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Name _______________________________ Gender: _____ Welcome Call Date: ___________

Confirm Contact Information Confirm Materials Confirm Courses

Bi-Weekly Call Week: ___________ Day: _______________ Time: _____________________

Phone Number(s): ______________________________________________________________________

Best Days/Times to Call: ____________________________________________________________________________________


New Student Returning Student

Student Interests/Need to Know: _________________________________________________________



CT: student strengths: __________________________________________________________________

CT: student weakness: __________________________________________________________________

CT: student goals: ______________________________________________________________________

Learning Coach:

Complete To Do List (Orientation, Honor Code, Etc.)

Daily: Record attendance (6-7 hours of work a day marked by LC, 31 hours per week)

ST should take their time for each lesson, take notes, complete all activities, go to LL, etc

Daily: Check lessons complete (parent stamp of approval)

Check/Answer webmails (both you and ST – check in with them on this)

Use student planner, Message Boards, LL schedule, Gradebook, Learning Coach Central

Contact teachers as necessary; Be available for bi-weekly call


NWEA MAP (Math and Reading) - proctored online in LL, webcam & mic

State Testing (Spring) - face to face testing

Student Interests: ______________________________________________________________________



ST Strengths: __________________________________________________________________________

ST Weakness: _________________________________________________________________________

ST Goals: _____________________________________________________________________________


Daily: Complete lessons and attend Live Lessons (use planner)

Honor Code

Daily: read and respond to webmails

Message Boards and Gradebook

6 hours of work a day marked by LC

Bi-weekly call

Contact teachers

Call logged (marked as Welcome Call)

Start Up Tasks Complete

Missing Tasks: ________________________________________________________

Run Scheduler

Bi-Weekly Call on student planner

Bi-Weekly Call on teacher planner


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