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Eyelid Changes Related to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in

Early Middle-Aged Patients Using Topical Glaucoma
Ji Hong Kim, MD,*† Yong Un Shin, MD, PhD,*† Mincheol Seong, MD, PhD,*†
Hee Yoon Cho, MD, PhD,*† and Min Ho Kang, MD, PhD*†

Ophthalmic factors, aging, systemic factors, and medications

Purpose: To investigate the relationship between topical glaucoma all increase the risk of developing MGD.4
medications and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in early Although topical glaucoma medications are used as
middle-aged patients with glaucoma. primary treatment for glaucoma, these medications also have
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 50 patients with glaucoma various side effects, including ocular surface disease.5,6 The
younger than 50 years who had used topical glaucoma medications number of medications, duration of use, and exposure to
for more than 6 months and 40 normal controls of similar age were preservatives are all known risk factors for ocular surface
included. Patients in each group were graded for MGD (0–4) using disease in patients with glaucoma.7 Recent studies have
slit-lamp microscopy. Tear film breakup time (BUT), ocular surface examined the relationship between MGD and glaucoma
staining, and Marx line scores were also evaluated. Differences medications in older patients.8,9 In these studies, the use of
between both groups were analyzed statistically. long-term topical glaucoma medications was associated with
the development of MGD. However, because aging itself is
Results: The prevalence of MGD was 82% in the group using a risk factor that increases the incidence of MGD, it is also
topical glaucoma medications and 52.5% in the control group. The necessary to study younger age groups.
average period of topical glaucoma medication use was 27.4 months. Thus, we aimed to investigate the effect of topical
There were significant differences in the breakup time and Marx line glaucoma medications on MGD in early middle-aged patients
score according to the presence of MGD. Although the duration of with glaucoma. The degree of MGD was assessed by evaluating
topical glaucoma medication use and the severity of MGD did not the Marx line, which can be clearly observed along the inner
show a significant correlation, the degree of MGD and the Marx line eyelid after application of a fluorescent dye solution to the
score were significantly correlated. eyelid.10 We also assessed the grade of MGD according to the
nature of excreted meibum and the ease with which meibum was
Conclusions: Glaucoma eye drops may be one factor affecting the excreted after applying digital pressure to the eyelids.11 Finally,
eyelid changes associated with MGD. The Marx line score may be we investigated changes in the ocular surface by evaluating the
used as an index to evaluate MGD in patients with glaucoma. tear breakup time (BUT) and performing ocular surface staining.
Key Words: meibomian gland dysfunction, glaucoma, dry eye
(Cornea 2017;0:1–5)
This cross-sectional study included 50 early middle-aged
(younger than 50 years) patients with glaucoma who had been
M eibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a chronic,
diffuse abnormality of the meibomian glands, com-
monly characterized by obstruction of the terminal ducts and
on long-term use of topical glaucoma medications for more than
6 months. Forty age-matched healthy subjects with no systemic
qualitative/quantitative changes in glandular secretion.1,2 As disease or ocular disease were included as controls. To calculate
a primary cause of evaporative dry eye, MGD causes eye the number of subjects required for the study, a pilot study was
discomfort, tear film changes, and ocular surface disease.3 conducted on 10 patients with glaucoma and 10 normal subjects.
As a result, the prevalence of MGD was 80% in patients with
glaucoma and 50% in normal controls. When the type 1 error
Received for publication September 11, 2017; revision received October 30, was set to 0.05 and the power was set to 0.80, the minimum
2017; accepted October 31, 2017.
From the *Department of Ophthalmology, Hanyang University College of sample size required was 38 in each group. To increase statistical
Medicine, Seoul, Korea; and †Department of Ophthalmology, Hanyang power, 12 patients with glaucoma and 2 controls were added,
University Guri Hospital, Guri, Korea. and a total of 50 patients with glaucoma and 40 controls
The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. participated in the study. For the patients with glaucoma,
Reprints: Min Ho Kang, MD, PhD, Department of Ophthalmology, Hanyang
University Guri Hospital, #153 Gyeongchun-ro, Guri 19923, Korea a detailed history of the number, type, and period of use of
(e-mail: topical glaucoma medication(s) was obtained. Exclusion criteria
Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. were contact lens wear, history of ocular surgery, systemic

Cornea  Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2017 | 1

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Kim et al Cornea  Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2017

diseases (including diabetes and rheumatic diseases, which can

affect the ocular surface), and ocular diseases that can cause
cicatricial MGD. All patients underwent ophthalmologic exami-
nations including assessment of visual acuity, intraocular
pressure, slit-lamp examination, and fundus examination. Our
study protocol complied with the Declaration of Helsinki and
was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Hanyang
University Guri Hospital. Informed consent was obtained from
all participants after the details of the study were explained.

