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The Result of Regression Analysis

Because there is a linear relationship and significant positive correlation between
students’ self-efficacy and their listening comprehension, the researcher decided to
deepen the analysis by adding regression analysis to examine whether the students’ self-
efficacy level influence the students’ listening score. The regression analysis will be
assisted by using SPSS 22. The results of the analysis are presented below.
Model Summary
R Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R Square Square Estimate
1 a
.786 .618 .606 8.532
a. Predictors: (Constant), SELF EFFICACY

From the table ___, it can be seen that there are two pints that need to be focused on
which are R and R square. R is the correlation coefficient that has been calculated before
in the correlation analysis. It indicates the direction and the strength of correlation. On the
other hand, R square, which is known as coefficient of determination (R2), is a measure
of the amount of variability in one variable that is influenced by the other variable. Based
on the value of R square, it can be inferred that 61.8 % of variations in the students’
listening comprehension can be explained and predicted by the students’ self-efficacy

After the percentage of the students’ listening comprehension variations that can be explained
and predicted by self-efficacy has been found, the next part of regression analysis is to check
whether the students’ listening comprehension can be significantly predicted by using their self-
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression
3880.747 1 3880.747 53.311 .000b
Residual 2402.225 33 72.795
Total 6282.971 34
b. Predictors: (Constant), SELF EFFICACY
From the table __, it can be seen that the Sig. value is 0.000. If Sig. value < 0.05, it means the
students’ self-efficacy level can significantly predict the students’ listening comprehension.
After it is found out that the students’ self-efficacy level can significantly predict the students’
listening comprehension, the next important part of regression analysis is to find out the model or
the regression equation that can be used to predict the students listening comprehension based on
the self-efficacy level. Basically, the formula of the regression equation is Y= b0 + b1(X). The
information to create the regression equation can be obtained in the coefficient table below.


Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) -32.514 11.369 -2.860 .007

SELF EFFICACY .456 .062 .786 7.301 .000


From the table above, it can be concluded that self-efficacy level can be predicted from the
listening comprehension by using this formula: Y= b0 + b1(X)= -32.514 + 0.456 (Y). For
example, the result of the self-efficacy score of Mr. X is 200. As a result, it can be classified that
he has high self-efficacy. By using the regression equation, Mr. X listening score is actually can
be predicted.
Listening Comprehension Score = -32.514 + 0.456 (200)
= -32.514 + 91.2
= 58.686
Now, it is possible to make a prediction about record sales, by replacing the advertising
budget with a value of interest

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