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Emergency Medicine Australasia (2008) 20, 294–305 doi: 10.1111/j.1742-6723.2008.01086.


Review article: Hypertonic saline use in the

emergency department
Colin J Banks and Jeremy S Furyk
Emergency Department, The Townsville Hospital, Douglas, Queensland, Australia


Hypertonic saline (HS) is being increasingly used for the management of a variety of
conditions, most notably raised intracranial pressure. This article reviews the available
evidence on HS solutions as they relate to emergency medicine, and develops a set of
recommendations for its use. To conclude, HS is recommended as an alternative to man-
nitol for treating raised intracranial pressure in traumatic brain injury. HS is also recom-
mended for treating severe and symptomatic hyponatremia, and is worth considering for
both recalcitrant tricyclic antidepressant toxicity and for cerebral oedema complicating
paediatric diabetic ketoacidosis. HS is not recommended for hypovolaemic resuscitation.
Key words: brain injury, hypertonic, hyponatremia, intracranial hypertension, resuscitation,
saline solution.

Introduction Methods
Hypertonic saline (HS) is an old therapy that has A search was conducted of the electronic databases
enjoyed a recent resurgence. From the first study in MEDLINE (1966 to August 2007), EMBASE (1977
1919 by Weed and McKibben that demonstrated a to August 2007) and CINAHL (1982 to August 2007),
reduction of brain volume in cats,1 it has now become using the terms ‘exp saline solutions, hypertonic/’
routine care in many institutions for the treatment of AND ‘exp brain oedema/OR exp intracranial
traumatic brain injury (TBI). HS, in combination with hypertension/OR exp brain injuries/OR exp multiple
colloid, has been used in Europe for trauma resuscita- trauma/OR exp burns/OR exp resuscitation/OR exp
tion for many years. HS has also been used in other hyponatremia/OR exp sepsis/OR exp antidepressive
diverse fields, such as toxicology and hyponatraemia agents, tricyclic/OR exp shock/’. The results were
and, more recently, for cardiac arrest. The aim of this limited to humans. All titles and abstracts were read,
review is to examine and present the available evidence relevant articles were identified and full texts were
behind this resurgence, and then develop a set of rec- obtained. A hand search of the references was also
ommendations for the use of HS solutions by emergency conducted. This was done independently by both
physicians. authors.

Correspondence: Dr Colin J Banks, c/o Emergency Department, The Townsville Hospital, 100 Angus Smith Dr, Douglas, Qld 4814,
Australia. Email:
Colin J Banks, MB BS, Emergency Registrar; Jeremy S Furyk, MB BS FACEM, Staff Specialist.

