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The application of engineering methods

to improve sanitation of human communities,
primarily by providing the removal and disposal
of human waste, and in addition to the supply of
safe potable water. Traditionally a branch of
civil engineering

Wastewater Collection and Treatment

Wastewater systems collect and dispose
of household wastewater generated from toilet
use, bathing, laundry, and kitchen and cleaning
1. Separate sewerage system.
activities. Any structure with running water,
2. Combined sewerage system.
such as a house or office, must be connected to
one of the following wastewater disposal
Separate Sewerage System
In separate system of sewerage there are two
Centralized systems are public sewer
collection systems or pipe network one for
systems that serve established towns and cities
collecting domestic sewage as sanitary sewerage
and transport wastewater to a central location for
system and another for collecting storm water as
storm water drainage system.
Decentralized systems do not connect to a
public sewer system. Wastewater may be treated
on site or may be discharged to a private
treatment plant.


The underground conduit for the

collection of sewage is called sewer. A network
of sewers and appurtenances for the collection
and conveyance of sewage generated from each
of the properties to sewage pumping station for
pumping to sewage treatment and disposal is
called Sewage System.

There are two types of sewerage system. Advantages of separate sewerage system are:
 The capacity of the water treatment
plant will be smaller since only
domestic sewage alone is to be treated.
 Operational problems are less.

Disadvantage of separate sewerage system

 Storm water may always find its way
into the domestic sewerage system
either through wrong house sewer
connections or through manholes and hotel sewage using ETP is essential in order
overload the sewage treatment plant. to reduce the spread of disease-causing
pathogenic organisms in the effluent and to
Combined Sewerage System prevent the pollution of surface and
groundwater. Treatment of waste water is
In Combined system of sewerage both carried out by a combination of physical,
sewage discharge and the storm runoff are chemical and biological methods to remove
collected and conveyed through a common suspended solids, organic matter and some
collection system. The ratio of the maximum nutrients from effluent/wastewater. Effluent
storm runoff to sewage flow works out to be 20 treatment plant for hotels involves some
to 30. Combined sewers are of special types levels of treatment and it is shown in below
such as egg shaped etc
Advantages of Combined sewerage system
 Only one system is provided and
therefore there will not be any confusion
in giving connection,
 Less expensive to install the system.

