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Concentrated Short Inquiry – Evolution of Basketball

Team: Sterling Leathers, Madison Moore, Rodrigo Torres, Lesli Kathman

We plan to explore the ways that the game of basketball has evolved over time. Two of our team
members are very interested in sports, while the other two do not have any background in the
subject but are curious and would like to learn more.

We plan to each present the specific question we have about our topic, and explain in detail what
we discovered. We will use a PowerPoint presentation with a basketball theme. We plan to use
auditory and gestural modes, along with the visuals provided by the slides, to help engage the
audience and transition between speakers.

We believe we have picked a popular topic, and we think that because we each have a different
perspective and are asking unique questions, we can appeal to a broad audience. We are open to
feedback during the Pitch, and plan to adjust if we get the idea there is something the class is
especially interested in.

Roles and Responsibilities

Proposal (final form) Group effort via Google docs

Graphics (visual part) Lesli

Audio Torres
Props/costumes Maddie
Technology Sterling

Content for slides Sterling (“How have players goals changed over time, and what
influences their choices?” Professional vs. amateur)
Maddie (“How have the rules changed over time, and why did
they change?”)
Torres (“How have injuries changed over time?”)
Lesli (“What is the sport’s role in modern culture and what will
that mean for its future?”)

Final draft of digital Lesli

Script (for each section) Each individual
Scheduling for meetings Torres
Timeline Tsar Sterling


Proposal final Monday, October 15

Individual research October 12 - November 19
Peer-review bibliography Monday, November 19 (bring printed draft to class)
Final progress check Monday, November 19 (post summary to group file)
Final bibliographies Monday, Novemer 26 (each individual, turned in on Canvas)
Final slide material Monday, November 26 (due midnight to the group file)
Practice present Tuesday evening November 27
Final visual review Wednesday, November 28
Final digital November 30
Actual presentations December 5 (ask to go first)


Each presenter is going to return to the stage to give a short summary of what they would like the
audience to remember about their discoveries.

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