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Oecologia (1988) 76:390-398 Oecolbg/a

9 Springer-Verlag1988

Seasonal changes in the migratory behaviour

of the toad Bufo bulb: direction and magnitude of movements
Ulrich Sinsch*
Max-Planck-Institut f/Jr Verhaltensphysiologie, D-8131 Scewiesen, Federal Republic of Germany

Summary. The migratory behaviour of the toad Bufo bufo cal migrations from one resource to another characterize
was studied from February 1985 to April 1986 in the sub- the annual activities of the adults (Baker 1978). In regions
montane region of Bavaria, West Germany. Toads were with pronounced seasonal variations of temperature, hiber-
fitted with a mechanical tracking device to record individual nation during the winter months is followed by a spring
paths of migration. Three aspects of migratory behaviour migration towards the breeding site. This part of the migra-
were quantified: orientation in relation to the breeding site, tory activity has been studied in various species of urodeles
straightness of path, and locomotory activity. The annual (Taricha vulgaris, Twitty 1959; Ambystoma texanum, Pe-
activity period began with migration from the hibernation tranka 1984) and anurans (Bufo americanus, Oldham 1966;
sites to the breeding pond in April. The paths went straight Bufo boreas, Tracy and Dole 1969). Even after passive dis-
towards the breeding pond independent of the distance placement most individuals of these species return to their
(70-420 m). During the period of oviposition the preference natal ponds (Twitty et al. 1964). When reproductive activity
for the breeding site direction vanished and toads moved has ended, the adults leave the breeding site (Bufo bufo,
away from the breeding pond, but in less straight paths Heusser 1967; Ambystoma talpoideum, Semlitsch 1985), and
than before. In summer migratory activity decreased con- spend the summer months in feeding areas, frequently sev-
siderably and was restricted to small areas, the home ranges, eral kilometers from the breeding site (Bufo fowIeri, Stille
at distances of 55-1600 m from the natal breeding pond. 1952; Rana pipiens, Dole 1965). In autumn some species
The straightness of path was rather low, because toads often enter into another migratory period before hibernation
returned to their starting points. During rainy nights toads (Rana sylvatica, Bellis 1962; Bufo bufo, Heusser 1967).
occasionally left their home ranges for extensive excursions. In the explosive breeders among the migratory amphibi-
In autumn most toads again migrated towards the breeding ans the reproductive individuals of a population gather at
pond, but paths were significantly less straight and direct the breeding site within 1 or 2 weeks once a year (for review
than in spring. However, toads stopped before reaching see Wells 1977). This synchronization is even more remark-
the breeding pond and hibernated in holes or under the able considering that (1) the activity of the ectothermical
leaf layer. The mortality rate of tracked toads was about amphibians depends at least partly on environmental condi-
45%. The relative influence of 17 environmental variables tions and (2) the distance between feeding area and breeding
on locomotory activity was evaluated by principal compo- pond varies from a few meters to several kilometers for
nent analysis and stepwise multiple regression. Temperature individuals of the same population. However, the relative
at night and rainfall variables accounted for significant influence of different environmental factors on the migrato-
amounts of variance, whereas temperature by day, air hu- ry behaviour of free-ranging amphibians is difficult to
midity, and atmospheric pressure showed no correlation. quantify, because most factors are highly intercorrelated.
Activity decreased if temperature approached 0 ~ C or after Univariate analyses of correlations between behavioural pa-
long periods without rainfall. Within a certain range of rameters and environmental factors remain questionable,
tolerance, however, the locomotory activity of the toads since effects may be masked or overestimated by the action
was widely independent of environmental factors, indicat- of neglected factors (Gittins 1983 a; Wisniewski et al. 1981).
ing that endogeneous factors are more important sources The simultaneous consideration of all measured variables
of variation in the migratory behaviour of these toads than by means of multivariate statistics represents a more reliable
commonly assumed. approach to the problem (FitzGerald and Bider 1974; Smits
and Crawford 1984; Semlitsch 1985).
Key words: Bufo bufo - Migration - Locomotory activity
This study analyses quantitatively the annual pattern
- Hibernation - Breeding
of migration in the common European toad Bufo bufo and
its relation to season and climate. These toads are explosive
breeders which live solitarily most of the year, but meet
Important habitat resources (e.g. breeding site, food) of annually in large breeding aggregations at their natal pond
many amphibians are separated in space and time. Periodi- for a few days (Jungfer 1943; Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1950; Heusser
1960a, b, 1967, 1968). Their migratory behaviour includes
* Present address and addressfor offprint requests: Zoologisches a prespawning migration to the breeding pond and a post-
Institut der Universitgt Bonn, Poppeldorfer Schlol3, D-5300 Bonn, spawning migration to the feeding areas in spring, locally
FRG restricted summer movements, and a less conspicuous au-

