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The Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing

Thesis · May 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36032.33286

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1 author:

Albert Barkley
University of Birmingham


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The Environmental, Social,

S and Economic Impacts of Hydraulic
ydraulic Fracturing

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Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment

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[Last month of quarter you plan to graduate] 20XX


I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their

support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.
Hydraulic Fracturing3


I [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this

dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not

previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it

represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


The following research study was carried out in order to contemplate upon the economic, social

and environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing in U.S. In addition, the present research study

also provided comprehensive plan, in the form of key recommendations, for oil and gas industry

to minimize the impacts of hydraulic fracturing. Furthermore, in contention to the primary

objectives of the research study, the researcher also evaluated certain secondary research aims as

well. The first secondary research aim being, to develop an understanding of the process of

hydraulic fracturing to extract unconventional reserves of natural minerals. Moreover, the study

also sought to highlight the benefits of shale gas exploitation and to analyse how hydraulic

fracturing impact the environment, economy and society. In order to obtain relevant information,

the researcher carried opted for a qualitative research design, where the secondary data collection

method was utilized. The collected data was interpreted through the means of thematic analyses.

The results of the study showed that hydraulic fracturing has had positive and negative impact on

the environment, society and the economy. It has allowed people to access cheaper energy

sources and reduced the price of cost of production for firms, meaning a higher standard of

living. In contrast however, excessive use of hydraulic fracturing has resulted in water pollution,

damage to marine ecology and the release of incremental volume of methane gas in to the

atmosphere. Thus, from a neutral standpoint, the process of hydraulic fracturing requires certain

form of rules and regulations, in order to provide satisfactory results.

Hydraulic Fracturing5

Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 2
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ 3
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 8
1.1. Introduction to the Research ............................................................................................ 8
1.2. Contextual Background .................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1. Shale Gas ................................................................................................................ 11
1.3. Rationale of the Study .................................................................................................... 12
1.4. Aim and Objectives ........................................................................................................ 13
1.5. Research Questions ........................................................................................................ 13
1.6. .Significance of the Study .............................................................................................. 13
1.7. Research Problem........................................................................................................... 14
1.8. Structure of the Study..................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 16
2.1. Concept and Process of Hydraulic Fracturing................................................................ 16
2.1.1. Increasing Energy Demand and Moving Towards Unconventional Oil and Gas ... 17
2.1.2. Increase in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs ........................................................... 18
2.1.3. Growth and Development of Shale Gas.................................................................. 19
2.1.4. Occurrence of Shale Gas in the World ................................................................... 19
2.2. Benefits of Shale Gas Exploitation ................................................................................ 20
2.2.1. Direct Market Impacts ............................................................................................ 20
2.2.2. Positive Externalities .............................................................................................. 23
2.2.3. Decreased Vulnerability to Supply Disruptions ..................................................... 24
2.3. Challenges involved in Hydraulic Fracturing ................................................................ 25
2.4. Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Environment, Economy and Society ................ 29
2.4.1. Economic Aspects ................................................................................................... 29
2.4.2. Societal Aspects ...................................................................................................... 30
2.4.3. Environmental Aspects ........................................................................................... 31
2.5. Risks Associated with Reputation .................................................................................. 32
2.5.1. Methods of Measuring the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing ................................... 32
2.5.2. Monitoring the Impacts ........................................................................................... 34
2.6. Mitigation Techniques for the Negative Aspects of Hydraulic fracturing ..................... 35
2.6.1. Local Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions .............................................. 35
2.6.2. Quantity and Quality of Water................................................................................ 36
2.6.3. Community Engagement ........................................................................................ 37
2.7. Summary ........................................................................................................................ 38
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 39
3.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 39
3.2. Research Philosophy/Research Paradigm ...................................................................... 39
3.3. Research Approach ........................................................................................................ 40
3.4. Research Strategy ........................................................................................................... 41
3.5. Types of Investigations .................................................................................................. 42
3.6. Research Design ............................................................................................................. 42
3.7. Data Collection Method ................................................................................................. 43
3.7.1. Secondary Data ....................................................................................................... 43
3.7.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria............................................................................. 44
3.8. Data Analysis Plan/Data Synthesis ................................................................................ 45
3.9. Accessibility Issues ........................................................................................................ 46
3.10. Ethical Issues .............................................................................................................. 46
3.11. Research Limitations .................................................................................................. 47
3.12. Chapter Summary ....................................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 49
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 49
4.2 Thematic Analysis ............................................................................................................... 49
4.2.1 Usage and Implementation of Hydraulic Fracturing .................................................... 49
4.2.2 The impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Environment ............................................ 51
4.2.3 Social Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing ......................................................................... 52
4.2.4 Positive and Negative impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Economy ..................... 53
4.3 Chapter Summary................................................................................................................ 54
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................... 56
Hydraulic Fracturing7

5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 56

5.2 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 56
5.3 Recommendations/Plan ....................................................................................................... 58
5.4 Future Implications ............................................................................................................. 59
References ..................................................................................................................................... 60

1.1.Introduction to the Research

The term hydraulic fracturing means the breaking or rupturing of a rock through the

injection of pressurized liquid. The mechanism uses toxic water which is filled with sand to

create fractures in the rocks. Once hydraulic pressure is removed from the well, sand particles

expand and keep the fractures open. During the procedure, shale gas, tight oil and gas and seam

gas can be taken from the well (Vengosh et al., 2014). With the rise in energy demands,

especially primary fuels, industries and numerous companies are promoting more economical

ways of producing energy. Shale oil and gas have gained a lot of attention as the emergence of

new technologies has made these resources comparatively more accessible.Hydraulic fracturing

has gained more prominence and is on the rise since the United States focused its attention on

becoming energy independent. With the frequent use of this technology over the last decade or

so, hydraulic fracturing has become a source of a widespread controversy (Patel et al., 2014).

Mainly as a result of incidents that caused the pollution of the environment, industries today face

a threat of a movement against hydraulic fracturing. Proponents of this technology claim that it

can reduce the rate of unemployment by creating more jobs and that it can act as a “bridge fuel”

which can turn out to be a path to cleaner technologies. Hydraulic fracturing can also reduce a

country’s dependence on other countries for energy. On the other hand, majority of the public are

opposed to the technology and are of the view that fossil fuels are environment friendly as they

have a low rate of emission.

Notwithstanding its positive effects, extracting tight gas using hydraulic fracturing is a

risky and unsafe endeavour. In light of the latest studies and data, the European stance on the
Hydraulic Fracturing9

matter is very critical. Green activists are emphasizing the negative effects of oil and gas

extraction. They claim that the extraction contaminates reservoirs of ground water and pollutes

air. As methane traps more heat from the atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide, methane

emissions became a source of controversy in the recent past.In addition, the heavy consumption

of water and using massive land is another concern which needs to be addressed which

contributes towards the air pollution, thus leading towards environmental as well as social

concerns (Vengosh et al. 2014).

1.2.Contextual Background

Natural resources are eventually going to deplete and this is of great concern to humans

and to the political agenda of many nations. Among these resources, the extinction of fossil fuels

like oil and gas will most likely have the most significant effect on the environment in a short

period of time. Most countries have a huge demand for oil and petroleum products and this high

demand will eventually lead to exhaustion of these resources, unless technological inroads are

made to enable extraction of more resources or develop renewable replacements of these

resources (Ezulike and Dehghanpour,2014). The depletion of natural resources is a global issue

not just a national one. In 2002, a global record was set for the amount of oil and petroleum

consumption which reached 88.9 million barrels every day. It is also interesting to note that the

overall consumption of petroleum has actually declined in North America since the year 2005.

This decline in consumption was mostly due to the bad economic conditions in 2008 and also

because of enhancements in efficiency of motor fuel (Kula, 2012).

There is an increasing concern and apprehension among the analysts that the existing

conventional reserves will not be enough to meet the current energy demands. Rocky Mountain
Institute has recently carried out a study which highlighted that the projected fossil fuel reserves

will completely deplete in the 2100. However, the research also indicated that there is a higher

abundance of natural gas stored in unconventional resources (Aleklett et al., 2010).

The rapid reduction of the conventional resources has shifted the interest of the

researchers towards unconventional and new sources of energy like shale gas and tight gas.

However, the extraction of natural gas from unconventional reserves require the use of

specialized technologies such hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling (Atlas and Hazen,

2011). The combination of both these technologies has made possible the extraction of natural

gas from the reserves that were once inaccessible. Shale is the natural gas that comprises of clay,

mud and mainly methane.

One of the methods for increasing the production of oil and gas is by using hydraulic

fracturing. This method has enhanced the ability of producers to recover and extract natural oil

and gas profitably. Fracturing involves drilling down into the surface of the earth and a high

pressure liquid mixture is aimed at the rock in order to release gas or oil that is inside it.

Experimentation in hydraulic fracturing started in the late nineteenth century but in the current

day techniques have expanded to include large scale production(Baptiste and Nordenstam,

2009). The prospect and ability to increase the production of gas and oil has great appeal to the

industry, people and governments all around the world.

