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I have already written about the extraordinary facts when it comes to our seasons, but

that info got more or less lost in my writings about the Mayan calendar. See Squaring
the Mayas
Now it is time to show just how amazing the Earth's situation is.
We all accept that we have seasons. Summer, autumn, winter and spring. Although we
usually don’t give it much thought, we do need the seasons. The cycles of everything
that lives are only possible because of the seasons. The seasons are the engine of the
cycles. Without the seasons life as we know it would not be possible on Earth. The
seasons hold the Key of Life.

Seasons result from the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's
axis relative to the plane of revolution. It is this tilt (23.439 degrees) of the Earth’s axis that is so
incredible fascinating.

During May, June and July, the northern hemisphere is exposed to more direct sunlight because
the hemisphere faces the sun. The same is true of the southern hemisphere in November,
December and January. The Tropic of Cancer, also referred to as the Northern tropic, is the circle
of latitude on the Earth that marks the most northerly position at which the Sun may appear
directly overhead at its zenith. This event occurs once per year, at the time of the June solstice,
when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun to its maximum extent. Its Southern
Hemisphere counterpart, marking the most southerly position at which the Sun may appear
directly overhead, is the Tropic of Capricorn.

actual tilting of the Earth's axis less tilting - tropics closer more tilting - tropics further apart

Lets have a closer look at these tropics. If the tilt of the Earth’s axis would have been less, the
tropics would have been closer to each and if the tilt would have been more, the tropics would
have been further apart.
We can construct two circles between the tropics. See diagrams above.

If we now fit a square around the two circles, we see something amazing happening. The
perimeter of the constructed blue square is identical to the circumference of the red circle (=
Earth)! It is Squaring the Circle!

This is only happens with the actual tilting of the Earth’s axis. See diagram above on the left.
If the tilt of the Earth’s axis would have been less, the tropics would have been closer to each,
the two circles smaller and with that the square. See middle diagram above. On the other hand,
if the tilt would have been more, the tropics would have been further apart, the circles bigger
and so the square. See right diagram above.
Only the actual tilting of the Earth’s axis makes squaring the circle possible. This is already truly
amazing by itself, but there is more.

click on the diagram for an click on the diagram for an click on the diagram for an
enlargement enlargement enlargement

Have a close look at the diagram above on the left. First notice how a black circle was added that
exactly fits in the blue square. From there on a big green circle was constructed. Its centre is
indicated by the blue arrow. The size of the circle is chosen such that it goes precisely through
the intersection points of the red circle (= Earth) and the horizontal line (= equator). See red
arrows. Now be ready for a stunning coincidence. The big green circle exactly touches the two
circles we have constructed between the tropics! Wow! See green arrows.
And there is even more.
Look at the middle diagram above. Using the points where the big green circle intersects with the
black circle and using the top intersection point (all indicated by the red arrows), we can
construct a 100% perfect pentagon. And with that a perfect pentagram. See diagram above on
the right.

A pentagram is all about the Golden Mean or Golden Ratio.

The design of life itself is based on this very Golden Ratio and the closely related Fibonacci

Realise that the shown ‘squaring the circle’ only works because of the actual angle under which
the Earth’s axes is tilted. Any other angle would not generate squaring the circle! The same goes
for the inscribed pentagram.
The tilting of the Earth’s axis defines squaring the circle and at the same time it also defines the
Golden Ratio. The ratio of life itself. Isn’t this extraordinary?
The big question is now: If the Earth’s axis would have been tilted under a different angle (no
squaring the circle), would we then still see the same kind of life on Earth as we see now? Would
we see any life?

In other words: Is Squaring the Circle the Key to the mystery of Life on Earth?

the Philosopher’s Stone

For years I have on and off been interested in the so called Philosopher’s Stone.
The Philosopher's Stone is the central symbol of the mystical terminology of
alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss.
The Philosopher's Stone is the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy and for
the alchemist the consummation of the Magnum Opus, the Great Work. Once you
have done the Great Work, you will have created the Philosopher’s Stone.
My personal study of this Philosopher’s Stone has recently led to some intriguing

Over the centuries numerous great minds have been captivated by the Philosopher’s Stone
and many of them have written about it. One of them was the German physician and
counsellor to Rudolf II Habsburg, Michael Maier (1568–1622), a learned alchemist. In his book
‘Atalanta fugiens’, published in 1617, you will find the following image (emblem 21).

