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Design Variable Selection to Simplify Process Calculations

Article  in  AIChE Journal · November 1966

DOI: 10.1002/aic.690120613

43 637

3 authors, including:

James H. Christensen
Holobloc Inc


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Design Variable Selection to Simplify
Process Calculations
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

During the analysis of a large process system, the vaJues of certain design variables must
be preassigned to allow the solution of the design equations. A careless selection of these dis-
tinguished variables can lead to trouble, magnifying computational problems above what need
be. A method is proposed for determining a set of design variables which could minimize the
computational labor associated with process analysis. This work is part of a larger project on
the computer aided design of process systems.

Process design is frequently burdened by a. need for ex- f-nodes

tensive computations; a burden which may not be inherent
in the problem itself but which may result from our ac-
cidental approach to the problem. A careless first step
may lead directly to horrendous computational problems v-nodes
which could easily be avoided. This paper deals with the
strategy of making this first step, the selection of design Fig. 1. The bipartite graph of Equations (2).
variables. A simple algorithm is developed which enables
the selection of a set of design variables which reduces the
computational labor associated with the process analysis.
The process design equations can be expressed in sym- The equations form the / nodes, the variables form the
bolic form as v nodes, and an edge connects the equations to the corre-
fi to) = 0 (1)
sponding variables.
i = 1, 2, . . . . IV The number of edges associated with a node defines p,
/ = 1, 2 , . . . . M the local degree of the node. The local degree of the /
node /i is p(fi) = 3 and the local degree of the v node
where N < M. v5 is f>(vs) = 2.
The design equations ft tie together the process vari- This symbolic notation is the key to what follows; bi-
ables Vj through material and energy balances, equipment partite graphs have certain properties of extreme interest
design equations, and the like. The equations constitute to the process engineer.
independent sources of information and may number into
the hundreds for a typical chemical process. The variables SELECTION OF DESIGN VARIABLES
(flow rates, equipment design parameters, temperatures,
and the like) are even more numerous, the excess vari- Generally, it is necessary to specify the numerical val-
ables affording degrees of freedom for optimization. ues of certain of the variables in Equation (1) before solu-
The process analysis and optimization problem involves: tion can begin. The number of such distinguished vari-
the numerical specification of certain key design variables; ables is equal to the degrees of freedom of the system,
the solution of the design equations for the unspecified that being the excess of variables over equations.
state, variables; the economic analysis of the results; and F = M-N (3)
the respecification of the design variables to achieve more
nearly the economic goals. Equation (3) is valid only when the design equations
We wish to determine a set of design variables which constitute independent sources of information, and it gives
simplifies the solution of the design equations. Our atten- no hint as to which F variables should be chosen as de-
tion is now focused on the first two steps. sign variables.
We are faced with a combinatorial problem, for there
THE BIPARTITE GRAPH can be very many different ways to select F design vari-
ables from N total variables, not all of which lead to a
We represent the system of equations by a special graph soluble set of equations. A criterion is required for the
which exposes the structure of the equations compactly selection of design variables.
and lucidly, and which leads directly to their dissection.
This useful notation is the bipartite graph of topology (1,
Necessary Conditions
Consider the following system of equations: A necessary and sufficient condition for the solution of
a set of equations is that the Jacobian determinant be
h («i> «2, vz) = 0 nonzero (2, 4). While of considerable mathematical sig-
fa to, 04, 05) = 0 (2) nificance, this condition is of little direct use to the process
/s (o4, t>5, »e) = 0 engineer, since it is extremely difficult to compute the
U to,»s, «s) = 0 Jacobian determinant for a large system. We must look in
The corresponding graph is shown in Figure 1. directions other than toward the classical mathematics.

Page 1104 A.I.Ch.E. Journal November, 1966

In a logically consistent set of IV equations there will be
N unspecified variables, and for each equation it will be design vori'qbles
possible to denote one variable as the output variable for
that equation. And, no variable will be an output variable
for more than one equation. If such an output assignment equations
is possible, the equations are said to satisfy the diversity
condition of Hall (3, 5), a necessary but not sufficient con-
dition for the existence of a solution. This condition might
be stated thus: There must be at least K unspecified vari- state variables
ables associated with each and every group of K equa-
tions, where K = 1, 2,.. . . N. Fig. 4. YZ and Vp, as design variables.
For example, the bipartite graph in Figure 2 describes
an insoluble set of equations. Hall's condition fails at K =
2 where equations /i and fa have only «i associated with The fact that an output set has been assigned, denoted
them. by the double-headed arrows, indicates that the diversity
condition is satisfied. In addition, an order of solution is
suggested by the direction of the arrows. The subgraph
can be arranged as in Figure 5.

