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’ ,,
fabrics predicted fairly well the rell-

- ness of the new II . Literature Cited ,

tive performan,ce of these f~brics in, work trousers. &dquo;

’1. American Society for Testing 1Bfaterfals, Committee
. -
- :_ - ’_ D-13, &dquo;ASTM Standards on Textile Materials,&dquo;
Acknowledgments .
(a) D 39-59T, (b) D ?,’i?-46, (c) D 13~- 55’1‘, ’
(d) D 1295-60T, (e) D 1175.-61T, )lhiladdI1l1ia,
&dquo; is due Roy L. Ward for

Appreciation his tech- to 1005 pp. (1963).,£11 .

nical direction dtiring manufacture of fabrics and 2. Cassie, A. B: D., Brit. J. ~p/~l. Plrys.,~, 341 (1958).
trousers and for his sustained interest and encourage- 3. Coplan, M. J., U. S, Air Force,’Wri~ht Air Devlpmt.
Center, Techn. Rpt. 53-21 (March lC)5.~),
_’ ment throughout both the exploratory and. in-service. 4. Duncan, D. B., Rios~i~t rirs 11, 1 ( 195 5 ) .
’ phases&dquo; of the’ study, r Special thanks should loe 5. I’elrce, F. T., J. I 22. T377 (1930). ’ ~ ~
pressed to Woodward & Lnthrop, especially the de- 6: Smith, II, Dew., &dquo;Textile Fibers. An l:n~rineerin~. ex- T~’/t/c
livery truck drivers and the suPervisor of personnel Approach t<it their I’roperties and Utilixation,&dquo; ’

and the staff of the dryrleaning plant for the splendid J Philadelphia, Prnc. ~~7’~f 44, 54,P592 (~)44).
~ 7. Snedecor, G. ~’V., &dquo;Statistical Methods Applied to ,,

cooperation they gave in the serviceability phase of ’- Experiments in Agriculture and F3iolca~y,’: 5th ed.,

this research. Gratefttt acknowledgment is made’to .. Ames, Iowa State College Press. 1956.
Hazel M. constructive criticism and 8. Ston, R. G., Office of Q:BI Gen., Textile Sa. Rpt.
FIetcher former
valuable suggestlolis. ’ Appreciation is alsorxl)resse(I , 7Vo.~( January 19~1),


9. Terrill, ~C. E., Nat : I ~onl Crotc~c~r LIV, 20-22 (Dec. ‘

to Lois H. Fensler, Nedra T. Van Nsss, and Elinora’ 1964). , ,


W. Sharpe for their assistance in the laboratory, and ~lO. ~Tlre fYoo~ ~!M~M..TWS-10. Econ. Res. Serv.,
to DalmEiers6n for his guidance in statistical analy- U. S. Dept. A gr. (March 1965~. ’<

’ ses of the results. ’ .. D~annsrri~l received May 19, 1965.


I .

’ ’
Letters to the Editor
’ ’ ’


.. ,
>, .

. Letters to. the Editor are brief communications intended to provide prompt publication of
significant research results and to permit an exchange of views on papers previously published

in the Journals Letters are not submitted to formal review, and the authors assume full _
responsibility for information giyeh or opinion expressed..

. ,

........ - ,
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Mathematical Approach for the Yarn Pressure in Bobbin Winding


, ..’

August 24, J965 ’’Where fU,&dquo;) is the: function sought&dquo; f{’presl.nting the

Dear Sir:
r: ’ -

actual effective yarn tension per unit sccti«nal~~rca~ at

, radius y when yarn is yound up to radius x. ,’
Mathematical treatmcnt of the yarn pressure actu-

, When yarn is wound only outer

to diameter 2 (y + c),
ally occurring in, bobbin winding is very difficult, but
~ approximate formula may be obtained assuming ideal
an assuming the outermost layer of thi~ stage with radius
simplified conditions that the bobbin is of exact
and y -~- c will sink to the position of radius y when yarn is
further wound to outer diameter 2x, the bobbin outer
- cylindrical form and of infinite length, with uniform
sectional characteristics throughout, having yarn wound radius will, get a contraction of c,l from its original
thereon also for infinite length, uniformly, layer by _
length r, measured when no yarn is wound, from the
to he calclJl1}ted from the above relation-

