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Mengintegrasikan Membaca dan Menulis


Meskipun hubungan antara membaca dan menulis tampaknya menjadi "diberikan," membaca tidak
selalu merupakan kekuatan yang dominan dalam menulis ruang kelas. Pada abad kesembilan belas,
siswa biasanya tidak menulis analisis tentang apa yang mereka baca, tetapi malah menulis tema pada
topik yang ditentukan, seperti Kesombongan, Demokrasi, Etika, dan sebagainya. Membaca dan menulis
menjadi terkait secara krusial pada pergantian abad, ketika Harvard dan universitas lain memutuskan
bahwa membaca sastra sangat penting untuk belajar menulis.

Alasan untuk kaitan kurikuler ini sama seperti saat ini seratus tahun yang lalu. Mereka yang berargumen
mendukung membaca di kelas menulis mengklaim bahwa membaca mengilhami siswa,
memperkenalkan mereka pada ide-ide hebat dan meningkatkan kemampuan mereka untuk berpikir
kritis dan analitis. Selain itu, pusat pembacaan diskusi kelas, memberikan siswa sesuatu untuk
dibicarakan di luar pengalaman pribadi mereka sendiri. Membaca juga memberi siswa sesuatu untuk
ditulis: pada usia delapan belas, siswa sering kekurangan pengalaman untuk memunculkan subjek-
subjek canggih untuk esai mereka; teks menyediakan ide-ide ini. Akhirnya, membaca mengilustrasikan
model penulisan yang benar-benar bagus, sehingga menawarkan instruksi kepada siswa dalam suara,
organisasi, sintaksis, dan bahasa.

Namun, para profesor yang mengajar menulis sering menemukan diri mereka mempertanyakan peran
membaca di kelas menulis tahun pertama. Para profesor ini prihatin dengan jumlah waktu kelas yang
mereka curahkan untuk mendiskusikan bacaan dibandingkan dengan jumlah waktu kelas yang mereka
curahkan untuk mengajar menulis. Mereka khawatir bahwa perhatian untuk membaca dan menganalisis
materi pelajaran berisiko membuat instruksi penulisan menjadi kacau — yang, menurut mereka,
seharusnya menjadi prioritas kursus.

Tetapi kita tidak perlu memikirkan membaca dan menulis sebagai kegiatan kursus yang berbeda.
Kenyataannya, membaca dan menulis berfungsi paling baik ketika satu proses menjadi bahan bakar atau
menginformasikan yang lain. Untuk memastikan bahwa membaca dan menulis bekerja sama secara
efektif di kelas Anda, Anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan hal-hal berikut:

Batasi jumlah bacaan yang diberikan sehingga siswa memiliki waktu untuk mengabdikan diri pada
tulisan mereka.

Buatlah diskusi kelas atau mungkin tugas menulis untuk analisis tentang bagaimana argumen dibangun,
daripada berfokus secara eksklusif pada konten.

Sediakan siswa dengan pembacaan saja yang ditulis dengan baik, dan luangkan waktu di kelas untuk
berbicara dengan siswa tentang apa, tepatnya, membuat tulisan begitu bagus.
Berikan siswa dengan model penulisan yang buruk, luangkan waktu untuk berbicara tentang apa,
tepatnya, membuat tulisan menjadi buruk.

Hasilkan materi — mungkin dengan siswa Anda — yang mengartikulasikan kualitas tulisan yang baik
dalam disiplin khusus Anda; Mintalah para siswa untuk mengevaluasi suatu tulisan sesuai dengan
standar-standar ini. (Untuk latihan ini, pertimbangkan untuk memecah siswa menjadi kelompok-
kelompok yang lebih kecil dan kemudian berkumpul kembali untuk membandingkan pengamatan.)


Diskusi tentang bagaimana menulis dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran siswa kami
telah bersama kami sejak awal tahun tujuh puluhan, ketika James Britton (dalam "Menulis untuk Belajar
dan Belajar Menulis") dan Janet Emig (dalam "Menulis sebagai Modus Pembelajaran) ") diilustrasikan
bagaimana dan mengapa menulis itu penting untuk belajar. Karya Emig, yang berpendapat bahwa
menulis adalah cara belajar yang unik, sangat persuasif dalam meyakinkan kita bahwa menulis harus
menjadi bagian dari semua program kita.

Menurut Emig, menulis itu unik untuk belajar karena berasal dari konstruksi verbal yang direkam secara
grafis. Huruf miring menunjuk pada apa yang dirasakan Emig adalah perbedaan penting antara menulis
dan cara belajar lainnya, seperti mendengarkan, membaca, dan berbicara. Mendengarkan adalah pasif:
tidak berasal dari pembaca atau direkam secara grafis. Membaca melibatkan komunikasi yang direkam
secara grafis; Namun, ide-ide itu tidak berasal dari si pembelajar. Berbicara dapat menawarkan ide
orisinal, tetapi karena berbicara tidak didokumentasikan secara grafis, pemikiran dan komunikasi
pembelajar tidak perlu setajam ketika menulis. Saat menulis, siswa harus berasal dan merekam
pemikiran mereka. Mereka harus hadir secara bersamaan untuk memproses dan produk.