Disadvantage of Combined sewerage system

are: 1. Preliminary Treatment
 During non-rainy days the flow will be This removes all the coarse solids and other
very meager causing, materials from the raw wastewater thereby
salivation requiring frequent cleaning. preventing damage of subsequent treatment units
when the influent passes through bar screens,
large sized materials like plastic bags, sticks,
Effluent Treatment Plant rags etc. It uses comminutors for breakdown of
coarse solids. It may include grit chamber at
1. What is Effluent Treatment? which velocity of wastewater reduces so that
Effluent treatment is the process of grit, sand and stones will be removed. This
removing harmful contaminants/pollutants treatment also removes desirable amount of oils
from the water that is used by hotels, and greases. The partially treated wastewater is
restaurants, resorts, hospitals, industries etc. now subjected to next level of treatment.
and thereby converting dirty, polluted and
unhealthy water into clean, safe and pure 2. Primary Treatment
water so that it can meet quality standards. this is the second level in most of the ETP’s. It
Major sources of effluent produced from involves physical separation of total suspended
many hotels are: washing of utensils, sink solids. It involves a tank called sedimentation
basins, restrooms and many such units. tank or primary clarifier where heavier solids
About 70-75% of the hotel waste is settle to the bottom and floatable materials
biodegradable (like food, vegetable and non- (scum) like oil, grease will rises to top of the
veg waste) will get mixes with all other type tank and removed by skimming process. The
of non-biodegradable waste (such as effluent from primary sedimentation tank is
suspended solids, oils etc) when disposed at referred to as primary effluent or primary
a collection spot. sludge. This sludge will be subjected to sludge
handling facilities for further processing. This
2. Why treat hotel and other effluent? treatment removes about 50-70% of total
Today, there are many hotels and restaurants suspended solids and about 30% of the
which contribute substantial amount of biodegradable components.
wastewater/effluent. Hence, treatment of
3. Secondary Treatment • Washing water
The major purpose of secondary treatment is to
decompose suspended and dissolved
organic matter in wastewater using
microorganisms. To achieve this it uses
aerobic biological treatment process called
activated sludge process. Now the influent
is allowed into aeration tank where it is
mixed with microbes. Air is continuously
supplied to aeration tank to increase the
growth of microbes and hence breakdown
of organic matter takes place when aerated
water flows into secondary clarifiers where
heavier particles settle to the bottom which
is called as secondary effluent. It removes
about 70-80% of organic solids.
4. Tertiary Treatment:
This level of treatment is also called as
disinfection treatment. If the treated
wastewater from secondary tank contains
residual suspended solids or organic matter
then tertiary treatment uses physical or
chemical or biological processes to remove
them. It is the final cleaning process that
improves quality of waste water before it is
discharged into natural water courses or
reused or recycled. It uses some disinfectants • Surplus manufactured liquids from
like chlorination, UV light, ozone etc. where UV domestic sources
is the most using disinfectant which kills viruses
and bacteria without any residues. Disinfection Types of wastewater
is essential step which protects the health of • Blackwater
human and environment.
Originates from toilet fixtures,
dishwashers and food preparation sinks.
Conventional flowchart shows major
treatment levels involved in ETP for Hotels • Graywater
Originates from non-toilet and
food fixtures, dishwashers and food
preparation sinks such as bathroom
WASTEWATER sinks, laundry machines, spas and
• Any water that has been affected by
human use • Yellow water
• Used water from any combination of Basically, urine collected with
domestic, industrial, commercial or specific channels and not contaminated
agricultural activities. with either black or gray water.
Sources of wastewater Pollutants
• Human excreta Chemical or physical pollutants
• Heavy metals, including mercury, lead, drinking water act, resource conservation
and chromium and recovery act, and the superfund act.
• Organic particles such as feces, hairs, • Philippines
food, vomit, paper fibers, plant material,
humus, etc.; In the Philippines, republic act 9275,
otherwise known as the Philippine clean
• Toxins such as pesticides, poisons, water act of 2004, is the governing law on
herbicides, etc. wastewater management. It states that it is
the country's policy to protect, preserve and
• Thermal pollution from power stations revive the quality of its fresh, brackish and
and industrial manufacturers marine waters, for which wastewater
management plays a particular role.

Biological pollutants

• Viruses Wastewater engineering is not usually

its own degree course but a specialization from
• Protozoa degrees such as civil engineering, environmental
engineering, Bio-chemical engineering
• Parasites
or chemical engineering. Wastewater
Effects of wastewater treatment and water reclamation are areas of
concern in this field.
• Water pollution
• Water security
Water and wastewater plant engineer
• Ecosystem services
Water and wastewater plant engineers
• Agriculture/ fisheries/ tourism plan, design, and oversee construction and
operation of all processes and structures
• Health of urban and rural populations
involved in the treatment, distribution, and
Legislation collection of water and wastewater. These
engineers work on a variety of scales, designing
• Australia small package plants as well as large municipal
As part of the environmental protection act and industrial treatment facilities, pumping
1994, the environmental protection (water) stations, reservoirs, distribution systems, and
policy 2009 is responsible for the water sewers.
management of Queensland, Australia. How to become a Water and wastewater
• Nigeria plant engineer

In nigeria, the water resources act of 1993 is In most cases, the minimum education
the law responsible for all kinds of water requirement to work as a water and wastewater
management. plant engineer is a university undergraduate
If you are a post-secondary student
The clean water act is the primary federal considering a career as a water and wastewater
law in the united states governing water plant engineer, the following programs are most
pollution in surface waters. Groundwater applicable:
protection provisions are included in the safe
 Mechanical Engineering
 Civil Engineering These agencies often offer training courses and
 Environmental Engineering study materials that help students prepare for
 Chemical Engineering their certification examinations.