tumn migration to the hibernation sites. The daily paths Table 1. List of environmental variables considered in the multivar-
of individual toads were recorded throughout these four iate analyses as potential sources of variance in the locmotory
migratory periods, to investigate directional choice with re- activity of toads. All parameters were recorded continuously 10 cm
spect to the breeding site. In addition locomotory activity above ground by a Lambrecht Thermo-hygro-barograph
was related to 17 environmental variables by means of prin-
Independent variable Definition
cipal component analysis and stepwise multiple regression,
in order to evaluate quantitatively the influence of exoge- Air Temperature
nous factors.
(1) TEMPDMAX Maximum temperature between sun-
rise and sunset
(2) TEMPSS Temperature at sunset
Materials and methods (3) TEMPNMIN Minimum temperature between sunset
Study area and sunrise
(4) TEMPNAV Mean temperature between sunset and
The study was conducted in the sub-montane region o f sunrise
Bavaria near Seewiesen, West Germany, at altitudes be- (5) TEMPRATE Mean decrease of temperature between
tween 681 m and 718 m. The study population of Bufo inha- sunset and sunrise per hour
bited an area of about 6 km 2 mainly covered with pine Relative Air Humidity
forest and pasture. The breeding site was near the northern
(6) HUMIDMIN Minimum humidity between sunrise
shore of an artificial pond (3200 m 2 of water surface) within
and sunset
the study area. (7) HUMISS Humidity at sunset
(8) HUMINMAX Maximum humidity between sunset
General procedures. and sunrise
(9) HUMINAV Mean humidity between sunset and
Most toads were captured at night on gravel roads and sunrise
paths within the study area, others near the shores of the
Atmospheric Pressure
breeding pond. In situ every individual was fitted with a
track device on its back (Sinsch 1987a, b). The device con- (10) PRESSR Absolute pressure at sunrise
(11) PRESSS Absolute pressure at sunset
sisted of a sewing machine bobbin which was tied around
(12) P R E S - 2 4 Absolute change of pressure during
the toad's waist with an elastic tape. The bobbin contained 24 h before sunset
about 60 m of thread. Further details are described in Dole (13) PRES-- 12 Absolute change of pressure during
(1965). The loose end o f the thread was tied to a small 12 h before sunset
stake (referred to as "release point") and each toad was (14) PRES + 12 Absolute change of pressure during
released at the place of capture. The body mass of the toads 12 h after sunset
monitored ranged from 39 g to 46 g, to minimize unspecific
effects on the toads' behaviour.
On the morning of the following day two measurements (15) RAIND Hours of rainfall between sunrise and
were recorded for each individual: (1) locomotory activity
(16) RAINN Hours of rainfall between sunset and
loc as judged by the metres of thread unwound during the sunrise
diurnal activity period; (2) position of the animal in polar
coordinates, i.e. azimuth angle a and line-of-sight distance Soil Moisture
r relative to the release point. The hiding place of each (17) SOIL Hours after last rainfall
individual during its resting period was taken as the release
point the next day. All toads were tracked for at most
21 consecutive days, individually marked by toe clipping,
and then released at their last position. Newly captured
Statistical analysis
individuals from the adjacent area replaced those released.
The number o f toads tracked simultaneously varied from The migratory behaviour of the toads monitored was quan-
10 to 29. A total of 132 toads (112 males and 20 females) tified using three parameters: breeding site component cbs,
were monitored in the course of the study, 43 of them in straightness st of path and locomotory activity loc. Breeding
two tracking periods, 9 in three and 1 in four. Seventeen site component and straightness of path were calculated
environmental variables which might influence the locomo- separately for every individual using the equations: (1) Cbs=
tory activity of toads were continuously recorded within cos(abs), where abs is the direction of migration relative to
the habitat (Table 1). Records of the daily precipitation the breeding site; (2) st=r/loc, with r as line-of-sight dis-
made a rough estimate of soil surface moisture possible tance and loc as total locomotory activity (Batschelet 1981 ;
(as hours after last rainfall) because of the negative correla- Sinsch 1987a). The breeding site component ranges from
tion between the water content o f the surface soil and time - 1 to + 1 (Cos= + 1 means the toad moved directly towards
since the last precipitation. This variable represents an aver- the breeding site), the straightness of path from 0 to + 1
age value of the varying amounts of absolute moisture to (st= + 1 means the toad moved in a straight line). Both
be found in the toad habitat simultaneously due to local parameters were estimated only for toads which moved at
variation in vegetation and soil structure. The environmen- least 5 m during their diurnal activity period. Since the dis-
tal factors and toad activity were recorded during five study tribution of daily cb~ measurements frequently differed from
periods: in 1985:28 February-2 May; 10 June-6 July; 31 a normal distribution, the median values and the upper
July-19 August; 10 September-20 November; in 1 9 8 6 : 2 4 and lower quartiles (central 50% o f observations) were used
February-29 April. to describe the directional choice of the monitored toads.

