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Automatica, VoL 20, No. 5, pp. 559 568, 1984 0005-1098/84 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd.
~;) 1984 International Federation of Automatic Control

Nonlinear Adaptive Model-following Control*


Adaptive control of time-varying model-following control systems is considered using

variable structure control and hyperstability theory.

Key Words--Model reference adaptive control; nonlinear control systems; control system design; state
feedback; synthesis methods.

Abstract--The use of discontinuous control in adaptive model- parameter structure. Since they do not require any
following continuous control systems with nonlinear time- global convergence properties, these approaches are
varying plant is described. The first approach is based on the
theory of variable structure systems.Hyperstabilitytheory is the particularly well suited to the class of uncertain
basis of the secondscheme;the third one results by combiningthe time-varying plants under consideration.
previous approaches. The link among the three approaches is After defining the system and control aims, the
explored by studying the error dynamics. Practical implemen-
tation and applications are discussed. theory of VSS control is described in Section 3. The
hyperstability approach is elaborated in the
following section and a comparison between the
VSS and the hyperstability approaches is given in
THE TECHNIQUE of model reference adaptive
Section 5, including a discussion of the mixed
control (MRAC) using Lyapunov and hyper-
approach. Aspects linked with the practical
stability theory has been widely described in the
implementation of such systems and some further
literature (Monopoli, 1974; Landau and Courtiol,
extensions of the approach are discussed in Section
1974; Landau, 1979). The designer specifies a model
6. A simple example is worked out both theoretically
the dynamic response of which he desires his actual
and by simulation in Section 7 in order to clarify and
plant to follow. M R A C relies upon the convergence
compare the three approaches.
of parameter identification schemes or a suitable
determination of auxiliary signals. The global
stability of M R A C systems in the case of uncertain
The nonlinear time-varying plant satisfies the
nonlinear plants is problematic. In this review paper
differential equations
we shall describe three approaches to the synthesis
of adaptive model-following controllers (AMFC)
Y~(t) = A(x,t)x(t) + Bu(t) + h(x,t) (1)
for nonlinear time-varying plants with disturbances.
The first technique is based on the theory of
where x ~ R" is the plant state, u ~ R" is the control,
multivariable variable-structure systems (VSS)
h e R t is a disturbance vector and B0 = BoR(x,t)
(Utkin, 1974) which has desirable properties such as
where Bo is constant and R(x, t) is a square full rank
parameter invariance and disturbance rejection.
matrix. This structural assumption is equivalent to
Hyperstability theory is the basis for the second
the condition rank(B~, AB) = rank(B~) where
approach, whereas the third one is a suitable
B = B~ + AB. Clearly B = BoR = Bo(Ro + AR) =
combination of the previous approaches. These
B~ + AB. The additive form B = B~ + AB will be
techniques lead to control laws which are discon-
used in Section 3 and the multiplicative form
tinuous on linear switching hyperplanes. The
B = BoR in Section 4.
schemes do not incorporate any parameter
The designer specifies a linear time-invariant
identification algorithms, but the adaptation is
r e a l i z e d - t h r o u g h signal synthesis in a fixed
:~ (t) = / l ~ ( t ) +/~fi(t) (2)

* Received 17 October 1983; revised4 April 1984.The original where ~ ~ R" is the model state and fi E R m is the
version of this paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting.
This paper was recommendedfor publication in revised form by reference input./[ is a stable matrix and the pair (/i,/~)
guest editor L. Ljung. is assumed completely controllable. The objective of
t Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, University of thecontrolleristoguaranteethattheerrore = ~ - x
Naples, via Claudio 21, 80125 Naples, Italy.
:[:Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics, between the plant and the model states tends
University of Sheffield, Sheffield SI0 2TN, U.K. asymptotically to zero, i.e. lira e(t) = 0.

