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10, OCTOBER 2017

Parasitic Inductance and Capacitance-Assisted

Active Gate Driving Technique to Minimize
Switching Loss of SiC MOSFET
Parthasarathy Nayak, Student Member, IEEE, and Kamalesh Hatua, Member, IEEE

Abstract—High di/dt and dv/dt of SiC MOSFET cause a overall switching loss of the device and to increase the flexibility
considerable amount of overshoot in device voltage and of inverter layout design.
current during switching transients in the presence of in- A fall in device voltage is observed when device current rises
verter layout parasitic inductance and load parasitic ca-
pacitance. The excessive overshoots in device voltage and during turn-on switching instant. This reduction is due to the
current cause failure of the device. Moreover, these un- voltage developed across the parasitic inductance during device
controlled overshoots increase the switching loss in the current transition. The magnitude of this voltage drop across
inverter. It is difficult to reduce parasitic inductance beyond the device is proportional to the amount of parasitic inductance
a certain point. This paper proposes an active gate driving
present in the commutation circuit and di/dt of the device cur-
technique, which allows inverter to operate with moderate
amount of layout parasitic inductance and load parasitic rent [4]–[6]. In the case of IGBT, the drop is not significant as
capacitance. The proposed technique dramatically reduces di/dt of the device is comparatively slower. However, consid-
switching loss of the SiC MOSFET with the help of existing erable amount of voltage drop across the device occurs in case
parasitic elements. The proposed switching loss reduction of SiC MOSFET due to very high di/dt for the same amount
technique is termed as quasi zero switching. The developed
of parasitic inductance [2]. In this paper, the di/dt of the device
active gate driver has been tested in a double pulse test
setup and a 10 kW two-level voltage source inverter driving is controlled in such a way that device current rises without any
an induction motor. significant voltage across the device. This switching condition
leads to minimal turn-on switching loss. However, a complete
Index Terms—Active gate driver, double pulse (DP) test,
induction motor drive, SiC MOSFET, switching loss. voltage drop across the device is sometimes difficult to achieve.
This controlled turn-on process is termed as quasi zero voltage
Similarly, a reduction in device current is observed when
DEALLY, SiC MOSFET can switch much faster and the
I overall switching loss can be reduced to a large extent. But
the parasitic inductance present in the inverter layout and par-
device voltage rises during turn-off switching instant due to a
significant amount of parasitic capacitance of the load. Similar
to QZV turn-on, the turn-off switching loss can be minimized
asitic capacitance of the load pose a significant hindrance to
if dv/dt of the device voltage is controlled appropriately. This
this benefit. Device voltage and current experience overshoot
controlled turn-off switching process is termed as quasi zero
and oscillations due to the formation of different L–C networks
current (QZC) turn-off.
between parasitic inductance, device and load capacitances
The proposed switching loss reduction methods (QZV and
[1]–[3]. This overshoot and oscillation result in undesired
QZC) are termed as quasi zero switching (QZS). The maximum
stress in the device and increase overall switching loss. The
benefits of QZV process can be explored with moderate amount
switching behavior of SiC MOSFET is similar to Si MOSFET.
of parasitic inductance in the converter layout which is in the
Literature has extensively studied the switching characteristics
range of 100 to 300 nH. It is interesting to note that the maximum
of Si MOSFET and Si IGBT [4]–[7]. Even though the switching
di/dt and dv/dt of the device are still within its limit during
behavior remains the same, SiC MOSFET exhibit few aberrant
switching characteristics due to very high di/dt and dv/dt in
It is possible to achieve desired QZS response with controlled
the presence of parasitic elements in the circuit [2]. In this pa-
overshoots and oscillations by controlling the gate current of the
per, two of these aberrant characteristics are exploited to reduce
SiC MOSFET. Gate current control mechanisms during every
Manuscript received November 29, 2016; revised February 22, 2017 switching transient are popularly known as active gate driving
and April 3, 2017; accepted April 18, 2017. Date of publication June (AGD).
2, 2017; date of current version September 11, 2017. (Corresponding There are AGD mechanisms reported in the literature to im-
author: Parthasarathy Nayak.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, In- prove device voltage and current profiles. Multistage gate resis-
dian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India (e-mail: tance control concepts have been proposed in [8]–[15] to realize; optimized turn-on and turn-off performance. In [16] and [17],
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at the gate voltage is modulated to control device dv/dt. A sen-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2017.2711512 sorless gate driver with feed forward control for the turn-off
0278-0046 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of double pulse test circuit.

