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Dave Lawrence P.

Lagatuz BIO204

Critique on Micropropagation of elite genotype of Jatropha curcas L. through enhanced

axillary bud proliferation and ex vitro rooting.

Jatropha curcas or “physic nut” has many uses. Its oil is very important and helpful.The
journal aims to present issues in large-scale long term tissue culture of J. curcas for true-to-
type propagation and, to address these. It also shows experimental results and simple and
reproducible micropropagation system through enhanced axillary shoot bud proliferation and
ex vitro root regeneration in J. curcas.

Plant culture is the culturing of plant cells in a synthetic culture medium under
controlled conditions.The conditions give the culture a suitable microenvironment for the
successful growth. Plant tissue culture may provide commercial applications. This technique
includes different experiment which will be done to J. curcas. Explants were placed and
cultured on the surface. Agar was gelled with nutrients, plant hormones and vitamins. It has
effects that were hard to fathom. As every part emerges or grow they are transferred to a new
media to produce different kind of results. According to the journal, both auxin and cytokinin
will change the growth of callus because both cell division and differentiation happen in
dividing tissue and the morphology will depend on the plant species particularly the agar

The results are encouraging and thought-provoking for J. curcas. The different parts
of it were are utilized carefully. It could be useful in increasing the production of secondary
metabolites even for resistance plant to adverse conditions, pathogens and pests. Many
protocols were done but In vitro protocol could be helpful.

According to the journal, this could be helpful for increasing the population of
endangered species if the propagation through prevalent ways is hard.Other useful ways can
be considered. The researchers must be knowledgeable about its biology, chemistry, and all
other application so that the plant’s potential can be used maximally.

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