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6 - Ancient Scriptures for a Bright Future

Treasure in a Ship’s Old Chest

In the year 1790 a ship sailed from England with many breadfruit trees to plant in
the West Indies. The Captain was a cruel man and after awhile his crew began to
hate him. A man named Fletcher led a mutiny and forced the captain and 18
others into a small lifeboat and sent them adrift in the ocean.

Fletcher and those still on the ship landed on an uninhabited island called
Pitcairn. They burned the ship so no one could find them and send them to jail.
Soon the men found a way to make liquor. Troubles followed, with disease,
stealing, fights, and even murder. Soon the only ones left were a few women,
children, and one man named John.

John was really troubled by what had happened and wondered what the future
would bring. Would they all die? Was there a way to lead those who remained
into a better life? He came across an old book in one of the chests from the ship.
It was a book of ancient scriptures called the Bible. He had heard that this book
had great wisdom and power to change lives. Eagerly he read page after page.

His heart was challenged by stories of wicked men and the suffering they
experienced. He read proverbs and laws that if followed would bring peace and
harmony. He was encouraged as he read about people whose lives had been
changed by the power of the Bible’s words.

Over time John taught the women and children to follow the Bible. Their group
grew and prospered. In time England and then the world heard about this island
and its people who followed the ancient wisdom of a very special book.

Do you ever wonder about your future like John did? Do you wonder what will
happen to our world with all the crime and craziness that goes on? Many people
try to predict the future using various methods such as the stars, cards,
birthdates, palms, or by spirits. Many people pay for this advice. Sometimes the
predictions seem exciting and helpful, but many times they don’t come true. Still
people want very much to know the future.

John found a better way to predict the future. He made a better future for himself
by following the treasure of wisdom in the book called the Bible. Let’s explore
just what’s in that book. Look for yourself and see if it’s true, that you can
“Predict a good future by following the Bible’s wisdom.”

The Book that’s Like a Library

Every day thousands of books come off the press throughout the world. Some are
sold by the millions. Many lie unread. Few books become famous enough to be
printed again and read by generation after generation. There is a book that has
fascinated millions for centuries. Originally written in Hebrew and Greek, much of
it has been translated into over 2000 languages. Its pages are full of wise
proverbs and fascinating stories of history. It has intriguing parables, along with
beautiful poetry.

This book is called the Bible. Though not very large, the Bible is more like a
library of books, containing 66 small books written by forty-five different authors
over a period of 1,600 years. Some of the writers were kings and statesmen, and
one was a doctor. Others were simple fishermen and animal herders. Imagine the
diversity of wisdom that such a variety of people could write about! Those who
read the Bible and ponder its meaning are fascinated to find an incredible
harmony of ideas among all the writers. It’s as if there is one author behind it all.
The ideas written between 2000 and 3500 years ago are relevant and helpful to
the problems people face today. Many have said the Bible inspired them with hope
and brought peace to their hearts and homes.

The Search for a Better Future

One young lady determined that she would have a good future. She decided that
one of the things she most needed was a handsome and successful husband.
Going to a fortune-teller she eagerly listened for advice. The fortune-teller
assured her that within the week she would meet a good-looking business man. .

The young lady immediately went to the mall, bought a new outfit and had her
hair done in an attractive way. All week she visited places in which she hoped to
meet her man. Finally she met a well-dressed and handsome business man. They
became friends and before long they were engaged. She thought her bright

future was sure. Day after day she devoted herself to planning an extravagant
wedding with costly dresses, food and entertainment.

Her expensive plans and the busyness of the couple, led to some arguments
between them. Two months before the wedding date she discovered her fiancé
was not being faithful. He had another girlfriend. Heartbroken and very angry,
she broke off their engagement.

What do you think she could have done to better plan for a good future? In what
ways might the wisdom of the Bible have helped her?

Her mistake was not that she planned. It is good to plan. We often say, “He is
wise who looks ahead.” Her mistake was that she trusted fortune telling, wealth,
beauty, and people to ensure her a good future. None of those things is fully
trustworthy. Each passes away with time.

There is something that lasts beyond the deterioration of our world and the
disappointments we often face. The Bible says, “The grass withers, the flower
fades, but the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8). Could it be that the
young lady could have found excellent wisdom in the Bible that would have
helped her find a good future?

The Bible emphasizes right doing as a way to ensure a good future. Close to 3000
years ago one of the writers, a wise king in the country of Israel named Solomon
said these words, “My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my
commands; for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you. Let not
mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the
tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and
man” (Proverbs 3:1-4).