© 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine
Hypertonic saline

Table 1. NHMRC guidelines for level of evidence2 excluded articles were case reports, perioperative trials
Level Description or those felt not to be relevant after detailed examina-
tion by the authors.
I Systematic review of level II studies
II A randomized controlled trial
III-1 A pseudorandomized control trial
III-2 A comparative study with concurrent controls
III-3 A comparative study without concurrent controls
Mechanisms of action
IV Case series
Haemodynamic effects
NHMRC, National Health and Medical Research Council.
HS infusion causes plasma expansion through a redis-
tribution of fluid from the extravascular space. This
Table 2. NHMRC guidelines for grading of recommendations
results in an increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP)
Grade Description with the need for less volume than with isotonic fluids.
A Body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice This has been shown in both animal and human
B Body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice in models.3–6 There is also a decrease in systemic vascular
most situations resistance,4,5 which might be in part secondary to release
C Body of evidence provides some support for of endothelin-derived relaxing factor.7
recommendation but care should be taken in its There have been conflicting results as to whether
application HS directly improves cardiac contractility, with some
D Body of evidence is weak and recommendation must be
studies demonstrating an increase,5,8 and others no
applied with caution
NHMRC, National Health and Medical Research Council. Endothelial swelling occurs in the early stages of
shock, resulting in capillary narrowing and hypoperfu-
sion. HS infusion has been shown in animal models to
Articles retained for selection were those original
reduce this swelling and also that of the red blood cell,
research papers of relevance to emergency medicine.
thereby improving the microcirculation.10,11
Perioperative studies and case reports were excluded
unless they offered something unique or they were the
best evidence in that area. All HS solutions were incor- Intracranial pressure effects
porated, with solutions ranging from 1.6% to 30%,
including those mixed with different colloids. Final HS has been shown in many studies to decrease cerebral
inclusion was decided by author consensus. water content,12,13 and reduce intracranial pressure
The level of evidence and the grading of recommen- (ICP),12,14–18 having at least the same efficacy as manni-
dations for each area were assessed using the Austra- tol.12,14,15 Two of these studies found that whereas
lian National Health and Medical Research Council HS decreased ICP, it did not improve cerebral blood
guidelines.2 These are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. flow.12,17 However, neither did isotonic fluids12,17 nor
To help explain mechanisms of action, some animal mannitol.12 A more recent study in dogs showed that HS
and perioperative trials were quoted, but these were not reversed transtentorial herniation with improved cere-
used in formulating any recommendations. bral blood flow.18 In terms of duration, Qureshi et al.
showed that the effect of rapidly infused 3% HS lasted
120 min which was longer than both isoosmolar doses
Results of 23.4% HS and mannitol.12
The blood brain barrier (BBB) reflection coefficient
The above search yielded: MEDLINE 395 titles, is higher for HS (1.0) than for mannitol (0.9), which
EMBASE 179 titles, CINAHL 55 titles. After dupli- means that more mannitol will cross the intact BBB.
cates were removed, all abstracts were read. Of those, However, the BBB gets disrupted in TBI. This might
121 were considered potentially relevant and full texts in part explain Lescot et al.’s recent finding that the
were obtained. A further 22 papers were identified volume of contused areas actually increases post HS
from hand-searching references. From the 143 full-text infusion.13 However, the overall cerebral volume was
articles, 91 were included in the final manuscript and reduced as the decrease in non-contused areas was
these are discussed in the main body of the text. The 52 greater.

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Journal compilation © 2008 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine
CJ Banks and JS Furyk

Table 3. Electrolyte changes post HS infusion

Dose given of HS Na (mmol/L) Cl (mmol/L) K (mmol/L) pH
20 min 60 min 20 min 60 min 20 min 60 min 20 min 60 min
4 mL/kg 7.5% † ↑ 11 ↑9 ↑ 12 ↑ 12 ↓ 0.1 ↑ 0.6 ↓ 0.05 ↓ 0.05
300 mL of 3%41 ↑5 ↑3 ↑6 ↑4 ↓ 0.3 ↓ 0.1 ↓ 0.016 ↓ 0.007
†Values measured from graphs of mean changes. Cl, chloride; HS, hypertonic saline; K, potassium; Na, sodium.