switching dynamics is proposed in [18] and [19] to minimize Fig. 2. Turn-on switching characteristics of SiC MOSFET.
dv/dt and di/dt. Recently, there has been research in driving
the SiC MOSFET through GaAs based optically triggered power
transistors to reduce device voltage and current overshoots [20]. (Cg d ) and drain-source capacitance (Cds ). Gate resistance is
This paper proposes a unique method of reducing switch- noted as Rg .
ing loss (QZS) by combining the beneficial aspects of having
higher parasitic elements in the circuit with an AGD technique. A. Quasi Zero Voltage Switching (QZV)
The proposed method offers enough flexibility to design SiC Fig. 2 shows a turn-on switching waveform in the presence
MOSFET-based inverter with higher parasitic inductances at a of parasitic inductance Lp . The total switching duration of SiC
lesser switching loss. The QZS technique has been tested in a MOSFET can be divided into four stages. They are turn-on delay
double pulse (DP) test setup and also implemented in a 10 kW time (Tdon ), device current rise time (Tir ), device voltage fall
two-level voltage source inverter (VSI) driving an induction time (Tv f ), and gate voltage rise time (Tv g sr ) [21].
motor. It is required to reduce the area under device voltage (vds )
This paper is organized as follows. Section II reports the and device current (id ) waveform to reduce the switching loss
theory of the proposed QZS technique. Switching energy in the device. It is interesting to notice that there is a drop in
distribution during every switching transient is explained in vds during Tir duration. This drop in vds results due to the
Section III. The proposed AGD methodology is reported in voltage developed across the parasitic inductance (Lp ) during
Section IV. Experimental results obtained from the DP test and the device current rise time (Tir ). The drop in vds is governed
a 10 kW VSI are discussed in Section V. Section VI concludes 2 3
by (1). Generally, Lf Cl d vdtd s2 (t) and Cl Lp Lf d dt
i d (t)
3 terms are
the paper. di d (t)
small compared to (Lp + Lf ) dt term for lower value of
Cl . Therefore, the device voltage can be rewritten as (2). The
II. THEORY OF QZS TECHNIQUE detailed derivation of (1) is provided in the Appendix
The proposed QZS technique is explained in a standard did (t) d2 vds (t)
vds (t) = Vdc − (Lp + Lf ) − Lf Cl
inductive load clamped DP test circuit as shown in Fig. 1. dt dt2
An ideal DP test circuit consists of device under test (DUT) d3 id (t)
(SiC MOSFET), a freewheeling diode (Df ), and a load induc- − Cl Lp Lf (1)
tor (Lload ). But in every practical circuit, parasitic inductance
did (t)
in the inverter layout (Lp ), interwinding parasitic capacitance vds (t) = Vdc − (Lp + Lf ) . (2)
(Cl ) of the load inductor, and reverse biased capacitance (Cf ) dt
of Df are present. A parasitic inductance (Lf ) also exists in The device voltage (vds ) can be dropped instantaneously
series with the freewheeling diode (Df ). Lp denotes the total near to zero by appropriately controlling di/dt of the device.
parasitic inductance present in the power circuit. It includes in- This drop in device voltage results in very less turn-on loss
ductances offered by the lead terminals of the device and the (QZV switching) (see Fig. 2 ). For example, a voltage drop of
bus bar. Apart from these parasitic elements, SiC MOSFET has 400 V is observed for a parasitic inductance of 200 nH at an
internal gate-source capacitance (Cg s ), gate-drain capacitance average di/dt of 2 kA/µsec in case of SiC MOSFET.

In this circuit conditions, device current can be dropped in-

stantaneously to a very low value by appropriately controlling
dv/dt for a fixed value of Cl and it can result in very less
turn-off loss (see Fig. 3). This turn-off switching loss reduc-
tion mechanism is termed as QZC switching. For example, the
device current can be reduced by 16 A during Tv r interval at
a Cl of 400 pF if the dv/dt is increased to 40 kV/µsec for
Similar to turn-on switching instant, the dv/dt can be in-
creased by reducing the gate resistance. However, high dv/dt
causes very high voltage overshoot across the device due to the
coupling between Lp and Cds [4]. Therefore, it is required to
have a very high dv/dt during Tv r interval and a slower dv/dt
during current fall interval (Tif ). It is implemented by the pro-
posed AGD by selecting different values of gate resistances at
different sub intervals during turn-off switching transient.


