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1. Guru bersama siswa menyanyikan lagu “

Lirik Lagu 1234 Gerakan yang dilakukan ketika bernyanyi

Satu … dua… tiga… empat… Mainkan lagu: Sebelum mengajarkan nomor apa
Lima… enam.., tujuh… delapan… pun, Anda bisa mulai dengan lagu ini. Buat
Siapa rajin ke sekolah cari ilmu semua orang berdiri dan berbaris bersama dan
sampai dapat lakukan tindakan. Pastikan Anda melakukan
Sungguh senang amat senang tindakan bersama anak-anak agar mereka dapat
bangun pagi-pagi sungguh senang 2X mengikuti Anda dan menyalin apa yang Anda
Satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh lakukan.
delapan yo kita nyanyi …. heiii
Sungguh senang amat senang  Mainkan musik dan mintalah anak
bangun pagi-pagi sungguh senang untuk bergerak mengikuti ritme musik
 Setelah bait pertama selesai mintalah
anak untuk mulai bernyanyi mengikuti
lirik yang ada dalam lagu tersebut
 Pengulangan ketiga mintalah anak
untuk memberikan gerakan-gerakan
kecil dengan menggunakan jari

2. Siswa diberikan sebuah gambar, dan siswa diminta untuk memberikan garis
diantara titik bikangan.
3. Melakukan tanya jawab tentang bilangan yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan sehari-hari.
Guru juga dapat mengarahkan siswa untuk menghitung jumlah hari dalam satu bulan.

Perintah Eksplisit / Pemodelan Guru

Mengenali Angka
1. Mintalah semua anak untuk berkumpul dan melingkar. Guru dapat memegang pundak
setiap anak dan menghitungnya dengan suara keras.
2. Ulangi kegiatan tersebut, akan tetapi guru menyebutkan angka berilah nomor kepada
anak yang diucapkan bilangannya. Lakukan pemberian nomor tersebut secara acak.
3. Setelah anak memegang nomor masing-masing. mintalah anak untuk menyebutkan
kembali bilangan yang mereka pegang.
4. Anak diminta berbaris secara berurutan (berikan stimulus lagu 1234 tadi sebagai clue
untuk mereka berbaris)
5. Mintalah satu anak untuk menyebutkan bilangan-bilangan yang
6. Lakukan alternatif lain dengan cara siswa dikelompokkan, setiap kelompok
beranggotakan dua orang, dan diberikan beberapa jenis benda dengan jumlah yang
7. Secara berpasangan siswa diminta untuk menghitung jumlah angka tersebut dan
menyentuh barang-barang tersebut.
8. Setelah siswa mengusai kegiatan tersebut, guru menunjukkan sebuah kotak dan
meminta siswa untuk memasukan benda-benda yang telah dugunakan tadi.
9. Supaya kegiatan lebih bermakna untuk siswa, guru memberikan permainan yaitu :
Guru memanggil satu siswa untuk mengambil satu jenis benda misalnya Andi
Bawakan semua buku dan masukan ke dalam kotak ini, setelah andi berada di depan
kelas guru meminta semuanya untuk menghitung jumlah buku yang dimasukan oleh
Andi dengan suara keras

• Mintalah kelas Anda menghitung sampai sepuluh bersama.
• Jawab semua pertanyaan yang mungkin dimiliki kelas Anda.
Mintalah siswa mempraktikkan keterampilan tersebut dengan game online, seperti
Penghitungan Cepat 1-10.

Pembeda Pembelajaran
 Pengayaan: Siswa yang menampilkan kebutuhan akan tantangan dalam kegiatan ini dapat
menulis kata angka di bawah nomor pada peta.
 Perbaikan: Siswa yang kesulitan menulis angka dapat memotong dan menempel angka
pada grid atau menggunakan angka 1-5.

 Mintalah siswa memesan kartu angka, blok angka, atau minta mereka
melengkapi lembar kerja dot-to-dot untuk memeriksa pemahaman.
Lesson Plan : Counting To Ten

Kathleen Van Zuylen

Grade: Kindergarten

Subject: Math

Topic: Counting from one to ten. No zeroes here.

