WIth gokJ-coIor metal CfJaIflS plus Chevron Bs!Y!' blue meta llIC dress IS laVIshed WIth
esrrrngs; per;ed S1)'fe has StI'gICSI steet postS arsscross draping 00", front ana back; SlWred
4 E 30331-Wlth percec earrmgs and padded S/'IOuIderS add to a drama tIC
4 E 30332-Wlth c lip-on earnng s SilhOuette " V"-bac k WIth spaghetti tl#! Lmeet
Shpg , wI . 6 oz ... Set $30 .00 sk", has handkerchief hem KIHI acetate.
metaJlic ant:! nylon . Dry c lean Made In USA
SIZE NOTE: PETITE (5'3- and under)
See SIze no te at left
JUNIOR MISSES' (S'3 'Ar - to 5'1-)
JUNIOR MISSES': state s ize 3-4 . 5-6 , 7-8, 9-10,
Item ",,",. 'T' pI.'"' (. ut;h . $ T 88 E 9358) 11- 12, 13-14. 15-1 6 Of 17-18
could t••• f!"''''' t/frlfl1Ot (Jeh very, 10t ,tems 0 31 E 3029F-Wt. 1 Ib , 2 oz .. $59 .00
",, ", WI " 0" plf!h",. allow,. ~ cI ,O ctayS
,I 09A
51401 052301less
tnru D,cemcer31s:

live the legend in

The ePItOme of elegance. Juxurrous coars of
me finest furs. Ours are of tulfy er our ayea
skins . lined with nco sarm ace tate . Furrle'
clean. Your coat amves beautIfu lly gift
coxec. com plere w ltf1 garment oag ana
oversuea nanger. Inc luaed 1$ a form to orcer
emoraaerea. sew-on mll/als tor an aaaee
personal rouch. See Snlpp/ng and size nores
belOw. Maae In Hong Kong or Chma.
SnawI-collar mmit: coat. Collar convens to a
stanct-uD. TUCKed shOulOer aeraJlmg:
elastlCtzea wnsrs. Fur ong m: Norwa y.
P£11TE: state even SIze 4 to 14
F 17 E 81669 F-Heather (snow n). WI. 9 Ibs .
F 17 E 81671F - Ranch . Shpg . WI. 9 lbs .
Thru 12.31 $2999 ; After 1231 55300
MISSES"; state even sue 6 to 18.
F 17 E 8165 tF-Heather tsno wm . Wt. 9 IbS.
F 17 E 81652F-Ranch . Shpg . WI. 9 Ibs.
Thru 1231 52999: After 1231 S5300
~ has full- SKin fox COll ar and tuxea o
front ; fox fur IS avea
ro mateh the luxurrous
mm;(. Fur ongm: China and Norwa y.
MISSES': state even SIze 6 10 18
F 17 E 81648 F-Ranch . Shpg . wt 9 Ibs.
Thru 1231 $2499 ; After 1231 $4000
HAlf SIZES: state even half Siz e 14'12 to 24" 2
F 17 E 81649F-Ranch . Wt . 9 lbs. 12 oz.
Thru 12.31 $2999; After 12.3 1 SSOOO
M ink srroller rranscends gracefully from da y
to eve rung . A soptusricaIed 30 inc hes long
with a versal1ie wlnIJ coJ/ar.
Fur ongm: Norwa y or Flfl land .
MISS ES' : 5 16-8 ): M(l o-12 1: U1 4-161. State
ietter Size S. M or L Shpg . WI. B Ibs.
F 17 E 81653 F-MahOgany (ShOwn l
F 17 E 816S4F-Ranch
Thru 1231 $2199 : After 1231 S3600
HALF SIZES: 1XI14'/2·16',z): 2X(18 h ·20h l:
3X/22 h·24 " 2). Stat e SIze: 1X. 2X Of 3X.
Shpg . wt . B ibs. 12 oz.
F 17 E 816S5F-MahOgany \ snownJ
F 17 E 81656F -Aanct1
Thru 1231 $2499 : After 12 31 S4000

Up d ared fox I~ IS tssnonea of pelts tflal
are ind rvK1ually dyed to a venrable fantas y of
C1e1icare betgy orowns kISSed wltn cream
ana soh raeces . JuSt as m nature . no two
are alike . CJutchaOie rolled tuxedO front. Fur
ong m: Norwa y
MISSES": 5 18·10): M\12·14 ): U l & 16 j.
Stale ener SIze S, M or L.
F 17 E 61663F- Blush . Shpg . WI. B lbs
Thru 1231 $1499 ; Aft er 12 31 S3000
SIZE NOTE: PETITE (5'3"" and under)
MISSES' IS'3 ' z- to S'T)
HALF S IZES (5'4" and under)
SHIPPING NOTE. eo.ts.MtY !'rem tacrory
A.IIo... eJl"- orno.. Sh PD1f19 ¥Jd flMldlll'lg
CflaTg fIQ I'I'om e..taIog ~M
DtstrrOCJfl()n c.nn,,-. No C.O,D, s

, IliA
in the wrap of luxury

$351to $901 1e88 ~h:~ember3IS1
Our }8Clcets and ves t fea ture rICh satin acetate lIf)/ngs so that they glide on and off effortlessly
Bea utifully g lft ·OO.ed. eaetJ Includes a garment bag ana OversiZed hBrH;}erplus form to order 3
personalized IIllt /sls Furner clean , See S!Jlppmg and size notes. below . Made in Hong Kong. Korea.
Chlfla or Greece
~~ 18n Blue Fo. features fully let out Jacket of narura llr- sfladed foJ( sectIOnS. Toss
Sf/lJ"i that are w(Xke<J vertICally and crowned on over your denlfn Jf!ans Of your bes t cocJ<ta ll
W1tr1 a n opulent full Slu/l shawl COllar. Swirl dress , Cardigan S(ylll'lg. Fur ongm : Norway.
sleeves Sfl9f1tener added. Fur onglfl _ " Norway MISSES', 5(6-8); >.4(10-12); L(14- 16}
MISSES'; $(6-8): M(1G-1 2) ; 1..(1 4-t 6) Stale leiter size S. M or L
F 17 E 81664F-Blush . WI 7 1bs 12 0z
Stale leiter see S. M or L
Thru 12/31 $449 .. After- 12/31 S800
F 17 E 8166 1F-Blue Icx . WI- 8 100 12 0z
Thru 12/3 1 $799 Aft er 12/3 1 $150) Natura l coyo~t W ith ~ foJ( tUJ(edo
collar anO a s breathes verlf£' e to
HALf SIZE$; lXU1 4 ~ -16"" 1 : lXU1 8 'h -20',.;):
JUf"PSUitS . slacks and shifts Of slacks and
axU22'h-24 Y.1 ) Stale 1XL, 2Xl or 3XL.
swearers ' ApproJ(lINtely 35 tnehes long Fur
F 17 E 81662F-Blue fOll, Wt. 9 100. 8 oz
OfK)m ' China anO USA
Thru 12/31 $899 . . After 12/31 $1700
MISSES': One size uts 10s.ze 16
This corded f!!.aed mmk ~cket 15 Sfrldrt fy F 17 E 81665-Brown coyote , re..
cava lier . eatures a /I skin fOJ( tuxedo front Sh , pp'~ wetght 8 lbs 6 oz
and coI laf, ApproJClma tel y 26 to 27 inches long . Thru 12/31 $199 .. , Aller- 12/31 $1200
Fur Of'191fl Ch,na and Norwa y
SIZE NOTE: MISSES· (5'3"" - 105'1 - )
MISSES'; 5(6-8): M(1D- 12); l( 14- 16)
State leiter sue S. M or L
HALF sizes (5'4" and under)
F 17 E 8 1657F- Aanch Wt8 1bs 120z SHIPPING NOTE Q»ts Nflt from '«tory
Thru 12/31 $799 . . Afte r 12/31 $16()J A/i:lw elt"" t_. Sfl,ppng M1d hMW1Itng
c:tJsrg«1 from c.tMJg ~ ~
HALFSIZES: lXL(14'h -1 6 'h ): 2XL(18 'h-20'h ); Drsrtrbul/Ofl CAnter No C O,O s
3XL(22 'h -24 'h ). State 1XL. 2XL or 3XL
F 17 E 81658F-Aanc h. WI 9lbs. 8 oz.
Thru 12/31 $899 .. Aft er 12/31 $18C()

thru HNo
A~ when you bu y any 2 ex more pairs of
ny/Oll fashIon hOsIerY'For 8 c1eftcate, fes tIve faSh/Of'l
touch trns holiday season. wh y no t try lOvely lace
lower pnce thIs season k:x lestI've
holida y faShIOf)$ See size ro te. facmg

hosltNY styled WIth 8 rein forced pan ty . $anda/foot

Ge l $peC181 JooI<s WIth ''''5 blouse Wll h
~OO~Sh or~~~Shmh~~~g~ m
USA Of domestIC and Im ported yams D oetachable lace and Sat messa- - fabric j8b0t
Shoulder pads. darted fron t and back, button cuffs
PantyhOSe Sizes
SMAll (4' 1 0~ to 5'2 - ; 85-11 0 Ibs ) Woven 01machme was!labJe . Dacron--
MeDlUlll (5'2-10 5'6- ; 11o-1 35lbs ,) SatJneSS8. · fabre. Made " USA
LONG 15'6- to 5' 10- ; 125-1 55 lbs .) w.....
(8 10 18)
51. 1e cokW n&IT'Itlefs ......m eadl 'lem
13" -Mlry 135-e.ct<
T 75 E 41Ql 1H-SmaIi
T 75 E 41013H- Long
T 75 E 41012H-Medlum
PM beoge
Sheo olo1
7E 82441F
7 E82<UCF
1 E 82~
7 E 82442F
Shog wt Pf , 2 0 2
2 or more paIrs
Parr $3.00
Each pr o 52.40
Pnce m .oo $26.00
Soft sheen ga bardme trousers h8~ Inverted front
Eye-catChIng tUCKS add f/alr to an open toe sli ng E pJeats for s femlnme, lallOred lOOk. Woven of
B Uretha ne upper: soles and heels of mea-meae
material 2~ " nch heel. Imported ,
macr"ne washable polyester and rayOfl Made In
USA (Imported mareflslsJ.
WOMEN'SMEDIUM: slate size 51),8, 68. 61),8, 7B, 71),8, Colors 9- Burgundy 7- Wlnter while 8-Blac:k
88 , B1,7B. 98. l OB PETITE: stale color number: then even see 610 16
T 54 E 45933F-Black suede-look 7E 1498YF- Shpg wt . 11 oz. , .$2 2.00
T 54 E 45934F- Silver-1ooIoI
$hog wt . 1 Ib 1 02 . , . $19.99 AVERAGE: stale color" number: then even size 8 to 18 I
7 E 1499YF-Shpg wt . 12 oz . $22 .00
Add a touch of Christmas past W Ith thiS VlCtonan-
C inspired oar pm Crystal-gJass IICCefIts WIth 3
slmulared pearl drops.
"Dt.PDt!r fflgtSffIrfI(J TAA

4 E J03 15-Stllpplng wetght 2 ounces . _$14.00

The perfect presence- wrap yourself in LUSTER and LACE or . . .

[ Deccxste you rself this season With thIS woven lace

I fron t blouse W i th Mandarm collar. Shoulder pads,
bacJck.eyhole opening, t -bottoo cuffs. Machme
wash able Satmessa e * fabflc of Dacron$* polyester.
Made ,n USA
State even PETm MISSES' WOM. ...
SIze list ed (6- 16) (IH a) (36-44)
Cham pagne 7 E 824591'" 7 E 82460F 7 E 82.461F
srcc w1
Prce .'"
5 0'
5 0'
$28 .00

The fun con tmues With tms elega nt lace-trimmed.

G sha wl coIlaf blouse. Bu tton cuff. Woven of
Dacron~· polyes ter Sa tII1eSSS" " tebac . Mach ine wash
Made m USA
size liSle<! (6- 16) 18- 18) (36-44)
OH m 7 E 82557F 7E Il2559F 7 E 8258TF
G c..~
StJpg wI
7E B2560f
7 0'
7 E 825ll8f
$26 00
"'~ $24. 00 $24 .00

If i t' s luxury you ",e after this holiday (and who 's not
H looki ng for a li tt le luxury ?) consider the stylish
drape of ttns shirred fron t, Circle kni t skirt . Back Zipper
Made of comfortable. ess v-tocere-toc po lyester and
wool Machine wash Made In USA
size list ed (6 to 16) (8 to 18 )
Black 7 E 36261F 7EJ8263f
Burgundy 7 E 362tl2F 7 E 36264F
Stlpg wI 1 Ib 1 Ol l ib . 1 Ol
Pnce $2 4.00 $24 .00
"DuPonI regl sle red T M

Ifem s w,m B ."T"' plett" (SUC/'l as T 4 E 303 15)

could take e""a t,me tot oeltvery

SIZE NOTE: PETITE ( 5'3 ~ and under):

MISSES"!AVERAGE (5'3lh ~ to 5'7 ~ ) :
WOMEN'S (5'4'h ~ 10 5'7~ )

W rap it up! For a great

buy on gift wrap . see p . 268A
E of our Christmas Book

\ )
Tops $24
Bottoms $22
Athru D Stylish past els are a gi ft you 'll enjOy long
after the holidays ha ve ended. And there 'll
be no lower once this season on these elegant color-
coordinated. mach ine washable fashions
Made in USA.
Colors ' t-crea m 3-$,I"er gfey 2-She II pmll

A Look for lUxury under the tree this year when you
unwrap this sof t. fme Iml! acrylic cardigan. Button-
fron t, convenient pockets. rib kni t cuffs
MISSES': 5(8-10): M(12-1 4) : L(16- 18). Stale co lor
number from above: then size S. M or L.
7 E 2646YF-Shpg. wt. 14 oz... $24 .00
Hours later and It' S out for the tradI tiona l family
B dmner. Wear the se attractive crepe pants and
celebrate the season in style, Double side buttons and
a double pleated front. Slash pockets and satin trim on
waistba nd. Woven of polyester and rayon
See size note below
PETITE: state color number 1, 3 or 2 from above: the n
even size 6 to 16
7 E 6219YF-Shpg , WI . 10 oz.. . $22.00
AVERAGE: stat e color number 1, 30r 2 from above: then
even size 8 to 18.
7 E 6229YF-Shpg wI. 11 oz . . . $22.00
A no ther evening of hoJH:Jay part ies ? For a change.
C why no t try tms de licate crepe sk irt . Smooth fron t
with box p leat, Back Zipper. Woven of polyester and
rayon. See size note below.
PETITE: state color number 3. 2 or 1 from above : then
even size 6 to 16
7 E 5157YF- Shpg . wt. 11 oz .. ,$22.00
AVERAGE;state color number 3, 2 or 1 from above: then
even size 8 10 18.
7 E 5158YF-Shpg . wt. 12 oz ... $22.00

D A love ly b louse for all occasions . Button cuff with

an attached self·fabflc bow mmmea with oeucste
lace , Woven of Dacron ~ " polyester Satmessa ~

PETITE: slate color number from above : then even size

6 to 16
7 E 150lYF - Shpg w1. 70z $24.00
MISSES': state color number from above: then even size
8 to 18.
7 E 1502YF-Shpg. wt. 7 oz .. , $24.00

The sk Immer-part of any ho liday fash ion

E expenence. Cu shi oned hee l pad. "'_m . hee l.
Leather·look ur ethane uppers. so les of ma n-made
metenets Imported
WOMEN'S MEDIUM: state 5'1'18 . 68 . 6'1'18 , 7B. n~ 8 , 8B,
8'hB , 98 , lOB
T 54 E 46878F- Silver T 54 E 46886F-Winter whil e
Shipping weight 1 pou nd 3 ounces . .. $19 .99

Sim ulated pearl necklace has gold hue and
simulated rose q uartz spa cers 30 inches long
30012-Shlppmg weight 2 ounces , $20 .00
Coordmatlng SImulated oval pesrl earrings wi th gold -
hue oms . Pierced sty le has surgteal steel posts
4 E 30013- Plerced style 4 E 30314- Chp.on
Shipping weight 2 ounce s . . .$12 .50
"Reg DuPont r M.
SIZE NOTE: PETITE (5'3" and uooer): AVERAGE
(5'3'h" to 67 °)
Items with a 'T ' prefiX(sucll as T 7 f /502YFJ
could take 6x/ra l Ime for delivery

2000 recipe s. 800 full -c olor photosl

A gift that will long be remembered
... see coo k book on pages 2 and 3

· .. slip into SOFT colors topped with a bow

E ~
I. ·z

F ~
I 117A

wom en 's sizes
slight ly higher

Athru D Shimmery, shin ing

fashions b''fJhten up any
hOliday scene. And there 'll be no
lower price this season for these
stylish , machme washable Items .
Made in USA.

A Jac quard pullover T·blou se looks

great alone or under any jac ket.
Woven of Dacron ~ .. po lyester so /t's
perfect for any season. Extended
sleeves . See size chart, below. Stale
letter size listed with each item .
(XS. S. M. L.) ' XL 2XL.)

B Com fort abl e woven polyester

pants of lovely Sat inessa ' " fabric
have tunnel elastic wa istband. See
$12e note be low .
cee-s: s-cream 4-8lack
Stale color number from above; then
even size listed.
(6 to 16) (8 to 181 (32 10 40 )
T 7 E 5621YF T 7 E 5631YF T 7E 5641YF
6 oz. 6 oz. 701.
520.00 520.00 524.00
DuPont reg istered T.M
Items w ,", a H
, pre fiJ(
(suc h as T 7 E 82306F)
coukJ tlllre 8.tra ,,,,,,. for ~ry


under); AV ERAG E (S'3W' to 5'7");

WOM EN"S ( 5 ' 4V2~ to 5' r)
MISSES' 1)($(4-6)' 5/8-10)1U(12·14).1I16-18)
WOMEJiI'SI XU3!-<CO) 2Xl.(42..u)
2000 recipes, 800 full-cotor photos I
A gift that w ilt long be remembered
, . , see co o k book on pages 2 and 3

Outshine the holiday lights in the SHIMMER of satin and

C sroataeras a
Tunic of Satiness s U fabriC c an
be worn blouse or Jac ket
p adS. ov ersized
aropp ed sleeves. I -button cuffs. and
covered burrons . Woven of Dacron
po lyesrer . See size ch art. facmg
page. State letter size.
(XS, S. M. L) (XL. 2XL)
Cream. T 7E 82714F T7 E82717 F
sucnea.. T7 E 82716F T 7 E 82719F
BlaCk. . . T 7 E 827 15F T 7 E 82716F
Shpg '101. r ca 10 0Z
$22.00 $24.00

Skirt of Sat ine ssa · · fab riC has

D elast IC wa ist. Side button ent ry.
fro nt shlmng . Woven p oly ester, See
SIze note. faCing page.
PETITE: state even size 6 to t 6.
T 7 E 36253F-Wlnter white
T 7 E 36254F-Black
ShiPPing weight 4 ounces . . . 518.00
AVERAGE: state even size 8 10 18.
T 7 E 36255 F- Wlnter white
T 7 E 36256F-Black
Shipping weig ht 4 ounces . . $18.00
WOMEN'S: state eve n size 32 to 40 .
T 7 E 36257F -Winter white
T 7 E 36258F-Black
Ship ping weight 6 ounces .. . $20 .00

E Trapunro· stffched c ummer ou ra.

ElastIC ba ck-band. M eta llIc
threads . Ba c k clo sure. Woven o f
polyeste r. Cott on linm g. Dry cl ean
only. Impo rt ed .
WAIST SIZES : SM(24-29 ): ML(30·35 ).
State letter size SM or ML
88 E 8071 F-Gold ccc r
88 E 8070F-Silver coer
Shipping weight 2 ounces . .. 510.00

Mu fti-strand serpentine nec klace .

F20 to 30 mch lengthS. Impo r ted.
State colo!" number:
221-GoId tone 22O-S llver tone
4 E 30319H-Wt. 4 oz . .. $18 .00

Roomy metal m esh evening bag

G has top ZiP op ening , mSloe
slip..jn pocket and fabric lini ng.
Shou lder strap. 8x5 inc he s.
T 88 E 3277 -Silver hue
T 88 E 3279 - Black
T 88 E 3323-Gold hue
Shpg . wt. 10 OZ •. . 525.00
·· DuPont reg. T.M

Athru C No lower once this season tor these
shlmmermg. shlnmg mac hine
washab le fashIOnS. Made in USA
Colors 6- Red 1- Whrte 9-Black
e-uaoe 2-Royal

Fes tive blouse has rhines tones at neck ,

A shou lder epaulettes. and cuffs. Concea led
bu tton fron t, shirring at dropped front yo ke
Made of woven polyeste,.
MISSES': state color number 6. 4, 1 or 2 from
above : then even size 6 10 18.
T 7 E 17B4YF- Shpg , wt . 6 oz... $22.00

Pants woven of cotton and

Celanese Fortrel@· polyester
Comfortable unc u t corduroy trousers have
B slash pockets , doubfe·pleated front. Zipper
clos ure. See sue no te be low
PETITE: slate color number 9. 2 or 4 from above:
then even size 4 to 16
T 7 E 1785YF-Shpg wt. 1 lb. 2 oz .. $26 .00
AVERAGE: s tate color number 9, 2 Of 4 from
above: then even size 6 to 18
T 7 E 1786YF-$hpg . wt . 1 lb. 2 oz.. . $26.00
TALL: s tate color number 9, 2 or 4 from above:
then even size 8 to 20.
T7E 1787YF-Shpg . wt.1 Ib. 2 0z ... $27.00

Gofden gift ideal StyliSfl s weater With

C popular Zipper neck lme. Acry lIC Wit h
woven furex c metallIC threads
MISSES': $(8- 10): M(12- 14): L(16-1 8)
State color number 2. 9 or 6 from above: then
tetter size S. Mor L
T 7 E1 783YF- Shpg , wl, 1 Ib . . $26.00

Alligator text ured belt helps yo u have a

D coordmated Chflstmas . Gold-eolor buckle
and loop. Bonded leather "bers. ~·in. wid e
Colors s- a ec 2-Royal 9- Black 4- JaOe
WAIST SIZES: SM(25-29 ); ML(30-34).
Stale color number from above : then SM or ML
T 88 E B046YF-Shpg . wt . 3 oz. $8.00

Complete your holiday outfi t with this

E aceta te grosgam rib/:x)(l halrbo w Barre tte
Colors 9-Black 6-Red
State color number from above
T 88 E 8387H-Shpg wI. 2 oz. . . $5.00
SIZE NOTE: PETITE (5'3- and under):
AVERAGE (5'3'h - to 57-): TAll (5'7'h - to 6')
'Fort,~ 's 8 reg T.M o ( Fiber Industnes. Inc.• 8
substdlBTyof Celanese co»
Items With iJ " 1." preflJ( (such as T 7 £ 7783YF) cou!d
'a4l! eJ(I,. r,me lOt C1e/llIefY
Cheryf TIegs IS w88nng her ownjewelry

· . . the DAZZLE of metallics, or ...
... spark your winter evenings w ith GLITTER ING w armth
AD thru Send a message of pure
mag ic wun trus dazzling
group of knits, Sweaters have a touch
of Lur ex. metallic ttveeas for thar
eaaea sparlt. Don t worry s ooa t
exoe nstve cleanmg all are mecrune
washable and made In USA

A Eye-catChing -v
pattern sweater
of acrylIC. nylon ana Lu rex,f
metetnc threads See size Chart below
MISSES': slate sue S. M or L
T 7 E 194 14F- 8 Iac K w ith Silver
T 7 E 19416F-Black with magen ta
T 7 E 19415f-Black with blue
Shpg wt. 12 oz $26 .00

B Shapely pu ll-ons W l tn a woo l-lik e

fee l In comfortable sawc and
polyester dOuble «nu. ElastIC wais t
stitched down front cr ease See size
note beiow
7- Suvee gray B-Maqenta 6-81ac1o
PETITE: slate color nonce« then even
size 6 to 16
T 7 E 3216YF-Wt 13 oz . $20.00
AVERAGE: stale co lor number: then
even size 8 to 18
T 7 E 32t7YF-Wt 1402 $20 .00
TALL: st ate ccio- ncmcer: then even
size 10 to 20
T 7 E 3218YF-Wt , 15 cz ... $21 .00

C Slim httmg fi bbed skirt W ith aI/-

around ple ats , drop yoKe, elastiC
wais t. AcrylIC. See size Chart be low
MISSES': slat e sue S, MOIL.
T 7 E 19469F-Black
Shpg wt. 9 oz .. $22.00

D Steppmg out' Abstract de Slfln

swe ater of acrylIC. nylon and
Lurex tt metallic threads Long sleeves
See size Chan below
MISSES': state sue S. M or L
T 7 E 18596f -Blue, bl aCk multi
Shpg wt. 14 oz. $26 .00

The snoe With the sneen.1HoJdmg

E Its own With the l'IOIH1ayglitter. a
patenr-/OOI( urethane slammer SoJe of
man-made mate"als tmoonea
WOMEffS MEDIUM: stale 5'h B. 6B 6'h8 .
78 , 7'h8 . 88 , 8'h8 , 98 . 108
T 54 E 46880F-8Iack
Shpg , wt . 1 Ib 3 0z $19 .99

MISSES' I & 8-10) I M(12-14) t L(16- t Sl
SIZE NOTE.PETITE(5'3- and uroen
AVERAGE (5'3"" - to 5'1- )
TAl l (57'h" to 6' )

Irem5 ""lm II '"T"' J:)relrJl

(SUC/l as T 1 £ '9-4 ' ~
COCJkj laile extra ttme for oehVef'r
Holiday CLASSICS - timeless pieces that .. .


Pleat ed fancy . . . g race ful

A george tte blouse. the perfec t
complement to pants. starts or suits
De tailed wi th padded shOulders and
concealed button front. Machine
washable polyes ter. uSA (imported
4-<:ora! t -wnne 5-Recl
6-Blac k 3-AQua 8-TurqUOlse
2-P lnk 7-Aoy al

PETITE: state color nu mbe r from above :

then even size 6 to 16
T 7 E 8 197YF- Wt. 7 oz .. . $24 .00
AVERAGE: state color number from
above : then even size 8 to 18
T 7 E 8198YF-Wt. 702 ... $24 .00
WOMEN'S: state color number from
abov e: then even size 36 to 44
T 7 E 8 199YF-WI. 9 02 ... $26 .00

B Ant iq ue fini sh finery accented with

fjflgree design and simulated
pe arls . Gold color metal. Pierced
eamngs have surgica l steel posts
T 4 E 3013S -Pln
T 4 E 30310-Pierced ea" ing
T 4 E 30311-Chp-on earring
Shpg , wt. each 2 oz ... Each $8.00

Relaxed soptllst/C8tion .. . woo/-

C b lend pants In easydoubJepleated
style Machine washable Dacrond"
po lyester and wool. Some made In USA
and some Imported (USA mateflals)
Colors 4-Wlnler whIle
z-tecce 6- 5,!vef 9' ay
5-Navy 3- Black
PETITE: sl at e co lor number from abo ve:
Ihen even size 6 to 16
T 7 E 5661YF-Wt. 13 oz ... $22 ,00
AVERAGE: slate co lor number from
abo ve: then even size 8 to 18
T7E5663YF-Wt.1 4 0z , . $22 .00
TALL: stale color number from above :
then even size 10 1020
T 7 E 5669YF-Wt. 15 oz . $23 .00
WOMEN'S: state color number from
above : tnen size 32 to 42.
T7E5671YF-Wt. 1 lb . , , $24.00

Dlstmctlve snakeskm belt . ~ m

D wide With gold COIOf metal buckle
and loop , Imported
. 'SSU· WA'ST, 5<24- 27); M(28-31 );
WOMEN'S WAIST: XL(36-38 ): 2Xl(39-4 1)
Slate lett er size listed
(5, M, LJ (XL, lXLJ
Black . .. 88 E 7523F 88 E 75235 F
Taupe . 88 E 7524F 88E 75245F
WInter iNt'llle . 88E 75491'" 88 E 75495F
Gray 88 E 8067f 88 E lD)75F
Navy . B8E B095F B8E80955F
5hpg. WI 40' 6"
"<e . $12.00 $14.00

SIZE NO TE: PETITE: (S'3 and under);
AVERAGE : (5' 3VzW to S7 W ) : TALL '
(57 1h · l0 6' ): WOMEN'S : (S'4VZ · to 5'1" ).
Items With. "r" preh"
(svch . s T 1 E 8 191YF)
COtIId ralle extra rime for deI /1Iery

Lined Blazer

Any2 ,
make a lasting impression w ith POLISHED looks and . . .

SAVE $10 when you buy

any 2 separates

Blo uses Skirt

Any 2, each An y 2, each

c $1999 $499
A Mad tor pla id . . . a woo l· blend
blazer with substance and sty le.
Fully lined in nylon taffeta with
p added shoulders. Complete the lo ok
with coordinating skirt sold be low .
Woven po lyester, wool and acrylic
blend. Dry clean. Imported.
MISSES': state even size 8 to 18.
T 7 E 65129CF -Gray plaid
T 7 E 65119C F- Plum plaid
Shpg . wt. 2 Ibs. 9 oz .
Each $3 5.00 ... Any 2. each 529 .99

BandC Start the celebration with

fme Jac q uard blouses.
Machine washab le woven po lyester.
USA (imp ort ed materials).

B Pais ley prmt blouse with crush

coll ar and keyhole back.
MISSES'; stat e even size 8 to 18.
T 7 E 82599F-Gray
T 7 E 82598 F-Pink
T 7 E 82597F-While
Shpg . wt . 6 OZ,
Each $25 .00 .. . Any 2. each $19.99

C Lea f print blouse with att ached

bOw, conc ealed but ton front
MISSES' : stale even size 8 to 18.
T 7 E 82750F-Pink
T 7 E 82740F-White
Shpg . WI. 6 oz.
Each $25.00 ... Any 2, each $19 .99

O A winte r wardrobe essential . . .

flattering A-fine wool· blend sk irt
with invened front pleat and two side
pleats. Sid e opening with button
closure. Woven polyester, wool and
acryliC b lend. Dry clean. Impo rt ed .
MISSES'; state even size 8 to 18.
T 7 E 25006F-Gray
T 7 E 25005F- Plum
Shpg . WI. 13 oz.
Each $20 .00 . . Any 2. each $14 .99

E Set ting the silve r standard with

style ! Silv er color metal with
rhmestone accents .
T 4 E 30322-W1. 2 oz ... sa.OO
Earring s . Pierc ed hav e surgical stee l
T 4 E 30323- Pierced
T 4 E 30324-Clip
Shpg . WI. 3 oz ... $lD.oo

F Well..(jressed 2 in. belt of soft

leather . Silv er co lor pull through
WAIST SIZES: SM (26-30), ML(31·35).
Stal e SM or ML.
88 E 8075F-Gray

88 E 8073 F- Black
Shpg . WI. 3 cz ... $12 .00
I Items w rtf! a 'T' pre fix
(SUCh as T 7 E 65 129 C F )
could t8 /(a axtra li me for de/Nary

~ $399 Larger
C Pants pe rspecti ve: the cle an look
of tme g abardine In four ctessic
colors. Single pleat ed fron t, side and
ba ck etestic. Machine washable woven

There 's nothing more feminine or
appealing than a floral onnt.
DacronS'opo lyes ter. Made in USA See
siz e note be low
Colors 4-GJay
2-WmleJ white
Shirt is machine washable po lye ster Sl at e color num ber : then even size
list ed .
kmt. Made In USA
MISSfS': stat e even size 8 to 20 (8 10 18) ( 10 10 20)
T 7 E 3090F-Pink print Calalog No T7 E 9001YF T 7 E 9602YF ;
Shpg wt 11 02 12 02
T 7 E 3089F-Blue print
T 7 E 3091F-Aqua green print "'~ . $13 .99 $13 .99
Shpg , wI. 6 02 $13.99 (12 to 22 ) (32 to 42)
Catalog No T 7 E 9603YF T 7 E 9604VF
WOMEN'S: state even size 38 10 46. Shpo wi 130Z 1402
T 7 E 3094F-Pink print
T 7 E 3093F-Blue p nnt
"'~ $14.99 $15.99

T 7 E 3095F-Aqua green print Uncomplica ted style In a "g o-

Shpg . wt . 7 oz. $15 .99 O anywhere " skirt . Side closure and
pockets Set-on waistba nd (Women·s

B Business Ofpleasure . . . look your

best In this aoooy staoe blouse.
Woven oacronl§" polyester. Mach ine
siz es have elas tic ba ck). Machine
washable woven polyester. Made in
USA. See size note below
wash . Made In USA Colors 2-Gray 4- W,nter while
3- Navy 1-Btack
MISSES': sl ate even size 8 to 20
Stale c olor number ; then even size
T 7 E 82704F-While list ed .
T 7 E 82705F- Plnk (8 10 18l (101020)
Shpg wt. 4 02 ... $13 .99 catalog No T 7 E 9250YF T 7E 9251YF
Shpg . wt 1202 12~
WOMEN'S: stale even size 38 1046 PrICe _ $13.99 $13.99
T 7 E 82707F- Whlte TAU WOMEN'S
T 7 E 82709F-Blue ( 12 to 22 ) (34 to 42)
T 7 E 82708F-Plnk Cal alog No. T 7 E 9252Yf T 7 E 9253VF
Shpg , wt 12 02 14 02
Shpg wt . Sal ... $15.99
"'~ . $14 .99 $15.99
Items With II ' T' pre "" OReg. DuPont T M
(suc h as T 7 E 3089F)
coo a lake ed's rims for cJellW1ry SIZE NOTE: PETITE (5°3 " and under)
AVERAGE (S'3 'h" 1057"). TALL (57 'h"
10 6 ') , WOM EN'S (5'41,;" to 57")


SMART details (and some of the season's best values)
Ostrich ·1ook be lt of bonded leather fibers. $e
. /I.
A co vered buckle. contour shape, 116 In , wide
WAIST SIZES, 5(24-27): M(28-31 ): L(32-35 ).
Stale letter size S. M or L
88 E B096F-Brown. Shpg , wt . 4 oz . .$8.00

Make your gr eat-lOOking denim outfits sparl<fe wi th
antique- look , gold hued h/lgreejewelry, Molded
cameo p m and eamngs have flashes of crys tal glas s.
Pierced eamngs have surgICal steel posts
4 E 30305-Pln 4 E 30307- Clip-on earrmgs
4 E 30306-PlefCed earrings
Shlppmg weight 2 ounces ... $12.00

When i t comes to dressing well . ,f 's the little detads

C that matter. Elegant ruffle shirt has tront tucks ,
b utton cuffs, and top center placket. Woven of machme
washable txxvester and cotton. Made in USA , See size
no te be low
5 1at e even sue IIS ted w,th e.c hI'em
(6 101 6) (8 10 18) (36 10 44)
e,,,,, T7 E3261F
T7 E 3252F
T 7 E 3264F
T 7 E 3267F
T 7 E 3268F
= W1
' 0' , 0' e ee
Pnce 522.00 522.00 $2 4.00

Buttoned Of unbutt oned, this mocl< layered

Da Chambray skirt IS sure to keep them guessing. Is
there pertlsk lrt underneath ?Only you 'll know for sure l
ElastiCized back 100%co tton . Mach ine wash. Made in
USA, See size note be low .
size IISled (6 to 16 (8 to 18
Na : wr ute stn T7 E 36266F 17E36265F
Sh wt 14 02 140z
Pnc e . $26 .00 $25.00

Pteated front s tonewashed denim jeans are perfect

Efor holida y evenings Woven of mach ine washable
co tron Made m USA See size note belOw
State even
se e IISled (~~i ~~\ "".....
(8 to 18)
(32 to 42)
17 E 6506F T 7 E 6504F T 7E 6505F
shoo' wt
, te 3 0z
l ib. 4 oz
I 1 tb 7 oz
$2 4.00

This holiday season , make every en trance a grand

Gone when you wear ttns double- ruffle , flounced
denim skirt. Fora completefydlfferent look , try wearing
It With a pe tt i-Slip , like the one sold belOw, Drop front
and ba ck yoke 100% mach ine washab le co tton demm .
Mad em USA See size note befOw.
Stal e ellf!l'l mm AVERAGE WOMEN'S
s.ze ltst ed (6 10 16) (8 to lSi c32 to 40 )
sn W1
T 7 E J6:J)7F
l ib 90z
T 7 E 36XlElF
tms ca
T 1£ 36309F
1 lb. 11 oz

