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Pengusul :
Elin Karlina, drg., M.Kes.
NIP. 196405311991032001


TAHUN 2017

Dalam rangka memperingati Dies Natalis Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas

Padjadjaran (FKG UNPAD) yang ke-58, FKG UNPAD akan mengadakan "International
Dental Scientific Conference & Dental Expo" Dies Forum FKG UNPAD 2017. Kegiatan
temu ilmiah ini, kali kedua diselenggarakan dalam skala internasional guna mendukung visi
menjadikan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran sebagai lembaga pendidikan
tinggi yang unggul, mempunyai daya saing dalam pendidikan penelitian, pelayanan, dan ikut
serta dalam pengendalian penyakit dan kelainan sistem stomatognatik yang bertaraf
internasional pada tahun 2026.

Kegiatan temu ilmiah ini terdiri dari penataran teori baik yang bersifat seminar utama
maupun presentasi oral dan poster, serta keterampilan untuk para dokter gigi juga tidak lupa
kegiatan penjurian artikel ilmiah. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh panitia acara, dan diikuti
oleh pembicara, peserta dan difasilitasi oleh moderator dan juri pada kegiatan artikel ilmiah

Tema Kegiatan

Dentistry in The 21st Century: Challenges of a Globalizing World


Kegiatan ini bertujuan :

1. Mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang Kedokteran Gigi.

2. Memfasilitasi kegiatan tridharma perguruan tinggi civitas akademika FKG Unpad dan
civitas akademik fakultas/ program studi kedokteran gigi se-Indonesia serta luar negeri
terutama dalam hal kegiatan pendidikan dan penelitian (publikasi ilmiah).
3. Mempererat tali silaturahim antar civitas akademika FKG Unpad dalam kegiatan alumni


Manfaat kegiatan :

1. Manfaat kegiatan sebagai wahana pembelajaran perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi dalam
bidang kedokteran gigi baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.
2. Sebagai tempat atau sarana publikasi ilmiah hasil penelitian dan pengabdian bagi para
peneliti dan pelaksana pengabdian di dalam dan luar negeri.


Alur Kegiatan

Alur Kegiatan terdiri dari dua tahap :

1. Pre event :
- Scientific award
- Pengabdian kepada masyarakat
2. Event :
- Main Lecture
- Short Lecture: oral dan poster presentation
- Hands-on
- Dental Exhibition

Main Lecture

Main Lecture (Seminar Utama) akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3 dan 4 November

2017, bertempat di el Royale Hotel Bandung, dari pukul 08.00 – 17.00 WIB. Adapun

pembicara dalam seminar utama sebagai berikut:

1. Prof. Dr. Irwandi Jaswir : Halal Aspects in Dental Materials and Drugs
2. drg. Opik Taofik Hidayat, Sp. KG: Considerations for Composite as an Aesthetic and
Permanent Restoration
3. Dr. Irmaleny Satifil, drg., Sp. KG: Professional in Office Tooth Whitening Treatment
with Light Activation
4. Dr. Abhisek Parolia: Esthetic Management of Endodontically Treated Teeth
5. Dr. Christopher Nile: Communication is Key to Prevent Oral Disease
6. drg. Kirana Lina Gunawan, M. Kes: Anesthetic for Aesthetic

7. Dr. drg. Nina Djustiana, M. Kes: Fiber Ceramic System Reinforced Composite as
Endodontic Posts
8. Prof. Dr. Koichi Kato: Towards Engineering Composite Grafts with Ordered Tissue
9. Prof. Dr. Kotaro Tanimoto: Management of High Caries Risk Patient Restoration of
Damaged Tooth Enamel by Biomineralization
10. Dr. Yau Ka Po, John: Strategic Value of Wisdom Teeth in Orthodontic Treatment
11. Soon-Chul Choi, DDS, Ph.D: Diagnostic Imaging Characteristics of Jaw Infection
12. Dr. Tony Ngan Fat, TO: The Application of Diode Laser in Dentistry
13. Dr. Drs. Luthfi Yondri, M. Hum, Fahmi Oscandar, drg., M. Kes., Sp. RKG, Yuti
Malinda, drg., MM., M. Kes: The Pawon Man Undercover (Forensic)
14. Edwin Chia Kian Heng BDS , MSD, Cert Periodontics, FAMS: Mastering the
Fundamentals of Crown Lengthening
15. Dr. Chen Kun Philip: Management of Class III Malocclusion at Different Stages

Short Lecture

Kegiatan short lecture akan diadakan pada tanggal 3 dan 4 November 2017,
bertempat di el Royale Hotel Bandung. Adapun pembicara dalam kegiatan ini yaitu para
peneliti atau praktisi yang berkaitan dengan bidang ilmu kedokteran gigi yang
mengajukan untuk menjadi pembicara short lecture melalui oral presentation, dengan
mengikuti aturan penulisan oral presentation yang telah ditetapkan panitia.

Kegiatan short lecture dalam setiap sesinya akan menampilkan tiga pembicara,
dengan menggunakan moderator untuk setiap peserta short lecture.


Hands on diadakan untuk peningkatan skill dokter gigi terhadap perkembangan

keterampilan di bidang kedokteran gigi. Kegiatan hands-on berupa pelatihan klinik akan

dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3 dan 4 November 2017. Adapun pembicara hands on/

workshop sebagai berikut:

1. drg. Opik Taofik Hidayat, Sp. KG: Consideration for Composite as an Aethetic

and Permanent Restoration.

2. Dr. Irmaleny Satifil, drg., Sp. KG: Professional in Office Tooth Whitening

Treatment with Light Activation.

3. Tadeus Arufan Jasrin, drg., MM dan Tim Jurnal FKG Unpad: Penulisan

artikel ilmiah untuk jurnal dengan menggunakan mendeley .

4. Dr. Gilang Yubiliana, drg., M. Kes & Tim Dosen Departemen Ilmu

Kedokteran Gigi Komunitas FKG Unpad: Cara Mengasah dan menilai

Keterampilan Komunikasi Medik Dokter Gigi dan Pasien.

5. drg. Ervin Rizali, M. Kes, AIFM, CHt, CI, ChdE: How to Make Your Client

Enjoy Dental Treatment with Hypnosis and Non Verbal Communication-Cara

Membuat Nyaman Klien dengan Tanpa Banyak Bicara

6. Abel Tasman Yuza.drg.,Sp.BM dan Tim Departemen Bedah Mulut FKG

Unpad: Ekstraksi Penyulit dan Odontektomi

7. Dr. Irna Sufiawati, drg., Sp.PM, Rudi Wisaksana,dr., Sp. PD,K-PTI, PhD,

Nirmala Kesumah, dr., MHA: How can dentist become an HIV/AIDS


8. drg. Nani Murniati, M. Kes dan Rodian, drg., M. Kes: Bedah Buku Anatomi

Kedokteran Gigi Baker.

Dental Exhibition

Dental exhibition (pameran kedokteran gigi) diadakan sebagai upaya meningkatkan

kemampuan dokter gigi dalam perkembangan teknologi dan material kedokteran gigi.

Pameran akan diikuti peserta seminar dari berbagai daerah, peserta hands on, pembicara,

panitia, dan mahasiswa kedokteran gigi dan politeknik kesehatan gigi.

Jadwal Kegiatan

1. Main Lecture

Tempat di ruang Armatapura A & B el Royale Hotel Bandung.

Jumat, 3 November 2017

08.00-09.00 PEMBUKAAN
Main Lecture 1
09.00-10.00 Halal Aspects in Dental Materials and Drugs
Prof. Dr. Irwandi Jaswir
Main Lecture 2
10.00-11.00 Considerations for Composite as an Aesthetic and Permanent Restoration
drg. Opik Taofik Hidayat, Sp. KG
Main Lecture 3
11.00-12.00 Professional in Office Tooth Whitening Treatment with Light Activation
Dr. Irmaleny Satifil, drg., Sp. KG
12.00-13.00 Ishoma
Main Lecture 4
13.00-14.00 Esthetic Management of Endodontically Treated Teeth
Dr. Abhisek Parolia
Main Lecture 5
14.00-15.00 Communication is Key to Prevent Oral Disease
Dr. Christopher Nile
Main Lecture 6
15.00-16.00 Anesthetic for Aesthetic
drg. Kirana Lina Gunawan, M. Kes

Sabtu, 4 November 2017

Main Lecture 1
08.00-08.45 Fiber Ceramic System Reinforced Composite as Endodontic Posts
Dr. drg. Nina Djustiana, M. Kes
Main Lecture 2
08.45-09.30 Towards Engineering Composite Grafts with Ordered Tissue Structure
Prof. Dr. Koichi Kato
Main Lecture 3
09.30-10.15 Management of High Caries Risk Patient Restoration of Damaged Tooth
Enamel by Biomineralization
Prof. Dr. Kotaro Tanimoto
Main Lecture 4
10.15-11.00 Strategic Value of Wisdom Teeth in Orthodontic Treatment
Dr. Yau Ka Po, John
Main Lecture 5
Diagnostic Imaging Characteristics of Jaw Infection
Soon-Chul Choi, DDS, Ph.D
Main Lecture 6
11.45-12.30 The Application of Diode Laser in Dentistry
Dr. Tony Ngan Fat, TO
12.30-13.00 Ishoma
Main Lecture 7/ Talks Show
The Pawon Man Undercover (Forensic)
13.00-14.00 Dr. Drs. Luthfi Yondri, M. Hum,
Fahmi Oscandar, drg., M. Kes., Sp. RKG
Yuti Malinda, drg., MM., M. Kes
14.00-15.00 Main Lectute 8
Mastering the Fundamentals of Crown Lengthening
Edwin Chia Kian Heng BDS , MSD, Cert Periodontics, FAMS
Main Lecture 9
15.00-16.00 Management of Class III Malocclusion at Different Stages
Dr. Chen Kun Philip

2. Hands on

Jumat, 3 November 2017

Tempat el Royale Hotel

No Judul Hands On Pembicara Waktu Ruang

1 Consideration for Composite as drg. Opik Taofik
an Aethetic and Permanent Hidayat, Sp. KG 13.00-16.00 Ayoda A
2 Professional in Office Tooth Dr. Irmaleny Satifil,
Whitening Treatment with Light drg., Sp. KG 13.00-16.00 Ayoda B
3 Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah untuk Drg. Tadeus Arufan,
Jurnal dengan Menggunakan M.M dan Tim Jurnal 13.00-16.00 Ayoda C
Mendeley FKG Unpad

Sabtu, 4 November 2017

Tempat el Royale Hotel

No Judul Hands On Pembicara Waktu Ruang

1 Cara Mengasah dan menilai Dr. Gilang Yubiliana, Sesi Pagi 08.00-12.00
Keterampilan Komunikasi drg., M. Kes dan Tim
Medik Dokter Gigi dan Pasien Dosen Departemen Ishoma 12.00-13.00 Ayoda A
Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi
Komunitas FKG Sesi Siang 13.00-16.00
2 How to Make Your Client drg. Ervin Rizali, M. Sesi Pagi 08.00-12.00
Enjoy Dental Treatment with Kes, AIFM, CHt, CI,
Hypnosis and Non Verbal ChdE Ishoma 12.00-13.00 Ayoda B
Membuat Nyaman Klien Sesi Siang 13.00-16.00
dengan Tanpa Banyak Bicara
3 Ekstraksi Penyulit dan 1. Abel Tasman Sesi Pagi 08.00-12.00
Odontektomi Yuza.drg.,Sp.BM
2. Agus Nurwiadh, Ishoma 12.00-13.00 Ayoda C
drg., Sp. BM
3. Lucky Riawan, Sesi Siang 13.00-16.00
drg., Sp. BM
4. Indra Hadikhrisna,
drg., Sp. BM
5. Farah Asnelly
Putri, drg
4 Bedah Buku Atlas Anatomi 1. drg. Nani
Kepala Leher Murniati, M. Kes 08.00-12.00 Madukara
2. Rodian, drg., M. B

5 How can dentist become an 1. Dr. Irna Sufiawati,
HIV/AIDS Counselor? drg., Sp.PM
2. Rudi 13.00-16.00 Madukara
Wisaksana,dr.,SpPD, B

3. Oral Presentation

Jumat, 3 November 2017

Ruang Ayoda D
Ruang Ayoda D
Waktu Judul Moderator
Etiology Of Pediatric Oromaxillofacial Trauma In Oral
07.40-08.00 Drg. Agus Dwi Surgery Emergency Department Of Hasan Sadikin General
Hospital In Bandung
Drg. Abel Tasman, Sp.
Management Of Odontoma Complex With Malposition Of
08.00-08.20 Drg. Syahril Samad Second Molar Toward Inferior Border Of Mandible Passes
Through The Mandibular Canal (Case Report)
Complications of Third Molar Surgical Extraction on the
08.20-08.40 Drg. WillY Bernadi
Mandible A literature Review
08.40-09.00 Drg. Siti Rusdiana
GROWTH OF Candida albicans
Dr. Irna Sufiawti, drg.,
Time Kill Assay of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L) Seed
Drg. Riani Setiadhi, SpPM
09.00-09.20 Ethanolic Extract against Streptococcus sanguis; The Cause of
recurent Aphthous Stomatitis
Drg. Jenadi Life-Threatening Complications of Odontogenic Infection
09.20-09.40 (Literature Review)
Binarto Drg. R. Agus Nurwiadh,
The Spread Odontogenic Infections to the Facial Spaces in Sp.BM
09.40-10.00 Drg. Gostry Aldica
RSUP Hasan Sadikin
Drg.Endang The Maxillofacial Trauma Etiology Trends (10 Years Study at
10.00-10.20 Gunung Jati Hospital, Cirebon,Indonesia)
Sjamsudin, Sp.BM
Trends in Maxillofacial Fractures: A Comparison of Two Prof. Harmas Yazid, drg.,
10.20-10.40 Drg. Dian Maifara Cohorts of Patients at Gunung Jati Hospital 10 Years Apart-
Sp. BM
An Update
The Correlation Between Third Molar Removal Surgical
10.40-11.00 Drg. C. Anggrani
Time and Post Surgery Temporomandibular Joint Pain
11.00-11. 20 Drg. Annisya M Fossa Canina Abscess in Children : A Case Report
Cosideration and Preparation in Bleeding Disorders Patients: Drg. Indra Hadikhrisna,
11.20-11.40 Drg.Cahyadi Siauw
Literature Review Sp. BM
Facial Nerve Paralysis as Dentoalveolar Surgical
11.40-12.00 Drg.Akmalia H
12.00-13.00 Ishoma
Chronic Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation and Its
13.00-13.20 Drg. Farah Asnely Drg. Endang Sjamsudin,
Treatment Of Infected Dentigerous Cyst a Case Report Sp. BM
13.20-13.40 Drg. Idawati
The Use of Salivary Alpha-Amylase as Non Invasive Stress
13.40-14.00 Drg. Daisy, M.Kes
Biomarkers in Dental Anxiety
14.00-14.20 Drg. Eris Ruslan
Drg. Daisy Wulansari, M.
14.20-14.40 Drg. Susanti Bulan OSTEONECROSIS OF THE JAW, AN UPDATE: Article
review Kes
Drg. Leidya Congenital Macroglossia in Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Drg.Indra The Lip-Prints Patterns on Deutromalay Sub-Race
The Identification Criteria’s of Palatine Rugae in Forensic Drg. Yuti Malinda, MM.,
15.20-15.40 Drg. Jasreene Kaur M. Kes
15.40-16.00 Drg. Annisa Putri A Study on Lip Print Pattern among Indian Population
Drg. Faisal Fossa Canina Abscess in Children : A Case Report
16.00-16.20 Drg. Anna Muryani, Sp.
Immunoexpression Analyze of E- Chadherin and VEGF-A KG
16.20-16.40 Drg. Marry Siti
Proteins on The Salivary Gland Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma:
It’s Correlation with The Degree of Histopathological
Immunohistochemical Comparison of MMP-13 with
16.40-17.00 Drg. Meta Maulida Differentiation on Application of Growth Factor and Scaffold
Post Tooth Extraction

Jumat, 3 November 2017

Ruang Ayoda A
Ruang Ayoda A
Waktu Judul Moderator
Drg. Ayu Trisna The Bedside Oral Exam (BOE) Instrument for Assessment
09.00-09.20 Oral Health Status of Patient In Intensive Care Unit
Hayati, Sp. KG
Drg. Moernisari Exposure effect of strawberry juice towards tooth
09.20-09.40 discoloration degree Drg. Diani Prisinda,
Darjan, MS
AGAINST Enterococcus faecalis
Management of Dentoalveolar Fracture at Anterior Teeth of
10.00-10.20 Drg. M. Wildan H
Maxilla Region with Teeth Avulsion (Case Report)
Maxillary Sinus Perforation as A Complication of Third Drg. Lucky Riawan, Sp.
10.20-10.40 Drg. M. Syakuran
Maxillary Molar Tooth Removal : Literature Review BM
Management of Facial Cellulitis Odontogenic in Children
10.40-11.00 Drg. F. Rezandaru
with Mental Retardation a Case Report
11.00-11. 20 Drg. Heinz Frick The spread of Odontogenic Maxilaris Sinusitis to Orbita
Komplikasi Anestesi Lokal di bidang kedokteran Gigi Drg. Indra Hadikhrisna,
11.20-11.40 Drg. Siti Deinar
(Tinjauan Pustaka)
Sp. BM
Drg. Irma Submental Abcess As An Extension of Skin Infection: A Case
11.40-12.00 Report

Jumat, 3 November 2017

Ruang Ayoda B
Ruang Ayoda B
Waktu Judul Moderator
The Effect Of Adding Virgin Nylon Into Recycled Nylon On
09.00-09.20 Drg. Siti Wahyuni
The Fatigue Strength Of Thermoplastic Nylon Denture Base
Influence of Curing Time and Color Shade on Diametral
09.20-09.40 Drg. Triaminingsih Drg. Veni Takarini, M.
Tensile Strength of Bulk Fill Composite Resins
Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Light-Cured Resin-
Drg. Ida Ayu
09.40-10.00 Modified Glass Ionomer and Moist Insensitive Primer on
Evangelina, Sp. Ort
Contaminated Enamel
Drg. Kholidina The Effect of Fish Scale Powder Addition to Flexural
10.00-10.20 Strength of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin
Imanda Harahap
Effect of Resin Thickness and Light-Curing Irradiance on the
10.20-10.40 Drg. Karen Pungki Drg. Elin Karlina, M. Kes
Depth of Cure of Short Fibre-Reinforced Resin Composite
Drg. Shabrina Effect of Resin Thickness and Curing Time on the Depth of
10.40-11.00 Cure of Short Fibre-Reinforced Resin Composite
Mechanical Test of Composite Prototype with Filler Volume
11.00-11. 20 Drg. Elin Karlina
Drg. Myrna Antimicrobial Effect of Carbonate Apatite Cement to Drg. Zulia Hasratiningsih,
11.20-11.40 Streptococcus mutans MD.Sc
Nurlatifah Z
11.40-12.00 Drg. Hutomo Diametral Tensile Strength of Prototype Composite with Self-

Mandala Hartoyo Made Nature Zircon Sand Based Using Geopolymerization
Method with Coupling Agent Variation

Jumat, 3 November 2017

Ruang Suryalaya
Ruang Suryalaya
Waktu Judul Moderator
Self-synthesize and Flexural Strength Test Porcelain from
08.00-08.20 Joseph Gunawan
Indonesia Natural Sand
Drg. Sunardhi The Evaluation of Setting Time and Dimensional Stability of
08.20-08.40 Drg. Arief Cahyanto,
Sastrodihardjo Alginate Impression Mixed with Gargle Solutions
M.T., Ph.D
Reflectance Test of Dental Composite Prototype Using
Drg. Sahsya
08.40-09.00 Modification of Dental Composite Making in the Use of
Diametral Tensile Strength Test of Dental Composite
09.00-09.20 Wafa Sahilah Prototype Using Modified Dental Composite Preparation by
Addition of Acetone
Thermal Stress Distribution Analysis of Silver Alloy and
Drg. Arief
09.20-09.40 Copper Alloy Post Crown Restoration on The Central Incisive Drg. Yanwar Faza
Using Finite Element Method
Surface Hardness of Dental Composite Prototype with
09.40-10.00 Drg. Seniyah Addition of Acetone when Preparing Dental Composite
Prototype on Filler Volume Variations
Hardness Difference of Polymethyl Methacrylate which Filled
10.00-10.20 Tsamrotul
by Silica Filler Nanosphere, Nanorod and Nanoporous
Thermal Stress Distribution Analysis of Silver Alloy and
Drg. Arief
10.20-10.40 Copper Alloy Post Crown Restoration on The Central Incisive Drg. Renny Febrida,
Using Finite Element Method M. Si
Thermal Stress Distribution Analysis of Silver Alloy and
10.40-11.00 Drg. Nuzul Mayra Copper Alloy Post Crown Restoration on The Central Incisive
Using Finite Element Method
Reflectance Test of Dental Composite Prototype Using
Modification of Dental Composite Making in the Use of Dr. Kosterman Usri,
11.00-11. 20 Drg. Yanwar Faza
Acetone drg., MM

Drg. Arief Antimicrobial Effect of Carbonate Apatite Cement to

11.20-11.40 Streptococcus Mutans
Effect of White Tea and Xylitol on Structure and Properties of
11.40-12.00 Drg. El Auerkari
Demineralized Enamel and Jawbone
12.00-13.00 Ishoma
13.00-13.20 Drg. Ria N Firman
DUCT CYST ( Literature Study )
Case Report : Cementoblastoma Analysis Using Panoramic
13.20-13.40 Drg. Reni Indah
Radiograph and Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Drg. Farina Pramanik,
13.40-14.00 Drg. S. F. Diba
14.20-14.40 DENTISTRY
Rachmawati Drg. Azhari, Sp. RKG
Prof.Dr.Drg. DMFT index and CPI modified on people exposed radon gas
14.40-15.00 Suhardjo Sitam, in Gunung Masigit,West Bandung

Cortical And Trabekula Mandibula Bone Density Value
15.00-15.20 Drg. Azhari
Normal Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
Case Report : Bilateral Bifid Condyle Mandibula Features in Drg. Ria N Firman, Sp.
15.20-15.40 Drg. Gunawan
Panoramic Radiography RKG
Drg. Farina Radiograph Figure Of Maksilofasial Fracture Serial Case
15.40-16.00 With Open And Closed Reduction (Case Report)
Pramanik,Sp. RKG
Drg. A.A.G Drg. Lusi Epsilawati, Sp.
Dananjaya RKG
16.40-17.00 Drg. Yurika Ambar Analyse of Radicular Cyst Using Image Processing Software

Jumat, 3 November 2017

Ruang Madukara B
Waktu Madukara B Judul Moderator
Non-Surgical Endodontic Management of An Endodontic-
08.00-08.20 Drg. Desneli Periodontal Lesion with Furcation Involvement and Curved
Drg. Fajar Fatriadi, M.
Mesial Roots Tooth 46 : A Case Report
Drg. Dedi The Effect of Pasteurized Cow's Milk and Pure Soy Milk On
08.20-08.40 Tooth Enamel Remineralization
Sp. KG
The Effect of Different Light-Curing Sources on Diametral
09.00-09.20 Drg. Yosi Kusuma
Tensile Strength of Bulk Fill Composite Resin
Drg. Indah
Healing of a Large Periapical Lesion with Conventional
09.40-10.00 Drg. Mirza Aryanto
Endodontic Treatment
Dr. Irmaleny Satifil, Sp.
10.00-10.20 Drg. SD. Puspita zedoaria) EXTRACTS AS ROOT CANAL IRRIGATION
ALTERNATIVE MATERIAL ON Streptococcus viridians KG
Drg. Anna Review of Contemporary Root Canal Irrigation
Muryani, Sp. KG
HEXANE FRACTION OF Myrmecodia pendens Merr.
Drg. Fajar Fatriadi,
10.40-11.00 & Perry (SARANG SEMUT) COMPARED WITH
M. Kes
Drg. Diani Apexification with Calcium Hydroxide in Post- Traumatic Drg. Ervin Rizali, M.
11.00-11. 20 Prisinda, MARS., Patients (Case Report) Kes., AIFM., C.Ht., CI.,
Sp.KG Chd.E
A Three Year Periapical Healing Evaluation of Endodonticaly
Drg. Yolanda, Sp. Treated Tooth With Fractured Instrument Leaft In-Situ: A
11.20-11.40 Case Report

11.40-13.00 Ishoma

Teknik Mochnov - Self Retaining Matriks Suatu Inovasi
Drg. Mochammad dalam Bidang Konservasi Gigi Berbasis Paradigma
Nova Pencegahan Penyakit untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan
di Puskesmas dan Keberhasilan Program JKN-BPJS Drg. Asty Samiaty, M.
Drg. Anne Relation Of Oral Hygiene With Caries Experience Of Kes
Agustina, M.KM Permanent And Decidui Tooth In Children 11-12 Years Old
Effectivity Comparison Of Audio Visual Media And
13.40-14.00 Drg. Azlina Nuur S
Simulation To Sdn Ciganitri 2 Students Tooth Brushing Skills
Effectiveness of Educative Games and Healthcare
Drg. Ickman
14.00-14.20 Smartphone Applications in Increasing SMA Muhammadiyah
1 Red Cross Youth Knowledge of Dental Emergency
The Association between Mother’s Knowledge Regarding Drg. Dedi Firman, MS
14.20-14.40 Drg. Murniwati
Oral Healh and Caries Experience of Pre School Childern
Dr. drg. Sri The Main Components of Children’s Oral Health Related
14.40-15.00 Quality of Life
Susilawati, M.Kes
Capitation Payment System in National Health Insurance
15.00-15.20 Drg. Yeni Ekawati
Based on Dentist’s Opinion
Drg. Netty Suryati, Process of Oral Health Development Media Promotion for
15.20-15.40 Drg. Anne Agustina,
MARS Adolescent
The efficacy of propolis fluoride in arresting dentine caries on
15.40-16.00 Drg. Salsabila first and second grade student in 01 Rawabuntu elementary
school, South Tangerang
The Association Between Dental Health Education Which
16.00-16.20 Drg. Hardiati Nur Give To Teacher In Motivating Mother To Brushing Teeth Of
Children Age 36-71 month
The Relationship between Oral Hygiene with Efficacy of
Drg. Andanali Dr. Sri Susilawati, drg.,
16.20-16.40 Propolis Fluoride In Inhibiting Caries Activity on Primary
Rukhul M. Kes
Drg. Tadeus The Influence of Organizational Support towards
16.40-17.00 Organizational Commitment at Dental Hospital
Arufan, MM

Sabtu, 4 November 2017

Ruang Ayoda D
Ruang Ayoda D
Waktu Judul Moderator
The Effect of Fluoride-Containing Toothpastes on The
08.00-08.20 Drg. Silvia Dwi
Corrosion Rate of Nickel-Titanium Wire
Differences Vertical Slot Distance Accuracy And Shear Dr. Drg. Avi Laviana, Sp.
Drg. Andriani Ort
08.20-08.40 Strength Between Bracket Mini Metal Edgewise With ISO
Harsanti, Sp. Ort
Certificate and Without ISO Certificate
08.40-09.00 Drg. Hilda Fitria The Facial Profile Analysis Of Adolescents In Medan
The Measurement of Length And Width of Maxillary Anterior
Drg. Gita Gayatri, Central Incisive Clinical Crown In Dentistry UNPAD
Sp. Ort Students

Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire Drg. Deni Sumantri

09.20-09.40 Akhyar Dini (PIDAQ) As a Subjective Diagnostic Instrument in Latif, Sp. Ort
Orthodontic – a Review of Literature
Second Mandibular Incisor Extraction : An Orthodontics
Drg. Y.
09.40-10.00 Treatment Option Of a Class I Malocclusion with Maxillary
Central Diastema (Case Report)
Evaluation of Vertical Dimension of Anterior Facial Height
10.00-10.20 Drg. Elih, Sp. Ort and Vertical Dimension of Incisive Teeth In Class II Division Drg. Andriani Harsanti,
1 Sp. Ort
10.20-10.40 Dr.Drg. Endah Inter Stage of Skeletal Maturation Using Cervical Vertebrae

Mardiati,MS.,Sp.Ort Index of Indonesian Subject
Drg. Deni Sumantri Description Of Y Axis Line With Upper And Lower Molar
10.40-11.00 Relations
Latif, Sp. Ort
Drg. Gita Gayatri, Sp.
Dr. Drg. Avi The Effect of Different α and β Gable on Stainless Steel and
11.00-11. 20 Laviana, Sp. Ort TMA Segmental T-Loop on The Resulting Force

The Relationship Between Mother Characteristics and Early

11.20-11.40 Drg. Susi Abidin
Childhood Caries
Relationship Between Age and Gender to Early Childhood Drg. Prima Andisetyo
11.40-12.00 Drg. Pindobilowo Caries (ECC) Occurrence in An Endemic Area of
Malnutrition Status
12.00-13.00 Ishoma
Oral Rehabilitation Of A Six Year Old Underweight Male
13.00-13.20 Drg. Idelia G
Child With Early Childhood Caries : Case Report Dr. Risty Saptarini, drg.,
Drg. Prima The Prevalence of Malocclusion in School-age Children in Sp.KGA
13.20-13.40 Bandung, Jawa Barat – Indonesia
Case Report: Management of Periodontal Surgery on Patient
With Amlodipine and Phenytoin Induced Gingival
13.40-14.00 Drg. Sulistyawati
Enlargement Drg. Dyah Nindita,
The Effect Of Gelatin Carbonate Apatite Membrane
Drg. Indra Mustika,
14.00-14.20 Application On Il-1β Level Gingival Crevicular Fluid In
Sp. Perio
Chronic Periodontitis Patients
The Role Of Initial Dental Treatment Phase In Pediatric
14.20-14.40 Drg. Zavani
Hydrocephalus Patient With Gingival Enlargement
Labial Frenectomy as a Mouth Preparation Procedure in
14.40-15.00 Drg. Aldilla Miranda Orthodontic Treatment for Midline Diastema Cases: Case
Report Drg. Amalia, MS., Ph.D
Management of Chronic Periodontitis with Crater-like Bone
15.00-15.20 Drg. Prajna Metta Loss Associated with Trauma Occlusion: A Case Report

Correlation between Lenght of Little Finger and Occlusion

15.20-15.40 Drg. Eni Rahmi
Vertical Dimension in Indonesian Sub races
Description of the Prevalence Of Myofacial Pain Syndrome in
Drg. Rizkiah
15.40-16.00 Bruxism Patients at PPDGS Prosthodontia Clinic RSGM
Ananda Drg. Setyawan
Bonifacius, Sp.Pros
Comparison of The Retentive Ability on Incisal Bite Force
Drg. Taufik Between Aloe Vera and Poly(methyl-vinyl-ether/maleic acid)
Sumarsongko as an Ingredient of Adhesive Material in Complete Acrylic
Drg. Amira The overview of the diagnosis of temporomandibular
16.20-16.40 disorders in Angle’s Class I, II, and III malocclusions
Pradsnya Drg. Taufik
Drg. Setyawan Dowel Crown Restoration In Anterior Deep Bite Sumarsongko, Sp.Pros
Bonifacius, Sp.Pros

Sabtu, 4 November 2017

Ruang Suryalaya
Ruang Suryalaya
Waktu Judul Moderator
08.00-08.20 Drg. Mega Rafika A Study on Lip Print Pattern among Indian Population
Drg. Wahyu Prevalence of Candida in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Drg. Nanan Nu'aeny,
Hidayat, Sp. PM Sp.PM
Drg. Indah Preliminary Study on Dietary, Bad Habits and Socio-
08.40-09.00 Economic Factors Questionnaire Associated with Oral
Suasani, Sp. PM

Mucosal Conditions
An Update Clinical Practice Guidelines For Diagnosing and
09.00-09.20 Drg. Revi Nelonda
Managing Recurrent Aphtous Stomatitis
09.20-09.40 Drg. Eliza Kristina Sp.PM
09.40-10.00 Drg. Lira Masri Vascular Lesion of Intra Oral
Drg. Lusi Influence of Calcium Level Changes on the Bone Density in
10.00-10.20 Epsilawati, Sp. Diabetic Patients with Panoramic Radiography (Literature
RKG Study)
Drg. Azhari, Sp. Cortical And Trabekula Mandibula Bone Density Value
10.20-10.40 Normal Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Metanol Stroberi (Fragaria X
Ananassa Duchesne.), Ekstrak Metanol Jeruk Nipis (Citrus
10.40-11.00 Drg. Fitri Anggraini
Aurantifolia), Dan Ekstrak Metanol Lobak (Raphanus Sativus
L.) Terhadap Streptococcus Sanguis ATCC 10556 Drg. Ame Suciati
The Difference of Young Adult Smokers and Non Smokers Setiawan, M.Si
11.00-11. 20 Drg. Dias Mareta
Saliva Reviewed by its pH, Viscocity and Volume
Dr.Drg. Winny Tonsillolith Palatine as a Cause Halitosis
Yohana, Sp. KGA
11.40-13.00 Ishoma
Drg. Silvi Immunoexpression of Ki-67 In Determining Prognosis Oral
13.00-13.20 Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Kintawati, MS
Description of Salty Taste Threshold and Blood Pressure on Dr. Sri Tjahajawati, drg.,
13.20-13.40 Drg. Sofyan
Labours of Kretek Filter Smoker
The Effectiveness of Ethanolic Extract of
13.40-14.00 Drg. Viola Myrmecodiatuberosa Jack towards Bleeding Time and
Clotting Time in White Mice
Drg . Chervy Relation of Intercanthal Distance and Maxillary Anterior
14.00-14.20 Teeth Widths among Races of Malay, Chinese, and Indian
Dr. Sri A Descriptive Study of the Impact of Smoking on Taste
14.20-14.40 Tjahajawati, drg., Threshold, Salivary Secretion, Blood Pressure and Blood Dr. drg. Winny Yohana,
M.Kes Glucose in Women Sp.KGA
Antibacterial Effects of Flavonoids from Myrmecodia
Drg. Yuti Malinda,
14.40-15.00 pendens (Sarang Semut) Against Streptococcus mutans ATCC
MM., M. Kes

C. Susunan Kepanitiaan

Pelindung : Rektor Universitas Padjadjaran

Prof. Dr. med. Tri Hanggono Achmad, dr.

Penanggung Jawab : Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Dr. Nina Djustiana, drg., M. Kes.

Penasehat : Wakil Dekan I FKG Unpad

Prof. Dr. Achmad Syawqie, drg., MS.
Wakil Dekan II FKG Unpad
Dr. Dudi Aripin, drg., Sp. KG (K)

Ketua : Elin Karlina, drg., M. Kes.

Sekretaris : Fidya Meditia Putri, drg.

Felisha Febriane Balafif, drg., M. Kes.

Bendahara : Anne Agustina S, drg., M.KM.

Nanan Nur’aeny, drg., Sp. PM

Sie Ilmiah : Anna Muryani, drg., Sp. KG (K)

Arief Cahyanto, drg., MT., Ph.D.
Amaliya Sumiarsa, drg., MSc., Ph.D.
Andriani Harsanti, drg., Sp. Ort, MM.
Diani Prisinda, drg., MARS, Sp. KG (K)
Vita Mulya Pasha Novianti, drg
Yanwar Faza, drg.
Nadia Greviana, drg.

Sie Acara : Prima Andisetyanto, drg.

Indra Hadikrishna, drg., Sp. BM.
Ervin Rizali, drg., M. Kes.
Tommy Frahdian, drg.
Regina Yosephine S, drg

Sie Acara Alumni : Dr. Avi Laviana, drg., Sp. Ort.

Gita Gayatri, drg., Sp. Ort.
Corry J. Arifin, drg., Sp.

Sie Acara Mahasiswa : Abel Tasman Y, drg., Sp. BM.

Lusi Epsilawati, drg., M. Kes., Sp. RKG.

Veni Takarini, drg., M. Kes.

Sie Sponsor : Iwa Rachmat S, drg., Sp. Ort.

Yurika Ambarlita, drg.
Marianne Susanti, drg., Sp. KGA.

Sie Registrasi : Dr. Kosterman Usri, drg., MM.

Sie Transportasi : Indra Primathena, drg.

Rizky Vijani, drg.

Sie Publikasi : Yolanda, drg., Sp. KG.

Dani Rizali Firman, drg., M.Si.
Dyan Nindita C., drg., Sp. Perio.
Seto Pramudita, drg.

Sie Dokumentasi : Setyawan Bonifacius, drg., Sp. Pros.

Randita Diani Y, drg.

Sie Akomodasi : Asty Samiaty Setiawan, drg., M. Kes.

dan Konsumsi Ame Suciati Setiawan, drg., M. Si

Sie Logistik : Fajar Fatriadi, drg., M. Kes.



15 September 2017 : Batas akhir submit abstrak

30 September 2017 : Batas akhir submit Full paper


Makalah yang terpilih akan dipublikasi di AIP (American of Physics) Conference

Proceeding terindeks scopus.

Target Peserta

Target peserta Seminar Internasional Dies Forum 2017 ini melibatkan peserta dari
minimal 5 (lima) negara, yaitu diantaranya:
1. Malaysia
2. Singapore
3. Filipina
4. Jepang
5. Korea Selatan
6. China


Demikian proposal ini kami buat sebagai persyaratan pengajuan SKP kegiatan Seminar
Ilmiah Internasional DIES FORUM 2017. Besar harapan kami semoga segala perencanaan
yang telah kami susun dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan. Semoga Allah SWT meridhoi
dan memberkahi kegiatan kami ini.