The text that goes with it says:

“Make of a man and woman a circle; then a quadrangle; out of the this a triangle;
make again a circle, and you will have the Stone of the Wise.”
The Stone of the Wise is the same as the Philosopher’s Stone. Because of the use of a square
that encloses a circle, many people say this is
‘squaring the circle’. It has of course nothing to do
with the traditional ‘squaring the circle’, which is a
square and a circle with identical surface area, or a
square and a circle with identical perimeters
(circumferences). I personally am very interested in
the latter form of squaring the circle.

Although the image (emblem 21) doesn’t show

squaring the circle, the idea of squaring the circle
being involved in the creation of the Philosopher’s
Stone has haunted me for years. In the end to such
an extent that I revisited the depicted geometry with
the conviction that, although it was not obviously
involved, squaring the circle had to be hiding
somewhere. I actually boldly started with a perfect ‘squaring the circle’. See diagram on the
left. To my amazement I was - by using this starting point - able to reconstruct the geometry
shown in emblem 21.

Perfect squaring the circle shown in the left diagram. The middle diagram shows how the
square is copied and rotated over 45 degrees. The rotated square is 'cut in half'. See diagram
above on the right. Next a square is fitted in the triangle of the half-square. See left diagram
Look closely and notice that only one square will fit! Using this square we can construct a
triangle as shown in the middle diagram above. The triangle shares its base with the square.
The tips of the triangle are just touching the circle and the sides of the triangle are just
touching the little square. This is all indicated by the red arrows. The final step is adding a
circle that exactly fits in the little square.

The diagram and image below show that we indeed have recreated the geometry as shown in
emblem 21 and ... we needed squaring the circle to achieve this.

So the Philosopher’s Stone is based on ‘squaring the circle’, only not in an obvious and
immediately visible way.

Let’s go back to the ‘Atalanta fugiens’ and the text accompanying emblem 21.
“Thus is made the stone, which thou canst not discover, unless you, through
diligence, learn to understand this geometrical teaching.”
The word ‘teaching’ is used. We have to learn something. Can it be that the drawing (emblem
21) is only indicating that ‘squaring the circle’ is involved? Is it just a starting point? I decided
to start all over again. Following the words, but now ignoring the accompanying emblem.

“Make of a man and woman a circle; then a quadrangle; .....”

Since I had discovered that ‘squaring the circle’ was indeed involved, I took the above words
as an instruction to construct squaring the circle. See left diagram below.
“..... out of the this a triangle .....”
With other words, construct a triangle using both the circle and the square.
“..... make again a circle, and you will have the Stone of the Wise.”

What we have got now is a most intriguing drawing. Let’s for example take a look at the
triangle. The base of this triangle is defined by the square, while its height is defined by the
circle. The so formed triangle has angles of 51,51 degrees and is identical to the outline of the
Great Pyramid! (see left diagram below)
The small circle is encircling the capstone of the Pyramid. Many belief that the capstone (which
is by the way missing) is symbolic for the relationship between body, mind, spirit and God.
Manly P. Hall puts it in his ‘The Secret Teachings of all Ages’ as follows: “The mind is the
capstone of the body. The spirit is the capstone of the mind and God is the capstone of the
I have used this concept in my novel ‘Sophia’s Egg’.

But there is more. The size of the small circle compared to the size of a circle that exactly fits
in the square is identical to the size of our Moon compared to the size of Earth. See middle
diagram above.

During a total eclipse, the Moon moves in front of the Sun and exactly covers it. Although the
Sun is much much larger than the Moon, because of its enormous distance the Sun is to our
perception exactly the same size as the Moon. This is an amazing coincidence. Think about it.
Because of this we can replace the Moon in our drawing, by the Sun. See right diagram above.
The Sun and the Moon. According to alchemical texts, the Philosopher's Stone comes in two
varieties, prepared by an almost identical method: red and white. The Sun and the Moon? The
Ida and the Pingala? The igniting of the Kundalini?