Immunological/inflammation effects increase in ICP has been found in one animal study.16
There are two case reports of late malignant cerebral
HS in the animal model decreases haemorrhage-induced oedema despite prolonged HS therapy in patients with
neutrophil activation, protecting against acute lung intracerebral haemorrhage.38 The authors felt that this
injury.19,20 Suggested mechanisms are by decreasing was not consistent with the natural history of the
chemotaxis,21 endothelial adhesion,22,23 vascular perme- disease and postulated that it might have been second-
ability,24 exocytosis25 and mesenteric lymph activation ary to the HS.
of neutrophils.26,27 Timing of administration might be of A single case of fatal hypernatraemic haemorrhagic
importance with studies showing that early administra- encephalopathy (HHE) was reported in 1979 when a
tion of HS decreases the neutrophil response, but that 12-year-old diabetic boy (weight not mentioned) with
later administration actually augments it.21,28 HS has diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) was inadvertently given
also been shown to augment T-cell function,29,30 decrease 500 mL of 5% HS.39 His sodium increased from 135 to
liver and intestinal apoptosis,31 increase release of 172 mmol/L. No other studies have reported a case
cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone32 and of HHE.
decrease post-traumatic sepsis.33 HS administration raises both serum sodium and
There are two recent randomized controlled trials chloride which can result in a hyperchloraemic meta-
examining the immune response in hypotensive bolic acidosis. Potassium levels drop initially then rise.
trauma patients who received either 7.5% HS/6% Table 3 shows mean electrolyte changes from two
dextran (HS/D) or isotonic crystalloid.34,35 Both trials studies.40,41
reported that HS/D decreased trauma-induced neutro- HS has been shown to be anticoagulant in vitro when
phil and monocyte activation for up to 1235 and 24 h,34 5–10% of blood has been replaced with 7.5% HS.42–44
respectively. This equates to an approximate dose of 3.5–7 mL/kg
of 7.5% HS. In two of these studies,42,43 HS was being
Side-effects compared with normal saline which itself has been
shown to be procoagulant in small doses.45
Overly rapid correction of chronic hyponatraemia with In one study, 3–5 mL/kg of 7.5% HS solutions given
hypertonic and even isotonic saline can result in osmotic to 10 volunteers through a peripheral vein caused
demyelination syndrome (ODS).36 There is only one painful irritation in four and subsequent thrombophle-
reported case when a HS solution used in trauma resus- bitis in two.6 However, in a clinical trial of trauma
citation or ICP control has resulted in ODS.37 This was patients, none of the 23 patients given a similar dose
in a trauma patient who received 1250 mL of 7.5% developed phlebitis.46
HS/7.2% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) over 6–7 h. This
was the only occurrence in this study which examined
all adverse reactions to HS/HES over 10 years and at Clinical applications
least 18 000 patients. The same study also found three
cases of anaphylactic/anapyhlactoid reaction to the Hypovolaemic resuscitation
HES, none of which was fatal.
A concern with prolonged use of HS is that sodium HS was first used for resuscitation in humans in a case
levels will eventually equilibrate across the BBB and series in 1980 by de Felippe et al.47 They gave repeated
that when HS is ceased, serum sodium will drop and 50 mL boluses of 7.5% HS to 12 patients in hypovol-
free water will be drawn across the BBB into the brain. aemic shock that was refractory to dopamine and fluids.
Most studies have not reported this, but a rebound Shock was reversed in 11 patients.

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Hypertonic saline

In 1991, Chavez-Negrete et al. randomized 49 patients 90 mmHg as a cut-off and found a benefit in survival
to receive either 250 mL of HS/D or lactated Ringer’s expressed as an odds ratio (OR) of 1.47 (95% CI, 1.04–
solution (LRS) for upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage 2.08) for patients treated with HS/D as compared with
and a systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg.48 isotonic crystalloid.60 The third meta-analysis examined
They found improved blood pressure, urine output and patients with TBI which is discussed later with the
