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Concept of salvation

Lecturer : Mr. Momsen wongkar

Name : Ega Frandika

Nim : 001201600019

Major : CIT Class 2

Buddhism does not teach humans to "worship Him," but rather teach them to achieve what
He has achieved, namely to realize the level of BUDDHA, to become BUDDHA, to realize the Buddha.

The Buddha's teachings state that after ignorance or inner darkness (moha) is eliminated,
the inherent Buddhaic seed in every creature will be exposed. There is no creature (entity) outside
the creature itself that can save himself. Every living thing is basically a Buddha that has not yet been

I see that all beings are like babies in trouble In their bodies are Tathagatagarbha, But they
do not realize it. So I told the Bodhisattvas, "Be careful, do not think that you are low and despicable,
your bodies are Tathagatagarbha; they always contain the Light of the World's Security.

The Way of Salvation shown by the Buddha is not exclusive to a particular tribe / race /
group, but for all beings: "As a great cloud of rain, dropping rain all over the earth, the pouring rain
does not distort anyone. That is the truth of all Buddhas "(Avatamsakasutra chapter 10). Salvation
and freedom are not monopolies of a religion, but belong to those who purify themselves, guiding
themselves in the right and right, straight, without blemish, whatever the religion of the person.

According to Buddhism it is known that there are two types of salvation: relative and absolute.


statement that "selvation" is a guarantee; after the dead person will be born full of pleasure
in heaven. For this type of salvation religion is "relative," because the real paradise is not immortal,
still cluttered by weather, still stands on the four elements of the universe there (water, soil, fire and
air), which is always going to ruin. The nature of heaven is also relative, because it is still bound by
space and time dimensions.

A living creature or a human being can be born in a happy, or often familiar nature with the
heavenly realm, if the man has a good mental attitude and implements the following two things: (1)
having a shame to do evil (hiri) and (2 ) has a fear of the consequences of evil (ottapa).

The shame to do evil (hiri) and fear of the consequences of evil acts (ottapa) will erode
destructive negative emotions, namely hatred, anger, concern, attachment, and stress / depression.

The nature of heaven is not a monopoly of a particular religion, but the heavenly realm will
only be inhabited by certain people, those who are good-hearted, humble, loving, shy to do evil (hiri)
and have fear of the consequences the evil act (ottapa), who while still alive, loves to donate or
donate, loves to help all suffering creatures, and have a positive character and character. The pile of
virtue and righteousness will guarantee a person to enter heaven, not religion


Buddhism teaches that heaven is not the ultimate goal for all beings, because according to
the Buddha nature the paradise still possesses the sensual of pleasure. Relieved from the suffering
(samsara), the state without desire, the extinguishing of all the defilements is absolute safety, or so
called Absolute Freedom (Nibbana / Nirvana).
To realize the highest freedom (Nibbana / Nirvana), it is the self to undergo, that is to
practice true morality (sila), mind-centeredness (samadi), and true wisdom (panna).

In the Old Testament Scriptures, salvation is known as the term "shalom" which means a
whole, intact, full-fledged state of all dimensions. Humans can experience such a syalom when they
have a good relationship with God. The God-given God is God as the Creator of the World (Isaiah
40:28) is always present in the history of the nation (Isa 40:15) to protect them (Yes 40: 25-31) from
all threats. The revelation of God at Mount Horeb to the prophet Moses to liberate the Israelites
from the slavery of Egypt (Exodus 3: 7-10) reveals the identity of God of anti-suffering or evil, as well
as pro life and human freedom.

Old Testament Scripture presents God as a protector or savior with two distinctive features.
First, He always loves and defends mankind, especially the pope as widows and orphans, as revealed
by the prophet Isaiah: "... clean yourself ... Quit doing evil, learn to do good; seek justice, take care of
cruel people, give birth to orphans, fight for widows "(Isa. 1:16). Secondly, He always guides people
to create shalom, harmony, peace and prosperity in the community; instead of spreading hatred,
envy, and envy, which can foster the desire to destroy one another: "Why is your heart hot and your
face gloomy? Will your face not be radiant, if you do good? But if you do not do good, sin has peered
at the door; he is very tempting you, but you must rule over it "(Gen. 4: 6-7).

New Testament Scripture testifies about the entire life of Jesus for the realization of the
Kingdom of God. It is apparent, among others, in Jesus' statement when He first appeared in public:
"The time has come to an end; The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel! (Mark

The whole life, death, and resurrection of Jesus also reveals the personal of God who wants
to save mankind. Through the event of Jesus Christ, Catholics believe in the exodus of God who has
been present in the middle of the world to proclaim itself as an anti-crime force, anti-suffering, anti-
everything that causes men to groan and scream; as well as a competent authority that encourages
humans to eradicate all that (Chopp, 1992: 71).
The Bible clearly and explicitly narrates the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. The
death and resurrection of Jesus is the confession of the faith in the dispensation of the time of "Jesus
Christ remains the same, both yesterday and today, forever" (Hebrews 13: 7-9). That his life, death
and resurrection happen in sequence, indicating that Christ is the one who comes to us as the saving
Word. Jesus as the Word is not just a voice, but a powerful, dynamic, and highly effective creative
force. In the Cross of Christ it becomes clear that salvation is the mercy of God only through Faith
(Sola Fide). God saves people not by human measure. New beginnings, the basis of faith is Jesus
crucified, the resurrected God. In Christianity Jesus' death is for salvation for sinners who believe in
Him. For Christian Faith there is the assurance and security of certainty that every one who believes
in Jesus receives, and there is certainty of the forgiveness of sins.

