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Non-Violent Life (NoVio Life)

Nonviolent food, nonviolent clothing, nonviolent lifestyle

By: Michael Izady


This philosophy is for those humans who abhor violence against self or other sentient

All food must be acquired nonviolently. Nature should not be violated, humans should
not be exploited or harmed, nor any animal should ever be violated or killed in order to
have the food and clothing for people. All cultured products, animal or plant, are
approved as long as they pose no health danger to mankind or harm nature. Natural eggs,
dairy products are approved for a NoVio life style as long as the process by which they
are obtained from animals are non-abusive, painless, and nonviolent. All processing
ought to be in conformity to NoVio’s aims and ideals of culturing animal products,
plants, factories, places of work and farms. Ethics should lead the life of a NoVion,
including richness of soul and pocket, to free her/him of want and sustain him forever.

Joys of food—including meats and the like, should not be denied to consumers. All items
previously obtained from harming animals or nature should now be cultured and mass
produced non-violently, from planets or from the deposits organic material (e.g.,

The non-violence against oneself includes proper and healthy food and habits. When
other living beings threaten to harm a person, one should defend one’s own life with
minimum necessary violence—by taking antibiotics against microbial life forms or
weapons against threatening large animals. To avoid this unavoidable violence, one
should refrain from venturing into other animals’ natural habitats.

Clothing that are made from animal products should also have nonviolent source. They
should be produced from plant and synthetic fibers and sources, or even from cultured
sheets of hair/wool/fur obtained by the mass growth of a few samples of skin and hair
follicles. The sources for the latter method should be cells painlessly removed from the
desired animals as the source of culturing. Wool may also be obtained through processes

in conformity with NoVio ideals to be nonviolent in nature and aim. In addition to the
plant-based, synthesized or NoVio leather, the use of non-violent animal-sourced leather
is also approved as long as it is obtained from farm animals, kept for milk, eggs or wool,
that die of natural causes.

Condition of living for farm animals must be continuously in conformity with the Non
Violant principles, making sure they are not prisoners nor abused when offering milk,
eggs or wool. Feathers/downs can now be synthetically replicated from plants abd/or
synthetic material. But if need be for a specific reason, they may be obtained from the
egg-producing birds that die of truly natural causes.

No zoo/aquarium/aviary should be patronized or visited as NoVio, unless it is truly an

animal refuge against extinction. Nor any entertainment involving “trained” animals
should be ever patronized or allowed to remain legal. All these require mistreatment of
the subject sentient beings, entailing overt or subtle punishment and trauma to induce
“entertaining” behavior. Hunting in all its forms are violent and therefore, rejected by a

Need for Research & Development:

Research and development of cultured animal products, hydroponics and eventually,

cultured food from hydrocarbons and other mined organic materials, should be an aim of
every NoVioan person. These methods will relieve most of the planet from a needless
violence that is required for the current and pervasive farming practices. It will eliminate
the need for pesticides, poisons, but also the for most GMOs that are intended for
intensive open-air farming. This endeavor should also aim to provide sufficient quality
food of every type for mankind, sufficient material for clothing of every type, and the raw
material traditionally derived from plants and animal sources.

The focal point of this R & D should therefore be to provide mankind with plenty of
every common and luxury natural items, from meats to fur, eggs to honey, sugar to wood-
-without violating any animal, any forest, any ocean or any humans.

Meat consumption per person, pound per given year:

1960 1980 2002 2009 2015

USA 198 240 277 2671 198.5

Argentina -- -- 216 218 191
Brazil -- -- 183 189.5 172
UK 155 158 177 187 170
China 8.5 32 116 130 110
Kenya 41 39 32 37 --
India 8.2 8.2 11.5 9.8 7.2
Nigeria -- -- 19.1 19.6 14.4

The desire for animal products, particularly those obtained by violence, is increasing
exponentially around the world. And yet, such an avenue for obtaining goods is finite,
unsustainable and have in fact already collapsed, while in many other locales of
production, such as the oceans, are collapsing. Nonetheless, a few have indeed
undertaken to have their proverbial cake and eat it too: namely, product substitution and
replication, such as the major drop in meat consumption in the most advanced societies
on earth, with virtually NoVio substitutes.

Therefore, the aim of this movement should be replacement of all such goods with non-
violent products of the same good, and not eliminating them. Investment in naturally
cultured products of every type—from animal to forest products--and on to the products
of the seas, should be vigorously pursued and their use intensively encouraged. The
following table of select sample of meat consumptions around world is an example of the
economic and ethical potentials of NoVio products of all types.

There are 19 billion chickens, 1.5 billion cows, 1 billion pigs and 1 billion sheep on the
planet at any given time—more than three times the number of people. Meanwhile,
annually, for example, 52 billion chickens are slaughtered for human consumption. These
numbers are set to rise as the human population grows and more people shift toward a
meat-based diet. The number of cattle, sheep, goats and buffalo — animals that require
enormous expanses of land for feed production and grazing — alone is increasing by 25
million annually. Overall, global meat consumption is projected to increase more than 4
percent per person over the next 10 years. These figures do not include the aquatic
creatures of all types that are hunted by tens of millions of tons per year.