Curriculum Vitae


Integrated Lecture:
Dr.drg. Nina Djustiana, M.Kes
Fiber ceramic system reinforced composite as endodontic posts


1). Data Pribadi

Nama Lengkap Nina Djustiana

NIP 19570906 199003 2001
Bagian ITMKG
Pangkat/Jabatan Penata Tk I/Lektor Kepala
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Majalengka, 6 September 1957
Jenis Kelamin Perempuan
Status Perkawinan Menikah
Agama Islam
Nama Suami Ardhana Putra
Nama Anak 1. Ammalia Prama Putri
2. Aradhea Perdana Putra
3. Adria Permana Putra

Agama Islam
Alamat Kantor Kampus FKG Unpad Jatinangor
Alamat Rumah Jl. Pecah Kopi No. 34 Sukaluyu Bandung 40123
Telp/HP 022-2506980/ 08122036868
Alamat e-mail

2). Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

No Program S1 S2 S3

1 Nama PT Universitas Universitas Universitas

Padjadjaran Padjadjaran Padjadjaran
2 Tahun Masuk 1976 1994 1998

3 Tahun Lulus 1981 1997 2004

4 Judul Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Rehabilitasi Deteksi pada Reaksi Jaringan

Oklusi, Konsep DNA Plasmid Pendukung Gigi
dan Rencana Abscess Terhadap
Perawatan Dentogen Endosseous
Dental Implant
Titanium dan
Stainless Steel
Laminin dan

Desmosom dan

3). Riwayat Pendidikan/ Pelatihan /Kursus Tambahan

No Tahun/periode Jenis Pendidikan/ Pelatihan /Kursus Penyelenggara

1. 1988 (1 tahun) Ad hoc Student at The Departement of Sydney Univ - Australia
Preventive Dentistry
2. 2001 (7-12 Des) Applied Aproach Universitas Padjadjaran

3. 2004 Pelatihan Menjadi Tutor FKG Unpad

4. 2004 Pelatihan HAKI Universitas Padjadjaran

5. 2005 Pelatihan Calon Dosen Unpad dan Mabes A D

6 2006 A Workshop of student centered PHK A2 FKG Unpad
learning process
7 2007 Pengembangan kurikulum berbasis PHK A2 FKG UNPAD
kompetensi dengan strategi PBL
8 2007 Pelatihan Penulisan Proposal Hibah Pasca Sarjana
9 2008 How To Compose A Module UPT PUSAT
Bahasa ITB
10 2008 Pelatihan Dosen Kewarganegaraan Unpad dan Mabes A D

11 2009 Sosialisasi Risbin Iptekdok Litbang Kemenkes

12 2011 Pelatihan TOT PPRG LPPM IPB di Bogor
13 2012 Pelatihan TOT PUG P3GA LPPM Unpad
2013 Fasilitasi Forum Komunikasi Jejaring Provinsi Jawa Barat
dan Kajian Gender se Jawa Barat
14 2013 TOT Reviewer Unpad, Bale Sawala Universitas Indonesia
Kampus Jatinangor, 2013 dan Universitas
15 2013 Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi Dengan Universitas Padjadjaran
(12-14 September) Metoda ZOPP. Di Lembang,
16 2013 (27 Lokakarya Lokakarya Manajemen Universitas Padjadjaran
November) Laboratorium di Lingkungan Unpad,
Hotel Horizon Bandung
17 25 Mei 2015 Lokakarya kepemimpinan Universitas Padjadjaran

4). Riwayat Pekerjaan/Jabatan

No Tahun/Periode Institusi/Perusahaan Jabatan

1 1991 s.d. 1994 FKG Unpad Tim Pendamping PD2 FKG Unpad

2 2004 s.d. 2008 FKG Unpad Koordinator Program S2

3 2006 s.d. 2009 FKG Unpad Tim Pendamping PD1 FKG Unpad

s3 2009 s.d. 2011 FKG Unpad Kordinator Program S3

5 2006 s.d.sekarang FKG Unpad Anggota Senat FKG Unpad

6 2006 s.d. 2008 FKG Unpad Ketua Tim Program Hibah Kompetisi A2
(selama 3 tahun terus dipertahankan)
7 2006 dan. 2011 FKG Unpad Ketua Tim Akreditasi
(mendapat Akreditasi A)
8 2007 FKG Unpad Reviewer Penelitian

No Tahun/Periode Institusi/Perusahaan Jabatan

9 2009 s.d.sekarang FKG Unpad Tim Penilai Angka Kredit

10 2010 s.d. sekarang FKG Unpad Koordinator Mata Kuliah KWN

11 1993 s.d. 2008 Unpad Pengelola MKDU Unpad

12 2011 LPPM Unpad Tim Pendamping Dosen Magang LPPM


13 2006 s.d. 2013 FKG Unpad Kepala Bagian ITMKG – Fakultas

Kedokteran Gigi Unpad

14 2008 s.d. 2014 LPPM Unpad Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Gender dan Anak LPPM Unpad

15 2012 FKG Unpad Ketua Tim Akreditasi

(mendapat Akreditasi A)
16 2013 LPPM Unpad Ketua Tim PKM Prioritas Universitas

17 2013 Unpad Pusat Tim Akreditasi Universitas Padjadjaran

18 2015 Unpad Pusat Ketua Tim PKM Prioritas Universitas


19 2014-2016 FKG Unpad Dekan

20 2016-2021 FKG Unpad Dekan

5). Kepengurusan/Keanggotaan dalam Organisasi Profesi
No Tahun/Periode Institusi/Perusahaan Jabatan

1 2003-2005sekarang Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia Bendahara

2 1982-sekarang Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia Anggota
3 1982-sekarang IKA Unpad Anggota

4 1994-Sekarang Anggota Persatuan Biokimia Anggota

5 2005-sekarang Anggota Persatuan Ikatan Peminat Anggota
Material Kedokteran gigi
6 2014 AFDOKGI Wakil Ketua Umum 2

6). Pengalaman Mengajar

No Mata Kuliah Program Institusi/Jurusan/ Semt/Tahun
Pendidikan Program Studi Aakdemik

1 Dental Material/ITMKG S1 Unpad/FKG/ITMKG 1990-Sekarang

2 Kewarga negaraan S1 Unpad/FKG 2007-sekarang

3 Biomaterial S2 Unpad/FKG/IMKG 2005-2009
4 Biomaterial S3 Unpad/FKG 2007-2010

7). Kegiatan Penelitian

No Tahun Posisi/Jabatan Judul Penelitian Sponsor

1 2010 Penulis ke 2 1. Pencegahan Microleakage pada Restorasi FKG Unpad

Resin Dengan Silorane-Based Dental
Komposit Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Bandung
Dentistry 7, Bandung 2010
Penulis ke 2 2. Pengaruh Partikel Filler terhadap Modulus Peril Iprosi
Juara ke 1 Elastisitas Resin Komposit, Proceeding Temu dan FKG
Ilmiah Peril III , Makasar 2010 Unhas
Pembicara 3. What is Bicompatible Dental Material.
Utama Pembicara Utama pada acara Bandung FKG Unpad
Dentistry 7. Aston Primera, Bandung 2010 FDI – IDA
4. Prosiding 6 th FDI – IDA Joint Meeting
(Penulis ke 2): Self Synthesis Al-Si-
Zr Nanoparticle Filler and It's
Microstructure, Balikpapan 2010 Asia Pacific
Pembimbing 5. SinthesizeAnd Characterize The Yttrium Dental
Karya Ilmiah Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) As Dental Student
Mahasiswa Restorative Material (Penulis ke 2), Asia Association
Pacific Dental Student Associations (APDSA)
(APDSA) Congress. Jepang 2010
2 2011 Pembimbing 1. Pengaruh Konsentrasi Kitosan pada Sistesis Densply
Mahasiswa, Keramik Partikel Nano Sistem ZrO2-AL2O3- Award
pemenang ke 1 SiO2 Melalui Metode Bottom Up Sebagai

di Indonesia Bahan Baku Material Kedokteran. Makalah
Densply Award, Jakarta 2011.
Penulis ke 2 2. Efek Alkohol terhadap Kekerasan Restorasi FKG Unpad
Komposit. Prosiding Bandung Dentistry 8.
PDGI Bandung, 2011
Penulis ke 2 3. Sintesis Partikel Nano MG-Psz Faculty of
Menggunakan Modifikasi Metoda Pechini Dentistry
Dengan Putih Telur Sebagai Bahan University
BakuRestorasi di Kedikteran Gigi. RDM&E of Sumatra
2011 Proceeding , Anniversary Faculty of Utara
Dentistry University of Sumatra Utara, Tiara
Convention Center Medan, November 2011
Penulis ke 2 4. Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nanopartikel Balai Besar
Magnesia Partially Stabilized Zirconia (Mg- Keramik
PSZ) dengan Metode Sol-Gel. Seminar Indonesia
Nasional Keramik. Hotel Savoy Homann-
Bandung 2011
3 2012 Pembicara 1. Inovasi pada perkembangan ilmu material IPAMAGI
Utama dalam bidang kedokteran gigi. Prosiding TIP Indonesia
IPAMAGI Bandung, 2012
Penulis ke 2 2. Comparison of Provisional Crown Materials Jurnal
in Term of Microhardness. Jurnal Material Material
Kedokteran Gigi, Vol 1 No.1. Bandung , Kedokteran
Maret 2012 Gigi
Penulis ke 1 3. Penggunaan Resin Nylon Thermoplastic Forkomil
Merupakan Alternative Secara Selektif
Landasan Gigi Tiruan Sebagian. Forkomil II,
Pangeran Beach Hotel- Padang, 15-16
September 2012
Penulis ke 2 4. Surface Modification of Multilayer Coating Journal of
Ti-Al-Cr and Hydroxyapatite on Calcioum Dentistry
PhosphateCement with Sol-Gel Method. Indonesia
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, Vol 19, No.2.
August 2012
Penulis ke 2 5. Uji kehalusan permukaan dan kilap
permukaan restorasi komposit. Penelitian FKG Unpad
Fakultas (Tim), 2012.
Penulis ke 2 6. Analisis Simulasi Kekuatan Ikat Landasan FKG Unpad
Gigi Tiruan Terhadap Permukaan Gusi Pada
Penggunaan Perekat Gigi Tiruan. Prosiding
Dies 53 FKG Unpad, Hotel Aston Primera
Pasteur, 7-8 Desember 2012
7. Sintesis Bahan Restorasi Menyerupai Warna
Ketua Peneliti Gigi Berbahan Baku Sumber Daya Alam Dana
Indonesia, Riset PUPT, SK Rektor Unpad, DIPA BLU
No 1039/UN6.RKT/KP/2012 Unpad,
4 2013 Penulis ke 2 1. Dimentional Changes In Cleaning Acrilyc FKG Unpad
Resin Denture With Microwave Energy.
Bandung Dentistry 10, Aston Primera
Pasteur,Prosiding, 14-15 Juni 2013
Penulis ke 1 2. Synthesis of ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 and ZrO2-CaO- IDA
SiO2 as Filler for Restorative Dental Scientific
Materials using Sol-Gel Method. The IDA Meeting,
Scientific Meeting, Supported by FDI, Supported

Kasultanan ballroom Royal Ambarukmo by FDI
Yogyakarta. November 16-17 2013
Pembimbing 3. Sintesis Nano Komposit Pollymethacrylate Densply
Mahasiswa (PMMA) Dengan Filler White Carbon Black Award
(Finalis) Zirconia untuk Aplikasi Pasak Gigi.(Penulis
ke2) Poster Densply Award, Kampus UI
Depok, 5 Juli 2013.
Peneliti ke 2 4. Pengembangan studi pembuatan bahan Dana DIPA
restorasi mahkota estetis indirek hasil sintesis BLU Unpad
ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 dengan teknik sol- gel
sebagai pengisi unfilled resin. Riset BOPTN,
SK Rektor Unpad, No
5 2014 Peneliti Ke 2 1. Perbandingan Karaklerislik PNBP
Standar Guta Perca Mentah Illdonesia
dcngan Guta Perca Kedoktcran Gigi
Olahan Pabrik.

2. Kajian Komprehensif Infeksi Saluran

Peneliti Ke 2 Unpad
Akar Gigi. ( ALG 116)

6 2015 Penulis ke 1 1. Hardness Evaluation of Dental

Composite With Ceramucs Filers (
7 2015 Penulis ke Basic Properties of PMMA Reinforced Using
Lima Ceramics particles of zro2-AI203-sio2 Coated
with two types of coupling agents
8 2015 Penulis ke Syntentic dan characteration of transparent Prosiding
Tiga Nano ceramics MgAI2o4/spinel for
orthodontics bracket apliance
9 2016 Penulis ke Basic Properties of PMMA Reinforced Using
Lima Ceramics Particles of ZrO
2-Al2O3-SiO Coated with Two Types of
Coupling Agents

10 2016 Penulis ke Synthesis and Characterization of MgPSZ-

Enam PMMA Composite by Sol-Gel Modification
and Direct Foaming Technique Using Egg
11 2016 Penulis Ke Hardness Evaluation of Dental Composite
satu with Ceramic Fillers

12 2016 Penulis Ke Microstructure Analysis of Zirconia-Alumina-

satu Silica Particles Made from Indonesia Natural Sand
Synthesized Using Spray Pyrolysis Method

8). Partisipasi dalam Seminar, Konferensi, Training dan Workshop (Internasional/Nasional

No Tahun Nama Forum, lokasi Posisis/peranan

1 1986 Indonesian Student Association Conference, Peserta aktif

Sydney - Australia.
2 1988 Australian Dental Congress Australian Peserta aktif
Dental- Assosiation, Sydney-Australia
3 1991 Indonesian Dental Congress, Bandung – Peserta aktif

4 1995 International Symposium Biochemistry and Peserta

Molecular Biology Approaches on Ageing,
Bandung - Indonesia
5 1999 2nd Asia Pasific International Molecular Pembicara
Biology Network and 1st Asia Pacific
BioPartnering Workshop.
6 2001 Indonesian Dental Congress, Yogjakarta – Peserta
7 2002 The 2nd FDI – Indonesian Dental Association Pembicara
Joint Meeting, Bali

8 2007 Asia Pasific Dental Congres – Jakarta Pembicara

9 2007 SKIM - Malaysia Pembicara

10 2007 Dental Material Congress - Bangkok Thailand Pembicara

11 2008 Asian Oral Health Care Scientific Meeting and Pembicara

Exhibition Conjunction With 2nd Asean
Meeting on Dental Public Health- Jakarta

12 2009 Temu Ilmiah Tahun Emas Fakultas Pembicara & Moderator

Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran.
Penyelenggara FKG UNPAD.

13 2010 FDI – Indonesian Dental Association Joint Pembicara ke 2

Meeting, Balikpapan
14 2011 Nasional Molecular Biology Confrence – Peserta
Eijkman FK Unpad
15 2012 The International Confrence on Gender Pembicara ke2
Empowerment (ICGE-2012) Towards Healthy
Life Style, Advancement, Independent: and
Family Walfare, Free from Poverty and
Domestic Violence
16 2014 FDI Di Yogyakarta Peserta
17 22-23 Seminar Peril 6 hotel horizon Bandung Peserta
18 9-11 Foril IX Balai Kartini Jakarta Peserta
19 2015 Seminar ILmiah Clinical Update Banda aceh Pembicara

20 2015 SEAADE Peserta
21 2015 Seminar DIES Forum 2015 Peserta
22 2015 6 Hiroshima Conference on Education and Session chair
Science in Dentistry
23 2016 Seminar Gotrasawala ke 57 FKG Unpad Peserta
No Tahun Nama Forum, lokasi Posisis/peranan

24 2016 Dean’s meeting in conjunction with 27th. Peserta

Annual scientific meeting seeade Vietnam
25 4-6 International Dental Material Congress Pembicara
NOpember (IDMC) Bali
26 18-21 The 28 th Annual Meeting of The Pembicara
Oktober International Sociel:tJ for Ceramics in
2016 Medicine (Bioceramics 28)" di Charlotte,
North Carolina, Amerika Serikat,
27 11-12 FDI Hotel Holiday Inn Pembicara
28 29 Dentistry Interprofessional Seminar (DIS) Pembicara
Oktober 2016 BEM FKG UGM

9). Daftar Publikasi

No Tahun Topik Penerbit

1 2007 Dental Implant SKIM

2 2007 Formation of Hemidesmosome Associated with Dental Material Congress -
the Use of Different Materials in Dental Implants Bangkok Thailand
Oral Health Care Scientific Meeting and Exhibition Asia Pasific Dental
Conjunction With 2nd Asean Meeting on Dental Congres – Jakarta
Public Health- Jakarta

4 2009 Tinjauan Umum Estrogenitas Resin Komposit Tahun Emas FKG Unpad
dan Fissure Sealant yang digunakan di Bidang (penulis ke 2).
Kedokteran Gigi.

5 2010 Buku Penuntun Praktikum ITMKG

( Dikerjakan oleh Tim di bag ITMKG)
6 2011 Tissue Reaction Against Implantation of Journal of Dentistry
Nanocomposite and Giomers Padjadjaran University
7 2011 Buku Penuntun Praktikum ITMKG berdasarkan
Kurik KBK (Dalam Tim di bag ITMKG)
8 2011 Sintesis Partikel Nano MG-Psz Menggunakan Proceeding, RDM & E
Modifikasi Metoda Pechini Dengan Putih Telur Anniversary Faculty of
Sebagai Bahan BakuRestorasi di Kedokteran Dentistry University of
Gigi. Sumatra Utara
9 2011 Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nanopartikel Seminar Nasioanal
Magnesia Partially Stabilized Zirconia (Mg- Keramik
PSZ) dengan Metode Sol-Gel
10 2012 Comparison of Provisional Crown Materials in Jurnal Material
Term of Microhardness. Kedokteran Gigi, Vol 1
No.1. Bandung, Maret
11 2013 Synthesis of ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 and ZrO2-CaO- IDA Scientific Meeting,
SiO2 as Filler for Restorative Dental Materials Supported by FDI
using Sol-Gel Method.(Penulis ke 1)
12 2013 Dimentional Changes In Cleaning Acrilyc Resin Bandung Dentistry 10,
Denture With Microwave Energy. Prosiding

10). Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat/Sosial

No Tahun Jenis/Nama Kegiatan Tempat

1 2009 Gugus Tugas Pencegahan dan Penanganan Korban Bandung
Perdagangan Orang Provinsi Jawa Barat
2 2010 Ketua Kelompok PKM Penyuluhan Anti Human Bogor
3 2011 Panitia TOT PUG dan metode Penelitian Kebijakan LPPM IPB
Gender Bogor
4 2012 Bakti Sosial Korban Banjir di Sayati dan Kab Bandung
Pemeriksaan Kesehatan
5 2012 Diskusi hasil penelitian : Gender dan Kesehatan Australian National
Reproduksi di DKI Jakarta, Jabar, NTB dan SulselUniversity dan UIN
Syarif Hidayatullah
6 2012 Ketua Panitia Baksos dan Pelayanan Kesehatan ke Kabupaten Bandung
korban Banjir Soreang di Kab Bandung (Soreang)
7 2012 Panitia dalam rangka hari anak internasional Bale Rumawat
‘Worshop The Magical Theory of Storytelling’ Unpad
8 2012 Nara Sumber Program Pengembangan Kota Layak Dinas Kom dan
anak di 26 Kab/Kota se Jabar Informatika Jabar
9 2013 Penyuluhan Pentingnya Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Cianjur
disertai Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi dan Pembagian
sembako serta baju layak pakai
10 2013 PKM Prioritas Unpad di LAPAS Wanita Kls II Lapas Sukamiskin
11 2015 PKM Prioritas Unpad di LAPAS Wanita Kls II Lapas Sukamiskin
12 2015 Bulan Kesehatan Gigi Nasional RSGM
13 2016 Baksos penyerahan bantuan bencana Sumedang
14 2016 Baksos Pengobatan dan penyuluhan gigi gratis Sukajadi Bandung

11). Penghargaan/Grants
No Tahun Bentuk Penghargaan Pemberi

1 1998 Dosen Berprestasi Unpad FKG Unpad

2 2005 Satya Karya Bhakti Kelas II Rektor Unpad

3 2008 Piagam Tanda Kehormatan Presiden Presiden Republik Indonesia

Republik Indonesia
4 1999 Karya Ilmiah terbaik Dekan FKG Unpad (Tingkat
(Penulis ke2) Fakultas)

5 2001 Karya Ilmiah terbaik Dekan FK Unpad (Penelt ke2)

6 2002 Dosen Teladan ke -2 Dekan FKG

7 2005 Oral B Award pada Congress PDGI di Ketua PB PDGI

8 2009 Pembimbing maahasiswa pemeroleh PKM PKM – DIKTI
(Eka Sabati)
9 2010 Pembimbing mahasiswa pemeroleh APDSA APDSA Malaysia
kategori ter innovative
(atas nama Eka Sabati)
No Tahun Bentuk Penghargaan Pemberi

10 2010 Karya Ilmiah terbaik, FDI – IDA

FDI-IDA Joint Meeting (Penulis ke 2) Makassar

11 2011 Pembimbing mahasiswa pemeroleh USM

Kompetisi USM Juara kedua, ( mhs Alex)
12 2012 Pembimbing mahasiswa pemeroleh Densply
Kompetisi Densplay, Pemenang ke1 se
( Mahasiswa Lukman, Pembimbing ke 2)

13 2013 Pembimbing mahasiswa mengikuti Densptly

Kompetisi Densplay
( Mahasiswa Gian, Pembimbing ke 1)

14 2015 Pembimbing ke 1 Mahasiswa a.n Akhyar USM

Dyni Zakyah mengikuti 13 th student
Scientific Conference School of Dental
Science broadening research horizon for
mankind ( 2nd Palaces In Oral Presentation)

Bandung, Januari 2017

Nina Djustiana
NIP 19570906 199003 2001

Main lecture: drg Opik
Considerations for Composite as an Aesthetic and Permanent Restoration

Hands on : drg Opik

The Secret to Aesthetic and Long Lasting Direct Composite Restoration, A
Step by Step Technique


Name :Taofik Hidayat, drg., Sp.KG

Born at : Ciamis -West Java -Indonesia, 28 Maret 1970
Address : Jl Sarijadi Raya Blok 1 No 4 Bandung 40151 Indonesia
Mobile : +62 8112209191
Email : drtaofikhidayat
Education : Graduated from Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis
Konservasi Gigi (PPDGS) Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran
University as Specialist in Conservative Dentist (SpKG), 2010
Graduated from Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi at Faculty of
Dentistry Padjadjaran University as DDS (Drg), 1998
Activity : Former Manager of Research, Community Service and
Innovation, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran
Lecturing at Dept. of Conservative Dentistry Faculty of
Dentistry, Padjadjaran University, since 1998
Lecturing on Aesthetics/Cosmetics Dentistry, Dental
Whitening and Endodontic topics in various National Dental
Seminars since 2002
Lecturing Dental Photography and Smile Design, in Program
Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis Konservasi Gigi (PPDGS)
Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran since 2012
Research, Community Se
Private Dental Practice in Bandung Indonesia
Founder of Aesthetics [R]evolution Dental Simulation System
& Study Club
Hobby : Outdoor Activities (Adventure Off-Road, Hunting)

Participated in:

• Asia Pacific Key Opinion Leaders Scientific Symposium, at Seefeld Germany, 2008
• Dentium, Dental Implant Training, Korea, 2010

• Asia Pacific Kerr Round Table Key Opinion Leaders Meeting,Kinabalu, Malaysia, 2013

• Asia Pacific Kerr Round Table Key Opinion Leaders Meeting,Sydney Australia, 2014

• Asia Pacific Key Opinion Leaders Scientific Symposium, at Seefeld Germany, 2014

• Asia Pacific Kerr Round Table Key Opinion Leaders Meeting, Bangkok Thailand, 2015

• Dentsply Train The Trainer Program, Hongkong, 2015

• 1st Latin America and Asia Opinion Leader Meeting, Cancun Mexico 2016

• Global Ceram.X Case Contest 2015-2016, Konstanz Germany 2016

Main lecture : drg irmaleny:
"Professional in Office Tooth Whitening Treatment With Light

Hands On: drg Irmaleny

"Professional in Office Tooth Whitening Treatment With Light


Nama Lengkap : Dr. Irmaleny., drg. SpKG

Gelar : Dr., drg., SpKG
Departemen/Program : Konservasi Gigi /Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis
Fakultas : Kedokteran Gigi Unpad Bandung
NIP/NUP : 1966072919932001
NIDN : 29076602
Pekerjaan : Kepala Departemen Konservasi Gigi FKG Unpad
Staf Pengajar Konservasi Gigi (S1 & Dokter Gigi) dan
Sekretaris Komite Medik RSGM FKG Unpad
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir : Pekanbaru, 29 Juli 1966
Agama : Islam
Pangkat dan Gol. Ruang : Pembina dan Gol IV/A
Jabatan : Lektor Kepala
No. Telepon/HP : 022 7307978/08122109534
Email :
Bidang Kepakaran : Restorasi dan Endodontologi
Klasifikasi Kepakaran : Konservasi Gigi
Minat Penelitian : Restorasi dan Endodonti
Bidang Unggulan : Restorasi dan Endodonti
Judul Disertasi/Thesis : :
1. Pengembangan Jatropha curcas Linn Menuju Obat Herbal Terstandar dan
Pengaruhnya terhadap Konsentrasi Substance P (SP) dan COX-2 pada Hewan
Coba (In Vivo). (Disertasi) 2010. Desember.

2. Perbedaan Kebocoran Mikro Restorasi Resin Komposit Kelas V Yang
Menggunakan Dental Bonding Agent One Bottle dengan Self Etching Adhesives.
Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis FKG Unpad (Thesis), 2006.

29 Desember 2010


1. Training/pelatihan dan Seminar Componeer di Bangkok Thailand 7-10 Agustus
2. Training/pelatihan dan Seminar APAC Key Opinion Leader’s Symposium, 3M Health
Care AcademySM di Minnesota Amerika Serikat, 17th – 22nd July 2016.
3. Training/pelatihan dan Seminar Evaluative Techniques in Dental Materials,
Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics University of
Minnesota School of Dentistry, Minnesota Amerika Serikat, July 22, 2016.
4. Training/Pelatihan Alat, Metoda dan Bahan Di Bidang Kedokteran Gigi, Jakarta, 22-
23 februari 2016
5. Training The Indonesia Restorative Train-the-Trainer Program, Jakarta 3 Maret 2017.


1. Sebagai Peserta kursus/Hands On Diastema Closure, Sarasehan ilmiah untuk Peringatan
Program Pendidikan Spesialis Bedah Mulut Indonesia, 19 – 20 Januari 2007, Bandung.
2. Sebagai Peserta One Day Seminar ”Student Centered Learning&Competency Based
Curriculum, March 10, 2007.
3. Sebagai Pembicara Pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi IPROSI. “Perkembangan
Kosmetik & Estetik Terkini Kedokteran Gigi Khususnya Bidang Prostodonsia”. 25-26
Mei 2007, Bandung.
4. Sebagai peserta Pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi IPROSI. “Perkembangan
Kosmetik & Estetik Terkini Kedokteran Gigi Khususnya Bidang Prostodonsia”. 25-26
Mei 2007, Bandung.
5. Sebagai Peserta Hands On One Day Endodontic Seminar, 14 Juli 2007, Bandung.
6. Sebagai peserta seminar Temu Ilmiah Dies Natalis ke-49 FKG Unpad, Bandung 7-8
November 2008.
7. Peserta Diskusi Panel Research Day and Student Research Competition, FKG UI Jakarta,
20 -21 Januari 2009.
8. Sebagai peserta seminar Temu Ilmiah Tahun Emas FKG Unpad, Bandung 6-7 November
9. Mengikuti Pelatihan Penggunaan Fasilitas e-Journal dan LaTex dalam Penyusunan Artikel
Ilmiah, Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 18 November
2009, Jakarta.
10. Sebagai peserta One Day International Seminar NonHuman Primate: Roles in Biomedical
Research, Bogor 13 March 2010.
11. Mengikuti Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Hasil Penelitian, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan
Kreativitas Mahasiswa yang Berpotensi Paten, Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional, 7-9
April 2010, Bandung.
12. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada Pertemuan Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi,
FKG Moestopo, 30 April 2010, Jakarta

13. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada Prosiding dan Temu Ilmiah Bandung Dentistry 7, 4
Juni – 5 Juni 2010, Bandung
14. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada 70th Anniversary Celebration Faculty of Dentistry
Chulalongkorn University, 12 -14 Agustus 2010, Bangkok.
15. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada Regional Biomaterial Scientific Meeting 2010
(RBSM 2010) in Conjunction with 8th Student Scientific Conference (8thSSC), 29 -30
Oktober 2010, Kota Bahru, Kelantan, Malaysia.
16. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada Kongres dan Simposium PERHAPPI IV dengan
Tema Melestarikan Satwa Primata Indonesia di Tengah Ancaman Perubahan Iklim
Global, 3 November 2010, Bogor.
17. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada 6th International Dental Federation /Indonesia Dental
Association Join Meeting, 12 – 14 November 2010, Balikpapan.
18. Sebagai peserta seminar Simple, Safe and Efficient Endodontics, IKORGI FKG Unpad,
Bandung, 26 Februari 2011.
19. Sebagai peserta dan panitia dalam Seminar dan Workshop Restorasi Kelas II Komposit,
IKORGI FKG Unpad, Bandung, 21 Mei 2011.
20. Sebagai peserta Pelatihan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Bagi Tenaga
Pendidik yang diselenggarkan oleh Tim Pengelola e-learning Universitas Padjadjaran
tanggal 18 Agustus 2011.
21. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada The 5th Regional Dental Meeting and Exhibition
(RDM&E V 2011), FKG USU, Medan 11 – 12 November 2011.
22. Sebagai peserta seminar One day Sharing about New Update in Endodontic Treatment
and it’s post Endodontic restorative, IKORGI Bandung, 12 November 2011.
23. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada Kongres IKORGI IX & Seminar Ilmiah Nasional,
FKG UNAIR, Surabaya 25 – 27 November 2011.
24. Sebagai peserta “Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Dalam Berkala Ilmiah” , Padjadjaran
Journal of Dentistry, Bandung 26 November 2011.
25. Sebagai peserta seminar Grand Dentistry Indonesia V 2011. PDGI Wilayah DKI Jakarta,
Jakarta 2-3 Desember 2011.
26. Sebagai peserta seminar pada Dies Forum 52 FKG Unpad Bandung, Bandung 9-10
Desember 2011.
27. Sebagai peserta seminar 3rd Makassar Meeting & Dental Expo 2012. PDGI Cabang
Makassar, Makassar 16-18 Maret 2012.
28. Sebagai pembicara pada 3rd Makassar Meeting & Dental Expo 2012. PDGI Cabang
Makassar, Makassar 16-18 Maret 2012.
29. Sebagai peserta Workshop Item Development, FKG Unpad, 27 – 28 Maret 2012.
30. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada Kiat Mencapai Keberhasilan dalam Melakukan
Perawatan Endodontik. Kumpulan Abstrak Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan V Dokter Rekanan
PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten tahun 2012, Bandung, 09 – 10 Juni
31. Sebagai peserta seminar pada Bandung dentistry 9, Pedidikan Pelatihan Profesionalisme
Kedokteran Gigi berkelanjutan (P3AI), Bandung 15 – 16 Juni 2012.
32. Sebagai peserta seminar dan workshop The New Direct Composit Veneering System
Componeer, Jakarta 3 Agustus 2012.
33 . Sebagai Pembicara pada Improving the quality of the dentist to provide the best service
to the community, Forkomil II Padang, 15 -16 September 2012.
34. Sebagai Peserta pada Improving the quality of the dentist to provide the best service to
the community, Forkomil II Padang, 15 -16 September 2012.
35. Sebagai Pembicara Tini II, Applying Advanced Clinical Sciences in Conservative in
Conservative dentistry, Surabaya 23 -25 November 2012.

36. Sebagai peserta Tini II, Applying Advanced Clinical Sciences in Conservative in
Conservative dentistry, Surabaya 23 -25 November 2012.
37. Sebagai Pembicara, Asean Plus dan Tokushima Joint International Conference,
Jogjakarta 7 - 8 Desember 2012.
38. Sebagai peserta Asean Plus dan Tokushima Joint International Conference, Jogjakarta 7 -
8 Desember 2012.
39. Sebagai peserta dan pembicara pada Forum Dies FKG Unpad Bandung, 7 – 8 Desember
40. LSIT FKG penataran, FKG Unpad Bandung 2012
41. Pelatihan OSCE FKG Unpad Bandung 2012
42. Sebagai peserta pelatihan Applied Approach (AA) Berbasis KBK Batch IV Angkatan
XXXVI thn 2012 Unpad, tgl 4 – 10 Desember 2012.
43. Sebagai peserta seminar The Modern Concepts For Simple, Fast and Safe Endodontic
Treatment, Bandung 31 Mei 2013.
44. Sebagai peserta One day Seminar on Implantology, Jakarta 13 Juni 2013
45. Sebagai Pembicara Pada Seminar Ilmiah Ikorgi (SINI), Denpasar Bali, 29 – 30 November
46. Sebagai peserta Seminar Ilmiah Ikorgi (SINI), Denpasar Bali, 29 – 30 November 2013.
47. Sebagai Peserta Seminar a Journey with Dental Espertise, Kereta Api Gambir-Bandung
28 Maret 2014.
48. Sebagai Peserta Seminar New Techniques to Improved Access, Reduce Instrument and
Working Times in Endodontic, Bandung 29 April 2014
49. Sebagai Pembicara Pada Seminar/Kongres PDGI ke XXV di Pontianak, 28-31 Mei 2014.
50. Sebagai Peserta Pada Seminar/Kongres PDGI ke XXV di Pontianak, 28-31 Mei 2014.
51. Mengikuti Training Componeer di Bangkok Thailand 7-10 Agustus 2014
52. Sebagai Peserta Pelatihan Pengembangan Inovasi dan Produk Riset UI, Jakarta
September 2014
53. Sebagai Peserta Pelatihan Penulisan Deskripsi Paten (Paten Drafting) UI, Jakarta 9
September 2014
54. Sebagai Peserta Pelatihan Proposal Bisnis Produk Riset UI Jakarta 25 September 2014
55. Sebagai Supervisor PPM Tasikmalaya, 27-28 September 2014
56. Sebagai Peserta Pelatihan Komunikasi Bisnis Produk Riset UI Jakarta 1 Oktober 2014
57. Sebagai Pembicara Utama/trainer di Seminar ilmiah RSKGM tgl 18 Oktober 2014:
58. Sebagai Pembicara Utama di Acara Seminar PITA LADOKGI 20 – 21 Nov 2014
59. Sebagai Pembicara Seminar di Konggres IKORGI di Surabaya 27-29 Nov 2014
60. Sebagai Peserta Seminardi Konggres IKORGI di Surabaya 27-29 Nov 2014
61. Sebagai Pembicara Utama di Dies Forum FKG Unpad Bandung 12 -13 Nov 2014
62. Sebagai trainer/instruktur Hands On Componeer di Dies Forum FKG Unpad Bandung 12
Nov 2014
63. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Componeer di Aceh Dentistry 17 Januari 2015 di Aceh.
64. Sebagai trainer/instruktur Hands On Componeer Aceh Dentistry 17 Januari 2015 di Aceh
65. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Componeer di Sriwijaya Dentistry Palembang 28 Febr – 1
Maret 2015.
66. Sebagai Trainer/instruktur Hands On Componeer 28 Febr – 1 Maret 2015 di Palembang
67. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Perawatan Gigi Usia Produktif, Unpad, Bandung, 7 April 2015
68. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Laminate Veneer di Riau Dentistry 30-31 Mei 2015 di
69. Sebagai Trainer/instruktur Hands On Laminate Veneer di Riau Dentistry 30-31 Mei 2015
di Pekanbaru.

70. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Componeer di Bandung Dentistry, Bandung 5-6 juni 2015

71. Sebagai Trainer/instruktur Hands On Componeer di Bandung Dentistry, Bandung 5-6

Juni 2015
72. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Labial Direk Veneer di Batam Dentistry, Batam 6-7 Juni 2015
73. Sebagai Trainer/instruktur Hands On Labial Direk Veneer di Batam Dentistry, Batam 6-7
Juni 2015
74. Sebagai Peserta Seminar Endodontic Midyear Seminar 2015 IKORGI TRISAKTI, Jakarta
14 Juni 2015.
75. Sebagai Peserta Workshop Endodontic Midyear Seminar 2015 IKORGI TRISAKTI,
Jakarta 14 Juni 2015.
76. Sebagai Peserta Pelatihan Dosen Pendidik Klinik Integrasi, FKG Unpad, Bandung 2-3
Juli 2015.
77. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Direct Labial Veneering di Periodontal Update, Medan 4 – 5
September 2015
78. Sebagai Trainer/instruktur Hands On Direct Labial Veneering di Periodontal Update,
Medan 4 – 5 September 2015
79. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Veneer di PITA LADOKGI Jakarta, 10 -11 sept 2015.
80. Sebagai Moderator Seminar Dies Forum 2015 FKG Unpad Bandung 17-19 September
81. Sebagai Pelaksana Kegiatan Baksos IKORGI Bandung, Garut 4 Oktober 2015.
82. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Seminar 11th FDI-IDA Continuing Dental Education 2015,
Padang 14-15 November 2015
83. Sebagai Trainer/Instruktur Hands On 11th FDI-IDA Continuing Dental Education 2015,
Padang 14-15 November 2015.
84. Sebagai Peserta Kegiatan Outbound Taplai Lemhanas Bogor, 8 Desember 2015.
85. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Bleaching Seminar PDGI Sukabumi 12 desember 2015.
86. Sebagai Instruktur Hands On Bleaching eksternal dan Internal PDGI Sukabumi di
Sukabumi 12 desember 2015.
87. Sebagai Peserta Lokakarya Panduan Penelitian dan Penulisan Skripsi Mahasiswa S1 FKG
Unpad, Bandung 17-18 Desember 2015.
88. Sebagai Peserta Hands On One Visit Endodontic, IKORGI Bandung 8 Januari 2016
89. Sebagai Peserta Hands On Finding MB2, IKORGI Bandung 8 Januari 2016
90. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Veneer Direct di Lampung 6 februari 2016
91. Sebagai Instruktur Hands On Veneer Direct Lampung 6 februari 2016
92. Sebagai peserta lokakarya Pengelola Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Unpad, Bandung, 19
Februari 2016
93. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Restorasi Kelas IV Komposit Dengan Teknik Layering, Batam
20-21 februari 2016
94. Sebagai Instruktur Hands On Restorasi Kelas IV Komposit Dengan Teknik Layering
Batam 20-21 februari 2016
95. Sebagai peserta Training dan Pelatihan Alat, Metoda dan Bahan Di Bidang Kedokteran
Gigi oleh 3M , Jakarta 22-23 februari 2016
96. Pembicara Utama Teknik Veneer di Langkisau Pesisir Selatan Padang 5 Maret 2016
97. Instruktur Hands On Teknik Veneer Langkisau Pesisir Selatan Padang 5 maret 2016
98. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Seminar Konservasi Bagi Dokter Gigi di LAKESGILUT
DITKESAD, Jakarta 14 maret 2016
99. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Pelatihan Konservasi Untuk Dokter Gigi di LAKESGILUT
DITKESAD, Jakarta 17 maret 2016

100. Sebagai Trainer/Instruktur Hands On BLEACHING EXTERNAL DAN INTERNAL di
LAKESGILUT DITKESAD, Jakarta di RSPAD 17 maret 2016.
101. Sebagai Narasumber Semi lokakarya PKFI Wilayah Jawa Barat, Bandung 19 Maret
102. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Teknik Restorasi Kelas IV Komposit Solo 1-2 April 2016
103. Sebagai Instruktur/Trainer Hands On Teknik Restorasi Kelas IV Komposit Solo 1-2
April 2016
104. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Seminar Teknik Restorasi Kelas 4 Komposit dengan Palatal
Matriks, di Pekanbaru 28 – 29 Mei 2016
105. Sebagai Trainer/Instruktur Hands On Teknik Restorasi Kelas 4 Komposit dengan Palatal
Matriks Pekanbaru 28-29 Mei 2016.
106. Sebagai Peserta 2016 APAC Key Opinion Leader’s Symposium, 3M Health Care
AcademySM di Minnesota Amerika Serikat, 17th – 22nd July 2016.
107. Sebagai Peserta Evaluative Techniques in Dental Materials, Minnesota Dental Research
Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics University of Minnesota School of Dentistry,
July 22, 2016.
108. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Seminar Teknik Restorasi Kelas 4 Komposit dengan Palatal
Matriks, di Lampung, 3 September 2016
109. Trainer/Instruktur Hands On Teknik Restorasi Kelas 4 Komposit dengan Palatal Matriks
Lampung 3 September 2016.
110. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Teknik Veneering di Surabaya, IKGA, 10 September 2016
111. Sebagai Trainer/Instruktur Hands On Teknik Veneering di Surabaya, IKGA, 10
September 2016.
112. Sebagai peserta seminar How to Create A High Esthetic Smile On Your Patient With
Minimal Invasive technique, Bandung 16 September 2016
113. Sebagai peserta Hands On seminar How to Create A High Esthetic Smile On Your
Patient With Minimal Invasive technique, Bandung 16 September 2016
114. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Bleaching pada Dies Natalis ke 57 FKG Unpad, 23-24
September 2016.
115. Sebagai moderator pada Gotra Sawala Dies Natalis ke-57 FKG Unpad, 23-24 September
116. Sebagai peserta seminar Rationale Root Canal Preparation, EDDY SYSTEM, Jakarta 9
Oktober 2016
117. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Direct Labial Veneer Komposit di Jember, 15 Oktober 2016.
118. Sebagai Instruktur/Trainer Hands On Direct Labial Veneer Komposit di Jember, 15
Oktober 2016.
119. Sebagai Trainer/Instruktur Hands On Veneer Komposit di Aidentex Surabaya, 20
Oktober 2016.
120. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Seminar Restorasi Komposit Kelas 4 dengan Matriks Palatal,
di Jambi 22 Oktober 2016
121. Trainer/Instruktur Hands On Restorasi Komposit Kelas 4 dengan Matriks Palatal, di
Jambi 22 Oktober 2016
122. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Direct Labial Veneer Komposit di Menado 28-29 Oktober
123. Sebagai Trainer/Instruktur Hands On Direct Labial Veneer Komposit di Menado 28-29
Oktober 2016.
124. Sebagai Trainer/Instruktur Hands On Restorasi Komposit Kelas 4 dengan Matriks
Palatal di Jogjakarta, 5 November 2016.
125. Sebagai peserta seminar Asian Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
(AAOMFR) di Chiang Mai tanggal 10 -12 November 2016.

126. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Seminar Restorasi Komposit Kelas 4 dengan Matriks Palatal,
di Bali, 18 – 19 November 2016.
127. Sebagai Trainer/Instruktur Hands On Restorasi Komposit Kelas 4 dengan Matriks
Palatal, di Bali, 18 – 19 November 2016.
128. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Direct Labial Veneer Komposit di Serang, 26-27 November
129. Sebagai Instruktur/Trainer Hands On Direct Labial Veneer Komposit di Serang 26-27
November 2016.
130. Sebagai Instruktur/Trainer Hands On/Table clinic Bulkfill Komposit, Ceril CPD
IKORGI UGM di Jogja 9-10 Desember 2016.
131. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Componeer di Depok, 14 Januari 2017.
132. Sebagai Instruktur/Trainer Hands On Componeer di Depok tgl 14 Januari 2017.
133. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Bulkfill di Seminar Pengwil PDGI DKI, 10 Februari 2017
134. Sebagai Instruktur/Trainer Hands On Bulkfill di Seminar Pengwil PDGI DKI, 10
Februari 2017.
135. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Veneer di Seminar Makassar Scientific Meeting 7, 16-18
Februari 2017.
136. Sebagai Instruktur/Trainer Hands On Veneer di Seminar Makassar Scientific Meeting 7,
16-18 Februari 2017.
137. Sebagai peserta seminar Two Style Italiano, Dentsply Sirona Dental Insight, 4 maret
138. Sebagai Pembicara Utama In Office Bleaching di Seminar PDGI Bekasi, 18-19 Maret
139. Sebagai Instruktur Hands On/Demo live In Office Bleaching di Seminar PDGI Bekasi,
18-19 Maret 2017.
140. Sebagai Pembicara Utama Veneer di Seminar PDGI Cirebon, 25 Maret 2017.
141. Sebagai Instruktur Hands On Veneer di Seminar PDGI Cirebon, 25 Maret 2017.
142. Sebagai Instruktur Hands On Bulkfill Composite di JATIM Dentistry, 26 Maret 2017.