MGD is defined as the presence of terminal obstruction
of the meibomian gland visible by slit-lamp examination and
resistance to meibum expressibility. We used the Marx line
score and staging system, which is based on meibum FIGURE 2. Classification of antiglaucoma medications (A, a
expressibility, to evaluate the severity of MGD. The Marx adrenergic agonists; B, b-blockers; B + A, b-blockers + a
line is a clear line visible in the inner eyelid when a fluorescein adrenergic agonists; B + C, b-blockers + carbonic anhydrase
dye solution is applied to the eyelid margin. After instilling inhibitors; PG, prostaglandin analogs; PG + B, prostaglandin
the fluorescein solution, the score was calculated by the analogs + b-blockers).
following criteria according to the position of the Marx line in
the slit-lamp examination: 0, the Marx line runs entirely along Statistical Analysis
the conjunctival side of the meibomian orifices; 1, parts of the All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for
Marx line touch the meibomian orifices; 2, the Marx line runs Windows, version 17.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL). The
through the meibomian orifices; and 3, the Marx line runs characteristics of the glaucoma group and the control group
along the eyelid margin side of the meibomian orifices.10 We were compared using the Student t test and the x2 test,
used only the Marx line score of the lower eyelid. respectively. The glaucoma group and the control group were
As another method of MGD staging, digital pressure divided according to the presence of MGD, and the Kruskal–
was applied to the lower eyelid, and the degree of meibum Wallis test was used to compare the ocular test results of each
expressibility was evaluated using the following criteria: 0, group. The Kruskal–Wallis test was also used to compare the
clear meibum was easily expressed; 1, cloudy meibum was results of ocular tests according to the MGD grade and ac-
expressed with mild pressure; 2, cloudy meibum was ex- cording to eyelid clinical parameters by the topical glaucoma
pressed with more than moderate pressure; and 3, meibum medication type. The correlation between MGD grade and
could not be expressed even with hard pressure.11 duration of topical glaucoma medications was evaluated using
All subjects also underwent ocular surface testing. BUT the Pearson test. All parameters are expressed as mean 6 SD.
was measured as the time from the last blink to the first P , 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
appearance of the corneal dry spot after instilling the
fluorescein dye solution. Ocular surface staining was graded
from 0 to 5 depending on the extent to which the cornea and RESULTS
conjunctiva were stained according to the Oxford scheme.12 Mean age of the patients with glaucoma was 41.6 6 5.2
years, and mean age of the control group was 39.6 6 4.7 years.
The difference between the groups was not statistically
significant (P = 0.113). Thirty-six (72%) patients with

FIGURE 1. Numbers of antiglaucoma medications taken by FIGURE 3. Prevalence of MGD with glaucoma medications
patients. according to the MGD grade (P , 0.001).

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Cornea  Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2017 Eyelid Changes in Early Middle-Aged Patients with Glaucoma Medications

TABLE 1. Clinical Results of Ocular Tests of Patients With Glaucoma and Controls
Glaucoma With Glaucoma Without Control With Control Without
Parameter MGD (n = 41) MGD (n = 9) MGD (n = 21) MGD (n = 19) P
Age, yrs 42.0 6 4.9 38.2 6 5.3 40.5 6 3.6 38.7 6 5.7 0.045
BUT, s 3.5 6 1.7 8.9 6 1.7 4.9 6 1.9 10.3 6 2.5 ,0.001
Fluorescein score 0.38 6 0.65 0.44 6 0.72 0.05 6 0.22 0.26 6 0.45 0.129
Marx line score 2.6 6 1.8 1.0 6 1.3 2.1 6 1.4 1.0 6 0 0.007
MGD grade 1.8 6 0.7 0 1.3 6 0.5 0 ,0.001
P , 0.05 (indicated in bold) was considered statistically significant.
BUT, breakup time; MGD, meibomian gland dysfunction.