of the error system is similar to that of the general

multivariable system
~(t) = A(x,t)x + B(x,t)u + h(x, tt (7)
where h is a vector representing disturbances and
parameter variations in A. This problem has been
studied by numerous authors including Emel'yanov
(1964), Utkin (1971, 1974, 1977) and Itkis (1976).
{ AOAPTATIONL The switching of the control inputs on the switching
MECHANISM1- hyperplanes yields the desirable properties of total
oi ,I .I (or selective) invariance to system parameter
FIG. l. Adaptivemodel-followingcontrol system. variations and disturbances (Drazenovic, 1969), as
well as closed-loop eigenvalue (and eigenvector)
In the VSS technique presented below the error Sliding (or chatter) motion occurs if, at a point on
transient dynamics will be directly specified un- switching surface vi(e) - 0, the directions of motion
like the Lyapunov and hyperstability MRAC along the state trajectories on either side of the
approaches. surface are not away from the switching surface
The error system satisfies the equation (see Fig. 1) vi(e) = 0. Filippov (i 960) has defined rigorously the
solution of differential equations with discon-
6 = A e + (A - A ) x + / J f i - B u - h. (3) tinuous right hand sides, as we have here, in
particular in the neighbourhood of the discon-
Erzberger (1968), Chen (1973) and others have tinui~ty v~ = 0.
established matching (or perfect model-following) The conditions for sliding motion to occur on the
conditions which ensure that the equality x = ~ can ith hyperplane may be stated in numerous ways. We
be achieved. These conditions may be expressed as need lira bi < 0 and lim bi > 0 or equivalently
rank requirements or t!i~O * 1!i~0
rio i < 0 in the neighbourhood of vi(e) = 0. In the
sliding mode the system satisfies the equations
(I - B B * ) B = 0; (I - BB*) (,4 - A ) = 0;
(I - BB~)h = O (4)
vi(e)= 0 and i,i(e) = 0 (8)
where 13' = (BXB)-1BV is the pseudoinverse of B.
and the system has invariance properties yielding
We shall assume in Sections 3 5 that the plant state
motion which is independent of certain system
is accessible.
parameters and disturbances. Thus variable-
structure systems are usefully employed in systems
3. THE VSS APPROACH with uncertain and time-varying parameters.
Before studying the nature of the control u
3.1. Sliding motion and equivalent control enforcing sliding for the case of constant G, i.e. fixed
Variable-structure systems are characterized by switching hyperplanes, let us consider the behaviour
discontinuous control which changes structure on of the system dynamics during sliding. Suppose that
reaching a set of switching surfaces. the sliding mode exists on all the hyperplanes. Thus,
The control has the form during sliding, the system dynamics satisfy

Iu (e,x,fi), vi(e) > 0 v = Ge = 0, and ~ = G~ = 0. (9)

ui = [ui-(e,x,fi), vi(e) < 0 (5)
The equations governing the error system dynamics
where u~ is the ith component of u, and v~(e) - 0 the may be obtained by substituting an equivalent
ith component of the m switching hyperplanes control Ueq for the original control u. From ~ = 0
and (3), assuming that GB is nonsingular.
v(e)= G(:~-x)= Ge=0 (6)
Ueq : - ( G B ) - ' G { A e + (A - A)x ÷/3fi - hi. (lO)
in the error state space. The selection of the
switching hyperplanes will be discussed in Section The equivalent control Ueq is the function u which
3.2. The above system with discontinuous control is yields the sliding motion equations. Thus the sliding
termed a variable-structure system, since the effect dynamics may be achieved by applying the
of the switching hyperplanes is to alter the feedback discontinuous control or the linear 'equivalent
structure of the system. The VSS design philosophy control'. The former yields the desired dynamics
Nonlinear adaptive model-following control 561