Fig. 3. Turn-off switching characteristics of SiC MOSFET. The proposed QZS technique highly depends on the magni-
tude of parasitic elements present in the switching circuit. These
The di/dt can be increased by reducing the gate resistance. parasitic elements dissipate their stored energy during turn-off
However, very high di/dt will cause overshoot and oscillations switching instant. Therefore, the question arises that whether
in device current during voltage fall duration (Tv f ) due to the it is beneficial to allow a moderately higher amount of para-
formation of L–C network between Lp , Cf , and Cl [4]. There- sitic elements in the circuit. This section presents a quantitative
fore, successful implementation of QZV switching along with analysis on energy distribution during switching transients.
a reduced device current overshoot are possible if di/dt is very During turn-on switching transient, both Lp and Cl store en-
high during Tir interval and it is comparatively slower during ergies. They dissipate these energies in the switching circuit
Tv f interval. It is achieved with the proposed AGD technique during turn-off duration. The magnitude of the energies stored
by appropriate selection of gate resistances for different stages in Cl (Ecl ) and Lp (Elp ) during turn-on transient can be cal-
of turn-on switching interval. culated as 12 Cl vds2
and 12 Lp i2d , respectively. The proposed QZS
technique can only be advantageous if the sum total of energy
B. Quasi Zero Current Switching (QZC) (EQ Z S n et ) dissipated by the reactive elements (Ecl + Elp ) in
turn-off transient and the QZS technique (EQ Z V + EQ Z C ) at a
Fig. 3 depicts a typical turn-off switching instant of moderately higher parasitic elements is much smaller compared
SiC MOSFET in the presence of parasitic capacitance (Cl ). to the switching loss observed by the conventional gate driv-
The turn-off switching duration of SiC MOSFET can also be ing (EC G D ) at minimum parasitic elements. Table I provides
divided into four stages as turn-off delay period (Tdof f ), device information regarding different energies present in the system
voltage rise period (Tv r ), device current fall period (Tif ), and along with the switching loss observed by the CGD and the
gate voltage fall period (Tv g sf ) [21]. QZS technique. The switching loss information tabulated for
The device remains in the on-state during turn-off delay dura- CGD (EC G D ) is obtained at Lp of 50 nH and Cl of 50 pF.
tion (Tdof f ). Df blocks the dc bus voltage (Vdc ). In this interval, Whereas the switching loss reported for QZS (EQ Z S n et ) is
Cl does not experience any change in voltage across it. During achieved at a moderately higher magnitude of parasitic elements
device voltage rise interval (Tv r ) device voltage rises. As a (Lp = 300 nH and Cl = 400 pF). The data are collected from
consequence, Cl experiences a change in voltage. This voltage DP testing of the device at a dc bus voltage of 600 V.
change causes a capacitive current to flow through it. Due to It can be inferred from Table I that EC G D is 1220 µJ for a
that some of the load current is bypassed to the Cl resulting device current of 30 A. Whereas achieved net switching loss by
a reduction in the magnitude of device current. Device current QZS technique (EQ Z S n et ) is 400 µJ. It shows that there is a
is expressed by (3) during Tv r interval. When Lp is very low, saving (Esav e ) of 820 µJ (reduction by 67 %) by the proposed
i d (t)
Lp Cl d dt 2 term becomes negligible compared to Cl dv ddts (t) and QZS technique. Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed
the device current can be rewritten as (4). The detailed derivation QZS technique is able to reduce switching loss coexisting with
of (3) is provided in the Appendix moderately higher amount of parasitic elements.
It is important to note here that the actual switching loss in the
dvds (t) d2 id (t)
id (t) = Il − Cl + Lp Cl (3) device is relatively different from the measured switching loss
dt dt2 discussed in this section. It is due to the charging and discharg-
dvds (t) ing of device output capacitance (Coss = Cg d + Cds ) during
id (t) = Il − Cl . (4)
dt device voltage transition. During turn-on switching transient,


L p = 50 nH, C l = 50 pF L p = 300 nH, C l = 400 pF

i d (A) E o n (µJ) E o f f (µJ) E C G D (µJ) E l p (µJ) E c l (µJ) E Q Z V (µJ) E Q Z C (µJ) E Q Z S n e t (µJ) E s a v e (µJ )

10 540 548 1088 15 72 80 80 247 841

20 558 560 1118 60 72 82 90 304 814
30 600 620 1220 135 72 95 98 400 820

E C G D = Total switching loss by CGD at minimum parasitic elements (L p = 50 nH and C l = 50 pF), E Q Z V = Switching loss by QZV switching,
E Q Z C = Switching loss by QZC switching, E Q Z S n e t = Sum total of E l p , E c l , E Q Z V and E Q Z C and E s a v e = Difference between E C G D and
EQ Z S n e t .

Fig. 4. Block diagram representation of different units of the proposed active gate driver and the picture of the developed active gate driver. Where
(1) CPLD, (2) comparator and reference generator unit, (3) sensing unit, (4) turn-on unit, (5) turn-off unit, (6) digital isolator, (7) signal conditioning