It is estimated that hydraulic fracturing has been used in more than a million wells and

even more than once in many of them. Techniques of hydraulic fracturing have continued to

evolve since their introduction. A breakthrough in the process occurred nearly a decade ago

which enabled the drill head to do horizontal drilling. More advancement came which enhanced

the ability to guide as well as track the drill head with more precision at great
Hydraulic Fracturing11

depths.Horizontaldrilling enables access to more oil and gas reserves with fewer vertical wells

and this reduces cost surface disturbance and waste (Wang et al., 2014).

It is argued that as hydraulic fracturing has widespread and adverse impacts, drilling sites

should cease operations until its effects on the economy, human health and environment are

more closely studied. There is ample evidence which shows that this process releases harmful

emissions which pollute the air and water sources and as a result contribute to health problems to

people who reside in close proximity to the drilling sites. Offshore hydraulic fracturing facilities

dump many thousands of gallons of toxic water into the oceans and this detrimentally affects the

vitality of marine life (Boudet et al., 2014). Moreover, this process uses a huge amount of water

and may not be feasible in countries that experience severe drought.

Many studies have shown that the nearer an injection well is to a fault, the greater are the

risks of triggering an earthquake. Another area which is concerning is the transport of oil by

either pipeline or railroad. This is because of the danger of possible explosions or pipe leakage

which can have a devastating impact on the environment. Moreover the process of hydraulic

fracturing itself is very dangerous and hazardous which compromises the health and safety of

workers in this industry. There have been many reported cases of death and injuries which

occurred on site as well as diseases like silicosis. Legislation at both state and federal levels need

amendment to incorporate hydraulic fracturing and also control and monitor the activities of gas

and oil companies.

1.2.1. Shale Gas

Shale gas is a naturally occurring gas which is also termed as methane gas with the

chemical formula CH4. This gas is produced with the fine-grained organic rich sedimentary rocks
that are low in permeability. Shale rocks act as both the creator of natural gas through

decomposing the matter as well as also serve as a storage material for the gas. Shale gas is

largely found in several varieties of rocks which often necessitate the operational adaptation. Due

to the fact that the extraction of shale gas is accompanied by enormous challenges,

unconventional methods for exploration of shale gas are required. These include hydraulic

fracturing and horizontal drilling which have their pros and cons. In addition, it is also argued

that the technologies that are acquired for the extraction of shale gas from one well might not

turn fruitful for the extraction of shale gas from another well (Brasieret al.2011: 32).

1.3.Rationale of the Study

The new method of the extraction of oil and gas from the process of hydraulic fracturing

can have a significant impact on the prices of oil and gas. Moreover this form of extracting oil

and gas can have a major impact on the society, environment and the economy. This form of

extraction of natural oil and gas will gain a lot of importance in the future as dependence on

fossil fuels is likely to rise in the future, especially because there is a rise in the demand of

energy. Due to increasing population and higher use of energy, natural reserves have depleted to

a great extent. This has shifted the interest of the countries towards untapped unconventional

resources (Agbaji, 2010). The depletion of natural resources has drawn the interests of the

researchers towards new sources of energy which include tight gas and shale gas. However,

extracting natural gas from these resources needs specialized technologies (Atlas and Hazen,

Hydraulic Fracturing13

1.4.Aim and Objectives

This research will aim to analyze the economic, social and environmental impacts of

hydraulic fracturing in U.S. This research will also intend to propose a comprehensive plan for

oil and gas industry to minimize the impacts of hydraulic fracturing. The objectives of the study

are as follows:

 To develop an understanding of the process of hydraulic fracturing to extract

unconventional reserves

 To highlight the benefits of shale gas exploitation

 To analyze how hydraulic fracturing impact the environment, economy and society

 To propose a comprehensive plan for mitigating the negative impacts of hydraulic


1.5.Research Questions

Considering the research objectives, the researcher has designed following key research


 What is the impact of hydraulic fracturing on the environment?

 What is the impact of hydraulic fracturing on the society?

 What is the impact of hydraulic fracturing on the economy?

1.6..Significance of the Study

This thesis is significant as it aims to raise public awareness on the environmental, social

and economic impacts and consequences of hydraulic fracturing as a means to extracting gas and

oil. The thesis will also focus on the current state of the technology. Keeping in mind the results
of data and studies undertaken in this field, like efficiency and costs, it will try to evaluate the

potential of hydraulic fracturing in Europe and America.This form of extraction of natural oil

and gas will gain a lot of importance in the future as dependence on fossil fuels is likely to rise in

the future, especially because there is a rise in the demand of energy. Due to increasing

population and higher use of energy, natural reserves have depleted to a great extent. This has

shifted the interest of the countries towards untapped unconventional resources (Agbaji, 2010).

1.7.Research Problem

Generally the source of funding for the research studies into hydraulic fracturing is a

center of controversy. There have been apprehensions as the research has been sponsored by

companies, environmental groups or foundations. This can cause at least that the studies are

biased or unreliable. Numerous organizations and media companies have expressed that they

face difficulties in carrying out and reporting the results of studies which have been conducted in

this field. This is attributed to pressures imposed by government and industry. There is also

concern over the possible censorship of environmental reports (King, 2012). There is a great

need for studies that investigate the health and environmental aspects of this technique. This

study aims to address these issues.

1.8.Structure of the Study

This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter one presents a general introduction

to the research, background of the study, aim and objectives, research problem, research

questions, and significance and rationale of the study.Chapter two presents the literature review

in which the concept ofhydraulic fracturing is discussed in detail. The chapter conducts a
Hydraulic Fracturing15

detailed environmental and economic analysis on the future of hydraulic fracturing. The Chapter

three explains the research methodology for this study in which the data collection and data

analysis methods are discussed along with research design, philosophy, limitations, and ethical

considerations. Chapter four presents the results and analysis of data collected for this study

followed by discussion. Finally, chapter five concludes this study and provides recommendations

for future researches and studies.


2.1.Concept and Process of Hydraulic Fracturing

Barbot, (2013, p.2562), defined hydraulic fracturing as a process of releasing natural gas

with the help of fracturing shale rocks, drilling and injecting a fluid into the grounds at a very

high pressure. During the process, in order to reach the oil and gas, the perpendicular windbags

are drilled thousands feet inside the ground going through the deep sediment layers, shale rock

formations and water tables. In order to fracture the shale and rock, a channel of massive water

flow including chemicals, sand and fracking fluid are needed which is provided by the horizontal

drilling and installation of a cement casing (Goldstein, 2014, p.271). In the case of US, small

explosives are implemented prior to the drilling for the opening of bedrocks. The hydraulic

fracturing permits removal of oil and gas from the previously impermeable shale rock formations

and is accounted to have over 500,000 naturally active gas wells (Goldstein, 2014, p.283;

Vengosh,, 2014, p.8334).

Moreover, it has been found out that the techniques used for hydraulic fracturing have led

towards easily reached eccentric vast gas reserves. The processes results in various adverse effect

over the society in form of ground water pollution, climatic changes due to methane pollution,

pollution impacts over air, toxic chemical exposure, gas explosions blowouts, indecorous waste

disposal, excessive water consumption in deficient water regions, earthquakes induced by

fracking, degradation of infrastructure and safety of workplace, due to the hazardous chemicals

involved in the fluid which is inserted. The chemicals range from gallants, acids, clay controls,

inhibitors of scale, cross linkers, acids, biocides and inhibitors of corrosion also abet in limiting

the growth of bacteria and corrosion casing (Barbot, 2013, p.2562). According to Vengosh,,
Hydraulic Fracturing17

(2014, p.8334), it is predicted that ten years from now, 50% of the US wells will be dependent

upon hydraulic fracturing in order to continue functioning. As the process enables of age oil and

gas fields to continue bring into being resources in order to extend gas and oil producing sites


Apart from that, the exploration and use of shale gas has also caught wide media attention

in the US due to the fact that several aspects of exploration process, including hydraulic

fracturing, is accompanied by a number of social, environmental and other concerns. These

environmental concerns are accompanied by a number of regulatory fines which also result in the

closure and cancellation of license to a number of countries and halt their operations. This

furthermore has resulted in the defamation of the global unconventional gas exploration industry,

which currently struggles to sort out the concerns of global social and environmental community

and organizations. It furthermore leads toward the risks of decreasing investment which serves to

be another threat to the industry(Osborn 2011).

2.1.1. Increasing Energy Demand and Moving Towards Unconventional Oil and Gas

The enormous efforts to curtail the energy consumption and lessen carbon gas emissions

are underway, which is specially carried forward as a result of the pressures of climate change.

However, it is also evident that the energy demand is in continuous rise and the transition from

lower-carbon emission products are far away and the complete transition to such resources will

take considerable time. As provided by the project World Energy Outlook (2010), New Policies

Scenario, which is carried out by The International Energy Agency, the energy consumption will

be increased globally with a rate of 36% by the year 2035. This rate is provided with the

reference point of the energy consumption from the year 2008. Consumption of natural gas is
highlighted to be the highest among the fossil fuels in the coming future. It thus raises the need

to adopt several other unconventional to explore those resources of natural gas that might not be

explored by the conventional exploration methods of natural gas (Rivard 2014).