without precise knowledge of the plant parameters independently of B. Shaked (1977) has shown that in
and disturbances. Applications of Ueq in the form of the linear time-invariant model-following control
a linear feedback controller, on the surface v = 0, problem order reduction is also the main feature of
would achieve the desired dynamics only in the case the controller design.
of known constant parameter values and distur- To ensure that the set of the switching
bances. The value of Ueq is effectively the average hyperplanes is reached and that subsequently the
value of u which maintains the state error on the sliding mode is ensured, it is necessary to choose a
surface v -- 0. The actual control u consists of a low- suitable control law (see Section 3.3).
frequency (average) component, Ueq, and a high-
frequency (chatter)component. Substitution of (10)
into (7) yields the nth order equation 3.2. Selection o f switching hyperplanes
The selection of the switching hyperplanes
: {I - B ( G B ) - ' G } { , 4 e + (,4 - A)x +/~ii - h}. v = G e - - 0 , is the central feature of VSS design.
(11) Utkin and Young (1978) have described the
technique of arbitrary eigenvalue assignment and
When the structural conditions (4) hold, we obtain links with the optimal quadratic regulator problem.
(Young, 1978a) Young, Kokotovic and Utkin (1977) have shown
that if the pair (/LB) is controllable then the
= {I - B ( G B ) - ' G } , 4 e . (12) eigenvalues of the reduced system (12) can be placed
in desired locations. The designer, having first
The invariance of the error dynamics with respect chosen the stable model (2) by taking into account
to x and fi is due the fact that the matching (or the structural constraints (4), chooses the desired
perfect model-following) conditions coincide with asymptotically stable error transient in the sliding
the invariance of the sliding mode if x and fi are mode by specifying the eigenvalues of the sliding
considered as 'disturbances' to the error dynamics. mode. The geometric approach (E1-Ghezawi,
For total disturbance rejection, namely Zinober and Billings, 1983) yields algorithms for
eigenvalue assignment, arbitrary specification of the
{I - B ( G B ) - I G } h = 0 (13) matrix GB and also allows partial selection of the
eigenvectors wi. The eigenvalues 2i are the
we require (Drazenovic, 1969) rank(B,h) = rank(B), transmission zeros (MacFarlane and Karkanias,
which is equivalent to (4). If (13) does not hold, 1976) of the triple (,4,/~,G) (Young, 1977; E1-
suitable error response may still be possible Ghezawi and co-workers, 1982; E1-Ghezawi,
(Zinober, E1-Ghezawi and Billings, 1982). Billings and Zinober, 1983). The determination of
VSS design is particularly useful in the case of the matrix G is equivalent to the output zeroing
time-varying systems where the system parameters problem in linear multivariable control theory
are uncertain. For instance, if B -- B¢ + AB, where where one desires to choose a suitable output matrix
/~ is the nominal value, invariance to all variations C where the output is given by y = Cx (Karkanias
AB results if and Kouvaritakis, 1979). The matrix
P = {I - B ( G B ) - 1G} is a projector which maps all
rank(B~,AB) = rank(B). (14) the columns of .4 into the nullspace of G. Some
useful relations between B, P and W = {Wl,W2.... ,
Even if (14) does not hold, Young (1978a) has shown w,_,,}, where wi are the eigenvectors spanning the
how suitable design can yield an asymptotically nullspace of G, are given in El-Ghezawi, Zinober
stable error transient. With structural constraints and Billings (1983) and a straightforward algorithm
(4), variations from a nominal value of A may also to determine a suitable set of switching hyperplanes
be handled. is presented.
Equation (12) describes the dynamic behaviour of
the error system whilst sliding on the intersection of
the m switching hyperplanes. A suitable coordinate 3.3. T h e control law
transformation (Young, 1977) decomposes the It is now necessary to choose the nonunique
system into n - m 'slow' modes with the eigenvalues control law (5) to ensure that the error attains the
2~eA characterizing the motion of the error switching hyperplanes v - - 0 in a finite time and
transient and a further m 'fast' modes. E1-Ghezawi, thereafter maintains the error e on the sliding
Zinober and Billings (1983) have used a geometric manifold. The control may have many forms; for
approach with projectors to study the properties of instance consider the following:
the sliding mode. The system during the sliding
mode has an effective reduced order n - m v~ith the ui = gi(e,x,fi) + fi(e,x,fi)sgn vi,
eigenvalue set A specified by the matrix G, i-- 1,2..... m. (15)

The function g may specify additional linear

feedback, i.e.

g = Ke (16)

while the function specifying the discontinuity may

be a relay f = M (constant) in its simplest form, but
more usually would be specified as
l.L,v I- J
f : K~I~I 4- K21xl 4- K31fil (17) FIG. 2. Block diagram of error dynamics.

