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What is the capacity of safety harness?

With a person in the 130 to 310 lb weight range, the standard equipment available (harnesses, 6 ft.
lanyards with deceleration devices, manufactured anchor points, etc.) should keep the forces on the
body below that 1800 lb limit.

What is the length of full body harness lanyard?

Lanyard and a full-body harness, first add the length of the shock-absorbing lanyard [6 ft. (1.8m)] to the
maximum elongation of the shock absorber during deceleration [3-1/2 ft. (1.1m)] to the height of a
worker [6 ft. (1.8m) average].

A 100 kg (220 lbs) worker free falling 1m (3 ft) generates an impact force of approximately
12 kN (2,700 lbs)

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