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M' = QT = and Qc = c
' '


Experiment (Harrison [21])

M'/(Qc')1/3 or M'/(QT')1/3 (kgs-1kW-1/3)

Law (1995)

0.20 CIBSE and NFPA 92B




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
z (m)

Figure 4: Comparison of calculation methods for the balcony spill plume with data from Harrison

Figure 4 shows that all the simplified formulae under-predict the mass flow rate due to a
balcony spill plume at a very low height of rise. However, above a height of rise of
approximately 0.3 m (3 m full scale), all of the methods generally tend to over predict the
mass flow rate of gases due to a balcony spill plume. The slope of the line relating the
mass flow rate gases with respect to the height of rise of the plume, is generally greater
for the various simplified formulae compared to the experiment.
The experimental data obtained by Harrison [21] has been used to develop a new simple
calculation method in the form of Equation 8.

M = 0.20Q c 1 / 3W 2 / 3 z + 0.0017 Qc + 1.5M b (8)

M b = the mass flow rate of gases at the spill edge (kg/s)

At present, there are no robust simple calculation methods for the adhered spill plume.
Further research continues on the development of new and improved calculation methods
for the spill plume at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
For the specific case of a plume flowing into single storey mall, whose ceiling is not too
much taller than the shop unit opening onto the mall, the following simplified formula,
which is an extension of Equation 4, is given by Morgan et al [1].

M = 0.38Pz 1.5 (9)

However, it must be stressed that Equation 9 is particularly case specific, and only
applies where the height of rise of plume is less than 2 m above the top of the shop

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