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Risks For Diseases

Smoking (Biggest Risk)
American Lung Association. (2017). How to know if
your air is unhealthy. Retrieved from http://
Love Your Lungs
The sooner you quit, the sooner your indoor/at-home/how-to-know-if-your-air-is-
body can start to heal. Quitting unhealthy.html Respiratory System
smoking is hard, but millions of COPD Foundation. (2017). What is COPD?
people have done it successfully. You Retrieved from https:// By: Victoria Nguyen
could be one of them!
! Understanding-COPD/What-is-
Staff, M. (2016, August 30). Diseases and
STEPS TO QUIT: conditions asthma. Retrieved from http://
1.Make a list of the reason you want to
quit. asthma/basics/definition/con-20026992
U.S Department of Health and Human Services.
2.Set a quit date and make a plan to
(2017, June 29). Lung cancer screening:
deal with cravings. questions for the doctor. Retrieved from
3.Ask your family, friends, and
coworkers for support. Category/doctor-visits/talking-with-the-
4.Talk to your doctor about counseling for-the-doctor%20Self-exam%20guide-
and medicines that can help you lines
quit. U.S Department of Health and Human Services.
5.Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (2017, January 04). Quit smoking.
Retrieved from
(1-800-784-8669) or healthtopics/category/health-conditions-
visit for free help.
! and-diseases/cancer/quit-smoking#the-
U.S Department of Health and Human Services.
Smoking hurts other people, too. (2017, July 19). Test your home for radon:
Secondhand smoke can cause health problems quick tips. Retrieved from https://
for the people around you.
In babies and children, breathing in
secondhand smoke can cause sudden infant !
***For more information call 1-800-LUNGUSA or
death syndrome (SIDS), pneumonia,
bronchitis, and severe asthma attacks. In visit American Lung Association
adults, breathing in secondhand smoke can (***
cause heart disease, stroke, and lung
Major Diseases !
Health Air In Your Home **Lung cancer is the leading cause of
death from cancer in the United States.
How To Tell If You Have Unhealthy Air: Ask your doctor about getting screened
• Is anyone smoking indoors? (tested) for lung cancer if all of these apply
• Can you see or smell mold or mildew? to you:
• Is the humidity regularly above 50
• Are there leaks or standing
Asthma: A chronic disorder of the water anywhere?
•You are age 55 to 80.
lungs characterized by constriction • Are all fuel-burning appliances fully
•You have a history of heavy smoking. An
of airway leading to dif6iculty vented to the outdoors? example of heavy smoking is smoking 1
breathing. Asthma attacks are • Are household chemicals, paints or pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years – or
commonly associated with allergies. solvents stored indoors or in an attached 2 packs a day for 15 years.
COPD: Chronic Obstructive garage or basement? •You smoke now – or you quit within the
• Have you recently remodeled or added last 15 years.
Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a new furniture, carpeting or painted? • Your doctor may suggest that you get
general category for progressive • Have you tested your home for radon? screened once a year with LDCT (low-
lung diseases. It can be caused by Although radon doesn’t cause noticeable, dose computed tomography). LDCT
inhalation of smoke or other physical symptoms, you should test your
pollutants and leads to increased home for this dangerous substance.
dif6iculty breathing and a chronic !
cough. Things You Can Do To Prevent Flu Vaccine
In/luenza: Commonly referred to as Unhealthy Air: The best way to prevent influenza is to get a
“the Flu,” in6luenza is an acute viral • Declare your home a smoke free zone. flu vaccine every year. The influenza virus is
• Test your home for radon, an invisible
infection of the respiratory system constantly changing.
gas that causes lung cancer
resulting in fever, chills, weakness, • Keep humidity levels under 50 percent.
and pain in muscles. Influenza Use a dehumidifier or air conditioner, as • Over the age of 6 months receive the
viruses that infect the nose, throat, needed.
yearly influenza vaccine.
and lungs cause the flu. • Fix all leaks and drips in the home.
• A high potency flu vaccine For those
Standing water and high humidity
Lung Cancer: An uncontrolled over 65.
encourage the growth of mold and other
growth of cells in lung tissue. If lung pollutants. • Children between 6 months and 8
cancer progresses, it weakens the • Put away food, cover trash and use baits years of age may need two doses of
lungs and destroys healthy lung to control pests. flu vaccine to be fully protected from
tissue and can be fatal. 80%-90% of • Avoid burning wood because it adds flu.
all cases of lung cancer are caused pollution indoors and out. • Children younger than 6 months of
by smoking. age are at higher risk of serious flu
Pneumonia: In6lammation of lung complications but are too young to
get a flu vaccine.
tissue caused by infection. Usually
• The best time to get the flu vaccine is
occurs after breathing in foreign or soon after it becomes available in the
irradiated particles, such as dust, fall of each year.
containing the bacteria.

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