the Coss discharges through the channel. This discharge current the signal conditioning unit through a digital isolator. The driver
increases the actual turn-on loss. Whereas during turn-off in- controls the gate current by modulating the gate resistances in
stant, a part of the device current is used to charge the Coss . As four stages. The four stages during turn-on switching transient
a result, the actual channel current reduces. This reduced chan- are denoted as S1 to S4 and the four stages for the turn-off
nel current further reduces the turn-off switching loss. However, switching transient is represented as S5 to S8 . Identification of
this switching loss variation is very small compared to the actual different stages for AGD are carried out by the device voltage
switching loss in the device. It can be calculated theoretically as and current sensing unit, comparator unit and reference genera-
1 2
2 Coss vds . For the DUT, this part of the switching loss during tor unit collectively.
turn-on switching instant is 32 µJ at a vds of 600 V and Coss 1) Device Voltage and Current Sensing Unit: De-
of 175 pF. It is very less compared to the turn-on switching loss vice voltage is sensed through a voltage divider network
caused due to the device current (600 µJ at a id of 30 A). (Ra and Rb ) connected across the device as shown in Fig. 4.
Noninductive resistors are selected and they are appropriately
placed in the PCB, such that they have minimum coupling capac-
itance. Generally, device current (id ) is sensed through voltage
The proposed QZS technique is implemented through an ac- developed across kelvin inductor of the device during current
tive gate driver [22]. The developed gate driver controls the rate transitions [23]. This approach is highly dependent on di/dt of
of rise of device current and voltage by dynamically controlling the device current. In this AGD, it is proposed to connect a non-
the gate current. It ensures reduced switching loss along with inductive low value (1 mΩ) resistor (Rsh ) in series with DUT to
reduced device voltage and current overshoot in the presence of sense the device current. Voltage developed across Rsh during
moderately higher amount of parasitic elements. id transitions at turn-on and turn-off switching transients are
amplified to get exact device current information (is ). A wide
A. Operation of the Active Gate Driver band (3.9 GHz), ultra low noise, voltage-feedback operational
amplifier (OPA847) is selected for better response.
Different units of the developed active gate driver is depicted 2) Comparator Unit: Comparator unit decides the dura-
in Fig. 4. The major challenge in designing an active gate driver tions of each distinct four stages during both turn-on and turn-off
for SiC MOSFET is that it demands a very high speed con- switching transients. It compares reference signals and sensed
trol action. Therefore, the control algorithm is implemented us- device voltage (vs ) and current signal (is ) as shown in Fig. 5. In
ing a high-speed complex programmable logic device (CPLD) order to effectively detect different control signals, appropriate
(EPM1270T144C5N from Altera MAX II) operating at a clock reference threshold voltages have been selected. The reference
frequency of 200 MHz. The CPLD receives the gate signal from voltages are kept fixed by resistive voltage divider networks for


Active Resistors

Stage pMOSFETs in on state Resistors Values (R g o n )

S1 D 1 and D 3 R 1 and R 3 2 and 4 Ω

S2 D 1 and D 2 R 1 and R 2 2 and 10 Ω
S3 D2 R2 10 Ω
S4 D 2 and D 3 R 2 and R 3 10 and 4 Ω