where the K are switchable gain vectors with

components Ki satisfying the form for the error e(t) to go asymptotically to zero, the
following conditions of hyperstability theory must
be satisfied:
gi =- ~I), ' +,~,,_ YiVj
yil)j <> 00; j = 1,2. . . . . . m (18) (i) The transfer function

where the Yi are respectively 2i, xi, ~ with G(sl - A ) - l B o (22)

appropriate values for the subscript i.
To achieve the reachability of a given switching is strictly positive real.
plane requires viOi < 0 and many authors have (ii) The integral inequality or passivity condition,
studied this problem by direct algebraic manipu-
lation or by using a Lyapunov approach (see, for
example, Utkin (1974), Young (1978), Gutman
(1979), Gutman and Palmor (1982), and Ryan
f0 vvTw dt _< 72 (23)

(1983) for details). The objective is to reach the is true VT > 0.

sliding mode within a suitably small time interval The global system, see Fig. 1, corresponds to a
from appropriate (or all) initial states in the state parallel adaptive model-following control system
space. The methods assume that the parameters of with signal synthesis adaptation (Landau, 1979).
the plant matrices A and B are known only within Choosing the plant control u as follows
specified upper and lower bounds, and that the
magnitude bounds of the disturbances are also u - M(x){KI~ - KzX + Karl + ~b(v,f~,x,t)
known. Thus the class of systems (1) can be handled. + ~9(v,~,t) + Ge/p} (24)
For multivariable plants a special technique for
computing the controls ui, denoted as the hierarchy and assuming Yo = 0, (23) can be satisfied by
of controls method, is described in Utkin (1974) and requiring
Young (1978a).
Some simulated examples appear in Young vTw = vT{Bto(A - A)x - Btoh + Bto/~0}
(1978a) and Zinober, E1-Ghezawi and Billings - vTRM(Klf~ - Kax + K3fi) - v T R M v / p
(1982). - vTRM(a(v,f~,x,t) - vTRMO(v,fi,t) <_ O. (25)

The signals 4) and ~ are due to the adaptation

4. THE HYPERSTABILITYAPPROACH mechanism while the feedforward and feedback
In using the hyperstability approach (Landau, actions characterized by K~,/(2,/(3 and G/p can be
1979) the error dynamics (3) are rewritten as chosen so that the value IvXwlis kept near zero in the
follows: absence of adaptation. If K~, K2 and/(3 are allowed
to be nonlinear a more efficient compensation can
6 = Ae + Bow (19) be achieved (Balestrino, De Maria and Sciavicco,
1982a). However, only the adaptation terms can
w=B~(A-A)x+Bto/~fi-Btoh-Ru. (20)
assure the inequality (25).
The above equations represent a linear system (19) 4.1. Adaptation laws
with a nonlinear time-varying feedback signal w. A
The adaptation laws are assumed to have the
block diagram of systems (19) and (20) is given in
Fig. 2.
By considering as the output of the system 4~(v,~,x,t) = qb1(v)4)2(~,x,t) (26)

v = Ge (21) 0(v,fi,t) = ~Pl(v)~k2(fi,t) (27)

Nonlinear adaptive model-following control 563

with (~2 and ~P2 positive scalar functions. In order to Another possible structure is to use m fixed vectors f~
satisfy the inequality (25) we must have in

d~[Ivl[ < vrRM~bl(V) < d211vtl + d3llvl[' (28) ~ i fisgn(vT RMfi) (36)

d411vll < vTRMffl(v) < dsllvll + d6llvllp (29) which is more appealing when using micro-
processors in the implementation of the controllers.
where d~ are positive constants and r and p are Many other interesting adaptation laws can be
positive integers. Assuming the structure obtained by combining the above forms. A par-
ticularly appealing structure from the theoretical
~2 = Co + cxl[~ll + c21lxlt (30) viewpoint has the form