conscious state with the HS/D group that were statisti- other TBI trials.61 In 2003, Wade et al. also published a
cally significant. re-examination of the data reported by Mattox et al.50
Between 1987 and 1993, 10 randomized controlled who had already found a survival advantage for the
(level II) trials were published comparing the adminis- subgroup of patients with penetrating trauma requiring
tration of 250 mL of 7.5% HS/6% D with isotonic crys- surgery.62 They found that patients with penetrating
talloid in hypotensive trauma patients.46,49–57 Three of trauma to the torso requiring surgery and treated with
the trials55–57 are not examined further as they were HS/D had a survival benefit (84.5% vs 67.1%, P = 0.01).
reporting on interim data that were reported in two Five other trials of varying design have found that
larger studies.49,54 In all trials, HS/D was administered HS solutions improved haemodynamic parameters,63–66
as part of overall resuscitation with further isotonic or decreased overall fluid requirements,67 but they did
fluid or blood given as necessary. One of the studies not examine mortality.
was of penetrating trauma only.46 Hypotension was A Cochrane review in 2004 examined hypertonic
variably defined as <80 mmHg,53,54 <90 mmHg46,50–52 and crystalloid in trauma patients and found the pooled
<100 mmHg.49 Most of the studies showed that HS/D relative risk of death to be 0.84 (95% CI 0.69–1.04).68 The
raised blood pressure significantly more than isotonic conclusion was that there was no evidence to suggest
crystalloid.49–53 No study found a statistically significant that HS is better than isotonic crystalloid.
survival advantage. No significant side-effects were The evidence suggests that HS solutions are safe, and
reported. Three of the studies also compared HS with will improve haemodynamics in hypovolaemic resusci-
HS/D and found no additional effect of dextran.51–53 tation. However, resuscitation end points are currently
Subgroup analysis revealed that some patients might being debated with a move towards hypotensive resus-
benefit from HS/D. Vassar et al. found that those citation in some circumstances.69,70 The evidence for
patients with a severe head injury who received HS/D increased survival with use of HS solutions is inconclu-
had an improved survival rate (32% vs 16%, P = 0.04).49 sive. It is possible that certain subgroups might benefit
Mattox et al. stated that the subgroup of patients with from HS solutions, but further research is required.
penetrating trauma requiring surgery who received With the current evidence, HS solutions are not
HS/D had improved 24 h survival (89% vs 82%, recommended over isotonic solutions for resuscitation
P = 0.02).50 These are post-hoc conclusions and need in hypovolaemic patients.
to be interpreted with caution.
Younes et al., in a double-blinded randomized control
trial in 1997, did find a survival benefit with HS/D.58 A Traumatic brain injury
total of 212 patients in the ED received either 250 mL
of 7.5% HS/6% D or normal saline if the treating physi- Reducing ICP
cian diagnosed haemorrhagic hypovolaemia, irrespec-
tive of blood pressure. Survival was significantly Retrospective studies have demonstrated that HS in
improved in the HS/D group at both 24 h (87% vs 72%, varying concentrations is safe71 and effective in reduc-
P < 0.01) and 30 days (73% vs 64%, P < 0.03). Further ing ICP in both paediatric72 and adult73 settings.
evaluation showed that HS/D seemed to offer most Four non-comparative prospective trials found HS
benefit to those patients with a MAP < 70 mmHg. to be effective as rescue therapy when mannitol has
CE Wade was the first author of three separate failed.74–77
manufacture-supported meta-analyses in 1997 of the Two non-comparative prospective trials studied HS
above trauma trials.59–61 The first used 100 mmHg as the as an alternative agent to mannitol. Munar et al. used
cut-off for hypotension.59 The conclusion was that HS 1.5 mL/kg of 7.2% HS for elevations in ICP above
was no different to isotonic crystalloid and that HS/D 15 mmHg and achieved a reduction of about 30%
was likely to be more effective. The quoted increase in (P < 0.01).78 Huang et al. used 300 mL of 3% HS for rises
survival for HS/D was 3.5%, but was not statistically in ICP over 20 mmHg and achieved a mean reduction of
significant (P = 0.14). The second meta-analysis used 6–7 mmHg (P < 0.01).41