glaucoma used 1 drug, 13 (26%) used 2 drugs, and only 1 medications. In the control group, the prevalence was as high
patient (2%) used 3 drugs (Fig. 1). Twenty-five patients (40%) as 50%, which was similar to the prevalence of MGD
were using prostaglandin analog monotherapy, 16 patients reported in previous studies of patients in Asia. When
(25%) were using a mixture of b-blockers and carbonic comparing the 2 groups according to the degree of MGD,
anhydrase inhibitors, and 8 patients (12%) were treated with severe MGD was more common in patients on glaucoma
a mixture of b-blockers and a adrenergic agonists (Fig. 2). medications than in controls. These results indicate that
MGD was more prevalent in patients with glaucoma glaucoma eye drops cause changes in the eyelids and
(n = 41, 82%) than in controls (n = 21, 52.5%). There was generate MGD.
a statistically significant difference between both groups Arita et al8 compared the changes in meibomian glands
according to the MGD stage, with grade 3 MGD observed in eyes receiving glaucoma eye drops with their paired eyes
only in the glaucoma group (Fig. 3). not receiving glaucoma medications. Arita et al found that the
The ocular test results of patients with glaucoma and eyes treated with glaucoma medications showed more
controls were first compared according to the presence of MGD. changes in the meibomian glands; moreover, the ocular
Among the ocular surface test results examined, BUT was surface test results in the treated eyes were worse. Uzunos-
statistically significantly reduced in the group with MGD; this manoglu et al9 examined the effect of glaucoma eye drops on
finding was true in both patients with glaucoma and in controls (P MGD and ocular surface disease in patients using long-term
, 0.001). The fluorescein score was also decreased in the group topical glaucoma medications. They found that ocular surface
with MGD, but this difference was not statistically significant (P test results were worse in patients using glaucoma eye drops
= 0.129). Regarding tests related to eyelid changes, both Marx than in controls. However, there were no significant differ-
line score and MGD grade were higher in the group with MGD; ences between Ocular Surface Disease Index scores, BUT, or
these findings were true in both patients with glaucoma and in ocular surface staining between patients with glaucoma with
controls (P = 0.007 and P , 0.001, respectively) (Table 1). With MGD versus those without MGD. Because the average
respect to ocular tests according to the MGD grade, only the patient age was older than 60 years in these studies and
Marx line score showed a significant difference in the grade; the aging is a well-known risk factor for MGD progression, we
score was comparable to the MGD grade (P = 0.044) (Table 2). performed a study of early middle-aged patients with
There was no significant correlation between the glaucoma. Nevertheless, similar to previous studies, our study
duration of glaucoma drug use and the MGD grade showed higher MGD grades in patients with glaucoma than in
(Fig. 4). Similarly, there were no significant differences in controls. We found that glaucoma eye drop use correlated
age, duration of glaucoma drug use, and eyelid parameters with a high prevalence of MGD, even when the effects of
(eg, Marx line score and MGD grade) according to the aging are excluded.
glaucoma medication class (Table 3). We included only obstructive type MGD in our study.
Obstructive MGD is the most common form of MGD and is
caused by obstruction of the terminal duct.13 Obstructive
DISCUSSION MGD occurs through hyperkeratinization of the terminal duct
In our study of early middle-aged patients, the preva- because of factors such as aging, hormone imbalance, and eye
lence of MGD was greater than 80% in patients on glaucoma drop use.14,15 Glaucoma eye drops exert toxic effects,

TABLE 2. Clinical Results of Ocular Tests of Patients With Glaucoma According to the MGD Grade
Parameter Grade 0 MGD (n = 9) Grade 1 MGD (n = 19) Grade 2 MGD (n = 16) Grade 3 MGD (n = 6) P
Age, yrs 38.2 6 5.3 41.2 6 5.4 42.1 6 4.6 43.7 6 4.9 0.163
BUT, s 8.9 6 1.7 3.5 6 1.3 4.0 6 1.9 2.1 6 1.0 0.057
Fluorescein score 0.44 6 0.72 0.21 6 0.39 0.47 6 0.72 0.57 6 0.98 0.557
Marx line score 1.0 6 1.3 2.5 6 1.6 2.2 6 1.9 3.4 6 1.7 0.044
BUT, breakup time; MGD, meibomian gland dysfunction.