(CLK) of 200 MHz. CPLD decides durations of control stages

(stage S1 to stage S8 ) considering the outputs of the comparator
unit. It generates control signals (M1 to M6 ) to select appro-
priate gate resistances at both turn-on and turn-off switching
Fig. 5. Operation of comparator unit of the proposed active gate driver. instants through a buffer stage as shown in Fig. 4. Buffer stage
is required to drive the switching MOSFETs present in the turn-
on and turn-off units.
DP test of the device at constant load current. However, these 1) Turn-on Control Mechanism: Turn-on control unit
voltages are varied in a sinusoidal fashion in phase with load consists of three pMOSFETs (D1 , D2 , and D3 ) with their re-
current for induction motor drive application. The sinusoidal spective series resistances (R1 , R2 , and R3 ). The source terminal
variation of reference voltages are explained in subsequent of D1 is connected to a voltage V + (VD 1 ). Its magnitude is al-
sections. ways greater than 20 V (maximum up to 30 V) and it is derived
There are two sets of comparator circuit in the developed from an external closed-loop power supply. The power supply
AGD. Turn-on comparator unit has two reference signals to voltage is controlled in such a way that at every turn-on instant,
compare sensed device current (is ). These reference signals are voltage drop across the device (SiC MOSFET) is nearly zero.
denoted as R1 and R2 . These two signals correspond to 10% Whereas the source terminal of D2 and D3 are connected to a
of the device current and the maximum device current, respec- fixed 20 V. The selected series resistances (R1 , R2 , and R3 ) are
tively. Their respective outputs are C1 and C2 . Similarly, there is 2, 10, and 4 Ω, respectively. Appropriate pMOSFET combina-
another reference signal to compare sensed device voltage (vs ) tions are chosen during every stage in such a way that equivalent
named as R3 . R3 corresponds to the 85% drop in device voltage turn-on gate resistance is applied to the DUT. Table II provides
magnitude. Its output is termed as V1 . From the beginning of detailed switching sequence of pMOSFETs and the turn-on gate
turn-on gate pulse till 10% rise in device current is considered resistance (Rg on ) during different switching subintervals.
to be turn-on delay period (Tdon ). This stage is denoted as S1 . Both D1 and D3 are in the on-state during S1 subinterval. As
From the 10% to the maximum device current is considered a consequence, very low gate resistance is offered. A very high
as current rise period (Tir ). This stage is shown as S2 . From value of gate current is injected as VD 1 is at a voltage greater
the end of S2 till 85% drop in device voltage is treated as device than 20 V. It reduces S1 duration to a large extent. At the onset
voltage fall time (Tv f ). This stage is represented as S3 . The of S1 , D3 is turned OFF and D2 is turned ON. In this case, gate
rest of the turn-on duration is denoted as S4 . Comparator output current slightly reduces due to a comparatively higher value of
goes high if sensed signal exceeds the reference signal. Output R2 which controls the di/dt and drop in vds . The achieved di/dt
states of turn-on comparators are shown in Fig. 5(a). These out- ensures QZV switching operation with the help of layout par-
put signals are sent to CPLD to decide durations of stage S1 to asitic inductance (Lp ). At the end of S2 duration, gate voltage
stage S4 . reaches miller plateau voltage, and the device voltage decreases
Similar technique is also implemented in turn-off compara- from the already reduced device voltage in the previous subin-
tor unit. In this case, two reference signals (R4 and R6 ) are terval. In this stage, device current overshoots and oscillates.
compared with sensed device voltage (vs ) and one reference To arrest this overshoot, D1 is turned OFF and only D2 is in
signal (R5 ) is compared with sensed device current (is ). Their on-state with a very high gate resistance (R2 ). This high value
outputs are V2 , V3 , and C3 , respectively. Turn-off comparator of R2 slows down the switching speed. Once the device voltage
also operates as described for turn-on comparator unit. As per reaches zero, D3 is again turned ON to expedite the charging
output states of the turn-off comparator unit, CPLD decides du- process of gate capacitance and finally the gate voltage settles
rations of stage S5 to stage S8 . A high-speed comparator IC at 20 V (recommended maximum limit) in a quicker fashion in
(MAX962/SO) is used to minimize propagation delay. S4 duration.
The proposed AGD technique quickly charges the gate ca-
pacitance during S1 and S2 duration with a higher gate volt-
B. Control Mechanism
age and lower Rg on . However, it restricts the overshoot in
The control algorithm is implemented in a CPLD from device current during subsequent subintervals by controlling the
ALTERA MAXII series. It is operated at a clock frequency Rg on at a fixed gate voltage. As the VD 1 (greater than 20 V) is


Active Resistors

Stage nMOSFETs in on state Resistors Values (R g o f f )

S5 D 4 and D 6 R 4 and R 6 2 and 4 Ω

S6 D 4 and D 5 R 4 and R 5 2 and 10 Ω
S7 D5 R5 10 Ω
S8 D 5 and D 6 R 5 and R 6 10 and 4 Ω

active only in first two stages (S1 and S2 ), the gate voltage never
exceeds the maximum gate voltage (typically 20 V). Whereas it Fig. 6. CGD test result for turn-on switching transient. Scale
: v d s = 200 V/div, id = 10 A/div, Time = 50 nsec/div.
injects higher gate current to increase di/dt.
2) Turn-Off Control Mechanism: Turn-off control
mechanism is also implemented in four stages. The turn-off
control unit consisting of three nMOSFETs (D4 , D5 , and D6 )
with their respective series resistances (R4 , R5 , and R6 ). The
source terminal of D4 is connected to a voltage (VD 4 ) which
is greater than −5 V (maximum up to −12 V). It is derived
from a closed-loop power supply. Similar to turn-on case, the
higher negative voltage (more than −5 V) ensures the device
current to drop nearly zero. Whereas the source terminals of
D5 and D6 are connected to fixed −5 V. The selected series
resistances (R4 , R5 , and R6 ) are 2, 10, and 4 Ω, respectively.
Table III provides detailed switching sequence of nMOSFETs
and the equivalent turn-off gate resistance (Rg of f ) during dif-
Fig. 7. QZV test result with AGD for turn-on switching transient. Scale
ferent switching subintervals. : v d s = 200 V/div, id = 10 A/div, Time = 50 nsec/div.
The operation of turn-off unit can be explained in a similar
fashion as that of turn-on unit. Gate capacitance is discharged
quickly by a gate voltage greater than −5 V during S5 and The experimental result observed by the CGD with a positive
S6 interval to have very high dv/dt. This high dv/dt ensures gate voltage of 20 V and gate resistance of 10 Ω is depicted in
QZC switching with the help of Cl . In subsequent intervals, Fig. 6. The di/dt is found to be 600 A/µsec. As a consequence,
the device voltage overshoot is restricted by a higher value of device voltage drops by 175 V resulting in turn-on switching
gate resistance with a fixed gate voltage of −5 V. The gate loss of 550 µJ. In this test condition, device current overshoots
voltage never drops below the maximum allowable negative by 50% due to moderately higher parasitic inductance in the
gate voltage (typically −5 V) as VD 4 (greater than −5 V) is layout.
active only in first two stages (S5 and S6 ). An improved switching response achieved by the proposed
QZV technique along with AGD is depicted in Fig. 7 at the
V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS same test condition. The di/dt is increased in first two stages to
ensure a large drop in device voltage. It can be noticed that the
The QZS performance of the developed active gate driver is
di/dt of device current is 2 kA/µsec and the device voltage has
evaluated in a DP test bed as well as in a 10 kW SiC MOSFET-
dropped by 580 V. As a consequence, turn-on loss is reduced
based two-level VSI driving an induction motor. The device
to 80 µJ (reduction by 85%). It is achieved by connecting the
switching is controlled in four stages by the on-board CPLD
source terminal of D1 (VD 1 ) to 30 V. A large gate current is
and the driving units as discussed in Section IV.
injected to charge the gate input capacitance quickly as D1
is active during first two stages. Later, the device switching
A. Response of the QZS in a DP Test Setup
process is slowed down by disconnecting D1 and modulating
The DUT for the DP testing is a 1200 V, 35 A SiC MOSFET gate resistance by D2 and D3 alone. The overshoot in id is
(SCH2080KE) from ROHM Semiconductor. Experiments are limited to 30%. The values of resistances R1 , R2 , and R3 are 2,
conducted at a Vdc of 600 V and a id of 20 A at different values 15, and 4 Ω, respectively.
of Lp and Cl . 2) Evaluation of QZC Technique: The QZC switch-
1) Evaluation of QZV Technique: The reported test re- ing is implemented by controlling dv/dt of the device voltage
sults are obtained at a parasitic inductance of 300 nH. The di/dt during turn-off switching transient with the assistance of para-
of the device is controlled by adjusting the magnitude of VD 1 sitic capacitance (Cl ). The dv/dt is controlled by appropriately
as discussed in Section IV. Whereas source terminal voltages of changing the magnitude of VD 4 . The experimental result ob-
D2 and D3 are kept at 20 V. served by CGD with a fixed negative gate voltage of −5 V and