Thais say, “Make this day the very best.” If the young lady had focused on doing
what is good and right, instead of her outward appearance and her own fun, she
would have more likely attracted a man of good character. If instead of seeking
the counsel of fortune-tellers, she had read the wisdom of the Bible, she would
have seen the foolishness of pursuing wealth and fame as a source of happiness.

Examine the Trustworthiness of the Bible

When people need to know something, they frequently go to the internet and do a
search on the topic. Often the results are confusing. One site confidently gives its
opinion. Another site states the opposite. Which do you trust? If you’re just
looking for information about a song or a movie, it might not matter. However, if
you’re searching for a solution to a financial problem or trouble in your marriage,
it’s suddenly much more important that you find the best advice.

The Bible offers counsel in all the important areas of life. But how can a person
know if this counsel is trustworthy? One excellent way to find out is to follow its
guidance and see what happens. However, there is other evidence that can help
you know if you want to take the time to read the Bible for yourself. Examine
what archeology and historical records show about the Bible, and see if
prophecies in the Bible have consistently come true or not. Why not take a step
forward and learn if the Bible is an accurate and historically sound document?
Let’s explore further.

Archaeology Confirms the Bible’s Record

Many people’s confidence in the Bible grows as they see the evidence found
hidden in the dirt. That may sound strange, but the careful study done by
archaeologists has uncovered many historical cities and artifacts that help
confirm the truthfulness of the Bible’s ancient record.

For example, historians thought the Bible was wrong in saying that King
Nebuchadnezzar built Babylon, a famous capital city of the ancient world. They
were sure Queen Semiramis built it. Then a man named Robert Koldewey
excavated the old ruins of Babylon, in the country now known as Iraq. He found
thousands of bricks, each stamped with King Nebuchadnezzar’s name. That
helped people know the Bible could be trusted.

For many years, some people derided the Bible as a book of fables and made-up
stories. In particular they didn’t believe the story of fire destroying the cities of
Sodom and Gomorrah. There was no record outside of the Bible of any such
cities. Then recently at Tell Marduk, they came across 14,000 inscribed clay
tablets and fragments that are at least 4000 years old. These are called the Ebla
tablets. These ancient writings mention Sodom and Gomorrah along with other
names and places that match the Bible record. This helps us know that the Bible
is historically trustworthy.

Some have wondered if the Bible could still be accurate since it’s been around for
so many centuries. In 1947 an incredible discovery was made. The Dead Sea
scrolls were found in a dry desert, remarkably preserved after being hidden then
for over 2000 years. These scrolls included much of the Bible and showed that
the Bible we have today is accurate and can be trusted.

A man named Sir Kenyon spent his lifetime seeking to know the Bible’s accuracy
and studying how it was written and preserved. He said, a person “can take the
whole Bible in his hand and say without fear or hesitation that he holds in his
hands the true Word of God, handed down without essential loss from generation
to generation throughout the centuries.”

It’s amazing to see that the more archaeologists dig, the more they confirm the
trustworthiness of the Bible. Doesn’t this evidence help build your confidence in
the Bible’s wisdom? No wonder it’s called “A lamp for my feet and a light for my
path” (Psalm 119:105). It’s like having a flashlight on a dark night to keep us from
stepping on a snake. Following the scriptures’ counsel will protect us from making
hurtful mistakes in our relationships, our families, and our work places. You can
“Predict a good future by following the Bible’s wisdom.”

The Bible’s Power on Death Row

The power of the Bible to impact our lives is helpful even for people who have
made serious mistakes. In the last century a Japanese man named Tokichi Ichii
was sentenced to be hanged for murder in Tokyo. He had been in prison more
than twenty times. Even the prison guards were afraid of him and said he was as
cruel as a tiger. After attacking a guard, he was gagged and tied for hours just off
the ground. Still he would not apologize for what he had done.

Then one day two young ladies courageously visited him in prison. They gave
Tokichi a Bible. As he read the wisdom in the Bible and learned the story of the
God who is a compassionate judge, his heart was deeply moved and changed. The
more he read of the Bible, the more serenity he found. He began to show
compassion to other prisoners and even the guards. He was able to calmly accept
the death penalty as the just sentence for his crime and died with an unusual
peace in his heart.

Tokichi’s change shows exactly what is written in the Bible, “You shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). If the Bible can help such

people, how much more it can help those who are young and still have their lives
ahead of them. The Bible has much counsel for young people in the areas of
relationships, work, and studies.