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CJ Banks and JS Furyk

Three small trials have compared HS with isotonic or Those admitted before a certain date received normal
hypotonic crystalloid. Fisher et al. produced a double- saline as maintenance fluid and those after received 2%
blinded cross-over study comparing 3% HS with normal or 3% HS/acetate solution.86 Mean duration of infusion
saline in 18 paediatric patients with TBI.79 A bolus of was 72 h. Both groups received boluses of HS when
10 mL/kg was given for rising ICP or falling CPP. They needed. They found an increase in hospital mortality
showed that HS reduced ICP from 20 to 16 mmHg for the hypertonic group (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.1–10.2).
(P < 0.01) over a 2 h study period, whereas normal saline However, the hypertonic group had a higher incidence
did not. Simma et al. compared 1.6% HS with LRS as the of both penetrating trauma (36% vs 17%, P = 0.07) and
only crystalloid used in 32 paediatric patients in the first a mass lesion on initial computerized tomography (CT)
3 days post TBI.80 They found an inverse correlation scan (72% vs 50%, P = 0.07).
between sodium level and ICP. The HS group required
fewer interventions to maintain a low ICP (P < 0.01) and
had a shorter intensive care stay (8.0 vs 11.6 days, TBI with hypotension
P = 0.04). Shackford et al. randomized 34 adult patients
with TBI to a hypertonic or a hypotonic group.81 Wade et al. produced a meta-analysis selecting all
However, no conclusions could be reached as the hyper- the TBI patients from six trials which had compared
tonic group had more serious head injuries on admission. HS/D with isotonic crystalloid in hypotensive trauma
patients.61 The dose in all trials was 250 mL of HS/D.
Comparison with mannitol A total of 223 patients were identified. They found
that patients treated with HS/D had a trend towards
Four trials have compared HS solutions with mannitol in improved survival to discharge (38% vs 27%, P = 0.08).
TBI, including three randomized trials. Ware et al. pub- In 2004, Cooper et al. published a double-blinded ran-
lished a retrospective chart review of 13 patients who domized controlled trial that compared pre-hospital
had received both 23.4% HS and 20% mannitol.82 They administration of 250 mL of 7.5% HS with LRS for
concluded that HS and mannitol caused an equivalent patients with severe TBI and hypotension.87 This was
decrease in ICP. Vialet et al. randomized 20 adult patients defined as a GCS of <9 and a systolic blood pressure of
to receive either 2 mL/kg of 7.5% HS or 2 mL/kg of 20% <100 mmHg. A total of 229 patients were enrolled. The
mannitol for elevations in ICP over 25 mmHg.83 The HS primary outcome measure was neurological function
group had less elevations per day (6.8 vs 13.3, P = 0.02) at 6 months, measured using the extended Glasgow
and less overall minutes per day over 25 mmHg (62 vs Outcome Score (GOSE). The median GOSE at 6 months
95 min, P = 0.04). However, the osmotic load of HS was (with interquartile range) was 5 (3–6) for the HS group
higher than for mannitol (2400 vs 1160 mOsm/kg water). and 5 (5–6) for the control group (P = 0.45). Survival at 6
Harutjunyan et al. randomized 32 neurosurgical patients months was 55% for the HS group and 47% for the
(10 with TBI) to receive either 7.2% HS/HES or 15% control group (P = 0.23). There was a trend towards a
mannitol for rises in ICP.84 The solutions were given lower initial ICP in the HS group (10 vs 15 mmHg,
at a predetermined rate until ICP returned to below P = 0.08).
15 mmHg. They found that less HS/HES was required HS has been shown to reliably decrease ICP in
(1.4 vs 1.8 mL/kg, P < 0.05), although again the osmotic patients with TBI (level II evidence). In comparative
load was much higher for the HS. Battison et al. in trials with mannitol, it is at least as effective. Systemic
a prospective cross-over trial compared equimolar hypotension and raised ICP are both associated with
amounts of 7.5% HS/6% D (100 mL) with 20% mannitol increased mortality, and current Brain Trauma
(200 mL).85 There were nine adult patients with TBI Foundation guidelines suggest treating an ICP greater
or subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). HS/D caused a than 20–25 mmHg and maintaining a CPP of at least
greater reduction in ICP (13 vs 7.5 mmHg, P = 0.01) and 50–70 mmHg.88,89 Osmotherapy is one of many modali-
for a longer duration (148 vs 95 min, P = 0.04). ties to reduce ICP. Both HS and mannitol will reduce
ICP, yet neither has good evidence showing an outcome
In-hospital survival benefit. Both options have potential side-effects. Manni-
tol can cause volume depletion, renal toxicity and
In terms of mortality, Qureshi et al. performed a retro- rebound cerebral oedema.90,91 As a grade C recommen-
spective chart review of 36 adult patients with isolated dation, HS is an alternative to mannitol as osmotherapy
severe TBI, defined as a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) <9. for treating raised ICP in TBI. A suggested dose is