I have already shown that ‘squaring the circle’ could be the Key of Life ( see article ), but can
it be that the same squaring the circle is also the heart of the Philosopher’s Stone?

Over the years I have written many articles in which ‘Squaring the Circle’ (StC)
played a more or less important role. It was almost always revolving around StC
based on circumferences (where the perimeter of the square and the
circumference of the circle are identical). I have received countless emails, in
which it was pointed out to me that I was wrong. According to the senders, StC
is based on surface areas (a square and circle with identical surface area) and
not on circumferences. With this article I will show you that there is absolutely
no difference between StC based on circumferences and StC based on surface

StC is a magical and mystical phenomenon that has mesmerized many great minds since
ancient times. The question is whether it is possible, using only ruler and compass, to
construct a circle with exactly the same surface area as a given square. The ruler should only
be used to draw lines and not to measure. Over the centuries countless attempts have been
made to solve this ‘problem’.
It took until 1882 when Ferdinand von Lindemann proved that the problem is insoluble. Major
culprit here is the number Pi. The fact that Pi is a transcendental number, makes it impossible
starting with a circle, to construct a square with a surface area equal to that of the circle. Or
vice versa, starting with a circle.

StC based on surface areas StC based on circumferences

Countless books have been written on StC. The phenomenon is the central theme of many
articles. This almost always involves StC based on surface areas, which has led to the
misconception that the insolubility of StC only applies to StC based on surface areas. However,
it is also impossible to construct a circle with exactly the same circumference as the perimeter
of a given square, with the aid of only one ruler and compass. And again Pi, being a
transcendent number, is the limiting factor.
There is absolutely no difference between StC based on surface areas and STC based on
circumferences. They are twin brothers (or sisters). The following diagrams will show how easy
it is to recognize this.
We start with a square with sides of length A. The surface area of the square is then A squared
(A^2). See left diagram above. We now ‘Square the Circle’ based on surfaces. In other words,
we make a circle (with radius r) with the same surface area as the square. The formula to
calculate the surface area of a circle is pi times the radius squared (pi * r^2). This surface area
must be equal to A squared (surface area of the square). It follows that the radius squared
(r^2) is equal to A squared divided by pi (A^2/pi). The radius (r) of the circle is equal to A
divided by the square root of pi. See right diagram above.

Before we go any further, we calculate the circumference of the red circle. The formula for this
is 2 * pi * the radius (r). The radius we calculated in the previous diagram (A divided by the
square root of pi). This brings the circumference of the red circle to (2 * pi * (A divided by the
square root of pi)). Or 2 times A times the square root of pi. See left diagram above.

Lets continue with squaring the circle. We construct a circle (with radius R) which fits exactly in
the initial square. The radius of this circle (R) will, by definition, be equal to half of the side of
the square. So R = ½ * A. The area of this circle is pi times R squared, or pi times A squared
divided by 4 ((pi * A^2)/4). See right diagram above.

We now have a new square whose surface area is equal to the surface area of the green circle
(squaring the circle based on surface areas). Thus the square has a surface area of pi times A
squared divided by 4 ((pi * A^2)/4). The side of the square is the square root of this. In other
words, it is the square root of ((pi * A^2)/4) which is A times the square root of pi divided by
2. See left diagram above.
With this we have achieved a unique situation. The perimeter of the blue square is 4 times its
side. This is 4 times A times the square root of pi divided by 2. Or 2 times A times the square
root of pi! See right diagram above.

The perimeter of the blue square is equal to the circumference of the red circle. Squaring the
Circle based on circumferences! It takes only two simple steps to get from Squaring the Circle
based on surface areas to Squaring the Circle based on circumferences. As already mentioned,
there is no difference between StC based on surface areas and StC based on circumferences.
They are twin brothers (or sisters).
Now we have cleared this persisting misunderstanding, we can return to the deeper questions
about Squaring the Circle. For example, the question what Pi really is. Not only the
mathematical pi, but also the metaphysical pi.
Squaring Yin Yang

I recommend to first read Thoughts on Yin Yang,

before reading this Article.
And I also recommend to first read Möbius Strip Crop
Circle, before reading this Article.