Emig dan pendukung menulis-untuk-belajar lainnya mengklaim tidak hanya itu belajar siswa
ditingkatkan ketika menulis adalah bagian dari proses pembelajaran, tetapi juga bahwa program yang
bergantung pada ceramah, tugas membaca, dan kuis adalah "kutukan" untuk belajar siswa, karena siswa
tidak diharuskan untuk aktif dalam membentuk pemahaman mereka sendiri terhadap materi pelajaran.
Kursus yang menggunakan diskusi kelas lebih efektif, karena siswa diminta untuk berpartisipasi dalam
proses pembelajaran dengan mengartikulasikan ide-ide mereka. Namun, diskusi kelas tidak dapat
memberikan manfaat pembelajaran yang sama seperti menulis, dalam pembicaraan itu bersifat longgar
dan secara inheren berlebihan, "bersandar pada lingkungan" untuk mengkomunikasikan maksudnya.
Menulis, di sisi lain, harus terstruktur, teliti, dan ringkas. Ini harus memberikan konteks untuk



























 Higher Education
 Why Choose Pearson?
 Thought Leadership
 Acceleration, Redesign & Readiness
 Solutions for English
 Integrated Reading & Writing Model
Integrated Reading and Writing Model for
In this type of program, a course or sequence is built to teach both reading and writing
skills in the same course; students learn both sets of competencies, and use writing to
demonstrate their comprehension of the reading.

Titles Available
 McWhorter—In Harmony: Reading and Writing 2e
 McWhorter—In Concert: Reading and Writing 2e
 McWhorter—Reading and Writing About Contemporary Issues 2e
 Dusenberry/Moore—Crossroads: Integrated Reading and Writing, 2nd Edition
 Henry—The Effective Reader/Writer
 Henry—The Master Reader/Writer
 Rothman/Warsi—Read, Think, Write (REVEL)
Learn about our offerings for integrated reading and writing
Browse our integrated reading and writing offerings by selecting a program, service, or capability from the
list below.

Personalized Content


REVEL for Integrated Reading and Writing

Professional Development

Solutions for English

 Modular/Lab-based Model
 Compressed Model
 Co-requisite/Accelerated Learning Model
 Integrated Reading & Writing Model
 Contextualized Learning Model
 Non-course-based Remediation Model

Personalized Content
Create a text that works for you and your students. The McWhorter Module Solutions
(MMS) for course redesign provides a flexible new model for creating and producing
state, institution, course, and student-specific integrated reading and writing (IRW) texts
matched to required learning objectives or core competencies.
Drawing on McWhorter’s reading text Reading Across the Disciplines (RAD), 6th
Edition, her integrated reading/writing text Reading and Writing About Contemporary
Issues (RAWCI), 2nd Edition, and specific individual content modules, Pearson can
rapidly develop and publish custom textbooks to meet the needs of state and/or college
mandates. More specifically, any of the chapters in either text above can be combined
with a choice of standalone content modules to provide a specific learning experience.

Create your own collection or check out a version mapped to your state’s specific
Learn more about Pearson Collections
MySkillsLab has been a popular choice for course redesign in states like Virginia,
Texas, and North Carolina, where colleges redesigned their developmental courses to
integrate reading and writing.

MySkillsLab works successfully because it provides a rich and flexible set of course
materials, including animations, assessment tools, and textbook resources. With
MySkillsLab, you have the ability to assign resources like animations and videos in
addition to exercises. This multimodal approach ensures that students are going
through the learning process instead of simply skipping ahead to their homework.
MySkillsLab Integrated Courses

MySkillsLab offers the following Integrated courses:

 Integrated—Comprehensive
 Integrated—Fundamentals
 Integrated—Introductory
 Integrated—Intermediate
 Integrated—Advanced

eText and book-specific activities are available with most Integrated Reading and
Writing Titles.

NEW! MySkillsLab Integrated 2015 Update

This version of MySkillsLab (available at all levels) further integrates reading and writing
in a way that more closely aligns with the pedagogy of the Integrated Reading and
Writing Course. We’ve streamlined the content to teach skills in tandem where
appropriate, updated activities, and added in a large number of writing in response to
reading application activities. As pedagogy evolves, so do our products.
Learn more about MySkillsLab
REVEL for Integrated Reading and Writing
REVEL offers an immersive learning experience that engages students deeply in
Developmental English and Composition, while giving them the flexibility to learn their
way. Media interactives integrated directly within the narrative enable students to delve
further into key concepts and reading selections without breaking stride.
Learn more about REVEL for integrated reading and writing

Professional Development for Faculty

We recognize that teaching professionals truly value lifelong learning, both for
themselves and as a gift to others, in and out of the classroom. Our hope is to partner
with you to achieve a common goal: to help people of all ages make progress in their
lives through learning.