Fig, 2, The diversity condition not satisfied. Fig. 5. The precedence order of equations.

This graph shows the precedence order of the system

Armed with the diversity condition we consider the of equations (6). Starting from the left and preceding to
problem of selecting design variables which lead to a the right, the set of five equations can be solved one at a
solvable set of equations. Later we consider the selection time! There is no need for the simultaneous solution of
which leads to an easily solvable set of equations. equations, a troublesome task at best.
Assigning an output set. We now assign a direction to When such precedence order exists, the system does
the edges of the bipartite graph, a step which identifies not possess a loop; the structure is said to be acyclic.
one of many possible orders of solution. Should a loop appear, the simultaneous solution of those
If a variable Vj is assigned as the output variable of equations within the loop must be undertaken (7).
equation ft, then the edge connecting nodes ft and Vj will
be oriented from ft to Vj and all other edges associated The Effects of Design Variable Selection
with ft will be oriented to ft. The appearance of an acyclic structure in Figure 5 was
not accidental; rather, it was the direct result of the se-
lection of t>2 and Vg as design variables. In this section we
demonstrate the effects of design variable selection on
the structure of the remaining computational problem.
For example, consider the following system and that in
Figure 6.
/i («i, t>2, «s) = 0
fa (»8, »4, u 5 ) = 0 (5)
fa (vs, «e, »i) = 0

F= 7-5=2
Fig. 3. The pipartite graph of Equation (3).

Design variables are not candidates for the output set,

and their edges must be oriented to the equations. For
example, consider the following equations and those in F - 6-3 * 3
Figure 3. Fig. 6. The bipartite graph of Equations (4).
, «a) = 0
fa , «2, »s, vs) = 0
fa , «s, =0 (4)
Case 1. Coupling Variables vi, v3, and u5 are Design
ft «a, «4, vs, 6) = 0 Variables: Once numerical values are assigned to these
fs («5, °6, 07) = 0 three variables the bipartite graph reduces to Figure 7.
If «2 and 1)3 are selected as the design variables, the The equations can be solved one at a time, and the order
subgraph in Figure 4 might result. of solution is immaterial.

Vol. 12, No. 6 A.I.Ch.E. Journal Page 1105


It has been established that the careful selection of a

set of design variables can alter the complexion of process
design calculations. We now busy ourselves with altering
the problem in our favor, toward a structure yielding an
easily solved set of equations. A simple algorithm for de-
2^ VMJ V6, sign variable selection will be established.
Fig. 7. Vi, Vs, and Vs as design variables. A Selection Criterion
Generally, the labor of solving a set of design equations
increases with the number of equations that must be
Case 2; Noncoupling Variables t>2, U4, and €6 are De- solved simultaneously. We, therefore, define the following
sign Variables: The bipartite graph becomes, for example, criterion for the selection of design variables:
Figure 8, This unfortunate selection of design variables A best set of design variables results in a structure in
which the largest number of equations that must be solved
simultaneously is minimized. A corollary of this criterion is
that a best set of design variables results in an acyclic
ordering of the design equations, if such an ordering is
possible, Hence, if the difficulty of solving any equation is
independent of the output variable and an acyclic assign-
ment is possible, this criterion may give the minimum
total effort for solving the set of design equations.*
An algorithm is now presented which selects a set of
design variables, yielding an acyclic ordering of the de-
sign equations, if such an ordering is possible. The al-
gorithm is based on the following observation:
The graph of an acyclic system must contain at least
one v node Vj with P(VJ) = 1 and one / node ft with
p(fi) = 1. This is so because every directed path in an
Fig. 8. Vs, V,j, and Vg as design variables. acyclic graph must terminate, by definition, at a v node.
Such a path cannot terminate at an / node, since each
/ node has one outgoing edge; therefore, it must terminate
leads directly to a set of equations which must be solved at a v node. Furthermore, since a v node can have only
simultaneously. We must now be troubled with the de-
velopment of an appropriate iterative scheme of solution, « In a report yet to be published, we examine the validity of this
criterion, and show that in situations where the difficulties of solving
with all the problems of convergence and the like. In the parts of the process design differ radically the concept of difficulty scores
must be introduced.
bipartite graph the order is not even unique, that is, the
directions may be reversed.
Case 3; Variables Vi, Vt, and ve are Design Variables:
The bipartite graph is now acyclic and the information
flow is unique (Figure 9). Equation /3 can be solved first
for variable v$, which then allows the solution of /a for
variable t>3, which in turn enables the solution of equation
fi. The happy situation of case 1 has appeared again, in Yes
Figure 9. Assign attached v-node as output
of f, and delete both nodes from

Assign v. as output of attached

f-node; delete both nodes from

v. is a design variable;
1 delete it.
Fig. 9. Vj, V4, and Ve as design variables.