hibernation reproduction m~mmer movements hibernatioz

~:~ spring migration r- autumn migration
+2C . - - _ a"-... M

7W .... "vv X
libernation r e ~ d u c t i o n
sprln~ migration


0 Fig. 1. Seasonal variation in ambient air temperature (recorded 10 cm above ground) in the
toad habitat in relation to the activities of the toad population studied. The upper line
-10- connects the daily temperature maxima, the lower line the the mimima. Broken lines indicate
1986 periods without records. The hatched area between maxima and minima lines represents the
MAR. I APRIL I MAY temperature range in which toads showed locomotory activity

Straightness and locomotory activity were presented as the of observation). Breeding site component (directional
daily arithmetic mean and corresponding standard error. choice with respect to the breeding site), straightness of
Differences between distributions were tested by the Krus- path, and locomotory activity describe the migratory
kal-Wallis H-test. behaviour of the toads monitored. Figures showing the time
The association of environmental variables with the course of these parameters do not present complete data
mean locomotory activity of toads per day was estimated sets but sequences of 17-20 consecutive days. In addition
by principal components analysis with orthogonal VARI- the distributions of all breeding site component and
MAX-rotation. This kind of rotation attempts to simplify straightness measurements within one migratory period are
the columns of the factor matrix by making all values close summarized in frequency histograms. An analogous presen-
to either 0 or 1 and so facilitates the recognition of asso- tation of the single records of locomotory activity does not
ciated variables within a principal component. The princi- provide useful information because their magnitude is in-
pal components analysis was based on the matrix of the fluenced by environmental factors (see results of multivar-
linear correlation coefficients of all variables. Extraction iate analyses). In all data sets principal component analysis
of principal components was terminated when the eigen- grouped the 17 measured environmental variables into five
values was <_ 1. Those variables which loaded the same principal components with eigenvalues > 1 (Table 2). PC1
principal component as locomotory activity were consid- represented temperature, PC2 moisture, PC3 nightly hu-
ered associated. All variables identified in this way were midity, PC4 absolute pressure, and PC5 change of pressure.
submitted to a stepwise multiple regression analysis (proce- These principal components accounted for 80.1%-85.7%
dure: forward selection of variables) to obtain quantitative of total variance.
models for the prediction of the locomotory activity. If
the variance explained by the next variable to enter did
Prespawning migration in spring
not increase significantly the total of variance explained
(F-statistics, P>0.05), the regression analysis was termin- In 1985 the toads emerged from hibernation on 1 April
ated. All calculations were performed by F O R T R A N 77 in 1986 on 30 March. The following migratory activity was
programs using the algorithms summarized in Flury and strictly nocturnal, beginning after sunset and lasting until
Riedwyl (1983). temperatures dropped to almost 0 ~ C, Migrating toads were
observed at distances of 70-420 m from the breeding pond.
Records of their paths are shown in Fig. 2. The toads, how-
ever, did not head exactly towards the small spawning area
During five study periods in 1985 and 1986 observations near the northern shore but approached any shore of the
of toad behaviour and records of the seventeen environmen- pond without preference. Some paths even led to a ditch
tal variables were obtained for a total of 132 days (Fig. 1). which terminated in the breeding pond.
This data set was subdivided into four subsets for further The time course of the directional and locomotory pa-
analysis: (1) prespawning migration in spring: 27 observa- rameters is shown in Fig. 3 (1985) and 6 (1986), and the
tions; (2) postspawning migration in spring: 25 observa- distribution of all single measurements in Fig. 7 (left). The
tions; (3) summer movements: 53 observations; and (4) median breeding site components ranged between + 0.669
autumn migration: 27 observations. The presentation of and + 0.946. The daily orientation of an individual towards
the results follows this temporal classification of data with the breeding site did not depend on the distance to the
an additional note on the hibernation behaviour (19 days breeding pond (correlation coefficient r = 0.087, P > 0.05).