lay-er., Under such conditions, when yarn is wound to yarn pressure

there exists an equation

outer diameter 2x, yarn layer ~f differential thickness ship. So, -

. ,

, , ,

dy at r4dius y will contribute ,to cause differential

pressure on the inner yarn, which is calculated in the ’

elementary manner as follows: ’ ,


whc·rc a is the coefficient (,c’radiat’contrartion rate of the


botoin under radial 1)ressure that causes the contraction

; I

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is made that this coef~icient remains ’ approximated by g~~_&dquo;~~, neglecting higher orders of small
(the assumption
constant for any actual pressure). variations, to get a simplified equation as follows:
On the other hand, the yarn-layer thickness in this
winding stage has got a contraction C2 from the imagin-
ary thickness as would be attained if the yarn.were
wound in same turns, but with no raciial pressure at all,

with equality of <


,° ,

where b is the coefncient of contraction rate of thic kness
in rfdial direction of the wound yarn bulk Jaj?er, under
in order
equation is still hard to iol%fi) theoretically, and,
radial pressure that causes the contraction.
to obtain the approximate solution of this
A~sununn that tHis b remains constant for any actual
equation, the following form is to be assumed, consider-
pressure, this (’quality is simplified as follows
ing that g~x,&dquo;~ T (y/x)&dquo; is the theoretical solution for

~ ¡ +
’ the imaginary case wherc- c 0 and assuming T re-
- -- J -..t -

mains constant for any actual range of x ,


When yarn is further wound to outer diameter 2.v, a,.

vhere q rs to be selected so as to minimize the&dquo;balance of

simitar contraction of ci instead of the above C1 wilt re-

sult, w ith cyuatiUn of ,
~ j the right side of the above equation over the left side,
which is calculated, also assuming T remains constants
for any actual range of x, as follows; ,

.lnd in this ending stage, the yarn-layer thickness

,helow the layer that has now a radius y which was w liere
y + c when it was the outermost layer as mentioned
above, has a similar con traction of C4 instead uf’ the and
above rj. w ith equality of ,

From this, it is seen that,if the value of q is selected’to

give f1 0&dquo; then this balance will sufficienily be small
may be ubtatned the solution uf ’
c as
.. ~
in. comparison with T over the whole range of y. Such
value of q is given as follows: - ’

Besides, w hen the yarn is wound to radius x, the yarn ,

layer with radius y is subjected pressure with a value to
per unit area as follows, resulting from the tension of

Better approximation may be obtained starting from
the yarn ~B ound thereon ..
this simple approximation, utilizing the above equation
, for g(x,v) as recurrence formula. A first, better approxi-
mation, being expressed here as k<z.,y>, is, thus, given as
follows: , ,

1 tilts, an (’quatlOn tlieoreticall), to (1(,Iiiie ~(i~~) IS ol)-

taitied as follows:1
- - - I .

li fi<i
this will be sufficient in order to get,a gencial idea of
the yarn tension. From ,the foregoing equation, ap-

proxi ma te total ya’rn pressure is obtained as follows:
I I I ~ ,

&dquo;,hun’ T i~, the5 tvrri tl’ltsion per unit sectional ireal, ap-
%%lien tlte yarn is I>;ing %%,otiti(1 oil to the lmlhirt.
Thus,1(:I:,:I:) 7’; m is the I’<jung’s of the yarn

material; and ie is the ’Value of decrease in yarn tensiuat .

Ifi, more
(’X pressed
) this
rougli approximate form,
rough thil

pres§ures is
I ,

per unit sectional arpa, caused 1))’ yarn prl’ssure’actin~ .

on’the yarn in radial ciarectiun and of unit strength when :’
combined, if the 1)resstire acts in more than one direc-
tion. This c(luation is too difficult. to sulve, so f~=,&dquo;~ is
_- . ,,

1 &dquo;Sectional area&dquo; means &dquo;sectiona! area of the yarn bulk This means that the total yarn pressure can never
as is wound, including the actual void&dquo; and its never means exceed T/q however* thick the yarn might he.
&dquo;’total sectional area of the yarn filaments&dquo; not &dquo;sectional ,
I n considering the above equations and solutions,
bulk area of the multi-filament yarn.&dquo; . attention should be paid on the value of the factors

, ,

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‘ and n, follo«~s :

as ..

