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Saraswati Vidya Niketan

CAPE Biology

Name: Form:

Time: 1 hour

Section A – Circle the letter next to the correct answer. (18 marks)

Fig. 1: Diagram of a cell

The structure labelled X is an important site for

(A) Synthesis of lipids
(B) Synthesis of proteins
(C) Packaging of proteins
(D) Breakdown of food particles

Which of the following structures present in this

cell in Fig. 1, would NOT be present in a
(A) Ribosomes
(B) Cytoplasm
(C) Cell membrane
(D) Nuclear membrane
Section B















(a) Identify on the diagram any SIX (6) parts of the diagram labelled A to H. (6 marks)

(b) If the photomicrograph in Figure 1 above has been magnified 100 times, what is the actual width of the

specimen from X1 to X2. (2 marks)

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