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Aaker (1997) mengembangkan 5 dimensi brand personality yang terdiri dari Sincerity,

Excitement, Competence, Sophistication dan Rugedness.

1. Pertama adalah Sincerity (Down-to-earth, family-oriented, small town, honest, sincere,

realistic, wholesome, original, cheerful, sentimental and friendly). Dimensi ini
menunjukkan sifat manusia yang tulus. Jika diaplikasikan pada brand dimensi sincerity
atau kesungguhan hati ini mencerminkan bagaimana brand benar-benar menunjukkan
konsistensinya dalam memenuhi need (kebutuhan), want (keinginan), dan expectation
(harapan) dari konsumen.
2. Kedua adalah excitement (Contemporary, independent, up-to-date, unique, imaginative,
young, cool, sprited, exciting, trendy and daring). Excitement artinya kegembiraan,
bagaimana sebuah brand mampu memberikan kesenangan pada pemakainya.
3. Ketiga adalah dimensi Competence (Reliable, hardworking, sincere, intelligent,
technical, corporate, successful, leader and confident). Dimensi Competence ini
menunjukkan bahwa suatu brand punya kemampuan untuk menunjukkan keberadaanya
di pasar.
4. Keempat adalah dimensi sophisticating (Upper class, glamor, good-looking, charming,
feminine and smooth). Dimensi ini lebih mengacu pada bagaimana suatu brand
memberikan nilai bagi konsumennya.
5. Dimensi yang kelima adalah rugedness (Outdoorsy, masculine, western, tough, and
rugged). Dimensi ini menunjukkan bagaimana sebuah brand mampu bertahan di tengah
persingan brand-brand. Elemen outdoorsy mengacu pada sifat kokoh dan maskulin,
sedangkan tough menunjukkan elemen yang kuat.

Personal branding adalah cara seseorang dalam meningkatkan brand diri atau profesinya
sehingga memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi dan diakui oleh banyak orang.

Banyak contoh strategi personal branding Presiden Jokowi yang dapat diambil oleh #perawat
untuk meningkatkan brand nya, beberapa pokok penting saya ambil sehingga dapat dijadikan
panduan dalam meningkatkan citra Perawat Indonesia.


Sebagai pengusaha kayu Jokowi memulai passion-nya banyak masalah ditemui oleh para
pengusaha kayu disekitarnya, terutama pengusaha kecil, terseok-seok dalam menjalankan usaha,
dari birokrasi yang rumit hingga masalah penyaluran hasil, sehingga keputusan menjadi politisi
Sebagai Perawat, dengan begitu banyak peminatan dan keahlian, temukan 'passion' anda. Contoh
yang banyak diminati adalah peminatan di bidang Luka, Stoma dan Inkontinensia. Alasannya
jelas, karena permasalahan ini banyak ditemui di semua bidang pelayanan kesehatan... jadikan
ini sebagai passion anda.

Keputusan yang diambil setelah kita menentukan 'passion' adalah 'take action' sebagai penegasan
dan konsistensi terhadap pilihan kita.
Jika Jokowi memilih untuk berubah profesi dari pengusaha menjadi politisi, kita sebagai Perawat
hanya perlu mengubah sedikit atas peminatan saja atau jika perlu jalankan bersama dengan
mengubah sedikit tambahan fokus ke minat yang dipilih, setelah itu 'take action' pelajari lebih
mendalam dan tingkatkan 'skill' dengan berpraktik langsung ke klien.
Untuk menggugah 'passion' anda ataupun menegaskan kembali jiwa Perawat anda, silahkan ikuti
acara kongres Perawat Luka, Stoma & Inkontinensia di Grand Clarion Hotel Makassar tgl 27-28
November 2015, investasinya tidak banyak, hanya Rp. 1.500.000,-.


Ini yang paling penting...
Kenapa anda kenal Jokowi, tentunya melalui media dan cerita dari orang-orang....
Hal ini menunjukan bahwa beliau berhasil bekerja secara nyata sehingga apresiasi masyarakat
akan naik dan mendorong media untuk selalu mengikuti beliau.
Bagaimana kah cara PERAWAT bercerita?

Jangan terlalu harapkan media untuk meliput anda, tapi buktikan dengan cara "menulis". Buat
penelitian, sederhana juga tidak masalah, yang penting adalah gunakan keilmuan anda dengan
baik terhadap masalah disekitar anda, selalu dokumentasikan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan
klien, baca jurnal terkait dan gunakan sebagai penguat penelitian anda. Buat studi kasus
sederhana saat anda melakukan tindakan.
Setelah anda lakukan itu, posting hasilnya atau ikutkan hasil tulisan anda di acara kongres yang
biasanya menerima abstract. Utamakan yang menyediakan slot kesempatan untuk oral presentasi.