, $28 .00 $28 .00 SJO.oo

H White petti-sliP fits comfortably und ernea th

flounced skirts for a romantIC new look . ElastICIZed
waistband All-around bo ttom eyelet rume. Woven of
mach ine washable polyesterand cotton. Made in USA
See size note and chart belOw.

~~~L ~~
Sta le even WOMEN'S
Size lIsted iXl.. 2Xl.)
While . T 7 E 36267F T7 EJ6268F T 1£ J6269F
W1 9~ s ee 11 oz
"'~ . 520 00 520.00 522.00
Item s Wi th 8 'T ' pr efiX (SucII 8S T 1 E 36268 YFj
COtJk:J take extra ',me fry dehl'efy

SIZE NOTE : PETITE (5'3- and unCler): AVERAGE

(S'31,.; - 10 S' r ): WOMEN 'S (S'4 Ih- to S'r)
mm .
8-' 0
5(8- 10
12-'. 16-t8)
MC1 2-t. \ U l 6-18
XU 3840


< :

A The sno wfl ake s weater: a perfec t

~$4 to $8
cool- weather pa rtner for demm/
Casually oveauea for great layermg
. .. try It with the turtlenecks be low for
a burst of winter color. Ma ch ine
wa shable acrylic. Made in USA
MISSES': S{8- 10); M(12-1 4); l(16-18)
Stale le tter size S. Mor L
7 E 19498F- lnd'go blue
when you buy any
7 E 19499F-Red 2 items on these 2 pages
Shpg . wt . ea 14 oz.
Ea $26.00 ... 2 or more, Ea. $23.99

The turtleneck: a perfect gift, yes.

B but a t (hIS oooe. you can " afford
not to ge t one for yourselfl Polyester
and co tton interlock knit; hemmed
bottom Machine wash. Made In USA Of
MISSES': 5(8- 10); M(12-1 4); l ( 16- 18)
Stale letter size S, M or l
7 E 8103F-Black
7 E 8104F-Bflg hl red
7 E 8102F- Whlte
7 E 8108F-Bright gold
7 E 8105f-Pale pInk
7 E 8l00F-Pale blue
Shpg wt . ea 8 oz.
Ea $9.99 . . .2 or more, Ea. $7.99

Cand 0 fey hot' Jecxet and jeans of

frosted, en-cotton denim .
Mach ine wash

Western jacket: slightly oversized.

C a/ways fash/Ofl·nght (especially
when layeredl). Functional. In a nefty
weig ht denim made for the cooler
season , Front. back yoke: 4 pockets
JUNIORS, XS{3/ 4-5/6); S{718-9/10 );
M(11j 12- 13f14 ); 0( L(15 j l6-17j 18)
State letter size XS. S. M or l
Shpg , wt . ea 1 Ib , 9 oz .
7 E 63653F-Frosled indigo
7 E 63654F-Frosted black
Ea $40.00 ... 2 or more, Ea $35.99

Jeans ' western stylmg, With the

O esseo tiet 5 pockets Some made m
USA and some Imported (USA
ma terls ls).
JUNIORS: state size 3 , 5 . 7, 9 , 11 or 13
Shpg wt . 1 lb . 6 oz
7 E 42784 F- FrOSled indigo
7 E 42785F- Frosted blac k
Ea $28 .00 .. . 2 or more. Ea. $25.99
MISSES': stale size 8 , 10, 12, 14 . 16 or
18, Shpg wt. lib,S oz
7 E 1B563F- Fros ted Indigo
7 E 18564F- Fros ted b lack
Ea $28 .00 . 2 or more. Ea . $25 .99

.. ...... ... ... .- . .
' ~

Our first Christm as

see pag~s 2. 4 2 ' ....d 76
10 ou r W. sh Book l o r K,d s
Any 2 or more, ea.

Any 2 or more, ea.

A Dressed-up mock tut11ef1ecj( W Ith
un tql.Je teKtured deSl9n. Machme
washable acrylIC and nylOn knit. Made
In USA See sae chart below
Colors 5..U p.nk .....W""let whlle
6-1..1 ~ 7-1I peactl
MISSES': stale COlor number ; then see
S. M Of L
7 E 1990 YF- Sh pg wt 13 02 $24.00
WOIIEffS: state ecce number; then
Size XL
7 E 1998YF- Shpg wi . 15 oz. $26 .00

B A WImer bouquet of delICa te

flowers on. softly textured V-nedl

:~.~ ":#':~" :.:~,.; ,

MachIne waS11lJble acryflC k.nlt .
Imported See Size Chart below •• •• •
MISSES': sta te S. M Of l.
. to_, ··r.. . .
.. ,... .. . . I -,'.. .. . f .." .

.<.. uz: ~:,:~:::

7 E 119l)3f-Mu11lpastel I , : •
Shpg wt . 1 lb. 5 oz... $2 8 .00 ~ ··:.:::~ I::::~::~..•
WOllEN'$: stale XL •• •, •••• • • • , .• : . . I.~••• • ' . ' , • •••• •• •
7 E 19868F-Multl pastel
Shpg wi . t Ib 7 oz. $30 .00
Pastel SJPY'e to palf
perfect WIth
C everything Sktrls to jeanS .
Long sleeves RamI#} and acrylIC kmt .
Hand wash . Imported See size chart
MISSES': stale S. M Of L.
7 E 11901F-Multl pastel
Shpg wt . 1 Ib 3 oz ... $28 .00
WOMEN'S: Slate XL.
7 E 19601F-Muttl pastel
Shpg . wt. 1 lb. 5 oz. $30.00

Sparl<flng geornetnc pattern

O eamngs_PI6fC8d have surgICal
sfee{ pos ts Made in USA -;
. .....
CoIo<I 221-Gold color 22O-511ver color
Slate color number .
4 E J().nH-Pterced eamngs
4 E 3Cal9H -Chp earnngs 0"
Shpg wt . 2 02 . .. S10.00
1lI11SU' [iOiiin
5(8- 10) I "'12- 14) ! 416-181 ~




c .. ,

• •
• • •

. .. .• .• •

, • · .


• •
• '. •

f •




2or roore,ea.

i$1399 o

Can be worn s /0uched/0'ncuffed . or

. m up Corron. ny . . .
wash Made . USA. One su e fits
. In
CREW SOCKS hosie~ sizes 9 to, 11.

75 E 26801-Whrte
75 E 26814-Ught blue
75 E 26806-Pale, iliac
75 E 26813-Medlum peach
75 E 26804- Pale y~lIow
75 E 26802~Pa le pink p . $2.50
Shpg. wt.. parr 2 oz . .. an.
The difference between a shaker A:~.~ C Snake' knits, oversized for
great Jayenng, are specially
COkJr·matched to shirts shOwn on
B The sweater vest.
Made in USA.

sweater and a warm holidav hug? these pages. Acrylic . Ma chine wash.
See size ch art be low, ng m.
MISSES': state colo r numbe r from lett
then en er sue S. M or L
7 E 1991YF-$hpg. wt. ea . 11 oz.
You can gift wrap the sweater! Cobs ..-Ugtu blue
3-WlI'ltet' wtvle
6- Peach
7- lJgM yeIow
Ea . $15 .00; Any 2 or more . Ea. 510.99
WOMEN'S: state color number from

The crew neck rag lan. lett ; then Iener size XL
whenynu buy A fmpo rrfJd. 7 E 1995YF-Shpg . wt. ea . 13 oz.
Ea. $17 .00 ; An y 2 or more , Ea . $1 2.99
MISSES '; state colo r number above ;
any1tops on
these 1pages
the n e tter size S, M or L.
7 E 1992YF-Wt. ea. 1 lb. 1 01 .
Ea . 518.00 : An y 2 or more . Ea. $13 .99
C Johnn y collar sweare r.
Impo rted.
MISSES': state COlor numbe r eocve.
WOMEN'S: stale color number above: left ; then renee size S, M or L.
the n erter size XL. 7 E 1993YF-Wt. ea . 1 lb . 4 oz.
7 E 1996YF-Wt. ea. 1 lb. 3 oz. Ea . $24 .00 : Any 2 or rrore. Ea . $19.99
Ea . 520 .00; An y 2 or mor e, Ea . $15.99 WOMEN'S: state colo r numbe r above ,
left : then letter size XL.
7 E 1999YF-Wt. ea . 1 lb. 6 oz.
Ea . 526 .00 ; Any 2 Of more , Ea. 521.99

D The shin, colo!-matched to the

shakers for layenng . Woven
po lyester and cot ton ;s ma chine
[ washable. Imp orted (USA ma terials),
8~ Pln k
'-light blue
7-Lignt yellow
MISSES': slate color number above :
then ev en size a to 18.
7 E 1556YF-Shpg . WI. 6 oz.
Ea $18 .00 : Any 2 or mo re , Ea . 513 .99

8-10 12·' " I 16-18 20-22

Jo hnny collar
2 or more, ea.

c $19~L

Frosted denim fu ns
page 132A
Any2 Dr more, each

~ $9 99to$19 99
Women 's sizes slightly highe r

Athru F Holiday casuals. on the goo

Upda ted and oversiz ed.
p lush heatner velours rmx equa l parts
comton and fashion Polyester and
C!Jtton velour , except she ll IS mterlock
knit Machme wash. Made In USA See
when you buy any
see note ana chart belOw 2 itemson these 2pages
A NSffow-stflpe cardigan.
MISSES': sta le lett er size S, M or L
T 7 E 2736 7F-Gray and white
T 7 E 27368F-Gray and pink
Shpg wt. ea, 11 oz.
Ea 522 .00 . . Any 2or more, Ea $19.99
WOMEN'S: state letter size XL or 2XL.
T 7 E 27377F-Gray and white
T 7 E 27378F-Gray and pink
Shpg w t. ea . 13 oz.
Ea S24.00 . Any2ormore,Ea S21.99

B Cap -sleeve she ll top

MISSES': sla te letter SIze S. M or L
T 7 E 27373F-Whlte
T 7 E 27374F-Pink
Shpg wt. ea. 5 oz.
Ea $12.00 . . Any 2 or JTIO(e. Ea. $9,99
WOMEN'S: state letter size XL or 2XL.
T 7 E 27383F-Whlte
T 7 E 27384F-Plnk
Shpg wt. ea 6 02
Ea, $ 14.00 Any20rmore, Ea $11.99

C ,Johnny collar top

MISSES': state leit er size S. M or L.
T 7 E 27372F-Gray. WI. ea 9 oz.
Ea. $18.00 . . Any20rmore,Ea. $15.99
WOMEN'S: state letter size XL or 2XL.
T 7 E 27382F-Gray. Wt. ea 10 oz.
Ea $20,00 . Any 2 0rmor e,Ea,S17,99

o Pull-on skirt Elastic wais t.

MISSES': state letter size S, M or L.
T 7 E 27375F-Gray. Wt. ea 70z
Ea. $18,00 , . Any 2or more. Ea. $ 15.99
WOMEN'S: stale leit er size XL or 2XL.
T 7 E 27385F- Gray. Wt. ea 90z
Ea $20.00 . Any 2 0r more, Ea. $17.99

E Wide -s tope crewneck top.

MISSES': stale lett er Size S, M or L.
T 7 E 27369F-Gray and white
T 7 E 27371F-Gray and pin k
Shpg wt. ea 8 oz
Ea. $ 18.00 Any20r more.Ea $15 .99
WOMEN'S: sl ate letter size XL or 2XL.
T 7 E 27379F-Gray and white
T 7 E 27381F-Gray and pmk
Shpg. wt. ea. 10 oz.
Ea. $20 .00 . . Any 20r more, Ea $17.99

F Pull-on pan ts Elastic waist

MISSES': stal e tetter size S, M or L.
T 7 E 27376F-Gray. Wt. ea 10 oz.
Ea $18.00 . Any20rmore. Ea. $15.99
WOMEN'S: s ta te le tt e r si z e XL or 2XL
T 7 E 27386F-Gray Wt. ea 11 oz.
Ea $20 00 Any2ormore Ea $1799

MISSES' (5'3""" to 5'7"'
WOMEN'S (S'4'h " to 5'7·)
MISSES' I 5(8-10} t M(12-1 41 1U l 6-18)
Tops I 38-4() , 42-44
Pants , s!<,rts 34-36 I 38-40

ItltfTls ••lItrllI " T"' ",et,x

(such as T 7 E 27385F)
couJatake ext '. "me fof del lvet)'


l )

rJ) Any 2 or mor e, ea.

~$999 and
s( Up

r ]
s '
L.LJ {.; '~

~ \



<:( '-

when you bu y
any 2
se parates

AB dOl Gift it ,. then keep one (or a

set.) for yourself Irresistibly
soft, acrylic fleece IS also conve niently
machme washable ~de m USA See
size note below
AOveruoucs oversuea
easy. tops have
some fun With screenprmted
MISSES': S(B- 10): M(12-1 4): l(16-18).
Slate letter size S, M or L.
T 7 E 27389F-WhIle: d inosaur print
T 7 E 27392F-Blue: duck pnnl
T 7 E 27391F-Plnk: bear Print
T 7 E 27393F-Whlte: penqum pnnt
T 7 E 27394F-Yellow: cats 'n' dogs onnt
Shpg , wt. ea 9 oz .
Ea. $17 ,OO .. Any2ormore ,ea . $14.99
WOMEN'S: XL(38-40): 2XL{42-44).
State letter size XL or 2XL
T 7 E 27399F-Whlte: dinosaur prin t
T 7 E 27401F-Blue : duck pnnt
T 7 E 27428F-Plnk: bear print
T 7 E 27402F-Whlte : penguin p nnt
T 7 E 27429F-Yellow: cats 'n' dogs pnnt
Shpg wt . ea 100z
Ea $ 19.00 .. Any2ormore ,e a $16.99

To relax orromp : easy-weal/fig pu ll-

Bon pants, to coordmate with tops
above Elastic waist
MISSES', 5(8 -10): M(12-1 4), L(16-18)
Stale letter size S, M or l
T 7 E 27395F-White
T 7 E 27397F-Blue
T 7 E 27396F-Pink
T 7 E 27398F- Yellow
Shpg , wt. ea 100z
Ea. $12,00 ... Any 20r more, ea , $9.99
WOMEN'S, XL(34-36 ): 2Xl(38-40).
State letter sue Xl or 2XL.
T 7 E 27403F-White
T 7 E 27405F-Blue
T 7 E 27404F-Pinl<
T 7 E 27431F-Yellow
Shpg wt. ea 11 oz
Ea $ 14.00 ... Any 2 or more, ea. $11.99

Carefree and kicked back : It's " The

C Wmner "1W sport oxford Uppers are
mach me washab le polyeste r, soil
release VISA . fabric, Cotton lerry
padded collar; cush ion Insole, arch
support. Rubber outsole Imported
WOMEN'S MEDIUM: state size SM, 5".,M,
6M, 6".,M. 7M, 7'hM , 8M. 8'hM , 9M.
9'hM , or 10M.
T 54 E 57558F- Yellow
Crew socks
page 136A T 54 E 57557F-Plnk
54 E 57555F-Whl1e
c B
T 54 E 57556F-L'gh1 blue
Shpg . wt . 1 lb 3 oz ... $18.99
MISSES' (5'3""- 105'7-)
WOMEN'S (5'4'h - 105'r )
Items Wltfl 11 'T' Pf~tIX
(slJdt as T 54 E 57558F) COIJ/(j take
ex ira tItTle 10' atHJ~

Let us be veer Santa \h'e ' li deliv er

your glhs to horne or once . ~

lor Just a trttle more tria"
sto re ocr-co for ~ )
mailable orders/~~ ~ 4' t

'C~~ ,
Made to cuddle . . . the panda pflnt sweeter,
Machine washable acrylic . Made In USA
size chart below.
JUNIORS: slate letter size S. M Of L
Shpg , wt. 14 oz.
T 7 E 6191F-Print. .$24.99

and C Fun fleece . ju s t tor the fluff of III Machme

B washable acrylIC. See size chart be low.

Furry 'fiends . sweatshirt has fake fur appliques

B emt:xr:»dered. not merely ponted.
Made In USA or Imported.
JUNIORS: state letter size S, M or L
T 7 E 40369F-Pmk ; Ski aoonqce.
T 7 E 40368F-Whlte: ba lloon applique
Shpg wt . 1 lb. 2 oz . $24.99

Stre tch 'em leggmgs. comfortably WH1ereJaSriC.

C wais tband. Stitched front crease Made In USA
JUNIORS: state letter size 5, M or L.
T 7 E 18856F-Healher gray
T 7 E 18858F-Whlte
T 7 E 18851F-Black
Shpg ,w1. 70l .. .$11.99

25% less thru December 15th For our ctoc«-

D watchers,' women 's AWATCHTlIpunches In With
co/or Ptsstc quartz watch is water-res /stantf'.
Stamless steel back. Imported. Warranted by Arrmtron;
wnte for free copy, see page 263A
4 E 17637-Wh1te
4 E 17647-Plnk
4 E 17644-Blue
4 E 17708-Gray cocktail watch
Shpg , wt . 3 oz .. Thru 12/15 $18 ,69
After 12/15 $2499
tWA TER RESiSTANT NOTE W.rer.,e.slstant w.tenes are
C1esx;ne<1 to Withstand w.'er ptt!SSUftJ of 35 pounds per 5QU8r6
incll (in aoa,/IO(I /0 normal atmosp/)enC pt6ssure) as long 8S
crys/al, biIe* and buttoo 00 a.glfal watches remain mlsct

S ! tJ L
5-7 I9-1 1 13- 15

Items WI'" 8 "T' ptef",

(such as T1E6t9tF}coukJ
talte extra /Ime !Of del ivery

( )

For ,nl orma hon on how you can

J 142A
help light drug abuse, see p 263A
Smooth talk :
sleek leat her
Coz y leather g loves feat ure natural rabbit fur Iming,
A extend 2 «cnes above wnst . Imported from the
Philippines GLOVESIZE: 5(6- 6',7); M(7); L(7'h-8)
State lett er se e S. M or l
T 88 E 5075F-Black T 88 E 5077F-Gray
T 88 E 5078F-Taupe
Shpg . wI. 4 oz . $18.00

B Slip YDVr nands mro tnesefme. smooth/tallsn Jeather

gloves: silk fmed Wrtst leng th. open back vent .
tmoo rtea from Italy GLOVE SIZE: stale 61fl, 7, 71), or 8
T 88 E 5224F-Black T 88 E 5226F-Camel
T88 E 5225F-Red
Shpg. wt . 10z . $27.00

Co whid e suede g loves have elast ic at wast. pile

C Immg. Ex tends 2 mcnes above wnst Whipped
st itching Import ed from the Philippines
GLOVE SIZE; S(6-6'h ); M(7); L(7'h-8l
State lett er size S. M or L.
T 88 E 5255F-eamel T 88 E 5256F-Gray
T 88 E 5254F-Black
Shpg w1. 4 cz.. $9.99

For those ex tra Chilly da ys . warm up With these

O p igs/fin -tex tured co wma e g lo ves fea runng
Thlnsulare ~ thermal msula tlng linmg , Side ven t
ope ning , 5 pomts on bac/( Impo rted from the
Phlllppmes. GLOVE SIZE: S(6-6'h): M(7): l(7'h-8)
Slate letter s ize S, M or L
T 88 E 5221F-8Iack T 88 E 5223F-Gray
T 88 E 5222F-Brown
Shpg wt . 2 oz. . $20 .00

Co whid e lea rher g loves With acrylic Immg ex tend 2
mcnes above wr ist Open side vent, one
pomt on bae/( . Imported from the Philippines /:
GLOVE SIZE: S(6-6'h ): M(7): L(7'h- 8)
State leiter size S, M or L
T 88 E 5410F-Aoya! T 88 E 5406F-Gray
/ c
T 88 E 540SF-8Iacl<: T 88 E 5407F-Red
T 88 E 5408F-Brown T 88 E 5409F-Taupe
Shpg , wt . 2 oz . $15 .00

acryl ic-lined
Leather handbags
33 % less thru Decemb er 15th

Athru 0 Leather handbags to complement

your wardrobe. All are fabflc-!me(J
and have inside Zip pocket. Imported

Hobo-style bag IS Super-roomy to hold alf

A your essentials . Double-top zipper with
adjustable shoulder strap. 17)(12 inches.
Shpg . wt . 1 lb .
T88 E 3321-Blue T 88 E 3320-Taupe
T 88 E 3319-Black
Thru 12/15 $19 .99 .. . After 12/ 15 $30.00

Handsome double-handled to te-s tyle bag

Bhas center top Zip compartment and two
snap compartments. 181(14 inches.
Shpg . wt. 1 lb . 3 oz.
T88E3318-Taupe T88 E33 17- Black
Thru 12/ 15 $19.99 ... After 12/ 15 $3(),OO

Camera case-style bag has top zip

Ccompartment. 1x12Tin.88 E 3315-Black
T 88 E 3316-Gray
Shpg , wt . 1 lb .

Thru 12/15 $19 .99 . . After 12/1 5 $30.00

Elegant clutch with removable shoulder

D strap has top z ip and front outside snap
compartment. 16:1C12 in, Shpg. wt. 10 oz.
T 88 E 3312-Black T 88 E 3314-Red
Thru 12/15 $14 .99 . .. After 12/ 15 $23.00

I'i . YT"'--Ilol:liI

Leather wallet
incl udes EGet organ ized with IMs multi·purpose
wallet. Inside you 'll find compartments for
checkbook and credit cards. Snap front.
11'x3!4 inches. Calculator battery included
and m et al Impo rt ed.
frame coin pur se 88 E 4821-Burgundy 88 E 4822-Bone
Shpg . wt. 10 oz ... $14 .99

Make a New Year's resolu tion to
Aget organized and le t this portable
secretary help . ttnssturdy vinyl wallet
IS a co in purse and more . Only 7 x 4 in.
overall, inSid e it holds an address and
telephone book, and a memo pad. Jt
e ven has a removable calculator
(battery inc l) for instan t flgurmg, You'll
also find compartmen ts for checkbook,
pen . stamps, photographs and credi t
cards . An Inside Zipper pocket tucks
away valuables Warranted by
Unlsonic Write for treecopy, see
p. 263A Imported
sa E 48t7 -Burgundy
88 E 4820-Tan
88 E 4819-Gray
88 E 481S-Red
Shpg , wt. 12 oz ... $9.99

8 Acry lic kmt she ll mi ttens have a

Thins uJate'!) therma l llnmg with
brushed nyl on facmg and flb-kmt , turn-
back cuffs GenUine Spi lt lea ther palm
and thumb g ive you a better gn p .
Imported, One size fit s all.
88 E 5308-Pink
88 E 5306-Black
88 E 5307-Gray
88 E 5305-Whlle
Shpg . wt . 4 oz.. $10.00

CSave $2 when YOU buv..m:!Y.£ Get

hold of thmgs with Fingerpopsfll
convertib le g loves . Finge rs are hand
crocheted to help prevent unra veling .
Convert 'rom mi tten to fJngerless g love
by bendmg back top and securing with
bu tton and loop , Knit of machine
washab le acrylic . Imported,
One size trts all.
State color number
l8-Red a-Blue 2-81ack 28--Natural
88 E 5433H-Shpg . WI. pro 2 oz.
Pair $5.00 . .2 for $8 .00
Look yo ur bes t, when the weather
D is at its worst. Slim telescopic
nylon umbrella opens to ~in.
d iameter. ~ In. sq uare polyes ter
crepe scarf is water repel/an t. Gift-
boxed Imported.
88 E 4260- Bone B8E 4259-Blue
Shpg , wi. 110 " . Se l $12.00
Knit mml-glo ves magICally stretch to
E fit hands, yet rever t to mmlS off.
Acrytic and po lyurethane Impo rted.
State co lor number
4- Aoyal 28--011·wl'ule
t a-aec 2-BIaCk
B8 E 5212H-Shpg. wt. 1 oz.
Pair $3.00 3 pairs for $8.25

F When they say, " Nice weat her. ''''

duc ks, .. you 'II have one handy
Telescop ic umb rella With wood duck 's
head handle is 42 inches in diameter.
Nylon with ny lon case . Imported,
B8 E 4229- Blue • 88 E 4230-Black
88 E 4228-Aose
Shpg, wt. 12 oz . $10.00

J Kthru P
WO\o'E'n aetyflC sha wl proVIdes Cuddle her ears MJ EWN-SO-soft coordlM ted knit acrylIC $e8 lout WInter WInds WIth the
G the perfect accent lor )'OIX
wInter coat. 48·1f1 SQuare WIth se lf
genUIne rabbit fur
earmuffs and headband
pIeCeS MachIne washabJe R UfHQt.N! combined hoodscarl.
MachIne washable. warm acrylic WIth
Hoodscarf has qUilted panem. Made in USA nbbed knit. the scarl IS atxJut 4 j1H 1
fringe Hand wash. Imported
88 E 8683 -Black , white
Woven polyester ba CkIng
The fur is imported. KState color no 2-81ack 18-Red 28-Qn·whtte
88 E 8533H-Shlpptng weight 5 OZ... $1 2.00
long for ample protectIOn. Made in
sa E B684-Black. royal Made in U$A USA One Size fils all
WI 7 oz... $15 .00 One sue lits all. Sta te color numbef

Save $1 when ~..!!!Yg

88 E 931Q-Nalura l
88 E 931'-Whlle-dyed
L Fashiona ble hat has warm polyester pile trim.
Slale coler no.. 2-&aca
18-Red 27- Whlle
T 88 E 8532H-Stuppmg we Ight 4 cz... $1 t.oo
' - Royal
28--Nat..... a1

HWsrmtfJ was never more 88 E 93J6-Slack-dyed

GlOves WIth nb-kfJII cutt . Imported
B8E 858l)-i-Shpg. wt 6 oz . $1 0.00
C()('r'lenlent than wrttl ttHs o;ersarile
acrylIC km t tunnel. Wea, It up to
protec t head and ears or push ,t
Shl>g wt.2oz ... $10.00
M Sla te colcr no 2-8l1clo: l&-Aeo Z7-Whl te
T 88 E 8531H- Suppl ng weight 2 oz . . $8 .00
S Mok1ed knit CkX:he wIth attached
ear·warmlng scarl IS of Cr esJan
acrylic, Rayon Immg Hand washable
down to protect you r neck
Mach ine wash . One size Ill s all.
State COlOr numt:ler 4-Roya l
11.m. With . 'T' pnflJ(
(IucIl a s T88 E 8532H)
COfJId take ""Ir. ttme for
N Beret nes 1 " Inch diameter.
Sta te COlor 110.: 2-B1ac k l8-Red 28-()t1 ·wMe
T 88 E 8529H-StUPPlOQ weighl 2 oz ... $8.00
One size fIls head sizes 22 to 23
inches .
Sta te cotor roomber
, 4-Gr.y 28-Nalural 2~ ""'''"''I 2S-PJnk 28-WIOter wflIte
88 E 8716H-WI 30z Ea $5.00 F1Jt'Jf}t!t1 scarl IS e»r inches , Made In USA 4-Sngnt blue 2-8lacl<
2 tor $9.00 P State color no 2-8lado 18--Red 28-Of1·wt'llte
T88 E 8530H-Shpg wt . 5 oz ... $12.00
B8E 8515H-Shpg wt . 7 oz ... $15 .00
.. ..

...;;; -

- . "'." ,
. ~.


$9 99
low er price thi s season on item (A)

w omen .s sizes
thru December
15th only
Women "s soft sole moe. Handsewn sJip-cn has sueded spllt·leather uppers and
A sole WlffI true moccesm conStruc tlOll. Wann acrylIC. polyester bIent:1 pile
hnlfl(; Padded Insole Stltpptng wetght 12 OZ . C
Women 's handseWfl dorm boot has suede<J
spiit leather uppers and acrylIC, polyes ter
WOM£H'S MEDIUM": state SM. &.4. 7M. 8M. 9M. 1~ biend pile 11nII'Ig, Hand lacing around suedeCJ
T 54 E 53462F-Plnk T 54 E 53463F-BIue spllt·leather sole
T54E53461F-Tan T 54 E 53464F- 1ce WOMEN'S MEDIUM': stale SM. SM. 7M. SM. 9M.
Thru 12115 $9 .99 . . After 12115 $12.99
T 54 E 54611F-Tan
Children 's slip-on moccesm (same as above). T 54 E 54613F-Fuchsla
CHILDREN'S MEDIUM": stale 9M, 10M. 11M, 12M. 13M, 1M, 2M, 3M T 54 E 54612F- Blue
T54E51532F-Tan T54E51533F-Plnk Shpg wt. 15 0z . .. $16 .99
Shipptng weight 8 02 . .. $9.99 Items WIth iJ "r" pit/fiJI
(such as T54 E 53462F)
could eJ/". tl/nll fa rJt1hvery

sole moe. -,.,.If SoreS. on1M ,.., S4zt11tMgt/'

BWomen 's hard
leather upper
vmyl sole and heel.
Soft acryiIc, polyester t:Neod pile
hnIng Handsewn design on vamp
Soleof man-made rnaterl8ls
WOMEH'S MEDIUM": slat e SM, 60'.4.
7M, SM. 9M. 10M
T 54 E 53499F-FUChS!a
T 54 E 53497F-Ta n
T 54 E 53498F-Blue
Shpg wt,150z . . $16 .99

T S :he season
:0 be Jol ly
so order ear ly
and avo a
c 5<'1000 "' ~"""1e"':

\ No lower price this season on it em (D)

~$999 thru
Men 's sizes

15th only

Men 's soft soie handsewn moccaS1f1 has sueded

O sp/if./eather upper and sote. Hand faced vamp .
Rawhide tie. Warm acrylic, polyester blend p ile fining
MEN'S MEDIUM: see Chart 1. Half sizes, order half size
larger. Shpg wt . 1 tb
T 67 E 92484F-Tan
T 67 E 92486F-Grey
T 67 E 92485F-Brown
Tnru 12/15 $9.99 . . . After 12/ 15 $12.99
8 ig beys ' soft sole moccas in. Same as abo ve without
rawh ide tie
BIG BOYS' MEDIUM: see Chart 2. Half Sizes, order half
size larger. Shpg , wt . 10 OZ.
T 67 E 65007F-Tan .. . $9 .99
Men 's dorm boot with sueded splft·Ie ather uppers
E and sale. Hand laced Acry lic. polyester blend pi le
MEN'S MEDIUM: see Chart 1. Halt sizes, order half size
larger. Shpg . wt. 1 lb . 8 02
T 67 E 92605F-Brown $19 .99
T 67 E 92607F-Tan $19.99
Men 's hard so/e has true moccasin cons truction and
F sueded split-leather uppers Hand-laced vamp
with rawhide tie Indoor/outdoor Seerotoem sole.
Cush ioned insole
MEN'S MEDIUM: see Chart 1. Half sizes, order hall size
larger. Shpg . wt . 1 lb , 2 oz.
T 67 E 92474F- Tan . . . $19 .99
T 67 E 92477F-Brown . . ,$19.99
Men 's dou ble sole moe with smooth leather upper
G and sole. Handsewn Construc tion Padding
between moccasm and outso/e . AcryliC, polyes ter
blend pile Iming, Hand laced vamp wi th rawhide tie.
MEN'S MEDIUM: See Chart 1. Half SIzes , ord er half size
T 67 E 92636F-Dk . tan. Wt. 1 lb . 5 cr . .. $24 .99

CHART 1, MEN·SMEDIUM: state 7M, SM. 9M , l OM, 11M.

12M, 13M


Men's, women's, and
children's qu ilt boots

:~J~~s~, ~ $6~~d up
~ ~
All are poly ester p ile-lined .
Cush ion ed insoles. Textured viny l
sale and trim.

A 'Nomen 's coors to orn ament you r feet as

we lf as wa rm them . Polyeste r and corron
up pers (Silv er-look has nylo n and meta llic
thread quilted upper). Shpg . WI. 10 oz.
WOMEN'S SIZES: SI5·S). MI7·SI. LI9-l0 1.
State letter size S. M or L.
T 54 E 52765F-Pink T 54 E 52761F-$itver
T 54 E 52762F-Red T 54 E 52763F- Blue
T 54 E 52764 F- Yellow
Thru 1215 56.99 . .. After 12.15 $8.99
Women 's floral p rint bo ot.
T 54 E 52767F-IYory T 54 E 52766F-Aed
T 54 E 52768 F-Navy
Thru 12 t 5 56.99 ... Atter t 2. 15 $8.99

Children 's boors for a little adventure!

B oz.
Ad orab le tedd y bea r pnnt. Shpg. WI. 9
CHILDREN'S SIZES: 519,' 0). Mil 1-12), L(l3·' ).
XL(2-3). State letter size S, M, L or XL.
T 54 E 51438F-White T 54 E 51437F-Aed
T 54 E 51439F-Na vy
Thru 1215 $6.99 .. . After 12 15 $B.99
Children 's ca mouflage style.
T 54 E 51426F - Camouflage
Thru 1215 $6.99 After 1215 $8.99

desrmed :0 be
C Men 's boots
under-the-tree classics! Plaid boor has
acrylic and po fyester upper. Shpg . wt. 11 oz.
MEN'S SIZES: SIS·7I, MIS-9I, LI' ''"'' I.
XL(12-13). State letter size S. M. L or XL.
T 67 E 91233F- Red T 67 E 91234F-B lue
T 67 E 9t 235F- Green
Thru 12 15 $7.99 .. . After 121559.99
Men 's velour quilted upper (solid color).
T 67 E 91237 F-Navy T 67 E 91238F-Black
Thru 1215 $7.99 ... After 12.15 59.99
trems w<th - T' prefi x (suc h as T 54 E 52765F)
cou ld take ex/ra time /or CJeliv ery

:;... ..I
D Comfortable women 's slipper has
sueded sp lit-leather upper. Fluffy acr ylic
pile co llar, Warm acrylic lining. Sale of
men-meae materials.
WOMENS MEDIUM: see Chart 1.
T 54 E 53236F- Blue
T 54 E 53238 F-Green
T 54 E 53235F-Red
T 54 E 53237F-Black
ShipPing we ight 1 lb. 4 OZ ... 512 .99

E Velvet S/ip -on has go ld-look top/ine and

cross stitch on vamp . $ueded
sp lit-leather sale. Imported .
7 or 2.
T 54 E 52971F- Red T 54 E 52972F- Black
Shipping weighl 12 cz . . . S9.99

F Ballerina slip-o n with holida y bow trim.

Rayon velvet upper (vinyl upper on silver
color) . Quilted satin sock lining . Soft nylon
tric ot lined. Sueaea split·leather sal e.
Import ed.
WOMEN'S MEDIUM: see Chart 1.
T 54 E 52961 F- $ ilver T 54 E 52964 F- Blue
T 54 E 52963F-Black T 54 E 52965F-G reen
T 54 E 52962F-Red
Shipping we ight tlo. 2 oz ... $9.99

Me n's sid e g ore slip-on wfth split-leather

G upper. Warm acrylic pile Immg. Elastic
side g ore makes putt ing on and taking
oft easy. Light weight , flexible $ea rofoam
sol e and heel.
3 or 4 below.
T 67 E 92494F-Tan T 67 E 92496F-G ray
T 67 E 92495F-Brown
Shipping weight 1 lb. 4 OZ . .. 519.99

Men's mac-toe slip-on has split·leather

Hupper, Warm acrylic pile Immg .
Cushioned insole. Ughtwe igh l. flexible
Searofoam sole and heel.
3 0r4 .
T 67 E 92492F-Br own T 67 E 92493F-Gray
T 67 E 92491F-Tan
Shipping we ight 1 lb. 6 oz . .. $19 .99

CHART 1: WOMEN'S MEDIUM: state SM. 8M, 7M,

BM, 9M, 10M
CHART 2 : WOMEN'S WIDE: sta te 6W , 7W , BW ,
9W, l OW. 11W
CHART 3: MEN'S MEOtUM: stale 70 , BO, 90 ,
100 .1 10 . 120, 130
12EEE, 13EEE

trems with 8 - r" prefi x (such 8 S T 67 E 53237F)

coula fa ke fj l(tr8 flll'le for afjl;vfjry

AC :r;~ Let your child celebrate
Chnstmas somewhere between
McDona ld /and and the North Pole! All have
pr inted sock lining with McDonald 's
characters and Ronald McDonald labe/.
Sales of man-made mater ials. Imported.

A Mutti<olor oxford has vinyl upp er and

sueded vinyl lining . Cushion insole.
Wedge heel.
INFANTS' MEDIUM: see Chart t .
054 E 11931F-Mutt i. Wt. 1202 ... $11.99
CHILDREN'S MEDIUM: see Cha rt 2.
054 E 1203t F·Multi. WI. 12 OZ ... 512.99

B Velcro · strap boat ,Shoe has. vinyl upp er

and .sueded vmyl lmmg. White collar lace
and whit e moe strtching. Cushioned insole.
Molded unit sale.
INFANTS' MEDIUM ; see Chart 1.
New at Sears ! 054 E 11912F-Navy. Wt. 12 OZ ... $11.99
054 E 120 12F-Navy . WI. 12 oz ... $12.99

C Dress shoe has vinyl upper and tricot

lining. Bow on vamp. Instep strap and
buckle. Scoop-wedge hee l.
INFANTS' MEDIUM: see Cha rt 1.
054 E 11905 F- Black 054 E 11906F-Aed
ShipPing weight 12 02 . . . $10.99
CHILDREN'S MEDIUM: se e Chart 2.
054 E 12005F- Black 0 54 E 12006 F-Aed
Shipping weight 12 0 2 . . . $12.99

D Over -the-toot boot has polyurethane

upper and padded Nylex ! lining.
Contrast ing vetcra » strap and heel counter.
Two-color bottom. Cushioned insole. Vmyl
collar lining. Acrylic pile on insid e top of
tongue . Molded thermo-plastic rubber-unit
sale and heel . Imp orted .
o 54 E 58946 F-Gray black red
054 E 58945 F- Pinkgray
054 E 58947 F- Blue red ye llow
Shipping we ight 13 02 . .. $14 .99

E Centuriont bo ot has nylon and suede

sp lit-leather uppers. Rubber sal e. 6-inch
shaft. Imported.
CHILDREN'S MED IUM: see Cha rt 4.
T 54 E 14416 F-Wt. 1 lb. 6 oz . . 519.99

F Thermo Kid '" boo ts make cold weather

more fun. Watch crayon colors appear
when the tempe rature drops below 60"!
Polyurethane upp er. polyester lining,
two -tone jog g er bo ttom. Girls ' style has
zippe r trom closure with full gusset. boys '
style has Velcro ~ back closure . Sale of
man-made material. Imported.
T 54 E 58205F-Pink T 54 E 58206 F-Black
::= == - Shipping weight 1 lb. 4 oz . . . $16 .99

G Fringed boot has sueded split-leather

upper. Unlmed. Sale and heel of
man-mad e materials. Shpg . wt . l ib. 2 02.
==== CHILDREN'S MEDIUM: see Chart 6.
T 54 E l3924F-Gray ... 519 .99
Western-st yle boot has Vin yl upper.
H Cushioned lining material. Gathered look
around ankle. Strap around ankle with
buck le and studs . Sale of man-made
materials. 1 ~4 -inch stacked-look western-
style hee ls. Imported.
T 54 E 13921 F-Black T 54 E 13922F-Tan
Shipping weight 1 lb. 202 .. . $17.99

CHART 1: INFANTS' MEDIUM: state 5'12 0 . 60.

6'120. 70 . 7170. 80
9 'h 0 . 10 0 . 10hO. 110 . 11""0. 120
CHART 3: CHILDREH 'S MEDIUM : M(7-8). L/9- 10 j .
XLjl1 -12}, XXL (13 -1) . Sta te e t ter
size M , L, XL, XXL.
CHART 4 : CHILDREN 'S MEDIUM: stare lu ll size
110 , 120. 130, 1 0 . 2 0.30 . Ha~
sizes ord er half su e larger.
CHART 5 : CHILDREN'S MEDIUM: state rull size
10M . 11M. 12M . 13M. 1M, 2M . 3M.
Ha ll sizes Ofder hall size larger.
CHA RT 6: CHILDREN'S MEDIUM: state rull Siz e
12M, 13M, 1M. 2M, 3M . 4M . Ha ll
sizes order half size larger.

"Centunotls - ' 1986 Ruby Spe ars Em erpris es , Inc.

" Mc KJds and me Mc Donald 's characters are the
tra d emark of McDonald 's Corpor ation. :1 987
Mc DonakJ"s co rpora flOfI
Items with an "0 " prefix tsoc n as 0 54 E 11931F).
allow a mtnlfT'l(Jm of 10 d ays for d elrvery
See our Ime of McK ids " clo th es In our
Wish BOOK fof Kid s . . . p ag es 2. 42 an d 76
Evening shoes for special
holiday occasions

§~$ 99
A'" D
. ~
Ring in the season with one of
these artractrve new styles . All
have urethane uppers. soles of man -made
malenals and matching covered heels.

A Be of good cheer with this Sharp-looking

skimmer. Cushioned heel pad. ~ 4 -in. heel.
T 54 E 46878F-$ilver
T 54 E 46875F- Pewte r
T 54 E 46880F-Black patent look
T 54 E 46886F-Wlnter white
T 54 E 46876F-Gold
WOMEN'S MEDIUM: see Chan 1.
Shipping weight 1 ios. 30z ... $19.99

B Celebrate with this teeuutut pump!

Cushioned sock Immg. Plain vamp ,
2h..inch heel.
WOMEN'S MEDIUM: see Chart 1.
T 54 E 44960F- Pewter
T 54 E 44950F-Black patent look
T 54 E 44958F-Black suede
T 54 E 44965 F-$ilver
T 54 E 44962F-Gold
Shipprng weight 1 Ib .. $19.99

C Cross strap with instep strap . Cushioned

heel pad. 2'2-m. hee l.
WOM EN'S MEDIUM; see Chart 1.
T 54 E 45654F-Gold
T 54 E 45650 F-Black suede
T 54 E 45653F-Silver
Shipping weight 1 lb ... $19,99
D "Tis alway s tne season for a g reat fitting
shoe . . . and met's w hat you 'lI ge t with
this ad/ustab le, "tw isty" st yle ankle strap .
Cross-srrap vamp . 3-in. hee l.
WOMEN 'S MEDIUM: see Chan 1.
T 54 E 45571 F-Silver
T 54 E 45570F-81ack suede
T 54 E 45572F-Gold
T 54 E 45573F-Royal blue
Shipping we ight 1 lb. 1 OZ ... $19 .99

E GOld-toned. beaded shoulder bag .

Frame-s ty le. Rayon-lined wit h slip -m
p ocket. 7)(8 in. Imported. Shpg. wt . 10 0 2
T 88 E 3322-81ack with bronze, gold ; $22.00
CHART 1: WOMEN'S MEDIUM; stale 5h8,
68 . 6V28. 7B, n 2B, 86 , 6hB .
96 . 10B.

Items Wlrt! 'T' p ref iX (suc h as T 54 E 4 58 78F)

cou ld ta i(~ extra M~ lor delivery:
"0 pre fl}( Items. a llow a mmrmum
of 10 days lor de l~ry.
The boo t tnets so fight for so many
A styles -and so nght for gIv ing ' Urethane
upper, nylon tricot linmg and fully cushIOned
heel pad. t -m stacked-1oo4 heel and sole of
man-made malenals filn. shaft . Imported .
WOMEN'S ISWidth) MEDIUM: state SM. 6'h M, 7M ,
7'hM , 8M. 8'hM, 9M , 10M.
T 54 E 37388F- Tan T 54 E 37588F- Bright
T 54 E 37088F-Black blue
T 54 E 37888F-Red T 54 E 37688F-White
T 54 E 37988F- Fores t green
Shipping weight 1 lb. 11 OZ . . 529 .99

Colors for the holidays and beyond For tasteful gi ft -giving . . the boo tie that
B Ureth ane upper, nylon tnc ot lining t -m
wedge and fibbed sole of man -made
C means fashIon, not fad . Urethane upper
and fully cush ioned heel pad. ~·m. hee l and
metensts 50in shaft. Imported. fi bbed sole of man-made metensts. Slori·/n
WOMEN'S (8 Width) MEDIUM: state 6M. 6'1'.!M , 7M, shaft. Imported
7'hM . 8M, 8'h M, 9M. 10M WOMEN'S (8 Width ) MEDIUM: stale GM, 6lfzM. 7M,
T 54 E 37802F-HoI pink 7 1hM, 8M , 8'hM , 9M, 10M.
T 54 E 37502F-Brighl blue T 54 E 37369F-Desert tan
T 54 E 37002F-Black T 54 E 37069F-Black
T 54 E 37602F- Wtnter white T 54 E 37869F-Aed
T 54 E 37902F-Forest green ShPQ. wl- llb.11 oz. . . $ 19.99
Shpg wI. 1 Ib 70z . $ 19 .99

Here 's a boot that makes the critical
D connectIOn between wmter tunc ton and
timeless style , Urethane upper, nylon Incot
Iming and cushioned heel pad, Stack ed·1ook
, *·in. heel and ribbed sole of man-made
metenets. Imported
WOMEN'S (B width) MEDIUM: stale SM, 6 \.7M. 7M,
7 1hM , 8M . 8'hM . 9M . 10M
T 54 E 37389F-Taupe
T 54 E 37889F-Red
T 54 E 37689F-Wlnler white
T 54 E 37089F-Black
ShiPPing weIght lib 15 oz .. . $29 .99

The af/ure of the wes t Suede and urethane

E upper With nylon Inco t Immg. Fully
cusnooea hee l pad. 1~ -m. st sc ke(J.!ook heel
and fibbed sote of man -mad e mstenels
'2~·in. shaft. Imported
WOMEN'S (B width) MEDIUM: stale 6M, 6Y.zM, 7M,
7'hM , 8M , 8'hM , 9M , 10M.
T 54 E 37087F-Black
T 54 E 37387F- Taupe
T 54 E 37987F-Fores l green
ShIpping weigh t 1 lb. 9 oz .. . $39 .99

[ F"nged benefits. $oft lea ther upper With a

I fully cu shioned heel pad for com fort %-m
molded heel and nooea sole of man -made
materials 9 17·mch shaft
WOMEN'S (S width) MEDIUM: state 6M , 6 'kM, 7M ,
7'k M, 8M . 8'hM, 9M , 10M.
T 54 E 36668F-Whlte
T 54 E 3606BF-Black
Shipping weight 1 lb . 5 oz . . . $39 .99

Items W Itt! s " r" 1Jff1 f /J( ( such as T Sf E 36ti68F)

coukJ ta~e eJCtra ttme for cJellvery

AVOid the ho liday rush

<0 shop by ph o ne .
To ord e r, ca ll your
local Sears store - "<..;
~:~o;) ' . ~.' ...

. . .- ---------"" ,15A
CUT $10 $1999 Al so available
In w ide

AcrylIC tteec e-tmea boot has PVC vmyt-ccetea nylon upper and
A cush ioned hee l pad Slip-resis tan t sole of man-made mstenets
'O ~ ·m , sha ft. 2J7·m. heel. Imported, Reduced from our 1986
Christmas 8ooIc. o . 239, Half sizes order half size large r,
WOMEN'S(B width) MEDIUM: state 6M, 7M, 8M. SM, 10M.
WOMEN'S(0 width) WIDE: state SW, r« . BW, 9W, lOW
T 54 E 36070F-Black T 54 E 3667OF-Winter white
T 54 E 3637OF-Taupe
WOMEN'S (8 width) MEDIUM: sl ate SM, 7M, 8M, 9M, 10M
T 54 E 3657OF-Slale blue T 54 E 3627OF-Gray
ShIppIng weight 2 tos . Was $29 99, Now $19.99

Supple leather and sueded leather upper

B With acrylIC p ile Immg Cushioned heel
pad. Molded t -in. heel and fibbed sofe of man-
made materials l ~ -in sha ft . Imported
WOMEN'S(8 widtill MEDIUM: state SM. 7M. 8M,
9M. 10M. Half sizes ord er haft Siz e larg er
T 54 E 3738OF-Tau pe
T 54 E 37680F-Wmter ....nne
T 54 E 37080F-Black
Shipping weight 1 lb. 9 OZ. $39 .99
Even the " deep stuff' won ', stop trns front
C Zip txxn ' PVC vvwt-coetea nylon UPPer.
ac ry lic p ile finmg and fUlly cusrvooea heel pad
Molded scooped 2-1n. hee f and so le o( man-
made mate rials t t-m . shaN Imported
WOMEN'S(8 width) MEDIUM; slate 6M. 7M. 8M.
9M, 10M. Half sizes order half size larg er.
T 54 E 59059F-Gray
T 54 E 59058F-Deep taupe
B T 54 E 59057F-Black
ShippIng weight 2 ies 5 oz ... $19 .99

Let us be your Santa 'A€'II deliver

your g ifts to home or O~ff
lce ~
forluSt a httle more tnan ~ .
store oce-co tor ~

rneuab'e orders! &
. , ..
- I
., '
~~ $
Mobilize your snow-bound fam ily
in our new weather-busting boot
One great solution for the entire familY' Upper
and sale of man-made materials. Nylon tricot
lining. fully cushioned insole. Imported .
Women 's s tyle with 12-inch shaft.
WOMEN'S(8 width) MEDIUM: state 6M, 7M, 8M,
9M , 10M. Half sizes order half size larger.
T 54 E 59116F-Blue T 54 E 59115F-Gray
Shipping ,yeighl 2lbs. 5 cz .. . $16 .88
Children 's style with 7·inch shaft .
CHILDREN'S MEDIUM: XS(1Q-l1 ): 5(12-13 ):
M(1-2) : Li3-4)
State letter size XS, S. M, L.
T 54 E 58245F-Gray w ith pink
T 54 E 58246F-Gray w ith lig ht gra y
Shipping we ight 1 lb ... $16 .88
Men 's and boys ' style with 13-inch shaft.
8M . 9M . 10M, 11M, 12M, 13M.
T67E98412F-Navy T67E98411F-Gray
Shipping weight 3 lbs . 10 oz ... $16.88
Items wIth a 'T' ptef,x (such as T 54 E 58245F)
could take extr8 tIme for d8/ivery

Treaded sale .. .' .'

for better traction
. . . ... 157A

S , .

Can you tame a pair of C0 •

::rj Casua l weste rn styles with full
gram leather toot and shaft.
Leather lining , sole and trim.
our ultra-exotic water MEN'S MEDIUM; state 7VtO, 80 , 8h O, 90 ,
9VtO , 100 , 10"/20 , 110, 120, 130.
snake or sharks kin MEN'S WIDE: stale 7Vt EE, 8EE, 81flEE, gEE,
western boots? 91/t EE, lOEE, lO h EE, 11EE.

A The ulrimare. expression of style , refined

for you In ttvs unc ommo n boor. Warer
snake skin foot. 73·inch leather shaft, full
C Class ;c with elegant stitching deta il.
12-mch sha ft. Shpg , wt , 4 tbs. 4 oz.
T 67 E 87099 F-Oark brown
leather lining and ourso/e. Price lhru 1215 $69.99 : After 12.15599 .99
See Shpg. Note be low . TradftionaJ coer with walk ing heel.
MEN'S MEDIUM: state 71/20. 80 . 8'/20, 90 ,
9 hO. 100. 10' 20 , 110, 120. 130.
O 12·inch shaft.
T 67 E 87534F- Ta n. Shpg . '0\1.. 5 tbs.
F 67 E 87995F -Black with white Price tntu 12 15569.99 : After 12.15599.99
F 67 E 87996 F-Gray
Shpg . wt . 3 Ibs. 12 oz .. . $165.00
E Side zipp er coer with leather uppers,
sole and leather lined shaft. Cotron drill
B Why keep the sharks at bay when you
can w eerm on your fee t? Soft sharkskin
foot with a durab le 1s-mcn kidskin leather
vamp lining . Blunt toe, cowbOy heel. 6
inches high ,
MEN'S NARROW: state 98, 9 /28 , 108, 101;28,
sha ft. Fulf leather lining and learher ourso/e. '
118 , 128 .
See Shpg . Note below . MEN'S MEDIUM: state Th O, 80 , 81;20 , 90,
MEN'S MEDIUM: slate 7hO , 80, 81/20 , 90,
9h O. 100. 1OhO, 11D, 12 0 . 130.
9 1/20, 100 , iowo, 110 , 120, 130 .
MEN'S WIDE: state 7'h EE, 8EE, 8'h EE, 9EE,
F 67 E 87993F-Brown 9v2EE. lO EE, 101;2EE, 11EE,
Shpg. wt . 3 Ibs , 12 oz ... 5165.00 T 67 E 8762.2F -Cordovan
Items with a 'T' pr ttflx T 67 E B7619 F- Black
(such as T 67 E 87622F)
could 18/(e extra tIme tor delivery
T 67 E 87621 F- Brow n
Shpg. wt. 3 lbs . 2. oz.
/fems w ith an " F' p refIX (as F 67 E 879 9SFj ere sem
from lactory. Allow I1xtra time. StllPp/r'If} I1nd Price tnru 12 15 $49.99; After 12.15 S69.99
handlIng charg ed from Ca!lJtog Merc handise
D!sfnbur/On Cemer. No C.O.D. ord ers

~ $20
thru December 15th
$4999 s~~
and up
Ie, 0and EI
A Our Wonder/lte'" moe sfip-o n with leather
upper and fully cush ioned Insole .
LJghtwe ight polyurernane sale and heel.
Impo rt ed. Full1 -year warranty on sale.
Warranted by Sears . write for free copy.
see page 263A.
MEN'S MEDIUM AND WIOE: see Chart 2 or 3.
Not in 7h EE, 12EE and 13EE.
067 E 74275 F-Gray
067 E 74273F-Brown
067 E 74274F- Black
067 E 74276F-Navy
Shipping weight 2 Ibs.
Price thru 1215 529.99; After 12 15 $39.99

Beefro ll slip-on with full grain leather

B upper, true moccasin comtructon and
stee l shank . Leather sale.
Chart 1, 2 or 3 . Also in 14D and 150 .
T 67 E 77164 F- Cordova n
T 67 E 77 163 F- Black
Shpg . wt. 2 100. 10 oz.
Price thru 1215 529.99 ; After 12.15 $49.99

Ki/rie tasse l slip -on ~ith tull-gra i'} leather

C upper, true moccasin construaon and
cushioned insole. Ughtweight sole of
man- made materials. Impo rted.
MEN'S MEDIUM ANDWIDE: see Chart 2 and 3.
T 67 E n147F-eordovan
T 67 E n146F-Black
Shpg . wt. 1 lb. 13 oz.
Price lhru 12.15 529.99 : After 12.15 $39 .99

CHART 1: MEN'S NARROW: slate 8B .

81hB, 9B , 9'12B, 10B . 101/28 .
118, 128 . 13B. .
CHART 2 : MEN'S MED IUM: stal e 7Y2o,
80 , 8'120 ,90 , 9'120, 100,
10'120,110, 120, 130 ,
CHART 3 : MEN'S WIDE: stale 7h EE,
BEE, B1h EE, 9EE. 9Y.! EE,
10EE, lOV2EE, 11EE, 12EE,

/ferns with an "0" p refill (such as 0 67 E 7427SF)

a/low" mmimum 0' 10 a"ys lor a s/Nery

Allstyleson this page

$0and$20 ess
thru December15th

AF J Styl es (8 (tiro F) have W ipe cl ean
vmyt-coverea ABS plastIC shell s with
s trongmetaf frame s, Paddedhandfes , Garme nt
bag fA) is constructed of heavy-duty nylon:
fea tures 9 s torage pockets plus 4 shoe
pockets. and accepts four hangers. Pullmans
(8 and C) ha ve rece ssed wheels and pu ll-bar .
CosmetiC case has litt-out tray and mirror.
Stale color number: l8-Cranberry t.-Gray

"Oetuxe " g arment bag with a t o tal of 13

A pockets l Measures 42H x23W Inch es
(open ). Imported
14 E 9869H- Shpg wt. 5 lbs. 6 oz.
Price thru 12/ 15 $94 .88 ... After 12/ 15 $190.00

3O-inch pullma n.
B Mea sures 3f)WJl2 5Hx 100 inches
14 E 9878CH-Shpg , wt. 15 1bs
Price thru 12/ 15 $94.88 .. . After 12/1 5 $190.00

27·inch pullman
C Measures 28 Wx2OHx9D tncnes
14 E 9867CH-Shpg , w t. 11 Ibs
Price lhru 12/15 $79 .88 , .. Afte r 12/ 15 $160 .00

24 ·inch pullman
O Measures 24Wx11Hx8D mcnes
14 E 9864CH-Shpg , wt. 9 lbs .
Price Ihru 12{ 15 $59 .88 ... Alt er 12/ 15 $120 ,00

Carry-on . Measures 25 Wx I5'hHx 100 in.

E14 E 9868H-Shpg. 4 Ib s 8 oz.
wt .
Price thru 12/1 5 $59 .88 ... After 12/ 15 $120-eX)

F Cosmetic cas e. Measures 14Wx9H..x9D in

14 E 987OH-Shpg , wi . Sibs . 8 oz
Price lhru 12/15 $39 .88 ... After 12/ 15 $80.00


1/2 PRICE December

Gthru L Jute tweed she ll wlrn Vlnyf trim An
have gusseted pockets except tore
whICh has a (J8tCh pocket. Imported
Stale color I'IIJl'TIbel' 6-Tan
Garment bag W ith detaCflable . adlustable
G shoulder strap Two hangers and two
outside pockets. Measures 23WJf45Hx3D m
14 E 4644H-Shpg wt. 6 ibs. 10 OZ
Pnce tnru 12/15 $44.88 . .. Afler 12/15 S8999

H Pullman. Wifl9frame and P8rtJ8lfkxxboard

Measures 26'WxI7HxlDm.
14 E 4643H-Shpg wt. 4 1bs. 70z
Pnce thru 12/ 15 $39.88 . After 12115 $7999

J Carry-all has detachable ShOulder strap.

center ZIpper ana outside. 3-sJded Zipper
pocket. Measures 23Wx t7Hx8D in
14 E 4642H-Shpg. wt . 4 Ibs 10 oz.
Pnce thru 12/15 $39 .88 . At ter 12/15 $79 99
Carry-on has 3 sided Zipper. adjustable
K shoulder strap and shoulder pad. Measures
2OWx13Hx7D m.
14 E 4641H-Shpg , wt. 3lbs. 12 oz
Pnce thru 12/ 15 $26.88 ... After 12/15 $5499

L Tote bag W ith adJustable s.houlder strap

Measures 76Wx11Hx9{)m
14 E 4640H-Shpg. wt. 2 ies. 9 oz.
PrICe thfu 12/15 $16.88 . . . After 12/15 13499

fo r any piece of

1/2 PR CE luggage on this page

thru December 15th

thru y FabftC -k:JoI< vrnyl Shell Importee

s la le color no 14-Gra.,. 65-Krwu

M Sthru L1gnr...elf}ht ny/Ofl shells WIth nylOn

Zippers All styles have adjustable
shoulder straps exceot carry-on (R). Imported.
Garment 08g WIth two hangers and
shOulder strap. Measures 23WJf45Hx1D m
9348CH-Shpg. wt. 2 Ibs 12 oz.
Slate colof number 17-l=Ied 2-Blac k Pric e thru 12/15 $44 .68 .. After 12/15 $89 .99

M Garment bag with 2 hangers . Measures

23W}(4$HK3D In
14 E 4815CH-Shpg. wt . 3 lbs , 1 02
V Pullm ans have P8d locks and two keys
Covered steel frames , 29. 27 and 250m
model s have 4 whee ls and pU ff sttsos
Pnce tnru 12/15 $29 .88 . After 12/15 $5999

N Sflouk1erslmg Measures 18 ;,tWx:I1H1C I1Dm

14 E 4813H-Shpg wt. 1502
PrICe tnru 12/15 $11.88 After 12(1552399 ~ ;: ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 8 ';;: I~:
Du ffle Me8.sures24Wll"3HJ( 1' ~D ,n.
2Sc. ' 4 E!IJl5(>l I 25a'e.! 9 12 )4 sa 1939
29 sa 59$
P 14 E 4814H-Shpg wI 2 Ibs 1202
2J..'rl ' 4E \I3oCX)O ZJo,1417 1 2

Puce tnru 12/ 15 $26 .88 Aher 12/15 $5399

Carry-on. Measures 2 'WJ('4H.)(5~D m.
W Boardmg 08g Measures 2tWx I 4HX.6D in.
14 E 9342H-Shpg wt . 4 Ibs 120z
R 14 E 4812H-Shpg wt . 2lbs
Price thru 12/15 527.88 Alter 12/15 $55 99
Shou lder tote Measures 14Wxl tHx5D
Pnce lhru 12/15 $19 .88 . After 12/ 1553999 In
Y E 9341H- Shpg
14 2 Ibs
wt. 140z

S Square tote Measures 15liWIl' /4Hx5D In

14E4811H-snpg wt. l ib . 7 02
Price tnru 12/15 $14.88 After 1Z/15 S2999
Pnce tnru 12/15 $19.88 ... After 12/ 15 $3999
W e create d our 100% wool
spo rtc oat s with all t he attent ion to
detail and all the rich colors and
sump t uous te xtures you 'd expect
in garmen t s cost ing $100 or more
r MItered sleeve vents ... a featu re fou nd
In higher pnced sportcoars
Y Front darts for better fit
y' Center back vent

A We could offer our luxurious wool spor tcoats for

$1000( much , much moat Bu t we were
aetemmea to offer you the bes t val ue anywhere
Perfect for both b usiness and cesue t situations , our
solid and patterned spo rtc oa ts are sporty yet
soomstcetea. 4 buttons on eac h sleeve. Full rayon
Immg. Center back. ven t. Dry cl ean. Made in USA or
SHORT(5'3 ~ -5' r ) : REGULAR(5'7" - S' 11" ): TAU
(5'1 1"-6'3"); EXTRA TAll(S'3 "-67 " ): BIG(S'7"- S' l ' '' ).
State even Size 38 1042 38 to 46 40 to 50
e-eee reo erece . 045 E31Q2SF T45 E 31018F Q 45 E 31Q36F
eu 'QUncty 045 E 31027F T 45 E 31Ql 7F 0 4S E 3103 7F
Eko.....n stri pe 0 45 E 31024F T 45 E 31Q14F 0 45 E 31034F
Forest green . 0 4S E 31023f T 45 E 31013F 0 45 E 31033F
arc .....n g len pl aid 0 45 E 31026f T 45 E 31016F 0 45 E 31036F
Gray . . ... 0 45 E 31025F T 45 E 31015F 0 45 E 31035F
Navy 0 45 E 31021F T 45 E 31011F 0 45 E 31031F
Gray glen plaid 0 45 f 31022F T 45 f 31012F 0 45 E 31032F
sncc ..... t.. 3lbs l0l 3 lbs l ol 3 1bs. 2 0l
Price $75.00 $75 .00 $75.00
State even size 42 to 50 48 to 54
Green red chec k 0 45 E 31058F 0 45E31Q48F
Burguody 0 45 f 31057F 045 f 31()47F
Bro'NO stripe . 0 45 E 31054F 0 45 f J1()44F
Forest green , 045 f31053F o 45 f 3 1C)43F
Brown glen plaid . 0 45 E 31056F 0 45E31 046f
Gray 045 E31Q55F 0 45 E 31045F
Nary . 045 E 31051F 0 45 E 31041F
Gray g~ plaid 0 45 E 31052F 0 45 f 31042F
Shpg wt 31bs,3 oz 3 1bs ,30l
Price $85.00 $85 00

Cott on-rich broadcloth shirt

in 9 so lids and 3 excit ing patterns

B Blended of comfortable co tton and easy-eare

polyest er. Cross·stl tched buttons for SecUfltY.
Machme wash . Made In USA or imported, Please
refer to size informa tlOfl below .
Color Short sleeve Long sleeve
BI~ T 33 E 74101F T 33 E 74501F
Pink T J3 E 74108F T 33 E 7450BF
Gray T 33 E 74505f
Peach T J3 E 74507F
tavenoer . . T 33 E 74502F
Maize T33E74106F T 33 E 74S06F
Ecru . T 33 E 74503F
Mint. T 33 E 74504F
White TJ3 E7 4109F T 3J E 74509f
Wt./Pnce 8 oz,[$ 14.oo 10 0l .[$ 16.oo
Any 2 or more . Ea. $12 .99 Ea $14.99
Blue stripe .. T 33 E 74523F
Burgunoy stn pe T 33 E 74522F
Blue check T J3 E 74521F
WI(priCe 10 oz /$ 18.00
Any 2 or more fa $16.99

Long slee ve shirt s' state neck size . then sreeve length
lett er 5 (32-33 ). M(34-35) or L(36-37).
Short sleeve shirts state neck size only

os:: Nee_ Size ,.

Sleeve ttl
1 4~ 1S I S~ 16 161+ I 17 I 17Y.!
i 5 S.M IS.M L 5.1,11 5,1,11 I M,L I 1,11
CHAAT!~=on:hll 3( 36 T 39 ~1 I I 016 I ~

C Handsome. comfortable handsewn leather slip-

ons Fufl leather uppers and soles , MoccaSin-style
consmscnoa. PoIyvmyl avonoe hee ls Cu shioned
Insole. Impor ted , MEN'S MEDIUM: State 6 'hO. 70 . 7'120.
80 . 8'h 0 , 90 . 9'1.:10. 100, 10'h0, 110 . 120 , 130 . MEN'S
WIDE: state 6'h EEE. 7EEE, 7Y2EEE . 8EEE, 8Y2EEE.
9EEE, 9'f.zEEE, 10EEE, 10 Y2EEE , l 1EEE.
T 67 E 74121F-Brown T 67 E 74123F-Gray
T 67 E 74122F-Blac k
Shpg . wt. 1 lb, 13 oz . , . $49 .99
C8latog numbers w ,", 8 "r" or "0" p1ehlt 6
. llo w a minimum of 10 d8ys for del ivery 1 3A

• •
Aand B100%s cotton sweaters witfl surface mterest
that sure 10please Choose from
clewneck or collar and placket styl es in a vast array of
holiday co lors Ribbed cuffs . nec k and waist. Machine
washab le Made In USA
CHEST SIZES, 5(34-36 ), M(36- 40), L(42-44)
and XL(46-48)

A Collar and placket style

5-Ll lac
2-Pale blue
3-Pale aQua
Helljlht 57- 105'11" 5"'" to 6'3"
State coIof number 1,2.3,501'6
then stale size S,M,LorXl I M,LorXL
Cat alog Number 41E3684YF I T 41E3685YF
5hf?lil wI

B Crewneck sty le
2-Paie blue
8-Whlle striped
f&CQuardlane y
l-Whlte 3-Pale aqua.

Stale color number
.i 5':~~~'· I 5·'1!~6·3·
" 2. 3, 5. 6 Of 8
then sl ale size S, M, L 01 Xl M. l Of XL
Catalog Number 4 1 E 3682YF T 4 1 E 368JYF
$hp9w1 tm z ca te.a ce
Pnce $30.00 $35.00

Fes trve double-p leated slacks tha t span the

C seasons TroplCal.welght woven blend of Dacron-
po lyester . acrylIC and viscose rayon Ban-Ro'S
waistba nd and pressed open sid e seams for neat
appearance Machine washab le Maoe If) USA
See size note be low
Colors 2-Nalural 4 - Taupe
1-5rl,,1!l' gray 3-Blue 5-Rosewood
SUile COlOr 1'10 1, 2,3 1 00' 5
troen !Vert "' ""51 3210313 :)610 11 32to ..
then onseam lJ 32. 34 29 lJ, J2 J2 l0313OO'lJ"l°
T" E!J7OYF ! TI l E817i)YF Hl EB270'fV
, Ib 125 1 Ib 2 oz,/$25 I lI:l 2 oz,129


REGULAR FIT tor aVl!l'age buIlds, a_age hi In s.eal and ll'''grts
FUU FIT 101' I'lus ~er buIlds tul\ef lot ,n seal and lI'llQl'ls
TAU , EXTRA TAU lor aver age bu Ilds ; aVl!l'age fIt In seal and
lI'''g ns SImIlar 10 Regu lar III ,n wldll'l . bu1 Iooger In nee
0ljH NOTE If )'OUdesife your sJacks unhemmed sta le UHl<ttn9lfl
fry lflS6am , vnhemmed /fIsum for Tan, Ellirs Tall.s
approll ,msleiy 40 mches

All comfort, all class
and terrific as Christmas gifts

~ and up


o 0 •• ,

1: ~---

o A'00% cotton pas tel cardigan sweaters with surface
mteres t. Ribbed cuffs , neck and waIst.
Mach ine washable Made in USA
CHEST SIZES, 5(34-36); M(38-40 ); l.(42-44 )
and XL(46-48).
Colors l -WMe Z-Pale blue
5-U1ae 6-Melon l - Yellow
He , hi . 57· 10 5'1'· 5'1' · to 6'3-
Slale cokw number l ,2.5.6 or7

then state size . . . S. M.L or XL M, LorXl

Catalog Number .
Shpg . wt. .
41 E 3686vF
t e. a ea.
T '" E 3687YF
tie.s ce

1(X)% mercerized cotton woven snnts. Choose

B ,n the season 's most wanted
stflpeS or solids
colors. Features include banded co ner. back YOKe, top-
center placket, 2 button-thru patch pockets. 2-button
adJUstable cuffs and horn buttons. Mach ine washable
AVERAGE (5'7" to 5'1 ' ''). NECK SIZES: 5( 14- 14",,);
M(15-151h ); l (16-16 1h ) and XL(17- 17lh).
SIn s
State leiter size . S. M,L or XL
Blue .... 41 E 76391F 41 E 76396F
Whil e _.. 41 E 76392F 4 1 E 76397F
"'~ .
Yellow •.
4 1 E76393F
41 E 76394F
41 E 76398F
41 E 16399F
Peoch . 41 E 76395F 41 E 16390F
Sh wi . 1002 10 o.z
Price . $17.00 $17.00

Multi-season 100% cotton, double-pleated slacks

C includ es i ts own coordinating web belt, Pre-washed
woven fabric gives soft, comfortable wearing , Left back
pocket has txnton-truu flap . Machine washab le, of
course . Made In USA
REGULAR FITfor average builds ; average fit thru seat
and thighs
Stale even ""atSI then Inseam
32 10 38 . 30. 32 , 34
~ ~32

41 E 80460F-light blue 41 E 80462F-Peach

41 E 80461F-light gray 41 E 80463F-Lavender
Shipping weight 11 ounces _.. $25.00
Items "",m . 'T' /Xefllc (such . s T 4 1 E 3687YFj
could take extra timt! for OtJ/iYety

Tall sizes
A C thru Shirts tha t wi/lmakehim·1ook. a winner e very
time. Mach ine washable 100 % heavyweig ht
cotton knit tersey. Imported.
slightly higher

AVERAGE(5'7 " to 5'11" ), TALL(5' 11" to 6'3 " ).

CHEST SIZES:S(34·36); M(38-40); L(42-44)a nd Xl(46-48)
Mult ,-striped Woven coner, 3 rub ber buttons and
A hidden plaCket. Ribbed cu ffs and hemmed shirtta il
bottom With side vents
Colors l -N avy, wtltle . yellow
2-B lue . white. Ian
3-J aoe, whil e. red
State colo r num ber
1. 2 or 3 AVERAGE TAU
then state size S. M, LOI'XL M. L orXL
Cata log Number 41 E 9045vF 41 E 9095YF
Shipp ing weigh t lib
Pnce. " '"
$25.00 $27 .00

8 John ny-collar style with ribbed c uffs. cotter and

Colors 2-RaspberTy. gray l - Aed, tan 3-Jade navy
Slate color number
1. 2 or 3 AVERAGE TAU
then state size S, M, Lor XL M. Lor XL
Cata log Number . 41 E 9190v F 41 E 9291YF
Shipping we.g ht . 140z lib
Price $25 .00 $27.00

wae-st npe sty le Wi th wove n cotter. 3 rubber

C buttons and hidden placket, Ribbed c uffs and
hemmed shirtta il bottom WIth Side vents.
CoIOfS 3- WMe. black 2- White. raspbe rry l - White. plum
State colOf number
1. 20r 3 AVERAGE TAU
then state size S.M .LOtXl M.Lor Xl
Catalog Number 41 E 9053YF 41 E 9063 YF
ShiPPing weight 140Z lib
Price $25 .00 $27 .00

Sup er -son. brushed twill sport shirts . woven of
A polyester and cotron. Featur e marChed
burton-thru pocket; button·thru sleev e placket ;
matched top-center placket; 2-b utton adjus tab le
cuff: But ton -d ow n. banded c ollar: hom bu tton s.
Machine washa ble . Imp orted.
NECK SIZES: S(14.1 4 h ); M(15· 15liz); l (16· 16 V:E)
and XL(17· 17 1-'2 ).
Colors :
J-Blue stripe r -ene. Drown plaid
s-ece pnnt 4-Burgundy stnpe
2-Burgundy. blue pial(! 6- BUfgUndy print
Hetg ht 5"7 to 5 11 ~ 5"11"106 '3 "
State color nUrf'ber 1. 2. 3 . 4, 5 or 6
then state size. S. M. lor XL M,lorXl
Catalog Number . . 41 E 760SVF T 41 E 7609YF
Shipping weight. . 9 02 10 oz.
Pnce . 517 .00 $19 .00

Mostly cotton (an d just a little polyester) mak e

B these clasSIc wide wale c ord uroy slacks a
timeless add ition to his wardro be. Plain-front style
with simu lated watch poc ker. Ban·Ro/ ! wa istb and
tor a neater appearance. Machine wa shab le , of
course. M ad e in USA.
See size not e for slacks , below.
State even waist .... 1 30 to 38 36 to 44
then Inseam . . . .. I 30 . 32 or 34 28.30 or 32
Darl( blue
Darl! brown, ::
I 41 E 83011F
41 E 83012 F
41E 51111F
41 E51 112F
Black . .. 1 41 E 830 15F 41 E 51115F
Fawn , 41 E S304SF 41 E 8404SF
ShlpP'OQ waogh!. • 1 lb. 5 oz. 1 lb. 6 oz.
Price . $25 .00 527.00
State even waist •. t 3210 44 ~ 44~ 10 56

then inseam I 32 103S or UHo 27 10 35 or UH'"

Dark blue. . . . T 41 E 5451 1V T 41 E 54716V
Dark broWn . T 41 E 54512V T 41 E547 19V
Black . T 41 E 54515V T41 E 54715V
Fawn , T 41 E 54517V T 41 E54714V
Shipping W6 tghl . 1 lb. 7 oz. 1 lb. 9 oz.
PriCe•. , . $29 .00 $31 .00


REG ULAR FIT lor aver age build s: average fit in seat
and thighS.
FUl l FIT for husk ier builds; fuller fit in seat and
thighs .
TAll , EXTRA TAl l for aver age builds; average fit in
seat and thighs . Similar to RegUlar tit in Width, but
lOnger in rise.
BIG. BIG-TAll for huskier build s: fuller tit in seat
legs and thighs.
' 44-inch waist.Size If! Tall. X Tall and Big ,. Big-Tall SizeS. We
recomme nd Big. Bog· Tall for It'Iseams 32 IncheS and under,
Tall. X Tall /or mseams over 32 inChes.
° UH NOTE; "you (Jesue your slac/Cs unhemmed. stare UH
lengrn tor inseam; u nhemmed Itlseam /or Tall. Extra Tall iS
approxmately 4() Inches: for Brg, Blg- Tall, approxImately 37
nems with a 'T' prefix (such as T 41 E S4714V)
cou/eJ ta/t:e elC tra time tor ae/ivery

Le t us be your Santa ... we' ll de liver

forur gi ft st o home or
ju st a littl e mo re than
s to re p ic k-up for ~
ma ilable orders
F#,;' ~:'TiS
I I ./
~~ / 0'-; '.J

AD ;'J R<Chly '''IU'''' swea ' " ;.', ,"
nenaena fr:;~he wee-s They ~~~ whisper you cere
fashionably wel/nd machme-kmt oa ~OU9htfUI
m ix of
set In slee ves
See acontempora~,eate,
acry lIC 50\-c to create a
.F lavor Hand
size note bel wssn
S ow
State c~~~ and color (5 v. c or Xl) (P.'. TALL
L or xu

mse-t ~~e w,tn diamond 11'" T 41 E 36571'

nalural y. cea-ccar
(e) Snow1la~e
royal, natu,pane rn
. ' .". 41 E 36563F
T 41 E 36573F

combe s~~~~
to) Cabl I at,
wungrey mar l
honey. 41 E 36564F T 41 E 36574F

blown tau ' while.

Stupplng we
. lghlpe marl ' 41 E 36562F
Price . . ", ._ .... _ l ib eO! T41E36512F .'

SI ZESVg(~~3E ~
SIZENOTE: A '" $30 00 l lb80z

n,m, .,~ .':';'38.40)l(42~~i5;~:;t'.1;3·)

CHEST (5'1· 10 5'11.): S35.oo
_ _
2 could lake eJ( IfaprefiX fOfaell~ef/
time (such a T 1 t:- 36572F}

__ _--i--.
Seldom will you fmd such quality worsted wool
E slacks at such a down-to-earth price . Fine tat/oring
toctuaes a Ban·RD/~ waIstba nd, pressed-open seams,
seven belt loops and txnton-uvu closure on left back
pocket, Dry c lean. Made In USA
REGULAR FIT lor average bUIld s Average tn In seal and
th ighS
Slate even ....arst then tnseam
32 to 38 .. 30.32 . 34
40 to 44 :<>.32
41 EB3418F Heatner ouve. WI , 15 02 .. $22.00
41 E 83416F-Heather brown. WI, 15 oz . $22.00
For more arees slaCkS. see {)age 177A

':"\'0 :J t- e "'0 1day . .. s -

shop by p ho ne .
To orcet call .... o..r
'oca: Sears sto re

Why not a jacquard?
"' $28
s~ig htly

Athru D best
Present film With
the t>oIdcolors and
une xpected teJl,ture of our tetest Jacquard
the season's

swea ters They're a sturdy knit of machine

washable acrylic and wool for the varmm.
easy fit and mmlmum care he appreciates
tmponea See size note below
Style aocl color AVERAGE TAll
State crest size 5 M, L Of XL M LorXL
(AI v-eec-. bh...e 41 E 37113F 141 E37123f
(B) C,e.....neck
bl ack leal 41 E37n2F 1 41 E37122F
(e) Collar crew
cee-coer. lea' 41 E3711 4F 1 41 E 37 124F
ID) Cr&wroec k
wtute gray 4 1 E 37 t l 1F T 41 E 37121F
ShlpplTlQ weight j 1 Ib 20l 1 It! 30z
528 ,00 $3 1.00

SIZE NOTE AVERAGE (5'7"' to 5'1'"'):

TALL (5' 1'" to 6'3 "'), CHEST SIZES
5(34-36); M(38 - 40) : l (42-44l: Xl(46.-481
' terns W i th a T ()ref"r;
(SUCh as T 4 T E 37121~)
could tll /o.e edra rime for (le1,YiN)

A handsome gift he 's sure to welcome

Eand wear often . Our quaMy worsted
wool slacks have the plem1um tailormg and
warmth he deserves wIth a pnce thaI
makes "gifting" a clnctl. Ban-RoJ~
waistband. pressed open seams and
oatton-ttvu back pocket Dry clean .
REGULAR FIT: for average builds. Average fit
in sear and thighs State color number Irom
Illustration: then even waist and Inseam
from charI.

_3:1. 32, 34
""-,,,-,,,-,,-,== ---eJ.I. 30. 32
wt 15 oz... $22.00
• • . vvith a tvvist

$30 tall sizes priced
slightly higher

Athru C Warm WiSheS lor a speclBl g uy . . free-mo Ving
sweater in th ree distinct styles Knit ot rag9 wool
for super warm th WIth B tOUC/J of nylon for last""9 shape and
color .. "ofachme wash. Made In USA See size note below

A Henley s tyle
~ .greyltnpe
4-Roy8lbUt, grey s tnpe
State color no 3 01 ..
then c:hnt IIZe S. .... L XL '-A . L. Xl ZXL 3XL ec,
Cli ~ 41 E Jm6YF T. , E 3697YF HI E3698YF
~ 1~ 1~ 1 ~ 3~ t e s ee
$30.00 $35.00 $CO 00

B Sha w! COllar style

6-Royal bIU8
I TAU 110
Stale color no I 5 or 6
then cnnt Ille S. tJI. L. XL M. L XL 2XL. 3XL. 4XL
Cillalosl No 4 1 E 3696YF U 1 E 3697YF T41E3B98YF
srwwt l lb. 3 oz 11b501 11b.1oz
Pnce S30.oo $35 .00 $CO.oo

j<JCQUard style.
2-Roy.. blue
TAU ...
Stale colot no 1 or 2
ltlen cnetl &Ize ! S. Y . L. Xl M. L Xl 2Xl . e i. eo,
Catalog No 41 E 3fS6YF T 4' E 3J!IJTYF T 41 E 36fj8YF
S/'lP9 wt Tl b laz t e.a ea 11b500:
Pnce $30 .00 $35 .00 $40 .00

DthruF Keep him warm head to toe tms ssason With ragt;}
kn it accessones MachIne wash Made In USA

ChOICe . . . a
Top pull-on hat of ragg wool and Dacron.
DHoIJo/ll. 11 polyester One
size fi ts all
T51 E42499-Shpg wl 80l . . $8.99
Handy g loves of hefty ,~ ragg wool . - $IZES: 5(8-8Yt);
E M(9-9'h 1: U 1D-l 0'h). State S. 11.4 or l
T 51 E 4229OF-Shpg wl. 6 cz Pair $10 .99

F Perfect pal' for ou tdoor weal. Polypropylene eNefmand

ragg wool
T 51 E 4216OF-Shpg
M(9-11): U12-13 ),
6 oz. . PaIr $5.99
Sta te M or L

SIZE NOTE: AVERAGE/BIG (57 " to 5'11-):

TAll (5" ' - to 6'3- ). CHEST SIZ ES: 5(34-36);
M(38-40). L(42-44). Xlj46-48): 2XLI50-52):
3XU54-56 ); 4XL(58-60)
Items w,th. 7 " pt&lu. (sucfl as r 4' E 4216OF)
eod,.a hme' for c»hVl#t}l , 179A
· . . our all-cotton fatigues
+' $33 tall sizes pr iced
slightly higher


180",_ _---'
AandB The sporty sweater that's onjust
about every 9,ft fist . . . and In all the
colors and sizes to mak.e " San ta·ing " a cinch.
Its subs tantial yet soft knit is en-cot ton: its fit IS
all com fort and Its care . . . just machine wash
Made in USA or imported. See size no te belo w

Sofid sweaters
A CoIor1l: 3-Kl'Iakl tan
2- MOO.
l - Wlnter white 5-Teal
AVERAGE: slate color numbe r 1,2,3, 4,5, 60r 7,
then chest size S, M, L Of XL
41 E 3663YF-Shpg, wt. 1 lb . 1 oz. , $33.00
TALL:state color number 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6 Of 7.
then chest size M, l or XL.
141 E3664YF-Shpg wt.llb.301 . .. S36.00

Stflpe sweaters.
B Colors: I-Royal, winter whil e
3-TeaJ. wmter white
2-Tan , red
4-Black, gray

AVERAGE: state color number 1,2,3 or 4 ,

then chest size S. M, L or XL.
41 E3665Y F-$hpg. wt.llb. 1 02 ... $35 .00
TALL: sl ate color number 1, 2 . 3 or 4 ,
then chest size M, l Of XL
T 41 E 3666YF-Shpg. wt . 1 lb. 3 oz... $38,00
SIZE NOTE: AVERAG E (5'7"' to 5'11"'),
TALL (5' 11"' to 6'3"').
CHEST SIZES 5(34-361; M(38--40I;
L(42--44); XLI_I.
Items With a ' T' rxefJJc (such as T 41 E 3666YF)
cou/clla lfe extra time tordelivery


· .. tops on his list

.. '-"'''P'

Your outdoorsman will love our 100% natural cor-
A ton, super-soft ChafTlOlS cloth shirt . Warm, heavy-
weight fabric (1 oz. per sq . yd.!) is brushed on both
sides for incredi ble softness . In your choice of 6 rustic
colors : it features double-needle tai/ofing . permanent
collar slays , placket front, pleated button·flap pockets
and 2'001100, adjustable cuffs. Shirttail bottom.
Machme wash. Made In USA. See size chart, below
Colors 8-Burgundy 2- 81ue 9-Gfay
l-Aed 6-Tan 7-Navy
State color number " 2. 6. 7. 8 or 9
then stete size . . . . S. M. l or Xl M,Lor Xl
Cata log Number . 4' E 5683YF .. , E5884 YF
Shpg . WI 1402 1502
PTlce . $20.00 $22 .00

State COlor number 1. 2. 6. 7, B or9
then s tate size . . . L. XL or 2XL lXL 3Xl or 4Xl
Catalog Numbef . T 41 E 5885YF T 41 E 5886YF
Shpg, WI. •.•. .. 1 Ib 1 02 lib 2 02
Pflce . $24.00 $24.00

B Big. brawny buffalo plaid of 100% cotton. Rugged,

masculme and warm , our heaviest weight (8<Jz. per
sq yd.!), brushed on both sides for softness and yam -
dyed for br ight, fasting colors, machine washing after
mach ine waShing . ThiS flanne l shirt has banded collar,
permanent consr stays , shirtta il bottom and double-
needle tailor ing , Made In USA. See size chart, below.
Colors 8-B1ue, Ian 6-Blue. blacl<
7-Gray ,black 5-Red, black
State color number5, 6. 7 Of 8
then state size . . . . S, M, l or Xl M,L orXl
Catalog Number . 41 E 5865YF 41 E 5866YF
Shpg . w i 1 Ib 2 oz lIb 302
PrICe $20 .00 $22 .00

C The stone-washed, 1CXJ'1(, cotton woven Shirt: Oneof

the season 's smartest looks plus the premium
tailoring you 've come to expect. Cut slighlJy oversized
for ex tra comfort. Single-needle armholes, button-thru
flappockets, sleeve p lacket and hombuttons (an extra
button is incl uded, j us t in case). Machine washable, of
course, Imported. See size chart, below,
Colors 5-B1ue 7-Qlive 6-Khalli
Slate coIornumber 5,60r 7
tnen state size , . , , S, M, L or XL M.lorXl
Catalog Number . _ 41 E 7614YF 141 E 7615YF
Shpg . WI .,., _,. 140z lib
Price _ $21.00 $23.00

The Indispen sab le turtleneck. Wear under

D everything else 700% cotton knit with set- in
sleeves , knit cuffs. Mach ine wash . Made in USA or
imported .
CHEST SIZES S(306): M(3640): L(42-44): XL(46-48).
Colors 8-Bur gundy 1-Na vy 4_Yellow
5-Brown 3- Blue &-Red
7-Gra y 9-Black 2-Whlte
Heighl ... 1 57· 10 5'11· ! 5'''· 10 6'3·
State color number 1, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9
then stete aize , , S, M, L or Xl M.lorXL
Catalog Number 41 E 9Q93YF 41 E9193YF
Shpg . w t 100z 1102
Pnce . $13 ,00 $15,00


hI 5'7 · 105'11· 5'11· 10/3'3·
5(14-14 ""): M(15-15'h ):
Mtl5-15""}: 1..(1 6-16'1l};

s." II.

" ' hI 6'3· 1067· 57· 105'1 1·
1..(16-16'1l): 2XU18-18'1l):
." :~17-17""} :
18-18 "" ~~~~~~):
Ilems wotfl a " T"' ,xefl1f(such as T 41 E 5886YF)ccukJtv~fJlflra
11mt! for del/~

Athru D Printorso/icJ?Whynotbothinone?
These overSIzed krnt tops spruce
up any outfit to suit your casual mood, Feel the
AT 41 E 26156F-Wt. pmt
with bk;x:k.type
lib . . $25 .00
Gray-ro-yellow top with verricsJ print
puffy texture the polyester fill provides. not to
mention the extra warmth it exudes Ribbed BT 41 E 26158F-Wt . lib ... $25 .00
neck , cuffs and bottoms. Polyester and cotton top
WMe-trrblack row
With print
blend is perfect for machine washing
Imported. See size note below.
CT 41 E 26157F-Wt . 1 Ib $25 .00
AVERAGE: state chest size M, L or XL Red-to-gray top with checkerboard print
" ems WIth a 'T' prefix (such as T 41 E 26 159F)
cou ld tslee extrs t,me for delIvery
OT 41 E 26159F-Wt 1 lb .. .525 .00
SIZE NOTE AVERAGE SIZE (57 - to 5'11·)
CHEST SIZE: 5(34 -36); M(38-40); U.2-U): XL("6-48).


"" "and what he wants for Christmas

. ..,. -
- r I TI / )
(I:N J E
c r io s

START HERE: Fashion fleece crew from Logo- !"- sco res big on looks with
'Tis the season to be jolly . A colorfu l sleeve inserrs and handsome puff pnntmg on me front.
Polyester and corron. White body. Machme washable. Made In
the football season. of course ! USA. See se e note. at left .
And tnis is the place to find AVERAGE.: stale tearn num ber 0 mru 9 from IllustratIOns at left. tne n
otficiallv licensed NFL team e t rer s ue S. M. L or XL.
T 41 E 1989YF- Shipplng weight 10 OZ •. . 530.00
fleecewear for yourself or the special footba ll
fans in your life . Every item on these two cage s
comes in all ten teams snown be low .

CHEST SIZES: 5 (34 -36), M(38-40),
L(42-44) , XL(46-48 )

* A
~~ 2
**' 1
All items avaifable in the ten teams
shown on facmg page

8 Jumbo, emtxOKJerecJ letrermg g ives thiS crewneck by Logo-TT"

a sporty touch of class Polyester and cotton fJeece Machine
washable Made m USA See size note, opposite page
AVERAGE: state team number 0 thru 9 from IUustratlQ(ls on occcsue
page . then letter size 5 , M, L or XL.
T 41 E 1997YF-Stuppng wetght 100z $22.00

Cheer yOUr team on to a Super Bowl Chdtr/pIOrIslJlp 1ft thiS COIorluI.

C comtortaOie tJeec e top Oy C/lampIon?V. ScreerN'nfltecJ cotron.
aayllC MachIne waShable Made 1ft USA See Size note. otJCO$lre page
AVERAGE: state team number 0 tnru 9 from IUustratJOns on opposite
page . 1f'ler1 letter size S. M. L or XL
T 41 E 1981YF-Sh,PPlOQ weight 10 cz . . $17.00

D Fans ChOOSe this coIorluI C1tamp.onrll trooaed top fry extra warm tfl
and comfort Front hanc1warmer oouctt comes 1ft " handy" ..
C1rawstnng hood. too' Scr~pnntecJ corton. aet}11C fleece Machine
waS!lable Made 1ft USA See Size notfJ. oppoSI te page
AVERAGE: stale teem number 0 tnru 9 from IlIustr atlOf'lS on ccccerte
page . then letter size S. M. l or Xl
T 41 E 1988YF-Shlppng we'9ht 14 oz $25.00
/lems "",m. 'T' ~/IJ' (suctI . s T" t E t997YFj 00UIfJ 1»1<11 fiX'" ,_101 dtIIrvery

A Pro football fans this fleece rug by
top by Logo-r - for tts casual style.
Puff-printed cotton and poly ester wfth pieced
constructIOn on chest and sleeves. Mac hine
washab le. Made in USA or impo n ed . See size
note. at left .
AVERAGE: state tea m number from inustrato ns at
lett, then letter size S, M, L or XL
T 41 E 1993YF-Shpg. wt. 15 oz .. . $30.00
This season, we've got
more great-looking
NFL sty les than ever
before in catalog '
Get into the action in
these handsome
jerseys and practice
tops. Items IA tnru DI
are available in the
ten teams shown
below and are
offic ially licensee
by the NFL

CHEST SIZES S(34-36 ).
M(38-40) . L(42-44). XL(46-48).

* ** 2

~~ *
* * MI.Ul.* * 3
~ *

Styles (8, C and 0 ) available in
the same ten teams as (A), at left

B Logo-7" natural color heavyweight kmt jersey really

"pops" the team name in eye-catching letters . Features
~4 -length sleeves plus a locker tag. Screen -primed cotton
and polyester. Machine wash able . Made in USA. See size
note, oooosne page.
AVERAGE: state team numbe r from illustrations on opposite
page. then tetter Size S. M, L or XL
T 41 E 1980YF- Shipping weig ht 9 0 2 . . . $14.00

Comfortable and versatile . . . Rawlings '~ v-neck knitiers ey

C keeps gerrmg better the more you wear If. Screen-printed
polyester and cotton . Machine washable. Mad e in USA. See size
note. opposTte page.
AVERAGE: state learn number from Illustrations on the opposite page,
then tetter size $ , M. L or XL. •
T 4 1 E 1982YF-Shlpplng weight 9 0 2 . . . $17.00

Champion '~ teJ(tured mesh schi mmel makes a great top layer for hooded
D sweersr et, sold separately. Ught and breezy polyester. Screen pnn red .
Machine washa ble. Made in USA. See size note. opposite page .
AVERAGE: state team number from illustrations on ocposne page,
then letter SIze M or Xl.
T 41 E 1976YF- Shippmg weight 4 oz . . $15.00
Swearshlrt has drawstri ng hood and hand warmer pocket. Corron,
E po lyester and acrylic blend fleece . Machine washable . Made in USA. See
size note. oooo sne page .
AVERAGE: state letter srze S. M, l or Xl.
T 4 1 E 19010 F-Whrte . Shlpplng weight '2 oz ... $15.00
/fems w Jftl a " r' p reflx /suc h as T 4 1 E HKnO F, could /aile ex tra ttme for ae lrvery
NFL jacket

thru December 15th

(A thru CI When the going

gets tough , the pros get gOing!
Get Into the action with an
officia lly licensed
NFL footba ll jacket and hat ,
even a holiday orname nt.
All Items are available In the te n
NFL teams snown be low.

A Chalkline · nylon NFL jac ket c an't be bea r

to, sty le. teatu nng rug ged tackle tw Ill
lerreflng on the back of each jacket. Nylon

twill outer shelf: kmt collar . cuffs . bortom

band. Lmmg of nylon quined to po lyester
fiberfill adds warmth, helps jac ket retam
shape . Hand wash, line dry. Made in USA.
See size note belOw
AVERAGE: state NFL tea m number 0 tnru 9
from Inustranons etcve. tnen size
letter S. M. L or xt.
T 4 1 E 1907YF-Shlpplng wetght 1 pound
Thru 121587, 580.00; After 12.15 67.590.00

B Wear me same 100% wool kntt cap you 'lf

see the pros weanng on the sidelines tms
wimer. Its from PAO U NE"', so you know its
authe ntIC.' One si ze fits al/. Hand was h, cold.
Made m USA
TEAM : state NFL team number 0 tnru 9 tram
illustrations aoc ve .
T 41 E 1973 Y-ShIPPlng Weight 3 oz ... $9.99

C Tnm your tree in the NFL SPlfft w lt/l thiS

reSilient satin omament ... make s a great
gift , too! Made in USA
TEAM : stat e NFL team number 0 thru 9 from
IllustratIOns aocve
T 41 E 19TTY - ShIPPIng weight 1 oz ... $5 .99
AVERAGE : (s"r to 5' 11-)
CHEST SIZES: 5 (34-36). M(38-40 ). U 42-44}.
Jrems ",IV! a-r: pre hll (such as T 41 E 190 7YFj 200A
coula tolil'e e1t~ ttme 10' r:1eINer'I
ID thru GI They say the
best games are the college games
.. where the young and talented
show the orornise of tomorrow .
Show your pride with t he
name ana colors of you r
favorite colleg e football team on
stvlisn apparel or holiday ornament
Each item is available in the
eight colleg e teams shown below .
All orooucts are officially licensea.

You 'll be " blf} man o n campus " in this

D Chalkline " nylon rw lfl Jac ket featuring rugged
tacKle twilliettenng. Nylon outer shell: knit c ouer.
cuffs . bo ttom ba nd . Nylon lining quilted to
polyester fibe rfill . Hand wash . line dry. Made in US")'
See size not e. oooosne pag e.
AVERAGE. state college number O. " 2, 3. 4. 5-
6 or 9 fro m illustrations above. then size
tet ter S. M. L or XL
T 41 E 1908YF-Shippi ng weight 1 pound
Thru 121587, saO.oo ... After 12 15 87 , S90 .00
Sho w them you c are with a resilient. satin
Co llege ja c ket
E om ament tor their tree .

$/0 ess
TEAM: stale college number 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5- ,
6 or 9 from illustrations above .
T 41 E 1978Y-Shipping weight 1 02 . . . 55.99

FandG Bundle up wMl a ream knit hat or sca rf .

thru December 15th AcrylIC. Ma chme wa sh, co ld . Made m USA
TEAM; state college number O. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5" ,
6 or 9 from mustratcne above.
Item Catalog Number Shpg. wt.
(F) Hal . . . !
(G) $carf... !
T.1 E t 974Y
T 41 E 1975Y
"Refers to North ca~in/J.
3 oz. ..

He'll be thrilled to be on the receiving end of these officially Tearn DesaIpbon Catalog Number
lic ensed NFL sweaters in his favorite team colors. DuPont '1 Acrylic T 41 E 19986F

Chcago Bears . . AcrylIC and WOOl
Orlon' acry lic and wool or all acrylic kntt provides excellem New York Glallts •. and wool T 4 1 E 19980F
T 41 E 19981 F
machine washable durability and shape retention. Made in
USA. See size note. P:"'~ .
MIami Dolphins . . . . . . • . All acryhc
T 41 E 19982F
T 41 E 19983 F
AVERAGE: state letter size S, M, L or XL Cleveland Btowns . . . . . Aaylic and WOOl T 41 E 19984F
Wast'lngton Redskins .. AcryliC and wool T 41 E 19985 F
San Franc:lsco 49 8f5 . . AaytIc and wool T 41 E 1998 7F
SIZE NOT E New York Jets. . ... . ... Acrylic and WOOl T 41 E 19988F
CHEST SIZES : S(34·36). M(36-40 ). U 42-44). XU4&48 ). Denver Broncos . tic and wool T 41 E 19989F
Items wlttl II 'T' pre fix (such as T 4 1 E 19986F) Sh ipping weight 1 lb. 8 oz .•. $40.00
COUld ta /(fJ extnl time for CIeIiW1ry

Make every game a Special evem

this season wMl a COllege footba ll Notre Dame. . Acrylic and ¥WOOl T 4 1 E 19990F
sweater. Same great DuPont Mich.gan. . AaylIc and wool T 4 1 E 19991F
Orion· acrylic and wool or all Otuo State ... I AQyliC and wool T 41 E 19992F
Alabama• • • . Acrylic and wool T 41 E 19994F
acry lic knit as eocve. Mach ine GeofgI8. . . . AcrylIc and wool T 41 E 19996F
wa shable. Made in USA. U .C.LA. . AN acryllc T.1 E 1999 7F
See size note, above . FIonda. . . . . . . ..... acrylic T 41 E 19996F
Penn State . . AcrvIiC and WOOl T 41 E 19999 F
AVERAGE.: stale letter size S. M. L
", XL ShIpping weight 1 lb. 8 oz .. . $40 .00
Snoop~ goes grldiron. reamed wrth the SIZE NOTE
biggest names in footbaJl. These CHEST SIZES , S{34-36I.
offici aJly-licen sed knit tops and pan rs are ~38-40) . U'2-44). XU46-48 I.
ava ilable for til e nine colleg e reams or ttIe WAIST SIZES ' S{30-321.
ten NFL teams, shown above . Corron. ~34-38 ) . U38-40 I. XU'2-44).
polyester or co tton. acrylic bH3nd.
Sc ree n-print ed . Machine washable. Made in
USA AVERAGE. See SIze note, at nght.
! licensed Nfl licensed $hlppng
Stale lea m I1UITIt:ler O. L 2. 3, 4. 6, 7. a Of 9 J o. 1,2. 3. 4, S. 6. 7. aor9l wetgnt Pnce
h'om iIIustrabOnS. above left I fl'Om lllustranonS . above -riahr: 1

Short. .-..
$tale chest""'"
S. M. L or XL . . T 41 E 1967YF T 41 E 1966YF" 8 OL

1Ieoce_ 1
State chesI SiZe
S. M. Lor XL . T 41 E 193tYF T 41 E 1930YF 117.00

-,...., I
State W8ISI SIze
S, M, LorXL . . T 41 E 1933YF T 41 E 1932YF 90L 117.00
One SIZefits all . I T 41 E 1970Y T 41 E 1971Y I10L
· Pftanuts charllCf'efS: C '958, ' 965 Ufllt&d fHtute SyndlClII8 , Inc.
"~JOE" preceoes ream name

Athr J Cheer your favorite te. '!' to
U vic tory wIth these officially-
licensed college football j ersey s and
tops by Logo -11M• Each Item on these
two pages. IS available in the ten teams
shown be low . Machine wash.


CHEST SIZES S(34-361 . M(38-401.
L(42 -44 ). XL(46-48 ).
WAIST SIZES S(30 -32). M(34-36 ).
L(38- 40 1. XL(42 -44 ).


_11111111 1

• •••1.1. 2

A Fash ion fleece crew has whIte body
W ith Insert coe strocnoo and
puff print deslQn. Polyester. cotron Made
B LOOI< "smart" In this fleece cre wnecil
s wea tshirt . . . featu(mg the school seal
of your favorite COllege WIth sleeve

B~B[3ffi[D]B 4
In USA See sue note , at left s trlpmg and white body Screen prmted
State learn number 0 lhru 9 from polyester, cotton, Made In u SA See size
Illustrall ons at left . then letter crest size S. note . at left.
M. Lor XL a
State team number tnru 9 from
T 41 E 1922YF-Shpg , wt. 10 OZ $30.00 Illust rations at left, then letter chest size S.
M. L or Xl
T 41 E 1923YF- Shog , wt. 10 OZ... $25 .00

~il l [; ~ 5 8

(Ba[)[[][B[]ffi 6
College fleece cre wneck maJ(es a great gift.'
C Screen pnnted polyester. cotton Maoe In
USA , Seesae note,opposite page Slate team

c num ber 0 thru 9 from illustratlOOs on opposite

page . then letter chest sue S. M. L or XL
T 41 E 1925YF-Shpg. wt . 100l .. ,$17.00

Coiorlul hOOded SweatShirt has white crest

D and sleeve InsertS Pouch ptXker. Screen
printed polyester, co tton tteece. Made In USA
See size note, opposite page. State team
number 0 thru 9 from illus trations on opposite
page. then letter chest size S. M, L Of XL
T 41 E 1924YF-Shpg, wr. 14 OZ . $30.00

EScreen pnn t polyester. coNon

Handsome v-ned< kmt tefSe y

Made In USA. See size note. opposite

Sl ate team number tnru 9 from
IlIustrallCW'ls on opposite page. then
letter chest size S, M. L Of' XL
T 41 E 1921YF- Wt. B oz.. $17.00

F OWNS/Zed mesh JefSeY With kXJ<er

tag Heavy polyester. Kni t cellar
and cuffs Screen print. White body
Imported, See SIze note . ooooece
Stat e team number 0 thru 9 from
Illustrattons on opposite page. then
letter chest size S . M. l or XL
T 41 E 1920YF-Wt. 12 oz .. $20.00

Lig htwetgh t. comfortabJemesIJ crewneck SClJlmmel

G ... the perfect too to wear o ver hooded s wea tS/lin
(H), sold separately bekJw WhIte body. *
Screen prmted nykJn. Made 10 USA . See sue no te,
opposite , State team numbel' 0 thru 9 from IItustr atl()l1s
on opposite page, then le tt er CheSt size S. M. L or XL.
T 41 E 1927YF-Shpg wt . 4 oz. , , $15 .00

H Colorful hooded swea tshirt has school mascot 0f'I

sleeve. Great by Itself exundermesh setflmmel (G),
above Handwarmer poc:j(et Screen pnnted polyester
cotton fleece. Made 10 USA . See size no le , oooosne
page. State leam nu mbel' 0 thru 9 from illustratl()l1s at
left . then leiter crest size S. M. L or XL
T 41 E 1926YF-Shpg . wt. 14 cz . . . $2 4 .00

J Fashcnand hmessessenllals , .. fleecepantshave

elastIC and dra wstring wsust. elastIC cuffs. Screen
pnnted polyester. co noo . Made 10 USA. See SIZeno te.
opposite page. State team number 0 thru 9 from
illustrat lOf'ls at left. then letter warst size S. M. L or XL
T 41 E 1928YF-Shpg wt. 9 oz . . . $17.00
Items _", . 'T' pret,1l (suctl as T'" E 1922YF) For Inlorm atlOO on now you can
could taJ<1t flIltra time for oeIlII'efy help hgnt drug secse. see c. 263 A 205A
We 've updated the ClaSSIC leather blazer to SUIt your modem lifestyle, Its
A sleek sil houe tte fea tures top stItching that frames collar. front yok es and
sleeve seam s tts completely nylon lined wlf h one front button and back center
vent. With two roomy front flap pockets. the men 's s tyle has an vwae Chest
pocket. Leather clean . Made In USA or Imported , See sue no te. facing page
CoIori !
~5IZe 36 1044 1I10 46
i3tOMl 0 '5 E67861F 10 45E67811F
6lId< 0 45E67B62F 0 45E678121=
'oaV)' 0 45E67Bl.4F'
T., 0 45E67811:1'
Gra, 0 45E67illl'
WI Jtl5 40z Jbs 6o.z 3tl5 t2cz. I 3tll lS oz 3b 140z
PrIce S9!J99 $9999 1m 99 S12999 S12999

a t ttvs low pI/ee l Lu xuflous g ram

B coAnwhide surcoavalue
Inc redi ble
t even has an acrylic PIle Zip-out Imer
for added warm th. Lmer has cotton ba ckmg NylOn body,
sleeve limng Leather cl ean Dry clean Imer Made In USA
or Imported See size note. facmg page
Si.zes Stlte IMt'l we Btooto1l 8IICl< i SI!9 .t Pnce
38 lc4'
Q 4Sf 5B201 F
T45E68211f T45E68212F
3 1bs 140Z 59999
13ltls 15Ol 99.99
045f 66Z21F 0 45E 6B2'22f 4 lbs SOl 114 99
EXTRA TAU 1210 50 '0 45E68231F10 45f 5BZ32F 51D5 12999
BIG 48teSot 0 45 E ~lF , UX 15 0l 12999

C Dress vest ....un luI/leather back, nylon Immg and set-in

pockets Leather c lean Made m USA or Imported
See size note. facing page Reduced from r98 7 Fall
General Ca talog . p . 462

Sla le _ Size 36 1046 J8 to 54 8 10 18
Blac~ T 4-5 E 61004f . T 45 E 61014F 0 45 E 61054f
Navy T 4S E 61006F 0 45 E 61056F
G,ay T 4S E 61005F o 4S E 6HlS5F
Cordovan T 45 E 61003F 0 45 E 6Hl53f
Tan T4SE61001 F T 4-5E6 1011F 0 45 E 6Hl51F
BrOwn T 45 E 6HlO2F T 45 E 610t2F 04-5E 61052f
Sl'1pg wI lit) 12 o.z lit) 13 0: lib 9 0z
Was;Noto $49 99{$39 .99 I sss 99{$49.99 $49 99{$39.GG


Hi s/ he r Slale even size 40 10 48 48 to 54
g ra in co whi de vest Black 0 45 E 61024F 0 45 E 61()44f

C BliD 53999 aun~ Too

Brow n
srec wl
0 45 E 61021F
0 45 E 61022f
lib 13o.z
0 4S E 61041F
0 45 E 61042f
l ib 13o.z
S6999 /$S9.99 S69 99/$ 59.99

all soft and supple . .. you never looked better
His/her leather trenchcoats
and Handsome textured cowhide gloves are
whlpstitChed and are avs llabJe ,n natural

§$50 $139 99~~d

rabbit fur Of 100% wooI lmmgs Imported.
~ZES: S(e--8~) . M(9-9'h ): L( lo- 10'h): XL(11-11 'h) .
Stale S, M , L or XL

Smart and soonercetea. our treocrcoet IS crafted

E33 E 574n F-Black
Rab/)lt ·/mtKi
33 E 57487F-Brown
D of /uxuf/ously soft gram cowhide Complet ely nylon
I,ned , I f has a Zip-cut acrylic pile Imer Sing le bre asted
Shipping weIght 5 ounces Pan $18.00

and belted. It features adjustable wnst straps (men's

style has epau lets and baclt. center vent) Two lo wer
F WooI·lined
33 E 564a1F-Brown
ShiPPing weight 5 ounces
33 E 56480F-Black
Pa« $18.00
welted slash pockets. Leather clean . Dry clean Imer
Imported. See size note below Reduced from our 1986 Stay warm and stylish In !hIS pure WOOl ChSllis
Chflstmas BooIt., page 13 ' G muffler MedaJIKX1 print With border deS'9'J.
'0)(51 m long Dry clean. Imported.
33 E 34141-Navy 33 E 34142-Burgundy
Shlppmg weIght 5 ounces $20 .00
REG. ... :3!l1o .n 0t5 E 67~l FI T 46 E 61tS2F S ! 6 'S'lI9 99 $13999
TAU. _.,40I046i H SE61471F H5ESW2f 5 1°1 201 9& 15499
IMSSES" . 8lc18 ~HSE61-451F IH5E67-452f , 8 '8999

SIZE NOTE SHORT (5'3· to S'r):

H Top ,t all off with a genume leather hat WIth
down tumed stitched bnm and pInch fron t
State S. M. L. XL. See Chart A below
REGULAR (57 · to S't1"), TAll (5'1 1· to 6'3·): T 33 E 95t82F-Black T 33 E 95181F----Brown
EXTRA TAll (6'3· to 6'r); BIG(57· 105'11· ): ShlpptnQ wetght 9 ounces . . $36 .00
MISSES' (5'3" to 5'6 'h · ). SIZE CHART A: Hal size ccoversco
c./aJOg nt.mOer$ ....un a "'T"' (Y "0 " prehJt
aile.... II fTU(l,mum of
.,. 5 I •
I1IIS1le 1 6""-6 " !
L I Xl.
I1ilo-~1 1'+-~
fa Qars for (JeI'IIery
ncnes 12' .....21.,., 121'10,-22" ! ~23i Z3 __23Jio
Your kind of leather . . . distinctive and warm ...
His /her lambskin blazer His /her lambskin jacket

CUT $5 CUT$50 All sizes

except Misses '

$ 9~~d up

__ C
plus, necessary accessories .. . Christmas gifts he'll appreciate for years and years

A Glazed lam b s/un bJazer 1$ treated to resist watery and OIly

stams to lleerJ Its ' butter ·soft" looIf and texture Ionger_
NylOn Immg , Cen ter bat;}( Io'et't InSIde cresr pocj(et. Leather
cJean Made Iff USA or ltr/fXJrled. See SIZenote below. Reduced
from our 1986 Fall General Catalog , p . 464 and (](I 1987 Fal l
&g ana Tall Spec<alog. P 35
Coos ISHOIIT 'Nt 2 tl& IS az. I flEGltM 'Nt 3 bl I TALL 'Nt .. IbI
SUlIe....entllfl Jll to" 311 1046 «) IllSol
Bto-n 0 0&5 e 63*52F
I U S E 63'6:J'
T 0&5 E 6J.t62F
I 0 0&5 E 63&T.J'
0 45E634T2f
TIfl 0 45E 63'5 IF T45 Efi3461F ' 0 45E 6JoI71F
'W~ S1E999'S119,99 I $11599," 119.99 15184 991$134.99
CaIln E:JmA TAU. 'In'1a IIG 'A'l 3 1tl& 15QZ I MlSSfS" Wt21a 'Sot
sz. .... IllII 421D 5C 481Cl51 I11l1e

Genume lambs/on Shearllng coat . the

C warmest leather coa t we sell' Luxunous
sueded lam bs kin IS naturally lIned WIth ItS own
soft. insulating Jamb 's 'oVOOi. RoJl'iJD adfustable
cuffs Dyed Lea ther dean. Made In USA or
Imported S,ze note below, Reauced from "86
Fait BIg and Tall Men 's SpecJaJog, o . 83,
S~1e even IlZe 36 10 46 4()to 52
8rowl'\ 0 45 E &H33F 0 45 E Wt43F
Tan 0 45E W1;)4F 0 ol5E601<4¥
Shpq 'lW1 j 4 1)1 tz ce SIb6 B oz
W~ j S27'999/$179.99 1129999/$199 .99


StaleevenSlZe 42 to 50 8 to 18
I 0 45 E Eil1S3F
. 0 45E Eil1 54F
0 45 E Eill 17
0 45 E Eill14F
StIpp 'lW1 ,I 5 1)1 11 oz 4 lbs
W~ t $31999,r$219.99 ' S27999,1S179.99

DtJuu J FuN graJf'I anmne cowtwJe wallers.

tumbled to' sotmess men natur.illy
bumlsI1ed to a hIgfI lus tre fll'N$ll. AN wallets
haW! currency podfets, removabie pcture
WIndows. sJrdmg sta y faCIng. 2 spare lIey
poc;J.ets. (O) TnfokJ has open ID wa'JOOW. 2
crec1Jtca1d pocJ<ers tE) Attache has open JD
wl'tQow, 5 aedlt card pockets. (F) 71wJtoId/'las
hIdOen ~t fG) Duofok1 has
bu$lf'teSSlcred1t carrJ pocket. (H) Passcase /'las
tmen( 2crec1Jr card (JOC/{ets (J )
Key caddy has 8 remuvabIe tJoc)I(s. Gift toxea
Coos , lO) T~ J lEI An.:tIe ! IF) 1l'ri:Ikl 1(01Due**' I (HlP....- ! lJIl<.!r cd)
""""" 133E"'" 133E 275<5 133E275<1 33EZ75<! I
0wC0Il33 E Z1513 J3 E Z1S15 33E2751' 33 E27S12 33E 27514
I 33E"'" I 33 Emoo
Wt Sa: SOl SOl I Saz ! SOl. 2Ql
Pnoe ! S1SJXI I SlUIO I $17.00 I $16..00 ' 520.00 S8JXl

Key holder has 48 gok:kOIOI. se.1-adhen1lg If'N hals. Maoe ", USA
K 33 E 28150-Shpg 4 OZ , Key
wt .
33 E 28 t51-KeyhotOerwheo you any
hc)kjer tOOne , . $7.50
wallet above Ihru 12115187 tc
CNr deluxe vale ! of wainut-cokXed gramed tlarrJWOOdhas a pIus/J lmed
drawer, scoop-up tra ys and d lVJded top sectlOlJ for ,eweItY. etJange
6.Jlix" f7x4.Jli 1fJ, high Importea
33 E 24224-ShPQ. w t , 2100. 15 oz . . . $20.00

M Gramed harc1wOOd valet has funCtl()(J8/rol/ ·topcover and Inner sectlOO