The Bible’s Predictions Have Been 100% Accurate

Another reason that many people trust the Bible and read it often is because it is
has many prophecies that have been accurately fulfilled. The Bible calls the
writers of these prophecies, prophets. They wrote down the ideas God gave them
so we also could read them years later. Prophets predicted a wide variety of
events such as wars, earthquakes, and the birth of special individuals. One time it
was predicted that a great fire would destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Most of the people laughed and continued working and playing as normal. Only
four people listened and fled, escaping just before the cities were demolished.

Are you curious to know the future? Many people want to know what will happen
to them in the years ahead. They pay lots of money to those who claim to know.
They pour over magazines that boast the ability to unveil the future. Many of the
prediction fail and fortunetellers are often unreliable. However, the Bible’s
predictions have come true over and over again. Does the Bible have predictions
that concern your future? To answer this question, let’s explore a story from the
Bible of a young man named Daniel who lived about 2,500 years ago. King
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had attacked the city of Jerusalem in Israel and took
many prisoners, including Daniel. However, King Nebuchadnezzar placed the
brighter students in special training, planning to use them to help govern the
areas he had conquered.

One night the king had a vivid and startling dream. When he woke he knew he
had dreamed something extremely important, but the details were gone from his
mind. Over and over he tried to remember. He was sure it had something to do
with his future and the destiny of his kingdom. Determined to know, he called
together all of his fortunetellers and magicians. “Tell me what I dreamed,” he
demanded. “Tell me what it means!”

The fortunetellers replied, “O king, live forever, Tell your servants the dream, and
we will give the interpretation” (Daniel 2:4) They were good at making up great
sounding speeches to make it seem like they really knew the future, but they
couldn’t know what he’d dreamed.

King Nebuchadnezzar became angry, and said, “My decision is firm: if you do not
make known the dream to me, and its interpretation, you shall be cut in pieces,
and your houses shall be made an ash heap” (Daniel 2:5). Soon someone told
Daniel that he too would be killed with this group of magicians. Immediately
Daniel began to pray that the God, who is the great Judge and the Compassionate
One, would reveal to him the secrets of the king’s dream and its meaning for the

God answered Daniel by giving him the same dream. How excited and relieved he
was. He went before the king. King Nebuchadnezzar asked, “Are you able to make
known to me the dream which I have seen and its interpretation?” (Daniel 2:26).

Humbly, Daniel answered, “There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and He
has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be” (Daniel 2:28). Daniel did
not take the credit to himself as though he was an especially wise man. He knew
what God had said through another prophet named Isaiah, “I am God…declaring
the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done”
(Isaiah 46:9, 10). Daniel then told the king his dream, and this is what it was:

The Dream of World Kingdoms

The king had dreamed of a great statue like a man with a head of gold, a chest of
silver, thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet made from iron mixed with clay.
Powerful in its shiny appearance and strong in its substance, it looked like it would
stand forever. Then suddenly a huge rock came crashing through the sky. It
smashed into the statue and shattered it to pieces. The rock grew larger and
larger until it became like a gigantic mountain filling the whole earth.

The king’s heart was pounding. It was just as he had dreamed. What could it
mean? What did the future hold? Daniel went on to explain what God had
revealed to him.

Each different metal of the statue represented a different nation that would rise in
the future, ruling over a large portion of what we now call Asia and Europe. The
gold head was Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar must have smiled as he heard that.
The city of Babylon was gorgeous, a perfect square, with beautiful gardens and
much gold.

However, Daniel went on to say, “After you shall arise another kingdom inferior to
yours” (Daniel 2:39). The proud king had probably thought his kingdom would last
forever. But no kingdom in this world, no beautiful city, house, or high position
lasts forever. The Medo-Persian kingdom, represented by the chest of silver, would
soon overcome glorious Babylon.

Next Daniel spoke of another nation that would rise to rule, symbolized by the
bronze waist of the statue. Then a fourth would follow, like the legs. “The fourth
kingdom shall be as strong as iron” (Daniel 2:4). Finally, that part of the world,
the area ruled by these four mighty kingdoms, would become divided into smaller
nations as pictured in the feet made up of iron and clay. They would never be
reunited as one powerful nation.

Daniel didn’t know the names of those nations. God didn’t choose to reveal those
details. But over time historians and interested readers of the Bible have seen
clearly that the third nation was the kingdom of Greece, led by Alexander the
Great. Greece ruled far across Europe and Asia, leaving a long lasting influence
through culture and language. Then the mighty nation of Rome took over and
ruled with an iron hand for 600 years.