1. 1993 s/d sekarang: Sebagai Dosen Tetap pada Bagian Konservasi Gigi Fakultas
Kedokteran Gigi Unpad Bandung
2. 1993 s/d sekarang : Sebagai anggota IKORGI Pusat dan Bandung
3. 1991 s/d sekarang : Sebagai anggota PDGI Pusat dan Bandung
4. 2006 s/d sekarang : Sebagai staf pengajar PPDGS Konservasi FKG Unpad
4. 2011 s/d 2015 : Sebagai Sekretaris Bagian Konservasi Gigi FKG Unpad
5. 2013 s/d sekarang : Sebagai tim reviewer jurnal kedokteran gigi FKG Unpad
6. 2014 s/d 2016 : Sebagai Staf Dekan bidang Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (Ketua
Unit PPM FKG Unpad)
7. 2014 s/d sekarang : Sebagai tim akreditasi FKG Unpad
8. 2016 s/d sekarang : Sebagai Kepala Bagian Konservasi Gigi FKG Unpad
9. 2016 s/d sekarang : Sebagai Sekretaris Komite Medik FKG Unpad

1. Juara II Kategori Penelitian Terbaik Pepsodent, Pitekgi 2010 Scientific Award dalam
Acara Pitekgi FKG Moestopo, 29 April – 1 Mei 2010.
2. Penelitian Hibah Bersaing Dikti thn Anggaran 2008-2009.
3. Penelitian Hibah Bersaing Dikti thn Anggaran 2009 -2010.
4. Anugerah Satya Lancana Karya Satya X thn 2012

5. Anugerah Karya Satya Kelas II.
6. Pemenang EGC Short Lecture Awards (DIES FKG UNPAD 2016) Kategori Tinjauan
Pustaka 23-24 Sept 2016

No Karya Ilmiah
1 Perbedaan Kebocoran Mikro Restorasi Resin Komposit Kelas V Yang Menggunakan Dental
Bonding Agent One Bottle dengan Self Etching Adhesives. Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi
Spesialis FKG Unpad (Thesis FKG UNPAD), 2006.
2 Perbedaan Kebocoran Mikro Restorasi Resin Komposit Yang Menggunakan DBA One Bottle
dengan SEA. Kumpulan Makalah Pertemuan Ilmiah Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi, 2007 IPROSI.

3 Potensi Ekstrak Getah Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) sebagai Alternatif baru Obat Analgesia
Topikal pada Perawatan Nyeri Gigi. Hibah Bersaing (Edisi thn 2009).
4 Mekanisme Terjadinya Nyeri Gigi. Prosiding Bandung Dentistry, Juni 2010.
5 A Study of Analgesic Effect of Standardized Jatropha curcas Linn on Animal Models. Buku
Kumpulan Abstrak Chulalongkorn University, Agustus 2010. Bangkok.
6 An Overview of the Safety Usage of Jatropha curcas Linn. Latex as Analgesic by Using Subchronic
Toxicity Test. Proceeding Universiti Sains Malaysia, October 2010.
7 Dosis Efektif Ekstrak Getah Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L) sebagai Analgesik dengan
Menggunakan Tes Geliat. Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi, Vol.7, No 2, November
8 Uji Pengaruh Jatropha curcas terhadap Ekspresi Substance P pada Pulpa Gigi Macaca fascicularis.
Kumpulan Abstrak PERHAPPI, 3 November 2010.
9 Median Lethal Dose (LD50) Test Analgesic Herbal Jatropha curcas Linn Latex on Animal Models.
Abstracts FDI _IDA JOINT MEETING, 12-14 November 2010.
10 Potensi Ekstrak Getah Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) sebagai Alternatif baru Obat Analgesia
Topikal pada Perawatan Nyeri Gigi. Hibah Bersaing (Edisi thn 2010).
11 Pengembangan Jatropha curcas Linn Menuju Obat Herbal Terstandar dan Pengaruhnya terhadap
Konsentrasi Substance P (SP) dan COX-2 pada Hewan Coba (In Vivo). (Disertasi FKG UI) 2010.
12 Effect of Latex and Extract of Jatropha curcas Linn On Expression of Substance P (SP) and
Cyclooxygenase-2 of Dental Pulp (An In Vivo Study On Macaca Fascicularis). Jurnal Dentika Vol
16/No 1/11. Edisi Juli 2011.
13 Jatropha curcas Linn Sebagai Obat Asli Indonesia dan Pengembangannya di Bidang Kedokteran
Gigi. Proceeding RDM&E-V. The 5th Regional Dental Meeting and Exhibition, FKG USU,
November 2011.
14 Penanganan Fraktur Gigi Anterior Rahang Atas Akibat Trauma Dengan Perawatan Dan
Restorasinya. Prosiding Recent Advances in Conservative Dentistry, Kongres
Ikatan Konservasi Gigi Indonesia (IKORGI) IX & Seminar Ilmiah Nasional, November 2011.
15 Anestesia Lokal dalam Prosedur Endodontik. 3rd Makassar Meeting & Dental Expo 2012. PDGI
Cabang Makassar. Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 1 No 3, Juni 2012.
16 Kiat Mencapai Keberhasilan dalam Melakukan Perawatan Endodontik. Kumpulan Abstrak
Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan V Dokter Rekanan PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten
tahun 2012, Bandung, 09 – 10 Juni 2012.
17 Internal Bleaching Sebagai Upaya Mengembalikan Estetik Gigi Pasca Perawatan Endodontik.
Proceeding Forkomil II Padang. Forum Komunikasi Ilmiah (FORKOMIL) II FKG Baiturrahmah
Padang, 15 – 16 September 2012.
18 Ipamagi (Irma Widyasari)
19 Bagaimana Menghilangkan Mikroba Di Dalam Perawatan Endodontik? Prosiding Applying
Advanced Clinical Sciences in Conservative Dentistry. Temu Ilmiah Nasional IKORGI II (Tiny II),
23 – 25 November 2012.
20 Gutta Percha Removal in Endodontic Re-treatment on Tooth 21 with Rotary Instrument Technique.
(Rasyid RH, Irmaleny). Prosiding Applying Advanced Clinical Sciences in Conservative Dentistry.
Temu Ilmiah Nasional IKORGI II (Tiny II), 23 – 25 November 2012.
21 Nano Dental Materials: What’s the Unexpected Things. Programs And Proceeding Book Asean Plus

And Tokushima Joint International Conference. Strategic Achievement of Oral Sciences and
Promotion of Quality of Life. Jogjakarta 7 – 8 Desember 2012.
22 Penanganan Pasien Geriatri Di Bidang Konservasi Gigi. Proceeding Forum Dies 53 FKG Unpad,
Comprehensive Orofacial Management for All Cases in Dentistry. Bandung 7 – 8 Desember 2012
23 Penatalaksanaan Bleaching Eksternal Dengan Teknik Termokatalitik Menggunakan Bahan Hidrogen
Peroksida 35%. (Agung W, Irmaleny). Proceeding Forum Dies 53 FKG Unpad, Comprehensive
Orofacial Management for All Cases in Dentistry. Bandung 7 – 8 Desember 2012
24 Perawatan Endodontik Satu Kali Kunjungan Pada Kasus Pulpitis Ireversibel Gigi Kaninus Kiri
Rahang Bawah. (Ika Kartini, Irmaleny). Proceeding Forum Dies 53 FKG Unpad, Comprehensive
Orofacial Management for All Cases in Dentistry. Bandung 7 – 8 Desember 2012
25 Perawatan Endodontik Satu Kali Kunjungan Pada Gigi Insisif Sentral Kiri Rahang Atas Dengan
Pulpitis Ireversibel. (Ayu Yunita RH, Irmaleny). Proceeding Forum Dies 53 FKG Unpad,
Comprehensive Orofacial Management for All Cases in Dentistry. Bandung 7 – 8 Desember 2012
26 In vitro Cytotoxicity of Jatropha curcas in Epithelial and Fibroblast Cell.(Dewi Fatma S, Widurini,
Ratna Farida, Irmaleny). Journal of Natural Products , Vol 5(2012):214-221.
27 Bleaching di Bandung dentistry dgn Asih 2013
28 Proceeding Kongres Ikorgi Bali Componeer 2013
29 Jurnal ITMKG dgn Irma 2014
30 Proceeding PDGI Pontianak 2014
31 Proceeding Dies Forum 2014 Tanty
32 Proceeding Palembang Dentistry 2015
33 Penulis buku Endodontik EGC
34 Penulis buku Konservasi EGC
3 Proceeding Dies Forum 2015 dengan residen
36 Jurnal ARMY Brussel Des 2016 dengan Snataka
37 Proceeding FDI thn 2016 dengan Drg Anna
38 Proceeding Dies FKG Unpad 2016, All About Bleaching


Topic: "Strategic Value of Wisdom Teeth in Orthodontic Treatment"


Specialist in Orthodontics
BDS(HK) MOrth(HK) MOrthRCS(Edin) AdvDipOrth(HK) FCDSHK(Ortho) FHKAM(Dental Surgery)

Personal Information

Name Dr. John K.P. YAU

Occupation Specialist in Orthodontics
Clinic Address Suite 1503, Hong Kong Pacific Centre, 28 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha
Tsui, HK
Office Tel +852 23698828
Office Fax +852 23110767

Education and Qualification

1999-2004 Bachelor of Dental Surgery The University of Hong Kong

2007-2010 Master of Orthodontics The University of Hong Kong
2011 Diploma of Membership in Orthodontics of the The Royal College of
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Surgeons of Edinburgh
2010-2012 Advanced Diploma in Orthodontics Then University of Hong
2014 Fellow of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong The College of Dental
Kong in the Specialty of Orthodontics Surgeons of Hong Kong
2014 Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine The Hong Kong Academy of
(Dental Surgery) Medicine

Current Position and Organization

2010-now Orthodontist Kowloon Orthodontic Centre, Private Practice

2011-now Part-time Clinical Lecturer Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
(Orthodontics) HKU


2004-now Member Hong Kong Dental Association

2007-now Member The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong
2010-now Member Hong Kong Society of Orthodontists
2010-2014 Member European Orthodontic Society
2015Affiliate Member Societa Italiana di Ortodonzia (SIDO)
2015-now Scientific Committee Hong Kong International Dental Exhibition and
Member Symposium
2016 Scientific Committee 38th Asia Pacific Dental Congress

Lecturing & Presentation Experience

Year Event Topic

2017/6 7 World Society of Lingual Let TADs Talk!
Orthodontic Annual Meeting
(Keynote Speaker)
2017/5 39th Asia Pacific Dental ‘Can you change my face without surgery?’
Congress (Macau)
2017/3 Lecture, Faculty of Health Current Trend of ‘Invisible’ Orthodontics and
Sciences, Macau University of Digital Technology
Science and Technology
2017/3 Postgraduate Lecture, Sun Changing Face by Moving Teeth
Yat-sen University of
Guangzhou, China
(Guangzhou, China)
2016/11 FDI-PDGI 2016 ‘Can you close my bite?’
Keynote Speaker
(Bandung, Indonesia)
2016/9 10th Asia Pacific Orthodontics Non-Surgical Orthodontic Treatment of Skeletal
Conference (Bali, Indonesia) Anterior Openbite & Severe Gummy Smile using
TADs: Biomechanics in Labial, Lingual and Aligner
2016/6 38th Asia Pacific Dental Practise Orthodontics Like Using Google Maps
Congress (Hong Kong) – where’re we now?
2016/4 22nd Malaysian Association of Non-Surgical Treatment of Gummy Smile and
Orthodontists International Skeletal Anterior Openbite using TADs; Digital
Scientific Conference & Trade Orthodontics & Intra-oral Scanning
Exhibition (Langkawi,

2016/3 21th Dental South China Non-Surgical Treatment of Gummy Smile and
International Expo and Skeletal Anterior Openbite using TADs; Intra-Oral
Conference (Guangzhou, Scanning
2015/12 Estate Dentist Group Annual Lingual Orthodontics & Invisalign with TADs;
Meeting, Hong Kong Digital Orthodontics & the Trends
2015/11 10th Indonesian Association of Non-Surgical Treatment of Gummy Smile and
Orthodontists Meeting & Skeletal Anterior Openbite using TADs
National Congress (Bandung,
2015/11 7th World Implant Non-Surgical Treatment of Severe Gummy Smile &
Orthodontic Conference Skeletal Anterior Openbite using TADs
(Dubai, UAE)
2015/10 46th SIDO International Case Report: Non-surgical Orthodontic Treatment
Congress, (Milan, Italy) of Severe Gummy Smile using Temporary
Anchorage Devices
(Best Poster Award)
2015/9 1st Hong Kong Joint Temporary Anchorage Devices assisted Surgery-
Orthognathic Youth Forum First Protocol
2015/9 FDI 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand) Case Report: Non-surgical Orthodontic Treatment
of Gummy Smile using Temporary Anchorage
2015/8 5th Hong Kong International Case Report: Non-surgical Orthodontic Treatment
Dental Exhibition & of Severe Gummy Smile using Mini-implants
2015/4 20th Dental South China Dancing with TADs: Series 1-Vertical Control
International Expo and
Conference (Guangzhou,
2014/11 Taiwan International Case Report: Non-surgical Treatment of Anterior
Orthodontics Forum (Taipei, Openbite with Microscrew Implant Anchorage &
Taiwan) Modified Retention Protocol
2014/5 Hong Kong – Macau Biomechanics of TADs applications
Orthodontics Symposium
2014/3 Postgraduate whole-day Tip-Edge (+) application; Versatility of TADs &
Lecture, Sun Yat-sen complications
University of Guangzhou,
China (Guangzhou, China)
2013/4 Postgraduate whole-day Fully-customized lingual orthodontics system and
Lecture, Department of applications of TADs; Digital Technology &
Orthodontics, James Cook Practice management in Private Orthodontics
University (Queensland, Clinic

2012/5 4th Annual Orthodontics Treatment Planning of Multi-disciplinary Cases
Meeting of the Association of
Stomatology, Guangdong
Province of China (Shenzhen,


Professor of Biotechnology Engineering; Director, International Institute for

Halal Research and Training (INHART); and Secretary of Council of Professors,
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Current Status : 1. Professor (Biotechnology Engineering)
Kulliyyah of Engineering
2. Director, International Institute for Halal Research
and Training (INHART)
3. Secretary, Council of Professors, International Islamic
University Malaysia
Born : 20 Desember 1970
IC No. : 701220-61-5069
Religion : Islam
Marital Status : Married (with 4 kids)
Email :

1. Bachelor Degree (with honours) in Food Technology and Human Nutrition. Bogor
Agriculture University (IPB), Indonesia, 1989-1993
2. Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Food Science and Biotechnology, Universiti Pertanian
Malaysia (UPM), 1994-1996
3. Philosophy of Doctor (Ph.D) in Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, Universiti Putra
Malaysia (UPM), 1997-2000

4. Ph.D Exchange Programme, Dept. of Food, Nutrition and Health, University of British
Columbia (UBC), Canada, 1989-1999
5. Diploma in Islamic Revealed Knowledge, International Islamic University Malaysia,
6. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lipid Biochemistry, National Food Research Institute
(NFRI), Tsukuba, Japan, 2006-2008

Professional Experience
1. career Highlights
 Professor (Biotechnology), International Islamic University Malaysia, 2011-present.
 Director, International Institute for Halal Research and Training, IIUM, 2014- Present.
 Deputy Dean (Research Initiatives), Research Management Centre ```International
Islamic University Malaysia, 2011-2014.
 Acting Dean, Research Management Centre (RMC), IIUM, few times, between 2011-2013.
 Associate Professor, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM); 2005- 2011
 Coordinator, Bioprocess and Molecular Engineering Research Unit (BPMERU), 2011-
 Coordinator (Research), Halal Industry Research Centre, International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM), 2008-2011.
 Visiting Researcher, National Food Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan; 2006-2008
 Visiting Professor, Kagawa University, Japan. 2008.
 Deputy Dean (Student Affairs), Faculty of Science, IIUM; 2005-2006
 Coordinator, Functional Food Research Unit, IIUM; 2004-2006
 Academic Advisor, IIUM; 2004-2005
 Coordinator, Biotechnology Programme, IIUM; 2002-2003
 Assistant Professor, Dept. Biotechnology, IIUM; 2001-2005
 Research Fellow, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada; 1998-1999
 Research and Teaching Assistant, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM); 1994-1997

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Experiences
 Establish the Biotechnology Programme and Department of Biotechnology.
Responsible in designing the curriculum of Bachelor of Biotechnology (BBT)
offered by the Kulliyyah of Science, IIUM.
 Designed 11 different courses in the area of Biotechnology.
 Basic Sciences (Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology)
 Food Sciences (Fats and Oils Technology, Food Chemistry, Food
Processing, Food Analysis, Halal and Haram in Food Processing and
 Biotechnology (Food Biotechnology, Fermentation Technology,
 Have taught 18 different courses. Current teaching assignments:
 Sem I 2008/2009: BTE 2520 (Biochemical Kinetics), BTE 4411/4420
(Biotechnology Engineering Lab IV), BTE 3194 (Seminar II)
 Sem II 2008/2009: BTE 2520 (Biochemical Kinetics), BTE 4411/4420
(Biotechnology Engineering Lab IV), BTE 3194 (Seminar II) and BTE 6105
(Food Biotechnology)
 Sem I 2009/2010: BTE 3194 (Seminar II), BTE 4220 (Food Process
Engineering), BTE 6107 (Food Quality Assessment and Control), BTE 6950
(Research Methods in Biotechnology Engineering)
 Sem II 2009/2010: BTE 3194 (seminar II), BTE 4220 (Food Process
Engineering), BTE 6105 (Food Biotechnology), SBT 4231 (Halal and Haram in
Food Processing and Ingredients), SBT 4531 (Food Biotechnology)
 Sem I 2010/2011: BTE 3194 (seminar II), BTE 4220 (Food Process
Engineering), BTE 6107 (Food Quality Assessment and Control), BTE 6950
(Research Methods in Biotechnology Engineering)
 Sem II 2010/2011: BTE 3194 (Seminar II), BTE 4220 (Food Process
Engineering), BTE 6105 (Food Biotechnology), SBT 4231 (Halal and Haram in
Food Processing and Ingredients), SBT 4531 (Food Biotechnology)
 Sem I 2011/2012: BTE 3194 (seminar II), BTE 4220 (Food Process
Engineering), BTE 6107 (Food Quality Assessment and Control)
 Sem II 2011/2012: BTE 4220 (Food Process Engineering), BTE 6105 (Food
 Sem I 2012/2013: BTE 4220 (Food Process Engineering), BTE 6107 (Food
Quality Assessment and Control)
 Sem II 2012/2013: BTE 4220 (Food Process Engineering), BTE 6105 (Food
Biotechnology). SBT 4231 (Halal and Haram in Food Processing and
 Sem I 2013/2014: BTE 4220 (Food Process Engineering), BTE 6107 (Food
Quality Assessment and Control)

1. Thesis Supervision
 Thesis Supervision of BSc, Masters and PhD students (In total, have
supervised more than 60 student theses).
 Postgraduate student supervision:


1. Shingo Arato. 2006-2008. Study on the Conjugated Polyunsaturated

Fatty Acids Formed in Fish Oils. Completed at Hokkaido University.
(Co- Supervisor).
2. Dedi Noviendri. 2009. Study on fucoxanthin from seaweed for food and
nutraceutical applications. Completed. 7 January 2014. (Main
3. Hammed A. Monsur. 2011. Anti-inflammatory studies of natural extracts
from marine algae. Completed 16 Aug 2014. (Main Supervisor).
4. Norshazila Shahidan 2010. Production and optimization of carotenoid
from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) through biogenesis manipulation.
Thesis submitted in February 2014. (Main Supervisor). Completed
January 2015.
5. Suhair Muhammad. 2011. Metabolomic study on carotenoids from
Malaysian sweet potato. (Main Supervisor). Thesis submitted
6. Zatul Iffah Bte Mohd Arshad. 2011. Formulation of Recombinant
Bromelin for Anti Cancer Applications. (Co-supervisor)
7. Deni Subara. 2014. Production of fish gelatin nano-particles for
encapsulation in food matices. (Main Supervisor).
8. Norlina Yusof. 2014. Production of Halal Ingredients using High
Pressure Processing. (Main Supervisor).
9. Susilawati. Sudy on Identification of Non-Halal Substances in dental
Materials. 2014. (Co-Supervisor).
10. Bobo Ko. 2014. Metabolomic Study of Anti-Inflammataory Effects of
Sarang Semut Plants. Co-Supervisor.

MSc and M. Eng.

1. Farida Osman: 2007. A study on lipid properties and heavy metal

contents in fin fish in Pulau langkawi, Malaysia (Completed). (Main
2. Hammed A. Monsur. 2009. (Biotech Engineering). Chemical and
rheological properties of fish collagen extracts (Completed). (Main
3. Ruhani Khwancawin. (Biotech Engineering). 2009. Optimization of fish
oil extraction using Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE). (Completed).
(Main Supervisor).
4. Alotaibi Abeer Talaq S. (Biotech(Main Supervisor). Engineering). 2009.
Physico-chemical characteristics of pectin from plant wastes in Malaysia
(Completed). (Main Supervisor).
5. Hasan Talib. (Biotechnology Engineering). 2009. Process optimization of
astaxanthin from Malaysian shrimp waste through Lactobacillus
rhamnosus fermentation (Completed). (Main Supervisor).
6. Asiyanbi Hammed Tawakalit Tope. 2009. Extraction and purification of
antimicrtobial compounds from seaweed of Malaysian origin
(Completed) (Main Supervisor).
7. Noor Yuslida Bte Hazahari. 2010. Vitamin E High Pressure Processing
(HPP) for Production of Local Food Ingredients. (Completed) (Main
8. Norlina Yusof. 2010.Optimization of Process Conditions for Prodcution
& Quality Improvement of Jam from Potential Parts of Honey Dew
(Cucumis melo. L). (Completed) (Co- Supervisor).
9. Norasyikin Abd Mutalib. 2012. Development of rapid method for
detection of lard impurities in food using IIUM-fabricated E-nose.
(Main Supervisor).
10. Hasna Ahmad. 2013. Antiobesity study of Brown seaweeds. (Main

Research Activities

1. On-going Research
Project Leader:

 Application of nano-technology in the Prodcution of Halal gelatin derived from Camel

Carcasses. National Plan for Science and Technology (NPST), Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, SAR 2 million (RM 1.8 m). Project Leader (for project conducted in Malaysia)

 Production and Characterization of Fish Collagen Nanoparticles (NPs) for encapsuting
bioactive peptides. E-Science fund. RM 279,000. Project Leader
 Studies on Carotenoids from Local Sources for Their Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-
Obesity Properties. RMGS grant. RM 125,000. Project leader.
 Production of Non-Thermally Processed Halal Ingredienst from Local Sources. MIRGS
grant. RM 280,000. Project leader.
 Study on the Production and Characterization of Fish Collagen Nanoparticles (NPs)
from Local Sources and Incorporation of NPs in Food System. RM 120,000. Project

Co Researcher:

 Inoculant Development and Studies of Health Beneficial Effects Gaharu. RM

5,000,000. Co-researcher. 2011. Funded by Kayu Gaharu Sdn Bhd.
 Portable Electronic Nose for Alcohol Detection in Food and Beverages. PRGS grant.
2012. RM 70,000. Co-researcher
 Production and Characterization of Bio-Fuel Using Engineered Photosynthetic
Cyanobacteria for Global CO2 Mitigation. FRGS grant. 2011. RM 56,400. Co-researcher
 Development of Process Conditions for The Production of Halal Animal Feed
Improved Nutrients from Agro Industrial Wastes Endowment Fund Type B. RM
20,000. Co-researcher.
 Microbiological Guidelines of Medium Najs (Filth) Contamination in Food and on
Food Equipment in Halal Food Premises. ERGS grant. 2011. RM 48,000. Co-researcher
 Production of L-cystein from various parts of garlic plants. Research Cluster Fund RM
42,000. Co-researcher.
 Rapid Detection of Non-Halal Substances in Dental Materials MIRGS grant. RM
100,000. Co-researcher.
 Lard and Alcohol Detection in Food and Beverages Using Newly Developed Portable
Near Infrared Microspectrometer MIRGS grant. 2013. RM 280,000. Co-researcher.
 Development of Integrated Technologies for Extraction, Purification and Mass
Production of natural Carotenoid Pigments as Halal Food Colorants Through Cell
Culture MIRGS grant. 2013. RM 100,000. Co-researcher.
 Halal Governance : Traceability in the Gelatin Industry-Development of Halal
Compliant for Gelatin-Based Product from Farm to Table MIRGS grant. 2013. RM
30,000. Co-researcher.
 NIRGS Dr. Noriah. Development of Shariah Compliant Procedures of Islamic Tourism.
RM 1,5 million. Co-Researcher.
 Therapeutic Effect of Sarang Semut Plant Extract (Myrmecodya Pendens) on Wound
Healing in Oral Cavity. RAGS grant 2013. RM 45,000. Co-researcher.
 Study on the antioxidant activities of lutein and beta-carotene and their properties in
cellular level. EDW B grant. RM 20,000. Co-researcher.

2. Completed Research
 Study on Microencapsulation and Delivery of Fucoxanthin Derived from Malaysian
Brown Seaweeds for Human Lung Cancer Treatment. ERGS grant. 2012. RM 71,000.
Project leader.
 Antioxidant Properties Of Chemically Prepared Fish Skin Hydrolysate Produced From
Barramundi Research. Endowment Fund Type A. RM 5,000. 2012. Project leader.
 Development of gelatin replacer production from plants. (5,000 Malaysian ringgit).
2010-2012. Project leader.
 Study on dose-dependence of Malaysian dietary carotenoids in their biological actions
for human cancer research. Funded by COMSTECH-TWAS Research Grant for Young
Scientists, Italy. USD 13,000. 2009-2011. Project leader.
 Production of halal food ingredients from local sources. Research Cluster Fund.
RM47,000. 2008- 2011. Project leader.
 Studies on carotenoids from local sources for food and nutraceutical application.
Submitted for RMC Matching grant (with Hokkaido University, Japan). RM 207,000.
2009-2011. Project leader.
 Production of astaxanthin from marine sources using fermentation. Research
Management Centre, IIUM. Research Endowment Fund Type B: RM 20,000. 2010-
2011. Project leader.
 Solubilization of dietary antioxidants for delivery of human hepatocellular liver
carcinoma cell line and their antioxidants activities. Research Management Centre,
IIUM. Research Endowment Fund Type B: RM20,000. 2008- 2010. Project leader.
 Extraction and characterization of bioactive lipid components from rubber seeds.
Funded by the Research Centre, IIUM. 2006-2009. RM 50,000. Project leader
 Dose-dependence of dietary antioxidants in their biological actions. Funded by Japan
Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS). 2006-2008. 6 million Japanese Yen). Co-
 Optimization of natural antioxidants in different cooking oil systems during frying.
Research Management Centre, IIUM. Research Endowment Fund Type A. RM 5,000.
2008- 2009. Project leader.
 Efficacy of some local spices in preventing peroxidation reaction in model and food oil
systems. Funded by the Research Center, IIUM. 2001-2002 RM 20,000. Project leader
 Detection of lard in mixture of other animal fats by Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopy (FTIR). Funded by the Research Center, IIUM. 2002-2003. RM 20,000.
Project leader
 Study on fatty acid profiles of marine sources of Malaysia. Funded by the Research
Centre, IIUM. 2003-2006. RM 50,000. Project leader
 Study on mangrove in Langkawi Island. Funded by the Research Centre, IIUM. 2004-
2007 RM 50,000. Project leader
 Mathematical modeling for oxidation rate of cooking oil in Malaysia. Kulliyyah of
Science, IIUM. 2001-2002. Project leader
 Preliminary studies on fish gelatin production. Kulliyyah of Science, IIUM. 2004-2005.
Project leader
 Enzymatic process for improvement of halal gelatin products. Kulliyyah of Science,
IIUM. 2005-2006. Project leader
 Extraction and determination of lechitin in edible oils. Kulliyyah of Science, IIUM.
2005-2006. Project leader
 Application of FTIR for determination of halal and non-halal leather products.
Kulliyyah of Science, IIUM. 2005-2006. Project leader
 Determination of Antioxidants and Vitamins in Ricebran Oils. Kulliyyah of Science,
IIUM. 2005-2006. Project leader.
 The effects of preliminary soaking on the urea level and sensory evaluation of smoked
shark fillet during storage. Funded by Fisheries Department, Indonesia. 1993-1994 (50
million Indonesia rupiah).

Patent, Awards and Recognition
1. Patent:
 Production of halal nano-materials from Malaysian local fish through enzymatic
Process. Filed in Malaysia. 2010
 New method for improving solubilization and uptake of dietary antioxidants in human
hepatocellular liver carcinoma (HepG2) cell culture. Filed in Malaysia. 2011.
2. Honors, Awards and Fellowship:
 HABIBIE AWARD. 2013. The most prestigious Scientific Awards in Muslim World.
 Two GOLD MEDALS. iENA 2013, Nuremberg, Germany.
 BEST INNOVATION AWARD. World Halal Research Summit 2012. Novel of Plant-
based Gelatin Replacer from Local Fruit Waste.
 BEST INNOVATION AWARD. World Halal Research Summit 2011, June 2011. Kuala
Lumpur. Title: Rapid detection of ethanol in food and drinks using IIUM-fabricated
electronic nose.
 BEST INNOVATION AWARD. World Halal Research Summit 2010, June 2010.
Kuala Lumpur. Title: Halal nano-materials from fish skin.
University Malaysia
 GOLD MEDAL. Malaysian Technology Exposition 2010. Title of invention: Finogel-
Halal Nanomaterials from Fish Collagen Extract.
 BRONZE MEDAL. Malaysian Technology Exposition 2010. Title of invention:
Special Oils for Halal and Safe Cosmetics
(Award ceremony held in Bangkok, June 2009).
The Academy of Sciences for Developing World, UNESCO, Rome, Italy. 2009.
 HALAL SCIENCE RESEARCH AWARD 2009. Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand
Growth Triangle (IMT-GT). Award ceremony held in Kuala Lumpur during
International Halal Symposium, December 2009.
 SPECIAL RECOGNITION. Research Management Centre Open Day, 2009. Award
handed over by the Rector of IIUM.
 BRONZE MEDAL. Malaysian Technology Exposition 2009. Kuala Lumpur. Title of
invention: Production of halal nano-materials through enzymatic process.
 GOLD MEDAL. IRIIE 2013. Title of invention: Production of Beta-carotene from callus
of sweet potato.
 Commercial Award. IRIIE 2013.
 Commercial Award, PECIPTA 2013.
 GOLD MEDAL. IRIIE 2012. Title of invention: Anti-cancer properties of fucoxanthin
extracted from Malaysian sources.
 GOLD MEDAL. IRIIE 2012. Title of invention: Anti-cancer properties of fucoxanthin
extracted from Malaysian sources.
 GOLD MEDAL. IRIIE 2011. Title of invention: Anti-cancer properties of fucoxanthin
extracted from Malaysian sources.
 GOLD MEDAL. IRIIE 2011. Title of invention: Production of astaxanthin from seafood
waste using fermentation.

 SILVER MEDAL. IRIIE 2011. Title of invention: Gelatin replacer from plant. Potential
Commercial Awards. IRIIE 2011. Title of invention: Gelatin replacer from plant.
 GOLD MEDAL. IRIIE 2010. Title of invention: Finogel-Halal Nanomaterials from Fish
Collagen Extract.
 SILVER MEDAL. IRIIE 2010. Title of invention: Special oils for halal and safe
 BRONZE MEDAL. IRIIE 2010. Title of invention: Fatty acids, mineral and heavy metal
contents of different Malaysian fish species.
 BRONZE MEDAL. IRIIE 2010. Title of invention: Focixanthin-Anti cancer,
Antioxidant and Apoptosis Induced Agent from Malaysian Brown Seaweed.
 BRONZE MEDAL. IRIIE 2010. Title of invention: Fucoxanthin-Anti cancer,
Antioxidant and Apoptosis Induced Agent from Malaysian Brown Seaweed.
 BRONZE MEDAL. IRIIE 2010. Title of invention: Production of Phytosterols from
 GOLD MEDAL. Kerie Invention Expo, IIUM, 2009. Production of high quality halal
gelatins through enzymatic process. Kuala Lumpur, January, 2009.
 SILVER MEDAL Kerie Invention Expo, IIUM, 2009. Title: New method for improving
solubilization and uptake of lutein and carotenoids in human hepatocellular liver
carcinoma (HepG2) cell culture. Kuala Lumpur, January, 2009.
 BRONZE MEDAL. Kerie Invention Expo, IIUM, 2009. Title: Omega-3 and omega-6
fatty acids as food supplements from marine fishes of Tuba Island. Langkawi, Malaysia.
Kuala Lumpur, January, 2009.
 BRONZE MEDAL Kerie Invention Expo, IIUM, 2009. Title: Dyes in cosmetics, textile
and food: Point from Islamic perspective. Kuala Lumpur, January, 2009.
 Included in “Who’s Who in the World 2009” (Published in the USA)
 Included in “Who’s Who in the World 2008: Science and Engineering” (Published
in the USA)
 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship Award.
Selected as one of only two successful candidates from nearly 100 young scientist
applicants worldwide for the most prestigious fellowship in Japan, at the National
Food Research Institute (NFRI), Tsukuba, Japan, 2006-2008.
 COMSTECH-TWAS Research Grant for Young Scientists, The academy of sciences
for developing world, Italy. 2009-2011.
 GOLD MEDAL. The 34th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and
Products of Geneva, 5-9 April 2006, Geneva (Switzerland). Title of invention: Rapid
method for detection of non halal substances in food.
 SILVER MEDAL. The 34th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques
and Products of Geneva, 5-9 April 2006, Geneva (Switzerland). Title of invention:
Novel rapid analytical techniques for fats and oils industry.
 SILVER MEDAL, 16th International Invention, Innovation Industrial Design &
Technology Exhibition 2005 (ITEX 2005), Kuala Lumpur. Title of invention: Rapid
method for detection of non halal substances in food using FTIR
 GOLD MEDAL. Kerie Invention Expo, IIUM, 2009. Production of high quality halal
gelatins through enzymatic process. Kuala Lumpur, January, 2009.
 SILVER MEDAL. Kerie Kerie Invention Expo, IIUM, 2009. Title: New method for
improving solubilization and uptake of lutein and carotenoids in human
hepatocellular liver carcinoma (HepG2) cell culture. Kuala Lumpur, January, 2009.
 BRONZE MEDAL. Kerie Invention Expo, IIUM, 2009. Title: Omega-3 and omega-6
fatty acids as food supplements from marine fishes of Tuba Island. Langkawi, Malaysia.
Kuala Lumpur, January, 2009.

 BRONZE MEDAL. Kerie Invention Expo, IIUM, 2009. Title: Dyes in cosmetics, textile
and food: Point from Islamic perspective. Kuala Lumpur, January, 2009.
 BRONZE MEDAL. Malaysian Technology Exposition 2009. Kuala Lumpur. Title of
invention: Production of halal nano-materials through enzymatic process.
 BRONZE MEDAL. Malaysian Technology Exposition 2009. Title of invention: New
method for improving solubilization and uptake of lutein in human hepatocellular
liver carcinoma (HepG2) cell culture.
 Appointed as a VISITING PROFESSOR at Kagawa University, Japan, from March –
April 2008.
 SPECIAL RECOGNITION. IIUM Research Management Centre (RMC) 2009.
 SPECIAL RECOGNITION. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) 2007
Quality Day.
 SELANGOR YOUNG SCIENTITS AWARD 2006.. Become the first foreigner to have
received the award. Selangor, Malaysia.
 2nd Place, Invention Competition, National Intellectual Property Day 2006. Title: Fish
gelatin; production, quality and stability. 26-30 April 2006, Kuala Lumpur Convention
Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
 BEST RESEARCHER AWARD, Faculty of Science, IIUM. 2004.
 QUALITY RESEARCH AWARD, Kulliyyah of Science, IIUM. 2004. Title: Detection of
Lard in Mixture of Other Animal Fats by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
 FIRST RUNNER-UP,, Malaysian Institute of Food Technology (MIFT)’s Research
Paper Competition, 2000. Title: “Optimization of physico-chemical changes of palm
olein with phytochemical antioxidants during deep-fat frying.”
 FINALIST, 2000 UPM Invention and Research Awards. Title: Natural antioxidant
mixtures for controlling lipid oxidation during deep-fat frying
 SEAMEO/SEARCA Award for attachment at the University of British Columbia
(UBC), Canada as Research Fellow, 1998-1999.
 Hugh M. Brock and Norman MacKenzie Scholarships, at the University of
British Columbia (UBC), Canada, 1998-1999.
 Graduate Research Assistantship, Dept. Food Technology, UPM, Malaysia, 1994-

3. Appointed as Thesis External Examiner:

1. Raju, M. 2007. Enhancing the bioavilability of provitamin A carotenoids from
green leavy vegetables and conversion efficiency into vitamin A by dietary
modulators. Phd Thesis, University of Mysore, India.
2. Myat -myat Win. 2009. Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of blends of
plam olein and other vegetable oils and their frying stability. MSc thesis.
Universiti Putra Malaysia.
3. Ho Swee Kheng. Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Phytochemical-Enriched
Extract from Selected Malaysian Medicinal Herbs. MSc. Thesis Universiti Putra
4. Mohamed Nazim Anvarali. 2012. Prodcution Optimization, Characterization and
Storage Stability of Roselle Cordial. MSc Thesis. Universiti Putra Malaysia.
5. Al Shwyeh Hussah Abdullah. 2011. Optimization of Extraction Process for
Antibacterial Compound from Local Mango kernel. MSc. International Islamic
University Malaysia.

6. Anumsima Ahmad Barkat. 2011. Optimization of Extraction Process for
Antidiabetic Compounds from Selected Malaysian Herb. MSc. International
Islamic University Malaysia.
7. Manisya Zauri binti Abdul Wahid. 2011 PhD. International Islamic University
8. Saiful. 2011. MSc. International Islamic University Malaysia.
9. Liyana Binti Yahya. 2011. Identification and Extraction of Bioactive Compound
from lemon Grass. MSc. International Islamic University Malaysia.
10. Tijani Ruqayyah. Animal Feed from Malaysian Waste. 2012. PhD. International
Islamic University Malaysia

4. Appointed As Judge for Scientific Events

1. Judge, to select proposal for Research Funds. The Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology (FCT). 2012.
2. Judge, Food Cluster. Pameran Rekacipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (PRPI)
Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 17-19 July 2012.
3. Judge. Poster Competition. Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle
(IMT-GT) International Halal Symposium Award ceremony held in Kuala
Lumpur, December 2009.
4. Judge to select proposal for Research Funds. The Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology (FCT). 2012.
5. Judge. Technical panel. FRGS grant of MOHE. 2011.
6. Judge. IIUM Technical Committee for RAGS grant. 2012

5. Invited as Reviewer of International Journal Articles

Being reviewer for numerous international reputable scientific journals, such as:

 Indian Journal of Marine Sciences

 Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
 Pakistan Journal of Applied Sciences
 Clinical Drug Investigation
 Drugs in R & D.
 Food Chemistry
 Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (JAOCS)
 Journal of Food Science and Technology
 IIUM Journal of Engineering
 International Food Research Journal,
 etc.