For a while now I have been fascinated by the concept

of Squaring the Circle, where the square and the circle
are opposites and One at the same time.
It is actually the same concept as Yin Yang.
The other day I was flipping through the book ‘Sacred
Geometry’ by Robert Lawlor, and I was shocked by
what I read. In his book Robert uses the geometry of
Yin Yang to construct squaring the circle. Truly
amazing! Let me share this with you.

photo Janet Ossebaard

On May 8, 2008, a magnificent formation came down in oilseed rape (canola) alongside
the Stone Avenue, just outside Avebury, Wiltshire, UK. The pattern resembled very much
the ancient symbol of Yin Yang.
In the article Thoughts on Yin Yang I dissected this formation and showed the stunning
feature that the crop circle not only shows the Yin Yang symbol as seen from Heaven, but
behind it, it shows the same symbol but now as seen from inner Earth! The crop circle
demonstrates the Intersection of Opposites, the place where Heaven meets Earth. It is
telling us to look from opposite sides simultaneously. To see the whole, the Oneness, but
only through observing from opposite angles. To fuse Duality into Unity. And that is
exactly what Squaring the Circle is about. The fuse of Duality into Unity.
Amazingly enough the geometry of Yin Yang leads in a very smooth way to squaring the
circle. Let me explain.

The core of Yin Yang is formed by two circles wrapped in One circle. Two becoming One.
Duality and Oneness in one symbol. Using this symbol, we can now draw a 'big' circle that
has its centre on the perimeter of the outer circle (see downwards arrow in the diagram
above on the right) and that touches the two inner circles (see upwards arrows in the
diagram above on the right). The diagram below shows the result.
The outwards pointing arrows in the diagram below on the left indicate where the newly
constructed 'big' circle intersects with the horizontal heart line of the Yin Yang symbol.
Using these intersection points we can construct a further circle with its centre in the
centre of Yin Yang symbol. See the diagram below on the right.

A square that encloses the original Yin Yang symbol will Square the newly constructed
Circle with a precision of a stunning 99.9% accuracy. Remember that constructing a
100% accurate Squaring the Circle is impossible!
99.9% accuracy is about the best you can get.

So simple. So elegant. So precise. So beautiful.

As if this is not enough there is an other mind blowing feature hidden in the Yin Yang
symbol. The same 'big' circle that defines the Circle in squaring the circle, also defines a
pentagon that snugly fits inside the Yin Yang symbol. And as to make sure that you will
see that this is all not a coincidence, the two inner circles in the Yin Yang symbol provide
two more anchor points for the pentagon.

The presence of the pentagon is of the utmost importance. The pentagon (pentagram)
contains the Phi-ratio and the Phi-ratio or Golden Ratio is the ratio of life itself!
So the core of the ancient symbol Yin Yang connects life, the Phi-ratio, with Squaring
the Circle.
Isn't that amazing. The phi-ratio that so beautifully expresses life. A ratio that feels so
good, so natural, is directly connected to Squaring the Circle. A concept that feels so
awkward, so unnatural. It is as if Yin Yang is bridging life in this realm, with the realm
beyond the veil. The realm of Sophia and Source.
No, it is not Yin Yang, its the crop circles that are doing the bridging by means of
Squaring the Circle!

East Field Alchemy

It has been a while since I have analysed the

geometry of a crop circle.
My friend and teacher, Heather Clewett-Jachowski,
has asked me to pick it up again, and I can tell you I
have not regretted it. The 2007 season has shown
some truly amazing designs, with many deep hidden
messages. Let me give you an example. On Sunday
June 3rd, 2007 a crop circle appeared in the East
Field near Alton Barnes (Wiltshire, UK).