Table 2. Association of the measured environmental factors (Table 1) with the five principal components (eigenvalues > 1) following
orthogonal VARIMAX-rotation. Names of the associated variables are given instead of the correlation coefficients because the absolute
values varied slightly within the four data sets





Table 3. Quantitative models obtained by stepwise multiple regres-

sion (procedure: forward selection) to predict the mean locomotory
[m] activity of toads. Each of the four data sets on migratory activity
was analysed separately. R 2 is the coefficient of determination

Variable Coeffi- P Contri- Total

cient bution R2
to R 2
(A) Locomotory activity during the prespawning migration in
Intercept 10.54 <0.0001
TEMPSS 2.29 <0.0001 0.711 0.711
(B) Locomotory activity during the postspawning migration in
N spring
Intercept 12.83 <0.000t
TEMPNMIN 1.56 0.0004 0.370
SOIL -0.24 0.0302 0.124 0.494
lOO -~ ~ ~" ~%ditch
(C) Locomotory activity during the summer movements
Intercept 3.72 0.0001
RAINN 0.83 0.0010 0.I92 0.192

J~ (D) Locomotory activity during the autumn migration

0 Intercept - 2.40 0.1320
0 100 200 [m] 300 SOIL -0.04 0.0123 0.392
Fig. 2. Paths of seven migrating toads during the prespawning peri- TEMPSS 1.03 0.0014 0.157
od (753 April 1986). The capture site of each monitored toad RAIND 2.58 0.0023 0.152 0.703
is marked by a dot and the sex of the individual. The remaining
dots represent the places where the toads rested after the nightly
migrations accounted for 71.1% of variance in the locomotory activity
(Table 3).

Postspawning migration in spring

Since most (74%-100% individuals per day) of the moni-
tored toads approached the breeding pond by their daily In both years oviposition lasted only a few days: 9-14 April
movements, the distribution of the 459 recorded breeding in 1985; 2zb27 April in 1986. Within 3 days after the last
site components was strongly biased: positive 88.7%, nega- oviposition all toads had left the breeding pond. They dis-
tive 11.3%. Intermediate frost periods did not affect breed- persed up to 1.6 km away, as proved by the recapture of
ing site orientation. The paths of the toads were mostly a toe-clipped individual. Again all migratory activity was
straight with 71.6% of all straightness measurements ex- restricted to the night. At the same time as the onset of
ceeding 0.8 (median: 0.86). The mean locomotory activity spawning 21 males that had not reached the breeding pond
ranged from 0 to 49.7 m/day, but was usually above 20 m/ turned away from the breeding site direction, while another
day. 7 males and 4 females continued towards the breeding pond.
Principal component analysis of the mean locomotory Therefore, the records of migrating toads during the period
activity of the toads and the environmental variables of of oviposition are not considered in this section.
the corresponding day showed that activity was associated The change o f direction preference during the spawning
with P C I , the ambient temperature, but independent of activity is presented in Fig. 3 (1985). Out of 25 median
moisture, humidity, and pressure. Air temperature at sunset breeding site components, 17 were negative, and the total
(TEMPSS) fitted best of the four temperature variables and range of medians covered --0.643 to +0.333. Conse-

1.0 1.0

[/l r~

o 0.0 o 0.0

-I.0 -i.0
1.0 1.o-
.+++ [4,+ ++ ,

0.5 0.5-

0.0 o.o-
~j 40 40
a0 30
20 20 + ,+ § + § §
o 0 10
0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i l l l l
2. 20. 12. 30. 2.
April 1985 June/July 1985
Fig. 3. Time course of breeding site component Cbs, straightness Fig. 4. Time course of breeding site component Cbs, straightness
st and locomotory activity of 10-20 toads during April 1985 (pre- st and locomotory activity of 20-27 toads during June and July
spawning and initial postspawning migrations). The median (hori- 1985 (summer movements). Presentation of data as in Fig. 3
zontal bar) of all individual breeding site components during 1
day is given as well as the upper and lower quartiles (broad vertical
bar) and the range (thin vertical bar). Straightness st and locomo-
tory activity loc are presented as mean __S.E. (vertical bar). In On 45 out of 53 observation days the daily measure-
some cases the standard errors were smaller than the radius of ments of breeding site components covered the whole range
the dots. The hatched area indicates the days with spawn deposition from - 1 to + 1 in rather even distributions. Most median
breeding site components did not deviate significantly from
zero ( P > 0.05). The overall distribution of the 583 breeding
site components was not biased: positive 52.7%, negative
quently, the distribution of the 353 sing!e measurements 47.3% (Fig. 7, left). Straightness was significantly lower
was weakly biased: positive 39.1%, negative 60.9% (Fig. 7, than in the previous migration periods (median: 0.65, H-
left). The paths of the migrating toads remained rather test, P < 0.01), because 13.1% of the toads performed move-
straight (median: 0.74), but significantly less straight than ments that led them back to the start point (0<st<0.2).
during the prespawning migration (H-test, P<0.01). The Locomotory activity was generally low, but increased con-
mean locomotory activity was always lower than 20 m/day. siderably on rainy nights, when the toads made extensive
Principal component analysis showed that locomotory excursions outside their home ranges.
activity was associated with PC1 and PC2, i.e. temperature During the summer months locomotory activity loaded
and moisture, whereas humidity and pressure did not corre- exclusively PC2, i.e. moisture, whereas neither temperature
late. Although associations with seven environmental vari- nor humidity or pressure showed any association. However,
ables were detected (Table 2), the best model of multiple the only environmental variable which accounted for a sig-
regression included only two, the nightly minimum temper- nificant part of variance (19.2%) was rainfall during night
ature ( T E M P N M I N ) and soil moisture (SOIL). However, (RAINN, Table 3).
both variables together accounted for only 49.4% of the
variance in locomotory activity.
A u t u m n migration
Most toads entered into another migratory period in Sep-
S u m m e r movements
tember. However, migratory activity started earlier in toads
Between May and June migratory activity decreased with home ranges far away from the breeding pond than
strongly and finally the movements of every individual were in those whose home ranges were closer. Therefore, the
restricted to a small area, the home range. No net move- line-of-sight distance between the start and the end position
ment in either direction was observed (Fig. 4). During the of a toad following a complete tracking period was used
study periods in June, July and August all toads monitored to decide whether the toad was still containing with the
showed this type of behaviour. In 6 out of 29 toads no summer movement pattern or whether it was participating
behavioural change occurred until hibernation in October, in the autumn migration. If the individual had moved more
while the rest left the home sites between late August and than 100 m, the toad was considered to be migrating, be-
October. The activity period during summer was limited cause this distance far exceeds the extensions of a home
to the night hours. range (Sinsch 1987b). All migrating toads headed towards

