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Tacloban City

Course Syllabus


Instructor: Atty. Vincent Q. Piga, MAN, RN, LPT

Course Description: The Course is designed to enable the learner to identify the ethical aspect
of human life, using appropriately the terms that are relevant to ethical thinking, and identifying
the difficulties in certain commonly-held notions on ethics and engage and critique the different
ethical theories and models.

Course Credit: Three (3) Units

Recommended Book:

Course Outline:

I. The Ethical Dimensions of Human Existence

II. Utilitarianism
III. Natural Law
IV. Deontology
V. Virtue Ethics
VI. Others
VII. Synthesis

Grading System: 75% Passing Rate on all quizzes, exams and reports/projects.

Evaluation: 20 point quiz per meeting, oral and written reports, long exams, oral exams


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