Studies provide that out of the total known reserves of fossil fuels, an approximately 87%

are controlled by the national oil companies whereasthe rest of the 23% at an average are

controlled and managed by privately owned oil companies. These oil companies are faced with

several restrictions from state owned oil companies, including the partnership and technology

transfer practices (Kargbo, Wilhelm and Campbell 2010).

This in response generates the need for those privately held companies to face severe risk

operations due to several constraints and thus require adoption of unconventional methods of

resource exploration. This is in special consideration to the acquisition of several technological

means and methods to explore oil and gas from the wells, which is not possible by the

conventional drilling methods. In addition, unconventional deposits are also considered to be

those having more contaminated gas and oil reserves and provide lesser accessibility to the

resources. They also offer low permeability which results into the difficulty in accessing the oil

and gas flow. These reservoirs thus generate needs to acquire such non-conventional methods of

exploration which might not be fruitfully and significantly applicable to such unconventional

reservoirs (Kerr 2010).

2.1.2. Increase in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs

Hydraulic Fracturing19

The International Energy Agency provides that in the coming decades, and more

specifically by the year 2035, the increase in unconventional global gas production is projected

to be 35% of the total gas produced. The unconventional sources include coal-bed methane,

methane hydrates, shale gas and tight gas (Tanaka 2010). This therefore generates a need to

adopt several unconventional measures by the oil companies to explore such resources that are

not easily accessible by using the conventional methods of oil and gas exploration. Therefore, a

number of oil companies are now acquiring several mechanisms to tap those untapped resources

in order to meet and fulfill their energy needs and the needs of their consumers as well.

2.1.3. Growth and Development of Shale Gas

Although the boom of shale started in the US in 1980s, its exploration spread to other US

sites in the year 2006, including Fayetteville, Marcellus and Haynesville. In spite of the fact that

hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling started to take place in 1950s and 1980s respectively,

the combination of both the techniques only started in the 2000s. This combination techniques

paved way further towards the stimulation of growth of shale gas exploration in the gas industry,

which met an increase of 17% at an average per year. Furthermore, it is also provided that the

growth of shale gas exploration grew to 48% during the years 2006-2010 and is also estimated to

increase by four times by the year 2035, with the reference point of the year 2009. It is

furthermore projected that by the year 2035, the shale gas would be occupying almost 47% of the

overall gas production in the US which is at an increasing trend from 16% share in the year 2009

(EIA, 2013).

2.1.4. Occurrence of Shale Gas in the World

Although most of the development of shale gas is taken place in the US, deposits of shale

gas are also found in several other parts of the world and in different regions. The countries that

found shale gas deposits include France, Poland, South Africa, Canada, China and Argentina,

which are believed to be developing shale gas. By the year 2010, an estimate of world’s

collectible shale gas was made at 7,060 trillion cubic feet, which also comprised of more than

25% of the total natural gas that is recoverable globally. This is provided in the following data

(Linley 2011: 7).

Source: Linley(2011: 7)

Notwithstanding the production of shale gas is going on in several regions of the world,

the advancements in the production are much higher in the US which also takes the US into

debate and raise several concerns about hydraulic fracturing in investor and political circles.

2.2.Benefits of Shale Gas Exploitation

2.2.1. Direct Market Impacts

Since the last decade, oil and gas production in US has increased theatrically with the

surge in hydraulic fracturing. According to the US Energy Information Administration (2014),

Hydraulic Fracturing21

the total shale gas production is US accounts to 40% and is expected to grow from 9.7 Tcf in

2012 to 19.8 Tcf by 2040 as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1

Source: US Energy Information Administration (2014)

The direct market impacts include the benefits to consumers, producers, and the overall

environment. According to Allcot and Kenisten, (2014), there has been an increase in form of

consumer surplus as a result of lower prices. Due to the increase in shale gas exploitation, the

supply of gas has enhanced which affected the equilibrium gas prices and highly benefited the

consumers in form of fallen gas prices (Allcott and Kenisten, 2014). Subsequently these fallen

prices have reduced the heating costs of lower homes during winters and prompts yearlong

reimbursements. For the electricity generation, the reduction in gas prices has resulted in

enhanced significance and added value for the gas-fired electricity producers in form of lower

costs as well as lowest electricity costs for the consumers (Weber, Burnett and Xiarchos, 2014).

To sum up, the consequent reduction in gas prices and extended supply have smoothed its

starring role as an involvement into a variety of industrial production processes that spawns far-
reaching economic motivations as mentioned by Weber, Burnett and Xiarchos (2014). During

the periods of January 2007 to 2014, there has been a 26% increase in US supply as a result of

increased exploitation and fracturing (Allcott and Kenisten, 2014). Beside the potential benefits

to consumers, there are benefits for the producers as well. Firstly, the increase in the productivity

and exploitation of shale gas and recoverable reserves, the supply shifts are outward curved and

reflects producer’s surplus (Boslett, Guilfoos and Lnag, 2016, p.14). Supposing a 0.1 price

elasticity of supply, a producer surplus would be 10/11. For e.g., if the US natural gas increases

the supply from x%, it would raise the producer’ surplus by 10*0.11x from the original surplus.

According to Weber, Burnett and Xiarchos, (2014), US natural gas supply increased 26%

between January 2007-2014, the spot price was $6.4 Mcf and the amount of quantity traded was

1.65 billion Mcf. Moreover, in 2014 the increase in production of fracturing leads to $9.60

billion. However, Brandt et al, (2014, p.733) proposed that in order to gauge these benefits, there

is a need of generous infrastructure consisting of new wells, pipeline delivery systems and

processing units. However, it has been found out there is no alignment of social incentives with

the motivation of pipelines expansion. The pipeline owners are fortified from the adapting

market signals due to regulated pipeline traffics. Lastly, the benefits derived from the overall

economic aspects include greater opportunities for job and hence lowers the levels of

unemployment for example in North Dakota, as a result of fracturing activities increase, it

significantly reflected on the employment level as shown in figure 2.

Hydraulic Fracturing23

Figure 2: Employment and Oil production

Source: (Brandt et al, 2014, p.734)

Moreover, due to the increase in supply the price decrease which becomes more

affordable for local households, thus, increasing their standards of living (Aurora, 2014).

According to Maniloff and Mastromonaco, (2014), the other benefits include the increase in

local public and state revenues from the increase in shale gas exploitation. The revenues consists

of severance taxes and fees impact, lease payments for operations on a state and federal level and

taxes from the local property on oil and gas.

2.2.2. Positive Externalities

Maniloff and Mastromonaco (2014) stated that shale gas exploitation also leads to

significant positive externalities cohort. The benefit reflects the impact of lower gas prices and

increased supply of natural gas as compare to other fuels. The increase in natural gas supply and

the price reduction has resulted in substitution of coal to shale gas in generating electricity and

from oil to gas in the transportation industry. Upon combustion, gas is considered to be cleaner

than oil and therefore spawns lower per unit energy production levels of carbon emissions along

with lower level of emissions from pollutants like acceptable particulate mercury and matter. The

positive externalities include the benefits derived from local air quality and from the reduction in

CO2 emissions. Aside from the impending reducing emissions of GHG in electricity sector from

coal to natural gas has triggered various benefits for the individuals who reside on the nearby

places of coal-fired plants. It is evaluated that coal-fired plants emanates more pollutants locally

and regionally as compared to natural gas plants, therefore shale gas exploitation entails benefits

to the health of people (Murray,, 2013, p.4918).In view of Olmstead, (2014) the benefits

derived to consumers and producers as a result of substituting coal to natural gas are mainly

dependent upon the extent to which they are willing to substitute; moreover, it further depends

on the results of GHG lifecycle and its substitution from the methane gas emissions in the natural

gas supply chain. Lastly, the benefits are dependent on the role played by the federal and state

climate policy and the results of the price reduction.

2.2.3. Decreased Vulnerability to Supply Disruptions

According to Boslett, Guilfoos and Lang, (2016, p. 14), it is presumed that US would

require a new pipe-line to supplement supplies from Alaska and would increasingly rely on the

liquid natural gas (LNG) from Canada and potentially less friendly trading partners like Russia,
Hydraulic Fracturing25

as supported by the last decade’s increase in natural gas prices. The epochs of high oil prices

have highlighted the national security externalities attached with the imports of oil and enhanced

susceptibility to supply disturbances from the trading partner’s instability, which has a

connection with the markets of natural gas. The reduction in imports quantity will lessen the rent

payments made to foreign oil producers during the obstacles, lessen the disruption based GDP

losses and lessen the expenditures made on defense which are based on increasing the foreign

stability (Boslett, Guilfoos and Lang, 2016, p.14). All the benefits in context of less vulnerability

to suppliers include the dependency on the Middle East, which have reduced significantly due to

increase in shale gas exploitation. The shale gas exploitation also entails the credit for

discovering and unlocking the US tight significant resources of oil (Boslett, Guilfoos and Lang,

2016, p.130).