Water and wastewater plant engineer Water and wastewater treatment plant and
typically do the following: system operators typically do the following:

In the Office:  Add chemicals, such as ammonia or

chlorine, to disinfect water or other
 Doing paperwork, analyzing data, and liquids
preparing reports  Inspect equipment on a regular basis
 Drafting plans and models  Monitor operating conditions, meters,
 Preparing proposals, tender and gauges
documentation, and evaluation and  Collect and test water and sewage
project reports samples
 Record meter and gauge readings and
operational data
In the Field:  Operate equipment to purify and clarify
water or to process or dispose of sewage
 Touring and inspecting sites and  Clean and maintain equipment, tanks,
managing inspection staff filter beds, and other work areas
 Supervising installations and facility
start-ups Salary of Water and Wastewater treatment
 Testing designs and recommended plant and system operators
The median annual wage for water and
 Supervising operations staff and wastewater treatment plant and system operators
coordinating maintenance schedules was $42,760 in May 2012. The median wage is
Salary of Water and Wastewater plant the wage at which half the workers in an
engineer occupation earned more than that amount and
half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned
A water and wastewater plant engineer at an less than $25,850, and the top 10 percent earned
entry level position makes an average salary of more than $67,810.
$40,275 per year in Canada.
With several years of education and experience, WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM
water and wastewater plant engineers can make
between $50,500 and $85,000 per year. The function of the collection system is to
collect the wastewater from residential,
Water and wastewater treatment plant commercial, and industrial areas within the
system operator service area and transport it to the treatment
plant or disposal area.
Water and wastewater treatment plant and
system operators manage a system of machines,
often through the use of control boards, to
transfer or treat water or wastewater. Types of Collection Systems

How to become a Water and wastewater Sanitary sewer collection systems are
treatment plant system operator responsible for collecting and conveying
wastewater that is generated at residential
Wastewater Treatment Operators must have a dwellings and commercial and industrial
degree in Science or Engineering. Certification buildings to the wastewater treatment plant for
is also required typically through state agencies. treatment.
Gravity Advantages of wastewater collection:
 The primary type of public sanitary  Prevention of the spread of disease
sewer collection system is a gravity through communities.
system. A gravity system is so named  Prevention of pollution.
because the wastewater flows down  Maintaining rivers and streams in a
gradient in the sewer, driven by forces healthy and ecologically sound
of gravity. condition.
Low Pressure Problems in Wastewater Collection:
 Low pressure sewer systems are used in  Stagnant pools of wastewater.
areas where the use of gravity sewers is  Wastewater in open drains very
impractical due to topography or unhygienic.
economic reasons. Low pressure  Pipes ending in open.
systems are often found around lakes
and in rolling terrain.
 Vacuum collection systems are used for
the same reason as low-pressure
systems. However, it is rare to find a
vacuum collection system in use in
Pennsylvania as this is a fairly new
collection alternative in the United
States, and operation and maintenance is
more difficult than a low-pressure
system. Types of Sewers
Sanitary sewer - is a system of underground
pipes that carries sewage from bathrooms, sinks,
Sources of waste water
kitchens, and other plumbing components to a
Domestic – It is wastewater from wastewater treatment plant where it is filtered,
houses offices, building, hotels and institutions. treated and discharged.
Industrial- it is liquid waste from Storm-water – It includes surface run-off
industrial process. generated by rainfall and the street wash.
Storm-water – It includes surface run- Combined Sewers - is a sewage collection
off generated by rainfall and the street wash. system of pipes and tunnels designed to
simultaneously collect surface runoff water in a
shared system.
House Sewers – It is the sewer conveying
sewage from plumbing system of a building to
common municipality system
Lateral Sewers – This sewer carries discharge
from houses sewer
Sub-main sewers – this sewer receives
discharge from two or more laterals
Main/Trunk sewer – Receives discharge
from two or more sub-mains
Outfall sewer – It receives discharged from
all collecting system and conveys it to the point
of final disposal.


