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Name: Maryam Bin Thani Grade Level: CCSS science education Strand:

H00327121 Grade 6 - Teeth

From 10:30 - Healthy Teeth
to 11:20
CCSS Standards:
Science: Teeth

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

 Students will be able to memorize the five ways to look after their teeth
teacher books -
student book(s) -
worksheets/ papers Worksheet about: taking care of our teeth
teacher materials Pencil, crayons
student materials/ Pencil and crayons
technology PowerPoint
other -
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):
word glossary definition image

Teeth One of the structures within the mouth

that allow for biting and chewing. Teeth
have different shapes, depending on their

Students’ Prior Knowledge:

 Students already know what does healthy and unhealth food means.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

A. Technology problem
B. No enough worksheets


A. Plan B
B. Printing extra papers

Lesson Schedule

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): Time

- Teacher will show students two different pictures of teeth (health and unhealthy)
- Teacher will ask students about why the teeth look unhealth and healthy 15
Explore: :
1. The teacher will bring real material such as; teeth brush, toothpaste, apple, milk, candies and
2. Teacher will ask students about the benefits of using toothpaste and the negative of eating
1. Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures): 15
Explain: minutes
Teacher will start explaining to students the five ways to look after their teeth
1. Brushing teeth at least twice a day helps remove plaque.
2. Flossing the teeth also helps remove plaque and bits of food which bacteria feed on.
3. Use tooth paste with fluoride in it – some scientists think this helps to keep teeth strong.
Some tap water also contains fluoride.
4. Visiting the dentist helps to prevent tooth decay.
5. Eating the correct foods (not so many sweeties, plenty of carrots and apples, drink milk).

Activity 1:
1. Teacher will distribute material for each group in the class such as teeth brush, soda, milk,
toothpaste, fruits, vegetables, candies and chocolate.
2. Students should classify these materials into the correct place (health teeth, unhealthy teeth)
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 10

- Teacher will show students the teeth of the animals and how it looks health because of eating
health food such as meet and plants.
- There are some animals that are known to ‘clean’ their teeth, but their technique of doing so
hardly resembles our way of cleaning teeth, i.e., brushing them with a toothbrush.

Evaluate: Students will start doing the worksheet about how we take care of our teeth.
 Copy of original lesson from a teacher resource book or website (original versions)
 Copy of all resources given to students; Reference page with all books, journals and

Copy of the worksheets


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