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5.12.2018 18.

New Array features

18. New Array features

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18. New Array features

18.1. Overview
18.2. New static Array methods
18.2.1. Array.from(arrayLike, mapFunc?, thisArg?)
18.2.2. Array.of(...items)
18.3. New Array.prototype methods
18.3.1. Iterating over Arrays
18.3.2. Searching for Array elements
18.3.3. Array.prototype.copyWithin()
18.3.4. Array.prototype.fill()
18.4. ES6 and holes in Arrays
18.4.1. ECMAScript 6 treats holes like undefined elements
18.4.2. Array operations and holes
18.4.3. Creating Arrays filled with values
18.4.4. Removing holes from Arrays
18.5. Configuring which objects are spread by concat()
18.5.1. Default for Arrays: spreading
18.5.2. Default for non-Arrays: no spreading
18.5.3. Detecting Arrays
18.5.4. Symbol.isConcatSpreadable in the standard library
18.6. The numeric range of Array indices

18.1 Overview

New static Array methods:

Array.from(arrayLike, mapFunc?, thisArg?)

New Array.prototype methods:

Searching for elements:
Array.prototype.find(predicate, thisArg?)
Array.prototype.findIndex(predicate, thisArg?)
Array.prototype.copyWithin(target, start, end=this.length)
Array.prototype.fill(value, start=0, end=this.length)

18.2 New static Array methods 1/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

The object Array has new methods.

18. New Array features
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18.2.1 Array.from(arrayLike, mapFunc?, thisArg?)

Array.from()’s basic functionality is to convert two kinds of values to Arrays:

Array-like values, which have a property length and indexed elements.

Examples include the results of DOM operations such as
Iterable values, whose contents can be retrieved one element at a time.
Strings and Arrays are iterable, as are ECMAScript’s new data structures
Map and Set.

The following is an example of converting an Array-like object to an Array:

const arrayLike = { length: 2, 0: 'a', 1: 'b' }; 
// for­of only works with iterable values 
for (const x of arrayLike) { // TypeError 

const arr = Array.from(arrayLike); 
for (const x of arr) { // OK, iterable 

// Output: 
// a 
// b Mapping via Array.from()

Array.from() is also a convenient alternative to using map() generically:

const spans = document.querySelectorAll(''); 
// map(), generically: 
const names1 =, s => s.textContent); 
// Array.from(): 
const names2 = Array.from(spans, s => s.textContent); 

In this example, the result of document.querySelectorAll() is again an Array-

like object, not an Array, which is why we couldn’t invoke map() on it. Previously,
we converted the Array-like object to an Array in order to call forEach(). Here,
we skipped that intermediate step via a generic method call and via the two-
parameter version of Array.from(). from() in subclasses of Array

Another use case for Array.from() is to convert an Array-like or iterable value

to an instance of a subclass of Array. For example, if you create a subclass
MyArray of Array and want to convert such an object to an instance of MyArray,
you simply use MyArray.from(). The reason that that works is because
constructors inherit from each other in ECMAScript 6 (a super-constructor is the
prototype of its sub-constructors). 2/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features
class MyArray extends Array { 
18. New Array features
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const instanceOfMyArray = MyArray.from(anIterable); 

You can also combine this functionality with mapping, to get a map operation
where you control the result’s constructor:
// from() – determine the result’s constructor via the receiver 
// (in this case, MyArray) 
const instanceOfMyArray = MyArray.from([1, 2, 3], x => x * x); 
// map(): the result is always an instance of Array 
const instanceOfArray   = [1, 2, 3].map(x => x * x); 

The species pattern lets you configure what instances non-static built-in
methods (such as slice(), filter() and map()) return. It is explained in Sect.
“The species pattern” in Chap. “Classes”.

18.2.2 Array.of(...items)

Array.of(item_0, item_1, ···) creates an Array whose elements are item_0,

item_1, etc. Array.of() as an Array literal for subclasses of Array

If you want to turn several values into an Array, you should always use an Array
literal, especially since the Array constructor doesn’t work properly if there is a
single value that is a number (more information on this quirk):

> new Array(3, 11, 8) 
[ 3, 11, 8 ] 
> new Array(3) 
[ , ,  ,] 
> new Array(3.1) 
RangeError: Invalid array length 

But how are you supposed to turn values into an instance of a sub-constructor
of Array then? This is where Array.of() helps (remember that sub-constructors
of Array inherit all of Array’s methods, including of()).

class MyArray extends Array { 

console.log(MyArray.of(3, 11, 8) instanceof MyArray); // true 
console.log(MyArray.of(3).length === 1); // true 

18.3 New Array.prototype methods

Several new methods are available for Array instances.