298 © 2008 The Authors

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Hypertonic saline

5 mL/kg of 3% HS given as a bolus or rapid infusion the HS group and 51.5% for the colloid-only group
which can be repeated if necessary. (P = 0.21).
This is the first human trial in this field and the
results warrant further evaluation, but no recommenda-
Burns tion can be made at this stage.
In burns resuscitation, HS solutions have been used in an Sepsis
attempt to minimize overall volume required, in particu-
lar, lactated hypertonic saline (LHS). The earlier studies We identified three prospective trials in which HS solu-
and those without controls found that the use of LHS tions have been used in sepsis resuscitation. All used
resulted in less fluid volume being required than pre- haemodynamic parameters as end points, not morbidity
dicted by various formulae,92–94 and that LHS was safe.95 nor mortality. Oliveira et al. randomized 29 patients to
Most comparative trials found that the volume require- receive either 250 mL of 7.5% HS/8% dextran or normal
ment for HS solutions was significantly less than for saline, and showed an increase in cardiac output with a
isotonic fluid,96–105 but three found no such effect.106–108 decrease in systemic vascular resistance for the hyper-
Other interesting findings were that in the trial by tonic group.110 Hannemann et al. found that 2–4 mL/kg
Murphy et al., the hypertonic group had a significantly of 7.5% HS/6% HES given to 21 stabilized patients
lower troponin level at 24 h despite no difference in improved cardiac output and increased pulmonary
fluid requirements.107 Oda et al. reported a significant capillary wedge pressure (PCWP).111 Muller et al. gave
decrease in intra-abdominal pressure and subsequent 250 mL of 7.5% HS to 12 patients in severe sepsis or
abdominal compartment syndrome for those treated septic shock with a transient increase in cardiac index
with LHS solution.102 However, there was a degree of and PCWP.112
selection bias in that patients transferred from other Although HS solutions improve haemodynamics
centres received isotonic crystalloid whereas the direct transiently, there is no recommendation to use HS
presentations were given LHS. solutions for patients with sepsis.
One study found HS solutions to be harmful. Huang
et al. in a retrospective study found a fourfold increase Paediatric DKA
in acute renal failure (P < 0.01) and a doubling of mor-
tality (P < 0.01) for 65 patients resuscitated with HS Cerebral oedema-complicating DKA remains incom-
solutions compared with 109 patients resuscitated with pletely understood and is associated with poor out-
isotonic crystalloid.103 This is the only trial that found comes. HS has been suggested by some as an alternative
a mortality difference. to mannitol. A case report in 2001 describes a 13-year-
A Cochrane review in 2004 found that for burns, old girl that had CT-proven cerebral oedema in the
the relative risk of death with use of HS solutions was setting of DKA.113 She had already received 0.7 g/kg of
1.49 (95% CI 0.56–3.95), suggesting a trend towards 20% mannitol, but she kept deteriorating. Her GCS was
increased mortality.68 7 when a rapid infusion of 5 mL/kg of 3% HS was
Although it appears that HS solutions might reduce given, and her GCS returned to 15 within 5 min. A later
fluid requirements in burns resuscitation, there is case series showed significant improvement in four chil-
concern regarding increased mortality. Consequently, dren with altered mental state in DKA, when 10 mL/kg
they cannot be recommended. of 3% HS was given instead of mannitol.114
The administration of 5–10 mL/kg of 3% HS is now
being offered as a treatment option for cerebral oedema-
Cardiac arrest complicating DKA in some paediatric reviews.115,116
There is only level IV evidence but, given the lack
Bender et al. in 2007 published a randomized control of effective alternative treatments for cerebral oedema-
trial for patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.109 complicating DKA, HS is a grade D recommendation as
The two groups were randomized to receive either 7.2% an alternative to, or in addition to, mannitol.
HS/6% HES or 6% HES given at a rate of 2 mL/kg/
10 min. The number of patients enrolled was 66. The Non-traumatic cerebral oedema
proportion in each group with ventricular fibrillation
was identical. The rates of return of spontaneous circu- Yildizdas et al. published a retrospective study of 67
lation were remarkably high for both groups; 66.7% for children with various causes of non-traumatic cerebral