Content: Lesson will focus on number recognition and counting from one to ten.
1. Students will reinforce ability to count to ten 2. Students will
reinforce number recognition 3. To demonstrate object correspondence
with number recognition - count out that spiders have eight legs need
eight paper strips
1. Students will learn through repetition with the story 2. Students will
work independently to complete spiders and counting 3. Students will
apply the knowledge gained from group lesson to their independent
Story book : How many legs ? A book about counting by Lori C.Froeb
Materials: each student will need: 1 cut out black circle 8 black paper strips 2
googly eyes 1 worksheet glue
1. Review students counting skills by having them count from one to
Introduction: ten 2. Have the students discuss how many legs certain Halloween
animals/ things to reinforce both counting and Halloween vocabulary
1. Read the story How Many Legs? 2. As the story is being read students
will repeat counting the legs of each animal up to 10
1. Students will be creating their own spiders, so I will show them a
Practice: completed spider so they have a visual of what they will be creating 2.
Count all together the number of legs the spider has
1. Check to see each student counted how many legs there were 2. Ask
Checking For
students to circle the number of legs the spider has at the bottom of
the page to check their number recognition
1. Have the students count to ten again to reinforce their counting
1. Check the students work at the end of the lesson to make sure it is
fully completed
The lesson took longer than expected so I will make sure that I have a
better estimate of how much time my lessons will take up. I also feel
that i could have done a better job at managing the noise level and
disruptions during the lesson. Overall the lesson was a success and the
students loved the activity and the story.
Lesson Plan : Numbers 0-10

Mrs. Ebneter

Grade: Kindergarten

Subject: Math
Topic: Numbers 0-10
Content: Visual, tactile, and oral presentation of numbers 0-10
Goals: Rote count 0-10; write numerals 0-10; identify numerals 0-10
Objectives: The learner will identify, write, and model numbers 0-10
Sandpaper number cards 0-10, connecting counting cubes,
number-line, computer, pencil, lined paper, CBA in number
identification, missing numbers, and quantity discrimination using
numbers 0-10
Conduct short (1 min) CBA�s on missing numbers, number
identification, and quantity discrimination using numbers 0-10.
Explain to students that they are going to participate in some fun
activities to help them learn the numbers 0-10. Let the students
know they will be working with counting cubes, sandpaper
numbers, and the computer in today�s lesson.
Activity One: Hand out number-line and demonstrate rote
counting from 0-10 while pointing to each numeral as you say it.
Activity Two: Hand out the sandpaper number cards and
demonstrate how to trace a number with your finger, then trace
the number on the desk, then write the number using pencil on
lined paper. During all three steps, say the number orally. Activity
Three: Hand out connectable counting cubes and demonstrate to
the students how to first put the sandpaper number cards in order
0-10. Next, place the correct number of cubes under each number
(on the number 10, connect the cubes to make a ten block and
explain that the number 10 is special because all the cubes like to
stick together making a special 10 block).
Activity One: Have the students point to their number-line and
everyone rote count 0-10 and 10-0 pointing at each number as they
say it aloud. Activity Two: Have the students trace the sandpaper
numbers, trace the number on their desk, and then write the
number using pencil on lined paper while orally saying the numbers
through each step. Help the students with any numbers they get
stuck on, and praise all correct responses. Activity Three: Have the
students repeat teacher demonstrated process of placing cards in
sequence 0-10, then placing the correct number of cubes under
each number card.
This lesson contains visual, tactile, and oral presentation of the
Accommodations: numbers. Manipulatives and computers are used to enhance
Have students independently read from their number-lines 0-10
Checking For
and 10-0. Have students write out numbers 0-10, referencing their
number lines if they need to.
Ask students questions during closure: How many numbers did we
learn about today? Answer 11. What is special when we have 10 of
Closure: something? Answer 10 likes to stick together. What two digits make
the number 10? Answer 1 and 0. What number comes after 3, 5, 7,
and 9? Answer 4,6,8,10.
Conduct short (1 min) CBA�s on missing numbers, number
Evaluation: identification, and quantity discrimination using numbers 0-10. Log
all students� progress.
This lesson works best in a small group environment. The students
Teacher enjoyed working with the textured number cards and liked their
Reflections: independent practice on the computer. The student�s CBA
increased at the end of the lesson.

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