,,o 1.0-

0'1 /
o 0.0
o oo
-1.0 Z
1.0- 1.0-

++++++ 0.5

0.0 0.0

"~ 40-

E 3o :
a0 }
20" §162 O
,,--,4 10-
~ 0 --
0 ? .... iT ,'7"T,;T ,",'iT
7. 25.
13. S e p t e m b e r 1 9 8 5 so. April 1986
Fig. 5. Time course of breeding site component cbs, straightness Fig. 6. Time course of breeding site component cbs, straightness
stand locomotory activity of 12-20 toads during September 1985 st and locomotory activity of 26~24 toads during April 1986 (pre-
(autumn migration). Presentation of data as in Fig. 3 spawning and initial postspawning migrations). Presentations of
data as in Fig. 3

the breeding pond, but migration was frequently inter- 60 1 Spring migrati~ J
rupted for a few days. None of them approached closer 40 i prespawning N
to the breeding pond than 70 m, although some would have
been able to reach the pond itself. In late October 1985
a week of night frosts ended the nocturnal movements. Out 60- Spring migration:
of 23 monitored toads 15 remained inactive and hibernated 0 postspawning
between 70 m and 760 m from the breeding site. After a
week of complete inactivity the remaining 8 toads shifted
to day activity and on sunny days they migrated throughout
~) (3. iLi,,,mmmi,,,,mt
80- Summer movements
the day. The migratory activity of these individuals ended
on 10 November, after heavy snowfalls.
The following section refers exclusively to the nocturnal
part of the autumn migration, because data obtained during 60- Autumn migration
the daytime migration were too few for thorough analysis.
The time course of migratory activity in September is pre- 20
sented in Fig. 5. The migrating toads approached the breed- 0
ing pond, but not as directly as in spring. The median breed- -i 0 +1 0 +1
ing site components per day varied from + 0.07 to + 0.943. Breeding site component Straightness
Nevertheless, the distribution of the breeding site compo- Fig. 7. Distributions of the breeding site component Cbs and the
nents was clearly biased: positive 68.5%, negative 31.5% straightness of path st during the four annual periods of toad
(Fig. 7, left). The straightness of path increased again (me- activity. Data are summarized in histograms presenting the relative
dian: 0.78) and reached the level of the postspawning mi- frequency of observations in classes of 0.2 width. The absolute
gration in spring (H-test, P > 0.05), but remained lower than numbers of observations are: prespawning migration 459, post-
during the prespawning migration in spring (H-test, P < spawning migration 353, summer movements 583, autumn migra-
tion 288
0.01). The mean locomotory activity was mostly low.
Principal component analysis showed association of lo-
comotory activity with both PC1 and PC2, temperature
Note on hibernation
and moisture. The quantitative model obtained by multiple
regression included three environmental variables (Table The hibernation sites of 29 toads were observed sporadi-
3): soil moisture (SOIL), temperature at sunset (TEMPSS) cally in November, December, and March. Air temperature
and rain during the day (RAIND). The combined effect in the hibernation site and at 10 cm above ground were
of these variables accounted for 70.3% of variance in loco- recorded, Twenty-three toads hibernated at distances of
motory activity. 70 m-420 m from the breeding pond, and six within their

