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Chapter 11:

Gender Stratification
All responses must be in your own words. Avoid using definitions or quotes from the text. While it is
easy to repeat what is in the text, the ability to rephrase concepts into your own words will increase the
likelihood that you will be able to understand and retain the information. Please type your response to
each question directly under the question.

These questions are taken largely from the course textbook. However, required and supplemental
materials from the Learning Module may also be useful in completing this assignment. This assignment
is required and will also serve as a reference for your individual review and study.

1. What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex is biological, it's defined as the characteristics that we were born with that make
us male or female such as genitals, breast, chromosomes and hormones. Gender
refers to the culture in society that makes us female or male.

2. How does the sociological view of gender differ from biological views?

The sociological view refers to how people see standard gender roles. Females
usually wear their hair long, put make-up on their face and wear dresses or skirts.
These actions aren't socially acceptable for males to do. Biological roles are things
our gender allows us to biologically do, women can have children and breast feed,
no amount of surgery can allow men to do this.

3. What do the terms glass ceiling, second shift and doing gender refer to?

The glass ceiling is metaphor that refers to the limits that minorities and females can
reach within a profession. It's the presumption that white males can get farther than
anyone else. Second Shift is a concept created by Russell Hochschild. It refers to the
second job (childcare, household chores) most women have in addition to their
regular jobs. "doing gender" refers to the actions we do daily that reaffirm our
gender identity. Women cook, clean and take care of the kids. Men work and take
care of household maintenance (repairs, lawn work, taking out the trash).

4. How does the conflict view of gender differ from the functionalist view?

Conflict theory argues that gender is best explained as men maintaining their power
and privilege at a cost to women. Men can only be viewed as dominate if women are
subordinate thus they create conflict. Functionalist see gender inequalities as
efficient. It’s an efficient way of dividing labor within society, it promotes solidarity
and helps stabilize society.
5. What are the gender differences in socialization and social interaction?

Men and women communicate differently when they socialize, women tend to over
share and disclose more intimate details than a man. Men tend to choose friends
based on similar interest, whereas women chose those they feel they connect well
with and give them the best mutual support.

6. Be aware of the key elements/statistics of work place discrimination in relation to gender.

Women often face discrimination in the workplace. They are often underpaid for
the same job, passed up on promotions due to their employers feeling things such as
children and housework may take priority over their career. Men however are faced
with discrimination as well; male nurses may not be taken seriously in the work
place. Many people believe they do not have the empathy it takes to work in a
caregiver position.

7. Explain gender identity and the social implications.

Gender identity is based on a person's perception of what gender they should be or

what gender they mentally feel like, not on what their genetics tell them they are. An
individual that does not feel as though they were born the right gender faces a lot of
stigma and discrimination when they attempt to correct what they feel nature got
wrong. Such corrections can include surgery, hormones and changing their clothes
and hair to make the outer appearance match the gender they feel they are. Even
after they complete these things it is difficult for them to be accepted by their new
gender peers. This leads to isolation and depression.

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