Fig. 8. CGD test result for turn-off switching transient. Scale Fig. 10. Sinusoidal reference voltage waveform. Scale : v r e f = 2 V/div,
: v d s = 152 V/div, id = 10 A/div, Time = 100 nsec/div. Time = 10 msec/div.

Fig. 11. CGD test result for turn-on switching transient. Scale
Fig. 9. QZC test result with AGD for turn-off switching transient. Scale : v d s = 152 V/div, id = 5 A/div, Time = 50 nsec/div.
: v d s = 152 V/div, id = 10 A/div, Time = 50 nsec/div.

In the case of motor drive application, the load current varies

gate resistance of 10 Ω is depicted in Fig. 8. The dv/dt of de- sinusoidally. Therefore, it is necessary to vary the reference
vice voltage is 15 kV/µsec. In this case, device current drops voltage signal in a sinusoidal fashion with the load current for
by 5 A resulting in a turn-off switching loss of 530 µJ. These accurate selection of different stages. The developed AGD re-
results are achieved at a load parasitic capacitance of 300 pF. ceives the sinusoidal current from an external current sensor and
An improved switching response achieved by increasing dv/dt it is provided to the signal conditioning unit shown in Fig. 4.
to 40 kV/µsec is shown in Fig. 9. It is obtained by increasing The ADC present in the signal conditioning unit converts the
VD 4 to −12 V during Tdof f and Tv r intervals. The increased analog load current into digital data. It is sent to the CPLD
dv/dt causes a 13 A drop in id and reduces the turn-off loss to through the digital isolator. CPLD generates pulse width modu-
120 µJ (reduction by 77%). At the onset of Tv r duration, device lation (PWM) signal by comparing the load current information
switching is slowed down by disconnecting D4 and modulating with an internally generated triangular carrier signal. This PWM
gate resistance by D5 and D6 alone. It arrests device voltage signal is given to an R–C filter to generate sinusoidally vary-
overshoot to 15%. The values of resistances R4 , R5 , and R6 are ing reference voltage (vr ef ) as depicted in Fig. 10. Though the
2, 15, and 4 Ω, respectively. R–C filter introduces a small phase shift, it does not affect the
performance of comparator unit as the frequency of the load
current is low (50 Hz). This mechanism ensures accurate detec-
B. Response of QZS in a 10 kW VSI tion of different stages for different magnitudes of load current.
A 10 kW SiC MOSFET-based two-level VSI has been devel- However, the reference voltages required to compare the device
oped in the laboratory. The inverter is switched at a switching voltage is kept fixed as the dc bus voltage is constant. As the
frequency of 20 kHz. The dc bus is maintained at 450 V. The load current is small and motor parasitic capacitance is large in
dc bus is designed with copper wires instead of sandwiched the present experimental test setup, the effectiveness of varying
bus bar technique to accommodate moderately higher parasitic current reference in the experimental results is less visible. This
inductance (300 nH). The induction motor has an interwinding technique will be more effective for larger magnitude of current.
capacitance (Cl ) of 10 nF. The test waveforms are shown for a 1) Evaluation of QZV Technique: Fig. 11 shows a turn-
load current of 10 A. The induction motor is driven in a V/F on switching instant by conventional gate driver (CGD) at an
mode. Rg of 10 Ω. It can be observed that device voltage drops by