2.3.Challenges involved in Hydraulic Fracturing

According to the viewpoints of various state officials and federal personnel, gas and oil

development is secure if it is done in a correct manner. Regardless of the fault in wells, company

errors and accidents pertaining to natural gas and oil industry has still shown good record. In

view of Vengosh,, (2014, p.8334), there are multiple concerns regarding the short and long

term impacts of this industry over the general environment and health. Beside the health and

environmental concerns, there are growing concerns of society regarding the local business

development, the growing disruption and discord in the society, the degradation of aesthetic

factors and the concerns regarding the burdens of local infrastructures (Vengosh,, 2014,

Furthermore, it has been found out that there are potential challenges to the safety of air,

water and land as a result of transmission and extraction of gas production and wastes. The major

risk in the extraction process is related to the drinking water. The process of fracking requires

huge amounts of water i.e. 2-8 gallons for a single process, it is then engrossed with toxic

chemicals and fluids which cannot be recovered (Warner,, 2013, p.11849). The water

consumption is a growing concern and risk for the dry climatic regions and drought experiencing

regions. Due to the fugitive leakages, the water gets contaminated and is hazardous for the water

drinking sources, plants and animals. The potential challenges, as a result of hydraulic fracturing,

involve threats to the overall ecosystem resulting in both short term and long term adverse

effects. The other challenges as mentioned by Vengosh,, (2014, p.8334), include air

emissions as a result of extraction and transmission of oil and gas. The Volatile organic

compounds (VOC’s) and methane causes threat to the human health. Other areas on concern and

challenges involve the management of waste transportation. After the fracking process, large

amount of water has to flow towards surface and some of the water that appears on the surface is

frack water also known as flow back. Moreover, ground water along with the toxic chemicals,

minerals (dense brine and elements containing radioactive waves) appears on the surface; known

as produced water. The flow back water and produced water both pose threats of spills, transport

accidents, leakages, improper disposal and improper onsite handling. According to Warner,, (2013, p.11849), all the disposal methods used by US have attached challenges, as there are

no standardized rules for comprehensive disposal. In the light of the Safe Drinking Water Act,

regulation of deep well injection is widely being practiced. The method has led to occasional

concerns as it has a strong relationship with the seismic activity, although, most of the
Hydraulic Fracturing27

earthquakes are reckoned trivial as they are usually imperceptible on the surface (Manilofff and

Mastromonaco, 2014).

Despite of the imperceptibility on the surface, the state of Ohio in 2011 who never

experienced an earthquake, gauged massive national attention due to the eleventh earthquake in

eight months, in the interior of 2 miles from an injection well. As a result, the usage of two waste

injections well was halted permanently, and rested to entree other wells before enduring their use

(Warner,, 2013, p.11849). While analysing the other disposal methods, it involves carrying

the water to treatment facilities which performs the process of removing all the toxic wastes.

However, the facilities are not updated and well-equipped to eliminate all the toxic waste and the

components also damages the treatment process alongside contaminated water disposal into the

environment (Olmstead, Mason and Muehlenbachs, 2015). There are methods of open air

evaporation, shallow pits burying and untreated waste sprays over roadways in form of as de-

icing agent. All the methods therefore, pose great threat and challenge towards healthy

environment sustenance. The solids wastes engrossed in radioactive elements as a result of muds

and drills cutting are generally brought to landfills. The large transportation of waste is carried

out on considerable distances which lead to traffic, spills, noise and accidents. The needed

capacity for waste produced in receiving states is crowded out apart from the potential threats

associated with transportation and injection, due to imported wastes from the neighbouring

countries as done by Pennsylvania (Warner,, 2013, p.11849). The figure 3 shows the

number of case filed due to shale gas development.

Figure 3: Number of Cases filed

Source: Warner,, (2013, p.11849)

There is ambiguity in the overall tally of local challenges and benefits. The lease holders

have flourished as a result of economic boost from gas production. On the other hand, both the

lease holders and neighbours of gas properties production have raised their issues regarding

contaminated water for drinking, potential health impacts, threat to the livelihood as a result of

increasing economic resources erosion and degradation. Beside the environmental challenges,

the shale gas and hydraulic fracturing have social risks of noise, dirt and dangerous production

process (Vengosh 2013). In addition, the drilling of wells also adds to the social concerns of

people provided that the increasing development of shale gas wells in the gas rich regions is

accompanied with a number of infrastructural issues as well. The consequences are seen in the

form of disturbance in the entire area and the cumulative impacts can create habitat

fragmentation. This is provided with special consideration to the incidents of spilling over of the

hydraulic fracturing that causes chemical spillage on sites where drilling is taken place. The
Hydraulic Fracturing29

spillage of wastewater disposal sites in addition to the spillage of water from pits which are not

properly locked under the ground surface (Murray 2013: 4918).

Apart from that, the New York Times revealed in one of its investigation report that in

the year 2011, fracturing wastewater caused higher level of concerns due to the fact that it

contained high level of naturally present radioactive material which was added into the

Pennsylvania rivers (Urbina 2011). All of the above provided situations have an impact over the

community’s quality of life.

Moreover, deterioration of roads as a result of truck traffic is also a societal risk. The

business whose foundations are on assuring a cleaner and healthier environment, organic farming

products and meat and tourism are at grave risk due to hydraulic fracturing. The process opens

more job opportunities; the incursion of workers from abroad brings potential challenges of

managing higher crime rates, stresses on the domestic services which includes, health care, food,

hospitals, entertainment and increased prices etc as mentioned by (Murray, 2013, p.4920).

2.4.Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Environment, Economy and Society

2.4.1. EconomicAspects

The technology improvements in hydraulic fracturing have stimulated a boom and

perspiration of extraction and exploration of beforehand underground located unrecoverable oil

and gas resources (Ewen, 2014). The new easily reached oil and gas resource are situated in US

33 states and therefore reflects a potential impact over country’s large ecosystems and population

(Ewen, 2014). Areas with more unfamiliarity of large gas and oil extracting operations have

experienced more development in form of expansion of hydraulic fracturing. The state

government’s looks after the permission and regulation of oil and gas producing industries due to
the increasing environmental issues of oil and gas production. The increasing hydraulic

fracturing and natural oil and gas development assures many motivations and benefits which

includes international and domestic advantages, enhanced independence of energy, enhanced job

growth and provision of cheaper energy supply to the population. It has been highlighted by the

chairmen of US Steel John Surma that the development of new oil and gas resources entails the

credentials and competency of becoming a once in a life time economic engine, which 20 years

ago was held by coal (Jenner and Lamadrid 2013, p.442; Fell and Kaffine, 2014). The impact on

economy and society includes a number of job opportunities for both the skilled and un-skilled

labour, improvement in the deficit of balance of payments of US and tax revenue enhancement at

all government levels (Delgado, Guilfoos and Boslett, 2014).Moreover, from a view of foreign

politics the development in natural gas and oil production would enhance the US independence

and hence, US involvement in the Middle East unstable politics and international oil routes

protection will be reduced. This independence would further lead towards less dependency on

international oil markets fluctuations and the bargaining position of US as mentioned by (Finkel,

Hays and Law, 2013, p.1161; Burtraw,, 2012, p.35).

2.4.2. Societal Aspects

At a societal level, hydraulic fracturing promises to become a provider of cheap energy

resources. The aggressive development supporters have claimed that the fracturing has resulted

in over millions of job opportunities along with an increase in the living standards of the

community and a big booster for the feeder industries (Trimmins and Vissing, 2014). The feeder

industries includes the industries who are behind the development of oil and gas resources for

example in case of fracking the chemical and sand industries, for construction the cement, steel
Hydraulic Fracturing31

industries and trucks and tanks, for water and waste management the compressors and pipelines

(Trimmins and Vissing, 2014). Moreover, the availability of cheaper gas and oil resources has

resulted in cost reduction and international competitiveness for industries that are dependent on

gas and oil for their operations.