6. Invited and Key-note Speaker

 Irwandi, J. Nutritional approach in fulfilling the need of food consumption.
Presented at the International Agriculture Students Association (IASA)
Conference, 2 January 2008, Tokyo. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. F. Siddik, M.E.S. Mirghani, H.M. Salleh. Extraction and
characterization of gelatine from different marine fish species. Presented
at the 6th International Food Convention, 15-19 Dec 2008, Mysore, India.
(Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. and M.E.S. Mirghani. Rapid method for detection of non-halal
contaminants in food. Presented at the International Conference on

Halal Assurance System and Workshop on Animal Derivative Issues.
Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI). 1-3 July 2009. Jakarta (Invited
 Irwandi, J. 2009. Integration of Islamic values into Science Teaching. Presented
at the International Seminar on Islamic Education. 9-12 November, 2009.
Banda Aceh, Indonesia. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi J. Mathematical modeling of lipid peroxidation reactions of vegetable oil
with phytochemical antioxidant treatment during frying. Presented at
the 5th International Technical Symposium on Food Processing,
Monitoring Technology in Bioprocesses and Food Quality Management,
31 Aug. – 2 Sept. 2009, Potsdam, Germany (Invited Speaker).
 Irwandi J. and A. Nagao. New method for improving solubilization and uptake of
dietary carotenoids in human hepatocellular liver carcinoma (HepG2)
cells. Presented at ASEAN Food Conference, 21-23 October 2009. Bandar
Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam (Invited Spekaer).
 Irwandi J, MES Mirghani. Halal authentication of leather and leather products
using FTIR spectroscopy. Presented at the Mini Symposium on Halal
Products Analysis and Innovation, ASIANALYSIS X, 12 Aug 2009, PWTC,
Kuala Lumpur (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi J, MES Mirghani. Overview of alternative food ingredients. 3rd IMT-GT
International Halal Symposium on Halal Science and Management. 21-22
December 2009, Pan Pacific, KLIA, Malaysia. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. 2009. Integration of Islamic values into Science Teaching. Presented
at the International Seminar on Islamic Education. 9-12 November, 2009.
Banda Aceh, Indonesia. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi J. Animal Feed and Safety. Global Halal Standard Training for Brunei-
Indoensia, Malaysia-Philippines East Asean Groth Area (BIMP_EAGA), 4-
6 October 2010. Cagayan De Oro, The Phillipines . (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi J. Animal Feed and Safety. Global Halal Standard Training for Brunei-
Indoensia, Malaysia-Philippines East Asean Groth Area (BIMP_EAGA),
15-16 July 2010, Potianak, Indonesia. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi J. 2010. Recent Advancement in Halal Research. Ikatan Ilmuwan
Indonesia International (I-4) Meeting. Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional,
Jakarta, 17 December 2010. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. Carotenoid for Food and Pharmaceutical Applications. Food Safety
and Food Security Conference, Universitas Gadjahmada, 1-4 December
2010. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. . (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi J. 2011. Education in Indonesia and Malaysia: A Comparison.
International Education Seminar. 26-27 February 2011. Universitas
Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. 2011. Fucoxanthin from Malaysian Brown Seaweeds. Seminar Rumpai
Laut Kebangsaan, 28-29 April 20111, Hotel Promenade, Tawau, Sabah,
Malaysia. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. 2011. Future Directions of Muslim Scientist. International
Conference on Islamization in Modern Science and Scientification
of Islamic Studies. 6-8 December 2011. Kuantan, Pahang. (Invited
 Irwandi, J. The Use of Gelatin in Food, Pharmaceutical and Cosmeticeutical
Products. The 3rd umatera Meeting and Islamic Medical Action and
Bakti Sosial Nasional 2012. Universitas Baiturrahmah, Padang, Indonesia.
19 March 2012. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. 2010. Recent Advancement in Laboratory Management and Halal
Product Analysis. International Food Seminar, 26 November 2012.
Universitas Negeri Islam Syarif HIdayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia.
(Invited speaker)
 Irwandi J. and Y. Che Man. 2012. Analytical Techniques to Monitor Halal Food.
1st International Conference on Halal Food Control and Exhibition, 12-15
February 2012, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. 2012. Development of Halal Science Research. The 2nd International
Seminar on Halalness and Safety of Food and Pharmaceutical Products.
17-18 October 2012. Universitas Gadjahmada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
(Invited speaker)
 Irwandi, J. and K. Miyashita. 2012. Novel Functionalities of Marine Carotenoids.
The 3rd International Conference on Global resource Conservation 2012.
Organized by JICA-Universitas Brawijaya. 7 July 2012, UB, Malang,
Indonesia. (Invited speaker).
 Irwandi, J. Analytical Science, Halal Prodcut and Authentication and
Development of Halal Industry. International Young Scientist
Conference on Analytical Sciences, Universitas Andalas, Padang. 17-18
September 2013. (Keynote-Speaker).
 Irwandi, J. Halal Industry: Potential and The Need of Research in Food
Authentication.. Annual Meeting of Indonesian Food Technologists’
Association. Universitas Jember, (Invited speaker).
 Irwandi, J. Recent Advancement in Halal Food Research. UGM International
Halal Seminar. Universitas Gadjahmada, Yogyakarata, Indonesia. 17-18
October 2012. (Invited speaker).
 Irwandi, J. Halal Science for the Development of Halal Industry. 3 February 2013.
College of Agriculture, King Saud University, Riyadh. Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia (Invited Lecture).


1. Refereed International Scientific Journals

1. Irwandi J., D. Noviendri, H.M. Salleh, Taher, M., K. Miyashita, and N. Ramli.
2013. Analysis of fucoxanthin content and purification of all trans-
fucoxanthin from Turbinaria turbinate and Sargassum plagyophyllum by
SiO2 open column chromatography and reversed phase-HPLC. Journal of
Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies.. . 36 (10): 1340-1354
2. Irwandi, J. H.A. Monsur, H.M.Salleh., and Hassan. Alkahtani. 2014. Effects of
Pretreatment on Properties of Gelatin from Perch (Latesniloticus) Skin.
International Journal of Food Properties. (In-press).
3. Irwandi J., D. Noviendri, H.M. Salleh, Taher, M., and K. Miyashita. 2012.
Fucoxanthin Extractions of Brown Seaweeds and Analysis of Their Lipid
Fraction in Methanol. Food Science and Technology Research. 18 (2): 251-
4. Hammed, A.M., Irwandi, J. Azura A., Zahangir, A. 2013. Enzymatic hydrolysis of
plants and algae for extraction of bioactive compounds. Food Review
International, 29 (4):
5. Shazila, S. Irwandi, J. , Othman, R., and Y.Z. Hashim. Scheme of Obtaining β-
carotene Standard from Local Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) Flesh.
International Food Research Journal. 19 (2): 531-535.
6. Nasaruddin, R.R., F. Fuad, Maizirwan M., Irwandi J., and H.A. Hamid. The
Importance of a Standardized Islamic Manufacturing Practice (IMP) for
Food and Pharmaceutical Productions. Advances in Natural and Applied
Sciences: 6 (5): 588-595.
7. Mirghani, M. E.S., H.M. Salleh, Y.B. Che Man, and Irwandi, J. Rapid
Authentication of Leather and Leather Products. Advances in Natural
and Applied Sciences: 6 (5): 651-659.
8. Irwandi, J, M. Kobayashi, T. Koyama, E. Kotake-Nara, A. Nagao, Akihiko. 2012.
Antioxidant behaviour of carotenoids highly accumulated in HepG2 cells
Food Chemistry, 132 (2): 865-872.
9. Irwandi, J., F. Octavianti, R. Hendri, Elmi, and A. Khatib. 2012. Oxidative
behaviour of four Malaysian edible plant extracts in model and food oil
systems. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 6 (9): 1556-1561.
10. D. Noviendri, Irwandi J., H.M. Salleh, Taher, M., K. Miyashita, and N. Ramli.
Fucoxanthin extraction and fatty acid analysis of Sargassum binderi and S.
duplicatum. 2011. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5 (11): 2405-2412.
11. Irwandi, J. and H. A. Monsur. 2011. Anti Inflammatory compounds of macro-
algae origin: A review. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5 (33) : 7146-
12. Irwandi, J., D. Noviendri, R.F. Hasrini, and F. Octavianti. 2011. Carotenoids:
Sources, medicinal properties and their application in food and
nutraceutical industry. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5 (33): 7119-
13. Irwandi, J., H.A. Monsur, H.M. Salleh. 2011. Nano-structural analysis of fish
collagen extracts for new process development. African Journal of
Biotechnology, 10 (81): 18847-18854.
14. Irwandi J., D. Noviendri, H.M. Salleh, Taher, M., and K. Miyashita. 2011. Isolation
of fucoxanthin and fatty acids analysis of Padina australis Fucoxanthin
extraction and fatty acid analysis of Sargassum binderi and S. duplicatum.
2011. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5 (11): 2405-2412.
15. A, Khatib, A.C. Hoek, J. Selamat, M.Z.I. Sarker, Irwandi J., and R.Verpoorte.
2010. Application of Two Dimensional TLC Pattern for Fingerprinting the
Active Compounds in the Leaves of Vitex trifolia Linn. Journal of Liquid
Chromatography and Related Technologies . 33:214-224
16. Irwandi, J., D.D. Kitts, F. Osman, and A. Khatib. 2010. Metal toxicity and
environmental health: A study report on mineral and heavy metal
contents of different Malaysian fish species. International Journal of
Environemental Engineering Science (Accepted).
17. Irwandi, J., Osman, F., and Chowdhury, A.J.K. 2009. Storage stability of fish oil
from Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Food Science and Technology Research.
15 (6): 591-598.
18. Irwandi J. and A. Nagao. 2009. Solubility, uptake, and antioxidative activity of
carotenoids in human hepatocellular liver carcinoma (HepG2) cell line.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 55 (Suppl. 1): 335-335.
19. Irwandi, J. F. Siddik, M.E.S. Mirghani, H.M. Salleh, T.H.Hassan, and Y.B. Che
Man. 2009. Extraction and characterization of gelatin from different
marine fish species in Malaysia. International Food Research Journal. 16:
20. Irwandi J., and F. Osman. 2009. Mineral and heavy metal contents of marine fin
fish in Langkawi island, Malaysia. International Food Research Journal. 16:

21. Chowdhury, A.J.K. Noor Faizul, H.N., Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., Shahbudin, S., Alam,
M.Z. and Irwandi, J. 2009. Studies on physico-chemical characteristics
and sediment environment along the coastal waters Pulau Tuba,
Langkawi, Malaysia. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 12 (4):
22. Chowdhury, A.J.K. M. Najjah, M. Fathiyah, Y. Kamaruzzaman, M.N. Omar, S.M.
Nurul Amin, and Irwandi, J. 2009. Bacterial pollution in Molluscs Arch
Clam, Orbicularia orbiculata and Bloood Cockle, Anadara granosa of
Pahang Estuary, Malaysia. Journal of Biological Sciences 9 (8): 841-850.
23. A. Khatib, N.D.Yuliana , S. Jinap, M. Z.I. Sarker , Irwandi J, E.G. Wilson, R.
Verpoorte. 2009. Identification of Possible Compounds Possessing
Adenosine A1 Receptor Binding Activity in the leaves of Orthosiphon
stamineus Using TLC and Multivariate Data Analysis. Journal of Liquid
Chromatography and Related Technologies. 32: 2906-2916.
24. Chowdhury, A.J.K and Irwandi J. 2008. Ethics in Biotechnology. The Quarterly
Journal of Medical Ethics. 2 (5): 99-134.
25. Irwandi J. Management of Halal Product Analysis. 2009. Food Review Indonesia.
4 (12): 46-51
26. Nagao, A., Irwandi, J., Koyama, T. (2008). Accumulation of carotenoids and
vitamin E and their antioxidant activity in HepG2 cells. Carotenoid
Science. 12: 47.
27. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y. B., Jinap, S., Yusof, S., Sugisawa, H. , and Faujan, A.
2008. Retention of volatile components of durian fruit leather during
processing conditions and storage. Journal of Food Processing and
Preservation 32: 740-750.
28. F. Osman, Irwandi, J. Khaza’ai, H., Hashim, R. 2007. Fatty acid profiles of fin fish
in Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Journal of Oleo Science, 56 (3): 107-113.
29. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B, and T.H. Hassan. 2005. Performance of phytochemical
antioxidant systems in refined-bleached-deodorized palm olein during
frying. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 14 (4): 402-410.
30. Irwandi, J., Kitts, D.D., Che Man, Y.B. and Hassan, T.H. 2005. Physico-
chemical stability of flaxseed oil with natural antioxidant mixtures during
heating. Journal of Oleo Science 54 (2): 71-79.
31. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y. B., Jinap, S., Yusof, S., Sugisawa, H. , and Faujan, A.
2005. Effect of processing conditions and storage on retention of volatile
components of durian leather. Journal of Food, Agriculture &
Environment. 3 (1): 65-71.
32. Irwandi, J., Kitts, D.D., Che Man, Y.B, and Hassan, T. H. 2004. Synergistic effect
of rosemary, sage and citric acid on fatty acid retention of heated flaxseed
oil. Journal of Oleo Science. 53 (12): 581-591.
33. Irwandi, J., Hassan, T.H., and Said, M.Z.M. 2004. Antioxidative behaviour of
Malaysian plant extracts in model and food oil systems. Asia Pacific
Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 13: S72.
34. Irwandi, J., Hassan, T.H., and Said, M.Z.M. 2004. Efficacy of Malaysian plant
extracts in preventing peroxidation reactions in model and food oil
systems. Journal of Oleo Science. 53 (11): 525-529.
35. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B, and Kitts, D.D., 2003. Relationship between sensory
characteristics of fried food and fat deterioration indices during deep-fat
frying. Pakistan Journal of Applied Sciences, 3 (12): 674-686.
36. Irwandi, J., Mirghani, M.E.S., Hassan, T.H., and Said, M.Z.M. 2003.
Determination of lard in mixture of body fats of mutton and cow by

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of Oleo Science. 52 (12):
37. Irwandi, J. and Che Man, Y.B. 2002. Monitoring the effect of natural
antioxidants on canges of refined palm olein during deep-fat frying by
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Pakistan Journal of Applied
Science. 2: 209-215.
38. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Kitts, D.D., Bakar, J., and Jinap, S. 2000. Synergies
between plant antioxidant blends in preventing peroxidation reactions in
model and food oil system. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society.
77 (9): 945-950.
39. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B. Kitts, D.D. 2000. Effect of natural antioxidants in
controlling alkaline contaminant materials (ACM) in heated palm oil.
Food Research International. 33 (2): 75-81.
40. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B. and Kitts, D.D. 2000. Optimization of physico-
chemical changes of palm olein with phytochemical antioxidants during
deep-fat frying, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society. 77: 1161-
41. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B, Kitts, D.D. 2000. Synergistic effect of rosemary and
sage extracts and citric acid on fatty acid retention in RBD palm olein
during deep-fat frying. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society. 77
(5): 527-533.
42. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B, Kitts, D.D. 2000. Use of natural antioxidants in
refined palm olein during repeated deep-fat frying. Food research
International. 33:501-508.
43. Che Man, Y.B. and Irwandi, J. 2000. Effect of rosemary and sage extract on
frying performance of RBD palm olein during deep-fat frying. Food
Chemistry. 69 (3): 301-307.
44. Irwandi, J. and Che Man, Y.B. 1999. Use optimization of natural antioxidants in
RBD palm olein during deep-fat frying using RSM. Journal of the
American Oil Chemists’ Society. 76:341 – 348.
45. Che Man, Y.B., Irwandi, J., and Abdullah, W.J.W. 1999. Effect of different types
of maltodextrin and drying methods of physico-chemical and sensory
properties of encapsulated durian flavour. Journal of the Science of Food
and Agriculture. 79: 1075-1080.
46. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B. Jinap, S., Yusof, S. and Sugisawa, H. 1998. Effects of
type of packaging materials on physico-chemical, microbiological and
sensory characteristics of durian fruit leather during storage. Journal of
the Science of Food and Agriculture. 76:427-434.
47. Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Jinap, S., Yusof, S. and Sugisawa, H. 1998. Effect of
glucose syrup solid, sucrose, hydrogenated palm oil and soy lecithin on
sensory properties of durian leather. Journal of Food Processing and
Preservation. 22 (1998): 13-25.
48. Che Man, Y.B., Irwandi, J., Jinap, S., Yusof, S. and Sugisawa, H. 1997. Effect of
different dryers and drying condition on acceptability and physico-
chemical characteristics of durian leather. Journal of Food Processing and
Preservation. 21 (1997): 425-441.
49. Irwandi, J. and Y.B. Che Man. 1996. Durian leather: Development, properties
and storage stability. Journal of Food Quality. 19 (6):479-489.
50. Irwandi, J., Saleh, M., Winarno, F.G., Haryadi, Y. 1996. Effect of preliminary
soaking on urea level and organoleptic acceptability of smoked shark
fillet. Journal of Indonesian Fishery. 3: 109-123.

51. Irwandi, J. 2009. Laboratory management and halal food product analysis. Food
Review Indonesia. 5: 23-29.
52. Irwandi, J. 2008. The need and challenges in food analysis. Food Review
Indonesia. 4: 58-61.
53. Irwandi, J. 2006. Rapid method for lard detection in food. Food Review
Indonesia. 1: 55-58.

2. Book Chapters & Monograph

1. Irwandi, J. General Guidelines for Halal food Preparation. 2013. In: Halal, All
You Need to Know. Vol. 1 (Yumi H, Ed). ITNB, Kuala Lumpur. Pp. 17-22.
2. Irwandi, J. Synchronizing Halal manufacturing Practices with GMP in the Food
Industry. 2013. In: Halal, All You Need to Know. Vol. 1. (Yumi H, Ed) ITNB,
Kuala Lumpur. Pp. 22-25.
3. Irwandi, J. Halal Processed Food and Beverages. 2013. In: Halal, All You Need
to Know. Vol. 1. (Yumi H, Ed) ITNB, Kuala Lumpur. Pp. 34-36.
4. Irwandi, J. “Veggie Gelatine”, Why Not? 2013. In: Halal, All You Need to Know.
Vol. 1. (Yumi H, Ed) ITNB, Kuala Lumpur. Pp. 61-63.
5. Irwandi, J. Alternative Gelatin from Fish Collagen. 2013. In: Halal, All You Need
to Know. Vol. 1. (Yumi H, Ed) ITNB, Kuala Lumpur. Pp. 63-65.
6. Irwandi, J. Packaging Food in a Halal Environment. 2013. In: Halal, All You
Need to Know. Vol. 1. (Yumi H, Ed) ITNB, Kuala Lumpur. Pp. 69-72.
7. Mirghani, MES, Irwandi J. Hamzah M Salleh. Laboratory Management and
Halal Product Analysis. 2010. In Standardisation of Halal Laboratory. Published
by Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC). (In-press).
8. Irwandi, J. 2011. Packaging food in Halal environment. Halal Pages 2011/2012.
pp. 40-48. Telekom Malaysia
9. Irwandi J. 2010. Alternatif gelatin from fish. Halal Pages Malaysia 2010.
Telekom Malaysia :pp. 33-36.
10. Irwandi J. 2010. Synchronizing halal quality assurance with GMP in food
industry. Halal Pages Malaysia 2010. Telekom Malaysia pp. 41-47.
11. Irwandi J. 2009. Halal Processed Food and Beverages: In Halal Pages Malaysia
2009. Telekom Malaysia. Pp 32-34.
12. Irwandi J. 2009. Veggie gelatin, Why Not?: In Halal Pages Malaysia2009.
Telekom Malaysia. Pp 36-37.
13. Irwandi J. 2009. General Guidelines for Halal Food Preparation: in Halal Pages
Malaysia 2009. Telekom Malaysia. Pp 38-43.
14. Azura Amid, Irwandi Jaswir and Muhd. Ezza Faiez Othman. Screening and
Evaluation of Anticancer Property in Mango Fruit Mangifera indica. In Current
Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. II, IIUM
Press 2011, Pg. 16-22.
15. Azura Amid, Irwandi Jaswir and Muhd. Ezza Faiez Othman. Sensory
Evaluation and Contamination Test on Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica) Pure. In
Current Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol.
II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg. 23-29
16. Mohamed Elwathig Saeed Mirghani, Irwandi Jaswir and Nurul Hanan
Mustapha. Preparation of Nutritious Drink from Date Palm Kernel (DPK). In
Current Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol.
II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg. 101-112

17. Irwandi Jaswir, Nurul Asyikeen A.M and Rini Akmeliawati. Detection of
Ethanol in Beverages using an Electronic Nose. In Current Research and
Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg.
18. Irwandi Jaswir, Shazana Azfar and Azura Amid. Extraction and
Characterization of Astaxanthin from Marine Sources. In Current Research and
Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg.
19. Irwandi Jaswir, Noor Yuslida Hazahari and Mohamed Elwathig Saeed
Mirghani. Extraction of Fish Collagen using Enzymatic Process. In Current
Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. II, IIUM
Press 2011, Pg. 159-165
20. Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, Irwandi Jaswir and Hamida Zakaria. Mechanical
Properties of a Gelatin Replacer, Pectin, from Banana and Mango Peels. In
Current Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol.
II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg. 173-181
21. Irwandi Jaswir, Aniza Binti Asari and Hamzah Mohd. Salleh. Mechanical
Improvement of Halal Gelatin from Marine Sources. In Current Research and
Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg.
22. Irwandi Jaswir and Ahmad Badli Yusoff. Performance of Artificial Antioxidants
in RBD Palm Olein during Deep-fat Frying. In Current Research and
Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg.
23. Irwandi Jaswir, Nur’ain Che Kamaludin and Hamzah Mohd. Salleh. Physico-
chemical Properties of Collagen Extracts from Two Local Fish Species. In
Current Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol.
II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg. 237-241
24. Irwandi Jaswir, Ainur Farhana and Parveen Jamal. Production of Carrageenan
from Malaysian Sea Weed. In Current Research and Development in
Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg. 272-278
25. Irwandi Jaswir, Nurul Ain Zafirah Binti Kamalurudin and Hamzah Mohd.
Salleh. Production of Gelatin Replacers from Malaysian Tuberous Plants. In
Current Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol.
II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg. 279-284
26. Irwandi Jaswir, and Siti Fairus Sahul Hamid. Solubilization of Vitamin E in
Culture Medium and its Antioxidant Activity. In Current Research and
Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. II, IIUM Press 2011, Pg.
27. Azura Amid, Irwandi Jaswir and Muhd. Ezza Faiez Othman. Optimization of
Heat Sterilization on Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica) Puree and Effects Towards
Cancer Treatment. In Current Research and Development in Biotechnology
Engineering at IIUM. Vol. III, IIUM Press 2011, Pg. 22-28
28. Irwandi Jaswir and Mohd Syakirin Sudin. Optimization of Process Parameters
for Extraction of Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor (XOI) from Lycopersicon
esculentum. In Current Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering
at IIUM. Vol. III, IIUM Press 2011, Pg. 200-206
29. Irwandi Jaswir, Mohd Razi Kodin and Parveen Jamal. Process Optimization of
Hydrocolloid Production from Sea Weeds. In Current Research and
Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. III, IIUM Press 2011, Pg.

30. Parveen Jamal, Irwandi Jaswir, Nurhasri Mulyadi Hashim and Saiful
Mohammad Nizam Azmi. Effect of Homogenization in Breaking Protein-
Carotenoid Complexes for Releasing Active Compounds. In Current Research
and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM. Vol. III, IIUM Press
2011, Pg. 263-273

3. Proceedings of International Conferences

 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Jinap, S. and Yusof, S. 1997. Durian Leather
Formulation Using Response Surface Methodology. Presented at National
Conference on Food Industry 2000: Technology and Opportunities, May 5-7,
1997, Kuala Lumpur.
 Irwandi, J. and Che Man Y.B. 1998. Monitoring quality changes in RBD palm
olein during deep-fat frying using FTIR. Presented at the 1998 International
Palm Oil Conference, September 23-25, Bali, Indonesia.
 Che Man, Y.B. and Irwandi, J. 1998. Effect of rosemary and sage extracts on
frying performance of RBDPOo during deep-fat frying. Presented at the
International Oil Palm Conference, September 23 – 25, Bali, Indonesia.
 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B. and Kitts, D.D. 1999. The use of constrained mixture
design for optimisation of natural antioxidants in RBD palm olein during
repeated deep-fat frying. Presented at the 41st Annual Conference, Canadian
Institute of Food Science and Technology, June 6-9, Kelowna, BC, Canada.
 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B. and Kitts, D.D. 1999. Acceptability of potato chips
fried with RBD palm olein containing added natural antioxidants. Presented at
the 41st Annual Conference, Canadian Institute of Food Science and
Technology, June 6-9, Kelowna, BC, Canada.
 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Bakar, J. and Kitts, D.D. 1999. Use of natural
antioxidants in RBD palm olein during repeated deep-fat frying. Presented at
the MSTC, October 25-27, Kuala Lumpur.
 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Bakar, J., Jinap, S. and Kitts, D.D. 2000.
Optimization of physico-chemical changes of palm olein with phytochemical
antioxidants during deep-fat frying. Presented at the OFIC 2000, September,
Kuala Lumpur.
 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Kitts, D.D., Bakar, J. and Jinap, S. ,T.H. Hassan and
M.S. M. Zaki. 2001. Synergies between plant antioxidant blends in preventing
peroxidation reactions in model and food oil systems. Presented at the PIPOC
International Palm Oil Congress, 20-23 August, Kuala Lumpur.
 Y.B.Che Man, C.P. Tan, Irwandi, J. 2002. Performance of phytochemical
antioxidant systems in refined, bleached and deodorized palm olein. Presented
at the 223rd American Chemists’ Society (ACS) National Meeting, 7-11 April,
Orlando, Florida, USA.
 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Kitts, D.D., Hassan, T.H. and Said, M.Z.M. 2002.
Natural antioxidant mixtures for controlling lipid oxidation during deep-fat
frying: Stability, optimization and comparison to artificial materials. Presented
at the 93rd American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting & Expo.
May 5-8, Montreal, Canada.
 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Kitts, D.D., Hassan, T.H. Monitoring lipid
peroxidation of several cooking oils during storage. Presented at the 93rd
American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting & Expo. May 5-8,
Montreal, Canada.

 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Kitts, D.D. 2003. Comparative of oxidative stability
between RBD palm olein and flaxseed oil. Presented at the 94rd American Oil
Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting & Expo. Kansas City, May 4-7, USA.
 Irwandi, J., Che Man, Y.B., Kitts, D.D. 2003. Changes in fatty acid profiles of
flaxseed oil during storage. Presented at the 94rd American Oil Chemists’
Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting & Expo. Kansas City, May 4-7, USA.
 Irwandi, J., Mohammed E.S. Mirghani, Torla H. Hassan and Mohd Zaki Mohd
Said, 2003. Detection of Lard in Mixture of Animal Fats by Fourier Transform
Infrared Spectroscopy. Presented at the International Conference on
Advancement in Science and Technology (iCAST). Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur,
August 5-7, Malaysia.
 Irwandi, J., and Yaakob B. Che Man, 2003. Performance of Phytochemical
Antioxidant Systems in Refined-Bleached-Deodorized Palm Olein during
Frying. Presented at the Food and Nutrition Conference, International Palm Oil
Congress (PIPOC), Putrajaya Marriott Hotel, August 24-28, Malaysia.
 Irwandi Jaswir, Kitts, D.D., and Che Man, Y.B. 2003. Oxidative Stability of
Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized Palm Olein and Flaxseed Oil during Frying.
Presented at the 25th World Congress and Exhibition of International Society
for Fat Research (ISF), Bordeaux Congress Centre, Bordeaux, October 12-15,
 Irwandi Jaswir, Kitts, D.D., and Che Man, Y.B. 2003. Screening for
antioxidative properties of several Malaysian plants. Presented at the 25th World
Congress and Exhibition of International Society for Fat Research (ISF),
Bordeaux Congress Centre, Bordeaux, October 12-15, France.
 Irwandi, J., Hassan, T.H., and Said, M.Z.M. 2004. Antioxidative Behaviour of
Malaysian Plant Extracts in Model and Food Oil Systems. Presented at
Nutrition Society of Australia (NSA) Annual Meeting and International
Congress of Clinical Nutrition, Brisbane, August 11-13, Australia.
 Irwandi J., F. Osman, H. Khaza’ai, and R. Hashim. 2005. Functional Foods from
Malaysia Marine Sources. Presented at the New Trends in Functional Foods
Conference, Auckland, 16-17 November, 2005. (New Zealand).
 Irwandi, J. and T.H. Hassan. 2005. Performance of Palm Olein with Natural
Antyioxidant Mixtures during Deep Fat Frying. Presented at the New Trends in
Functional Foods Conference, Auckland, 16-17 November, 2005. (New Zealand).
 Irwandi, J. and T.H. Hassan. 2005. Production of Trans Free Margarine from
Palm Oil. Presented at the New Trends in Functional Foods Conference,
Auckland, 16-17 November, 2005. (New Zealand).
 Irwandi, J., Hassan, T.H., Mirghani, M.E.S., and Che Man, Y.B. 2005. Rapid
Method for Detection of Lard in Food. Presented at 16th International Invention
Innovation Industrial & Technology Exhibition 2005 (ITEX 2005), Kuala
Lumpur, 19-21 May 2005. (Malaysia).
 Irwandi, J., Hassan, T.H., Mirghani, M.E.S., 2005. Rapid Method for Detection
of Non-Halal Substance in Food using FTIR. Presented at 7TH ASEAN Science
and Technology Week—ASEAN RITECH EXPO 2005, Jakarta, 6-12 August 2005
 Irwandi, J. Rapid method for Detection of Non Halal and Non- Kosher
Substances in Food. Presented at The 34th International Exhibition of
Inventions, New Techniques and Products of Geneva, 5-9 April 2006
 Irwandi, J. T.H. Hassan., M.E.S. Mirghani, and Y.B. Che Man. Novel Rapid
Analytical Techniques for Fats and Oils Industry. Presented at The 34th
International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products of
Geneva, 5-9 April 2006. (Switzerland).
 Irwandi, J. Rapid detection of non-halal substances in food. International Halal
Food Conference, 5-8 August, 2006, Bandar Seri Begawan. (Brunei Darussalam).
 Irwandi, J. and A. Nagao. Solubility, uptake and bioactivity of beta-carotene
and lutein delivered into human hepatoma liver cancer cells. Presented at the
48th International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids. 4-8 September 2007,
Turku, (Finland).
 Irwandi, J. and A. Nagao. Solubilization of lutein and beta-carotene for
delivery to HepG2 cells and their antioxidant activity. Presented at the
International Conference of Japan Oil Chemist’s Society. 26-29 September, 2007.
Kyoto (Japan).
 Irwandi, J. , T. Koyama, and A. Nagao. Solubilization, uptake and antioxidant
activity of carotenoids in HepG2 cell culture. Japan Society for Bioscience,
Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (JSBBA) International Conference, 26-29
March 2008, Nagoya, Japan.
 Irwandi, J. , T. Koyama, and A. Nagao. Accumulation of carotenoids and
vitamin E and their activity in HepG2 cells. The 15th International Symposium
on Carotenoids. 22-27th June 2008. Okinawa (Japan).
 Irwandi, J. and M.E.S. Mirghani. Rapid method for detection of non-halal
contaminants in food. Presented at the International Conference on Halal
Assurance System and Workshop on Animal Derivative Issues. Indonesian
Council of Ulama (MUI). 1-3 July 2008. Jakarta
 Irwandi, J. 2008. Integration of Islamic values into Science Teaching. Presented
at the International Seminar on Islamic Education. 9-12 November, 2008. Banda
Aceh, Indonesia.
 Irwandi, J. F. Siddik, M.E.S. Mirghani, H.M. Salleh. Extraction and
characterization of gelatine from different marine fish species. Presented at the
6th International Food Convention, 15-19 Dec 2008, Mysore, India.
 Irwandi, J. Nutritional approach in fulfilling the need of food consumption.
Presented at the International Agriculture Students Association (IASA)
Conference, 2 January 2008, Tokyo.
 Irwandi J. Mathematical modeling of lipid peroxidation reactions of vegetable
oil with phytochemical antioxidant treatment during frying. Presented at the 5th
International Technical Symposium on Food Processing, Monitoring
Technology in Bioprocesses and Food Quality Management, 31 Aug. – 2 Sept.
2009, Potsdam, Germany.
 Irwandi J. and A. Nagao. New method for improving solubilization and uptake
of dietary carotenoids in human hepatocellular liver carcinoma (HepG2) cells.
Presented at ASEAN Food Conference, 21-23 October 2009. Bandar Seri
Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
 Irwandi J. and A. Nagao. Improvement of solubilization and uptake of dietary
carotenoids for delivery in HepG2 cells. Presented at MPOB International Palm
Oil Congress. 9-12 November 2009, Kuala Lumpur.
 Irwandi J, MES Mirghani. Halal authentication of leather and leather products
using FTIR spectroscopy. Presented at the Mini Symposium on Halal Products
Analysis and Innovation, ASIANALYSIS X, 12 Aug 2009, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
 Irwandi, J. and M.E.S. Mirghani. Rapid method for detection of non-halal
contaminants in food. Presented at the International Conference on Halal
Assurance System and Workshop on Animal Derivative Issues. Indonesian
Council of Ulama (MUI). 1-3 July 2009. Jakarta
 Irwandi J, MES Mirghani. Overview of alternative food ingredients. 3rd IMT-
GT International Halal Symposium on Halal Science and Management. 21-22
December 2009, Pan Pacific, KLIA, Malaysia.
 Irwandi J. , A. Nagao. New Method for Improving Solubilization and Uptake of
Lutein and Beta-Carotene in Human Hepatocellular Liver Carcinoma (HepG2)
Cell Culture. To be presented at the International Confernece on Cellular &
Molecular Bioengineering (ICCMB), 2-4 Aug 2010, Singapore.
 Irwandi J., H.A. Monsur. and H.M Salleh. Application of nanotechnology for
new process development of fish nano gelatin.. To be presented at the
International Conference on Process Engineering and Advance Materials
(ICPEAM2010/SOMChE 2010), 15-18 June, 2010. Kuala Lumpur.
 Irwandi, J. Dedi N.H.M. Salleh, K. Miyashita. Extraction and Purification of
Fucoxanthin from Malaysian Brown Seaweeds. Presented at the UMT 9th
International Symposium on Sustainability Science & Management 2010
(UMTAS 2010), May 8-11, 2010, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
 Irwandi J, Parveen Jamal, Yuslida Hazahari, "Antioxidant Properties of
Chemically Prepared Fish Skin Hydrolysates Produced from Barramundi (Lates
calcarifer). Malaysia International Conference on Trends in Bioprocess
Engineering (MicoTribe 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Langkawi.
 Irwandi J., D. Noviendri, H. M. Salleh, M. Taher, K. Miyashita " Fucoxanthin
Extraxtion and Fatty Acid Profiles of Malaysian Brown Seaweeds and Cytotoxity
Effect of Fucoxanthin on Human Lung Cancer (H1299) Cell Line. ". 103rd AOCS
Annual meeting, Long beach, California, 29 Apri - 2 May, 2012
 Mirghani, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed and Jaswir, Irwandi and Kabbashi,
Nassereldeen A. and Mustapha, Nurul Hanan (2010) Preparation of nutritious
drink from date palm kernel. In: 2nd International Conference on Applied
biotechnology (ICAB 2010), Friendship Hall, Khartoum, Sudan, 25 - 27 October
2010 .
 Jaswir, Irwandi and Nagao, Akihiko (2010) New method for improving
solubilization and uptake of lutein and beta-carotene in human hepatocellular
liver carcinoma (HepG2) cell culture. In: International Conference on Cellular &
Molecular Bioengineering (ICCMB), 2-4 August, 2010, Singapore.
 Jaswir, Irwandi and Nagao, Akihiko (2009) Improvement of solubilization and
uptake of dietary antioxidants in human hepatocellular liver carcinoma (HepG2)
cell line (PDNP4). In: International Palm Oil Congress (PIPOC 2009) , 9-12
November 2009, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), KL, Malaysia.

4. Papers at National Conferences

 Irwandi and Che Man, Y.B. 1995. Physico-chemical and microbilogical
properties and storage stability of durian leather. Presented at the Seminar on
Scientific Works of Indonesian Students in Malaysia, 7 April 1995, Kuala
 Irwandi J. and Che Man, Y.B. 1997. Scientific and technological approaches in
the development of new food products. Presented at the Seminar on Scientific
Works of Indonesian Students in Malaysia, July 19, 1997. Penang, Malaysia.
 Irwandi, J. 2001. Plant antioxidant mixtures for preventing peroxidation
reactions in model and food oil system: Stability and optimization. Presented
at the R&D Expo of Public Universities. 25-28 October, Kuala Lumpur.

 Irwandi, J. and F. Osman. 2003. Fatty acid composition of Malaysia marine fin
fish. Presented at the R&D Expo of Public Universities. 10-14 August, Kuala
 Irwandi J. 2003. Rapid method for analysis of palm oil quality parameters.
Presented at the R&D Expo of Public Universities. 10-14 August, Kuala Lumpur.
 Irwandi, J. 2005. Production of halal gelatin. Presented at the R&D Expo of
Public Universities. 11-15 October, Kuala Lumpur.
 Irwandi, J. and F. Siddik. 2006. Fish gelatin; production, quality and stability.
Presented at the National Intellectual Property Day 2006, 26-30 April, Kuala
Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

5. Articles Published in Mass-Media

 Irwandi, J. Islamic world must do better job of pursuing knowledge. Opinion.
The Jakarta Post Daily, Jakarta. 30 April 2007.
 Irwandi J. 2009.” Meriset dengan Hati”. (Conducting Research with Passion)
Republika Daily, September. Jakarta.
 Irwandi, J. A Lesson from Sakura. The Jakarta Post Daily, Jakarta. 25 March
 Irwandi, J. Meramu Sains dengan Islam (Blending Science and Islam).
Republika Daily, Jakarta. 21 September 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Islam dan kedhaifan intelektual (Islam and Poor Intellectual
Performance). Republika Daily, Jakarta. 11 May 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Pemeringkatan Perguruan Tinggi (Importance of the University
Ranking). Republika Daily, Jakarta. 8 August 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Ikon dalam Sains (Icon in Science). Republika Daily, Jakarta. 16
October 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Belajar menanggulangi gempa dari Jepang (How Japan overcomes
Earthquakes). Riau Post Daily, Pekanbaru. 26 March 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Jepang dan gempa. Opini Harian Padang Ekpres, Padang. 7 April
 Irwandi, J. Belajar menanggulangi gempa dari Jepang. Opini Harian Riau Pos,
Pekanbaru. 26 March 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Melongok Selangor membangun pendidikan. Opini Harian Padang
Ekspres, Padang. 1 January 2006.
 Irwandi, J. K2I ala Selangor. Opini Harian Riau Pos, Pekanbaru. 5 January
 Irwandi, J. Karotenoid: Pro atau Antioksidan? Majalah Gatra, June 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Memahami gelatin. Halal Jurnal, LPPOM-MUI, Jakarta. June, 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Jepang dan penanggulangan bencana. Harian Padang Ekspres,
Padang. 28 March 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Tips menghadapi gempa., Pekanbaru.
( 15 March 2007.
 Irwandi, J. Metode cepat analisa lemak babi dengan FTIR. Berita Iptek Online,
Tokyo ( 27 December 2006.
 Irwandi, J. Metode cepat analisis lemak babi. Majalah Food Review Indonesia,
Jakarta. 9 October 2006.
 Irwandi, J. Penggunaan Antioksidan: Kembali serba alami. Majalah Gatra,
Jakarta. July, 2001.
 Irwandi, J. Masakan Padang, Kolesterol Tinggi Kurang Gizi. Majalah
Warnasari, Jakarta, 1992.
 Irwandi, J. Teori Durian dari Cambridge. Majalah Intisari, Jakarta. 1995.

Community Services
 Regular column writer for various mass-media articles related to Science and
Technology (S&T).
 Chairman for various activities, inside and outside Campus. For example; Chairman for
Islamic Enhancement and Evaluation programme 2010, Kulliyyah of Engineering, IIUM.
 Consultant for various Food manufacturers.
 Actively represent IIUM in various scientific events and exhibitions
 Reviewer for various scientific articles of International reputable journals.
 Resource person for TV and radio programmes
 External examiner for postgraduate theses from local and international universities.
 Committee member and representative of Indonesia and Malaysia. Tsukuba Mosque,
Japan. 2006-2008.
 Delivering Friday khutbah in Tsukuba Mosque, Japan, 2006 - 2008.
 Representing IIUM in Inter-varsity Staff Games (in tennis event), from 2002-2006 and
 Silver medal. Tennis. Intervarsity Staff Games 2008, in Sarawak.

 Persatuan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia (PATPI)
 American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS)
 Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST)
 Malaysian Institute of Food Technology (MIFT)
 Japan Society for Biology, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (JSBBA)

Dr.Christopher Nile
Communication is key to prevent oral disease

Senior Lecturer in Oral Biosciences, Dental School

Associate Academic, Institute of Infection Immunity and Inflammation School of

Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing,

Glasgow Dental Hospital & School, University of Glasgow. 378 Sauchiehall Street,
G2 3JZ

It is now well established that communication can occur between colonising

microorganisms and the human host. Many microorganisms share neuro-endocrine
mediator synthesis pathways and recognition receptors with their human hosts which
allow for cross-species communication. Acetylcholine is a neuro-endocrine mediator
which is widely distributed in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The fact that both
humans and microorganisms share synthetic machinery and receptors for
acetylcholine suggests that this molecule may be involved in inter-kingdom
communication. In this presentation I will discuss new clinical evidence for a role of
acetylcholine and its receptors in the pathogenesis of oral diseases such as denture
stomatitis and periodontal disease. Furthermore, I will present novel data that shows
that acetylcholine, via as yet uncharacterised receptors on microorganisms and host
immune cells, can modulate microbial pathogenicity, as well as the host immune
response to pathogenic organisms, to promote favourable disease outcomes. In
addition, the presentation will emphasise how globalisation presents opportunities for
multidisciplinary research collaborations to advance knowledge of oral disease and
devise new preventative or therapeutic treatments.