Fig. 12. QZV test result with AGD for turn-on switching transient. Scale Fig. 14. QZC test result with AGD for turn-off switching transient. Scale:
: v d s = 152 V/div, id = 5 A/div, Time = 50 nsec/div. v d s = 152 V/div, id = 5 A/div, Time = 50 nsec/div.

Fig. 15. Experimental test setup and busbar layout of the 10 kW VSI.

Fig. 13. CGD test result for turn-off switching transient. Scale value of Cl affects dv/dt of the device drastically (3). However,
: v d s = 152 V/div, id = 5 A/div, Time = 50 nsec/div. the turn-off switching loss is reduced by 45%. The experimental
test setup is depicted in Fig. 15.
150 V. In this case, di/dt of the device current is 500 A/µsec
C. Discussion
and turn-on switching loss is 202 µJ for a load current of 10 A.
It is interesting to notice that the drop in device voltage and The proposed QZS technique is able to reduce switching loss
di/dt of the device current is comparatively smaller than the in the device to a large extent with the help of existing parasitic
DP test results. It is because Cl is very high (10 nF) in the elements in the system. Table IV compares the switching loss
case of induction motor load. A very high value of Cl affects information achieved by CGD and QZS technique at different
the di/dt and dv/dt of the device (1). Unlike DP test waveforms, values of Lp and Cl . The tabulated switching loss information
the drop in vds is governed by (1). for Cl of 50 to 400 pF is obtained from the DP testing of the
A turn-on switching transient achieved by the QZV technique device. DP test is conducted at a Vdc of 600 V and id of 20 A.
is shown in Fig. 12. In this case, VD 1 is at 25 V. Due to higher in- Whereas test results tabulated for Cl of 10 nF is obtained from
jected gate current, device voltage drops by 300 V. The achieved the 10 kW inverter driving induction motor. The inverter is
di/dt of device current is 1 kA/µsec and turn-on loss is found to tested at a Vdc of 450 V and id of 10 A. The total switching
be 110 µJ. A high value of Cl restricts the increase in di/dt. As loss obtained at a Lp of 300 nH and Cl of 400 pF by the CGD
a consequence, device voltage does not fall to a very low value and QZS technique are 1118 and 172 µJ, respectively, in the DP
like DP test waveforms. However, the turn-on loss is reduced testing of the device. It can be noticed that there is a drastic 84%
by 50% from the CGD technique. The values of resistances R4 , reduction in switching loss by the QZS technique. Similarly,
R5 , and R6 are 2, 15, and 4 Ω, respectively. switching loss in the 10 kW inverter by the CGD and QZS
2) Evaluation of QZC Technique: Turn-off test wave- technique is 352 and 190 µJ, respectively. In this case, reduction
forms obtained by the CGD technique with an induction motor in switching loss is 46%. The energy saving in case of induction
load is depicted in Fig. 13. The turn-off switching loss is found motor application is lesser compared to the DP testing due to
to be 150 µJ with a 2 A drop in device current at a dv/dt the presence of higher parasitic capacitance (Cl ). High value of
of 5 kV/µsec. Fig. 14 depicts a turn-off switching transient Cl limits the di/dt and dv/dt (1), (3). However, for grid tied
achieved by the proposed QZC technique. In this case, VD 4 is inverter applications, line inductors can be designed with very
at −8 V. Due to higher extracted gate current, device current low parasitic capacitance. In those applications, energy savings
drops by 10 A at a dv/dt of 15 kV/µsec. Turn-off loss is found by the proposed QZS technique will be much higher. From
to be 80 µJ. Similar to turn-on switching waveforms, a higher the above discussion, it can be concluded that the proposed


L p = 150 nH L p = 300 nH

E C G D (µJ) E Q Z S (µJ) E C G D (µJ) E Q Z S (µJ)

