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Definition of fracture

A fracture is defined as a break in continuity of bone. Fracture are most common abnormality of bone.
They re usually caused as a result of trauma.

Luqmani, Raashid. Student consut for text book of orthopaedic, trauma, and rheumatology. UK :
Mosbi Elsevier

Type of fracture

Based on the condition of the overlying skin

 Open fracure, if the bone has protuded through the skin or an object has punctured the skin
making an open through the skin to the fracture site,

 Close fracture, if there is no opening in the skin

Condition of bone

 Complete fracture, if the fracture goes completely through the bone

 Incomplete fracuture, if the bone are fracture but not in two

 Greenstick fracture, because it appears to have broken partially like a sap-filled greenstick

The number of fragment or the posstion of the fragment

 Displaced fracture, is one in which fragments are out of possition, while non displaced means
the fragments re still in correct position

 Angulated fracture, is a fracture of long bone that positioned such that the bone is bent out of

 Comminuted fracture, if there are more than two ends or fragments

 Impacted fracture, is one characterized as a bone end forced over the other end.

The position of the fracture line

 Longitudinal fracture, runs the length of the bone

 Transverse fracture, runs across or at 90 degree angle

 Oblique fracture, run transverselly at less then 90 degree

 Spiral fracture, twist around the bone

 Stellate fracture, form a star like pattern, commonlly seen on the skull or patella
Principles of Pathophysiology and Emergency Medical Care by Jeffrey W.
Myers,Marianne Neighbors,Ruth

What is the difference between fracture in adult and children

Sites and causes of fractures vary by age and gender. Children commonly fracture
their arm during falls. Teens males commonly have long bone fractures related to
MVAs ( motor vehicle accidents) or sport injuries. Elderly females suffer with hip
fractures generally related to falls and osteoporosis.

Principles of Pathophysiology and Emergency Medical Care by Jeffrey W.

Myers,Marianne Neighbors

Inchildren all the stages are reached more quickly and callus can occur in the first
2 weeks post fracture; therefore all the times must be adjusted accordingly. In
othe older adult both the union and consolidation may extend if there is evidence
of poor bone stock (e.g. osteoporosis), but this is highly variabel

Physiotherapy in Orthopaedics: A Problem-solving Approach by Karen

Atkinson,Fiona Coutts,Anne-Marie Hassenkamp

Complication of fracture

Complications of fracture include hemorrhage, mal union, non union, avaskular

necrosis and infection. Blood loss from long bone can be significant. All patients
who have suspected fractures require repeated assesment for shock. Mal union is
the healing of the fracture in an abnormal or nonfunctional position. Non union is
the failure of the bone to heal. The complication of avaskular necroses occurs
when the blood supply the bone is not adequate to maintain bone health and the
bone tissue dies of necrosis. Infection of the bone was discussed in detail as

Principles of Pathophysiology and Emergency Medical Care by Jeffrey W.

Myers,Marianne Neighbors,Ruth

How the process of fracture

Trauma  fraktur  pembuluh darah robek  bekuan darah  lapisan fibrin 

 menarik sel radang, fibroblas, endotel  trombosit akan mengalami
degranulasi dan sel radang melepaskan sitkin-sitokin  mengaktifkan sel
progenitor tulang (dalam waktu 1 minggu)  jaringan lunak (tidak mengandung
ca dan tidak dapat menahan BB)  mengikat ujung tulang yang frakture  sel di
sisi fraktur aktif, sel kondroblas . Membentuk tulang rawan (2-3 minggu)
ostikasi endokral  me

Dislocation and subluxation

In a disloction, a bone is totally displaced from the joint

Subluxation, is a partial of dislocation of a joint

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