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The facial nerve is actually composed of motor fibers, but deep Its journey to the edge of the i

ntermedius nervuls combines with it. Nerves intermedius is composed by secretretricular fibers fo
r salivatorius glands and fibers that deliver a tasty impulse from 2/3 of the tongue portion.

The facial nerve is a cranial nerve that innervates the expression muscle face and receive sensor
y from the tongue, in the course of cooperating with the other carnial nerve, therefore inserted
into the cranial nerve mix.


Pacialis nerves have four core:

• Facial Nucleus for Somatomotor nerves

• Superior Salivatorius nucleus for Viseromotor nerve

• Nucleus Solitarius For Viserosensoris nerve

• Nuclear Sensory Trigeminus for Somatosensory nerves

Nucleus Facialis moturic core lies in the ventricular part of the tegmentum botttom Pons. From
here go back and around the N VI core and form the internal genus of facial nerve, then walk
to the lateral-part of the boundary caudal punch at the corner of ponto serebelar.

Inter Medius nerve is located on the part between N VII and N VIII. Facial nerve motor fibers t
ogether with neural and intermedius nerves the vestibulokoklearis enters the internal acoustic me
atus to continue his journey within the os petrosus (facial canal).

Fascialisc Nerves comes out of the petrous os back and arrives at the tympanic tavel. Then go
down and slightly backward and out of the skull bone through the stilomatoid foramen. At the
time he came down and turned to behind the tympanic cavity there it is incorporated with the
geniculate ganglion. Ganglion it is the parent set of the impulse conveyor delivery chain, which i
s called korda timpani. the scattered cells that lead to the brain stem is the interstitial nerve, be
sides that the ganglion gives its branches, branch to another ganglion that delivers a secretarial
impulse. Os petrosus containing the facial nerve is called aquaduct or fallopian facial canal. Ther
e the facial nerve gives. Branch for the stapedius muskulus and further a little he receives the ty
mpanic cord fibers. Through the anterior canal disconnects it from the skull bone and arrives be
neath the muscle pterigoidus externus, tympanic cord joined to the lingual nerve which is a bra
nch of the mandibular nevus.

As the motor nerve of the facial nerve comes out of the stilomastoid foramen provide the bran
ch ie the posterior auricular nerve and then give branches to the stilomastoid muscle before ent
ering the Parotis gland. Inside the glatula, the parotid facial nerve is divided into five branches i
s temporal, servical, buccal, zygomatic and marginal mandibularis.The Parasympathetic Path (Gen
eral Viceral Efferant) from its core in salivatorius nucleus superior after following the path N VI I
goes through Greater petrosal nerve and chorda Tympatni.

 Greater petrosal nerve goes to the pterygopalatina ganglion to change neurons then su
pply the lacrimal, nasal and palatal glands.

 Chorda tympani travels through the lingual nerve by changing neurons supply sublingua
l glands and submandibular glidules.

Jaras Special Afferent (Taste): from the core nukeus solitarius runs through the nerves intennediu
s to:

• Greater petrosal Nerve through the palate nerve innervates the taste of palate.

• Chorda Tympani through the lingual nerve supplies 2/3 parts of taste front of the tongue.

Jaras General Somatik different:

The spinal nucleus of the trigeminal tract receives an impulse through the intermedius nerve fro
m MAE and skin around the ear.

The cerebral cortex will provide a bilateral landing on the N VII nucleus controlling the forehead
muscles, but merely giving the muscle contra-lateral innervation lower face. So that in LMN lesi
ons will cause muscle paralysis ipsilateral upper face down, whereas in LMN lesions will cause fa
cial muscle weakness of lateral contour side. On damage to any cause in the corticobulbar or lo
wer cortical pathway primary motor, facial muscles facial contralateral side will show UMN type
paralysis. This means the lower facial muscles are more clearly paralyzed than at the top, the co
rner of the limp side mouth appears lower. If both corner of the mouth told to be lifted then
a healthy corner of the mouth that can lifted.

LMN lesions: can be located in the puncher, in the corner of serebelo pontin, in the os petrusu
s, cavum tympani in the stilemastoid foramen and at the branches of the facial nerve. Lesions i
n the pounds located around this abducens nerve can damage the nevus roots facialis, nucleus
abducens and fasciculus longitudinalis medialis. Therefore LMN facial paralysis will be accompani
ed by lateral or movement of the rectus palsy glancing toward the lesion, The pathology proces
s around the intemusic aquatic meatus will be involves the facial and acoustic nerves so that L
MN facial paralysis will arise coincided with ipsilateral and elderly perceptLMN lesions: can be lo
cated in the puncher, in the corner of serebelo pontin, in the os petrusus, cavum tympani in th
e stilemastoid foramen and at the branches of the facial nerve. Lesions in the pounds located a
round this abducens nerve can damage the nevus roots facialis, nucleus abducens and fasciculus
longitudinalis medialis. Therefore LMN facial paralysis will be accompanied by lateral or movem
ent of the rectus palsy glancing toward the lesion, The pathology process around the intemusic
aquatic meatus will be involves the facial and acoustic nerves so that LMN facial paralysis will ar
ise coincided with ipsilateral and elderly perceptive deafness (can not taste with 2/3 of the front
of the tongue).ive deafness (can not taste with 2/3 of the front of the tongue).

References :

De Jong's, The Neurologic Examinition -The facial Nerve 5 th ed, page: 181 –200
Netter F.H : The Ciba Collection of Medical Collection, vol 1, Nervous Systems, Part II, Neurologi
c and Neuromusculer Disorders, Ciba Geigy, USA,1986, page: 102 –104

Duus, Peter, Topical Diagnosis In Neurology, Georg Thieme Verlag Stutt, Ed II 1989, page: 107

Sami, M, Draft, W, Surgery Of Skull Base, Springer Verlag 1989, page: 81 -83

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