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CJ Banks and JS Furyk

oedema who were treated with mannitol, HS or both.117 inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.136 This
The mannitol-only group had a higher mortality than might explain cases where isotonic saline and even
the other two groups (50% vs 25% and 20%, P < 0.01). 1.8% HS have initially failed to increase the sodium
None of these children had ICP monitoring, with clinical level.135 A consensus statement in 2005 suggested that
and/or radiological parameters being used. 3% HS be used for symptomatic patients, either as a
A number of studies have demonstrated that HS solu- 100 mL of rapid infusion followed by 100 mL/h, or at a
tions will reduce ICP in patients with severe SAH,118–122 rate of 1–2 mL/kg/h.139
ischaemic cerebrovascular accidents123,124 and acute As a grade D recommendation, supported by level III
liver failure.125 None of these has measured mortality or and IV evidence, HS might be used to correct severe and
morbidity as outcomes. symptomatic hyponatraemia. A recommended dose is
HS is likely to reduce ICP across a range of heterog- 1–2 mL/kg of 3% HS over 1 h with consideration of
enous conditions; however, there is insufficient evidence higher doses for patients in extremis.
to make a recommendation.
Tricyclic antidepressant toxicity
Deaths from tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) in overdose
There are no level II trials examining the use of HS usually arise from dysrhythmias and hypotension,140,141
in hyponatraemia. Ayus et al. used a prolonged infusion with the accepted treatment including the administra-
of 3% HS in seven patients with severe neurological tion of sodium bicarbonate.142 One of the mechanisms is
complications from hyponatraemia.126 Worthley and the overcoming of the sodium channel blockade via
Thomas controlled hyponatraemic seizures with 50 mL increased serum sodium, and it has been proposed that
of 29.2% HS in five patients.127 Ayus et al., in a prospec- HS might have the same effect. Animal models of TCA
tive study of 33 patients, successfully and safely treated overdose have shown HS to be effective in restoring
symptomatic hyponatraemia with a prolonged infusion blood pressure and QRS duration,143,144 comparing
(average of 17 h) of 5% HS.128 favourably with sodium bicarbonate.143
Looking at the paediatric population, Sarnaik et al. There are four case reports of severe TCA toxicity
published a retrospective study in which 25 paediatric successfully treated with HS. McKinney and Rasmus-
patients with severe hyponatraemia-causing seizures sen described the use of HS to reverse cardiovascular
received a 4–6 mL/kg bolus of 3% HS.129 Seizures were instability in a patient with a nortriptyline overdose that
terminated in all cases and they concluded HS to be both was refractory to repeated sodium bicarbonate admin-
safe and efficacious. Sharf reviewed 15 infants under 1 istration and high-dose inotropes.145 The patient’s pH
year of age who had hyponatraemic seizures.130 HS did was already between 7.5 and 7.55; 200 mL of 7.5% HS
not protect against a need for ventilation but small (2.6 mL/kg) was given with immediate improvement in
doses were used (most <2 mL/kg of 3% HS), and all blood pressure and narrowing of the QRS complex.
infants who required ventilation post HS had also Høegholm and Clementsen published a similar case of
received a significant dose of benzodiazepines and/or ongoing haemodynamic instability from a prothiaden
barbituates. overdose that was unresponsive to sodium bicarbonate,
Recommendations from recent reviews are to raise dopamine and lignocaine, but was improved with rapid
serum sodium by 1–2 mmol/L/h while symptomatic infusions of 100–170 mmol of HS.146 The pH was not
with a maximal rise of 8–10 mmol/L over the first mentioned, nor was the concentration of HS used
24 h.131–133 This should avoid the devastating complica- (100 mmol is approximately 194 mL of 3% HS). Seitz
tion of ODS. 1–2 mL/kg/h of 3% HS has been suggested et al. used 30 mL of 10% HS to reverse a wide complex
to raise the serum sodium by 1–2 mmol/h.131 Some tachycardia in a patient with an amitriptyline, diben-
authors advocate even higher doses in the setting of zipine and thioridazine overdose.147 Dolara and Franconi
seizures or profound obtundation.129,131 described a case of a 6-year-old boy with an imipramine
There is a growing body of evidence regarding overdose whose ventricular tachycardia ceased with a
exercise-associated hyponatraemia (EAH). We identi- combination of HS and lignocaine.148 The precise dose of
fied four case series from marathons,134–137 and one from HS is unclear.
more moderate exercise138 where HS was used for HS is a reasonable option for treatment in TCA
symptomatic hyponatraemia. It appears that EAH is toxicity resistant to bicarbonate therapy as a grade D
not just a dilutional hyponatraemia, but that there is recommendation, supported by level IV evidence.

300 © 2008 The Authors

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Hypertonic saline

5. Schroth M, Plank C, Meissner U et al. Hypertonic-hyperoncotic

Conclusions solutions improve cardiac function in children after open-heart
surgery. Pediatrics. 2006; 118 (1): e76–84.
HS reduces ICP in TBI and is a grade C recommendation 6. Drobin D, Hahn RG. Kinetics of isotonic and hypertonic plasma
as an alternative to mannitol when osmotherapy is indi- volume expanders. Anesthesiology 2002; 96: 1371–80.
cated. A dose of 5 mL/kg of 3% HS given as a bolus or 7. Vacca G, Papillo B, Battaglia A, Grossini E, Mary DA, Pelosi G.
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Journal compilation © 2008 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine

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