We temporarily assume that acyclic graphs are of the f. is redundant or inconsistent;

same difficulty equivalence class, and that cases 1 and 3 1 delete it.
constitute equivalent selections of design variables. This
is not strictly true, however, since certain equations can Yes
be solved more easily in one direction than the other. For
example, if we have only a table of sin x, it is easier to
solve y = sin x for y in terms of x, than x in terms of y. System is
The same analogy holds true in process calculations. Later, nonacyclic
this is accounted for by the assignment of difficulty scores STOP
in a report yet to be published. Fig. 10. Flow diagram of algorithm I.

Page 1106 A.I.Ch.E. Journal November, 1966

one incoming edge, this v node must have exactly one
edge, if a path terminates at this v node.
If this v node, and the / node of which it is an output,
are deleted from the graph, the resulting subgraph must
also be acyclic; hence, it will also contain at least one v
node and one / node with one edge each.
Finally, we note that any / node connected to only one
v node must necessarily have that v node as its output.
We then have the algorithm for output and design variable Fig. 13.
selection shown in Figure 10.
Example of Algorithm I
Suppose that we have the system given in Figure 11.
The design equations of the system are also given. We
apply algorithm I to the graph of Figure 12. The system
consists of a mixer, a reactor, and a separator. There are
five streams in the system each described by two variables;
the mass flow rate q and the composition c. The other
variables in the system are the reactor volume V, the re-
action temperature T, and the separation ratio S. Fig. 14.


Feed » Mixer Reactor Separator Product Fig. 15.

© © ' ® ' ®

Fig. 11. A simple process system.

Design Equations:
fi qi + q& — <72 — 0 total mass balance
/2 qici + qscs — q&z = 0 component balance
/s </2 — qa = 0 total mass balance
ft q%C2 — tfsCa — R(CS, T, V) = 0 component balance
R is the reaction rate relationship Fig. 16. The ordering of Figure 12.
/5 c/s — qi — q& = 0 total mass balance
fe 73^3 ~ 94^4 — <7sCs = 0 component balance Preferred Design Variables
/7 S = Cs/Ci separation ratio
For purely practical reasons the engineer may prefer to
.The variables of interest are qfs and c/s, and V, T, and have close control over certain variables, and may elect
S. The number of design equations is IV = 7. The number to elevate such preferred variables to the level of a design
of variables is M = 13. variable regardless of the logical structure of the problem.
For example, if quality control restrictions are imposed on
Graph: a product concentration, the engineer may wish to com-
pute only designs which meet those restrictions. This can
be achieved by selecting that concentration as a design
variable, the value of which is free to be selected directly.
This preference offers no difficulty. Such preferred vari-
ables are assigned prior to the use of algorithm I. If a re-
striction exists on the flow rate into the reactor, in the pre-

F = 13-7 = 6
Fig. 12. The bipartite graph far the system.

Step 1: Look for nodes with the local degree of 1.

Step 2: Assign c\, V, and S to fa, /4, and /7, respec-
Step 3: Eliminate these from the graph to get Figure
Repeat steps 1 to 3: Figures 14 and 15 are obtained.
Design variables: T, c2, c4, cs, qa, and </5 F -5
Order of calculations: See Figure 16. Fig. 17. Preferred design variables.