~2 : c3l[~ll (31) v{I/(e~M - I) +/~llvlt}. (37)

any suitable norm may be used with ci positive

4.2. Real positivity
In order to realize a strictly positive real transfer
Any choice ~bl and ~/~ satisfying (28) and (29)
function (22) the output matrix G (23) can be chosen
leads to a feasible adaptation law because the
(Landau, 1979; Anderson and Vongpanitlerd, 1973)
inequality (25) can always be satisfied by a suitable
choice of the constants c~. The constant Co is
introduced in order to balance the effect of bounded G = B~P (38)
disturbances in (25), i.e.
where P is a positive definite symmetric matrix
IvTB?oh[ < ColvTRMc/~l(v)l (32) which is the solution of the Riccati equation

a similar argument applies to the choice of the other (A T + - PBoNoB~/p)P + P(A + ctI
constants ci. In order to complete the design of the - BoNoB~P/p) = - HTH (39)
plant control u (24) we must also choose the matrix
M(x). First suppose that a matrix M(x) exists such where H is any full rank matrix.
that In equation (39) we can put ct = 0, p = ~ , or, if we
R M + MTR T = N(x) > No > 0. (33) choose 0t > 0, a suitable p must be specified in order
to get a positive definite matrix P (Anderson and
Equation (33) leads in a natural way to classify the Moore, 1971).
different adaptation laws. If we know R(x) exactly
and can compute in real time R - l ( x ) an obvious 5. DESIGN PROCEDURES: COMPARISON AND
choice is M ( x ) = R - l ( x ) leading to perfect non-
linear compensation (Freund, 1975). If the com- 5.1. Stability
putation time of R - l ( x ) is too long we can use By using the hyperstability approach the global
M(x) = RT(x); but ifR(x) is not exactly known, as in asymptotic stability is directly ensured; indeed,
the case of uncertain systems, other choices must be choosing as Lyapunov function
made trying for instance constant matrices M. Of
course, if we know that R(x) is a positive definite V(e) = eXpe (40)
matrix, an obvious choice is M = I (Balestrino, De
Maria and Sciavicco, 1981). Having determined a with P solution of the Riccati equation (39), and
matrix M(x) satisfying (33) some possible choices assuming the plant control as
for the structure of ~b~(v) and ff~ (v) are (Balestrino,
De Maria and Sciavicco, 1982b; Gutman, 1982) u = M(x){KI~ - K2x + g3fi + q~ + ~ + Ge/p}
v/(vTQv) l/z, any Q > 0; v/~ilvd) (34)
from (19), (20) and (40) we obtain
or v/llvll (unit vector adaptation law) where Ilvll is
any norm. If the matrix L = R M is diagonally l?(e) = er(PA + ArP)e - er(GTRMG
dominant, i.e. lil> Efli~],i ~ j we can choose the + GTMrRTG)e/p + 2eTGTwl (42)
relay type adaptation law (Monopoli, 1966; Devaud
and Caron, 1975; Balestrino, De Maria and where
Sciavicco, 1980) w~ = B~(A - A)x + B ~ - B~h
sgn(v) = {sgnvl, sgnv2 . . . . . . sgnvm}T. (35) - R M ( K ~ - K2x + K3fi + ~b + ~,). (43)

Therefore, taking into account (38) and (39), Then

v = Ge = Glet + G2e2 (49)
l?(e) < --eT(HTH + 2c~P)e + 2eTGTwl. (44)

where G2 is assumed invertible.

A suitable choice of~b and if, such that eVGwl < 0 in
A simple transformation yields
(44), guarantees the global asymptotic stability;
moreover the choice of ~ in (39) and consequently
el = File1 + f l 2 v (50a)
the addition of the feedback MGe/p sets an upper
bound on the convergence rate.
= F21e I -f- F22v ~- G2B2 w (50b)
In order to set up the link between the VSS
approach and the hyperstability approach, selecting where
as a Lyapunov function for the output variable,
FII = 411 -- A12G21G1 . (51)

