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Foodand Nutrition With a von to adress mixonurent defiseney and metabolic syndrome by enhancing ivltionl wise of food tush biotechnology the flowing reserch programs would be Strongthened Foodtortficationandbiatrifstionoffoodcrops + RaDintoodtorteatonandbioforication 1 Addressaloficronutrent defences ith aspeclfocusonirondeicencyanemis 1 Soicopment of newer technologie #0 Imgrove nutri biowaobity, protection of Seeceen Sudation and newer tiers whch coud provideanaleraive source of ironathgherbeaasabiy Child malnuttion wth 2 focus on severe acute malutition (SAM): To ndaenousy devetoe Cane Tad mactoatren formulation for adres! ofthe incidence of moderate and severe Jee rglntrtoninchlren oslo rotcastounderstnd ges of foo ten under ‘hronicunderntion onatons ‘resent and prevention of it eat cole eass:To neste the gentoo: of Thcineanuetes meltes and metabolic syndrome relevant f Indlan poplavons and ther Interacion wih iferetditsana novel taretsand approaches forcontrlofoppeti. Functional foods andnutraccutasforheatnpromation cee evelopmersofruvaceuticalsand funetional fds forthe prevention af dabetes, best Crdlovesclardeas ete Nalvotor ot heath emer such as treatment of obs, abotes, flammatory bowel ‘Guodor ee dertieation of pelos ard development of serge sabato of probietesandpebites shetteenensionotfoods espevelopment of newer technologies and methods for shal Me extension such a5 High Drossum processng, edible packaging materal, nanotubes, nanostrch, manocay 2nd Crete forinibtonmicrebalontaminton, Foodsafetyorprevertionoffaed borne sseassand heath hazards ce Sevlopment and or estblhmant of newer, cost effect, sensive and simple Cetndolopes to quany te potent te agers in fod, fed and water and aso Tovlopmertfserstveathodstrdetectonofgnetay modiedoods Bioresource utilization, management and biodiversity “The enironmertal sratey that OBT would pie i tization of biotechnological agents [misobes and thi produts er promoting ecliendy process, ecorextaration of habitats idmpactaniessment of inate changeforresarunatsuniquebosohere aa

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