Dr. CHEN Kun Philip
Management of Class III malocclusion at differenct stages

“International Dental Scientific Conference & Expo Dies Forum 2017”

Name (with title) : Dr. CHEN Kun Philip

Place and Date of Birth : CHINA, Aug 25, 1981
Address : Podium Level, 2/F, 210-218,Jardine House, 1 Connaught
Place, Central, Hong Kong
Phone No. : 00852-61412974
E-mail :

Degree Universty Year of Graduation
Advanced Diploma in The University of Hong Kong 2013
Doctor of Philosophy The University of Hong Kong 2011
Master in Sichuan University, CHINA 2006
& Bachelor in Medicine

Institution Position Year
University of Hong Kong Part-time Clinical Tutor 2013-2015

Soon-Chul Choi, DDS, PhD
Diagnostic imaging characteristics of jaw infection

Diagnostic imaging characteristics of jaw infection


Name (with title) : Soon-Chul Choi, Professor

Place and Date of Birth : Seoul, Feb. 22 1955

Address : School of Dentistry, Seoul National University

101, Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080

Phone No. : 82-02-2072-3498

E-mail :


Degree Universty Year of Graduation

DDS Seoul National University 1979
MSD Seoul National University 1982
PhD Seoul National University 1988


Institution Position Year

School of Dentistry Professor 1989 ~ present
Seoul National University
Korean Academy of Oral and President 2004 ~ 2008
Maxillofacial Radiology
School of Dentistry Dean 2010 ~ 2012
Seoul National University
International Association of President-elect 2017 ~ present
DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology


Management of high caries risk patients-restoration of damaged tooth

enamel by biomineralization.




1-2-3, Kasumi, Minami-ku,

Hiroshima city, Hiroshima 734-8553,


Tel: +81-82-2575686

Fax: +81-82-2575687

DATE OF BIRTH June 14, 1967, Hiroshima, Japan


1986 - 1992 Faculty of Dentistry, Hiroshima University, D.D.S.

1995 - 2001 Hiroshima University Post Graduate Education of Dental Sciences, Ph.D.


2013 – Present Professor and Chair, Department of Orthodontics, Applied Life Sciences,
Hiroshima University Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Japan

2016 – Present Vice dean, Hiroshima University Faculty of Dentistry, Japan


1992 Japanese Dentist’s License by Ministry of Health and Welfare

2000 Certified orthodontist (Orthodontic specialist) by the Japanese Orthodontics

2004 Certificate from the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint

2015 Certificate from the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine


1992 - 1995 Akabane Dental Clinic, Tokyo, JAPAN - Associate dentist (General dentistry),

1995 - 1999 Department of Orthodontics, Hiroshima University Dental Hospital, Japan -


1999 - 2008 Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Developmental Biology,

Hiroshima University Graduate school of Biomedical Sciences, Japan - Assistant

2009 – 2012 Hiroshima University Dental Hospital Department of Oral Health Development
Orthodontics, Japan - Lecturer

2013 – Present Hiroshima University Hospital, Department of Oral Health Development

Orthodontics, Japan – Professor and Chair

2016 – Present Hiroshima University Hospital, Division of Speech therapy, Japan – Section

2016 – Present Hiroshima University Hospital, Cleft and Craniofacial Center, Japan – Section


Academic lectures

2000 - 2005 Instructor in orthodontics for student of Dental Technician School attached to
Hiroshima University, Faculty of Dentistry, Japan

1999 – Present Instructor in orthodontics for under graduate course in Faculty of Dentistry,
Hiroshima University, Japan

2003 – Present Instructor in orthodontics for post graduate course in Orthodontic Clinic
Hiroshima University Dental Hospital, Japan

Practical teaching

1999 – Present Clinical instructor in orthodontics for post graduate / under graduate students
in Hiroshima University Faculty of Dentistry, Japan [Certified instructor by

the Japanese Orthodontics Society (since 2008) and the Japanese Society for
the Temporomandibular Joint (since 2008)]

Research in dentistry

2000 – Present Research mentor for post graduate students in Hiroshima University, Japan

My responsibility includes, research protocol planning, advanced operations

of machine / device, data summary, editing / proof reading article drafts for
five post graduate students in Department of orthodontics.
2005 Research mentor for under graduate students in University of California, San
Francisco, USA


1995 – 2004, 2007 – Present Department of Orthodontics, Applied Life Sciences,

Hiroshima University Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Japan

2005 – 2007 Department of Orofacial Sciences, University of California, San Francisco,

visiting assistant professor

Research titles

I. Basic and clinical research of temporomandibular disorders (TMD)

1) Modulation of hyaluronan (HA) metabolism in synovial fluid

2) Modulation of expression and activity of matrix metalloprotenases (MMPs) in cartilage
3) Relationship between mechanical stress and incidence of TMD
4) Application of urine pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline as markers for TMD diagnosis
5) Application of low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) to TMD treatment

II. Basic and clinical research of regeneration medicine by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)

1) Modulation of proliferation and differentiation of MSCs

2) Treatment of jaw cleft by bone regeneration with MSCs

III. Functions of enamel matrix proteins and its clinical application

1) In vitro study to elucidate the incidence mechanism of fluorosis

2) In vitro study to elucidate the incidence mechanism of amelogenesis imperfecta (AI)
3) Development of enamel biomineralization therapy for early caries


Japanese Orthodontics Society (JOS), Certificated in 2000, Delegate since 2007

Chu-Shikoku Orthodontic Society, Delegate since 2013, Vice president since 2016

Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint, Certificated in 2004, Delegate since 2012,
Delegate since 2012

Japanese Cleft Palate Association, Delegate since 2015

Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities, Delegate since 2015

The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine (JSRM), Certificated in 2015

Hiroshima University Dental Society, Director since 2013, Editor in chief (2013-2015)

World Federation of Orthodontics (WFO)


2002 4th Asian-Pacific Orthodontic Conference, Presentation Award

2004 Japanese Cleft Palate Association, Article Award

2004 IADR, Presentation Award

2005 Awarded from the Alumni Association of Hiroshima University School of Dentistry

2005 Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint, Presentation Award

2007 Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint, Presentation Award

2008 JOS, Presentation Award

2008 Korean Association of Orthodontists, Presentation Award

2009 The International Workshop on BioDental Education & Research Hiroshima

University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Presentation Award

2009 Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint, Presentation Award

2009 JOS, Presentation Award


2004 – 2005 Assistant chair at Postgraduate Orthodontic Clinic, Hiroshima University

Hospital (Professor and Chair Dr. KAZUO TANNE)

2013 – Present Councilor, Hiroshima University Faculty of Dentistry, volleyball club

2000 – Present Vice councilor, Hiroshima University Faculty of Dentistry, Kendo fencing club


1. Report of the research in Department of Orofacial Sciences, UCSF

Oral presentation, The 40th Annual meeting of the Hiroshima University Dental Society
(Hiroshima, Japan), June 16, 2007

2. Application of mesenchymal stem cells to maxillary collapse for bone regeneration

The 63rd Meeting of Association of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Research (Hiroshima, Japan),
April 9, 2008

3. Maxillary bone regeneration by application of mesenchymal stem cells in patients with cleft
lip and palate

The 4th Meeting of Collaboration Research for “QOL” from Dental Field; Category of
“Bioengineering” (Hiroshima, Japan), July 23, 2008

4. Application of mesenchymal stem cells to regeneration medicine for cleft lip and palate

The 4th Meeting of the Association of Oral Hygienist, Hiroshima University (Hiroshima,
Japan), July 22, 2009

5. Regeneration of maxillary bone with mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of jaw cleft;
a trial for clinical application

The regular meeting of Association of Orthodontists in Hiroshima (Hiroshima, Japan),

October 6, 2009

6. Application of mesenchymal stem cells to the treatment of jaw cleft; regeneration of

maxillary bone and orthodontic tooth movement to the grafted area

The 73rd Meeting of Association of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Research (Hiroshima, Japan),
November 18, 2009

7. Bone Regeneration with Mesenchymal Stem Cells followed by the Orthodontic Tooth
Movement for Treatment of Jaw Cleft

The International Workshop on BioDental Education & Research 2010 (Hiroshima, Japan),
February 12, 2010

8. Application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) for TMD treatment

Temu Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi VII (Makassar, Indonesia), March 6, 2010

9. Background of our recent PhD studies regarding mesenchymal stem cells- bone
regeneration of cleft palate and functions of enamel matrix proteins as asignaling molecule

3rd International Workshop on BioDental Education & Research Hiroshima University

Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences 2011 (Hiroshima, Japan), January 29, 2011

10. A new technology for treatment of dental caries - regeneration of tooth enamel with
amelogenin –

Japan Science and Technology Agency New technology Presentation meeting (Osaka,
Japan), September 7, 2011

11. Orthodontic treatment for patients with temporomandibular disorders

The 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint: The 2nd
Asian Academic Congress for the Temporomandibular Joint (Hiroshima, Japan), July 24,

12. A new technology for treatment of dental caries - regeneration of tooth enamel by
mineralization -

BIO tech Japan 2012 (Tokyo, Japan), April 26, 2012

13. Amelogenin-guided biomineralization of hydroxyapatite crystal on tooth enamel

The 2nd BioDental Coliseum (Hiroshima, Japan), August 31, 2013

14. Orthodontics and temporomandibular disorders – A systematic approach corresponding to

the pathological condition –

Academic Meeting of Hiroshima University Fuculty of Dentistry Alumni Association

(Hiroshima, Japan), January 11, 2014

15. Orthodontics and regeneration medicine – Apprecation of mesenchymal stem cells for
treatment of jaw cleft –

The Academic Seminar of Hiroshima Orthodontic Society (Hiroshima, Japan),

March 7, 2014
16. Orthodontics and temporomandibular disorders – A systematic approach considering the
medical safety –

Academic Meeting of Hiroshima University Fuculty of Dentistry Alumni Association Ehime

Branch (Matsuyama, Japan), May 17, 2014

17. Bone Regeneration by use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Jaw Cleft:
Application of a New Carbonated-Hydroxyapatite Scaffold

4th International Week-Symposium in TMU (Taipei, Taiwan), May 24, 2014

18. Bone Regeneration by use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Carbonated-hydroxyapatite
Scaffold - A New Strategy for Treatment of Jaw Cleft -

8th International Dental Scientific Meeting (Makassar, Indonesia), June 20, 2014

19. Bone Regeneration by use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Jaw Cleft – Utility
and present issues –

57th Annual meeting of Chu-Shikoku Orthodontic Society (Ube, Japan), July 3, 2014

20. Next-generation orthodontic treatment pioneered by the cooperation between

orthodontist and oral engineer

Academic Meeting of Hiroshima University Department of Orthodontics Alumni

Association (Hiroshima, Japan), July 21, 2014

21. Orthodontics and temporomandibular disorders – Diagnosis and systematic approach -

Three universities ioint academic seminar of orthodontics 2014 (Tokushima, Japan),

September 10, 2014

22. Orthodontics and temporomandibular disorders – Topics from recent research -

The academic seminar of Hiroshima Orthodontic Society 2014 (Hiroshima, Japan), March
10, 2015

23. Detection of malocclusion in dental checkup – The points of exploration –

Hiroshima City Dental General Incorporated Association (Hiroshima, Japan), April 2, 2015

24. Orthodontics and Regeneration Medicine -A New Strategy of Bone Regeneration by use of
Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Jaw Cleft-

Dies Forum 2015 (Bandung, Indonesia), September 19, 2015

25. Orthodontic Treatment for Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders —Systematic

Approach Based on the Basic Research—

Dies Forum 2015, (Bandung, Indonesia) September 19, 2015

26. Temporomandibular Disorders and Orthodontic Treatment —Diagnosis and Systematic

Approach —

Joint Scientific Meeting Dental Medicine UNAIR (Surabaya, Indonesia), October 3, 2015

27. Regeneration medicine and Orthodontic Treatment – Utility of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
and Current Problems –

Hiroshima Shudo Dental Association, (Hiroshima, Japan), October 8, 2015

28. Examination of occlusion in school dental checkup – The points of exploration -

Hiroshima City Dental General Incorporated Association (Hiroshima, Japan), February 24,

29. Management of High Caries Risk Case in Orthodontic Treatment -Restoration of Damaged
Tooth Enamel by Biomineralization-

The academic seminar of Hiroshima Orthodontic Society 2015 (Hiroshima, Japan),

March 14, 2016
30. Temporomandibular disorders in the aspect of orthodontics – A systematic approach
according to the pathologic status –

Sasebo clinical dentistry workshop 2016, (Sasebo, Japan), September 29, 2016

31. Periodontology and Orthodontics - An exploration of the relevance between oral and
general health -

The academic seminar of Hiroshima Orthodontic Society 2016 (Hiroshima, Japan),

March 16, 2017


1. Tanimoto K, Ozawa S, et al.

Longitudinal changes in disk position and configuration in patients with disk displacement
without reduction

Oral presentation, The 39th Annual Meeting of the CHU-SHIKOKU Orthodontic Society
(Hiroshima), July 14, 1996

2. Tanimoto K, Ozawa S, et al.

Changes in the intraarticular pathologic status of internal derangement before and after
orthodontic treatment: Association of disk position and configuration with positional
changes of the mandible

Poster presentation, The 10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for
Temporomandibular Joint (Sapporo), July 31, 1997

3. Tanimoto K, Ohno S, et al.

Quantification of pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline in urine of patients with


Poster presentation, The 11th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for
Temporomandibular Joint (Tokyo), July 24, 1998

4. Tanimoto K, Ohno S, et al.

Expression of hyaluronic acid in cultured synovial membrane cells of rabbit knee joint

Poster presentation, The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society
(Hiroshima), November 14, 1999

5. Tanimoto K, Ohno S, et al.

Molecular cloning of rabbit hyaluronic acid synthases and the mRNA expression in normal
joint tissue

Poster presentation, The 60th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society
(Tokyo), October 8, 2001

6. Tanimoto K, Suzuki A, et al.

A case report of open bite with narrow maxillary dental arch

Table clinic, The 45th Annual Meeting of the CHU-SHIKOKU Orthodontic Society
(Matsuyama), July 2002

7. Tanimoto K, Suzuki A, et al.

The effects of TGF-beta on hyaluronan synthesis in cultured synoviocytes

Poster presentation, 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Dental Research
(Sendai), November 30, 2002

8. Tanimoto K, Ohno S, et al.

Association between craniofacial growth and urinary bone markers in rats

Poster presentation, The 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental
Research (Goteborg), June 25, 2003

9. Tanimoto K, Yanagida T, et al.

Modulating mechanism of hyaluronan production in synovial fluid

Oral presentation for competition, The 37th Annual meeting of the Hiroshima University
Dental Society (Hiroshima), June 12, 2004

10. Tanimoto K, Tanaka E, et al.

Orthodontic treatment of malocclusion accompanied with temporomandibular disorder

type I

Poster presentation, The 17th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for
Temporomandibular Joint (Niigata), July 4, 2004

11. Tanimoto K

Orthodontic treatment of adult deep bite case accompanied with temporomandibular

disorder type IIIa

Poster presentation, The 17th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for
Temporomandibular Joint (Niigata), July 4, 2004

12. Tanimoto K, Le TQ, et al.

Effects of Fluoride on the Affinity of Amelogenin to Apatites

Poster presentation, The 84th General Session of the International Association for Dental
Research (Brisbane), June 28, 2006

13. Tanimoto K, Le TQ, et al.

Affinity of Amelogenin to Apatites and its Hydrolysis by MMP-20 are Affected by


Poster presentation for competition, The Annual Meeting of UCSF School of Dentistry
Research Day (San Francisco), October 19, 2006

14. Tanimoto K, Le TQ, et al.

Fluoride reduces binding of MMP-20 to ameogenin

Oral presentation, The 85th General Session of the International Association for Dental
Research (New Orleans), March 21, 2007

15. Tanimoto K, Tanaka N, et al.

Effects of proinflammatory cytokines on the degradation of hyaluronan in synovial cells

Poster presentation, The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Dental
Research (Yokohama), November 17, 2007

16. Tanimoto K

Application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) to the treatment of

temporomandibular disorders; part I

Oral presentation, The 1st Meeting of Association of Industry-Academia-Government

collaboration for creation of new industry, September 24, 2008

17. Tanimoto K

Application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) to the treatment of

temporomandibular disorders; part II

Oral presentation, The 2nd Meeting of Association of Industry-Academia-Government

collaboration for creation of new industry, December 5, 2008

18. Tanimoto K

Application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) to the treatment of

temporomandibular disorders; part III

Oral presentation, The 2nd Meeting of Association of Industry-Academia-Government
collaboration for creation of new industry, March 23, 2009

19. Tanimoto K, Inubushi T, et al.

Application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) for the treatment of osteoarthritis

Oral presentation, The 6th Annual Meeting of the Association for Physical Stimulation
Research, March 28, 2009

20. Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, et al.

Effect of proinflammatory cytokine on cartilage metabolism in temporomandibular joints

Poster presentation, The 88th International Association for Dental Research (Barcelona),
July 14, 2010

21. Tanimoto K, Kunimatsu R, et al.

Amelogenin-guided Biomineralization of Hydroxyapatite Crystal on Tooth Enamel

4th Hiroshima Conference on Education and Science in Dentistry, (Hiroshima), October 9,


22. Tanimoto K, Yoshioka M, et al.

Bone Regeneration by use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Jaw Cleft: Part I,
Evaluation of a New Carbonated- hydroxyapatite Scaffold

8th Asian pacific orthodontic conference 47th Indian orthodontic conference, (New Delhi),
November 29, 2012

23. Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, et al.

Application of human recombinant amelogenin to regeneration of cementum

46th Korean Association of Orthodontists (Jeju), October 31, 2013.



1. Tanimoto K, Ozawa S, Nonoyama D, Nakamoto Y, Hagita Y, Honda K, Tanne K:

Changes in disk position and configuration in patients with irreducible anterior disk
displacement of the TMJ before and after orthodontic treatment

J. CHU-SHI. Orthod. Soc. 9: 29-33, 1997 (Japanese).

2. Takeuchi M, Nonoyama D, Tanimoto K, Ozawa S, Tanaka E, Tanne K:

Prevalence of tempolomandibular joint disorders in patients with chincup therapy

J. CHU-SHI. Orthod. Soc. 12: 30-4, 2000 (Japanese).

3. Honda K, Ohno S, Tanimoto K, Ijuin C, Tanaka N, Doi T, Kato Y, Tanne K:

The effects of high magnitude cyclic tensile load on cartilage matrix metabolism in cultured

Eur J Cell Biol. 79(9): 601-9, 2000.

4. Ijuin C, Ohno S, Tanimoto K, Honda K, Tanne K:

Regulation of hyaluronan synthase gene expression in human periodontal ligament cells by
tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1beta and interferon-gamma

Arch Oral Biol. 46(8): 767-72, 2001.

5. Ohno S, Tanimoto K, Fujimoto K, Ijuin C, Honda K, Tanaka N, Doi T, Nakahara M,

Tanne K:
Molecular cloning of rabbit hyaluronic acid synthases and their expression
patterns in synovial membrane and articular cartilage
Biochim Biophys Acta. 30;1520(1): 71-8, 2001.
6. Tanimoto K, Ohno S, Fujimoto K, Honda K, Ijuin C, Tanaka N, Doi T, Nakahara M,
Tanne K:
Proinflammatory cytokines regulate the gene expression of hyaluronic acid
synthetase in cultured rabbit synovial membrane cells
Connect Tissue Res. 42(3): 187-95, 2001.
7. Tanimoto K, Tanne K.
Orthodontic approach to deep bite cases with temporomandibular joint disorders

J. Jpn Soc T.M.J. 14(2): 193-9, 2002 (Japanese).

8. Ohno S, Doi T, Fujimoto K, Ijuin C, Tanaka N, Tanimoto K, Honda K, Nakahara M, Kato Y,

Tanne K:
RGD-CAP (betaig-h3) exerts a negative regulatory function on mineralization in the human
periodontal ligament

J Dent Res. 81(12): 822-5, 2002.

9. Tanimoto K, Imada M, Ohno S, Sasaki A, Honda K, Tanne K:

Association between craniofacial growth and urinary bone metabolic markers (pyridinoline,
deoxypyridinoline) in growing rats

J Dent Res. 82(1): 28-32, 2003.

10. Imada M, Tanimoto K, Ohno S, Sasaki A, Sugiyama H, Tanne K:

Changes in urinary bone resorption markers (pyridinoline, deoxypyridinoline) resulting
from experimentally-induced osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joint of rats

Cranio. 21(1): 38-45, 2003.

11. Ohno S, Murakami K, Tanimoto K, Sugiyama H, Makihira S, Shibata T, Yoneno K, Kato Y,

Tanne K:
Immunohistochemical study of matrilin-1 in arthritic articular cartilage of the mandibular

J Oral Pathol Med. 32(4): 237-42, 2003.

12. Doi T, Ohno S, Tanimoto K, Honda K, Tanaka N, Ohno-Nakahara M, Yoneno K, Suzuki A,

Nakatani Y, Ueki M, Tanne K:
Mechanical stimuli enhances the expression of RGD-CAP/betaig-h3 in the periodontal

Arch Oral Biol. 48(8): 573-9, 2003.

13. Yuki M, Kawata T, Tanimoto K, Niyamoto Y, Tanne K:

A cleft lip and alveolus patient treated with guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique for
the alveolar bone defect

J. Jpn. Cleft Palate Assoc. 28: 250-60, 2003 (Japanese).

14. Tanimoto K, Suzuki A, Ohno S, Honda K, Tanaka N, Doi T, Yoneno K, Ohno-

Nakahara M, Nakatani Y, Ueki M, Tanne K:
Effects of TGF-beta on hyaluronan anabolism in fibroblasts derived from the
synovial membrane of the rabbit temporomandibular joint
J Dent Res. 83(1): 40-4, 2004.

15. Tanimoto K, Ohno S, Imada M, Honda K, Ohno-Nakahara M, Kapila S, Tanne K:

Utility of urinary pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline ratio for diagnosis of osteoarthritis at
temporomandibular joint

J Oral Pathol Med. 33(4): 218-23, 2004.

16. Ohno-Nakahara M, Honda K, Tanimoto K, Tanaka N, Doi T, Suzuki A, Yoneno K,

Nakatani Y, Ueki M, Ohno S, Knudson W, Knudson CB, Tanne K:
Induction of CD44 and MMP Expression by Hyaluronidase Treatment of Articular

J Biochem (Tokyo). 135(5): 567-75, 2004.

17. Honda K, Kawata T, Harada M, Ohno S, Tanimoto K, Kaku M, Fujita T, Tanne K:

Development of a New Automatic Toothbrush for Removing Tooth Staining

J. Hiroshima Univ, Dent. Soc. 35(2): 169-76, 2003 (Japanese).

18. Suzuki A, Tanimoto K, Nakatani Y, Tanne K:

An orthodontic treatment case of a maxillary protrusion with oral-facial-digital (OFD)

J. CHU-SHI. Orthod. Soc. 16: 65-71, 2004 (Japanese).

19. Tanimoto K, Suzuki A, Ohno S, Honda K, Tanaka N, Doi T, Ohno-Nakahara M, Yoneno K,

Nakatani Y, Ueki M, Yanagida T, Kitamura R, Tanne K:
Hyaluronidase expression in cultured growth plate chondrocytes during the differentiation
Cell Tissue Res. 318(2): 335-42. 2004.

20. Tanaka N, Ohno S, Honda K, Tanimoto K, Doi T, Ohno-Nakahara M, Tafolla E, Kapila S,

Tanne K:
Cyclic mechanical strain regulates the PTHrP expression in cultured chondrocytes via
activation of the Ca2+ channel

J Dent Res. 84(1): 64-8, 2005.

21. Suzuki A, Tanimoto K, Ohno S, Nakatani Y, Honda K, Tanaka N, Doi T, Ohno-Nakahara

M, Yoneno K, Ueki M, and Tanne K:
The metabolism of hyaluronan in cultured rabbit growth plate chondrocytes during the

Biochim Biophys Acta. 22: 1743(1-2): 57-63. 2005.

22. Yoneno K, Ohno S, Tanimoto K, Honda K, Tanaka N, Doi T, Kawata T, Tanaka E, Kapila S,
Tanne K:
Multidifferentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells in three-dimensional collagen gel

J Biomed Mater Res A. 75(3): 733-41, 2005.

23. Ohno S, Tanaka N, Ueki M, Honda K, Tanimoto K, Yoneno K, Ohno-Nakahara M,

Fujimoto K, Kato Y, Tanne K:
Mechanical regulation of terminal chondrocyte differentiation via RGD-CAP/beta ig-h3
induced by TGF-beta

Connect Tissue Res. 46(4-5): 227-34, 2005.

24. Nakatani Y, Tanimoto K, Suzuki A, Yanagida T, Tanne Y, Tanne K:

A case of mandibular protrusion with temporomandibular joint disorder

J. CHU-SHI. Orthod. Soc. 17: 49-59, 2005 (Japanese).

25. Komabayashi T, Zhu Q, Jiang J, Hu DY, Kim KJ, Toda S, Tanne Y, Tanimoto K, Kirkland
MD, Bird WF:
Education of dentists in China

Int Dent J. 56(5): 272-6, 2006.

26. Tanne Y, Honda K, Nakata Y, Nakatani Y, Yanagida T, Tanimoto K, Tanne K:

Occlusion, craniofacial morphology and mandibular kinetic function in a juvenile patient
with left facial palsy

J. CHU-SHI. Orthod. Soc. 18: 29-36, 2006 (Japanese).

27. Ohta K, Ninomiya Y, Higashikawa K, Shigeishi H, Mitani Y, Takechi M, Tohmori H,

Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Touma Y, Nishi M, Harada M, Tanaka E, Sugiyama M, Tanne K,
Kamata N:
Two cases of maxillary distraction osteogenesis using rigid external distraction (RED)
system and Leipzig retention plate for maxillary hypoplasia

J. Hiroshima Univ, Dent. Soc. 39(2), 173-80, 2007 (Japanese).

28. Yoneno K, Tanaka E, Ohno S, Tanimoto K, Honda K, Tanaka N, Lin Y-Y, Tanne Y, Okuma
S, Tanne K:
Hyaluronic acid promotes osteochondrogenic differentiation from mesenchymal stem cells
in a three-dimensional culture system

Journal of Stem Cells 2(3), 1-10, 2007.

29. Tanaka E, Detamore MS, Tanimoto K, Kawai N:

Lubrication of the temporomandibular joint

Ann Biomed Eng. 36(1): 14-29, 2008. Review.

30. Tanaka E, Kawazoe A, Nakamura S, Ito G, Hirose N, Tanne Y, Kawai N, Tanimoto K,

Tanne K:
An adolescent patient with multiple impacted teeth

Angle Orthodontist 78(6): 1110-8, 2008.

31. Tanne Y, Tanimoto K, Tanaka N, Ueki M, Lin YY, Ohkuma S, Kamiya T, Tanaka E, Tanne
Expression and activity of Runx2 mediated by hyaluronan during chondrocyte

Arch Oral Biol. 53(5): 478-87, 2008.

32. Tanimoto K, Suzuki A, Nakatani Y, Yanagida T, Tanne Y, Tanaka E, Tanne K:

A case of anterior open bite with severely narrowed maxillary dental arch and hypertrophic
palatine tonsils

J Orthod. 35(1): 5-15, 2008.

33. Tanimoto K, Le T, Zhu L, Chen J, Featherstone JD, Li W, DenBesten P:

Effects of fluoride on the interactions between amelogenin and apatite crystals

J Dent Res. 87(1): 39-44, 2008.

34. Tanimoto K, Le T, Zhu L, Witkowska HE, Robinson S, Hall S, Hwang P, Denbesten P, Li

Reduced amelogenin-MMP20 interactions in amelogenesis imperfecta

J Dent Res. 87(5): 451-5, 2008.

35. Tanimoto K, Nakatani Y, Tanaka N, Ueki M, Yanagida T, Kitamura R, Tanne Y, Lin YY,
Kunimatsu R, Tanne K:
Inhibition of the proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts by hyaluronidase

Arch Oral Biol. 53(4): 330-6, 2008.

36. Ueki M, Tanaka N, Tanimoto K, Nishio C, Honda K, Lin YY, Tanne Y, Ohkuma S, Kamiya
T, Tanaka E, Tanne K:
The effect of mechanical loading on the metabolism of growth plate chondrocytes
Ann Biomed Eng. 36(5): 793-800, 2008.

37. Zhu L, Tanimoto K, Robinsin S, Chen J, Witkowska E, Hall S, Le T, Denbesten PK, Li W:

Comparative properties of recombinant human and bovine matrix metalloproteinase-20

Arch Oral Biol. 53(8): 785-90, 2008.

38. Nishi M, Watanabe M, Takahashi K, Suekawa Y, Tanimoto K, Fukui Y, Tani R, Toratani S,

Okamoto T, Tanne K:
A case of skeletal open bite treated with two-jaw surgery and tonguectomy

J. Hiroshima Univ, Dent. Soc. 40(1), 136-44, 2008.

39. Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Tanne K:

A patient with deformity of the temporomandibular joint who received a second
orthodontic treatment for open bite which appeared after the previous orthodontic

J. Jpn Soc T.M.J. 21(1): 5-10, 2009 (Japanese).

40. Zhu L, Tanimoto K, Le T, DenBesten PK, Li W:

Functional roles of prolines at amelogenin C terminal during tooth enamel formation

Cells Tissues Organs. 189(1-4): 203-6, 2009.

41. Lin YY, Tanaka N, Ohkuma S, Kamiya T, Kunimatsu R, Huang YC, Yoshioka M, Mitsuyoshi
T, Tanne Y, Tanimoto K, Tanaka E, Tanne K:
The mandibular cartilage metabolism is altered by damaged subchondral bone from
traumatic impact loading

Ann Biomed Eng. 37(7):1358-67. 2009.

42. Kitase Y, Yokozeki M, Fujihara S, Izawa T, Tanimoto K, Moriyama K, Tanaka E:

Analysis of gene expression profiles in human periodontal ligament cells under hypoxia:
The protective effect of CC chemokine ligand 2 to oxygen shortage

Arch Oral Biol. 54(7): 618-24. 2009.

43. Nishio C, Tanimoto K, Hirose M, Horiuchi S, Kuroda S, Tanne K, Tanaka E:

Stress analysis in the mandibular condyle during prolonged clenching: a theoretical
approach with the finite element method

Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 223(6): 739-48, 2009.

44. Kuroda S, Tanimoto K, Izawa T, Fujihara S, Koolstra JH, Tanaka E:

Biomechanical and biochemical characteristics of the mandibular condylar cartilage

Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 17(11): 1408-15. 2009.

45. Nakatani Y, Tanimoto K, Tanaka N, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Kunimatsu R, Tanaka E, Tanne K:

Effects of hyaluronan oligosaccharide on the expression of MMP-1 in periodontal ligament

Arch Oral Biol. 54(8): 757-63. 2009.

46. Ozaki N, Ueki M, Hasegawa T, Tanaka N, Tohma Y, Nishi M, Kunimatsu R, Tanimoto K,

Tanne K:
Statistical Examination of Cleft Lip and /or Palate Patients in the Department of
Orthodontics, Hiroshima University Hospital

J. Hiroshima Univ, Dent. Soc. 41(1), 4-11, 2009.

47. Tanimoto K, Tanne K:

Orthodontics and temporomandibular disorders

Dental Review, 69(8), 148-50, 2009 (Japanese).

48. Kamiya T, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Lin YY, Kunimatsu R, Yoshioka M, Tanaka N, Tanaka E,
Tanne K:
Effects of mechanical stimuli on the synthesis of superficial zone protein in chondrocytes

J Biomed Mater Res A. 92(2): 801-5, 2010.

49. Kitamura R, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Huang YC, Tanaka N, Tanaka E, Tanne K:
Effects of mechanical load on the expression and activity of hyaluronidase in cultured
synovial membrane cells

J Biomed Mater Res A. 92(1): 87-93, 2010.

50. Tanimoto K, Yanagida T, Tanne K:

Orthodontic Treatment with Tooth Transplantation for Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate

Cleft Lip and Palate 47(5): 499-506, 2010.

51. Michida M, Tanaka N, Tanimoto K, Tanne K:

An adolescent case of skeletal maxillary protrusion with osteoarthritis of the
temporomandibular joint

Orthodontic Waves 69(1): 23-32, 2010.

52. Tanimoto K, Kitamura R, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Kunimatsu R, Yoshioka M, Tanaka N,

Tanaka E, Tanne K:
Modulation of hyaluronan catabolism in chondrocytes by mechanical stimuli

J Biomed Mater Res A. 93(1): 373-80, 2010.

53. Tanimoto K, Yanagida T, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Huang YC, Mitsuyoshi T, Tanaka N, Tanaka
E, Tanne K:
Modulation of hyaluronan fragmentation by interleukin-1 beta in synovial membrane cells

Ann Biomed Eng. 38(4): 1618-25, 2010.

54. Lin YY, Tanaka N, Ohkuma S, Iwabuchi Y, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Kunimatsu R, Huang YC,
Yoshioka M, Mitsuyoshi T, Tanimoto K, Tanaka E, Tanne K:
Applying an excessive mechanical stress alters the effect of subchondral osteoblasts on
chondrocytes in a co-culture system
Eur J Oral Sci. 118(2): 151-8, 2010.

55. Shirakura M, Tanimoto K, Eguchi H, Miyauchi M, Nakamura H, Hiyama K, Tanimoto K,

Tanaka E, Takata T, Tanne K:
Activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in overloaded temporomandibular joint, and
induction of osteoclastogenesis.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 393(4): 800-5. 2010.

Nakamura T, Fujihara S, Katsura T, Yamamoto K, Inubushi T, Tanimoto K, Tanaka E:
Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on the expression and activity of hyaluronan
synthase and hyaluronidase in IL-1β-stimulated synovial cells

Ann Biomed Eng. 38(11): 3363-70. 2010.

57. Sano R, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Mitsuyoshi T, Otani J, Sugiyama H, Ozawa S,

Tanne K:

The relationship between TMJ pathology and craniofacial morphology in the malocclusion

J. Jpn Soc T.M.J. 22(1): 21-5, 2010 (Japanese).

56. Huang YC, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Kunimatsu R, Michida M, Yoshioka M,

Yoshimi Y, Kato Y, Tanne K:
Effects of human full-length amelogenin on the proliferation of human mesenchymal stem
cells derived from bone marrow

Cell Tissue Res. 342(2): 205-12, 2010.

57. Rego EB, Inubushi T, Kawazoe A, Tanimoto K, Miyauchi M, Tanaka E, Takata T, Tanne K:
Ultrasound stimulation induces PGE(2) synthesis promoting cementoblastic differentiation
through EP2/EP4 receptor pathway
Ultrasound Med Biol. 36(6): 907-15. 2010.

59. Huang YC, Tanimoto K, Ueda H, Tanne Y, Tanne K:

A treatmen case of posterior open bite produced by a long-term use of occlusal splint for
temporomandibular disorders

J. Hiroshima Univ, Dent. Soc. 42(2): 160-5, 2010 (Japanese).

60. Nishi A, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Tanne K:

Orthodontic treatment for open bite induced by inappropriate splint therapy

J. Hiroshima Univ, Dent. Soc. 42(2): 81-5, 2010 (Japanese).

61. Yoshioka M, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Yu-Ching Huang, Mitsuyoshi T, Tanne K:

A treatment case of cleft palate with maxillary distraction osteogenesis using a rigid
external distraction (RED) system

J. CHU-SHI. Orthod. Soc. 22(1): 57-66, 2010 (Japanese).

62. Mitsuyoshi T, Tanne Y, Tanimoto K, Yu-Ching Huang, Kamiya T, Kunimatsu R,

Yoshioka M, Tanne K:

An orthodontic treatment case of achondroplasia with mandibular protrusion and open


J. CHU-SHI. Orthod. Soc. 22(1): 67-76, 2010 (Japanese).

63. Kunimatsu R, Tanimoto K, Ida Y, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Ozaki N, Tanne K:

An Orthodontic retreatment case with Skeletal Anchorage System (SAS) applied to an adult
patient with maxillary protrusion and periodontal disease

J. CHU-SHI. Orthod. Soc. 23(1): 41-52, 2011.

64. Ueda H, Horihata A, Matsumoto E, Watanabe G, Koh M, Tanimoto K, Tanne K:

Immune function in Japanese schoolchildren with sleep-disordered breathing.: A

preliminary study with analyses of salivary markers

Open Journal of Stomatology 1: 150-7, 2011.

65. DenBesten PK, Zhu L, Li W, Tanimoto K, Liu H, Witkowska HE:

Fluoride incorporation into apatite crystals delays amelogenin hydrolysis

Eur J Oral Sci. 119 Suppl 1: 3-7, 2011.

66. Kunimatsu R, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Ohkuma S, Huang YC, Yoshimi Y,

Miyauchi M, Takata T, Tanne K:

Amelogenin enhances the proliferation of cementoblast lineage cells

J Periodontol. 82(11): 1632-8, 2011.

67. Tanimoto K, Iwabuchi Y, Tanne Y, Kamiya T, Inubushi T, Kunimatsu R, Mitsuyoshi T,

Tanne K:

Interleukin-1 beta affects cyclooxygenase-2 expression and cartilage metabolism in

mandibular condyle

Arch Oral Biol. 56(11): 1412-8, 2011.

68. Tanimoto K, Kamiya T, Tanne Y, Kunimatsu R, Mitsuyoshi T, Tanaka E, Tanne K:

Superficial zone protein affects boundary lubrication on the surface of mandibular condylar

Cell Tissue Res. 344(2): 333-40, 2011.

69. Iwabuchi Y, Tanimoto K, Hirose N, Sugiyama M, Tanne K:

A treatment case of skeletal mandibular protrusion with congenital missing of uppwe right
lateral incisor and root resorption of upper left lateral incisor

J. Hiroshima Univ, Dent. Soc. 44(1): 53-60, 2012.

70. Ozaki N, Noshiro M, Kawamoto T, Nakashima A, Honda K, Fukuzaki-Dohi U, Honma S,

Fujimoto K, Tanimoto K, Tanne K, Kato Y:

Regulation of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors Dec1 and Dec2 by RORα and their
roles in adipogenesis

Genes Cells. 17(2): 109-21, 2012.

71. Kihara T, Tanimoto K, Michida M, Yoshimi Y, Nagasaki T, Murayama T, Tanne K, Nikawa


Construction of orthodontic setup models on a computer

Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 141(6): 806-13, 2012.

72. Yoshioka M, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Sumi K, Awada T, Oki N, Sugiyama M, Kato Y, Tanne

Bone regeneration in artificial jaw cleft by use of carbonated hydroxyapatite particles and
mesenchymal stem cells derived from iliac bone

Int J Dent. 352510, 2012.

73. Tanimoto K, Huang YC, Tanne Y, Kunimatsu R, Michida M, Yoshioka M, Ozaki N,

Sasamoto T, Yoshimi Y, Kato Y, Tanne K:

Amelogenin enhances the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived

from bone marrow

Cells Tissues Organs. 196(5): 411-9, 2012.

74. Tanimoto K, Kunimatsu R, Tanne Y, Huang YC, Michida M, Yoshimi Y, Miyauchi M,

Takata T, Tanne K:

Differential effects of amelogenin on mineralization of cementoblasts and periodontal

ligament cells

J Periodontol. 83(5): 672-9, 2012.

75. Tanne K, Papagerakis P, Papaccio G, Kitamura C, Tanimoto K.

Tissue regeneration in dentistry

Int J Dent. 586701, 2012.

76. Hirose N, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Sumi K, Tanne K:

A case of temporomandibular joint osteoarthiritis with mandibular recession and open bite
- Onset after the orthodontic treatment in adolescence -

J. Hiroshima Univ. Dent. Soc. 44(2): 138-43, 2012.

77. Sumi K, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Hirose N, Yoshioka M, Awada T, Irome K, Tanne K:

Orthodontic treatment for an open bite case due to inappropriate use of splint

J. Hiroshima Univ. Dent. Soc. 44(2): 127-32, 2012.

78. Tanimoto K, Kunimatu R, Tanne K:

An innovative approach to initial dental caries in orthodontic treatment - hydroxyapatite

crystal formation induced by biomineralization technique -

J. Hiroshima Univ. Dent. Soc. 44(2): 112-22, 2012.

79. Tanne Y, Tanimoto K, Okuma S, Kunimatsu R, Hirose N, Mitsuyoshi T, Tanne K:

Effects of hyaluronan oligosaccharides on apoptosis of human gingival fibroblasts

Open Journal of Stomatology 3, 19-24, 2013.