18.3.1 Iterating over Arrays

The following methods help with iterating over Arrays:

Array.prototype.keys() 3/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

Array.prototype.values() 18. New Array features

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The result of each ofsupport
Please the aforementioned methods
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a sequence
or donateof
values, but
they are not returned as an Array; they are revealed one by one, via an iterator.
Let’s look at an example. I’m using Array.from() to put the iterators’ contents
into Arrays:
> Array.from(['a', 'b'].keys()) 
[ 0, 1 ] 
> Array.from(['a', 'b'].values()) 
[ 'a', 'b' ] 
> Array.from(['a', 'b'].entries()) 
[ [ 0, 'a' ], 
  [ 1, 'b' ] ] 

I could also have used the spread operator (...) to convert iterators to Arrays:
> [...['a', 'b'].keys()] 
[ 0, 1 ] Iterating over [index, element] pairs

You can combine entries() with ECMAScript 6’s for­of loop and destructuring
to conveniently iterate over [index, element] pairs:

for (const [index, element] of ['a', 'b'].entries()) { 
    console.log(index, element); 

18.3.2 Searching for Array elements

Array.prototype.find(predicate, thisArg?)
Returns the first Array element for which the callback predicate returns true. If
there is no such element, it returns undefined. Example:
> [6, ­5, 8].find(x => x < 0) 
> [6, 5, 8].find(x => x < 0) 

Array.prototype.findIndex(predicate, thisArg?)
Returns the index of the first element for which the callback predicate returns
true. If there is no such element, it returns ­1. Example:

> [6, ­5, 8].findIndex(x => x < 0) 

> [6, 5, 8].findIndex(x => x < 0) 

The full signature of the callback predicate is:

predicate(element, index, array) Finding NaN via findIndex()

A well-known limitation of Array.prototype.indexOf() is that it can’t find NaN,

because it searches for elements via ===: 4/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features
> [NaN].indexOf(NaN) 
18. New Array features
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With findIndex(), you can use (explained in the chapter on OOP)
and will have no such problem:
> [NaN].findIndex(y =>, y)) 

You can also adopt a more general approach, by creating a helper function

> function elemIs(x) { return, x) } 
> [NaN].findIndex(elemIs(NaN)) 

18.3.3 Array.prototype.copyWithin()

The signature of this method is:

Array.prototype.copyWithin(target : number, 
    start : number, end = this.length) : This 

It copies the elements whose indices are in the range [start,end) to index
target and subsequent indices. If the two index ranges overlap, care is taken
that all source elements are copied before they are overwritten.


> const arr = [0,1,2,3]; 
> arr.copyWithin(2, 0, 2) 
[ 0, 1, 0, 1 ] 
> arr 
[ 0, 1, 0, 1 ] 

18.3.4 Array.prototype.fill()

The signature of this method is:

Array.prototype.fill(value : any, start=0, end=this.length) : This 

It fills an Array with the given value:

> const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c']; 
> arr.fill(7) 
[ 7, 7, 7 ] 
> arr 
[ 7, 7, 7 ] 

Optionally, you can restrict where the filling starts and ends:
> ['a', 'b', 'c'].fill(7, 1, 2) 
[ 'a', 7, 'c' ] 

18.4 ES6 and holes in Arrays

Holes are indices “inside” an Array that have no associated element. In other
words: An Array arr is said to have a hole at index i if: 5/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

0 ≤ i < arr.length 18. New Array features

!(i in arr) Table of contents
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For example: The following Array has a hole at index 1.
> const arr = ['a',,'b'] 
'use strict' 
> 0 in arr 
> 1 in arr 
> 2 in arr 
> arr[1] 

You’ll see lots of examples involving holes in this section. Should anything ever
be unclear, you can consult Sect. “Holes in Arrays” in “Speaking JavaScript” for
more information.

ES6 pretends that holes don’t exist (as much as it can while being backward-
compatible). And so should you – especially if you consider that holes can also
affect performance negatively. Then you don’t have to burden your brain with
the numerous and inconsistent rules around holes.

18.4.1 ECMAScript 6 treats holes like undefined elements

The general rule for Array methods that are new in ES6 is: each hole is treated
as if it were the element undefined. Examples:
> Array.from(['a',,'b']) 
[ 'a', undefined, 'b' ] 
> [,'a'].findIndex(x => x === undefined) 

> [...[,'a'].entries()] 
[ [ 0, undefined ], [ 1, 'a' ] ] 

The idea is to steer people away from holes and to simplify long-term.
Unfortunately that means that things are even more inconsistent now.