2.4.3. Environmental Aspects

On an environmental level, replacement of muddier fossil fuel with the natural gas and

oil sounds alluring and appealing, together with the statistic that natural gas burning leads to

reduce greenhouse gas as compare to coal. Due to the rising concern of fugitive emissions i.e.

methane leaks involved in production, transport and extraction of natural gas, it has endangered

the environmental conditions (Alvarez, 2012, p.22; Burnham,, 2011, p.619). Besides, under

the framework of Environmental Defence Fund (EDF), if fugitive emissions on a city level

remain under 3.2%, the benefits of natural gas over coal will be applicable (Brown and

Krupnick, 2010). Apart from this, another climatic factor includes little or no reduction in global

greenhouse gasses due to coal sales abroad as a result of its replacement with natural gas in US

(Alvarez, 2012, p.22). Consequently, the few international politics, new job opportunities,

cheaper fuel and gas entanglements are the hyped benefits realized in comparison to the threats

of methane leakages and the welfares of abridged greenhouse gasses will not be acknowledged if

exports of muddier fossil fuels are not made elsewhere. In view of Darrah,, (2014, p.14076),

addressing the need of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in US would enhance the credibility in

sector of acknowledging global warming issues and alluring international support for such

welfare measures.
2.5.Risks Associated with Reputation

Several media visuals have highlighted the spillage of wastewater into the sites of shale

gas wells which cause increasing concern of people living in such nearby areas. It furthermore

discredit company’s reputation and non-validates the company’s stance that there are no possible

water contamination incidents due to hydraulic fracturing. The attention that is diverted towards

the people by media has resulted into the increasing mistrust of people for shale gas industry

which in response to leave several repercussions to the companies. In includes difficulty in

obtaining social and legal license by shale gas companies in several regions. Furthermore, it is

also evident that the increasing concerns of people about the hydraulic fracturing have negatively

impacted the acceptance level for hydraulic fracturing among public in several parts of the world

including the US, Africa and Europe (King 2012).

2.5.1. Methods of Measuring the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing

There are various methods for assessing the impact of Hydraulic Fracturing also known

as post-fracturing activities (Wise, Bernstein, Land and Thomas, 2016). In view of Warner,,

(2013), following are the methods which can be used for measuring the impact of fracking.

 Detecting the use of radioactive tracers

 Using temperature surveys to sense fracturing fluids

 Using production logs and down hole videos to detect the entrance of water

 Using tiltmeter and microseismic mapping.

The methods identified can only detect the height of fracturing in the area and cannot

measure the extent of fracture height beyond the wells. Besides titlmeter mapping includes

measuring the minute deformations as a result of fracturing. The equipment is positioned in

Hydraulic Fracturing33

shallow boreholes which are approximately 10 m deep; the placement is a significant aspect such

as the standard hole for fracturing well should not exceed three times the fracture height (Wise,

Bernstein, Land and Thomas, 2016). Tiltmeter is also used to measure the volume and

orientation of fracturing.

The microseismic mapping is used to measure the minute earth quakes; microseismic

events which take place during fracturing (Warner,, (2013). The earthquake takes place as a

result of induced stress and pressure on the coal and nearby rocks made by high pressure fluids.

The method abets in detecting the time taken for pressure waves to travel from event to receiver.

As shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: Microseismic Monitoring

Source: Warner,, (2013)

An arrangement of receivers is positioned in a monitoring well at the depth same as target

zone; 600 m from the treatment well. Besides, the measuring equipment’s optimal configuration

is dependent on the site-specific subsurface circumstances. Figure 5, illustrates the example of a

vertical record of microseismic events during the stages of hydraulic fracturing. Each dot in the
diagram represents a microseismic activity. The figure further entails four stages of fracture

treatments impelled in a horizontal well. In view of Olmstead, Mason and Muehlenbachs,

(2015), multiple monitoring methods are required to measure the impact of hydraulic fracturing.

Figure 5: Microseismic Monitoring

Source: Olmstead, Mason and Muehlenbachs, (2015),

2.5.2. Monitoring the Impacts

According to Warner,, (2013); Brown and Krupnick, (2010), monitoring impacts

from hydraulic fracturing should be incorporated to establish a baseline preceding to fracturing,

during the fracturing and post fracturing. This incorporates monitoring the integrity of well and

environment surrounding the well. The well integrity is measured through pressure tests and

running cement bond logging (CBL). Various researchers use radiocarbon dating or stable

isotope analysis by means of Carbon-13 (δ13C) and Deuterium (δ2H) to detect whether the

methane was shaped through biogenic methane or shaped through thermogenic methane. On
Hydraulic Fracturing35

basis of the measuring methods, following measures should be taken in context of post-fracturing


 Using well integrity tests by pressure testing and CBL by a sovereign well examiner who

will submit the results to the respective governing agency.

 Using aquifier sampling for methane and other contaminants

 Assuring ground gas monitoring in a manner similar to gas monitoring at former landfills.

 Consideration upon developing a common liability fund that will assure a sufficient

financial resource.

2.6.Mitigation Techniques for the Negative Aspects of Hydraulic fracturing

In the multifaceted set of industrial processes and practices regarding hydraulic

fracturing, it is a matter of great significance to be aware of the particular terms and ability to

differentiate between the presence of potential challenges and threats in order to prioritize, access

and adopt policies for addressing the issues. The preventive steps and mitigation activities should

cover the areas of greatest concern to curtail the unnecessary demands on the stakeholders of

complex and expensive hydraulic fracturing activities. The general best practices of mitigation

techniques consist of fracturing fluid divulgence. Testing of baseline water, green fracturing fluid

usage, flow back water recycling, and well integrative tests conduct (Gopalakrishnan and

Klaiber, 2014, p.50).

2.6.1. Local Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The general method used for addressing the issue of methane emissions is flaring, which

refers to the process of combusting gas by sending the flow water to an open tank or a pit.
According to Feyrer, Mansur and Sacerdote, (2014), flaring resulted in reaping over 90% GHG

emissions reduction with comparison to venting, since CO2 is a resultant of flaring. The VOC’s

and toxic air pollutants are significantly reduced with the help of flaring. Despite of the benefits

provided by flaring, the process results in a vulnerable natural gas loss and combustions

emissions of nitrous oxides and carbon monoxide. The most recent methods of mitigating the

methane emissions, Green Completions are practiced which involves the process of capturing

and separating natural gas during work over activities and well completion. In order to do so,

Green Completions utilize portable equipment’s which enables natural gas incarceration from the

flow back water (Gopalakrishnan and Klaiber, 2014, p.43). The mixture then passes through a

sand trap, a three-phase separation of natural gas liquids and water from the gas and then sent for

distribution through sales pipelines. In light of the hazard alerts issued by the Occupational

Safety and Health Administration, (2012) includes the mitigation strategies of using less

ceramic; less hazardous, modifications in sand handling, control practices and dust suppressions,

establishing a limit to the number of workers and their exposure to high silica and dust

concentration, improvising workers training, and usage of proper equipment’s for respiratory


2.6.2. Quantity and Quality of Water

The method used for assuring the quality of water is recycling of flow back water.

Recycling results in reducing the fresh water demand and reducing the disposed amount of waste

(Warner,, 2013, p.11849). This particular practice is dependent upon the accessibility of

fresh water, quality and quantity of fresh water and the cost of waste water disposal. The

treatment needed by the recycled water varies from reverse osmosis by simple filtration or
Hydraulic Fracturing37

thermal treatment process that eliminates liquefied salts and minerals. The US hydraulic

fracturing is exploring the ways of hydraulic fracturing without using water resources. It can be

done with the help of impelling mixture of propane gel and sand inside the shale structures. The

propane gel will be created from natural gas in form of NGL and liquid petroleum gas (LPG).

After the completion of fracturing process, the gel transforms into a vapour due to pressure and

appears on the surface with the natural gas.

2.6.3. Community Engagement

For the management of short-term and cumulative impacts of shale gas operations, public

engagement will be indispensable (Trimmins and Vissing, 2014; Torres, Yadav and Khan, 2016,

p.478). According to Wise,, (2016) and King, (2012), several mitigation techniques can be

utilized in order to address the growing local issues. The growing drift is the multiple wells

drilling on the basis of single well pad, so as to reduce the trails of shale gas exploitation. In

order to reduce the typical noise pollution of 86 decibels sound barriers can be utilized to bring

the background levels to 65 decibels from a distance of 100 feet (Haley,, 2016). According

to EPA, 70 decibels should be considered to reduce the environmental level of noise and will

prevent any quantifiable hearing loss over an epoch. Apart from the benefits of Green

completions as discussed above, it also reduces the level of light pollution as a result of flare

stacks that produces flames up to 20 feet high (Adams and Rowe, 2013, p.40). Apart from these,

operational agreements with the local community can be fruitful for example identifying a

specific time in which heavy truck traffic can pass by the schools and homes. It is a matter of

great significance for the natural gas industry to develop, enhance and maintain best practices to
assure healthy positive relations with the local community as a result of company’s gas

production activities (Anderson, 2013; Cunningham,, 2013 and Brandt,, 2014, p.735).


The prevalent hydraulic fracturing or shale gas exploitation has had reflective impacts

over the environmental, economic and societal aspects. The striking increase in supply of natural

gas has resulted in reduced gas prices and comprehensive electricity and industrial usage

penetration of natural gas. The increase in equilibrium quantity and price decreases has stretched

consumer and producers surplus. The increased usage of natural gas has reduced the habit of coal

which led to associated air quality benefits. The national security externalities from imports of

fossil fuel have also been reduced due to tight oil and shale gas. Moreover, the fracturing has

also resulted in greater economic activity and employment levels. Despite the positive impacts,

there has also been negative externality attached with the hydraulic fracturing process which

includes depletion and pollution of surface water, depletion and pollution of groundwater,

fragmentation of natural habitat, impact over local air quality, local boomtown issues and

aggregate external damages. In order to efficiently deal with the negative aspects of hydraulic

fracturing the Government, federal and local authorities all have to contribute maximizing the

positive externalities and minimizing the negative externalities. The general techniques used are

fracturing fluid divulgence. Testing of baseline water, green fracturing fluid usage, flow back

water recycling, and well integrative tests conduct. Overall, the fracturing benefits overweigh the

negative aspects and have helped the US economy to flourish, prosper and decrease dependency

over Middle East.