for je welry, 2 plush I/fled drawers PencIl and wailet slOts AntIQue
.QOk:/-CokJr metal harr1ware '2 l'x6"'x8 ;aIn. high, Imported
33E 2423J-Shpg wt .4 Ibs ... $23 .00
SIZE NOTE: SHORT (5'3-- 57 ") : REGULAR(57 "'- 5'1t e):
TALL (5' 11" -6 '3"): EXTflA TAU. (S'3- -67")
BIG (57 - -5" '''): MISSES' (5'3- - 5'SI,'j" )
The football armchair caddy Sits on the arm of your
A favorite chalf Weighted polyester and cotton
c orduroy beanbag W ith pockets hokJs l£!JeIiISIOfl and
cable gUide , remote covra. eyeg lasses or anything
else you need to mak e your tele VISJOn VieWing more
enJOyable , tmooaea
T 33 E 24730-Wt 1 Ib 4 oz $15.00

Here 's ho t cash to burn . Igni te the wer-coverea

O "money " W ith the fire starter , ~2 ~x ~ -lnch s tacks
of p lay money In $3X) denom matlOfl$ each bum for 30
Now ca n go for a jO(} and /eave your wa llet at
your money and Kien liflcatlOO In the
Zippered pocket of tt1IS 2 fh·mch sports Quartz
mmutes Pkg of 4 Imported stopwatch/watch, PtastlC and stamless stee l case
T33E24168-wt.l lb.4 01 . Pkg $5.00 protects the watch, Nylon Wristband f1ss Velcro·
closure Battery Included Imported
Pla stIC lock De- Ice r help s defrost frozen Jocks T33 E 24154-Shpg wt . 1 Ib ,$10.00
E Attaches to your key rlll9 and has a COIlvenltmt
fig ht. Requires two " AAA " battenes. not Included. so ld
on pg 271 o f our WIS/I BooK fOl «as Imported
T33 E 24120-Shpg wt.l oz . $6.00

H Plas tIC and steel ratchet-handfed screwdriver has B

cylmd e r With 6 d ifferent heads PuSh/pull actlOfl
engages the fi g ht head 8 In long . Imported
T 33 E 24923-Shpg wt. 8 oz $16.00

. Ie:--
B Wood a nd tre ss lie rae /< hol ds up to 20 ties
33 E 24592- Shpg , wt. 7 oz.. ,$10.00 /
Wood aOObrass belt rack has 5 hooks that hold up
C 30to belts Imported
33 E 24591-Shpg w i 1101 $10.00

PlastiC wmds hiekJ scraper mel ts snow and ICe when

F p luggeo mto the ClfJ8rette Irght er recep tacle
In your car, 9-,nch un it fits m the glove compartment
and has a conven ien t mml-headllght 12· foo t cord
T33 E 24123-Wt 8 0z $12.00

~ore me golfer. ttus (X)/yester and co tton knit smn
/'las the 5 baS IC golf tnsrructJOnS pnnted IJl)SIOe
down so yOU can read your way to perfect tonn 4·way rviet mea sures InChes and centnneters
MacfJlne lNa s/) Impor1ed N up to 70 feet. II s also a level. a scribe mat
S ees MEDIUM(34- 36). LARGE (38-40), mar/{s metal or gl8ss ana a compass that markS
EXlllA-lARGE (42-44). State Chest SIZeM.l or Xl. Circles up 10 20 feet aaoss $JIOe.outpen nas
T 33 E 24159F-Stlog "Nt 10 oz $18.50 engra~ memc corwerstrOf"l etlan ~K'ICfI htgh
cntome elecrroptated case Imported
A Se.ars ExCluSive' !'wew Totes gift se t tnC1udes a T 33E 24112-Sttpg"Nt 4 0 Z $14 .00
Kbiac* Toles (JeIuxe pet'5(Xlal umoreIJa and t:JJacI<
Totes rulJber foot~ear Umtxel/a nss ~tea
steel snaft ( 10* If)Cf')eS fok1ed ) and nyton cove: A
special value for raIny oars Importee
P Top-gramed smooth Ct)lJIIf'IIde passcase lNalle t
With embossed oestgn Fea lure s Z IDOe'S on 3
slOes and removabJe8-vJeW pJaStlCwmeto ws Hok1s
v.en s sroe SIZes SMAll (71h-8'h), MEDIUM 18'h - 9'h ), currency and coms
LARGE (9 '''''- 11). EX'TRA-lARGE (11- 12). Sta le S , M.l or Xl. 33 E 27223-Brown 33 E 27222-Black
33 E 2402OF-Shpg wt. 1 ID 202 S2S.00 ShiPPIng weIght 5 ounces $10.00

POlyester and cotton PERMA.pREST' 76-,nch Ban kerchtef IS a plas tIC workmg sa fe With a
squa re mltt al handkerchiefs can oe embfOldered Rcombtna tJOn Jock mar guardS three 100%
W l m any lett er except I. O. 0. U. V, X. Y or Z Machme cotton 76-Inc h square tlandk.erchtefs Imported
wash. tumble dry Pkg of 3 Made In USA State IMlal 33 E25201-Shpg wt . 11 oz $7.50
33 E 25748F-Shpg wt. 2 cz. PlIg $5 .00

FlaShltghtjsaewcJnver Jets ,vou WOf" In ~,.

S places WIth a tool mat puts me hgf'It ngflt
where you need It 0Jr0me eJectroplarec t
nandJe cotltalOS 5 bits 7~ IfI long ReQuKes two
AA eerreees. not tnduOed. oraer on page 277 of
our WI$II Efc)ok kY KK:Js lrrCJ(Xle e
T 33 E 24 1 ~ Shpg wt . 4 OZ 58.00

Top gram COwh#Oe tra...el bag lia S full

waterproof nyton lining ana Z I(JOt!r cJosUfe
10000000x6I-I If)(;hes tm(X)tTee
33 E 24140-BurgunQy 33 E 24139-BrQ\lllriO
33 E 24142-Black
ShiPPIng wetgt1t 14 ounces . $15.00

FleXIble pJast lC scre wdrtllef g ives you lellefage

M and angling abi lit y to lum sc rews 10even the
tlgtltest pl aces . Ratchet nsrate lets you work
continuously Set ,ncfuoes 4 tx ts 7 adaP ter and 3
sceeer wrencnes Imported
T 33 E 24113-Shpg. wT 12 cz . . $16 .00

~ ....",. r
pre(lx (sucla s T33E24 15!F)
COUIa ~e ex~ Ilmt" fat' 0I!'Ifter)'
Handsome, gralfJed teakwood tie-tender nea tfy
B uphOlds
to 4(J tl6S on Indtvrdual slldmg plastIC
Hangers remove easily from " ·rnch rack..
T33 E24174-Shpg wt. l0 01 .. . S12.00

,~ SIlk pnnt nes t tie 3W rI. WJde

AUSA (lfJ7POrle d fM tena /s)
Sta te color I'tO 17-Red ~ 1"-Gray
19-vellow 18- Wne 46-RoM
Ca No T 33E37261H T33E 3T262H
'Nt 3oz .99 4 oz .99

100% silk t ies Extra-lonq

YOUR CHOICE slightly higher

CtCKJ% silk st"pe tie.

ma lena /s). AVERAGE.
Stale cob' no.:
3 1' in. wiOe. USA (imported

11-Red. royal ~ s-Nrty, """'Ie l ~y , r~

8-Browrl . belge 19-Vellow , rwvy .t-CoDan blue. W'htle
T33 E 37111H-Shpg , wt . 3 oz. .. $7.99

O,~ Silk teardrop loop ntMt tie

(tmpOft ed malena/s) ,
Sta le cob' no.:
3 " in , wdf, USA

s-Navy. wtlIt.
19- Yelow. t'lWf

Telescoping tie rack holds up to 36 res and easily

JI'IstaJls on closet bar. Takes up 6 inChes of closet
space when Closed, Ptastic and metal. Imported,
T 33 E 24541-Shpg , wt . 1 lb. 4 OZ. . . $15 .00

and J Soft lambslon walle ts are deePly emtJossed for II
100/<. . AN stytes have crecut cara
slots a currency tJOC*er and removable plaSt IC IMI100WS
Panem (H] Passcase lJ) T~
33 E 27533 33 E27176
33£27426 33 £2742 .

33 E 11281 33 E21261
33 E 21284 33 E 27265
3 0z

HdO* " $DIll COwfllOe aressbelt
reverses from tJIack to brown 1%
,nches wide W i th brass buckle Imported
TO(Jg rain Jeamer personaliZed belt
from blacJc to brown 2 -
tone goJd-eokJr and $1!ver-eokY metal
AVERAGE: state even waist 30 to 44 meres buckle. Vmyllmmg One size tns to 44
33 E 46960F-Shpg wt . 3 02 $10.00 ,nchwa,st USA (Imported matenere ).
Sla te 100t la!
TAU.: stat e even werst 46 to 56 Inches Not availab le m I, 0 , O. U V. X. Y or Z
T 33 E 46961F-Shpg wt. 4 ox $12.00 33 E 4184OF- Shpg wt 602 $10.00

M Suspenoers f1ave polyester ana co tt on stre tcn

straps ana Sl/vef<Okx a IDS USA (unoorred
marenaJsJ. One sue fits al l
Bo x 01 two ,~ cotton handkerChIefs W I'"
em/)IOiOetec1 dog, fiSh and bIfl1S t6-11J SQUiVe
Machme wasn Impor1ec1
33 E 4121o-Wt'ute 33 E 4 1 2 1 ~ 33 E 2S3J3-Oog 33 E Z53)1-F1$h 33 E 25:D2-Quc:j<.
33 E 4121 1-Royal blue 33 E 4 1214-Yellow StllpptrIQ wetgtlt 3 02 . S6.00
StllPOlng wetgn t 4 02 $6.00

Wooa' (;aNe(1 (Jresset va let wrth a replICa 01 an antIQUe

P 1932 Ford WI", a tJlac:* and gold loerltl!ylng natTleD4ate
Opens to padOed If'tserf ...,m
a tJftobar heidel, o/USfHtneC
nng sect/lOf) and d ,VKJed,eweky COfTI()8rtments RICfl
mstwooa hnJSh. 9 J;W "W.lr4H If'ICheS Jm(JOrted
33 E 24220-Wt. 1 Ib 12 oz. $20 .00

Smgle-<1rawer g ramed hardwood dresser valet has a

RpluSh , "ned
drawer, slots frx pens and a wa llet
ctJ.ange ares AntIQued goIO-COiOr meta l

hardware and walnut-eolor hntstl I ILx5 Jio W.lr4\1 H menes

33E2421 2-Shog \Nt 21bs . $15.00

S Be8utlluJly carved 1'C)1eCe wood dresser lIiJJet has .

set:1C/f)Bd<IUt d Istil« Change and a decoratlll'e wood
carveddue;c 12UtLx6Ut W.lr317H lnches /moOfted
33 E 24 2 17-WI. 1 Ib 4 0z $10 .00

2·ttered dresser valet has waln u t-eolor f,msfl »am

T Chrome-plated metal Supporting base '2"Lx6WJr3~ H
IncheS , Imported
33 E 24254- Wt 1 tb 11 oz .. $8 .00 ,213A
RESTYE AthrusoC After holiday shopping when it' s
time to felax and unwind, velour

MERRY feefs good. Made of cotton and polyester for

softness and easy CN8. Machme wash. Made
in USA. See size note below. AVERAGE; state
see S. M. L or XL for (B) and (C)

GENTLEMEN TALL: slate size M. L or Xl tor (C).

Mid-ealf length kimono WIth 2 front patch
A pockets . . . the perfec t co ver-ao for the top
and pants below
AVERAGE fits chest size 36 10 46.
33 E82391-Red 33 E 82392-Blue
Shipprng weig ht 2 Ibs .. .. $40.00

BLounge top has

style '"
pa n ts
SCOO() neck and European-
sleeves. Coordinates WIth

33E82382F-Blue 33E82381F-Red
Shipping we ight 9 oz... Ea . $21 .00

C Matching
black pants have back pa tC.h
elastIC waistband WIth tie
33 E 82385F- AVERAGE-Wt. 12 oz.. .. $21 .00
33 E 82395F-TAU-Wt. 12 oz.. .. $22.00
FOOT-EZE- espadnl1eveJour s/ip-ons
D Padded inne rsole cush/O(ls feet. Indoor·
outdoor vmyf sofe. Arne" triacetate and nylon
knit upper. Machine wash Made in USA.
SIZES: S(6lh-7 'h ): M(8-9); Ml(9'h-l0'h ).
L(11-12 ); XL(12'h-1 4). Stale S. M, ML. L or XL
33 E 19101F- Navy 33 E 19105F-Wine
33 E 19107F-$tee l blue
ShIpping weight '0 oz ... $9.00

SIZE NOTE: AVERAGE 57- to 5'11- .

TALL 5' , ,- to 6'3- .
CHEST SIZES 5(34-36); M(3IHO); l(42-44 );
WAIST SIZES 5(29-32); "'(33-36); l(37-40);
Xl( 41-44)

Wrap him up in a
Knit terry kimono

A Band Warm, thirsty cotton and polyester kimonos
wlth2trontpatchpockets. Jn 2 leng ths totit
your style . Machine wash. Made in USA. See size note
on facing page. AVERAGE fits chest 36 to 46.

Wine ... 33 E 82295 33 E 82185

No" . 33 E 82291 33 E 82181
Gra., .... 33 E 82296 33 E 82186
Tan •.••••• 33 E 82297 33 E 82187
Yellow •. 33 E 82293 33 E 82183
While . 33E822ge 33 E 82188
Red . 33E82294 33 E 82184
Light blue . . 33E82292 33 E 82182
wt.fPrice . 2 Ibs.(S30.00 f lb,5oz.{S20.00

FOO T-EZE" espadrille slip-on$ of soft co tton terry.

C Padded Innersole CU$hIOOS feet.
Indoor-outdoor vinyl sole. Machine wash. Made in USA.
SIZES: S(Slh-7'h): M(B-9): ML(9'h-l 0lh); l(1' - 12);
Xl(12'h-1 4). Stale S, M, ML, l Of XL
33 E 19141F- Oark blue 33 E 19143F- Tan
Shipping weigh t 10 oz .. . $10 .00
C 700\. co tton Botany 5lXJ yam-dyed flanne l paJilmas
A Everyone oesooes to have 8 red lOng -Sleeve
unlOnSUIt In me" unoerwear arawer and tf'llS one
has all me features mat ma*e It a perfect gift. It has 2-
C PERMA-PREST8' conon ana polyester knee-lengm
flanne l rooe wun s/'lawl COllars ea 2 front patch
pocJ<ets Blue Machine »esn: tumOie CIty M.aoe in
I are on every man s WIsh list Pants have comfortaJ:He
elastIC waIstband and tty front Red and blve piald
ply constructlOfl for t>etter msulatlOfl the outer layer 1$ USA Machme waSIl
5O'l. acrylIC and 50% polyester while the ,nner layer 1$ AVERAGE. Shipping wetgnt 12 OZ AVERAGE. Shlpprng wetgnt 1302
~ polyester and 50% comfortabie, aosortJent cotton 33 E B2t09f $22.00 33 E 12452F $20.00
.set.", Slieeves offer a beftt>'. ~ comfc"tabJe f"
ana of course there s a convervent orop seat Macnlne TAU.. Stll POl"Q wetgnt 13 oz TALL. Shapprno wetg"lt 15 oz
wtJSfl Mad!! In USA See SIZe note below
33 E 82 119f $24.00 33 E 12462F $22 .00
AVERAGE: state crest size X$. S M, l or XL ctmon f/anne( n.gntsnut feelS so SOft ana PERMA-PR£sr· conon ana DOIyester flannel
33 E 55079f -Snpg wt 1 Ib $25 .00
TAU.: stale Ches t we M, l. XL Of 2XL
offers you me freeoom 01 movemen' VOU reea to
get a gooa n,gnt ·s SleeP , Mat;twJe waSIl' 1Tnponec1
G pa,amas nave a Dutton coat WIth a front CheSt
pot;*et Pan ts ft6ve comfortalJle elastiC WlJlStbanQ ana
33 E 55Ql9F-Shpg wt . 1 !tl t cz $27.00 Sale Blue Red Shpg .., seee tty front MachIne waSIl. IiInbIe dr y 1mpottec1

8thru GFIa~
AYEJUoGE 33 E l Z2S9F 33 E 12252F 12 0.: $ 18 .00

n¢twear to «eeo you warm on
See sue note
mose ColO WTfJter rHgfIt s

33E l2269F DEl2262F
EXTRA- TAU. 33 E 12ZTf1F
33 E 12289F
, I[)
'. oz
1 It) 2 QZ
20 .00
22 .00
2" .00
33 E 12!Xll r;
33E 12Q11r; a
$15 .00
AVERAGE; state size S M. l or XL TAU.: state see M. L EJ:l1lA.TAU 33 E 12021F 1 Ib , oz 1900
or XL EXTRA-TAU.: state see L. XL or 2XL BIG: state IIG 33 E 12Q31F 1 1[) 2 0z 21 .00
Size 2Xl, 3Xl or 4Xl E 100'fJ0 co tton Bo tany SIX) yam-dyed flanne l
rugntsnll1 mal<es a treasured stOCl<mg-stvffer. Blue
and green plaid MachIne wash. uSA (tfTJPO'fed SIZE NOTE. AVERAGE 57"'10 5"'"' : TAU. 5',,"' to
100% cotton Botany 500 yam<1yed flannel knee-
B length robe nas2front patch poc1<.ets Red and blue
plaid USA ter ocaea matefls/s)
ma lenals)
AVERAGE. ShiPPIng weIght 1202
6'3"': EXTRA·TALL 6'3 "' to 67"' ; BIG 57"' to 5'1'"'
CHEST SIZES X5(30-32). 5( 34-36). M(38-40),
33 E 12401F $18 .00 l(42-44) . XL(46-48). 2Xl( 50-52). 3Xl($4-56).
AVERAGE. Shpg wI 1501 TAll. Shpg WI lib 1 0Z 4Xl(58-60)
33E81112f .$22 .00 33E81132F . $24 .00 TAlL. ShIPPIng wetgtll 14 0 2 WAIST SIZES &29-32). M(33-36). L(37-40)
33E 12411F 520 .00 XL(41-44). 2Xl(45-48l. 3Xl(49-52). 4XU53-56)
intimate gifts
for him
Aand B He '/I never stop than king you i f you present
him With Oscar de Is Renta mghtwear
this holiday season.

Mid-eaff leng th robe of ace tate and nylon . Machine

A wash. Made in USA
sa. TAU
Fits ches t
Wine .
36 "'''
33 E 81273
J6 to 46
33 E 81283
Na", 33E81274 33 E 81284
""", 33E81275 33 e 81285
Shpg wi l lb.2 oz llb. 4 oz
$25.00 $V.OO

Co tton and polyest er broa dcloth pajamas. Pan ts

B have elastic waist with tie stnng for addedcomfort.
Machine wash . USA (Imported malenals).
AVERAGE ClESTSIZES, (57" to 5" '") 5(34-36);
M<38-40); L(42....); XL(46-48). Stale S, M, L 0.- XL
33 E 1!8i5F-Wine 33 E 10866F-Navy
33 E 10867F-Green
Shpg. wt. 1202 . . . $18 .00

3-pack of 100% combed co tt on briefs. No ffy :

C Comfortable elastIC waIstband and leg opening
Machine wash . Made in USA.
WAISTSIZ!S: 5(28-3)); M<32-34 ); L(36-38) . Stale size
S,Mor L
Briefs in black wardrobe set include 1 black, , white
WIth black s tripe and 1 black with white stflpe.
33 E 50834F-Shpg. wt . 4 02 .. . $8 .99
Briefs in red wardrobe set include 1 rea. 1 wh i te with
red stnpe and 1 rea with white stnpe.
33 E 50835F-Shpg , wt . 4 oz.. . $8 .99

D3-pair gift setOrion-

Made of hi·bu lk
of monogrammed slad<.Jength dress
socks includes 1 black, 1 brown
and 1 nair')' pa ir.
acryfic and stretch nylon.
Ava ilable in initia ls: A, 8. C, 0 , E. F. G, H, J. K, L. M. N,
P, R, S, T. and W Machine wash . Made in USA.
One size fits 10-13. State one ini tial per set .
33 E 19605F-Shpg. wt . 7 oz .. . sa.OO
2 ·pair gi ft set of Converse over·the-calf sport socks
E include 1 pa ir of wh ite with black logo and , pair of
white with na vy logo. Made of cotton and ny'Ot).
Machine wash , Made in USA. One size fits 10-13.
33E22621-Shpg wt . 10 0z .. . sa.00

3 ·pa ir gi ft set of argyle slack 'length casual socks

F includes 1 pa ir ofnavy. 1 pairofbrownand 1 pa ir of
gra y. OrIon- acrylic andnylon . Machine wash . Made in
USA. One size fil s 10-13.
33 E 17961- Shpg . wt. 7 oz . .. $7 .00

3 .pair gi ft set of co tton.tJlend slack·length casual

G socks_ Cotton and nylon. Machine wash . Made in
USA. One size fits to-1 3
Box with 1 pa ir each na vy. brown and black.
33 E 21571-Shpg , wt . 9 oz ... $7 .00
Box WIth 1 pa ir each royal, g ray and red.
33 E 21572-Shpg . wt . 9 oz . .. $7.00

One pa ir of slippers, in a g ift bo x, Thermal

H polyurethane foam /Me( SOle. padcJed vmy/ SOle
and cotton. wool, spandex andnylon sock Hand wash .
Made InUSA. SIZES: 5(7'h-8"' ); M(9-10); l.(10'h- 11",);
Xl.(12-13). Stale size S. M, L or XL.
33E 19091F-Shpg wt. 15 0z . . . $13.00
::~:: Official
PRO 'LINElo-------- ~Licensed
Sideline jacket
Here and on the next SIX pages ,
we bring you the actua l, authent ic ~ $IO ~~m~ 15 m
apparel and eouioment made
expressly for the players and thru 17 Now you can wear the same great ja ck et wom by the pla yers and
co aches of the NFL. From Starter
1 coaches on the sldelme s of NFL ga mes' Made of nylOn WIth ny lon
kmt cellar, cutts and waIs tba nd, It features roomy se t-In sleeves and warm
side line Jackets and Champion QUil ted nylon Immg: nylon till. Slash pockets and stamless steel SflaI)S , MachIne
...,ash, Ime dry Made In USA MEN'S SIZES: S(lits 36-38-rn. chest) : M(40-42l:
sw eat SUitS, to Rawlings ' game L(44-46) Of XU48-5()) State S. M, L or XL
Jerseys and helmets, to th e ofticra l Th<"
Team ~ 12115/87
W ilson game ball, these are the $74,99
(1I Cl'locago Bears T 6 E 24501F ....99
essentials the pros use and depend ( 2) f\oew Yor ~ Giants T 6 E 24512f 22 """"
pound, 64.99 74 99
upon . Insist on the best - (3)
l4 )
Oncrmall BengalI
CIeYeiand Brovms
T 6 E 24525F
T 6 E 24502f
T 6 E 24503F
2 """"
2 """"
74 99
the pros do ! (6) Denver Broncos T 6 E 24504F 2 """" 64.99 74 .99
(7) Detroot lions T6 E 245Z3F 2 """"'" 6499
2 """"
" 99
(8 I l(i1nsas City Chiefs T 6 E 24524F 64.99 R99
(9I l os AnQeIeS Ralders T 6 E 24506F 2 """" 64.99 74 99
(10) Los Aogetes Rams T 6 E 24507F 2 """" 64.99 74 99
(11J M'3fT\I Dolptuns T 6 E 245001'" 2 """"'" 64.99
22 """" "99
(12) ~ ... EngtandPatnots T6EZ4Stl F ccceee 64.99 7499
(13) "-ew York JeIS T 6 E 24S13F" 64.99 14 99
(14\ P,ttSDurgn Steeee T 6 E 24S14F 22 """"'"
pound. 64.99 1499
(15) San Frll/'lClSCO 4gers T 6 E 245161'" 2 pouncJS 64.99 74,99
(16\ Seattle Seana_s . . , T 6 E 24517f 64.99 14.99
(17) Wastw'1<t10f'l F!ed$llI'l5 T 6 E 24518f 2 """" 64.99 7499
2 """"'"
Items ",,'ttlS 'T' prefrM (such as T6E 24512F) cooa taKe edra time forCJelMNy

Authent ic sw eaters and pol o shins . .. the same ones worn
by the pl ayers and co aches of you r favorit e NFL team

on sweater (I)
w hen you also buy shin 121

NFL [earn
pu llovers from

Pro -heavyw eight swe atshirt in t he

col ors of you r favorite NFL team

$5 lessb~ombef 15 154499
Ithru3 Authentic apparel from Starter IS available In NFL team colors
Machine washab le. MEN'S SIZES: S(flts 36-38-10 c hest):
M(40-42): L(44-46): XL(48-50). State S. M. L or XL
Chicll<;lO eeer ,

Conclnoet' Bengals
(1) Swe ater
T 6 E 24661F
T6 E 24665F
(2) Polo shu1
T6E 24641F
T6 E 24645F
(3) Sweallhrr1
T6 E 24605f
(4) PuIIOVef
T6 E 9957SF
T 6 E 99579F
Cle vell nclBrowns T6E24662F T6 E 24642F T6E24602F
T6 E24663F T 6 E Zo&603F T6 E995nF
I V·nec k sweater ISmade of 1txJ<Jl, acrylICand boasts a de luxe team logo
embrOidered on chest Imported,
Da llaS Cowboy'
Derlvet' E\l'oncos
T6 E Z466t~
T6 E 246731'"
T6 E2.tQoUF
T6 E246S3F
T 6 E 24604F
T6 E 24613F
T 6 E 99578F"
Kanul Coly Chlefs T6 E 24677F T6 E 24657F T 6 E 24617F T6 E~

2 CoMch 's po lo shirt of ,txJ<Jl, cotton knit g ives you gre at comfort as well
as great style R,bbed COIla' ane cuffs . embroK:Jered leam logo and
edendtJd tail Styling Made In USA
Los A»Q!I!! R800ers
T 6 E 2~
T6 E 24667F
T6 E 2<I668F
T 6 E 2~
T6 E2 $7f
T6 E 2.t6t8F
T 6 E 2~
T6 E 2"608f
T6E 99580F
T6 E99582F
~ EngJ!"d PalnotS T 6 E 24669F T6EZ~9F T6E 24609F T6 E99583F

3 Hooded sweatstur1 of exceptIOna lly heavywe'9ht polyester and

cotton IS fleeced inside for ed,a ...arm th Featunng 3-button placket.
stretcll Side gu sset s and a front fleeced pouch tot cold-weather days
New York (i..arltl
New York Jets
Pmswgn 51_s
T6 E Z0&671F
T6 E 2A672F
T 6 E 2467~
T6 E 24651F
T6 E2 04658F
T6E 24618f
T6 E 995&&1:
T6E 99585F
T6 E 99591F
san Frenc:,SCC) . gers T 6 E 24674F T6 E 201654F T6 E 24614F T6 E 99587F
Seel1le Suha....k' T 6 E 24S7SF T 6 E 2~ T 6E 2"615F
T6 E 2"616F T6 E 99589F
4 Slt1ehne pu llover IS made of cotton and acryl ic and fleeced Inside tot
comfort All shirts are hea ther-gray with team-colored accents
Machine washab le Made In USA MEN'S SIZES: 5(lits 34-36-10 chest):
Wasrllnglon FledSiU"lS
$h'pPlng we 'Slht
T6 E 24676F
$39 .99
T6 E 24656F
$ 19 99
lib 150:
M(38-40); L(42-44): XL(46-48). State S, M, L or XL PrICe lor (1) when you also buy (2) $34 99
PrICe lrwu 12115187 ... 99
Price eltet' 12/15187 . $4' 99 219A
Wear the real thing! Don't settle
for a close imitation .. this is the
authentic game jersey worn by the

MEN'S SIZES: S(chest sizes 34-36 in );

M(38-40); U 42-44); Xl(46-48).
Slate S. M, L or Xl
Teams GalaloQNumber
( , ) New YoOl G .anl, T 6 E 24691F
( 2) Derwet' BrOl"CO$ T 6 E 24684F
( 3) Cl'ucago Bears . T 6 E 24681 F
( .. , Cleveland Btow ns T6 E 24S82F
( 5, Cinc inna tI Bengal' T6 E 24685F
(6) Dallas Cowboys T 6 E 24683F'
(1) DetrOIt lions ... T 6 E 24693F
( B) Kansas CIty Quels . T 6 E 24696F
( 9) Los Angele1I Raiders . T 6 E 24686F
(10) Los AnQeles Rams T 6 E 24687F
( 11) Mlam,OoIptuns . T 6 E 24688F

Ithru 17 Game ~rsey is

(12) New England Pa triots .
( 13) New York .)eIS .
T 6 E 24689F
T 6 E 246921'"
made Of cotton g ~~ ~~S~J~\~~s : . ~ ~ ~ ~=
and polyester for comfort and (16) Seattle $eaha wl<,s • . • T 6 E 24694f
absorbency MaChme wash (17) Washington Aedsklfls . T 6 E 24695F
Lme dry . Made In USA Shipping weight 8 ounces . $49 .99
Items .." ,h " roop'~f,,, (liS T 6 E 24691F) could fake 6~"" time tordel Ivery
I lmagme OWning the authentic game helmet worn by the players in the NFL;
truly a persona l trophy 10 display for any avid football fan. Manufactured by
Rawl ings. so you can expect the best In quality. Fea tures Inc lude a po lyethylene
ChICagoBears . . _..
(1) Helmet
T 6 E 24901

(2) StadIum (3) Sportsbfella
(4) CushlOO
(5) 6lriet
sne lf, cage-s tyle mask. tew pads. chin strap and authentiC team markings Men's CincinnatI BenQllIS _ T6E24905 16E24125 T6E24485 T6E24106 1 6 E 24575
large (size 7'h ) Cleveland Browns . T6E24902 16E24122 T6E24482 16E24103 T6 £ 24572
Dallas Cowooys T 6E 24903 T6E24 123 T6E24483 16E 24104 16 E 24573
Denver Btoncos . T6E24904 16E24124 T 6 E 24484 T6E24105 T6E24574
2 NFL foldmg stadium seat IS lig htwe'9ht and portable Chrome-pla ted tubular
stee l frame has clamp lock to stay secure on bleachers 12x12x2-m. Vinyl seat
Detrou LlOfIs
Kansas CIty Chiefs
Los Angeles Ralders
T BE 24913
T 6 E 24917
T 6 E 24126
1 6 E 24486
T6 E2 4114
T 6 E 24563
T 6 E 24587
T 6 E 24576

3 Sportsbre1la bo ld ly shouts your team preference Wi th colorful g raphICS Nylon

she ll W ith VelCro" clOsure tie metal shaft and fibs Open measurements 28 In
tllgh With 24 ·ln. dlt~meler, Com es complete With nylon bag
Los An~es Rams
M.e1Tll lpl"lll'ls
New England Palnols
New YOri\ G.an1S .
T 6E24907
T 6 E 24908
T 6 E 24911
T6E24 127
T 6 E 24128
T 6 E 24131
T 6 E 24487
16 E 24488
T 6 E 24491
T 6 E 24112
T6 E245n
T 6 E 24578
T 6 E 24581

4 NFL vmyl stadium cush ion filled W ith po!yutethane foam and complete
carrying handle. 1 4x I 5J( 7~ m. hig h.
W ith
New Vork ,)eIS
Pltt sbur9h SlefI!efs
San FranciSCO 4gers
Seattle Seahawkl .
T6 E2 4914
T 6 E 24915
T 6 E 24138
T 6 E 2<1134
T6E 24492
T 6 E 24498
T 6 E 24494
T 6 E 24495
T6E241 13
T 6 E 24582
T 6 E 24588
16 E 24584

5 The Tallga ter b lanket of machine washable 700% acrylic comes In Its own see-
ttvu p last IC carrymg bag With handles and doubles as a stadium seat Team
helmet ISsilk screened on a tlockeddecal in bright colors 6Ox45 /n. wide. Made In
WashlO9too Redsklns .
ShIPP'1lQ wetght
3 1bs.
$99 .99
T 6E24136
4lbs.6 ol
T 6 E 24496
lIb 100l
$3 .99
16 E 24586
lIb 60z
$19 .99
Itt!m $ WIth a " 7" IYer"t (such.s 76 E 24 121) ccuJc1 ta lr~ ~It ',a tlt'r'>e for delIvery

6 Wilson leather game ba ll With slip-reSistant finish and shaPe -retaining If/p ie-
lined b utyl rubber bladder
6 E 2442-Shpg wt . 2 1bs . .$49.99 221A
m~:: Official
NFL team outfits ... ~Product

touchdown material
::~:: Officia l
lU.J.!.I Product

Look like a pro playe r with

genuine NFL equipment for kids

Team (1 ) OutfI IS (21 Footballs (3) Helmets

Chicago Bears T 6 E 24263F T 6 E 2442 1 T S E 24336F
Cincinnati Bengal'S T 6 E 24275F T 6 E 24439 T 6 E 243 52F
Clev el and Browns . , T 6 E 24273F T 6 E 244 22 T 6 E 24337F
Dallas Cowboys . . . . . T 6 E 2426 9F T 6 E 24423 T S E 2434 6F
Denver Broncos . , . . T 6 E 24266 F T 6 E 2442 4 T 6 E 24357F
DeITOll Lions . T 6 E 24278 F T S E 2444 2 T 6 E 24353 F
Kansas Crty Chiefs . T 6 E 24282F T 6 E 24443 T 6 E 24359F
Los AngeleS Ralders, . T 6 E 24 251F T 6 E 24426 T 6 E 24355F
Los Ange1e5 Rams •. T 6 E 24267 F T 6 E 24427 T 6 E 24341 F
Miami DoIphlns .... T 6 E 24256 F T 6 E 24428 T 6 E 24J58F

Out fit has woven p olyester pants and Jersey
that are machme washab le. Ma de in USA.
1-plece pol yethylene shell helmet with polyurethane foam padding at chee ks and
New England s atrots . .
New York Giants . .
New York Jets .
T 6 E 24274 F
T 6 E 24271 F
T 6 E 24257 F
T 6 E244J l
T 6 E 24432
T 6 E 24433
6 E 24354 F
6 E 24342F
6 E 24364 F
crown, p lastic face gu ard. adjus tab le pa dded c mn strap. Shou ld er p ads adjust in P!Tlsburgh steeers .. .. T 6 E 24258 F T 6 E 24434 T 6 E 24344F
front and back and have pl astiC cap and rubb er-padded imerior. San Fraf'lClsco 4gers . T 6 E 2426 1F T S E 2443E T 6 E 2434 5F
se attle 5eaha wks • ... T 6 E 24272 F TS E24437 T 6 E 24362F
Not designed tor com petitive p lay. Washin gto n Reds Klns T 6 E 2425 2F T6 E24438 T 6 E 24346F
CHILDREN'S SIZES: S{23· . wa ist) or M(2S-26- in. wersn. State Size S or M . 2 es. 3 oz 140Z 3 It"
523 .99 57.99 521.99

2 team logo. tmoonea

Mmi NFL team footba lls are too good to "pass " Up' Balls are rubbe r with official Red urnform
Blue uniform .
Shipping weight .
T 6 E 24276 F
T6 E242nF
ane . 3 0:
3 team
NFL footOal1helmets for neeo-to-reea co mpe tition. t-oece Cyeo/ite ! p lastic
shelf with cememea-in vinyl padding fits snugly for protection and comfort. 6·POint
suspension , leathe r circl e riveted fa shell. Meets National Operating Committee
Pnce . .


$21 .99

Standards for Athletic EqUIpment. See size char t, right. S tate Size S . M or L. Size 5
trems wtt!l 'T' prefix res T l5 E 242fiP Fj coso ralfe exrra M'le tor de !IVery He lme t. hat size I 6!1to 6-1.
Head at forenead (in.) .. I 21'.'& to 22 22'.-. 10 22~. 223A
Iand 2 He avywetghf sweatshirt and pants feature
lat eral krnr fleecing that mlf'llffllZeS shnn ksg e
In length. Shirt is overs ized cut wrth dura ble
rop.stJfched se ams and sloe gussets for freedom of
movemem. Pa nts have dra wstring wa ist and crotch
gusset. 50'!" cotton, 40 % acrylic . All teams In g ra y
c%, except Chicago Bears and Dallas Cowboys
are navy. M ac h . w ash . M ad e ,n USA. MEN'S SIZES :
state S. M. L or XL. See Chart below for siZIng.

3 Wind suit IS tough .e nough lor the pros. MaC1e of

100"" nylon with ZJppered top , nbbed cuffs and
wa ist. Pants have elasticized WClISt. M ach. wBsh .
Import ec1. MEN'S SIZES: state S . M. l or Xl.
See Chan below tor slzmg.

55 less thru Decem per 15m 100~" COlton c anvas

4 bag in NFL team colors features shOulder strap .
Velcro' handle ccswe. leag ue fag, two zip end
pockets , one Zip side pocket and inner nylon pouch
for damp clothmg. 78x9x10 in. high. Imported.

5 Rugged t -stvn worn by !he pros dUflfJg practice .

Comfortable 100·. cotton ava ilable In heather
gra y. Mach. wash. Made in USA.
MEN'S SIZES: state S. M. L or XL.
See Chart bek)w tor Slzmg .

6 HeavyweJght seors
0' JOOo,., COlton w rth
elast lzed wa istband. Heather gray. M ac h . was,.,.
Made In USA. MEN'S SIZES: stale S. M, L or XL
See Chart below tor siZIng.

7 Look like the co aching staff in thi s gray emblem

shirt 0' comfortable JOO·. cotton. Fea turing
ribbed collar and cuffs and extenc1ed tall Styling tor
a sporty look. Em brOtCered ream logo on chest.
Mach. was h. Made ,n USA. MEN'S SIZES: state 5, M.
L or XL. See Chart below tor SIZIng

8 Starters T-strrt in N FL team COlOrs. 100," COlton

tor comfort. Ma ch . wash. M ad e in USA
MEN'S SIZES: state S. M, L or XL
See Chart be k)w tor siZIng.
/fems with. T ",.ftx coula talfe eJm. tlTTlf! for aft/MIr y.

w.... .
Ches t .. . 1
28-30 32-34

:.: ,;~;A~L..-=;:;;-_~ SAVE 56T·shut

buy workout whon(5)
and shons (6) togethe
(j (
s 1.


Starter'5 excfusrve
emblem slurt of
100% conon

Ct.c:..go Bears . . .
C....,.l¥ld Browns..
16 E 99602F
16 E 99606 F
T8 E 99603F
16 E99619F
T6 E 996ZJ F
T6 E 99620 F
(.\ Beg
16E2.7. ,
T6 EN1.t2
I (5) 1 .$fl1rt I (6) Storts
(7) ~
T 6 E 2.761 F 1 T6E2.781F T 6 E 204801F T6 E 24821F
T 6 E 2.765F T 6 E 2.785F T 6 E 204805F T 6 E 20&82SF
I T6EU7e2F T 6 E 2.182F T 6 E 20UJ02F T 6 E 24822F
( 8) T·stll'!

Oallas Cow T 6 E i96O<IF 16E99621F T 6 E 2.1043 T6 E 2.163F T 6 E 2.183F T 6 E 2041503F T 6 E 2.-azJF

Detroit Lions
"""'"' . • •.. . • • . •
l(ansas CIty Chiefs. . . . .
I 1 6 E 99605F
T 6 E 99613 F
T 6 E 99617F
T6 E 99622F
T6 E 996J0 F
T6 E 99634F
I1 6E 2.144
T 6 E 24153
! I
1 6 E 241e.F T 6E 2.184F 1 T6E24804 F T 6 E 2482.F
T 6 E24n3F T 6 E 24793F T 6E 24813F T 6 E 24833F
T 6 E 2.151 T 6 E 24177F T 6 E 2.191F T 6 E 24811F T 6 E 24831F
RaJclers • •. T 6 E i9601F 1 6 E 996,24F T 6 E 24626 F T 6 E 2.746 T6 E 2.166F T 6 E 2.186F T 6 E 24806F T 6 E 24826F
MIami ...... l
r e E 99608F
T6 E 99609F
T6 E 99625F
T6 E 99626F ~: ~~=~ ~~ ~~:~~I
I T 6E 2.761F j T 6 E 2. 187f I T 6 E 24801F T 6 E 24821F
T 6 E 2.768F T 6 E 24188F T6 E 24808F T 6 E 24a28 F
New Englarc:I PalnOts .. T6 E 99610F 16 E 99627F T 6 E 24629F 1 8 E 2.149 T 6 E 2.169F T 6 E 2.189F T6 E 24809F T 6 E 24U9F
New 'fOR. GoantI . T 6 E 99611F T 6 E 99628F T 8 E24631F T6 E2.rSl H i E2.n 1F T 6 E 2.]91F 16 E248t1 F T 6 E 24831F
,...... YOOl Jets .. . . T6 E 9961ZF T6 E99629F T6 E 24632F T 6E2.152 T 6 E2.772F T 6 E 2.192F T6 E2481 2F T6 E 24832F
Pmsburgh StHle1's T 6 E 99618F T8 E9963SF T 8 E 24638 F T6 E 2.158 T 6 E 2477BF T 6 E 2.198F T6 E24816F r e E24838F
S.n Frarcsco 4ger1 T 6 E 9961.F T6E99631 F T 6 E 246,34F r s E 2.154 T6E2.n4F T 6 E 2.194F T 6 E 2481.F T6 E 24834F
Seattle 5eahawU. . . T 6 E 9961SF 16 E99632F T 8 E 2463SF T6 E2.155 T6 E 24715F T6 E 2. 19SF T 6 E 24615F I T6 E24835F
wasl!nfilOn Aedskan$ .

16 E 99616F T 6 E 99633F T6E24636F I T6E2.156 ! T 6 E 24716F 1 1 6 E 24196F I T 8 E 24816F T 6 E 24836F
ShlPP'"9 W8lQrtl. • •
Pnce thru 1215 87..
Pnce after 121 S 81 . .
1 lb. 1 oz.
1 lb. 10l..
$29 .99

$4• .99
I a.
6 oz.
I e",
Pnoe when you buY IS) Staner's T-slurt
anet (6) tQ2ett'l&r. • a. Si." st."
2 or 1T'O'e . eaett . $24." $24." 224A
Beautiful wooden gun cabinets ~ $30to $100 o....."_se_le_ct_ed_i_te_ms .......

If I Our Lowest
Prices of
1987 for
any oak
4 and oak
~jnet s

128999 :"
Pine cabinets

111999 :"

Ithru 3 HandsomtJ anc1tunctlOtl8/ gun cabmets are styled to su it an y deca as wei/as they SUItyour prized gun
collectIOn Glass door and storage areas Jock to help keep contents safe WOOl fen·lmed batre' racl<s
help pro tect your pIeCeS from scratChes Items (2) and(3j slsohave Imed stock rests ANhoidguns uP to52 In
kx!g(guns no t lncl). ShlppedfU/lyllSS8mbIed See ''N'' SUffIXno t8, page263A . Reduced trom our 1986GenerIlI
Catalog and 1981 Annual General Catalog. p 1501.

(1) Ponderosa Pine. roetI 8-Qun , 28Wx6(Hl\l2D

.,.. '"
Lower Storage w..
I $139
walnuHln,1h 6- l61' t 2Swx54~·bl'O 119.99
(2) Ponderosa pine. roe" 2O-Qun 2 -44W,,73H:r.l1Q '9999 39999
walnul·llnlsh 8 un 1 29W. 72Hlll1D 29999 199.99
23WlSl-lJ.l1 D 349.99
3 1W. 5HJll 1D 449 .99
19W-6 t"b ll Q 289.99
Pine cabinets "Nor .shown
w ith etched glass
119999 ~;;" 4 Highlight your g un co llec tion W Ith the soft ili um matlOf7 of in terior J'9 htmg Ki t ,ncludes 4O-watt bulb . meta'
frame, cord and mstructKH1S Requites d"lImg 01 hole at back 01 cabinet for cord
6 E 21151-Stllpplng wetght 12 ounces ... Kit $9.99

5 These 16gauge steel gun lockers are

destgned to be bolted to waif stud for
permanent mstallatlOlJ 2 «ev-cooea an ti<1n11
Jocks Fufl·iengrhrecesseap;anohmge *"",
VInyl teem If'Irenor protects agamst scrapes
ana meks Dark brown Pre-assembled s.gun
JockfNls 2 11(1l»r55 IfJ. With 2 dc1tx bins 12-
gun JocJr.tN IS 211(16.--55 m. WIth 3 dc1txbtns
12-gun CBOInet was S25999 1/1 our 1987
Annual General Ca tsJog. p . '502
Shpg wt 120 Ibs
6 E 21212N-12-gun Now $199 .99
6 E ZlZ14N-&gon Shpg wt . se
Thru 12/15187 $139.99
After 12/15/87 $199 99
era eIoe pnnt ~place gun racft,
6 Buck With
quartzcioc* (,o, rtery rncJj Madeofsek!ct
natural woods w,th I¢ t walnut flfJl$h Felt
gun rest Mourltlng tl8rdwsre InCl. 36x32xSm
deep Part ly assembled
6E21107-Shpg wt 15 1bs $59.99

7Duel< print 4 ·pJacs gun rack WIth kXkvtg

storage compartment and gun ba r. Made
o f S6JeCt natural wood wIth darlf bum flfJls!l
Felt gun res t Mounting h8rc1ware II'ICluded
3Ox2SJf5In , deep. Partly assembled.
6E21104-Shpg wt.15Ibs . . $39.99

8 $oIKJ plfJe storage /'.x).Kes WIth

Great for txxJj(s, rnagtUlf'leS, games.
decoratllf8 fOuCh , 2-eokx graphICs
slide tops

141'Jr9!-tx'OU m. hH}h . Wt. 7 oz.

6 E 21121- WInche$ter ammo 00... . .$19.99
6 E 21125-Chesapeake .. .$19.99

9 Orgamze and d isplay your fiShIng

eq Uipmen t With this rsck . Holds 8 rods
and reef s , SpaCIOUS stor age compartment
WIth sheff for tackle 001(, reels, boors and
acceSSOfI6S 49x2& '8 m deep. Made from
sel ec t natural woods With light walnut ttmsn.

Part ly assembled
6 E 21145- Shpg w I 18l bs . .$159.99
Dec. IS
Stay warm and save 25% to 40% ove r the each price w hen
you buy any combinati on of
2 or mo re bags (I thru 3 )

Sears wants to off er you the best sleeping bags we

can find ... so on camping .triPS In the w ild
country every year w e ask Sir Edmund
Hillary. conqueror of M t. Everest .
10 select top Quality bags
to bear his name

whenyou buy an, 2
or more polyester-fill
hags litem II

I Snuggle Into the cozy comfort of one of these extra

warm, extra hea vy sleep ing bags. Or unno and use as 8
comforter! Z ,p 2 tog ether for a roomy double bag. Machine
washable, Made in USA. Assorted navy nylOn taffeta outer
shell and nylon tricot Immg. 33)(75m. long
BE 70116-4 lb , bag Wt. ea 6lbs. 12 0z ... Ea. $34.99
When you buy any 2 or more (1 Ihru 3)... Ea. $19 .99
6E70117-Slb . bag Wt. ea. 7Ibs.Boz .. Ea $44.99
When you buy any 2 or more (1 ttuu 3) ... Ea. $24 .99

2 Our premium bcJgfeatures 3 1bs ofDscron e Hollofl/ $ II

polyester msulatlOfl for down-Itke softness , RIp-stop
nylon ou ter shell WIth clre fmish for wet look . Quilted
polyester and cotton lining Full -length , self·repamng nylon
Zipper. 33)(18 inches long Stuff sack Included, Mach ine
washable Made In USA
6 E 70369-Shpg wt . ea 5 Ibs. 8 oz Each $69 .99
When you buy any 2 or more (1 thru 3) Each $51 .99
3· lb. Quallofil e
3 tos. of Dacron~ Qualloftl~ polyester. the high
3 performance alternatIve to down, makes our best
rec tangular sleeping bag your bes t choice for comfort.
Qua/loftl~ is a umq ue fiber that mamtams 85% of its '
msulat mg value when damp, and dr ies 3 times fas ter than
~ $25 lmr:
down! It resists mattmg and lumping , and has super IOr
"refluffab lltty'·. Doub le layer constrocton With Antron$
nylon ou ter she ll and IInmg, $eIf·repalfmg nylon Zipper.
3$x80 inche s long, Stuff sack inc luded Mach ine washable.
Made in USA
6 E 70361-ShPQ . wt. ea 5 1bs 1 oz . , . Each $99 .99
When you buy any 2 or more (1 tnru 3). , . Each $74,99

Great buys on
specialty bags

4 rne 3-lb . hlker 's bdg is deSigned to keep you warm

Without weig hIng you down. It has Dacron e Holloftl~ II
msulatlon whIch IS coated With sll/COf1e to reduce tnctoo
be tween the fibers , for a super sof t feel. The offse t
construc tion g ives 2 separate layers of insula tiOn. The fuJI
length, se/f-repamng nylon Zippe r has 2-111. wea ther
stflp pmg to seal ou t drafts , The msulat ed foo t pocket
keeps feet warm and allows freed om of movement, Nylon
ta ffe ta out er shell and sdver-eclored nylon taffet a hner
reflec ts body hea t. 3 7:dg.84 inc hes long Machme wash
Made m USA Was $9999 m our 7981 Van, RV, Tratler and
Campi ng Equipment Spec ialog . page 36.
6 E 70085-Shpg . wt. S ibs . 12 oz ... Now $49.99

5 Double comfort at half the prlCe,1Roomy dou ble bag has

5 Ibs of polyester msulation to help you sleep away
your nig ht s m cozy warmt h Features a durable qUil ted
polyester outer shell and 100% polyester pJald Imlng Bag
ca n be opened on both sides With the two 65-m white
nylon coil Zippers Three elastic rou-uo straps. Mach ine
washab le. Measures 54)(65 sn. at top . 54)(78 m. a t bottom.
Made m USA Not a Hillary bag Was $1999 m our 1981
Van, RV. Trailer, Campmg Specialeg . page 36 ,
6 E 70004-Shpg, wt. 9 1bs 8 oz . . Now $39.99

Improve your game with VHS rape lessons by Willie Mosconi .

216 E 25236-Begtrlners (45 mIOS ,)
3 ) 6 E 25237-~vanced t45 mms )
4) 6 E 25238-Tnck srots (30 mlns.)
Srllppll'lg welQhl 9 02 Each 519.99

5 £1 Tigre . . . a table wnh qua lity marena ls and sosa engm eermg.
Irallan slate playmg surface. Made of a smg le J 4 -m. piece , It s
precis ion-g round to wnhin '0,;000 of an men tor flarness and true ba ll rou.
The end-to-end slate support system has tWin heavy-dury etummum
cross beams for levelness and durability. The wa lnut-color
high-pressure Pionit e ' plastic laminate cabinet res ists st ains . scuffs
and burns . Play field and contoured rubb er cushions are cov ered with
1s-ee. woo l and nylon billiard cloth tor long wea r and 5.mOOth ball
ececo. The double -remforced hber glass leg s hav e mdIVldual levelers
to assure absolute ng!dity. Heavy-gauge . chrome-pl ated , at e-c ess nne
comers mamtam "scce-eoess ", The "plec e polyethylene ba ll return
sysrem IS warp and w ear-r esist ant to help prev ent ba ll hang- ups .
Playmg surface measu res 40x80 m. long, over all atm enskms are
93x53x37 m. hJ9h. Comes in 2 cartons . one of w hic h weig hs 628 Ibs.
and measures 96x58x16 in. Please m easu re ca refu lly! See not es on
facmg page. Shpg. wt . 675 Jbs.
6 E 25234N .. . Thru 12 15 87 $1599.99: After 12 15 87 $1799.99
Chambord pool tables feature
19-oz. Simonis cloth, the finest
tournament-quality cloth
our lab has ever tested !

wi thou t

Ken ilworth
table Wit h
14-01. bed c lo th
5 .~e tao.. eecs e-e -.cvr·ed
159999 ::;"
:0 :>1,." e~c ",sva J.v.a\ sree supe'-
'''J--e :0g ve you vea-s cf 'eve
:o'a \ 'f!SOO~S ve cev

6 9
thru UnassembJed; see notes below right.
Warranted by Sears: wme for tree copy.
see page 263A.
7 9thru 8-ft. tabkls have simulated pea rl sights . Scu lptured edges accent the 6-in . fJberboard rails which
are I.u nmated to protect aga inst scratches. bums and staim. The particle board cabinets are
vinyl-c ove red. 56x1oo](31 inc hes high overan. Playing surface, 44x88 inc hes lOng . ProiessiOnaJ.quality slate
tables have ~n . beds cut oversized, exrendinfJ under rails for solid play;ngsurlace. Rails boIr directly onto
6 Choose the table size that will ht the space you
have In mind. Drop pocket tables wdh rubber
cushiOn 'ails and brass-plated metal comer caps.
bed for cons istent rebound aet lOt1. This results In the hardest. most warp.-n1S1stant surface possible.
Beds are backed by full JD-year warranty! Honeycomb beds, a mone y-saving aftemative to slate , have
bu ilt-In leg levelers tor an even playing surface . Fun 3·year warra nt y that playing surface w i/I stay
t ~n. thick Slatran ' sealed particle bOard beds wrth level within Jlhooo of an inch.
nylon cloth. Particle board frame is covered with
Pedestal-styfe wMl J1~z. wool and nylon bed
oak·hfHShed vin yl, has steel bed supports and
incHvidual 1eg levelers.
B-ft. table is 95.51.31 inc hes high. pJaYlng area is
7 cloth and L-shaped ~n. partJcle board legs .
Full-prohle gum tlJbber cushiOns. BaH return.
9 ThJs table features 19-0z. wool and nyton
imported Simonis cloth tor outstandtng durability .
Brass-plated metal comer caps accent the
44x88 inc he s long . Carron is 95x48)(8 in. thick. Brass-plated metal comer caps . Syfvan-oak-look vinyk?Overed cabinetry; full rubber
6 E 25328N-Shipping weight 188 tbs ... $299 .99 6 E 25386N-$late bed table . WI. 693 Ibs . cushions. Paddrng In ball bo)( softens the sound of
7.n. table is 451(83)(37 in. hj~h. playIng area is Thru 12 lS 87 $799. 99 ••. After 12, ts 87 $1199.99 balls COllecting in baRrerum . 3)(3';n . solid wood
39)(77 m. long . Carton size IS 48)(86)(8 in. thick. 6 E 253SSN-Honeycomb bed table . WI. 345 100. legs . Spreader bar for preater stability. Reduced
S E 25327N-Shipping weight 149 Ibs ... $ 249 .99 Thru 12 '1587 $499 .99 ... After 12,1587 $899.99 from our 1987 Annual Genera l Cstalog , p . 1494 .
Panicle board table. Similar to (2) above . No ball 6 E 25113N-$late bed table .
6-ft . tab le ;s 39x71x31 in. high . plaYInfI .srea is Shoo . wt. 690 Ibs . . . Was $1599 .99; Now $1099.99
33)(65 m. lOng . Carron size 1$ 42x74xB m. thiCk. return . Black plastic comer caps. Reduced from our
1987 Annual Genera l Cata lOg, p . 1494. 6 E: 25123N-Honeycomb bed table.
6 E 25326N-ShiPPlng weight 135 Ibs ... $199.99 Shpg . wt. 3471bs . . • Was $1299 .99 ; Now $799.99
ShiPping weight 340 pounds.
6 E 25144N . .. Was $599 .99 ; Now $44 9.99
PLAYING AREA NOTE: Allow .f IeIJSf 4 ft. of pl8'1"'9
I0 Convert 'fOUr pool table to table tennis with
room Bround thtt SId.s 01 raDie. wrtt/ Ieoss /fie,. will be
afff>cu/f'lin CtI&I"fJ some shots
CARTON SIZE NOTE; Meesure all areas /or carron
8 Availab le in 2 p laying surfaces Kenilworth tables
have te-oz. woo l and nylOn bed cloth . Uvely ba ll
rebound act ion is provided by full profile gum
this ~in. thick particle board top . Rub ber
strips underneath protect your pool table.
1 ~in. stee l apron on all 4 sides. 5)(9 teet.
clearanc e, Allow at leasr 15 /lMlar /vet 01maneuvering on rubber cush ions high lighted With brass-plated meta l Net not includ ed. Warranted by Sears: write for
stairways . 08 liverea ar regular rates imo your home on comer caps . Table has drop p ockets . free copy, see p . 263A.
f8q uest . Largest Size slate carron 1$ 14}(99l(11 m, high . 6 E 251 17N-Slate bed table . 6 E 26043 N-Shipping weight 121 Ibs ... $79.99
Non-slate 8-ft . table has 58l(102l(1o-m. hig h csnon. Shipping weight 450 pounds ... $899.99
6 E 25127N-Honeycomb bed table.
Shipping weig ht 3 70 pounds ..• $599.99 229A
Ho liday Sedgwick 3-in-1 Sol id oak 3-in- I tab le
tab le Dark
3-in-1 table
No lower
price in 1987
pine finish
No lowe r
price in 1987
:"'lru~tJe' I~:!'

Get a good deal ... great

buys on game tab les
make yo u a winner !
Accessories sold on page 231 A

Exeter 3-in- ' table

Elegant 3-step
finish just like
fine furn iture ! 5
§5200 =". Holiday
rebound table
S499~ cc

Cambridge poker table


Ithru 4 Enjoy 3 of America 's tevom e pastimes,
bumper poo l, poker and dining on a
compact 3-;n-1 table. Bumper poo l p ortions reve
rub ber cush ions , bumper rings , leg levelers on
bases and hide away ba lf trays. (3 and 4) are
available in your cho ice of *·in. slate or .J.4·in.
Slatran ! particle board beds . (1 and 2) only
available in Slatron ~ . Card tops are finished wd/'l
built-in Chip trays , drink holders. Accessories not
incl. Seat 8. Partly assemb led . Warranted -.

I Rebo und tab le is oakwood..grained, vinyl-eov ered

particle board. Pool table has plastIC rebound
posts Bnd 8 nylon be d cloth. 48-in. black vinyl card
playing top . 48x3 J in. high .
6 E 26448N-Shpg. wt . 150 Ibs .. . $199.99

2 Sedgewick early American-sty led tab le is

finished in dark pine wdh a vinyl-elad fiberboard
apron, 4 *-in. rails and pin e w ood legs. Poo l table
has pool sights , p lastic rebound posts and a rugged
nylon bed clo th. 52-in. c ard p laying top is covered
with black vinyl. 52x31 in. high .
6 E 2644 3N- S hpg . wt. 185 Ibs ... 5299 .99
is as fash ionable as it
3 This solid oak 3-in-1 table
IS fun . Poo l surface has solid maple bumper
posts and 75% wool, 25 % nylon 15-oz. cloth for
exce ptiona l p lay. The rails hav e natu ral rubber
cush ions . The 52-in. diameter removable top is
made of ~4-in. thick fiberboa rd with oak veneer top
and a 3 1h-in. profiled oak pe rime ter. Card insert and
glass hold ers are p ad ded with Naug ahyde ' vinyl.
chip hold ers are solid oak . 52x31 in. high .
Slate bed.
6 E 2646 1N-Shipping weight 300 POUnds.
Thru 12.'15'87 5899 .99 ... Afte r 12115.:87 $ 1099.99
Slatran ! be d.
6 E 2646 2N- Shipping we ight 205 pounds.
Thru 12/15 '87 $699 .99 . .. After 12.'15,'87 $8 99 .99

4 The Exeter features early American styling with

an eleg ant pme fmish. Buih with a wood-grained
po lyurethane base , d ining top and solid wood
legs , .. a beautifully finished piece of furnitur e! Pool
table has solid hardwood bumper posts for accurate
reboun d pool playing and a w ool and nylon bed
clo th. 52-in. card p laying top is black leather -
gra ined, padded Naug ahyde ' vinyl. 52x30 in. high .
Reduced from 1987 Annual Gen. Car., p. 1495 .
Pine w ith slate bed. Shipping we ight 300 lbs .
6 E 26463N . .. Was $899 .99 ; Now $699 .99
Pine with Slatran~ bed. Sh ipping weight 205 Ibs .
6 E 2645 4N ... Was $699 .99 ; Now $499 ,99 I0 Our good set of 2 cues, 16 four-o z.,
2 ~-in. d iameter p lastic balls. bridg e-head, 17and 18 Tosee how these pieces w i/{ look in
your home, see page 228 A.
Oak with slate bed . Sh ipping we ight 300 Ibs. triang le, c halk. This 36-in . glass billiard lamp lets _you d isp lay
6 E 26466N ... Was S899 .99; Now 5699 .99 6 E 25742C-Shpg . wt. 10 Ibs ... Set $59,99 17 (and p lay) your fine pool table in Its best light.
Panels of be veled neutr al champ agne-colored
Oak with Slatron ! bed. S hipping we ight 205 lbs .
6 E 26457 N ... Was $699 .99; Now $499 ,99 II Our better accessory set inclu des two 2·pc.
57-in. cues, sixteen 6-oz., 2*·in. diamet er
Belgian ph enolic ba lls, bridgestick, p lastic triang le,
glue-chip glass set in leaded brass frame give this
contemporary light the glow of yesterday's fixture.

5 Holiday 4-ft. rebound pool table has an oak-color

vinyl-c lad particle boa rd frame . Slatran ! particle
board bed with nylon bed cloth . High imp act plastic
9-0011 rac k and 6 pieces of ch alk.
6 E 25829-Shpg . wt. 13 Ibs ... Se t 599 .99
3-light brass -plated bar, c anopy and chain included.
Uses 5-in. clear bulbs. (not inclu ded). up to 1DOw.
Measures 361<201<14 inc hes high.
bumper posts. Partly assembled. 34x491<31 in. high .
Acce ssor ies not included. 1 2 Our best accessory set includes four 2-pc .,
57-in . cues , sixteen s-ce., 2*-in. d iam. Belg ian
6 E 25n2C-Shpg. wt. 50 Ibs ... 5299 .99
6 E 25056 N- Shpg . wt. 88 lbs ... $169,99 phenolic balls with molded-in stripes and numbers.
8-cue wall rack , bridge stick , plastic triangle, table
8 This billiard ball wa ll clock features a ricn oak
1 frame, battery-operated mov ement with
6 Cambridg e p oker ta ble has a large 52-in.
diameter vinyl-c overed playing surface with
set- in drink inserts. Folding legs, apron, dr ink
brush , Kelly peas and bottle, 6 pes . chalk, rule
book , crush ed velvet ta ble cov er.
g enuine No. 1 to No. 12 billia rd balls mounted on
the cork face . Operates on one "C" battery (not
inc luded . Order on p. 271 of The Wish Book for
holders, trim and und erstructure are all solid ; 6 E 25748C-Shpg. wt. 18 100 ... Set $179 .99 Children ). Measures 141<3x1 4 in. high .
hardwood. Table is 521<29 in. high . Was $249.99 in Set of 16 balls, as de scribed abo ve. 6 E 2Sn1-Shpg . wt. 8 Ibs ... $79 .99
our 1987 Annual Genera l Cata log , p . 1495. 6 E 25812-Wt. 6 es.1002 ... Set $69 .99 Wood pool cue wa if rack (not shown) holds 6 cu es.

13 15
6 E 2653 4N- Shpg . wt. 54 Ibs .t ... Now 5199.99 6 E 25755-Shpg . wt. Sibs. 2 02 ... $19 .99
thru Poo l cu es with scratCh-res istant.

7 This 52-in. d iameter solid oak poker tab le w ith

fil<ed legs is ready to be the center of atlention
and family fun in you r home . Tab le is hand finished
polyeste r fmish on handle. Ramm
wood shafts (el<cept 15).
"Short y" t-oe. cue is 40 in. long .
19 Heavy-gauge Vinyl co ver. for tab les up to 8 ft.
6 E 25658-S hpg. wt. 1 lb. 8 02 ... $11 .99
in 5 steps-just like fine furniture . The padded card
surface is covered in textured Naug ahyd e ! vinyf,
1 3 two-oece.
E6 25584C-Shpg . wt. 11 02 ... 55,99
57-in. long cue stick.
Crushed velvet fring ed table co ver , sho wn in (12),
fits tab les up to 8 ft.
beverage holders are oak, lined with Naugahyde t
14 6 25583C-Wt. 1 4 $16.99
E lb. 0 2 . . ,
6 E 25638- Wt. 3 Ibs . 14 02 ... $29.99
vinyl coasters. Non-fo lding legs , cross bas e and
apron are solid oak . Table is 29 in. high . Was
5399 .99 in J987 Annual Genera l Catalog, p. 1495. 1 5 mapie
Two-piece , 57-in. cue has handsome
shaft and wrapped vinylleathe r-Iool< handle.
20 Replac ement bed clo th of 101?-0z. wool and
nylon b lend covers up to 44x88..m ch playmg
area and cushions.
6 E 26531 N-Shpg . wt . 74 Ibs ... Now $299.99 6 E 2558 1C-Shpg . 1 lb. 8 02 .. . $29 .99
wt. 6 E 257S6-Wt . 3 Ibs. 6 02 ... $49.99

8 Coordinating solid oak cha irs fold for storage

convenience. Sold in set of 2.
6 E 26536N- Shpg . wt. 28 lbs .t ... Set $119 ,99 16 Our good s-m-t set of two 48-in. cues, 10
four-oz. 2 1,-4-in. d iam . plas tiC bumper po ol balls
Rep lacement cloth pf 16 oz. woo f (not sho wn ). Gfue
and grout included.
6 E 25757-Shpg. wt. Sibs. 1 02 . . . $79 .99
and two pieces of cha lk.
Dining top converts a poker tab le ~ a regu lar 19-oz. Simon is cloth repa ir kit (not sho wn) features
9 table gwing you 2 tab les m one ! Yl-mch
thick surface is imitation leather-grained plastic
6 E 25407C-Shpg . wt. 8 Ibs ... $29.99
Our better 3·in-1 accessory set (not shown) inc ludes
tourname nt-quality cloth ; it's the fInest cloth our lab
has ever tested! This 70% woo l. 30 % nylon cloth
laminated to fiberboard. 52 inc hes in diameter and two z-oe. 57-in. cues, ten e-oz., 2 y.,.-in. d iam . has a special weave for long- lasting play. Kit
Belgian phenolic bumper pool ba lls, 1DO poker inc ludes 52 sq . ft. (991<77 in.) of J9-o z. cloth, spray
fits (6 and 7) abo ve.
chips , a de ck of ca rds and two pieces of c halk. cement, qrocn, shims and instruc tions.
6 E 26537N - Shpg . wt. 42 lbs .t ... $59 .99
· Warranrea b y Seers; wrrte for free copy . s ee p . 263A. 6 E 26408C-Snpg . wt. 8 lbs ... $49.99 6 E 25759-Wl. 6Ibs ... Kit S1 89.99 231A
-see " N" suffix note, p. 2153A.
The Arcade
Choose your favorite,
test your sk ill
for fun and games
Ia Fastpacedexcl temen taspucks " fly" across
fayer of air. e-n. tab le has a white plastIC
high -pres sure lamina ted particle board top for
fast. responsive p lay. Cabinet and pedestal-
type legs are con s truc ted of woodgralned vinyl-
lamina ted partICleboard, Individual leg levelers
for adjustable stabili ty. High-impact
po lystyrene top rails. PlaYing surface is 67x33
m; overa fl meas urements are 72x38x30 in .
high . Partly assembled Incl. 4 pucks and 2
6E25081 N-Shpg wt. 148lbs . .. $229.99

2and 3 Big fun In sma ll spaces . . . you 'll

want to take you r mini pool table
everywhere! The pla y IS as challenging as on
an y full·sized table. Meas ure 2Ox36xB in. high
Includes t wo 36- in. wooden cues. ball s.
t"angle, brush and cue chalk. Mesh pockets
Partly assembled.

2 This table has B woodgrained finish wi th

wooden legs , Real felt surface over
cushioned rails g ives balls true ro/I and great
actIOn. 1lot· lIl. molded plas tIC balls
6 E 25074-ShPQ. wt . 19100.. . .$79.99

3 This table has solid plywood ba se covered

with nyhxl cloth, provides true ball roll.
Side ralls and 6--In. screw-on legs made of
hardwood, finished With protectIVe Jacquer.
Solid me tal hardware , goId-eolor f"nged
pockets and carved apron make this table as
a ttrac tive as It is fun. Set incl. 1 Jot·ln . Belg ian
Air HockeyN game phenolic balls
6 E 250nL-Shpg . wt. 24 100 .. .$99.99

$229 99 4 Entertaining possibilitl6s are endless With

thiS combination blackJBCk tab le and bar.
Padded bar rail and hickory-grained vinyf
laminate over particleboard finish. Reversible
top has B 3-e%r felt black~ck layout on one
sl(1eand lamina ted bum and mar-resis tant dar k
brown melamine ba r top on the other.
Blackjack layou t is dyed all the way thru cloth
for long life . Incl. 2 bwfl-In Slot'age Shelves.
Ca rds not incl. 64Wx29Dx39f-I inches , Parity
6 E 26478N-Shpg wl . 160 Ibs.. ,$499.99

5 Table soccer table provides hours of

eXCiting fun. Features solid s tee l rods and
large easy-t~flP handles which enable
players to perform hard, acc ura te shots
PlastlC -lamma ted plywood ca binet, Playmg
field comers and side-strIpS are mi tered flush
with playing fl6ld for added s trength and to
allow nea r·perfect bank shots. Bre ak ·res lst ant
player fig ures and SCOl"lng unit. Solid 3 ~ -in
square legs . 29x55x35 in. hJgh. Part ly
assem bled
6 E 25088N-Shpg. wt. 178 lbs . . . $499 .99

6 The Eagleby America n Shuffleboard is sure

to be a hit with i ts hea( p lay . Table
has hard maple top WIth high ly -pol ished mirror
Items finish for super smooth actlOfl. Detachable
(4 thru 6 ) pedestal-type tapered wooden legs wi th
levellers. Overa/( size is 9 ff .x23 in.x 3' m. high
Incl 2 heavy duty p las tIC scorers, 8 hard
chromepla ted steel playing wetghts,
powdered wax, Magic Glaze and instructions
Table Partly assembled: only legs need to be
SOCCftt' attached.
6 E 25085N-Shpg , wI. 140 lbs ... $499 .99

Avenger table
has USTTA "
¥.-inch part icle
Serve up year 'round fun
board top and
folds to a 9OC>
position for
solo play
W $80 whenyou buyeither table
IIor11inset combinations

Eas v-o pe n table wit h
UST TA· app ro ved V.·inch
part icle bo a rd t op


Escort table with 'h·inch ® Aluminum top ... the

panicle board top most weather-resi stant

$8999 without
tab le we' ....e offered

Iand 2 Maile game point on ooe of these qua fJ ty

tables . Both fold Into p lay -back POS lt lOf! or fold
com p le tely for storage. Frame and legS are hea vy-duty
3 Set include s 4 mo lded Dynacore· styrene paddles
With smooth rubber faces and sponge.rubber
backing . ComPOSitIOn gnps. 6 ba lls (3 white , 3 ye tlow),
6 The perfect table for moooe-outaooe use! Alummum
top features non-gfare green surface . Aluminum
tnm around edges help S prevent edge damage.
s teel 2·in , casters for easy portability. Partly 72-in. slip-over net with steel posts. rules Weighs 4{}% less than regular tab les. Au tomatic folding
assembled. Warran ted •• 6 E 26161-Shpg. wt. 3 lbs . 2 oz .. . Set alone $29 .99 mechanism; open both halves or open only one half for
Set when you also buy any tab le (4 thru 6) . . $24.99 warm-up or soja p lay Heavy-duty ne t and net posts

I Table top has 1%·m. steel apron wtncn provides (incl.) sta y In place when table is folded, Hea vy-du ty

4and 5
superior warp reststerce. Vmyl edge on all 4 sides ova l tubular steel chassis is pro tec ted by corrosion-
Cradle-deSign teams tables have tubular
helps prevent c lothing snags Hea vy-d uty steel trame : resistant pa int; welded at key s tress points for added
steel frames zmc·plated for rust resist ance
t -m. oem. legs When folded in to 90" p layba ck support. Four SJ+-m. cas ters ; 210cking brakes Folds to
2-in. dlam. casters on legs for portability Both fold mto
POSitIOn there 1$ virt ually no gap between halves . and 22J(60x69 in. Unassembl ed. Warranted '"
p layba ck posit ion. Warp res istance Is provided by 2
net rema ins in place. 22x64x69 in . high folded Table 6 E 26191N-Shpg wt . 112 Ibs ... $399.99
stee l nbs underneath. 22x60J(73 m, "/lgh folded Partly
with set (3) . . separa te priCe s tota l $229 98 m our
assembled Warranted "
1987 Annual Gene rat Ca talog . o . 1497.
6 E 26185N-Shpg . wt . 200 lb s . . Set $149.98

This tab le requires Y.t less effor t to ope n or ccse

4 This tennis table has a 3i-inch thick top
6 E 25909N-Shpg. wI. 136 Ibs .. $89.99
7 Test your sk lllw/ttl the hand-held table tenniS
game. See ho w many times you can bounce the
ba ll back and forth from one slCJe to the other
2 than con vent ional tables Baked-on enamel finish
protects frame . 4 cos ts of oemt (t wICe as many as our 5 This table nss a ~-mch thick top
6 E 25907N-Shpg wt. 183 Ibs .. $99 .99
Deve lops hand-eye coordma tlOn.
6 E 2flJ77-Shpg , wt. tlb ... $6 .99
other tabtes ) provide a deep. durable fini sh to the top °Uroled St~les T~ re m !s ASSOCl4tt,oon
The H"·in. stee l ap ron on aU 8 Sides offers supenor o' Warranttld by SUrs, write for frft! co,::ly. StIlt p . 263A
warp resistance Protective viny l edging 27x60x60 In.
high folded. Table with set (3) .. . separate oocee tota l
$269 .98 in our 1987 Annual General Cata log , p . 1497.
6 E 26181N-Shpg , wt. 214 lbs ... Set $189 .98 233A
Aim for Soft- point dart s
fun with

New at Sears!
Eng li sh
Mark Dart s ·'
electronic dart
board has the
same des ign
as the arcade
gam e. plus
keeps sco re
auto ma tically

Off icial size
l8-inch board

§$4 Family game cente r

w ith 18·in . board.
58 99 chess, checke rs,

I Choose one of 4 games-30t ,

Double·m·Doub1e·Our. Count UP and 501 . Aim
one of the 6 plastIC-ripped d arts . throw and the
3 15x~n. mold ed safery aentxera has
fTl9h-denSity partICle board cabinet with
lammated wOOd-gramed tmnn . AntlQued-eopper
5 A game tor everyone ' That's wh at you'" hav e
whe n you o wn this run center. Darts . ch ess.
ch eck ers . c ard s. baCkga m mon or b aseball . . . the
bOard Wilt flash your score. Lers you know which finish ha rdware ./) brass-barreled d arts have g am es are sto re d insid e the doors o f the hardwood
play er IS up . Win me game and hear a victory song removable soft nylon tIpS. polycarbonate sh afts cabinet. Set If"ICludes 'Bxl-m. mold ed safety
In elec trof1lC tones! Durable plastIC front pa net Incl . and res ealable soft, polyester flights (3 Union Jack. dartboa rc1; 6 br ass -ba rre led d arts with fleXib le nytm
S d arts . 27:.:2Jx1' : m. Warranted " , 3 Ame rICan flag destgn). 12 extra cos.2 chalks. tips : Cha lk; eras er; Chess. cheCkttr and
6 E 12298l-$hpg , wt . 15 IbS ... $299.99 era se r 1f'IC1. 23x 17x3 m. C&ep. baCkg ammon oeces: 2 baCkgammon cups w tt/7
6 E 12321-Shpg . wt. 131bS. 8 Ol •. . $29.99 dOulJler a nd dlCtt: 2 dec kS of pIa'{IfJg cards; poker
2 MOlded 18-m. dartOOard with 6 soft (JOint
brass-barreled dans; durable ny lOn shafts.
6 extra det achable nylOn uos . Polyester fI'9hrs are 4 Ser of 3 soh point darts »an removable , flex ibl e
nylon tos . PreclSIOfl machmed brass barrels;
chips: c hess cheCker backgammon board .
2Or25x3 » in. d eep . Was 559.99 In our 1986
removable . Board IS numbered for 2O-Pl. game. black polyester soeed shafts; removable , res ealable Christmas Book, p. 589
Was $72.GG In our 7986 Chnstmas BOOk. p . 589. polyester flig hts . 6 E 12294L-Shpg . wt. 20 Ibs ... Now $49.99
6 E 12266-ShP9. 'Nt. 2 Ibs. 13 oz . . Now $8.99 6 E 12276-Wt. set 2 Ol •. . Set $2.99 " Watl'llmec by mfr.:"...,..,. 1fx " " COCY, SH D. 263A

18-in . paeerwc uoo

bo ard

18-in .
17-in . paperwound br ist le
board board

'6 ti aliD
J4x f~n.
6 Vinyl-covered pa rtICle bOard cabinet wtff'l d artbQarc1.
OffICia l-size targ et areas tor 20·1'1. g ame . Inc lud es 3 darts .
2Ox76x2 ' ,-In. cabinet. BudweIser ' . bOarc1 was 529.99 In our J987~
9 OffICIal sIZe bnstltt bOarc1 has co mp ressed Sisal bnstle hoers
that return to ortgmal t>OSlfJon when d art is remov ed . 18x 1» in .
aeeo. Mounting braCket includ ed . Darts sOld separately be low.
Annua l Gene ral Catalog . p. J497. ShPQ_ W1. 9 Ibs . 6 oz. Was 539 .99 In our 1986 Chnstmas Book, p. 589
6 E 12319- Budw&lser' deSign ... Now $24.99 6 E 12288-Shpg. WI. l 1 lbs. 4 oz . . Now $29 .99
6 E 123 17-KnlQht-of -Arms design ... 529 .99

I0and II
. Anhe use r· Bu$C1'l /ric

7 8
Se t of 3 da rts with c ase . Reduce d from OI.Jr 1986
and Paperwound bOards with zo -«. g ame with me tal Chns tmas Boo k. p . 589.
dMders on one Side. oas eba ll ga m e on the oth er.
Durable meta l nm . I012283-Shpg
CLtt.S2. Bra ss -ba rrtt! darts have stee l tips , pop-olf pofyestttf
~ du rabl e poIycarbonate shaft s.

7 17x' z-inc h thic k oasra and 6 brass darts .

6 E 12254- Shpg . WI . 3 ies. 7 oz ... $6.99

II ~
. wt . 3 oz ... Was $6 .99: Now set $4.99
Pre mium darts have nic kel-silver allo y barrels, st tte!

8 18x1-lnc h thiCk bOarc1 and 12 brass d arts .

6 E 12262-Shpg. WI . 7 Ibs ... $11.99
234A rips . alummu m shafts; resea lab le pop~1f polyester flightS .
6 E 12284-Shpg . 'HI. 30z ... Was $14 .99; Now set $9.99
Our c west priced unit will rea lly get. you going . Tre asu re
lPowerfu l transmitter receiver type Circuitry
detects all metals . with exclusive ground cancel
contra/. Very low frequency to, maximum
Tra cker Tune in to treasure . . .
oenersron. " AJJto--Tune" system with sensitMty m etal detectors boost
control makes It extremely .easy tor anyone to use.
2 17x2·m . m eter. ASS plastIC housmg. Anodized
aluminum stem with 8-m. search loop. Uses tw o s-v. 559 99 luck with technol ogy
batterieS (sOld below). Warranted .·
6 E 59773C-Shpg. wt. 5 100 ... 559.99
goy. alka line battery to, detector ( 7) aoove.
9 E 3094- Sh pg. wt. 2 oz ... $2.39 White's 2900 0
2 The 2900 0 Series 3 is a great metal detector for
the begmner. The TR DISC mod e /s able to tell
the difference bet ween "nne : and junk and is
discriminato r
espe Cially effectrve when searchi ng Uniform .
non·mlneral/zed terram, Has convement push-button
retuning and low bat tery alert (battenes mel.).
Headphone j ack. Wa"anted. ~ Was $ 179 .99 in our
Annua l Genera l Catalog , p. 1498.
6 E S9806C-Wt. S ibs. 1 02 .. . Now 5119.99
~ on items (2), (7) and (9 ). Was $209 .97 in
our 1987 Annua l General Cata log . p . 1498 .
6 E 59886C-Wt. 16 lbs ... Now $149.97

3 6 thru These units featur e a discriminator to fitter

out false alerts of ''iunk'' like foil and pu ll
tabs . GEB (ground exclusion ba lance ) c anc els out
the effects of mine rals in the ground: Trigger Switc h
activates , changes and retun es settings
automatica lly. Built-in "preset"' makes sur e detector
is ready to g o. und er mos t con ditions . Easy·tcr read.
handle-mounted me ter. Detac hab le aluminum shaft
adjusts from 23 to 30 in. and has an 8-in. wat erproof
coli. Aluminum hOUSing (e.xc ept 6). HeadphOn e
j ac ks. Four "C" batteries mel. with (3).
ReChargeable batteries and rech arger incl. with (4j,
(5) and (6). Warranted.· Items (3) thru (5) reduced
from Annual Genera l Catalog . p . 1498.

3 Get fight to the hean of the matter with this

3900 D mode l. Has SAT (self-adjusting
threshOld). Was $299.99.
Wh ite 's
3900 D
6 E 5981SC-Wt. 6 lbs. 1202 ... Now $199.99
w ith
Save 5 100 on items (3). (7) and (9). Was 5329.9 7 in
our 1987 Annual Gene ral Catalog , p . 1498. bu ilt- in
6 E 59895C-Shpg. wt . 18 Ibs •.. Now 5229.97 meter
4 Four modes on White 's 5500 D unit help you to
find your treasure . GEB NORM , GEB DISC ,
GEB MAX and TR DISC. SAT (self-adjusting
threshold) maintains stability over varied ground
c ond itons giving a cons istent reading . Was 5399.99 .
6 E 59813C-W1. 6 Ibs. 12 02 ... Now 5299.99
Save S1QQ on Items (4), (7) and (9). Was $429.9 7 in
our 1987 Annua l General Catalog , o. 1498.
6 E 59893C- Wt. 18 Ibs ... Now $329.97

5 The 6000 DI Pro has all the great features of (4)

above and more ,' An automatic g round ba lance
funct ion w ith '"Autorrac k'" monitors and adjusts to
Whi te's Model 6000 Di Pro
c hanges in ground minera lization for the max imum
usable depth possib le. It also has a special wi th target
sens itivity c ontro l that gives it the greatest identificat ion
depth·reading ability of any detector we sell . . . up
to 11 inc hes deep. Was 5649 .99. OU R
6 E 59811C-WI. 8 Ibs. 8 oz ... Now $499.99
Save 5 159 on items (5). (7) and (10). Was $689 .97
In our 1987 Annual General Catalog. p. 1498 .
6 E 59891C- Wl. 21 lbs . .. Now ~39 .97 EVER
6 Lib erty Di unit has same gre at features as (5)
stove. but with Its molded p lastIC hous ing it"s
15'10 lighter In we ight . Meter bu ilt Into hous ing .
6 E 59824C-Shpg . wt . 7 lbs . 4 OZ . . 5549.99
~ on items (6) . (7), and (10). Separate
pri c es total $6 14.97.
6 E 59864C-Shpg . wt . 19 tbs ... $589.97

7 Mold ed po lyethylene c ase has ureth ane foam

liner. carrying hand le and shou lder strap. Fits all
White 's models. 75x36x7 in. high .
6 E 59707C-Shpg. wt . 11 lbs ... $39.99

8 Rugged Cordura ' nylon cas e for Whlte 's

detectors . Urethane foam liner, c arrymg handle
and shou ld er strap . Shpg. wt . 3 lbs . 4 OZ.
6 E 59655- For liberty models ... 549.99
6 E 59666- For non-Liberty models ... $49.99

9 Monaura ! headphOnes have plastiC speaker

cups. Fits wrth ~. -in. headphon e jack. Imp orted .
6 E 59626-Wt. 14 OZ ... 514.99

I0 Stereo headphones have volume control for

each plastic sp eake r cup. For use with stereo
players wrth f . ·lnc h headphone jac k. Imported.
6 E 5962B- Shpg . wt . 1 lb. 8 02 . : . 524.99
• WamJnled by manufac turer; write lor free co py . see p , 263A

~atr.:;,C~h, Play golf sets
I Spak1l~ Match Play clubs for men and women
Lamlflilted hard wood woods a rB treated 10 seal out
W ith welfJhted heel
fT'/OIstvre. Irons are deeply scored
and sae Chrome-pla teet steel s tep do wn sha fts ,
regular length: rubber grips Gnp shown IS for both 7
and 11-club sets
7-c1ub starter set It'W:h.JcMs 1and 3 woods . 3. S. land 9
1T0000plusputter Reduced ttsu 12/15;87 tromour 1986
Chnstmas 8001<. p 576 Shpg wt. 9 Ibs
6 E B2711C-Men "s rlght ·hand set
6 E 82712C-Men 's left -hand set
6 E 82713C-Wornen 's flghl -hand set
Thru 12/15/87 Set $89.99 Afler 12/15187 Set $99 .99
, ' -dub se t InCludes 7, 3 and 5 woods: 3 thnJ 9 IfOflS
puNer, Was $ 759 99 in our 1986 "sP" Spong Sale
CataloQ. page 2CXJ Shpg wi . 12 tbs
6 E 82118C-Men's tight-hand se t
6 E 82722C-Merfs left-hand set
6 E 82719C-Women 's nght-hand set
7-c lub set Thru 12/ 15/87 Set $109 .99 .. After 12/15187Set $119 99

58999 2 PwFllte set flas ", ves tment cast IrOnS with
stainless s teel C8Vfty back and perimeter weighting
for an e~panded sweet spot Inc/ J.3. 5 woods.' 3 ttvu
9 lfonS , pttchlng wedge, Rut:JbfN Spalding - pro-style
II-cl ub set gflPS Regular /engtrl Shaft . nght hand only
6 E 81186C-Shoo wt 12 ee

S10999 Thru 12/ 15/87 _ After 12;15/87 _

3 Jac* Ndfaus GokJen Bear set With MacGregor4'

Vfnyl golf bag Woods ha ve cross gram IamlfJ8ted
wood heads W l trI orass flnng ptn . Irons have round
soes WIth heel and toe wtug fltl ng 1. 3 and 5 woods. 3
ttJru 91fOf1s. Pltetllng wedge: atl WIth compositIOn
rubtJef g"l>5 and hghtwetgflt steel shafts. Golf bag has
ttvee Zippered f30C*ets pacJded ShOulder sltng 8-m
dIameter top .
6 E 81192C-Shpg wt. 22 Jbs .. $249.99
E~ecutlVe· se t mcludes t. 3 and 5
4 woods. 3 thru 9
/fons and pitching wedge, all WIth comPOSltlOfl
rubber gflPS Regular leng th, (tglft hand only. E~ treme
toe/sole weighting and S weep-SoJe- deSign .
Inves tment cas t vons . Clu b s ha ve True·Tempe~
shafts Set Includes a coupon from Spa lding. fOf a
Spaldmg E~ecutlve&tJUtle r.
6 E 81187C-Shpg w1.18 Ibs . . .Se I $299.99

5 Youth golf set WIth bag tor the up and coming g olf
star. Includes 1and 3 WOOds: 3. 5. 7, 9 voos and
pu tter. Die-cast IronS and lamina ted woods.
Recommended fOfJumors ages '0 to 14 Rtgflt hand
only. Bag of vinyl cons tructiotl WIth shoulder s trap .
6 E 81109C-Shpg. wt. 8Ibs .. .Set $79 .99

6 If a t f,rst you don't succeed . . . automatIC golf baJl

retum Jets you try again. Polyureth ane foam ma t IS
9 ft long 12In wide
6 E82944-Shpg wt. 31bs 8 0z ... $14.99

Youth golf set Automatic golf ball
7 Spalding - PowerFllte - golf balls have shallow
dImples for htt. long ca rry and maximum
dIstance. Tough Surlyn- pla stIC cover With the
COlOr blended rJght m l Box of 12.
with bag return Shlpptng welght bo ... 1 lb. 11 oz
6 E 82154-Whlle 6 E 82155-Orange
Pnce per boll: $12.99 ,Any 2 Of more boxes . ea . $10 .99

8 Contlf'JUe yOUr game long a fter dusk With thiS

reguiatlOfJ Size and wetgnt golf ball. lIIum lfl8ted by
a Cyalume - chermCallJghts tte*. made of polyethy lene
WIth non-tOXIC reactive ~s 1I1S1de: JUSt IwJSt the
stICk and If'lsert It mto the soIKJ core ba ll to 111I.JmInate
the ba ll h:x up to el(Jht hOurS VISib le /rom up to tOO
yards IfJ the dark Set of 3 ba lls and 6 hghlS trc*s
6E82157-Shpg wt.4oz . .SeI $ 11.99

9and10 ."'1a wk golf bags have 8."." dJam. constr. of

sturcty vrnyl WIth orass-p/ated hardware

9 3-pocI<et bag has towel "ng and umbrella holder.

6 E 82256C-Black
Shipping wetghl 5 lbs
6 E 82257C-Burgundy
10 6 E822SBC-Sh<>o
Stream/me destgrJ oar; f'las two ZIppered pocJ<ets

wt Sibs .. . $29 .99

Golf cart
II Convenient /tghtwetght bag constructed of 2fX)-
derll6fny/Otl. Blio-m. (j liJfne ter With a 6-way padded

...B510 d ivider top Apparel poclcet, umbrella holder and

comfortable shoulaer sl"Y Shpg , wt. 6 lbs
6 E82244C·Thru12/15/87S39.99; AMer 12/15/87 $49,99
golf ba g of expanded Vln¥' With full length
12 polyethylene tube conS tructlOfl 8 lio·m, di ame ter
top . Roomy cJottung poc/<et, t"pJe en try ba fl poclcet
13 Comfortable shoulder slmg Reduced from bag alone
once m our '986 "S P·· Sprmg Sale Ca ralog, p . 200.
Shpg wt 131bs
6 E82247C·Thru 12115/87 $69 .99. After 12/15/8 7 $7999

13 Brownmg tubular steel golf carr takes the load off

your ba ck . Wide stance stability and q UICk
rele ase bag ret entlOf'l system . Aluminum whee ls. Partly
assem bled ReducecJ from our ' 986 Chfls tmas E3ook,
page 576 Shpg wt. 13 Ibs
6 E82337C·Thru 12115187 $59 .99: Alter 12/15/87 S69 99
Winning Ways warm-ups
packed with style and 1/2 PRICE
comfort features . . .
perfect for the holidays

Great for fe l8King or playmg. these ws rm-ups feature a

Jacke t WIth Zip front and pants wi th covered elasticized Winn ing Ways warm -up SUits
waistband Men 's pants have 2 room y side poci<ets , Colors I MEN'S REGULAR I MEPfS TAU.
bac i< patch pocket and drawstrmg, Women 's top has Gray. reo, ..... tate
NavY. wl'Ille , royal
I T 6 E 97502F
T 6 E 97504F
T 6 E 97503F
two side pockets , Soft . tCX1'6 acrylIC. Mach ine
washable. Imported Reduced from our 1987 Fall
General Catalog. o . S63 Slate letter Size only I MISSES'
Ott wn,le, rose T 6 E 97505f T 6 E 975Q6f
MEN'S REGULAR (5'7 - to 5'11·): ch est sizes : $(34 -36),
M(38--40).l.(42-44). Xl.(46-4B)
Gra and lWln ld e . . I T 6 E 975C)7F
S, ." lIb 140z zes.z ee
MEN'S TAl l (5'11 'iii" to 6'3 " ): chest sizes M(38-40), Pnce was . S59 99 $6499
l.(42-44j . XL(46-4Bj I $2999
MISSES' REGULAR (5' 10 5'6'12· ): 5(8-10). M(12-1 4).
l.(16-1B). Xl.(20 j Items WIth. "t" p'ef/1t (slJCh. s T 6 E 97502F)
ccoa take ext r. l~ for deil~
MISSES' TALL15' 7- to 5'11 . ): M(12-14), L(16-1B), Xl(20).
16 Here '5 an aff0rd8b1e W6if)ht/lftlf'lg set lor young
begmners The 400-lb capacJty (user t>/us
weIghtS) benCh has a 2,posltlOl'l Incline back. so you
can aoe V8f1ety of eJl6fClses Bench seat and back 8re
VtfIyI covered and have poIyrxeth8ne foam paddtng, t ,
m. tubular steel Irsme has » tn. hlghsupponarms, fj().
lb . barlJell set has a 48-", lOng tubular steel bar With
reVOlvtng sleeve to help protect hands Tlo¥O 2 ·kg ., two
4.Jcg and two 6 $ /(g poIyttthyJene encas«1 plates. 2
cas t IfOf'I collars and wrench. JncI Ins tr. Bench IS
44IC 10Jib 16 In. htg/'l. Unas sembled See eJlerose no te
p .24IJA
6 E 15235N-Shpg. wt. 132 lbs .. . Set $49 .99
OurJUl'lIOr barbell sel (no t S!lOwn ) has a 34-m , lOng
s teel bar, four 4 4.Jb (J. kg) ~StlC covered discs and
plaStIC collars WIth SCt'eWS and wrench. See eIC6fClse
no te on o. 24QA
6 E 15113C- Shpg W11 81bs Se t $14.99

17 This 5IXJ.Ib cspsoty. benCh I&ltlles a5posltlOl'l

If'IClme bac* and an rnst l tullOflill -type double leg
h it. The bench IS polyurethane /oam .padOed lind IS
vinyl COVf!red t " ..." tublJlar s teel frame has 3fHn . high
support arms 3Sx5&42 "., high Unassembled See
eJler(:lse no'e. p 24IJA
6E 15369C-Shpg W1 351bs . $89 .99

8 ' 2(}lb . bBrbell/dumbbell wtJIgIIl set JnCJOOes four

1 2.Jcg ,. four 4.k9 and Iocx 6 J+·ltg plates See
eJlefCl5e no re on page 24QA
6 E 15317N-Shpg W1 123 Ibs Se t $49.99
Wetght benCh ( Tl) and INf!Ighl se t (18) together.
Sepa!ate pnces to tal $ 13998
6 E 15233N-$hpg wt . 158 Ibs $99 .98

9 If you 're senous abOut reaching your lift ing goals.

1 thIS IS the bench for you The 4-pos itlOfJ incline
bench and double leg 11ft are built tor heavy use
Padded bench has Vlnyf cover, leg 11ft has padded
cush JOf1s. Barbell support arms have 4 POS/lJons from
35ijo to 43~ tn . hl(Jh. Partly assemble<:f, 281'Jl69 ~x20
m hig h o verall See exercise no te on p . 240A and "N "
sutto: note on p . 263A
6 E 15332N-Shpg wt. 55 lbs . $99 .99

20 308·lb . ( l 40-kg ) International ·style weIght se t.

86 ~ -tn. long solieJsteel barbell bar wetghs 45lbs
(2O,4-k9 ')' Knurled 9"ppmg surface A lloy steel tor
" (leJl" rebound. '8 cast "on plates maChIned to clo se
wt . to/erances Ribbed rem lorc ement on large t>/ates
Set Incl. two 44-lb . (2(}kg.) plstes. 4 ea of 22-lb , ( 1G-
kg .). t t -to ($ /(g .), 5$ lb . (2Y.t·kg) and2. 7$/b. (1 ~ ·kg.).
Two 44·lb (2· kg) hub co/lars See eICIJ(Clse note on
page 240A Reduced !rom our '987 Annual General
Cata log . p . 1490.
6E 15526N-Shpg wt. 313 1bs

Set was 129999, . Now se t $249 .99
I Hea vy bags have" durable t s-os . per sa yd Vlr/yI-
coarea nylon cover Wltf! double-stitched seams
Welded steel [).rmgs are doubIe-stltChed on remforced
PoIyemylene en<:iJSIJd dumbbell se ts haW!
I-pIeCe constf1JCtlOl'l 2 extra 44·lb caSt'lf on t>/ates lor (2O)
6 E 1S335N-$hpg. wi. 89lbs . . Set 589.99
areas lJ.m. dl<imeter. Hardware InCluded.
6 E 141S1C-4Q-lb bag 34 Il"I long 'Nt 42 1bs $59 .99
6E 14182N-7().lb bag " In long WI 72t bs $7 9.99
8 3-kg set InCI two 1$lo:g dumbbells
6 E 15103-Shpg wt . 7 100 30z Set $8.99 2 The Welder l TV Wf!i9h t set IS unique
1 because each wetgflt pla te IS covered WIth s trong.
teSJHenI vulca nized fIJbt:Jer lor exoeptK)f1lJ1dutal:Jfll ty
6E 1418,JN- 10}Ib bag 47 ., long Wt. l04 lbs $99 .99
9 6-kg set If)C/ t wo J. kg dumbbells
6 E 15111-Shpg wt. 13 1bs . Set $10 .99
and protectlOl'l from !loot a.Jmage, Inci .9 6f).m , long
/(nurled s teel barbell. two '4..,
long dumbbell bars.
2 BoX ing glOveS have face-up vmyl covers With
doubJe-refflf~ thcJrnb seams Curved thumb
and knob add protectlOfl. whi te t¥ge r area HIgh-
'(). kg set (no t S/JOwn) If)C/ two 5-I<g dumbb ells
6E 15112C-Shpg wt 22100 Se t$12.99
tour collars and 110 Ibs of weight. four ' ().Ib., SIX $ Ib.
and four 3-Ib pla tes (eJltr. INtfHghts sold below). See
exer Cise note. page 24/JA
density rubber paOcJlng . cotton lining 6E155J4N-Shpg .wi 112 100 Set $79.99
A ttach thi s Sit-up bar vndef most doors for a
6 E 14 195-Boys glove s WI 1 Ib 20z Pr $8 .99
6E 14196-YouthglOves Wt lib 601 . . PT $10 .99
6 E 14 197-Adult glove s WI lib 14 0z Pr. $14 .99
10 secure pJacs to tuclf, your feet during SIt-ups
CJvome.pJared st eer. Stores easily . Imported
Extra Vutean rv W6lQhts (no t shown), Two 2$Jb pJares
6E 15535C-Shpg W1 , 51 1bs.SeI $39 .99
6 E 15247-Shpg W1. 1 Ib 10 0z 59 .99
198-1b ~g } cast--lrOfJ plate set With t»",. long
3 Srr/Jung ba g mi tts ~ made of Ieather-gram8d
Vinyl. padded for pro tectlOft DoutJIe.seamed
thumb PtUI OJe. ~n-m palm bar One SIze fits all.
6E 14171-Shpg wl 9 0l . , Pal' $6.99
II EJlefCI5e mat 01 lIlffykovered poIyurettw'le foam
24xl2x 1 Iff tfld Imported
6 E 15465-Shpg WI. 2 Ibs 13 oz ... $9 .99
t -oe. solid steel bart.Jell bar. two 18..." dumbbelf
bars. Ro tating steel slee ve 4 dumbbell collars. wrench.
16 plates. lour '.Jcg , tour 2 ·/l.g , four 4.Jcg. two 6-k g_.
two 2f).I(g See exero~ note. page 24/JA

4 Save S4 , pair each oIlJdu1t and boy 's g loves (2),

above $et:>arate pn(;e$ tot,,1 S2398
6 E 14199C-Shpg wt J ibs 10z OutfIt $19 .98
12 CJvome.pJated s reel dumbbells WIth t-oe.
conStructIOn, '()./b se t mcludes two $/b.
dumbbells Imported
6 E 1551&.l-Shpg . wt 200 100 , .. Se t $119 .99
2 eICtra 44 ·lb (2f).I(g) cas t."on pla tes
6 E 15325N- Shpg wt.89 IOO .Set $79 .99
6 E 1517B-Shpg , W1 . 10100,7 oz Set $19 .99 Save S3J when you bvy set (22) and the 44·lb , (2O.Jcg )
5 A 9 ' ft mat packs a real punch'This stfllung bag
ou tfit IOcJut:Jes seam less vmyl bag and mi tts (:1),
se t sold aoo\0<'6 Sepwate pnces to taf S'99 98
above Steel trSmtt With mountmg platform has a 6-m
height ad,u stmefll lor QUcll chanQes. ~ -Inch thICk
wood pJaff Otm has JI dl8mertN of-zl If'IChes For 7& m.
3 4().Ib c/lrofnf!--pla ted 8oI11nrJef Spmcle "" caSt'lron
1 duml:Jbell set tnCl four $/b and lour pla res
grooved to $pin onjoft Two 16-", steel bars _ th
6 E 15517N-Shpg wl . 289 lbs

Set $ 16 9 .98
Leather 4 -*J wide W6igfItl lftlf'lg belt nBfTOWS to
2~ In ar stee/·pla ted buckle WAIST SIZES:
center wall stud moun tmg spmdle s.leeves Imported.
6E 15183C-Shpg W1 40 too .. Se t $39 .99 5(28- 32): M(34-38 I. L(40-44) State size S. M or L
6 E 14173C- Shpg wt 19 1bs .Outflt $39 .99 6 E 15148F- Shpg w1 1 lb. 5 oz . . $19.99
4O-Ib dumbbell se t IS same 8S iJbove eJlcept black cast
Space We'9'hts · ar" var~b'" W6'9'htS tha t helP.
6 slim . shape and t()('lft faster than ca listhenICS
Smooth plastICshe ll won 't mar furntture and you can fill
iron (not shown). Imported
6E 15193C-Shpg wt. 41 tbs . . $29 .99 24Marc~ pro-styte W6igf1tllftmg gloves WIth
calX e"a sheeps/l.m con stflJCllOI'l. s tre tCh Iycra
bac/l. and between Imgers SpecIal pa lm deSIgn tor

14 and 15 steel
them WIth your o wn wel(Jflt (up to 25 Ibs-J as you Wns t/ankle W6'9'htS ha ve nylon cases . duratH/Jty WIth urethane loam P/Id tor prorBCtlOn Wnst
progress. Se t of 2. fIImg fIIImg s Can vas straps . Set of sweatband WIth pulf tab SIZES: M(7'A-8): l( 8'h-9)
6E 15609-Shpg . wI. 3lbs . 12 oz ... Se t $19 .99 2. Imported State M or l.
6E 15154F-Shpg wI. 5 0z . . Pair $15 .99
7 Se t of 2 chrome· pla red sree l push-up bars WIth
cushIOned gnps and !Iocr protBCtors , Ideal for arm .
Chest and shoulder eJl6fClses Imported
14 wns t;an
. kle weights are 2 Y.t Ib s each, Velcro -

6 E 15303-Shpg , wt. 51bs 2 oz , . ,Se t $9 ,99

~ W~htJittlfIQ Q/oves (no t ShOwn) WIth sheepskin
construction . Spanc1eIC 2·way stretch back. sell-
adhesi ve elastIC wnstband and rab, "se t in " thumb
6 E 15246-Shpg wI. 2 Ibs, 1 oz . . $9.99 SIZES; M(7'A-8): l(B'h- 9). Slate Size Mor L
Ankle W81QI'ltS , 5 Ibs , es Buckle 6E 15147F-Shpg wt. 3 0z . Pair $10 .99
238A 15 6 E 15302-Shpg wI 10 lbs . . Se t $12.99 • UHf ptus ~r,. w&IfI'Its not tnClUcJIJd
New at Sears!
IOOO-lb. capacitv" weight bench
with heavy duty 2-in . steel
square tubing frame

$99 99


$299 99

I Why waste tim e going back and forth to the

health club wh en you c an have your own g ym
fIght at home? The TRAC '~ 20 fitness sys tem has
heavy duty 2-/n. tubular st eel con struction. Choo se
fro m bench press. mi lrtary press, leg ex tension , lats
and more . tmn features 3,poSltion ha ndl ebar .
adjustable vlnyl-eovered padded mcline bench, and
ad justable leg lift. Accessories mclud e curl bar. ler
ba r and ank le strap. Unit has 110-/b. res istance and
accepts 44- fb . accessory weight stack (sol d belOW)
'or 154-lb. rota! resist anc e ceosatv. Plates are
easIly adjusted by pu f/lng out and reinsertmg a pi n.
Usage chart lIIustratmg 20 exercis es can be
wall-mounted or c lipped to TRAe '" 20. Measures
96x38x69 In . high. Folds for storag e. Parrly
assembled. See exercise note be/ow. Reduced from
our 1987 Fall Genera / Catalog . p. 564. Wt. 224 Ibs.
6 E 15610N ... Was 5399.99 : Now S299.99

44-lb . accessory weight set (not ShOwn! includes

four 11-/b. Orbatron' weight plates. See '"N" suffix.
page 263A.
6 E 15624N-$hpg. wt. 45 Ibs ... Set 527.99

EXERCISE NOTE.- Selore start ing any exercise program.

JI 1$ recommenoed mat you consu/f '/OUr ptrySIClan for a
comolere crecx-co . Proper use 0 1 thIS equipment may
resu/f I" mmor SOleness only . If Offler dlscomforr results,
stop 81i&fC ISlng . co nsu/f your pflYSlcJsn ,",meaJarely.

Lifestyler ™ 1100
power treadmill has
1.8 to 3.8 mph variable
speeds and easily
inclines from a to 14%
with convenient
air shock system

2 Never run in nasty weather again! Wasty/e'·
1100 treadmill has console that d isp lays rime ,
sp eed . distance and pulse with earc lip attachment.
Textured running beft glides over sealed roller
besrings . On off SWItch located on fold·down front
rail. Grip tape on either side of running surface for
easy dismount. Dura ble steel frame with Nitrile PVC
plastic foam grips on handle. 60)(22x48 in. high.
Partly assembled. Warrant ed by Sears ; write for free
copy, see p . 263 A. See exercise not e on facing
page. Reduced from our 1987 Fall Gene ra! Cata log ,
page 560 . Shpg . wt. 132 Ibs.
6 E 296 20N ... Was $4 99.99 : Now 5399 .99

Earchp sensor
monitors yo ur
pulse rate
Lifestyler ™ 1400
fully assembled,
fu 11-featu red
power treadmi ll Entire unit folds w ith
collapsible front rail

$79999 ElectrOniCcontrol panel digitally displays
t ime, speed and distance covered
DC motor gives
you extra
3 Pulf up the handles and you're ready to run with
this treadmill. 65!J2x23x45 in. high. Warranted by
var iable spee ds

Sea rs; write for free copy, see page 263A. See
exercise no te on facing page. Reduced from our
1987 Annual General Catalog , page 1479 .
6 E 2971 8N-ShiPPlllg weight 200 Ibs. Running surface is textured
Was $999.99 ... Now $799.99 Str ong stee l fram e rubber for great footing
for durability

Rower/stepper machine gives you double
the workout with two machines in one !

40% ess
tnru December 15m

I Stepper rower g /Yes you B grea t all over

workout Featuring a sturdy we lded stee l frame
with foot rests tor stepping and roWing . Push one
tSI( do wn a nd the other one gli des up for
srair·sreppong actIOn. Dual-arm hydraulic-shOCk
wmg system wtttJ varlatHe tenSIOn for full
ad/ustabliity. Removable roWing seat 1$ padded for
comfon.. 67)(25)(7 in. high. Partly assembled . See
N ' suffiX note on page 263A See exerCise note on
page 240A Warranted by manufacturer; w rite tor
free copy. see page 263A. Shpg. wt. 57 Ibs.
6 E 28833N Thru 121587 $119.99
ner 12 15 87 $19999

EW AT SEARS! Wide-ba se row er wi th new Get the genuine fee ling

ial-a-resistance 12-sett ing tension con t rol of scu ll ing . .. Life Style
or precisely th e wo rkout you wan t! scu ller rower has a rad ical
new scull ing seat that
takes t he pressure off
th e low er back


2 Rower allOws you to row to better fitness

Hig h- tec h alummum beam and tOJecttOn molded
plastIC cons truction. Rower arms and seat are fllted
With pre ciSIon ball be af/ngs tor ultra-smOOth ac tIOn.
Rotating po lyurerna ne loam gf/PS orr arms lor
3 Row er featu res an ac tual sculling seat and ba ll bea fl ng
rollers rnat com e as clo se to Che real sculling actIOn as
we 've seen ! You have the cecce of strsl9hl roWIng o r w trtl
co mfort. Velcro· closu re straps on rotating foot the pu ll o f a p in. a 360' roWIng motsoa. QUick adjustab le
pads. 6-func tlo n monit or has c loc k. alarm , timer, lenSlon on roWing arms . Foot plates have Velcro closure
stroke co unter, tempo and scan . 57x31 x2B-tO. tug h. straps . Monttor reads caooe s burned, tempo, ume and total
Partly assembled , See ··N·· suffix nore on page stroke c ount. 48 ' )'x24 x 11-m. rllgh stHI frame . Partly
263A. Warranted by manu facturer; wrrte for free assembled , See " N" suffi x note on pa ge 263A. Warranted
copy. see pag e 263A. See exe rcise note , p . 240 A by manuf acturer; write for free copy. see page 263 A.
6 E 28698N-Shipping we ight 55 Ibs. See exerc ise note , p . 240A
Thru 12' 5 8 7 $1 99 .99 . .. Aher 12 1587 $299 99 6 E 28694N-Shpg . wt . 52 Ibs $2 49.99
Ergometer cycle has new locking feature
to make handlebars movable or
stationary . _you choose!

thru DeambIf 15th

AdJustable tensscn
6 LJfes tylerrw 575 ergometer has
tubu lar st eel frame met folds for
storage 35x38 )(49 In. htgh. Partly
control for
tallor -made workou t s ~
assem bled Warranted by $e ars:
wnte for free copy, p. 263A See Monitor has nme set.
exercise no te, p - 240A Imported
d.1stance set, tempo
6 E 29127N-Shpg. wt . 80 Ibs
s et, trip ume. average
Thru 12/ 15/87 .$179.99 speed. maximum speed
After 12/ 15/87 $359 .99
and m ore

Eve n res istance WIth


Lockmg fea tur e fo r

movable or stenonerv
handlebars ~

