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October 2018
Remarks from teacher: then they are welcome
Students will be to. In addition, if any
bringing home sheets students is unable to
for parents to sign. bring in a snack for the
Each student needs to party then just notify me.
bring in a snack for the The sheet needs to be
upcoming Halloween signed by a parent or
party. Only one item guardian and returned to
needs to be brought in me prior to the party.
from each student. If a
student wishes to bring
in more than one thing
Th is w eek in class w e w ill st ar t
Upcom in g:
doin g m u lt iplicat ion an d
Hallow een Par t y: Oct . 29 division m at h pr oblem s!
Field Tr ip: Oct . 17
Gr an dpar en t s Day: Oct . 22

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