The cross consists of two lines (+). The vertical line (I) pointing upwards, namely to God; That
is, we must build a relationship or relationship with God. Horizontal line (-), horizontal line means
that every Christian should build a good relationship with his environment, with fellow human
beings. The apostle Paul urges all Christians who believe in Jesus to be humble, so that one can be as
compassionate as one in love (Philippians 2: 1-2).

Before the Lord Jesus suffered pain, He knew the Via dolorosa (the path of misery) that He
had to go and the cross that He should take. Jesus had known the unmistakable suffering He would
suffer and He was willing to bear all the suffering. He did not refuse the suffering, for He clearly
understood that God sent Him into the world to do His work: to save man. Humility and obedience,
that attitude is shown by Jesus with His willingness to bear the cross, facing unremitting suffering in
order to redeem the sins of mankind.

In safety, humans are in no way contributing. Only God who contributes. The only human
hope to be saved is through the blood poured out of Jesus, the Son of God. The salvation is accepted
through repentance to God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. By the baths, Christians are reborn and
experienced renewal by the Holy Spirit, and justified by grace by faith, become the heirs of God, in
keeping with the hope of eternal life. The evidence of salvation in the heart is the direct testimony of
the Holy Spirit and the outward evidence to all is life in true righteousness and purity.
Patita pavana (God the Savior) consists of two Sanskrit words namely "patita" meaning fall
and "pavana" is the savior. Patita pavana as a whole is God as the Savior of the fallen soul. The spirit
is said to fall because it is not in the real position. As a pure spirit comes from spiritual realm, it is
currently in a world that is not the original place. That is why God is generously present to save us to
return to true nature. If God is not present, He will send believable spirits to assist His plan in saving
the fallen souls. Maha Rsi Wyasa, Buddha Gautama, Jesus Christ, and Prophet Muhammad, have the
same vision and mission to bring the fallen souls into this world to return to spiritual realms, our true
nature. They have been generously guiding, guiding, guiding and directing humanity.

"To save the righteous, to destroy the wicked, and to uphold the principles of dharma, I
Myself appears at every age" (Bhagavad-gita 4.8). According to this verse the righteous is a person
who seeks to become aware of God. They always seek the opportunity to be diligent in devotion to

One way to achieve salvation in Hinduism is sincere self-surrender to God. Hindus believe
that everything happens to God's will, everything belongs to God including our body. If this body is
only used for worldly things, then life is lost to this man. Among the thousands of species of human
beings only humans can distinguish which is spiritual and what is material. Therefore, we (the spirit)
must utilize this body to surrender completely to God. Here is one way to gain salvation as described
in the following verse: "Leave all kinds of dharma and just give it to Me. I will save you from all the
reactions of sin. Do not worry (Bhagavad-gita 18.66).

The verse explains that we need to abandon all kinds of darma (obligation), not necessarily
to stop our duties and responsibilities in our work. Any profession that we do in our daily lives
should still be carried out, according to the rules governing. Then at the same time we need to
change the consciousness of the material so that it is worth the spiritual. Such consciousness is
called the consciousness of the Supreme Lord which needs to be increased in the quest for salvation
as we wish.

Safety in Hinduism is a condition in which the soul has attained happiness, true peace in the
spiritual realm. Spiritual nature is a place not sunlit, moon, fire, nor electricity, but it does not mean
dark, because there is a very bright light from God himself. The light of God exceeds the hundreds of
thousands of sunlight we have in this world (Bhagavad-gita 10.12). There the soul also enjoys eternal
life, with perfect knowledge, and full of happiness, without pain, old age and death. Safety can only
be achieved by applying the above-mentioned formulas or teachings, including implementing four
fully-bridged bricks.
In a hadith it is mentioned that one day Muhammad SAW visited the Angel jibril who asked
about Islam, Faith, and Ihsan (good deeds). Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) once came to his companions, then came the Angel Gabriel who then asked: "What is
that faith?" The Prophet replied: "Faith is you believe in Allah, His angels, His books, meeting with
Him, His Apostles, and you believe in the Day of Resurrection. "(Jibril) said:" What is Islam? "Answer
the Prophet:" Islam is you worshiping Allah and not associating anything with you, you set up prayer
You pay the obligatory zakat and fast in the month of Ramadan. "(Jibril) said:" What is that mercy?
"The Prophet replied:" You worship Allah as if to see Him and when you do not see Him, indeed He
sees you. "

Islam has some meanings First, Islam means submission and submission to God's law and
order, covering the whole system of the universe (Q.S. Ali-Imran: 83). Second, Islam is the name of
one religion (din al-Islam). Thirdly, Islam says to every person who has pledged two sentences of
creed, though they have not been able to carry out Islamic teachings perfectly.Dalam agama Islam
known to have five pillars of Islam:

(1) utter sentences of creed

(2) performing prayer worship,

(3 issuing zakat to those entitled to receive it,

(4) perform fasting in the holy month of Ramadhan,

(5perform the pilgrimage to Mecca, if it is material and non-material, at least once in one's life


The etymological belief of faith means justify with the heart, pledging verbally and practicing
with limbs.

6 Pillars of Faith:

(1) faith in God

(2) faith in the angels of God

(3) believe in His apostles

(4) faith in the books of Allah (Torah, Zabur, the Gospel, and the Qur'an)

(5) iman to the last day

(6) faith in qada 'and qadar (the provisions of Allah). It is the minimal faith that a Muslim must


Goodness, in Islam, is the third step after Islam and faith. If in faith there is a belief in the full
and total faith of the faith, then the courtesy, in addition to the vertical relationship, is more
emphasized in horizontal relations with fellow human beings. Carefully, this word means doing good.
And in Islam, ihsan is a sublime (akhlaq) education or noble education. In the Qur'an the Qur'an says:
"And say to My servants, Let them say a better word." (Surah Al-Isra: 53).

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