Hydraulic Fracturing39



This chapter presents a detailed discussion of all the choices made in this study regarding

the methodology. This chapter is particularly important because it reflects the reliability and

validity of the results and conclusions drawn in the research and explains primary and secondary

research methods adopted to achieve the aims and objectives of the study. The chapter begins

with philosophical assumptions of the researcher followed by research approach, strategy,

design, data collection methods/instruments, sampling strategy, data analysis techniques, and

ethical considerations. All of these sections are meant at providing research with the better

overview of the methods and techniques used by the researcher. Furthermore, research

methodology is also aimed at validating the research by establishing the theoretical justification

of the ways based upon which research is conducted and ensures the appropriate tools to be

implemented into the research (Mackey and Gass 2015).

3.2.Research Philosophy/Research Paradigm

Research paradigm involves the researcher to make choices about fundamental

philosophical choices for the research. These philosophical choices are related to the foundation

of acceptable knowledge which is the aim of any research study. The epistemological

philosophical assumptions have two opposite school of thoughts in which the positivists assert

and argue that methods, principles, and ethos of natural sciences are applicable in social studies

in order to gain acceptable knowledge. They establish that the reality can only be achieved

through measurable and testable data which is acquired by some scientific calculations. In
contrast, interpretivists assert and argue that the subject matter of social phenomena is different

from that of natural phenomena and therefore social research requires different strategy to gain

acceptable knowledge. Interpretivism believes that different phenomenain society can be well

analyzed and interpreted to come up with several findings which provide the most relevant

sourcesof data thus leading towards accurate results (Bryman 2012).

In this study, the phenomenon under consideration is the social, environmental, and

economic impacts of hydraulic fracturing. The aim of the study is to review the existing literature

which is qualitative in nature and thus interpretivist epistemological position is the most suitable

assumption for this study.

3.3.Research Approach

There are two types of research approaches. The top-down approach is based on

deductive reasoning which requires researchers to start study by collecting general observations

and then continue their analysis to more specific settings. Typically this approach is used to test

existing theories. This approach involves to conduct the study in such a way that it starts with the

general assumptions and theoretical foundations and is also provided with the hypothesis. Once

the researcher starts study, the general discussion leads the research towards particular

conclusions which are meant to validate or nullify the existing hypothesis (Li and Wang 2011).

On the opposite, the bottoms-up approach is based in inductive reasoning which requires

the researcher to start collecting specific observations and then identify patterns. The analysis

starts with a particular assumption and gathers on several explanations and generalizations which

help the researcher to expand the research in its scope. This study not necessarily involves testing

of hypothesis and may end up with coming to certain theoretical grounds and gaining general
Hydraulic Fracturing41

results. Therefore, it is also suggested that this approach is typically used to develop theories

(Bryman and Bell 2011).

In this study, the aim is to conduct a review of the literature and study the impacts of

hydraulic fracturing and based on the findings to develop a comprehensive plan of mitigating

strategies. The study began by making specific observations of impacts of hydraulic fracturing in

the USA, and then it continues to make general conclusions i.e. a plan for mitigating strategies

that are applicable in general. Therefore, this approach matches with inductive reasoning and

thus follows the bottoms-up approach.

3.4.Research Strategy

There are several types of research strategies which include survey research, desk based

research, ethnographic studies, etc. Each of the strategies has its own benefits and limitations.

The main benefit of desk based research is that it is the most cost and time efficient as compared

to other strategies such as ethnographic study. Ethnography requires the researcher to live in the

area of interest and make personal observations to collect first-hand information. This approach

demands significant amount of time and other resources (Creswell, 2013).

For this study, there is only limited time and budget available to the researcher and

therefore the researcher cannot afford to conduct an ethnographic study. This study is based on

desk-based research in which it has collected secondary data through the internet to achieve the

aims and objectives of this study.

3.5.Types of Investigations

Investigation is considered to be one of the most vital processes of research. This is

established due to the fact that the way through which researcher engages into digging out for the

knowledge ultimately drives the researcher towards reaching the appropriate solution to the

research problem. Hence, it is believed that the type of investigation should be carefully and

appropriately chosen in accordance to the study in consideration (Lampard and Pole 2015).

There are three major types of investigations, exploratory, explanatory, and descriptive.

Descriptive investigation is conducted to describe a phenomena, explanatory investigation is

conducted to explain existing phenomena (i.e. how and why), and exploratory investigation is

conducted to explore further into a phenomena. Exploratory investigation is conducted to gain

more insights into a phenomenon (Denzin and Lincoln, 2011).This study aims to explain the

social, economic, and environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing and thus the most suitable

type of investigation for this study is explanatory investigation.

3.6.Research Design

Research design refers to the type of data and analysis conducted by the researcher. There

are three types of research design: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. The quantitative

design involves quantifiable data and uses relevant data analysis techniques while qualitative

design involves non-quantifiable or qualitative data only. The mixed design is the hybrid of the

two. Typically mixed design is adopted to ensure that weaknesses of individual designs are

prevented while exploiting their strengths (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2008). This study is based

on desk-based research and therefore collects and analyses qualitative data extracted from the

existing works of other authors. Therefore, the research design of this study is qualitative.
Hydraulic Fracturing43

3.7.Data Collection Method

Data collection methods refer to the techniques and methods used to collect data for the

study based on which the researcher extracts results and conclusion. Typically, a study identifies

a target population and collects primary data by using data collection methods such as survey

questionnaire, interviews, etc (Hennink, Hutterand Bailey, 2010). However, since this study is a

desk based research therefore there is no primary data involved. This study uses internet to

access search engines and databases to gather secondary data.

3.7.1. Secondary Data

Secondary data refers to analysing results and findings of existing researches. This is

typically called literature review and involves analysing results and conclusions of broad

literature on the phenomenon under consideration. Researchers collect secondary data from

various sources which include articles published in academic journals, academic books,

newspapers, industry reports, annual reports of companies, reports published by government

agencies as well as non-governmental organisations, among others (Levy and Lemeshow, 2013).

In this study, the databases used to gather articles are Emerald, Jstor, ProQuest, Science

direct and EBSCO. The researcher has identified a number of keywords to search for most

relevant articles related to the aim of the study. These keywords have been identified from

research questions, and objectives of the study. Following points summarizes the keyword used

in the search:

 Impact of hydraulic fracturing

 Social impacts of hydraulic fracturing

 Economic impacts of hydraulic fracturing

 Environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing

3.7.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Since there is a huge volume of literature available that focuses on the impacts of

hydraulic fracturing, therefore it is not possible for reviewer to include all of the studies in a

single review. Therefore, inclusion and exclusion criteria are used by reviewers to narrow down

the results of the search. The purpose of using inclusion and exclusion criteria is to ensure that

the review is comprehensive and relevant. Inclusion criteria are used to ensure that the review

does not miss relevant articles. Exclusion criteria are used to make sure that irrelevant articles are

excluded from the review (Myers, 2013). Following inclusion and exclusion criteria were used in

this study:

Inclusion Criteria

 It was assured by the researcher that the articles, journals and research papers selected are

authenticate and credible

 This secondary data were retrieved only from the studies that are published

 Research papers, journals and articles that were written in English language are selected

 The articles relevant to the issue under consideration were only referred

 Exclusion Criteria

 Any articles or journals whose authenticity and reliability cannot be validated were not


 The articles, journals, and books published in other than English language were not

Hydraulic Fracturing45

 Any unpublished literature or journals were not referred during the secondary research.

 Relevancy was the basic criteria followed in the current research. Irrelevant articles were

also excluded from the current study.

Therefore, this study utilizes secondary data for gathering and collecting data to be

utilized into the research.

3.8.Data Analysis Plan/Data Synthesis

Data analysis plan refers to the set of methods and techniques used to analyze data

collected in the study to derive results for the study. Data analysis techniques are selected on the

basis of type of research design and type of data collected. Mainly, there are three types of data

analysis plans, including content analysis, descriptive/quantitative analysis and thematic analysis.

SPSS is the data analysis tool which is utilized when the research includes to analyze primary

quantitative data with special inclusion of statistical and numeric data (Pallant 2013). There are

several qualitative data analysis techniques as well such as grounded theory, content analysis,

and thematic analysis, among others. Content analysis refers to the analysis plan which mainly

involves analyzing content of literature from the given context to be implemented and put into

the research to provide it certain meaning (Krippendorff 2012).