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Kim et al Cornea  Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2017

factor by studying patients younger than 50 years.22 Never-

theless, the severity of MGD was significantly higher in
patients using glaucoma eye drops compared with controls.
No previous study has examined the relationship
between the duration of glaucoma drug use and MGD grade.
We found that treatment duration was not significantly
different between patients with various MGD grades.
Although the prolonged use of glaucoma medications is
known to cause ocular surface disease because of cumulative
effects of the drug itself and benzalkonium chloride toxicity,
medication use does not seem to affect the severity of MGD if
the medication is used for more than 6 months. Although the
exact mechanism underlying this finding is unknown, poten-
tial explanations are that sensitivity to glaucoma drugs may
vary among individuals, as may the time it takes for the
FIGURE 4. Grade of MGD and duration of glaucoma treat- eyelids to change. In addition, chronic changes in the eyelid
ment. The treatment duration was not significantly different may be somewhat established after 6 months and may not
between MGD grades (Pearson test, P = 0.649). show any significant changes thereafter. A longitudinal study
is needed to test this hypothesis.
In addition, there was no difference in the duration of
resulting in a decreased barrier function of the corneal drug use and the severity of MGD among glaucoma medica-
epithelium, goblet cell loss in the conjunctiva, decreased tear tion classes. Depending on the type of glaucoma medications,
production and turnover, and inflammatory changes.16–19 the mechanisms that cause eyelid changes may vary. However,
Many glaucoma medications also contain benzalkonium long-term use of medications seems to produce similar results
chloride as a preservative, which is known to cause conjunc- in eyelids, regardless of the type of medications. Because most
tival damage, goblet cell loss, and inflammation of the ocular glaucoma medications contain benzalkonium chloride as a pre-
surface.20,21 In addition to affecting the eye surface, the servative, it may be insufficient to explain eyelid changes
eyelids may be affected, resulting in eyelid inflammation and entirely with the toxicity of each drug itself. Because glaucoma
obstruction of the terminal duct. Nearly all patients with medications without preservatives are being developed, further
glaucoma included in this study were using glaucoma eye studies on eyelid changes according to the presence or absence
drops containing benzalkonium chloride. This likely explains of preservatives will be needed.
the observed lack of correlation between the glaucoma drug This study has several limitations. Because of the cross-
type and MGD degree in this study. sectional nature of the study, a causal relationship between
As a method of assessing the degree of MGD, we glaucoma medication use and MGD occurrence could not be
determined the Marx line score. The Marx line is a clear line established. Moreover, because most patients used glaucoma
visible from the inner margin of the eyelid when a fluorescent medications containing preservatives, we could not confirm the
dye solution is applied. In normal individuals, this line is difference between MGD prevalence and severity according to
observed on the conjunctival side of the meibomian orifices. the glaucoma drug type. However, our study is distinguished
With increasing age, this line gradually migrates to the eyelid from previous studies in that the relationship between glaucoma
margin side of the meibomian orifices.22 Yamaguchi et al10 medication use and eyelid changes holds even greater weight
designed the Marx line score to range from 0 to 3 by because the study was conducted in early middle-aged adults. In
analyzing the positional relationship between the Marx line addition, this is the first study to compare the prevalence of
and the meibomian orifices. In this study, the Marx line score MGD with the use of glaucoma medications.
showed a strong correlation with the MGD grade, which was In conclusion, glaucoma medications can contribute to
measured as meibum expressibility after digital pressure. eyelid changes. However, medication duration does not
Similar results were obtained in our study. Considering that always increase the severity of MGD, and physicians should
the Marx line score increases beyond 50 years of age, our check thoroughly for eyelid damage in patients, irrespective
study was designed to exclude the effects of the age-related of the treatment duration.

TABLE 3. Correlations Between Antiglaucoma Medications and Eyelid Clinical Parameters

Parameter PG (n = 14) B + C (n = 6) B + A (n = 6) PG + B (n = 4) A (n = 3) B (n = 3) Multiple (n = 14) P
Age, yrs 43.3 6 5.6 45.0 6 2.7 40.3 6 4.9 42.8 6 4.6 38.0 6 6.9 42.3 6 2.8 38.3 6 4.54 0.057
Duration 22.6 6 19.1 19.2 6 14.4 14.7 6 10.0 38.8 6 32.0 31.3 6 14.7 36.0 6 20.8 35.4 6 24.0 0.265
Max line score 2.69 6 2.32 4.00 6 1.26 2.17 6 1.72 1.50 6 0.57 2.33 6 2.08 3.0 6 0.00 1.36 6 1.28 0.071
MGD grade 1.65 6 0.84 1.17 6 1.17 0.67 6 0.52 1.25 6 0.96 1.67 6 1.16 2.33 6 1.16 1.50 6 0.94 0.227
A, a adrenergic agonists; B, b-blockers; B + A, b-blockers + a adrenergic agonists; B + C, b-blockers + carbonic anhydrase inhibitors; PG, prostaglandin analogs; PG + B,
prostaglandin analogs + b-blockers.

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Cornea  Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2017 Eyelid Changes in Early Middle-Aged Patients with Glaucoma Medications

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