Eo n Eo f f EC G D EQ Z V EQ Z C EQ Z S Eo n Eo f f EC G D EQ Z V EQ Z C EQ Z S

Cl = 50 pF 568 380 948 120 152 272 541 485 1026 75 150 225
Cl = 150 pF 570 405 975 122 138 260 545 510 1055 80 135 215
Cl = 300 pF 580 420 1000 125 125 250 550 530 1080 80 120 200
Cl = 400 pF 585 445 1030 128 95 223 558 560 1118 82 90 172
Cl = 10 nF (Results for C l =10 nF are obtained at V d c =450 V, i d =10 A) 202 150 352 110 80 190

range of 10–15 kW at a parasitic inductance of 300 nH and a

capacitance of 10 nF. However, the range of operation can be
extended for a lower load parasitic capacitance as they limit
dv/dt and di/dt. It is evident from the DP test results.
Under low load condition, the switching loss is dominated by
the capacitive discharge current from Coss for both CGD and
AGD. In this condition, the CGDs do not reduce the switching
loss caused due to low load current. Whereas the proposed QZS
technique ensures that the part of switching loss due to the load
current is zero. It reduces the overall switching loss compared
to the CGDs. The increase in di/dt and dv/dt also increase the
injected common mode (CM) current into the control circuit. It
degrades EMI performance of the converter. These CM noise
Fig. 16. Turn-on switching loss by the CGD and QZV technique. can be restricted by placing CM chokes at the gate driver end
[24], [25].
The core of the proposed technique lays on the detection of
different stages. They are obtained by sensing device current
and voltage. The reference for the current comparator is varied
as per the load current. Whereas the reference for the voltage
comparator is kept fixed. The proposed technique can be adopted
for the converters where the dc bus voltage is constant. However,
this technique can be extended to all types of converters by
replacing the fixed reference for the device voltage comparator
circuit to a variable reference similar to the current comparator


Fig. 17. Turn-off switching loss by the CGD and QZC technique. SiC MOSFET exhibits very high di/dt and dv/dt. Due to
that, a drop in device voltage and current is experienced dur-
ing switching transients in the presence of parasitic elements
QZS technique can be very effective for a Cl in the range of in the circuit. They reduce switching loss in the device. How-
200–600 pF and for an Lp of 200–350 nH. ever, device voltage and current overshoot increase manifold
Effectiveness of the proposed QZS technique also depends on and they generate stress in the device. Therefore, users prefer to
the operating conditions (dc bus voltage and load current) and reduce parasitic elements. This paper proposed a unique QZS
amount of parasitic elements present in the switching circuit. It technique to reduce switching loss along with an AGD mech-
can be analyzed in the context of induction motor application anism. It enables users to coexist with a moderate amount of
under study. Figs. 16 and 17 depict the comparison of the switch- parasitic inductance in the inverter layout and load parasitic
ing loss observed by CGD and QZS technique at different load capacitance simultaneously reducing switching loss. The pro-
currents. It can be noticed that the achieved switching loss by posed QZS technique has been implemented by a CPLD-based
the proposed QZS technique is very low compared to the CGD. active gate driver. It’s performance is evaluated in a DP test
However, the switching loss by the QZS technique gradually setup as well as in a 10 kW VSI driving an induction motor.
increases beyond 20 A at a dc bus voltage of 450 V. Therefore, More than 50% reduction in switching loss has been achieved
the proposed technique is very effective for the inverter in the by the proposed QZS mechanism compared to the CGD.

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Parthasarathy Nayak (S’15) received the Kamalesh Hatua (M’16) received the B.E.
B.Tech. degree in electrical and electronic en- degree in electrical and electronic engineer-
gineering from Biju Patnaik University of Tech- ing from Karnataka Regional Engineering Col-
nology, Rourkela, India, in 2011, and the lege, Surathkal, India, in 2000, the M.Sc. and
M.S. degree in electrical engineering from In- Ph.D. degrees, both in electrical engineering,
dian Institute of Technology Madras, Chen- from the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore,
nai, India, in 2016. Since 2016, he has been Bangalore, India, in 2004 and 2011, respectively.
working toward the Ph.D. degree in the field He was with Bharat Earth Movers Ltd.,
of application of wide band gap devices and Mysore, India, during 2000–2001. He was in-
power converter design at the Power Electron- volved in the development of computerized
ics, Microgrids and Subsea Electrical Systems transmission controller for dumpers. He was also
Center, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA. with the Honeywell Technology Solutions Laboratory, Bangalore, for
From 2011 to 2013, he was an Operation and Maintenance Engineer the development of inverter for aerospace applications during 2004–
with the Monnet Power Company Ltd., India. His research interests in- 2005. He has extensively worked for aerospace grade inverter develop-
clude gate driver design for SiC MOSFET, high power density converter ment, EMI/EMC-related issues, and their mitigation techniques. After the
design, ac–dc power conversion, and multilevel converter topologies. Ph.D. degree, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Future Re-
newable Electrical Energy Delivery and Management Center, North
Carolina State University Raleigh, for the development of SiC device-
based solid-state transformer during 2010–2012. He is currently an As-
sistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India. His area of research in-
terests include medium-voltage electric drives, polyphase induction mo-
tor drive, solid-state transformer, power electronics application in power
system, design of high-efficient power converters using upcoming SiC
power switches, and DSP- and FPGA-based controller design for power
electronics application.

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