4 Warll on your ProfJIe"" and gam tne benefits of aerobic

con'1Itlonmg without me physICa l demands of runnmg
The satellite gear system gives smooth. consistent
pedaling action AdJUstable, padaed seal and handlebars
Pedals are welQhted so foot straps stay up , 29x18x46 In
'ugh, Unassembled Warranted by Sears , wri te for free
copy. see page 263A See exercise note , page 240A
Reduced tramcar 1987 SpflngGeneralCatalog. pageS49
6 E 29242N-Wt 75 1bs Was $14999 Now $129.99

5 Recumbent cycle/rower has adj ustab le bett-anve

fenslon system for smooth action Etectromc console
d Isplays speed. time and distance Adjustable recumbent
sea t for maximum comfort Lo w center of gra Vity and Wide
foot-pedals Wit h str aps Rowmg motoa runs off a vertical
whee l for extremely smooth performance Seal runs along
sealed bea f/ng s on alummum rail and tens/OIl con trol is
loca ted nqnt at your fingertip s Sturay stee l frame
72x 17x22 In, hIgh Assembled Warranted by Seers , »nte
for free copy, see page 263A. See exercise note , page
240A Shpg wt. 86 'bs
6 E 28743N- Thru 12/ 15/87 $199 ,99: After 12/15/87 $249 99

5 New at Sears!
Reap the benefits from two machines
in one with this recumbent cycle /rower

~Q!~~h 1$19999
Dazey ~ Foot Relaxer X is perfect
after a long hard day
of Christma s shopping
$2499 w ith your choice of .m assage.
heat. or massage w ith heat
Great S ha k e s ~ 3-way foot massage cushion

Great for the feet. but ttns massager 1$ compact

A Save $ '0 Relax your aching feet WIth massage and
aeratKXJ. aeratlOO/masuge WIth flO heat Of hea t
a/one Vlt ra-nodes fll on the raised foot pads help
B as
enough to soothe other harr:J to reach muscles.
lower neck Of back. Remote control sWItChJets
st Imulate'"ed muscles 234 -gallon capa<;lty . Meas ures you choose heat. massage WIth heat Of massage only.
17)(14)(8 in , high UL listed. AC. ~ft. cora Ws"an tedby lA. 1,sted, AC Warranted by Wahl ClClipper Corp Wflte
Daze y«. Wfl te tor 'ree coov . see page 263A $3499 In for free ropy, see page 263A
our 1987 Spring Genera l. page 479 8 E 2205-Shpg wt. 3 1bs 8 oz . . $29.99
8 E 2274-Shpg wt . Sibs. 3 oz .. $24 .99

• •
The Dazey@whirlpool
t urns an ord inary tub into
your own pr ivate health spa

$ 10 MO NTHLY·

• Built In aerator injects bubb les

for a soft hydro-massage
• Pumps 50 gal. of water per minute
• 205 degree Jet spray for focus ing
massage power
• 60 m inute t im er
• Mot or develops a Jf..-HP maximum
• Convenient carry ing handle
Choose low, medium or high·speed
C in tensi ty tor a relax ing hydromassage
Pumpdelivers SOgaflons ofmassaging wat er
at the high settmg. 60 minute timer
automatiCally shuts off . Double barrel nozzle
snows useo! whirlpool and attachments SQ/d
below. Double insula ted vam all electrical
parts outside of the tub. Measures 21}(S ,-,x 14
in. high Tub is no t inchKi ed. See note below
Was $229.99 in our 1987 Sprmg Genera l
CatalOg. cage 419
8 E 227OC-Shpg. wt. 26 lbs . .. $ 199.99
'see PIIgtJ 263A

PfastlC at tachments for (C) and (E)

D provide a soft genera l spray and more
versa flflfy. 5'(001 hose
8 E 2204-Wt 1 lb. 2 OZ... S9.99

%-HP wh irlpool bath pumps

42 gallons of water per minute
to rescue you from tension

Has many of the same fine features as the Unit
E above. The pump del ivers up to 42 g allons of water
at the high speed, Smgle ba" el nozzle . Takes
attachments sold above Measures 2'x8 '1.1)(7 4 m. high
See not e be low .
S E 2268C-Shpg wt . 17 lbs . .. $179.99
NO TE UL II$t«/, AC WllfTanted by
D1Ue~, WrIte for free copy. see pagtJ 2ti3'"

Tub is not incl uded

II Pollenex'"
Whirlpool Hot Spa'"
$79 99
T h is unique hyd rotherapy sys t em EnJOy ssootnmg wtllr lpool spa In thepflvacyof you r
sends thousan ds of tiny bubb les F own tub Jus t POSition the plastIC 38x'$",. fOldmg
mat at the bottom of you r tub . The powerful hydro-
SWirling around you to help alleviate power control center sus ou tside the tub sending
everyday tensions and help you relax surging air through the 78·m fleXibl e hose to '84 j e lS
You get an In vigorating and cJeanSlf19 massage s tt over
• Scsoeeo Hydro-Power Contr ol Centerw your body. It can even temporaflly help relieve
for your enoree of massage musc ular aches and pams The plastIC mat wipes
• Convenient 20- ml nute timer clean , UL listed . AC. Warranted by PoIlenex. , Wflte for
shuts off automatically free cop y. see page 263A
• Assemb les In seconds 8 E 2269C-Shpg wt. 18 tbs .. .$79.99

Restful deep sleep ... all night long

AandB UL list ed , AC WSffsnted by Marpa.c

Wnte for free copy. see page 263A

Simply plug the Mars ona «' 1200 into 12(}volt AC outlet and enJOY the
A SOOthing syn theSiz ed sou nd of failing ram, waterfall Of surf. Covers up
mos t dist urbing sounds including a Snoring spouse It has conl/en,ent
adj us tab le VOlume and tone con trols . Mea sures 8%x5 %x6'" in . high Reduced
from our 1987 Spong General Catalog. page 478.
8 E 2299-Shpg . wt. 3 tbs. 4 oz ... Was $ 129.99: $109 .99

B Sleepmate «'11prOduces the sound of rushing air to help maSKout unwanted

nose. Two-speed mo tor for lo w or t ugh setting. Mea sures 6x3!? In. hig h
8 E 2197-Shpg . wt. 2 lbs. 3 oz . . $39.99

Conditions sound With "wtute

Enjoy the healthy sensual glow noise" ... long recognized bv
of a deep trop ical tan all year ' round screnusts as effect ive In maSking
out unw anted norse that interteres
With retaxeuon. sleep or work

O The com pact 1OWx15H Europea n sty le faclaf tanne'· makes It easy 10 use
and store. With buJlt-m f1andle. It weIghs Just a little over 6 lOs yet has the
same tanning output as larger profes sional tanmng bed s Its highly polishea
aluminum reflec tor has a curved design for a mor e complete tan. The four . 75-
watt UVA tanning bulbs have an automatic timer that shuts off in 30 minutes
Tan In as few as 7 tanning sessions. ETL lis ted. AC Warra nted by Holla nd
Amen ca Sun Systems Wnte lor tree copy. see page 2ti3A Imported.
8 E 2168-Shpg wt . 6 1b5. 2 oz.. ,$99.99

Conveniently set ttvs sunlamp · on a tab le-top ana

C enjOy the beneftts of ItS SIX . 23 In . 4O-wart
ultraviolet lamps it ang les for your tanning
convenience Its metal housmg IS 27}7x37 m. high
overett. With a 19x21 m. reflector. 30mmute timer helps
pre ven t over tannmg. ETL lis ted . AC Impo rted
Warran ted by Holland Amenca Sun Systems Wflte for
Ireecopy. seepage263A , See ' N°' no teon page263A
Was $399 99mour 1987 Sprmg General Ca talog. pa ge
f 8 E 2170N-Shpg wt . 55lbs ... $199.99

·Protect"lt~ eyewear mUSI De worn WJm . 1I

ultrsVlOlet sunlamps, 1f)CICJOe(J
For the loo k
you want

B '-soeeasupports
lower back massage CUShIOn
measures only IZUr2Win Itltts
and IuIIy the sma" 01 ;our back
from W ahl
8 E 2224-Shpg wt. 3 lbs 802. $29.99
Gtoom 5tNtl D
Save $ '0 4·m· l Contour·Flex· back massager New at Searsl 2-speed hand'held massager 11499
A with heat ha s a cus hiOned headrest tha t
supports neck and shoulders. so you can even
C wit h heat is the answer for spo t massages. It
/ncJuoes 7 plastic sn ap-or1 attachmen ts. Three-
after rebate

use It tymg OOwn. BUIIt-m fle J( roll for t1JaXlfTlum POSit IOn s WItCh for low to hlf}h speed fTl8ssage With
concentra l/OfJof ma ssa ge In lower lum bar or withou t heat See note below
ff!QtOfI of ba ck Remote control provrdes heat. 8 E2249-Shoo . wt . 1 lb. 7 cz ... $29 .99
massage or heat and massage. S39 99 111 our HOfF lA. listed lc w..,.." ., Dr w.",-
Wn,.1or fief! copy. SH ~ 2ti3A
1987 Spnng GenenV. o 479
8 E 2209L-Shpg wt . 8 lbs 8 oz .. _$29.99

profe ss ional-
haircuts in
your own

Eand FWah"
home cort:1Jess g roomers keetJ you
looiong nut ~ you 'r6 on the go .
Wamrn ted by W~. Wnte fr:xfree coer,
see page

EGroomsm.ttl II gives your mu stllChe , beard and

sideburns the pttlClS!Ofl care you demand Se t
mcludes blade guard . tn m"flng gUide , stand and
groom ing /xloII.16t. Use s 3 "AA" ba tteries, 'ncluded
$'499 after reba te . See rebate details below
8 E 79 18-Shpg. wt l Ib . . Full poce $19 .99
Get today 'S s tyl Ish ha ircuts a t home WIth the
O Homestyler7VecrdJess ha lf '"mmmg Jell. It
operate s on 3 '-AA" battenes mcJvded. so you can F The recharpeabJe Gr oomsman features snao-on
$posItlOfl tnm guide a nllChment that sets up
use It an ywtJere . t!WKI oulSJCJe for converuent and 'NhIS1<fNS to ensUftJ UfJItom't be8rr:1 urns. Set
quclc tr/ffllTllfl(l. ShapIng. cuttll'l9 and stylmg. The InCludes groorrnng ccmbs, reclwgmg tr an sformer.
shtnll ne trImmer WIth prec/$JOf'I ground steel blades styling gel, btNJrd condilKJn8f. mus tache wax and
is hgh twelght. The positive IocJcmg $ f)OS l t /Of'l travel pouch. $2499 after reba'6, seedetsils beiow
,nm ml ng gUide adjUSts for d ifferent hair lengthS 8 E 7923 - Wt. 1 lb . 4 0 2 . . . Full pnce $29.99
The lot Includes cape , dusting ousn. sossocs. WN< .REBA TEOFFER 1ncJudtK1W1tt1untt, Mad Iff COl.pll'l
blade guard and 6 other acceSSOfI8S, Wa"anted b y ""rtf! c»f «1 U¥S ~l to Wa h" rebate 011«. Pufr;hae
Wah'. Writ e ftx free copy, see page 263A and fJm tfTl61l by 12/3t187.
8 E 7906 -Shpg wI 1 lb. 802 ... Kit $29.99 247A
Break away from the mess of soap and water
shaving ! Each razor has a handy travel case.
A professional style hairdryer so versatile
even your hairdresser will be jealous. A gift
for smokers who care about nonsmokers

Norelco Leovsnave
Nore lco 's newest RX gold en dual system
head s razors are de SIgned toll head shaver
to gIve you your clos est
shave ever!

and up

9 50 RX Aand B The NoreJco Rotatracr· patented "11ft and

cur' system has 45 lifters and 45 self -
stlarpenl flg cuttttrS beneath 3 fIoatmg heaes Inc lude s
cord/cordless pop-out tnmtr'It!N lor mustache. beards and sldebt.Jms
Razo r Its razor head assembly 1$ easy to Clean Use WIth or
"",thOut coa. Rec1largeS fully IT! one hout Vanab/e

$79 99 ccmfort sertlflgs There's also. speoaJ 5-IrnfH.J te QWCJ<

Charge for oil 3 mlf'lUte corc1less snsve. Includes deluJle
travel walle t. Rszors (6863) and (6892) ,nclude a
coa oon for a free35 oz bottleo!Stetson. pre-electflC

shave from Nore1co Free offer expres 613J/88
1~240 universal voltage See note below

A8 E 6863-Shpg
fKX) RX rech8rgeabie razor
wt . 1 Ib e OZ. .S69.99
ElectrIC rnoael (no t ShOwn)
8E6862-Shpg wt, l Ib 80l ... $59.99

B 950RX recha rgetJbJe raz or teMtures an LCD Charge

me ter and low battery ala rm
8 E 6892-Shpg wt 1 Ib 8 oz $79 .99
Set of 3 replacement cu tters and 9f1IfS (not shcM'n)
Imported ,
8E68502-Wll ol . $18 .99
ThIs versa tile shaver IS tough enoug h for legs yet
C gentle to uncJerarms Head renJO\o'eS for cJeat'Hng
See notebe~
Elec tflc model RechBrge6bIe model wi th
wr lib s torage/ trave l pouch
BE 6884-$24.99 Wt l lb.B ol
BE 6890-$34 .99

htr av
smokeless 8s

With more res tric ted publIC smoMng areas, thiS IS a

E great gi ft for me offICe The fan draws s,""""e
through a repJaceable electncal/y C1Wged, 4-stage
Here 's a great g'" for ~ well-groomed guy on the
D go 3 tINt/speed combmatlQns Features
oe tachable plstolgflp handle /nclr.Jdes coated tiP
hirer H6a t res istant s1f!e;c-desJgn pJastlC hOusIng Ch-
aff swrtch Uses 3 'C" ' bilrreries. not n:Iuded See
note st left $ 12.99 aft er Nor e/(;(}# rebate . $t!'e deta tfs
met al brush, wide-toothed comb and ang led below
concentrator. See note be low BE 2103-Shpg wt ,31bs .Full pece $14 .99
BE 8892-Shpg , wt . 2lbs . 15 Ol . $12 ,99 NORELCO-REBATE OFFER ~ l/Wth lJt1d MIIIIIfl COl.p::!l'l
NOTE Import«J ll..wteO. Ate W""""lI!ldby,*,,~ Wrlfe' O _", ~t.o M in ~ to ~ ~lfI ()f1w ()If• ..m
248A frM Q:lpy, . . ~ 263A ~ 3'. 1987 Pets'"-* by An 15th. 1988
Lady Remington" for smooth legs
at home or on the go
Electric Rechargeable

$2499 $3499
She 'tt tove the versatility of this shaver because its
A d ual sys tem ShaVing head IS tough enough for legS
yet gen tle to underarms , The head removes for
thOrough c lean ing Includes its own trave l/cosmetic
pouch. UL fisted, AC Warranted by Remington ~. Wflte
for free cop y. see page 2ti3A
Electric ITIOdeI Rechargeable model.
Shpg wt 1 lb . Shpg wt . 1 lb. 4 oz .
BE6877 ... $24.99 BE 6876. .$34.99

A ' z-iii;

M icro -screen@

Remington'" shavers giv e you a close shave • Urnmate
clo seness bar
that's " razo r blade" smooth stretche s skrn
for a closer Ultimete w v
shave Mcr o-sc reene
• Prote ss.coe t- Shaver
WIdt h

Bthru D Warranted by Remln g.fon - , Write for free trimm er

copy. see page 2ti3A • VInyl
The busygu y whomayneed toshave an ywnere will case
B the
enjOy convenlimC8 of thiS ccrdless battery-
operated shave'. The stainless steel cuttIng edges are
beneath a thin dua l foi f head for a clean yet
comfortable shave . Cleaning brush and pro tective cap
wIth mirror mc luded Uses 2 ,oM" batterieS. not
inc luded
8 E 6817- Shpg . wt. 4 OZ .. ,$ 19.99

Rem ington 8 Micro-s creen- has a dual foil head wIth

C 120 cuttmg edges. Trimmer for sideburns
Lightweig ht metal ana p lastIC case IS easy to handle
Includes d e lu:><e tOIle try es se UL fisted, AC &.tt. cord
Shpg . wt. 2 lbs
B E 6829-Electric model . , $39 .99
Rep lacement screen and cutters
BE 68292-Shpg. wt . 1 OZ . . $10.99

The Recha rgeable Ulti ma te '"' Vfeatures a closeness

D bar txntt right in to the duaf foil head tha t gently
stretches your skm the same as your fingers , The resu lt
is tha t hairs stand up for a closer shave A long with the
120cuttmg edges beneath the MicrD-screen $ foil head,
there 's a professional wid th {J01rUp trimmer for
mustache and sideburns , UL fisted, AC
B E 6B39-Shpg w I. 1 lb. 2 oz . $59.99
Look and feel your best
Now you can end your quest for a
smooth, close shave ... just look at
these shavers. Finally, a thermometer
you can read . A blood pressure
monitor: one of the nicest ways to care
for yourself or someone close to you
\ ~ t,

Our versatile wet/dry sha vers

can be used dry or w ith
foam anywhere you cho ose

BandC These cordless Shavers have thin lol l he ads

that pop up for rinSIng IJ()(1ef the faucet
HarQened steef lrtner O/ades g Ive a dose Shave
Includes cJeanlnf} brush and CBrryK'Ig case Importee
On-cff SWItCh, Warranted by Sears W"te lor free copy.
see page 263A
Women s shaver uses 3 "M" battertes. mcluded
B8 E 687D-Shpg 9 oz . wt. $24.99
Rec ha rgea ble men sha ver has pop-up tnmmer'or
mu stache and sH:1etJums UL listed. AC
'20!24IJ voItiJge
Dual Char911'1f} stanc110r wor/(1W1(ie
8 E 6819-Shpg wt . 1 Ib $39 .99

Sears Aotomat icl!J shaver has

48 cutt ing blades for a
more co mfort abl e shav e

§$15 ~199 §$20 ~~:~ Dig ita l th ermometer Blood pressure monitor

A ~ $39 99
A clean , clo se yet comfort able sha ve w ill be tns because
OUt ROtoma tlC6 shaver has 48 super sharp steel blades
benea th 3 floating heads that adJus t to the con tours off/IS face
There 's even a txJP-OUt trttrlmef to /(eep mustache and beard
looking neat Head lilts for converuent cleanmg (A. hSled. AC
Imported WMrantl!d by Sears Wnte for free copy, see page
263A RechJced from OUI 1987 Spnng Gen eat , page 475
D W,th OUT dtglts l themtometer you can
y,,, degrees
squtrmlOg Child s temperature to
/fI about 60 secondS Fea tures
E lf someone you love suffers from nyperrenslOfl.
momtOT It anywhere Wltn ttus easy·tCH.lSl!' blood
pressure f'f'IOf)jlOT and f)tJIse me ter Pulse, SystolIC.
automatIC shut-<)ff Uses one bu tton ba tt ery . and di astolIC rate Bre cJearly sflrOwn on tne large
Eleetflc model RechargeBtHe model mcludes •
,ncluded 10 probe covers InCluded Imported LCD dis pl ay The adJustable cuff fits arm s from '0
Wt lIb , 1 02 l~volt converter.
Warranted by Sears W" te ' ex free copy, see to 15 /fI , arou nd a t ma .oceo. Uses one 9-v
Was $39.99 Shpg wt . lib , 7 02 page..?t.U4 Was $999 m our 1987 Annua l
8 E 6840 $24.99 8 E 6841- Was $49 99, $29 .99 battery', Includes so ft carrymg ca se for tra vel and
General Ca talOg. page 1365 storage Imported Warra ntee by Sears Wflte toe
Set of 3 replacement cutters and g"l1$ (not shOwn) lor all Sear s 8 E 2111-Shpg wt. 50z ,$4.99 free copy, see page 263A
RotomatlC shavers Imported Psckage 01 '00 reD'aeemffflt probe COWJfS 8 E 2157-Shpg wt. 3 Ibs $39 .99
250A 8 E 6821-51>09 WI' 02 Set $18 .99 8 E 2113-Shpg wt. 30z PkQ 52.99 "SokJIfl r". W ,"", Boo- lor K/O$ ~ 27 1
New A r Sears I
The Clothes Shav er" by W indmere<!l
gives new life t o old cl othes by rem ov ing
pills and fuzz from knit and woven fabric s
This uniq ue battery-aperared ae vce has a
A blade that whisks away unsl9htfy pills and fuzz
from shirts. swearers. J8Ckets. slacks era sJ<lrfs
LIg htweig ht shaver has a remo vable bm that stores
ptll s On -ott SWitch . Uses one ' 'C'' battery no r
mctuaea. Impor ted. Warranted by Wmdme re 6
Wflte for freecoer. see page 263A
8 E 7984- Shpg . wt. 11 cz.. $12.99

Roll-on Waxer
gives you B
One TouchTJ.I ron-on waxer helps elimina te razor
nicks and una ttrac ti ve stubble Include s etecmc
One Touch™
home electrolysis removes
unwanted hair in seconds
warmer . one large and one sma ll size awfJcator, wax
silky smooth remo ver srrtps plus instruc tions Simply roll on warmed Remove annoymg hair anywhere on the body, The
skin wax. smooth on wax remover stflPS and whIsk a way
wax and hair In one SWift moton. UL Itsted. AC See
C comfort control dial adlusts for gentle treatment. The
spong cushioned style t tiP woo ·t plfffce the skm . Computer
note at fight. CIfCUItry and audib le Signalle rs you kno w wtJen flair root
S E 7976--Wt. l Ib , 8 oz... $29.99 has been contacted and treatment completed, Us es one 9-
Larg e size replacemen t roll -on wax applicator volt ba ttery , mctuaea See note be low
a E 7977-Shpg . wt. 2 oz... $6.99 8 E 7978-Shpg wt. t2 oz .. $29.99
Sma ll RoJl-<Jfl Waxer Ap plteator, Nole ' WarrWlf«J Cy ~ss C<rr;
S E 7979-Shlpp lng weIght 1 OZ . $4 .99 W"te fO'trH copy. set! ~1}f12IS3A 251A
Conair '
High Energy '· family pack in mod two-tone
colors. Crimp and style. straighten
and bend . .. so many new and different
hair styles to choose from !

A cordless curling iro n. how convenient

New al Searsl Keep ~,eat looks In the famlfy with

A this set of High Energ y /ofgroommg eas It ,nclude s
'25(}wa tt. turbo-flow half dryer with 2 heat/speed
High Energy'"
combinations. 125/240 volts AC for worldw ide use family pack in
Styling brush fea tures an " on" fig ht and on/off SWit ch
The curling iron W ith %om. chrome-plated tenet has 2-tone colors

buil t-In counter stand to help prevent damage to
furnl lur e , Both stylmg bru sh and curlmg Iron feature a
ready do t that tums b lack when tUlly heated There's
also 8 7·in . styling brush . See note belo w.
S E 8872-Black/white 8 E 8873-11 . graY/dk . gray
8 E 8871- Pinkjlsvender
Shpg wt . 2I bs ... $19.99
"CQN AIR REBA TF OFFER IncIudecJ w,th umt Ma,l in oouptXl
_th dated sales fllCf'lpt /0 Cons/f Rebate Offer AppIJaf/C&mu$f
be purchased and postmarked by 12/3'/8',

Fashion Plates?'
give your hair
3 exciting looks

$ 99;~;~bale
B New at Searsl Gel the looks you 've seen from
profesSional salons . The three interChangeable
alummum plates change the ted ure of your hair to suit
your mood, Inc lude s a ffar plate for stralghtenmg.
waving plare for soft waves and crimp ing o te te for
extra text ure Plast ic trurume handle With spong
release is easy to use . On light and on/off SWitch
12O/240-1"01ts AC for worldWide use. $1499 after
rebete ' ,
8 E8841 -Shpg, wt. 1 tb. 140z . .. FuIlPrice $19.99
NOTE' Imporfed UlII$t90, AC Warranted by CorIaw
Wnle for free copy , see page 263A

C Dand This torally portable system IS powered

by a disposable Thermaee/~ power eel/.
Ready to use in 60 seconds Imported Warranted
by Conalr, WfI1e for free copy- see p 263A
..- CB E 8843-Shpg
Styling Brush With non -tang le bristles
wt. B oz. . . $19.99
D Curlmg Iron With ~ ·in. barrel has cool tip .
B E 8842-Shpg wt . 8 02 ... $19.99

E 2
Pkg of replacemen t Therm.acell <& power ce IJ
car tndges. Contams butane
8 E 8844- Shpg ..... 1. 302 ... Pkg, $4.99
High Energy'· Family Pack . . . a great gift for the
style-conscious family or that special someone.
Includes styling appliances plus an AM/ FM stereo
radio and alarm clock w ith snooze contro l
This IS truly the glh for everyone in the family, in fashIOn
colors that will brighten not only your holidays but also the
days to come . The value iflcludes a 12!j(} watt turbo-flow
dryer WIth 2 heat/speed combin ations . It has '25j240 volts
AC for WOfldwide use Curling iron with %-1/). chrome-
plated baffe! has built ·incounter stand and ready dot to lei
i$29 99
you know when It's fully heated. There 'seven a 7-in. styling
brush and comb. And 10 keep you on time with the beat,
there 's a dig /tal display alarm clock With 9-mlnute snooze
con trol and an AMjFM stereo radio with light weight
headphones buds The radio uses 2 ''AM'' batteries' , See
note on oppos ite page
8 E8665-Lavender 8 E8868-Gray
8 E 8867- Blue 8 E 8866-Plnk
Shpg wt . Jibs 8 oz. ,$29.99
' Sold m The W,s!I ~ tor KidS. ~ 271

For ,nlormatlon on how you can
help fl9ht drug abuse. see p. 263A
Deluxe Custom
has rollers
with velv ety -soft


Cla ir~ Delu xe
instant hairsener

- :<'ti

r HIgh energy core prov ides

longla5tlng body and style
r :r"';;l :

, Conven ient clip storage compartment

look great throughout the

r Ready dot Indicate s w hen heated

holiday season and all through

the next year w ith a Dry Guy!> AandBNew from Clatrol 's SensatlOflS "" Cd1ectlOfl
Each has hang·up loop See noteon O(JpOSJte
or Son-of-a-Gene page Sr899 afterClalr~rebate. see oet8lJs belOw

$4 REBATE $1899 A
Dry Guy· 1200-w styffN/cJryer has 3 heat/speec1
settmgs Incl. 1 each wlC1e andflne-toothcomband
detang llng bnJs!l
8 E 8704-Wt. 1 lb. 4 oz Fullpoce $22.99
Irom Clairol aher rebate Son-ot·a-Gun~
B 14(X).w, turf»,flow dryer has 6
separate hea t/speed combmatlOf/S fOf styling
versatility tnaoaes concentrator.
8 E 8729-WI. t lb , 5 oz . Full onc e $22.99

CheThelpsvelvet Jt/t.e surface on the 20 wax -filled rollers

reduce tangles Use with mist or dry for
styllngversatlJlty IflChxJes2supef/lftlbO, 10Jargeand
4 medl/JFn rollers See note on opposite page
8 E 2556-Shpg wt 5 1bs 80z . S39.99

The 20 nooea. wih -fIIIed roller s proVIde ~tle dry

D heat PlastIC housmg with CliP s tOFage holds 6
}Umbo. 10large and 4 smaHroIlers. ReadydOtlftdlCates
when rolle rs are fully heated See note on ooooute
page $2199 after Clalrol reNte. see details below
B E 25JO-Shpg wt. 31bs 150z . $24.99

New at Sears!
Currents@curl ing appliances
Now you fl / that yaur make-up IS always fight that heat up in only 60 seconds
G because thiS ml/rCX lets you ma/t.eup In the light
you 'lI be seen In Select day , ottxe. evenmy Of hOme Eand F Curren ts· come In rot accent cokJrs but
feature CCOI tiPS w,th a neon "on" tndlCatOf
l'flht Center ml"Of sMvels to magm fy , SIde m,"OfS for
complete ()ICtlXe Thi s 12-m high rrnrror e...en features ligh t 8t the end Soft g np handle IS easy to hold Dual
an elecfncaJoutlet fOf otner personal care appIl8f1Ces ,20124() voltage fOf worldwlC1e use See note on
opposite page
up to 1500 watts See note on opposite pagd S3699
after Cfa,roI reba te, Sf!e details belo w
8 E 8975-Wt. 4 Ibs 80z Full pnce S39.99 ECurli ng bru sh has new soft nylon bnstles, deSigned
for ImfX ovect StylIng
CLAIROt. REBA1F OFFER Offer tneJuO«:J WIth UfII' 8E2549-Shpg wt. 11 oz $12 .99
Ma,' IT! ~ "",tit ""«1 NiH fflCe<Pt 10
Cr."o/Rew reQtfer Pos'~rit. by JcJty 31. 1988
F Cur/my /fon features II unIQue squeeze hand le that
act ivates the clip mechanism
8E2543-Shpg w t 11 oz . $ 12 .99

Benders> can give even
the straightest hair
today 's beautiful, bouncy,
curly look . And now you
can choose either or iginal
Benders'" in the soft
pouch or new Benders"
in the plastic hard case

and J These soft flexible shapers t Wist and
shape your half Into na furs l/ool<lng
curls . After a short heat-up time , just roll your
half and t WIst Bender"" Into shape. There are
no uncomfortable clips and p,ns With which to
ootrer. Includes 14 flexible shapers: 7 smalf for
tighter curls and 7 large for looser curls See
note below

Hm coea
BendersTll In the hard case. On-off SWitch

8E2527-Shpg wt. 1 Ib.30l ... $29.99

J Benders 7U in the soft ca se . simply p lug-in to

heat oo . Ready do t md/C8tes when heated
8 E 2529-Shpg. wt. 21bs $29.99
P/(g . of 4, large Pkg of 4, sma ll
replacement replacement
Benders 1'10. Benders "".
Wt. 5 oz. WI. 30z.
BE2 5292.. $5.99 BE25291. $5.99
NOTE.- Imporfed UL listed, AC
Waffsnted by CIs/raJ- ,
Prof essional-style drye r I Sliml ine hair setter
S!'i '"~ i~ ,re::i!
~;~ 7 ~ i

ProfeSSK:JnaI-style 15tXJ.watt dryer has Travel WIth 20 lull see rollers In thetr own
A 6-/'Ieat/speed combtnatlOm Lightweight
plastc houS/fJ9 Indudes 8-In. vented ha lrtxush
B slim /me plastIC case , ~ rollers are soft gnp
W Ith ready dot that lets you know when the y 're
Witfl nyfon bflslles See note below $999 after he8 ted Convenient clip and cord s torage drawer 's
rf'b8re, see dera ils below beneath case $2999 after rebate. see note at left
a E 8808-Wt. l ib , a oz... Full pnce $12 .99 8 E 8E()9-Wt. 3 'bs . 5 oz__ . Full Pnce $34 .99
NOTE Importee (A. hSlftd , AC Warranted .by
VK»I Ssssoon W,,'. for rrett copy. see p ai3A
coupon wIth dated gin rtICfIfPt 10
~II In
Vdal S. s.soon R«'I. Offer ApphwIce must btl Pf¥CIIaS«1 • Signaturel '" Deluxe
Or Dec 3 1, 1987, M)(J postmarlled by JaIl 3. 1988
from W lndmere 18
• 2 speeds and
3 heal setnnq s
• Tngger act ivated cool
bursts for curling
• Soft touch gnp
for easy handling

[ No w you can style and curl IIl<e the

r: professionals, because this ISOO-watt dryer
Hair Dryer Organ izer
features a tngger-actlVs ted cool burst of air that
" sets" curls as hair is drymg It also has 2 speed
has 2 electrical outlets
setrl1'lQS and 3 heat ~trmgs for StylIng versatM y.
Rear gnl/ removes for cleanmg. whK:h prolongs the
Me of dryer. cord See note belOw, left
e E 7987-Shpg wI 2100 $19 .99

W indmeree
Fing er Fashion s
Nail dryer

No more waving your hands to dry your nails

C Simply Inser t your na Ils and they 're dry In 5
mmu tes Cool se ttmg tor enamelpolish and warm
.rd~ ·lnl

settmg fey acrylic poliSh See note below $ 14 99

after rebate ·
8 E 7972- Wt 2 tbs 8 02 . .Full Pnce $19.99

W indmere s
This IS the perfect 9 ,ft for the woman whO Nail Cemere
O want s perfect na ils The Na il Cent~ comes
If) Its own CJlU .nd inchxies buffIng aec. nail
fo r pro fess iona l
looking man icur es F Caddy features 2 eiectnca Jou tlets wIth
sepa rare 00-0" SWitChes so you can use two
bea uty appliances up to 15fX)watts each $'499
Shaper. toenail IJImg a ec. ca llus smoothIng dISC
and cleaning brush Uses 2 "M" batteries, not
included See note below
8 E 7973-Shpg w t. 8 02 ... $9.99
$999 a frfN S5 rebate ·. see no te a t le ft and below
8 E 7975-Wt 2lbs 50z
· W~
Full Pnce $19 .99
ReDlIte Offf!' IncIt.K1«J w,ttl UfIIf
coupon wit h a.ted Ultrs ffJ«1Ipt to
NOTE' Importtld (e ). (E) IJnc1(F) IJ", /)ll, s /ed , AC WIfldmer. " ReDlIttJ ~ AppI..fIU must ~
Wll m tn le(l' Oy W~ .. W"I. fry frH copy , ~S6d by JIjn 10, 1988 . n<J IJOSfmarl<tId
see f)lJge 263A wlt hm two ~S 01 ~Sli'

This lig h tweig ht dryer has 4 settmgs : coot. low ,
G medium and h igh. Vmyl bonnet IS double-
walled and fi tted for quicl<drying Bonnet and hose
fit into plastIC case , Warranted by Dazey. t $24.99
afte r rebate, tt
8 E 8795-Shpg . wt. 4 Ibs . . . Full price $29 .99

H 11(X).walt table-fop dryer in sen -cootsmea case

has an ove rsuea hood for easy access The 4
heat setti ng s include a special se tting for wigs
Warran ted by Cons". t $34.99 after reoe te ' .
aE 8799-WI. 9 Ibs ... Full price 539 .99
"'NO TE. Imported UL listed. AC Warrarrt8O',
Wfl/e for free copy. SH page 263A
"'+DAZEY. REBATEOFFER: IncJuded w,m Ufflt Mail
In coupon _ ttl dattJd S8~S rsctHPt to Duey
RtKJ,a le Offer. AppIISI'ICe must be puTC/lBsed by 1/'5;1!J8.
erapostmlJrlctJd by 1/15/88
°CONAIR _ REBA TE OFFER' Included »atn Unit. Mall
coupon "",' h dated saJes~t to Conal' Rebate
Offer. Appliance mus t be pvtch4sed b y '2/3'/87,
ana postma'*6d by 12/31;87.

m irror (J ) J Here 's a 9r eat holida y value . Compac t 6 Jf-in
mirror flips to a double magmfler. 4O-watt bulb
included. See note below
BE 8950-Shpg. wt. 2 Ibs. 10 oz ... $12 .99

Triple magnifying ~
lighted make-up mirror U
$10 $1999
You'll look grear a t those holiday part ies
Kbeca use thiSmtrro r lets you make-up in the light
in wm cn yoU'll be seen. LlQht selector Simul ates
day , home, office or evenmg hgM. Reg ular muror
flips to 5 ~ x7 !-7 -m tf/ple mag nifier for close vie ws
Side msrors are 4x7 !-7 m high When ooenea. Unit
IS 72x'8 m, Wide , M,ffor mcludes an etectn cet
outl e t for ot her beauty appl iance up to 15CKJ watts
so you can use you half dryer a t your vanity. Four
1(J.watt bu lbs includ ed See no te below. Was
$2999 in our 1987 Annual Ca talog . o. 1366.
8 E 8965-Shpg w t. 31bs 8 oz . . $19 .99

Sears Best fold ing 15CKJ· watt tumo-ttow hair d ryer

M is g reat for the traveller. It SitS on ItS fOlding handle
for 2-hand ed s tylmg, Six hea t/speed combmation s
Conc en tra tor atta chment Included, Mica heat shield.
120-240 dual voltage for worldwide use . See no te
be low. Was$1 4.99 mour 1987 AnnualGeneralCatalog .
page 1366
8 E 8724 - Shpg . wt. 1 lb , 4 oz ... $9 ,99

Our finest styling dryer

is designed to mee t most
of your styling needs
Set of 5
satin hangers
$479 N Ach ieve lhe look you want With our finest 1200-
watt s tyler-dryer With cu rlmg a ttachment that
allows you to curl while drying , Slimline plastIC
Help mamtam your c lothes ' shape with satin· housing is lig h tweight and easy to handle, Two
L fmlshed paddec1 hangers. W Ith vmyl covered
hook s Assorted colors Imported
heat/spee-:J settmgs. Attachments mclude wide
and fine toot h combs. diffuser, curler and round
8 E 7247-Wl. ea set 1 lb. 4 oz... Set $4.79 nylo n bristle brush See note be low
Save 10% 2 01 more sets .. Each $4 .29 8 E 8702- Shpg wt. 1 Ib 10 oz . . . $24.99
NOTE.-Imported lA. lIS red. AC W.ttTa1lred by
SuI'S Wnre for tree COOY. see P/l Qe 26JA 257A
As-oece mustache kiJIncludes nose
SCissor, comb and brush . Imported
6 ~x2""
4 E 65976-Wt. 5 oz $7.99
D toece mustache and beard 1M n
ID Zippered leather case ' SCISSor.
comb: brush; nose scissor: nai l clipper;
cuticle pusher; mirror on stand 4)(6
Inc hes Imported
4 E 6461-Shpg wt 80z $12.99

Cthru FMen "$ compact msmare

set s each come In a ground
lea ther zipper case With teoac Immg.
AI/ ,mplements are mckie-plated stee l,
chrome-plated steel, Of p lastiC

Ct t -o ece set include s razor and

blade. 2 nail clippers, t weezer,
shoehorn.nose SCISSor. nail Me. comb.
pocket kmfe and double Sided na il
Imp leme nt. 6J(411o Inche s
4 E 95505-Wt 9 oz . $14.99
8-p lece set Includes SCISSor, 2 na il
O clippers, tweezers, Me and three
nail imp lements. 5~x2~ Inches
4 E 65979-Wt. 8 oz. $10.99
6ptece set include s cuticle scissor.
E larg e and small n811clippers: file
and 2 other nail Implemen ts 6x2 in.
4 E 3704-Shpg w t . 5 oz . 58.99

F 12 ,pleCe se t mclude s mi rror with

sta nd . shoe hom: ca n/bottle
opener; file. razor and blade , tweezer:
nos e SCISSor: pocket ;'nlfe.- larfJ8 an d
sma ll nail cli ppers: na il nipper.
7x4 ~ mer es
4 E 95506-Shpg wt. 13 oz $18 .99

shop by phone .

Me n 's de lux e travel ki t m styliSh

G olive green vmyl has double z ipper
and hancy side pocket Includes razor,
b lades and fIVe msmcure Implements
1Ox6 }tx4 ~ vxnes
4 E 65974-Wt. 1 Ib $19 .99

H Extension mlfror has s teevess s teel

fram e andarm , Extends up to JO m
Mirror me asures BLxBH m trnoonea
4E6490-Wt 21bs 14 0z $12.99

J Shavmg se t mctuaes cera mic stand

and mug: soli d bras s razor (uses
Trac Il~ blades ' no t InCluded) . and 2
ge nuine boar tmstte ShaVIng txusnes
Stand is 6 monee tllgh , Imported
4 E 95517-Wt 3 tbs Set S25.99
Lea ther travel ba g With z ipper
Kc losure has full vmyl fmmg, Includes
20z English Leatfle~ shampoo: com b.
brush. razor (use~ Trac ll~ blades no t
tnct and tootruxvsn lOU5 Wx5H
Inches ImPQfted,.
4 E 96284-Wt 150z
dy In a flash! No more wSlting for nails
, no more messy smud ges OUIC/<. Dry~ nail
mg fan folds o compact Siz e With snep -tight top for
sr tra et. Organizer tray holds nail care
sccessones Light has on/off SWitch, Wlpe<:lean
plastIc housmg Operates on 2 "C" battefles (not
mcluded). Order oetteaes separately from the 1987
Wish Boo/<. for Kid s P 271 Imported
4 E 95685-5hog wt 1 Ib 601 $9.99 thru GCompact mamcure sets each come In a Zippered ground leathe r case With coordinating fabnc IInmg
t t-oece IN manicure set IS enc losed in D A ll Implements sre nlc /<.Ie·plated steel. Chrome-plated stee l, or plastic, ImporttkJ,

B alliga tor·1ook myI Zipper cas e Includes 2 SCISSorS

t.oece set mcluaes 2 SCISSorS , file , tweezer p lus 3 13-plece set comes wlth2scISSorS , nallmpper: file.
file . tweez
Imp lem
ac khead remover and 6 nail
6~LJo: 4W mcnes Imported D other nail Implements. SLx3W ,nches F tweezer and 8 other handy Implemen ts for wel/ ·
groomed hands 6 ~Lx4W inches WI 7 oz
4 E 651'75-Aed 4 E 9339-Shpg wt . 3 0 $7 ,99
4 E 95508 $14.99
Sing welghl 5 ounces s11,99 tr.oece set with 2 SCISSorS. 2 mooers. file . 2 emery
E boards. tweeztlfo! maroc; 4 cosmetic brushes and
other nail Implements 9~ Lx4~ W mcnes
teoeoe set mctuaes 2 SCISSorS. naIl clipper,
tweezer, nail file , eyebrow brush , an eye shadow
4 E 9345-5 wt. 11 oz $19.99 appllClltor, a larg e cosmetic brush , 3 small co smetIc
brushes , and a mirror 6Lx4W ,nches
4 E 6S978- Shpg wt 1001 , .$12.99
spirits bright
A Jordache face kit has dark plum case; oeeesea
po wder, 18 eyeshadows. 4 blushes. Slip glosses. a
lip pencil, an eye pencil. regular mirror and 8
magnlfymg mirror, brushes and applICators. 6~x5
IncheS, Imported
4 E 6599Q-Wt. each 9 02 $8.99

Jordache eyeshadow /(/' With dark plum case

B ,ncludes 24 eyeShadows. mirror and applIcatorS
6x3 ecres Imported
4 E 65989-wt. 602 $7.99

C Sleek snakeskin·1OOk embossed vinyl gIVes thiS.

travel set Its trendsetting appeal. Set Includes
Large shoulder bag With zipper, oval bag WIth Zipper; 8
piece brush Jut With snap closure. Change purse.
cosmenc kit With 5 eyeshadows . 3 flpcolors, 2 blushes
applicators and a mirror. Imported
4 E 65980-Red 4 E 65961-Black
Shlppmg weIght 1 pound 10 ounces .$19.99

DthruN Save 20% when ~

buy any 2 or more
Compact make-up and brush kits

D Eyeshadow kit mauaes 20 eyeshadows, mlfror and

applicators 6,,4 In. Wt. each 8 02
4 E 6S994-EaCh $5.99 2 or more. Ea $4.79
Eye-cheek·/Jp kit With 3 shadow pencils. 4
E eyeShadows, mascara. 2 blushes, 3 lip g losses ,
applicators and mirror 6~4 In wt. each 8 oz
4 E 94319-Each $6.89 2 or more. Each 55.49
Eye . lip and cheek «n includes 6 eyeshadows. 2
F blushes, 3 hpglosses, mascara , mirror and
applIca tors 6~4 in. WI. each 8 oz
4 E 65996-Each $5.99 2 or more, Ea $4 .79
It 's your tune to shme!Gli ttermake-up kit wlth pu/l·
G out drawers Inc ludes 1 eye pe ncil. 1 lip pencil. nail
pousn, mascara. 30 eyeshadows, 2 b lushes , 3 lip
glosses, 3 g litter hlgh llghters , mirror and applicat ors .
'l7x5l-t In Wt each 1 lb. Imported
4 E 65983-Each $15.99 . 2 or more. Ea $12 .79
Color a beauliful you l Penc il !<It includes 5 eyeliner
H pencils, 1 nptmer pencil and 2 eyesneaow pencils
4 ~h3r.7 IncheS WI. ea 3 oz
4 E 95522- Each $5.69 2 or more. Each $4.49
I Pull-ou t kl1 In brilliant red case mcludes 5 blushes,
iJ'J 76 e~ws. eye line r, mirror and IIPPllca tors
?Nt each W oz. Imported
$7. 2 OJ mote Eac h $6 .39
~t. nwk

4 E 65987-Blue

~ s ~he seaso n
!O D€ :fO \0
SO order early
and ev
Gsa r:lun
Looking for a
gift for him?
. a
New A t Searsf
Bras s -plate d va let
$34 99
Handy valets will keep his B Now you can always have a neat. sharp crease m
your pants With ttuscoovemem pant·presser valet.
clothes neat and tidy It feat ures an automatic time r for shutoff. tre-e 'setsoe
contoured hanger. accessory tray. pu ll-out tie and bell
overnight. There's even a rod ena even a neoavaotres br ush. The srtrecuveoak
pantpressing valet. Don't fmished nerawooa Will blend m With most decors
Measures 13)(75x39 m hlQh. UL lis ted , AC Warranted
neglect your feet! These by BrenMer, Wflte for free copy. see page 263A
8 E 7224L-Shpg wt. 25 Ibs $129.99
polishers will keep your
shoes looking fantastic EnJOy the beauty of thiS trsss-oteteo stee l valet
C With bamboo stylmg It s complete WIth contour
hanger, trouser bar and shoe racA Measures
r2)(13 "'x45 ~ m fl lg,.,
8 E 7226C-Shpg wt . 7 100 $34.99

Two applicator brushes easily spread

D po liSh even ly over shoes and Into cre vices
ilmt also Includes 2 thick ly tufted po liShing
txusnes totxovae completecoverage over
lea ther surfaces Padded buffing dome
atta chment has two removable flanne l buffmg
Our best - cto tns for a h igh g loss UL listed . AC Include s
trave l/storage case W ith space for polish (no t
sell ing Included) Imported Warranfec1 by Norelco~
valet has a Wfl/e for free Copy. see page 263A
handsome 8 E 6350-Shpg wt. 51bs S29.99
walnut finish Pollshmg yo ur shoes 1$ as simple as
and padded E standmg there With our etectnc floor stand
snoe po lisher Its two thICkly tufted buffers
seat even ly a .struxne polish over shoes for a
bea utiful shme . On/off SWitch Shoe po lish no t
On ly Includ ed. UL lis ted. AC Waff anfed by
Norelco · Wflfe for 'ree copy, see page 263A
8 E 7986-Shpg wt 9 Ibs , . $69 .99

Hard w ood Flo o r stand erecmc

valet WIth
shoe polisher g ives
Iitt-up seat a prctesstcnet -
looki ng sh ine

The contoured hanger sra slack bar keep c lothes

T wo-tier
val et
F hangmg neatly. Attacnea accessory tray holds
coms orJe welry . VmyJ-eovered padded ufethane seat
sta nd
Wi th orovaes extra seatIng 7911 16.. . 45 li m high Sent
o ak unassembl ed . nsrawere maoaea u r oonea See ' N ··
rtus hardwood cha ir valet note on page 263A
A makes g reat extra seat mg While
yo u 're dressmg vmvt-coverea urethane foam padded back
sra seat . The sea t li fts up to revea l a handy storage area
8 E 7217N-Shpg , wI 15 ms $44.99

ThiS s ttrscnve hardwood stand has an oak tevsn

Acc essory tray attached Stands 40 m. high overall. IncJude s a
complete set of mltla ls so you can oersooetue your vale t Sent G and tee turee casters for mobility. It has a contoured
unassembled hanger. slack ba r and acc essory tray Also mctuaes
8 E 80601C-Shpg wt . 17 Ibs , $64.99 t wo br ass·plated me tal tie hOoks Stands 39 m hig h
262A Sent unassembled. nsr a wsre «ctoaea Imported
8 E 7207C-Shpg wt. 91bs $39 .99
Just place at least t wo orders of S3 0 or more each . every SIX months from The fastest and easiest methOd of payment is Sears Charge or DIscover Card .
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LOS ANGELES. CA 90051 DALLAS, TX 75266 or cal l {30 t l 443 -6500 QuantIties limited
Chains Pocket Watch Fnepieces a c Ice Molds .5A Pendants, Jewelry
94A Accessc es 303A Ice Skates .114 Ovens Carts .l 9A 68A. 69A
Chairs 29BA 299A FIShing Ec; cment .310A-314A 76A, 78A 86A 94A,
Charms BlA Raus 226A JACKETS Mirror Co..ers. Auto 99A
Chests F atware FIShing TaCk e Boxes Boys',Teen acvs' 330A Pens Pen Sets 9lA
2B9A .l lA ....17, 38, 40. 41 M trots Make-up 95A
For items listed in blue, shop from Christll'lls Decorations Flashlights OA. 21lA, Girls' .. 58. 59. 14, 1S .2S4A, 251A, 2S8A Petit Fours. .2B24
this /987 CHRISTMAS BOOK. 5A 200A 269A 32M, 33lA Infants Todd ers Mirrors, Wa .30lA Pie Pans. 5A
210A 273A Flatware 289A 23A Mittens, Boys'. . ..6, 1 Pillow Shams .. .90·92
For items listed in black, shop from 216A-281A, 283A Hootccver ngs .25A little Boys , ...6,7 MtHens. Glr S l1A PI lows Inflatable llA
the 1987 WISH BOOK FOR KIOS Christmas Trees Food GiftS 2BlA Men'S JOA 186A. Mlltens Womens Pins Jewerrv 29A
214A 21SA T!7A Food S rcers 321A 190A. 191A, 2OOA, "M 67A. 114A, 130A
A arms Powe r loss Bud Feeders 31A Cigar Store Ind ens Football Equipment lOlA 20M, 209A Money CIPS 95A Ptacemets. ,283A
lOA B ezers. Men s 30lA ... .98-101 , 103 Women s. 111A Monogrammers 6A, 286A 287A
Amp f ers 354A 206A. 208A, 209A Cock RadiOS .386A Front-end Protectors, 13lA 190A IlA Plant Stands 20A
Answering Systems B azers Womens C cck-rrave A arms VehtC e .33OA MOYie Cameras Plants 22A 270A
Teechcne 337A 126A 127A lOA 11A Frlllt Cakes 28lA JE ANS Projectors 351A Play Tents . , .206, 208,
34DA-343A 386A B cod Pressure Coc ks 94, 95; 15A. Fur COats Jackets, Boys' Teen Boys' Muff & Hat Sets 209
Mcouors 2S 1A 23A 93A, 290A-293A Womens 110A-11 3A ., 38, 39 Children s .33A Pocket Knives 94A
APPLIANCES Coasters SA 294A Furniture, Bedroom, Girls' . , , .72-75 Muff ers. Men s Pocket Watches
Benders J1BA BLOUSES/SHIRTS Juvenile. " ., .89 Mens . .I 9lA 193A 207A Cases 94A
Broiler Ovens 320A Girls' . .51, 54, 55, 62. COATS Women's 130A Mugs 3M 283A Pool Tabes. Access
Girls' ... , , ..56. 57 Game Tabes llA 132A 133A
Can Openers .21A 63,72·74; l 6A 228A·233A 287A 28BA .22BA· 232A
3l9A little Girls' ...51 . 54, Inlants',Taddrers' Jerseys, Football, Muslca FigUrines Popcorn 282A
.. ,., . .83, 87 Games Adu I Boys' 16
Coffee Warmers 55 22BA-234A 96A-98A Purses Women s
.31BA Womens little Girls' . . .48, 49 Jersevs Pcotbe MUSIcal Instruments 10SA, 119A, 14SA,
Men S 206A 20BA, G.r1and 273A 216A
CoHeemakers 8A 11 4A-I20A Mens 196A-199A. 21A 26A 37A I53A
209A 277A 203A-2Q5A
31M. 3l7A 3llA 124A-I2BA.13OA Garter Be Is ,29A 352A·359A
Women's MU$lca Jewe ry RadiOS 55; 387A
Cotton Candy 131A 136A 137A Gift Certificates 38A 3900
Makers lOA BOdy Bui dmg EQUIp 110A·113A J EW ELRY Boxes 99A
208A 209A 39A. 267A RadiOS. Vehicle 331A
Dehydrators .321A 238A-240A 242A Gift Suggestions by Boys 91A 924
Coenders 5A G rs 64,70 ; N at'" tv Sets 271A Rainwear, Boys' , . , .24
Food M xers 21A 243A Price 18A·37A 28IA Rechargeable
31M-JISA Book Ends 8A Comforters 92; 15A 9OA-92A 99A
Compact DISC Players GIt Wrap .26M lnfants'iTaddrers' Neck aces W mens Bettenes Chargers
Food Processors Book Ughts 35A .34A. &4A.£7A, .327A
31BA,321A Bookcases . 89 395A-3974 .... .86
Compacts .259A Men s lOA 37A. 69A·71A 74A,75A . Recha geab e Tools
Food Warmers Books .. .292. 294, 296 ; Order thru 107A 116A l17A,
.31BA 322A 323A
Computers, Bike...108 77A B4A 8SA J26A
Computers Supplies February 15, 1988; 92A·95A 119A Recorders Tape
Fry Pans 319A Books on Tape 325A Nfl Apparel, Articles
3SOA-363A Order moslloys Womens 18A-21A .387A 4ooA, 40 A
320A Boom Boxes , ..14-21, 90, 96·102; RlI'Igs. GirlS 99A
Gfldd es 319A 39lA -395A Cookbooks lA 3A Ihru August 3 1, I ga8 29A, 34A, 35A,
323A 37A GOA 9lA 196A·203A Rngs. Men's 95A
Hot Toppers 31BA
ce Cream freezers BOOTS
Boys' ... .6, 7; 157A
CookIe Jars
"A 64A-81A
84A-86A 8SA
N 9 t ghts 28A 35A
Rngs Women's
317A Gesswere 4A 14A 9lA 93A
Irons I1A 32M Cr dren s 152A Cosmetics Accesscnes 89A 92A-94A,
llA 34A 287A, 288A 294A ROBES
JUIcers 3lBA 157A G obes 19A 10lA·1Q5A 107A Girls' . . .52, 54
Pccccm Poppers Men s 157A, I SBA 259A-261A I09A 114A 116A NIGHTWEAR/
Costumes, Children's 11M 11 9A. 125A lOUNGEWEAR Infants'ITcddIers'
JISA Womens 148A. GLOVES ....... . .78, 79
S ow Cookers .319A ....184 127A 130A,134A, Boys',Teen Boys
152A 154A·157A Boys' .... , ..11, 4D little Boys 11
Toasters 316A Bow s .5A, 28BA Creamer and Sugar 14lA 143A . , .. ...10, 12-15
Sets 288A Men's 178A, 179A, little Girls' 52, 54
318A-320A Boxes, Jewe ry .94A, 190A 191A 207A Jewe ry Boxes 94A. Girls'.. , , . .50-54
Credit rntcrmeucn 99A lOlA Intanrs'J Taddlers' Mens .216A 211A
Wafflers .JISA 99A-I01A Womens 144A Womens 51 A-53A
31BA 319A Boxmg EQUIpment 2ti6A·266C
146A, 147A Jumo Ropes 31t. ,78·81; 30A
Cuff unks. Men s 95A Jumpers, Gins' little Boys' , ... , .6, 55A-59A 62A
Aprons Hats Chets 238A Gall Cubs Accessories Roller Racer..... ,112
.4A 13A. 2BJA Cummberbunds 119A .66, 67 10-15
Curtains Draperies 7A 236A Roller Skates'
Archery Sets .. . ..107
Girls .90A, 99A
, , , ... .90-92 Gft s .21A, 316A
Groommg Aids 247A
Men s
17A 26A,
.11 5·117
Ashtrays 248A Men's 95A Cushions, VIbrator ............. .84 Womens 17A, 264,
247A 256A 2SBA Rubber Footwear
Auto Supp es 330A. W men s BOA, 64A, Gum Machines. . ..212 Jumpsuits, Girls' .. .51 . 33A 4OA-63A
Cutery 32A 36A 54 Nuts 212; 2814 Mens 21A
33IA 66A, 67A 70A Guns and Accessories
AUloharps .352A 71A 74A-16A 289A , , ,., .106 Jumpsuits. little Girls' Sales 211A
44, 51 , 54 Organizers.. , , . , , .93
78A I07A Dart Games Cabinets Ornament Chests Saad Sets .288A
BackpaCks 209; 34A Ha r Bows, Womens Jumpsu ts Women's
Bras women's 51A .27A, 234A 268A, 277A Sat and Pepper
Bar B llckjack Tabes Buffet Sets 288A l OlA I03A, l05A, 5A 56A, 60A 61A, Shakers 28BA
23lA De-leers 210A Ornaments Christmas
Desk Accessor es 107A I20A 121A 107A·l09A Santa
Bar Too5 4A Cab nets tunc .30lA Hair Bcws.Banettes. Tree 2OOA, 276A
SA 9A 249A Ke'y Ho ders .209A 277A SUiIS Accesscnes
Barbecue Too s 27A Cabnets Gun .22SA Girls' . . . . ..60 272A 273A
Barbe Sets 238A DesksChairs, . . .89 Key R gs 9A 95A Outdoor Decctet ons
Cadd es Char 210A Ha r Dryers lOA, JOA, Scanners, RadIO
239A Cake Pates 2884 Dlglla 0 anes SA Kick Bans . ,103 Christmas 278A,
Dinner Be 5 .2B7A 25lA-257A .333A 334A
Basketball Equipment Ca cu ercrs Access Half Removers 251A Knives E acme 321A 279A
Dmnerware .22A Kn yes Pocket 13A Outdoor lIghts 217A Scarves, Boys'.....17
........ . .104, 105 27A 32A Har Styers 2M
283A 288A 2S9A Scarves Men s lOlA
Bath To ernee 34A. c....I'lIS •• d Svpplin
DIshwashers 31SA 248A 252A, l amps 89, 94, 95;
Overatts. Boys . , , , .25
Overa lls, Inlants' Scarves Womens
36A 344A·350A 254A·256A 19A lOA 295A 297A 35A 147A
B.nerics 266. 271 . Cameras Accesscnes Har Trimm ng Kits Toddlers ,., .83-85
DRESSES lanterns .327A Scoot Skates . , ..112;
300, 302, 304; 327A VIdeo 374A 404A .247A leathe r Coats Pajamas
Girls' . .46, 47, 50, 61 lOA
Battery en.lIgers Camisole Sets, Girls' Hand Massagers, 247A Womens .208A -See Nightwear Scooters.. . ..I 12, 113
Auto 33IA .. ........ .60 Inlanls',TOddlers'
, ...46, 47, 82·84 Handkerchiefs Men s 209A PA NTS Scrapers Wll'ldshleld
BB Guns, Rifles,Scopes cermsc es Womens 13A,211A 213A Boys',Teen Boys', .2,
little Girls'. , .44, 46, leather Coats Jackets 2100
. ....106 44A 45A 51A Henckercbets. Men s 206A·209A 3. IB-21 . 23, 24.
Bean Bag Seats 47,83 Screwdnvers 210A
Cemp ng Eaupment Womens 37A legg ings, Gir ls' , , , .73 27-29.32 ,33 ,36, Seat Covers, Vehc e
3OOA, 301A .227A Womens
I OlA-l 09A Hangers 257A Letter Racks 8A 37 .331A
Bedding , 90·92 Cand e Hoeers 287A Hassocks .301A Girls' , ... .62, 64-70
Beds , .... , , 89 l ights Chrstmes Tree Shams. Pillow , . .90-92
Candlestces 294A Dryers Clothes Hat and Scarf Sets. .276A mteots'.Toddlers'
Bedspreads , 90, 91 Candy. , , , 212 Sharpeners, Knife
308A 309A Girls' . " .56 luggage Accesscnes . . .76, 77 318A
Bell Racks 21DA Canste Sets. 294A Duffel Bags . 27,102, 160A, 161A little Boys' ..2-5. 24
Be T I=ltngs . 31A Canopies, Bed .....91 103. 202-207, 209 Shavers .26A.
HATS /CAPS little Girls....42-4-4 248A·251A
Capes, little Bovs' Dumbbe Sets 238A, Bcvs. .17. 23, 25; M an cure Men's 16M 161A Shaw S Women S
BELTS . .6, 7, 11 239A 35A Sets Supp es 26A
Boys'lleen Boys', .9. 169A 1714 173A 147A
Car Care SuPP es Glf s 17A. 35A 258A 259A 175A 177A 184A Sheets. Bed . .90, 91
25.39 Ear Muffs, Womens Masks. Boys' . , ....9
33lA 14M M~ns 178A 179A 185A 203A 205A Shp-a-Glft 267A
l ittle Boys'.. ..9. 25 Carales Therma 4A 200A lOlA 207A Massagers 247A
Earrings Hoders 19A Womens Shipping Informalion
Men s 35A, 213A Card Holders 9A Womens lOlA Mats Exercse .2384 114A-11 6A ,120; 263A
Womens I09A Cases Cassette 3914 6OA, 64A. 65A Mals F oar .283A
67A-71A.744-76A 103A 'OSA 147A 118A 1204 125A
12M 121A l 25A C.ssette Headbands, Girls' 128A 129A 138A. SHIRTS
121A 130A Players RKorders 78A, 8OA. 81A. 99A
102A-105A. I07A ......59, 60 M cKIDS APPARE L 1414 143A Boys'lTeen Boys'
Benches Exere se 3lA 387A·390A Headbands Womens Boys . , . , , ....2-7 Pants Sets, Sport. .2. 3, 19,
400A 401A I09A 116A, 117A
238A 239A
B b es 324A Casselle Tapes 29A 125A, 127A 130A. '''A
Helmets, Bicycle . .109,
Girts' .. , ,42, 43
Infams' Toddlers'
, .... , .. .78. 82·86
Bicycles Accessories I34A
324A 400A 401 A Electronic Games 113 ,,, .76-79 Panls Sets, liltie Girls' -See Blouses
... " .108· 11 1; 13A CB Radas Scanners . . ... . .106: Z34A Hockey Equipment 114 Shoes ..6, 7, 16, 17; . , . . , ....45 lrttle Boys' Sport
Bikes ExerCise 243A .333A 334A Exercising EquipllMIlit Hoodsearfs Women's I5lA Panty Hose, Girls' ...........2,3
Bm cu ars .225A Centerpeces 4A 147A MechaniCS Tools ......... , .62, 63 Men's Dress 163A.
351A 2B6A ..294 , 31A,
23SA-243A .3Z8A Panty Hose Womens 165A
Ceram.cware .269A HOSIERY Metal Delectors lOlA, lQ3A, 114A Men s Sport .6A
28M f tgunnes VA, 269A, Boys', ... ,19. 27. 30 Supplies . .235A Parkas Men s 186A 168A·173A. 18OA.
Cna ns, Jewelry .64A, 294A, 3014 Men s 178A. 179A M cro ConvectIOn 187A
264A 67A 77A, 79A 95A FIre Starters 210A Women's .29A Ovens 314A Peanuts 212; 2B2A
S s Women Ste It EQ r.. T-a esC Grooming Aids .124, Record Players ,133
See 8 ses 131A 146. 141 Records, PhQnograoh
es 2E T'1I e K b ba Mac es .122. 231
S eP Shtn9 K s ilWalChes 92A ...212; 14A 31A Remote Control Toys
16lA <lA Trav K IS. Wo er- Guns. , , . .268. 269 · .170. 286, 287, 293,
ShOe Savers lOA Storage , .. , ,93 9A.260A Toys lIsted In blue are In this 295-304 : 36A
5 rag C'lests .329A Trays Sarv ng 5A Handicraft Supplies Riding ToVS . 2S6-2S8.
SHOES Stuffed AnHTlals ....54 287 . 294A '987 CHRISTMAS BOOK .... . .....150 261-263,255-267;
Bo'(5· 26; 5LA , 246 ,-, Toys listed in black are in the
Helmets .234
Hobby Horses ... 258,
'SA '9A 28A J3A
Chtklren's .16. 71; S v as 24 r " Road Races and
5,. Suspenders. Boys' . ,.a. 1987 WISH BOOKFOR KIDS 259
Girls' ,44; '52A 5.36.39 , SA
TUlledos. Toddlers
Hobby Supphes ...199 t'i~"" .289- 291;
Infants' 16, 77; Suspe \Cle" Men s -Set; Tee Thru AUGUST 31, 1988 you can orde r Hockey Games 227, Robots . . .300
15,. 16A,213A tvoewnters " any item on pages 121 thru 304 of
Horses, Breyer. , , .148
Rock Tumblers .. . .242
Men s . , .26; 13A Accessor es 135A RockIng Tovs 258:
91' SWEATERS the 1987 WISH BOOK FOR KIDS . .. Housekeeping Toys 15A
s .. .26; Boys' Teen Boys' . ,2, Uke e es J5<' un less ot herwise stated ..154. 157
6A ZA 'OJ 3,30 ,31 J bre as 610 11 SCience Sets. 142
24A ;4A Inflatable ToVS ,.128
1Z3AWA Girts' 62, 68. 69 Action Figures .276, Cookbooks .152 lntercem Phones
SCooters 263
1 •
Shortens. Infants'
Little Bovs·
uttte Girls'
« Underwear. Bovs
282. 283
ActrvllYSets..125, 129.
Cookware Appliances
.149.155 Irons
Sesame Street
ArtICles .. , .133. 189
Toddlers . . . .84 ""en 5 166A-169A Teen Boys' . , ...25 131, 143, 221 Cnb Toys ....124. 125, Sewing MaChines ,
1144·18IA.I84A Under~af nlants .Jeweirv BOlles. ,. ,147 Supplies . , . . . ,148
Signs Novelty 332A AIrplanes ... ,136. 296 129, 130, 134
S k N ghtwear 185A 20ZA Todd ers 16A AnImals. ToV . .130, 142. Jewelry Maklllg Sewing Prciects. ISO
Women 11M derweer Me 143, 170, 171. 178, Desks , ..126. 127, 158, Supplies ..150, 151 Shopping Carts Plav
Women s 40A "'A
Skateboards Access. 02QA '22A 123A 216A 211A 190.191; ]54 159, 165, 221 , 233 Jump Bounce . .250, Sets. . . .157
..112, 113 132A 33A J6A USPS UPS fntcrmeucn Archery Sets .269 DetectIVe Sets 243 251 Skateboards
37A 42A .120: l63A Art Sea SlJppbes rMnev1and Castles ..25t .298
Skates 114-111 ...123 Kalefdoscope Kits
$v. atpa fa ....151. 200 Slates. Rol1er. . . .251
Skirt Sets. Gtrls' . .60. Va ... ea~ Disneyland Plavsets
61 -See .... ve e A Atlas . . . .201 K Ii 18 Ca ' ·Tr.·ns· .I SO SkIS . 250
Appare , 134. 137 Sleds . . .250
Sklrl Sets l rue G s veccum Ceaners 324.269A
Backpacks. " , .. ,128 Doctor, Nurse Kits Suo-cone Makers
25A Sweatshirts Accessones Bakewear .149 Kitchen Toys , , ...149,
. . . . . . . .143 ...157
..see War U 304A·307A Balancing Poles 251 152-151
Snow Gliders . . .200
SKIRTS V, ets ~2A 8 s.. .201 ; '!lA lA
Girls' 62.£5. 70-75 DOLLS! lamps _. Z35. 240 Soccer Equipment
Ta Ie GI' 124 \Ia Dresser Barbell 5ets.•...250 ACCESSORIES laundry Centers .•.116 .. .250
Infants' Toddlers' 209A I. A Baseball
. , 82 l3OA. 23' A 233A Baby ..128, 175-181 ; leammg A;ds .213-219 SoccerGames ..• ..226
~~ Run ~ VCI'"IT.,. Cards. Accessories J1A 31A Space Toys...136, 243,
Little Girls'. . "2.... 375A 377A .........196. 197 M aps, U.S...••..145
284A·287A Barbie ....168, 165, 249
W '" Tlb e TennIS Vendmg MachlneJO Baseball EqUIpment 112. 173 Marting Pens ... .202 Sporting Goods , 250.
1l6A-t19A Mechamcal Toys . .266,
123A, 127A 1X1A Equlpmenl 233A .... , ... .212; 21A • ' .~.... 251 Cabbage Patch 251
Ieb ecloths Nl pkms Vests Men s Basketball EQuipment .......179, 183 267, 288 Stemcs.ccms 199
131A 138A 139A 33A 2C6A Merry-Go-Rounds
2:84A-287A . ..251 Carriages Strollers Stilts 251
Skorts. Infants" vests W !l\&fl s 37A Bathtub Tavs .. _.253 51 rage Co ta ers
Toddlers' . . .84.85 .175. 181
Z28A·23LA eu T a es _..124, 128 Celebrity •..... 199 Metal Detectees , . .243 ,lA
ee 4, s
P e q.corded ar-e IS _266. 271. Metal TapPIIlg Kits
T1 • Pla~ 11 furnrttHe ..110, 114. Stroller TOVS ..124. 130.
Sleepltlg Bags 209; 3S4A 3S8A 14 300. 302. 304 ; 327A ....241
nJA RecorOtfl .387A 116, 185, 186 115
4OOA, 4QIA 378A·J85A Battery Chargers Houses ..•.110, 114, Mickey Mit'lme Mouse Stuffed Toys ..126. 121,
S rcers Food .321 A ......... .166. 303 • .122. 126, 121,219
Tapes Cassette 185 188, 192. 193
S de Protectors 351A W an Clocks . , . ,94, 95 Beverage Dispensers Microphones . .. .240
Slipper Socks. Boys' Recordll1g 29A Wall Decorations Talking .....182, 183 Submannes ... , , .301
400A 401A , .. , .. ,157 VentnloQuist. ..183 Microscopes Super Market
....14, 15 91 , 92; 293A Bicycles . .264 ........133. 245
reces VI e Dress-up Sets . . .146 Accessories ... ,157
Pr,-Reeo ded Bmoculars . .122, 236 MIlitary Toys . .300 SWImming Poots.. .132
SUPPERS W ALLET S Blackboartts 158 Easels . .158.159.200 Model Kits. . ..243 SWIIlg Sets ..252, 25J
C C:r1ns 1$ 354A 3S8A 359A Boys: .... 25; 92A
J78A385A Blocks. Buikhng 130, ElectronIC Prolect Krts Monitors. Nursery

150' e $ 2D9A 211A 131. 1401. 145,246, . .• .242 ...129 Table and Chair Sets
Girls' . $1-54 Tal Sets Ba s 23A
Te,n-etties l" Engines, Toy. , . .243 Motorcycles · .126, 121, 154, 158,
Little Girls'. 51 -53 Women So 145A, Boats, Toy . .124,128, herclsing Equipment accesscnes , .259 159,165-167
M.ns 149A-15IA, Teddy Lngerte 146A Table Tennis Sets. .229
Women s 13A. 295,301 ... ,250
214A. 21SA 217A Books, Children's, .121, MUSICAL Talking To'(5 ..182, 183,
Women s 45A 47A, UA -49A WARM·UP Farm Tovs ....130. 136 189
SA 141,220.221,236, INSTRUM ENT S
49A 59A '6A APPAREL Mgure Play Sets Drums ....240 Tape Players
3J6A·J4(!A 231,241.
°74 '48A Bovs'Teen BOVS 215--283 Guitars . .239, 240 Recorders ..236, 237
5 • Te esc ees 3!ilA BookS . ColOring .•. .88, Rre Engines . . ,125
4, 5, 9, 20-23; 121,221 Keyboart1s. Teddv Bears. .130, 171.
Slips, Girls' ..48 T....isIH . A 5A Rashltghts.. .125; 'llA 189
Sets. Ace..-nn BowlUlg EqUIpment ElectronIc . .238.
S ps Womens Infants' Toddlers' Foods, Toy ... , ...157 239 Teddy Ruxpin ., , .t89
1JOA 131A 364A-366A . .251 Football EQutpment
...84.85: 1M BUilding Tovs. , .. ,130, Organs . . . . ,239 Telephones . . .124, 129,
Slumber Bags 368A-373A 394A little Boys 251 131 ,132. 234
Tents, Juvenlle 131, 133, 144, 246, Planas . , , ..238, 239
. . , .202-207 •.. .9; 34A Furniture ....126, 127• Sall.ophones , ...240 Telescopes ...133. 244
. 206· 209 247, 249, 254
Small ~ectors lOA
Sn.Ji Tr~s
Snow Pants, Boys'
9Ao T rmcmete
T rf"OS 9 tt'e
.,. lteGs
'5A 17A

Bulletltl Boards ..201
Calendars, Nfl ..198

Musical Toys . , . , .125,
128. 131. 139, 111,
Tools Accessones
•..137, 139. 143, 241
Toothbrushes . . ..146
Teen Boys' ...40 e cess as ·3tjA-201A Cameras . . ... .236 Adult ..210. 211 . 222. Tote Bags . . ....180
Snow Pants, Lmle Me S 11 ILA 2lJ3A-205A, 231A Candy-Making Sets 228, 232; 2JA NFL ArtICles . .193-195. Toy Chests...126, 127.
BoY'· 6. 7 95A 2t04 21ZA Women s lOA 17A ......149 Adventure ..230, 231, 198.199 146,161,165-167
SnowsUIts. Boys''leen Ties Me s 12A 14OA-I43A 231A Cards. Collectors' 274, 278-281
Paint Sets , •. ... .200 Tractors , •... , 286
Boys' . . . . .41 21lA Warranly tntcrmauen ....198, 199 Arcade. , 229 Trailers . . . . . , 286
Te WOr'l'NN'lS SA Children·s ..140, 182, Pertvwere 154
Snowsuits, bttle ... ,120: 263A Cars , .. ,139. 175, 243, Pencil Sets ....• .201 Trains Accesscnes
Boys . . .6, 7 Tighls, Girls' ., 46, 47, WI~he C 'n 284,285,297-301 , za, nJ-229. Pencil Sharpeners ...135, 136, 292·294;
Soccer EQuipment 50, 61 , 72. 13 JOBA 303 ' 2A J3A. 36A 231 -233,278-281 27A. J2A 2S3A
Tights.lnlants· ..... . . , .201
.103 Cars, Model ....•.243 EducatlOt'la l ....133, Tncycles .....259 262
Toddlers' .. _.. , .83 Ptlone Centers •.•. 142
23,. W ATCHES Cash RegISters. .132, 140, 213-219, 232
Phonographs and Trucks .•.259. 297, 298;
Tights, Lttle GirlS' Girls' , .55. 72. 13 134 Electronic..230, 233.
......46, 41 Supplies ..236. 237 22A 36A
SOCKS! • 35A Cassette Cases , ..122. 243, 270 Tunnels, Play, .145, 255
To Ac ISS 21lA Family.... .222. 223, Pillows, lifesaver
STOCKINGS 90A 9,. 237 . .164 TypeWriters ..125. 138,
Boys'.. .2, 19. 27. 30 TOPS. APPAREL Men 5 lOA 29A Cassette 227-232, 271
Play Balls . .. . ..250 1.,
GIrts' . 42, 62. 68. 70 Boys'Teen Boys' 3704 84A-87A Players Recorders laser , •. . .274. 275
MUSIcal. .130, 141 Play Sets . . .132. 134, Unteycles 25\
LIttle Boys' •. .6, 7 ,.16, 18·24, 27-35, 90A 92A 94A _236, 237 136, 131, 174
Lttle Girls' .42 39 2 Cassette Tapes , ..122, Partv . . . . . .222 Vacuum Cleaners
Pinball _ ..224 PlayWorkshops . .132
es 6A6A Girls' ...64-67. 10-13 Wome s 1aA 20A 189.216.231; 31A Play Zoos .134 · ...132. 154. 156
l~ '19A 27A Infants' Toddlers' 2!iA. 31A 64 Castles . . ...278 Pool. . .225 vemnes. GIrls' .. ,137,
Sports . . .l9S, 226, Playground EqUipment
Worn s 29A 37A ..16-18. 82 66A aJA-9OA Chalkboards .158 132. 252. 253. 255 "6
6DA 61A 136A little Boys' . , . 4, 5, 924 94A 1.24 Chemistry Sets .242 228-230. 211 VIdeotapes . .188, 216.
rnvre . . . . , .222 Playhouses . ,134, 145
Spice Racks 24A 16. 24; 34A 143A Chess Checker Sets Pogo Sticks , .251 119
Spertceets. Men s little Girls'. ...42-44 Wetg • ftlllg Redur g . , . . . .210. 211 : 23A VideoAccesscnes
182, 195, 223, Pool Tables . 225 W agons .263
162A 165A Men s IllClA 181A Eq ft'\@ I Clubhouses . , ... .253 Ponery Workshops
Spcnti . g Goods 92A 19SA 238A-2.wA Com Siamp Collections 273-275 Walkie-Talkies 234
Garages, Toy .. ... .151 Wastebaskets .198
. 96-98.103-109, 2ll:>' 2II5A N Sa .199 Preschool TOVS ...128,
114. 1I6. 117; 233A 134.< 244A 245A ColOring Books 88. ......133, 134 Watches 134 147,
Zl6A """
135A Winnle-the-Pooh 121, 221 Gem Maklllg Supphes
129. 131. 132.
134-137,139. 235
Wlnnle-the-Pootl Tevs
Sports EQuipment, Tote Ba 'A 3A Arllc les and Comic Book 142·145,256.259.
Juvenile , ..103-105, 161A FashIons 82. 86; CollectIOns . 220; Ghostbusters .....219 . ,127, 129, 141. 142
11 4-117; 236A
5te ns Beer 22A
Towe S 6A 31M 15A
Work Tables Ktchen ".
Computers Software
GI Joe . ,
Globes .
276, 217
Pull Toys .. , ... ,133
Woodcrafts ,
, .241

Toy Chests ....89 Purses , ,.146, 147
Stereo Eq. i.-.1It Tille Bags <0, lOA ...213-219 G!o-Worm.Amcles
.129 Puules , . .125, 233
Accnsones 71A 211A ~13A ConstructIOn Toy!
, Co '" Wnstbands. Girts· .73 24&-249. 2504 . 281 Golf Sets. .251 RadIOS 235, 236: I. Ii. 265A
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o.t""'" tM gift you know they Cll#l , . . •••

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th.""11 t'fIdHmllbltlllt IIny of ou, mo,." thlIn 3000
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Gilt emilie.'• . . . S,IR'
to you
,2XC7.utJ .. , Stllt.SS, $'0, $25. $50, $'00

Looking for a truly un;

on page 38A . .. it's a gift c
"Mom, did you notice the hand-
painted detail on these
nativity pieces? And look at these
others with their lovely designs."
A Last Time Avallable/
Recreate the story of Ctmstmas for your fam ily with
thIs handpainred polyester resin set, has figures up to
C Foidmg creche wrth muSIC box that
plays " Silen t Night " IS handmade and
handpamted Simula ted wood. Imported.
8/1lChes high. 1~/fIch high stable has bullt -m SWISS 22LxIOWx16Hinches
mus ic box tha t pl ays "Silen t Night "; reqUi res 2 "AA" 71 E 97(8)-Wt 7 lbs . 8 oz . $29 .99
batteries. no l lncluded Stable and scenery are Save $'9 when you purchase na tIVIty set (8 )
handmade from wood. ba rJ< and moss. Imported . With creche (C). Separate pnces total $79 98
2O-Pleceset mCludes Holy Family, 3 Wise Men,
71 E 97081C-Wt 32 lbs . . .Set $59 .99
Delight your family With ttns
shepherd. boy , angel. ox . don1f.ey, p per, camel. 2
sheep, man W ith basket, old man Wi th lan tern , stable O trad/ t!Of181 porcelalfl natiVity set. It
comes complete With '2 oeces: a
and 2·f)IeCescenery set. 1986 pnce $19994-
71 E 97908C-Wt. 35100 . . . Se t $169 .99 be aut lfu lly crafted s tabie (I3Lx 7Wx IOH).
Mary, Joseph. Infan t IfI cro . 3 klf'lgS. ox .
12·PIe(:e se t Includes Holy Family. 3 Wise Men , donkey, shepherd With sheep, 2 sheep
Shepherd, boy. angel, ox. don key and stable 1986 Figures up to 5 Jf'I teu Imported
ooce $ 139 97. 71 E 9793)-Wt. 8 oz . Set $ 19.99
71 E 9745OC-Wt. 19 100 .. .Set $118.98 4 .pHN:e add on set mcJudes : angel, man ,
8-pl ec e set IfICJudeS Holy Family , 3 Wise Men , boy and camel
shepherd and s table . 1986 price $9998

Mert. sheQhefd
- , c.,,., ,
71 E 97308l WI 17 too .. .Set S83 98

FiIffilIy. 3 WISe
Boy. angel. donl<ey . 71 E97448
P!pef . camel . 2 $I"oeep 71E97373
ManWith baSketman

91bs. l oz.-
21bs 90z
2lb5 90z
""..... "
"' . "
71 E 97964-WI. 13 oz.. Set $5.99
Our 16-pIeCe set mcludeS the twelve-
PIeCe ser (0) and the four-f)IeCe add-on
se t. $eparate pnces total $25 ,98
71 E97965-WI. 71bs te oz . . SeI S21.99
Stable me asures 13Lx7Wx1OH Inches
71 E 97316--WI. 4 lbs. 2 oz... $12.99
....m I¥llf!m
71 E979O&
71 E 97615
7t E 9751 0 '''''
. ~

Beautifu lly detailed FJde porcelain natIVity set

"' "'"
19 .99

" .es E up
porcelam ctlllc1ren 's set ha s
to 5 mcheS htg h. Stable IS
Inches. Se t mcJudes Holy

Br-oece set Includes: Joseph, Ma/y, Infant. 3 Wise

Men and an angel. Flf}Ures up to 6 inches high.
Farmly, 3 Wise Men , ox , dotlII ey ,
shepherd With sheep. 2 sheep and
stable. Imported
Imported. 71 E 9756Q-Wt 3 1bs .. oz . .. Set $14.99
71 E 97950-Shpg W1 . 1 Ib 10 oz . .. Set $49 .99
Delicate ne w bone ctllna na tiVity set
F mcludes Infant In cnb. 3 angelS,
donkey . horseand one sheep; 7 pIeCeS IfI
all Up to 3~ In . tall. W t. 1 lb 1 oz.
71 E 97054 . , . Set $9 .99
As Christmas Eve approached
even Santa dreamed of Christmas
A Ch ildren of en ages will believe
you "e Santa when you don this
,().~ professional Santa set.
LandM Let your feelmgs show With
these testwe holiday swea t·
shirts , 50% cotton. 50% acrylIC.
This lux urIOUS suit (s tal/ored from SllES<Sm(30-32). Med (34-36).
plush , velvet rayon acetate WIth 19 .(38-40). Ex. 19.(42-44)

L '"
thlCH, fluffy 3O-oz white fur-look
trun. Jacket is lined with smooth Believe In Sant a " sweatShIrt.
sa tin, has a recessed front Zipper, 71 E95 741-SmaIl 71 E 97969-Med
fold up cuffs, shoulder pads and 71 E 9797Q-Lrg 71E97971-X·Lrg
matching hat. Trouserscome Shpg wt . lib ... $19 .99
compete with drawstrmg waist
and 2 side pockets, Nylon beard
WIth groomed mustache and
M " Bah Humbug " sweatshirt .
71 E 95740-SmaIl 71 E 97966-Med
71 E97967 -Lrg 71 E 97968- X-lrg
frliJlching wig are touched WIth
Shpg wt . lib .. . $19 .99
silver/gray to look real. Eyebrow
makeup kit. Belt with brass -look
bucl<1e and boot tops with white
cuff are crafted ot thick leathe,-
look vlnyf. Qua lity gloves of l00'Jf,
N Bring the holiday spmt IOto your
home With thiS cheerful San ta
mask. Porcelain with red ribbon
nylon. Costume glasses. Jacket hanger. 9 inches high.
fits up to ches t size 48. 71 E97085-Shpg wI .1 40z . . $14 .99

and R
71 E 97850-Wt 7 lbs . . . Set $299.00
P Finely detailed porcelam

S Santa bag, crafted of the same

plush velvet rayon ace ta te as suit
(A). Has drawstring closure and holds
house brl{Jhtens up any room
lis ted Bulb inci. 6 inches high
Shpg wt . 1 lb . 6 oz.
OOdles of toys . 27Wx32H in (P) 71 E 97082 ... $14 .99
71 E 97512 -W1 . 11 oz... Alone $50 .00 (R) 71 E 97083 .. $14 .99
When bought with suit (A)... $35 .00

CCelebrate Chflstmas
Santa costume. The
In tms JOl'y
ha t. )8Ck8t and
Sthru V Lifelike OoIIs look and moYe
Just like the ones 10 fancy
store WIndows and dIsplays . All
pants 8re made of I¢t-wetght te-oz. (except Uj are holding a lit candle in
acrylic ma tenal accented with 18-0z. the ir right hand. 26 in. tall Btt . cord
acrylic mm. San ta set includes 8 R ~ t bulbs sold below
peces: pullover jacket, elastic wais t
pants, ha t. black vinyf belt and boots,
acrylic beard With mustache and wig
and eyebrow makeup kit. Fits up to
S Little boy caroHN is wea nng a red
velvet cap and coat wit h a tur -Joo/(
collar and brass buttons.
chest size 46. 71 E 97242-Shpg. wi . 7 Ibs ... $99 .00
Wt. 4 Ibs. 2 oz.
Li ttle gIrl caroler IS weSflng a red
7' E 97452 ... Set 549 .00
T velvet coat and hood trmvrea 10
fTl8rlOOu WIth a red satin sash. Mutt on
a Santa costumeJ
DTheHe HoIWhatand
hat, jacket
of medium-weight
pants are made
sleeves onbodice
71 E 97241-Shpg. wt . 7 too ... $99 .00
ma tenal and accented with ee-oz.
whiteacrylictnm, Thecomplete9-p«e
set includes: Zi~tront j8cket, elastic
U Cuddly bea r IS jUst as cute as can
be in its red corduroy pants and ha t.
71 E 97633-Shpg , wt . 11Ibs ... $99 .00
waist pa nts, hat, embossed black vmyl
belt, vinyl boot tops WIth white cuffs,
acrylIC beard With mustache and wig.
eyebrow makeup ki t and a P8lfof white
V Fest ive Santa has jOlly belly and
curly white beard. He 's weaflng a
traeJltKXl8f red SUIt With whIte tnm and
co tton gloves. Fits up to chest size 48 black boots. belt and glo..-es
71 E 97426Wt. Sibs. 13 oz. Set $99 .00 71 E 97632-Shpg wt. 8 100 . . $99.00

E Be the Santa of your child's dreams

in our oeemom Santa suit , We'ye
used plush rayon acetate YelYet with
W Bea utiful angel dressed in satin
and lace WIth goId-<:olored accents.
71 E 97960-Shpg , wt . 8 ItIS ... $99.00
24-oz . thick whi te trim for the hat and
Replacemen t bulbs C 7~ for (5 thru
jacket. s-oc. set includes ' puf/-Qver
W), Pack age of 3. Shpg , wt. 1 oz.
j acke t, hat, elas tic wa ist pants: rea listic
nylon filament beard with mustache 71 E 94253 ... Each pKg . $1 .99
and Wig, eyebrow makeup kit; black,
2 Of more, pkg . . . $1 .49
embossed heavy-welf}ht yinyl be lt Wi th
large brass·1oa«buckle; boot tops with
white cuffs and wh ite knit gloves of X This special potpoum blend of
SpICeS, heros, forest botanicals
and pine cones rele ases a fresh na tural
1ot:r1(, nylon. Fits up to chest size 48
71 E 97762-WI. Sibs ... Set $199 .00 fragrance of ou tdoor mountams and
forests Toss in your fireplace or se t in
the open to rele ase the fragrance.
Plush acrylic bag. with dra wstnng
71 E 97096-Shpg wt. 10 oz .. . $9.99

71 E97S21 -Shpg , wt .1Ib $20 .00
Ctms tmas jus t wouldn 't be
the same Without the charm
G Super·plush acrylIC hat
holida y accent
a great

71 E 97915-Shpg , wt . 4 oz ... $7.00

of these cuddly bear stockings to stuff
for Christmas. 20 inches long .
(Y) 71 E 97099--Brown bear stockIng

H New at Sears! Sears Best natural

lOOkIng modacrylic beard With
groomed mustache and matching wig
(Z) 71 E 97100-While bear stocking
Shpg . wt . 6 oz .. . $1 1.99

a /so comes wit h eyebrow makeup kit.

Security-sti tched for a more rea listIC
appearance and added durabili ty.
M Flr ·style 2O-inch wreath WIth
decorstlYe red bow, pme cones
and other accents Wt. 2 Ibs. 8 oz.
Shpg . wt . 2 tbs , 60z 7 1 E 91080-Each $19.99
71 E 97961 ... $50 .00 2 or more (AA) Of (BB) . . $16 .99

J Set Inc ludes heavy vinyl belt with

brass -look buckle and wh ite nylon
SS Decorative garJanc1looks and
fee ls so real i t 's hard to tell the
difference. Lasts for ye ars and won 't
71 E97S16-Wt.llb. 40z . .. $20 .00 lose needles like real garlands, 9 feet
IonQ Shpg . wt. 1 lb . 8 oz
Anyone can beajofly San ta with ttns 71 £ 91071-Each $14 .99
K s tomach pouch, Polyester pouch IS
filled with soft cotton fiber and
2 or more (AA) Of (BB) . .. $11 .99
An fabncs rr'lM."M If! USA. Dty clNrl only
polystyrene. A djustable straps
111:: 9'7651-WI. Sibs . 8 oz . . . $17.00

~ .~
a 530 to
.~ nd (oJ
SINCE 19821:
6V2-fo ot
7V2-f oot Royal Balsam .
Canadian fir

Sl9900 84
5 00


Available in 5 sizes
RoyaI SaIsam

Sl4900 7- 1001
Deluxe Fir


"Gee Bobby,
these trees look so real,
I can't tell the difference!" ' 129 99
1 139,99

199 .99 I 149 .00
B ring the bea ut y of nature into you r ho me without
the mess or the fuss of natural trees. These easy to
care trees have flame-resistant needl es and all have sturdy
steel stands. Made in USA See " N" suffix note. page 263A.

AandB These beautiful and lifelik.e trees are a pleasure to

decorate. Choos e from either Amenc an or Canad ian
fi' trees. C% r-eoded branches fit easily into poles. WI. Poco
nem HeigtllI
I Tips I ca.....
Wt. r-;;;-
I Ibs . L...:::::...
'"26 Sl2i.OO
(A) New growth American fir tree : all except (95050) ha ve ne w
growth colors
$109 .00
I :~ ~
71 E 95033C 12 S49.oo
71 E 95034C 33 99.00 129 .00
7 63 71 E 95028C 39 117.00 159.00
71,1 78 71 E 95035C 52 159 .00 (G )
9 84 71 E 95050 N rr 319.00 $99 .00
(8) Canadian fir tree '25.00
! 1V2 t 60 587 71 E 95038N 50 $199 .00 157.00

The charm of an old fashioned Christmas
with all the trimmings
A Cthru Add a touc h of Christmas cheer to any
room of your house , apartment, o ffic e or
to your dorm room . These trees have convenient
one-piec e construction, long -lasting . flame retardant
needles and a srurdy p lastiC stand. Unassembled .
End the holiday fuss ! This 4-foot fir tree comes
A complete with everything you need for
deco rating . Tree topper (0). 2 sets of 12 red cows
(E), 2 sets of heart lights (F), 3 red and green
garlands (G) and 24 wooden ornaments (N).
Separa te prices total $70.40.
71 E 95747L -Shpg. WI. 13 es ... Set 549 .00
Tree alone .
71 E 95026L-Shpg. wt. 13 Ibs . .. $24.99
4-foot Canadian pine tree for your home .
B 71 E 9513OC-Shpg . wt . 9 Ibs . . . $19 .99

C 4-foot flocked tree far a snowy look.

71 E 95117C-Shpg. wt. 7 lbs . . . $19.99

Wrap it up ! For a g reat

buy on gift wrap, see p. 268A
of our Christmas Book
2000 rec ipes . 800 full-color photosl
A gift t hat w ill long be remembered
.•. see cook book on pages 2 and 3

> 0/ 200/ when youbuy
(fl 15 /0 to /0 ~:~; to ~~\ and NI
D Red ribbOn tree topper, the perfect accent tor a
tree , wreath or door. 18Lxl1W in. WI . ea. 4 oz.
71 E 93488 . .. Each $1.99 ; Any 2 or more , ea . $1 .59
Set of 12 decorative red cows. Wt . set 2 oz.
E 71 E 93287 .•. Each set 52.99
Any 2 or more ... Each set $2.39

F LandM
String of 10 darling heart lights. 10 in. apart. Sturdy corrug ated fiberboard omament
36· ;n. lead cord. UL listed . Wt. set 8 oz. c hests have dNiders to help protect your
71 E 94089 ..• Each 54.99 ; Any 2 or more , ea. $3.99 frag ile tree ornaments. Unassembled .

G9 feet of colorful. sparkling red and green

beaded garland. Wt. ea. 5 oz.
71 E 91 186 ... Each $2 .49; Any 2 Of more, ea. $1.99
2-sectio n omament chest is 25Lx74Dx10H in.
E 9791o-Shpg. wt. 3 Ibs •. . $4.99

H Sears Best indoo r -outdoor miniature fight sets

come complete wdh 2 extra bulbs . one steady
and one blinker bulb and reffectors . 50 or 100 lights
M 6-<:Jrawer omament chest is 17Lx13Dx29H in.
71 E 97518-Shpg. wt . 8 Ibs. 3 oz . . . $17 .99

spac9d 8 inches apa rt. 4-inch lead cord with quick

connecting end·to-end p lug . UL listed . Imported.
5O-bulb sets . Overa ll leng th 33 h.
Shpg . wt. set 1 lb.
71 E 94102-Multi 71 E 94103-Clear
71 E 94104-Red 71 E 941 OS- Ambe r
71 E 94106-Blue
Set $5.99 ... Any 2 Of more. ea . set 54.99
100-bu lb sets. Overall length 66 ft.
Shpg . wt . set 2 Ibs.
71 E 94107-Multi 71 E 94108-Clear
Set $9.99 ... An y 2 or more . ea . set $8.49

J 7 three -inch bubble Ughts. End-to-end c onnect

lights are spaced 12 inc hes apart. 14-inch lead
corel. UL listed. Shpg . WI. set 12 oz.
71 E 94527 Set $9.99
Any 2 Of more Ea . set $7.99
Set of 2 replacement bulbs for (J) .
71 E 94526-Shpg. WI. 3 oz . .. Set $2.99
2 or more ... Ea. set $2.39
Ten mini·bubble lights with .an add-on plug .
K Spaced 10 inches apart with a 36-inch lead
cord. Imported . Shpg. wt. set 6 oz.
71 E 94063 . . . Set $5.99
N Brighten up your tree with these hand·painted
ornaments cut from real wood. Set of 24 in all,
up to 4.J:1 inches high . Shpg. wt . 15 OZ.
Any 2 or more • .. Ea . set $4 .79 71 E 93285 . .. Set $19 .99
2 or more •• . Ea . set $13 .99
hems F tbru H, K and N are Imported.

"It's heartwarming ...
our h ouse just says Christm as!"
A71G'9S!ltlC 36-Hlch
E 91570-Shpg
wrea th PVC paste bris tles .
wt. Sibs . $19 .99 N IIfUtrllfJ8ted PVC gtngertJre«J house 31LK34H
InChes ""'ttl 2 "Cr" bu lbs and a 7-foo t COfd
71 E98143-Shpg wt. 10100 . $19.99
18 teet long With 3S
Ane-k:Joj( plastIC garland IS
B multrcokxed Of clear hgh!S wt. lib, 3 oz. better quality trHnI8t~ ligh t se ts have 100
71 E 91l)51-Ml,ihcolored Itgtlts . Each $ 12.99
71 E 91Q74-Qear hgh ts Each $12.99
bulbs spaced 61flChes apart Ccnvement end-to-
end connector plugs. 50 fee t long
Any 2 Of more . Each $9 .99

flocked candy cane decorated ~ I I ....

CCoIorluI J6.fnch. 71 E9t098 1So: SS...
WIth red~. green SIlk tJoIJy ana a large ~ 11 E 94009 150: 8.99 5."
red plastIC bow needles
71 E 98149-Shpg wt . 3 Ibs . . $24 .99 'CY" hght sets have 2S bulbs spat;:Bd 121fJChes
R apart and ~ t et'JcHc>end connector plugs
Jolly >foot Santa HfgtH1enSify polyethylene
O note. """""ea
....... .......
ReQwres up to II 4(}watt bulb (no t 1ftCIuded). See
"N °' p . 263A .. ' M
71 E 9fDDN-Shpg wt.181bs . $49.99 W I; ! 11 E 94J55 1 9
71 E Q.t118
-.. 11 E 901 1-*0
9 ..

~ $2to $5
11 E 901 119 1 10 9 ..
Plas tJC IlokJers lor (P and R) simply snap on guNers
Package of '2
on .ad1 nem .. In IEthru JI 71 E 94249-Shpg w1 1 Ol . F'tl.g , $1 .99
...., you buy ..., 2 or more Item... 1ft.

E ReversIble Gtngertxead person. One side 1$ a boy

and the other IS II g irl. 29Hx' l W Inches Htgh ·
S MoJdBd piastlC ornaments fIt OtlBf your ' 'C9 '' hg.h ts
(sok1 al:xNe) to bnghtBn up your trees or house
PacJcage of 20 assorted colors Shpg wt. ptlg 1 lb .
density poIyethyfene, IncJvdes 5-1001cord and ··C1J.7 ·· 71 E 98125-Pt1.g . $7.99 . 2 or more. each plc.g. $6 .99
bulb , UL hsted 1986 Slng le-un lt pflce $12.99 each .
71 E 98120-Shpg , wt. ea. 3 tbs . 02 .. .Each $10.99 RealistIC molded piaStlC candollBf'S;ue tow Inches
Any 2 or mor e . .. Each $7 .99 T tllgh "Cr " bulbs Included Ul. lIsted

Fthru H These 3 -d'merJSlQfJBl blo w mokJed hgures sre

the perfect accent to any fron t yard , They 're
:xl IflChes tall, UL listed , use 8 25 watt bulb (not
IOclvded) and haW! one 5-'001 cord each
Three . ,
~::1 .
E ,

71 E 9ne
71 E9n81
71 E 97782
11 E 97183

' OM
" M
"""'. or.-
$ 1.29


"em Ca talog
I wI..
S"", seee. 2 Of more.
elL .- .- Clear plastIC gfl ps (not shown) keep cando/H3rs in place

11 E 96148 .""
98145 1
(F ) Chow boy
~~ : ~ Qlrl "
71 E
71 E 98146 "'"
" . $ 17.99
$ 12 .99
1• .99
on narrow WIndow sl fls , P1Ickage 01 3,
71 E97594-Shpg wt.1 0 0l . .. Pto-.g 99c

These ~aters come With thelrown rink! Two28-inch

J Add a welcome feeling 10 yOur home W ith these

!ummana lan terns . EacIIlantem consists of a
U Itgh ted PV C plastIC sJ<sters and II 2fh48-inch rink.
Includes lour ' Cl ~ " bulbs and "'oot cord. See "N"
brightly cokxed. specially treated bag W I th Chnstmas suffix note. page 263A
tree slenal You t,1fIt With an Inch or two of sand and 71 E 9El 105N-Shpg w1. t2 Ibs . . Set $24 .99
men ".,sert8 candle 1ft me
fJ'HddJe Kit K'ICJudeS 6 red
and 6 green bagS lIItd 12 candles
Decorate your hOuSe or lence WlrtJ til lS 3-pIea!
71E98151 -ShpgWI ea 2Ibs .. , Klt $8 .99
Any 2 at more ... Each kIt $6 .99
V IlIumlflated trallJ set. PVC pJastlC. "cr bulb and
2·loot cord 1ftChJded
Jolly Santa lace Blow molded tor a M lmen5IOfIa1
71 E 98142-Shpg w1. 10 ee. .$ 19.99
K appearanaJ 36 InCheS Jong LA. hsted. Uses fIJ
watt bulb (flOt 1IlCIuded)
71 E 98144-Shpg wt 11 Ibs . $2• .99

L Old faShIOnedFather Chfls tma s fJOk1mg tree Blow

mokJed tor a 3-d,menSKJn81appearance XJ InCheS
tall Complete WIth " C1 W ' bulb lA. hsted 4-foo( cord
Your d nect line
71 E 981 41-$hpg wt . 31bs . $14 .99 lathe
Nor th Pole ...

M t:Je/wfe 3<hmensKXJdJ tIIow molded Santa. sled

and feffJdeef set measures over 6 feet Iong'Santa
and sJed measureB..x14Wd8H InCheS LA. listed,
shop by phone .
Toorder. ca ll
your local
uses 60 watt bulb (no t 1fJCI,J. Reuw:Jeer measure Sears store
35Lxl1Wx.D-# /fl.• come complete WIth 'C 1 Y,, " bcJJb
71 E98147-Shpg W1 .19 Ibs . Set $69.99
2 relfJl1eer.
Extra set of
71 E 98150-Shpg wt 5 lbs Set alone $24.99
Save 20% when you also buy (M)... Set $ 19.99
Whenever I [
Lighted PVC v;nyl5.3nta fig ure IS 4 feet high and
includes two "cr: bulbs . See "N" suffix note,
pass by a page 263A.
71 E 98257N-Shpg . wt. 12 100. . . $19 .99
hol iday house G Htgh'lfnpact styrene San ta WIth sleigh and 8
remdeer IS 22 inches htgh. Includes five
I have t o stop ' 'C1 Ut·, bulbs .
71 E 98061-Shpg. wt . 31bs. 12 cz. . . $15 .99
and smile .. . H You 'lf get a lift out of our P VC vinyl5.3nta hot air
ba lloon .!Includes two "eg" bulbs plus T-rod
it' s Christmas! for indoor/ outdoor moun ting 21Wx44H inches

~~ $44 when you buy tile

complete Fomilyset!
71 E 98126-Shpg. wt. 12 Ibs ... $19 .99

$2to$4 IlO "'" item (J thru R)
when you buy any
2" mOO!ltem.
The Ctmstmas story brightens your home with our
A lig hted outdoor natIvi ty set. These large,
bea utifully de tailed weatherproof fig ures are fanned of
tough polyethy lene and requlfe 25-wstt. 4O-watt or
Jand K 38-inch polyethylene candle includes
''Cl f.f·· bulb .

"Ct " bulbs (not inc luded). See "N" suffix note,
Save $44 when you buy complete set of Holy Fami ly,
J Red candle. Shpg . wt. ea. 2 100.
71 E 98101. .. Eadl $7.99
AI1y 2 or more . . . Each $5 .99
shepherd and 2 lambs, 3 Wise Men and stable Whi te candle. Shpg . wt . ea. 2 100.
(star sold be/ow). Sepa ra te prices tota l $2 14.96. K71 E 98102 Each $7.99
71 E 981OBN-$hpg , wi . 62 lns ... Set $169 .99 Any 2 or more Each $5 .99

~ when you buy Holy Family, shepherd and 2
4O-inch polyethylene nutcracker WI . I.
Jambs and stable. Sepa rat e prices totsl $134 .97. " Cl '" " bulb and 6-foot lead cord
71 E 98107N-Shpg . wt. 38 too ... Set $107.98
Save $18 when you buy Holy Family with stable.
Separate prices total $89.98
L Red nutcracker.
71 E 98103-Shpg . wt . ea. 3 Ibs
Each $19.99 . . . Any 2 or more , Each $15.99
71 E 98211N-Shpg . wt . 26lbs ... Set $71.98
Holy Family. Figures up to
20 inches high.
33 inches high; folding C/lb
M Blue nutcracker.
71 E 98123-Shpg. wt. 3lbs.
Each $19 .99 . . . Any 2 or more . Each $15.99
71 E 9a075N-Shpg. wt. 14 Ibs. 8 oz ... Set $59 .99
XJ.inch plastic toy soldier includes -crw:
Wooden stable. 40 inches high. Partia flyassembled.
Star sold below. N bulb and 6-foot lead cord.
71 E 98209C-Shpg. wt . ea. 2 100. 8 oz.
71 E 98076L-StIpg. wt. 13 100 . .. $29 .99 Each $8.99 ... Any 2 or more. Each $6.99
Shepherd and 2 Jambs. Figures up to 33 inches high. 39-inch polyethylene lamp post includes a
71 E 980nL-Shpg . wt . 10 100. 8 oz ... Set $44 .99
Three Wise Men . Figures up to 41 inches high
P " C l f.f ,. flame bulb and 5foot lead cord.
71 E 98127-Shpg. wt . ea. 2 100.
71 E 98078N-Shpg. wt . 24 100 . .. Set $79 .99 Each $7.99 ... Any 2 or more , Each $5.99
Bulk s traw, the finishing touch for your display . See
note. below
F 71 E 97963N-Shpg . wt. 5 tbs . . . $9 .99
Ou tdoor lig h ted s tar of weather-resistant vinyf-
B coated steel includes 20 "eg.' bulbs plus I
replaceme n t bu lb . 20 inches in d iame ter. Double trame,
71 E 98166C- Shpg . wt. 2100. 12 cz. . . $19.99
Polye thylene carolers are up to 36 inches tall and
C inc lude two "Cl ~" bulbs .
71 E 98207-Shpg . wt. 7 100 ... Set $24.99
4().inch lig hted polyethylene $anta requ ires 15 to
D 2().wa tt bulb , no t Included.
71 E98104-Shpg . wt. 10 Ibs . . $19.99
4O-inch lig ht ed polyethylene snowman requlfes IS
E to 2$watt bulb . not Included.
71 E 98002- Shpg . w t. 10 Ibs ... $19.99
NOTE.-Sen t from '-clofy /.JnmlJJIalJIfI. Con tllCt.seers Mtlwtg IJf)It
frx s/ltppH'Ig anc1tuJnOling charges AJIow ~)( ff. tlmtJ . No CO .D.

Wrap it up ! For a greet buy on gift w rap. see

p . 268A of our Christmas Book.
DEUVER Y NOTE. S/HppKIg lNJd ~ c:I'wgt! b wrap on
~ 26B.AIS 0IIIy 50 CfIfIts .mendebvered to J'C1U' Marest Saws
s~ frx PK* up WJthm thfJ U.S., ~Jtcept A~sk• . HaW.H and A lpme village adds Chflstmas warmth. Clear
Pver10 RICO Ask frx oera,ls R lig hts are 8 Inches apart; Church has 2 bulbs
48-inch lead cord and add-on plug . UL listed.
Imported. Shpg . wt . ea 1 lb. 3 oz.
71 E 94074 , .. Set $8.99
AI1y2 or more .. . Each set $6 .99 281A
Spread that special
holiday feel ing
throughout your home
[)ress utJ)'OtR" holiday table WIth this 16-
A oece china cJmnerw are se t Elegant
octagon ShaPe features tradJtlOl1Sf
Chf/ stmas tree motif on wrote porcelBlIl
ChH1a Set InCludes 4 NCh.' 70 "' -IfJCh
(j /mer pUJles . salad pJates . cups and

11 E 34560C-Wl 17 1bs. Set $20.00

pacelalfl etwIB compJeler set
14·/f'JCh SfNVIng pja,ter, 9-tnCh
5efVJ/'It) bowl. creamer, 2-PI«e sugar tJowI
11 E 34S64-Wt. 6 Ibs 8 oz . . Set $20.00

Elega nt hostess apron WIth delICate

C embro«1efed fIoral/r1bborl apphques
MachlM waShabie polyester and canon
fabnc wIth SOIl resIstant flfll$IJ so most
s tainS wa$ll nght our. Imported
11 E54 142-Shpg wt ( oz . $10 .00

De ltgfltful WClOden sJed to' your door or

D any room If) your hOuse . Decorated IN1rtJ
pme cones . PVC VInyl greenery and a
COIOrluI f ed bow. ~ l?oN Inches
71 E 910B6-Shpg wt . 7 Ibs 4oz . .. $29 .99

8nghten your door step and weIeome

E VI$ltors With these hOliday door mats
BroadkKJm quality tNl tfl slud-res/SIBIl' /areA
bacA Use Indoors or out, Olehn lace 2()x3()
In . w ide
Stale pattern number when you order :
1-Beary Christma s
2-Meny Chrlstmoose
3-Happy Holiday s goose
37 E l202CH-Shpg . wt. 2 lbs . 2 oz. $9 .99

CeramIC mug M oo to the tim wIth a

F stuffed plush tor Toy measures 6 /f1
high. Imported
11 E 25832-Bear
11 E 2583 1-Re1l"lOeef
Stllpptng wetght 1 pound . .. $5 .00

Dress up 'fOUl tAble WIth thi s fme set of

G dellCBtely emtxOldertKJ Chns tma s
placemats ana naplu(JS 4 placemats
measunn(J t"'l.Jr2OW II'tCheS ana 4
matChIng fJ/JDkInS Mac:hIne WlJs/JabJe
COttOl1 . ImpoIttKJ
l 1E54754-Wt lib Sel $15.00

'TIs the season

to be """ .
so order early
e-c evoo
Season your table with the flavor of Christmas
~I~~ $14 99
A Sen tlfnents of the season are appropria tely
expressed with the bold. ncn. coJor-on-{X)/()(tone s
enhanced by satm-Ilke bands woven m the tsooc.
Colors stay bf'lg ht and most stems wash fight ou t of
thiS machIne washa b le, 1()()% Dacron#) polyester
Visa-t teooc . Made m US4 See chart on page 287A
for size recommended for your table
St ate COlor number from iuustranon
Tablecloth ea,,,,,, Shpg WI
, Pnce
SIze. IOChes Nom"'" cz.
52:10:70 reclatlQle . 11 E 57001H 2 $1.4,99
~~~~~~ .
11 E 57OO2H
, 8 14.99

