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From the River to the Sea ...


Philly stands with l.Demand Temple University rescind

their unp,rofessional, inappropriate,
and untiemdemk statement conflating
Dr. Hill's words with "hate speeth,"

2. Demond Temple University

pledge not to punish Dr. Marc lamont
~rin~ipled s(h,l~r~ the universi~ has ever ~ad, whi!e the administra- Hill for his politico I octivism.
tlO~ IS f~e~ to (qntm~e to ~entnfy North Phlladelphl~, exploit the
3. Demand Temple University
University s u~derpOJd udienct professors, and toy with lhe idea of
pledge support for courses and open
building a 13 rillion dollar football stadium in a residential area? discussion about Palestine on campus.

Enough is rOUgh. 4. Condemn the board of Trustees

and Patrick O'Connor, for participating
We are letti~g Temple University's Board of Trustees know that if they in a deeply inappropriate media
attempt fo flre Hill, there will be consequences. Temple con't silence us. frenzy, attacking academic freedom,
and representing values directly
counter to those of the students and
community members.
Palestin will be free.
Honk for Mumia at 13th & locust, 4-6pm, Fri., Dec. 7-.;
/ .

Sat., Dec. 8 Community Forum

12 - 4pm, The peop!e's Sanctuary, 5507 Germantown Ave
Information and/organizing on: a!a
- Stand firmly with Marc lamont Hill; •..
- Prison reslstance: women and youth, PA DOC's new draconian
prison policiesl the school to prison pipeline. Mass Incarceration,
E-carceration. rnd solidarity with all prisoners in the US and in
Puerto Rico, Pr,estine, Haiti, Philippilles too.' I

- How Hep C a?d lack of prison healtheare affects all-people

- Free Mumia ~ the MOVE 9! Free 'em all!
- Update frolTljMumia's Dee 3"' court hearing
tr»ematkPial COncerned FarnW & FJf!OOs 01 Mt/tria ~,gJ. lnlemalWnal A~ion Center.. Free lIutrlit
Abu-,Iamai (NYe).campa;gl'to 8nng 1.1..,.. H"""'. Edu<:a!_ for MunoJ.: Foo.'<i NO/-. Solidarity

215-724-1618; FaceboilkfMobililation4Mumia;
\ ; donate at t1Ups-J/mohiflzat00n4mumia 9Q!JJ!i:lar.att=1.!


'E..carcelaci6n' Incendios de California
MUN .0 BIERO \I 12

r K
ars and oppressed peoples of the world unite! Vol. 60 Nu, 48 Nov. 29, 2018

; U.S. fires tear gas at Mexico border,

Solidarity with
refuge s grows
.. .

MatsemeJa·AIi Odom ,

. 25 - This morning the San Diego Migrant and

se Solidarity Coalition held an International Day of
. in Solidarity with the Caravan and Exodus from
.1 America with the hundreds of migrants who have
V reached the border at 'I'ijuana, Baja California.
n the day U.S. border police fired tear gas and rub-
lets at refugees trying to cross into the U.S.
MRSC, a multiracial collective of grassroots and
organizations, grew out of a coalition that has
rotesting the Otay Mesa migrant detention center
ry months. Union del Barrio offers key leadership
coalition, which includes members of Colectivo
ta, Border: Angels, American Indian Movement,
s World Party, Party for Socialism and Liberation,
ttee Against Police Brutality-Sari Diego, Palestinian
10vement and manv other IITOUDS.

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