Pedagogy and Practice

Pedagogy and Practice was created for English instructors at all stages of their careers
to share ideas and resources. There, we post new content contributed by faculty like
you each week. You can also search for topics, browse the archive, or start a
conversation by posting a Comment.
Connect with your colleagues and subscribe for weekly updates so you never miss a




























 Higher Education
 Why Choose Pearson?
 Thought Leadership
 Acceleration, Redesign & Readiness
 Solutions for English
 Integrated Reading & Writing Model

Integrated Reading and Writing Model for

In this type of program, a course or sequence is built to teach both reading and writing
skills in the same course; students learn both sets of competencies, and use writing to
demonstrate their comprehension of the reading.

Titles Available
 McWhorter—In Harmony: Reading and Writing 2e
 McWhorter—In Concert: Reading and Writing 2e
 McWhorter—Reading and Writing About Contemporary Issues 2e
 Dusenberry/Moore—Crossroads: Integrated Reading and Writing, 2nd Edition
 Henry—The Effective Reader/Writer
 Henry—The Master Reader/Writer
 Rothman/Warsi—Read, Think, Write (REVEL)
Learn about our offerings for integrated reading and writing
Browse our integrated reading and writing offerings by selecting a program, service, or capability from the
list below.

Personalized Content

REVEL for Integrated Reading and Writing

Professional Development

Solutions for English

 Modular/Lab-based Model
 Compressed Model
 Co-requisite/Accelerated Learning Model
 Integrated Reading & Writing Model
 Contextualized Learning Model
 Non-course-based Remediation Model

Personalized Content
Create a text that works for you and your students. The McWhorter Module Solutions
(MMS) for course redesign provides a flexible new model for creating and producing
state, institution, course, and student-specific integrated reading and writing (IRW) texts
matched to required learning objectives or core competencies.
Drawing on McWhorter’s reading text Reading Across the Disciplines (RAD), 6th
Edition, her integrated reading/writing text Reading and Writing About Contemporary
Issues (RAWCI), 2nd Edition, and specific individual content modules, Pearson can
rapidly develop and publish custom textbooks to meet the needs of state and/or college
mandates. More specifically, any of the chapters in either text above can be combined
with a choice of standalone content modules to provide a specific learning experience.

Create your own collection or check out a version mapped to your state’s specific
Learn more about Pearson Collections
MySkillsLab has been a popular choice for course redesign in states like Virginia,
Texas, and North Carolina, where colleges redesigned their developmental courses to
integrate reading and writing.

MySkillsLab works successfully because it provides a rich and flexible set of course
materials, including animations, assessment tools, and textbook resources. With
MySkillsLab, you have the ability to assign resources like animations and videos in
addition to exercises. This multimodal approach ensures that students are going
through the learning process instead of simply skipping ahead to their homework.
MySkillsLab Integrated Courses
MySkillsLab offers the following Integrated courses:
 Integrated—Comprehensive
 Integrated—Fundamentals
 Integrated—Introductory
 Integrated—Intermediate
 Integrated—Advanced

eText and book-specific activities are available with most Integrated Reading and
Writing Titles.

NEW! MySkillsLab Integrated 2015 Update

This version of MySkillsLab (available at all levels) further integrates reading and writing
in a way that more closely aligns with the pedagogy of the Integrated Reading and
Writing Course. We’ve streamlined the content to teach skills in tandem where
appropriate, updated activities, and added in a large number of writing in response to
reading application activities. As pedagogy evolves, so do our products.
Learn more about MySkillsLab
REVEL for Integrated Reading and Writing
REVEL offers an immersive learning experience that engages students deeply in
Developmental English and Composition, while giving them the flexibility to learn their
way. Media interactives integrated directly within the narrative enable students to delve
further into key concepts and reading selections without breaking stride.
Learn more about REVEL for integrated reading and writing

Professional Development for Faculty

We recognize that teaching professionals truly value lifelong learning, both for
themselves and as a gift to others, in and out of the classroom. Our hope is to partner
with you to achieve a common goal: to help people of all ages make progress in their
lives through learning.

Pedagogy and Practice

Pedagogy and Practice was created for English instructors at all stages of their careers
to share ideas and resources. There, we post new content contributed by faculty like
you each week. You can also search for topics, browse the archive, or start a
conversation by posting a Comment.
Connect with your colleagues and subscribe for weekly updates so you never miss a

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