Vol. 12, No. 6 A.I.Ch.E. Journal Page 1107

vious example, q2 might be a preferred variable. The se-
lection of (72 as a design variable consumes one degree of
freedom and results in Figure 17, a graph more easily
reducible by algorithm I.
Irreducible Systems
When algorithm I terminated, either an acyclic output Fig. 19.
assignment was produced, or p(A) — 2 for any node A
in the remaining subgraph. If an acyclic assignment is
possible, then the latter condition is impossible; this can the following sequence of edge assignments by using
be proved by contradiction. If the number of / nodes of algorithm I, shown in Figure 19.
this subgraph equals the number of v nodes, our degrees Now «2 can be assigned as the output of /i and fc* = 1.
of freedom have been consumed and we are not free to The system can then be arranged as in Figure 20 with
select more design variables. A computational scheme for design variables V4 and «g. In this case, a minimal tear
this subgraph has been already determined and the in- was obtained at the first try; however, for large k" the
formation flow can be traced out. number of combinations to be considered may become ex-
Should the degrees of freedom not be fully consumed, cessively large. It is hoped that further investigation may
some more design variables are to be selected; however, yield some way to direct the search in order to reduce the
an acyclic structure cannot be attained, regardless of our number of cases which must be examined.
selection of the remaining design variables. The informa-
tion flow can be changed acyclic only by tearing some of
state variables. Suppose that if one assigns outputs to k
f nodes and deletes these nodes and their outputs from
the graph; then an acyclic assignment of the remaining
subgraph may be possible by selecting appropriate de-
sign variables, where k is always less than the number of
/ nodes of the graph. It is said that k tears are supplied
to the system and that the computation might be per-
formed by a k dimensional iterative scheme. We wisn to Fig. 20.
solve the system with the minimum number of tears k",
since the computational burden of iterations increases ORDERING THE PROCESS FLOW SHEET
with the dimension. Algorithm I cannot possibly find an
acyclic ordering unless there is at least one v node with a Algorithms I and II were designed to aid the computer
single edge in the subgraph, This observation leads to the during the analysis of the design equations. We now ex-
following algorithm. tend these ideas to aid the engineer in the analysis of the
process flow sheet, simplifying the process calculations.
Algorithm II Only a slight extension is required to make this transition.
1. Apply algorithm I to the graph of the system. Figure 21 is the process flow sheet for an example pro-
2. If algorithm I succeeds in an acyclic ordering, then cess. The blocks represent unit operations, distillation,
fc* = 0; otherwise, let k = min P(VJ) — 1, for Vt in the compression, filtration, heating, and so forth, and the ar-
vi rows trace out the direction of flow of material and energy
remaining subgraph. between the blocks. Notice that the direction of physical
3. For each combination of k f nodes giving at least flow does not necessarily indicate the direction of infor-
one v node with just one edge upon their deletion: (1) mation flow; the specification on the output product from
Apply algorithm I to the resulting subgraph; if no acyclic stage M actually transfers information back into the sys-
assignment is produced, go on to the next combination. tem (8).Indeed, we take advantage of the nonunique-
(2) If an acyclic assignment is obtained, and k of the ness of the connecting arrows to reorder and simplify the
variables selected as design variables can be assigned as system. In its present form, the specification of the values
outputs of the deleted j nodes, then a minimum number of the design variables leads directly to cumbersome itera-
of tears k* = k has been obtained; otherwise, go to the tive recycle calculations, a condition we shall avoid by the
next combination. reassignment of new design variables.
4. If all combinations of k f nodes have been exhausted,
increment k by one and go to step 3.
As an example, consider applying algorithm II to the
simple system given in Figure 18. Obviously, algorithm I
cannot reduce the size of the graph. We then have min
P(VJ) — 2; hence, start with k = 1. Deletion of fi yields

Fig. 21. A process flow diagram.

A block in the process flow sheet may be thought to

embrace a number of design equations. For example,
should the block represent a multicomponent distillation
tower it may embrace the hundreds of equations required
Fig. 18. Application of algorithm II. for an adequate description of that operation. To apply

Page 1108 A.I.Ch.E. Journal November, 1966

the algorithms in their present form to such problems is Figure 22 is the undirected counterpart of Figure 21
unnecessary. with the number of allowed outputs affixed. The variables
Notice that once the input variables to a block are which appear in only one block are denoted as outputs in
specified the output variables can be solved for; this is Figure 23 with the allowed outputs reduced by the ap-
the usual convention in flow sheet preparation. Thus, we propriate amount. Those blocks with no more allowed out-
may think of a block as a special equation which can put are eliminated, and any new variables which now ap-
possess several output variables, equal in number to the pear in only one block are then denoted as outputs from
number of output arrows from the block in the flow sheet, the reduced graph (Figure 24). When there are more
but not necessarily those particular variables. With this single block variables than allowed outputs for a block,
interpretation we are in a position to apply the algorithms one has a choice which can only be made rationally by
directly. physical insight into the type of operation occurring in
the block.
Finally, after all outputs have been assigned this in-
formation is placed on the original undirected graph. Any
variables without assigned direction are design variables
(Figure 25), Notice how this assignment has eliminated
all recycle calculations and how the blocks now can be
handled one at a time in the order prescribed in Figure

Fig. 22. An undirected flow diagram.

Fig. 25. A reassignment of design variables for

Figure 21.

Fig. 23.

Fig. 26. A precedence ordering.