Buka hubungan dengan berbagai pihak, terutama yang dapat meningkatkan citra anda.
Jokowi memilih PDIP sebagai rekan yang dapat menghebatkan beliau dan itu terbukti.


Selain organisasi induk PPNI, bergabunglah dengan organisasi 'peer' yang memiliki minat yang
sama dan dapat saling menghebatkan para anggotanya, sehingga sinergi dapat tercipta dengan

Ini yang paling ujung dan paling penting serta HARUS DILAKUKAN...
'Personal branding' menuntut kerja nyata.
Jokowi melakukannya dengan cara kepemimpinan dengan citra sederhana.

Sebagai perawat, tunjukan citra anda dengan menangani klien sesuai peminatan, berpraktik-lah,
jangan hanya membaca buku dan jurnal lalu menyimpulkan teori, temukan kasus-kasus menarik
di lapangan, hubungkan dengan teori yang anda baca.

Perawat BISA loh praktik mandiri di Indonesia, banyak sudah yang membuktikan dan
memberikan citra positif di masyarakat.


Temui para praktisi dari Praktik Perawat Mandiri yang telah banyak berkiprah di masyarakat
pada acara
Indonesia WOC-SM
di Grand Clarion Hotel Makassar
tgl 27-28 November 2015
Investasi: Rp. 1.050.000,- (500 pendaftar pertama)
Kontak fiqar 0813 5562 6264

Dari Australia, Ms. Carmen juga akan hadir, beliau berhasil menjual asset perusahaan pelayanan
keperawatannya jutaan dollar Australia.
Senin, 06 April 2015
Personal Branding
Sebotol air putih hampir-hampir tidak ada harganya, namun lain halnya saat botol itu sudah ada lebel
atau merek Aqua, maka sebotol air akan berharga tiga ribu rupiah. Demikian juga bila kita minum kopi di
warung hik. Segelas kopi hanya dihargai dua sampai tiga ribu rupiah. Namun bila kopi itu menggunakan
lebel starbuck, harganya menjadi lima puluh ribu rupiah.

Kesimpulannya sebuah produk, apabila berlebel maka harga jualnya menjadi berlipat. Bukankah diri kita
juga sebuah produk ? Mari kita lihat, Mario Teguh, Andrie Wongso, Tung Dasem Waringin, berbicara
dalam sebuah forum seminar dalam durasi satu jam tarifnya mencapai puluhan juta rupiah. Mengapa
demikian karena mereka sudah punya merek diri. Itulah yang disebut PERSONAL BRANDING.

Nabi Muhammad SAW terkenal dengan julukan Al Amin, Ki Manteb Sudarsono, mendapat julukan
Dalang Setan. Inul mendapat julukan Ratu Ngebor. Pertanyaannya adalah Personal Branding apa yang
akan Anda bangun, untuk diri anda sendiri ?

How to Build Your Personal Brand

--By ANA Career Center Staff - December 2014

Whether you’re a seasoned nurse or you’re just starting your first nursing position, establishing
expertise and credibility is a vital part of building your professional reputation or personal brand.
It takes time and patience to build a strong personal brand, but it’s worth doing.

There are several reasons it’s worth the effort to build a personal brand, says Terri Gaffney,
MPA, RN. One important reason is personal satisfaction. “By becoming a credible,
knowledgeable source for your peers, you enhance your professional image. As a result, you
become a go-to person.” You may then be invited to sit on policymaking boards or to present at

The work you do also helps build your employer’s reputation and the already respected
reputation of nurses in general. Nurses are trusted health care professionals, Gaffney says, and
are recognized leaders. Yet nurses hesitate to highlight their successes. “Don’t be afraid to
submit an abstract to share your work at a local, state or national conference. It raises your
professional visibility as well as that of the facility.
Writing and speaking are excellent ways to differentiate yourself from others. “We are a
powerhouse -- but we don’t harness all the power we could unless we build a personal brand.”

5 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand

Set goals for yourself as you begin to look at ways to build your personal brand. For example,
gaining recognition in a particular topic may help you advance your career as you become
regarded as a leader. Being appointed to a board or policy-making body may help you influence
advances in the profession. Having goals that build your career and advance the profession can
help you define success and decide what steps to take.

If you’d like to work on building your personal brand, but aren’t sure how to start, these
suggestions from people who have already done so can help.