6Ox84 O'Jat
,t E 57OO3H
11 E 51OO4H ,, 13
14 .99
6Oxl02 oval
70 ",,"'"
11 E 57OO5H
11 E57OO6H , '0
Napkms come In set of four , each 11x 17 IncheS.
11 E 57007H-Shlppmg we ight 6 oz . . . Set $7.99
tReg.stered trBd6m81k of MtlH.t!tI iI/'td Compeny

B Lace table fashi ons . . . simp le elegance for

everyday and every soeasr occesoo. Inlnca/ely
woven cotton tablecloth 1$ machme washable Made in
USA . See chart on page 28 1A tor size recommended

for yoU! tab le
Stat e co lor number from iuust ranoo
Tableclolt1 ea_ w,
SIze , lOChes Nom"'" ca.
6Ox8O rectangle _. 11E 5430tH 12 $15.99
6Ox92 rectangle .. 11 E 54:ll2H 12 15.99
SOx loe
rectari"ale 11 E 54:I)JH 14 15.99
11 E 543)4H '0 15.99
60><80 ' ''' '' 11 E 54J05H 12 15.99
70 ",m 11 E 543)6H 12 15.99
NapkinS comeIn set of four , each l1x 11 Iflches.
11 E 5430TH-Shlppmg welQhl 4 oz ... Se t $6 .99

C Chns tma s IS for kids , the " litt le" ones and the
" big" ones instde each adult . . . and thiS pnnt
tabl ecloth gathers alt the worm and tesuve feelings
about Chnstmas tlme and bangs them to your table
CoJorluf. machlfle washable cotton and polyester fabric E Damty and delightful st reamers pattern is Just the
perfect ligh t background for a fes tive ce lebratlM.
Intnca te em brcHdery, hand-applied tnm worl< and
IS treated Wi th a SQlf.,elease fimsh so mos t stams wash
rig h t out. Imported See chart on page 281A for size scalloped edgeS Qive trns Qroup of table finen s an
recommended for your table heirloom q tJljllty Floral and nbbon accents, entwined
with srllmmery gofd-eolor metallic thread, form the
T'-"lh Shpg WI.
Pnce center frameas well as highlight enedges and comers.
s rze. eeres
52x1O rec tang le ...
11 E 54159 '''',, cr.
Co tton and polyes ter machine washable fabnc has a
soll.,elease timsn SO most stains wash nght ou t. See
,, ·'s chaIt on page 281A for size recommended for your
~o.:~~.e : '
11 E54160 15.99
11 E54161 11 15.99 table Imported
6OJ;84 oyai
70"""'" .
11 E 54162
11 E 54163 I
2 15.99
T'-"lh ea,,,,,, Sho< WI
Ma tching napkms have over stit ched edges for
sIZe. In
65xS6 rectangle """""" ' ,'' '"
11 E 54143 4 $29.99
du rability. Set of four . 1'x" m. each .
11 E 54144 I 8 29.99
11 E 54164-Shpg. wt. 5 oz . Set $8 .99
11 E 54145 I 13 29.99
Matchlrig table runner (sho wn on faclrig page) accen ts 65xS6 oval 11 E54 148 2 2999
tables. buffets or even your walls 6Sxl02 OYai 11 E 54147 6 29.99
11 E 54165-1Sx70 in. long, Shpg . wt . 7 OZ . . $7.99 OS """'" . 11 E54 148 '0 29.99
Mat ch lng napJ<ms, 16x/6m , eac h. Setof 4
11 E 54149-Shpg , wt . 4 OZ . . Se t $9 .99
D Crea te some holiday cheer With Jus t righ t holiday
colors from the Inhe n tance conection. our best
sellirig tabfefa shlOl'/s group. Smooth polyester and
cottonmectune washable fabric IS treated with a soif- 2000 recipes . 800 full ·coIor photos !
release fimsh . so most stems wash fight ou t. lo-mch
A gift that w ill long be remembered
diameter round. sho wn on facmg page, IS only
a vailable with fnnged-edge trnsn Made In USA , See . , _see cookbook on pages 2A and 3A
chart on page 287A for siz e recommended for your
tabJe Slate color number from ill u suanco ,
Tablecloth ea,,,,,,
SIze. ..,
S2x52 SQUale.. """"""
11 E57OO9H ','' "12Z $8.99
52x70 rectangle
6OxB4 rectangle
11 E5701()ol
11 E 57011H , 5
12.99 ' TIS the season
11 E57012H
11 E 57013H
I 14• 14.99
to be Jo lly
so o rder earl y
6Qx84 OYal 11 E 57014H 1 I 12.99
and evoo
6Qx1()4 oyai .
10m , 27
11 E 570151-1
11 E570161--1
t 14.99
Ma tch lrig napJ<msWith dur able over-sti tched edges

come m set of fou r. l1x 11 manes each.

11 E 570 17H-Shlpplng we Ight 6 ounces . . . Set $6 .99
Reversible placemafs. With needle q Ulltmg ,
have polyester fJII. reverses to same color. Set
of four. 13x19 Inches each
284~ 11 E 57018H-Shpg , wt. 14 oz. Set $12.99

fo r Cle ta il

(A and B)
51899 Adorable c eramIC teddy bea r Chns tmas tree IS
8 inches rall. EJecrncally wved. all bu lbs
Inc luded. Imported.
11 E 32646--Shpg. wt. 1 lb . 12 02 ... $19.99

A You'Uset the moo<J for hOliday cheer when )'OU

set the ta ble w rth this festiv e. brig htly colored
reverSJbIe ta ~lOlh that repe ats the (Tee pattem on
bOth $Joes of the cloth. Christmas tree pattern,
w rllc h frames the c emer of the tablecloth as we lf as
(J t hru PI ~ 7% to 16%
the edge s. is high/;gmed by elega m gold-eolor WhenyOu buy anv 2or more
met allic threads . Tight ly wov en ac ry lic and polyes ter
fabnc has a thick , p lush M /sh. An d . thiS eas y-care ,
mecrune wa shable clOth IS,treateC1 w ith a
SOIl-re lease flntsh so most stams wash rrght out.
thru p~~~,~~~o~t{:;'; :'~~~e,yona:~~
co lorful assortment of servI ng and oecorewe
Ma de In USA. pi ec es . (K and P) c eramiC and g lass. others
Tableclotn' Catalog Shpg. WI.
cersrmc. Imp or ted .
CatalOg ~ Pnce Any 2 Of
$18.99 Number lOs oz. alOne more . ea
( J) 2· tJer tldDrt tra y,
to mtau.
( K) HUricane lamp
11 E3-4990 , 3 1$15.991 $13,99
70 round . . 11 E 54203 1 18.99 10 in. ten. . 'j ' 1 E 3-49921 2
1,1 '''I 1 .99
Set of four ma tchmg napkms , 17x17 in . eac h.
11 E 54204-Shpg . wt . 02 ... Set 58.99
( L) Dinner bell .
(M ) Tidbit dIsh .
6 In, long ,
11 E 3-4991
11 E 3-4995
(N) 4 cot!ee mugs . 11 E3-4994
'I ....


B Let g lints of gOld and silver-eo lOr met allic

threads accenr your table 's tTlmmmg s as well as
the seesans! This festive table fashion offers an
(PI se t 012 minI
4'. In. tall,ea. , l lE 3499 3 12 5.99 1 4.99
easy b ackground color when you want the focus on
Serv e up sm iles wrth tms set of sto ne ware Santa
your tab lew are and . it's appropriate for special
di ning occasions all year throug h as w e/l. Woven
acry lic and polyest er fabric has a thic k. luxurious
R mugs. Set of tour , tmoonea.
11 E 3491 6 - S hpg . wt. 2 Ibs . , . Set $14,99
feel, Ma chine wa shable fabr;c has a soil- release
finish so most stai ns was h rig ht our. Made In USA.
Tablec lotn· Catalog Shpi. wt. Pnce
Sand-I Serve up some hOlid ay ch eer with our
holly barware sets . Here s ro the
hOlly-days ! Set of 6.
s ee. Inches Nl.tmtle1' Ibs . oz. lIem CataIoi No_ 'Nt. Set
60:0:&4 recta ngle .
6OJ:104 rectanqle. .
11 E 54 168
11 E 54169
IS) r a-c e. tumtlief$. .
IT} 14-0Z. ooutlle roc:il5
11 E 31060 4 lbs 5 oz. S9 .99
11 E 31062 4 Ibs. 11 oz. 9.99
Uand V
6Ox84 oval . 11 E 54 170 1 1 18.99
70 round .•. ,.,.,. 11 E Sol111 1 t .... Ma rk the chi ld ren 's Chnstmas w ith a
plac e sett ing of the lf very own. (U) IS
Ma tc hing napkms, set of tour. 17x17 in. eac h. sreeess steel and me lamlfJ6; (V) is me la mlne _
11 E 5-4172-Shpg . wt. 8 02 •.. Set $8.99 Impo n ed

lIem CiltalOS! No wt Set
tnru The eXQuISIte lOOk of lac e edges and ltIe
IU) z-ce. uten5ll set . . 11 E 25833 ... 3 oz S2.t9
d elICately embroidered appliq ues of hOlly
(V, 3-pC . sett"5 . . . 11 E 25835 1 tI . 3 oz. 9.99
and dUCKS cre ate the pre tt y. holiday look of this
ecsress accessory group. Mac hine washable cotton ~ when you buy both (U and V). Separate
and polyester fabnc IS tre ated with a SOil-rele ase onces tota l $12.98
finish so most stams was h Nghl out . Impo n ed . 11 E 25836-Shpg . wt. 1 lb. 6 oz ... Set $ 10 .98
lIem njMduaJ dlmen5lOl'lS Cal!log No.

IOJ Ri.InneJ. 14:0:70 In . ....• 11 E 54651

IE) Placemats ~ . 19X13 In
IC) Apron WIlt! .,. 11 E S4658 4 oz Ea $9.99
3 oz . Ea, 11.99
11 E !).4655 4 OZ. Set 11.99
W Santa 's colorful tram c ome s lOaaed W1lh
hOlida y cheer . Hand-pamted porcela in, 16 in .
long. Imported.
11 t 32645-Shpg . wt. 3 Ibs ... $14.99
I FJ NaDiuns' , 16x16.,. 11 E 54656 4 OZ- 5el ' .99
\ G} Tea1OWelS· ' .2Ox13 1n. 11 ES4659 202. se ,.99
To determ ine the size tablecloth you need.
2000 recipe s. 800 full-color ph otos! measu re the width and length of your table or,
A 91ft that w i ll long be rem embered determine the size based on the number of
. see co okbo ok on p age s 2A and 3A people you seat at the taoe . Proper tablecloth
drop is 6 to 12 inches per see .

For rectang ular a nd ova! tables

4 28 x28 10 4Ox4O Inche's 52>62 ecres
4 10 6 . . • 28 x46 10 4Ox58 1r'IC1'It'S , 52:0:10 ,ncne5
6. 36x56 10 48x68 eeres 6Ox80 eeeee
610 8 , 36x60 10 48x12 Inc hes 6Ox84 «eeee
8, 36..68 to 48x60 Inches 6Ox92 ec ees
6. 46x66 10 58x78 Inc t!eS 70lt9O meres
B 10 10 . 36x80 to 48x92 lnc l'leS 60x104 Inches
10 . 46x84 to 58x96 ecres 70:o: 108 11"1Ct!es
12 . 36x9210 48x104 Inches 6Ox116 Inches
10 to 12 36x96 10 48x108 Inches 60:0:120 tocnes
For round tablet
4 or more I 46 to 58·ln. diameter ! 70-1n. dl8rT1. round

$5 to $100less~:mbHI5th
Athru M $5 to $100 less thru Dec. 15thl Bring the charm of a midsummer
garden to your table with ''Old Country Roses " by Royal A/bert.
Its timeless appea l has made it one of the most popular dinnerware
patterns in the world. Executed in pure white Eng lish bone china in elegant
Victonan shape with hand-appl ied 22K gold tnm. Made In England.

Asaucer.tZ·piece buffet set include s 4 e.8Ch: to'h -in . diam. d'fmer plate, cup ,
Shipping weig ht 11 lbs
T 11 E 34894 . . Thru 12115187 Set $99 .99 : After 12/ 15/1 7 Set $199.99

( 8) 9-10. cake plate _. . . .


lei 13'1r'1l'l. oval pa tllll' , ... ..

TIl E34892
TI l E34895
3 •

• ••
( 0) ~"".diarn,CIfllttdlsh , . ..... T l 1E 349!i 14.99 1999
( E I1O\Ir·lIlhql2·!Wlt tJdbl set\lef . T11E34896 24.99 2999
I F) AosebUkel.4 "'..n.laII T11£34906 7 14.99 1999
(G) )..\Jgs, set aU ... ... . .. ... ........
(H) 9-in.oYllI...egelatlledl'sll
T11 £34913
1 11£ 34897 •
Sel 3U 9
T11E349:)1 2999
( J ) 1l'lr..... obb'lg S¥odwlClltray .
(K) ki diarn. $alad pilles, set of 4 . T11 E3489Il 5 • 5e134.99
" 99
l ~( ~' ~ ~. P'W" shiIkef1 .. ..... Ti l E34899
• Set19.99 Set249!l
M 6~·.'1. cum salad bowls, Nt of4 T 11 E34800 • 5et 49.99 Sot72Jl9

thru X$3 to S30 less thru Dec . 15fh1Desert rose , elegant hand·painted
stone ware by Franc lscan - , is microwave and dishwasher safe .
and design on each d ish may vary slig htly because pieces are hand·
painted. Complete your table service with matching glass stemware
accessories tor a truly finished look . Made In Engl and.

Nteoo. bu ffe t set incl ude s 4 each. 10~ in..<Jiame ter dinner plate, cup
and saucer. Shpg , wI . 12 lbs. 11 oz.

T 11 E 34981 ... Thru 12/15/87 $69 .99 : After 12/15/87 Set $99.99
wt. TtY, A"~
"om No_ 12,/15/8 7 12115/87
P M " . T 11E 34988 ""3 0'
3 5e t $4 7.99 set $59 99
R Goblets' .
5 Gluses'
T11 E34987
T 11E 34985
•• se, 1-4.99
Set 12.99
15 99
(T ) Rimmed soup bowls· ,
8 ~ in. diam ea. T l1E34983 5 2 Set 41 .99 se, 5999
V\salad~es', 8 in. dlam. .
Fruit o soes'. 5 in, diam
T 11 E 34964
T 11 E 34986
• ,.'5
21 .99
29 99
$e t ol 'OUt
Five piece completer se t Inc ludes 1 es cn: 14 ·in. pla tter, 8~·in.
X diameter round vegetable d ish. 2-pc. sugar bowl and creamer.
Shpg . wt . 8 Ibs . 11 oz
T 11 E 34982 . . . Thru 12/15/87 $79 .99 ; After 12/ 15/8 7 Set $109.99
Items W ith a 'T ' /y efix (as T t E 153lH) cookJ take extra tme lot delivery
spectacu\ar(\~ ~h'~~C)
72-pc. set


Athru C Setting a beau tiful table W ith your fmest of

serving peces IS part of the reward for the
efforts of entertammg Show off your fme sense of taste
and style W Ith any of these timeless ClaSSIC dmnerware
patterns sevce for 12 1$white porcelain W ith goki-eoJor
Of platl num-cokx tam Se t mclud es 12 ea of: 1OY.l·/n
dinner plates, 7!-7-m, salad/dessert plates, l'h·m.
diameter soup bow ls , saucers and IScups Also mc ludes
14-'0 oval platter. g.m. diamet er round bowl. creamer,
2· pc . sugar bowl. coffee/teapot with lid and sa lt and
pepper palf, Made In People 's Republic of China
(A) T 11 E 34488C- White Croc het. Whil e pattern with
p ratmcm -coior band
(6 ) T 11 E 34487C- Versa llles . LIght blue border wi th
pink accents. ptannum-coro- band
(C) T 11 E 34559C- Symphon y. Floral pattern 01peach
and ecru flower s , gol d-color band
Shipping we lQht 69 pounds . . . Set $99 .99

Dthru J Add some sparkle to your dinmg occesoos

W ith beiJutJful flatware, 2().pc. se t IfIclude s
4 ea d mne r and salad forks , kni ves. soup spoons and
teaspoons. Hostess se t oaooee gra vy ladle , seMng
fork., pterced spoon, solid spoon. Imported

D F thru SIlver-plated flat ware has a bea u tiful,

reflective. h¢/uster finish. Red uced from
our 198 7 Fall Genera l Catalog , p. 665.
Pattern 2O-pc . set Hostess sel
10 ) LqII trlldlloonal T 11 E 75013 T 11 E 75015
( E) Shell . Tll E75016 T 11 E 75017
( F l PIerced T 11 E 75018 T 11 E 75019
sec WI. eecn set . 2 Ibs 2 oz
PrICe. ea se t ",as
PrICe. eadl set now
$9 .99

Gthru J Sub tle beauty and a mirror -like fini sh accent

the patterns of tms heavyweIght stamiess
steel fla tware. Save $20 when you buy 45-pc. se t.
separate txces tota l $49 97.
Pattern 2().pc . set s ec . Hostess se t 4!rpc. sel
(G) Camage T ll E 7505 Tl1 E 7507 T 11E7506
(H ) $alaJeYO T 11 E 7508 T 11 E 7525 Tl1 E 7509
( J) Coiornal Hall . T 11 E 7526 T 11 E 7528 T1 1 E7527
Wt each se t Sibs 12 1bs . 6 oz 21bs6oz
Pnce ea se t . $19.99 59.99 $29 .97

Store your fine flatware 10 trus deluxe . nsracretteo

K fla tware storage ches t of selec t hardwoods finished
In a medium walnut color . Sturdy 1» pc . capacity chest
has tamlsh-resl stant /lOlOg and sattn pad. Bottom drawer
nss slotted ba r fOf serVIng oeces
T 11 E 7504- Shpg wt. l1 lbs . $49 .99
Items w,ffl a T ' cxeflJl. las T ' 1 E 1504}
could taJIe extra IIfTle for aeitvery
Time honored
A A delightfully distinc tive gift idea, this
trad itionally sty led c lock will hang on a wa ll or
Sit on a shelf . Westminster chimes (with silencer
sw itCh) sound every quarter rour while full chimes
count the hour. Antiqued wa lnut stained hardwood
cabmet features canted columns and functio nal
arched glass door. Rich gold-co lored face and
swmging pendu lum pro vide the perfect accent.
Quar tz movem ent uses one "C" baneryt. Clock
measures ab out 13x4x26 inches high. Wa"anred ~ .
T 11 E 18829C-Shpg. wt. 10 Ibs ... S99.99

$20less thru Dec. 15th

B Time will tell . . . and a c lose look at the expert

workmanship and attentIOn given to det ail on
this beautiful w all clock will a/so tell of tne value and
qua lity offered here. Lead ed glass inset, on hinge d
wood door, artfully frames the clock face and
pendulum end. Solid oak wood fram e is enhanced
by solid brass acc ents that high light the w ell-turn ed ,
finely finished wood columns and comers as welf as
clock fac e. Westminst er chim e sounds on the hour .
Quartz movement requ ires 1 " C " battery!".
12 !4X5~,j x2B in. high . Warranted " .
T 11 E 18583-Shpg. wt. 1S Ibs.
Thru 121587 $129.99 . .. After 12 15,87 $149.99
The popular schoolhouse c loc k has a solid
C wood case finish ed with the rich , warm colOr of
antiqued-wa lnut . Glass crystal covers the clock face
and p endu lum. Quartz movement uses " Ak'
battery" . 13x3x2 7 in. high. Warrant ed " .
T 11 E 18690-Shpg. wt . 5 100.... $59.99
When you want to keep remembering that
Dspecial day , our wed ding vow clock with solid
wood frame has brass-tone plate for personaliza tion.
About 16x2x2O inches high . Uses 7 " AA" batteryT.
Warranted " . See note below. State name and dale
up to 36 characters.
F t1 E 18681V -Shpg . wt. 5 100. 8 oz ... $44 .99

The beauty of pine wood, enhanced by warm
nutmeg color tones and go ld-eolor framing on
front pan el, combines with the charming
soun d of Westminster c himes in this handsome w all
clock. Chimes sound on the hour . Quartz mov ement
uses 2 " AA" batteries+. 13x3 !ex27tz in. high .
Warranted " .
T 11 E 18570-Shpg. wt. 8 100. 4 oz . .. 599.99

F All the c harm of Simp licity comes through on this

Shake r cloc k. Patt erned aft er the designs of the
Shaker c ommunity , this walnut-finished pine wood
frame c loc k, w ith g lass door and interior shelf, c an
be persona lized to identify your family and its
estab lishm ent date . Quartz movement requ ires " AA "
oatteryT. 10 !":x4 !·zx29 ' ,j in. high . Warranted" . See
personalizing note below. State name up to 10
characters , (including spaces ), state estab lishment
F 11 E 18846V-Shpg. wt. 7 100. . . . 559.99
This go ld-eolor metal frame clock is c ertain to
G blend easily w ith either traditIOnal or
cont emporary setti ngs. Quartz clock requ ires "0 "
ba tteryt . 11x2~x20y., in. high . Warrant ed " .
T 11 E 18584- Shpg. wt. 9 too. , .. $49.99

Items (0 and F): Allow extra time for shipment

from factory. Shipping and ha ndling c harged
from your Catalog Me rch andise Distribu tion
Center. No C.O.D.s. Ord ers placed after Dec. 5,
7987 may not be received by Christm as.

" Warrartted oy manufacturer,

write for free cop y. see page 263A.

t Batrenes aftl sold in the WiSh BooK

for Kids. page 271 .
Items with a " T ' pre!i;w
(as T 11 e 18829C) coulr;1 ta ll"e extra time for delNery

is the perfect way to
A This cuno ca binet clock
socwcase some of your favonre hgunnes .
collec tors pIeCes, etc . Walnut·finished hardwood
cabi ner has one imenor sheff and a bea uttful
wind owpane effect on the g lass insets. Quartz
movement of clock uses ~ AA " barte ryt and is
warranted - , 22x5 17x21 in. high.
T 11 E 18645-Shpg. wt. 15 Ibs .
Thru 12 15"87579.99 ... After 121587 $99.99
The Charming figurines, shown w ith clock (A) above .
duplicat e histonca/ buill1ings of old world Virginia.
These finely deta iled works of art would make a
lovely , long-remembered gift. They 're sold on
thru Dec. 15th
page 294A.

B " Footp rints" , an inspiring. verse , is printed

alongsIde the clOCk in this B,pl8c e set. All
pieces: wall plaqu e, wa ll sheff. two doves, praying
hands and clock frame Bre molded polystyrene
fmished with soft gold.c;olor. Clock movement
recuues AA " barter and is warranted-.

Clock is 15.'!.ilxl hx18$a1 in. high .

T 11 E 18508 -Shpg . wt. 41bs. 6 oz . . . Sel $29 .99

CGMt this sleek mirrored clock some room to

ShOw off its great styfe. Float plate g lass mirror
in silver or black is highlighted with txass·tone metal
trame. Ouart z movement uses AA " batte ryt . Clock

measures 78xP,:x48 inches high . Warrante(r .