summer home ranges at 1060 m to 1230 m distance. Two placements (Sinsch 1987b). The homing ability relied
types of hibernation sites were used by the toads: holes mainly on visual cues and familiarity with the adjacent areas
of any kind but mostly those of mice (n= 16) and the leaf (Sinsch 1987b). A similar site fidelity outside the breeding
layer on the forest soil (n= 13). Both types gave the same season has also been observed in Bufo valliceps (Grubb
chance of survival (56% and 54% respectively). Tempera- 1970) and in Bufo marinus (Carpenter and Gillingham
tures within the hibernation sites of surviving toads ranged 1987). Toads often returned to particular hiding places
from +0.9 ~ C to +3,1 ~ C, even when the ambient air tem- within their home ranges indicating a limited site fidelity
perature was lower than - 1 7 ~ C. In at least five sites the as also observed in an enclosure (Pinston and Guyetant
death of the toad was caused by temperatures far below 1987).
zero. At the other ten sites the reasons for unsuccessful Finally, the time course of breeding site orientation dur-
overwintering remained unclear. Intervening temperature ing the autumn migration resembled that observed during
increases (in November and December 1985) up to + 14~ C spring. The hypothesis that this migration serves to gather
did not interrupt hibernation. the reproductive individuals of a population near the breed-
ing pond (" Warter/iume ", Heusser 1967, 1968) is supported
by the data presented. The wide range of distances
Discussion (70-1600 m) between individual home sites and the breed-
ing site decreased to a maximum of 420 m in the population
The annual sequence of migrations in Bufo bufo individuals studied. The fact that six toads did not participate in the
fitted with tracking devices was apparently the same as in autumn migration and hibernated at 1060-1230 m distance
free-ranging toads: prespawning and postspawning migra- supports the hypothesis that not all adults of a population
tions in spring, summer movements, and autumn migration. breed every year (Heusser 1967). Thus, only 2 or 3 weeks
Thus, the tracking device does not influence the toads' ori- of prespawning migration in spring are sufficient for most
entation behaviour or their willingness to perform migra- reproductive toads to reach the breeding pond before onset
tions (Sinsch 1987a, b). The speed of migration, however, of spawning activity. To sum up, adult Bufo bufo individ-
was reduced to about one-third of that of free-ranging toads uals move periodically between their natal pond and indi-
(Gittins et al. 1980; van Gelder et al. 1986). This reduction vidual home ranges with a breeding migration beginning
of activity was due to (1) the additional mass of the tracking in autumn, interrupted by hibernation and continuing in
device and (2) the local ground surface structure. The addi- spring.
tional mass ranged from 14% to 17% of the toad's body The seasonal changes in directional choice were accom-
mass, so that its effect was assumed to be approximately panied by corresponding, but smaller, variations in the
the same in all individuals. The paths of the toads were straightness of path. The decrease of straightness following
usually marked by the thread becoming tangled with small reproduction was probably due to feeding for the rest of
herbs or branches on the forest floor. The length of thread the activity period, whereas toads starved during the pre-
unwound therefore also depended on the number of such spawning migration in spring (Heusser 1967). A further
surface obstructions. Although most areas in which toads decrease during the summer activity period caused by fre-
were tracked had similar ground surface structures, this may quent route reversals reflected the fidelity of some individ-
be an additional source of variance in locomotory activity. uals to certain sites within their home range,
Since these effects did not vary over time, the data on loco- The diel activity pattern of the studied population
motory activity obtained by this method were suitable for broadly confirmed the observation that migratory activity
further comparative analyses. On the other hand, the use is nocturnal (Heusser 1967). However, toads (up to 28%)
of the models for quantitative prediction of the locomotory of a Welsh population migrated during daylight as well
activity is limited to the tracked population. (Gittins 1983 b). In Bavaria too some toads.shifted to activi-
All annual migrations performed by adult toads were ty during daylight for about 3 weeks in late autumn, when
significantly related to the direction of breeding pond, as night frost did not permit nocturnal movements. Therefore,
demonstrated by positive breeding site components in early it is likely that meteorological conditions rather than dark-
spring and autumn and by negative ones in late spring. ness favour nocturnal migrations.
The orientation of the toads during the prespawning migra- A variety of environmental factors that could influence
tion in spring depends mainly on olfactory and magnetic locomotory activity has been studied in Bufo spp., e.g. tem-
cues, with visual control of straightness (Sinsch 1987a). perature, rainfall, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, and
During the other migration periods the orientation cues moon phases (FitzGerald and Bider 1974; Gittins 1983a;
involved have not been investigated. The sudden lack of Heusser 1967, 1968; Sinsch 1987b; Smits 1984; Smits and
breeding site orientation in most males simultaneously with Crawford 1984; Wisniewski et al. 1981). The present study
the onset of spawning might be triggered by spawn odours. allowed a quantitative evaluation of environmental influ-
Whether toads return every year to the same home sites ences on migratory activity and its seasonal variation. The
after breeding cannot be judged from the available observa- proportion of variance in locomotory activity explained by
tions. However, mortality rates of more than 50% per year environmental variables ranged from 71.1% in early spring
(Gittins 1983b) suggest that most toads perform the post- and autumn to 19.2% in summer. Since temperature at
spawning migration only once in their life. The high rate sunset alone explained 71.1% of variance during the pre-
of winter mortality in the population studied (about 45%) spawning migration, a comparison with the results of simple
probably exceeds natural mortality because the tracking de- regression of nocturnal temperature on the number of im-
vice certainly hindered the toads from entering safer hiber- migrating male toads in a Welsh population is permissible.
nation sites. During summer the toads exhibit a remarkable In this case 50.1% and 64% (Wisniewski et al. 1981) or
fidelity to their individual home ranges as demonstrated 20.9% (Gittins 1983a) of the variance was explained by
by frequent recaptures (Heusser 1968) and experimental dis- nocturnal temperature. The deviating result of Gittins is