If the plant input u is designed so that the sliding

W(v) = vT(GBo)- iv = vT(BTpBo) - 1V, (45)
mode exists, then on v = 0 the dynamics related to
n - m variables el is described by the matrix (51)
with the same assumptions (41) and (43) we obtain
whose eigenvalues can be arbitrarily assigned by
choosing G1, in force of the complete controllability
l~(V) = -- vT(RM + MTRT)v/p
of the pair (f111,~Zl12). The above eigenvalues
+ 2vT{(GBo)-IG,4e + Wl}. (46)
characterize the 'slow modes', whereas in the
neighbourhood of v = 0 there are m 'fast modes'
Hence the subspace v = Ge = B~Pe = 0 can be
characterized at first approximation by the eigen-
made attractive and invariant, so that sliding
motion occurs, by choosing K1, K2, q5 and ~9 in (43),
i.e. including additional feedback of the error e, so - g ).(G2Be) (52)
with g ~ ~ and ~.(G2B2) the eigenvalues of the
vT{(GBo)-IGAe + Wl} ~ 0. (47) matrix G2B2 (Young, Kokotovic and Utkin, 1977).
However, in the VSS approach we must ensure
Making use of (39) in (46) in the same manner as the the asymptotic stability of v = 0 in the large and,
determination of (44) gives the same upper bound eventually set an upper bound on the rate of
on the rate of convergence on v = 0. The condition convergence.
(47) along with hyperstability conditions, with q~
and ¢ chosen as in the previous section, yields a VSS 5.3. The mixed approach
whose stability is ensured in advance. This point can The designer may favour either the VSS approach
be regarded as in favour of the hyperstability or the hyperstability approach; but from the
approach; reversely in the VSS approach the choice previous discussion a third approach, which will be
of v = Ge is free, whereas in the hyperstability referred to as the mixed approach, can easily be
approach the condition G = B~P appears as a developed. With the error dynamics in the form (48),
constraint. G given, i,e. the sliding hyperplanes and the related
dynamics, we are led to (50) and (51). The
5.2. Dynamics hyperstability approach may be used in connection
In the VSS approach the choice of G specifies the with the subsystem
n - m eigenvalues characterizing the dynamics
during the sliding mode so that its free choice = Fzav + G2B2{w + (G2Ba)-IFalel}
implies arbitrary pole assignment. We claim that = AmY + Bomwm (53)
this is true also for the hyperstability approach with
some minor modifications. Now to be more specific whereas the eigenvalues of (51 ) are specified by the
and in order to clarify the error dynamics, given a choice of G. In connection with (53) the Riccati
complete controllable and observable triplet equation (39) can be solved for PmeR "×m with the
(/I,Bo,G) with rank Bo = r, we can always put the obvious substitutions /[ = A,,, Bo = G2B2 = Born
error dynamics in the form for a given value of 7 and with the plant control u, see
61 = / l l l e I + /[12e2 (48)
62 = /121el + A22e2 -F- B2w u = M(x)B~mP,,{K~ - K2x + K3fi
+ 05(v,~,x,t) + 0(v,fi,t) + v/p] (54)
where the pair (A11, "~12) is controllable and B 2 is
invertible (Young, Kokotovic and Utkin, 1977). where M satisfies (33).
Nonlinear adaptive model-following control 565