We have demonstrated a systematic approach to the
selection of design variables based on the criterion that
acyclicity is desirable. System acyclicity will be obtained
by use of these algorithms if it is obtainable merely by
selecting the proper design variables. However, there are
several points which require further comment.
It was implied in this report that information flow re-
versals can be made at any equation or any system com-
ponent without difficulty. This is not true. It is well known
that difficulties are often encountered should one attempt
to compute certain variables, such as the kind of plates to
use in a distillation tower, and that it is better to specify
such variables and compute the consequences. The direc-
tion of information flow in the system determines the ease
of component computation. Thus, in certain situations it
may pay to tolerate cyclic structure in the system to ease
the computation of a troublesome component.
However, before one can begin to understand the im-
plications of partial acyclicity and the role that component
difficulty scores may play in systems analysis, the limited
case discussed in this paper must be presented. Hence, in
Fig. 24. this report the problem of systems analysis with completely

Vol. 12, No. 6 A.I.Ch.E. Journal Page 1109

unhindered information flow reversals and equal compo- kf = minimum number of tears
nent difficulty plays an important role as an introduction M = total number of variables
to the more complete problem. N = total number of equations
In subsequent reports we will discuss the ordering of qi = mass flow rate of stream i
recycle calculations, the effects of direction dependent R(c, T,V) = reaction rate relationship
component computational difficulties, and the implications S = separation ratio
of partial acyclicity. These topics, along with the methods T = reaction temperature
presented in this first report, may lead to a more orderly V = reactor volume
approach to complex systems calculations. Vj = /th variable
Obviously, the bipartite graph is only useful as a p(A) = local degree of node A
method of developing the algorithms, and in a practical
problem the ordering of the equations and the selection LITERATURE CITED
of design variables would be performed without the use
of the graph, applying the concept of list processing to a 1. Berge, Claude, "The Theory of Graphs and Its Applica-
list of design equations in which the occurrence of each tions," Wiley, New York (1962).
variable has been noted. 2. Buck, R. C., "Advanced Calculus," McGraw-Hill, New
York (1956).
3. Hall, P., ]. London Math. Soc., 10, 26 (1934).
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 4. Hildebrand, F. B., "Advanced Calculus for Applications,"
The authors wish to thank Donald Engelstad for valuable Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. (1962).
suggestions and discussions. This work was supported in part 5. Ore, O., "Graphs and Their Uses," Random House, New
by a grant from the National Science Foundation. York (1963).
6. Rudd, D. F., and D. V. Steward, paper presented at
A.I.Ch.E Las Vegas meeting (Sept., 1964).
NOTATION 7. Steward, D. V., SJAM Rev., 4, 321 (1962).
Ci = composition of stream i 8. Rudd, D. F., and C. C. Watson, "Strategy in Process Engi-
F — degrees of freedom neering," Wiley, New York, to be published.
/i = z'th function
Manuscript received January 28, 2966; revilision received April 28,
k = number of tears 1966; paper accepted May 3, 1966.

Rate Data and Derivatives

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

In most rate process problems, the original experimental data must be differentiated to ob-
tain the derivatives, which are the information actually sought. For first derivatives all the
commonly used methods give about the same result. However, the common methods of calculat-
ing derivatives can give very different second derivatives for the same set of starting data.
Thus, in problems in which the desired result is a second derivative, the answer obtained is a
strong function of the method used to calculate second derivatives. This is illustrated by
several examples.

Churchill (1) has pointed out one important similarity In some cases these rates can be obtained from steady
between heat, mass, and momentum transfer and reaction state experiments, for example, steady state heat transfer,
kinetics. In all of these fields, the engineer is interested in steady state mass transfer, chemical reactions at constant
determining rates (heat, mass, momentum transfer, and composition (continuous stirred-tank reactors), or from
chemical reaction rates). These rates are generally ob- force measurements on supported bodies. Even these data
tained by differentiating integral data. For example, the are often differentiated to obtain more interesting informa-
momentum transfer rate to a particle (force) is propor- tion; for example, steady state chemical reaction data are
tional to the acceleration. The most common way (14) differentiated with respect to space velocity to elucidate
to obtain such accelerations is to differentiate position- kinetics (16).
time (integral) data twice to obtain d?x/dt2. Similarly, Thus, in all these fields the desired derivatives are ob-
chemical reaction rates are determined by differentiating tained from integral data. Given a table of x-y data, there
composition-time (integral) data and heat transfer rates are several widely known ways to find dy/dx and d2y/dx2.
by differentiating temperature-time or temperature-dis- As will be shown here, all give practically the same values
tance data. of dy/dx, but they can give very different values of

Page 1110 A.I.Ch.E. Journal November, 1966

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