T 11 E 1B767C-S itve r mirror
T 11 E 18768C-Black mirror
Sh lpplng we ight 17 100 ... 559.99

O Create a tota /Iook with this sophisticated

9'plece arrange ment. The focal point JS the
73 !?x24~•-in. high clock with gOid-eolored
polystyrene frame. Accurate qu arrz movement uses
"AA" baueryt. (Candles nor includ ed .) Wa "anted~ .
T 11 E 18509 - Wt. 7 lbs. 8 02 ... Set S39.99
The timeless design of this tambour clock
E combines with the lovely pea l of we stminster
ch imes that sound every hour. Gold-eolo r metal
frame has encas ed acrylic clock face . Ouartz
movement requires H e" baueryt. 17br3J.U8l.
,ncheS high . Warranted -.
T 11 E 1858S -Shpg. wt . 4 Ills. B 02 . .. $89 .99
F tambour clock has dark wood accents on
front. be aurrfully cur plat/onn base and hinged
glass door cove ring clock face . Clock gong sounds
once on the hatf·/our and counts on the /lOur. 31 day
keywind movement. 19hx5x9 l) inches hig h.
Wa"anted ~ .
T 11 E 18644 -Shpg . wt . 71bS. 1202 _. . $99 .99
TBanenes soJd If! OIJ' WISh Bc>oN kx KJas. page 271.
" warramed by manufacturer; wnrt' b' 1rH eopy.
see page 263A
nems w rm , "r" prefix
l as T 11 E 18645) COIJkI ta/(e elrfra time lor de/wary

> e,

The sights and

Our beautlfufly detatled cuckoo clock is a treat for
A the eye as well as the ear . Wood chopper curs
wood and water whee l rums as cuckoo and gong
count the hOUr. Quali ty musical movement alsoplays
melody on the flOUr Cuck.oo and gong sound once on
the half hour, 3f).hou r welght-dr/llen movement
13x t2x 16 mcnes t"gh. Hardwood case has walnut
fmish . Imported Warranted ",
T 11 E 18789C-Shpg wt . 9 1bs . . $149.99

B Brmg a t»t of old world Charm Into your home with

trns handsome haoo-carved WOOden ccceoc
cloc k , Fine ly crafted with mahogany slam fmlsh Bird
ccceccs once on the half hOur and counts me hour.
JO-tlOur welgM<JrJven movement. 8x 72 m. high.
Warranted ".
T 11 E 76218C-St1pg w t. 61b s $69 .99

C NostalgiC schoolhousecJock wlth31-daykey-wmd

movement strikes the ha lf·hour and counts the
hour W ith oa-tesmonea charm , Hardwood case wun
antique p me tsmsn. Swmglng brass pendulum and
glass tron t. Imported Abo ut 14)(4)(22 Inches high
Warranted ' ,
T 11 E 18642C- Shpg wt . 11 lbs . 8 oz . $89 .99
Con temporary clock features hardwood case With
O po lished walnu t tevsn. brass
pendulum and funct/Oflal glass door . Stflkes on the
w-noar and cou nts the nooe. 31-day key -Wind
movement , Chime silencer Abouf 71x5:x24 In high .
Imported. wene ntea'
T 11 E 73233C-Shpg wt. 141bs . . $59 .99
Stflk mg looks (and sounds) grace tms dlstmctlve
Eregu lator clock. Warm nutmeg tuvsrea r erawooa
frame has gold-eolOfaccents on clock face andglass
door 8-day key -wInd movement and Westmmster
chimes tha t sound e very quarter hour, and count the
hou r 1 5!<1x6~ x~ In. high. Warranted "
T 11 E 18571-Shpg wt. 17 lns . 9 oz $199 .99
The flavor of the 77th Century IS captured In trns
F ornate Zaanse cl ock With quartz movement. Clock
stnses once on the hour. Hardwood case has walnu t
finish and brass accents About 8x5:x20~ In high .
Uses "C" batteryt. Imported. werrenteo:
T 11 E 18849- Shpg. wt . 13 1bs 40z .. . $199 .99
ThiS beautifu l Chiming cl ock. of poliShed walnu t
G veneered hardwood has 8-da y «ev-wind
mo vemen t, You ca n se t It to p lay Westminster,
Whitt ing ton or Sf. Michaels chimes Silence r SWitch
mctuaea 8x5x 18 Inc hes Wide wensntea :
T 11 E 76213C-Shpg wt. 9 lbs. 8 oz . .. $229 .99
Cloc k wit h Westm inster chime s only
T 11 E 76212C $179.99
·Wlilrranleo' by manufac fUf't!' wrIte for free
copy see page 263A
Items wlffU ··r- -",efJx (as r n E 76213C)couId
take eJltra tlm8 for c1eI(lI8fY
+Batterl8s sol a on page 271 of 0lJf 1987 WISt! 800if for Kids
sounds of time
Save~, Msr* tradtf10n ...,tfIlh1S beautdul anrwersary
A docIc and reflect on the great saVIngS 01)'OU"
purcIJ8seI Glassoomeprotects tIonJI-paNem dI8/ and
rotatmgbrSSS'COkJ( penduIcxn. 0uat1z mcwement uses ''C''
batterj_t 12 an high. Was S6999 In (1(1 1986 OJnstmas
BooIt. page 350 WarrMlted'"
11 E 1878JC-Shpg wt . 31bs .. 02 ... Now- $34 .99

B"Buds oIa fea ther fIodt togethef ·· and this C/'IamW'Ig

docIc OIfers a cute ~ to aA Inenc1s that fIodt to
yolI /lOuSe ThIS SO/fd ptne frame dodiI. lIIffth. astTf!SSed.-
Ic:lo'" hntsh and handy top Shell. ..cu1l11OOk greatIn a
Icttehen. den. hall . . lInywhtNe Quartz movement uses
"AA" batteryt t3 lih3x22» InChes hIg/I. W.,..,t~_
T 11 E 18691-$hpg , wt Sibs 8 oz... $49.99
Sleek $II77pIICI1y creates the attrac tnle lOOk 01 this
contemponuyClOd. , LowNy Wes tmfnsler etHmes soc.nd
on the !'lOut, Gok:J.coIt:x plastIC frame .sun:JLnds glasS InSet
ReQuIres 2 "AA " ba ttef/le s t . "A2x3'~ n::heshtgll
T 11 E 18848-ShDg w1 31bs 12 oz. . $39 .99
Arounc1 JUS t
the world In . . . This
rrIInUres' you
docIc lets
the covenng every fTJ8IO' rountry
c tes
know me Ctlrenf tune to most rnattX around
It 's II
keepsake' Finely hntshed beau tiful gokJ-eckX metal case 1$
matched With tortOl~1tXNt f'leJe'fll8S· acrylIC end panels
Quartz movement of clock uses ' C ' batteryt. 9x3x l0 ~ IfJ
hlflh Warranted·, Allow extra tJm6 for Shl(JfT'l8rJt from
tsc tov. ShlfJPIng and hancJlmg cJJarged from Catalog
Merchandise Otstfloo t/Ol'l Center No C O Os. Orders
placed after Dec. 5. 1987 may no t be rece ived by
Cnns tmss . Personalized name plale 1$ moun ted under the An niv ersary clock
dla' on the fron t of the cJocIl. Sceafy up to 20 chatacters

(inc ludmg spaces and PUnctua tlOfl) to persona lize the

F 11 E 18847V-Shpg wI. S ibs . . $129 .99
Jderl tlfy the name of your etnnklng es tablishment with
E thiS persona fJzed ws ll plaque SIIk·screened pa ttern .
hardwood pJaque A llow edr., time kx shipment from
factory Shipping and handling Charged from your CatalOg
Merc/land,se DistTlbutlOn Cen ter. No C Oo.s Orders
placect after December S. ' 987 may not be recevea by
ChTIs tm8 s. trx~J("3+ 10. hlf}h. Stale name . up 10 10
characters (InCludi ng punc1uahon). when oroenng
clock shows
F 11E6195V-Shpg wt 3Ibs ... $19 .99 D time around
the worldl
C TaJ<e tIfT'/(! out tor the good tlffleS,1 Ana here ISJUSt the
I CkJC* to rerrund you to do so. Sohd oek frames me
cokJrluJ screen-pnnted beer JabeI re(JrOduCtlOt'l 4< Ouanz
movement 01 cJocJc reQIJHe5 1 <oAA" ba Neryt and IS
wsrranted·. 20Jf t3 tnehes high
11 E 73S65-Shpg wl . Slbs.Boz .
~ 1M AnIwusM Buscn . Ifw;
$39 .99
:~ ~
", . J A
$12999 .JOHNSON'S

Le r your frlt!lldS know JUSt eucrty where they stand ..
KJentlly and personalIZe yourbIU area WIth this eheer'y.
COIOrluI mirrored CIoCIc WIth waJnut-cokx wood frame
tncIut:Jes two gok:J-cokx. seIf·8dhesfve sets 01 the aJpflaber

kx personaJlZJfJg Ouaru opwatlOfl, Uses , <oAA" bartery+.
t3x20 nches high Warranted·.
T 11 E 18006-Shpg wt. S ibs Boz ... $39 .99
1'&rtenft soIt:1 on Da{}I1 27r 010tI '987 WISl't 8ot:JIf Ibr KIC1s
-W.....,,., Dy flWftU/-ehlertMn" Ibr Ire. CX¥lY. _ pege 263A.
nems ""In. "T"'"...". (as T" E 1/J6D61 couk1
,... ..." . trnw loT ~

T()04Y"S Wo4Y TO S AY

Aand B They 'll open to rave rev iews . . . both of
these t3 -/nch glass servmg platters have
eKquis itely detailed patterns with etched foeal points
It's " bea rly" imaginable that you 'JIbe able to part wi th
them, so buy one as a gift and one for yourself too!
(A) 11 E 29038-Fireside hearth
(8 ) 11E29037-Teddybear
Shipping weight 4 lbs . 2 oz ... Each $9.99

The glow of candlelight and the g lint of 24% lead

C Austrian crystal truly complement each other 10this
pa ir ot 4 ~ -;nch high candlestick holders Elegan t.
graceful design would enhance any area of your home.
Candles included. Imported, Was $24 .99 in 7986
Christmas Book, p . 363.
11 E 32105-Shpg. wt . 2 lbs. 5 oz ... $11.99

Stemware sets off any beverage with just a Mile

of something extra . tme teoeoe
se t. ideal
many uses , includes 4 each of WIlle , flu te and
goblet stemware oeces. Imported.
11 E 31063-Wt 4lbs. 11 oz ... Set $19.99

Eand FJooI<
Firs, like the people who frequent
come In all shapes and Sizes. And the
01 this pair is JUst part of the appeal
,, ~ Cat""" Sil. Shoo WI

i~ Goooe
11 E32652
W..H , inChes
'",a I "92 $16.99
Cal. . . . 11E32651 "'''
10.,.,..7 16.99

This is a horse of a different cckx and sotJnd!

G Lovely hand-painted bisque porcelain carousel
horse is richly detailed and beautifully colored. 7'h -in .
high musiC box plays " Carousel Waltz ", hors e and
brass pole revolve Wood base. Imported.
11 E32995-Shpg. wt. t lb . 4 0z ... Set $14 .99

Hthru K Your guests will be sitting ducks for the cu te

look of thiS decal destgn.
Three-quart vinvt-coveeea ice bucket, Imported
H 11 E 32625-WI. 3Ibs . . . $19.99
J Matching double oId·fashioned glasses. Set of fou r,
14 oz. cap . each.
11 E32626-Wl.l 1b.80z ... Set$9.99
Plastic coasters. set of 6, in matching holder.
11 E32627-Wt,12oz ... $9.99

Lthru p Save $2 each when ~.l!!!Y. 2 or more

Patterned after hlstoflcal structures of Old
World Virgmia that st ilf stand today, this group of
American Country CoIlectlOO nrt minlsture buildings
recreates the colors and look of the area With detailed
authentiCity . ApproJ(, 5 lotx3 ~x4 Y.1-ln. high. They 're
great little stocking stuffers. Could take extra time for
( L l T 11 E 32986-SchooI (N) T 11 E 32988-Milhnery
(M) T 11 E32987 -Toy Shop (P) T 11 E32969--Church
Shpg, wt. each 1 lb. 4 oz ... Each $9 .99
Any 2 Of more . . .Each $7.99
1M Reg/$ltNt1d trad8mBrlr 01 /mpuI$tt Gtftware

$20. This is the season for g ift g iving so

R Save
consider the canister set tha t 's a favonte of so
many . . . Merry Mushroom ceramiC canister set With
decal design ranges in height from 6 to 9 Y.1 1n. tall .
Was $3999 in our 1987 Spring General Catalog,
page 845. Imported.
11 E8348 -Wt. 4Ibs.120z ... NowSeI $19.99

AandB SaveS10eachwhenvoubvY.!¥1Y.2. The
SUperlOl craftsmanshIp on both oTThese
solid brass ffoor lamps is evident by the strikingly good
looks of a subtle yet detailed lamp design. The highly
polIshed ,flnlst! saas a beauflful glow 10 the process of
II/UfTllnatlOfJ. Mot and match the pair or buy two of the
same lamp ... etttJe( way you savel

SWIng ann lamp 1$ S6~ inChes raIl and has

softly shtrred fabnc covenng the IS-InCh dUJmeter
vinyl Shade. Three-way operatlOfJuses up to 150-wa tt
11 E 33896-Shpg wt . ea. 14 Ibs , . Each $69.99
Buy any 2 sx"""• . . . Each $59.99

53 Inches ta/I and

has softly
downbndge lamp
shmed covenng
vtnyf shade On/off
t t-ocn
SWItch optNatlOfJ uses up
to U»watt bulb
11 E 33895-Shpg wt. ea 14 Ibs . . . Each S69.99
Buy any 2 Of more .. Each $59 .99

e l l 's coIorluI, COf1l1M1e1JthghtmgstJUSt-nghtfY1C11'1t7

radar 's fashion colors come aiNe III th iS hot new
/001( , Adfoslable pharmacy lamp goes /rom 2610 58
InChes tall and has txJghtly colored. cJvrabieenamel
coating over meta l Shade adjUsts so light can be
anectea exactly where ,t's needed. Uses up to fiO.watt
bulb. Stale color numbet' from illustratIOn
11 E 33894H-Shpg wt . S ibs .( oz . . . $29 .99

Save~each when ~~.l Bnght, boIC1and

O/)Mut;, fJonJI print li5iiCoverstyrene shades set
off the look 01 these lamps WIth 8 cokx statement that
adds pure style Cef'amlC, gmgef1'Jr shaped bases
offer solid color contrast. $hade is 13Ill. diameter,
lamp IS 1J in. ta ll. Uses up to tOO-watt btllb. PIck a pair
and save on each Jampl State color number from
illustrahon when ordering
11 E 33893H-WI ea 6 Ibs oz _.Each $29.99
Buy any 2 or more . . Each $24.99

Eand r[ Handsome WOOd floor lamps provide both a

tab le su rface and a magazine rack (E)
handily built in one unit Both use up to tSO-wart bulb.
See 'N " suffix no te on page 263A

EFloor lamp With rec tangular table and handy

magazine rack base IS d ark maple hardwood and
veneers. FabrIC covers the t6-mch diameter styrene
shade Overall 56 in , high. table IS 1SJC23-V inches long
11 E 33864N-Shpg wt. 20 Ibs . .. $59 .99

lamp With squared table top country pine

r[vmylFloor IS
wood lamina te. Fabric covers me 1s.mcJJ dIBme ter
Shade. Overall54 J.7 Inches htgh; table see IS '6
InChes square
11 E 33897L-Shpg . wt. 17Ibs _.. $49 .99

Buy any 2 and save IS eacIl DoubIe-duty lamp

G serves as a fJOOf lamp 01 table lamp, Fully
extended, st's a 5lHn htgh floor lamp: 01 adtust the
stem and use It as II 19-1nch high desk 01 table lamp.
Or, use /t at any height If) between! Steel base and
stem, 15m. dJBmeter aJummutn shade. Uses 6O-watt
btllb. Stale color numbef.
11 E 33885H-Wt. ea a Ibs. 4 oz . Each $39 .99
Buy any two or more . . . Each $34 .99


G 295A
Light touches
A ll lamps on this page

Athru C The elegant and timeless beau ty of genwne

Imported black marble dramatICally accents
the se s ty lIsh solid bra ss lamps. Lacquer coatIng
protects the gl eamIng tvn sn.

SWing arm lamp 1$ 21 InctJes tall and has soft ly

A shirred fabrIC COV(J(mg the 14·mch diameter vmyl
shade Uses up to 1SO-waft bulb
11 E 33741L- $ hpg , w t . 10 Ibs . $39.99

B Straig ht stem lamp IS 2 4 ,ncheS tall and has I$lfJch

diameter vmyf shade co vered With softly shirred
teooc . Uses up to ISO-wa tt bu lb
11 E 33742L-Shpg , wt. 10 100 ... $39 .99

Play It by ear and use the PIa/lO lamp where ver Its
C bea utJful look can be seen as well as used 26
,nch tal/ lamp has 14-mch diameter vmyl shade co vered
WIth softly shiff ed fabric. Uses up to ISO-walt bulb
11 E 337431- Shpg wI. 10 Ibs. 8 oz . $39 .99

ThIS offerIng of IlfJht . a candle In the rogflt, IS better

D than the real thing . . . It never blows ou t or po ses
fire problems , Our solid brass eecec candle lamp 1$
8 'h ·mches tall, uses 4O-watt candelabra bulb (incl.) and
has In Ime on /off swucn. Se t of two
11 E 33890-Shpg wt. 1 lb . 4 oz ... Set $8 .99

Eand F Either of these solid bra ss mmi-lamps would

make a lo vely adeMlon to any decor, Softly
p leat ed fabrK; covers 6 m. d,ameter a vmyl Shade
PoliShed tvnsn IS pro tec ted b y a lacquer coa tmg tha t
helps keep the gleamIng a()pearance 12-inc/l tall
lamps each use 4(J.watt candelabra bulb (mel.)
(E) 11 E 3389 1 (F) 11 E 33892
Shpg . wI. 2 1bs, 4 oz ... Each $19 .99

Gand H De tails. de rails . . tha ts wha t marl<s the hne

fml sh 0 1 these c ha rmlfJg. bone d uns
nlghtflghts , 9-mc" tal/lamps eecn use 7$ watt
candelabra bulb (mc f.)
(G) 11 E 33373 (H) 11 E 33372
ShiPPing weight 1 Ib 5 oz ... Each $9 .99

Save $ 1Oeacn when ~2or more . It 's dear to

J see tha t thiS beautiful etcfJed-1OOk lIoral pattern
g las s lamp grac es any decor. 1917-m. " 19h lam p ha s
shirred fabrICcovenng a 13-in d Iamet er styrene shade
Base IS bra ss-pla ted 3-- way SWitch use s up to 700-w
bulb .
11 E 3C068L-Shpg, wt . ea . 8 Ibs . . . Each $39.99
Buy 2 or more .. Each $29.99
A Save S7Q on each
~ The soft glo w of l;gh t rad iate s
the beauty of the froste d pattern in the 24 %
lead cry stal shade cro wning thIs lamp .
Seventeen-Inch rail brass -plated lamp has
footed base. Uses two 4().wa tf bulbs .
11 E 33275L-Wt. ea . 10 tbs ... Ea . $49 .99
Buy any 2 or mo re ... Eac h $39 .99

B Gen uine c eoa sh ells with the Jook o f

mo the r-of-pe arl are sk llffully po lIshe d and
hand-shape d to form the 16-in. shad e of this
exquisite 2S-in. tall table lamp of brushed
bras s-p late d m etal. Uses up to 1()().w. bulb .
11 E 33621L-Shpg . wt. 10 lbs ... 569.99

C WouldM trus sahd br ass lamp Jook

per fect perched on your Plano? Height
adjUSts up to 12 h inc hes rail . Uses max .
60-w . tubu lar bulb .
11 E 700 27-Wt. 5 too. 12 oz ... $29 .99

DSave S1Q on ea.e/ /amPJitwLY01J..J21JY

a!!Y 2 or more' ur Tole C1ouble -shade
lamp is so right for roda y's contempo rary
country de cor m add itIOn to the tra di tional
settings _Baked ename l ov er me tal finish
produc es the ric h brownstone c oor
accented with federa l b lue rnm. 23·inch tall
lamp uses 50- wa tt bu lb in eac h fixt ure .
11 E 33882-Wt . ea. 9 lbs ... Each 569 .99
Buy any 2 or more ... Each $59 .99

EandF These solid b rass lamp s

capture the stately loOk of
nmetess fashions.

Two-cand le lamp has shirred be ige

E fa br ic o ver an BhxS-m. ov al-shape d
sty rene sh ad e. twetve-mcn tall lamp uses
two 30- watt bu lbs .
11 E 3388 1-Shpg . wt . 5 lbs . .. $29 .99

F Trip le-eandle lamp has matt e blac k,

7x9·m . ova l-sh ape d pa rchment sh ad e.
Eleven-in. ta ll lamp us es two BO-w . bu lb s.
11 E 33883 - Shpg. wt . 5 Ibs ... $29.99

G2 Sa ve S10 on eac h lamp whe n YQll.J2uy

a rasre
or more! Something new tor thos e with
tor th e trad itIOnal. Solid brass lamp
Is 28-in . tall and has 2 c as ed -glass sh ad es
over g lass c himne ys. Each green shade has
8.,n. a iem. Uses SO-w. bulb In each fixtu re.
1 t E 33680L-Wt. ea. 14 Ibs .. . Ea. 569.99
Buy any 2 or more ... Each 559 .99

Classic ba nke r's lamp is solid bra ss w ith

Ha c as ed -g lass shad e. Ang le the shade
tor l us t th e fi ght lig ht, jus t where you
want it . 13 l?- m. tall lamp use s a SO-wa tt
tubu lar bu lb .
11 E 33753 -Wt. 4 Ibs. 12 oz ... $29.99

J Try thIS de cora trve lamp tor a

sop histic ated aes igning touch .
Brass -p lated lamp has 7 m. d iame ter
c ased -gl ass shad e ov er g lass Chimn ey .
20 inch tall lamp us es 50- wa tt bu lb .
11 E 337 58- Shpg . wt. B lbs ... $39 .99

100011"'5 WAY TO S AY
when you buy this recl iner
at regular pr ice thru Dec . 15th
Recliner (A) and FREE sw/vef rocker (B) . See
descriptions below. Separate prices tot al $499 98
Stale color number _Shpg wt . 73 Ibs
1 E 86045NH-Thru 12/15{87 only ... Set $299.99

AthruC The ultimate m relaxation can be yours

these beautifully coordmated {)IeC8s They
complement each other perfectly. Covers are fOO'Jf,
nylOn velvet treated wIth Scotchgard ft fabflc protec tor
to r8Slst staIns

APut your feet up and rela x In luxurIOUScomfort In

this very affordable reclmer. It ha s a button-tufted
pillow headrest ana padded arms. Hardwood frame
with steel SPflngS. 31Wx34Dx41H In. Slate color
number , Shpg wI. 73 Ibs
1 E 86075NH-Aecllner alone
After 12/1 5/87 . . .129999

You can rest assured you 're getting more for your
B money when you smk Into this comfortable s INlvel
rocker Its back is button tufted and padded With soft
urethane foam and the deep sea t cush/Ol1 1$ relltN$lbJe
fOf longer wear. Five legged steel base swivels 36IY'
and rocxs to adjust to your most comfortable Sitting
POSltK)fl. St urdy wood frame has ~sag sprmgs 101
long lastIng support and the skirt IS fully lined, so II
hangs straight, 29 Wx32DJC32H In. See "N" suffIX note
p . 263A. Slate color number
1 E 18451NH-Shpg, wt. 64 lbs. . $199.99

Ottoman coordinates beaullfully WIth the swivel

C rocker 24WJC16Dxl5H Stale color nomber.
1 E 1B453NH-Shpg , wt . 15Ibs ... $69 .99

298A M{E. S c
Stratolounqer" and Sears .. .
two great names combined to give
you a chair in a class of it s ow n

• Available as a fully adjustable swrvel rocker
gilder or a Close-Up" recliner, so you can
move the seat and back to any posmon
or set It close to a wa ll
• 100% Acrilan acrylic cover of Monsanto s
wear-dated fibers treated wi th
Scotchgard® fabric protector for
extended wear , so tough It'S
backed by a full two-year warranty!
• Choice of three beautiful colors

A eha"li ke th is is an I('/Valuable (and

A afforaabJe) addltlOfI to roor home. The S Wi vel
rociler g lider features a back that moves
Independently from the seat. allowmg twICe the
seatmg POSltlCJnS of an ordinary recllnmg ChiN. The
sw ivel mechanism rot ates 36fr. so you can tum
to ward the conversa tion . The CJose-Up'u model
le ts the chair recline even when It'S on ly inches
from the waif Measures 35W1f4ODx39H, FabrIC
warranted by Monsanto, wnte fOf free copy. see p
2634 . $40 dellvet}' Charge from {acray for each
chaIr on thiS page No C.0. D. S
SWIvel f'CJder gIlder.
F 1 E 86690-Trutfle vewet F 1 E 86692-Rose ileNe!
F 1 E 86691 -Blue vev et
Shpg wt 111 Ibs ... $399 .99
Close-Up Tv recliner
F 1 E 86680- Trutfle vetvet F t E 86678-Rose vetvel
F 1 E E!Jf:iST7 -8Iue velve t
Shpg wt . 98 100 . . $399 .99

The choice is yoursl Eurosuede"',

velv et or rich leather and viny l,
each available in eith er a rocker
recliner or Close-Up' v recliner

$39999 and up

Bnow youcan cnoose a

European stylmg has dr amatIC appeal. and
the Chait and rover
com~natlOff that best SUIt s your needs Theroc;j(er
fee /mer sJlo ws the back to move Independently
from the sea t and roc ks to adJust to your most
comfortable SItting posJllon, The CJose..UpTV /Jftlt
lets you rema m close to the waH. even when fuJly
reclmed Choose Eurosuede""polyester. 1()(J'tt
Monsan to acryfic velvet cover treated with
Scotchga~ fabnc protector Of leather and
tnatchtng VInyl cover (ChaIT has genome leather
COYet' at all contac t w edS and matching tnnyf back
soa SIdes) Harr:twood frame W ith steel spnngs
41 MoW.390.40 litH Assembled
S40delivery Charge from . factory for eac1I etJalr on
ttm page. No C OOs
Rocker rec liner Shpg . wt . 101 roo
F 1 E 86700-Sand Eurosuede"" , .. $399 .99
F 1 E 86705- Brown velvet $449.99
F 1 E 86715-Blue velvet. . .$449 .99
F 1 E 86710-Creme leather and vinyl... $599 .99
CfOSfTUpTV rec liner . Shpg , wt. 96 lbs
F 1 E 86701- Sand Eurosuedew . $399 .99
F 1 E 86707-Brown velvet . $449.99
F 1 E 86716-Blue velvet . . .$449 .99
F 1 E 86711-Creme leather. vinyi $599 .99

Item (A)

§20% to 30%

Large SIZe for
Athru C BeanbagS ... the perfec t sea ting lor a comtortabJe, casual
settIng. They 're fashJOfl81;)le. come In a wide vanety of colors
and are versa tile enough to use In almost any room . All of our
Super SIZe for etuldfen . adults . M edll,lfTl SIZe for
adults. teens teens . Appro• . 105-fn C!'lllOren to 5 ft beanbags are OOUbIe-s tltched at the st ress points and have double
Aooro. 11 5-ln seatIng cIrcumf erence tall. Approx . 9Q--ln . Zippers for extra dura~lI ty. Expanded polystyrene bead filllOg (refJfls
seatl"O crrcumference seating orcumference SOld belOW). Vinyl bags W Ipe clean With a cJamp clo th. Renew nap on
tIocJ<ed bag (C) by rubbing lig htly, See "N" suffix no te on p . 263A.
Stat e color number from illustrations or swa tche s.

Sink Into a soh vmyl beanbag. A vailable in three se es and 9 colors.

A Gramed vmyl has fiber backing , Reduced from our 1987 $pring
General Catalog. p. 7328.
1 E 20111NH-Med ium , wt . 8 jbs 2 oz. ... Was $24.99; Now $19.99
1 E 20112NH-large WI. 10 ms. 7 oz .. Was $37.99: Now $27 .99
1 E 20113NH-Super . wt. 13 Ibs . . . Was $4999: Now $34 .99

Our "soft as butter " bea nbag IS available in two sizes and4 cokxs.
B Gramed vrnyl has extra thICk fiber backing,
1 E 20207NH-large. Shpg wt . 11 100. 4 oz . $49 .99
1 E 20208NH-Super . Shpg , wt. 14 ibs . 9 oz .. . $59 .99

CSavetwo sues
$ 7. So N, nylon flocJced beanbag WIth sub tle checked panern
and 4 colors. Conon and polyester bacJong for added
txeathabllity. Reduced from our 1987 SPring General Catalog. p . 7328
1 E 2024&11H-Large , Wt. 10 lb s . 4 oz ... Was $49 ,99: Now $42 .99
1 E 20248NH-Super. WI. 13 Ibs .. Was 559.99: Now $52.99

Polystyrene bead refills (no t ShOwn) let you fill older bags to like new
plumpness.2cartons fill medium bag, 3 t0 4 fJII farge bag and 4 to 5 fII'
super bag
1 E 20116C-Shpg , wl . 2 ibs . 12 oz . . Carton $7.99
Red red Kick your shoes off and
8 put your feet up on one of
these versatile hassocks



Items (E. F and G)

available in
3 colors each

Item (e) ~ $7

New at Sears!
The comfort of a beanbag combined
with contemporary European
styling fo r great floor seating ...
and when you buy both a
chair and a pi llow. you

thru G These luxurious ,hassocks are styled in glove soft

E leather-look grained VInyl that woes cle an With a damp
cloth. See "N" suffix note p . 263A. Dimensions approximate
State ector number 22, 6 or 771 from illustratiOns.

E $24,99 m
OctagOIl hassock is deSigned with a co.vered center button, 4
panel decorative StltChl"fj and welt plpmg 18Wx18Dx14H m
our 1986 Chflstmas Book., p. 369
1 E 20802NH-Shpg. wt. lBlbs ... Now $19.99

F Tailored square hassocll has deCOrative welt plpmg anc14

polymer casters so It moves easily , 18J.ioWl( f8 !7Dx14H m.
1 E 20808NH-Shpg. wt. 24 lbs . . . $34 .99
D It's the perfect chair for those who need practical and
inexpensi ve ettemenve seating , The seams ale double
stitched at the stress points and the glove soft leather'look
gramedVlnyf has a fabflC backmg for extra durability. Wipes G Rec tangu lar hassock opens to a convenient 23Wx1SOx12H in.
storage area for magazmes, crafts or bedding, 4 covered
bu ttons and decorative saddle stltchmg. 24Wx160x16H m
clean WIth a damp ctom . Expanded polystyrene bead tilling .
CNir IS 3'Wx36Dx29H m. Pillow 1$ 31 Wx31Dx6H m. Dimensions 1 E 20810NH-Shpg. wt. 18 100... $49 .99
approximate. See " N" suffix no te, p . 2$3A Stale color number
from illust ration .
1 E 20634NH-Chalf . Shpg . wt. 16Ibs ... $69 .99
1 E 2Q636NH-Pillow , Shpg. wt . 9 lbs . 1 oz ... $29 .99
H Round flocked nylon hassock has a subtle checked.pattern
and is styled to complement most upholstered fum, lu re
Renew nap by rubbing surface ligh tly . 4 polymer cas ters . Approx
2OWl(200xl4H tn . State color numbe r 7, 26 or 790 from Illust rat ion.
Ch;Ji, and pillow together. Separate prices tota l $9998.
1 E 2038NH-Chalr and pmow. Wt. 25 lbs ... Set $79.98 1 E20B04NH-Shpg .wl.22 'oo . . .S39.99 M/E. S 301A
Hand painted reproducf/Ofl of an old
A Cigar store Indian bri ngs Vintage cnsrm
to any home. This 3 Y.1-foor tall reproduct ion
cap tures the be st features of those early
sculptures-It even has an authentic -
It:XJklng wea thered finish. Lime stone COte
and resin SKm helps prevent ch lpp mg and
damage, 12Wa:t2f]x42H In . See "N" suffix
note. p . 2fUA
1 E 95896N-Shpg wt 4S Ibs ... $99 .99

BandC Save $?O to S25 when you buy a fam /ly ot three emmets
Hand pam ted flQures are acc urate reproduc tIOnS. so
they 're perfect fex the na turalis t an your list. Limestone core with
fine finished resin skm hefps prevent chlppmg and da mage

Save S20 on
three bea1 set . Sepa rate pr ICes total $ 119.9 7.
B 1 E 9589 7C Three
1 E 95894-Papa bear.
bear set. Shpg wt .20 100... Se t $99 .97
8 Y.1Wxll H In. WI. 9 lbs . . $49.99
1 E 95895-Mama bear . 7Wx9H In. WI. 6 too $39.99
1 E 95896-Baby bear 6 'hWxBH in . Wt. 4 100 $29.99

Save S25on three deer set Separate prices total $ 764 97.
C 1 E 9590C Three deer set. Shpg WI. 2B too .. _Se t $139 .97
1 E 9569 1C-Buck. 18lhWll12'h H in. Wt. 16 100 , .. $79 .99
1 E 95665-00e. 15W., 1'h H in . Wt. 9 100. $59 .99
1 E 95692-Fawn. 6Wxl OHIn. Wt. 3 100 . $24 .99

( J

The warmth of wood

in a two-p iece set

T rad iti onal -st y le

fruit w ood -f inished curio

D Elegan t 18th Cent ury style

console and rmnor is a beautiful
addi tion to any room or entry way
Made from selec t hardwoods. the
Traditional-style co tlectors CUflO creates an
con sole has cherry veneers and
solid hardWOOd legs . Entire Unit
has a lovely dark che rry fimsh
E ambie nce of elega nce and taste Genume
soua nor them hardwoods With a rich burnished Count ry styl e G
Console measures 24Wx14Dx29H tnutwooa tnvsn Adj us table shelves . mirrored
Inc heS. Plate glass mirror bac h pa nel and mterlOr lightmg Measures oak -fini shed curio
meas ures 18Wx3$H mcne s 25 Wx 13Dx72H ,nc hes Assembled See "N" T wo-
Partly assemb led WI 42 Ibs . suffiX note , page 263A Put the fmlshmg touch on a room With trus Charmmg piece
1 E 39391C $159.99 1 E 39611N-Shpg, wI. 82 Ibs $299 .99 F cuno . Crafted of SOlid hardWOOdsand oak venee rs Four
non·adlustable shelves. mtenoc Ilg htmg , J2a!x ,4Dx63H m
brass -
Avolo tr'e noncav rusn . Part ly assembled See "N" suffix note . pag e 263A pl ated
'0 sh op b y phone. 1 E 39602N-ShlPPlng wetg ht 70 lb s . $199 .99 set
To oroe. ca ll your
Brass pu ts a light nc n touch In j us t the fig ht place
'oca!Sears s tore G Combmed With g lass, It really opens up a room . Brass-
plated steel frame With glass she lves, Console ss
2 1Wx 12Dx25H inches Plat e g lass mirror IS 18Wx48H
mches . Partly assembled
302A, 1 E 39381C-Shipp lng we tght 40 Ibs .$159.99
The glow
of a fireplace
warms your heart
add to the charm
w ith these accessories
Atill" F
If Quells are your game, you '" Jove the
coordmatlng Iooi<s of these fireplace

As-oeoe cJu(;;J( head tOOlse t Includes brush, shovel,

poker. tongs ana stand. Zmc dl6-C8st tOOls ha ve
c01orfui bak ed-cn enamel d uck heads , 30~ IncheS
h¢ Imported. Shpg , wt. 15 100
42 E 4539C-AntlQUe brass .. . Set. aoee $49.99
42 E 4540C-Pohshed brass . Set. alone $4 9.99
Save$tOon tOO/serrA) when you aJso buy bellows (B)
Toolset (A) when you also buy bellows (8) . .. 539 .99

Oak bellows WIth beautiful fland-Carved d/JCJ( scene

B has salin txass-plated nozzle and racks : Vlnyf
pieats 19 III, lOng . Imported
42 E 4393-Shpg . wt. 2 Ibs . . $24.99
ThIS ongmaJ /Je8rth rug IS JUSt ducky!
CDuPont Dacron. polyester pile W l ttl sJoo-reslsfant
VInyl bacJong lieS flat. resats mildew Long-lastIng
dyes help prevent fadmg and crackmg , FJa~
res lslant. 36l.x22W Inches. Made In USA
42 E 4392-ShPQ. wt 4 100 602 .. $24.99

No mantel or shelf 1$ complete wIthOut these stylish

D dud< bookends lLxSWxlH Inches each PalMed
enamel on wood
42E 4375-Shpg w t. 3 lbs . 12 oz .. . Se t $19 .99

deCOy malChhO/def 1$ a gre at way to store
matehes while enhanCing 'YOUr hreplace
tBLxSWxlH mches Pamted enamel on wood
42E4376-Shpg wt . 2 Ibs 1202 .. . $17 .99
Add me flruShlng tOUCh to your fireplace, den or an y
F room With trns dellQhtful set of mallard ducks Se t
tneludes a ma llard dud< (15Lx4~ W inches) and three
dUCk/mgs (eactJ measures lLx2!17W Inches) Pamted
enamel on wood
42E4377-Shpg wt . 3lbs. 8 oz ... Se t $29 .99

Gtill" J BrIng the rust«: feeling of the deep woods

Into your hOme With (hIS deer head fireplace
tool se t ~te tile atmosphere With tllese
matChIng accessones PIeces are aceentea WIth an
antIQUe brass finiSh . Importea

GDeer head toolset livens up an y "replace. Includes

tongs, ()O«et'. shovel. brush and 3J ~ .1nC/I me ta l
42 E 45eKlC-Shpg. wt . 14100. 4 OZ . .. Set, alone $89 .99
Save S100n toolset (G) when yoo aJsobuy bellOws (H)
Toolset (Gl when you also bu y eeuows (H I . .. $79 .99

H Matchmg reoa-csrvea oak bellows WIth deer scene

adds to the mood AntIQUe brass-(JIated tip and
laclfs: Vlnyt pleats 791ncnes lOng
42 E 4380--Shpg wt . 4 ins. 6 cz .. . $2 4.99
DuPont Dacron~ polyester Pile rug has a
J coxcunetea deer scene to complete the tota /Iook
SJud .,es lSt.vlt vmyl lJaCkmg . MildeW, ffame and fade
res Istant. 36Lx22Wmches. Made In USA
42 E 4386-Shpg wt . 5 lbs .. $24.99
y' Dual-Actlon ll agitator 2-speed, IO-cycie 5-temperature
provides our most effeclive
washing action by circulating extra-capacity washer dryer
clothes from the top to the
bottom of the machine Low as Low as
y' Self-cleaning lint filter
y' Infinit e water level settmqs
y Advanced electronic
temperature control
autornatrcatlv adjusts the
$37499~~~i~LYt $299 99~1NTHLYt
wh ite
Even farge. hard to launder loads get umfomt/y clean .
ElectronIC dryer WIth 70cycles measures
mixture of hot and cold 2lWJC25~DK43H In See Note below fight. Reduced 29 Wx27YJDK43H Inches RedlX:ed from 7987 Annual
from '987 Annual Catalog. p. 1616, Catalog. p. 1517. See Note below
water to help maximize ShIPPing welQht 1 100 eo Color (AtI6oQ Number Was Now
detergent acnon and 26E 26811N-Whtle Was $049999: $3 74.99
26 E 26813N-PIatlnom Electric. S4(X).w (5800-w total). 24().y. WI 131 Ibs .
minimize Injury to fabnc 'Mvte 26 E 6Ei821N S39999 $299,99
26 E 26817N-Toast PIItJrun 26E66823N «1999 309 ,99
y' Off-balance SWitch with buzzer 26 E 26818N-Almond . Was S50999. $384.99 T~t 26 E 66827N «l9 99 3OliI.99
'8tIstK1 (ll'I tIWffnUJrs of 1M" compaItfI(J tfIe>pt!rlomtanctt of ~ "Imood Z6 E 66828N 409.99 JOe.De
'WIstlJ1I9 systemua«11l'1 tflJ$ ~ to '''''sysMl'nS US«1W1 too-
oI·~ rrtOdtMs by lIN olI'ItI' domtIstlC trIM'ICJfacturers r .. ts Gas:SQO.welectncstart.22,OOJBTU. 120-v Wt 136 lbs .
~~t«1l4r1Q81nd 15(J04-.1~"'Il'I · ·f'tOfl'1WI·· Whde 26£76821/11 S4J999 $33999
cro--....... MId ~ cJottIfIs ~ (lI'lIf.t It»d rJC1 PIettnum 26 E 76823N 44999 349.99
"".«1 cotf\:lns fro MrJ AHo4MIt»d) COfTIPT1S«J"aIhM Toat 26E 76827N 41999 3ot9,GG
Almorcl 26 E 7682BN 449 99 349.99
.s..s waher,.tfK/ as s~c.peory('J(Jf ~ NOTE, 5-ft COld Ol'l -.htIr 4-N conJ 01'1gas ~ 0'0er
Qdons} ha ""~I«1~ lIiIV'f0'costs at SI35 USI9
_'tIf,.,.,., IJI«tnc ary., CO'r:J and om. ."taot./lCln a::arssonH from 0tI
eJectnc waf~ hMrer. 154'vSIf'IQ gas .An /)frIO
WIISI'IfIrs,.t«1.s slandllrc1 c.peory rwytJ from 137·151)
f~tne}. S ,9-62fQ4SJ- Ftx fflOffl....-gy Wo ... p_2l53"
1987 Ann&MIGentH-' tAt.Jog. ~ 1613 W8fT,tnted Or S-S.
for". copy. _ ~.26:'M ,

Ou r first Christmas
See pages. 2 .2 and 76
It' OUt !N,s h Boo- tor I( ods

30SA M/E,S
when you buy this
laundry pair

r Electronic solid state sensors

actua lly " teel" moisture
r Wnnkle Guard ~ I and
Soft Heat® phase help
In laundry . Heat shuts ott prevent wnn kling In
at dryness level you select permanent press
r Easy Loader door . .. none r Audible lint alert and
larger In the Industry end-of-cvcle signal
r Timed drying at 4 heat levels r lighted 5 8 -cu . tt. drum
plus touch-up and air-only

$100 less thru
Dec. 31st only

M icr owave that boasts all

the features of (A) p lus
A This model features sota-stete CircU itry with 650
watts of COO/(Ing power. Heat and cook with 2-
stage memory plus programmed aetrost. Mounting
• auto defrost • oetav start brackets sold on facmg page 21%W",I l ' ¥'5Dxl 'hH In
See Safety CertificatIOn below . microwave note on
facmg page Impo rt ed. Warranted · Shpg . wt 47 res
thru 22E88329C , Thru 12/31/87 $169.99
Dec. 31st only After 12/31/87 $26999
e cu. tt. moaer has
B Th iS solid-stare CirCUitry with
6SO wafts of cookmg power 4·stage memory
Inc ludes auto aetrost, p lus 100 mmute delay start
control lets you start cook Ing e ven oetore you get
home Mountmg brackets soa on facmg page
2rhW.o:11 ' ¥~D)(7!17H Inches See Safety Cenmcenon
below. microwave note on faCing page Imported
Warranted' Shipping weight 46 Ibs
Inc rease counter space 22EB8627C Thru 12/31/87 $189.99
w ith this microwave cart After 12/31/87 $27999
Oak·gramed vmyl /ammate cart has full w,dth

C storage drawer and enc losed lower caOmet.
26 %W... 180...33"'H meres Unassembled
Dec. 15th only 22 E B4281C-Shpg wl66 lbs.
Tnru 12115/ 87 569.99 After 12115/87 $8999
~Na"snled by Sears Wnle /or free copy ~ ~ 263A

safety CertifICation Sears me owave owm s f>ave bl!!en

designea and rested fO( compIllJr>a1 fO U 5 Government
DeDiJf!ment 01 HtM//f'l. Er:1IJCJJllOI't arJdWelfare Flt!9 2 7 CFFI
sutxhao ter J performance Sllmdara for tnlCrow.... O>1!'f'S
Mount trus compact ceomet or on
O your wall wun
umt under your
brackets sold below 1SJiWx 14%Ox
9'-.HInches Imported Warranted ' See MIcrowave

$45 less ~,~ 31",,1"'$12999---------

Note below and Safety CertJfJcstlOf'l note on fac ing

page Shpg wt. 35 lns
22E 88213C-Thru 12/31/87 $129 .99
After 12/31/87 $17499
5-eu ft. mcroweve oven (not shown) has a 75·mmute
time and 450 -wa tt cookmg power Unit 1$ not
mountable. Measures 18Wx 14~Dx9y,H mcnes
WSff snfeC/° See MIcrowave Note. p 311A
22 E 8701OC-Shpg wt 36 los S89.00

4·cu ft. model has len power leve ls 5OO-wa tt

Feature 5 adds
E maximum power In microwave mode. 200°F to
45O"F In ba ke or combmatlon moae and toea 475 "F
a 5th dimension
With Sleveis of aooeoess In bro il Of toast mode 0'91tal to cooking
readout doubles as lime-of-day clock and rOO-mmute • microwave
countdown timer Includes me tal rack , ename led stee l
trayand smokeless bfo,ler Mounts under cabmer or on • bake
waif wIth brackets sola below 78Wx 13+CDx1QHmches
Warranted · Imported See MIcrowave Nore below and • bro il
Safety CertificatIOn on facmg pag e Reduced from 1987 • toast
Annual Caralog, P 1594
22 E 87374C-Shpg wt 451bs Was 32999 $199 .99 • rmcrowave/ne at
Brac kets (no t shown) for models (A tnru OJ on these
tINa pag es
Undercabmel mountmg Walfmounrmg
Imported Wt 3 lbs Shpg wt 51bs
22 E 84196 $20.00 22 E 84297 520.00

MlCro..... ve Not~ All Kenmore mlCro""

mlCfolconvect/Ofl ovens ncll,lCJfl an oven l.gftt remo ..llDie
COOI<l" 9 tray.nd rr»erowave cooMtx x)/<. Wattages tJased on
2 ·/ilfI' t~5r memoa 4·ft 3 ·...., ~ cera Sett Sa/fHy
CertlflClltlOn 01'1 fllC I"fJ PiJge
storage problems
attractively with t hi s
m icrowave cart
$30 ess
til g,ft for JUS t month rc3:eu. ft. solid-state OYen
s programmed s tages lIutoma~l/y and tIn'le-Qf-day
100-mmute counldown timer. ~arm W ith probe
armautomaticalfyfor 15mmu/~. 24 )tWx14%!Jx
Sears; write for freeccpy. seepa"grs.2f)3A
on page 3 ffA
A Just S12 monthly+ for thiS t.e-c u. It. mode/mcludlng
1()().mmute de lay start. t OO·mmute rota/wsrm fea ture
Digital readout doubles as ume-ot-asy clock
and 7()().mmufe countdown timer 23Wx20!'OxlS » H In
Imported , Warranted · See Microwave Nole on p 31 fA
See "N" suffix no te on p 263A
22 E 88447N-Shpg wt. 66 lbs
Thru 12/31 /87 $269 .99 , After 12/31 /87 $394 99
t.t-cu It sohd-statemoc1eJ(notshown)
has digital readou t. 100 to 7OD-watt settmgs
2Oh Wx17JiDxI5J;,H 1M Imported Warranted · See
Micro wave Note , o . 31 fA
22 E 88041C-Shpg wl.57 lbs $199 .99

Spacemaster microwav e o ven

y Sono-stete etect roucs y (210 CFMI moun ts above
BUilt- in range hOOCl

.I 1(X).manut e delay start range to replace hood!

., and dIgital readou t
. 1 3 -5tage memory includi ng
$ 99 and ., prog rammed defros t
419 up

Only $16 month/yt-. t.oc« ft. model featu res memory recall,
B pause control and 1-hour automatIC hold/warm With probe
coo/ung 100to 700wa ft settings. mstsnvemea with ducrworkor
ventless with Mer, both SOld m Annual Caralog
29Ji Wx 18Dx 76r6H-mch urnt tns 30-,nchopening Not for use over
Indoor g oller, Im ported. Watranted • See MICrowave Note on
page 377A
22£ 87553N-Shpg w t. 109lb s .. $419.99
sears Best model IS like (B) but has 4·stage memory including
auto defrost, 12-hour de lay start, tOO-minute hOld/warm plus 25
preptogrammed recipeS With room lot 55 of your own.
22 E Sn53N-Shpg w1 . 110 lbs. $499.99 313A
·w..... ,t«t oySears.- wrl~ f()l~ccpy , SH{»ge263A +SHpege263A
Y" and microwave cart
Is fullyfinished on all sides
"'" Stain and scratch resistant
melamine top
.... bpen storage on the other de

$44999 $ 16 ONTHLY'

A r s-cu. ft. model sequences
programmed operations
automatically, and memory recall
UT $T4(} ts-cu. n.moaeuro t
A) but ha s 3·s tage memory mel
etrost . t-noor automa tic hoJdjw.
reminds you what yOU mute de lay start control. Pre
programmed l00"F to 180 "F na de hydra tion cycle no r inc t
dehydration cycle With 1().hour ur 198 7 Annual Catalog. pag
timer. VSflsble microwave power 2 E 87862N-Wt. 94 tbs .. Wa
settings from lOS to 1SO wetts,
convectoa cooking from 2(}{)"F to
450"F 24Wx21 .~iJD)( 1S+4H
Not recommended for use over
mcnes 8 Light oak/a lmond vmyl lam
W ide to ti t any size oven , I
wille rac k. d oor p.JIIs and tow
3S~W)(2 '%Dx33 !JiH in. Unas
built ·in oven. Imported. Warranted
22 E 84975N-Shpg wt. 115 I
by Sears * See MICrowave Note on ' Wme fer free copy . $H page
ge 311A and Safety Cemncstoo t s- page 2lUA
ge 310A Was $S89 99 In our
ual Catalog, page 1596: 2000 recipes. 800 full -co
A 91ft that wilt long be rem
OUf 1967 August Sale
.. see cookbook on page
Ibs $449 .99
Shop around , we're sure you'll agree thi s is


6et-the-r-ight-watelerr -- - - --,J
tempera ture w ith
w ater heat co ntrol
y' Pots/pa ns cycle for
heavily soiled loads
y' 3-level
ULTRA WA SH acti on
{-&hour- delay start
JUs a e rac s or
y' Keeps noise down
thanks to
y' IO-year limited w arranty
Just $'4 a montnt tor ttns txntt-in model wIth
A normal and ligh t wash and rmsejhold cycles, plus
power miser and au toma tic rmse Injector oonons.
Holds serv ice lor 12 and mctua es jumbo silverware
basket. deluxe utensil basket and fllp-down cup shelf
plus reversible Inserts for almond. glOSSY black, toast
or white tront . 23 1.v"Wx25 J-2D sn.: height adjusts trom
34 to 34~ In. ReqUires 24-/n installa tlOft WIdth , Has
8()().w heating element, Warran ted by Sears : wnte for
free cop y . see p 263A See Energy Cost Information
below Reduced from 1987 A nnual General Catalog
p 7592
22 E 16775N-Wt t 10 Ibs Was $489 99 $349 .99
Portable model (no t shOwn) IS like (A) but has
woodgra in-look lam inate top. almond-enameled sides
and back 24"'W~25YaDx36' Y,~H in. Converts for built-
in use. see kit In Annual Gener al Catalog. p 1590
Reduced from 1987 Annual General Catalog. p 1592
22 E 17775N-Wt 160 ibs Was $53999: $399 .99
• BaSlKi OiI l es ts C()fTIf)<)nng the ~"..nce of" Sea rs mocJel
w,th the ULTRA WASH sy stem to top-ol-thft- I,ne f'flOdtMS from
manufllCturers w,tn s'gfllliCllfll markttl s/laIttS Models tested
were GE GSD28OtXJ. WhlfJpool DLJ99(XJXL. Kllcf!eflAld K0S2 1
and Maylar; WU901 Tests _e compJttlea In tfle cycle
r:JeSi()Ntea • Ncxmal" Oy tfle man ufacturef

Energy Cost /nforma tl(lil for FuIJ-S!ztt DIshwashers AUSears

a,$II waSllet'S are rafec 85 slandarO CJJPBClty (8 01 more
p/aett sefflnpS) Oy tf>e F«Jeral Trade Comm '$SIQII
E,t'~lea annWl I energy COSIS uSinge«tne ....ter heat er
lire $72 us"'!; Q./ls warer helllDr estmvted costs are S36
EfIlIf'gy costs rex alllxsflQs 01alsflwashers r~ from J54
to S90 usmg ttlecfnc waterheatef lind from $2 7 to S52 usmg
gas water hearer ForaaditlOfl.1 energy mform.atlO". Seo!'
KitchenAld .
KitchenAid .. .
sets the standards
by which others
are measured

$50 ess
thru Dec. 15th

A There's more that's new about this KitchenAid

mixer than Just the eICcitmg cobalt blue color. This
Unit, part of the new ultra-power senes of moers. has 8
heavy-duty 3()().watt motor that delivers mote power
than former models. Made for the SerIOUS. no nonsense
cook. this machine can truly handle the heaviest barter,
like bread dough. Without burning out. Outstanding
mIXIng action ensures very thorough, consistent batter
blending: the beater rotates clockwise on Its ,own axiS
and revolves around the statlOfJary bowl miXing
everything from side to side and top to bottom. For
easy removal of bowl and too/s , the motor head tilts
bac/{ , Umt mauaes 4 !4-qt . stamless steel bowl, wife
balloon whip, metal flat beater and dough hook
Warranted by manufacturer; write for free copy. see
page 263A . KitchenAid offers performance that you
can depend on again and agam and that truly is an aid
In the kitchen!
11 E 69229C-Shpg. wt. 27 Ibs
Thru 12/15/87 $250.00 ... After 12/15,187 S3OO.oo

Crisp and attractive Iookmg 100% cotton dish

B towels are tightly woven and highly absorbent.
Ideal for drying and poliShing chma . glasses and silver,
Imported. Set of 8.
11 E 54474-Shpg. wt . 8 oz... Alone Set. $8.00
When you also buy Mixer (A) above . . Set 1c

C $3 rebate Toast breads to a consislent degree

time after time With this Dazey electrOniC toaster.
Features quartz elements for even browmng every time
and extra Wide slots that handily toast bagels. muffin
halves or 2 large slices of bread at the same time
There 's even a cancel button. Ptlenofic unit stays cool
to the touch and has snap clean crumb tray. Warranted
by manufacturer, wnte for free copy, see page 263A for
details, also see rebate delalls below
11 E 48003-Shpg wt. 3 lbs . 11 oz
Full price $1999 . . . Aller rebate $1 6.99

Conclude a fme meal WIth a great lOOI(/ng, great

Espresso. O tasting cup of cappuccmo topped With steamed.
frothy milk or Sip a fragrant freShly brewed bit of
espresso. Simple to operate. this unit includes an soz .
mach ine
glass carafe and a large water reservoir to make coffee
Dazey slim line toaster does a Without refilfing. Makes 2 to 4 cups of coffee at a time
max imum job in a minimum of space

$19 99 ~~:~e I $1699 ~::te

o Stainless steel unit has Impact-resistant plastIC base.
10!4 in. high. Warranted by manufacturer; wflte for free
copy. see p . 263A. Could take extra time for delivery.
T 11 E 48054-Shpg _wt . 51bs 4 oz... $59.99

Come indoors for the great taste of outdoor,

E barbequed foods . . . Without the bother of smoI<e or
grease Of wa.ltmg mmutes tor the grill to heat up! This
Indoor etectnc barbeque gflJl has a coovectkm air
system that works with a heavy..<Jufyheating element
and aluminum ring reflector to bring the gfllJ surface to
COOking temperature In just mmutes. The glazed
natural stoneware housmg however, always stays COOl
enough to hold and carry, Grease IS dramed away from
the heat to an alummum bottom tray, SO there 's no
smoke. Unit is 15}(1 '~Jt5 In. high. Includes 4 steel
skewers and is dishwasher safe when electric cord 1$
detached. heatlrig element removed. Warranted by
manufacturer: write fOf free copy, see page 263A
11E48363-Shpg wi 121bs 1Qoz $5999

How to get Duey ffIl:Yt,,: (1) Cut uPC symbol from box (2)
Artacll Stor8--fc1entlfltld dated ~ receopt , (3) /ncJud(J
~ ~ted r~tt! oIfer~ Malt 1111 ttlree
Items to ' Dazey Rebatt!, P.D &» 4583. Monticello. AttN
55365 RetNJtt! items must tw purchased tw~ '213'/87
Indoor electri c ANow 6 to 8 weeIls fOI'tee:etPt 01 rtJOat. ch«*. lJm/t two
barbeque grill w ith large. ret»t. checks PIIr CW'omtH or houMJIKJId, Offer IIOIdwfIere
150-sq . inch cooking area


$5999 2000 recipes, 800 futl-eokx pharoS,I
A 9,ft fllat WIll Ion9 be remembered
. .. Sill! CO(}/( 000/( on PBfII!S 2A iII'Id 3A


Here 's the SCOOp ... this compact

ice cream m aker offers a modem
approach to delicious. homemade ice cream
$79 99

Counter clutter
with compact
(even wall-mountable)
Different convenience . . .
strokes ... Coffee or tea
hand or for two or
stand m ixer just youl
in one l

From PHI LI PS for you

that IS maker
brews cups Of cottH Iff a UI1It
compact In sire than
heart loves ICe cream but
CiJf'ISCIef'ICe doesn ·t handle
.....ell . . . can now Id some of the
It C Meet each COO«I1'19 need, meet
eac1l COOkIflg preference WIth the
handy versalf/ity of this two-in-one
D If one cup or two wrll do you then
consider the perfect uses for this
Gaft Duo ....COffH maker. It brews
standarc1 ecttee makers This W!tY ccncems' EnJOY the rich, fresh taste of tr/Ixer. W'hetJ used as a stand-mtxer the 2 cJellCIouS cups of ecffee In about
attractive. handI ly compact unit has an homemade Ice cream ... a healthier power-dnven bowf alJows effortless 5 mInutes. d ispenses coffee directly
Innovative SpOUt and flfter deSign: "'ter dessert because you COfItroi the "hand s-free" mixing and kneadmg: Into cups. no carafe necessary.
hok:1er stO'os mslde ClJrafe , filter lid ingredltMts . y011 can prePlV6 ICe cream mixer helfd tilts bsc* f",easy access to PermaMnt coIf_ filter dlsptH'lstfs WIth
doubles as carafe lid and spout with less fat so It's healthl6f for you to bowt. Lightweight 3·speed mixer need tor disposable coffee filters too.
retracts back into base tor the most eat . Speciarly deSigned cooImg diSC (1etaches for easy hand-held use Or, just heat water for tea When
compact size for storage Sunken hot simplifies the ch illlflg process so ICe Fe8tures beater ejector button for fast , making only one cup simply center the
plate mamtains optimal coffee and salt arM 't required. ElectrIC e8sy disassembly and Unit Includes cup to the dnp spouts Drip tray
temperature. Includes measunng operation provKJes automatic mixing spatula, 2 beaters, 2 kneading hOOks removes for easy cleaning. Includes
spoon and ftJters. Warranted-, .. . ICe cream IS ready in minutes Incl . and large capacity bowl. Unit ISImpact- 2 styliSh cups and bracket for wall
Imported. whisk , stirrer, lid, large bowl and resistant plastIC, beaters are stainless mounting. It's flexible yet specific to
Shpg . wt. 3 Ibs. 4 oz. recipes. Impact-resistant plastIC Unit. steel. Warranted ·. Imported. your needs, It·S compact, self-
11 E 48040 .. $49 .99 Waffsnted ·, Imported. 11 E 69105-Wt. 5 lbs . , . $64.99 contained, It'S easy to clean and it's
·Warranted by mfr , wnl. fOI frH copy, Me 11 E 69705-Wt. 7 Ibs. 8 oz . , .$79.99 very affordable l ImporttKJ.
.... 2<JA 11 E48098-Wt 3Ibs .10oz ... $39.99
Eleven great gifts for under $20
W'hen your "'('N1IeS and sassoes
Enpy the tJme saVl1'l{Js 01
can 'f cut It anymore Dazey
toastmg 4 pieces of bread
Of pastr/t!$at one t lfT'l6
eecee stJarpenef Will return
t e-newSharpness to dulled
~sensors k flllles and SClSscr bJ8des
regulate toasttng ttme so oNI tflOut fJlCit, mg. gougmgOf
there 1$ no need to worry
Irregular gnnd'ng Smooth.
about under Of O'Vef
QUler~ umt features a
CDDlC/fIg Ch rome- plated
cerafTIIC Sharpening wheel.
metal umt has slf'Ig1e
spong loaded for optImum
control. antl-jam toast Itf rers
stlarpenmg pressure. and 2
and SrJaP-QPencrumb ' ray
Iflsert guides for the exact
for easy cleaning Sharpentng angles per
Warranted by Sears'
blade. Warranted by mtr •
Shpg wt 4 lns . 12 oz Shpg , wt. 1 lb . 10 OZ
11 E 4811 $19.99
11 E 68695. 59.99

Kenmore* toaster. W ith pastry Hot TO()pefrll1ets you melt butter.

seNlng. toasts treads Of warm s et'IOCOIIlte. Cheese etc. and then con trol the
pastnes to perlectlOfJ 6WJry time release It pOUr$ . sprays. steams Of
thanks to the rell8ble, regu lating brushes Spra y butter over popcorn. txeat:I
toasting sensors mat heat and hold or rolls . sw ,rl crocoete on tee cream for II
II warm temperature so food s tays sundae or drizzle It over a dessert of fresh
watm. Space-savrngtrontopsratlOf1 strawbemes It s even handy lor brus1IIng
1$ handy too! Ctvome-pJa ted meta l barbeque sauce on foods ' Unplugs lor use
body. snap-cpen tray , jlJrrHesJstant as II cordless aop/Iance too. IncJucJes
toast lift ers Warranted by Sears • accessory tops Plast IC Warranted by mtr.•
Shpg wt . 4 100 Shpg 'Aft. 1 Ib 3 oz.
11 E 48)8 . $19 .99 11 E 68952 $19 .99

sresn. home-Coo/(ed waffles

are a wonderful way to greet K,tchen chOres will be well In hand WIth
breakfast gathe"ngs thIS 5-speed portable moUN WIth handy
especially around the holidays./ thumtJ.tlp con trol .8eaters conveniently
Kenmore~ waffler makes
st ore In the snap-in mounts bwlt on
s -secton. ' ·,nch d,am waffles the sides of the mixer .
Teflon II- coa ted COO1<lng Warranted by Sears'
surfaces make clean ups easy. Shpg wt 2 Ibs 3 oz
Chrome-pla ted metal body. 11 E 68838 -Almond . $14.99
heat·res/stant handles. feet 11 E 68835-Wt'llle $14 .99
Warranted by Sears •
Shpg wt . 4 Ibs
11 E 48200 . $19 .99

A fre sh glass of JUICe IS

Time Ou t rw lor your la vonte InStan t
tasty and refreShtng any
hot be verage Dazey 'S 51,",.
tIme of day FruIt Juicer ""
compact eleCtriC warmer plate
recommended for CItrus
holds the liquidS of any ChIna .
truus . IS an electronic rmm-
glass or ceramIC cue at d "niftng
JUICer wun built·in two- way
temp . LCD minrclock tells tlfTle.
po wer s weep tha t ge ts al/
mon th, da te and works as a tImer
the JUiC6 out 74 oz.
Uses msc ba tlery tncluded. cupnot
capa cit y. 5M In. high
«csoaea Wsrranted by mfr . :
Warrsn ted by mfr . "
Shpg. wt. 1 Ib
Shpg . wt. 1 lb . 6 oz.
11 E 48069 . $9 .99 11 E 68452 $9 .99

Idea l for sma ll portlOf'lS.

F.VO',te hoIrdlly KflnfnCXe. rTHnI tooa
rectp8S tflllt call for Hot u com pop(Jer processor offers me
consIstent and uses no Ofi to make convef'/lence of fast
thorough blending call pt;JpC()ITI anc that cht:Jppn'Jg 01 sma ll
for OUt 14·speed reSlJlIs m a /0 ..... cakXl8 mnounts 01 tooas SUCh
bJender 'W/tII pustJ. S/18Ck Impact-reSisfant .s IIfJ 0f»0tJ. ca rro t.
btJtton control Housmg
IS 1fTlPIICt reSistant
plastIC: Ulllt has
self·buttenng top
Wsrranted by Sears •
.. tomato. etc Impact-
res/stant piaS tlC Uf'tIt
plastIC: glass J8F has has stainless steel
vlnyllrd. stamless steel Shpg wt. 3 Ibs 4 OZ. cutter assembly to do
cuttlN. Warranted by 11 E 6894S $14 .99 the W()rll- QUK:kfy.
$e ars • eaSlfy
Shpg wI. 7 Ibs 130z Warran ted b y Sears •
11 E 8397B. . $19 .99 Shpg w t . 2 1bs. 4 oz
11 E69665 ... $19.99
It's a
serving dish It steams

It's the most versatile kitchen appliance we 've ever

A seen.1 Discover how Cooker Plus can meet eu
your cooking needs, All peces have easy to c lean
interiors and are att ractive enough to serve at the oker Plus
table. The base doubles as a g,,11 or warming dish.
Atop that is a large 6-qt pot that can be used on your /lOUcomplete
range or m your oven. The cover ISalso a casserole with countenop
dish. Electric unit has full-range vaflab le temperature convenience
contro l that delivers consistent, even heating . Impact-
resistant plastic body has heat resistant handles
Steaming/roasting rack . splatter cover and recipe
booklet are also incl uded It stacks up to be a great
~ $3999
deal , , , cook and serve at the table, With the same
appliance . Warranted by manufac turer ' ,
11 E68004 -Shpg. wt . Bibs , 4 oz . . . $39 .99

Tms hancJy elec tnc brunch pa n by Maxlm e IS likely

B to become one of your offen used, tevonte pans
because it' s a "ju st fight'" size. Cast aluminum pan
heats qUlckty and evenly, noo-sttc« interior and exterior
surfaces are easy to clean. Warranted by rntr',
11 E 6559-Shpg. wt . 3 tbs. 8 02 . , $29 ,99

CCook up an entire meal at once With our large

12x21~-m. gridd le Features SilverStone ~ coated
cookmg surface WIth full-pe"meter grease channel and
remo vable drip pa n for easy c lean-ups. Handles and
feet are ree t resistant. Warranted by Sears '
11 E 6573-Shpg. wt . B too. 1 0 2 ... $49 .99

Replace your toaster without giving up precious

O counter space WIth thiS Toastmaster under' the-
cab inet, e-ssce toaster. When toasting IS completed.
audible Signal sounds and Unit automa tica lly shuts off.
Insutating double waif construction pro tects your
cabine t from any heat buildup and results in cooler
exterior surfaces Metal body. 7)(5)('0 m. high
Warranted by manufacturer ".
a a
11 E 48188-ShPQ. wt. Ibs oz . . . $59.99

What a bf/ght idea . . . Black and Decker

Spacemaker Can Opener is also a handy counter
light and night lig ht. Under-eabine t can opener opens
bottles, plastic bags. even extra·tall cans with power -
pierce action and hands-free operation . Unit
automatically shuts off. Slainiess steel cutting
assembly removes for easy cleaning. Built 'ln mghtllght
uses one 30/60 watt candelabra bulb: bulbs macaea
Lights and can opener a// work off the same
pl ug-saves outlets ! Unit has fuJI two-year warranty
from manufacturer',
11 E 69925-Shpg wt 3 lbs 11 OZ_ $29.99

Waffler/gflll With Teflon l/e-eoated grids makes

F s .sectson.Bm. waffles . . . or reverse grids for use as
a ssrawcn gfllJ. Features mclude ready light.
adjustable temperature control to 45O"F and separate
waffle sett ing Enameled exterior p lus heat resistan t
handles and feet, Warranted by $ears.
11 E 64nS-Shpg wt . 6 lbs 4 0Z .$39 ,99

' WfJ/e for free copy, see page 26l.4

tReglstered DuPont trademarl< 319A

A Enjoy the freedom of movement only a cordless
iron can provide and all the added benefits of
electronic control with this west Bend iron . The cord is
attached to the base , not the iron, and that alone
makes ironi"f} more hassle-free. Touch pad electronic
control reqUItes 2-part acl IV8t101l to prevent accidental
hear-ups , provides accurate temperature settings and
signals when ready. After la-minutes of non-use, &
repetitive tone alerts the user that the iron wiD
automaticalfy shut off if nor used within two minutes.
AJso !eatures five fabric settings. button grooves on
entire length of iron , spray mist for spot dampening,
Special steam chamber desIflned to fnlt"lmize
accidental water spottmg, SJlverStone u coated
SOleplate that g lides over fabrics and see4hrough
water reservoir. Warranted· .
11 E 6279-Shpg. W1. 6 Ibs . 13 oz ... SS9.99

B Proctor Silex 's Hot n ' Steamy trave l iron is

destmed for steaming success! T,.s lightweight
iron, slightly more than 1 lb., has full-range fabric
settings de lNering heavy-duty steaming act/Oll to
handle full-size wrinkles. 8-ft. electrical cord
accommodates distant electrical out1ets. Features
easy-to-fi l removable water rank. and easy·to-eJean
non--stick Smooth Glide" soleplate. This compact iron
is id eal for the lT8veler, student or anyone shOrt on
storage space. Warranted" . $11 .99 after rebates, see
details bEOOw.
11 e 62702-Plnk 11 e 62705-Purple
Shpg. WI. 2 Ibs. 6 02 . . . Ful Pnce $21.99

New at Sears! Cown "ve

"you Oriental food, roo" kwe creating your
dishes at home with this eJectric; wok . Sbt fry
Of steam in this large 6J2-quart capacity wok with
West Bend cordless electronic iron Silverstone H-coared COOking surface and
has electronic touch pad control thermostatically contrr:>IIed heat tor perfect results
every time . TemfJl:lr8 rack, steaming rack. 2 wooden
panel, automatic shutoff, and right spoons , chopstICks and reapes are all included.
or left hand use since it's cordless! Warranted· .
11 E 4853-Shpg . wt 7 Ibs, 2 02 ... $39.99

O This 12·inch square immersible elecmc fry

pan of heaVYiJauge alummum has a
SilverStone t -coa ted intera and a porce/ain--coated
Hot n' Steam y . . . eKterior for easy clean ups . Dome lid accommodates
and very affor dab le ! even large cuts of meat. Temperature controlled to
425 °F. Warranted".
$5 REBATE 11 E 65633-Shpg . w1. 6 lbs , 3 oz ... $29.99

+ $5 REBATE E Introducing Dazey's roaster oven 'broiler .. . ir s

space-saVIng and compact yet it has an intenor
larg e enough to f'IOJd a 1 J7.qt. casserole! Defrost,
= $10 ~~~~~E warm, bake , broil or toast, temperature cantrol from
150" to 45(J'F. Quartz elements delNer even heating
from Procto r Silex for perfect roasting and cooking results . Thermal glass
$2 1.99 full price door "pi ctu re wllldow" has special bro il position and
removes for cleaning. Grease and drips w ipe off
S1199 etter easily from the Daztte KJeenKote .ntenor surface.
rebate Includes rack and fuN si ze bake broil pan. Rack
automatica lly slides forward when door is opened.
Steel body with cooI-to-the-touch phenolic end
panels and handles. Warranred - .
$29.99 after rebate , see details below.
11 E 4835-Shpg . WI. 7 Ibs . .. Full price $33.99

F Want it to cooJ( fast. be juicy, tasty, beautJfully

browned and for less energy use, d POSSible? Ifs
possible w ith a.convectiOn oven! Cut your COOking
tJme byapprOJumately b that of conventiOnal ovens ,
cook tastier foods ana use less energy to d o so with
this Toastmasrw convectJOrJ oven broiler. The
convection system Iotces the CircuJation of hot air so
that food is heated and COOked from aM sides as
opposed to duectty from the top and boltom. This
process, used b y professional chefs for years. seals in
the natura l ~es and t1aVOlS; because cooking time is
reduCed. food retains more of ts natural juice and is
less likely to dry out. Bake , roast, broil. slow cook Of
dehydrate in ths versatile UM. 21lu14x12 }; jn. high,
woodgramed-looJ< meta l bOdy and tempered glass
window. Temperature from 200" to 4500F. Wa~.
11 E 4846-Shpg . wt. 33 lbs ... $99 .99

How 10 get Proctor Silex ,.~- ( T) C&.- putChue

conIirmatJon seaJ hom boA', (2) Amch otrgIIYJ•
.."., .dc . rIt6«I. cI-.d"' ~. (3) .lrlctIde encloMd
c:ornpIBtae1 ,.r.. otIer COI1PO"'- MM" J AiIt'ns to;
PTOCIIX Silex Ret»te. P.O. Boll 54J0, T~. CA 112080.
Re~ Items must De purcha«J Or 12 31 87. Allow 8
weeks torteC*Pt 01 , check. lJmIt at 2 ,.bete checks
pM CUSI\'Jmef or fttJcINhoIt:/ . \obO'''''''' pml¥bm1d Or
How to 9« rWlrete on DIz-r pt'O(JuCts: ( r) Cut uPC
contFmatIon SMI tram box. (2 ) AttacII ~
datfK1 MIn f'fICfIfpl. (3) IneIuc:M encJo:tedcompI«ed reoate
oIf&r COCJpotI. M all .. thrM Items to: Dazw,. ReNte. P.O.
&u- 4583, Monnce4Io, UN 55365 . irems must De
pcJrchaHd betor. 123187. A.Ilow 8 ro 8 WHks fof teeelpf
of reNte ch«k. L.imt two reNte ch«1a per eusrorr- or
housfJhold. Offer VOId WMre ptOIWbitW1.

·Warranted by mlJnutacrurer; wnrelot"... copy,

see page zejA
t Reg ;stered DuPont T.M.
Co nv ection oven

fro m mfr.
~ $9999 320A
A Let auf Kenmore food processor make "sran
order " of slicing , chopping or grating foods to
make them recipe-r ead y. Designed tor your rotal
working conve nience . Short Orde r has a heavy-duty
motor tha t produces results in just minutes. And,
extras like a choice of coll ecting cut foods in the
bo w! Of using the discharge chute to ch annel ;r into
your own work bowl and a handy pour hol e to,
adding liquids while working . Slice shred disc .
ChOpping blade , ejector disc, bowl, 2 covers and
p lastic p ush tube atta chments Bre included. All snap
into p lace easily so wor king with Short Ord er is a
timfrsaving p leasure , clean up is easy. Imp act
resistant p lastic , stainless steel disc. blade . 9 * in.
tall. Warranted by Sears · , Bring in some M chan
help . . . add ShOrt Orde r to your kitchen!
11 E 696 7S-Shpg. WI. 4 Ibs . 12 02 ... $34 .99
Dehydrate toda y 's garden harvest for a tasty,
B rcn, economica l food supply all year long .
Dehydrate your ripe , ready-ta-eat foods and they 'll
still be flavorful and nutr ient-rich when rec onstituted.
Serve mnmous foods economica lly by seizing the
flavor at the height of the season and cooking w;rh it Introducing Short Order
at your own timing . . . dehydrated foods store for . . . a food processor that delivers
approximately 1 year in air-tight containers . Slide
co ntrol on the energ y-efficient air-flow system
high-quality performance
adius t~ from horizonta l to rec irc ulating so trays don 't
need rotating and food flavors don 't mix, 24-hOur
timer automatically tum s un;( off. Textu red vinyl
cabinet has easy to c lean p lastic interio r and 9 trays
w;rh deta chab le stick -resistant screens . I S-sq. ft.
total drying area. Oven dimensions 24x19 V4Jl12 "4 in.
hig h. Warranted by mfr,-
11 E 5133-Shpg . wt. 29 Ibs ... $149.99

C While good coffee is worth waiting for, wnh

Pause 'n Serve co ffeemaker you won 't have to!
Enjoy your first cup of coffee wnhout waiting tor a
full p ot to brew thanks to the pause 'n serve feature
on this co ffeemaker. Features automatic " keep hot"
p late, water level indicator and co lor-coded on off
sw itch that's visible at a glance . Brew selector
adjusts coffee strength. Warranted by Sears -.
11 E6711S-Shpg. wt. Sibs. 1 02 ... $29 .99
Whether you want cheese sliced paper thin or
% m. thick , this elec tric slicer can cut n.
in. Soligen stainless steel blade works with a
carriag e that Jocks on trac k for smooth , easy cuning .
Disassembles tor easy cleaning . Impact-
resistant p lastic unit tolds to a compact size tor
stori ng . Warranted ~ .
11 E 6872S-Shpg . wt . Sibs. 2 02 ... $29.99
Don 't let a cutting job butcher your main
E cou rse , . . carv e up and serve a beautiful dish
easily, effortlessly wffh this elect ric knife . Serve it as
you want, when you want without losing time to the Pause 'n Serve
ca rving . Stainless stee l serrated blade remo ves
easily tor Cle aning . Lightwe ig ht handle is impact-
coffeem aker
resistant plastic. Warranted by ma nufac turer.-
11 E 68018-Shpg . wt. 1 Ib, 1502 ... $14.99 52999
F Mr. Coffee under-eabinet coffeema ker saves
precious counter space and offers B conve nient,
eye -level enemsuve to conventional coffeemaker
des igns . Features dig ital clock with automatic timer
to p reset brewing times. Compact unit brews 2 to 10
cups , I2x9xI0 in. high . Warranted -. $39.99 afte r
$ 15 rebate , see detai ls below .
11 E SnS2-Shpg. wt. 9 100 .. . Full price $54.99
' Wnt8 foI frH copy . see page 263A. "--
How to g et re./Jate on Mr. Co"" products: (1' Cut
purch ase con htma riotl seal from boJi:. (2J Attach
store-identlf l&d dated sales rece ipt . (3) Includ e enc losed
completed ",./Jate of/ef coupon. Mail all three items to:
M r, CoffH Reba te Offer, P.O. Box 1027, Middlelteld , OH
44062. Reba te items must be pu rc hased be lore
123187. Allow 6 to 8 _sks lor r&Cfnpt 0 ' reNte c hec k
Lirrnt two reba te checks pe r cu stomer Of hoUsehold
Offer 'IOid W~ff1 profllbstea
2000 recipes , 800 fu ll-col o r photosl 154.99 full price
A g ift that w ill lo ng be rem em be red
. .. see coo kbo o k on pages 2A and 3A 53999
after rebate

Carv e, do n't butche r

your food .. . electric knife
• A ll vour • Over 700 · 304 pages -
tavorne full-c olo r every

stars, directors and 8&W movie lover' s
and producers p hotOS orea rnl

7 50 Norman ROCkwell Favofltes mctuaes colorlul

11l?x 15-m, poster-Size reprocuctions SUitable for
frammg. 104 pages Softbound
SO E 1453-Shpg wt 2 lbs. 50z 59.95

8 Celebrate the season Wltn readmgs. recipes , csros

and crafts from The Saturday Eveni ng Post
Ovatmes Treasury Illus tra ted tJy Ncxman Rock we ll
and others 304 pages
SO E 1456-Shpg . wt 3 Ibs 50z $14.95

Life Goes to the Movies Stars at work and p lay

50 E 1467 Shpg wt. 3 Ibs 150z 517.95

4 The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of Amma l Life

Is an all-mcluSlVe too« at /lvlng cre atures 1025
p ho tos , 583 In co lor 608 pages
50 E 1466-Shpg wt. S ibs 100z $24.95
9 What do the numbers on your SOCial secUfl ty card
mean ? Fmd ou t ttllS and otre- temptmg tfl VIa In
2201 Fascm atlng Facts 379 pages

5 The Illus trated Encvclopedla of Dinos aurs covers

current archeological fmdmgs Has 560 full ·
SO E 1446-Shpg wt 1 tb 15 0z $6.95
Nostradamus and HIS Prophecies features all of
co /or and black and white PJctures 208 pages
50 E 1457-Shpg , wt . 21bs 9 oz . $12.95 10 the prophecieS With notes. hls toflcal background
and blograDh y. Illustrated 824 pages

6 An equestrian '"olole ', The EnCYClOpedia of the

Horse aescnoes and Illustrates o ver 200 br eeds
Includes t llsrory and breedmg 250 pages
SO E 1461-Shpg , wt. 2 ibs 60z 59.95

SOE 1465- Shpg wt 3 lbs , 10z . . $10.95

New and re vised Raring me MOVies features more
than 3200 film reviews from the early c laSSICS to
current releases Cooteme Ac ademy A ward and Video
a vailability mform atlOfl 512 pp Sott bound
50 E 1454-Shpg. wt . uo. 15 oz $5.95

2 Take a tour of Umcorn lore- from medieval legen d

to mocIern sci enc e fiction The Umcom mcludes
155 sumptuous fuJl-color and b lack ana wnue
illustra tions. 191 pages
II Landscapes or AmerICa mctuoes over 200
stunnmg fuJl-coJorphotos of our bea ut iful country.
Descriptive tex t 300 pages
SOE 1455-Shpg wt . 2lbs. 8 oz $12.95
SO E 1452-Shpg , wt . 4 1bs 1502. . $24.95

3 Webster s no w offers you a full reference lib rary m

one volume Over 1.200 pageS-Includes
dictIOnary. Rogets the saurus. medical d lCtlOflary, 5 12 Wal t Disne y World and Epcot Center, In full color .
reveals the JOyand excit eme nt of Ameflca 's
Bib le. lang uage d lctlOnafies and more tevon te fant asyland. 96 pages
322A 50 E 1595-Shpg w t . 6 tbs $12.95 50 E 1451-Shpg. wt . 2lbs . . $9.95
• Recalls the • Explodes With . 304 pages-
taos ana fOibles tull-eolor the best
of ever-cnenqmq and B&W from over
Amence portraits 1.500 Issues

The Best of Life 36 years of American rustory

50 E 1450 Shpg w t :3 Ibs 15 oz $17.95

Camobells Creative CooI(Jnq~helps yOU

13 cook over ,g,CJCX) different d,shes-esch
In only
one pot Of f]8n l JIIusrrs ree 218 pages
50 E 1428-Shpg wt 1 to 90: $9.95
PractICal and detalle<1 Herbal Med'Clne tells hOw
14 to chOOSI./ ana corBin herOS to help refteve
common Bllments 302 pages
50 E 1462-Shpg wI 1 lb 70z $4 .95
ThIS Mlcro~;Bve ~booil presents compJete
15 ste~by-s'eD dlfectlOfl$ /(x fJrt!fJBfll't{} JUst abou t
anytfMg fIIus(rst80 256 pages
50 E 1447-Shpg ....t 2 los 80: $12 .95

Amencan W..rda~s s~ys 2fX) of Amenca 's

17 18 39
T!le llJustratedSherlocl<:HoImes Treasury features
2 1 most vita l alT'C1aft Inclut1es the entlff~ f'ustOf')'of
warpla~S-nchlyIllustrated 208 pages
storieS and 3 compJete novels ~.!!!. SOE 1443-Shpg w1 21bs 120z $12 .95
Scarlet The Sign of the Four and The Hound of me
BaskefVIl/es 832 pages
SOE 1441-Shpg ..... t 21bs 90z $8.95 22 Tht: AmerlClln Herlrage Ptcturft Hrstory of Wor1c1
War II reve als the dratn8 and tragedy of one of
the greatest conflICts of an tl~ 610 pages
L()OIo to the New Complete 8oof.1 of Co/lecflble
16 Cars for over 700 txl/han! color and black and
white phOtos Inc Juaes detatlet:i techmcal profiles of
Agatha ChflstJe s F/lle Comple te MISS Marple
19 Novels 1$ the perfect treat for any mystery lOver
SOE 1442-Shpg wt 4 IDS 11 ce 514 .95
The Ameflcan Heritage PIcture History of me
hundreds of csrs- "n toBOs 416 pages to curl up wlm 6SO pages
SOE 1448-Shpg wt. 2 Ibs 30z $8.95
23 Civil War tells the epc story of II country awaea
50 E 1445-Shpg wt. 3 Ibs 30z $14 .95 630 PiJges Wl m over 800 Illus tratIOns
SOEl440-Shpg wt. Sibs t ce .$15.95
7 Dig Into 101 Science Fiction Stories written by
20 No mystery CoJlectlQn would be com plete
WithOut Agatha CtlflS tJe 's Five Com pl ere Herc ule
1 over 75 of the best ""firers In the business
JntroductlOfI by Isaac ASllnov. 608 pages
50 E 1463-Shpg wt 2lbs 1 oz $7.95
Polro t Novels 663 pages
SOE 1449 Shpg wI 2 IDs 30z $8.95
24 The Blue and me Gray presents the CIVil War
the words of thOse whO fought 11 Includes 48
pages of IllustratIOnS and maps . 1.296 pages

SO El 444-Shpg wt.Zlbs 120l . $12.95 323A

All Bibles sold on thi s pageare the King James Vers ion. °
"Nor for sale KI GiNt Bntllifl

" A nd she gave

birth to her
first born
son ...