80. Hirose N, Shimazu A, Watanabe M, Tanimoto K, Koyota S, Sugiyama T, Uchida T, Tanne


Ameloblastin in Hertwig's epithelial root sheath regulates tooth root formation and

PLoS One 8(1): e54449, 2013.

81. Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Sumi K, Hirose N, Kawai N, Tanaka E, Tanne K:

Longitudinal changes in the height and location of bone bridge from autogenous iliac bone
graft in patients with cleft lip and palate

Open Journal of Stomatology 3, 58-62, 2013.

84. Yanagida-Suekawa T, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Mitsuyoshi T, Hirose N, Su S, Tanne K,

Tanaka E:

Synthesis of hyaluronan and superficial zone protein in synovial membrane cells modulated
by fluid flow

Eur J Oral Sci. 121(6): 566-72, 2013.

85. Tanimoto K, Ohkuma S, Tanne Y, Kunimatsu R, Hirose N, Mitsuyoshi T, Yoshimi Y, Su S,

Tanne K:

Effects of bFGF on the Modulation of Apoptosis in Gingival Fibroblasts with Different Host
Int J Dent. 619580, 2013.

86. Tanimoto K:

Orthodontics and regeneration medicine –Trial of bone regeneration suitable to

orthodontic tooth treatment-

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 45(2): 69-75, 2013 (Japanese).

87. Tanimoto K:

Orthodontic treatment and temporomandibular disorders – Aststematic approach

correspond to the pathological condition –

J Hiroshima Dent Asso. 41: 5-12, 2013 (Japanese).

88. Ueda H, Myongsun K, Tsubamoto N, Ishikawa E, Matsumura Y, Concepcion C, Tanimoto


Consideration of the improvement of masticatory function in orthodontics - Introduction

of stomatognathic function laboratory with the evidence of chewing difficulty -

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc 45(2): 81-6, 2013 (Japanese).

89. Matsumura Y, Ueda H, Myongsum K, Horihata A, Tanimoto K:

A case of treatment for sleep fragment due to periodic limb movement disorder with
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - Improvement of “Lower legs jerking” using oral
appliance -

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc 45(2): 112-7, 2013 (Japanese).

90. Asakawa Y, Kunimatsu R, Mitsuyoshi T, Sumi K, Su SC, Okamoto Y, Gunji H, Tanne K,

Tanimoto K:

Craniofacial growth and orthodontic treatment of cleft lip and palate patient with Furlow’s
method for soft palate repair in two-stage palatoplasty

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc 45(2): 105-11, 2013 (Japanese).

91. Tanimoto K:

Approach to the treatment of craniofacial anomaly accompanied by malocclusion – team

approach and regeneration medicine-

Hiroshima City Dental General Incorporated Association Journal 21: 2-5, 2014 (Japanese).

92. Kaku M, Sumi H, Shikata H, Kojima S, Motokawa M, Fujita T, Tanimoto K, Tanne K:

Effects of Pulpectomy on the Amount of Root Resorption during Orthodontic Tooth


J Endod. 40(3): 372-8, 2014.

93. Kaku M, Koseki H, Kojima S, Sumi H, Shikata H, Kojima S, Motokawa M, Fujita T,

Tanimoto K, Tanne K:

Cranial bone regeneration after cranioplasty using cryopreserved autogenous bone by a

programmed freezer with a magnetic field in rats.

Cryo Letters 35(6): 451-61, 2014.

94. Su SC, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Kunimatsu R, Hirose N, Mitsuyoshi T, Okamoto Y, Tanne K:

Celecoxib exerts protective effects on extracellular matrix metabolism of mandibular

condylar chondrocytes under excessive mechanical stress

Osteoarthritis Cartilage 22(6): 845-51, 2014.

95. Zhu L, Liu H, Witkowska HE, Huang Y, Tanimoto K, Li W.

Preferential and selective degradation and removal of amelogenin adsorbed on

hydroxyapatites by MMP20 and KLK4 in vitro

Front Physiol. 24(5): 268, 2014.

96. Iwabuchi Y, Tanimoto K, Tanne Y, Inubushi T, Kamiya T, Kunimatsu R, Hirose N,

Mitsuyoshi T, Su SC, Tanaka E, Tanne K

Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in

mandibular condylar chondrocytes

J Oral Facial Pain Headache 28(3): 261-8, 2014.

97. Hayashi H, Fujita T, Shirakura M, Tsuka Y, Fujii E, Terao A, Tanimoto K.

Role of articular disc in condylar regeneration of the mandible

Exp. Anim. 63(4): 395-401, 2014.

98. Mitsuyoshi T, Asakawa-Tanne Y, Sumi K, Su SC, Okamoto Y, Toratani S, Koizumi K,

Okamoto T, Tanimoto K:
A case of skeletal class II malocclusion treated by two-jaw surgery
J Hiroshima Dent Asso. 41(1): 13-8, 2014 (Japanese).

99. Ishikawa E, Otani J, Ueda H, Kato M, Oki N, Tanimoto K:

Canine alignment in two deep bite cases achieved by distal movement of the lower
posterior teeth

J CHU-SHI Orthod Soc. 26(1): 49-60, 2014 (Japanese).

100. Oki N, Motokawa M, Kunimatsu R, Hirose N, Yoshimi Y, Tanimoto K:

Clinical investigation into the prevalence of permanent teeth with amelogenesis mperfecta
by Department of Orthodontics, Hiroshima University

Orthodontic Waves-Japanese Edition 73(3): 137-42, 2014 (Japanese).

101. Kamiya T, Kaku M, Kojima S, Hiasa K, Tanimoto K:

A treatment of an adult crowding with missing of bilateral maxillary central incisors by an


J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 46(2): 143-8, 2014 (Japanese).

102. Kojima S, Kaku M, Koseki H, Sumi H, Shikata H, Tahsin A, Kojima S, Yamamoto T,

Tanimoto K:

An orthodontic treatment case of maxillary protrusion with ankylosed upper right

central incisor.
J Hiroshima Dent Asso. 42(1): 6-10, 2014 (Japanese).

103. Kojima S, Kaku M, Kubo T, Fujita T, Ono S, Nagayasu S, Kojima S, Sumi H, Shikata H,
Yamamoto E, Motokawa M, Tanimoto K:

A treatment case of oligodontia by teeth autotransplantation

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 46(2): 156-61, 2014 (Japanese).

104. Asakawa-Tanne Y, Su SC, Kunimatsu R, Hirose N, Mitsuyoshi T, Okamoto Y, Tanaka E,

Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

Effects of enzymatic degradation after loading in temporomandibular joint

J Dent Res. 94(2): 337-43, 2015.

105. Motokawa M, Kaku M, Matsuda Y, Oki N, Sugino H, Sumi C, Darendeliler MA, Tanimoto

Reply: To PMID 23307804.

Eur J Orthod. 37(1):119, 2015.

106. Tanimoto K, Sumi K, Yoshioka M, Oki N, Tanne Y, Awada T, Kato Y, Sugiyama M, Tanne

Experimental Tooth Movement into New Bone Area Regenerated by Use of Bone Marrow-
Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 52(4): 386-94, 2015.

107. Motokawa M, Kaku M, Matsuda Y, Kojima S, Sumi C, Kimura A, Tanimoto K:

Effects of occlusal hypofunction and its recovery on PDL structure and expression of VEGF
and bFGF in rats.

Clin Oral Investig. 19(4): 929-35, 2015.

108. Kaku M, Shimasue H, Ohtani J, Kojima S, Sumi H, Shikata H, Kojima S, Motokawa M,

Abonti TR, Kawata T, Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

A case of tooth autotransplantation after long-term cryopreservation using a programmed

freezer with a magnetic field.

Angle Orthod. 85(3): 518-24, 2015.

109. Kojima SI, Kaku M, Kawata T, Motokawa M, Sumi H, Shikata H, Abonti TH, Kojima ST,
Yamamoto T, Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

Cranial suture-like gap and bone regeneration after transplantation of cryopreserved MSCs
by use of a programmed freezer with magnetic field in rats.

Cryobiology 70(3): 262-8, 2015.

110. Matsumura Y, Ueda H, Concepcion MC, Koh M, Tanimoto K:

Effect of a simplified two-piece mandibular advancement appliance for obstructive sleep


J Sleep Med Disord. 2: 1025-6, 2015.

111. Kunimatsu R, Gunji H, Tsuka Y, Yoshimi Y, Nakajima K, Tanimoto K:

Effects of low-level diode laser treatment on the metabolism of human dental pulp cells

J Jpn Soc Laser Dent. 26(1): 1-9, 2015 (Japanese).

112. Tanimoto K:

Bone Regeneration by use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Jaw Cleft – Utility
and present issues –

J CHU-SHI Orthod Soc. 27(1): 1-6, 2015 (Japanese).

113. Watabnabe A, Kaku M, Sumi H, Tanne K, Tanimoto K, Tanaka E:

A case of edge-to edge occlusion with congenital missing of the maxillary premolars treated
with auto-transplantation of the mandibular premolars

J CHU-SHI Orthod Soc. 27(1): 23-30, 2015 (Japanese).

114. Shinohara T, Watanabe K, Mori H, Izawa S, Horiuchi S, Kuroda S, Tanimoto K, Tanaka E:

An orthodontic case of skeletal Class III malocclusion with internal derangement of

temporomandibular joint.

J CHU-SHI Orthod Soc. 27: 39-48, 2015 (Japanese).

115. Tanimoto K:

Relay message - Dental checkup.

J Cleft 43 (3): 2016 (Japanese).

116. Tanimoto K:

Treatment for jaw deformity in Hiroshima University Hospital – Establishment of

contemporary treatment system by team approach -

J Hiroshima Dent Asso. 43(1): 8-13, 2016 (Japanese).

117. Tanimoto K:

Treatment for jaw deformity in Hiroshima University Hospital – Establishment of

contemporary treatment system by team approach -

J Hiroshima Dent Asso. 43(1): 8-13, 2016 (Japanese).

118. Ueda H, Matsumura Y, Iwai K, Concepcion MC, Tanimoto K:

A case report of oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - Assessment
of occlusal changes in the missing teeth dentition after 10 year continuous treatment -

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 48(2): 160-5, 2016 (Japanese).

119. Abe T, Yoshimi Y, Kunimatsu R, Sumi K, Oki N, Awada T, Gunji H, Tanimoto K:

Statistical investigation of cleft lip and/or palate patients at department of orthodontics

Hiroshima University Hospital

Orthod Waves Jpn Edit. 75(2): 118-25, 2016 (Japanese).

120. Nakajima K, Kunimatsu R, Sumi K, Tsuka Y, Gunji H, Abe Y., Tsuga K, Tanimoto K:

A comparative investigation of the physical properties of ceramic brackets

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 48(2): 124-9, 2016 (Japanese).

121. Kimura A, Kunimatsu R, Yoshimi Y, Mitsuyoshi T, Oki N, Awada T, Gunji H, Abe T,

Tanimoto K:

Statistical investigation of abnormalities of the teeth in cleft lip and/or palate patients

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 48(2): 118-23, 2016 (Japanese).

122. Yamamoto T, Kojima S, Kaku M, Kamiya T, Tanimoto K:

An orthodontic treatment case with Noonan syndrome and impacted supernumerary teeth

J CHU-SHI Orthod Soc. 28(1): 105-12, 2016 (Japanese).

123. Fujii E, Shirakura M, Fujita T, Tsuka Y, Okita S, Tanimoto K:

Long-term retention case after treatment of open bite using miniscrew anchorage

J CHU-SHI Orthod Soc. 28(1): 75-84, 2016 (Japanese).

124. Yamano E, Yamano R, Tanimoto K, Tanaka E:

Conventional orthodontic treatment of mandibular hypoplasia in Pierre Robin syndrome

J CHU-SHI Orthod Soc. 28(1): 65-74, 2016 (Japanese).

125. Okita S, Sumi K, Mitsuyoshi T, Abe T, Tanimoto K:

Statistical analysis of familial occurrence of cleft lip and/or palate in Hiroshima University

J CHU-SHI Orthod Soc. 28(1): 23-6, 2016 (Japanese).

126. Ohkuma S, Kunimatsu R, Toratani S, Okamoto T, Tanimoto K:

A treatment case of severe mandibular prognathism with bimaxillary orthognathic surgery

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 48(1): 63-70, 2016 (Japanese).

127. Hirose N, Matsumura Y, Sumi C, Yanoshita M, Onishi A, Concepcion MC, Ueda H,

Koizumi K, Okamoto T, Tanimoto K:

The second report: A case of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis with mandibular

recession and open bite: onset after the orthodontic treatment in adolescence

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 48(1): 56-62, 2016 (Japanese).

128. Nakagawa T, Ono S, Ohta K, Kaku M, Ohtani J, Kojima S, Sumi H, Uetsuki R, Kubozono
K, Tanimoto K, Tanne K, Takechi M:

Two-Stage approach for treatment of two patients with facial asymmetry caused by
unilateral condylar hyperplasia

Jpn J Jaw Deform. 26(1): 48-55, 2016 (Japanese).

129. Natori A, Kaku M, Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

Adult Angle class II maxillary protrusion case treated with use of dental implants as an
anchorage for upper anterior retraction

J Hiroshima Univ Dent Soc. 48(1): 71-6, 2016 (Japanese).

130. Sumi K, Asakawa Y, Yoshimi Y, Awada T, Abe T, Okita S, Nakajima K, Ando K, Kado I,
Tanimoto K:

An early orthodontic treatment case with Turner’s syndrome

J Hiroshima Dent Asso. 43: 21-6, 2016 (Japanese).

131. Sugino H, Motokawa M, Kaku M, Matsuda Y, Oki N, Sumi C, Kimura A, Tanimoto K:

Comparison of treatment effects between orthodontic anchor screw and multiloop

edgewise technique in open-bite cases

Orthod Waves Jpn Edit. 75(1): 27-35, 2016 (Japanese).

132. Kihara T, Yoshimi Y, Taji T, Murayama T, Tanimoto K, Nikawa H:

Accuracy of a three-dimensional dentition model digitized from an interocclusal record

using a non-contact surface scanner

Eur J Orthod. 38(4): 435-9, 2016.

133. Yoshimi Y, Kunimatsu R, Hirose N, Awada T, Miyauchi M, Takata T, Wu L, Zhu L,

DenBesten PK, Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

Effects of C-Terminal Amelogenin Peptide on the Proliferation of Human Cementoblast

Lineage Cells.

J Periodontol. 4: 1-20, 2016.

134. Tsuka Y, Fujita T, Shirakura M, Kunimatsu R, Su SC, Tanimoto K:

Effects of Nd: YAG laser Irradiation on bone metabolism during tooth movement

Laser Med Sci. 7(1): 40-4, 2016.

135. Kaku M, Kojima SI, Sumi H, Shikata H, Kojima ST, Yamamoto T, Abonti TH, Yashima Y,
Kawata T, Tanimoto K:

A case of orthodontic treatment with an atypical pain disorder

Biomed Res India 27(2): 504-7, 2016.

136. Shikata H, Kaku M, Kojima SI, Sumi H, Kojima ST, Yamamoto T, Yashima Y, Kawata T,
Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

The effect of magnetic field during freezing and thawing of rat bone marrow-derived
mesenchymal stem cells

Cryobiology 73(1): 15-9, 2016.

137. Abonti TR, Kaku M, Kojima S, Sumi H, Kojima S, Yamamoto T, Yashima Y, Miyahara H,
Okino A, Kawata T, Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

Irradiation effects of low temperature multi gas plasma jet on oral bacteria

Dent Mater J. 35(5): 822-8, 2016.

138. Tanimoto K:

An interview with Kotaro Tanimoto

Dental Press J Orthod. 21(4): 24-33, 2016.

139. Tanne, K, Okamoto Y, Su SC, Mitsuyoshi T, Asakawa-Tanne Y, and Tanimoto K: Current

status of temporomandibular joint disorders and the therapeutic system derived from a
series of biomechanical, histological, and biochemical studies

APOS Trends in Orthodontics, Special Issue, 58-75, 2016.

140. Kunimatsu R, Yoshimi Y, Hirose N, Awada T, Miyauchi M, Takata T, Wu L, Zhu L,

DenBesten PK, Tanimoto K:

The C-terminus of amelogenin enhances osteogenic differentiation of human

cementoblast- lineage cells

J Perio Res. 2017, in press.

141. Matsuda Y, Motokawa M, Kaku M, Sumi H, Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

RANKL and OPG expression: Jiggling force affects root resorption in rats

Angle Orthod. 87(1): 41-8, 2017.

142. Awada T, Kunimatsu R, Yoshimi Y, Hirose N, Mitsuyoshi T, Sumi K, Tanimoto K:

Effects of C-terminal amelogenin peptides on the metabolism of osteoblasts

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 22, 482(4): 1154-9, 2017.

143. Fang X, Hayashi H, Fujita T, Shirakura M, Tsuka Y, Fujii E, Tanne K, Tanimoto K:

Role of articular disc in cartilaginous growth of the mandible in rats

APOS Trends in Orthodontics 7(1), 29-34, 2017.


1. Ueda H, Ohno S, Kaku M, Kawata T, Tanaka E, Tanaka N, Tanimoto K. Tanne Y, Toma Y,

Harada M, Fujita T, Honda K, Hayashi H, Wakisaka N, Watanabe M: Orthodontics
corresponded to comprehensive dental treatment (Tanne K. ed.) Tokyo Rinsho Publisher,
2005 (Japanese).

2. Tanimoto K: An Angle Class II openbite case with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis,

Quintessence YEAR BOOK 2011 Orthodontics for clinicians (Ito G. et al. eds.), Quintessence
Publishing Co., Tokyo, pp. 171-8, 2011 (Japanese).

3. Tanimoto, K, Huang, Y.C., Tanne, K.: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 4, 13.
Proliferation of bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells: Role of enamel
matrix proteins, pp139-145. (Hayat, M.A. ed.) Springer Science+Business Media B.V.,
Berlin, 2012.



September 2004 : Recipient of Overseas Advanced Educational Research Practice

Support Program by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (No.


1998 : Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS) No. 10877337, Utility of urinary Pyr and Dpyr as a diagnosis marker of osteoarthritis

1999-2000 : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) No. 11557166, Biochemical analysis of degradation mechanism in mandibular
condylar cartilage

2003-2004 : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) No. 15592165, Regeneration of periodontal tissue using mesenchymal stem

2005-2006 : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) : No. 16592046, Regeneration of condylar mandibular cartilage using
mesenchymal stem cells

2007-2008: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) : No. 19659540, Regeneration of bone and cartilage by transplantation of
mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of jaw cleft

2007-2009: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) : No. 18390554, Clarification of mandibular condylar resorption mechanism
and exploration of new chemical mediators

2008-2010: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) : No. 20390522, Clarification of the onset mechanism of amelogenesis
imperfecta (AI) using an enamel biomineralization model

2008-2010: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) : No. 20390523, Responses of each cartilaginous layer of mandibular condyle
to external stimuli and the association with progressive condylar resorption

2008: Association of Industry-Academia-Government collaboration for creation of new
industry, Application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound to the treatment of
temporomandibular disorders

2009-2010: Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research by Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS) : No. 21659474, Development of biomineralization technology
using nano-process and its application to regeneration of tooth enamel

2010-2012: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) : No. 22592285, Availability of low-pulse ultrasound stimulation for
temporomandibular joint disfunction

2010: Association of Industry-Academia-Government collaboration for creation of new

industry, Regeneration therapy of tooth enamel by the application of biomineralization

2010: Grant-in-Aid for Clinical Research Hiroshima University Hospital, Establishment of

bone regeneration of cleft palate using mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow

2011-2013: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) : No. 23593029, Optimization of bone regeneration by transplantation of
mesenchymal stem cells and application to the closure of jaw cleft

2011-2013: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS) : No. 23390474, Effectiveness of improvement of lubrication and condylar
cartilage regeneration in temporomandibular joints with osteoarthritis

2011: Japan Science and Technology Agency Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer
Program through target-driven R&D Quest type : No. AS231Z01878F, A new technology for
treatment of dental caries - regeneration of tooth enamel with amelogenin

2013-2015: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS): No. 25293404: Creation of artificial extracellular matrix
for tissue engineering similar to vital body

2014-2015: Grant-in-aid for Challenging Exploratory Research by Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS): No. 20322240: Restoration of tooth enamel by
biomineralization with oyster shell nano-powder and enamel matrix proteins

2016-2018: Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (C) by Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS): No. 16K11788: Modulation of stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth
(SHED) activity by construction of microenvironment and its application to bone
regeneration of jaw cleft

Kazunori Yamaguchi, DDS, PhD

Emeritus professor

Division of Orofacial Functions and Orthodontics, Department of Health Improvement,
School of Dentistry, Faculty of Kyushu Dental University, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Kazuo Tanne, DDS, PhD

Emeritus professor

Department of Orthodontics, Applied Life Sciences, Hiroshima University Institute of

Biomedical & Health Sciences, Japan

Koichi KATO, D.Eng.
Towards Engineering Composite Grafts with Ordered Tissue Structure

Dr Abhishek Parolia.
Esthetic Management of Endodontically Treated Teeth

Dr Abhishek Parolia graduated from Manipal University and perused his masters in the field of Conservative
Dentistry and Endodontics at the same university. He was awarded a gold medal in Conservative Dentistry
and Endodontics. He has been very active in practicing Endodontics for more than 10 years and has a vast
experience of rotary endodontics and retreatment cases. He has been training young dentists for more than
ten years. He is also actively involved in research and received Research Incentive Award in 2010 and 2011
from Manipal University and Marquis Award (USA) in 2011. He received an award for his significant
contribution as a newcomer in 2011. He was also awarded for his Invaluable contribution in leading ICDAS
initiative in 2014, E-learning Innovation Award (Team category) and Best Lecturer Nomination in 2016. He
was awarded the Best faculty presentation (ERG) in International Association of Dental Research held in San
Francisco, USA, 2017. He is a member of ICDAS National Benchmark Group, Malaysia. He has published
many scientific papers in national and international peer-reviewed journals and authored chapters “Diagnosis
in Endodontics” in the book entitled Essentials of Endodontics, published in 2012 by Quintessence India and
“Propolis and its implications in oral health” in the book entitled Beneficial Effects of Propolis on Human
Health and Chronic Diseases. Volume 2, Published in 2012 by Nova Publications USA. He is a reviewer of
Archives of Oral Biology, BMC Oral Health, Indian Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Dental Education,
European Journal of Dentistry and a member of editorial board of Journal of Conservative Dentistry. He is a
member of FODI, Malaysian Dental Association, International Association of Dental Research and
International Cariology group. He has conducted workshops and lectured locally and internationally at many
countries namely India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Dubai, Brazil, Australia and Canada.

Dr. Tony Ngan Fat, TO

The application of diode laser in dentistry

“International Dental Scientific Conference & Expo Dies Forum 2017”

Personal Details

Dr. Tony Ngan Fat,

TO Place of Birth:
Hong Kong DOB:
14th March, 1967

Address: Flat B, 25/F, Pak Hoi Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong

Mobile Tel: 852-94368232


A registered specialist in orthodontics working in the government dental service of Hong

Kong, this is a role from which I have the privilege of taking care wide varieties of
patients. Apart from the daily clinical orthodontic duties and management works, I also
serve as a client relations officer and handle the clinic complaints. After working as a
dentist for 25 years, I have been exposed to different settings in multiple hospitals and
dental clinics, including school dental care service, government general dental clinics, oral
maxillofacial surgery and dental units, dental clinics with general public sessions, and
government orthodontic clinic. I also served as a flying dentist with the Government Flying
Service. Thanks mostly to my inspiring senior colleagues; I have gained the experience
before I specialized in orthodontics. I am interested in developing a career which combines
public service and teaching the next generation of dentists.


Senior Dental

Harbour Building Orthodontic Clinic, Department of Health, Hong


9/F, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong


Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association Rusy M. Shroff Dental Clinic


5/F, Community Ambulatory Care Centre, Tang Shiu Kin Hospital, 282 Queen’s Road
East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Education and Professional Qualifications

Year: 1987-1992 University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) with distinction

Year: 2005-2007 University of Hong Kong

Postgraduate Diploma in General Dental Surgery (PDipGDS)

Year: 2007-2008 Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professional Diploma in Criminal Investigation and Forensic


Year: 2009-2012 University of Hong Kong

Master of Orthodontics (MOrth)

Year: 2010 Primary Examination, Royal Australasian College of Dental


Year: 2013 Diploma of Membership in Orthodontics of the Royal

College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Year: 2013 Member of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong

Year: 2016 Fellow of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong

in the Specialty of Orthodontics

Year: 2016 Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Dental Surgery)


Year: 1988-1992 Mary Sun Medical Scholarship, University of Hong Kong

Year: 2009-2012 Government Training scholarship, Hong Kong

Employment and Training History

Year: 1992-1993 Junior Hospital Dental Officer, Prince Philip Dental Hospital

Year: 1993 Private dental practice

Year: 1993-2009 General Dental Service, Department of Health

Year: 2007-2008 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Units at Tuen Mun
Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Year: 2009-2012 Full time MOrth student, University of Hong Kong

Year: 2012-present Government Orthodontic Service, Department of Health

Professional Affiliations and Community Services

Year: 1992-present Member of Hong Kong Dental Association Ltd

Year: 2003-2005 Chairman, Government Doctors’ Association Dental Committee

Year: 2005-present Member of Forensic Odontology Group

Year: 2003-2007 Chairman, Volunteer Team, Department of Health

Year: 2007-2009 Chairman, Staff Club, Department of Health

Year: 2010-present Member of Hong Kong Society of Orthodontists Ltd

Year: 2012-2014 Member of Quarters Allocation Committee

Year: 2015-present Board of Directors of Widows and Orphans Pension Scheme

Year: 2015-present Chairman, Government Doctors’ Association

Year: 2016-present Member of Central Staff Suggestions Vetting Committee

Year: 2016-present Senior Vice-Chairman, Hong Kong Senior Government

Officers Association



1. The Adjunct Effectiveness of Diode Laser Gingivectomy in Maintaining Periodontal

Health during Orthodontic Treatment. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
FDI Annual World Dental Congress 2012

2. Pain Assessment in Diode Laser Gingivectomy

Taiwan International Orthodontic Forum 2014


1. Presentation titled “Autotransplantation” to all government dental officers working

in the orthodontic service on 5/1/2016

2. Presentation on the medical and dental services to government servants at the Young
Civil Servants Forum on 31/3/2017

3. Seminar Presentation titled “Autotransplantation” to all government dental officers

working in the orthodontic service on 11/4/2017


1. Local Journal

To TN, Tsang AC. Localization of impacted maxillary anterior tooth with tangential
radiograph. Hong Kong Dent J. 2009;6:46-48

2. International Journal

To TN, Rabie AB, Wong RW, McGrath CP. The adjunct effectiveness of diode laser
gingivectomy in maintaining periodontal health during orthodontic treatment.
A randomized controlled trial. Angle Orthod. 2013;83:43-47


Sailing and hiking

Volunteer of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Charity Foundation

Dr.Drs Luthfi Yondri, M Hum
Fahmi Oscandar, drg., MKes., Sp.RKG.
Yuti Malinda, drg., MM., MKes

The Pawon Man Undercover (Forensic)-

Indentitas Diri.
1. Nama : Fahmi Oscandar,drg.,MKes, SpRKG
2. Tempat, tanggal lahir : Jakarta, 13 April 1974.
3. NIP. : 197404132001121001
4. Pangkat/ Gol : Penata / III d
5. Jabatan : LEKTOR pada Departemen Radiologi
Kedokteran Gigi FKG UNPAD
NIDN : 0013047405
6. Pekerjaan : Dosen Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi (S1)
Dosen Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi (Sp)
Dosen Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas
Padjadjaran, Bandung, sejak th 2001 sd sekarang.
7. Agama : Islam
8. Status : Menikah dengan 3 anak
9.Alamat Rumah : Jl. Jupiter IV Blok H II No.4 Bandung,tlp.022-
7535613/7533762. Hp.081931479762 dan
10. Alamat Praktek : Komp.Griya Bandung Indah B.10 No.10. Bandung.
SIP No. 445-93/13.IV.06(I) Dinkes
11. Pendidikan Formal Terakhir : Dokter Gigi Spesialis Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi,
12.Pendidikan Informar terakhir : Forensik Odontologis dan Antropologi
12. Konsentrasi keilmuan/
kepakaran/peminatan : Bidang Spesialisasi Digital Radiologi Kedokteran
Gigi, Bidang Konvensional Radiologi Kedokteran
Gigi, Bidang Radiologi Forensik Kedokteran Gigi,
Bidang Forensik Kedokteran Gigi, Bidang Antropologi

Riwayat Pendidikan Umum

1. Sekolah Dasar : SDN 029 Tanjungpinang Riau, 1981-1987.
2. Sekolah Menengah Pertama : SMPN 4 Tanjungpinang Riau, 1987- 1990.
3. Sekolah Menengah Atas : SMAN 1 Tanjungpinang Riau , 1990 – 1993.
4. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi : Prog.S I FKG UNPAD, Bandung, 1993- 1998.
5. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi : Prog.Profesi FKG UNPAD, Bandung, 1998- 1999.
6. Pascasarjana (S2)/Magister : PPS UNPAD, Bandung, 2007 – 2009.

7. Program Spesialis Radiologi : PPDGS Radiologi KG UNPAD, Bandung, 2009 sd.

8. Pendidikan Forensik Odontologi & Antropologi, Sidney Australia th. 2011

A. Riwayat Jabatan Struktural.

1. Sekretaris Bagian Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi FKG Unpad,2009 sd 2013
2. Kepala Unit Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat FKG Unpad,2007 sd sekarang
3. Kepala Bidang Pelayanan Penunjang Medik RS.Gigi Dan Mulut FKG Unpad. 2004-2007
4. Staf Pendamping Kemahasisiwaan Bidang Pengembangan sdm dan iptek,2004-2007
5. Koordinator/Loison Officer Bidang Kerjasama dan pengembangan SDM FKG Unpad-
Rektorat, 2008 sd sekarang
6. Koordinator Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik FKG Unpad, sejak th 2009 sd sekarang
7. Kepala Instalasi Radiologi RSGM FKG Unpad sd 2015 - sekarang

Keanggotaan Profesi
1. Sekretaris Kolegium Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia (2011 sd 2014)
2. Pengurus Harian PDGI (Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia) Bidang Informasi, Kota
3. Pengurus Harian PDGI (Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia) Bidang Organisasi, Kota
4. Sekretaris PDGI (Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia) Kota Bandung.(2011-2014)
5. Wakil Ketua IKARGI cabang Unpad,2005 sd sekarang
6. Anggota Ikatan Alumni FKG Unpad
7. Editor Jurnal Nasional Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia
8. Anggota IPOFI sejak tahun 2004 dan InasFO
9. Anggota Komunitas Indoforodont sejak tahun 2010
10. Wakil Ketua PDGI Cabang Kota Bandung 2014 – sekarang.
11. Direktur AAOMFR regional Indonesia 2014-sekarang
12. Anggota AIFI 2011-sekarang
13. Wakil ketua PDGI Cabang Kota Bandung 2015 -sekarang

Pengalaman Kegiatan Insidental Organisasi PDGI / IKARGI/IPOFI/Non PDGI:

1. Ketua Pelaksana Kegiatan Bandung Dentistry 5, th 2008 di Hotel Horizon Bandung.

(Kegiatan Rutin PDGI Kota Bandung setiap 2 tahun)
2. Pengasuh Acara Dentistry On Air MQ FM, th 2007
3. Manager Klinik Gigi dan Mulut Az Zahra th.2002-2004
4. TIM DVI Nasional Shukoi airplane crash, Mei 2012
5. Tim DVI Nasional Korban tenggelam kapal migran gelap timur tengah 2013.
6. Tim DVI Nasional Air Asia airplane crash Januari 2015
7. Ketua Tim Forensik Odontologi Kasus pembunuhan Bintaro th.2013
8. Ketua Tim Forensik Odontologi Kasus Terpidana Mati AnakYousman th. 2015.
9. Ketua Tim Forensik Odontologi Kasus Identifikasi Umur Atlet Bulutangkis Jakarta th.

Karya ilmiah :
Fahmi Oscandar. Clinical Aplication of the 3 Dimension Computed Tomograph EPX-
IMPLA Instrument. Application CBCT 3D For Autism. CBCT 3D Scientific Seminar,
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. August 15, 2007. ( PEMBICARA)

Fahmi Oscandar. Application of CBCT 3D for Maxillary Sinus. At “Workshop” in Oral

and Maxillofacial Radiology. Jayakarta Hotel, Bandung December 10-11 2007. (

Fahmi Oscandar. CBCT-3D Aplication in Sinusitis Cases At “Workshop” in Oral and

Maxillofacial Radiology, Jayakarta Hotel, Bandung December 10-11 2007. (

Fahmi Oscandar. Keakuratan Pemilihan Pencitraan Radiodiagnostik dan Perawatan Pada

Area Dentomaksilofasial, Jayakarta Hotel, Bandung 2008. ( PEMBICARA)

Fahmi Oscandar. Aplikasi Teknologi Radiografi 3D di Bidang Prostodonsia (Acara

IPERIL,Hotel Kartika Chandra, Jakarta,2008) ( PEMBICARA)

Fahmi Oscandar. Cone Beam Computed Tomografy – 3 dimention, Future Imaging In

Dentomaxillofacial Radiograph, Jayakarta Hotel, Bandung 2008 ( PEMBICARA)

Fahmi Oscandar,Amaliya,Agus S. Subgingival calculus and alveolar bone height in

cigarettes and kreteks smokers Assessed by Digital Panoramic, Hotel Twin Plaza Jakarta,
ICDMFR 17th.Amsterdam,Netherland,2009 ( PEMBICARA)

Fahmi Oscandar.Optimalization of Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3 Dimension

(CBCT) in Description of Mandible Bone’s Quality,Unpad,Thesis,2009 (

Fahmi Oscandar . “Analisa Cone Beam Computed Tomografy 3 Dimension (CBCT 3D)
dari Gigi dan Rahang Manusia (Pra Penelitian Terhadap Gigi dan Tulang Rahang
Manusia)”, pada Workshop dan Seminar “ The 5th National Congress of Indonesian
Forensic Medicine Medicolegal (PDFI) with 1st National Congresss of Indonesian
Association of Forensic Science (AIFI), Makasar, 16-18 Oktober 2010 ( PEMBICARA)

Penelitian mandiri yang sudah dilakukan (5 tahun terakhir) Di Bidang Radiologi

Kedokteran Gigi :
a. Subgingival Calculus and Alveolar Bone Height in Cigarettes and Kreteks Smokers
Assessed by Digital Panoramic”.
b. Cone Beam Optimalisation ( Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3 Dimension) in
Describing Quality of Mandible Bone”
c. Usage of Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3D in Maxillary Sinus”
d. Aplikasi Cone Beam Computed Radiography 3 Dimensional dalam Bidang Radiologi
Kedokteran Gigi
e. Aplikasi Cone Beam Computed Radiography 3 Dimensional dalam Bidang Forensik
Kedokteran Gigi
f. Pengaruh Radiasi Sinar Gamma Pesawat Cobalt-60 terhadap Metabolisme Sukrosa
Oleh Streptococcus Mutans dalam Menghasilkan asam secara invitro
g. Analisa kualitas tulang rahang secara Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi
h. Teknik pemilihan pencitraan radiografi di area dentomaksilofasial

Penelitian di bidang Forensik Kedokteran Gigi,:

1. Variasi pola sidik bibir pria dan wanita subras Deutromelayu sebagai data Forensik
Odontologi FKG Unpad “
2. “Pola bidang oklusal gigi molar pertama rahang bawah pada suku sunda dan suku
tamil mahasiswa preklinik FKG Unpad
3. “Pola sidik bibir dalam lingkup satu keluarga sebagai salah satu data odontologi
forensik “
4. “Bentuk tembilang gigi insisvus sentral permanen rahang atas pada suku tamil dan
suku sunda mahasiswa preklinik FKG Unpad “
5. “Struktur Tuberkulum karabeli gigi molar pertama rahang atas pada suku sunda dan
suku tamil mahasiswa preklinik FKG Unpad
6. “ Deskripsi kesiapan dokter gigi di kota Bandung dalam membantu proses identifikasi
korbanbencana masal (meliputi aspek pengetahuan, instrument kedokteran gigi
forensic, dan kesiapan waktu)”.
7. “ Deskripsi manifestasi kekerasan fisik di area gigi, rahang, dan wajah pada anak di
bidang forensic odontologi”
8. “Kemampuan dasar dokter gigi dalam ilmu kedokteran gigi forensik
9. “Proses identifikasi gigi pada jenazah dalam kasus forensic di RSHS Bandung tahun
10. “Dental record elektronik sebagai media data antemorem dalam forensic kedokteran
11. Identifikasi Manusia Pawon melalui Area Dentomaksilofasial. Th.2015

Publikasi :
a. Karya Tulis dalam Buku Proceeding IPERIL dengan Judul “Aplikasi Teknologi
Radiografi 3D di Bidang Prostodonsia” di Presentasikan Pada acara Seminar Peril 2 IKG
’09, Ikatan Prostodonsia Indonesia.Hotel horizon, tanggal 16 sd 17 Januari 2009.
b. Karya Tulis dalam Buku Proceeding OAHC dengan Judul “ Cone Beam Computed
Tomografy 3 Dimention,Future Imaging In Dentomaxillofacial Radiograph”
dipresentasikan Asian Oral Health Care (AOHC), Balai Kartini Jakarta, 20-22 November
c. Karya Tulis dalam Dentika Dental Journal Vol.14.No.2 P.103-202 .Medan Desember
2009.ISSN 1693-671X .dengan Judul Kalkulus Subgingival dan Tinggi Tulang Alveolar
pada Perokok Sigaret dan Kretek
d. Karya Tulis dalam Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Bandung Denstistry 7 (ISBN 979-96102-9-X )
Juni 2010 dengan Judul “ Aplikasi Cone Beam Computed Radiography 3 Dimension
Dalam Bidang Forensik Kedokteran Gigi”
e. Karya Tulis dalam Indonesian DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology Journal (I-dmfrJ) Vol.1
No.1 September 2008 dengan Judul Aplikasi Cone Beam Computed Radiography 3
Dimension pada Sinus Maksilaris.
f. Kumpulan Abstrak The 5th National Congress of Indonesian Forensic Medicine and
Medicolegal (PDFI) conjunction with the 1st National Congress of Indonesian Association
of Forensic Sciences (AIFI). KONAS PDFI 2010 – Makasar. 17 – 19 Oktober 2010. “Analisa
Cone Beam Computed Tomografy 3 Dimension (CBCT 3D) dari Gigi dan Rahang
Manusia (Pra Penelitian Terhadap Gigi dan Tulang Rahang Manusia)”.

Ceramah Ilmiah :
Fahmi Oscandar. Instruktur Workshop/Speaker,Interpretasi foto panoramic sebagai media
data antemortem ”, Workshop Bandung Dentistry 3 PDGI, tahun 2005 Hotel Jayakarta,

Fahmi Oscandar. Instruktur Workshop/Speaker, with materials “Comprehensif Workshop

for treatment Dental Implant”, Workshop Bandung Dentistry 5 PDGI, bln Juli 2008 Hotel
Horizon, Bandung.

Fahmi Oscandar. As a Speaker, with the paper” Usage of Cone Beam Computed
Tomography 3D in Maxillary Sinus”
Events Bandung on Dentistry 5 PDGI, 18-19 July 2008, at Hotel Horizon Bandung.

Fahmi Oscandar. (International Speaker) with the paper “ The future of Dentomaxillfacial
Radiology ( Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3-D application)” AOHC (Asian Oral
Heatlh Care), 20-22 November 2008 at Balai Kartini, Jakarta.

Fahmi Oscandar (International Speaker) Amalya,Suhardjo, with paper ” Subgingival

Calculus and Alveolar Bone Height in Cigarettes and Kreteks Smokers Assessed by Digital
Panoramic”. Dibawakan pada Acara International Asociation Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
Conggress 17th, tanggal 28Juni-2Juli 2009, di Amsterdam, Belanda

Fahmi Oscandar (International Speaker) dengan Judul „Aplikasi Radiografi 3 Dimensi dan
Computed Tomografy pada Anak Autis dengan Pendekatan NonFarmakologis „ dalam acara
Seminar on Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology @ Workshop On CBCT, Faculty Of Dentistry
University Of Malaya, tanggal 17 sd 18 Agustus 2007.

Fahmi Oscandar. Instruktur Workshop/Speaker dengan materi “Workshop of Application

CBCT-3D in Diagnosing Maxillary Sinus Anatomi”,
Dentistry 6,Workshop Hotel Horizon, Bandung, 2009.

Fahmi Oscandar, As a speaker, with his paper "The percentage: “ Accuracy of

Radiodiagnostic Imaging Selection in Dentomaxillofacial Treatment”
Bandung Dentistry 6,18-19 Juli 2009 at Hotel Horizon Bandung.