’ Attention must he’ paid that the va~lue of a is tilt ~inte-
of angle differentials. 50,~ under the normal

b : This contraction rate is much greater in this case of-- gration

~ condition of ring-and-traveler winding. the angle be-
yarn winding than in’the case where film is wound
tween the incoming yarn to and outgoing yarn from the
layer by layer, because there is a considerable void in traveler is somewhere around right angle, hut the value
,yarn winding, such void portion’ being (1 - TT/2V3)

be around double as much as the of a will normally

namely a little over 9>qo of the whole bulk volume,, tension meter shows the valuc right angle, and’the
4.hen yarn of exactly round section is wound in most &dquo;
somewhat smaller than the effective tension at the

compact winding, and the yarn bulk layer can be con- bobbin, since there are normally some friction members
tract~d reducing this void portion by deforming the ’~ such as traveler, snail
wire, etc. along the yarn, between
yarn sectional form with pressure Thus, the value ~ the bobbii-tand the meter. ’

of brri’will, in yarn winding, be’much greater than 1- With this knowledge of friction-effect in preparation. .

which is to be assumed in ideal film winding. and assuming the yarn is being wound on a bobbin
’ n: Yarn pressure caused by the overlying layers of yarn ’

under the conditions as follows:

acting on a underlying layer is in radial direction ira Its ,
. -

resultant effect, but the pressure is Imparted on each x: Radius from bobbin center to outer surface of the

yarn generally in 2 different directions, each. come yarn being wound.


ponent thereof having the effect of decreasing the (0):, Bobbin rotation speed.


tension of the yarn under pressure. ’Thus, the value t~: Traveler speed...r~ ’

, of n may be greater than in the case like ntm winding, Fi : Centripetal force for the.traveler. ,
in which latter case n may amount up to when the F~a: Radial pressure between traveler and ring; ,

film material is of fluidllike characteristics.

F3:~Frictiunal resistance between traveler and ring.
. .. j ,) ,

In order to get the above solution, ideal conditions ’ pMass of unit length of the yarn.

have been assumed regardiog infinite bobbin Length and m : Mass of the traveler. <% <

constancy of a, band T: Of all of these, the assumption 1~ : Yarn delivery speed.


on the value of a is least apart from the actual condi- ’i?: Ring radius.

tion, that of b and T may considerably divert from the 9: Winding angle.’ _~ ’

actuality but it still has less important effect on form T: Yarn tension acting on the bobbin surface.
the ~
of the obtained formula of ‘’i~~2,&dquo;y
than the assumption of .
gi Friction c·c~efficient for radial pressure contact sur-

infinite bobbin length has. In actual practice, ’, face between travelc and ring. bobbin
length is too short in comparison with its diameter to ~2: Friction cuefficicnt for vertical pressure contact sur-

allow the approximation by assuming the infinite

’ face betwecn traveler and ring. J
length. Theoretical treatment for limited length of
bobbin is, however,
too complicated to get 01: Angle hetween the yarn down to the traveler and the
any results
hy reasonable labor-, even for the most simple case of ’ ~~erticallin~. ~ ,

&dquo;warp winding,&dquo; not to say &dquo;hHing&dquo; or &dquo;compound&dquo; ’ ~1: Angle between the yarn down to the traveler and the
tangent of the ring at the traveler’in the direction
winding where the yarn inay slip down at the inclined
end portion, as is proved by the resulting rounded slope opposite to the traveler movement. &dquo;

which will reduce the yarn tension T in very complicated.. -03: ~’~nglcH4~ctwecn the yarn dow n to the traveler and the
’ manner. how tb approximately satisfy the constancy radius at the traveler in the direction opposite to the
of T is’to be discussed hereunder. center. ’ ’

,,. , .

In preparation. of creating the yarn tension, the effect kk Ratio of yarn tension iii frc~~tt caf thc t ’ra%,cler over &dquo;
of friction on the yarn tension should first be discussed. after the travl’I(’r (So k is smallcr than 1.)
Assurifing yarn stationary sliding
a on a curved s!lrfare and the ring is supposed to lie in a hori/onta! plato·. ’

. under friction, and designating the symbols as: ’ _ ; Then fo))owing rclritinns exist : ,

Distance atong the ydrn, measured from a ftX{’9 point.