At first glance this crop circle does not look real spectacular, but there is much more to this
formations then meets the eye. Although the whole design breathes three fold geometry, it is
actually based on four (and deep down even eight) fold geometry.
Since the 2006 season showed many crop formations which had obvious and hidden
connections with Alchemy and especially with the interaction of matter and Spirit, I have
gotten very aware of shapes and numbers in this context.
To understand the 2007 East Field formation and see the connections, we have to start with a
circle circumscribing a square. Spirit (sphere) enveloping matter (cube).

A new circle will fit in the square and a second square will fit in the second circle. We can
repeat this a few times, generating a set of nested circles and squares. Layers of alternating
Spirit and matter.

The middle square is actually an eight pointed star. Eight fold geometry, the geometry of
Alchemy where the ultimate goal is to reach beyond the eight heaven. The construction of
eight fold geometry is necessary to find the next circle (see diagram).
Here again we have nested matter and Spirit. The two nestings generate a new sphere.
Inside the newly created small sphere the nesting of matter and Spirit repeats itself. We are
looking at a fractal (or a hologram). The smaller part contains the information of the bigger
part and vice versa. Let us have a detailed look at this smaller circle.

In the small circle we again can fit a square and in the square a circle. This we can repeat a
couple of times as we have done with the big starting circle.
If we take the newly constructed small circles and hang them down in a string, we get the
situation as shown in the right diagram. This string can be copied in the following way:

Let us go back to the eight-pointed star and the circle that is defined by this star. This bigger
central circle can be copied three times as shown in the right diagram below.
We now have enough information to finish the actual formation.

There is one more thing I would like to draw your attention to and that is the fact that not
only does the formation show obvious three fold geometry with a strong foundation in four
fold geometry, it also contains very transparent five fold geometry as you can see in the
diagram below!
Squaring of Maya-1
So many people have employed their thinking and intuitive powers to crack the enigma of
the Maya calendar. What to make of this calendar and the year 2012? On 21 December
2012 the 13th baktun ends. What will happen then? The variation in suggestions is
overwhelming. Some people have tried to find answers in the crop circles. I was not so
much interested in all of this, until I discovered an amazing 'coincidence'.

It started with me studying the foundation of the Maya calendar. To understand this
foundation, you have to know that the Earth axis is tilted under an angle of 23,439
degrees. This causes the seasons to happen while the Earth is revolting round the sun.

For our perception the sun travels during a year from the equator (21 March) to the north
to the tropic of cancer (21 June). From there south again, passing the equator (21
September), to the tropic of Capricorn (21 December) and back north to the equator to
complete a year (21 March).

With other words: Starting with the Spring-equinox (21 March) to the Summer-solstice (21
June) to the Autumn-equinox (21 September) to the Winter-solstice (21 December) back to
the Spring-equinox. All places between the tropics will see the sun straight overhead twice
a year.

And now it comes. Izapa, the foundation place of the Maya calendar, is located at a latitude
of 14,99 degrees. So it will see the sun overhead twice during a year. First at 1 May and
later in the year on 12 August. This fact of life contains a unique feature. Between 1 May
and 12 August are 105 days and between 12 August (going further in time) and 1 May are
260 days. It is these 260 days, the number 260 (13 times 20), that forms the foundation of
the Maya calendar. The diagram below shows the different latitude lines. The relative
positions of these lines are 100% correct.

It is these positions of the latitude lines that are 'hiding' a mind blowing secret. To fully
understand this secret, we have to go back to 8 May 2008, when a crop circle was found
near Avebury, Wiltshire, UK.
See: Squaring Yin Yang
As you can read in the article, Yin Yang has Squaring the Circle as companion. See diagram
below on the left.