Fahmi Oscandar As a Speaker,with paper “ The percentage: Application of 3-DRadiograph

Technique in Prosthodontic”
Peril 2 Prosto, 16-17 Januari 2009, at Hotel Horizon, Bandung.

Fahmi Oscandar. Thesis with the title “Cone Beam Optimalisation ( Cone Beam Computed
Tomography 3 Dimension) in Describing Quality of Mandible Bone”
Percentages on trial in the Master Program in Health Science Postgraduate Padjadjaran
University, May 11, 2009, Bandung













Pengalaman Membimbing Riset Mahasiswa : Sampai saat ini lebih 20 kali riset dekskriptif
dan eksperimental maupun studi pustaka sejak tahun 2003 sd sekarang

Pengalaman Menulis Buku Yang akan di terbitkan oleh EGC :

1. Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi : Aplikasi CBCT 3D (Penulis tunggal) Publikasi

EGC tahun 2013
2. Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi : Dasar Fisika dan Biologi Kedokteran Gigi (Penulis
3. Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi : Proteksi Radiasi (Penulis Berkelompok)
4. Radiografi Kedokteran Gigi, karangan Manson, Sebagai EDITOR , Publikasi
EGC tahun 2014
5. Interpretation CBCT, sebagai penterjemah dan Editor, tahun 2014
6. Radiografi Gigi, Metode Alternatif identifikasi korban kecelakaan. Koran
Pikiran Rakyat rubrik Wacana, terbit hari senin, 19 Januari 2015

Pengalaman mengikuti Seminar dan Kongres keluar negeri

(Internasional) :
1. Pembicara dan Peserta The 17th International Congress of Dentomaxillofacial
Radiology, Amsterdam,Netherland on June 28-July 2, 2009

2. Pembicara dan Peserta Seminar on Oral And Maxillofacial Radiology & Workshop
on CBCT held on 17th-18th August 2007 in Kuala lumpur,Malaysia.

3. Peserta Workshop dan Seminar “ The 5th National Congress of Indonesian Forensic
Medicine Medicolegal (PDFI) with 1st National Congresss of Indonesian Association
of Forensic Science (AIFI), Makasar, 16-18 Oktober 2010

4. Pembicara dan Peserta The International Asian Congress of Dentomaxillofacial

Radiology, Seoul , Korea on November, 2010

5. Pembicara dan Peserta The International Congress of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology,
Hiroshima, Jepang on Juni, 2011

6. Pembicara dan Peserta The International Asian Congress of Dentomaxillofacial

Radiology, Xian , China on September, 2012

7. Pembicara dan Peserta The International Congress of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology,

Bergen, Norwegia on Juni, 2013

8. Pembicara dan Peserta The International Congress of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology,

Santiago, Chile on 26-29 Juli, 2015

Pengalaman mengikuti Kursus :

1. Kursus CBCT 3D Internasional dari Korea, th.2006
2. Kursus Internasional Disaster Victim Indentification,th 2004 di Bali dari Australia,
3. Kursus Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) DVI di Jakarta dari Dokpol Jakarta.2005
4. Kursus Proteksi Radiasi th 2004 di Bandung
5. Peserta Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Workshop Penyelenggara Universitas
Padjadjaran,Depkes, HAS,Center for Human Identification ,POLRI,MONASH
UNIVERSITY,VICTORIAN INSTITUTE tanggal 25 sampai 27 November 2006.
6. Kursus Internasional Disaster Victim Indentification,2007 di Bandung dari Unpad dan
7. Kursus Internasional Health Comunication, Hotel Preanger Bandung, Unpad dan
Univ. Leiden,th 2007
8. Peserta Workshop Forensic Sciences and Investigation Methods 2008. FKUI, tanggal 16
Januari 2008
9. Kursus Metodologi Penelitian Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat.Unpad th,2009
10. Kursus/workshop Bite Mark Identification and Photography, 2010 AIFI Univ.YARSI
11. Peserta Workshop dan Seminar “ The 5th National Congress of Indonesian Forensic
Medicine Medicolegal (PDFI) with 1st National Congresss of Indonesian Association of
Forensic Science (AIFI), Makasar, 16-18 Oktober 2010
12. Peserta Pelatihan Internasional “ 3D CBCT Application Training on EzImplant Software,
27-29 Juli 2010 from Vatech, Korea Selatan
13. Kursus Forensict Odontology and Antrophology 2012, Sidney Australia, UNSW
14. Kursus Basic Live Support/Primary Trauma Care Nasional th.2015

Nama : Drs. Lutfi Yondri, M.Hum
Tempat/Tgl lahir : Bukittinggi, 21 Mei 1965

Pangkat : Pembina Utama IV.e

Jabatan : Peneliti Utama IV/e

NIP : 19650521 199003 1 002

Instansi : Balai Arkeologi Bandung

Alamat : Jl. Istiqomah IV. No. 63A RT.02/14 Pandanwangi. Cinunuk-

Bandung 40624

Telp/HP : 08122044171/085861494858

E-mail : –


Pendidikan Dasar hingga Menengah Atas :

1. SD Negeri 23 Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat

2. SMP Negeri 6 Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat
3. SMA Negeri 3 Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat

Pendidikan di Bidang Kearkeologian :

1. Sarjana Arkeologi Fak. Sastra, Univ. Indonesia, Tahun 1989

2. Magister Humaniora program studi Arkeologi, Fak. Ilmu Budaya
Universitas Indonesia, Tahun 2005
3. Mahasiswa Program Doktoral Kajian Budaya, Fak. Ilmu Budaya. Universitas
Padjadjaran- Bandung 2013

Pendidikan di Bidang Profesi :

1. Pelatihan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Arkeologi Tingkat Dasar. Tahun 2004

2. Pelatihan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Arkeologi Tingkat Lanjut. Tahun 2005

Pendidikan di Bidang non Profesi :

1. Basic Sea Training, Sorong, Papua Barat Tahun 2008

2. Pelatihan Penyuntingan Kebahasaan, Pusat Bahasa, Jakarta 1996


1. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia (IAAI) sejak tahun 1991 s/d sekarang
2. Asosiasi Prehistorisi Indonesia (API) sejak tahun 1996 s/d sekarang
3. Asosiasi Museum Indonesia (AMI) Jawa Barat sejak tahun 2009 s/d


1. Ketua Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia Komisariat Jawa Barat-Banten 2014-

2. Seksi Kegiatan Ilmiah Asosiasi Museum Daerah Jawa Barat Periode 2013-
3. Seksi Kegiatan Ilmiah Kepengurusan Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia
Komda Jawa Barat- Banten Periode 2011 - 2014
4. Ketua Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia Komisariat Daerah Jawa Barat –
Banten Tahun 2006-2009
5. Seksi Kegiatan Ilmiah Kepengurusan Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia
Komda Jawa Barat- Banten Periode 2002 - 2006
6. Seksi Kegiatan Ilmiah Kepengurusan Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia
Komda Jawa Barat- Banten Periode 1999-2002
7. Sekretaris Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia Komda Jawa Barat-Banten
Periode 1996 s/d 1999


1. Anggota Tim pengadaan dan penilaian koleksi Museum Imam Bonjol dan Taman
Khatulistiwa, Sumatra Barat, Tahun 1991
2. Penulis terbitan koleksi Arca Amogapasha, koleksi Museum Negeri Sumatera Barat
“Adtyawarman”. Tahun 1993
3. Anggota Panitia Daerah Festival Istiqlal, Propinsi Sumatera Barat, Bidang Naskah,
Tahun 1991
4. Anggota Tim Pembina Subsidi Bantuan Pengembangan dan Pemeliharaan Objek
Pariwisata Daerah (SBPP-OPD) Sumatera Barat, Tahun 1992
5. Anggota Tim Survei Pengembangan Museum Imam Bonjol, Kab. Pasaman, Sumatera
Barat Tahun 1992
6. Tim Ahli Penilai Koleksi Museum Imam Bonjol, Kab. Pasaman, Sumatera Barat Tahun
7. Tekno Arkeologi pada kegiatan Pemugaran Bangunan Purbakala Mesjid Kuno
Bingkudu, Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat, Tahun 1992/1993
8. Tekno Arkeologi pada kegiatan Pemugaran Bangunan Purbakala Mesjid Kuno
Pakandangan, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat, Tahun 1994
9. Ketua tim penelitian arkeologi bidang prasejarah pada Balai Arkeologi Bandung dari
tahun 1995 sampai sekarang.
10. Koordinator Labarotorium C-14 Balai Arkeologi Bandung tahun 2004
11. Archaeology expert pada Studi Aspek Arkeologi di Kawasan Rencana Tambang Nikel
Pulau Gag, Papua. Bersama. PT. Bita Bina Semesta, Bandung, Tahun 1995
12. Archaeology expert, pada Studi Aspek Arkeologi di Kawasan Rencana Tambang
Batubara “Maruwai Coal”. Bersama PT. Bita Bina Semesta, Bandung, Tahun 1996

13. Ketua tim penelitian Keratuan Balaw, Lampung. Kerjasama Balai Arkeologi Bandung,
Asdep Arkeologi Nasional, dan Pemda Lampung. Tahun 2003-2004
14. Ketua tim penelitian di kawasan Bukit Patenggeng, Subang. Kerjasama Balai Arkeologi
Bandung, Asdep Arkeologi Nasional, dan Pemda Subang. Tahun 2004
15. Archaeology expert, pada studi Aspek Arkeologi di rencana jalur pengangkutan
batubara PT. Maruwai Coal, jalur Kalteng-Kaltim. Bersama PT. Bita Bina Semesta,
Bandung, Tahun 2005-2006
16. Ketua tim penelitian prasejarah di Gua Pawon dan sekitarnya, Kabupaten Bandung
Barat, sejak tahun 2003 sampai sekarang
17. Ketua Tim Penelitian Arkeologi Di Daerah Kabupaten Kuningan, 2000 sampai 2007
18. Anggota Tim Penyusun Sejarah Kebudayaan Sunda, 2007
19. Nara Sumber untuk Penataan Koleksi Museum Negeri Jawa Barat “Sri Baduga”, tahun
20. Anggota Tim Peneliti Penelusuran Sejarah Tanjungpura, Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat.
Tahun 2008
21. Archaeology expert pada Studi Aspek Arkeologi di Kawasan Rencana Tambang Nikel
Pulau Gag, Papua. Bersama. PT. Bita Bina Semesta, Bandung, Tahun 2008.
22. Ketua Tim Penyusun Masterplan Relokasi Situs Di Sekitar Lokasi Rencana Waduk
Jatigede, Kab. Sumedang, Tahun 2008
23. Anggota Tim Penilai Koleksi Peninggalan Ibu Inggit Garnasih, Balai PSNT Prop. Jabar,
Tahun 2009
24. Anggota Tim Studi Teknis Tinggalan Situs di Calon Genangan Waduk Jatigede,
Sumedang, Tahun 2009
25. Anggota Tim Relokasi 5 Situs di Calon Genangan Waduk Jatigede, Sumedang, Tahun
26. Team Leader Pendataan Cagar Budaya Bergerak di Empat kabupaten Propinsi Riau,
Tahun 2010.
27. Anggota Tim Penelitian Strategi Pengembangan Informasi Potensi Sumberdaya
Arkeologi dan Budaya Lokal Kawasan Danau Singkarak di Kabuaten Tanah Datar,
Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Ristek 2011
28. Tenaga Ahli Arkeologi Pembuatan Masterplan Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata
Gunung Padang, Cianjur, Jawa Barat. 2011
29. Tenaga Ahli Pembuatan DED Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Gunung Padang,
Cianjur, Jawa Barat, 2011
30. Ketua Tim Penelitian Prasejarah di Kawasan Desa Gunung Masigit, Kec. Cipatat,
Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, 2011
31. Anggota Tim Penelitian Strategi Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Potensi
Sumberdaya Arkeologi dan Budaya Lokal serta spesifikasi Geografis Kawasan Pantai
Utara Bali di Kabupaten Buleleng, Provinsi Bali Untuk Mendukung Percepatan
Pengembangan Wilayah Koridor V MP3EI. Ristek 2012
32. Ketua Tim Kegiatan Ekskavasi di Gua Ketuk, Desa Gunung Masigit, Bandung Barat,
Jawa Barat, Balai Arkeologi Bandung, 2012
33. Anggota Tim Penelitian Percandian Batu Jaya (Telaga Jaya IV), Balai Arkeologi
Bandung, 2012
34. Anggota Tim Penelitian Klasik di Kawasan Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat,
Puslit Arkenas, 2012
35. Anggota Tim Studi Teknis Kawasan Cipunagara, Subang, Pemda Jabar, 2012
36. Ahli Prasejarah dalam Kegiatan Pengembangan Materi Prasejarah di Tata Pamer
Geologi : Pemanfaatan dan Kebencanaan, Museum Geologi, Bandung, 2012
37. Team Leader Penelitian Arkeologi Maritim di Sepanjang Pesisir Timur Bengkali,
Propinsi Riau, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Prop. Riau, 2012

38. Ahli Arkeologi pada Penelitian Penelusuran Jejak Kerajaan Sunda di Kawasan
Sanggabuana, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kab. Karawang, 2012
39. Archeological Expert Studi Arkeologi di Kawasan Rencana Pengembangan Pembangkit
Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi, Sorik Merapi, Sumatera Utara, PT. BITA, 2012
40. Ketua Tim ekskavasi situs megalitik Kebun Jambe, Karawang, 2013
41. Ketua Tim pendataan potensi cagar budaya Kabupaten Karawang, 2013
42. Tim Kajian Revisi Perda Jabar Nomor 7 tahun 2003 tentang Kebudayaan tahun 2014
43. Tim Ahli penetapan Cagar Budaya Propinsi Jawa Barat 2014
44. Nara Sumber Kajian Penataan Kawasan Gunung Padang, Departemen PU tahun 2014
45. Ketua Tim Ekskavasi Situs Gua Pawon 2014
46. Mitra Bestari Bidang Prasejarah Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi Balai Arkeologi
Bandung “Purbawidya” tahun 2014


1. Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa Kedoteran Gigi, FKG Unpad, 2012

2. Dosen Tamu Mata Kuliah Geoarkeologi, Jurusan Geologi FT.ITB, 2010
3. Dosen Luar Biasa Jurusan Antropologi, FISIP Unpad, 2010 Mata Kuliah Pengantar
4. Pengajar Diklat ekowisata Lembaga Pengembangan Pariwisata, ITB, Angkatan 2005
5. Pengajar Diklat Geowisata pada Proyek Peningkatan Mutu Guru, Bandung, Juli 2004.
6. Staf Pengajar (Tidak Tetap) Fakultas Adab IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang dari tahun 1991
s/d 1994 Mata Kuliah Dasar-Dasar Arkeologi
7. Staf Pengajar (Tidak Tetap) Jur: Antropologi, Sejarah Univ. Andalas dari tahun 1989 s/d
1994 Mata Kuliah Dasar-Dasar Arkeologi dan Pengantar Prasejarah
8. Pemateri Penyuluhan Jabatan Fungsional Fungsional Pamong Budaya, Biro
Kepegawaian Prop. Jabar, Tahun 2009
9. Nara Sumber Tamu pada kegiatan Sosialisasi Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1992, di
Kab. Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat, Tahun 2008
10. Pemateri Penyuluhan Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi, di Bandung, Tahun 2007
11. Pemateri pada Mata Kuliah Arkeologi Terapan di Pasca Sarjana Program Museologi,
Fak. Sastra Unpad tahun 2007, dan tahun 2009
12. Pemateri Penyuluhan Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi, di Tulangbawang, Lampung, Tahun
13. Pemateri Pelatihan Wartawan Kompas di Bandung, Tahun 2006
14. Pemateri Pelatihan Tenaga Fungsional Pamong Budaya, Disbudpar Prop. Jabar tahun
15. Pengajar Tidak Tetap untuk materi Mata Kuliah Prasejarah di Jur. Antropologi, FISIP,
Unpad, tahun 1996 s/d 1998, 2006
16. Pemateri pada kegiatan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Kebudayaan Sumatera Barat,
Tahun 1991



1. Ketua Dewan Redaksi Jurnal Penelitian Arkeologi “Purbawidya” Balai Arkeologi

Bandung Tahun 2012 s/d sekarang
2. Peserta International Conference on the Coalition of Cities Against Discrimination,
Unesco. Bandung, 29-31 Oktober 2009

3. Anggota Tim Penyusun Kebijakan Penelitian Arkeologi. Asdep Urusan Arkeologi
Tahun 2004
4. Peserta Konferensi Internasional Pengaturan Pelestarian dan Pengembangan Warisan
Budaya, Bandung, Oktober 2004.
5. Pemakalah pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tiga Tahunan Arkeologi, dari tahun 1995 s/d
6. Pemakalah pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi, dari tahun
1996 s/d sekarang
7. Pemakalah pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Asosiasi Prehistorisi Indonesia, dari tahun 1995 s/d
8. Penulis pada buku-buku ilmiah terbitan Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia (IAAI) dari
tahun 2000 s/d sekarang
9. Penulis pada buku-buku dan jurnal ilmiah terbitan Balai Arkeologi Bandung dari
tahun 1995 s/d sekarang
10. Penulis pada Jurnal Penelitian Arkeologi di luar Balai Arkeologi Bandung dari tahun
2000 s/d sekarang.
11. Nara Sumber Liputan Gapura RCTI tentang Situs Gua Pawon, tahun 2004
12. Nara Sumber Liputan Gapura RCTI tentang situs Gunung Padang tahun2005
13. Nara Sumber Liputan Situs Gua Pawon TVRI Bandung, 2009
14. Nara Sumber Liputan Situs-Situs di Kawasan Jatigede, Sumedang, TVRI Pusat, 2009
15. Nara Sumber Liputan Jejak Nusantara tentang Gunung Padang, Kompas TV, 2011
16. Nara Sumber Liputan Telusur, TVOne, 2011
17. Nara Sumber Liputan Jejak Nusantara tentang Cekungan Bandung, Kompas TV 2012
18. Nara Sumber tentang kasus piramid TVOne, 2012
19. Nara Sumber tentang liputan arkeologi tema Sahabat Alam DAAI TV, 2013 dan 2014


1. Menhir Dari Situs Bawahparit, Desa Kototinggi, Kecamatan Suliki Gunung Emas,
Kabupaten Limapuluhkoto, Sumatera Barat. Sebuah Analisis Pendahuluan, Skripsi.
Jurusan Arkeologi Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia.
2. Peninggalan Sejarah dan Purbakala: Pengertian dan Penyelamatannya. Makalah pada
Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Budayawan Sumatera Barat, Padang, 21-25 Juli 1991.
3. Replika Arca Adhityawarman Koleksi Museum Negeri Propinsi Sumatera Barat
“Adhityawarman”. Bagian Proyek Pembinaan Permuseuman Sumatera Barat, 1993/1994
4. Mesjid Kuno Bingkudu: Peninggalan Arkeologi Islam di Minangkabau. Gema Pendidikan
dan Kebudayaan Sumatera Barat No.23 Tahun XIV/1993
5. Peninggalan Sejarah, Manuskrip dan Prasasti. Makalah pada Penataran Kurikulum
Muatan Lokal Kepala/Guru SD dan Pengelola Pendidikan Se Sumatera Barat. Padang, 4 –
7 Januari 1995
6. Kajian deskriptif Kwalitatif/Kwantitatif Terhadap Objek Menhir: Studi Kasus Terhadap
Menhir Situs Bawahparit, Kototinggi, Kabupaten Limapuluhkoto. Dalam Jurnal Balai
Arkeologi Bandung, No.1/April/1995
7. Peninggalan Megalitik Di Sekitar Ranca Gabus, Garut. Prospek Arkeologi, No.1/1995
8. Pembuatan Gerabah Tradisional di Desa Galogandang, Tanahdatar, Sumatera Barat:
Corak Tradisi Masa Bercocok Tanam. Dalam Jurnal Balai Arkeologi Bandung,
9. Tinjauan Tentang Peninggalan Tradisi Megalitik di Situs Pasir Lulumpang, Cimareme,
Kabupaten Garut. Jurnal Balai Arkeologi Bandung, No.1/April/1995
10. Sisa-Sisa Kegiatan Perbengkelan Neolitik di Situs Tangkil. Dalam Jurnal Balai Arkeologi
Bandung, No.2/November/1995
11. PEninggalan Megalitik di Sekitar Ranca Gabus, Garut. Jawa Barat. Prospek Arkeologi, No.
12. Beberapa Peninggalan Arkeologi di Dusun Harakuning, Lampung Barat. Dalam Jurnal
Balai Arkeologi Bandung, No.2/November/1995
13. Penggunaan Kayu Dalam Tradisi Budaya Megalitik: Sebuah Tinjauan Pendahuluan.
Dalam Jurnal Balai Arkeologi Bandung, No.3/April/1995
14. Batu Cap: Temuan Awal Tinggalan Seni Lukis Gua/Ceruk di Wilayah Indonesia Barat.
Dalam Jurnal Balai Arkeologi Bandung, No.3/April/1995
15. Prasejarah Di Desa Sungai Sungkung, Kecamatan Seluas, Kabupaten Sambas, Kalimantan
Barat. Laporan Penelitian. Bagian Proyek Penelitian Purbakala Bandung, 1996/1997
16. Situs Bawah Parit, Corak Tradisi Penguburan Masa Transisi (Kajian Berdasarkan Hasil
Survei dan Ekskavasi. Dalam Jurnal Balai Arkeologi Bandung, No.4/November/1996
17. Perkembangan Budaya Mealitik di Indonesia (Kajian Berdasarkan Aspek Perwujudan
Budaya Materi. Dalam Jurnal Balai Arkeologi Bandung, No.4/November/1996
18. Tinggalan Seni Lukis Prasejarah di Situs Batucap, Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat. Makalah
pada Seminar Asosiasi Prehistorisi Indonesia I, Yokyakarta, 1-3 Agustus 1996
19. Penelusuran Jejak Jalur Migrasi Pertama di Bagian Barat Pulau Jawa : Salah Satu Prospek
Penelitian Prasejarah di Jawa Barat. Makalah pada Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi,
Ujungpandang, 20-26 September 1996
20. Aspek Arkeologi di Bukit Kaduguling, Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Menes, Kabupaten
Pandeglang (temuan Awal dan Harapan Dalam Usaha Pelestariannya). Makalah pada
Pemaparan Hasil Temuan Situs Citaman KDH Tk.II Pandeglang, 6 September 1997
21. Translokasi Bahan dan Monumen Megalitik, Jurnal Balai Arkeologi Medan
22. Penelusuran Jejak alur Migrasi Pertama di Bagian Barat Pulau Jawa (Salah Satu Prospek
Penelitian Prasejarah di Jawa Barat. Makalah pada Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi,
Ujungpandang, 20-26 September 1996
23. Aspek Arkeologi di Bukit Kaduguling, Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Menes, Kabupaten
Pandeglang (Temuan Awa dan Harapan Dalam Usaha Pelestariannya. Makalah pada
Pemamaparan Hasil Temuan Situs Citaman. KDH Tk. II Pandeglang, 6 September 1997
24. Sistem Kepercayaan dan Wujud Materi Budaya Dayak. (Prospeknya Dalam Kajian
Kesinambungan Budaya Megalitik di Kalimantan Barat. Makalah pada Evaluasi Hasil
Penelitian Arkeologi, Cipayung, 15-17 Februari 1998
25. Tinggalan Seni Lukis Prasejarah di Situs batu Cap, Ketapang, Kalbar; Sebuah Tinjauan
Pendahuluan. Makalah pada Seminar Prasejarah Indonesia I, dan Kongres Asosiasi
Prehistorisi Indonesia I, Yogyakarta, 1-3 Agustus 1996
26. Visuaisasi Nilai Budaya Megalitik di Indonesia (Suatu Kajian Aspek Kesinambungan
Budaya ). Dalam Dinamika Budaya Asia Tenggara-Pasifik Dalam Perjalanan Sejarah.
Bandung: Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia, 1999.
27. Tipe-Tipe Pemimpin Dalam Masyarakat Megalitik; Motor Penggerak Kesatuan Dan
Kebersamaan. Makalah pada Seminar Asosiasi Prehistorisi Indonesia. Yogyakarta 6-9
September 2000.
28. Tinggalan Megalitik Air Dingin dan sekitarnya, Sumberjaya, Lampung Barat. Dalam
Cakrawala Arkeologi. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia. 2000
29. Teknologi Sederhana, Pola Kepe-mimpinan dan Faktor Emosi Ke-agamaan: Pengaruhnya
Dalam Proses Pendirian Monumen Megalitik. Dalam Rona arkeologi: Penampakan Hasil
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi di Wilayah Jawa barat, Lampung dan Kalimantan
Barat. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia. 2000
30. Tipe-Tipe Pemimpin Dalam Masyarakat Megalitik; Motor Penggerak Kesatuan Dan
Kebersamaan. Makalah pada Seminar Asosiasi Prehistorisi Indonesia. Yogyakarta 6-9
September 2000.

31. Sumberdaya arkeologi di Propinsi Lampung: Potensinya dalam Pengem-bangan Wisata
Budaya. Dalam Cakrawala Arkeologi. Editor Dr. Fachroel Aziz dan Dra. Etty S.W. M.Hum.
Ikatan ahli Arkeologi Indonesia. 2000
32. Sumber Daya Arkeologi : Problematikanya Dalam Pelaksanaan UU Nomor. 22 Tahun
1999. Dalam Procceding EHPA Bedugul. 14-17 Juli 2000. Jakarta.
33. Pantak : Bentuk Penyesuaian Norma Megalitik Sebagai Media Pengagungan Arwah
Leluhur Masyarakat Dayak di Kalimantan Barat. Dalam Manusia dan Lingkungan,
Keberagaman Budaya Dalam Kajian Arkeologi. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia. 2001
34. Nilai-Nilai Luhur Dari Masyarakat Megalitik: Sumbangsih Arkeologi Dari Hasil
Penggalian Nilai-Nilai Lama Untuk Menata Masyarakat Mendatang. Makalah pada
Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi Dalam Rangka Seperempat Abad Pusat Penelitian
Arkeologi : Retrospek dan Prospek ke Depan. Yogyakarta, 18-21 September 2001
35. Makna Dibalik Monumen Megalitik “Menhir, Tahta Batu, dan Susunan Batu Melingkar”,
Makalah pada PIA Kediri 2002
36. Situs-Situs Megalitik Berlanjut Era Tarumanegara: Kajian Pendahuluan di Kmpung
Cibalai dan Kampung Muara, Kawasan Sisi Utara Kaki Gunung Salak – Bogor. Dalam
Jelajah Masa Lalu. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia. 2002
37. Kesinambungan Nilai Budaya Megalitik Dalam Upacara Ritual Masyarkat Dayak Bekati’,
Kalimantan Barat. Dalam Tapak-Tapak Budaya. Penyunting: Dr. Endang Sri Hardiati.
Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia. 2002
38. Penelusurusan Awal Tapak Hunian Prasejarah di Dalam Gua, di Kawasan Bagian Barat
Danau Bandung Purba. Dalam Mozaik Arkeologi. Penyunting: Dr. Agus Aris Munandar.
Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia 2003
39. Gua Pawon Dari Sudut Pandang Arkeologi. Harian Pikiran Rakyat. Senin, 14 April 2003.
Hal. 19
40. Tinggalan Tradisi Budaya Megalitik di Kawasan Gunung Subang, Kuningan – Jawa Barat
(Sebuah Kajian Pendahuluan). Dalam Nuansa Arkeologi 1: Hasil Penelitian Lapangan.
Penyunting: Dr. Endang Sri Hardiati. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia. 2003
41. Penelitian, Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Warisan Budaya Ditinjau Dari Segi Keterpaduan
Peraturan dan Kewenangan Pusat dan Daerah; Contoh Kasus Keberadaan Tinggalan
Arkeologi Di Sekitar Danau Bandung Purba. Dalam Nuansa Arkeologi 2; Analisis Data
dan Kebijakan. Penyunting: Dr. Endang Sri Hardiati. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia.
42. Alat-Alat Paleolitik Dari Tepian Danau Bandung Purba : Satu Temuan Baru Dalam
Kerangka Budaya Prasejarah. Dalam Teknologi dan Religi Dalam Perspektif Arkeologi.
Penyunting: Dr. Agus Aris Munandar. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia, 2004
43. Unsur-Unsur Tradisi Megalitik Dalam Aspek Religi Dayak Selako, Desa Pajintan –
Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat. Dalam Tradisi, Makna dan Budaya Materi. Penyunting :
Kresno Yulianto. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia, 2004
44. Kehidupan Prasejarah Di Dataran Tinggi Bandung. Makalah pada Sosialisasi Geologi Dan
Geologi Wisata. Tema: Mengenal Alam Dan Lingkungan Bandung Pusat Penelitin Dan
Pengembangan Geologi. Bandung 22 –23 Desember 2003
45. Kawasan Dago Pakar dan Potensi Arkeologinya, makalah pada Seminar Pelestarian Situs
Arkeologi Dago Pakar- Bandung. Dago Pakar, 7 Agustus 2004
46. Situs Gua Pawon : Temuan Dan Posisinya Dalam Kerangka Prasejarah Di Jawa Barat,
Dalam Budi Bramantio dan T. Bachtiar (ed). Amanat Gua Pawon. Kelompok Riset
Cekungan Bandung, 2004
47. Otonomi Daerah dan Pelaksanaan Penelitian Arkeologi di Daerah : Studi Kasus PERDA
Kebudayaan dan Keputusan Gubernur Propvinsi Jawa Barat, Lokakarya Penyusunan
Kebijakan Penelitian Arkeologi. Wisma Grafika, Puncak-Bogor, 23-27 Agustus 2004

48. Kubur Prasejarah Temuan Dari Gua Pawon, Desa Gunung Masigit, Kabupaten Bandung,
Provinsi Jawa Barat: Sumbangan Data Bagi Kehidupan Prasejarah di Sekitar Tepian
Danau Bandung Purba. Tesis. Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya. Universitas Indonesia,
49. Aspek Arkeologi Kawasan Bukit Patenggeng, Subang: Tinjauan Pendahuluan. Dalam
Buku Hastaleleka, Kumpulan Karya Mandiri Dalam Kajian Paleoekologi, Arkeologi,
Sejarah Kuna, dan Etnografi. Bandung: Al-Qaprin, 2005.
50. Batu Tukuh: Simbol magis pembentukan dan perpindahan kampung di kawasan Lebak
Cibedug. Dalam Buku Religi Dalam Dinamika Masyarakat. Bandung: Ikatan Ahli
Arkeologi Indonesia, 2005
51. Tinggalan Arkeologi di Gunung Tampomas, Harian Pikiran Rakyat, Jum’at, 27 April 2005
52. Makna Dibalik Monumen Megalitik “ Menhir, Tahta Batu, Dan Susunan Batu Melingkar,
Makalah pada Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi, Bandung,2006
53. Analisis Kubur Prasejarah, Temuan dari Gua Pawon, Karst Citatah-Kabupaten Bandung.
Dalam Buku Arkeologi Dari Lapangan Ke Permasalahan. Bandung : Buku Balar Bandung
Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia, 2006
54. Penelusuran Manusia Dan Budaya Prasejarah Di Gua Pawon
Sumbangan Data Baru Bagi Kehidupan Prasejarah Di Tepian Danau Bandung Purba,
Ekspose Gua Pawon di lingkungan IAAI Komda Jawa Barat-Banten, 2006
55. Keprasejarahan Tambaksari, Ciamis: Sebuah Penjajakan Berdasarkan Jejak-Jejak
Arkeologisnya. Dalam Buku Ciamis: Arkeologi dan Budyanya. Bandung : Ikatan Ahli
Arkeologi Indonesia, 2006
56. Analisis Pendahuluan Temuan Artefaktual Hasil Ekskavasi Gua Pawon, Desa Gunung
Masigit, Kec. Cipatat, Jawa Barat. Dalam Buku Widya Sancaya. Bandung: Ikatan Ahli
Arkeologi Indonesia dan Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, 2006
57. Hasil Survei Dan Penggalian Arkeologi di Situs Balaw – Kedamaian, Bandar Lampung:
Sebuah Kajian Pendahuluan. Dalam Buku III Jurnal Balar Palembang 2006
58. A Short Review on Megalithic Functions In Indonesia. Dalam Buku Archaeology:
Indonesian Perspective. Jakarta: LIPI Press. 2006
59. The Origins Of The Obsidian Artifacts From Gua Pawon, Dago And Bukit Karsamanik In
Bandung, Indonesia. Amerta: Journal of Archaeological Research and Development. 2007
60. Analisis Temuan Rangka Manusia, Temuan dari Gua Pawon, Kab. Bandung- Jawa Barat.
Makalah pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Arkeologi. Yogyakarta 2006.
61. Potensi Tinggalan Arkeologi Di Kawasan Provinsi Jawa Barat. Makalah pada Acara
Pembekalan Pamong Budaya, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Prov. Jawa Barat.
Bandung, 4-8 Desember 2006
62. Sintesa Benzene dan Penentuan Umur Sampel Arang dan Tulang Manusia Dari Gua
Pawon, Desa Gunung Masigit-Cipatat-Kab. Bandung. Jawa Barat. Dalam Buku
Widyasancaya. Bandung: Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia dan Departemen Kebudayaan
dan Pariwisata, 2006
63. Analisis Pendahuluan Temuan Artefaktual Hasil Ekskavasi Gua Pawon, Desa Gunung
Masigit, Kec. Cipatat, Jawa Barat. Dalam Buku Widyasancaya. Bandung: Ikatan Ahli
Arkeologi Indonesia dan Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, 2006
64. Pantak Bentuk Lain Dari Keberlanjutan Menhir Dalam Budaya Dayak di Kalimantan
Barat (Studi Kasus Dayak Bekati’ dan Dayak Kendayan. Dalam Naditira Widya. Bulletin
Arkeologi ISSN: 1410-0932. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Nasional. Balai
Arkeologi Banjarmasin. Tahun 2006
65. Budaya Obsidian Di Tepian Danau Bandung Purba, dalam Buku Widyasaparuna. Editor:
Prof. DR. Timbul Haryono, M.Sc. Bandung: Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia dan
Departemen KEbudayaan dan Pariwisata, 2007

66. Penentuan Umur Fosil Binatang Dari Gua Seropan Wonosari Yogyakarta dengan 14C,
dalam Buku Widyasaparuna. Editor: Prof. DR. Timbul Haryono, M.Sc. Bandung: Ikatan
Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia dan Departemen KEbudayaan dan Pariwisata, 2007
67. Penelitian Arkeologi di Kawasan Lebak Cibedug. Makalah dalam rangka kegiatan
Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi di lingkungan Balai Arkeologi Bandung, Sumedang,
17-18 Desember 2005
68. Penelitian Arkeologi di Kecamatan Ciranjang dan Ekskvasi Lanjutan di Situs Gua Pawon,
Kawasan Karst Rajamandala, Lembar Cianjur Makalah dalam rangka kegiatan Evaluasi
Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi di lingkungan Balai Arkeologi Bandung, Garut, 20-21 April
69. Hasil Penelitian Awal tentang Jejak tinggalan budaya bernuansa megalitik di kawasan
sekitar penempatan prasasti Cidanghyang, Kabupaten Pandeglang Makalah dalam
rangka kegiatan Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi di lingkungan Balai Arkeologi
Bandung, Garut, 20-21 April 2006
70. Jejak-Jejak Budaya Prasejarah di Tepian Danau Bandung Purba. Makalah dalam rangka
Dies Natalis Jurusan Geografi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 24 April 2007
71. Potensi Tinggalan Arkeologi di Jawa Barat, Pelatihan Wartawan Kompas
72. Kehidupan Prasejarah di Sekitar Danau Bandung Purba, Makalah pada kuliah lapangan
kegeologian di Museum Geologi, Bandung, 2007
73. Sumber Daya Arkeologi Dan Penggalian Nilai-Nilai Luhur
Budaya Masa Lalu. Makalah dalam Kegiatan Penyuluhan dan Penyebarluasan Informasi
Arkeologi, Tulangbawang, Lampung 2006
74. Jejak-Jejak Budaya Prasejarah di Sekitar Kawasan Tepian Cekungan Bandung, Makalah
dalam Kegiatan Penyuluhan dan Penyebarluasan Informasi Arkeologi, Bandung,
Desember 2007
75. Teknologi, Sumber Bahan, Dan Pola Susunan Balok Batu Bangunan Punden Berundak
Gunung Padang, Dalam Buku Permukiman, Lingkungan, dan Masyarakat.Ikatan Ahli
Arkeologi Indonesia dan Depbudpar RI, 2007
76. Pelestarian, Pemugaran dan Pengelolaan Situs dan Benda Cagar Budaya. Makalah
disampaikan pada acara Bimbingan Teknis Tenaga Kebudayaan dan Juru Pelihara Se
Kabupaten Karang dan Sekitarnya. Dilaksanakan oleh Balai Pengelolaan Kepurbakalaan,
Sejarah dan Nilai-Nilai Tradisional. Karawang, 23-26 Juni 2008
77. Situs Dan Lingkungan Gua Pawon di Antara Penambangan dan Pelestarian, makalah
pada Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi, Manado, 4-8 November 2008
78. Sisa Kubur Prasejarah dari Kawasan Anyar-Banten, Dalam Buku Penelitian dan
Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Budaya. Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia, 2008
79. Batu Kendan dan Manusia Prasejarah di Tepian Danau Bandung Purba, Jurnal Ikatan
Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia, 2008
80. L’origine des artefacts d’obsidienne de Gua Pawon, Dogo et Bukit Karsamanik á
Bandung, Indonésie. ScienceDirect L’antropologie 112 (2008) 448-456
81. Sekilas Keprasejarahan Penemuan Gua Pawon. Majalah Bilik Info, Edisi 2-April 2009

82. Monumen Megalitik Dan Transpotasi Bahannya : Analisis Terhadap Beberapa Yang
Faktor Berpengaruh. Yogyakarta
83. Tinggalan Arkeologi Dari Lintas Masa Dan Budaya Era Prasejarah Di Kawasan Cekungan
Bandung, Public Speaking di Museum Geologi Bandung, Mei, 2009
84. Tinggalan Potensi Situs Dan Lingkungan Gua Pawon, Peluang Dan Permasalahan
Pengelolaannya. Makalah Workshop Gua Pawon 14-15 Mei 2009
85. Monumen Megalitik Dan Proses Pengangkutannya : Analisis Terhadap Beberapa Faktor
Berpengaruh Di Masa Lalu, Jurnal Balar Jogjakarta, 2009

86. Kawasan Karst Pasir Pawon Kandungan Tinggalannya Dalam Lintas Budaya Prasejarah
Di Kawasan Danau Bandung Purba, Jurnal Balar Denpasar, 2009
87. Klasifikasi Awal Artefaktual Hasil Ekskavasi di Gua Pawon Karst Radjamandala – Jawa
Barat, Dalam Buku Manusia, Ruang, dan Aktivitas, Al-Qaprint, 2009
88. Jejak-Jejak Migrasi Dan Budaya Purba Di Kawasan Perbatasan Kuningan Dan Cirebon,
Dalam Arkeologi. Al-Qaprint, 2009
89. Perbandingan Ukuran Gigi Molar Manusia Pawon Dengan Manusia Mesolitik, Neolitik
dan Manusia Sekarang: Studi Pendahuluan. Dalam Buku Manusia, Ruang, dan Aktivitas,
Al-Qaprint, 2009
90. Gunung Pawon, Gunung Masigit, Dan Gunung Tanjung, Potensi Arkeologi,
Permasalahan Dan Peluangnya Dalam Pengelolaan Dan Pelestarian. Dalam Widyamala:
Arkeologi dan Masyarakat. Al-Qaprint, 2009.
91. Topeng dan Artefak Perunggu Temuan Ekskavasi Dari Situs Gua Made. Kabupaten
Jombang - Jawa Timur. Dalam Buku Dari Masa Lalu Ke Masa Kini: Kajian Budaya Materi,
Tradisi dan Pariwisata. Alqaprint- Bandung
92. Batu Kendan dan Manusia Prasejarah di Tepian Danau Bandung Purba. Dalan Natira
Widya. Jurnal Balar Banjarmasin, 2010
93. Temuan Alat-Alat Paleolitik Di Kawasan Jawa Barat: Kemungkinan Kaitannya Dengan
Proses Hunian Purba Di Bagaian Barat Pulau Jawa. Terbitan Balar Bandung 2010
94. Jejak-Jejak Kearifan Masyarakat Masa Lalu Dalam Menghadapai Kebencanaan. Studi
Kasus Konstruksi Punden Berundak Gunung Padang, Cianjur. Jurnal Balar Medan 2010
95. Artefak Batu Kendan: Teknologi, Manusia Pendukung Dan Kronologinya Dalam
Kerangka Budaya Prasejarah Di Tepian Danau Bandung Purba. Jurnal Puslit Arkenas,
96. Kegiatan Kegiatan Perdagangan/Pertukaran Di Lingkungan Masyarakat Pendukung
Budaya Megalitik : Sebuah Kajian Pendahuluan. Perdagangan dan Pertukaran Masa
Prasejarah-Kolonial. Penerbit : Alqaprint : Cakrawala Baru Dunia Buku. 2010.
97. Temuan Alat-Alat Paleolitik Di Kawasan Jawa Barat: Kemungkinan Kaitannya Dengan
Proses Hunian Purba Di Bagian Barat Pulau Jawa, 2010
98. Obsidian Sourching in Bandung, Indonesia. Asian Perspectives Volume 49, Number 1,
Spring 2010 pp. 148-156 | 10.1353/asi.2010.0000
99. Situs Bawahparit : Corak Tradisi Penguburan Megalitik Masa Transisi, 2011
100. Tinggalan Arkeologi Dan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Kawasan Cisolok-Pelabuhan
Ratu, Kabupaten Sukabumi, 2011
101. Persebaran Dan Tata Letak Tinggalan Budaya Megalitik di Kawasan Lebak Cibedug, 2011
102. Khasanah Kearkeologian Kawasan Kabupaten Kuningan Dalam Lintas Tinggalan
Arkeologi, Makalah pada Kegiatan Penyuluhan dan Penyebarluasan Informasi Arkeologi,
Kuningan, 14 September 2011
103. Peti-Peti Kubur Batu Dari Kawasan Kuningan-Jawa Barat, 2011
104. Penentuan Umur Pelapukan Tanah Dengan Radioisotop 14C, 2011
105. Punden Berundak Gunung Padang: Maha Karya Nenek Moyang dan Kandungannya
Akan Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lingkungan Masa Lalu di Tatar Sunda, 2012
106. Nilai -Nilai-Nilai Luhur Dari Masyarakat Megalitik, Arkeologi Ruang : Lintas Waktu
Sejak Prasejarah Hingga Kolonial di Situs Situs Jawa Barat dan Lampung. Penerbit :
Alqaprint: Cakrawala Baru Dunia Buku, 2012
107. Patilasan Prabu Siliwangi, Makalah disampaikan pada acara: Seminar Nasional Prabu
Siliwangi. Sukabumi, 5 April 2012
108. Arkeologi Situs Gunung Padang. Harian Pikiran Rakyat, Senin, 18 April 2013
109. Gua Ketuk di Kawasan Karst Pasir Pawon: Kandungan Budaya dan Pertanggalan C14.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi. Volume 2 Nomor 2 Tahun 2013.
Bandung: Balai Arkeologi Bandung.