probably due to the fact that his analysis is based on only References
one breeding period (1981) in which temperature did not
reach critical limits. Principal component analysis and mul- Baker RR (1978) The evolutionary ecology of animal migration.
tiple regression confirm quantitatively that temperature at Hodder and Stoughton (London Sidney Auckland Toronto)
sunset has the greatest influence on the number of migrating 1012 p
Batschelet E (1981) Circular statistics in biology. Academic Press
toads (Heusser 1968) but reject an additional effect of rain- (London New York) 371 p
fall. The minimum air temperature allowing locomotory Bellis ED (1962) The influence of humidity on the wood frog activi-
activity in toads is slightly greater than 0 ~ C as shown by ty. Am Midl Nat 68:131 148
direct measurements. Threshold temperatures of 3 ~ 1 7 6 Carpenter CC, Gillingham JC (1987) Water hole fidelity in the
as calculated from the capture rates in fences (Gittins et al. marine toad Bufo marinus. J Herpet 21:158-160
1980; Wisniewski et al. 1981) reflect the limits of the meth- Dole JW (1965) Summer movements of adult leopard frogs Rana
od rather than the true activity. pipiens Schreber in northern Michigan. Ecology 46:236-255
During the postspawning migration the effect of temper- Eibl-Eibesfeldt I (1950) Ein Beitrag zur Paarungsbiologie der Erdk-
ature decreased to 37%, corresponding with the results in r6te (Bufo bufo L.). Behaviour 2:217-233
FitzGerald GJ, Bider JR (1974) Influence of moon phase and
Welsh populations: 28.1% (Wisniewski etal. 1981) and wheather factors on locomotory activity in Bufo americanus.
8.1% (Gittins 1983 a). Soil moisture accounted for a further Oikos 25:338-340
proportion of variance, increasing the total enviromental Flury B, Riedwyl H (1983) Angewandte multivariate Statistik. Gus-
influence to 49.4%. Although the number of environmental tav Fischer, Stuttgart New York p 187
variables that had significant effects increased, their com- Gelder JJ van, Aarts HM, Staal HJWM (1986) Routes and speed
bined effect declined probably in favour of endogenous fac- of migrating toads (Bufo bufo L.): a telemetric study. Herpet
tors. This tendency continued during the summer activity J 1:111-114
period when only 19.2% of variance was accounted for Gittins SP (1983a) The breeding migration of the common toad
by rainfall. A preliminary analysis of the environmental
(Bufo bufo) to a pond in Mid-Wales. J Zool 199:555-562
Gittins SP (1983b) Diurnal activity of the common toad (Bufo
influences during summer suggested a greater contribution bufo) during the breeding migration to a pond in Mid-Wales.
(52.9%, Sinsch 1987b) but the data set investigated was Brit J Herpet 6:292 294
considerably smaller than that in the present study. In Bufo Gittins SP, Parker AG, Slater FM (1980) Population characteristics
americanus the combined influence o f rainfall and tempera- of the common toad (Bufo bufo) visiting a breeding site in
ture was also low, amounting to 34.9% (FitzGerald and Mid-Wales. J Anim Ecol 49:161-173
Bider 1974). In the final migratory period of the year the Grubb JC (1970) Orientation in post-reproductive Mexican toads,
environmental influence increased to 70.3%, mostly due Bufo vaIliceps. Copeia 1970:674-680
to rainfall variables. All data demonstrate that the relative Heusser H (1960a) Uber die Beziehungen der Erdkr6te (Bufo bufo
L.) zu ihrem Laichplatz I. Behaviour 12:208-232
importance of rainfall increased from the beginning o f the
Heusser H (1960b) 1Jber die Beziehungen der Erdkr6te (Bufo bt4fo
annual activity period to its end, while that o f temperature L.) zu ihrem Laichplatz II. Behaviour 14:90-109
declined. Neither air humidity nor atmospheric pressure Heusser H (1967) Wanderungen und Sommerquartiere der Erdk-
were quantitatively associated with the magnitude o f move- r6te (Bufo bufo L.). Unpubl Ph D Univ Ziirich
ments at any time. Heusser H (1968) Die Lebensweise der Erdkr6te (Bufo bufo L.):