Angle between the direction of yarn ’sliding move- ’

’ , ment at the paint of distance s,and-that of the above.

. ’ ,’

, fixed point. ’


M :Friction c6efficient. ’
I ,

b ,

’ ’

T: Yarn tension at the wint of distance s. ]’,

’To: Yarn tension at the above fixed point. ~ ,

,’ and assuming the centripetal force is negligihly 4ma11 in

comparison with the yarn tension and the friction, fol- So,

’ I

lowing differential equation will thvn’exist: I.’

. >

And, it ii remains constant for any actual value of T,

’ vr~hcrE~~
this results in :-. I ~ ~



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As Q’ is actually negli~ible in comparison with ~tmV2/R, mize the fluctuation in T over the desired range of 8 may
be found for any particular values of P1 and Q,

this formula may be simplified as follows: ,

1, here Osaka-fu, Minamikawachi-gun
P.O. District
Daigatsuka 60
From this ’relation! optimal ;alue for wR,~I~ to mini- (Japan)

A New
Test for Bending Length ’

, ’
(&dquo; ,

August30.1965 cantilever method. Peirce [1], considered a number 6f

Dear Sir:, . I ,
means of measuring bending length. A bending length
tester based on one of his methods has been built and
A new test tor bending length r I 1 has been devised marketed as the &dquo;Shirley&dquo; bending* length tester’ [2] .
and studied. The test consists in laying down a strip ’l’his test consists in cantilevering a strip of the niaterial
of material in the form of a loop as shown in Figure 1.
from a horizontal surface until the ibord of, the canti-
- The bending length is then’ proportional to the height levered segment makes a predetermined angle--41.3°- > ,

of the loop: bending length = 1.10 X loop height where with the horizontal. The length then cantilevered should
the loop height is the distance between the neutral he twice the bending length. This length is measured-
axes. This relationship is the result,of a theoretical
lry a rule which rests on top of the strip and grips it
study made by one of the authors f3] on the equilibrium with its rough undersurface. The rule forms a clamp
of such a loop, ,
w ith the horizontal surface. ,

It has been shown ~,’i] that in the loop configuration &dquo;

of Figure 1 the tension and curvature are both zero at ,

Fig. 1. Photograph r~f a strip of the ends of the segment of loop which is clear of the
worsted fabric laid duw n in the form ;upporting surface. It follows then that the shape of the
of loop in the ncw’ test t for-bending 1’op is determinate, and it is possible to integrate the
length,. equations of equilibrium of the loop bending under its
~nvn weight. The calculations and results are described


inr3L -

~ ’

Since the curvature in the strip’ is continuous through

The test i, quick, easy to perform and heeds little ap.. the ends of the unsupported segment into the support«1 .
The requirements are:

par~tu<;. ,
~ segments the houndary conditions are mild. There
i.. ’a theoretical discontinuity in the shear force, (and
1. a strip .of material of arbitrary width hut at least
’ thus in the derivative of the curvature) at the houn<laries
5 bending lengths lonfi; .

of the unsupported segment of the loop: .

2. a horizontal surface which will ’

not ,adhere to the <


material of the strip;
~ 3. a vertical scale’ttt
measure the heig-ht of the too?:
4, some means of
measuring- the thickness qf the, nta!
teri;tl .of the strip. This need’give only a rough &dquo;

measurement. .

The required loop height is the vertical sepwttioii of Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the loop form showing
how the too? height ’is defined, Loop’ height and cloth thick-
the neutral axles at the highest ,and lowest portions of .the
,ness may be measured by a simple scale held vertically
loop. A<;stJm/ng
the neutral axis lies in the center plane
against the side of the loop. ,

Isee Fig. 2),

, * * .

, .

loop height = height of the loop top above supporting


. The assumptions mwle in this study are those of the

surface-thickness of materbl. > beam approximation theory, namely that the internal .
forces acting on across section of the strip can he rep-
The measurement of the thickness of the material can he resented by a shear force, a tension and a bending mo-
avoided if the height ahove the supporting surface of the ment. Further, this hending moment is proportional to
underside of the loop top is measured. This height is, the curvature, with the nexural rigidity the factor of

however, more diflicult to measure. ,

proportionality. These assumptions are likely to break
’ ,

, This test is suggested as an alternative to the usual down locally on boundaries. ,

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