110.Konstruksi dan Pola Susun Balok Batu Punden Berundak Gunung Padang. Jurnal
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi. Volume 2 Nomor 2 Tahun 2013. Bandung:
Balai Arkeologi Bandung.

Drs. Lutfi Yondri, M.Hum

Curriculum Vitae

Nama : Yuti Malinda
Tempat,Tanggal Lahir : Bandung, 11 April 1982
Alamat Rumah : Jl. Venus Timur VII No.1 Bandung
Kode Pos : 40286
Telepon Rumah : 022-7561265
Telepon HP : 08122359300
Alamat Email :
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Agama : Islam
Kewarganegaraan : WNI
Status : Menikah, 2 orang anak.

Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

2013 – 2016 Program Magister Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Konsentrasi Biologi
Oral,Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran
2008 – 2011 Program Magister Manajemen, Konsentrasi Rumah Sakit, Fakultas
Ekonomi Universitas Padjadjaran
2005 – 2008 Program Profesi Dokter Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas
2001 – 2005 Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas

Pengalaman Kerja
2009 – Sekarang : Staf Pengajar Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran
2008 – sekarang : Praktik dokter Gigi umum

2011 - 2016 : kepala instalasi Pusat sterilisasi dan laundry RSGM FKG UNPAD

2015 – Sekarang : Staf direksi pelayanan dan pendidikan penunjang medik.

Pengalaman Organisasi
2008 – Sekarang : Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia

2015 - sekarang : Anggota pengurus PDGI Kota Bandung. Pantap RIP.

Edwin Chia Kian Heng BDS (S’pore), MSD (Boston, USA),
Cert Periodontics (Boston, USA), FAMS (S’pore)
Mastering the Fundamentals of Crown Lengthening


Edwin Chia Kian Heng BDS (S’pore), MSD (Boston, USA),

Cert Periodontics (Boston, USA), FAMS (S’pore)

Contact: (Mobile) 65-9686-0688
Professional Qualifications
1995 – 1999 National University of Singapore Singapore

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

2001 – 2004 Boston University Boston, MA

Goldman School of Dental Medicine USA

Masters of Science in Dentistry

(Oral Biology)

2001 – 2004 Boston University Boston, MA

Goldman School of Dental Medicine USA

Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study

CAGS (Periodontology)

2008 Singapore Dental Council Singapore

Certificate of Specialist Registration

In Periodontics

2010 Academy of Medicine, Singapore Singapore

Fellowship of Academy of Singapore

FAMS (S’pore)

Professional Work Experience

1999 – 2001 Singapore Armed Forces Singapore

HQ Medical Corps

Staff Officer, Dental Branch

2000 – 2001 Dept of Restorative Dentistry Singapore

National Dental Centre

Visiting Fellow (Periodontics)

2002 – 2004 Boston University Boston, MA

Dept of Periodontology USA

Clinical Instructor (Pre-doctoral)

2003 – 2004 Mount Ida College Newton, MA

Dental Hygiene Faculty USA

Clinical Supervisor

2004 – 2006 Military Medicine Institute, SAF Singapore

Specialist Dental Centre

Officer-In-Charge (OIC)

2005 – 2008 Dept of Preventive Dentistry Singapore

Faculty of Dentistry

National University of Singapore

Adjunct Lecturer (Periodontics)

2006 – 2008 Singapore Armed Forces Singapore

HQ Medical Corps

Head Dental Officer

2007 – 2010 Alexandra Hospital (AH) Singapore

Visiting Consultant (Periodontics)

2008 – 2009 Harvard University Boston, MA

School of Dental Medicine USA

Postgraduate Periodontology

Visiting Faculty

2008 – 2009 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Tokyo, Japan

Dept of Periodontology

Visiting Lecturer

2009 – 2010 HQ Army Medical Services Singapore

Head Doctrine/

Singapore 3rd Division Medical Officer

2010 – 2011 Singapore Armed Forces Singapore

HQ Medical Corps

Head of General Staff

2010 – 2012 Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) Singapore

Visiting Consultant (Periodontics)

2011 – Present Private Practice Singapore


2016 – Present Kanagawa Dental University Yokosuka,

University Board Council Japan

Adjunct Clinical Full Professor

Professional Memberships
Singapore Dental Association

Society of Periodontology, Singapore

Academy of Medicine, Singapore

Harvard Club of Singapore

Professional Awards and Achievements

Dean’s List, NUS (Dentistry) 1996

Reuben Meyer Trust Scholarship 1997

AIA National Achievement Award 1998

Winner – Tertiary Level, National Level

Drs Tay and Partners Gold Medal 1999

Best All Round Final Year B.D.S. Student

Singapore Armed Forces Postgraduate Scholarship 2001 - 2004

(Postgraduate Periodontics)

AADR Student Travel Award, IADR Hawaii 2004

Letter of Commendation for Exemplary Professionalism 2004

Mount Ida College, Newton, Massachusetts, USA

Singapore Armed Forces Good Service Medal (5 years) 2005

Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Hospital Posting 2008 - 2009

(Harvard School of Dental Medicine)

Singapore Armed Forces Long Service Medal (10 years) 2009

Letter of Commendation 2011

Chief of Defence Force

Singapore Armed Forcess

IDENTITAS DIRI (inline Dental Hypnosis)

NAMA : Dr. drg. Gilang Yubiliana, M.Kes

NIDN : 00197604
NIP : 19761219 200312 2 001
No.KTP (NIK) : 327302591276003
Tempat & tanggal lahir: Bandung, 19 Desember 1976
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Status Perkawinan : Kawin
Agama : Islam
Golongan/Pangkat : Gol. III/C
Jabatan Fungsional : Akademik Lektor
Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Padjadjaran
Alamat : Sekeloa Selatan I no.1
Telp/Faks : 0222504985
Alamat rumah : Villa Asri Selatan II no.23 Perum Bumi Asri III Bandung
Telp/HP : 08157007021
Alamat e-mail :
Suami : Heri Herliana
Anak : M. Farhan Ahdyan Alghifari


Tahun lulus Program Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi Juruan/Program Studi :
2000 Dokter Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Kedokteran Gigi
2010 Magister Kesehatan Universitas Padjadjaran Pascasarjana
2013 Program Doktor Universitas Padjadjaran Pascasarjana


No Penyelenggara
1. National Guild Hypnosis USA International Certified Professional Hypnosis 2004
2. National University of Singapore faculty of dentisry Workshop Painless injection 2002
3. National University of Singapore faculty of dentisry and Mount Elizabeth Hospitals
Singapore Training Therapeutic Communication 2002

Pengalaman Mengajar
1. Mengajar Komunikasi Kesehatan dan Perilaku Kesehatan yang terintegrasi ke dalam
beberapa blok di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran
2. Mengajar Program Pascasarjana IKM FKU UNPAD (komunikasi kesehatan)
3. Mengajar di Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani,Prodi Kedokteran gigi (Dental Hypnosis
dan komunikasi kesehatan)
4. Mengajar di Universitas Kristen Maranatha ,Prodi Kedokteran gigi (Dental Hypnosis dan
komunikasi kesehatan)
5. Mengajar di Universitas Sriwijaya Palembang, Prodi Kedokteran gigi (Dental Hypnosis
dan komunikasi kesehatan)
6. Mengajar Universitas Moestopo Beragama, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Hypnosis
dan komunikasi kesehatan)


Produk bahan ajar yang sudah mendapatkan ISBN dan atau Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, No.
Judul Buku Tahun Jumlah Halaman, Penerbit/No, Hak Kekayaan
Intelektual :

1. Buku Penatalaksanaan hipnosis dalam bidang kedokteran gigi 2010 200 hlm Unpadpress
ISBN 978-602-9238-39-6
2. Buku penatalaksanaa terapeutik dan komunikasi efektif pasien dan dokter gigi 2010 200
hlm Unpadpress ISBN 978-602-9238-41-9
3. Simulasi Penatalaksanaan hipnosis dalam bidang kedokteran gigi 2010 Cipta

I. Penelitian dan Hibah

- Strategi Kebahasaan_ dalam praktik terapi hipnodontik: suatu kajian pragmastilistika Nani
Darmayant.,PhD, Jatmika Nurhadi,PhD, Gilang Yubiliana.,drgMKes
- Pengaruh tingkat keparahan nyeri orofasial terhadap kualitas hidup penduduk usia produktif
di jawa barat untuk 3 tahun (2 tahun sudah berjalan) R. Tantry Maulina, drg. M.Kes., Ph.D,
Dr. Rasmi Rikmasari, drg., SpProst(K). Gilang Yubiliana.,drgMKes/Sumber Dana PUPT
- Efektivitas dental hypnosis - komunika hipnodontik terhadap kadar hormon kortisol saliva
sebagai indikator ansietas dental dan korelasinya dengan tingkat kualitas hidup Gilang
Yubiliana.,drgMKes, Prof. Dr. Eky Soeria Soemantri, drg., Sp.Ort (K), Dr. Ardini
Raksanagara., dr., MPH, Dr. Sri Susilawati, drg., M.Kes.

II. Presentasi
- Pembicara pada International Seminar on Transdiciplinary Linguistic “The transduction
biological process of dental hypnosis komunika to reduce patient’s pain and anxiety in dental
treatment” Jakarta Desember 2013.
- Pembicara pada International Seminar on Transdiciplinary linguistic Langguage strategies
in hypnodontics therapy practice a pragmastylistic study Jakarta Desember 2013.
- Pembicara Seminar Ilmiah “VIVAT ACADEMIA “ HIPNOSIS “Mitos atau Fakta Ilmiah”
Dalam Prespektif 5 Cabang keilmuan “Biopsychosocial interventions in dental settings”
April 2016 di Bale Sawala Jatinangor.
- Pembicara di The 8th World Congress of The World Institute of Pain berlangsung di Hilton
Hotel Conventional Center di New York ““The relationship between orofacial pain and

interfered work and daily activities on productive age population (18-45 years old) in west
java province – indonesia” di Amerika Serikat Mei 2016.

III. Penghargaan
No. Jenis Penghargaan Institusi Pemberi
1. Tema dan Presentasi Penelitian terbaik PBPDGI 2011
2. Dosen Terbaik Dekan FKG Unpad 2012
3. Satya Karya lencana Presiden RI 2014

IV. Produk riset yang telah mendapatkan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual

No. Judul Thn HKI No.Register
1. Proses biologis transduksi Komunika hipnodontik 2015 Cipta C00201502645
2. Transadaptasi kuesioner pengukuran modifikasi skala kecemasan gigi versi indonesia 2015
Cipta C00201502639
3. Komunika Hipnodontik 2015 Cipta C00201502640
4. Strategi Kebahasaan Dalam Terapi Hipnodontik 2016 Cipta C00201601689

V. Organisasi Profesi
No Members of
1. National Guild Hyonosis USA since 2001
2. International Medical and Dental Hypnoterapy Association since 2002
3. Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia sejak tahun 2005

Saya menyatakan bahwa semua dalam Daftar Riwayat Hidup ini adalah benar dan apabila
terdapat kesalahan, saya bersedia mempertanggungjawabkan.

CV (Curriculum Vitae)

Nama : drg Ervin Rizali, M.Kes. AIFM C.Ht, CI, CHd.E

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Tasikmalaya, 18 Juli 1965

Alamat Sekarang : Karawaci, Tangerang

Pendidikan : S1 FakultasKedokteran Gigi UNPAD Bandung Tahun 1989

S2 FakultasKedokteran Gigi UI Jakarta Tahun 2002

Sertifikat : Ahli Ilmu Fisiologi Manusia Fakultas Kedokteran UNPAD

BandungTahun 2004

Pekerjaan : Dosen FKG UNPAD Bandung, Trainer Program Health &

Education Consultant, PraktisiMedis / Hypnoterapist,Trainer
Medical Hypnosis, Penulis buku Hypnohealing, Leader
Rumah Hipnotis cabang Bandung, Ketua cabangWilayah
Bandung HIC / Hypnodontics Indonesia Center

Alasan ketertarikan pada bidang hypnosis dimulai dari saat kuliah tahun 1984 dari
pakar hypnosis drg Tatang Alm. Dan setelah praktek, waktu akan dilakukan perawatan sering
mendapatkan pasien cemas dan ketakutan terhadap tindakan pengeboran atau pencabutan
gigi. Dari pengalaman itulah mulai banyak membaca, mempelajari, dan mencaritahu segala
sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan hypnosis dari berbagai referensi serta kepada pakarnya.
Mendapatkan sertifikat Advanced Medical Hypnosis Training dari The Indonesian
Association of Medical Hypnosis (IAMH) tahun 2010 sebagai Medical Hypnoterapist, dan
bulan Oktober 2015 mendapatkan sertifikat pada program Train of The Trainer Medical
Hypnosis dari Indonesian Medical Hypnosis Academy (IMHA) sebagai Instructor of Medical
Hypnosis. Bulan Januari 2016 mendapatkan sertifikat Hypnodontics Expert (CH.dE) dari
HIC (Hypnodontics Indonesia Center).

A. Identitas Diri

1. Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Dr. Irna Sufiawati, drg., Sp.PM

2. Jenis Kelamin Perempuan
3. Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala
4. NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya 19680812 199802 2001
5. NIDN 0012086802
6. Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Mataram/12Agustus,1968
7. E-mail
8. Nomor Telepon/HP 08122166756
9. Alamat Rumah Komplek Citra Green Dago, Cluster Green Hill No. C-3
Bandung, 40142.
10. Alamat Kantor Jalan Sekeloa Selatan I No. 1
Bandung, Postal Code 40132. West Java, Indonesia
11. Nomor Telepon/Faks 022 2504985/022 2532805
12. Lulusan yang Telah Dihasilkan S-1 = 20 orang; S-2 = 3 orang; S-3 = - orang
13. Mata Kuliah yg Diampu Oral Virology
Oral Immunology
Oral Health Related to HIV-AIDS
Oral Manifestation of Systemic Disease

B. Riwayat Pendidikan
S-1 S-2 S-3
Nama Perguruan UNPAD University of Universitas Padjadjaran &
Tinggi Indonesia Univeristy of California San
Francisco USA (Sandwich
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Kedokteran Ilmu Penyakit Mulut Kedokteran Gigi
Tahun Masuk- 1987-1994 2004-2007 2008-2013
Judul Perbedaan antara Analisis of Salivary Molecular Mechanism of the
Skripsi/Tesis/ alat ortodonti IgA and CD4 T-Cell Interaction between
Disertasi lepasan dan cekat Count and Its Human Immunodeficiency
betweenremovable Association Virus Type 1 and Herpesviruses
and fixed WithHIV-Periodontal in Oral Epithelial Cell
appliadilihat dari Lesions and Monolayers
sudut pandang Spirochaeta in
pasien. HAART Era
Nama Drg. Yono Salim, Dr. Harum Sasanti, Prof. Sunardhi W, drg., M.S.,
Pembimbing/ Sp. Ort. drg., Sp.PM; Prof. PhD; Prof. Dr. Tony S.
Promotor Dr. dr. Samsuridjal Djajakusumah, Sp.KK(K); Prof.
Djauzi, SpPD-KAI Sharof M. Tugizov, DVM.,
PhD., DSc.
C. Riwayat Pekerjaan
No. Tahun Pekerjaan
1. 1994 – 1997 Dokter gigi PTT di Wamena, Papua, Indonesia.

2. 1998 – Sekarang Pengajar di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Padjadjaran,
3. 2007– Sekarang Konsultan Ilmu Penyakit Mulut di RS Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung
4. 2009 – Sekarang Praktisioner di RS Hermina Group/Hermina Pasteur Bandung.

D. Pengalaman Penelitian Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No. Tahun Judul Penelitian Pendanaan
Sumber Jml (Rp)
1. 2010- Detection of cdr-1 and cdr-2 Mutation Penelitian Multitahun 78.318.500
2011 in Candida albicans Resistant to Hibah Bersaing,
Fluconazole among patients with DIKTI.
HIV/AIDS. (Ketua)
2. 2010 The molecular mechanism of the Sandwich 120.000.000
interaction between human Programme, DIKTI.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and
the two herpesviruses (Herpes
simplex virus-1 and Cytomegalovirus)
in oral epithelial cell monolayers.
3. 2012 Expresion of p24-HIV in Saliva and Hibah Penelitian 50.000.000
Serum Related to Epithelial Tight Doktor, DIKTI
Junctions disrupted (Occludin, ZO-1,
Claudin) among patients with
HIV/AIDS. (Ketua)
4. 2014- Efektifitas Obat Kumur Ekstrak Buah PNBP FKG UNPAD 81.934.500
2016 Delima (Punica granatum L.)
Terhadap Daya Hambat Pertumbuhan
Streptococcus Sanguis Penyebab
Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren. (Anggota)
5. 2015- Analisis Molekuler Gen Vitamin D Penelitian Unggulan 147.000.000
2016 Receptor (VDR) dan Kadar Mineral Perguruan Tinggi,
Serta Massa Tulang Mandibula DIKTI
Sebagai Indikator Tumbuh Kembang
pada Anak yang Terinfeksi
6. 2015- Identifikasi Faktor Risiko Non- Penelitian Academic 250.000.000
2019 Genetik Kejadian Bayi Lahir dengan Leadership Grant
Celah Bibir dan Langit-langit Pada (ALG) Unpad
Wanita Hamil dengan HIV/AIDS.
7. 2015- The molecular mechanism of HIV- Penelitian Kerjasama 386.500.000
2016 induced adherens junctions disrupted Luar Negeri dan
and facilitates HSV infection and Publikasi
spread within the mucosal epithelium. Internasional, DIKTI
8. 2017 Analisis Glikoprotein Virus Herpes Hibah Internal Unpad 115.000.000
Simpleks Tipe 1 untuk Pembuatan (RKDU)
Antigen Rekombinan dan

Pengembangan Alat Diagnostik Rapid
HSV-1 Test Strip. 

E. Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No. Tahun Judul pengabdian kepada masyarakat Pendanaan
Sumber Jml (Juta Rp)
1. 2015 Profil Lesi Oral Anak Sekolah Dasar di SD FKG -
Cidadap dan Balingbing Subang unpad
2. 2016 PPM Puskesmas Ujung Berung Unpad -
3 2017 PPM SD Salman Al- Farisi Jalan Tubagus Ismail FKG -
VIII Bandung unpad
4. 2017 Program peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap Unpad 10.000.000
terhadap kesehatan gigi dan mulut, serta
pendampingan pada penderita infeksi menular
seksual di klinik teratai rumah sakit dr. Hasan
sadikin bandung

E. Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No. Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/
1. The management of noma in a child Dental Journal 2010;43(1):10-14.
with systemic lupus erythematosus (1st
2. Seroprevalence of Herpes Simplex Dental Journal 2012;45(2):115–
Virus Types 1 and 2 and Their 121.
Association with CD4 Count among
HIV-Positive Patients (1st author).
3. A Study of Cytomegalovirus Serology Majalah Kedokteran 2013;45(2):112-
among HIV-Infected Patients in the Bandung 117.
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
Era (1st author).
4. HIV-associated disruption of tight and International Journal PLoS 2014;9(2): e88803.
adherens junctions of oral epithelial ONE (Impact factor: 3.730) doi:10.1371/
cells facilitates HSV-1 infection and journal.pone.
spread (1st author). 0088803
5. Profil Lesi Mulut Akibat Infeksi Prosiding FORIL XI. 2015:42-46.
Herpes Simplex Virus Tipe 1 (co-
6. Oral Lesions associated with Systemic Proceeding 2015: 17-25.
Lupus Erythematosus Mimicking Oral 11thFDI World Dental
Lichen Planus (co-author). Federation–IDA
Continuing Dental
7. Acyclovir as Prophylactic Antiviral Proceeding 2015: 26-33.
Therapy in Recurrent Herpes Simplex 11thFDI World Dental
Infection (co-author). Federation–IDA
Continuing Dental

8. Oral Involvements of Hypersensitivity Proceedings of 10th 2016;1(1):53-57
Reactions to ChemotherapyDrugs in International Dentistry doi:http://dx.doi.or
Immunocompromised Child Patient: A Scientific Meeting UIP g/10.7454/uiphm.v
Case Report (co-author). Health HEALTH MED. 1i0.24
9. Antipsychotic-Induced Sialorrhea in Proceeding Oral Medicine 2017: 20-28.
Patient With Schizofrenia: Two Case Conference (OMC) -
Report (co-author). Seminar Ilmiah Nasional
Oral Medicine (SINOM). ).
ISBN 9786026095909.
10. Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis In Proceeding Oral Medicine 2017:245-251.
An Adult Patient Aggravated By Conference (OMC) -
Odontectomy: Case Report (co- Seminar Ilmiah Nasional
author). Oral Medicine (SINOM).
ISBN 9786026095909.
11. A Rare Case Of Recurrent Intraoral Proceeding Oral Medicine 2017:317-328.
Herpes Induced By Hormonal Conference (OMC) -
Imbalance Due To Oral Contraceptive Seminar Ilmiah Nasional
Pill (co-author). Oral Medicine (SINOM). ).
ISBN 9786026095909.
12. Inhibition growth of pomegranate Journal of April 2017; 2(1):
seeds extract against streptococcus Dentomaxillofacial Science 7-11 | doi:
sanguis: the cause of recurrent J Dentomaxillofac Sci ) 10.15562/jdmfs.v2
aphthous stomatitis (co-author). i1.452
13. Level Vitamin D, Calcium Serum and Journal of International 2017;10(2):313-
Mandibular Bone Density in Dental and Medical 317
HIV/AIDS Children (co-author). Research

F. Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah (Oral Presentation) dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

N Temu ilmiah / Judul Waktu danTempat
o Seminar
1. The AIDS world day, The important role of Oral Health Care Bandung/Desember 3,
held by Hasan Sadikin Workers in recognizing HIV/AIDS- 2011
General Hospital related oral lesions.
2. Oral Medicine One The important role of Dentists in Bandung, 14 Januari,
Day Seminar recognizing HIV/AIDS-related oral 2012
3. One Day Seminar held Penanganan pasien anak secara Purwakarta, 21 April,
by Dinas Kesehatan komperehensif dan deteksi dini 2012
Kabupaten Purwakarta manifestasi oral HIV/AIDS serta
4. Seminar on HIV/AIDS Pengenalan infeksi HIV/AIDS lebih Padang, 19 Mei, 2012
held by Baiturahmah dekat dan manifestasinya di rongga
University mulut yang berperan penting dalam
deteksi dini serta pencegahan
penularannya pada praktek dokter gigi.
5. Congress of Oral Fungal Infection. Bandung, 30 Juni,
Perhimpunan 2013

Mikologi Kedokteran
Indonesia (PMKI)
6. Pekan Ilmiah Tahunan The importance of Dental Practitioner Bandung, 24-25
6 Unjani Awareness about HIV/AIDS. Oktober 2014.
7. Kongres Nasional Tantangan dan Peran Kunci Perawat Bandung, 5 Juni 2015.
Persatuan Perawat Gigi Gigi dalam Mengenali Infeksi HIV dan
Nasional (PPGI) Menanggulangi Penyebarannya.
8. Bandung Dentistry 12th Tips Praktis Dalam Diagnosis dan Bandung, 6 Juni 2015.
Terapi Lesi Mulut.
9. FDI Annual World Oral warts in HIV-positive and - Bangkok, September
Dental Congress. negative patients: Case reports. 22-15th, 2015.
10. 11th The FDI- Main Lecture: The key to an easy Padang November14-
World Dental diagnosis of common oral lesions. 15th, 2015.
Federation – Workshop Instructor: Quick and simple
(Indonesian Dental laboratory test to confirm a diagnosis
Association (IDA) oral lesions.
11. Bandung Dentistry 13th Workshop Instructor: White Lesions, Bandung, 20 Juni
what should we do? 2016.
12. Padjadajaran Book LGBT, Free Sex, dan Acaman Bagi Bandung, 1 Juni 2016.
Fair, Campus Festival Kesehatan Mulut
& Exhibitions
13. CERIL, FKG Salivary and Serum Levels of Yogyakarta, 3-4 Juni
Universitas Gadjah Melloproteinase-9 in HIV-infected 2016
Mada. Patients with or without HAART
14. The Federation Dental The synergistic relationship between Bandung, 11 - 12
International (FDI) HIV-1 and cytomegalovirus in oral November 2016
World Dental epithelial cell monolayers: an in vitro
Federation - PDGI study
Joint Meeting
15. Oral Medicine Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Bandung, January
Conference (OMC) - Emerging Issues in Oral Health 20th-12nd 2017
Seminar Ilmiah
Nasional Oral
Medicine (SINOM)
16. The International HIV-induced MMP-9 Activity through Malaysia, March 18th
Association for Dental MAPK/NF-B Signaling Pathways 2017
Research (IADR) Facilitating HSV-1 Cell-to-cell Spread
Malaysian Section in Oral Epithelial Cells
Annual Scientific
17. Indonesia Dental Instruktur Workshop Jakarta, 15-17
Exhibition and Septermebr 2017

G. Karya Buku dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No Judul Buku Tahun Jumlah Penerbit
1. Buku Panduan Perawatan, Dukungan 2016 399 Pusat Informasi Ilmiah Dept
& Pengobatan Komperehensif HIV- IPD FK Unpad-RSUP Dr.

AIDS Hasan Sadikin, Bandung

H. Perolehan HKI dalam 10 Tahun Terakhir

No. Judul/Tema HKI Tahun Jenis Nomor P/ID
1. Formulasi obar kumur antibakteri menggunakan 2013 Hak P00201201195
ekstrak daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava) Paten
2. Mekanisme molekular interaksi antara Human 2014 Hak C00201404273
Immunodeficiency Virus Tipe 1 dan Cipta
Herpesviruses(Herpes simplex virus-1 dAN Human
CytomegaloVirus) pada sel epitel Oral monolayer.

J. Organisasi Profesi
No. Tahun Organisasi
1. 1994 – Present Anggota Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia
2. 2004 – Present Anggota Ikatan Penyakit Mulut Indonesia
3. 2007 – Present Anggota Dokter Peduli AIDS Indoensia
4. 2007 – Present Anggota International Association for Dental Research (IADR)
5. 2009 – Present Anggota Komisi Penanggulangan HIV-AIDS RSHS Jawa Barat.

K. Penghargaan dalam 10 tahun Terakhir

No. Jenis Penghargaan Institusi Pemberi Penghargaan Tahun
1. The 3 Winner of Case Report The University of Indonesia and South 2006
Category of the 14th Scientific East Asia Association for Dental
Meeting and Refresher Course at Education (SEAADE).
Dentistry (KPPIKG XIV)
2. Travel Grantee of the 6th World International Association for Dental 2009
Workshop on Oral Health and Research (IADR) and National Institute
Diseases in AIDS. of Dental and Craniofacial Research.
3. The 3rd Winner of on KPPIKG-GSK Universitas Indonesia. 2009
Poster Award
4. The 1st Winner Scientific Award Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) 2009
Research Category
5. The Best Winner Scientific Award The Federation Dental International 2016
Research Category (FDI) World Dental Federation

Bandung, 12 Mei 2017

(Dr. Irna Sufiawati, drg., Sp.PM)


Nama : Nirmala Kesumah,dr.,MHA

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Tanggal Lahir : 5 Mei 1955
Pekerjaan/ : 1. Tim Panel Ahli Kementerian Kesehatan RI
Jabatan (Sub Panel Ahli Penguatan Konseling dan Pemeriksaan HIV)
2. Mentor Klinis Pelayanan HIV/ AIDS
3. Master of Trainer Perawatan Dukungan dan Pengobatan
(PDP) Nasional
4. Sekretaris Perhimpunan Dokter Peduli AIDS Indonesia
(PDPAI) Jawa Barat
Alamat Rumah : Jl. Nusa Indah 166 B KPAD Gegerkalong Bandung
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Kodepos : 40153
Negara : Indonesia
Telepon : 022-2013559
Hp : 0813 21234 696
Fax : 022-2041843
Email :

1. Master Administrasi Rumah Sakit (1993) di Manila
2. Fakultas Kedokteran (1974-1981) di Universitas Hassanudin

1. Dosen LB Program Studi Magister Manajemen Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
(2009 - sekarang)
2. Dosen LB Program Studi Magister Manajemen Rumah Sakit Universitas Islam
(2007 - sekarang)
3. Dosen Management Rumah Sakit pada Pendidikan Spesialisasi Obstetri-Ginekologi
Sosial (2008-sekarang)

4. Narasumber pada Workshop Symposium PDGI Emas (2009)
5. Pengajar dan Instruktur pada Pelatihan PPGD Basic I bagi Perawat (2006 –
6. Pembicara pada Seminar Pencegahan Penularan HIV/AIDS pada IDI Cirebon, IDI
Bekasi, IDI Bogor (2006 – 2008)
7. Pembicara pada Symposium Bandung IDEAS 2 (2006)
8. Fasilitator pada Workshop VCT dan PITC pada Symposium Bandung IDEAS 2
9. Pengajar pada Pelatihan Dukungan Pengobatan dan Perawatan bagi orang dengan
HIV (2005 – sekarang )
10. Trainer pada Pelatihan- Pelatihan Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS (2005 – sekarang)
11. Pengajar dan Instruktur pada Pelatihan GELS ( General Emergency Life Support)
bagi Dokter (2003 – Sekarang)
12. Pengajar dan Instruktur pada Pelatihan Basic II (2003 – sekarang)


1. TOT Pencegahan Penularan HIV dari Ibu ke Anak /PPIA (Kementerian Kesehatan
RI. Jakarta. 2015)
2. TOT Konseling dan Tes HIV (Kementerian Kesehatan .Jakarta .2016)
3. Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 7th .Kuala Lumpur
4. Improving Communications Skill Training. (UPK Unpad. Bandung 2011)
5. Improving Patient Care. (IMPACT Netherland . Agustus 2009)
6. Inhouse Training Management of Care Support and Treatment of HIV Bangkok
(WHO- Bangkok. 2008)
7. Pelatihan Adherence Counseling (Departemen Kesehatan –WHO- FHI Jakarta.
8. TOT Integrated Management of Adult Illness (Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta .2007)
9. Pelatihan WHO Intercountry Training of Trainer on HIV/ AIDS Including Anti
Retroviral (Bangkok Thailand. Oktober 2005)
10. International Short Course in HIV Medical and Related Conditions (Hobat Australia.
Agustus 2005)
11. Pelatihan Tim Asistensi Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS di Propinsi Jawa Barat
(KPAN. Juli 2005)
12. Pelatihan CST Lanjutan (Depkes Bekasi . Juni 2005)
13. TOT Kewaspadaan Universitas (DepKes Bogor. Maret 2005)

14. Pelatihan HIV Care Support and Treatment / CST (Depkes –WHO Jakarta . April

Acta Medica Indonesiana; The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 41,
Supplement 1, July 2009
Characteristics of Subjects Counseled and Tested for HIV in an Indonesian
Hospital; Factors Associated with HIV- status and CD4 Cell-count
Zahrotur R. Hinduan, Nirmala Kesumah, Zulrizka Iskandar, Reinout van Crevel,
Bachti Alisjahbana, Harm J. Hospers
Acta Medica Indonesiana; The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine Volume 41,
Supplement 1, July 2009
Challenges in delivering HIV-care in Indonesia: Experience from a Refferral
Rudi Wisaksana, Bachti Alisjahbana, Reinout van Crevel, Nirmala Kesumah,
Primal Sudjana, Rachmat Sumantri
3. Lost To Follow Up to ARV in Teratai Clinic di Presentasikan di ICAAP Bali 2009
Hartiah Haroen, Tita Puspitasari, Nirmala Kesumah, Rudi Wisaksana
4. VCT dan PITC; Buku Panduan Dukungan, Perawatan dan Pengobatan Komprehensif
HIV-AIDS, 2010
5. Konseling Kepatuhan (Adherence); Buku Panduan Dukungan, Perawatan dan
Pengobatan Komprehensif HIV-AIDS, 2010
6. Pemasaran sosial sebagai promosi strategi kesehatan; Obstetri Ginekologi Sosial:
Wawasan, Kebijakan, Kompetensi

7. Testing dan Konseling HIV (TK-HIV); Buku Panduan Dukungan, Perawatan dan
Pengobatan Komprehensif HIV-AIDS, 2016
8. Konseling Kepatuhan (Adherence); Buku Panduan Dukungan, Perawatan dan
Pengobatan Komprehensif HIV-AIDS, 2016
9. Profilaksis Pasca Pajanan; Buku Panduan Dukungan, Perawatan dan Pengobatan
Komprehensif HIV-AIDS, 2016

1. Kontributor buku pedoman penerapan; Tes HIV dan Konseling Atas Inisiasi Petugas
Kesehatan; Pelatihan bagi Petugas Kesehatan
2. Kontributor buku pedoman nasional; Tatalaksana Klinis Infeksi HIV dan Terapi
Antiretroviral; Pada Orang Dewasa


Nama : Rudi Wisaksana,dr.,SpPD,K-PTI,PhD

Jenis Kelamin : Laki – Laki

Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Bandung, 1 Juli 1966

NIP : 19660701 199507 1 001

Pangkat/ Golongan : III D/ Penata Tk. I

Jabatan : Ka Div. Penyakit Tropik & Infeksi, Depart. IPD/RSHS

Instansi : RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung

Alamat Kantor : Jl. Pasteur No. 38 Bandung

Telp & Fax Kantor : (022) 2040151

Telp atau Hp : 081910563062

Email :

Yang Bersangkutan

Rudi Wisaksana,dr.,SpPD,K-PTI,PhD


Nama : Abel Tasman Yuza.drg.,Sp.BM

Tempat / Tnggal Lahir : Bogor , 12 April 1973
NIP : 19730412 200812 1 002
Pangkat / Golongan : Penata / III-c
Jabatan Akademik : Lektor
Pekerjaan : Staf Pengajar Departemen
Bedah Mulut & Maksilofasial
Agama : Islam
Tempat Tinggal : Jl. Situ Lengkong No.5 Rt.03 Rw.03
Kel. Cijagra Kec. Lengkong Kota Bandung,
Jawa Barat
NO HP / Email : 0817 212 232 /


Jenjang / Institusi Pendidikan Formal

1. Profesi Kedokteran Gigi di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Bandung ( Lulus Tahun 1998 )
2. Program Studi Spesialis Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial Fakultas Kedokteran
Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
( Lulus Tahun 2004 )


1. Orthognathic Cadaver Workshop 2013 , Hongkong
22 November 2013
2. The Eight world Congress of the Internasional Cleft Lip and Palate
Foundation at Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
25 – 28 November 2013
3. The Fellow Ship Orthognathic Surgery from basic research to clinical
practice.Clinical Applications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Special
Dental Care and Orthodontics of Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam,
1 February 2013


1. Tim Pendamping Kemahasiswaan FKG UNPAD 2011-2012
2. Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Kegiatan dan Kreatifitas Mahasiswa (P2K2M) FKG
UNPAD 2014-2015
3. Manager Kemahasiswaan dan Hubungan Alumni FKG UNPAD 2016
4. Penanggung jawab Klinik Exodonsia Departemen Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial
FKG UNPAD 2013 – 2016
5. Pengampu bidang ilmu orthognatik Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis
Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial FKG UNPAD


Nama : Nani Murniati drg,.M.Kes

Nomor Peserta :

NIP/NIK : 195906071987012001

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Bandung, 7 Juni 1959

Jenis Kelamin : □ Laki-laki □ Perempuan

Status Perkawinan : □ Kawin □ Belum Kawin □ Duda/Janda

Agama : Islam

Golongan / Pangkat : III/d/ Penata Tk I

Jabatan Fungsional Akademik : lektor

Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung

Alamat : Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 37 Bandung

Telp./Faks. : (022) 2503271

Alamat Rumah : Jl. Cibogo No 43 ( Terusan Pasteur) Bandung

Telp./Faks. : (022 2012571, HP : 0813 22 401 4444

Alamat Email :


Tahun Program Pendidikan(diploma, Jurusan/

sarjana,magister, spesialis, Perguruan Tinggi
Lulus dan doktor) Program Studi

1985 S-1 Dokter Gigi Universitas Kedokteran Gigi


2010 Magister Universitras Ilmu Kedokteran

Padjadjaran Dasar


Tahun Jabatan Sumber Dana

Judul Penelitian

1991 Letak Foramen mentale tulang mandibula, Peneliti pertama UNPAD

kaitannya dengan pemberian anestesi
lokal pada pencabutan gigi

Pengaruh pemberian radiasi terhadap Anggota UNPAD

terjadinya celah bibir dan langit-langit

Hubungan terjadinya perikoronitis dengan Anggota UNPAD

posisi gigi molar tiga bawah impaksi

2010 Profil Ekspresi Gen Integrin Dan Peneliti pertama Pribadi

Fibronektin Plasenta Tikus Sebelum dan
Sesudah Persalinan Normal

2015 Topografi Anatomi Arteri Basilar dan Vertebra Anggota FK-UP

lis untuk kepentingan Klinis dan



A. Buku/Bab Buku/Jurnal
Judul Penerbit/Jurnal
2001 Vitamin K dan Pembekuan Darah (Jurnal Jurnal kedokteran Gigi
kedokteran Gigi UNPAD Vol 12, No 1- 2 UNPAD Vol 12, No 1- 2
April 2001) - April 2001
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi
Aspek Nyeri Pada Sistem Stomatognatik I UNPAD Vol 14, No 1
Januari 2002

Aspek Nyeri Pada Sistem Stomatognatik II Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi

UNPAD Vol 14, No 2 April
2002 2002
2008 Peran Ruangan Kepala dan Leher pada Dies Natalis 49 FKG UNPAD
Penyebaran Infeksi Odontogenik ke 6 – 7 November 2008
Mediastinum (Descending of Necrotizing
2009 Telaah Anatomi Bedah Segitiga Submandibula Dies Natalis 50 FKG UNPAD
(Submandibular Triangle) 6 – 7 November 2009

2015 Buku saku Sistem Stomatognatik Kedokteran Penerbit EGC


2015 Menterjemahkan Kedaruratan Dental Penerbit EGC


Name (with title) : MOCH. RODIAN, drg., M.Kes

Place and Date of Birth : Bandung. 25 Februari 1959

Address : Komp. Puri Borobudur Blok B NO.1 CIMAHI

Phone No. : 081222324125

E-mail :


Degree Universty Year of Graduation

S1 unpad 1979 - 1985
S2 unpad 2008 - 2010


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