18.4.2 Array operations and holes Iteration

The iterator created by Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] treats each hole as

if it were the element undefined. Take, for example, the following iterator iter:
> var arr = [, 'a']; 
> var iter = arr[Symbol.iterator](); 

If we invoke next() twice, we get the hole at index 0 and the element 'a' at
index 1. As you can see, the former produces undefined:

{ value: undefined, done: false } 
{ value: 'a', done: false } 6/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

Among others, two operations18.areNew

the iteration protocol. Therefore,
these operations also treat holes Table
as undefined
of contentselements.
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First, the spread operator (...):
> [...[, 'a']] 
[ undefined, 'a' ] 

Second, the for­of loop:

for (const x of [, 'a']) { 

// Output: 
// undefined 
// a 

Note that the Array prototype methods (filter() etc.) do not use the iteration
protocol. Array.from()

If its argument is iterable, Array.from() uses iteration to convert it to an Array.

Then it works exactly like the spread operator:

> Array.from([, 'a']) 
[ undefined, 'a' ] 

But Array.from() can also convert Array-like objects to Arrays. Then holes
become undefined, too:

> Array.from({1: 'a', length: 2}) 
[ undefined, 'a' ] 

With a second argument, Array.from() works mostly like

However, Array.from() treats holes as undefined:

> Array.from([,'a'], x => x) 
[ undefined, 'a' ] 
> Array.from([,'a'], (x,i) => i) 
[ 0, 1 ] skips them, but preserves them:

> [,'a'].map(x => x) 
[ , 'a' ] 
> [,'a'].map((x,i) => i) 
[ , 1 ] Array.prototype methods

In ECMAScript 5, behavior already varied slightly. For example:

forEach(), filter(), every() and some() ignore holes.

map() skips but preserves holes. 7/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

join() and toString() treat holes

18. New as features
Array if they were undefined elements, but
interprets both null and undefined as empty strings.
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ECMAScript 6 adds new kinds of behaviors:

copyWithin() creates holes when copying holes (i.e., it deletes elements if

entries(), keys(), values() treat each hole as if it was the element
find() and findIndex() do the same.
fill() doesn’t care whether there are elements at indices or not.

The following table describes how Array.prototype methods handle holes.

Method Holes are  

['a',,'b'].concat(['c',,'d']) →
concat Preserved

copyWithinES6 Preserved [,'a','b',,].copyWithin(2,0) → [,'a',,'a']

entriesES6 Elements [...[,'a'].entries()] → [[0,undefined], [1,'a']]
every Ignored [,'a'].every(x => x==='a') → true

fillES6 Filled new Array(3).fill('a') → ['a','a','a']

filter Removed ['a',,'b'].filter(x => true) → ['a','b']

findES6 Elements [,'a'].find(x => true) → undefined
findIndexES6 Elements [,'a'].findIndex(x => true) → 0
forEach Ignored [,'a'].forEach((x,i) => log(i)); → 1
indexOf Ignored [,'a'].indexOf(undefined) → ­1
join Elements [,'a',undefined,null].join('#') → '#a##'
keysES6 Elements [...[,'a'].keys()] → [0,1]
lastIndexOf Ignored [,'a'].lastIndexOf(undefined) → ­1
map Preserved [,'a'].map(x => 1) → [,1]
pop Elements ['a',,].pop() → undefined
push Preserved new Array(1).push('a') → 2
['#',,undefined].reduce((x,y)=>x+y) →
reduce Ignored
['#',,undefined].reduceRight((x,y)=>x+y) →
reduceRight Ignored
reverse Preserved ['a',,'b'].reverse() → ['b',,'a']
shift Elements [,'a'].shift() → undefined
slice Preserved [,'a'].slice(0,1) → [,]
some Ignored [,'a'].some(x => x !== 'a') → false
sort Preserved [,undefined,'a'].sort() → ['a',undefined,,]
splice Preserved ['a',,].splice(1,1) → [,]
toString Elements [,'a',undefined,null].toString() → ',a,,'
unshift Preserved [,'a'].unshift('b') → 3
valuesES6 Elements [...[,'a'].values()] → [undefined,'a'] 8/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

Notes: 18. New Array features

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ES6 methods
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JavaScript ignores a trailing comma in an Array literal: ['a',,].length →
Helper function used in the table: const log =

18.4.3 Creating Arrays filled with values

Holes being treated as undefined elements by the new ES6 operations helps
with creating Arrays that are filled with values. Filling with a fixed value

Array.prototype.fill() replaces all Array elements (incl. holes) with a fixed


> new Array(3).fill(7) 
[ 7, 7, 7 ] 

new Array(3) creates an Array with three holes and fill() replaces each hole
with the value 7. Filling with ascending numbers

Array.prototype.keys() reports keys even if an Array only has holes. It returns

an iterable, which you can convert to an Array via the spread operator:

> [ Array(3).keys()] 
[ 0, 1, 2 ] Filling with computed values

The mapping function in the second parameter of Array.from() is notified of

holes. Therefore, you can use Array.from() for more sophisticated filling:

> Array.from(new Array(5), (x,i) => i*2) 
[ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ] Filling with undefined

If you need an Array that is filled with undefined, you can use the fact that
iteration (as triggered by the spread operator) converts holes to undefineds:

> [ Array(3)] 
[ undefined, undefined, undefined ] 

18.4.4 Removing holes from Arrays

The ES5 method filter() lets you remove holes:

> ['a',,'c'].filter(() => true) 
[ 'a', 'c' ] 9/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

ES6 iteration (triggered via the18.

spread operator)
New Array lets you convert holes to
undefined elements: Table of contents
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> [...['a',,'c']] 
[ 'a', undefined, 'c' ] 

18.5 Configuring which objects are spread by concat()


You can configure how Array.prototype.concat() treats objects by adding an

(own or inherited) property whose key is the well-known symbol
Symbol.isConcatSpreadable and whose value is a boolean.

18.5.1 Default for Arrays: spreading

By default, Array.prototype.concat() spreads Arrays into its result: their

indexed elements become elements of the result:

const arr1 = ['c', 'd']; 
['a', 'b'].concat(arr1, 'e'); 
    // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] 

With Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, you can override the default and avoid

spreading for Arrays:

const arr2 = ['c', 'd']; 
arr2[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = false; 
['a', 'b'].concat(arr2, 'e'); 
    // ['a', 'b', ['c','d'], 'e'] 

18.5.2 Default for non-Arrays: no spreading

For non-Arrays, the default is not to spread:

const arrayLike = {length: 2, 0: 'c', 1: 'd'}; 
console.log(['a', 'b'].concat(arrayLike, 'e')); 
    // ['a', 'b', arrayLike, 'e'] 
    arrayLike, ['e','f'], 'g')); 
    // [arrayLike, 'e', 'f', 'g'] 

You can use Symbol.isConcatSpreadable to force spreading:

arrayLike[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true; 
console.log(['a', 'b'].concat(arrayLike, 'e')); 
    // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] 
    arrayLike, ['e','f'], 'g')); 
    // ['c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'] 

18.5.3 Detecting Arrays 10/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

How does concat() determine18. if aNew

parameter is an Array? It uses the same
Array features
algorithm as Array.isArray(). Whether Table of or not Array.prototype is in the
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prototype chain makes no difference for that algorithm. EPUB, MOBI) or donate
That is important,
because, in ES5 and earlier, hacks were used to subclass Array and those
must continue to work (see the section on __proto__ in this book):

> const arr = []; 
> Array.isArray(arr) 
> Object.setPrototypeOf(arr, null); 
> Array.isArray(arr) 

18.5.4 Symbol.isConcatSpreadable in the standard library

No object in the ES6 standard library has a property with the key
Symbol.isConcatSpreadable. This mechanism therefore exists purely for
browser APIs and user code.


Subclasses of Array are spread by default (because their instances are

Array objects).
A subclass of Array can prevent its instances from being spread by setting
a property to false whose key is Symbol.isConcatSpreadable. That
property can be a prototype property or an instance property.
Other Array-like objects are spread by concat() if property
[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] is true. That would enable one, for
example, to turn on spreading for some Array-like DOM collections.
Typed Arrays are not spread. They don’t have a method concat(), either.

Symbol.isConcatSpreadable in the ES6 spec

In the description of Array.prototype.concat(), you can see that

spreading requires an object to be Array-like (property length plus
indexed elements).
Whether or not to spread an object is determined via the spec operation
IsConcatSpreadable(). The last step is the default (equivalent to
Array.isArray()) and the property [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] is
retrieved via a normal Get() operation, meaning that it doesn’t matter
whether it is own or inherited.

18.6 The numeric range of Array indices

For Arrays, ES6 still has the same rules as ES5:

Array lengths l are in the range 0 ≤ l ≤ 232−1.

Array indices i are in the range 0 ≤ i < 232−1.

Strings and Typed Arrays have a larger range of indices: 0 ≤ i < 253−1. The
upper bound of that range is due to 253−1 being the largest integer that 11/12
5.12.2018 18. New Array features

JavaScript’s floating point numbers

18. Newcan represent
Array featuressafely. For details, see Sect.
“Safe integers”. Table of contents
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The only reason for the smaller index range of normal Arrays is backward

Enforcing the smaller range of normal Arrays

Generic Array methods such as push() and unshift() allow the larger range of
indices. Range checks appropriate for Arrays are performed elsewhere,
whenever length is set.

Next: 19. Maps and Sets 12/12

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