5 Use The Christmas Story as 8 reg ular book or

unique decora tion l 5 Full-eolor Illus tra tions pop
out as each page IS turned.
SOE 1975-Shpg wt . 100z . . . $6.99

6 Children will love listenmg to Dramatized Bible

Storl6 S when the y hear the eng agmg muse,
sound effects and multiple voices of these tapes. Each
VOlume meludes etght tS-mln , programs on 4 tape s
Features stones about Noah , Jonah and others
Packaged in handsome brown Vlriyl case s
Volume I. Story of Jo/lah and more
50E 197G-Shpg wt . 11 oz . $9.99
Volume II. Story of Noah and more .
SOE 1971-Shpg . wt. l l oz ... $9.99
Volume Ill. Story of St. Paul and more .
SO E 1972- Shpg. wt.11 02 _$9.99
All three volumes , Shpg . wt. 2 Ibs. 1 oz.
SOE 1973-SepaJale prices tota l $29.97 .. Set $26 .97
'0Q'ders pIaetJ(Jmer ~t:»r 14ttl ~y not
be l t1Ct11W1d
WI tl1Tlefo, Chnsrmas

9 .JESUS "''''.
!!ql --- -
n..",- ... " . . .

Tie cover to back to
~ on personalized Bibles make a 3-0 carousell

I Enpy the New and Old Testaments on cassette

tapes 4 seoeate padded vmyl volumes hold and
protect a tota l of 48 InsptratJ0('J81 tapes. Narrated by
A/exanoer Scourby.
New and Old Testament. StIpg. wt. 6 Ibs. 6 oz.
SOE 1929-Separate p-ees tota l$1t9 .98... $et$99.98
New Testament, 12 cassettes
SOE 19l9-Shpg. WI. lIb , 12 0z . $29 .99
Old Testament. 36 casse ttes
SO E 1927-Shpg wt. 4 Ibs 1002 $89 .99 7 Picture Bible for the whOle fam ily. 768 pp. of New
and Old Testament scnpture In an eeev-to-reea
colored PICture fonnat. Rich Ieather·1ook vinyl cover

2 Giant pnnt In trm Bible makes It the perfect g ift

for the beginning reader and those WIth less
50 E 1909--Shpg. wt . 2 Ibs. 4 oz . . $13 .95

than perfect VISIO/J. Fam ily record sectlOO. color maps

and Concordance. Lea ther-Jool< Vinyl co ver. 1968 pp.
50E 19l5-Burguncty SOE 1911- Blac k
8 Beautlfufly txJvnd Children 's Bible has 24 colored
illust ration s. 350 line draWIngs to make the
stones come alive for aduns too. A lovely addition to
Shpg . wt. 3 Ibs. 1 oz . Each $13.95 the Precious Moments coJJection. Hard cover.
740 pages.

3 Beautifully iHustrated Who 's Who in the Bible

bnngs to life vWtu ally all the CharlIcters in the
Old and New Testamen ts. Over 800 Ilfus trations. 32 m
State name or initials when ordermg,'"
50E 1961V-$hpg , wi . , lb. 10 cz ... $15 .95
full cokx, 800 pages
SOE 1978-Shpg. wt. 4 100 2 oz . . $17.95 9 Le t superb art teacIJ your child about Jesus ' life
49 stones, Illustra ted WIth famous Hoo* drawings,
make this t:xck a favonte. Hardcover. 112 pages.
4 Personalized Bibles make the perfect gift
They 're slim. lig htweigh t and tradltlOna/fy
styled. A vailable Zippered. as shown or WIthout zipper.
SOE 1976--Shpg wt. 2 Ibs . . $9 .99
Ch ildren '$ pK;ture Bible has ' 6 cokxed Biblical
Colored photos. presentation page. fami ly record 10 scenes, s Bib/cal dICtionary and Concordance.
section. 32·page reader 's gUK:1e and Cortctxdance. 1108 pages. Hard COYef'". G," ooxea. Stale name Of
1108 pages, Reduced from our 1986 Wish Book. page initials when Ofdenng ··
467. State name Of Initials when ordering " SOE 196OV-Shpg_wt . 1 lb. 6 cz ... $8.95
Z ippered version
SOE 1924V-Black SOE 1925V- White
Shpg. WI 1 lb . B oz. . Was $13.95: Now $12.95 II My Book of 8tbIe Rttymes makes great bedtime
reading fa cIJiJdren. 8S rhymes fill this fatlctful
'o'OhJme. each s clever capsuhzatJOn of Bible facts
Without z ipper.
SOE 1914V-8Iack SOE 1916V-WMe and concepts Hardcover. 128 pages.
Shpg, wt . lib, 8 oz . . Was $9.95; Now $8 .95 SOE 19T7-Shpg. wt. 1 lb. 13 oz ... $11 .99
Savor th e sounds of books on tape
Read by famous actors and authors
Recorded in Dolb~ · on
hIgh-Quality tape
Expertly abndged for
puntv of story line

Read by
Keir Dullea

Thi nner read by

Paul Sorv ino
I Thinner by St ephen King The curse of an ancient
gypsy leads Bill Ha lleck Into a ntghtmansh
showdown with the forces 01 evil.
SO E 1347-Shpg wt . 6 oz.. $14.95

Stories by John Ie Carre 3 Read bv

Paul Sorv ino

2 I!!£.2py Who Came In From the Cold Alec

Leamas' spy operatIOn has cousosea . . . but it
isn 't long before he 's back in the action .
50 E 1344-Shpg. wt . 6 oz . $14 .95

3 Smiley~~ Out of re tirement. Smiley stalks

the phantom who ns s haunted him all his f,fe-his
8 f2ycno by Robert Bloch. The ba sis for Hitchcock 's
famous movI e . . . a vacant mo tel on a stormy night
spells trouble for a woman lost on the road.
Russian counterpart Ka rla SO E 1353- Shpg. wt . 601 ... $ 14 .95
SOE 1345-ShPQ. wt. 60z ... $14.95
9 Rear Window and Three O 'CIock by Cornell
WoolrICh. Spymg into nelghbormg apa rtmen ts, an

4 Call for the Dead George Smiley investigates the

sUICide of a hlgh-ran/ung forelgn-office OtflC1/J1.
50 E 1351 -$hpg , w I. 6 oz... $14.95
read by
InJurea photographer becomes convinced that a
neighbor 's wife has been murdered.
SO E 1352-Shpg wt. 6 cz . .. $14.95
"Reg TItA Dolby Laboratofl6s . Inc
Ie CarrA
Pr'ZZi'S Honor by RiChard Condon. A powerfu l
10 ma fia hit man falls In love . . . only to cnscovee rns
wom an is no lady
SO E 1346-Shpg wi. 6 01 ... $ 14 .9 5

AGATHA CHRISTIE II The Hltch·hlkers GUide to the Galaxy by Douglas

Adams. Arthur Dent ha s to thumb a ride when the
Eart h is destroyed leaving only him
Stories by Agatha Christ ie SO E 1343-Shpg. wt 6 0z .. $14.95
5 5 WItne ss for the PrOSec ution and Other Stories A
man's wife takes the stand
prosecution 'S case ag ains t tmn.
. for the 12 Mommie Dearest by ChflsMa Cra wford . Joan
Crawford 's daughter details the da rk. side of the
woman in lig hts in this psyc ho log ica l thriller
50 E 1341-Shpg wt . 6 cz ... $14 .95 50 E 1354-Shpg . wt . 6 oz ... $14 .95

6 Murder in the Mews Patrot and Inspector Japp

mvestigate a mysterious case of murder disguised
as suicide
Srofles from the Hemot CoilectlOl1Oy James
Hemot This volume inctuoessome of the be s t
stories-aJl told With q uie t charm and Integnty
SOE 1340-Shpg wt . 6oz . $14.95 SOE 1348-Shpg wt. 6 oz ... $14 .95
f!!!!!]pQ1e of the Ba ile y by John Mortimer. The dry
7 Dead Man 's MI"Of. HercuJe Pooot flnd.Shis host
dead ... and a house full of suspects
50 E 135Q-Shpg. wt 60z $14.95
14 and prICkly barnster recounts three of hiS most
cha llengmg cases
50 E 1342-Shpg wt. 6 oz . . .$14.95
Read b y Sir Rea d bV Read bV
Anthon y Qu ay le Christina
Doug las
Adams Crawford

CRAFTSMANI' Cordless rechargeable tools give
you power and convenience in hard-to-reach places,
where electrical outlets are not available

Exceptional quality !
Exceptional price !
Single-speed dri ll
loaded with features
V' Fully recharges
up to 1000
""" No-load speed of
600 RPM


JIB-in. capacity
single-speed drill
with detachable
battery pack

V.-inch reversible

Iand 2 wermntea by Sears. Wnte fOl free copy. see

page263A 3thru 5 No Lo wer PrICe (tll S Season! PractIcal
gifts they II use season after season

I Cordless in-line screwdriver has p lanetary gear

system. 130 rpm . Incl udes 2 mcJ<el cadm ium
Warranted by Sears Wflte for free copy . see page
2611' 4 "-mch reverSibl e cordless dr ill/screwdriver has
ratc het lock for ext ra torq ue LED readout 300 rpm
tnct. ~-mch keyless chuck. "-inch . ¥.,-I nch and ~
men annbits Phillips and slotted screwdflver bits
oenenes. Accepts !-'-Inch hex dover bits
9 E 11211-Sh1Wlng weight 2 lbs .. $19 .49 3 Cordl6SS *-m. capaCity dfl fl d evelOps 600 rpm.
In 5 hours Incl. Charger and
6 cell. Recharges
chuc k key
Warranted. see page 263.4.
9 E 11212- Shpg , wt. 2 100. 8 oz . $28.99

2 coratess reverSIble screwanver recharges In only

3 hours. Spnng-detent collet nosas bits firmly.
Triple reduc tion gearing for incteased drivmg power.
9 E 11213-Shlpplng weight 21bs 14 oz . . $38 .99
5 Sing le-speed drill does high -torque driflmg in wood
or metal ,at 600 rpm. Removable energy power-
No load speed of 130 rpm . fnc fude s 3 nick.el ceamnsm
batteries , c harg er. doubJe-ended bit (Phi llip s. slotted).
Accepts any !' -'n. bex bit
S Home or office d elivery costs
just 8 little more than store
pack plugs mto c harger. (AdeJitJO(lal energy pack sold
below), Recharges In 7 hour
9 E 11217-Shlppmg weight 7 100.. ,$68 .99
9 E 1120-ShIPPlng welghl2 Ibs 8 oz. . $28.99 pick-up for mailable ord ers

326A 6 Energy pac/< (for (5)).

9 E 11122-Shipping wei ght 14 oz . .. $29 .99
RECHARGEABLE fl ashlights, lanterns and
batteries. ideal stocking stuffers!

W e've never had

a rechargeable
f lashlight at

Ideal for every
room and the carl

I 3
thru Pierce the darkness with . these flashlights
and lan terns. They p lug mto standard 120-v
AC outlets for recharging. no cumbersome braCKet or
Rechargeable lanterns bri ghten even the darkest night
adapter needed' Krypton bulbs g ive a brighter, whiter
light than conventIOnal flashlight bulbs. UL listed AC
Warranted by $ears. Wnte for free copy. see p , 26:3A
2 "... Uses krypton bulb
for bright,
white light
"... Each charge last s
I This flashlight is a househOld and auto necessity,'
Super'bflght krypton bulb IS enhanced With shatter
resistant fresnel lense for maximum light Lasts up to j up to 2'h hou rs
"... Plugs directly

I •
20 minutes per charge. Holds charge up to 6 months
Heavy<1uty otestic body With fibbed nofI-s1lp gnp.
Shpg , wt . ea. 1 lb.
9 E 93300.. Each $6.99; 2 for $12.98

DieHard Lantern (
I' It""
into an outlet
for recharging
plastic case

2 Lantern uses high output krypton bulb. Each charge

las ts up to 1 hou r and recharges In 24 hours If
power 1$ disrupted durmg rechargmg. lantern turns on
It"" Uses high output
kr ypton bulb
automatically for use as emergency IlQht "... Each charge lasts
9 E 93187-Shpg , wt. 8 02.. $8.99 up to' full hour
Krypton bulb Lantern It"" Recharges in just
24 hours
Lantern prrxJuces up to 2~ hours of bright. white
3 light per charge. Moveable headdirects lig ht where
needed. High Impact, water reS/stant plastic case. LED
It"" If there is a power
shortage while it's 3
charge indicator. recharging , it turns
9 E 93184-Shpg. wt . tib. 13 oz ... $18.99
itself on as an
emergency light

Buy 8 Nickel Cadmium rechargeable batteries and get the Charger FREE!
4 Multiple cell recharger holds up to 4 ,oM '; "C" or "D"
batteries In any combination.- two 9-v , or one 9-v. and 2
of any other size . UL fisted Ban .".
s Pkg of 12

Cat""" 50""
9 E 462S-Shlppmg weight 1 lb. 4 oz ... $11.99 S". !<um"'" WI
5 Nlck.el-cadmlum battefles recharge up to lCXJO times
Batteries alone sold In pack.ages of two: 9-v sold In
Pk.9. of one Warranted by SAFT. fNC. Write for free copy,
'·AA" . 9 E 30905
"C' ... 9E30925 lib

see page 263A. S/JP6r Value Se ts mcfude 8 "AA .., "e", or " 0" . 9 E 309J8 3 ",.
~:~~ I(5) ~;Ilt~pkg Wt
., ...
"D" bartefles otus free char er.
Super V81ue 1 Wt
Set Cal. No oz Sot

"AA" 9 E 4621 1 $5 .49 9 E 93726 I 4 $21 .96
"C" 9 E 4622 2 6.49 9 E 93727 25.96
" 0" 9E'623 4 7.49 9E 93728 29 .96
"9·y" 9 E 9375 1 7.49 .. ... 327A
If any CRAFTSMAN® tool ever fails to give you complete
satisfaction, we'll replace it, free of charge!~--------,
It 's no accident that we sell more Mechanics' Tool Sets than anyone else If any CRAFTSMAN- Hand Toolever fatls to gtYe roo
~fe UfrstactlOfJ. sllTlply return It to menearest S6ars
in America. It's because CRAFTSMAN is more than just a name . . . store throvghout me Uruled Stales and5ears WllJrepisce ll.
it's our guarantee that you'll receive a lifetime of dependable service 'ree of charge This wiJ"anty gives you spe<: lfH; legal nghts
.ne you mayalsollaveother fJghts whICh YlJi'Y from state to

CRAFTSMAN'" I $10 monthly (see p . 263A ) buys this STANDARD and

METRIC set of select stee! construction with nicke/-
chrome plating Includes !-' -m. sq, drive : fen 6-pt .
50-piece sockets (~l thru 'It-in.); ten 6--1'1. metne sockets (4 thru
13mm),- qUICk-release ratchet: 6-in , spinner nerate.
Mechanics ' ~-jn, SQ. dri ....e: elght6-pt. sockets (% ttvu ' ¥,·in): three
8-pt, sockets (%. Mil', 'h· in.): eight 12-1'1. sockets (.Jt
tool set trmr fJl,,· m.); nine 12-1'1. metric sockets (9 thru 11mm);
Here's wha t hve 12·pt. deep sockets (~·thru "'-in); 6-pt . spark plug
socket (%·/n.): u-tn. adapter; qUICk-release ratchet; 2
you get : extension bars (3. 6-m.).
· 55 sockets 'h om sa drive: efght t2·pt sockets W" thru ~-in.);
qUick-release ratchet.
• 5 onve too ls Wrenches: 1 combination wrenches (#I ttvu ~-in.): 10

$4788 pc. comometson miniature wrench set

Additional tools : 14-pc hex key se t. See full unllrmted
waffanty above
9 E 33100c-Shpg, wt. 17 ros. $99.99
Set (1) with Tool Tower ((C) on facmg page). Separate
paces tota l $77998.
9 E 43819N-Shpg wt . 84 lbs . . Outfit $ 167.87

2 $70 MONTHLY (see p. 263A ). Select stee l

construction With mckel-dlrome plating. Incl . l' ·m.
sq . dflve: ten 6-pt , sockets ( %2 ttvu ~-m.): ten 6-pt .
metric sockets (4 ttvu 73m m); spmner handle; ratchet.
#NfJ sa drtve efght 12-pt , SOCkets ('" ttvu 'J'i, tn.);
nme 12·pt. metric sockets ( 10 ttvu ISmm and 11 ttmr
'9mm); SIX 12-pt. deep socJ<efs(% thru -lti m) ; flYe 6-pf.
deep me tric sockets ( 10. ' 2 mtu 1Smm); spark plug
socket (%·tn.); ratchet: 3-m. extenslOf'J bar. ~ -In. ~
dove : SIX 12-pt, sockets ( YI, ttvu ,. m.); raiCiiit:Siie
lull unlimited warranty. above.
9 E 33041-Shpg , wt . 81bs 15 oz . . . $47 .88
Set (2) with toot chest ((A) on facmg page). Separate
onces total SBt81.
9 E 43B20C-Shpg . wt. 31 Ibs . . . Outfit $82.87
CRAFTSMAN ® workbenches and roll-a-ways
overbuilt, but not overpriced!
Rally tool
chest has 1403
cu . in. of A 3.<Jrawer chest with hi-tech gray
finish ancJ fuff.length drawer pulls
tor easy opening, Drawers, 18x 18x 1 in.
st orag e deep each. CJyerall2f)x8x12 in . high
9 E 65338C-ShPQ . wt. 23 100 ... $39.99


The exclusive I-FRAME@

design built into th is
workbench w ithstands 50% The Tool Towe r is
more stress than a tool chest built
conventiona l flat designs. to save work spac e, yet
It also comes in a hi-tech it still has 5 sq . ft .
co lor and includes a of storage space . . .
work stool includes a 60-pc . socket rack

8 This sturdy workbench with

matching s tool has a base of
C Create 8 workshop in your home
even If you have limited work
space. The tox Tower is a rOfI-s-way
heavy-gauge steel with our exclusive tool chest with 5 sq ft. of storage
I-FRAME construction. Two supporting space, built to save space ft has many
frames in the center for solid s tabili ty . of the fearures you 'd find in our larger
43x l8x33 in. high. Can carry loads up homeOwners units. 6 full-length
to 1450Ibs . The 5 dr a wers are 17x 16x4 aluminum drawers (1~ in. front to
in. d eep . Base Includes steel shelf baCK. 18 in. wide). 4 drawers, 2 In
18xt6 In . Jongandsteefdoor wun hasp. deep, A panel covers the /ower
Stool is 34"" inches to top of back. compartment 10,. in. front to baCK
Unassembled Dimen sion s are 19x 12 in. high. It has an external lock
approximate. Separate prices to tal bar wirh padlock eye (lock not mel.)
S237. 9 1~. Four 3-in. casters; 2 ngid. 1 swivel WIth
9 E65565N -WI.114Ibs . . $99.99 brake, Full-length piano-type hmge on
Save $10 when you buy Rally tool ches t top cover WIth handy mformatlon sheet
fA) with work bench (B). Sep_ prices inside 4 customer·mstalled drawer
total $13998", dividers and a 6O-pc. socket rack
9 E65621N -WI.137Ibs ... $129 .98 2214xl~x40 in. high. Dimensions ere

¥;'ve s;gwhen you buy both the Tool

ower ~ and the workbench (8J- Sep
approximate. Sockets and ratchet not
9 E 65421N-Shpg_.....1.671bs . $79.99
pnces total $179.98 -.
9 E 65622N-Wt. 181 Ibs ... $169.98 •From our 1987;1J8 T001$ Sp6c,.Iog. page 37
Holiday gifts that the auto
I LeBra- protectors are allS lfabie for many 1978 ttvu
87 domestIC and Imported ca rs . They feature
adjustable, steel hood-strap fasteners and "t'Joo«-and-
eBr Series 2000 front-end protectors loop .. closures BteattJable Naugahyde . Vinyl wIth
polyester and cotton helps prevent moisture
give a custom look to a car 's front bulJd.up, Nylon storage bag ro, Hoodopens andpop-
end and help prevent nicks and paint damage upheadliqhts operate WIth LeBra.", place Wananted
by manufacturer, wore lor free ccpy. see o 2634 . Fit
C \fO\Jf cno.ce of 4 custom- 00< colors
onglfJ;J/-equtpment vehICles only WI. 5 Ibs
Statecolorno l1-Bur9M'dY 12-Gr.y 2-&.d< 24-T..,
LeM~mwrorcovers",4co1orsto match Le8ra·
2 protectors above Bteathab/e Navgahyde. vrnyl .
Hook-anti-loop fastetllf'l{J Set of 2 Wt 1 Ib
Statecolorno 1 7-~ 12r=2--8iatJl 24-T..,
(11~ i f2): =Mffllr

:;,;;e.-o'='==----:I28E64223H 128 ' '''''''

....e. " ..1T'COlIl ,_ _ ..
. .EVY
~~ I ~ ~ =: 28E6QEOi
1'8-al Z·28 2llEW4,H
&&-87C8041e' lnolZ ·24) 28E64231H 28E 64261H
84-87 Mon1e C¥lo SS 28E ~ 28E 6o&Z8>i
CHRYS/DOOGE ~ ~ lnal lf) 28 E 6C229H
8&-S6 ~ ll'd TIrtlo) 28 E 6Q39H 28'~
FORO !l3-84MuItIng (nol GT) 28E 61229-! 28'64287H
llS-86 Muatang6T.,.",.. 28E 6oIZD-l 28' 64287H 28E 6o&237H
8J..a6Ttu1dertwl:I 28E 6olZB-I 28'
28' '''''''
HONDA 116-87 Acc:ortI LXUI 28E 6ol2J5H 28' ' ' - '
MAZDA 81..a:J RX7 28E 64221H
86-87RX7 (- /0 ~l 28E 6o&234H 28E 6o&2l!IH
~ I ~~=: 2SE &IZ71H
~~ Fe'O lnol GT. SE) I ~ ~ = 28'''''D<
~~:: I ~ ~ ~~ 28'''''D<
8S-86TtWlS Am 28E&l2:3.l"4 28'''''D<
7'9-81 FntMrd 28 E 64Z2D-I
TOYOTA 8IHl7CelIca 28E 6o&23&i
Pnce. each $601.99 $1499

Bindmg and threa

protecto r fabnc I24l

Auto Pocke ts> carpeted storage poc kets help

organize a vehicl e' s interior
Great gift Ideas perfect for the per son With everyt hing
tevervtf ng on t!"le oesn . on the seat and on the floo r!)

3 Euro-lOOIf orilnng gloves add steering comfort.
If1lPf(1IIe gnp A vs lfabJe In blacl< and brown
Sc.ze 8IaclI , Brown(not shown WI. Pnce Pr
28 E 32633!
E 32635
28 E 32637
I ze
28 E
E 32634
28 E 32638
3 oz
3 oz
3 oz
I $17 .99
17 .99
UTRAUFlGE 28£32639 28E32640 3oz, 17,99
16-81l.l8 2.4-Tan

Leather dn VlOg accessor ies add Ca talog No PrICe

converllence and style
{.4) Sleer, ng
(5) V'sol'
I (6)c.dKeycase
rmw ~.oc£ \b~ ,~
28E32796H $1.499

I 28'3Z792><
covet 8 'h . 6 'IJ ~
11".... 7.1"- 3'" 28E 327911-4
28 E326t7
28 E 32648
28 E32651
28 E 32652
28' 3264.1
28 E J264.4 1 4'l'lx.4 '~-2'"
8lt<a.6 'h ~
"b 28 E 32793H
28 E 32&45
28 E ~Sorrv:
28 E 32649
~E~ellable28 E 32642
28 E 32641
12.61'1111'1 ''''
28E 327904H
I 28E3Z79OH
28' 3Z795H
7;b.4'~11'" ! 4."
$11 .99
60l .
enthusiast will race to open ! This compact-disc-ready AM { FM stereo
with auto reverse cassette delivers
fa ntastic sound alo ne or when tea med
with a portable CD player

I $ tereohas electronic tunmg for precise, ann-nee

recep tion Tape equahzatlOfl gives supenor sound
reproductIOn With standard or metal tapes LOCdljDX
c ontrol Improv es reception In urban or rural areas
Digital LED freq /clock display. Back lit controls. Power
ante nna lead. Separate bass . treble , balance and fader
con trols. Compa tible portable CD player is sold on p.
395A(order CDplayeradapter sold belo w). 7x2x5*"in.
deep chass is. Imported. Warranted by Jensen. " See
Important Note below.
28 E S0103-Shpg. wt. 4 Ibs . .. $199 .99
Jensen CD adapter (not show n) supplies audio and

40 total wa rts produce po w erfu l sound vornout

JENSEN po wer connec tion for 9-v, CD players
28E S0104-Shpg , wt . lib . . $19 .99
exte rnal amplifiers
Dolby8 B norse reduction helps eurmnate annoYIng
tape russ for ea sy hstentng
Scan tuning lets you qurcklv list en to stations
$19999 IMPORTAN T NO TE: For use Wl m rectangular dashboard
opelllllg s. 3-hoJe openmgs rea. Installa tiOn 4 speakers
recommenc1tK1. For IZ·w systems only . FIts most domestIC and
Imported vehICleS, S<Jme may rea in -du h Insta ll , kIts (S(J/(j /II
our 198 1 Annual General Catalog. p 74 15) HOwe.• IrIS".
up the band unnl you select one
W rtlt!' for free CCJ)y of wBfTanty. see p . 2I53A
12 presets (6 AM . 6 FM ) lel you tun e Into you r
tevonre stations almos t Instant ly
Ao to ma uc Prog ram Control luning uses st ereo blend.
hlgh-cut and mu tin g t o assure superb sound qu ality

...---- - - - - - - -- ---.
Members Only"" Excel 2000
covers give car seat s a
sleek designer look

~;~~~g. pouch CUT $5 Only i999

2 P/C!<.u() truck storage pouch fits all domeS!I.c
and Imported pickups. Made of black vmyl
(nstalls and removes easily WIth snaps Fea tures a
ntte pouch plus '2 storage poc kets, Install. instr
mel. Was $14 99 in our 1987/88 4)(4, Off-Road,
Pickup and Camping EqUIp. Speclalog. p 29
28 E 46932-Wt. 1 Ib 120z . Now$9.99

battery cha rge r
converts sunl ight
to energy .
keeps any
12-voh battery
fully charged I

Battery charger helps prevent d lschargmg that

etecuonc arantry and accessories,
tempen.ture extremes and auto storage cause .
Plugs into lighter or wires Into 12·v. systems. LED
Charge indICator. Suc tion-eup mounting &12 m
Warranted by Chronar Wllte for free copy, see p .
263A Imported tnstr. ma.
28 E 71540-Shpg , wt. 1 lb. 8 oz . . $30 .00

Electronic compass
provides steady.
accurate read ing s

4 This preciSion compass features alrcrafHype

etectroncs that compensate for magnetic
6 The face of these covers have the same handsome
nylon fabflc used for famous Members OnlyTV
j ackets. Heavily padded and quilted in a dIamond
7 Match lflg seat covers and floor mats are made of
durable polyprop ylene fabric . Floor mats have
double-stitched vmyl bindmgs and non·sk id ts tex
fields, 36(P il/umma ted display Fits on wIndshield pattern. Polyeste r stretch knit covers seat back and lUbber back lflgS. Front mats are 26x t6 ~ in.; rear mats
or dash Plugs mto lighter or wires Into t2·v . sides giving a nes r.custom fit. Members Only TV inslgma are t2x 15 ~ m. Covers have urethane fi/l for comfort.
systems Hd we . mstr. Incl. Warranted by Zemco IS on the front COIner of each cover. Nylon key case Machine wash covers ,'hand wash mats , Fit seat type s
Write for free copy . see p . 263A Imported with Members Only "" inslgma and rainbow logo Incl (1 thru 4) See How to Order. below.
28 E 2047-Wt 12 oz . .$29 .99 With each pair of co vers. For bucket seats only. Color s Type 1 Type 2 Type J Tyee 4
Machine wash. See How to Order, below Gray 28 E 73573 28 E 73568 28 E 73558 28 E 13563
Rechargeable Shpg. wt 21bs 5 0 z Black 28 E 13570 28 E 13565 28 E 13555 29 E 73560
f1ashhght Brown 28 E 13572 28 E 73567 28 E 73557 28 E 73562
has a magnet
Colors Type 1 Tyee 2 Price . pa ir
Blue 28 E 1357 ' 28 E 13566 28 E 73556 28 E 73561
for attachmen t Gray 28 E 74586 28 E 74580 $3999 Burpundy 28 E 13514 28 E 13569 28 E 13559 28 E 73564
Black 28 E 74584 28 E 14578 39.99
in car. garage Tan 28 E 74587 28 E 74583 39.99 W1 61bs 12 0z 6 1bs. 12 oz 61bs 120z 6 1bs 12 0::
or home Blue 28 E 74585 28 E 14519 39 ,99 PrICe. paw $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 S3\l99

The Charge Llght'~ rechargeable flaShlight

5 recharges In any home socket or any auto ,
boat . plane 01 truck cigarette Itghter, Adapter for
E)/amme these dr aWings to ' md yoorseartype .
t2·v. DC or nov. AC recharging mcl Plastic. Sta re th e c atalo g num be r for VOlJrse at ty pe and color,
28 E 55701-Shlppmg weighl 8 oz ... $9.99 Toor d er a comple te S6 t of fron t and rear covers
srate me ca talog numbers and pnce s for ea c h.
331A Do nororder covers d your seat type 1$ nor S/'IOwn
Car-care gifts to keep a vehicle looking its best

This soft 1~ od-tann«i prermum sheep$J<m

2 The Narvra/ril SH sponge from the gll mmertng
waters around FJonda 'Washes B.vay dirt /rom your
car and _lIeS It Sflmll'tg clefJn GenuIne wool sea
3 chamoiS IS Isl<e ~ profesSIOflafcar washes use
to dry vehicles WIthout leavrng stfetJ/(S Use II damp to
sponge !rom sand ana coral bedS ;.s $upeNWscrbefJf cJrycars, vans, trucks oc.ts and wmOows Wnng out
so It holds more water than most Synt/JetlC sponges the water as )IOU go aJong As )lOU ~ chamots also
It $ beenespec:welyd8enfKi to f9tTlOl;'81V1y u nci orgnt removesany dirt left after WBshd'Ig Use It dry tor
so It won 'f scratch your WJ1lJch! S hniSh I/ 's even soft polishing I7WJ'Ot'S fumltur8 sl/wN and jeWt!Iry
enough to use whMI )IOU I»ttJe Measures 3 9QlJIIf'e f9tJt Instrucdons Jnci
28 E 6834-Shpg wt 80z $9.99 28 E 6828-Shpg wt a oz $9 .99

Pennant and diamond·shaped plastic novelty signs

" No SrT"()lOng Zone' and "Execc al Wr;x..· also 8Va atMe
Weather·res stent personalized
signs , _ . choose from street
or park inq-s gn sWies

Plastic parkmg s~n$ have yourcnoce of 51. car

4 names or two " d" vers" folfowedby ''Parking Only "
or "Don t Ewm THINK About Parking Here ", a
phrase that w ill make anyone wna has ever searched
for a parking space smile . Durable styrene Lettering on
one side PrtHi,llIed mounting holes 12x'8,nches
28 E 32078-Camaro 28 E 32083-Mustang
28 E 32079-Chevy 28 E 32085-Porsche
28 E 32080-Corvelle 28 E 32082- Jogger
28 E 3208 ' -F ord 28 E 32084-Golfer
28 E 32086-"00''1"1 Even THINK of Parking Here"
32A Shpg wt. ea 1 Ib Each $8 .99
Cut $20 The Regency Informant~ , 1$ the perfect
A scanner for the road AI/ SO states are pre -
programmed Into the Unit by Initial (lL tor f1fiflOls. TX for
Texas, etc .) Toggle SWitch lets you select tre state or
you can fast forward to your selectlOfl 7 weather bands
plus Canada Cily/h lghway togg le SWitch lets you
monitor pre-programmed stare and loca l police
frequencies 4().channel per second scan rate LOW-
band aircraft monitor. Incl udes an tenna and mount lntormantv I
bracket See Note below Was $29999 In OUt 1987
Annual Catalog page 1539
3 E 35281-Shpg wl2 1bs $279.99

$30 less ttlru 12/15/87 The Regency Informant~ 5

B scanner for (fie hom e has the same features as
mOdel (A) p iuSfire cJepartmenf and medical emergency
frequencies See Note below
3 E 35291 -Shpg wt 4 1bs Thru 12/15/87 $269,99
Price after 12{15/87 529999

~ The BeBrcat$ lOOXL scannermonttors 16

C channels Including low band (30·Sf)MHz), Sircra ft
( 118-13SMHz), military land mobile (136· 144MHZ). 2-
Bearcat IOOXL
hand-held scanner
meter " ham bane! (144. 148MHz) VHF hi (148- won 't be priced
1?4MHZ). federal government Isnd mooae (406· lower in 1987!
420MHz) and ?Oem ham, UH ': 7 " ba no s (420-
S ,2MHz) Searc h functIon seeks and finds ne w
frequenCies automatically Track tunmg, lock-out
SWitch and anect chann el acces s Includes AC
adapter, battery cnarge r, 6 AA " rncket-cedrmam
oe ttenes ana fleXIble rubber antenna See Note belOw
Was $2 1999 in our 1987 An nual Ca talog. page 1539
3 E35 251- Shpg 1"<1 zios 10 0z $189 .99
This cordless phone has easy to replace
Acarreoes and antenna and IS heaflng
aid compatible. Use on deSKor wall
mountable. Warranted by GTE See Note below.
3 E 34931-ShJpplng weight 4 lbs . . 589 .99

No more wrong numbers. This phOne

B has 12-number memory Including
3 one-touch emergency numbers. Tonepulse
swltchable. Hearing aid compatible.
Warranted by GTE". See Note below.
3 E 34841-Buff 3 E 34842-Ebony
3 E 34843-Taupe
Shipping weIght 3 Ibs ... $59 .99

C Redial the last number called with just the touch

of 8. button. Mute bUttOn allows you to make
off-line comments. 3 one·touch emergency numbers .
Pulse tone switchabJe. Lighted keypad, hearing aid
Mute bu tton provid es compatible. Waff8.nted by GTE . See Note below.
1-WBYprivac y 3 E 34833-Taupe 3 E 34831-Almond
3 E 34834- Ebony 3 E 34832- Buff
Swi tchable Shipping weight 2 tbS . .. 539 .99
pu lseltone dial ing NOTE: Imported FCC registered .
Wnte lor free copy. see p . 263A
Securit y cod e protects DependIng on local condtriOns
from unaut hori zed use

-------- GTE Sigma 305 !

memory phone
(e) in a color to
match any decor

GTE Ultraline ....

400 (B) with
memory and
Dial- Right Display

On·hook dialing plus speakerphone Jef$
E your call without liftmg the handset. EJeCt
Conference calls set up easily with calJers
lines. Auto repeat tuncuon automatically redals s
numbe rs up to ten times with only one touch . Eas
distance service access. Tone pulse and last nurn II
redial. Dual tone ringer with hi low off volume cotvro
Desk wall moumable. Hearing aid compatible.
Uses 4 AA batter ies . Warranted by alf:4".
See Note on facing page .
3 E 3484S-ShIPPlng weight 4 Ibs .. . $99.99

Scra rctlpad feature allows you to program number

F into memory while you',e on me line. Electronic hold
lets you put your caller on hol d and then release from
any extension . tin e-in-use light shows If any extension
1$ off the hoo k. Easy long distance service access .
12-diglt LCD readout sho ws time, numbe r dialed , and
timer to keep track of call length. Dual tone fing er
with hi low off volume control. Tone pul se sw ;rchable.
Desk wall mountable. Hearing aid compatible.
Uses 4 AA batteries u . Warranted by GTE· .
See Note on facing page.
3 E 34844- Shipplng weight 4 Ibs ... 569.99

AM FM clock radio built right into a 9-number

G memo ry pho ne. Large digital dis play is easily read
from your desk or wall. Tone pulSe swftc hable. Last
number red ial. Hearing aid compatible . Warranted b y
GTe . See Nore on facing page.
3 E 35741-Shipping Weight 4 Ibs ... 569.99
Write for free cop y, see p. 263A
Nor rnclud6d, sold in the WiSh Book for Kids. p. 271

GTE 2350 40-number memory
lIIl~lIli~ phone with 2-line capabi lity
GTE 8200 is.
phone. a clock
and a radio
ell-i n-on e

~ ~
.! ! -!
Aana receiver volume control Depenamg on use
The A T& T HT 5300 has sutomsrc secuatv codmg

rechargeable oenenes (mclUC1ed) can last up to 7 days

~ ~ ~~
on a smglecharge Not nearmg e-aconoetote See
-to .t
No te at fight Reduced trom 1987 Fa ll General Catalog ,
p 596
3 E 24085-Shpg 111ft 3 lOS Was $19999 , $16 9.99

B Cut $10 Feature onooe has handy orogrammabJe

memory that stores 13of your most «nooasru
numbers Just ooen a button to ca ll your Closest
tne nas ' Flash button gIves the precise mtervet needed
to engag e optiOna l ca ll- w alrmg or ca ll-forv.aramg
services Receiver volume cootrot Last number reCital
C S 10Iess thru 12115'87 Tflmltne"220has3·numoer
memory wan test number redia l mute Dutton and
receiver volume control. ilium mated dial pad Desk/wall
NOTE 1J'{lIrrante<1 Dy Sears or A TAT wr,te for free
cop y s~ PBge 263A TOf')e/pt.JI5/i1 s""tch.iJbIe fry use
hold and mute for contaennet ott-nne comments Desk mountable Hesnng Sid compa tible See Note af fight ""m alterflilfl.-e JOnt; C st.X6 servoces roese
ur'llts lir e not to ~ used on Pil rTy t,ne s FCC
or wall mountable Heaflng aid compatible See Note at Shpg wt 2 lbs 2 02 'egtsrereo imIXXf~
fight Reduced 'rom 1987Sprmg Genera l Catalog 3 E 24429-Brown 3 E 24762-Mlsty cream
pdge 5' 1 Shpg ...1 2 Ibs 8 oz 3 E 24435-Blue 3 E 24464-BlaCl<.
A T& T 420 Wlrt! speakerohone 3 E 24455-Teeoe-rv 3 E 244Q4-lvorv
3 E 24543 Was $99 99 $89 .99 Thru 12/15/87 $49 .99 After 12/15 /87 $5999
A T& T 410 wltflout spesi<.erphone Cut $20 Tflmhne$ 210mO! shown) same 8S (C) w/ttlout
3 E24 542 Was $7999 $69 .99 memory. Hearmg Sid compatible See Note at fight
'Depenom~ O'l kJaJ' cona,r,ons Reduced from 1987Sormg General Catslog, p 514
Shpg wt 2 Ibs 2 oz
338A 3 E 24402-tvory Was $5999 S39 .99
• •• • •
•• •
• ••
• •• •
•• • •

TDeoern:!1f'Ig on conaltlO",
NOTE: Tnese urnrs are not to be usea 0" parry
Imes FCC regJstereC!

Program pause int o

numbers req u ir ing
wa it ing fo r an
Cand 0 Talk about features! Program p ause into
numbers that reqUire an acces s tone.
Flash button gives precise interval to eng age
accass tone optIOnal cal/·wa/tmg and other services. Dual tone

V lO-eha nne l
serectebmtv eor Sears full-featured
ringe r with volume control. Batt ery backup for
memory. baltefles inc lu ded. Tone puls e switchable.
Desk or wa if mount. Warranted by Sears. Impo rted .
interf erence-fr ee corded and cordless
co nversations
single line phone system C~ than simila r model in our 1987 Sp ring
General Catalog, p . 511. Pur caller on hold; hold
releases automatically from any extension. Similar

$139 99
model $39.99.
3 E 34651-Shpg. wt. 3 Ibs . . . $29.99
~ than similar model If! our 1987 Spring
Gener al Catalog, page 514 . Phone similar to (C) but
• A .Q.lW.Q.. Feature paCKed value ! Cordless
p hone has 8. 700-ft . range r ,
rechargeable batteries and separate charger
with tc-numoer memory. Similar mode l 529 .99
3 E 34503-Shpg. wt. 2 los ... $19.99
base. Not hearing aid compatible. Corded
phone has ringer volume contro l and battery
backup that uses 3 " AA"' cerreoes .
O~ Speakerphone is reduc ed from our
1987 Spring General Catalog, page 511.
3 E 34782- Wt. 4 Ibs ... Was 579.99 ; 569.99
Heartng aid compatib le. Both have last
number red ial. Modular Instal/atian . AC ~ 4().numbe r memory phone simil ar to (D)
adapter included. Imported. Warranted by but without sp eakerphone or automatic redial.
Sears . Reduced from our 1987 Fall Genera l 3 E 34762-Wt. 3 lbs ... Was 559.99; 549.99
Catalog, p. 596. Shipping weIght Sibs . • Wrfte lor free COPY. S" p. 263A
3 E 34971 Was $149.99: $139.99 •• Not incl.• sold in thfI Wish Boo/( lor «as. p. 271