Since this study is a desk based secondary research in which qualitative data has been

collected, therefore this study required a qualitative data analysis technique. This study chose

thematic analysis technique to analyse studies included in this review. Thematic analysis

technique enables the reviewer to follow a systematic manner to analyse and examine large

pieces of text(s). Thematic analysis uses keywords to search the text and leads to categories and

themes. These themes and categories are then used to report the findings within the context of
objectives of the study (Ng and Coakes, 2013). This study used key words for the search

provided in previous section to examine the articles selected for the review. The key words were

used as themes and categories to report the results of the review.

3.9.Accessibility Issues

Accessibility issues refer to the constraints faced by the researcher during the research

process that hamper data collection or data analysis. In addition, accessibility issues include all

the issues researcher faces in accessing any relevant sources that might be utilized into the

research (Peters et al. 2013). In this study, the main accessibility issues were time and budget

constraints. Due to limited budget, the researcher was unable to afford extensive travelling and

gather primary data and was also unable to buy reports and studies. This is because of the reason

that most of the scholarly books and articles are not available online and need to be purchased.

Secondly, those literature which is online available usually provide a limited view to the study

and asks to pay for the subscription fees. Only free of cost studies available on the internet were

included in this review. Furthermore, due to time constraints this study could not include studies

published before 2006. In other words, literature published in last 10 years is included in this

review. Finally, this study could not access studies published in any language other than English

and therefore it can also be counted as an accessibility issue.

3.10. Ethical Issues

Ethical considerations refers to the moral and ethical principles and values that researcher

assume and adhere to so that they can maintain integrity with the research community as well as

any research participants. Since this study is a desk based secondary research therefore it does
Hydraulic Fracturing47

not involve any human participants. However, there are certain ethical issues particularly related

to secondary research. In this study the main ethical consideration was to prevent plagiarism.

Plagiarism refers to using the work of other others without giving credit to the author. This is a

serious academic offense and must be avoided at all times (Pickard, 2013). This study used

Harvard referencing system and provided in-text citation and a corresponding list of reference at

the end of the study to show respect to the work of fellow researchers and pay proper credit to

their contributions in the research community. Furthermore, this study does not include any

personal bias of the researcher and thus tries to the utmost to base the analysis and conclusion

purely based upon the provided literature review reflecting the opinion of several scholars.

3.11. Research Limitations

Research limitations refer to the weaknesses in the methodology of the study that limit

the reliability and validity of the results and findings (Reason and Bradbury, 2013). The main

limitation in this study is that it lacks primary data and evidence. Primary research would have

increased the reliability and validity of results. In a desk based review of literature the reliability

and validity of its results and findings are dependent upon the methodological quality of the

studies that are selected and analyzed in the review. In order to make sure that only high quality

studies are included in this review the author carefully selected exclusion criteria and ensured

that articles from authentic and credible sources are included. Overall, this study assumes that

there is a reasonable degree of reliability and validity despite the limitations discussed in this

In addition, the limitation of researcher towards accessing and utilizing the relevant

sources also adds to the research limitation which in response contributes towards the overall

limitation of scope of research.

3.12. Chapter Summary

The discussion above shows that the aim of the study is to review existing literature

which is qualitative in nature and thus interpretivists’ epistemological position is the most

suitable assumption for this study. This chapter also shows that this study began by making

specific observations of impacts of hydraulic fracturing in the USA, and then it continues to

make general conclusions i.e. a plan for mitigating strategies that are applicable in general.

Therefore, this approach matches with inductive reasoning and thus follows the bottoms-up

approach. This study is based on desk-based research in which it has collected secondary data

through internet to achieve the aims and objectives of this study. This study aims to conduct an

explanatory investigation to explain the social, economic, and environmental impacts of

hydraulic fracturing. The research design adopted in this study is qualitative secondary research.

Data collection method adopted in this study is to use the internet and search for published

articles available on various databases. A number of inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to

ensure relevant studies were included. The data analysis technique used in this study is Thematic

Analysis. The main accessibility issues in this study emerged to time and budget constraints. Due

to this the main limitation of this study is lack of primary evidence. Finally this chapter shows

that main ethical consideration in this study was preventing plagiarism which was achieved by

using Harvard referencing style. It also adds to the several research limitations which overall

causes the research to lead towards limiting the research scope and future applications.
Hydraulic Fracturing49


4.1 Introduction

An apt and properly structured dissertation or research study is broken down in to

certain key chapters and every chapter adds incremental knowledge and comprehensive analyses

to the entire research paper. In light of the following assessment, the current chapter, chapter

four, intends to evaluate the information that was assimilated by the researcher in contention

with research objectives. Since the respective dissertation was based on the collection of

secondary data, thus, resources like peer reviewed articles and researcher papers, scholarly

journals, Google Scholar, electronic libraries and university databases were utilized. The

secondary information, gathered on the research topic pertaining to the environmental, social,

and economic impact of hydraulic fracturing, has been grouped into relevant themes and

analysed using the process of thematic analysis.

4.2 Thematic Analysis

4.2.1 Usage and Implementation of Hydraulic Fracturing

The concept of Hydraulic fracturing, or in certain academic sources known as hydro-

fracturing or hydrofracking, is well-stimulation or excavation process that utilizes the use of

pressurized liquid to fracture rock formation and gain access to precious raw materials buried

underneath the layer of rock (Vengosh et al 2014). As mentioned by Goldstein (2014:271), the

most common and widely used raw materials that are utilized using the following method are

petroleum and natural gas. According to a narrative provided by Boslett, Guilfoos and Lnag

(2016:14) the process of Hydraulic Fracturing involves the subjugation of a pressurized liquid,
imbedded with a thickening agent, in hard rock formation, which allows buried natural resources

of material like petroleum, natural gas or brine, to flow in upward direction, allowing for an ease

of access for the excavators who are trying to extract the natural resource in an effective and

wastage minimizing manner. In a serpent analogy provided by , Brandt et al. (2014:733), the

author augmented that hydraulic fracturing is a process of releasing natural gas with the help of

fracturing shale rocks, drilling and injecting a fluid into the grounds at a very high pressure.

During the process, in order to reach the oil and gas, the perpendicular windbags are drilled

thousands feet inside the ground going through the deep sediment layers, shale rock formations

and water tables.

Initiated as test procedure in the early part of 1947, hydraulic fracturing has since than

gathered critical acceptance and the usage of the following procedure has since multiplied

exponentially, with organizations in the haste to accumulate natural resources, which are

required at an excessive quantity by manufacturing firms today (Murray et al 2013). Critiquing

the following assessment Boslett, Guilfoos and Lang (2016:14), contemplated that it would be

wrong to declare that hydraulic fracturing is a completely safe process as there are certain

evident benefits to the respective process. The first and foremost advantage of implanting the

process of hydraulic fracturing is that it allows humans to access a larger reservoir of natural

resources and fuel the growing need. According to Boudet et al. (2014:57) the increase in

population ration and the lack of alternative energy resources, than can be mass produced, has

justified the use of hydraulic fracturing in order to acquire a larger volume of natural resources.

In addition, with reference to the economic paradigm of demand and supply, authors

Hofmann, Babadagli and Zimmermann (2014:524) perpetuated that within an increase in the

supply of natural gases, the global prices are expected to drop down, providing a monetary relief
Hydraulic Fracturing51

to the consumers. Evident from the fall in petroleum price, as incremental reserves for shale oil

are identified and harvested, the global consumer economy is now benefiting from a decrease in

the overall price of goods and services (Theodori et al 2014:66). The decrease in the prices of the

commodity has subsequently increased the purchasing power parity of the consumer and now

they are able to acquire a larger number of goods and services, than previously before.

4.2.2 The impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Environment

As identified earlier, the use of hydraulic fracturing does indeed have positive benefits to

the society as a whole, however, excessive use of following procedure has resulted in certain

ecological and environmental ramification, one such being the leakage of Methane Gas

(Kissinger et al 2013:357). According to an assessment provided by a research study conducted

by Lange et al. (2013:342) stated that methane gas is the one of most common proponent that has

resulted in the increase in climate change and has given a subsequent rise to the phenomenon of

global warming. Considered as a residue of excavated wells which are left behind by hydraulic

fracturing mining firms, methane gas is exposed to the environment where it reacts with the

ultraviolet rays of the sun, and thereby increasing the global temperatures.

In addition, according to Brandt et al. (2014:733), most of the global environmental

preservation laws dictate that companies that are extracting mineral resources undertake certain

safety precautions that mitigate the emission of harmful gases, like methane in to the

environment. However, with respect to the results provided by Murray et al. (2013), emission of

harmful gases, during the well-drilling process, is estimated to be between 3 per cent and 12 per

cent, generally on the higher side. The acceptable gas emission percentage, as highlighted by

Goldstein (2014:271), is supposed to be 5 per cent, yet with firms responsible for the extraction
of shale oil producing more than the desired level of greenhouse gas, the overall procedure of

hydraulic fracturing is considered as a threat to the environment.