Choosing tho Lyapunov function V(v) = VTpm¥, controllers are fixed with no on-line identification
as in (40), we obtain an inequality similar to (44) being required. Robustness is achieved by the
where the feedforward and feedback terms in (54) inherent adaptation arising from the switching
along with the adaptation terms ~b and ff must be structure which effectively alters the adaptive
chosen so that feedback paths. An open problem is the relaxing of
vXpmB0mw,n < 0 (55) the full state availability requirement in connection
with a nonlinear time-varying plant.
in order to ensure that v = 0 is asymptotically stable The plant model (1) will not have included any
in the large with ~ as an upper bound on the rate of high frequency parasitic dynamics present and
convergence. Note that the mixed approach may other imperfections in the adaptation mechanism
prove computationally more expedient because the and switching structures. The high frequency
solution of a Riccati equation of lower order is chatter component u¢ in the sliding mode is
required. undesirable since high order modes dynamic may be
excited. The inclusion of a small time delay,
5.4. Summary of design procedures hysteresis or a low pass filter in the input channels
The above procedures are summarized as follows. yields nonideal sliding motion without excessive
chatter motion and Utkin (1974) has proved that
Required prior information. the state path remains within an ~-neighbourhood of
v = 0. Ambrosino, Celentano and Garofalo (1983)
(1) The plant must be specified in the state variable
give an example with the control input of the form
form; all the state variables must be available.
(2) A model, whose order is equal to the order of the
v/Ovl + 6) rather than the pure relay v/Iv] = sgnv; the
high frequency component is effectivelyremoved and
plant, must be assigned; the perfect model
the system response is satisfactory.
following conditions (4) must be satisfied.
Alternatively, we may ensure that the chatter
(3) Specify the structure of the plant input matrix B,
frequency is outside the bandwidth of the plant by
i.e. B = Bc + AB or B = BoR.
injecting high frequency dither (Zames and
Shneydor, 1976; Balestrino, De Maria and
Design procedure. As a design procedure select the
Sciavicco, 1983a,b,c).
VSS or the hyperstability approach or the mixed
The most significant applications of VSS and
hyperstability approaches to the design of AMFC
(1) VSS approach. for nonlinear or uncertain plants occur whenever
(i) Choose G, i.e. the sliding hyperplanes, the plant dynamics are so fast that identification or,
taking into account that the dynamics more generally, on-line computations make other
during the sliding motion are given by approaches infeasible. The main areas of appli-
(5.12). cations are electrical power systems, including
(ii) Select u in order to ensure the asymptotic electrical drives, robotics and aerospace. High
stability in the large ofv = 0; now use can be performance electrical drives must ensure a good
made of the Lyapunov method or of the time response independent of the variations of
hierarchy of controls method. electrical and mechanical parameters. Practical
(2) Hyperstability approach. schemes using discontinuous controllers have been
(i) Choose an upper bound on the convergence described by Balestrino, De Maria and Sciavicco
rate to zero of the generalized error e, say ~. (1983a), De Maria and Marino (1983), Sabanovic
(ii) Find a solution M of (33) with N > 0. and co-workers (1983), Bilalovic and co-workers
(iii) Solve the Riccati equation (39) for P and a (1983), and Dote, Manabe and Murakani (1983). In
suitable p. robots with fast dynamics we must tackle the highly
(iv) Let be G = B~P; select u (41) so that the nonlinear structure of dynamical equations and the
passivity condition (23) is satisfied, or if it is lack of knowledge of the payloads. An effective
required that v = Ge = 0 be invariant and reduction of the computer burden is achieved by
attractive select u in accordance with (47). equipping the mechanical structure with an
(3) Mixed approach. adaptive model reference control (Young, 1978b;
(i) Choose G taking into account (51). Balestrino, De Maria and Sciavicco, 1983b; Slotine
(ii) With the error dynamics in the form (50) and Sastry, 1983). Young and Kwatny (1982) have
apply the hyperstability approach to the studied turbine overspeed protection.
subsystem (50b).
6. IMPLEMENTATIONAND APPLICATIONS In order to illuminate more clearly the three
The proposed design techniques are readily reviewed approaches and the kinship between them,
implemented using microprocessors since the let us consider the position control of the pendulum

7.1. VSS design procedure.

The error

e v = (el,Ol) = (0 - 0, (i - 0t (641

during the sliding m o d e depends on the eigenvalue

associated with equation

v = Ge = glel + el = 0. (65)

FIG. 3. Variable length pendulum. F o r sliding we need vb <_ O. N o w

shown in Fig. 3, where m and l(O) are the mass and
the changeable length respectively. b = -aoel + (gl - al)kl
Assuming + {10(1 + cosO)sinO/OA(O)}O - {a~
l(O) = lo + l~cos0 (56) + 0.5sin0(1 + 0.5cos0)0/A(0)}0
+ ~J -- u/A(O). 1661
the equation of m o t i o n can be written as
The control u is chosen as in (15) with g(e,x,B) =- 0
0 =/1sin0(1 + llcosO/lo)O2/loA(O)
- gsin0(1 + cosO)/loA(O) + T/mlZAiO) (57) u = f(e,x,~)sgnv (67)

where g is the gravity acceleration and where g(e,x,~) must be chosen in order to satisfy the
sliding condition. Assuming gl = 7, ao = 2, a~ = 3,
A(0) --- (cos0 + tolt:)2Z~/t~o. (S8) equation (67) becomes