Meanwhile, the livestock sector is responsible for approximately 15% of all human
greenhouse gas emissions. This is the equivalent to all the direct greenhouse emissions
from transportation—public and private, everywhere!

All things considered, the magnitude of animal suffering and the damage to the natural
environment is staggering. And none of this is sustainable for long given the limits of our
fragile natural environment. Alternatives must be found for the good of mankind, the
reduce or eliminate violence against people, against animals and against our
habitant/environment. This shall the aim of the NoVio movement by encouraging gactory
produced cultured products--only sustainable and ethical course forward--
environmentally, economically and realistically.

Joining and upholding the principle of a NoVion!

Every NoVion (person) will undertake to encourage nonviolent production of all

traditional products instead of avoiding them or compromising his/her principles. All
attempts must be made to improve the lives of the fellow humans by improving their
economic condition and introduction of inherently sustainable NoVio products and life
style. A NoVion will aim towards an eventual elimination of poverty, cruelty and
violence against all sentient being and our own sole habitat: the Earth.

Non-Violent Products (the NoVios)

1. Non-Violent Food (the NoVio foods)

2. Non-Violent clothing (the NoVio wear)
3. Non-Violent goods (the NoVio, wood, cosmetics, lubricants, etc)
4. Non-Violent conduct (NoVio life)

1. NoVio Foods: At the start and until cultured NoVion substitutes are provided,
these shall use plant material but also animal products that have been obtained
non-violently from the humanly treated and cared for animals, such as eggs, dairy,
honey, wool, leather (from animal who die of natural causes at stations that
produce dairy or wool), etc.

The ideal and ultimate goal, however, is and should be to produce all such
products through culturing and not directly from the animals or environmentally
harmful logging or plantations that violate the habitats of mankind, animals or

• All animal products that have not yet been substituted by the NoVio
cultured products, must meet NoVio’s ideals of non-violence in order to
use NoVio’s logo and credentials.

• NoVio foods shall be good for the health of the soul and health of the
body. For the soul, because one does not need to inflict pain and grief on
another sentient being in order to eat. It will bring to the person peace and
satisfaction of not being a violent being. But it also cleanses the body of
toxins that one ingests, and replaces them with fresh and healthy nutrients
to flourish.

• NoVio foods are and must be flavorful and delicious as any violent food
product, if not more. A NoVio food that does not taste good turns people
off, misleading them to believe one has to sacrifice flavor and fun in order
not to committee violence! Violence does not make food delicious; skill
and knowledge do. NoVio food should be at least as delicious, various and
presentable as the violent kind. In fact, they should be more so to prove
the point.

• Products such as lab-produced cultured meat and meat-tasting plant

products are the welcome NoVio foods that convince those who love meat
to have the flavor or the actual product without harming any animal. They
can be labeled as “NoVion meat,” or “NoVio meat.”

• All vegetables should be ultimately produced via hydroponic methods.
The common grains may be farmed until the NoVio R&D advances could
find ways to produce the product without plowing under the greatest
portions of the planet’s land surface and violate the natural environment
for the grains plantation. The methane and CO2 emissions of the world’s
rice and cornfields dwarf all the greenhouse emissions by the rest of non-
agricultural human civilization combined!

• NoVio foods should ideally and ultimately be replicated from non-living

organic substances such as the hydrocarbons that are presently burned for
fuel. The hydrocarbons can produce carbohydrates. In that manner, no
living being, animal or plant, will need to be harmed to produce suitable
and flavorful food for humans.

2. NoVio wear: Plant material—cotton, linen and the like, or synthetic fibers
should be given priority for human wear. But, at the start and until cultured
NoVion substitutes are provided, NoVion animal products such a wool, feathers,
or even leather can be used if no violence is perpetrated in their production. Wool
from animals that are kept under humane condition and sheered in a painless
manner (similar to a human haircut), are NoVion, as are feathers from birds that
are kept similarly for eggs that die naturally at the end of their days. Leather from
the dairy cows who ultimately die of old age can be used for leather goods since
they generate no violence against the animal. Not using these products is in fact
an act of violence against nature, as they will go to waste, forcing man to reach
out for alternative forms that would inevitably tax the natural resources and
require burdening the natural resources or nature for their production.

But the ultimate goal of a NoVion should be to culture in lab-factories and in

commercial quantities and quality, and no animal products should be admitted for
use by mankind--clothing items as much as the food items.

3. NoVio goods: No sentient being, humans or animals, or nature herself, shall be

violated in production of any NoVion goods. Exploitation of man through
abusive conditions and the denial of living wages, is as violent in nature as the
abuse against any living being. They should not be encouraged via purchase of
the resultant products.

5. Non-Violent conduct: NoVions do not initiate nor promote violence against other
humans, animals, or nature. They discourage in every non-violent way,
perpetration or use of violence. A NoVion who employs violence to stop violence
is not a NoVion. Nor is the exploitation of the fellow humans via underpayment,
maltreatment or disrespect in any position or job, a NoVian conduct.

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