The following hypothesis is presented to explain the sea- Wanderungen und Sommerquartiere. Rev Suis Zool
sonally varying effect of temperature and rainfall: An envi- 75 : 928-982
ronmental factor affects the magnitude of locomotory activ- Jungfer W (1943) Beitrfige zur Biologic der Erdkr6te (Bufo bufo
ity only if this factor approaches the tolerance limits of L.) mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Wanderung zu den
Laichgewfissern. Z f Morphol Okol Tiere 40: 117-157
the toad. In fact, during spring and autumn temperature
Oldham RS (1966) Spring movements in the American toad, Bufo
was frequently near or below the critical limit of freezing americanus. Can J Zool 44:63-100
point. In the long periods of drought during summer and Pearson OP, Bradford DF (1976) Thermoregulation of lizards and
autumn the water balance of the toads was probably sever- toads at high altitudes in Peru. Copeia 1976:155-170
ely affected. On the other hand the lack of influence of Petranka JW (1984) Breeding migrations, breeding season, clutch
temperature (range: 3 ~ C-17.5 ~ C) in summer indicates that size and oviposition of stream-breeding Ambystoma texanum.
the toads are able to compensate for the effect of tempera- J Herpet 18:106-112
ture on locomotory activity. Compensation could be based Pinston H, Guyetant R (1987) Home fidelity in the common toad
either on thermoregulatory behaviour as in Bufo spinulosus Bufo bufo L., Amphibia, Anura, Proceed 4th Ord Gen Meet
(Pearson and Bradford 1976) and/or on physiological adap- SEH Nijmegen 1987:317-320
Pough FH (1980) The advantages of ectothermy for tetrapods.
tations o f metabolism as in Bufo terrestris (Smith 1976) Am Nat 115:92-112
and other anurans (for reviews see Pough 1980, 1983). This Pough FH (1983) Amphibians and reptiles as low-energy systems.
hypothesis, deduced from field data, could be supported In: Behavioural energetics (eds Aspey WP, Lustick SI) Ohio
or rejected by further experimental studies under controlled State Univ Press, Columbus, 141-188
conditions in the laboratory. Nevertheless, this study dem- Semlitsch RD (1985) Analysis of climatic factors influencing migra-
onstrates clearly that in the ectothermal toad Bufo bufo tions of the salamander Ambystoma talpoideum. Copeia
endogenous factors may explain a seasonally varying, but 1985:477~489
significant, portion of the variation in locomotory activity. Sinsch U (1987a) Orientation behaviour of toads (Bufo bufo)
displaced from the breeding site. J Comp Physiol A 161:715-
Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to HG. Wallraff who recog- Sinsch U (1987 b) Migratory behaviour of the toad Bufo bufo within
nized various weak points in an earlier draft of this paper. For its home range and after displacement. Proceed 4th Ord Gen
further comments I thank I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt, D. Neumann and H. Meet SEH Nijmegen 1987:361 364
Schneider. Thanks are also due to L. Sinsch and R. Wahl for Smith GC (1976) Ecological energetics of three species of ectother-
technical assistance in the field. mic vertebrates. Ecology 57: 252-264

Smits AW (1984) Activity patterns and thermal biology of the Twitty V, Grant D, Anderson O (1964) Long distance homing
toad Bufo boreas halophilus. Copeia 1984:689-696 in the newt Taricha vulgaris. Proc Nat Acad Sci 51:51-58
Smits AW, Crawford DL (1984) Emergence of toads to activity: Wells KD (1977) The social behaviour of anuran amphibians.
a statistical analysis of contributing cues. Copeia 1984:696-701 Anim Behav 25 : 666-693
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Lake Michigan beach. Ecology 33 : 149-162 ture on the breeding migration and spawning of the common
Tracy CR, Dole JW (1969) Orientation of displaced California toad (Bufo bufo). Brit J Herpet 6:119-121
toads, Bufo boreas, to their breeding sites. Copeia 1969 : 693-700
Twitty VC (1959) Migration and speciation in newts. Science
130:1735-1743 Received January 8, 1988

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