Choosing ll/lo -~ 1/2, g/lo = 10, and rnlg = 1 yields u = 2.25 sgnv(5.8 + 0.24 0
+ 12el - 4~1 + 20 + 30 - ~1). (68)
0 = 0.5 sin0(1 + 0.5cos0)0z/A(0)
- 10sin0(1 + c o s 0 ) / A ( 0 ) + T/A(O) (59) 7.2. Hyperstability design procedure
In order to set an upper b o u n d on the
convergence rate of the error e to zero a suitable
• m a x A(0) = 2.25; rain A(0) = 0.25. (60) feedback M G e / p must be chosen. Assuming
0 O
c~ = g2 = 49, M >_ 1.125, No = 1 (69)
Assuming x T = (0 0), iT = (0 0) and u = T plant
and model equations can be rewritten as follows:
from the solution of the Riccati equation (39) we
- 10(1 + cos0) sin0 sin0(1 +1 0.5cos0)0) 1 416
P=- t 80 ; l/p> 136.4. (70)

+ (61) Therefore, from (38) and (64)

v = b~Pe = 80el + ~1. (71}

x= ~2+ ~. (62) Setting

--ao --al
w --- 10sin0(1 + cos0)/A(0) - 20 - 30
Equation (61) yields
- 0.5sin0(1 + O.5cosO)OZ/A(O) + (~ - u/A(O) (72)
bor = (0, l), R(x) = l/A(0). (63)
in order to satisfy the passivity condition (23) which,
with the choice (71), ensures the hyperstability of the
In the sequel we assume that the trigonometric
system (19 and (20) with an upper b o u n d on the
functions are not available for the controller
convergence rate fixed by c( = 49, we choose
implementation; the perfect model-following con-
ditions (4) are satisfied as can be easily verified from
u = 154v + 2.54(1ff - 20 - 3/)1
(61) and (62); the state variables both of the plant
and of the model are assumed all available. + 5.8 + 0.240Z)sgnv. (73)
Nonlinear adaptive model-following control 567

If we want to ensure that v = 0 is an attractive and .iS

invariant subspace, we must satisfy (47) and hence

the plant input becomes

u = 154v + 2.54(Ig - 20 - 30 - 2e~ + 77k11

+ 5.8 + 0.2402)sgnv. (74)

7.3. M i x e d procedure
Assuming G = (7, 1), ~ = 49 and taking into
account that the error dynamics can be rewritten as -.0~

et = - 7 e l + v
= 4v + w - 30e~ = 4v + w,~ -.18[,.
0 .3 .6 .9 1.2
FIG. 5. Plant control input for the VSS approach.
the Riccati equation with H T H = 1 = P yields
l/p = 107.
Setting Bo,,, = 1, choosing M = 1.125 in order to
satisfy (33) with No = 1, the input u (54) becomes 8. C O N C L U S I O N S
Three schemes for adaptive model-following
u = 120v + 2.54(130et + 20 + 30 - ~1 control of nonlinear uncertain systems have been
discussed; one based directly on variable structure
+ 5.8 + 0.2402)sgnv. (76)
methods, the second derived from a hyperstability
approach, and the third obtained by a suitable
Figure 4 shows the response of the plant with i = 0,
combination of the previous ones. All give robust
and x(0) = (n/2,0), when the VSS approach (curve
discontinuous control with related error dynamics
a), mixed approach (curve b) or hyperstability
and do not require any adaptive identification
design with a = 49 and v = 0 attractive and
invariant (curve c) are used. Figures 5 and 6 show
The adaptation is realized by a suitable signal
the torque T applied in the case of VSS and mixed
synthesis in a fixed parameter structure; adaptivity
approach respectively.
or robustness is achieved through 'high gain' effects
Some worked examples of design for the multi-
locally in the neighbourhood of the switching
input-multi-output case are reported in Young
(1978a) and Zinober, E1-Ghezawi and Billings
The design procedures are theoretically well-
(1982) for the VSS approach, and in Balestrino, De
founded for nonlinear time-varying or uncertain
Maria and Sciavicco (1983a,b,c) for the hyper-
plants while the classical model-following control
stability approach.
techniques can be used only if the plant may be
considered linear and time-invariant during the
adaptation process.



0 .3 .6 .9 1.2
FIG. 4. Free evolution of the plant output 0: (a) VSS design, (b) -I
mixed approach, (c) hyperstability design with ct = 49 and v = 0 .3 .6 .9 1.2
attractive and invariant. FIG. 6. Plant control input for the mixed approach.

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