- L:. T or
- ~. ~

tz, "" II
iz, '\l"
- L


q ~
/ ~

> S
S .,. •
.- ~

* S
..-' 0

Automatic redial of
busy number up to
10 tim es in 10 minutes

pause BIrge
~~~~~~~$ _'A.Pfione·
3 E59032-Slipg I los B'oz $169.99
C'OCIe; -f.'fIone 9SO {}-number memory a
B liis 'fI redlsl Smgle mcrocessette tape
system With persCXWJ me'h1oand one-touch p layback
LEDIndica tor flas/)e$ fhe number of messages
Beeperless remote with toll saver, las t me ssage
Indi ca tor, message save (V reset and machine tum-on
function Tone/pul se sWltctJabJe Hearmg Bid . 10""£ ft c,
compa tible , Warranted by CocJe..A-Phone. "
Shpg wt . 3 res. 01
3E 59017-Black . $99.99
3 E 59018-Whlte 599.99
Code- A·Phone 1900 1$ same as (B) but without phone
. ' ~ -"'rI ·Ii ....
Shpg wt. 1 lb. 9 oz ~ Z1r~ .~f'
3 £ 59014-Blacl< .$69.99 l J /rIO
3 E 59015- White $69.99 l o SG-t
~i 5 ,IT
Code-A-Phone J3(X) is same as fA) but without 4 1 ~ •. ,, ~ ; .~

C telephone or speakerphone,
3 E 59031-Shpg wt . 2lbs . . $89.99
.1U ~e<.£
II I '
I I .... mot
Warranted by Seals ' l D e."T,~ -

D 3 E 59611-Shpg . wt. 4 lbs. 6 cz . . $139 .99

[ Cut $ 10 AT&T 1510 gives you remote access from
[ any tone phone Change or (elf/eve your message b

from anyw here. 2- way recording records both ends ofa b
conversation Recording memo : call interrupt and reset
from any ex tension $ave/erase feature . new messages
record over old Phone features 9-number speed
di almg. las t number redl af and mute button. Uses
smgle standard casseee Hearing Bid compatible .
Warranted by A T&T' . Reduced from our 1981 Fall
General Catalog, page 591.
3 E 24697-Shpg wt 5 1bs .Was $149.99; $139 .99
AT& T 1370 system same as (El but Wi thOut telep hOne
3 E 24696-Shpg wt . 3 Ibs 8 oz . $99 .99
Cut $ 10. Ans wering unit With beeperless remo te
F lets you remevemessages Auto turn-on and reset
$ave tolf charges If no mes sages are recorded. Call
scr eenmg . Includes one 3O-mlnute microcassette tape.
Warran ted by PhOne-Ma te· Reduced from our 1981
Fall General Ca talog, page 591.
3 E 59103- Shpg wt. 3 ee Was $7999: $69.99
Cu t $20. Easy operation . just touch a bu tton,
G the machi ne re winds , plays, sa ves or erases
and resets. Olgtfaf message counter W8fTanted by
Phone-Mate • Reduced 'rom our 1981 Fall General
Catafog, page 597
3 E 59143- ShP9 · wt. 51bs Was $119 99: $99 .99
·Wfll e for free copy see o 26JA Im~ed


Le Clic® puts the

focus on you!
Athru C Le Cljc! cameras are the hottest holiday
fashion accessory that's in style all year
long . Include adjustable straps for carrying ease
and all except (e) include a designer p ouch. Built- in
electronic flashes. Use 2 " AA" alkaline batteries ..•.
Warranted by Keystone " ,

A The 35mm La CUe ! has a 38mm 15.6

color-corrected lens that is foc us-free from five
feet to infinity. Foolproo f automatic film-load ing ,
motorized film advance rewind. Lens cove r shutter
loc k. LED on back of camera lets you know when
flash is ready for the next shot. Uses ISO 100,200
and 400 1000 speed film. Film idemIfication
window in back. Full S-yesr warranty" .
3Hx4 %Wx1 ~ D inches.
3 E 73231-Teal blue 3 E 73232-Burgundy
Shipping weight 1 Ib ... $59.99
The Le Cfie ~ d isc camera has easy one-stroke
B film advance and closeup lens for portrens.
5Hx3Wx7D inc hes. FUfl3-year warr8nry - .
3 E 78 140-Hot Pink 3 E 78144 - Green
3 E 78 142-lmperial Purple 3 E 78145-Tu rquoise
Shipping we ight 9 ounces ... 529.99
The Le Clic ~ 110 c amera has shut ter lock ,
C sing le-stroke film advance. LED lets you know
when flash is ready. 7 3fl~Hx6 'Ax2 Y4D inches.
3 E 78123 -Dove Gray
3 E 76124-lmperial Purple
3 E 78125-Hot Pink
3 E 78122-$unshine Yellow
Shipping weight 9 ounces ... $19.99

Take our A ll-Weathe r auto

focus 35m m anywhere
in aII kinds of we at her

a$50 $1 /999
The M35 doesn 't mind getting a littl e wet.
O If s water-resistant. designed to resist
damage from dust, water and other foreign
objects . Auto focus , moto rized film
advance r ewi nd. OX capacity automa tica lly sets
film speed. Low-light warning and battery check
indic ators. Suitt-in electronic flash. Cancelable
auto focus memory loc k. Uses 2 " AA " alkaline
batteries - · . 35mm 13.9 tens. Imported.
Warranted by sea-s -. Was $769.99 in our 7987
Fall Genera l Catalog , page 595 .
3 E 7370-Shpg . wt. 1 Ib ... $11 9.99
• · WfIl'e for free copy. see page 263A.
··Not inCluded , sold in me Wish Book.
page 271
tor Kids. 344A
Save $28 to $49 when you buy

Aand B BUilt-m flash lens cover/shutter lock. and

automatic /11m Ioadlng_ Accept ISO 100/200.
4()()/1000 films W8ITsnted.·

Save $49 The Sears M3S Tele lets you bong your
A subject closer with its aust tenses. Outfit includes
camera, roomy nylon gadget bag, 2 "AA" batteries, 32-
page photo album and a ro{/ of Kodak A$A 1ODe%f print
him , FficJ< the camera 's lever to change from a 35mm 140
wide angle lens to a 55mm 156 telephoto. Takecloseups
from 43 feet . Motorized advance/rewind, Low lighf and
low battery indica tors Separate prices total $14916+.
3 E 80265-Shpg wt. 1 Ib 7 oz . Outfit $99 .95

B Save $28 , The Regency Easy Shot focus-free camera

7iiiiPei7oolproof film loading. thumb wheel film
advance and 38mm !S.6/ens. Outtn includes gadget bag
and 32·page photo alb um . Five-year warranty by
Keystone . Uses 2 "AA" alkaline csttenes ": Separate
trees to tal $62.97 page 595 of our 1987 Fall General
Catalog. page 510 of our 1981 SPllng General Catalog
and page 267 of our 1981 " M Y" Sale Catalog.
3 E 80260-Shpg wt. t jb. 5 oz.. Outfit $34 .88

and [
. I
35mm auto-focus cameras have
sutoneuc features mcl. focus . exposure
and motonzea titm eavsrcenewina. Lens cap/cover
locks shu tter: bright viewfinder. (C) and (D ) have film-
loaded window and carry case, Warranted"

C The Canon Sure Shot Supreme has LCD display

showmg film counter and battery life : auto-advance
to first frame, auto-sensor on flash and self·timer OX
sensor automatICally sets film speed. ISO 50 to 16(}0,
38mm f2.8 lens. Shutter speeds It to !>SOIl sec . lnel .
li thium battery oe cs ; hard case
03 E 73115-Shpg. wt . 1 lb ... $179.99

O Sears M35 AF camera has /ow·light warning, film

transport Signals . pre- focus. re-focus Film speeds
tSO 25 to 1000. 38mm f2.8lens Shutter speed It to ~
second Uses 2 .'AA " alkaline ba tteries , ••
3 E 7364-Shpg. wt. 1 lb . $119.99

Lens kit for (D) and AF5, AFl and AF40. Inc'
E wide ang le. telepho to, case . Warranted. '
3 E 80028-Shpg wt. 10 oz . 549.99

[ The Mmalta Freedom Dua' Quartz·Date back camera

I has auto-on flash . dual35mm f35 wide angle and
SOmm f56 telephoto lenses . Built-in motor Changes
lens es a t the touc h ofa bu tton. Date or time displayed on
camera back and can be Impflnted in the comer of
picture, Focu ses from 2.5 feet. OX featu re automatically
se ts film speed. ISO 1(}()or 4(J(). Uses 4 "AM·' alkali ne
ba tteries'· or 6-v. lithium battery pack (sold below)
03 E 73509-Shpg wt . 1 Ib $149.99
6-VOftlithium ba ttery pa Ck .
03E73500-Shpg wt . t oz. . $10.99

'tRed/.JCtK1 from f;NI9t1595 of 00f 1987 Fait General CatalOg and
paQe$ 50S and 510 of oor 1987 Spnng Genera l Catalog

page 2'63A For ,rems w,th "0·' prefix (such as 03E 73115)
'Waffanted Oy Sears or manufllClurer. w" ,e for free ccpy, SM
Imporlea " Not inC4J<J«1. sokilfl Wish BooI< fof Kids . P 271 .I/oW. ,",mffJ(Jfn '0 da ys for ~,very 345A
A Your only limit 1$ your imagination with this
eesv-to-use SLR automatic cam era outfit. For
the perfect exp osu re , simply select a lens op eni ng
(aperture) and c amera automatlc alty chooses
co rr ect shurt er speed. Shutt er speedS from 1 to li'Soo
sec ond Film sp eeds ISO 12 to 3,200. Viewfind er
LEOs indicate if exp osu re is correct. LED sett-umer.
Batte ry included. Warrant ed by Seers".
$11 MONTHLvt-. c·pieee cuttn Includes
auto-c amera. Pentax "K' mount SOmm f2.0 !ens,
BO-200mm f4.0 macro zoom lens. automatic
electronic flash , wide decorator camera strap and
3-compartmenr nylon gadget bag . Flash uses 4
" AA" alkaline barreries ~ " . Sep . prices total 536 0.95
this page, and p. 591 of 1987 Fall General CatalOg
and p. 506 of 1987 Spring General Catalog.
3 E 738S4-Shpg. wt. 6 lbs. 2 02 . . . 5239.95
510 MONTHlY ~t . 5-piece outtn is the same as
above. but does not include the 80-200mm zoom
lens. Separare prices total $240.96 this page and
page 591 of our 1987 Fall Genera l Catalog .
3 E 73880-Shpg . wt. 4 es. 9 oz ... 5119.95
eccessones I ceta Number Sh wt. Poce
NeckStra .. ! 3 E 8210 4 OZ. $3.99
Gad et ba 3 E S306 1 lb. 8 oz. 16.99

sav~ Qver 50%. Camera case tor Sears KS Super,

KS uper 11 KSX, KSX Super camera (not shOwn).
Was $19.99 in our 1987 Faff Genera l Catalog, p , 591,
3 E 7385-Shpg. wt. 2 Ibs .. , $4.99

B Cand Canon cameras have LEOs that d isplay

low battery check , in bright viewfinder.
Self-timer , coerec lenses. Warranted '",

B The Canon AE-1P 35mm 6-piece outfrt. Camera

automatically sets aperture and shutter speed in
the program mode. In shutter priority, you set
shutter to freeze the fastest action, while the camera
sets the aperture: manu al override . Shutter speeds
2 ro rhOOD sec . Outfit inc ludes 50mm n .8 lens.
80-200mm f4.0 macro zoom lens , Vivitar Dedicated
Thyristor flash with range to 30 feet , strap and
gadget bag . Camera battery included. Separate
prices total 5475.95 this page and p age 506 Qf the
1987 Spring General Catalog.
03 E 80263 -Shpg. wt. 6 Ibs . 14 oz . , . $399.95
4-piece CanQn TSO camera outfit inclu des T50
C body, 28-70mm f3.5 4.5 rnacro-zooct lens, nylon
gadget bag and co lorfu l strap . Camera 's built-in
powerwinder motor drive advances film; controls
load and rew ind . Choose program or manua l mode .
Shutter speedS 7 to 'haoc sec . Uses 2 " AA "
batteries ~ - . Separate prices !Otal 5330.96 this page
and p. 593 of 1987 Fall Genera l Catalog.
03 E 73672 -Wl. 5 Ibs. 4 OZ .. , Outfit 5249 .95
TSOcamera body only (no lens) .
o 3 E 73136-Shpg. wt. 2 Ibs. 2 OZ . . . $189.99
~ Vinyl case for 750 and T70 cameras (not
shown). Was $19.99 in J987 Fall Gen. Cat.. p . 592.
03 E 7317S-Shpg. wt. 7 oz . . . $16 .99
Canon A£-1 P alone with SOmm ttB lens
03 E 73163-Shpg. wt. 3 Ibs ... 5299.99
~ Brown vinyl case for AE-1P (not shown).
Imported. Was $19.99 in 1986 Fall General Catalog.
03 E 73170 -Shpg. wt. 7 OZ . .. 516.99
4-piece Canon T50 outfit
Dto 244 T Speedlight automatic flash sets aperture
f2.8, f4 or 5.6, auto X-sync ',~o sec . 1.6-35 foot
range; iuid e no . 53 feet at ISO 100 ;, 150 to 1,300
flashes; 'h OOO-';40000 sec . flash aumtkm; 5.9 sec .
recycle time'' '' . Uses 2 " AA" batteries" , Warranted
by Canon o +.
$24995 $ 12 THLy tt
03 E 73162 -Shpg . wt. 8 oz . , , 564 .99
277 T Speedlight automatic flash has 8 automatic
E apertures (f2 22), auto X-sync '.110 sec , 1.6·82
foot ranie; gu ide no. 82 feet at ISO ,100; 200-2000
flashes ; '/looo-'l.5oooo-sec. flash duratIOn, 5.5 second
rec ycle time"' , Uses 4 " AA " batteries '". Warranted
by Canon ~ t .
03 E 73147 -Shpg , wt. 2 lbs .. , 599.99

thru Canon compact automatiC FD lens es are
lig htw eig ht WIth. tnns-tne-tens mereflng and
open aperture VieWing . Fit a/I Canon breech-lock
mount cameras . Won't fit the Canon £OS. Lens
surfaces are coated. Warranted by Canon -.
LellS, local " - -
"""II" '
I Catalog
~. ! Apenure~
FOQI$ , ~

IF) 1OD-3OOmmZOOn'l i03E73118 , 6 6 ft l 145-32

15,6-32 1 1 81 $159.99
(Gj 75-2OOmmzoom 03E73132 11.91t.
(Hj 35·7t)mm zoom . . 03 E 73114 1.3 ft.
(Jl 5Omrn stanCard , . 03 E731l9 1 11.
t2 189.99
2 .. .
... 8
Wrtte lor free copy. see page 26JA ·'Nor Includea, sold
in the Wtsll Book for Kids . p. 271 . ·Vanes with p ower
source. Numbers are for alkajjne oatteries . ··Wrt/l
alkaline D~lttery. ~ Won't !lf me AE-1P. -r see page Z63A.
Items wrt/l an "0 " prefix (such as 03 E 73JJ4/ a#ow a mintmum of JO days for delivery 347A
Auto focus Canon EOS
Takes the work out of 35mm photography, but leaves the fun!
A 4-piece 35mm camera outfit Includes camera bOdy, EF B Canon case for the EOS 650 came ra.

Canon~ C
35·7 0mm f3.5 4.5 auto focus lens, strap and gadget bag . 03 E 73106-Shpg. wt . 3 02 . . . $39 .99
(Order flash (F), rig hr.) Combines auto focus and exp osure Canon EF 7Q-21 0mm '4.0 zoom lens. Warranted - .
da ta to let you p re-select background sharpness. Dua/,

.... World 's first camera

multi-pattern or spot metering. OX capacity automatically sets
fIlm sp eed. /5 0 25 to 5000. Shutter speeds 30 10 112000 0 03 E 73179-Wt. 1 lb. 9 oz ... $259.99
Canon EF 35-70mm 13.5 4.5 zoom lens. Ws"snted .
to combine auto fo cus
and auto exposure
second. Data display panel sho ws mode chosen. 6-vo!t
lithium batrery inclu ded . Warranted - , Separate prices total
$633.96 this page. page 347A of this catalog and page 509
E 03 E 73178-Shpg . WI. 7 oz ... $179 .99
Canon EF 50mm " .Blens. Wsrramed -.
information for the
des ired depth of field
of our 198 7 Spnng General Catalog .
03 E e 03 20-Shpg. wt. 5 Ibs. 15 02 ... S569 .95
Canon EOS 650 camera only with SDmm I1.B lens
F 03 E 73102-Shpg . wt. e 02 . . . 599.99
Cannon 300EZ flash has Rapid·Fire FI8Sh ~ for
nearly mstem-on operatIOn. BUIIt..,n light for auto
.... Choose the wa y you 03 E 73166-Shpg. wt. 2 lbs . 6 02 . . . $449 .99 focus shots at night Choice of first or second flash
want to take Canon EOS 650 camera. Bod y only. sync., for combination flash lime exp osures and
pictures, fully automatic, 03 E 73156- Shpg. wt. 3 100. 7 02 . . . $419 .99 cr eaE ' effects . Warranred ~ .
l lve spec iaS
shuner-priority , ' Warranted by Canon : wrIte tor frH COPy. see page 2603A. Impo ne d 03 73160- hpg. wt. 4 02 .. . $129 .99
aperture-priority or For /fems wtrf'l "0 " prefix(such as 0 3 E 73166) allow /TJInlml./m 10 days lor delivery " SeQ page 263A
manual control

4-piece outfit


Electronic optical system has no

moving parts between lens and
body for a response so fast
it can take sharp pictures of
moving subjects with the motor
drive in "co ntinuo us" mode

A The Minolta Maxxu m 7000 35mm aut o focus camere
has auto exposure lock. DX c ap acity sets film speed.
Nme-tuncton view finder automatically illuminates in low
lig ht Flash read . Film speeds ISO 25 to 6400 . Shutter
speedS 30 to 'hooo sec ond .
Auto focus
s-o ece outht includes Manum 7000 camera w;rtJ 50mm M inolta 7000
11.7len5. 7D-21Omm 14.0 auto focus zoom fens, gadget
bag, strap. Separate prices total $753.95 t . Warranted" ,
a 3 E B0319-Shpg. wt. 7 es.7 oz ... Outfit $679.95
4·piece outfit includes Manum 7000 camera body with
35-70mm 14.0 auro focus tens . gadget bag and strap.
Separate prices tot al $593.96 +. Warranted" ,
03 E B0318-Shpg. wt. 5 tbS. 3 oz . _. Ou tfit S529.95
Maxxum Accessooes c ata No . 5 .....r. Price Deluxe 5-piece outfit

~ $]4 ~§l~::HLY"
7000 e&m8f4. 0 3 E 73 528 ;Ii! Ibs . $3t9.99
SOmmM.7 AFIenS . . 0 3 E7351 9 a ee. 69 .99
Save 53 on case. Was S19.99tt .
Case for MaJowm cameras f 03 E731 B6 I 5 oz. ! $16.ilI

$tarb/itz bounce swwe l infrare d flash for Minofta

B Maxxum.
o 3 E 801OS-Shipping weight 1 pou~ . ~.99
6- iece Pentax outfit

~ $56 $229 95 $11 M

The Pentax Kl000 outfit inc ludes camera with SOmm 12.0
lens with a merered match needle; just tum the '·stop ring
until the needle pointer in viewfin der is cemered. Viewfinder
exposure inform ation. Uses 1.5-v. batrery, incl. To complete
the outfit, we added a 13Smm 12.8 macro telephoto lens,
automatic flash , gadget bag and colorful neckstrsp.
Warranted ~ Separate prices total $285.95 this page and
pages 934 and 937 of our 1986 Fall General Catalog.
03 E 73614-Shpg . wt. 6 100. 1 OZ . .. Outflt $229 .95
Pentax Kl000 c amera with SOmm f2.0 lens .
03 E 73922-Shpg. wt. 3 Ibs ... $159 .99
Pentax c ase for Kl000 camers.
o 3 E 73923-Shpg. wt. e oz .. .
Warranred by ~ Of manufacWrer; wrtte for " - copy. see PB9f!
mA. ' Red~ /rom fflts page . page 509 of 0IJf' 1987 Spnng
Ger!eraJ' Qrralog. page 934 at our 1966 F.n General catalog ana
page 592 of 0I.Jf 1987 Fall General Catalog. tt Re(1JJc«1 h'om our 1987
Fan General eatMog. fJI19fJ 592 .
Items wrttl '·0" p m frK (SUCh as 03 E 73923)
allow mmtmllm 1IJdays ~ delivery 349A
tmooned Sft' PfJ9fI 263A
Why pay more
than our low
prices for superb
quality Sears lenses
with all these features?
r Thru-the-Iens metering
r Multi-coaling r I-rouch foc us
Fit all these camera brands :

AandB Get great closeups, beaut iful scemc and ayrema action shots With these mumcoeteo lenses
Sears KS senes cameras use Pentsx .'K " bayonet mount lenses Warranted by seos :
Red uced trom our 1987 Fall Genera l Catalog page 593

A Cut $20 28mm (28-22 macro w/Oe·angle lens has a

mmiiTii7m focus distance of 79 Inches Uses 52mm
B 6().3OOmm (4 0156zoom lens has 8 minimum focus
distance of 3 9 feet. Uses 62mm filter 6.5 Inches
'li ter 1,6lncheslong Was $5999 long Was $ 199 99.
3 E 73688-Screw 03 E 73692-Nikon 3 E 73682-Screw o 3 E 73686-Nikon
3 E 73680-Penla", 0 3 E 73693-0Iympus 3 E 73683-Penlax o 3 E 73687 -e-Oty m pcs
" K/PK/KAjRK" 3 E 73691-Mmolta " K/PK/KA/RK' 3 E 73685-Minolta
3 E 73690-Canon 3 E 73684-Canon
Shlppm g weight 1 lb 902 $39.99 ShipPing weIght 1 to 100z $99 ,99

C Cut $2 Lens case tor(A and 8 ) IS remforced vmyl with polyurethane foam paddmg. snap closures and shoulder
strap Imported Reouced Irom our 1987 Fall Gene ra! Catalog, pa ge 593
3 E 73195-For (Al Shpg wt 80z Was $799: Now 55.99
3 E 73198-For (B) Shpg wt . 90z Was $10.99. Now 58.99

and Vlvltar aeacetea thyristor tasoes au toma tICally se t your camera's shutter speed for pe rf ec t flash
exposures EKpcsure mdlcator and calculator d ial Use 4 ''AA " alkaltne ba t /enes t Warrantee by vtvitsr. •
Reduced from our '987 Fall General Catalog. page 591.

D CuI $5 Model JOD With fiKed head has 3 to 3O-foot

flash range. 2 ape rture se tt'ngs GUide num ber 60
E Cut $ 10 400 w,th cc coce head cap ability has 3 to
4/)·fool flash rang e. 2 aperture settmgs GUIde
ASA tOO, ShIppIng weight 9 oz. Was $34 99 number BO. ASA 100. Shpg wt. 1 lb Was $4999
03 E B028-Fof Canon RICOh , Nikon, Sears 529.99 0 3 E 8032-For Canon. Hrceh, Nrkcn. Sears $39.99
03 E B029-For Mlnolla, Olympus, Penta» $29.99 03 E 8033- For Minalta, Olympus Pentax $39.99
·Wrsle tor rree C(lpy see page 263A Imported Y-BatrerleS Sold separately In //'Ie W,sh Boo/< lor «as P 2 71
350A Irems .,,-,m en . 0 pr.f,Jt (such liS 03 E EK(32) ~/I()w 8minimum 70 Clays I()(' ~H/er".
Buy telescope
10) or IE) and get
a 12x50 pair
of binoculars

Kodak 4400 projector lets you
relive the holiday memories any time
A $4999 v alue!

A Remo te con trol focus and Illummated con r.,01 panel
mer es Warranted ' Shpg wt 12 Ibs 4 OZ
0 3 E 9843-Wlth standard f2.8 102mm lens $269 .99
0 3 E 9B44-Wlth f28 t02·152mm zoom lens $319 .99
PlasfJc arcuter tray for Kodal< ooxector holds 80 slides
03 E 9921-Wt ea t tb a oz Each $4.99; 2 or more . Each $449
Plastic Circu lar tray tor Hammel( and Sears slide prOjec tors holds 100sli des E
up to :a-mch thick. Stands vertICally on prOJeCtor
03 E 9920-Wt ea 1 Ib 1 oz Each $3.49; 2 or more. Each $3.29
·Warramee .or sears or fT\iJrufacrurer wt-te tor 'ree coav see page 263A
"!3afler:es not 'ncllX1ed sold In me ,-;'sf! BcoI< for KiOS. edge 271
Item s ""It" a -r prefix (SVCfl as T 3£ 910r5) co uld faKe ed'S t,me forde!lvery
Irems HIt!1 an 0 prefix /suc" as 03 £ 98431ailow ,'!'IIfllmu m 10 (jays for C1eilvery
+Reaucea from ()(Jf /987 AMust Catalog oaqe 1551

132 PXl Super
8mm movie
and ETop..qualify rs sc o e p rec iSion telescopes With 2X Barlow lens doubles
D magnification of eyep ieces Fmderscopes WIth aossnsirs help locate
obf8Cts easily and moon filters help shOw moon details more clearly Inc l. Rand
." kNally moon map and 121(50txoocuars (F) below tmoonea. Warranted '
400 po wer refractor telescope has a 60mm Qlameter lens: BOOmm focal leng th
D DIagonal onsm ma/(es astronom lcs llllew ing easier. E;"ep/eces H23mm and
SR4mm ; plus 6 to 18mm zoom erect ing eyepiece that makes land scape vlewmg
easier. lOX reflexmg fmderscope Sun prOjection screen helps p rotect eyes dunng
solar vle wmg Observatory mgflf water pe n, YOke-style AL T-Azlmuth mount With
mICrO-adjustment and cable control troca accessory tray Cam era adapter tube
mel Telescope alone $/6999 in our 1987 Annual Catalog. page 1551.
0 3 E 44951C- Shlpplng weight 20 pounds $169 .99
Salle $.30, 4SO·power reflector telescope specially deSigned for sky VieWing
E r 14mm alummlzed mirror. 900mm tocenenqtn. Eyepieces H20mm and
SR4mm Sx24mm tmaerscooe SoJar aperture ceo. rec« and pinion fOCUSing.
equatof/al·mount with micro-adjustment cable controls Heavy-duty wooden trJpoc!
....en tray Telescope alone was $24999 In our 1987 Annual Cat alog. p 1SST.
0 3 E 44941C-ShIPPlng weIght 32 pounds $219 .99
[ 12 }(SO tsscoe bmoculars ha ve b lack vmyl fmlsh With ful/y-coated cones and
r fold -do wn roooer eyecups. 5 ncres high : alummum OffiCial binoculars of the
Nationa l Football League, Case and recestreo Inc luded Imoor/ed Warranted,·
0 3 E 25866-Shlpplng weIght 3 oc unos 1 ounce $49 .99
Chinon 2500Gl

§510 510999
8 Silent cameranas2-ro-' power zoom plus tt B tens Films In low 119M at 1
Of /8 toe AlSO »es auto -bac1<hgtlt c ontrol Viewfinder ns s soru.tne-seos
auto exposure control and film end Signa l Auto shut-off after 10 seconds
BUilt -m toooaand fig ht sockets , Uses 2 "AA' oetteaee •• Warranted' Was
$17999 In our 1981 Soong Genera l Catalog, page 505
T 3 E 91015-ShlpPlng ....elght 1 pound 8 ounces 599.99
Dual 8 silent prOjector featu res ul tra ·sharp n 5 20 to 30mm zoom fens
C p lus veneote speed control for 12-22 Ips, Acceors super 8 and regular
8mm !JIm Forward/reverse. auto reel·fa·reel threadmg, fram ing co n trol Sf}- N
eXL lamp 400-100' reel 130-w Warranted ' Was $ 11999 In our 1987 Sp ong
General Catalog. page 505
T 3 E 92012-ShIPPlng ...elght 8 pounds 8 ounces S109 .99
$ave $ 10 on 320-power Tasc0 refractor telescope 60mm aem . lens : 800m
Rep lacement reels Set of three 400-foot reels
0 3 E 9308-5h1oolng weIght 1 pound 8 ounces Set $4 ,99 GtocallMgth. Dlag r:msm Adl metal troca. Eyepl8Ces H T2.5mm and SRSmm
5J<24mm flnderscope. crossness Rack and pmlon focus Impo rted Warrant ed.·
351A 0 3 E 4453L-Shpg w t 12 1bs 60z Was $89.99+ $79.99
Svnscncsw drums are
used by Debbi Peterson.
the drummer for the Bangles. Bangles. on
Columbia records. cassettes and compact discs
are availab le at most larger Sears stores .


A~ SynSOfllCS rw cJtums have advanced self·

COl'ltsmed n'JICTOCOmputer. Use fll'"l{}«S tor bongo
effect, st/CJ<s (not InCluded) for drum effect 12
B Synsot'IfCSTW drum set has all of the felltures 01 (A)
plus a computer-type memory that holds and
retams muSIC even when off Provrdes tempo range 01
O &1gvrner 's model wood auroharp haS 6 cJ'KXds and
18 stl/flgS Incl. a str. book. turong record, PICks
wrench. matChIng nyton ZIppered case Wamtnted -
automatIC buttOflS fOl pre-set tempos Pads arranged uP at 240 beats per minute Improved pad des9n for 57 E 25677 - Stlpg. wt 5 tbs 8 oz $59 .99
as snare. tom tom. Cymbal and fkxx torn. Controls for better stICk response Uses AC adapter or 6 'C'
AutOflarp accessory /»Ck InCludes tnStlUCtKXI book,
tempo. bear pattern. tom tom tone, cymba/jhlrut. ba tterlfJs "" Warranted • tunmg reoxa and two songbOOks
bass, metronome (3 separate 16-be8t memOfl6S) 57 E 46Q04- StIpg wt . 31bs $129 .99 57 E 2548L-Shpg wt. 1 Ib , 13 oz . . $14 .99
Listen thru st ereo . stereo radio. amp or fleBdphones Double foot switch for Synsorllcs n.I drums Hands-free
(not lOCi) Uses AC adapter or 6 "C" battefles ,- ope rat ion of ba ss drum and flJ flat accent OmmchOfd is the ontt-man band you can stlum! 84
Warrsnted' Was $11999 If) our 1987 Annual
Cstalog, page 1536
May be uS«i wi th a/l 3 rno<:JeIs
57 E 46008-StIpg wt . 14 oz $19 .99
E cnoea combmatlOnS mt you play your favortte songs
ea sily. 4 octave sonIC Stllng tOUCfJplate lets you strum
57 E 4600-Gray 57 E 4605-Hot pmk
DrumstICks. headphones. SynSOntCS "" songbook . 2 omnichord like a gUital 10bullt·m rhythms and walkIng
ShiPPing wetght 3 pounds $99.99
AC adapter. wt . 2 Ibs sticks Wt 130z bass fine Uses 8 ' C" batterieS. mcluded, or AC
CtvCJt7'll!-plsted stand for Synsorucs'" drum adjusts 57 E 46IX)2 Set $14 .99 57 E 4795 $14 .99 adapter. sold belOw Warranted ·
from 27 to 52 UJChes high 57 E 46041-Shpg wt S ibs $199 .99
Save S10 Oscar ~ 21-chOfd auto/Jafp has
57 E 46001 -Shpg wt 31bs $14.99
ChIp/)Oaf(1 case protects drums when 001111 use
C hard mapie top . bottom Non·warpmg a'ummum Molded plastIC case tor (E) aoove
57 E 46032-Shpg wt .. Ibs 8 oz $39 .99

ChOrd bars plus plastIC btU cover 7 mJljOf keys 36
57 E 47S14 -Shpg wt 2 Ibs 802 $ 14 .99
stnngs, 3-octave CIlrr:JfNtlC scale Tunmg key, AC adapter lor (E) a~ Sflpg wl 120z
"M<wrWlt«:1 by s-rs 0' mwrut«:flIe( -1»fJlI2\!i304 finger pICks IftC1uded 8JacJ< p«Jded case 57 E 46031 $9 .99
" "101 mclu<:J«J sck;1 In the W ,s/'IBoo#c for Iuds . p 271
WafTSnt ed • Was $ 129 99 m our 1987 AnnulI'
Songbook for (E) above $hpg w1 1 Ib
Catalog, page 1535
57 E 46033 $19 .99
57 E 25782C-Shpg, wt. 11 100 , 4 oa . . $119 .99

mKiDSI '$chord Oscer Schmidt. BiJtoha lP IS same 8S (C)

abo ve.
57 E25683-Shpg wt. 11 1bs , . ,$109.99
Our first Chr istmas
A S-p iece professlOn8f drum set is tuned with dua l
teasion lugs Drums have polyester heads. 9-ply
wood construction and black. metallic finish . Chrome-
Follow the beat With your o wn se t of pr ofessiona l
Cbongo drums. Calfsk.m head drums have solid
wood bodies and Chrome-plated hardware and rims .
'*>hner e-eaea. 64·hofe harmon ica plays In key of
GC and G Brass plates. brass reeds. Warran ted.·
57 E 2507-Shpg, wt. 8 oz ... $24.99
plated steel snare . Incl. 22-in. bass drum, mounted 13- 6Ji inches high. Slit-inch and llit-Inch diame ter .
in. tom-tom. 12-in. mounted tom , Tlj·in. floor tom , snare
drum and 2 arumstscks .
57 E 26025-Shpg. wt. 5 Ibs. . $29.99
Tubular chrome-plated music stand. 31 to 48
H Holmer Pocket Pal dia tonIC rermovce has brass
reeds and comes With InstructlOll booklet.
3O-minute Instructional tape and carrying case .
57 E 26623N-Shpg. wt. 72 100.. ,$299. 99
Hi-hat has 2 hand-spun 12-mch dlSmeter brass
D incnes high. Fotds for storage. Imported,
57 E 2557-Shpg, wt. 2lbs, 8 oz. $9.99
57 E 25121-Shpg. wt . 8 oz . $9.99
cy mbals: foot pedal and chrome-plated stand.
57 E 26625-Shpg. wt . 7 lbs. .. $29.99
E 2(}button concertina has 40 bra ss reeds. wood
frame. Play one note on push, one note on pUll.
J Full-size flute IS pitched to C key WItt! closed G#
key . Dra wn rolled tone hofe s make flu te easy toplay
witt! great sound. Forged keys , NickeJ-ctlrome body.
Full-size 3-drum set has &ply wood shells. My/a"
B heads, Single tensIOn lugs Incl. t2x2Q-Jn. bass
drum WIth pedal. 8)(12-m. tom with holder, Sx 74-10.
Instructions Included.
57 E 2518-Shpg , wt. 2 Ibs ... $39.99
Cleaning rod: hard-shell case included. Ideal for the
beginner. Warranted. ·

57'E2503-Shpg. wt. 2Ibs.80z .$149.99
snare drum with chrome-plat ed stand and to-in HohnerC-soprsno recorder includes fingering chart
cymbal WIth holder. Warranted.· Was $73999 in our
1987 Annual Catalog. page 1536.
F and vinyl case 14Lx2WK2H inches
57 E 2500-Shpg 8 oz
wt . . $4.99
·Warr~,ea by Sears, Wf'l/6 for frtH! copy . see pagtJ263A

57 E 2661C-Shpg. wt. 32Ibs . $129.99

Modem profess onal-aes!i:i(J wtBr.iftas
KpIckups des grfed by EM.G~ us 8b
Actionll* SfUd.typeC'it:,~.m~o~,~~'~
cont.tol 3 mini- ogg!t
Ebonol fingerD&Jrd
57 E 1474- Shpg f l j

L Rock star design etectttc gwtar.has

neck and Full Action 1I~ tremolo. do ble;ro 0
tJumt>uckmg Powersound!' piCkup, tone an 'VO ume:
controls Polyester finish. 10-footamp cord neclS.
stra p mel, 3i'U I2WJ(2D meres Warranted.'
57 E 14007C- Shpg wt 10 1bs $99.99

M Moaern rock shape gudar BUllt'ln amp

speaker. 1 double--cOiI piCkup Tremolo has tnru-
body design for more susta m Tone. vol. controls
Higher vof settings oroaoce roc« distortion effect.
Uses lor 2 g-v. bettenes •• 35Lx 11 l? Wx2D In
Warranted •
57 E 14827-Shpg w1 sios $99 .99
Lea ther·look vinyl car rymg case witn ou ter Zipper
accessory poc ket. Shpg wt . 3 Ibs
57 E 1307-For-{H _ $19 .99
57 E 13071-1:-0£ {ll 19:"99
57 E 13075-For (M 1 .99~~."i"'~
N Handsome eJect"c gUitar has Full·A tlOn II
tremolo 1!)UfTl{)UCkmg and 2 smgle·co,1 p'Ckup~
1 VOlume and 2 tone controls HardWQP!1.~ y.
M!cl'lIgan rock maple neck Rosewood"'*fe ra
S·way selector switch to control Pk;kUps 72·0 c e
frets 39Lxt3W.ot I ~D In Warranted · Was $t39.99f
57 E 14731-Shpg wt. 10 Ibs $124.99

P RSave
and on amps when you buy any gUitar'
Powerful prcrlook smputers are strong
durable and offer b;g sound Bass, treble cnsto
and volume controls, Power svatcnWithpilot IIgM.
m. thick fiberboard for best tonal resonsnce. tau 1'1
textured pamt Sec high frequency boost SWItch and
gam control Hea''Y.(futy steel mesh speaker cover
Stee l corner protectors and heavy-duty carry handle
Less man 5% THO Warranted •

P 28-w bass amp Response of SOHz to 4KHz

29Hx 19WxT20 in. 12·m bass speaker 2 nputs
5-1--E.l4601-Shpg wt 531bs Alone $179.99
When youa.~--bu gUttar _ $149.99
28· watt lead amp has a respo Strof J{)QHz to 10
R KHz 12-inch full-range speaker. 1 7~Wxr8Hx7 l+D
10 Inp uts for g Uitar and keyboard
57 E 14401-Shpg wt . 24 ttis . Alone $169 .99
When you also buy any g~ltar .$149 .99
tS-watt lead amp same as abo ve except It doesn 't
have high frequency boost or gam. Perforated
speaker cover Response of 700Hz to to
KHz ttl-in
extended range speaker 13liSWx15lfJHx7D in
57 E 14301-Shpg wt 20 Ibs . Alone $119 .99
Play cheerful hOlid ay tunes on ttliS ukulele
When you also buy any electric gUitar. 599.99
A [
r Harmony banjO has hardwood back. Sides and
Mahogany flntsh lammated hardwood With 4
nylon stflngs and toeabridge ·die-east machme heads ,
pIck mcluded Imported,
resonator. maple neck . mlald rosewood fmgerboard
and pOlyurethane finish Frosted Remo@head. 13-1
geared oeason tunmg keys . met padded nylon gIg
S 2-watt dynamic amp has response of 100Hz to
8KHz 6-m, speaker Sep, tone. tremolo. volume
controls Less than 5% THO 12Wx 1434 Hx4'4D m.
57 E 1203-Shp9 · wt. 1 Ib $9.99 bag. pick and mstructton book 57 E 14209-Shpg wt . 9lbs. 8 oz Alone $49 .99

57'E 12685-Shpg wt. 10 Ibs . . $99.99 When you also buy any eiectnc gUltar $39 .99
AcoustiC gUItars have mlald pOSitIon markers
and st eel strmgs wsnsntea : wonn
G Student has solid maple Sides and back WIth
solid spruce top , Carved reeaoece. celluloId mlald
T Drum machine rhythm box provides 8 baCkground
rhyttlms from rock to walt z and any corometon
B ProfeSSIOna l-qualit y l umbo, western gUitar has
spruce top and deep multlp le·bound body for
renee sound GotCh$ heads Was $129 99t.
tom. aligned tailpiece. 4 srrmgs . 4 fine adlusrers.
Horsehair bow. hardshell case mel 12Wx6Dx33L m.
Warran ted . • Was $99 99+.
r vot. . 1 tempo control 2·beat accompaniment intra
Snare drum control Uses DC adapter (sold below) or
57 E 12801-Shpg wt . 6 100 . $99.99 1 9-v battery •• On/off Jack for foot switch (no t inc/.)
57 E 2536C-Shpg wt. 6 lbs. 4 OZ .$89 .99 57 E 14321-Shpg. wt . 2 Ibs $59 .99
Jumbo western g UItar has bu llt ·m eectrc p ickup !?-slze vla/m IS lille (G) 9Wx 4DK28L m. Warranted ·
C for amplified or tradlt looa l acoustic sound Volume
and tone controls Steel reinforced adjustable neck ,
57 E 2538C-Shpg , wt. 71bs $89 .99 AC/DC adapter for ( TJ
57 E 21472-Shpg wt 1002 $5.99
ceuatoa.oouna bodyand neck. Nat ural woodgrain With
high-gloss flrllsh
57 E 12964-Shpg wt . 10 tbs $79.99
H The Dean Jammer lI S etectrc g Uitar has 2 Single
COil and one Dean special desIgn humbuckmg
pickup, 1 volume. 2 tone con trols and S-posmDn p ickup U Sound effects pedal has chOrus. analog delay.
compressor and aatotson Fulf mIXIng ability .
selector switch Ebon ol fmgerboard. maple neck. 5 control knobs. master volume Use as a personal
Emperador« dreadnaught has deep body for better temms tea hardwood body, chrome bndge. black amp WIth headphones (not mel). Was $119,99+'
D sound CeJlu lold·bound body and nec k Canadian
spruce too. mahogany neck . back. sides Stee l strmgs
p last ic p lckguard. Jet black hlghgloss fini sh Standard
tremolo 4O ~Lx12J,t;Wx3D m. Warranted ~
57 E 1443-Shpg wt. 2 lbs . $99.99
Polyes ter fmlsh Warranted · Was $T9.99t.
57 E 12351-Shpg wt 6 1bs 802 $59 .99
57 E 14274-Shpg, wt . 12 lbs . $189 .99
V Dis tortion effects pedal.
57 E 14431- Shpg. wt 1 Ib $29.99
Padded feather·IOOI< vmyl case for (8 thru OJ has
dou ble fulf-Iength Zipper.
J Harmony Two pI ckup ba ss gUitar has maple neck.
rosewood fmg erboard. 2 chrome pickups and 2
pickup SWitches , Hardwood txx:Jy Tone and volume
Stereo effects chorus pedal overdubs or sweetens
57 E 14432-Shpg. wt. lib . .. $44 .99
57 E 13074-Shpg wt. 2 1bs 519.99 controls. Adjustable black bridge. indi vid ual chrome Super phase effects pedal
tunmg keys. Pick 43Lxr3~Wx2Dmcnes. Warrant ed.· 57 E 144-33-Shpg. wt. l Ib. $39 .99
Steraera-sae gUitar has hardwood body and
E fmgerboard. stee l reinforced neck , mahogany Sides
57 E 14879-Shpg . wt. 10 'bs $99.99
and back. Complete kit lOcI. mstr. songbook, guitar
bag, neck strap. p itch p ipe . PIC/<.
Leather·look carrying ca se for (JJ.
57 E 13072-Shpg wt . 3 los . $19.99
·Warranted by sears or fN nufacrurer.
W 6O-mm. beg. gUitar VIdeo has on-screen mUSIC,
guitar diagrams plsy-along tracks. Was $24 99t .
57 E 1200-Shpg wt . 1 1b _ .$19 ,99
57 E 12553C-Shpg wt . 6 Ibs . .$39.99 wrtte for trH /XIPy. see page 26lA

tR«Juc«J fromour 1987 Annual Ge~al
Catalog. pages 1533. 1534 or 7535
Imported ~~Not included solO If'! me W,sh
BOOk for Kids , f)8ge 271 X513 gul/ar boo/<.s. 2 cassettes for the begmner,
E 1201-Shpg wt . 2lbs . .$19.99
-------....;.----------..;.,;";~;,,,,;,;.~~-_ .......

1l7;i: r

• t!;

lit /r.
For lnlormahon on hOw you can
help light drug abuse. see p 263 A 355A
Port able Yamaha keyooard has one bUllt·m
A speaker 32 mini-SiZe keys 8 preset Instrument
sounds. 8 preset rhythms , 2-no te polyphOniC.
Programmed to play 'Yankee Doodle " Uses 4 " AA
oettenes or PAl adapter (not mel.) wensntea :
57 E 47451-Shpg wt. 1 Ib 70z $34 .99

8thru E Yamaha keyboards are polyptlOniC WItt!

bu,lt·m speakers and t-toucn au to ba ss
chord systems Preset Instrument voces range from G Yamaha eectrc Piano has 61 full-Size keys, a txutt-
m 4 JM ·mch speaker and 5 FM preset Instrum ent
KNylon padded cases fit a rang e of sizes Imported

contemporary to tutunsuc. Variety of preset rhythms voces Includmg plano. harpSichord and VIbeS Ciwog ' K!ytlOitCl ~Iom To ._ _"_'_ "'"
(E) has a custom eJrummerand digital synthesIZer (8) AdJustable pitch. Incfud es damper pedal, mUSIC rsc« -..moer II'l III tls Ol

has digital ...oce sampler. Warranted.' (C) and (0) Uses 6 "0" ba ttefle s" or AC saeoter. mcluded. Was 57E'ml C,D 2l1.l9'.... ~I~H 26i'A.>:ll~ ~l3"H 2 $2'99
reduced from our '987 Annual Catalog. p . 1537 $299 99 m our 1986 Sprmg General Cat alog , page ass 57E'1992 E F G H 3'Lo9Ytt2l-'
51E'799 S
2OJtj'"Wx1.H 2'''''lIh N02.H 1
3 2
rej Ie} (0) (E) Warranted. '
vSSJQ PSS210 PSS470 PSR12 57 E 4797L-Shpg . wt. 21 lns $229 .99
i(ey! (size) 32-m,no 49-mlO 4g.m1d 49-tull
L 6O-mmute begmnmg level stereo Instruction Video
With Johnny Mann fa, Yamaha keyboards VH$
voces 11
two stereo
H CaSIO HT-700 MIDI keyboard syntheSizer IS B-note
poIypllonlc With 49 mm-sue keys, 40 preset
mstrument voices. 20 preset rhythms , Two 3!i'lnch
Includes songbook , Was $24 99 m our 1987 Annual
Caralog, page 1537
3''t In 3',,, In .. ", 3'h ,n stereo speakers, pitch control. Uses 6 ''0'' batteries 57 E 4713-51109 wt. 1 Ib $19 .99

S ibs
57E 47462 57E 47464C 51
61 0$
6 '0"
U65C; 57 E 47461
81bs 30l 14 103 SOl
(locI.) Of AC adap ter (not mci . sold at fight).
Warranted •
57 E 47083C-Shpg , wI 17 to e $329 .99
M Nickel-plat ed srand ftts most portable keyboards
Adj us ts from 181028mches wl(je 27 manes hig h
57 E 475S3-Shpg wt. 12 Ibs $39.99
W.. $139 99 S21999
P' lCe

59999 $129.99 $19999

The Yamaha pSR·32 eectrooa Keyboard has 6 1

J An eeev-to-touow "how-to-play " senes deSigned
for the begmnmg keyooard player. StIckers on
keyooard match notes in the books Includes "Gettmg
Nickel -pls leo keyboard stand holds any mld·slze
keyboard . Velcro'" a ttachment . 21 m: WIde 27 m, high
57 E 47555-Shpg w t. 11 Ibs . $29.99
I sou-sue keys and 32 oreset FM mstrument Start ed, ' 'Crea ting Sounds , ' Exploring Automatic AC aaapters Warranted.·
sounds 16 preset PCM rhythms 9-note potypnamc Features . ' Fu n With Melodies " and 'Fun WIth catalOg No F IlS keyboard Shpq wt
Custom drummer and keyboard perCUSSIOn. Easy-play cro-as 57 E 47476 (A ttl ru El "b 59.99
auto oass crom svstem wah variat/OflS Two e-mcn 57 E 47871-Sh09 w I. 1 lb . 1 OZ Set $19 .99 57E4711 (H) " b 19.99
57 E 47478 (F) "b 19.99
stereo speakers Uses 6 "0" batteries" or AC adapter
. Pop Hits of the '80s ., 4 keyboard mus«: books
(not .nctoaea Sold at right). Warranted'
57 E 47469C-Shpg wt . 191bs 50z $399.99 57 E 47872-Shpg w I. 1 Ib Pkg $19.99
'W"fTilnled by Sears fY mafH.Jt~lvre'
"Wile for"N coov. seeOlIge263A Imoonea
··,\!of ,ncludeQ $OJd 1fl fhe Wish BOOi< tot' ~ lOs P 271



Aslit tle as $ 12
B RGBIRGBI monthly· buys Sears
composite color video moauoc
Nlttl 13 -lnch di ag onal meas ur e PICture
~.Aonitor has a separate con trol to amre,
di splay on screen . 40 Of 80-c0Jumn readability.
For Com modore, IBM PC/XT sra all Franklm
$30 to $100
com puters. Connector cable no t Included, sold
below Warrantee by Sears .. Save.s30 on Franklm computer fA) and
3 E 32541 C-ShPQ w1 29 lbs $2 49. 99 ~ monitor IIstfKi under (B).
RGB cable reqUired to connect FranJclin Separate pnces total S899.98
computer (A) to Sears monitor (B) for 8f). 3 E 32690C-WI. 49 Ibs S869 .98
col umn disp lay
T3 E 76648-Shpg ....1 40z $9.99 Save S50 on Franklm computer (A).
MagnaVOl( momtor lis ted under (8) and
Magna vox high resolution monochrome monitor Sears pnnter (0) on facing page Sep
(no t shOwn) with 12·mch diagonal measure prICeS total $109997
1~~~~monifi: tfllY~bVys trusFranklm PCBOOOcomputer . _ a compact umt with green dIsplay screen. Aucho and video input 3 E 32691C-Wt 67 lbs $1049.97
! vi festures' DesIgned WIth two bUilt-m disk dnves forconvemence Cable not incl. , SOld be/ow Warranted by
:AM memory (expands to 640K RAM) enough to run the best·selllng manufacturer ... Save $50 on Franklin computer (A) and
t 5 software for home Of offrce Cokx graphics adapter lets you run 3 E 3251OC-Shpg wt . 171bs $99.99 ~/tor(8) Separate prICes total
S 0 RGB, composite color or monochrome monitorS. Also features $704998.
/lei prmter mterlace. game port and RS232 sanal port for use With CompoSire video cable for computer (A) and
rosoff~ MS-OOS 3 , mctcaea Ooe open slot Will support d hard both mOnitors sold above 3 E 32692C-Wt 61 tbs
ted by mfr~· 57 E 6203-Shpg w1 300l $2.99
Save $ tOO on Franklin computer (A).
lG- Shpg , wt 32 ibs $799.99 Franklm JOystICk (not shown) With dual fire sears mOnitor (8) and Sears prmten(D
""Wn1e for frH copy s. ~ 263A »rootea button on base. arcade quality Compatible sold on facing page Separate prICes
,rtN'I r#e~d'. time lor delivery Nlth Apple and IBM computers total $1249,97
T 3 E 2OB9O-Shpg wI. 8 oz . $19.99 3E32693C-Wt 791bs $1149.97
$15 monthly ' buys the Laser 728~
A computer with 1 disk drive and 80
column display' I28K RAM memory
exp ands to I megabyte Built-m
RGB/ Colof graphICs monochrome
output Bu/lt-m seasl , pa rallel, modem
and mouse/Joysllck ports One ooen
sial Warranted by manu facturer ...
3 E 32100c-Wt 16 tos. $399.99

Only $ 12 monthly ' buys Sears

B RGB/RGB, composite colormOMO! $10 monthly ' buys Sears SR2000 onater. compatible With any
With 13-mch d iag onal mea sure screen .
40/8O-column reacJiJblllty up 10 2.000
D computer we sell. Prmts data and word processing a t 130 CPS
(c harac ters per second) NLQ (near tetter quality) IS 30 CPS In elite.
characters viewable at one time to condensed, enlarged, emphaSized, italics and other type styles
maxim ize app lica tions Connects to Cable sold below Warranted by Sears ...
Commodore, IBM PC/XT and all 3 E 324OOC-Shpg wI. 18 Ibs $199 .99
Fran/<lm computers Connector cable
Blac/<' repl acement "bOOn lor Sears prm ler (0) abOve

nor mct. . sold Deiow Warr by Sears ••
3 E 32541C-Wt 29lbs $249 .99 T 3 E 76735-Shpg wI 7 oz . $4 ,99

monthly' buys ttns Okldata S 180 dot metnx printer,

E$ 13
C $ 73 monthly" buys MagnsvoJ<
RGB/composlte color moouoc With
nmuea t-yesr warranty' 4()/BO column
display 13-m. di agon al measure
screen . 42 p,ctlJre tube With high
compatible With any computer we self limited 1-year
warranty Prmts dat a and word processing a t 180 CPS (ch aracters
per second) NLQ (near /etter quahty) IS 30 CPS Features bottom
feed capability Cables mcluded Warranted by mlr ••
$30 to $70
on computer combinations
resotuuon (640 dots hOflzonfaf by 240 3 E 32417-Shpg wt 121bs $299.99
~ when you buy the Laser 128~ computer (A) and
Imes vertICal) pe rformance Gree n text Okldata~ 120F prmter (not shown) for Franklm or Laser computers, Magnavo)/ moano: (0) on pa ge 362A Sep _ pnces total
disp lay SWitch. bUllt·m tilt st and 120 CPS NLQ IS 30 CPS Warr by mlr...• $499 98
Connects to Commodore and Franklin 3 E 32415-Shpg wt 121bs $249.99 3 E 32104C-Shpg wt. 33 Ibs $469 .98
com pu ters. connector cables mctuaea Black repl acement ribbon lor Okldata~ 180 and 120 F prmters
Warranted by mtr •• Save $70 when you buy the Laser 128 E comooter (A) and
T 3 E 20921-Shpg wt 20z $7.99 ~Ior monitor (B) Sep prices total $649 98
3 E 32512C- Wt 27 tbs $299.99
Cable connects Laser 128-8 computer (A) to accve prmter5 3 E 32106C-Shpg wI. 45 Ibs $579 .98
RGB cable reoooea to connect Laser T 3 E 76653-Shpg w i 90z $16 .99 ' SH par;~ 263A
1281$ comootec(Aj to Sears monitor (B) " Wr>le for frfNi CClPY SH page 263A Impon«J
lor 8O-column di splay Cable connects Franklm computer to pr inter (0) eoove
T 3 E 76652-Wt 80z $14 .99 T 3 E 20906-Shpg wt 130z $17.99 II~S ""'1/1 T ore"" COUld la l<lI e ~t'. rune forael'vety 361A
(A) Com mo dore 64C computer $17999
5-pin DIN video cable connects $11 month~ buys this Okima,te'
comooute VIdeo output of 64C and
C12BD computers to Sears monitor F 20 personal prmter with Plug n'
Print'" module for hOOkUp to C64 ,
(e ) sold at left far 40 -eolumn display. 64C and C12BD computers. Gives
oz ... $4 .99
T 3 E 76647-Wt . 5 hard copy In 100 colors at 80 CPS
and Commodore computers have built-in Microsoft· PET BASIC High reso lution Magnavox (characters per second) , 40 CPS
language, 4O-eolumn x 25·/ine display when hooked up to your
TV. Warranted by Commodore .... D monochrome monitOr with
72-inch diagonal measure display
NLQ (near lett er quality) printing,
plus expanded bold and fme prmt

A monthl~ SCreen. Audio and composite viaeo

For $10 the CommOdore 64C can be yours . 64K RAM rogether with Italics. underlining .
memory can hold up to 27 double-spaced typed pages of information. mput; dark ant i-g lare glass CRT. superSCripts and subsCripts.
76-e01Or setectsm reproduces games wrth close to arcade qualify. Int erf ac e cable includ ed. Warranted by Okidata** .
66-eharacrer keyOOard includes upper and lOwer c as e letters. graphic Warranted by mtr .... 3 E 32412-wt. 10 Ibs ... $21 9 .99
characters and 4 programmable special tuncuone. 3 E 3251 DC-Green Rep lacement ribbons for Okimate'
3 E 32120-Shpg. wt. 10 Ibs. 40z ... $179.99 3 E 32511C- Amber 20 printer (F) above. wt. 3 oz.
Shpg. wt. 17 Ibs . . . 599.99
For $17 month~ the Commodore C12BD computer (sho wn on facing
T 3 E 32800-Black $3 .99
B page) can be yours. Features 128K memory expandable to 640K.
Built·in disk drille loads 5 times tester than the 64C computer. 92-eharacter
Cable connects C72aD computer (B)
to monitor (0; above for ec-cotumn
T 3 E 32801-Color 54 .99

detachable keyboard. Runs on all64C software.

3 E 3222OC-Shpg . wt. 22 Ibs ... 5499 .99
T 3 E 20902-Wt. 4 OZ . .. $5 .99 G S 11 monthly· buys rhis
Commodore 1541C disk drive
compatIble with 64C, C64 and C128
1200 Baud Phone Modem lets Commodore computers commUnicate with $10 monthfy~ buys Sears SR2QOO computers. Load or save a program
other systems over phone line. Warranted by Commodore '". Imported.
3 E 32554-Shpg . wt. 6 oz . . . $1 49 .99
E printer. compatible with any
computer we sell. Prints data ena
in about 20 seconds. Warranted by
mfr.• •
word processmg at 130 CPS 3 E32121-Wt.11 lbs ... $219.99
572K RAM expansion cartridge plugs into C128 computer. WorkS in af!
modes . Warranted by Commodore u . Imported. (c harac ters per second). NLO (near Commodore mouse (shown on
3 E 32604-Shpg . wt. 1 lb . . . $199.99 /ettar quality) at 30 CPS in elite .
condensed, enlarged, emphasized H facmg page) creates pictures.
moves words or pictures on screen.
C Only $12 monthly· bU}iS Sears RGB RGBI composite color video
morutor with 13-mch diagonal measure picture. 4Q-column readability,
7,000 ch aracters VIewable at one tune. Input for 80 columns and 2.000
italics and other type styles.
Warranted by Sears ~ " .
3 E 324OOC-Wt. 18 Ibs ... $199.99
Great for alternare keyboard entry .
Use with C64 , 64C and 128
characters readability to maximIze applications. Connects to Commodore, Black replacement ribbon for Sears 3 E 32551 -Wt. 1 Ib .. . $49.99
IBM PC XT and a/l Franklin computers. Connector cable not included, sold printer (E) above .
below. Warranted by Sears ... . T 3 E 76735-Wt. 7 oz ... $4 .99
3 E 32541C-Shpg. wt . 291bs ... 52 49.99
Cable connects C128D (B) or 64C
RGB cable required to connect C12BD computer (B) above. and Franklin (A) computer to Sears printer (E)
computer (A) sold on p . 360A to Sears mo nitor (e) for BO-column display. above
T 3 E 76648-Shpg. wt. 4 oz . . . $9.99 T 3 E 20901-Wt. 8 oz .. . $4 .99 _
(8) Commodore CI28D computer ,$49999 SAVE$30 to $100
on computer combinations
J Joysticks for C64 . 64C . C128 and Alari
computers. Warranted by mtr ""
Arcade qua lity : dua l fife button on base and fire
N Computer paper, size 9Y2X11 inches of 20 lb .
bond srocx. 250 sheets per pl<g
T 3 E 20624-Wt. 3 Ibs. 4 oz ... Pkg . $3 .99
~ when you bUy Commodore 64C computer
(A) and Commodore 1541C dIsk drive (G).
button on pisto l grip controller. Compurer paper same as (N), Separate prices tota l 5399 .98
T 3 E 2088S-Shpg. 'A1. 1002 ... 512.99 1,000 sheers per pkg. 3 E 32122C-Wt. 21 Ibs .. . 5369.98
Fast, accurate, single fire button at base. T 3 E 20625-Wt 12 tbs . . Pkg . $12 .99
~ when you buy Commodore 64C computer
T 3 E 20883-Shpg. wt. e oz ... $6.99 Pastel paper same as (N) but in assorted colors. (A), Commodore 1541C disk drive (G) and Sears
250 sheers per pkg tranaor (C). Separate prices tota l 5649.97 .
Double density Sl.·in. floppy disks. Pkg . of
K10. Plastic storage file inc l. Wt. pkg . 14 OZ. T 3 E 20627-Wt. 3 Ibs. 3 oz .. Pkg . $7.99
White thermal computer paper for Okimate' 10
3 E 32123C-Wt. 50 ies . , . 5599 .97
c.rtron ScaIch ~ when you buy Commodore 64C computer
Ilern S,ngie Oollble ~ Double and 20 printers. Size 9hx11 in ., 250
( A), Commodore 1541C disk drive (G), Sears monitor
SIOfld ecee SI08C SiOeCl sheets per pkg.
(e) and Sears printer (E). Sep . prices tota l S849.96 .
Cal. No T3 E20605 T3 E 20609 T3 E20607 T J E 20614 T 3 E 20637-Wt . 3 Ibs. 4 oz . . . Pkg . $6 .99
Pac~ $6.99 57.99 $11.99 $11.99 3 E 32124C-Wt. 68 Ibs ... $769.96

L Disknoreher preparessingle-sided 5 ~.-mch

disks for double-sujed use . 96 labe ls me t.
P TWO-piece plastiC printer srand with easy
viewing angle. Raises prmter so 3h..inch stack
of paper feeds from below.
~ when you buy Commodore 64C
compurer (A). Commodore 1541C disle drive (G).
T 3 E 20630-Wt. 1 Ib ... $5 .99 Sears monttor (e) and Oklmate· 20 personal
T 3 E 20631-Shpg. wt. 4 02 . . $4 .99
printer (F). Separate prices total 5869 .96 .

M Disk storage case holds sixty 5J?in. disks .

PlastIC wrth smoked plastiC cover.
T 3 E 20619-Shpg . wt. 1 lb. 202 ... $6 .99 work
Lockable disk storage case holds seventy-two
R convemence.
5'.-mch flOPPY disks . Removable drawer for
Teak woodgrain-look plastic.
3 E 32125C-Wt. 60 Ibs . . . 5789.96
~ when you buy Commodore C128D
T 3 E 20620-Wt . 3 Ibs. 7 oz . , $9 .99 computer (8) and Sears monitor (C) . Sep . onces
Computer grade suppressor (not shown) tota l $749 .98.
protects fine neutral, line ground and
neutral ground wl1h 3 dual MOV (mera l oxide
varistor) Mers : exclusive buzzer " failure alert",
S Package of 3 d isk srorage cases. each
compact case holds ten 5~.-in. disks. Plasrlc.
T 3 E 206 18-Wt. 15 oz . . $3 .99
3 E 32676C-WI. 51 es . , 5699 .98
Save S1QQ when you buy Commodore C128D
computer (8), Sears monitor (C) and Sears
4-outlet, heavy-dury, e-n.
power cord. On Off See page 263A
SR2000 printer (E) , Separate prices total 5949.97 .
switch, rapid mounting hardware. Plugs into 120 Write lor free copy, see page 2153A Imported
VAC outlet. /rems with 'T' prefllc COIJ/d raJ.'e extra rlfnetor aeltvery 3 E 32677C-Wt. 69 Ibs ... $849.97
T 3 E 20898-Wt. 1 lb. 3 oz . . . $29 .99 ,363A
?~::::=::2:o:g~~-;;;;~~;",,;;:;.;, f)fojecTtOfI ]'V"---=""
provides supM clear
~s with Up to~4S0
Comb filter 'or:-~==-==t
Sh"iiif)iieS5. The
handsome oak ·flfllshec!
cabinet Wittl tJi·fold doors
- conceals 8 btg 46-in
screen. Mrs stereois
pumped from the '().w
amplifiers ''''0U9h two
6-inch woofers
Ex ternal speaKer jacKs for addmg surround sound
Untfied wifeless remote works With other VCRs aOO
cable. too! HorIzontal viewing angle 120". vertlCill angle
I? Simulated wood cablnet WIth oak finish and
casters 1$ 43W)(S'HK27D In. K}w. min. RMS per
- -Channel,-7OHz·25KHz. THD"'p.!rA.
57:. E 5446N-Shipping weig ht 220 pounds
Thru 12(.31/87 $2119.00 . . . After 12/31/87 $2499 .00

Almost evervthmqfor:
home entertainment
in one neat case
• Compact disc player • stereo VHS VCR
• IOO-w att receiver • Handsome cabinet
• dual-cassette deck for sto rage
• 27 -mch MT S • ONE REMOTE_FOR
• $10 0 mfg . marl-in rebate thru Dec . 31st only

$3299 thru December

31st.on ly
Pay $100 monthly on your SearsCharge or pay only

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._o n th~ giant screeaTVs
41-inch projection TV with ~-:,:~.:::=-==:
_ • MTS stereo/SAP
1--";:;;;: (Second Aud io PositIOn!
• AN in andout jacks.for
VCR hook-up - - ~
• On-screen menu of all funct ions
- . Upto 178·cab le-eompatlble channels
• Super-sharp .Lmages w ith up to 450
~ lines of resolution and a comb filter
• Universal remote for VCR and cable

$1779 ~~ember
Pay $60 monthly on your SearsCharge
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or pay only $45 monthly on our -

new SearsCharge PlUS·· __
BIG 4 t-incb...dJagorJ l meBS~ screen lJ/uminiz8s brilliant color.
MrS ster90 soothes you through a 6-inch woofeulI'Jd a "' ·inch
midrange plus you can receivesecond language broadcasts
Quartz turnng locks in thesfrongest signa' every time Wireless
remote works with our VCRs and controls the volume .
Channels, brigh tness and more. Simulated. wood cabinet with _
oak finish and cas ters is 4I)Wx46Hx24D inches . See Note on
- - poge 36<A
51 E 54451N-Shipping wetght 199 poundS_- -

f~~~~u 12/3'18+ $1779.00='''''' 12/31/87 $1979.00

·°See page ¥A

RCA makes home entertamment fIVer so easy. One remote

controls the volume, channels, recording functions and more
on the TV, the VCR. the compact a isc player and the stereo.
Plus . oo-screen d isplay from the 27-;nch diagonal measure
TV/monitor tets you know which i tem is doing what . Th~way
speakers have t2-inch woo fers, of-inch midranges and 1-inch
tweeters. t OO-watt receiver/control center has open channels
so you ca n add more audlojvideo eqUipment. AMjFM stereo
tuner has 20 presets. Dua l-csssette tape deck inclucJed .
Simulated woodgrain cabinet has casters and is 62Wx36H:xt90
in, Speakers are t4Wx36Hx 13D in . fOO-w. per channel, min.
RMS. 8 ohms. 20Hz to 20KHz. 0.0 15 % THO. Unear tracking
turn table and t o-band graphic equalizer sold below. See Note
on p . 364A. Warranted by RCA-. De tails for rebate tnc luded.
57 E 447ON-Wt . 'X)7 Ibs ... Full price thfu 12(31/87 $3299.00
After 12,/31/8 7 .. . $3599 .00
Programmable linear tracking turntable has fS-song memory.
Unit is f5Wx4H:xf4D inches Warranted-.
57 E 4475-Shpg , wt . 9Ibs ... $219 .99
t o-band g raphic 8qualizSf oHM S more sound tailoring
posslbiflties , 15Wx3Hx l1D inches Warranted-.
57 E 4476-Shpg. wt. 7 Ibs... $199 .99
Dolbyt surround-soundprocessor decodes stereo tapes for full
sound-Just like theatre sound systems. Two spetlkers and 31-
watt amplifier is 14Wx3Hx13D inches .:nw /l!!! chlUlnei. mm
RMS. 8 ohms 100Hz to 6KHz. flO more than 3'¥ THO.
57 E 4477-Shpg wI. 13 .~.99
t~ 1M 01 o"c,y1..MJtn~
"WwrlIIlteo' by RCA """te fey". CClPY, _".ge.?63A 365A
Non -stereo console has contemporary
styling and a 6-key remote for
con venl8nCe Up to 119 cable-
compatible channels 25·/nch diagonal
measure screen W ith simu lated WOOd,
oak-flmsh vinyl cabinet 32Wx31Hx210
m. See Note , facmg page
57 E 49078N-Wt . 149Ibs ... $459.99
t See;»gft 266A for detlllls o f our ~
SursCharge PLUS

BIG screen,
AThe compact styling of thIs 25-mch tabletop
TV/momtor tets you put a coosoe-sue screen
a/most anywnere You /I enjOysharp Images 'rom our
tugb contrast octure tube With comb filter Ouartz
BIG color and
tunmg locks In the strongest signal automatlC<illy so • stereo adaptab ility
you aoot have to o eset channels Off timer. Sharpness
control and one-button color. Stereo decoder sold
• on-screen display of time, channel
below 2$ mch di agonal measure screen Woodgram
cabmet 26W:x24Hx22D In. tmoonea parts, assembled
• AN jacks for VCR/computer hook-up
If) USA Warra nted b y $eB rs . tNf l/t.! for free copy. see • Up to 119 cable-compatible channelst

§$ 00 $489 99
page 26JA Simulated receo ron Was S589 99 If) our
1987Fall Gen Car page 603
57 E 42862N-Shpg wt 104 lbs $489 .99

B Decoder lets you enJOY s tereo": TV broadcasts

Receives second language txosacest" too
Simulated woodgram cabinet 9Wx3HxlD 10. Impo rted.

57 E 5439-Shpg wt 4 Jbs $99.99

"See plJ9IJ 26JA
··OnIy wfIMl progr8ITl8 iJFfJ tJrOlldatst tfI SIt,,90 or
second /angUllge _ Check local TV IIst ,ngs
tCompaN;w with rrvny cllble Sy51tNm
Crw:/t, yo<# local COf'f'I{»fIy
This fme -pltch pIcture tu be has 8 comb tnter for super-Sharp/mages (up to
A 450 Imes of resolu tion ). It 5 perfect forcomputer mom lor use 3fJ.key dlQltal
remo te sets timer. Changes channels and more Ouartz tunmg elimInat es the
need to preset channels . Stereo headphone l ack (headphones sold on cage
4()(JA) and extemet speaker j8cl< (speakers sold separat ely beloW) 2O-mch
a/agonal measure screen HI-tech plastIC cabmet Is 2OWx21Hx210 ,ncheS
Imported parts. assembled In USA Warr ant ed · Was $839 99 In our 1987 Fall
General CatBlog. page 602.
57 E 42701C- Snpg. wt 60 Ibs $459 .99
The {mlsnmg touch' Stile/Oed 2-way speakers shown WIth this TV give
B addItional stereo sound separation, Each IS 8Wx79Hx8D In Imported
57 E 42301C- Shpg wt 18 Ibs Palf $79,99
·W,," .tnt l'ld by $eafs ""fife tOl free copy see page 263A
~s cornptIl(~ w,/tl f'flIVIy c.OIe Sy$/l!'t'J'lS (;neck yotJf company Sf~«J
only ~ programs .,~ tJfOIJOcastIII SI~~ Grl«J< local TV IIstmgs
5Imu/llted f«eDtlOfl
""SM f»ge 263A

• 369A
19-inch MTS stereo TV w ith
• On-screen display of nrne, channel and nrner functions
• Aud io out Jacks to expand stereo sound
• 19-key remote

§$80 $33999 $14 MONTHLY'

Aand 8 Chflstmas 1OOI<s orlghter and bolder tha n ever througn our flu;n contrast black ma trix
picture tubes Quartz tUning lOcks In the strongest stgnal automatICally-you don t
have to preset channels You can set off·tlmer from your Chalf usmg the remote Up to 119
cab 1e-comf)8tlble channe ls Sharpness contra. Diagona l measure screens In hi-tech gray
cabinets Importedoerts. assembled In USA wetrentea by Sears : wate for flee COI'Y. see page
263A See Note below Reaucea from our 1987 Fall Genera' Catalog . P 604

A Our Lowesl Price Ever for any t9-mch stereo TV, 2OWx2OHx2OD mches Was $4 19 99
57 E 42311C Shpg wt . 49 1bs $339.99

8 2O-mch sQuarevlew Mrs stereo TV/monitor has 8 comb

Loudness contour Was S489 99
57 E 42561C- Shpg wt . 56 lbs $3 89.99
tnter for 11.211% sharper pICture

20-inch MTS stereo TVj monitor with !VOTE CflarIMlS ~t'OIe "",ttTm¥ly ~ systems Ch«J< "",rt1 your comaany
Sl~ onl y ""hfHICl'Ol}f¥rlS .,-e lJroII(Jast If! stereo Check TV hs tsng s
oS- r»ge 263A
• H gn reso lut ion octu-e
s,mwrtlO rKeQtlon tor TVs on DOttT I»t}es
• 23 -l\,ey remote
• AN In ana Out JaCkS p lus
exteme: soeacer JaCKS
• On-scree n c.sotav of time .
channel ana : Imer functions

§$100 $38999 $15 MONTHLY'

Cand 0 Quartz tunmg means yo u ca n Jus t p lug these
te lev Isions m and enjOy true-to-life color from
our h igh contrast black memx picture tubes No
channe l presetting 1$ necess ary One-b uNon co lor se ts
the tints and tones W ith a touch Off-timet lets youplan
to ta ll asleep while wat ctllng TV Without running up the
etecmc bi f/. Sharpness control Off- time r. Imported 20-inch TV with
parts . assembled In USA Warranted by Sears, write for
free copy. see page 263A
• IS-key remote • Up to 119 cha nne ls
• Squareview screen
19-mch diagonal me asure p icture color TV in w it h high-contrast picture
C Sim ula ted woodgram cabinet IS 21 Wx 19Hx2OD m.
Was $359,99 in ou r 1987 Fa ll General Catalog. p . 604

$319 99
57 E 42107C-Shpg wt . 47 Ibs .. $288 .88

2(}mch diagona l measure p Icture color TV In

O h,·tech gray cab me t IS 2'Wx2OHx2'D mcnes $13
57E42122C-Shpg wt.58 lbs . $319.99
+SH Dage 263A MONTHLYt

Increase your Buying Power with SearsCharge PLUSI

For just $'8 to S20 month ly, you can get 8 TV from these 2 pages and our MTS
stereo VCR (5 7 E 53451C) sold on page 377A, See page 266A for deta ils

ket swivels and tilts t for me best
AStu"iy"'ac It Full

a~~h.everythmg c~vate
"""',,'' you Pu . Cigalerre "ght'"
vieWing listening 4 5-
tun.oga"'}l':",a ana "''''''',,'Of;;::x7HX
adapter. asure scree
tOO .o Ib
ted • Wt h:S

~,::,;a~~~~~ ;,;a~~:=:'~9S:
57 E 5019-Aose $5 999
5020-Black .
99 57 E

57 E s from Sony

Ban dCcome TV~~ndy at

screencuts t.
in small package
In '...
e and there
mg events

Reces W nentea • TV runs about 5

tun.og a su,. screen Headphone prl
B 4-mch dla
. ::Ime batteries
5WK9Hx3D In WI 2 lOs 60' .
$ 179 .99
~ ..t
50403-Shpg TV runs auvu

57 E
2·/ncn dlag~~~asu,. screen
alkalme batterl6S
•• 3WxlHx1D

3 hours on $ 139 .99

,nc hes, Shpg wt 1 Ib 2 oz
57 E 50344- ou can enJOy
OandE ii /most anY~~R
Portable color TV/moflltors
AudlO/Vtdeoy mpu tJacks for
ElectronIC tunmg
ter Of l" mcluded , Also uses •
hook-up of19hter_
compu"""'''''-.ter soIdbe10w' Warranted.
ClQaretteab/e1 battery packs W 1501<1 1H m
harge 11 1<
E 57
I messure screen. $224.99
gona 5hpg wt . 14 Ibs
een TV has AM/ ,
I ~M
ES-mch d/~~W1<I2Dx7H
rscno too
a/ measure scr
Inches $ 194 .99
wt . 12 Ibs .
57 E 40052C-Shpg .
d battery pack fits mto(E) 2
.5 amp hours
Inboar 1 (XX) limes 99
Ree~~"':Wt 4 Ibs . . $34. volt DCoower
57E k &..., any 12· tended
t ry pac ..,. Pr vJdes ex
prrxJuct bat e t ' 000 ,,"'"5 With0 a ga"/I'
be used ties lIght'"
playing IlmeandhoC: 4WXI4HX$43D9/~
ter 5 amp 6 Ibs . .
sasoter Shpg wt Ie<""",>y. 58
57 E 50801-
· Wa ff.tnl«l' ~ed
!Jfl/lC'urtJr: wnreft:)r TVs on both
5eIr5 or ~ ted rtlCeptlOn

In the W,sh 8ooi< ft:)r KlC1s. ~21r

SONY include the
At Sears
batt w~ the AC cord
eries an

~ ~
d ub le as c om p uter m on itors

3 2A <:
tim• •
o AN jack. for",
VCR/compuur h00ll-up
o Up to 181
cable-compatibllt che"""'.'

13-inch TV
TelecsptlDn adapter shOwn on top of (8) cuts
$169 subtitles on the screen so the heaflng Impaired ca n
enJOy TV .. Wifel ess remo te control accesses 181
channelst- Quartz tuning SImulated woodgram
cabinet IS 15Wx IODx4H meres Warrant ed·
57 E 5432-Shpg ....1 10 lbs $199.99

EnJOY vibrant color from our high contrast pICture

B tube Ouartz tunmg locks In the s tronges t sig nal
automa tIcally-no more presetting channels One·
button color and snerpoess control te-mcn d iagona l
measure screen In S ssnatetea woodgram cabmet,
2OWx14Hx16Dlnches Wsrranted - Wss $364 99mour
1987Fall Gen Cat. page 602
57 E 40802C-Shpg wt. 32 Ibs $294.99
13 -inch TV w it h and D portable color TVs make great giNs
• 6-butlon remote C
too' r3·mctl diagonal measu re scr een s wun
contrs st octore tubes High-tech 9ray
• Up to III
cabinets Warranted·
cnarmets- TV has rot ary tuner and 1$ 18W.. 74H.- 17D rcnes
C57 E 40353C-Shpg ...., 29lbs $169.00
ElectronIC tunmg Earphone jaCk tor priva te
Olistening, one-buttoncooc and99ott-timer1987
77W.-75HxI7D Inches Was S264 In our Fall
Gen. Cet , page 606 Shpg wt 27 Ibs
57 E 40553C-Thru 12/15/87 5224 .99
tllfu Dec 15th · Warrante<:t tJy SMt'$ _,re 10' 'ree copr ue PIJflf! 263A
ImpotTtIf1 PlJrts, lJ$~lJIed In USA
· · Only whtJll br~$1 With closed c.pIJOf!
1'Compat,o!e "",m many ~ systems Chec. Wlffl jo'OUI"

• Built- In mike • souo state 'fJ-rnch MOS
for clear (met al OXide
audio recordings semico nductor)
• Llghrwelght- picks up Images In light
only3 .2 lbs as low as 10 lux
• 1-hour • Electronic Viewfinder
recharge able batt ery With adjustable dio pt er
and carrvmq strap has on-sc reen qraptucs
Included of batte ry level. recor d
and end of tape

For S40 monthly on your Sears Charge Of only $30 mon thly .accesso-es (no t shOwn) for Sears. RCA or Hi tachi camcorders. Imported. Warranted by Sears: wnte tor free
on our ne w SearsCharge PLUS ·, RCA's -'S ma ll Wonder - copy. see page 263A
camcorder ca n be yours It uses a VHS-C tape so It s
smaller and easier to cetry. Plus you can p laybacK your Rechargeable t-tv battery for full -SIZe camcorders Put prints or slide s on »aeo tape usmg these
home recordings on any VHS VCR. A I( you do Is aim the 0 57 E 53994-Shpg wt. 1 Ib $49.99 converters With your camcorcJer or video camera
f7.6 lens aOOsnoot The focus . exposure aOOwhite balance Red, yellow eoa blue filters with a cle ar center for Pnnt to video tape con ven er You msert print aOO
automatica lly adJust for the perfect shot HO prOVideS Vignette effect Case «ctcaea shoo t result s
ssete-ot-tne-en pICture qua lity ReView tuncton lets you see 057 E 53905-Shpg wt . 12 oz. KII $24.99 057 E 53947C-Shpg wt. S ibs . $99.99
what you 've j ust shOt Two tape speeds g ive up to 1 hour
Telephoto lens gives 11 times magntflcatlon, 2x2 'h-
recording tune A/Y In and ou t laCKSfor dubbing tape s to a Inch diameter Film to video tape con vert er tran sfers hOme movieS
VCR or p laybacil through your TV. Adapters. a VHS-C or slides to video tape All accessones are
cassette. earphone and case mctuaea. 4 Wx6HKBD inc hes
0 57 E 53903-Shpg wt l ib $149.99 oaooea
Imported Full t -vesr warranty by Sears. write for free COPY- Kit for extrs Indoor lIf}ht mg attaches to camcorder. 057 E 53947-Shpg wt . 5 lbs $99 .99
see page 263A Carry pacK With rechargeable battery runs me SOW
hakx;en lamp about 30 mmutes Lens guard tat ,ncl ude s clear pratecnve lens .
057 E 53711-Shpg wI2 1bs $1189.99
2 ·nr rec~abfe battery for above , Imported
o 51E 53907-Shpg wt. 4 1bs Kit $189.99 cleanmg solution . bf1JSfl and tiSSueS
0 57 E 53918-WI . 1 lb . Kit $9.99
0 57 E Shpg wt. 1 lb . $79.99 ~ve $30 Video If/pod (ro t shOwn) With spfl ng -108c1ec1
·SH ~ 266A ~nhead to b8fance »oec camera and M lp wceess ml(;ropflone with receiver gIVes you
prevent accidental tlp.overs Warranted by Sears ' wfl te "close-up " SOUndon your home frIOIIl8S Uses two
A/Jc... ~I, Jeast 10 d8ys r;Je11W!fy for Ilems for free copy. see o . 263A Was $7999 In our t987 Falf 9-volt tettenes. sold separately In the Wish Book
wlltl '0 ' preflll ($l.JCfl as 05' E 539(5) General Catalog, p 591 for KKis. page 2 7 1.
3 E B4041-Shpg wi Sibs 8 0z $49.99 0 57 E 53908- Shpg , w i 2 1b s $99.99
Strobe effect lets you
break down action on
tapes or TV orceo ca sts

On-screen display of
programmmg func tions for
Pic ture-in-picture lets vou watch programm ing the tuner
a prerecorded tape and TV from your cha ir
broad cast Simu ltaneously plus TV stili
freezes live action VIsual channel scan shows
12 TV broadcasts at once ,
then you choose the stat ion
you wan t to watch

This d igita l VCR Will amaze you with af/ lt can ao . HQ (hi g h qualify) provides st ate-of-the-art picture
quality. Three Video heads give you fIOIseless specia l effects (like slow motIOn). Plus there 's Mrs
Dolby· stereo for recording stereo broadcasts directly and p layback of prerecorded stereo movies Up
to 120 cabJe-eompatlble channels have quartz tunmg so you don 't have to preset them. Remote
dlfectly accesses ch annels. sets tmle r. ch anges effects mode eoa more 1-year/4-event timer. Umt is
17Wx4Hx 14D Inches , Impor1ed from Japan. Warranted b y Sears: wr ite tor tree copy. see page 263A
See Note be/()w, Was $78999 m our 1987 Fall Gen Cat., page 608
57 E 53521C-Shpg wt. 20 Ibs. . .$629.99

$62999 $21 MONTHLYt

t SH page 263A *Reglsler8l1 TM o f Dolby UJxn~s

NOTE. Channels comptItlbJe W itfl many cable sysrems Check

prof}fams are txoIK1casr In stereo. Check Iocat TV IIstmgs
W itfl your com~y Stereo sound only wflen

For Information on hO W you can
help li ght dr ug abuse. see p 120

Athru rC Cnnstmes viaeotsoes look so much bolder and bflghter on these
VHS VCRs because mere 5 HQ for state-of-the-art picture quality
(excep t B) Cable-eompatlb1e channels See Note belOw Sears mode ls
vroortea from Japan. Go ldstar from Korea Warranted by Sears wnte for free
copy see page 263A

On-screen a/splal of programmmg tuoctons lei you program the 1-year;

A 4-event timer from your Chalf PluS you II enjOy Oolby+ stereo p lay and
record Quartz tunmg ellmmates the need to preset any of the' 19 channels
sra exss In the strongest signal 11Wl(4Hx l4D meres Was $459 99 In our
1987 Spring Gen Cat on o 50 1
57 E 5351C-Shpg wt. 20 Ibs $389.99

B Goldstaf VCR fill s y our oaSIC video needs Withou t emptymg your pockets
'OS channelS and g.functlon remote tTWx4H,d4D Inches
57 E 53263C-Shpg. wt. 20 ee $229.99

Wife less remote on trns VCR directly accesses up to 108 chan nels
C 17WJl4H}{140 Inches Was $314 99 In our 1987 Fall Genera l Ca ta log , o. 608
Cu t $40 In ou r 1987 'VL ' Sale Bool<. no w cut $25 more
57 E 53295C-Shpg wt. 20 Ibs $249.99
DUbb mg cable (no t sho wn) has a bUll t-m ampli fier to strengthen the signa l.
He lps you get clear cop ies of home mov ies or you r tape s 6-fee t long
0 57 E 53916-Shpg wt. 4 Ibs S59.99
'see oage 253A +f:IeglSfer«1 TV of Dalby Labaratar/l]s
fVOT[ Cfl.annels com~r'OJe W I tt! many ca~ sysfems crec«
yOUr comoany ac.,r st~ VCRs fftQUIfe a aecoded Signal
oIfI, ftt
from a stereo TV ()f CN!(X)Oef 10 record In stereo Our MTS st6feo
VCRs flave . bu,Il'1n aecooet' If you IWve fT/(Xe QIAStlOflS
V'SI' your nearest Sears store ()f _ ,fe to VCR INFORMATlON
DeNrt~ ' 698/l3 IA $ears To_r ChtUgC. !L fi0684


14-dav/2 -event timer 14-d av/4 -event timer
Wir eless remot e Direct channel access

~ W!> _ ~ - -. - -
. -.-
. --: ---

. lEI
~ --
l;11 . :II . C . I!: ~ ~ 11I

59999 D
'---_ _ G

Our lowest price ever for any

Our lowest price ever for any VHS
VCRwith on-screen programming
and direct channel access on remote
529499 Dolby + stereo VCRwith
direct channel access on remote

E 371
H&re's MICkey' Here's Donald' Here's PlUto'
T 57 E 78008-$14.95 T 57 E 78009-$14.95 T 57 E 78010-514.95

Winnl&-fhe-Pooh WinmfHhe·Pooh and WlflfIIfJ-ttlfJ-Pootr W/fIlIOe-rhfJ-Poon and

and me Honey Tree rhe BlUsfery Day end Tigg er Too.' II Day for Eeyore
T 57 E 78003-514.95 T 57 E 78004-$14.95 T 57 E 78005- 514.95 T 57 E 78006-514.95

Buy aN 4 01 tn.
sene! and gef
!ltJfB'Y case '
Wt. 2 Ibs,
T 57 E 78007-5et 559.80

There's more in our retail stores

You'll find more of your favorite stars in
movies for children, hobbies and adventure ZJp-e·Dee·Doo-Datr Snow WfItte, Heig h Ho
thrillers in our video shop T 57 E 78001-514.95 T 57 E 78002-514 ,95
tsav MI(j trw Tramp
T 51 E 78014- $29.95

Reserve your
copy of these
Disney Classics now!

$29~~ I'"' 5-",

Earliest orders
shipped October 6th
WI. ea. I lb . unless
otherwise stated
• Itt!mS wrtf1 'T' prefl1C could talle
e1(tnI fIlM fot c¥hwry

Buy 5 of ItIese cJMSICS

(ft1tc/uc1mg Mat)' Poppm$)
The SWOfd W'Idttw S~
VId (}tt ' the library ca seJ
T 57 E 78016-$29. 95 ShpQ wt 4 Ibs 15 oz
Dumbo T sn nKl2O-S1 49 .75
T 57 E 78017-$29.95
SJeep,ng BeM y
T 57 e 78015-$29.95

A/ee /f1 Wotld8ftolnd
T57 E 78018-$29. 95
'Tis t he season
of cold nights,
warm friends
and a good movie
$999 VHS prerecorded tapes
each Shpg. WI. ea. 8 oz.
fl&mJ w(h " T" pre"/( coukJ t... extra ~ 'or a.lNery

The De.~ Don't a.. C""", Hano., Ie

T 57 E 78026 T 57 E 7802. T sr e 78025

Lose Wltfg.'lr'" 2 .....U
T 57 E 78045

Pre~ mov.s
Pre~f7lOlf"'. ( not shown}
mot snown)
F/IntstoMs N
~~iIfl2WHIfS T 57 E 78049

TTlJe GIoty- ", ....,.. Just

T 57 E 78039 IJke Kemnt
T 57 E 78054
Dec . 7, 1941
K~m. Hermtt
T57 E 78044
T 57 E 78055
Normarn;ty ItlVa$lOfl
T 57 E 78046 Good HouselfHpmg & NlJmbers
T 57 E 78057
Good HocJselfHpfflg
Intra to Cookmg
Jac K and the- sea nst..//( HUCkleberry Hound CoIofs and ShIIJ)6s T 57 E 78058
ClaSSiC Comedy T. .",. WoIId at Wa' 380A T 57 E 78052 T 57 E 78053 T 57 E 78056
T 57 E 78043 T 57 E 78029
VHS tapes
Wt. ea. 8 oz.

w(3[:: CfIIl1[~ ,
G:(n:l3 ~ml3(!
Start your
John Wayne
collection now!

VHS formal.
Wt . ea. 1 lb.

-",Hun< o.coyS afI(1 Ducic Cab Do_ F~ oI m.

W~rait DH>r (4 5 mrnutes) T 57 E 78071 8.JrOaryCoast
f30 mmcA'ltSj T 57 E 78063 T 57 E 78072
T57 E 78062

WII/l. 01 m. Rea Wttet:

T 57 E 78073 "'" Ccmmsna
T 57 E 78070&

KAraN Master ~ . [MI m. so"s

Old time Classics
(39 ~sl SO·, fIm
mUSIC (32 mm .)
VHS format. Wt . ea. 1 lb.
T 57 E 79069
T 57 E 78066

...n __
Tn. Owet Man .s.nd, oIlwo Jima
T 57 E 78076 T 57 E 7eon T 57 E 78078

CMWon BMX tr.eS/'ylll' Boic• .

rI'JriIIS, splh. ,k"r.oo.ra .etlOl'l
srunrs (3 1 mrtl .) ~mrncANI
T 57 E 78067 T 57 E 78068

T'lJ(;k pu Ns luturlflg
'-BIG FOor'- (34 ,"m.,
T 57 E 78065 - ...o;;:~
rI'Jet roue I'Jot Mmk
&III' of 51. M.'Y ·s T 57 E 78OElO ~etlOf'l PettICOat
381A T 57 E 7807 9 T 57 E 7808 1
_10 scnool
T 57 E 78091 _ $25.95
Shpg. wt. ea. " oz.

Shpg. WI. ea. 9 oz.

Back; 10 me Futu re
T 57 E 78082-S2Sl.99

T 57 E 78092- S2i." Desperalely Seelung Susan

T 57 E 78094-$11.15

~ -_ . _ ..

A Week Wlttt RaQulIl

FX Tho~
" Condies s-.nooan T 57 E 7ElO95- $29."
T 57 E 78096-S2Sl.t5
T 57 E 78097-531.15
T 57 E 78063-S2>'.i9 T 57 E 7808S-S24.t9


Evil Under lI'le Sun

To • Mociungblrd Velveteen Rat:01 T 57 E 78096-$18.t5 Fraggle AoctI Vol. I Pee-WM Herman Show
T 57 E 78168- $20U9 T 57 E 78087-$U t T 57 E 78099- SU S T 57 E 78100-S18.85

• 0 W

Death on ltle Nile

Gumby "s Fun Fling A ikki Tikki lavi Pound PuppIeS Volunteers Sweet Dreama T 57 E 78153- $".85
382A T 57 E 7.0. ....... T 57 E 78089-$11.99 T 57 E 78090-$14.99 T 57 E 78101- S18.85 T 57 E 78102- $29.95
Dr, J 'S Stu " TIlE ~ILl'P£T RE\'L"E
T 57 E 78176-$19.98

A Vll!'w to a K,II
T 57 E 78162- $ 19. 98
71ItJ MutJpe t Revue
T 57 E 78159-$14.98

CoIcJ, -'M Battlnl

Bmtxil Str~sand
T 57 E 78170-$29.98
&//yJoel My fVamtI is BMtIrIJ
T 57 E 78171-$1 9.98 BarbrlJ Slrf}/sanc
T 57 E 78173-$29.98

'. Cccooo
T 57 E 78156-$29,98 Rock MUSK;
Places In t~ HelJrt
with ,,. MupJ)els
T 57 E 78166-$29.98
T 57 E 78165--$ 14.98

T~Kemllt Return 01 t,. JtJdi

anc Piggy Sfcxy T 57 E 78169-$29,98
T 57 E 78158-$14,98

Ctllid ren 's Songs

soa StOfl6S
T 57 E 78161-$14.98
Pa"", Rocky IV
T 57 E 78lfiO- $29. 98 T 57 E 78167-$29.98

Sound01 MusJC "'" Ja>. My FIJJf LM;Jy

T 57 E 78172- $19.98 71ItJ~felJttJ{/
T 57 E 78164- $29.98
Items w,m " T" pntfu( could """"""'"
T 57 E 7817r-$ 19.98 T 57 E 78174- $19 98 T 57 E 78163-529. 98

tlll<e ext,. , _ for dellVet)' 383A

VHS movies . Shpg. WI . ea. 12 oz.

Jane Fonda
Exerci se Series



- ..............
T 57 E 78108-$29. 99
T51 E181().1-S39.99
_,".. .

T 57 E 78105-$39 99
T 57E 78107-$.39.99

""", . __ <:«0"..
T51E78111-$14 99
Fest,~ DesMIrts
157E78112-$14 99 . """'""""'"'
T57 E78113-$1. 99

LII«DrNhl TheROSf!c.l. ~FOfT...o Sincerely VIOle"

T 57 E 7811.- $'''',99 T57 E7Bl1~S l ·U~9 T 57 E 7!116- SU 99 T 57 E 78117- $ ' 4,99
VHS tapes. Shpg. wt. ea. 8 oz.

T 57 E 78136-$16.99

(not shown)
TItV Turner
Prrvate Dancer
T 57 E 781 ~S1 9. 99

~tE7"~S1 9.99
Video Aid
T57 E 18' 4' - $29.99
T 57 E 78134- $1• .99
.)uzefCl$6 WASP
TiOfIt ana TOfl«I T 57 E 78135- $14.99
T 57 E 83014- $ 1• .99
Items with " T"
$qt8 Bosrc1tng Freestyle B,kIng pre fi X coukJ ralle
T 57 E 18124-$9.99 T 57 E 78125-59.99 axtratItTle fOl C1elivery
Iron MaK1en ..JoMLf!KIflOfl-L.voe
T 57 E 18137- $19.99 T 57 E 78138-$19.99

CurIOUS George / ..Joutney 10 tne

T 57 E 76146- $' 4,99 LO$/ Pfantt ts
T 57 E 78143-$9.99
T 57 E 78147-$14.99 B/lICk Beauty-Long
T57 E 78150-- $14."99
T 57 E 78148-$14.99 ~Queenof

T51 E 78144-$9.99

The GrHt F/IC#
Z~ Westly Hosford
Dog TrSIfIing
Bert Peflett ro
&SiC Knitting
LIItda {AVIS TTho '*""'"
57 E 78152-$19.99
T 57 E 78126-$19 99 T 57 E 78127-$29.99 T 57 E 78128- $29.99


I~ =i M.i~ T~
Snowman BiacI< BRuty ~ ~ Buyrng-
S"'..A ~"", I
T 57 E 78129-$9,99
T 57 E 78130-$9 .99 T 57 E 78131- $9.99
T 51 E 78132- $9.99 T57 E78151- $1-4.99 T57E78 149-$14.99 The80ttom~
T 57 E 781-42-$19.99 385A
Wake up witfi:
• radio
• cassette
• buzzer

Clock rad'" with built-in cassette player .

Snooze alarm , dua l alarm, batrery
beck-up and sleep button . Ughred slide
rule AM FM tuner. 11Wx4Dx4H in.
Impo n ed . Warranted · · .
57 E 23413-'M. 3 lbs . . . $29.99

A Sleek Sharp clock radios have snooze contro l.

59-minute sleep rimer and PM indicator. Wake to
buzzer Of radio . 10Wx3Hx6D inches. ImpOrted .
Cand 0 Magnavox clock rad ios wake you
with AMFM rad io. buzzer or tape .
Imported. Warranted - · .
E You can set the alarm on this AM FM clock rad IO
for you and your mare's wake-up times. Ba ttery ·
back· up and sno oze but ton. JOWx3Hx6D InChes
Warranted -- , Shpg. wt . 1 lb. 14 oz. 57 E 23215-Shpg. wt. 2 lbs. 5 oz .. , $19.99
57 E 2307-Plnk ... $19 .99
57 E 23071-Lavender ... $19.99 C Phone has mute . last number r&dial and
1 3~umber memory. SpeakerphOne roo! Cloc k
has slumoer. repeat and dua l-alarm settings. AM FM cloc k radio has snooze txnton and
57 E 23072-While ... $19 .99
Tone pu lse sw itchable . Not hearing aid compatible. F 59-minute sleep timer. Batttery- back-up.

B AM FM stereo clock radio has a headphone jack

for prlvate listening and two 3-inch speakers .
Snooze alarm and 59·mln. sleep timer and batrery~
Was 569.99 in our 1987 Spnng Genera l Catalog ,
page 512.
3 E 35726-Shpg. wt. 4 Ibs ... $59.99
8Wx3Hx6D inches .
57 E 23154-Shpg. wt. 1 Ib 8 02 . . . $12.99
•Bartene.s SOia separarBly Iff the WISh £k>oi( for /rids,
back-up. 10Wx3HK5D inches. p age 271
Imported. Wananted- · .
57 E 23343-Shpg . 'Nt. 2 lbs . 02 . . . $24.99 O Clock radio has a cesserre deck that records ,
roo! HeadphOne jack for private listening .
Battery- back-up. 11Wx2Hx8D inches.
· · WalTanteo' by Sears or manufacrurer; wrrte for free copy,
.see page 263A

57 E 23418-Shpg . wt . 3 Ibs. 3 oz ... $39.99

Fashio n right
clock radios

Stereo clock rad io A MFM

with dual alarm clo ck radio
BflllIant sound and tmgflt color What a
combination' Cassette deck nas auto stoo
revona and oeuse con trols Uses 5 "AA
battefles ' 10W~4H~3D In tmoonea
Warranted ••
WI2 1bs 6 02
57 E 21246-Blue $39.99
57 E 21247- YeUow $39.99
57 E 21245-Green $39.99

Stereo AMjFM reoo comes wnn headl)hOnes Magnavox mot"IO-Cassette record er has cue/review
A Compac t m,m cassette recorae r nBS T-but ton
record Condenser mli(e gl'lIes clear record mg s for lectures 4Wx6HJ(2D tacnes Uses 2 "M "
C DC )ScI< and uses 4 'M ' beuene s ' 8Wx4Hx2D
Inches Imported. Warrant ed "
E and a 4·mch speaker Headr:;mone jaCk for prIVate
listening Uses 6 'Coo tJatfefles ' AC cordIncluded.
bs tfefles ' Impo rted. wsiremea ." 57 E 22072-Shpg wt . 11 oz $19 .99 12WxlHx3D Inches Imported Warranted by
57 E 21574-Wt 13 02 $19.99 Magnavox. wflte for free COl'Y, see page 263A
Tune III your favoflte TVchannels w,th ttnsAM/FM. 57E21211C-Snpg wt. 4 lbs 1202 S26.n

B Monaural cassette recorder has cue/revie w. tape D TV1·2, H,·VHF, SW mum-oera radiO Uses 4 'Coo
count er. suto-stoo and bUl/t·m condenser mli<e
Jaci<sfor ear{Jhone, extemal mli<e and 3·volt DC power
batte ries· AiCcordmcluded 11Wx8Hx3D In
tmootea Warranted'·
F AM/FM monaural cassette recorder has auto-stop
and an earphone Jack for private IIstenmg. 2 ~ ·,nch
Uses adal)ter soa oetow or 2 "M" batteries · 57 E 24083-WI 3 lbs . $29 .99 speaker m lOWx3DxSHun,t AC adapter ,ncluded or
4Wx2Dx5H vxnes Impor ted Warranted ·· uses 4 " AA" tettenee : tmooaea. Warranted · '
57 E 21695- WI 1 lb. 2 02 529 .99 Adal) ler has reverSible poIaflty and adjusts from 310 12
VOlts Mult'I)1ep lug , 3 MA rat ings 5 J'Hoot cord 57 E 21232-Snpg wi 21bs 1202 $24 .99
'Ban~"e$ ~ fSePIII'~tt!ly In tf» W,$IIBOOk fOf ~ m. ~ 271
tmooaea ··woIIraIIrea by san. ...,,~ frY free copy, SlM".ge ~
57 E 21472-Shpg wt. 1002 $5 .99

mono-eassene recorder

AM/FM monaural
cassette recorder
Mult lband

AM /FM stereo cassette
with 3-band equalizer

AM/FM stereo cassette player with

• auto-reverse for non-stop sound
• ultralight headphone for comfon
AM /FM stereo
• 3-band equalizer to personalize sound cassette player

SAYNOI Athru H Super stereo sound travels easily when you

carry any of these personal cassette
players Bettenes sold separately In the Wish Book for
B Cassette player With 3·band equalizer Jets you
ta ilor the sound to perfectIOn, Full functlOf!
controls Uses 2 ·'M " bs ttenes 6WJ(4Hlt.2D mcnes
TO DRUGS kids. page 271. imported Warranted by sears or 57 E 21176-Shpg wt . 14 oz $27 .77
Fo, ,ntormat,on on how you can manufacturer.- I'mte for free copy. see p 2ti3A
help Ilghl Clrug abuse see P 263 A

A ttus cassette player has It al/ You n enjOy

conrmuous mUSIC wthOut tummg the tape over
C AM/ FM cassette player fitls your ears With full
stereo sound and turns off au tomatically when the
tape ends Makes a great gift. tool Uses 2 "AA ..
Anti-ro/llng mechanism keeps the mUSIC plaYing barten8S 6Wx 4Hx2D IncheS
smoothly while you jOg. cycle Of whatever DC adapter 57 E 21116-Shpg wt 14 oz . $19 .99
J8Ck. Uses 2 "AA" batteries 6Wx4Hx2D Inches
57 E 21169-Shpg wt . lIb 50z $39.99

Sports Wa lkman $7999
AM/FM cassette player
w ith 3-band equal izer Waves of
colorful sound
by Sharp

D MagnavoK spony-Ioo/ung AM/FM cassette player

WIll flatter your ears wIth roo-stoo stereo sound.
You can radar the hIghs and lows usmg the 3-b8nd
F Sony Walkman WIth AM/FM reoo 1$ so light the
fulf·tJodled stereo sound may be the only thmg to
help you remember you fe weaflng it 3-band equalizer
H Sharp /$ cokx happy! And theS6 txighfs can add
SpICe to everyone 's ChflStmas. AMIFM stereo
cesserre plSYfNS have fast·forward. auto stop and
equalizer Belt clip . DCadapter Jack Uses 2 "AA" gives you music the way you like Jt. DC adapter jiJCk ejeCt. Belt Clip Uses 2 .'AA" battenes Mea sures
batteries 6Wx6Hx2Drenee. and auto-stop . Uses 2 "AA" batteries. 6Wx4Hx2D In. 4WJf6Hx2D /OeMS
57 E 21117-Shpg. wt . 2 100. 5 oz... $49.99 57 E 21076-Shpg . wt 15 oz . $049.99 Shpg wI 1 Ib
57 E 21183-Blue $29 .99
Sony Sports Wal.llman WIth water-reSlslant case can Magnavox cassette player With AMIFM radio can 57E211B4-Red $29 .99
E take the heat of an athlete, Listen to cassettes or
tune In the AM/FM stereo rsaio. Anti-rollmg devICe
G bflghten the Chris tmas stoc}(lng of someone you
love ReWind. tsst-towsra and euto-stoo Uses 2 ·'AA ,.
57E21185-Yellow . $29 .99
57 E 21186-Gree n . . . $29 .99
keeps tape running smooth Auto-stop and battemes Belt clip
headphOnes mcluded. Uses 2 ·'M" barrerles, Belt clip. Measures 6WJf4HJf2D inches
4H-,;6Wx2D inche s 57 E 21173-Shpg . wt 1 lb. 2 02 $29 .99
57 E 21136-Shpg wt . 1 lb. 60z $79 .99
Funk y·Shaped cassette p layer In coors she will /ave. Fast forward con trol
A and bu llt ·m spea ker IOf listenmg without headphones. Ultra light
headphones Included for p flvste fls tenmg Detachable shoulder strap Uses 3
"AA " batterl€!s · TWxlHx2D In Imported . Warrantedt
57 E 21Q63-P lnk 57 E 21062-Red
Shlppmg weight 1 pound 1 ounce $19.99
+WllfrW1ted by Sears (Y manufacturer, ....nIl, fof free copy. S86 fNJgtJ 263A

Casse tte player has soft edges In Stereocassette player hasB3-band AMj FM stereo radIO fits m most Stereo cassette player with
B bright colors Fas t forward contrOl
and headphones. Uses 2 "AA"
C equaltzer to tailor soundand comes
with ultralight headphones Fast
D snm pockets 3Wx 4Hx 10 In
HeadphOneS mcluded Uses 2 "AAA ..
E ultra lIght headphones has volume
control and on/off SWitch Uses 2 "AA ,.
oettenes '. Importee, wensmeat, forward, rewmd ana stoe/eJect battefles " Imported, Warrantedt. batteries" 5Wx4Hx2D mcnes
Shpg wt . 120z, controls. Uses 2 "AA " oettenes: 57 E 22055-Wt. 702 $12 .99 Imported, Warrantedf
57 E 21091-Red . $14.99 6Wx4Hx2D inc hes. Impo rted °&Jtt6f/8S sokJ M(Mralflly in me Shipping weig ht 8 02
57 E 21092-Yellow ... $14.99 Warrentedf. WIsh Book for kes, ~ 27 1 57 E 21108. $9.99
57 E 21093-Plnk $14 .99 57 E 21125-Wt. 12 oz $18.88

cassette players

stereo radio

MAGNA VOX stereo

cassette player

You can never have too much storage spac !::
5 $999 and

Athru C
Budweiser! - compact disc storage unrt has
Soundesign' crafts these sturdy units
from oak·finish vinyl veneer. PlastiC shelf
and drawers. Unassembled.
O Budweiser· · record cabinet hOlds up to 700
LPs. Handsome walnut-stained pine and
plywood construction has a lid with magnetic
G solid wood construction. Open front holds up to
30 compact discs. Wall hangers included.
latc hes. 78Wx74Hx74D inches. 12Wx18Hx6D IncheS.
A Compact disc storage unit hOlds up to 34 discs
with cases in polyurethane foam secrcos . 57 E 5703C-Shpg . wt. 16 lbs . . $24 .99 57 E 5710-Shpg. wt. 7 Ibs . . . $24 .99
Measures 13WxSDx13H Inches.
57 E 5618-Shpg. wt . 5 lbs .. . S9.99
Video cassetre unit hOlds up to 28 VHS
E To complement the cabinet above , get this
Budweiser! · cassette storage unit. Solid wood
and plywOOd construction holds up to 72 audio
H Desk top Budweiser' - cassette, stor ag e unit
holds up to 12 audIO tapes. Solid wood
construction wrth slide·in lid . 9Wx4Hx5D in.
B cassettes. 9Wx13Dxl1H inc hes.
57 E 56009-Shpg . wt. 5 Ibs ... 59 .99
tapes . Door has a magnetic latch . Measures 57 E 5723-Shpg . wt. 1 lb. 8 cz ... 59 .99

Jand K
72Wx17Hx5D in.
57 E 5722-Shpg. wt. 10 Ibs ... 524 .99 Open-tmm storage units have solid wood
ArtractN8 space-saving unit holds up to 90
C audIO cassettes. 11Wxl1Dxl1H Inches .
and plywood coostructco. Stained and
lacquered with your choice of logo . Concealed
57 E 5617-Shpg. wt. 5 lbs ... S9.99
F Michelob· · shelf storage unit in solid wood
holds up to 72 Video cassettes. Measures
17Wxl0Hx7D tncnes.
storage area on top . Front holds up to 45 audio
cassettes. Wall hangers inc lu ded. Each is
Scotch T-120 4-pk.. has 7 Hi-Fi and 3 standard
57 E 56002-Shpg . wt. 4 lbs .. . $19 .99 16WxlgHx4D inches. Shpg . wt. 8 Ibs.
tapes . Save 52.60 wffh mail- in rebate ( J ) 57 E 5714-Spucls Mackenzie ... 524.99
(that's 53.99 per tape ) thru Dec . 31, 1987 . Sony 6·pk. of b lank HF 90 tape . (K) 57 E 5721-Coca Cola f • . . $24.99
Receive coupon with this purchase and redeem 57 E 374Ql -Shpg . wt. 1201 ... $6 .97 • "Allheuser·Busch Inc
with dated sales receIpt to manufacturer ..
request must be postmarked by January 15, 7988.
57. E 84808-WL 2.lbs 80z ul Pricft.$ 18. 56i ...iii!.!.il..J
Dual-cassette boom box has
• Sing-a-long function
• 3-way detachable speakers

Portable stereo sound anyway

Athru K Whetheryou want one cassette deCk or two.
you"NenJOY the sound from these boom
boJ(6S Wi th AMjFM stereotunmg Condenser meee tor
8 3-band equalizer lets you rallor sound ttvu the 2-
way speakers Unn is 21W}(7H}(SD Inches Uses 6
"D" ze rreces Shpg wt 7 Ibs 80z
D Sleek slngle-cassette boom OOX With 4 ·/nch
speakers 17W)(4H)(3D In. Uses 4 " C" batteries
57 E 21476-Wt. Sibs. 7 oz .. . $69.99
live recorC1mgs AC cord Included Ba tteries sold In The 57 E 21044 $59 .99
Wish Book tor Kids. page 271. Imported Warran ted by Sharp 's slIck single-ca ssette boom oo x has a
Sears or manufac turer. wfl te for tree copy, see p 26304.
C Full- sIZe Styling WIth big sound from 4·mc h woofers
and 1 'h·/fIch tweeters Digital tape coun ter. too.'
E remo vab le lid Tone control 3Y.l-mch spe aker
Uses 6 -c- ba tt erie s. 76W)(6Hx3D Inches

Single cassette boom box IS 13W1CSHx4D ,ncheS
4 "C " osuenes
57 E 2101Q-Wt 31bs 130z $29.99
23Wx9Hx7D ,ncheS Uses 6 "0'" ba ttefl es
Shpg wt . 12 lbs 2 oz.
57 E 21352 $69.99
Shp g wI. 4 Ibs . 10 oz
57 E 21031-Black, wmte . $59.99
57 E 2171' - Blue. yellow $ 59 .99
392A 57 E 21712-~ed
~7~:;J1 7
. yellow
U,_r.. ._ $59 .99:,, .....
hi-speed dubbing and
• 5-band equalizer
• Both decks record
you want it from Sears
F Future mus ic stars will be able to WOfk on
perfecting the" sound W ith this boom box . Smg-a-
long function W ith volume control lets you mix voice or
c nc deSIgn 1$ lIg ht Wei ght and looks goocJ In every
CIrc le. HI -Speed dubbmg ma/(es tapes In almost
half the tm'l6 Four 2-way speakers. Uses 6 ' 'C''
J Boom box has hi -Speed dubbing to copy tapes m
less time s-oera equ alizer customizes sound Bo th
decks record Detachable spea kers have two e-mcn
mstrument wun a prerecorded tape and record the ba tterieS r8w x5HJ(SD mcnes woofers and two "' -mch tweeters 24Wx8Hx5D mches
results Cont inuo us recordmg from deck A 10 dec/<B Of 57 E 21444- ShIPPlng weight 4 Ibs 80z $49.99 Uses 6 ' '0'' batteries
youcanrecord 2t~sa(once. HI·soeeddubbmg. too' 57 E 21363-Shpg wt 11 ios 4 02 $79,99
Speakers have four 3ft; -mcfJ woofers and two ~ -mctl
tweeters AutomatIC recordmg le vel and tape counter.
Uses 6 "C batteries. Meas ures 24Wx6HJf6D In
H Cfllc - fulJ su e Dual casse tte decks and teoe
cou nter 5-ban d eoua l!zer co ntours the sound
Four 2, wlly spea kers Uses 6 C " ba tterltJs
57 E 21463C- Shpg . wt Ibs 1202 $88 .88 16Wx6H J(4 D mChe S
57 E 21455- Shpg wt . 5 ms $59 ,99
Athru C Taking your music vam you 1$ stylishly simple With these boom boxes AMjFM
stereo tuner and condenser mikes for JIVe ftH;ordmg Headphone]Belt: for private
listening Headphones sold separately on page 400A ACjDC Be ttenes soJd separately In
the Wish Book for k.,ds, oage 271 Imported Warranted by manufacturer, write tor free
copy, see page 263A
ttnsMAGNAVQX boom 00)( rwc
A Expeflence nett stereo 'rom It has a 5-meh sub-woofer.
4-mch woofers and two 1!1l·mch tweeters 22Wxl tHx6D Inches Uses 8 "0' baftefles
57 E 21391C-Shpg wt 131bs 20z $99.99
Walch your favonte TV shOw wherever you gal 4 5' /n diagonal
B measure screen TV has brightness. contrast vemcet and roaeootst hold controls
Tone control rod 19W1C1H:dD-inch Unit has adjus tab le Viewing stand Uses 10 0
ba rte" e s external t2v battery.
57E2188-Shpg wlll1bs8oz $139 .99
SHARP sound comes ou t the front and SideS VIB two 4:J(, ·/nch woo fe rs and 2 tweeters
C Overall d,menslOfIs are 22Wx8Hx6D Inches Uses 8 "0" batteries
57 E 21431-Shpg wt 71bs 1402 $59 .99
All the music AA A ..
options you w ant 'V~GNAVQ"
• Compact disc player ~
• Cassette deck with Dolbyt NR
• AMfFM stereo tuner

: ~~~~~~e~~~:~~~~~~~:~~ie~~un$ 27999
with your home system $12

Athru C algllal technology goes portable I And I(S yours for Just $10 to $13 monthly· Each
system 1$ ACjOC Batteries sold separately In me Wish Book for kids, page 271
Imported. Warranted by manufacturer, wrIte for free copy. see page 263A
Whether you O re plaYing a compact cnsc. a cassette tape or listening to your tsvonte aao
A stat'oo, you /I enjOy full sound from four 4-mch woofers and two' "'·mch tweeters CD player
has 2-<11911 LCD display for track mdlcar,on and time Function keys ioc tuae prevIous/next ,racl<
selection and scan, Uses 8 "0" battefl6S or external 12-v battery 23WxlDx9H incnes
57 E 21SSC-Sh'PPlng weIght 21 s '$279.99
fender. sign packS fat sound from mree sources ' programmable CD player , cassette aecc .
B and the 'AM;FM radiO. 5-band equalizer tailors all three DIf}/ta/ display of programmmg
functions Line out j8CkS for hook·up With your home system 5 ~ ·mch woofers Uses 8 0 '
oarreoes or external 12·v battery 21WxlHx6D indies
57 E 2154C-Shlpplng welghl21 lbs $199.99
rn ls Sony Dlscman 1:1 the IIgmwelghr way to ClJrry co~t aisc sound Plus Its an AMjFM
C stereo radiO' Auromatlc MusIC Sensor'''' (AMS) moves forward or bacKward to tbe next
selection and you can program It to repeat your fSl(oflte trades many ordef. Headphone J8Ck With
vg/JJme control Headphones sold separately on page 400A ~C Ime,f)lJtput Jack and connecting
,corafor use 'WIthyout home system. rechargeable battery, AC IJdapJer and carrymg belt mclucf€d.
US8$ 4 :AA '?!W.ene not mcluded) Compact umt IS 6WxZHx6[J n
57. E 21 -SIilJ>.P.!1!9 ~ht 2 IDs 4 02 $299.99
~ fRegis'~ La1:JoP-tones
Tab le top stereo with
hi-speed dubbing
tvat only IS It long on look s, the
ext ended play feature gives you longer
mUSIC enjOyment Center unit 15
16 Wx 14Hx 'SO mcnes and fits snugly In
a bookcase or on a dresser Each
s()eaker IS 8Wx 14Hx ISD IncheS
ImlJOrt ed Warranted by Sears : wate for
free copy. see page 263A WI. 25 lbs
57 E 91859C-Plnk $149 .99
57 E 91858C-Slate . $149.99
57 E 91857C-Ebony $149.99
Aand B We continuously I()()/( for the
tIlfjhest quality stereo
systems sr the best prICelor you
BAttractive wooa-toak stylmg on tms5-band
sys tem blends With most decors
5(} watt stereo
equ alizers
tailor sou nd through 8·meh woo fers and 2J?·mcfl tweeters
These rack·style stereos have all the Digital disp lay of AA(lFM tUM r Uni t IS 19Wx38Hxl5D In
style of hlgn.()rJCed systems withou t Each speaker IS 13W}(3f)Hx l ODm 5f).w mm. RM$ 8 OOms,
breaking voor bUdget Cassette dec kS 8OI-Iz- 2OKH: 0 09% THO WI l 08 lbs
have til-Speed dubbmg and elt. tended 57 E 9284N Was $384,99': $289.99
play from deck A to deck 8 AMI FM ·Warr8n1«J tly se. rs wnIe fot :ltH CCIPY SM pt1(}t12li1A
stereo luner and sean-eutomenc · ·SH ~~ 253A
turntables Imported. Warran ted '
Reduced from our 1987 Fall General
Catalog, page 617

A Four·ban<18Quahzers tailor the

sound through 6-mctl woofers and
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