Please, study the diagram very carefully (go if necessary back to the article 2008 -
Squaring Yin Yang), to know where every line comes from and stands for. Now look at the
diagram at the right. First notice how two horizontal lines are added. These lines both touch
the central 'twin-circles' of Yin Yang. A third line is added. This line starts in the centre and
goes through the intersection point of the 'big arc' and the blue square. It ends at the red
circle. So both the square and the circle of Squaring the Circle are used to find this third

From where this added line touches the red circle, an horizontal line can be drawn. See
diagram above on the left. As described earlier, this additional horizontal line is fully
connected and based on to Squaring the Circle.
Now we are looking at an amazing 'coincidence'. The horizontal lines in the diagram on the
left are at exact the same position as the lines in the diagram above on the right, which
represent the latitudes of the different elements on which the Mayan Calendar is based. In
other words. The foundation of the Mayan Calendar is, through the latitudes of its different
elements, rooted in Squaring the Circle! Is this a fluke? No!
The above has an accuracy of 98%. There is a second encoding with a stunning 99,96%

the Mayas
- part 2

I recommend to first read Squaring the Mayas - part 1, before reading

this Thought.

This thought is not answering the question what to expect when the Mayan
Calendar ends on 21 December 2012, but it does shine light on a feature of
the calendar that so far has stayed unnoticed. As I have shown in Squaring
the Mayas - part 1, the foundation of the Mayan Calendar is, through the
latitudes of its different elements, rooted in Squaring the Circle!
That is already amazing by itself, but it goes further. The Calendar is not
only rooted in Squaring the Circle, it is fully based on it!

Lets take a few steps back. The fact that the Earth axis is tilted, causes the seasons to
happen while the Earth is revolting round the sun. For our perception the sun travels
during a year from the equator (21 March) to the north to the tropic of cancer (21 June).
From there south again, passing the equator (21 September), to the tropic of Capricorn
(21 December) and back north to the equator to complete a year (21 March). All places
between the tropics will see the sun straight overhead twice a year. Izapa, the foundation
place of the Maya calendar, is one of those places. It will see the sun overhead twice
during a year, first at 1 May and later in the year on 12 August. This fact of life contains a
unique feature. Between 1 May and 12 August are 105 days and between 12 August (going
further in time) and 1 May are 260 days. It is these 260 days, the number 260 (13 times
20), that forms the foundation of the Maya calendar. It was when I was studying the
numbers 105 and 260 when a did a stunning discovery.

I decided to project the 365 days of a year round a circle. Since a circle is usually divided
in 360 degrees, every single day would be just under 1 degree. The diagram above on the
left shows the result. The angle of the pie slice formed by the 105 days, is 103,56163
degrees. I was in shock when I saw that angle. I immediately recognized it significance.
The angle formed by Squaring the Circle (a square and a circle with identical perimeter and
circumference) is 103,52 degrees! So close! See diagram above on the right.

In other words the division of a year in a 105 day part and a 260 day part is nearly
perfectly defining squaring the circle. With other words, the Maya calendar is defined by or
based on Squaring the Circle. Wow! And this is done with a accuracy of 99,96% Unheard

The 99,96% did immediately set of all kinds of alarm bells for me. I had seen that number,
that kind of accuracy, before. I had seen it in the Barbury Castle formation of 1 June 2008,
the so called Pi-formation.
It was called the Pi-formation because it had the number Pi hidden in it. But not only that.
The formation was also defining squaring the circle with an accuracy of 99,96% in a very
elaborate way. The same 99,96%
See my article Seven, Nine, Ten and Pi.

I have always asked my self what the deeper meaning of this crop circle was. Can it be we
are looking at a new “Maya calendar”. Is it the same as the Maya calendar. Or is it perhaps
the replacement for the Maya calendar once this one has ended on 21 December 2012.
Who knows. How ever it is I find the similarities far beyond remarkable and also far beyond

Click on the diagrams to see an enlargement.

So, the Mayan Calendar is rooted in Squaring the Circle purely by means of the physical
locations, the latitudes, of the Tropics and of Izapa. And at the same time the latitude of
Izapa (105 and 260 days between two zeniths) makes that the Mayan Calendar is also
based on Squaring the Circle by means of number. Wow!

This is way beyond coincidence and deserves all our attention.

Do realize that at the moments of zenith (the sun directly overhead), which is the
foundation of the Mayan Calendar, the gravitational force of the Earth and the sun-light are
exactly opposing each other. Matter and Spirit are opposed! Yin and Yang. Which brings us
back to the start of Squaring the Mayas – part 1.

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