People wondered if Rome would last forever, or disintegrate as God had predicted?
The nations of Europe today are the answer to that question. Small tribes invaded
and destroyed Rome’s power over time. Rome dissolved into many small countries
just like the iron legs divided into feet of iron and clay. Since then, for the last
1500 years, many have tried to unite Europe as a nation. Do you recognize any of
these names? Charlemagne, Charles V, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm,
Hitler. Did any of them succeed in uniting Europe as a nation? Not one. This is
because God had predicted “They will not adhere to one another” (Daniel 2:43).

King Nebuchadnezzar sat spell-bound by what he’d heard—his dream had covered
centuries into the future. But he wanted to know more. What was meant by the
huge rock that crushed the statue? It is a question that has great relevance to us.
We may wonder why we should bother to know about ancient countries like
Babylon and Medo-Persia. Europe may be far away from where we are. But the
part about the rock concerns our very own future.

Daniel answered the king’s question about the stone, “The God of heaven will set
up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to
other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall
stand forever” (Daniel 2:44).

This remarkable prediction tells us that the centuries of kingdoms warring against
each other will not last forever. The God who showed Daniel a history that flows
through 2500 years, knows the end of the story as well. The God who is the Great
Judge intends to bring justice and peace to this earth. Daniel prophesied that this
would happen during the time that the nations are divided in Europe. We live
during that time.

We will study more from the Bible about the soon coming of the Great Judge, but
for now it is extremely encouraging to know that the Bible can be trusted. It is full
of predictions that have come to pass just as promised. We can read its counsels
with confidence and know its wisdom will help us have a bright future.

A Step Forward

Have you seen that the Bible can be trusted? If its words have such power to
predict the future and change lives, doesn’t it make sense to read and study them?
Let’s fill our minds and hearts with the scriptures from the Bible so that we can
“Predict a good future by following the Bible’s wisdom.”

A Direct Line to a Mighty King

Today, many people have said that through the Bible, they found a way to hear the
voice of God speaking to them with counsel and encouragement. In a sense it is
like a special phone line from the king. The Bible clearly says that the God who
exists everywhere and has always lived was the one who brought about the Bible
for our benefit.

The scriptures say, “Prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God
spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (1 Peter 1:21). God’s purpose in
speaking through people was to communicate truths about Himself that we
otherwise could not know. God is beyond our small minds and bigger than
anything we could discover or understand. He has, however, chosen, to let us
know much about Him.

The Bible says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for corrections, for instruction in righteousness, that the man
of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy
3:16-17). Because of God’s great compassion for the people of this world, He has
given us a book of truth and wisdom to help us in every challenge we face.

Those who have picked up the Bible and used it as a direct line from the King,
have found just the wisdom they need to deal with their suffering and diverse
challenges. They’ve experienced God’s readiness to hear their prayers and answer
their true needs. They’ve found hope and peace through God’s compassionate

Meditation Moment

Let’s reflect back on the good things we’ve gathered from this lesson.

 “Predict a good future by following the Bible’s wisdom.”

 “Let your heart keep My commands; for length of days and long life and
peace they will add to you” (Proverbs 3:1a-2).

 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalms 119:105).

 “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands
forever” (Isaiah 40:8).

Meditate on the meaning of the stories.

 An entire island was changed by reading the Bible. Why did it help so much?

 King Nebuchadnezzer was a proud ruler, but was concerned about the
future. What did he learn about the God who gave us the Bible?

 What areas of your life do you think could be improved by reading the Bible?

The Choice Regarding the Future is Yours

A man worked hard from early morning to late at night. He saved his money and
invested it well. He diligently bought insurance for his car, his house, and even his
own life, trying to keep an accident from stealing away all his hard work. Then an
economic slump destroyed his business. The anxiety led to a heart attack and an
early death.

How much better it would have been if he had done as John, the man in the
shipwreck, did. John carefully read the Bible and followed its counsel. His good
example helped the women and children so much that eventually the island
became known as a place of peace instead of drunkenness and violence.

You too can create a good future for yourself and those around you. Look carefully
at the list below to choose what you want to do.

Take Action: Check the things below that you will put into practice this week.
_____ I will read and meditate on the quotes from the Bible to learn its wisdom.
_____ I will follow its counsel, seeking to do what is right.
_____ I will ask God, whose word does not fail, to help me be ready for the coming

Prayer Power
You can pray the following prayer if you want God’s help in choosing the right
“God of Wisdom and Justice, God of Compassion, please help me to seek wisdom
more than wealth or fame. Help me to have a good future by making right
choices. Help me to understand Your words in the Bible. Amen.”

Great days are ahead! Because you are making good choices, you can likely
“Predict a good future by following the Bible’s wisdom.” Keep learning.
Keep moving forward!


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