Three construction techniques are typically
used to build sewers in Los Angeles:

 Trenching
 Micro tunneling
 Large bore tunneling

Trenching is the oldest sewer construction
method. It was used to build most of Los
Angeles’ sewers before 1990 and is still used
today in new subdivisions and other areas when:

 Sewer pipes can be placed at a shallow

 Pipe are small in diameter
 There is room above ground for
equipment and operations

Deeper sewers that are trenched require

complicated digging and forms to prevent
collapse of the trench, and larger pipes require the ability to align sewers under hills and other
very large trenches which can be expensive and areas that would not normally be accessible
get in the way of neighborhood activities. using trenching or microtunneling techniques.

Method: The contractor digs a trench, places the Method: As in microtunneling, the contractor
pipe in the trench, backfills the trench, and then excavates a shaft and shores up the walls. These
repaves the street and repairs any other surfaces shafts are deeper and wider than microtunneled
that were disturbed when digging the trench. shafts. Workers and the TBMs are lowered to
Trenched sewer lines are typically placed no the bottom of the shafts. Excavation is similar to
deeper than about 20 feet below the ground microtunneling, but the machine is much larger
surface. Sewers are always placed deeper than with digging heads capable of boring a 25-foot
water lines as a safety factor in the event that the diameter tunnel. A worker rides inside the TBM
sewer line breaks. from where it is controlled. Excavated dirt is
conveyed behind the TBM to small, open rail
MICROTUNNELING cars that haul the dirt back to the shaft where it
is lifted out and hauled away. Concrete liner
Microtunneling has become a popular pipes are used to support the tunnel and prevent
alternative to trenching, especially in high- collapse. The sewer pipes are then brought into
density neighborhoods with busy streets and the tunnel and joined together by work crews.
shallow utilities that often conflict with surface The machines are removed, shafts are filled and
digging. ground surfaces are resurfaced.

Method: The contractor excavates two pits, REPAIRING SEWERS

about 30 feet by 30 feet for the jacking pit. The The City’s sewer repair teams commonly
jacking pit is where the microtunnel boring use three repair methods, depending on the
machine (MTBM) is lowered into the ground severity and type of damage to the old sewer.
and creates a tunnel opening while passing
excavated earth through the back of the  Replacement – damaged pipes are
machine. The MTBM is remote controlled and uncovered and removed, sewage is
no workers enter the tunnel. The receiving pit is temporarily piped around the area to be
smaller, only large enough to retrieve the replaced and then new pipe is placed in
MTBM. Pits have to be shored up to prevent the ground and connected to the system.
cave-ins. The excavated soil is temporarily This method is used when the sewer is
stored until it can be hauled offsite. MTBMs are in very bad condition.
laser guided for accuracy. Cutting teeth bore  Pipe Jacking – new sections of pipe are
through soil until the MTBM reaches the pushed inside the older pipeline. Crews
receiving pit. The pipe is then pushed into the clean debris from the old sewer, and
tunnel. The tunnel and pits are then backfilled then insert the new pipe sections
and the surface is repaired. between the two street openings. The
sections are then grouted (cemented)
together so the repaired section is
LARGE BORE TUNNELING watertight as well as sturdy.
This method of construction is for very  Pipe Liners – the liner is made from a
large-diameter pipelines placed under busy plastic reinforced with glass fibers. It is
urban areas and through challenging geological inserted into the existing pipe in sections
conditions. In Los Angeles, the largest that are cured in place. These materials
interceptor sewer pipelines (eight to ten foot are most often placed in sewers that are
diameter) are being constructed using major in adequate condition to provide support
tunneling technology. Tunneling gives the City for the liner.

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