Identify Your Professional Expertise

Look at your accomplishments and interests to identify the contributions you’ve made or can
make to other nurses and the profession itself. What are your unique gifts and skills? Whether
you’ve created an innovative process that enhances patient care at your hospital or have a knack
for collaboration and influencing your peers, consider what you already offer to your
organization or the profession and think about how you can build on those skills to achieve your

Aggregate Your Work

Now that you’ve focused on what makes you shine, find ways to assemble examples of situations
where you’ve put your skills into action. Develop a portfolio or website with links to your work
and information about yourself, recommends Nick Angelis, MSN, CRNA, author of “How to
Succeed in Anesthesia School.” Having everything in one place makes it easier to show others
what you’re interested in and how your background and experience will help you take the next

Connect With Like-Minded Colleagues

No matter where you are, when you see an opportunity to share your ideas, take it. You may find
someone who can help you with research or get the word out about your work. For example, if
you are at a conference or an event and encounter nurses with similar interests, you can all
cooperate to spread the word throughout your respective facilities. Nurses are also taking
advantage of social media communities, such as using LinkedIn to connect and share information
and advance the profession.

Publish Clinical Research

The only way your work will affect others is if you share it, so boost your research’s impact by
getting it published. Evidence based practice (EBP) is a core competence of all registered nurses.
Many nurses are involved in EBP projects integrating the best scientific evidence with the best
experiential evidence. Publishing your outcomes is a great way to share your knowledge and
experience and advance nursing. Choose an appropriate journal for your work and practice, and
also consider publishing in cross-disciplinary journals to reach other health care professionals.

Nurse Sarah Dawkins published articles in professional journals to get the word out about
different processes and highlight presentations she has made. She promotes her work to a wider
audience by assembling her articles on her website and using social media to connect with

Speak at Conferences

One of the simplest ways to get some experience speaking at nursing and health care conferences
is to be a poster presenter, Gaffney says. Doing a poster presentation at local, state or national
conferences can be a little less stressful than a full-fledged speaking engagement, she says. “It’s
a good way to get out there and begin discussing your work with other nurses and be seen as an
expert in the field.” As you continue to gain credibility, organizations may approach you to share
your knowledge in a specific area.
Author: Keith Carlson, BSN, RN, NC-BC

Categories: Nursing careers and jobs

When nurses hear the term branding, they probably think of logos and corporate images that are
meant to influence consumers. However, logos have nothing to do with a nurse’s branding, and
the current marketplace demands that savvy nurses seriously consider the power of their own
personal brand.

Branding is for nurses

If you’re a nurse in the job market, jockeying for a promotion, seeking to break into a new
specialty or attempting to move your career forward, you have a brand.

Your brand is impacted by your mode of dress, your professional accomplishments, how you
comport yourself, the style of your resume and LinkedIn profile, and how you handle cover
letters, thank you letters, interviews and networking. Branding is multifactorial, and thoughtful
nurses consider all aspects of branding at every point in their careers.

Your personal brand creates a framework upon which you hang your professional trajectory;
taking conscious control of your brand is very intelligent in a healthcare culture that generally
values forward-thinking, career-conscious professionals.
It’s not a logo, it’s a feeling

As a nurse, your brand has nothing to do with a logo, although your business card may indeed
have a caduceus on it. (Not highly recommended, by the way.) Rather, your personal brand has
everything to do with feelings. Allow me to explain.

When it’s all been said and done, what really makes your personal brand effective is how other
people feel after interacting with you. Let’s face it, your resume and cover letters may be
flawless, but if you’re as flat as a 2 x 4 during interviews, your interlocutors will come away

When you’re at a networking event, association meeting or workplace party, your brand is on
display, even if you don’t want it to be. The fact is, your brand is more of a feeling than anything
else, and if you leave others feeling good about themselves and you, there’s nothing better you
can do for your personal brand.

The whole package

If you think about it, everyone you know has a brand. When you stop by the supermarket for a
steak, the friendliness and helpfulness of the butcher reflects both his brand and the brand of the
establishment. And when you see your nurse practitioner, her clinical astuteness and personable
demeanor cement her positive and supportive brand in your mind.

Every aspect of what you do, who you are and how you present yourself to the world as a
healthcare professional makes or breaks your brand. Consider the whole package of your brand,
be thoughtful about your behavior and appearance, and document your career in ways that make
you shine.

Personal branding may be a 21st-century buzzword, but in reality, your brand is always on
display. Have your brand work for you. Seize the opportunity to leave others feeling great about
who you are, what you do and what you’re all about.

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