Another rising concern pertaining to the use of hydraulic fracturing is that regarding the

use and subsequent wastage of water. As opined by Vengosh et al. (2014) a single hydraulic

fracturing plant, on average, require 4 to 9 million gallons, over its entire lifetime, to remain

operational and active. However, most of the water is either wasted in spillage or seepage or

ineffectively utilized in failed fracturing attempts. The severity of water usage by hydraulic

fracturing become so intense, that the state of Texas, in USA, suffered a water crisis in the year

of 2012 (Theodori et al 2014:66). Therefore, from an environmental perspective, the excavation

of shale oil and other natural gases, through the process of hydraulic fracturing, should be

redefined and made more environmental friendly.

4.2.3 Social Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing

The impact of hydraulic fracturing and the earnest desire to extract maximum units of

shale oil has had contrasting impact on the overall society. According to Murray et al. (2013)

extraction companies who are using hydraulic fracturing as a drilling tool have resulted in the

creation of countless many jobs and given employment opportunities to people, who were

previously wither unemployed or living on government subsidies and grant. Similarly, in an

assessment predicated by Hofmann, Babadagli and Zimmermann (2014:524) people are now

earning enough money to earn a respectable standard of living, a key determinant to the

reduction in illegal societal activities that had previously plagued different societies. Similarly, in

a research study conducted by Brandt et al. (2014:733) at a societal level, hydraulic fracturing

promises to become a provider of cheap energy resources. The aggressive development

Hydraulic Fracturing53

supporters have claimed that the fracturing has resulted in over millions of job opportunities

along with an increase in the living standards of the community and a big booster for the feeder


Furthermore, Boslett, Guilfoos and Lnag (2016:14) contemplated that the increase in

production of shale oil has reduced the global price of petroleum and other natural reserves. The

decrease in price of petroleum has had a dual impact, and as Boslett, Guilfoos and Lnag

(2016:14) perpetuated, cost of production of manufacturing companies has decreased

significantly and their profit margins have gained an enormous amount of leverage. Therefore,

the decrease in cost of production has resulted in the manufacturing companies experiencing

economies of scale, a process that has allowed them to increase their profit margins without

having to increase the number of units they sell (Theodori et al 2014:66). The following benefits

are further reciprocated by manufacturing companies as they offer price relief to the consumers,

encouraging more consumers to acquire the products and services being sold.

4.2.4 Positive and Negative impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Economy

According to a research study undertaken by the students of Yale University, in the

tutorage of Professor Emeritus Paul W. MacAvoy, Ames et al. (2012) predicated that, Hydraulic

Fracturing as a process has allowed organizations to offer incremental job opportunities and in

the process hone the economic cycle benefitting all different associated stakeholders. The study

which solely analysed the economic benefits of shale oil and Hydraulic Fracturing in USA

documented that as of 2011, the country had to pay $103 billion a year less for natural gas. Ames

et al. (2012) further narrated that without the discovery of shale oil, through the process of

Hydraulic Fracturing, USA would have been faced with severely depleted natural gas reserves,
with a heightened dependency upon the imports from Qatar, Australia and other natural gas

producing and exporting countries.

Yet while the following assessment supported the economic benefits of Hydraulic

Fracturing, a contrasting opinion was provided for by Goldstein (2014:271), where the authors

contemplated that excessive production of shale oil and the drastic decline in oil prices has given

birth to inflationary situations in many different countries. In addition, according to an

assessment provided by Vengosh et al. (2014) oil exporting countries have had their economic

growth curtailed and, while, the standard of living, globally, has increased; it has worsened for

oil producing companies.

4.3 Chapter Summary

Over the years the extraction of shale oil, through the process of Hydraulic Fracturing,

has had a significant impact on the economic, global and social paradigm that are present

globally. While some scholars contemplate that the subsequent impact that Hydraulic Fracturing

has is positive in nature, a separate, very prominent school of thought argues that the excessive

use of Hydraulic Fracturing has damaged the ecological environment and further disturbed the

global economic balance. Through multiple secondary sources, it was evaluated that even though

shale oil production plants, using Hydraulic Fracturing, have reduced the global price of mineral

resources around the world and offered consumers price relief and an increment in their

disposable income, the impact on the environment has been negative. Rigorous drilling through

the process of Hydraulic Fracturing has resulted in the release of harmful greenhouse gases, most

notably Methane, and has further damaged the marine life. In addition, research has indicated

that, from a societal perspective, the excessive use of Hydraulic Fracturing has resulted in water
Hydraulic Fracturing55

shortages, as the procedure requires millions of gallons of water to be operational. Therefore,

after comprehensively going over different literature sources and key research material it was

evaluated that Hydraulic Fracturing is indeed a useful element and the production and extraction

of shale oil has been a significant addition to the current crop of natural resource minerals that

are available for use. However, the excessive cultivation of shale oil and the continuous use of

Hydraulic Fracturing is now starting to have detrimental environmental impact with similar

economic backlash.

5.1 Introduction

Carrying on from the previous chapter, titled Data Analysis, the following chapter has

allowed the researcher to conclude the entire study and provide apt recommendations, with

respect to the chosen research topic. In addition to concluding the research paper, the present

chapter has also enabled the researcher to provide certain future implications of this dissertation

and laid a comprehensive foundation upon which future researchers can act on and further

analyse the concept of hydraulic fracturing and decipher its social, economic and environmental


5.2 Conclusion

The primary aim of the following research study was to analyse the economic, social and

environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing in U.S. and to provide recommendations that

could be used to mitigate the drawbacks of shale exploration and hydraulic fracturing. According

to Boudet et al. (2014:57) hydraulic fracturing is a process that is widely used in US and Europe

to drill between rock formation and extract key mineral and natural resources that are buried

underneath. As Hofmann, Babadagli and Zimmermann (2014:524) further contemplated, Shale

oil is one such raw material that is widely excavated through this process and the discovery of

shale oil has been a prominent development towards easing the existing burden upon the

commonly used fossil fuels. During the following study, the impact of hydraulic fracturing was

analysed on three different paradigms, social environmental and economic. Kissinger et al

(2013:357) predicated that through the supply of shale oil, manufactures all around the world
Hydraulic Fracturing57

have been able to reduce their average cost of production and in the process provide significant

monetary relief to the consumers. In addition, from an academic viewpoint, the increase in the

purchasing power parity of the consumers has resulted in the increase in consumption trends, and

markets are booming due to incremental customer activity.

Yet, providing a contrasting opinion, Vengosh et al. (2014) highlighted that there are

different organizations that have acted in haste to acquire a larger share of the shale product

market, and have been excessively using the process of hydraulic fracturing without undertaking

any precautionary methods pertaining to the drawbacks of the respective process. As a result,

most of the hydraulic fracturing wells that were dug up in the past have started leaking methane

gas in to the environment which has resulted in the rise of global temperatures and climatic

change. In addition, under water drilling has hampered the marine ecological environment and

has created methane puddles underwater, a dangerous phenomenon which could have drastic

consequences (Boudet et al 2014:57). Furthermore, economist Lange et al. (2013:342) opined

that the drastic decrease in the price of petroleum in the global market has caused inflation to rise

in developing countries and has further pushed Middle Eastern and gulf economies into decline,

since they were critically reliant on the production and export of oil products.

Yet, after accommodating certain changes to the process of hydraulic fracturing,

countries like USA can reduce their dependency upon foreign countries to fulfil their rising need

for resources like natural gas and oil. In addition, through the export of shale oil, countries can

improve their balance of payment and increase their GDP growth.

5.3 Recommendations/Plan

 Countries where oil and gas companies are using the process of hydraulic fracturing to

extract natural resources should impose national level policies that are applicable for

both, foreign and domestic firms. These policies should mitigate the emission of harmful

greenhouses gases and impose the installation of environmental friendly equipment by all

the oil and gas companies. One of the most prominent policies should be levied on the

disposition of methane gas and old drilling wells should be aptly terminated disposed of

by oil and gas companies, thus reducing the emission of methane gas significantly.

 It should also be mandatory for companies that are using hydraulic fracturing to install

water filtration plants and reduce water wastage. As evaluated during the data analyse

chapter, Taxes faced a preliminary water shortage as most of the oil and gas companies

there were utilizing water to operate the process of hydraulic fracturing. Since, water is

mixed with other chemical components it cannot be used by the members of the society

and has to be disposed of. Therefore, in order to reduce the wastage of water, oil and gas

companies should be required to set up water filtration plants and thus ensure that there is

no excessive water shortage.

 Furthermore, with respect to the economic issues related to hydraulic fracturing, the

government should issue regulations restricting the excessive supply and demand of shale

oil products. This would allow government members to reduce the chances of inflation

and further ensure that global economy stays in harmony, with respect to the paradigm of

supply and demand.

Hydraulic Fracturing59

5.4 Future Implications

First and foremost, future researchers could change the research methodology that was

used, with respect to the acquisition of information material. The present study utilized the

secondary data collection method and was qualitative in nature. However, future researchers

could undertake a primary, quantitative research and inculcate information that has not been

gathered before, thus increasing the effectiveness of the study and determining new and valid

research findings.

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