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¿Que es globalización?

Encyclopedia Brittannica

“a phenomenon by which the experience of everyday life, as influenced by the diffusion of commodities
and ideas, reflects a standardization of cultural expressions around the world. Propelled by the
efficiency or appeal of wireless communications, electronic commerce, popular culture, and
international travel, globalization has been seen as a trend toward homogeneity that will eventually
make human experience everywhere essentially the same. This appears, however, to be an
overstatement of the phenomenon. Although homogenizing influences do indeed exist, they are far
from creating anything akin to a single world culture.”

In 2000 the media were full of references to globalization of the economy, communications—even
politics and military affairs. Large crowds turned out to protest meetings such as that of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) in Seattle, Wash., in 1999 or called attention to International Monetary Fund (IMF)
policies in granting loans to struggling economies. What were these protests all about?

Globalization is a phenomenon involving the integration of economies, cultures, governmental policies,

and political movements around the world. Internationalization is nothing new. Many of the large
empires and religious movements represented forms of globalization. Trade and investment between
countries have promoted interdependence of the world's economies for centuries. What is now called
globalization, however, represents an exponential acceleration of the integration process. As early as
1962 the Canadian visionary Marshall McLuhan wrote that the electronic age was turning all humanity
into a “global tribe,” and the term global village is attributed to him.

Nowadays, the larger corporations organize production on a worldwide scale. Each step in the value-
added chain, from research and development to processing of raw materials, production of parts,
assembly of components, and marketing of the final product, is carried out in the most advantageous
geographic location, regardless of where corporate headquarters are located or where the final good is
sold. The globalization of markets means increasingly that similar goods are sold around the world for
similar prices. The highly integrated financial and commodity markets see price movements in one part
of the world instantaneously reflected in other major markets.

The BBC, CNN, MTV, and the Internet have accelerated the integration of global culture. Teenagers
around the world watch the same videos, listen to the same music, and wear the same clothes. At the
same time, television audiences in virtually all countries watch the same major events, listen to the
same financial forecasts, and see the same three-minute glimpses of ecological disasters.

As globalization proceeds, the economic welfare of individuals is increasingly impacted by global market
forces beyond the control of nation states and international institutions outside the domestic political
process. Institutions such as the WTO and the IMF have become the target of criticism and protests from
all sides. Some believe that too many economic decisions have been delegated to these institutions;
others believe they should be given greater responsibility for solving the world's social and
environmental problems. Some complain that they are secretive and unresponsive to civil society, while
others worry about the loss of national sovereignty when citizen groups influence decision making in
these institutions directly rather than indirectly through national governments.
Clearly, the reality of globalization has outstripped the ability of the world population to understand its
implications and the ability of governments to cope with its consequences. At the same time, the ceding
of economic power to global actors and international institutions has outstripped the development of
appropriate global political structures. As a result, probably many more years of public confusion and
unfocused protests can be expected as the stable new global world order takes shape.


La globalización es un proceso fundamentalmente económico que consiste en la creciente integración

de las distintas economías nacionales en una única economía de mercado mundial.[1] [2] Su definición y
apreciación puede variar según el interlocutor.

La globalización algunas veces se la relaciona equívocamente como producto de los organismos

internacionales públicos como OMC, FMI y BM, sin embargo, la globalización es un proceso autónomo y
un orden espontáneo ajeno a la dirección de tales organismos públicos, [3] y que depende más bien del
crecimiento económico, el avance tecnológico y la conectividad humana (transporte y

Es discutible relacionar la globalización con una dimensión extra-económica o extra-tecnológica,[5] [6]

pero en caso de abarcar cuestiones sociales mundiales (cultura, migración, calidad de vida, etc.) se usa el
término aldea global.

Libros - globalización y educación

Libros electrónicos:

Portal de Biblioteca, UMET, Colección digital, Netlibrary (94 libros)


Síndrome de la globalización: Transformación y resistencia

Sociología y política (Siglo Veintiuno Editores)

La globalización ilustrada: Ciudadanía, derechos humanos y constitucionalismo

Cuadernos Bartolomé de las Casas; 30

Globalización, crecimiento y pobreza: Construyendo una economía mundial incluyente / [traducción

Rodrigo Taborda Ríos, Luis Fernando Gamboa Niño]

Guerra y globalización: Antes y después del XI/IX/MMI

Sociología y política (Siglo Veintiuno Editores)

Estudios latinoamericanos sobre cultura y transformaciones sociales en tiempos de globalización. 1

Google Books

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